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UVK MOVERS, LAWN MOVERS. T. LEMON & SONS beg t. inform the Public that they bare just erected a new Patent Automatic Machine for Grinding ][Awn Mower Knives and Cutters with the greatest accuracy, which oannot be done by hand labour. All machines forwarded to them for repair, or to be re-ground and set, "will be sent out of their Works quite equal to new, and at moderate charges. -8 The Hayes Engineering Wwto, CARDIFF. W. H. KEY'S Reliable or Preparations. j SO. KEY'S Blood Purifier Lo tHflue the Skin and eradicates all impurities from the Blood; it in the an Excellent Spring and lntiunn Medicine. ? Key's Effervescent COOLING SALINE, A konaekold remedy, perfeetly harmless, that tan be token at any time by young and old, and in all Climates* > ThutilwMt and refreshing S»5aw*illfc» fewed iT" I in *w3fyin* the Blood etii TTirr^~i*» end n" — Dy*g j* <uu %w>eU>, acting as miuM efisimt fcy Jftk, and th« fretenting the be |h«r ,#*a> eh8It., ferer and pnmng a bw. 1 9 Klty,S LAXATIVE ELIXIR. HHfiillT recommended for Perseus of CoetiYe HaWt. OY'S SPECIFIC CURE, per Xwrmlfi*, Bheume, IMS-Acks, or Toods-Acia. One Due always nIutm- Two Deeea Care. lets CoIceBtnted CODstitutiØ BXTTEBS, For Low of ApiMite, LrverttaapfcunW emend Iki'aftf, D Ac., theee Bitten are ia- *». -v m prepared from tke choicest ui vkile pWi«g P^erfnl tonio pro- 0- JAMES" Pectoral Balsam Of Herehoud. ItartMBo". Irish Iteu. aaa Aniseeds £ ''a —. — James' Aperient Globules. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CASTOR OIL. yr-i. ef these Globules is equal to an ordinary Doaa of Castor OiL 9 -■ 3SrERVE_ PILLS. A Speedy and Oertain Cure for Tic-Doloreu, Teo" acàe, aad all b1ene Dismaers. 8 I. Tim YOUNG LADIES' PILLS StMMly for P&le DeHcftte Towng W. H. en zow TIFF smug- ef, 45 .rJ.JV!'l'f' .§ I *k* KEY, AM DimmT, 1 -POITYPOD. f MASTERS & COMPANY IN FBSSBlttltte TKfiii PRICH LIST OP BLACK AND WORSTED CLOTHING have every confidence in stating that for VALUE, STYLE, PIT and DURABILITY, theae- Goods are unsurpassed in Great Britain! MEN S BLACK WORSTED SUITS, t 178 lid, 218 JM, 2. 9d, 35. 6d, 42s, 4ts id., 19. 6d, 69a 6d 'I -.1"} MEN'S BLACK WORSTED COAT^ife VESTS, T. matobo b 6d, 21a 6d, 25a 6d, 29a id, 35a 6d, .28, 49s N. MEN'S BLACK WORSTED Tftd"tSEX-vo,, Wild, 86 9d, 10s 64, 13a, 15a 6d, 18a 6d, 21a. MEN'S BLACK WORSTED VESTS. 1" 5a lid, 6a 6d, is 6d, 9s Sd. BOYS' BLACK WORSTED IMPERIAL SUITS, Prettily Braided, to fit boys' from 3 to 9 years old, all sizes same ptffcd, 5s 1 id. Better Quality at 7s 1 Id. Superior 9s lid to 25s ad YOUTHS' BLACK WORSTED SUITS, prm 14o tAt ø.. Black Worsted Suits, to Measure, a Perfect Tit Guaranteed, 42s, 49s fid, 59s (Id, 67s 6d, 72s fid, 76s, 11s fid t MASTERS & COMPANY, The Cardiff Clothiers, 80. TAFF STREET. PONTYPRIDD. Also at 29 and 30, St. Mary-street, Cardiff; it "d is, Castle S^«VBwADMi<; Sf ttnl 49, High-itreet, Newport; 1 hyr, 11, Canon-street, Abeaxiare; O"rze-gtreetPontypwl; anii 10, l 1 Abergavenny. 28 ab 29, BXOB STHGST, C ABDIFF JOHN "JAMES & CO., General Drapers and Silk Mercers. > The Noted House for Millinery, Mantles, and Costumes. Experienced Dressmakers and Mantlemakers ti the Premises, under the management of competent hands. Charges in strict accordance with Ready Money principle. Fit and Style guaranteed equal to any West End London House. ion JAMES ft CO. are HOT shoving in their various departments the LATEST FASHIONS for Aatnmn wear. DRESS FABRICS IN ALL THE NEW MATERIALS; TRIMMINGS AND PLUSHES TO MATCH. Mantles, Jackets, and Costumes. A Grand Assortment of High-class. Goods. The Models are secured for the Season by J.J. & Ce. ''——————- FRENCH & ENGLISH MILLINERY. THE CHOICEST AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT OUT OF LONDON. "). Plain. Drapery, Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, and- Household Linen at Manufacturers' Prices. '.t, A full range of their well-known guaranteed French Kid Gloves, at Is. llfd. per pair in two buttons, two clasps, four buttons, and four clasps; Black and Colours. TIEIPIIR NOTED CHALLENGE COSTUME, AT 10s. lid., IN ALL THE NEW MATERIALS. A\ Fine Selection of FURS in Jackets, Dolmans, Dolmanettes, Capes, Muffs, Flouncings, &c. JOHN JAMES COlllPAKrr, J' -i v The Renowned House for Fashionable Goods. Thel'Best Artide at the Lowest Price. ■' 'Hs^ppP'' ")'J'n:.61; ind »* atfUwl M iruHnr ,f.¿ t,>' ,1'! = Poatyprldi, Uaitrisant, aad Sbandii YiBqt PSBMAMBTT 582TSFZT BUILDING-SOCIETY, Established 1866. Incorporated 187.. DIRECTORST- MR. RICHARD BOOBRS, Pontypridd. ■mb^^ MORGAN, Llantriiant, Tioe-ohi^ M BA8eETT- J p- iI2- MORGAN, TPron, Pontrpridd. JfS* iA»|S8 RICHABDS, Treforeet. • MR. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Olaifrrn. Paofc»T»,M MR. E. C. SPIfXETT, Maesyooed, Pontypridd. Advances made on Mortgage in Mm varvin* front £ 100 to £ 10,000, in or quarterly i, dolments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY PBlIS PAID ft THE SJCIETY. w Advances made f the Shortest Notice* For farther nartfealam apply te the Samtu7. MR. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OPPIOR CHAMBERS, PontypridcL CASH ADVANCED ON LBASEHOLD AND FREEHOLD PROPBRTIES. F09 BHARES appljr- to JAKES ROBERTS. X IjHiirMeeand fimigmtuw Agent. Titz GlAn PoM Omen, Hrsi ti., POKTYPRIDD. TH lelftJlod Serials BilUiag SocfetJ. ■eUMiaked WTs, Ih^orporated under tbo Building Society aact, ism. T OAN8 mad* mi Mortgage »t tbe AarM SSSrkSl 7 9«**erly iaetalae^nS firojbeen revieed, and consider An IMBmnh MlnteiMd. 1 ^ti«alaat applr «• tw ij" ifM*(Mm mt iSSb&Sm «liWlaaMn^ )fartk^dil: >* W. COOPER PENN, JIOBTaAO»BaoKM, ESTATJS AOIBT fe 8, a. John-,I Sfumre, Cmrdif, mnd ølyprWtl. „ Bole imt ftr tke «wn* WD D01L1IS BHILMI6 StCIETf •A»IFP, fOXrrPRIDD, BABRT, ™ R. 6K SCOTT, IWHIIH AID JEIELLLBL 37. Hannah Street, Forth. Lain W. L. Jenee, to a few leading Unes in WATCHES, CLOCKS, 4 JEWULLHRT? La&iaal oil Marked Bilver Qea*M Ory*W e^la^5ew! £ ?kW SI tk# ralae #T6r k7 *QJL IB par pair, fihrer Broeeliee froa l« (d ..I.. Other Articles- too, an to mentift eqnallr oJMa.. AU Accomis *winy to W. L. -Tones or@ mwo fufble to me, B.G. Seott Wttobu, Clocks, and JWwaii^f—nf nTB). afinitii; Repaired and Cleaned on the alMrtwt eempetent workmen. All Watehee nndCl«i!r repaired and cleaned at the above <wt»h1i«h«wn i All Purchasers of Wedding Riugs Will receive a Spoons. «au-s-doisen beet Tea Best PORTLANu JBMEITT IN CASKS 40DL i8. Prioe OD application to Sole Ageet at the Graig Post Office, High Street,, Pontypridd, cc Thmaiq,. Ganal Stores. FIRE BRICKS, V at 2^?LP#r by 9> > i »• inches. Also, best HOUSE COAL. IIiiF Orders taken at the GRAIG POft OnlcE, PONTYPRIDD. FRONOLEU HOUS^ 11(.. I UUIWAtTAD BO AD, POI[TTZI.= ■un Kaon m iom mm, SSSrkSl 7 9«**erly iaetalae^nS firojbeen revieed, and consider An IMBmnh MlnteiMd. 1 ^ti«alaat applr «• tw ij" ifM*(Mm mt iSSb&Sm «liWlaaMn^ )fartk^dil: >* W. COOPER PENN, JIOBTaAO»BaoKM, ESTATJS AOIBT fe «, St. Jokm't Sfumre, Cmrdif, mnd PrnXvpridd! „ Bole imt ftr tke «wn* WD D01L1IS BHILMI6 StCIETf •A»IFP, fOXrrPRIDD, BABRT, ™ R. 6K SCOTT, IWHIIH AID JEIELLLBL 37. Hannah Street, Forth. Lain W. L. Jenee, to a few leading Unes in WATCHES, CLOCKS, 4 JEWULLHRT? e^la^5ew! £ ?kW SI tk# ralae #T6r k7 *QJL IB par pair, fihrer Broeeliee froa l« (d Other Articles toe nuaarena to Mention eqnallr AU Ateov»U J^ne, are fufble <e me, R.O. Seott Wttobu, Clocks, and JWwaii^f—nf nTB). fainitii; Repaired and Cleaned on the alMrtwt eempetent workmen. All Watehee nndCl«i!r repaired and cleaned at the above <wt»h1i«h«wn i s.r rr?a Spoons. «au-s-doisen beet Tea Best PORTLAN u JBMEITT IN CA8ES 40DL i8. P^n«0n aPP,jcation to Sole Ageet at the Gcaur ^I S^a 8 Stre6t' PoDt7pridd' « -r^T»o FIRE BRICKS, V at 2^?LP#r by 9> > i »• inches. Also, best HOUSE COAL. Gbaio POST OPMCB, PONTYPRIDD. FRONOLEU HOUS^ UUIWAtTAD BO AD, POHTCTMnSf" ■un Kaon m iom mm, VMS MISSES REEis The next Term oommencwi en Tuesday, Sept. 7th V' V (' a "¡; "p~~ iSHIPl- j