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G WERT HFAWROCAF 0 BOB PETH YW IECHYD. Yr wyf yn tehrJo rhwrmau arnaf i wnnid yr hyn a a'laf er lias y cy'ioe -id yn mliob c. f< iriad, mor belle ) ag y mae ynwyf. Ckn fv iii :d ?n dyst pe;s <nol o'r duio i ar Ilis unmhrisiad'wy prijll in Ieiiii w oi iw.ta be! nau Mr. G-orge, ffe.-yllydd, Hfrw.iun, ie, ni i J.iioai p.-rsonol yn unig, on I hsfyd i liwero'm cyflnabo 1 nn^n a oryw ranau o'r vvlad, y m-e yn-ddyl^dswydd aøeaf i hysbysu hyn i'r cjhoedd yn gyfr'tdiill()l Yr wyf wffati c el fy nili iu er ya i=u nc fan ddulur yn y cp-ti anhwyl- d^rau yn y e ila, poenau yn fy nghlunian a'm arenau yn ami iawo. O'r diweid c'ywds am belenau George, a chyinerais dffcaai o honynt ryw neson pan yr oeddwn yn iuethu ymsymud ggfa y p e*ili-bdraffe th fawr..Ond,er fy ff;wd, cyn penpeiair JWW ar hu rain yr ceddwn yn teimlo mor h- inyf a mib 21 oed; aC"« Mi ;r h. j ny hyd heddyw yr wyf yn eu cadw yn 'y nhy fel y togrsor goreu. Y maent i mi brai id fe! uaoddion anffa^ledig. Ax ryw brydn \i*n, p .n .-eddwn iacb a heiuyf. cylarfydd-iis a Mr. Wiluam Davii, ue'itvhij Open Aberd r, yr hwn oedi yn 1 ewygu g-m ddolur yn y cefl); ac wedi iddo adrodd ei Iwfcy t, a'r poen dirdynol oedd vn ei gefn, nes peri idd j ger ldel Uaidd y ei ddau ddwbl, dywedais wrtho am fried neu anfon -Arm flyc1-aid o be'enau George. T..a th- ccli o'r tloch tranoeth qpfarfy dais ag ef drachcfn, a cwn&eth anraid arnaf i d ^yfod dt^, a dywtido&d ?i fod y-i lioliol iacb, ac y gallai ue dio.dros LOW o be ft hi! Yr wyf yn cuílhau enw Mi. I) vid am ei fod ntm 'nabyddus trwy yr h Jl gymydogaeth. Cofied tawb nad nfffyn ysgrifenu h\ n am fy mod yn udnabyddus a Mr. George, emys Lid wyf wedi cael y fraint o'i weled ond unwaith yn fy oofl trwy wybodaeth i mi. AberJar." ISAAC THOMAS. f WONDERS NEVER CEASE. I am happy to inform you < f the great r lief and benefit I received by fc. ting youi Pills. Ten months ago I was taken ill v?<k h G av 1 > r -m drinking impure water. I c -n scarcely express in words wh t I suffered. I went to a doctor and ùe kiiiide me \v a- e. ] then went to another, and had little relief Lr a time. I was advised to try your Pills. These ar:,j yorthy of great p»aise. I took three of y«ur Pilis for G rtvel and h-.ve never .<ecn tf wulcd since. I have suffered many years from Piles, aad coidd not get an effect ai c re. I was taken ill last week sk#!iig tm a cold, wet r of. I took balf a box of your Pills, a*d oan do no more than endorse what I said before. I am as wel as ever I WaS in Bi,, life.— ours, &c., Ea.-t-street, Newpcrt, Motu E. PEARCE, •, »/; (/TOlidE'S HLITS A CERTAIN CURE, i the multijilicity of Patent Medicines pfoffessing to <.?' the disfcufees 1.0 which flesh is heir, it is difficult to find vfith ii is e or not. t-aftei- the perusal of a g-eat num- W r authenticTestanonia's, we feel im.ch pleasure in pronoan- ail't, -b?,: Pile and Gr..vel Pills to be effectual restoratives to L. ,hh. These wonderful modicia^ have effected perfect •srt ob where the most eminent of the faculty have failed, and thz-y must be looked upon as one of tha great -«t boons to suffer- ing hum.uity.—EDITOR OF "LONDON REVIEW." MEDDYGON YN METHU-PILLS GEORGE YN IACHAU. Cilvode Ftirm, near Newcastle-Emlyn. ,\NAVYL SYR,- Hyn sydd i\h hysbysu fy mod wedi bod yn afia hao yn fethedig am fisoedd lawor. Bu y meddygon yn hpJlol flv¡yd"íanns yn fy ngwellh d. Prynais flychaid o'ch Bilid No. 1, ac yr wyf yn awr yn iach cyn baner ei orphen. Yr ei idoch, S. Jura, AT GLEIFION ABERDAR, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, LLANELLI, A'R CYLCHOEDD. From W. Badham, Canton, Cardiff. I one day called with a Chemist for a box of George's Pilea and Gravel Pills and was supplied with what I supposed to be the gen :;ii;e article. I was greatly surprised, however, on opening the parcel^ to find that instead of George's Pills, the Chemist Lad deliberate^ cheated me by packing up a spurious box of Pills I had the right article however at Canton, and am much -fecit'.a- since.I took them. Or^iKirwcir GYNGOE YNTE—Gofalwch fod enw y gwneuth- urwr ar slump y Llywodraeth sydd o amgylch bob blwch. Heb hyn nid oes dim yn wirioneddol. ~"T7T Penllirn Terrace, Maesteg. DEAR SIR,—The wonderful efficacy of your No. 3 Pills has }-¡QeD proved in my case. After trying various remedies for Piles, I was induced to try a box of your No. 3 Pills. After tal; nir two boxes of these Pills, I can fissure you, sir, I have nevyr felt so well for the last 15 years. I have suffered for 15 years fro-u Piles, and have been hardly a week during that free from pain.—Yours truly, E. AUBREY. Maesteg. DEAR SIR,—I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the effi ;;icy of George's Pills. I often hear from persons to whom I have sold your Pill.-?, both here and in the United States, say they h ive never had any medicine to equal them for Piles and Gravel.—I am, &c., W. R. WILLIAMS. Airdale Boiler Works, near Bingley. SIR,- P: cvious to receiving your Gravel Pills I had been for upvt itrds of six months very seriously affected with Gravel in the kidneys, causing pain in the sides, &c., and had become so ioriouslv bad that I was net nble to follow my duties, and duriiig which time I had tried more than twenty different re- ir>Rdic.-3, but I found little relief until I received your Pills, which gave me relief within 24 hours after taking the first dose, and I L::l no less surprised them pleased to find all pain gore J withir: a we ok. And now after using only one small box of your No. 2 Pills, I am happy to say that I am nearly free from all trace 01 that painful disease. 0 Yours, &c., W. KEIGHLY. Frorb trie Dowsland and Kemes Guardian," February 9,1878. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS." We have much pleasure in calling the attention of our rea- ders to a never-failing remedy-one that has cured thousands of the most hopeless cases, and cue that has relieved tens of tlousaaxh of their pains. No one who suffers pain in the back, sides, and loins, or in fact from any or all of the disorders of the Bowells, Liver, and Kidneys, should any longer bear a pang from these afflictions, for a 6ure cure is found by taking a few doses of these marvellous Pills — M George's Pile and Gravel Mis." Rhydberth, Tenby. SYR,—Yr ydwyf wedi profi eich peleni yn rhagorol o dda i mi, a thu hwnt i'm dysgwyiiad.—Ydwyf, «tc., Y. JONES. it1 r: "5 '#1'l' Llanerchrugog, Ruabon. SYR,—Dymunwyf eich hysbysu fod eich gwerthfawr No. I George's Pills wedi rhoddi i mi mwy o les na dim arall a gy- merais erioed. Credaf nad oes dim arall a wna gymaint o lea i'r Gravel a'r Piles. Clywais ganmoliaeth uchel jddynt lawer tro, ond fy marn ddiduedd yw. na fynegwyd mo'r haner. Dyl- edswydd yw eu cadw yn y-ty bob amser fel cadw bara. — Yr eiddoch, J. POWELL. •Kem.4* i 1 9 2 1 Georges Pile and Gravel Pills. I Yr fi ac wiiindTiianwl i niKwn i ansawdd X ?.< i-TT?S4 S/" George's PrLE attd GrAVBL^V /\1chi't'!em.:u:vr,dvmyncael eu i j • a- ii 1 ILLS> flc 5'1' yn cael eu j bod vu frytan«ndi:cuig or cyfleirmu nil O f5 UT3 ll^'Uu-1 t.immf. Vrv. yi wedi eu defnydctio & uilnVllL 6> ^neodfledig o ddefynddrau j. yit ui ilyi.ydduu lawer mewn \l 1/ llytwuol. Nid oes ynddynt ddim o natur I. » -m {I PILLS. fl.fetelaiad. Y, T,,wn o-B PABK m I I Hcucuiij. lu^uuahi I' mwyuiad buuti i rai I H I 1 mewu sciyliia naouc^iiiol o lierwydd y jj ) £ BOD YN FEDDYGlXIAETH DRA GWERTH- iJ a'r Gravel. Ac nid wyf yn pelruso jj PAROTGIR Y PELENI UCHOD J?AWR AT Y DOLL'KIATJ HTKY AR GYTER if ^dweud, nad oes, i^ev.n gwinonead, eu Jj MEWN TRI O DDULLIAU V PA EAI T MAENT WEDI [I c\flelyb fel liieddvgimaeth tuag /i V< /i V at w.ella y Pxles a'r GWAHANOL FELYCANLYN: EU HAMCAXU. ^dweud, nad oes, i^ev.n gwinonead, eu Jj MEWN TRI O DDULLIAU V PA EAI T MAENT WEDI [I c\flelyb fel liieddvgimaeth tuag /i V< /i V at w.ella y Pxles a'r GWAHANOL FELYCANLYN: EU HAMCAXU. No. 1- GEORGE S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2 -GEORGE S GRAVEL PILLS. I. No. 3-GEORGE'S PiLLS FOR THE PILES. 'I GOCHELWCH DWYLLWYR. I| ——————— *■ !| GOCHELWCH DWYLLWYR. r Mewn blyohau Is. lj-o. a 2s. 9o.yrun. r j' Daliwch sylw fod enw y gwneuthurwr Gofynwch yn eglur am GEORGE'S Pills, f1 ar Stamp y Llywodraeth sydd o amgylch GAN BOB FFERYLLYDD PARCHU8 AC ER EICH PERSWADIO, na chymerwch bob blwch. Heb hyn nid oes dim yn DRWY YR HOLL FYD an(^ ^raye'' o wneuthuriad wirioneddol, neb arall. f i —u v • of ] I nv I R." POEN YN Y CiFN I W Y TWTED I FY^CTES^YH Y PEW | F^TTO Y TWS""| IGWYHT^^ | IUMBA60, SGIftT^J f jm m m mm m m mm m m m m GEOKGE'S '• H, K ME. GEORGE, r\y t of jr^ r> «\rni d«ar&b, v hhtmnit% I T. o- -IT T>>11 A 1_ 11 -L t" lli r< tV. t T r> M V r< l i I have muchpleasnre Jn bearing testinonr to.the. V Dear Sir,—Your Pllla take 'well here, *-»*-• -v-« » M »-» great efficacy of yonr Pins for pih^-imd GmreL lalv.f r., i T „ recommend them with the greatest confidante to my caa- I and In time I shall have a large opening I 'TT 1"T" 1 tomerB aa being superior to any other m«lio<ne in retierir^ I <1. U- I I I I tO, those troubieeome and painful disorders, «nd am wity I for them.—Yourg truly, disappointed even in most obstinate ease*. B Gr»tir-cvr I remain, yours truly, L OWEN, Chemist to the Royal ftnJf. y o«u y Peleni hyn yn Feddyglniaeth FEANKL1N D1XOS. | V [ 6ICR. BUAN, A DI06EL I R » PILES A'R GRAVEL. • tut i Imam o anhwylderau trtiU sydd bob amser yn eu canlyn, megyt:— ^—- ess SY r> A POEN YN Y «EFN, YMAFNDER YN Y PEN. DIFFYQ VX V "FLWITITHLN XV TREULIAD, RHWYMEDD, LLYNGER MAN. DIFFY8 AHWIX BY1 T) GWELLHAD ANADL, POEN YN YR ARENAU A*R LWYNAU, SURNI J? VZS W » O KHYFEDDOL. —Bum T? YN YR YBTYMOQ, POEN DIRFAWR YN Y COLUDDION, Tmhneni ean '▼ Plias *^RTGREYEL ra nehyd » <§> yn glaf llawei o flynyddau SWAEW, GWYNT, COLIC, TEIMLAD O BWYSAU YN Y A' maT.r anuwaD }n <hrf<r»rti«i, am tma /1 *>•> ra« «Gravei- B,fdd, f sss '^srsrsss:: ffsstssTtk #/ yr oeddwn yn alluog 1 sefyll ar fy A BWLAO ANEGLUR,SYCHDER ABLASANYMUNOLYN #/ llwyr gaetoiwo i aros n y ty, \r Oi^d y fath boen //nhraed ean v noen achosent i mi a'r A GENAU, POEN YN Y BORDCWYDYDD, CHWYDDIANT m gofidusyn fy n^iioinddior., fy nrhyiia, a'm ys|yfaitot, a 1/ C I I T YN Y TRAED, *O- 1/ poen mowr TH fv mhon, ac )n_/Kldvr gan Veudro, fel naa \1 I ysgatnder yn fy rnhen. Fe wnaeth Doctoriaid { „„1TOT„ llul.llnvaiiU., 1/ eallwn am-j-ffVad ix-tha« yn en llnv d'a lltin priodol; mewn 1 Aberdare a Merthvr eu troreu i mi. ac vr RHMBAS7 ESMffYTHAO UHWWYMHBL eair yr cedd^n wedi fy andwyo gan boen a s^n, J I £ j.. T it '^1 I1 nas grodu fod mod<l l rai wella; ond aiolcfe I I I wyf weai taiu lddynt buMoead lawer am hyny, I PERCHENOG, 1. Awdwr p«b d* pfe<irch i chwrtb*n. If <»d ni dderbyuiais fawr lies oddiwrth un o j J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., V eich^wTdKr^uu?// honynt. Prynais flvchaid O GEOIiGE S f V gaetfa tyd«g cgn\ a phleeer. "i'r oeddynt jn fy agweU* j/ P d GRAVEL FILLS, a cliymerais J II I R It, A IN, ^"eraw^/ ddau ddogn o'hoxiy'at—yr ydinjf Hn GLAMORGANSHIRE. oerTar O.W1 yn aayn men..■J — —msent -wedi fy adfeiyd i'm gwre* Cel cynt, N^x BENJAMIN EDWAKDS, ( if) I ten*DC °'Xy^T I ITLK DATID —George's Cambrian Lozenges. •T • • For Singers and Public Speakers. THESE LOZENGES RENDER THE VOIOB] BMELODIOUS AND CLEAR AS A BELL. Patronized by Eminent Musical Celebrities and Public Speakers. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. Price 3d., 6d., and is. per Sox, A Is. Box by JPost for Fourteen Stamp i P R OP KIE T 0 R:—J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN, ABERDARE. DB. PARRY, Composer of I Blodwen,' the =Celebrated Welsh Opera, writes:- DEAR SIR,-I have thoroughly tested your Cambrian Voice Lozenges, and found them to give POWER and CLEARNESS to the voice, enabling me to sing with ease. Henceforth, I will take pleasure in recommending them to my students and friends as being by far the MOST EFFICACIOUS Lozenges known to me for improving the Voice. I regard them as a Treasure, which Singers and Public Speak- ers can ill afford to be without. I find that in order to reap the full benefit, a few Lozenges should be taken before and after exerting the vocal organs. Yours truly, JOSEPH PARRY, Dr. of Music. Profesaor^of Music at the University College of Wales. CARADOG,' the Successful Leader of the Welsh Choir against the World, writes MR. GEORGE,—DEAR SIR,—I am anxious to say a word in reference to your Cambrian Voice Lozenges from the standpoint of a Choir Trainer. I doubt whether any other exercise of the vocal organs tries them so much as training a large choir does, and no one but a practical choir leader can have but a very imperfect idea of the labour that picking up' the different voices entails upon the Conductor. Since I have used your Voice Lozenges this labour has been reduced to a minimum, for I find my voioe at the end of a tedious practice as clear and pawerfal as at the commencement. I have from time to time tried various kinds of Voice Lozenges* but yours far surpass them in their beneficial effect upon the vocal organs. I have no hesitation in stating that Sing- ers, and especially Choir Trainers whw will put these Voice Lozenges to the test, will regard them as precious above estimation. I am, Yours truly, GRIFFITH JONES (Carados). Mr. J. THOMAS, Llanwrtyd, writes :— DEAR SIR,-I have had unusual oppor- tunities of testing your Cambrian Voice Lozenges, and I feel it a pleasure, aa well as a duty, to write to congratulate you upow your success in producing such effectual Voice Lozenges. They are far superior to any other Preparation for the voice that I have come across. I always keep a box of the Lozenges by me, for they serve me as faithful friends in the hour of need. I am, dear Sir, Yours truly, Llanwrtyd. J. THOMAS. f «WELLHAD RHYFEDDOL O'R PILES A'R GRAVEL J -> WEDI I FEDDTGON FETHU. (Allan e'r "Gwladgarwr" am Hydref, 1868.) Bma yn glaf lawer o flynyddau gan y Piles a'r Gravel. Braidd yr oeddwn yn alluog i sefyll ar fy nhraed gan y poen a ttckosent i mi, a'r ysgafnder yn fy mhen. Fe wnaeth doctoriaid Aberd ar a Merthyr eu goreu i mi, ac yr wyf wedi talu iddynt fawj buaoedd lawer am hyny; ond ni dderbyniais fawr lies •ddiwrth un o honynt. Mi brynais flychaid o George's Pile and Gravel Pills, a chymerais ddau ddogn o honynt—yn awr yn ddyn laoh,—E. EDWARDS, Cwmdar, Aberdar. TYSTIOLAETH MEDDYG. (O'r Tyst Cymreig am Awst 26ain, 1870.) Newydd da i'r Claf.—Yr wyf wedi analyso George's Pile and Gravel Pills, ac yr wyf yn cael eu bod yn gyfansoddedig o ddefnyddiau llysieuol. Nid oes ynddynt ddim o natur fetel- aidd. Yr ydwyf o'r farn eu bod yn feddyginiaeth dra gwerth- fawr at y doluriau hyny ar gyfer pa rai y maont wedi eu hamcanu.—DR. H. PURDON, F.A.S., London. Eto, ar ol rhoddi prawf o'r Peleni, dywed: Yn ol fv nysgwyliad, mae y Peleni yn hynod effeitliiol at y Pile a'r Gravel. Yr wyf wedi rhoddi prawf teg arnynt." FORTY GALL-STONES PASSED AFTER TAKING A FEW DOSES OF No. 2 PILLS. Mr. John Watkins, collier, Llwynypia, Pontypridd waa afflicted with very painful suppression of Urine, and was' induced to try a box of No. 2 Pil.s (Pills for the Gravel) after i taking a few doses he passed no less than forty gall-atones. -? ( DYSGWYLIADAT; BYTH YN CARL EU SIOMI. Rhynmey, June 1-ith, 1872. MR. GEORGE, Dear Sir,-I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the great efficiency of your Pills for the Piles and Gravel. I always recommended them with the crcu, v-st contldciice to my cust-om- ers as being superior to any other medicine in relieving those troublesome and pa nful disorders, and am rarely dissappointed even in most obstinate cases.—I remain, yours tin ily, |; FRANKLIN DIXON, Dispensing Chemist. I PAWB TN SIARAD YN UCHEL AM DANYNT. Llandilo. Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in informing you that the „ demand for your Pills continues unabated, and my customers, without an exception, speak well of the great benefit they have received from their use.—Yours faithfully, THOMAS HUGHES, Chemist. I 1 GEORGE'S PILLS YN GTOLLH \U AR OL I BOB PETBLARALIj FETHU. Treherbert. I ■ Syr,—Y mae canmoliaeth uchel idd eich Pills yn y lie hwn, ac y maent wedi gwellhau llawer ar ol i bob peth arall fethu.- Yr eiddoch, F. ISAAC JONES, Boqkseller. f •• —~ r CURS FOR A BAD CASE. 1 Pen'ralltwen, -Newcastle Emlyn. Dear Sir,—I have suffered from Pile and Gravel for four j years, during which time I was quite disabled, and never, during this tim& had a whole night's rest. I have taken a j great quantity of medicine from doctors, but received little or no benefit. I was at last induced to try a box of your Pile and Gravel Pills, and-incredible as it may appear, after I had taken | but a few doses, -I felt as if I had had another body. Encour- aged by the effects of oae box, I took another, and now I am ,(1,' free from all pain, a living testimony to the miraculous effects of tiiese Pills.—Yours trfiify, r 4 < jD. WILLIAMS. -•-] r./ I GWELLHAD AR OL DEUDDIK^YNEDD O SELNI ODDIWRTH Y PIL^F^^YEL. iH tl~ £ TIVIV(^JAIIA^^REMTINDA,R T' —• -< •. 'I v Anwyl Syr,—Ie, ac anw^l'ia'vw "i 'mi Hefyd; • Yr .^f-,vredi bod yn ymbOetoi gari y Pifes a'r Gravel," yn n^hyda semi mawr ar 'rai amserau yn dufewnol, am ddeuddeg mlynedd, ,ac am y pum' mis olaf" cyn i mf gael gafael ar eich Peleni chwi yr oeda- wiv-wedi fy llwyr gaethiwo i arcs yn y ty. Yr oedd y fath boen gofidus yn fy ngholuddion, fy nghylla, a'm ysgyfaint, a phoen mawr yn fy mnen; ac yn feddw gan bendro, fel nas gallwn amgyffred pethfeiu\yn eu Uiw a'u llun priodol; mewn gain yr oeddwn wedi -Ilwyi, andwyo gan boen a selnr, fel nas gallwn gredu fedrfflui&'lTfti-lbyth• wella.jond'diblch i Awdwr pob daioni, a iwiarch i chwithau, yn^nheh pytHefnos, drwy ddefn- yddio ei6n Peleni yn ol eich cjfferwyddyd, yr oeddwn yn galln dilyn fy ngalwedi^aeth gyda^egrii a phleser. Yr oeddynt yn fy ngwella braidd heb. yn wybpd i mi, gan y mood tawel ac esmwyth yr, oeddynt yn gweithredu arnaf. Yr oedd fy nghyfansoddiad wedi myned mor oer a chlai, ond drwy barhau i'w cymeryd y maent wedi fy adferyd i'm gwres fel cynt, ac yr viyi fel yn dyfod yn ieuanc o'r newydd.—Ydwyf, DAVID DAVIES. LukeebeTe, Lunerae Co., Pennsylvania, North America. Dear Sister,—Please tell Mr." George that his Pills have done me much good. I was suffering severely from the Gravel for about six months. I took one box of his Pills; they gave im- mediate tase, and I have passed a stone the shape of a Ceyenne Pepper Corn, but much larger.—Yours affectionately, D. L. J. Maenclochog. ANWYL SYR, — Gallaf ddweyd fod eich Pills yu gwneud daioni i bawb sydd wedi eu cymeryd yn y gymydogaeth hon, yn neillduol i mi fy hunan. Rhoddais brawf ar bob llvsieuyn adnabyddus, a doctoriaid, h-b gael fawr lies. Cymhelload Sfaill l mx roddi prawf ar eich Pel em chwi; ar ol cymeiyd un ychaid o honynt, yr oeddwa yn ddyn iach.—Yr eiddoch, U. B. DAVIES. *t i x -i Goehelweh Dwyllwyr. Y mae Poblogrwydd Digyffelyb y Peleni uchod drwy yr holl fyd wedi temtio rhai personau trachwantus a diegwyddor i'w hefelychu a qalwant yr efelychiad (IMITATION) yn "Pile and Gravel Pills, ac ami y twyilir. y dyoddefydd i gredu ei fod yn cael Peleni gwirioneddol GEORGE, pan nad yw ond yn cael rhvw gymysgedd diwerth a pheryglus yn eu He. Derbynir achwymadau parhaus o'r twyll hwn o bob cwr o'r wlad. Os bydd i'r cyhoedd dalu sylw manwl i'r hyn a ganlyn, nid rhwydd y twyllir hwynt yn y dyfodol Gofynwch yn eglur am GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL riLLs. Wedi cael y blwch, edrychwch i'ch Haw, daliwch sylw fod Stamp Y. Llywodraeth ag ENW y GWNEUTHURWR yn ysgrzfenedig arno. ac o'i amgylch. edi ag 0r y blwch, edrychwch a ydyw y Trade Mark- EAGIJS AND* GLOBE "— ar y papyrau o'i amgylch. Os daw blychaid o'r Pole and Gravel" Pills i'ch meddiant nad .yw vn dal yr oil o'r prawfion hyn, gwybyddwch eich bod wedi cael eich twyllo. Priated and Published by thfe Sole Proprietors, MILLS and LTNOH, at their General Printing Offices, 1, Station Street, Aberdate, in the County of Glamorgan. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28st, 1879.