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| ITEMS OF INTEREST. Tu&ntm o* PRowwri—The »f ^bvennes were hanged or racked; the Anabaptist frophets were condemned to varies modes and do- frees of puniainuent and the j?r het Savonarola was baked at Florence. The ^greatest prophet among the Jews, St. John the Baptist, was be. Veaded. Zachariah is stated to have be n assas- sinated. The prophet Jeddo, or Addo, who was sent to Bethel under the injunction neither to eat nor dr|fl^iav||»g unfortunately tasted a missel of brefcd, W& (ievoafred in lii- turti by & lion, iiiii ilis wet*foun £ fc» tlie highway between the liomindjiis Jonah was swallowed l*y a wliale. II iWc- Jkw was ijjmsporttiil through the air, siispcrt<lj'l «>jr Itb lifctd, to Babylon. M-iCaiah, the sOn èf Imla. for telling his vision to King All;! b, was re- warded for his communication by a tremendous blow on his face from the hand of the prophet Zedukiah, aad by being shut up for someday? in a uuii^eon. Xing Amaziah, it is believed, had the teeth of tin* propiiet Amos pulled out to prevent him from 8peaking. Baruch experienced various persecu- tions. Ezekiel was stoned by the companions of his slavery. It is not ascertained whether Jeremiah was stoned or sawn asunder. Isaiah is considered an having been incontestable sawn to death by wrder of Mnnasseh, King of Ju<^}h. £ THKSK DIED OK JJAUGIITFCN*—■'ONlei»H8i, the -)of1i« sayer, died of laughter at the thought of his having q"iveki the time predicted for his death. A fellow ÏII rags told him that he would never drink the wine ef the grap.g growing in his vineyard, and added. un these words do not come true you may claim jne for your slave." WheuJ.be wine was made,, IfSiUcfraS fold aT^iist, and sent for theffellow 80 J»i« p^dictifflihad failed. jWhei^iu appeared, jjlfe soothsayer S*nghed so innji >derately «jro>o|S-be prophet that it killed Ami ;?tJrasstif died* W*9ai laughter oii suemg an assent tittles. Vttte, -thft-gian^ in the Mtfryahte MftggiortfTHlied v mi laughter on seeing a inoukey pulling on his boats. y OLD GORDON AND HIS LADDIUS—John Gordon, Who died a very few years ago, near Turritf, >-ant'f- Sliire, was reputed to have attained the remarkable age of 132 years. Most travellers in that p ut aBed at his cottage, and among the visitors nnc day, about the close of harvest, was a young hn irishman, Who, coming up to the door of the cottage, accosted 41 venerable-looking man, employed in knittiiigho.se, with 14 So, ray old friend, can you see to knit at jour advanced period of life? Wne hundred and thirty-two is, truly, a rare age t Plague take the man; i\"11 be my grandfather ye're seeking, rIP only seventy-three. YL11 find him round the earner o' the house." Qn turning round the corner, the stranger encountered a debilitated old man, whose whitened locks bore testimony to his having long passed the meridian of life, and whom the atranger at once concluded to be John Gordon Idn." .-elf. You seem wonderfully fresh, my good sir, liar so old a man I doubt not you have experienced lawny vicissitudes in the coarse of your very long life ? What's your wull, sir ? inquired the per- son addressed, whose sense of hearing was some- what impaired. The observation was repeated. ob, ye'11 be wanting my fainu, I reckon he's i' the yaird there." The stranger now entered the garden, where he at last found the venerableold man busily employed in digging potatoes, and tumming "The Battle of Hartand." "I have had tome difficulty in finding you, friend, as I succes- sively encountered your grandson and son, both of whom I mistook for you; indeed, they seem as old as yourself. Your labour is rather hard for one at jour advanced age." "It is," replied John but I'm thankfu' that I'm able for't, as the laddies, puir things, are no very stout now." A DITTCH COURTSBlP.-Of all the families of Rot- terdam that of the Slows was one of the most ancient, and had-from time immemorial possessed a reputable store and wharf near tlie cathedral of St. Lawrence, Its latest decendaut was Mynlieer Van Double Slow, in whose person the name was like to become ex- tinct. Mynheer had married, it is true, but his only offspring was a daughter. This circumstance hnrrasb- ed Mynheer, so far as it was possible for him to be harassed. He loved Agatha, but he lamentell that he had no son to continue the honours of his line. In the absence of one, he took under his protection a young man distantly related to him, whom lie in- structed in all the mysteries of his merchandise. This young man was named Carl Van Speed, and was in every respect worthy of the patronage be- stowed on him. As he lived under the same roof with -his master, arid sat at the same table, he liad every opportunity of cultivating an intimacy with the daughter. The consequence was that they fell speedily in love with one another, which was the more remarkable, that nothing could be more natural or appropriate. Whether the father wislied or con- templated this result, no one could gather from his conversation, for more silent and unfathomable than Delphic oracle was Mynheer Van Double Slow. Not only was he never known to utter an unne- cessary word, but he even refrained from articntadng those which were necessary. To speak interfered with the business of his life, which was to smoke. Yet three smokes were all that lie required in the day—one when he rose till breakfast-time, another frota breakfast-time till dinner-time, and another from dinner-time till he went to bed. In bed he was never known to smoke, except when he happened to be awake I Agatha, his daughter, bore the same re- lation to her father that a rainbow does to a cloud. She owed her existence to him, yet was sprightly and beautiful as he was sombre and gross. No maiden of Rotterdam stepped so lightly—laughed so held in her bosom so generous a spirit. lather loves you, Carl," She said one day to her lover, who was insisting on their speedy union I know it from the manner in which he puffs in your face; but it is almost hopeless to expect that he will ever exert himself so far as to approve of our marriage. I sometimes imagine lie is on the eve of advising it, but his resolution dies away in the amoke of the pipe. Still, let us give him four weeks •f trial longer, and if in that time he says nothing, why I suppose we may-just marry without him." AU the world of Rotterdam visit the tea gardens eøce a week. Parties are there held of every de- scription, for a Dutchman's home is sacred from friendly intrusions, and it is only in public where he displays his hospitality. Mynheer Van Double Slow was not behind the world of Rotterdam. He had a favourite bower in the tea gardens, where, with his daughter and her lover, he regularly spent his Satur- day afternoons. While he enjoyed himself with his aehnaps and meerschaum, Carl played divinely on the fiddle, and Agatha danced like an angel. The aid man generally indicated his satisfaction bv a grunt or an extra prolific puff; but on the first week after the resolution of Agatha recorded above, he approached the subject on which the lovers' souls were bent. II Carl, my prince," lie said, would you wish to marry ? Carl's heart lept to his mouth, as lie bowed an acquiescent affirmative—but the oracle had- spoken, and not another word issued from the lips of Mynheer Van Double Slow I Next Saturday Mynheer again enjoyed his meerschaum in his ALyourite bower-again Carl played divinely on the Addle-and again Agatha danced like- an angel. Again, also, was Mynheer moved to open his mouth. Aeartha>. jny jtlove," lie said, ''would you? Agma blnshftd arid curtsied an affirmative—but the •ra#e ^ad spokea, and not another word issued from ps ,of, Myuiheer Van Double Slow Another Saturday came with its usual enjoyments, and again did Mynheer open his mouth. In that case," ho aaidf kyitilta n'bis pipe, you had better- He took up his pipe again—lay back in his se.-tt-aiid sacrificed the sentence in beatific puffs. The fourth Saturday came. Carl played more divinely tlIIn ..Over on the fiddle, and Agatha danced with tenfold grace and vigour. Mynheer had at length reached his goaL He opened his nioath, and concluded his last week's sentenee. "——marry one another," he said. u We are married already, farther," said Aga- tha. This morning we wenrco the cathedral, and took our vows." That's good children," said Mynheer Van Double Slow, relapsing into his pipe, as of old. Months have now passed. Mynheer Van Double Slow still spends his Saturday afternoons in the bower, and Carl Van Speed still pkiys divinely onhe fiddle. People shake their heads and talk of the march of intellect, which only means that the SPSKDS are likely to supplant the SLOWS.

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---....--------A GAMEKEEPER…





rOPICS OF THE WEEK. --'.".,.',.<'


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