NEWS SUMMARY u- .!n<r Infoi* goinc to p-raa with our Second )r,di1.i.Ja.¡ Am nxrouig, Ül" upits e the over- irMrairu; of tho llritish fnrcws in the TlawaauU, «"liji.ii apjVArs iu another 0011111111, tea* (.it'iu*r&i (ollev is reported ik-aKi, toeedwt with a lug., number of uScwrsi rntT high rank, while his army has 1"11 tnmdiv C'1h t" pitxM. there Iwing, it is .trbt.I;v.1. VlÙl 100 ltur\'Í\'01'3 out of his force jIf1lU1. «¡.,u im-ii. Tbt luaa uf tbt etioniv is rtjvj t<rtl U» lw very larye. lit, ]'*nw>il tuts to Victor Hugo fur his ioUrvciition in the cause of 11'taml. .-vvrral llome 1'.ui ?l.r- of i'arliament dfliventl i,:Ieiii in various tonus ;fin>ui{bout tho .country oil Saturdav. It is M,t.d that di, money which has 1.11 i¡I\t.,1 I,) the Laud Lt'aUt.-1H siviintics Ü. Mr. tilailstimo c.mtiimcs t.. improve, and the etTocta of his accident are r»j>itliy passiiii; .•may. lie IS expected \0 be III lb- House DM Tuesday or Wednesday, The marriage of I'rince William, "I I bo t Yowu l'rmce of I lei many, to the I'rincesa .\unsta Victoria. ,.f .(hl.lIlIht,-í1\. wan nuisuiiiiuat. D at Herlm IN the presem e oi a firilliant assemblage ot l^iyalry )'b.'tx)ih)?t?r tbf\!«'?y in ).)-'ttu!))- ?-riand t?i. pf?'<' ?" Saturday, when the Liberal candidate. ?r. H"t'?. was r.'turn? i?y Th,, poit,,l Infill#. Howard ( !<■ >• "wt her n :(Ul. \U.ut -In per-sons wre miuif.1 0" Saturday I.y a collision on the l.ondon Railway I l»alst«!t. Se.vral ot the injuries are i.f l serious uatuie. I: IS"I.J that a clllt' lift* Uvll obtained t" tlie tnuideief of Lieutenant Kopcr al i hathaiu, and ii»|uii ies are now licing made ■ to discover the whereabout') of a womall who was h;llt\ing about the d.ieaaeiV quarters "1\ the .iis;lit of She murder. Sewn men were charged at th.' 1I1\l'I'ford- .ù.,t petty s. scions on Saturday with having ntleiiiplcd 1" violate, and otherwise atuiliXf fullv tieated, a married woman naiiiod (; li.t.v. Three uf the prisoners were lIt to 1"¡,i" for two mouths, and the remainder w.-re tilled l'i each. The action brought by \1. Ilmwn, of New- |¥Mt, against the tlivat Western Kailway i m!i,}\i:iv for an alleged illegal overcharge in \ht' tare of ParEa'h\'1\t. trains, wa ainuetl j" the (\>urt of 4\1""11" s liench till .alurùaJ, w hen the court- deferred judgment. I lie opposition hy the Western llail- 'o!ii[«t'iy 10 the Runt-bush and 1 ishguard illadway Kill has been withdrawn. The Klilw Vale st."I. Iron, and Coal • Vtinpaii* have secured the contract for sup- th,- Nl;dl.d W estern Kailway ot li'elatid with-I-MKHI tons of Welsh coal. Die house of the Rev. S. ) (ir«*n, of .?)))t? j'laltin^ the defendant, in a recent prosecu- j ti.m for llittialiatic practices, has Ijceti taken ;«isse»aioii of by bailiffs, in o imsjueiice of an .-?ti.'ut?i'?'?i'? '? the soli* .lois for the bill for the bill 1.,1' cruelly «>111rat»iiij» a little g;, I. thirteen 'ears tf a," a man was, on Saturday, at Swansea, committed for trial. Th.' ?.'? "f t.'L'.?!' h? !'<'<')t rt !u'ttt-<t by ■the Lord M.-norof London fur t lie relief cftbe ».:fYerers by the l'"uH:rai e\plosion. V case (>f cruelty on the l'an of poor law puardians caino before the Southwark jxilioe- viacistrate lIll Saturday. A woman stated that she had been turned out of the work- house without aliv notice, and had nowhere t(l1! I he magistrate ordered her to I. sent i ark. and will report the cute to the Pour 1.w ( I he three soldiers wh,. v.ere arrested in I grditf 0.. Friday night for a ferocious aid unp1,)\'oh.lll.,ault 011 two young men, have each I.ccn to three months' ,1'1'1'1.'01111"'111 with hanllabonr. the of 1h Swansea branch of the Lr:L.h I'huret! I tiion, on I'riday, a #eries ut resolutions, explanatory of the aims "f Ih" I 'iiion, w ere ilisctissed aud carried. Ihe weather yesterday was raw and wet. At IlIidnihT the barometer registered if•••><.» 1, I.i II a It'I'as" 1111 th.. nillt'p.HI. reading, which wn., The forecast for to-day. 8' issued "r the London Meteorological Oilice I,' '0 last II izht, i' N ort h-easterly bree/es, ??,ai.'tt.)?ht. fall-.

( AI;I\I:T COLWCIL A t l) iliC't ('iiU!KvU Wi!S holtl ut twelve r VlfK'k Im:uurJay m i 1i«- s t'tticial resi- lir-nop. (h)wnin."rt" t. All ?i." Mr. HtlemiwJ. nil" to IV-ss uiui-^taiuU tfut a I ho Cabinet Coum-il i»»i Saturday,at wliioh, though *■"1 present, tl»»* l'r»»mier\ vu ws upon t)w aituatiuH fully discussed, it was f.jriHally iWOUUH! to rl-.vnl »n tll" Anns Bin for tht- pr..t>nL 1n view ot tho of the Convrvdiivo IfHilerK, HIUI the J> uf a I;Irp iiuitihor ,,1" Ill} t-th sides ot tho U>.a<? v ho haw n^lu osof motion upon th. order but)k. it is not the intention of the .rIW.'urnf!1 t'» •:<}; i"«ursprsry ujyjn tiio- Land

L.IH AH I'KTITIONS TO I'AKLIA- MKNT. th" Houft' of bonis on Krid-iy evunin" lli« 1 ari vi presented petitions from the inhabitants of tl.e 1-t-i4% of Llan("f\r\"all, (ilanwr.. ganshire, and from a nap!t Congregation meeting ¡It \e.t C'ro^-i, \n.sp;t. ag<\int. the opening of riu^euins and ^uHeries <>n Sundays.

MKTTIXFI' OF THE COXSKRVATIVE L'ARTY. A aI,tlI; (If f'onrervuiivv momU.T<"i the House /? is to tw fit-ld on Tucsdav next to take Ítr,. ('uu.idN'!1tj.)n the business now before PnrlU- Difnt. This in i-1 opportune, f()lkJwin a »♦ JI.I{'" II ell')'i upon tjl ftritement of Mr iflutUtori^ on Mondjiy.

T!I! OXFORD KI.KLTH).\ COAF.MIS- SUJN. ;;•* i»\i< i\i f]"-rtion ('fJlll1l1i<iltõÎun waOl. ivsumcd • n >a«urda\. Mr. lu-mfrfT. wjw examined, and doni<*d knowh'Ufife I ;I'. ,,I[ 1-1-1 "I Kridav nt'\r I»v t!i^ rxammatH'ti <»t U i:iatu H irivniVr

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I:\ST CL'MBKRLANJI KIJXTIOX. t h-- (4)lIin for t!io E¡t\lt rumbt-rluml election to i 11 th»* vacancy t'au>*d bv the deuth "f Sir i;.rh ird (' Musgrav, (jart. (>p«ned "II Satur- ;v, and was eurriod mi pnf4rgfttieally throughout I v tho two can<lid.»tH. Thetf. wh* a h''uvy full 01 rJ;i\ but riio greatest inttn st wus Hhown in the t no^-r. 'liio I',>1I1t of the polling \\II annoimccd i .'»■■> iUirilav nieht. us f.)II" H-.w„d ,to 3.071 l,'»H*her i• *> 3,041 I.- I.iU'rul (-nndiduro his, th«nlo!0, uoen ii'-i'-d t,? ?'? ,f 30. A' tlip I; general ( alien, wiinn thr lat»- Sir Ki»'h ud Miw^ruvw was ,urn" a' the head ,t tl, h,r, 7? ,I)pd bv th" I, (-,n?l:.t, ?, ??,r & 0 1:t ? Nl,- f:. 9 l|ward « )?. 70-,?: Mv. lloM.trd I., tM»'atrd\ -?

I»[>TI;A!T ON A KITI AI.ISTIC ( IMIIK;V.MAX. Th»* <>>«>, Jteu< suu-* cxecniion ':1\, 11."1 Irvif'd Upon th»* iinv > K <«r*'trri, i»'< lorof "'¡ J*din t hl 1"a"ge1it' Mil* Pb,UIf, by Messrs •|>MH «nd t o.. lit itors, honUon, iu respect oi their bill <>i I'o-tv, 3in«.untir^M.) 4"^44. inctiricd ill tfif n'\f-ut «>! Jr <»nvn f ir Bi"l:1fi'h' j "11' Ii i took ptis^Mvi^.n "rl T'lllr,dl- • id arc ft ill t 1ilf'I'H:tl'I"

liJ:\TlI OF W.\TI.:m.uu OKFH'KR. I" ,t,1I Hlltl"r.ol H..a L.> Kmtl.ury. I k<, who wiioiisly btirM in hi" tJeIJ 0" \j, • ■.Jay through the <•!•.»»K«* tnkin« IN#, (lied OQ v e u:'d;iv u¡fJrni,:y The Ueee:i.H»Hl ottieer b.'nl at. t tlip a^e ol 82 venifi. Ilecorrifd ih>- <-oloiirs h < ret>ili».-i!> tlimusjli the IJ.itlleot W-itOiloo. a,"d v.,u J'lfi.nt d 'be eiipture of Citn.

I'lM'.SKXTATlOX FOR (IAIJ.AXTRY AT SKA. "'I ¡t.l\ ;JI i l ft'l'i'iiioliy piit th# • ,iuv\•»•«.<an ..f thtJ ('.tnHtl lown-hall on > !'ui-dav, whrii a pn^entati'-n, conipnsin^ a ?..r?\'<f?ic.\w?nt.t<h't??t))t.tin(-'wht-U for t'• .;i.*rv■ ,i' ••• i ii»« Mavor, Mr. Jono?. pre- v :ki t l. wi jv J.rr-ri,! Mr. Turner (Super- • d r:' ..j Moreanliie Maiuu- M!. YL.ut?. Mr. k;ii»-, ;IHd, i »r^ nuuiU r or ^eanien and otlwn; ?j.???(.??.)w??.t'ht.')surt?th'"?a"'?"P I: '•! London, whit h v-le«t New Origan? !.t), 14th ot Ortoher. 1880. with ft cargo of « "tJ. }¡"wII1 for liuvjv. IlurjJJ the "OY¡"Io:e> a 1 b: \v >>u\ «>rj Wird, woieliUireaU-ned to destroy ''v.<L t"nhy !hf gallant <nduot and ))r?m?- :IU'¡., ot the eaptain the datnH^e wus nHlueefl to a •eoouiufn. and it u;is as :i slight ro« oS{niti«>ii of '••sr servi<*i*H that tlio 1'it i'l.. h I i4, ii underwi iter^ of theoAi^o rrque«*te<l the • rd ot Trade authorities öl Cardiff tll »■? thi • -ttljl.n iiud'

In»» renwms ot the iate Colonel < huriv* wg.t. k ^i-jtuut luasier oi the in ordinury to yuM-ri, \\tole interred on j'-rid. ll} \111.' lainily iui* Uf'jrd, Stitturd^bitr

(JREAT IIN' BATTLE THE TRANSVAAL. DEFKAT OF BRITISH; TROOPS. GENERAL COLLEY KILLED. HIS FORCE crT TO PIECES. n_ IIKAVV 1.0SS OF THE EXE MY. .In th"r ,l"ra, dalN! :\e"aII. r!; 25'j 111, -"A H.ttel,t,,t diivev, wlio h been u I"i,s. ?t th tk,e.. duno!! Ihe li<t fuuuighc at ai Neck, h$ urrived Iwr", and state, that ut that pUee there i. u t'oree of 7,000 ikx-rs, who ure lnulding op :t ver ) ^ wali OD thesuuiinit llf tht" UH)untaill t lie tully confirms the report !h,l! the tioers are In 01 t would guns, but i, unable to say ,,1J.e tJwy procured theUl. Tho driver aJù, ÙI;lt when tho liners heard of the bii'^u nuuiber IIf tha British reinforcements the t trn ht Bo('r wished to return totheir hUIO'' but the/"Utpuiisberg Uoer* would 110\ uw tJl<'II1I"; "lu :41 in anticipation of an attack. by the Brltih force, the lJ, h,wo »enl 500 ol ilicir wa¡::gun- toto lh interior." 'l'tie tolJl.iug telegram lu been received frlun the tieneral OtticerComiiiaudinj;, Nauil and Trans- i vaal, I" the Secrelury of Suite t, W"r ••26tli,Kebiiiary,1881 (Mount ProsipccMl.S5u.nU -Convoy of empty waggons nL into !\ewCUHt!e last Jdgllt, under escort uf Mounted Infuntry and 15th llllu,; ambulaucc wa^ns, w ith wounded tiviu camp l?piud, thi- I1\r.millg. Our "<IIUlI were tired upon by Koerson thll Butfulo Kiev: I A tC!t.¡:r.õ6UJ, dated Mouut l'lospect, Sundiiy, 9.1 aOI. S4)s "tieiieral Colley, with six Companies, left here ut midnight yesterday, and took {xisse^siun of a position to tbu left oî Luug'it .Neck. •• Firing has been litw-d itil the morning "A largo number of lluers have beeu seen be- twoeo Lang's Neck and foive." A telegram .fas tcceived last night from the lienerul Oti.cer ('ommaudinj,' Natal and l'rauava»l to the fiecrelary of iSl.ilo fur War, dated Mount l'lospect, Feb, 27;- Occupied Majub" Mountain lust night, imme- didttlly overlooking 1 bo Hours' position. The lioers are tiriug at us from below. l.aU'i—11 a.m.lioers still tiring heavily on the hill, but have broken up their luugor and begun 1"IIIO\'O away. I regret 10 say Commander Komilly is Jan. perously wounded. Oilier casualties -three IU1l wounded. A latei telegram lrum OW.I¡O. dated Mtnday afternoon, nnnClunc8."i that a severe engagement, was lought that div between the 1Iu1 unj tieneral trolley's force, resulting in the British fMc,' being defeated, (heat los W., sustained on b.?))sid<?anyt!ritist)o8)ctr.?ueofhigh rank, were killed or wounded Newcastle, Later.-AII tlie wounded coming in here agree that Oeneml CoIley is killed. I :<t 11\1' tlian one hundred of otir men escaped I OHtl"AL ClSVXTCMtS i 'Ihe Press Association lus l(oen furnished by I' the War Office with the following:— l'rom Colonel bond, S8th Hegimeut, command- ing Mount I'lti-pect. Satal, dated February 27 4 55 p.m. List niglit Si.. ti. P. Colley, with a statf cun- sisting of Lieutenant-Colonel (Stewart, A.M.S., and Major Fruser, proceeded, witii 20 ofiicers and 627 nien 58th Kegiment, 3rd Battalion 60th, 92nd, and Naval lirigade, to occupy tlio Majultt Moun- tain, overlooking the enemy's position. The Boers attacked about 7 a pi., and satisfactory reports were signalled I'i'om the lieneral, and telegTaphed t. yoc, up lo 11 11.111. Abuut one the firing increased, "lid at 1.30 p.m. it was evident from the cuuip thai sudden 'change had occurred in the position of affairs 'tireat contusion was úh-l('1"ved un the hill, but owing to the distance from the camp it was not at first possible to determine whether the enemy or our men were retiring. By 2 20, however, it w>9 only too clear that we littd lost the hill, and that our men were retiring under heavy fire. '■ I have to report with deepest regret, from in- ¡'¡ormation 1 huve obt.i-ed, thal there is no doubt ?M?r-Ucner? Sir U. CuU?y ? among tlio killed, but at present the enemy is still in 11. vicinity of the W,.P. I have not obtained certain pro?f 1 am DOW sending to the tield of action for the purpose of removing the wounded and burying the dead, and will com- j municate full particulars ae soon us possible. From Sir K. Wood, Pietermaritzburg, Sunday 8.30 p.m.:— Colley occupied Majuba Mountain last night. Stewart and F'raser, K.E., 20 officers, 600 men of 58th. 3rd 60th, 92nd, and some Naval Brigade. Was attacked at seven a.m. Repulsed ail attacks till 2.30, when our people were driven back, and are re- treating, loing heavily. •• Esse* telegraphs from Mount Prospect that there is no doubt Sir Iteorge is among the killed, and Colonel Bond corrcbomt' Shall go ba,k to Newcastle to'murro\ I i PlU:sS ASSOCIATION TI lfcOHAll > The Press Association telegraphed the fo.low- j ing adùltional particulars lit olle o'clock this ?Jond?y) morning of the di.,?tr -T)M) news of j the British disaster in the 'rra.iivm4 with t le, accompanying rumour ot the death of General Colley. did not reach London ilatil aftei- midnight. Tlie telegrams ieceived from the General by the; War Office during the day showed that severe lighting had been proceeding throughout tlie whole ,.1 Saturday night and yesterday morning, but no Imlicatlon appeared in either of thim (It the like- llihood of any such catastrophe as thai »mce reponeù The General, it appears, left Mount Prospect, where I", had been for soma days encamped, on Saturday at midnight, in order to take possession uf the Spitzkop, a position iu the Majuba moun-, tains to the left of and immediately overlooking the position occupied by the Boers- At that time it is believed thai lully 7,000 B-(ers were in possession of the position, which they had strongly (unified during the period that had elapsed since the last twttle was lought. Forsome days the Boeis had been anticipating 811 attack and had 500 of then- wag"gons into the interior ill preparation for til, impending struggle, if General Colky hoped l.y advancing at midnight to surprise the enemy lie was evidently deceived, for it is oliviou-) from Ins own telegram to the War Oftic8 that the lioers speedily commenced tiring upou his forces from their position below At Mount Prospect the tiring w as heard to continue throughout the morn- ing, and large numbers of Boen were perceived by the anxious onlookers to be between the Seek "lid lieneral Colley .< force. The British, it is apparent, stubbornly contested the ground with their adver- saries, though so hopelessly outnumbered.aud sue- fe.ded ill breaking up their laager. I p to tins point inloiuiatioo it afforded trou. tlie t.euenl hunself. and the last report from bim, although mentioning that Commander Komilly had been dangerously wounded, gave as tlie Other casualties, "Only three men slightly wounded-" The worst- of the struggle was therc- for.i to come, and as yetolficia! details are wanting ot tlie most critical stage of the battle. Sufficient is known, however, to slww that towards afternoon the British troops were driven from the Spitzkop, which t hey had held throughout the night ngainjt overwhelming odds. That the fighting >s of extraordinary severity is evident from the fact that many British offi- cerA, and ROme of them of high rank, including the General himself, were among the killed and ",ou"ded Beyond thai, is the even more startling fact that. according to the estimates of the wounded coining in from Newcastle, not more than 100 of our men liave escaped destruction. The immensity of the slaughter naturally arose from the conditions under which the fight wus waged. Hushed whli (heir receut success at or near the same spot,the Boors four times charged the bill on which the Britizh troops had taken their stand, 1 Hit four times were driven twek, baffled in their attempt to sweep our men from the Spiukop Foiled in their attempt the Boers wero about to n-tmit wlien the British supply of ammunition suddenly failed them, owing to tl* reierve having bceo tatu, prejumably for »»fet.V» sake, to the ¡ extreme tuitunit of the mouotuiu, aad tlicy were forced to retire from the field. General Colley, whose death has thus occurred, was Commander of the Bath, Commander of St. Michael and St. George, and Knight Commander of the Star of India. It may be mentioned with reference to tliis telligence that last Thursday General Colley made a reconnaissance of the Boers' position, the face of which extended four miles. The left Sank was protected by the gorge of the Buffalo River, and the right by the steep hills of Drakens- burg. The lino of heights between these points had been fortified by II hll 0\ en- trenchments, connected, apparently, with a 'cnnd line In the rear. The position was admittedly very strong, and, occupied by a sufficient force, was considered extremely formj<1al>!t>. A "Renter's" telegram, dated Newcastle, Feb. 26,10 a.m., says:—It is reported that Wakker- hlroom lias been captured by the Boers, and sub- sequent lv retaken by tlie British, who seized several waggons belonging to the enemy. A telegram dated lJloomfvntein, February 26, announces tlie Volksraad has adopted a resolution by 22 votes to 15, expressing its deep regret tht the Government of CAp,, Colony without notice, Mid ou insufficient grounds, should have dedincd to permit supplies of ammunition to be sent to the inllllbitallls of the Orange Free State. J lit) resolution declares that the course pursued by the Government of the Cape Colony is opposed to the spirit pf the convention between Fiugland and the Free State, and directs President Brand to request the British Government to take steps for preventing a repetition of ud, action on the part of the (!»i.e authorities. A Keuter's telegram from Lisbon, dated Feb- ruary 26, says:—in m-day* sitting ot the Cham- ber ,f lpUlio, P,(,vi.- to the proceedings being de('e<1 secret, Scnhor E.?victo Ur:lndas moved that the debate on the Lorenzo Marques treaty nliotild UC 8ttj"urned until F-ngland made u dlt. cl.iration that she would ulway s continue to recog- nise Portugal's right of jsiisession ol Uela.g-t1a Bay. The man-of-war which was ordered tu pro. reed from Mozambique to tlie assistance uf Curtain Wihiante's expdition was der]ia-i:he.l in confor- mity with a request of the Knglisli Minister hei-o It is slated in Mouimbique that the expedition haw lost their leader, and are without guides in the neighbourhood nr Chiloane, a place IIM the Kiver Saba. Thc tot detaclimcnl of the 14th Ilussars was to 1lVe sailed from BOIUIMV for Natal last Saturday, the second dotaebment ou Tuesday, "lid tlie ihird ¡¡tI the 7th of March A telegram from Madeira, dattul February 26, says:—" rs. Donald Currie 04011 Co. s steamship Lapland, from London, with troops and military stores fur .Natal, arrived here at eleven this morn- ing, all \YI1, aud sailed this afternoon at lliree for Natal direct." The bulk of tho cavalry reinforcements for the Transvaal left Ùle Uriiish shores on Saturday. Our Dublin correspondent telegraphs on Satur- dayThe first division with huid^u.vters of the 7tli lluss^rg, of fourteen ofbt,ei? and 180 non- commissioned officers and muo, with 200 hoœlill, enibaiked at Kingstown in the transports Calabria and Nemesis, for conveyance to "oulh Africa, for len-ke io the Transvaal On Sunday the second division, composed 01 nine nftieel's anol121 non- commissioned officers and men, with 152, also embarked. The remainder of tlie regiment will betJkenùut in the France from North Woolwkh with transferred horses. The horses embarked I. tlwir shoes left ,)II in order that the regiment muv bl sent t. the front Ùnm{tí1istelv on disem- t>alkrtion. The inoii hiive exchanged their car- bin" for Martini-Henry carbines, specially fitted with leather slings t.. enable then) to be slung e-I hind the back, thereby allow ing tho soldier to dis- mount, nd, if necessary, lnave Iters# whilst re- taining his tirearms, wiÏJ, full scope for the free exercise of his sword. Further, as a spedal case, the hole of the staff sergeants, sergeants, and ,Il.'ulso:fbe e:1 g:WI\ ¡ vrved pattern "r Adams' revolvers, and e., I t?I man ,,Il be in possession of sixty rounds of am- munition. The Hrom! Amir has authority to say t.hat i.f I.S not contemplated to make any r c' lull 0 I 1'.? C. mand in the Transvaal. Sir Evlfn Wood will continue to ad und" directions from Sir George Collov. The statement J b a contemporary tT Iaf:' ::m:l\JIe' dt:l:Jj to Ù sent out 10 the Transvaal to take command tlu ve is I idieulon

A SCANDALOUS DIVORCE CASK. A divorce case, flail v. (Inti, was reumed on Fridav iu Dublin. Thu evidence was of a most repulsive character. The husband, who is an ex- tensive cattle dealer, charges his wife with adul- tery with his own brother. Mrs. Hall makes a cuuntpr ctmrgc of d7. ugrt her ;d ",hom counsel described as a wife b.4tr from a week itft er his marriage. He gave his wife black eves, dislocated her shoulder, and wlien pressed for money solicited her to go out and get it. The re- spondent denied the charges, explaining that when found on several occasions in the bedroom of her husband's brother she was attending to the latter, who suffered from epileptic fits. The case was adjourned again.

I TIN: MYSTERIOUS ML'lvDEIt OF AX OF KICK li. Since the adjourned inquest on the body of Lieutenant Kopvr, the ofifcer of Koyal Engincero who was found shot through thelieart at 'hi, quarters at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, the police hare succeeded in discovering the place at which the cartridges found in the revolver and Iving loosely about were procured. It was at first thought they had been taken-from another officer's quarter!, but this ha?? been ascertained not to have been the case, inquiries fmvtng eiieitpd that they were purclwsed lr,,n.. dWL,?- i.nmu.iti(.. in tho to?n. (nquiris i?w now being dirwted to endeavour to discover traces of a woman, a stranger, who is stated to have been see. hanging about the deceased's quarters just before the murder was perpetrated, but who was not seen after the occurrence.

A STARVING CREW. On Saturday a person named Rout was in his punt shooting oft the East end of the Isle of \Vight, when he picked up a medicine bottle setUod, aud containing a paper. He came ashore and handed the article to Nir. Reale, Lloyd's agent at Porto- mouth, who bruke the bottle, and found the fly l??f of a HilM, much ("Ircl, upon which w; written in pencil —" Feb 19. Smack Polly, of Brighton dying of hunger and thirst are on a raft .,f tho Needtus —Samuel Solomon, masler. Do In lp us, lor God's sake; there is eight of us; nets ail carried awav by last StJ:>1I1." Nolul1g more has txvn learned of i lie iiiattei-, And it is thought the affair may lie a hoax, as had the men been on a raft off tlie Needles, as alleged, they would almost inevitably have beeu seen from the lighthouse, unless, indeed, it was during one of the heavy fogs. Mr. Beale forwarùed the document to Lloyd's.

CRIMINAL ASSAULT AT SWANSEA. <)tJ):A'.f; A ).n"iU;<.n<L.. A I hll Swansea borough puiieft-rourt on Saturday (before Mr. M. B- Williams and Mr..1. G. Hall), Henry Williams, a young fe l low, described as a fireman, was placoa in the dock ou n charge of criminally assaulting i:lit:*both Ann Thomas, a little girl, thirteen years of IIg Th.. child stated that her mother lived at Kisca, and she lived with her uncle and aunt at Sùbt"pol,treet, St. Thomas, where pri?ner lodKe,t On Wednesday afternoon lat he and the prisoner were AI."o In the kitchen, and he c.?sht hold nf her and .m..iti?d Ute offence ,Li'¡lfl'I¡Ihf w'h;;di¡; r:iB;:ti¡\ ? much as <he ""uld, but he could not call out bpmU!.e of a bud cold. When her aunt came home she t?Id l??r what had happened Mary Ann 11'p:;I. a:II Ja¡;¡::(:)OuI; ?utir and R half after she returned hor FioA tld hef what prisoner had done Prisoner denied the offence and sid that the prnwcut ii x Wiaved vary improperly towards him' "nd he merely took hold of her and put her U> Bit. down. The Magia'ratf Committed him f"r Inal aL lilt: nexl quarter ftps-turn*

AI.ARMING ACCIDENT AT TREFORKST. A little after eleven o'clock on Saturday morn- i.g some cu??terMti.'n was produced at Trefol'Mt bvan?nnu? accident happen'ng on the steep CI:e;rlllfl'i:¡'¡' i::gt':xt(á:g 7: tttt. u?in )ioe of the Tatt ?e Hilwy. near I re- forest Station, to the Treforest. Steel and Iron Worb. on the sidll of the hill In Mr Cpiwshay s P4rk. Twr> heavy ^wuj^ons, with iroy on?» wero being drawn up the incline by a wire rope attached to the engine at. the summit, 61111 there were a number of other loaded wagons below: when the tf?n?ng twow?tos h?d .,?a,ly e.?hed tho top of t,?? ittd?M H?uuup- ling of tiie iront witgon, to which UOI roptJ waS fusipiu'd..suddenly snapped, IInd tho two dashed down tlie, incline at ft two wagons dashed into the loaded wagona, stand- in at tho font, of the incline at tilt) same moment, the iron ore lIew over the wagons, falling itregu- lar shower ou the Trcforcft Station platform, where alew people wet* "waiting the t.rain,lm! n,) one was hurt. The front wagon in the descent was smashed to atoms, and the several others were much damaged.

T)io Dominion Semite has parsed the European and Canrulian CalM Hill. At the Middlesex Seasiona. on Kridav, two men, named Clarke and Gordon, were respectively een- tenced to five years' penal servitude and eighteen months' imprisonment for turf fi-aut6. -1 DOUBLK, Doubts, TOIL# A>'» THOUBLK."—IS the "k of tbi,.o ;<owtU.tV Both tM) ..d MouMt ?".?no-n w4tre the Ku?n t?'H. i* Mfd. It Ct))i<bn<wt?'ttiM<MHywittwt Uushingr ntt?te L. ud,),, 'y Ol. ..?k. rft)t)trt tf? w.ttrpr?. tn? ?tty iwr<M<. (h<it w?. In ?ttttt. U. ?& «ftrrwh«rs..9iwtw

| GREAT RIOT IN IRELAND. SACKING OF HOUSES. VIOLENT SPEECHES BY LAND LEAGUERS. AS APPHAL FOR FRENCH INTEHVENTION. A telegram states a shocking outrage was per- petrated at the village of Cahernakilly. atyout el* miles from Loughrea, eorly on Sunday morning. About it dozen houe3. prinoipiillv occupied by lubnurora. wore completely ",rocked. It aeoma Ihlll nt twolvo a.m. uliout 150 UiPn entered the village, aJl aimed with guns and ra- volvefli. On arriving at the village the party smashed the doors IInd windows of the housw. and fired shota into "ch house where tlioy tliought ocuupants slept- .Some of the labourers wore injured, but none were killed. The extreme French Radical papers publish an appeal from Mr. Parnell w Yiclor Hugo, asking for lils inwrvontion in tlie Irish causc. 4t a meeting of the Tullamoru Uind League on Saturday Mr. Matthew Hani-, one of the tra- versers at the Stutd triali, suid the money invest#<l by the League was under £50.000. It was invented in American and French Securities. No balance- sheet would be published, as that would give infor- mation to the League'« enemies. They intended arraigning Irish magistrates' conduct before Parliament, and were now forwarding infor- mation. Mr. Justin M'Curthy delivered a lecture on Ireland in birininghain on Saturday night. Lie suid no Land Bill wnild be worth t-uawicloi-atiuii UIIIUHS it .«iitained AA iw IukU the tluve F's, a larg ami liberal whaiiie for the roch^Jiation of the wimlo laud, in order Umt b beginning of peav..t pro- 'hr,: ic:n:¡:tgtbld und full development of the famous Bright, clauses us would leail tu the adoption of peawmt pro- priewry. Mr. Uillon, speaking ut a land meeting ut U i-r' sokepe, Tipperary, i,- l, 8,000 people wero present, advised them not to be t:¡rif¡'il"?e to continue :1uÎtt I tion. II arrests were made the tilled, UI! also counselled tlie extension of "1JO)- cotting" every man who violated the Land League rules, or agisted landlords to collect unjust rents. On Saturday uight a crowded meeting was held in Liverpool to collùonJII tho Irish Coercion Hill and dCDouDce 1>llvit.r" arrest. Professor Beesly condemned tho Ciovernment's aotiou against the Land LC:1gvo. whoae agitation, he contended, was constitutional. Llr. Couiinins, M.P., denounced IIWI Kadical and Liberal memberi) jet Jlarlior ment, who would probably before long liave to region with their constituents, whose votes they bad stolen at the general eltil,tiulI. Mr. T. P. O'Connur, M.P., wft» also present. On Saturday night Mt-. John O'Connor Power acjdressod a crowded meeting at Jarro.on-Tynll, and said at halt-past (.'11l1 morning, on the tiixir of the House of Commons, he had seen the British Constitution dying in its last gasp. lie remained to take part in thow four last divisions, py which the constitutional Iiiiertit?? of a whule p""ple were dslroyed and their social and pOlitklll Yr?dL,m plaed in the hands of an Engli8h despot III Dublin .Castle. British statesmen would b" curious to know the effect produced by their Coercion Bill. If theyculculated upon extinguish- ing or weakening tlie tlainil of Irish nationality tliev were tearfully mistaken. It would w iden the area of disaffection IInd stimulate the spirit of rl" sistance,so that this last attack on the liberties ol the Irish people would recoil on the heads of its authors, aud one day produce their ruin. The hour 'had couie when cowards and traitors should stand aside, and he who wu not prepared for eighteen months or eighteen years at his country's call Wft. only fit toboaniise- rableand abject slave. Ireland was passing through tbe agony of swiul revolution, and her time of probation must necessarily be one of bitter trial, ut must assuredly the sceptre three hundred par. i?1,1,d by ? da.s "ould be wielded by Ihe Irish nation before illl' cri" was over. He was convinced that the oldest man before him would live to see the dav when Ireland would be mis- tress of her ow n destinies A b?ui.,b of the IAdiai Land League having been formed in Liverpool. arrangements were mado on Sunday for tho reception of Miss Ann" Pal'Oell 10 deliver nn address oq the 10th of Mm eh

TIlE TENDER MERCIES OF POOR I LAW GUARDIANS. A llDJAE ;\L\OITI.ATE. A Itl.(, hou'hwark police-court on Friday. Eliza-1 belli Shepherd, a yoyng wuiiinn, who lllill a child in her arms, waited up"ii I, Bridge to complain of St. Olave's Cnion. w-lio, she suid, hau „n>i her and her baby into the street. Aliout I"" months ago she was taken very ill, and applied to tlie parish doctor, who advised hp,. to seek she/1ft in St, Oiave's Workhouse. She was udpiitted, and remained there with her L. by until Fri,J¡¡y IIwrning, when she was turned out of the house by,d..r of the guardians. Shchadnohomeorliienostogoto, While in tho workhouse she wus attended by l)r. (liftings, who was very kind. [lr. (linings, who happened to be in court on other business, said lie wa* sur- prised at tho y iung womllnlJeiu!( turned out of the workhouse' that morning, us her child was in a very bad suite, and sho had "1 means of provid- ing for it. lie was not aw are w hether the law gave the guardians powei t'l turn pick persons out. of tho workhouse. Mr. Bridge was 01 opinion iliat the guardians had acted very cruelly in the pre- 8ellt instance. The applicant appeared to be in want, and lie had no hOllitation in saying that hud the child died the guardians would have rendered themselves liable to be charged with manslaughter, lie directed a police-sergeant to immediately sup- ply the applicant and her infant with food and nourishment auu mllAÍe au order for her admission into the workhouse, it seemed to hint to be a case Of such extreme cruelty on the part of the guar- dians that he felt himself bound to communicate with the Poor law Commissioners ou the sub- •

FEROCIOUS ASSAULT AT CARDIFF. TlIKEE tsOLDIMIM SENT TO CAUL, On Saturday, at the Cardiff pollee-comt (before Mr. Itees Jones, tho mavor; Mr. tt. Bird, and Nlr J. Cory), Daniel I.Jesmond". Thoma8 Hodley, and Win. Davie*, privates in the 69th Regiment, were charged with assaulting Samuel Ureenwood and Charles Davle«. The prosecutors staled thut on Friday night they W81'U going along Wharton- street, when they met tho three prisoners, who accused them of having made some offensive re- mark. They answered that they had not suid anything about 1 he prllOOn. but the latter Imme- diately afterwards, and without any provocation, attacked them with great violence, using their belts and the canes they carried. (ireenwood was severely bent en and sustained two wounds over the lefl eye, which hud since been stitched, Davies was: rendered insensible by the brut/il usage he received, and. In addition to numerous bruises op his body, both his eyes were black. Rdward Llewelvn, who resides in Wharton-strflft, said lie witnessed the assault,, which was committed about half-past nine o'clock. Lio never, he said, saw such a savage affair in his life. The prisoners kicked and used their helt., most unmercifully. Davies was kicked worse than any football," and when witness tried to drag him away the prisoner Davies knocked liiui down again "like a hullock." Some of tlie neighbours sue- reeded in getting Davies into an adjacent shop, but tlio prisoner Davies aetuallv followed him in there and again kicked him. The three prisoners wero concerned in the assault on Clavi. and (ireenwood was ulI"III.. do anything, "Ivcouse ho was blinded with blood." Sergeant Telford, who npprchonded the prisoners, said t hey were all drunk, and were so violent when taken to the station that their boots had In be taken off. The Mayor said the Bench had come to the conclusion that the asHiuIt was most ferocious and unprif voked. They would e.wli be iuiprisonod for two months for the assault on Davies, and one month for the amtilt on Greenwood, with hard labour.

PAUPERISM IN THE CARDIFF UNION. On Saturday an abstract and list of paupers in the Cardiff Cnion for Ihe half-vear ended the 1st of October lut was issued Kru'.i! this it appeurs that tlie estimated area of tho union is 82,168, the estimated population 194,618, and the rateable value, as per valuation lists of the 29th September last, 4550,403. The following are the particulars of the receipts and expenditure for the relief of the poor:—Receipts: Itylanee in favour of parishes at commencement of the half 18s. 6d.: contributions paid during 0)e h?tf-ye?r, C20,309 19..2d.; income from pamh property, c3o S. 2d. i balance against parishes at tho end of the half-year, W'1tdi:i26,iI7e,(r ul'fi-i'ø:ør; Balance g.i.,t parishes at commencement of hjr- :£i41\1ir: Î:r;184 o¿T; 9ah(ri<;s,.M91U<.8d.; workhouse )o<n and in- terest repaid, ?95 2,. 6d oonnt? r.ta. ?,098 15s. 9d school attqndnnce committee expenses, 425 4s 8d.; education of non-pauper children, £13 14s. Md.; election of guardians expenses, 9107 1711. Sri.; balance in favour of each iiariah at the end of the half-year, £ 3,474 5s. 8d total, 426,061 7s 8d. The weekly cost per pauper per head at the workhouse waa 4s. 2,led., and the weekly cost per head at the Ily Schools, 3s. 7.02d. The total expenditure of the union for all pur- P",(??, e.lepti.g county rales and 80me 8pécial .n,,t b 1,111t 111f less :g8;tiI1 L. f,?llowing "oI\:eo;; ber of \n.door and out-door paupers relieved during the half-year:—In-door: AdulIS, 11m les, 406, females, 416; ch[ldren under sixteen veurs of age, 514, and vagrants. 1,344; t.tal, 2.67?. Out-d?r: Adults, m&le8, 648, females 1,712; children undcr 16 years of age, 1.812: tot.)!, t.172. (.roMtM?t. 6.651. De- duct tb(*e relieved both in-door and out-door, 180. Xet tota). 6,671,

N\ ('f)mes that the late rnin bnv I affected the macuroui ?rp tjiis ymr. th"L it -th be impossible to mow it before .pril. L. J?Lua for C.W. Combs, tc? of Horse# 60. P. 49.. K.y Not., tjtg*pn, and must

IIJATEST GENERAL NEWS. I The Empress of Austria hunted on Saturday with the Wyimstay hounds, and to-day will hunt with the North Shropshire hounds. Mr. B, Stapleton, troq merchant, Macclesfield, was on Saturday found dead In bed with a dis- charged revolver by his side, A fire broke out in dwelling-house in Summer- street, Aberdeen, yesterday afternoon, and before assistance arrived a woman was burned to death. Mr. Hradtaugh, speaking at the Hall of Science in London yesterday, said his motion for in- quiry into perpetual pensions was supported by 475 petitions, with 154,000 signatures. lier Majesty the Queen, aecompailied by Princess Beatrice and mite, left Buckingham Palace yesterday afternoon, and proceeded hy special I train from Paddington to Windsor. There has been a freeh snowfall over the North of Scotland, which, although not interfering with traffic, is keeping agricultural work at a stand still. A depth of six inched ii reported from Upper-Deeside, Aberdeenshire. The schooner Clodagh, ,)1' Wl\tcrr,ml, uiled from Cardiff a fortnight ago. und has not since been heard of. Every port, in the (Tiannel has been communicated with, but thera are no tidings of her, The presumption i. she has fOllnderrd with iill hands. Theeightecnth annual general meeting of tlie council and members of the Xewspuper Press Fund took place at the office in London on Satur- day. Lord Houghtou presided, and in tlie course of his speech stated tiit, the balaiu« in hand amounted to 930 2-. 6d. At tho Congress of representatives of Trades I'nions, held at Manchester on Saturday, resolutions were passed in favour of greater organisation. Mr. Broadhurst ,poko in favour of the Employer.' Liability A,t, cxpre?ing M holW that some cm- ployers would not b? bl,, to evade it. Thc remainM .( the E.?,l f S-tiOd were interred on Saturday in the family vault at Hut hill. The col lege, which started fl'om Castle drunt at eleven o'clock, was headed by a band of pipers, followed by the representatives of the several corporations of towns in the di.itdct. Lord Heidhaven wus chief mourner. The passengers by the disabled Cunard steamor Batavia, which remains at l'ayal, arrivod at Ply- mouth on Saturday from Lisbon, in the KpajusU steamer Malaga. Tlie shaft broke when the vessel was 2,000 miles from Now York. With the assis- tance of the steamer Columbia she reached Fayal under mil, and thence the passengers and mails were conveyed to Lisbon in the Portuguese steamer Acor. The Ot»trver states that Colonel Colthurst will to-morrow a;;1¡ Mr. parnell whether the words attributed to him in the Timea of Saturday, on the authority of the 1riboutit, are substantially correct, and, if so, whether ho will state the grouuds upon whidl hu let. mude so sorious an accusation against the Koman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin and his predecessors.

==. FOHEIGX INTELLIGENCE. A telegram dated Berlin, February 26. Hn'9 :-1 In status that, the Eniparur hils now the luaignution ot'Count Eulfiihurg, tlw Prus?iun Minister of the Interior. (treat damage has been by 1111 avaUncho at BriMeji, in Ui'i. Many houstt* anil bridges were swept nway, and over ii space of two miles the ground oscillated a* if shaken by 1\11 earlhquake. The inhabitant!* behig warned betimes, no lives wero lost. A "RauterV telegram, dated 8t. Petersburg) Sunday, MYS thal, according to the (tolas* the treaty with China has heen settled upon the basis of the cewion to China of the entire Kuldja terri- tory, with the Tt-kke Valley und the Tianahang I'ass A telegram dated Vienna, February 26, stittt, About tan o'dock !hill ewning a body o( four or five hundred students assembled in front of Urr Lienbacher'i fhouse here, ami creatcd a disturbance by caterwaulintr allll making other discordant noises. The police were forced to intertere, and eight arrests were md" A great popular demonstration took place yester- []?in Tans in honour of Victor Hug.?SOlh Uirth- day A procession of deputations marched from the Place de PEtoile to the poet'a house. Victor Hugo, with head uncovered. acknowledged the salutations of the people. Iletwcen 250.000 and 300,000 |>evsons uve estimated to have defiled before his h'Mi*»\

THE PKXYGRAKr HELIEr l'UNI). The Lord Mayor of London hIlS remittod the um of *2,079 to the Im-al committee in lilnniorganshire tnr the relief of the sufferers by the l'inygrnig disaster. The; committee of the Morthyr Penygi lig Kelief Fund met on Friday evening hut, when the sub- scription list was closed for the present with the following financial resultTotal subscribed, JE171; exiiensos, £ 2 "Is. Ud.: balance, £ 168 12s. Id. The thnnksof the committee wero accorded to the High Constable, by whom any further subscriptions will be gladly received. Tho treasurer of the Pontypridd Mutual Im- provPnlpnl Association (Mr. Henry 1'orcherj, has handed the sum of £7 to the Penygraig Relief Fund, being the proceeds from a conceit held in Penuel Cliupel on the 14th inst.

THE MINERS' RELIEF FUND. ANOTHER AUGUMENT IN ITS FAVOUR, I Thomas Griffithd, Mynyddbach, reported in the Jl'ul,r1l Mail of Saturday to I. received serious injunMtohi?)p??S!)'"?'dhn'h<<.)iiery,t?a died. Last Niturday WM tfie day fixed for hi wedding, the h"u'M and IIn being resdy. At the (tarn Goch Co)))ery.nmr W.mnat'twydd. on Friday lust, Oavid How ells, Vstrad-road, l-'forest Vacli, met '?tli an l,i., denth. Ho was engaged at work at tho bottom of the sliuft, when the balance carriage came rushing down upon liim, fracturing his hone., and breaking hj backbone.

ROSEBUSH AND FISHGUARD RAILWAY BILL, Thi« Bill is on the list to come before ths Kpf(,Ws' tfocui standi) Court of the House of Com- (Uo.d4)-). 'file Great li?il- way Company had presented a petition 10 lie )Mard M?infit f'e Mi)!. Rnd the prnmnlors of tho Hill ",V"_ to lit?ir being heard on Ilw ground t!mt'!t h.'v had no ?.<s<«?', and it. was lo con- sider this point that the case was ",t down to be I decided by the Court of Referees to-dav. On Saturday, however, 'ho Oreut Wlern R;lilway Company lodged a requisition nt the Private Bill omcenf'rnrthunfnttowi'h'JMWthch't'otition.? ;I)TJ:r:;i::l:: 1h:î'/í:'Y ('0111' ¡ pany to the i a tireilto, thei?efc

CRIMINAL ASSAULT AT HAVER. I FORDWEST. StfAMHFLLCASK. At tMthrprfordwef.t petty sessil\n, on Saturd"r.1 (before memrs. O. E. Davies, K. Carrijw, JI)ep I Tregennn, li. L. Owert, and tienrge (irifHOM). seven iniiuari ied nlPn, residing at Miltord, named Ema- nuel Owen, William Davies, John Jenkins, Thomas ltvuns, K. Morgan, lleorga Tliomas, and James Kvuns, wero charged witll being concerned to. jlPlher in attempting to violate a married woman, named Catherine Uibbv, residing ut Pill. It appeared from the evicfence that complainant was drhikingin a public-house In Chai les-»lrp*t, Mlltord, on the 12th inst., ÚIII prisoners being allj(j in the house at the time. The parties appeared to have left at the same time, and the complainant was followed by the prisoners, with xitliers, Into the Xortii-road, an4, to avoid them, she went towards the schoolroom! hut as they continued to tollow, she acrtamed, whereupon Mrs. Richard., the land- lady of the New Inn public-house, put her head out of the window and told them to teftve tho woman plone. Prosecutrix then turned back down the -no of the prisoners escorting her. A witness named Miller, who had followed thorn, saw the prosecutrix being assaulted, and heard her scream, but, strange to say, never attempted to go to her assistance, but in- formed Superintendent Evans, who was attracted tll the spot bv hearing the screams some distance off, of what was going on. Evans and the police- coMtabte hastened to thu place, when priwnert? ran away; the con.talble giving ?ba*4 ttil capturing the prie-or [?viee. Dr. Unrnth" having gfving evidence of the shameful treatment prosecutrix had been subjected to, Emanuel Owen, Thomas Evan.. and James t.v?M were com? mittedfotwoc?nndar months each, with hard labour, and 10 pay costs; and William Davies, John Jenkins, R. Morgan, and George Thomas were severally fined J;3 etwji and costs. Mr. Bownii Rowlands (iiislrnrted by Mr. James Price) prose- cuted, and Mr. Abel Thomas (instructed by Mr. H. T Propert Williams) defended all the prisoners.

The seventh annual dinner 01 the BritlsU Cham- ber uf Commerce takes place on Murch 1 at the ContiMn? Hotel, Parl. The Bight Hon. O. Shaw Lefevre's collected isMtfi oo The Irish Wd Quo tiol is ?, will ba pubfbhed in a ftw by Mois?: C'MMU, PettK. M4 (?tpio.

ALARMING RAILWAY ACCIDENT. FORTY rERSONS INJURED. The 8.24 a.m. express up train from Willasden was slowly entering the tunnel adjoining Dalston Junction on Saturday morning, wlien the 7.55 a.m. up train from Watford, travelling on the sftme line and in the samo direction at considerably speed, came into collision with it, completely imaahing the guard's brake and doing considerable injury to other carriages and the engine. The guord of the express train, becoming aware of the danger, saved himself by a desperate leap from the brake, and his example was followed by ti gentleman iu the carriage adjoining. It appears that the driver of an up train from Watford aud St. Alban's was waiting for signals at the Dalston Western Junction signal Station, w h ?., it i, supposed o?InK to the fog, the t:;f'e'ntl: Mim?M" Hou.? (Brotd-atreef) train did not perceive that the signals were against him, and ran into the brake van in the rear of tho waiting train. The result of the collision was made painfully evident by the blood-stained rags and tattered newspapers which bestrew 19. ground in its immediate vicinity. Immediately the passengers had recovered from tlie shock a general rush was made for the carriage doors, and those whose injuries permitted them to move left the trains. lIIany of them in their haste to escape tumhled or fOl on to the permanent wa y II, is :h;;b1 ttt :itk"r:llfre'm::I but the forco of the oolllsion was sufficient to send the Watfurd train along the linn for a considerable distance. In several instances pasiengert were re- moved from tile carriages in ail insensible con- dition. l'nder thc direcilon of the deputy mediclli officer appointed by the North London Railway Company, the more badly injured were lititt upon cuihion?; on the line; and Inspectors Jenkins and Bart ley, ,I the Dzit.. p- l i-t.ti.n, and 1r' de¿i r:nIdC:i:3r¡:Ib1: aid in u?nv,ying tho wounded to the Dalston Station, where tuev were [il.ioocl In the waiting- rooms. Most, of the injured were suffer- ing from contusions to the linpi or face, but nearly all or thom complained 1111<0 of being hurtahout thelegsand body. The most serious ease was that of Bowman HIxon, aged six- teen, of 8, Bron?bur?,.r?d, Kilburn, who had gu? tained sevore internal in j uries, and was 'ti d; rhn:;I i1ï.' ;,o'7>;¡'}.ti:f. l-oad, St. John's Wood, waA suffering from a wve scalp wound; and Mr. Uwynne, of 69, Alexandra- road. (.owndes,rn¡¡d, wa. badly injured internally, and had a severe cut on the forehead. It is esti- mated that over 40 persons were injured. None of tho company's servants were injured, (iregory, the driver of tfie Mansion House train, had » nar- row escape, as did his stoker, from being crushed, astheyoidy saved themselves by jumping from the engine'when thev saw the accident w as in- evitable. The fjuurdof the Watford train likewise escaped from his von, The line remained blocked for about three hours.

PASSENGER MILEAGE WAnER. ACTIOX AGAIRT THE GREAT WESTERN COMPANY. In the Court of Queen's Bench (sitting in b;inei)t on Saturday, before Justicea Field and Manisty, in the cose of Mr. Brown v. the (ireat Western Nail. way Ompanv, tho Attorney-General stated that in this case he appeared to show cause against a rule ohtaine,1 uy his 1¡"me,1 friend, Mr. Webster, (ailing on the Kailway CommUsioners and the applicant, Mr. James Brown, to show cause why a prohibition should not issue. The point at issue was an exceedingly simple one. It wag merely whether win jurisdiction it the ::I:a1: Commissioners to lu-ar and determine tJle matter of the complaint made by the appli- cant, Mr. Brown. That complaint, as mado by Mr. Brown before the Commissioners, was that the (ireat Western Kailway Company, being limited by their special Act of Parliament to the charging of certain tolls, had made certain charges in excess of their statutory powers. Nir. Brown gave curtain instances in which the lireat Western Railway Company had dono this, and he believed the number was nineteen, but the actual number W.. not material, by diarging himself ami others a mileage ralo that was in excess of the maximum mileage they had powor to charge under the Act of Parliament. This fact was not in con- test before the court, the question of fact or degree not being al issue ill the present case. The whole question was whether the lIailway Commissioners had power to deter- mine such complaint. The application uiade by Mr. Brown had been based on the non,fultilment by thA On'al Western R;?il- way Company of the first of three obligations, namely, to ?,,l all reasonable facilities for i I., receiving, forwarding, and delivery (d u-afik -which in this cam meant pit4senger.??n their lino of railway. Ilomalntained that the Kail wayConi- missioners had a right toinquire intoand adjudicate Ion this complaint, because the person complaining hatlOho\1I that the Oreat Western Kailway Com- pany had not afforded reasonable facilities for the carryiug of passengers. Mr. Justice Fh'ld: WM was it th, Ir. Brown sajd the railway company would not do ? The Attorney-O ?nc?ral: He says, Y úU will not carry mo on my t??ndei-i?g (he legal tol1." Mr. Justice I"Md: You mean ther would not take his goods at their maximum mileage mte The Attorney-Ocneral said tho question hero was not as to the conveyance [of goods, but a to the conveyance of )1. Urown himself. In point of fact it was agreed that the railway company had i'harged|an excessive toll, and that point ??-?,s not iu dispute. Indeed, the Court could not try the question or fact a. against the Hailway Com- missioners, on whom the power of trying the fact was confelTed Iw the ?tatute under which that tribunal had hee-i created. His contention wa, that a man could not be called upon to pay oue penny more than the maximum far,, and the question was not so much i" this "e Yo wther the railway "n 'P"'Y 1,d g ed 12- Od. r 12:?. be- :l.:nd¿d 1'i;I,li;rbl;I:tirrt: Iad a right to make any charge in excess of the legal fare. Whether the e!(CCS was 6d. or £ 6 was a matter of no moment, so far as the purposes of his argument we"" concerned. In return for the monopoly a railway company ohtained under Its Act n Parliament, it had n(; right t impose o any person travelling on ils line nnv sum beyond the rate the company could legally de and. Mr. Justice Field: 'But could you, as ,\ttomcy. General, file an Information against them ? (jIa¡:j:Voi:f.I;nded he could but he maintained that it was not ne?, sary that each passenger should be put to the trouble of bringing an action, or that the Attorney- General slioul(?nForm, and that the Railway Com- missioners had received their present powers in order that this Inconvenience might be avoided. Let him put the co in this way. Supposing the railway company, Instend of charginjl II small exce.< had charged a I:lrg one, and that instead of \2s. 6d. th??- hud I?,t,ged f5 12. 6Ll, the re?uh might have been that the charge would have been beyond tho means of the person w ishing to travel onthe compan y ? line, and would have, therefore, aino?tt?(i to a prohibitory charge. A milw,.y company might say," We do not want third-class passengers, or we ao not want to cj)ni,e p:¡,@n. gers for short distanre, therefore we w f, 11 p,,t,n- prohibitory rates that will deprive ordinary per- sons of the means of travelling under these cir- eiiinstanpes." Ho contended that tho company could not do this, and it necessarily follnwed that if tliev had not tho ei, t', do I fit n.iti??rd t i iey t l ie power to do what they hail done in this particular ease. The question was not oqe ffei I Mr. Brown, but rather the powers of ;), :ltJ:f 1'IÎJi, J: :io:I"Ií;' pression which Mt. Webster had com'lyed to the court w. that now for tho first time the commis- sioners had exercised the jurisdiction they had asserted in the case in restraining the raijwaycoin- pany from charging more than the statutory toll. lie would show that there liad been full jurisdic- tion exercised in this matter in other cases. The Solicltor-Gonernl, who followed oil the same side, said the only point he wished to submit was that in charging fares in excess of the statute, the railway company wore putting an unreasonable .i in thnwayof I;. desirous of travel- ling, and it neivssarilv followed, according to th" ordinary 1I" of the tIIIih language, that t" were. therefore, uot affording r19(,bjo facili- MV. Brown, on being asked hy thn Court whether he had anything to say in ;wldition to what had ",Rt been argued, .?i,l he approved ,f .11 that had i 'i:1 by í;'lilr:y¡r.:r)\1 dlI:j¡: tor-Uenenil. Mr, Webster, U.C., on behalf of the railway com. pany, submitted that in the casea adduced by tho Attorney-General, an in all t he other cases that had been reported US having been decided by the H.i!. way Commissioners, there hud been -the' g?olnd, 1Yw:¡;:n:ho;;iJifnh: ':i1l::i): I haJ been exercised. Tudor the Act of Parliament the companies were to provido reasonable facili- ties for receiving, forwarding, and delivering traffic; and he contended that this referred to structural faci lit iu, the provision of proper trucks and carriages, and so forth, and bad no reference to the chatgw made in the way of fares. In fact, he maintained that in its widest interpretation the word facilities'' could not be construed to mean fareo, Mr. Justice Field: You admit that if the com- pany times it, trains to that a passenger shall not be able to proceed by those of a company having adjacent station, that would not be affording reasonable fllCititieø Mr. Webster: V., Mr. Justice Field: Then if they say You shall net travel unless you Pa?' l5," du you my thut is affording reasonable facility?  the L8gilatllre Mr. ,Liter 8?ld ho 1.?,l that if tho Legislature had meant to deal with fares In that way, words would have been inserted ID that effect. Mr. Justice Manisty Do you say that a com- pany has a right to put up a table of charges all of which are in oxcess of their statutory powel" Mr. Webster said he contended that they would havo such" right, assuming that to be the only allegation to be brought against them. Mr. H. 1:1, Wright having argued on the name side, the Court took time to consider its judg. inent.

THROAT fnanxTios*. BOrt!"?l4? an(f dr)-n ?0, tI:IAa:d rl:tId.IC:; a:'1 f{,; I"! void*. For the»e •ymtitonis uw Epps's Giymit,. .f?Xf. J;;O:; in'9\r:!ci ))?.?n?ii?pr.?mityt?'?he??.'?)<)s at tj?? momtpm?y are excited by tin- act -t suckin g bl-'nVI actively ¡;r:'Í'I;' Sol.'l o: 1'IC¡,Ir;d 'í1.1¡ JUMKS E. 4 Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, London." A ?? ?«?<fd Sontttmeo.-tt '?Y.?*?. Interest you to know that, after an extru d ed ti.l, 1 have found your Glycerine Ju i ubes of Cons i Oemble :ft:t' );lt';iI' mht oI::t all forms of tllrod .UHU8. Ttiey 801R and a., the voim tn no mn tb,v do any hsrm.-Yours ftithfuth. G,N Ro"'i.8T R..i. fhv<tt;i? t.? the Vu?izi* ThtMt Mi? i"Jnj>r mMv. 4A KAT'S COMPOUND KSSSSCR OF LINSEKO, » demul- cent expectorant for couvks 4?4 '?' 0o!4 all ?nt#, 1M-'

I ENGLISH CHURCH UNION. I ENGLISH C!CH UNION. I MEETING OF THE SWANSEA HRANOU. A MMtint; of the Swansea Branch of the Ea?)''h Church Union was heid in the George-street Hall on Friday evening I..t. Mr. ChwtM &th prMtdM, and there wu a fair attandan?. The Ci-i.- propoaed That this bmneh e:lprœ1i88 Ita'1m. pat hy with HM Rev. J. Hf?hott de h H.. in the suffering lw must be enduring in consequence of the sentence of deprivation P: upon him. This waa McoBfted by Mr. (.. H. Giascodine, hon. secretary of the branch, and cArriW unani- mously. The Chairman next read a letter from the Bishop of St. David's, which had been received in answer to a resoluti m passed at the last meeting of the branch with refortint-e to the imprisonment of the Rav. T. Pclhain Dale. The letter wus pub- lished IiOOle tiwe ago in tlie and the Times. Mr. Bath remarked that there waa an absence of sympathy from the letter. Tho bishop seemed to forget tliat Mr, Dale was lighting for the great principle that in spiritual matters the Church aliovdd govern herself. And liis lord- ship was not altogether frank in stating that the Kidsdale judgment was tho interpretation of ten eminent lawyers when ouly vell had agreed to it. The Chairman then read a letter from the Rev. G. be t tdm:t¿;. l?'iiit-lwslor (:ollpge thf?riMr ofa* that one of tt?ttt btwyeMbK. trayed in conversation that he had so litt;" st udied the question of vestments as to be ignorant of the nature of aji alb. No resolution wa. passed upon this correspondence. The Cliaimian laid on the table a letter from ttio Hon. Clujrles Wood, presi- dent of the utAiQn. in i-oply to the question ut the Archbisliop of Canterbury as to what they (the members of the JCnglish Church Union) wanted. This letter suggested a suries of resolutions. Mr. David Thomas pr»n>osed," That the clergy and lay communicant* of the Knglish Church should liave a real voice in tho election ot their bishops, instead of having bisliop* arbitrarily imposed on them by the Prime Miuistet. of the day." Mr. Turberville seconded the motion. Mr C. H. Giascodine supported it. Mr. tW. codine likewise expressed himself in its iuvour, but remarked that a great. dMI of ditlkulty would arise in carrying ,ut the resolution, ow ing to the r';e Jl\I: t::(íe;¡n¡' Iinot of Lords. He thought nothing could be more de- plorable thtlll the present mode of appointing bishops, alld lie hoped the time would soon coni(| when bishops would no longer have seats in the Honso of Lords. (Hear, hear.) The Chairman, in P"" i.g the proposition to ti?? meeting, "id 1161 .,di??lly aglwd with it. The pr8cnt mode of I(.tion was olemlj mockery, i nasmuch as a: Nonconformist, a Jew, or an Atheist might he Prime Minister. The .oti.n a. C,,ried, It. IJ. Cawker proposed: "That the bishops thus 'I; i? I g-,?trn th,-ir dioceffs constitution- ally, with t lie advice of their Di?".etitAvnud?,the necessity for the restoration of which Is 00 v lessened by the assembling of Diocesan Confer- ences of Clergy aud Laity, useful as those gather- ings are." Mr. C. H. (ii.wodi.e, in seconding the proposition, said he did so upon the I)rlncipfle of No Popery." We seemed, to a certa i n extentto liave returned to the autocratic system of frovemnient in the Church. Bishops should ie futlie? of the Chui-ch. but ,wI masters of it. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Richard Giascodine moved, That the Provin- cial >ynods of Canterbury and York be rdormro 1:)0 as to provide fora more adequate repiesentation of the parochial clergy, both beneficed and un, beneficed." Thi. \IIaD seconded by hir. J. ('. Bichard",>o, jun., who said that at least one dergv- man from each rural danen' alwuld b. ,g?ll boards. The resolution wils passed, Mr. C. 11.. (ilascodinp proposed, That the rightful position of tlio Convocations (thus reformed) fit regar(I to ecclesiastical legislation be recognised by Parlia- ment, in a<K3ordance with our Constitution in Church and State." This was seconded by Mr. Bcavun, supported by the Rev. Mk-. Williamson, vicar of Margam, and carried. The Chairman pro- posed, Mr. J. C. Richardson, jun., seconded, and it was carried, That Church Courts be appointed— for the diocese by the authority of the Diocesan Synod, for the province by the authority of the Provincial Synod, and as a Court (If Appeal for the whole Church of England by the joint authority of the two Provincial Synods." The Chairman also moved, That a further appeal be allowed ftwqitam tib abitso to llie Sovereign in a purely I l?it, court, bnt that Anrh appeal be allowed only in cases where tUr defendant in any suit :ftt\tiI:dt,lîl\:eh courts, and I)rl s t at, on this ground, the case mav he remitted to theil" or to the sacred j?vnod of the HMion.fcr rc-htMring." ?fr. i?vid Thomas wondod and it was carried. The meeting was then closed in the usual manner.

SATURDAY'S POLICK. NEWPORT.—(Before Mr. Uratrex. Mr. Conies, and Mr. Hall.)—Stealing at Mm-shJte/U.—Uaniel Long was charged with stealing a cheque, the property of John Jones, in April, 1830. Sentenced to six months' ilnprisonment.-Slt"li¡¡ Hoih.—William Evan., an old man. was chared with being in possession of liaiel rods, supposed to have been stolen from St. Julian's Wood lie was taken on ti?e Chepstow-road,carr y .nc the ro d s. This was ii': ;I. \:i'dnO':nld'td i I the value of the rods; in default, s month. ijWANSEA.—BOIIOIUH POLICE L'OUBT.—< Befoi-e Mr. M. B. Williams and Mr. J. G. Hall.)—The AI, leged tJane </ > Crimyiuu.—William Davies \54¡, la- bourer, 25, Greyhound-street, was charged with unlawfully harbouring three foreign sailors, knowing them to be deserters No evi- dence was offered in the case, and Nir. ?oodward. ?hu .?pMred for the pH.-onfr, a,k?d tlut he shou)d be discharged. The Magistrates consented Pi:l'lV SKSSIQNS.—I 'O- ???'?.—KtixKht'thM'i))iant.<wn'' .'h)r?-d wth astsiulting her hmbnml, William W illiams. Mr. Glaseodine appeared for the complainant, who is a haulier, and Mr. Woodward for the defendant. Th" vart live at The evidence of the complainant, ri.bust-looking man, was to The OtTe,t that Lb.?t 'h'e 'ears igb he ?-rid the defendant, who waa n widow with a grown-up son. Thoy had .?,t lived happilv tolirether ?4 Z i-tip son. 29 last she truok him on th« back. He was Imrd to remain in the house with her, and lie slept that night in Ihe stables. On Saturday last, the 19th instant,she swore at hint, and said she would kill him if lie came in the house. SI* caught up a knife, and ran ahcr him with it, saying, "Yon devil, I will run (his through you." She also threw a own@ at him, which struc t him on the leg. Since then he had not been in his house. The Magis- trates dismissed tho charge of ussault, and bound the wife over to keep the peace for three months. The &f..d..t .?,!n?,d to be old ,.d f?.bl? woman. AiMullittf/ a ?Vml board °.ltI'J.me8 Richards, picture dealer, was summoned forassault- Richards.Ba,Iesik children's attendance officer, em- ph)) ed by the Sw?neaa Higher nd Lower &hool B?rd. Mr. Hartland, the clerk to the board, prosecuted. Cemplalnant deposed that to defendant's house at Waunarllwyd, and I him whv he did not ond hi" ch')JrM to school. Defendant replied tit they ww ill. lie ordered complainant to leave his house, and all the latter was going out he kicked him. Tim Hendllinetl defendant 20s., or fourteen days' imprisonment. ?n?E'ft'.—(Before the Kev. C. H. Kn" I't nd Cor¡/:>=-(,ct,rk:i'l,.Jb' O.a,g,d Mary, the wife of Edward Howel). Marv ::drihi' w" her :i:'I'oI,ci Lewis, ? cxrpenMr. at) of Tynewydd. with tM?uh- ing him. Aftt'rhta.nn?Hthet'videnfe.the Hev C. Ki,bl din?iw-i the zW. The fi.&ilita ?f F.ientlly.Xviietiti-—'William Bohcrts. Co!ty. who proved' that lie only earned on an average 15. a week, was summnned by the guardians to altow whv he should not contribute towards the tenance ..I' his sou, all initiate of the lunatiy asylum. It was stated that tho boy, bofore lati was taken to the asylum. Was a member of a friendly aL?,i?ty, but they refused to recognise lunacy a" ill,wm in 't::fJ¡\rt;fi:àNll1 to tll::¡: members. l'i?, c e Winst. H".bert W" dis missed, and Mr. Jenkins was rcconimonded to 'lleort4in whetbrr priwtAi4s could nQt be taken a?iu<t thf society. RI'?l' 'il' the /'M/t<v.—?Vmitm Jenkins w?it0fine3iCl for being drunk in Kolton- street, and At,!)r)- fAwar Thomas was fined f2 for rating Ae )MUc? in the ?prehension of Jt'nkin«.?Kfhit)MeK. 1 he ?Mt«/o/ < ««?.—U!tTid J,.n, l?yl,?, was charged with removing two ( lives from Pyle Ii"n, contrary to the orderof t'rhy <<jun?i!. k WM pay costs, S. i" Sloeep.fl1l¡.IIu Matlock, Maesteg, was lined 15.. fM not reporting* caw of slieep POftL>- POXTYPOQL-—(Before Colonelllyrdeand "Ir.C. J. Park(,s.)-Willi;&Ln Lewis, of Tula wain,collior, was charged with a breach of the special ruies of the Mines Regulation Act, 1372, at the Aberayciian brandl of the Ehbw Vaie Company's works, on the 16th inst. Mr. Ward, of Newport, represented the company. The evidence of Hepry Tucker went to prove, and it was admitted by the defendant, that on the dy in ques- tion he displaced a ahoet, which was subsequently found by witness in one of the headings. The Bench sfverelv admonished the defendant for his conduct, find inflict a a one of 40. or one month's imprisoninant—Charlotte Atkins and Hannah Hall, for cutting underwood on the property of Mr..). C. Hanburv, Wtt? fined 5?. each—Caleb Jones, of Pon'rhydyr?n, labourer, dmrged with smoking in a non-smoking carriage on the Great Western Ktn?ty between Newport and Pontvpool, on the 7th Ii:t' :r and coat)!—W!t)tcr?pt<M). of (.ritthttowa, wM A.?d 208. or H d?ys. for ?&sulting UMree M_" a milk seller, ?t üri!l\th!¡townh 110 the Ift inst. PONTYPRIDU.—?H? ?oM<? e<t ?? n.r P.1, Railway.?P.Qbert $Iliott, gu4rd of a oe& train on the above line, w,. charged ill, It-ling a quantity of beer from a barrel in a truck at Navi- ption, He was remanded until Wednesday. Ar% lmfoitarWilliam Jones, a trnlp, who haJ repre- wi,ted he ?w onA of the thusauds of Lanc.S.0 colliers on sti iko, was charged as a rogue and a vagabond, and was sentenced to fourteen days with hard labour. Altered liohbtru.—William Prichard, Pentre, was chiivnd with itQWina a coat I and raior from the Ivoufce when; he lodged, lie was remanded until Weduesday. CHICKHOWKLL— (Before Messrs. K. Haikes and H. X. Gwynne.)—Lieeming Ofencei.—Henry Kvans, collier, of Llanelly, plea'ded guilty to being on licensed premises, the Cambrian Inn, Llanelly, during illegal hours, to wit, Ot 11.1Q p.m. on the 19th uf February, and WM ftMd h. and costs.— Edwin Elbs, m?Mt). of Utnttty. w:H c?raed ?th the ?me offenft, and W)? J¡i.C8 John Walby, labourer, HMtUy. for a like offence, was fined Is. and costs.—George C.illett, landlord of the Haitwey Inn, DtnfOy, pk3.tPd ?'ii'y to hceping his licensed premi?t op,.? for the ?ate M beer (f?,rin the time th?t ?wli pte?;sM 4Tr :li;tdrite t; on It:t'nib f tl,o 19th of February, and was finod 20. and co#t/.—Ew* Robins, li.,Ilord of the Cambrian Irm, LUnelly, pleaded guilty to tlio same offenl", and was fined 20s, and eot".

KLINSKKD LOIBMOJIS, Kpseed lasatire æ:.ZJ\)4):Q,5b P., i. ?'d? CheioUtl«

CARDIFF. Tfin OnaioarowN TRAMwAy&-Mahy of our readers will bo interested to know tliat tlie con- tractors who lave undertaken to construct the proposed tram line between (imngetown an d I ';te t:'lit, ten:f,n8i the courw of a ftw days. The line whio)4 aa ;rO::n1s I;; ii:'ed:!ij to continued from Lower GrangetfJwn to Nnrth Kerry, will be commenced at the Splotlands end. Svooxs Dwm.— On Saturday the coroner held an inquest upon the body of ifro. Donovan, who was found dead in bod at her residence, 8andon- place, on the day prior, and a verdict of Death from natural causes was returned. LocAL Musical. EXAMINATION.—^We have to re- mind our readers that'this is the last day for oui- didatos to give in their names for the forthcoming local examinations in mus ic, to take place in JiaJitt: Jo \;lOù n:l:. I should send in their names at )n,e to the local examiner, Mr P. Alkins, Mus. Bac., Oxon, Feruiy House, ST. Jons's CBUBI H, CANTON —A special sermon was preached at this church oil Sunday evening, by the Rev. If. R. Phillips, chaplain of the Thisbe .\Ii..iùll Church, on behalf of the Canton Bible Woman's Society. The rov. gentleman's text was taken from 8t. Luku jiiv., A portion of the 23rd verse, upon whioli he founded a very appropriate discourse. The collections realised a substantial sum, w hich is to N devoted to t ho above society. Tlie service being a special one, Russel l 's "Kvening Servk* in A" was effectively 'widt?red by the choir, wlitt, with tho untiring r:oi:)ri,rfrw:Htïf. :1' tO t Mr. R M. Atkin?, deserve i be complimented upon the success attending their musical elrort. SANIYAKY RaI'O¡¡I'Fortiw weekending February 26,1881, the medical ofticer, I)r. Paine, reports the total births registered 62, Ioeing at the ral,' nt 38*9 j* r 1,000 of tho inha- bitants; deaths from all eauses, 23, or 14 3 pur 1,000; deaths tr. nil seven chief lymotie diseases, 1, or oer 1.000. M?n barometer. 30197 mean thermometer, rainfall, Sanitary condit i on ot the district satisfactory. ROYAI. ACADKMV LOCAI. KXAUINAITON AT N'HW. posy. -f?ttdt.v tor entering, Alurri. L t-w A-kertiie- merit. TBK RKDUCTION IN THK I'UIOK m GAS — J. 'A'?d- man,ol 26, WharUin-street, Cardiff, Gas Filter, &(.. i, tlt"8Iminoo to mt the r<tt|uir*m<*itU of ihe numy who will. con8f<j»e»t 0" Oie mlueUoii, now liruMe t4) afford t\ lighi, '1I1r¡or hi I)o"t"i' and C!'8111i11" to any illuminating agency now in jo-nn-al use. Fitting!to Suit tt:n ,md the cottsupVat greatly r«*du<vd p,i-. T,, the lilx)\c .aiitagfj an «rly u*U ii rt^nesu- d CAUDIKF TBATELLKKS should purchase IMniel Owen and Co.'» ABC Ti., I'?bi. lor Uaixh. Mow rt,Rij price OW &uny. These TimaTaMo) give, in the ,v, t)l,-st form, particulars of ("rei. disialii?, and arrivaU and deitti'lucos of aU train. lo and from Cardiff. 04n he understood l a glauc*. SPKi-lAL ANNOUNCKMWr 1 OH 'I'KV DA\S.—VVft hu\,@ }'tl1(.I..da MAnutacturer's «tock 01 Hoys', and Men's Clothing, at 47 pvr cel.t, Mow ooit-prioa. This 8t,k ill offued to ti.? p.bli, at ..a t-d- ingprkrs. An exceptional oo^rtuuity to intending :I(; :1 .ïJI :IPt il:: mending attention to thi. IInU'I",46ritíw.fhe Mauu- iaetnreu'Alliari'-e, 33, 8f. ^ry-stredt, CGr4i/f, nearly fKdll1 tlie Hoyal Hotel. Please remember for ten day,. only 3«82

NEWNMR THK X:W MEAHF. JAMKA <• IIKK — TLII.-I tine vs.;cll'èadlè,1 Newport Oil Kriday. and is loading for "w York. :Oho bad a prosperous voyage, IlIwin eoiH])let«d i\ out and home in five W..c ineluding ti "tinie taken up in discharging 2,000 tons of I{nel"¡ isugo at Plymouth. I HOAHD HI- (iUARI)JANS.-On Saturday Mr. E Thuma? -Cl,pied tho chair and Mr. M. M. Coiie the vicei'.haii'. ?iumbt". of p"UIWN in the work lOue.1 287; corresponding week laat year, 281. Receiving out-door relief, 1,208 adults and 813 children, at a font of £ 184 10s. 4d. Number of cliildren in Caer- leoll Sehoul, 152; corr«pondlng week, 173. The Local Government Board had pllirl to the credit of the union ?18 in respect of registration. An order was "d, to Bell" lot of vegetables on Ihe farm tield for £ 4 to clear the woun d for ??i-op, (I ,e ntI:a.f:n':I;P:i bills, which were ordered to be paid. CHUIVIVUCKC H &'KOOL Ikuan.—This board met on Friday evening, Mr. Fulford in tho chair. It was arranged to pay the caretaker oi tlie Maindee B"hool8 13,. & week. The priees cominittoe recom- mended that pri7a>s to the value of £25 for the last school ye.iv be given, and tliat in future years prizes should be bused on a standard of attendance, vary" ing from 10s. to 2s. 6d. The report was adop- ted. Frank Wilts, who has recently completed his apprenticeship as a pupil tea"her at the Maindee School, w;w appointed on 388i.t"nt mastn at the same .-h-1, at salary f C40 a year. 'fh? riii- ;eid atI'')bd¡ at h':á had been completed according to contract, ( large, to .*C" .ferrc-d to the finance committee. A precept on the overseers for L500 was ordered, returnable on the 25tli of March. CATHOLIC Stmo"s?. On IFrida' "?g a pleasing enterldinm.ot waR given at the Ollild'¡ hall, tiranville-street, to 600 children attending the Catholic Schoots in Newport, The Rev. fi. Butcher, of Cardiff, exhibited a number of views of Palestine and London hy mean. of a magic lantern. Several hymns were sung by the eliii- dren. There was also a performance by some members of the Temperance League, la the six school s carried on by the Catholics about 11000 cliildren are taught, and recently tliev have passed i successlul examination by one of the (iovern- ljient i.spe?tor,- lf1:e'NO of the Newport Conservative A-i.ti.,? ,ill be 1,?ld at the Albert Hall on Monday I the 28tli instant. The Chair will be tnkeii bvtlie Bight Honourable Lortt Tredegar, at 7.30 p.m. sharp. 11, Tliomas i'ordes au.) other Gentlemen will Addres, the 11e<:ting. Member, of the Aiaociation and all COII- servative Friends are Invited to be present. Special ac- mmlRU\1fttloll ("r Ladies in the Orchestra and Baleony. A <1. Stevens ..?d J. Gjbll., H,).. Be, Jamel 1)., l?, { ?r'r.-?' .?" ?Mr)23? 1881. 39237 NEWPORT TBAVKIXKHS should pur??hass Daniel A It C Ti.. I%bl?. (., March. N.- ready; prii-e One Penny. TliuwTime T,?bl? give, In th« simplest fllrm, pdI'Ucularlu( tares, dlltannet. nnd airivalsanddejiarhiresofall traini toalld from Newport. Can he ondertiao.) at a glane- I.OVAI. ACADFSIV LOCAL EXAMINATIOS AT NFW- pou r.-Lut day t", entering, March 1. Hee advertise- niewl.

BLAKXAVOX. Lot A! ROAKD.—The urdinary mtln!t 01 tins board Y.. held on Kriday, Mr. K. P. Martin in tlie chair. The medical officer reported that thirteen deaths were registered in the district during the month of January, 1881, which wa« at tha rate of 14'3 per 1,000 per annum of the estimated popula. t;on. The Survevor #Atod that an arrangement had been made with Mr. Bradford, engineer to the London and North Western Railway Company, b>'1 which the road rtfai"d to in his December rep"rt would be made good. A circular re the coming census was read, and the 'urvcior wa" instiaictt:g to g(?t an estimate of the cost 6f numbering the ho?? and streets. I hOo;;et:;LRM'IO'" MB 1681.—Th? follow- ing are tlie retiring gentlemen who offer themselves for re-election Messrs. E. P. Martin, E. L. Harries, A. Morgan, T. Hemming, W. Ree, J. M, Jones, and w. B. Lawrence. Mv. 11. C. Steel hasbeon apywintsd returning officer, and the board have decided that the remuneration to the persons engaged in serving the papers and conducting the election should be the same a a last. RUYAI. ACADKMV LOCAL EXAMINATION AT NEW- PORT.—Last day for entering, March 1. See advertise- ment.

T AGRICULTURAL A?IATIO.Lait Fi,idy eVII- ing a general meeting of the M dd',I?yn, lied- f¡ke;:d:t; of (,'l;¡;ddí;t'I/i Assoclat ion w. hold at th, Greyhound ?hcn the p,eident, Mr. W. W?tf?,ofH)yn?<wen. took the ('hir, and Mr. J. Morgan, of Tvmawr, the vice-chair. Mr. Kees, secretary, read ?to minutei of the h<t meeting, which were dulv confirmed. A resolution was passed, tlianking Lord Tredegar Colonel Morgan, M P., and other patrons for their continued support to the funds of the association. A letter from Mr. J. Allan Rolls, M P. for Mon- mouthshire, was read, promising a subscription of 92 annually towards tAw fun d a, which was ap- PLIude?t. I'he list of prize" was then ti f)ugh "nd approvNI. There are five ci"sei fn ploughing, tlio llrst being open to all comers, with prises ,f 94 and X2. Four c l asses f ploughing re strietiy limited the above pari, "? prizes in the w)?f) p)ou(;h <')aM "eini £ 2 and £ l,.and the .vime in the ""ing I)IouA cl? In the waggoners' du»a tliore are prizes from t he wi i g ?,' and in the youths' eiso two priees of 7 ad. I) £ 1 and 10s. TheN are two ('Ia_" for hedgers 11» first being open to all comers, with two prizos of ?tl 5a. andI5s., and in the di.tit <;)!? three prizes, viz., £ 1, 16s., and 10.. The hsdging will take place on the lielligroes Farm, and (lie all- comers in the champion ploughing on tho Old Oelly Kami, while the tt, r four will compete in the Bedwas Udlftf Farm. From the reports made tliore is every likelihood of a successful meeting Ion March 10- The ontmnct will be clo?d on the 7th proximo, when the next general meeting will I he held at the Tredegar Junction Hotel.

| CHEPSTOW. I -?., 11 flOABD OF tiCABDlANS.—Mr. «. & Peys presiueu at the weekly meeting of this board on Saturday, when there was a fair attendance of guardian* The uaster's report showed the mimlier of vagrantj admitted during the week to have been 28. and ihf number of paupers in the house to be lia. against 174 tlie p1"eviou:i w ctik, and 122 tlie cofTMBOttdi"? w<x'k of )ft y"i'r. Ihe matron N'ttendo ?efor- tltq board t': a complaint against the assistant-matron (Miao Talbot j, which was to the effect that she did not, m ahe ought to, look after the work of t 1M hou-" that Ptw ?et the whoot lrfs in do w.rk for ¡l;:h: le r-l, tW ?ho 1 perate.tly I P-de.t to the matron, and Alr similar cluur g ee. Tha V," 1),e. :JÎ1I:lm\:ili{j¡:a1WI thIn ROYAL AuPK?n IMXI. txAtUXATtOS AT NKW- pour.—Last day lor enUriujf. Mareli i. See Advertise- lIU>flt.

MONMOUTH. N,I,. OK (iVAU»u«is.—,Jbe USU?ll fortnigtiUy me&tiu,, of the board was lield on &turday, ",Iwu Mr. S. R, Bosanquet préid"d. Tha mawr re- ported the number of !nn?tp9 to be 199, 180 in the corresponding week M last year. VWt?t,srelio%,cd during the furt.n?htlPS. CbaquM were signed to llm amount of £ 288, and the b?itHCt in ttw b&n(? oi U)e treasure) %?w reported to be ?305 4s. 5?t. The c?rk laid on the 14W. tha o"u- niata of ti)e probable expenditure for the lialf-year fndtM March, and the (%Il -.a M:inM<ed 10 be £ 8.66" This wa all the business done in public, and the whole board went into committee. RoYAi. AI APKMY IXK AI BXAHINATION AT XKW- POKT — Last clay for entering, Hsrch 1. See advertise- ment,

I SW ANSI-a. VICS-CONIIUIATI!.—The Qun has b"n ple:w!d to Mptw* of the PP6?tm?.t of Mr. tMfrfy r4y or, vlce-eon8,:r: 0r 4w"m .?,i Liso-)Iy for the KepubUa of U- --Y <)WMTiLtov»sBi».—The 4eers of *be C.mbr6n L6dm. M U, ban SUit iMu?t \ M'y fuur<h ^^pn^i$bit £ iBGQlQt Tbe reoeipUi uf UIe sick and funeral fund show a balance in hand, January 1,1881, of CISO I Is. 4^ CQIIuibutrolll and propositions and initiations, £629 2s. IOd. sick returned, 129 fioo. fd. funeral claims, 1217; interest and rent, .£120 13s. Id., withdrawn from harbour bonds, £100; casit drawn from bank, 1180; lotin, LW; interest, 15s.2d.; sundries, £ 64a.6d.; total, 91.473 13s. Sid, Thu expenditure of tho samo fund is as follows:—Sick pay, £ 547 7s.; members' funeral claims, £165 i membors, wives ditto, £47 district funeral levy, £ 163 17s. lid.; deposited in the bank, £271 5s. 9d.; withdrawn from harbour trust, 4100; interest, 14s. Id.; balance in the hands of the treasurer Jan. 1, 1881, £ 178 8s. 8$d.; total, £ 1,47313s. 5'd. The receipts of the inci- dental fund were je368 8a. 6Ad, leaving a balance due to the treasurer of 1M 16s. 6Jd. Sixty pounds of the above is received by rent and interest. Tho expenditure of the fund i-lud" a,, -01. ?K2 0?. 3d i t%,It)r% sl("k ;liti, ,i b?c-hwe committo?. & 918 1& )<VtM to dL,- trict Manchester fun(L M Is. 7td; deles-t. printing, gas, M. £20 14s. 10d. neat of Bird-iu- lland, £26; subscriptions to Uctpittl and Deaf snd numb Institutions, t3 3. district gtfta, A In..i sundries, £4 3b. 8d. Hie receipt* of the widow and relative branch were ø 8a. Ild.. tho balance in the turn da of the treasurer being ill ii. 5d. The total vslue of th" widows, 4c., branch is shown to be l213 12s. 10.1. Thq value of the lodge ia given thus — Household inveUad in hurbour bonds, £ 1.500; Oil mortgage, £ 700; luh In bank, L165 GM. 7d.; ditto in treasurer's hands, A141 13s. 2<1; sundries, £122 10s. 8d.; total, £ 4,646 4a. Sd. The number IIf member* 011 the boou January 1, 1881, was 643, w ith an average age of 3T years, 9 months, 1 week, And 1 day, the value being & 4 7Jd. per member PHOTOOKAPUY. Herr Jean (ioldman, photo- g,,p),?r, -t, 1-?. just k?ow,_pbd (at fll,¡:'o1 :uf: tff: .?,lrt) series -f ie?s of the iw of tb.4?. Castle. Two of the views are of parts of the towers of the caatle which cannot be seen from the public thoroughfares, and have seldom, if ever, been photograplied before, and were taken trou the top rooms of an adjoining house. Mr. Gold- man has also produced t %,o or three views of the cittago at Kidwellv, where tho recent murder was committed. Thry utt, all good pecimeas,) photography, and reflect considerable credit upon the artist. A HKAMAN RIKOWNKD—Mr. Uaskoia, deputy coroner, held n inquest t the G6.. g an HotM on Kriday on the liody of William Hunt, t?ed 23, a native ?N ?rt N on. wa? a ti reman ?,h, stt'am.<hip Sidnoy HaiL and in going on board his vessel, bet ween one and two o' l>Ck tht morning, lm fell into the North Dock, ad w?. dr' O;:1:10i:IJ' rescued. A verdict of 1, Accidentally drowned" was returned. ROYAL ACADKMY I.OCAI. EXAMINATION AT w. 1'J(l'La.t dsy lor entering, March 1. gee 1Id.I. mcnt. FKKSH CRANRts mil Newer Styl"sare making Mr. Chapman's 8tn..lio a centre ot attraction thi, bright spring weather. ('AtkMOR?t k (i HOUNDS, SWANAMA .-The cinder path of the shove ttrounds is now open tor tnining, '1" Ac. Te'-ms un application. lzd CAI?U R@TAI: RAN Th, 80, 9, Cutl.t. Bwsnsea. Grill room for c-lwp. anu st?kt hv«B ?u Uil"* aa;S' SMAI'VA r.'Vr?.LV.M should purchaM Dani.¡ 0 I- and Co:. 4 B C Time Nbi. for 14.,h. N". n-ady; prtee One reiaiv. These Time Tables give, tn the aimple6t form, parÜclllars of lares, <1istAocø, and arrivals and departures ol all traiustoaiidfrotnywaaifk. Can he understood at a glanee. To OOMMKBCIAL TRAVKI I KRS.—Accommodation at the Tiiree Horse Shoes, Fislier-street. Well air'd Beds. Charles Olark, Prùprie(dr. OhoPJ, iteaks. ati t C?cim'?di?f!). <8.1!

IIIU W FNI). BOARD OK LICAKDIANB — An ordinary maeUng of th;:rJ;I!t.I:"iI-;i:idi:r¡ t'owbridga Cnion was held on Hturday. when Mr J. P?rrow presided. The Clerk read a l"tter which he hd prepared fortransmissionto the l?-al (;overnnient E-1" inquiring w hether the treasurer could be reeàn;ihIJe;'î: = f 410 a year. The c1"rk. in order that the "I Government Board should not suppose tliat he waa ignorant of the law, had added a Fentence to the effœt that he had given an answer in the negative. Mr. Ferrier proposed and Mr. Price awaded %bat Ole letter be forwarded to the L''al Government Board. The Chairman stated that the law was very clear upon the uoints referred to in the letter, an( e did not think tlw proposition wu a fair one to go before the guardians. Tlw CJerk smt? d that he wanted a re*,Iuti-a p-,wd before ho sent the letter. Mi-. Ftrrier's motion was adopted.

MAESTEO. BOARD OF HBALTH.—-An ordinary moeting was held on Friday evening, Mr. 1). (irey chairman. A letter was reati from Mr. fitockvrood,which defined the power of tlie board with reference to regula- ting the sale of Inflammable oils. It stated that persons keeping petroleum which would not give off inflammable matter when tested in the pre- scribed manner, at less temperature tlian 73 degrees, did not require a licence from the local authoritics for keeping it. The lease of the land of the reservoir was laid on the table, and rvferred to the water committee to affix the seal of the board, SLC. The bill of costs for preparing the same was ill 11.. A special committee was for ed t, r, a memorial from tho board in ? N. ill for rwa1ro the Rhondda Valley to Swa&4e?i, to be f.rwude(l to Mr. Vivian, M.P., for presentation. It was also agreed to support the Dalton-in-Purncss local board, by memorialising the Board of Trade not to alter the existing law relat i ng to the assessment of ti. A committoe was formed to rearrange the rate. of the upper dj8trkt, which were tated to be too low u compared with the lower one. RoYAl. ACADFMY LOCAL KXAMINATIO* AT NFW P<T.-ult day for entering, March 1. See advents miJt.

BRECON. BOARD OF OI-ABDIASS.—Ihe usual fortnightly mooting of this board was hrlrl on Saturday. The Kev. Garnons Williams occupied the chair. The visiting guardians reported the house to be In a highly satisfactory condition. The master's journal showed a decrease on the corresponding period of 25. The question of the erection of a new store- house was discussed, and Mr. WillUma, builder, was thanked for liis kind offer to prepare a plan fratis. Dr. %illiams submitted an ac?vust for fe.l. 6d. for exti? attatju" upon an out-"r pauper named Price, on whime penon ag M4 bom (rraJd;Jli.('e,ÎI:u"= that the account be paid, but lin amendment by Mr. Jones, Talybont, that half of the accouat only be paid, was agreed to.

CARMARTHEN. BOAHD OF GCABDIANS —The usual fortnithMy .-ti.g held n Haturday, Mr. J. L 'Philip pr*aiding. There were eight 'LP li-nts for ,I:: industrial tniner's gituat, .x aftw a ..ÙMr wann discussion. Miss E. A. ijunihill, daughter of the porter at the Carmarthen Workhouse, was elected. Mr. Morgan Lloyd, medical oftotr for the Conwil district, submitted his annual report. BOTAL ACADEMY Lon I. KXAMIMATION AT Nvw. PORT.—Last day for entering, Mareb 1. ftee .J.tI. meht.

MEBTIlVIt. Hpomt* HEATH —On Friday evening a well. known stall-keeper in the .4,kot..Mw N.y Davies, died in her house at 92, BKeon-road. D.- ceased wm in the ad of making a bed, he. he oomplained of pain In the 1!Md. ""d fell down d. Fr many y-mm past Mrs. Davies hu W a meat stall in t h.k,t, and by the diaracteristio 1-d-d.- of the national type—tlie ugo,-Iqf like hat-wA. very generally known, and .dd?. domise caused quite "se.&%tOtx in the town. An inquest will be field. ROYAI. ACADEMY LOCAI. EXAMHATIOK AT Ntw. p<mT -lest do for o"I"ln" Morell I. ad..rtl. flumL. Ji»iso ROOMS.~Ordiiv»ry D*ilytIt.6d..PuMlc^tfu Beds -il-'III' Vut* nDII. oitp05iU Gr,t W_n""k""

MOUNTAIN ASH, THE DIVISION OI TUN DUTKIO INTO WABBS.— It has transpired that an order has been received sanctioning the division of the local board district into threo ward the district to form two wayd. and the addition oce. It will be remembered i hat at the inquiry r?pectin? the MttMion of the district it was arranged that the pro rhoda"t&Q- :'W\ d¡:( a tjh:.i 'vo the right to elect thn>ù member.. Thi. W been -afirmwl but 1 hat number will not be elected the same year, it will cover three years, viz., one each year until the three have been eiocted.

KHOXDDA VALLEY. tuiLD miiST. Mriy on nunaay morn ing Richard Oliver, threo years of age, the son of job. Oliver, Uuolfach, was severely burnt, It appftr4 that the unfortunate child, with his sister, was in the act of lighting a lamp (which eoatained benzoline oil) when the oil ignited, and the child wi» noon enveloped in flames. His recovery is doubtful. GAS ? M'sM "—On Thu'f?y .vNlin" Nobo Baptist Chapel, Vstrad, the R?T. MiottA T. Joam KC.8.. Rhymnev, delivered a r;:tJi: above sub j ect to a large an d ap p rWiauve Audio-Pa. Mr. to a lai-ge anli *ps FIIt House, Prtsi4kd. unt:: !ll'r. p:'T' Mr.,

In support of th* sUfp8ted ttit?pMe reform in the charge for telegrams, it is stated that the ;8\ C}a;'fr:f: tlI p., -.Pd in force in Germany for many ye?. Th?f?cuhu?!' depression of tbepi?t fawyMM h. at lpn(h compdleti the tritM Mi?rie?m Society to ?i"'ULiu? iM grants to the pOM of eh; it.f..d."NuVri,, :dfrom is? and the income this year i- ml—Land. Tho caso )f ti", female lIMn" to dm<? shops has at length engaged the sarious attention of a niimlHf of members of Parliament, and a Bill in their behalf will shortly lie introduced int.) Parliament by Mr. Walter i*. Aubyn, Mr M'tntjre, and Baron Henry de WorlM. At the Hammersmith police-court on 8etqrday. ChtrtM Wiih?n?. aM<t 32, d?-.?ribing him<tK u t?ttM?Mr. of 17. ?mrt-ttn-et, ?btphMdM?')?tt. St. Luke's, wM brought up in cody () Ik, l'aget, ?h.,g?d with breaking ..d etetirg the I ?illing-hrasi?, 119, Cromwell-road, in the puleb of Kensington, and ?t?ting the j?roperty of N'L?? count Harberton, a gold watch ana chain, a mnwo brooch, and two ,_lM&1.ic.b. value EW; &6j with faloniously shooting at RobPrt Howmyi. poBce- ccn?ttMf? Md further, with shooting st awl w.-ding Jh? Peighton. 1".I?eewr reel, with three other oftirll, rubbed into the pr'" room in Sturt-xtK?t, i)1harw&lk. on Thurs- day, and liandctiffed him before he could move off his chair. When told the charge, the pawner re- marked, I think you liavil made a mLsUke," H« w,, taken to King's Crote-road pohcs^statlon, where ho was reoyawed by various witnesses. The prisoner, in reply to the magistrate, said that he was in Leeds at the time of the robuary. The p.i,? then remanded for a week. ?''itx ghzier who was ct?ted out of ins pay ,O.pik?'d that got ") hie troa* fof Z ??oleou?R—CemMt for Broken .rt- U, It. ? p?*<< M. ?K *v«ry*h«r%. ?y <Mt..