D ANI:FI,OWFN,HONIrELL,&CO. BOOKBINDERS AN1> ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, WESTERN MAIL" BUILDLWS, ST. MA8V-STRKE T, CARDIFF. l'al\:J; List on Application, Estimates given for B¡1Id¡n Gentlemen's Libraries. Aecount Book", and 0\11 classes or lWukbiu\1.iuu. SPECIAL PlilCES FOR THE TRADB. ft I 37491

< f GOLD MSDA1*, IfW AW AID j PARIS. FRYS FRY'S CARACAS COCOA. | "A most delicious and valuable *r« moat :'7'I=.luab1ë I r? PURE COCOA ONLY. 0 I COCOA. EXTRACT. COCOA? FRY'S C0C0A EXTRACT- \JV/ Ov/iV "Strictly pure."—W. W. STOPDaST, F,l C., A-4,1?? &ru!?. THIRTEEN EXHIBITION MEDALS.


Im ASTERS ANO COMPANY THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 29 and 30, arr. mary-street, THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS, 18 AND 19, CASTLE-STREET. DEPARTMENT A.-Bespoke cr Ordered Goods. In this Department we have an im* mense stocI; of Scotch, Irish,and Yorkshire Tweeds and West of E,,gl.?d Cloth. T,d- to Irom 10,. 6d. t- ?. 6d.; Suits from 42,. M 7a.6d.;a pentvt fit g?i?tt?ed T?EPAMTJEKT B.—S?'?- J,,k?t?.4 t;hl"" Dungaree J?,k.t.. 1h-'uAen, and .Jumpers, Duck Gooda. Mole and Cord Goods, and every requisite. DEPARTMENT C.-Hat. *"d Ctt? of e' ery descrip- tion, Waterproof Clothing, HuJVt, iD Portmanteaux, H.t C-. (?,r- not Bags, and Oi!?ki.C.t.. DEPA.nTYEKT D.-Keady-madf Clothing,Overcoats ¡N'O 9.. lid. 10 5. 6<1. SlUts t from 17*. fid. to 793. 6d.; Cloth mu, from 2?'lld.t. 23..&1; ?p!?Sy *nd H;?'<'r ?..ter Jm,CozWjal1d Vststomat.<h and -croat \aritty 01 material'. DEPARTMENT Shir:?. 'Pxnta, b<M('. Umbrellas, Ti'?. MufHeM. Jcr- pevs, Fronts, Gloves, Hose, and M?t-hm.?. 'WrMs.CM?n Ij Wk"t.7 Bm'«. Handkerchiefs, CoUa r s. Woo 1 Vest s. special litif in I I,I;.im!l% ¡ DEP .um.!EXT l"3'I,;t Boys' Suits amiOM-rco?.Y?t"?* Overcoats, Bovs' nd Youth,' J:1C. ta, Heelers, Ve,ts. Trousers, ant! Knickers. MASTERS AND COMPANY. Term. Cash; One Price.—All Goods Marked in Plain figures. 38139

hippinq potters. i < HON DXi; LNm:'? si? Tt.R '-THAMEnS.-On.' nf c: t1J1' rOIOW1T1 or oUu'r lirst-class full. I■■•iwre.J STEAMSHIPS "ill t d"' !¡nm LIVERPOOL to 1\\V VOKK every tiiri nDAi AT (M-var I ABVS"1NIA Douglaa AH.'ON\ V.- .r, M,\ IDA JoWi 't)\1:\1 I Kit VSKA Heverle.v ■,v -1 i > <! 1,11. 1 Mack r. OIL! N-iuW N i ■ i. "owing day to etn- "swV-l 'h!'ouh to S:U1Frnl1i!coanùall 'ir*1 a* at low »mUm.. t:;I' t,;t,r'lõi'¡;II'I"I. OaMn 10 to 21 sumeas.iuvoM- itig to accomnio<i ttion Inh"'nll"diat. 8(,uilU'a.. Pas<az«' f*» New Vork. B"at-»n, fvnd P|iila* :i': 6IS; \:I t ;I!:ril\ r: :r0.;iSi: -<?'t?.t ir>d T>y tVntm'iy s st^wurds. Pas.* ser.gfrsforw.*jJedt° Portland, or K*«tinior*« at ?.??mtT'< rarry Surgeon and Stewardesses Ad l nrevidetl Wllh smoko-noir > and 1adl' lounpie- roonis ,leek. and t«'t. rooms below :«.» piuinv aie ve.\>inmefiUo d to obtavn tmir i»caet8 !T;f;[tIIi:i:i £ ), \Vater-str**et, Liverpool; and &, VNu ,u\ P^'1 Mall, London, or James v«> r Co.. Vi:- en?t»)wn and lor Passat'- only to Owi O, y.oigan-str«et, Pontypridd William H. ixvit*. 11 ;i!"l K-. trreat iKxj U -strv^t, Newport John, fs};){i.:IlJ::t'f;E£ifibt ?,'<.hTt?.t'.<r.?nt<'rf.Br?:!enn:t:.F.Po?n. o t f->• Hn»- «'V. Mattht v.s. and Co., f, ,)fl.; 'f:, .(;r:. \1: FI:SI" \'¿11 I'" Ii," 'ath: John Chr: Pwliht'i and Llvyn L s 'v- f HuPvj'Krvy 3, Hig^-street, l'oTtnud>K' t?:t.r' 'rtt?.'B?? B'?t'* 3H;:I'.1"a:Tt1(:1}; joTH'«, 10. J?'t'<trf!.K*nKor.a?.?Y.J.Winiinn-. f!«'TfMy Q,-Y. Vnlou, 7, Mtrkft-?'wt.C?r- 1\8r\(,n. llX)84 "|3raST°L TO NEW YOHK, IIE,IT W URT STEAMSHIP r;i:<T ci.a<> stk.vmeus. experienced cav. I^n>, I;xcellem* ALCOM.«oi»ATION, LUW .FAKES. iTr.AMrT?S intended to SAIL a9 T""« iYom C.-n?a 2.000 March & \v.n?'th Do<?.  r J <  <  ?2 Av..>mu;rath Oook. Uev w,A>U Mar h'3 \vonmout)t i)<H'k. .l? l? k: s^i>r-yt 2.> 0 T,, F,,IL »w 1),k ç¡i>tm lf:¡:l¡¡¡ t¡: i,1 i-^iev-SjiivK'ii, 12 guineas; &>turn Tiokets, 20'.i* Storage# guineas, from any Railway *Station j V i.Mla: including ms*» of Mattresses, or with all B¿oli,-b:I¡:. CviX'kery, awl Cutlery 'f'(widd. 1*6 13s. 6< ArT,lv Nfark %Vhit?-vi, I and Son, (rove. Bristol: or to Har<»-at>d Brown, Pritn Cl,?b-. 173. Commet riai-s're* >«»wj»ort, Mon.; Joseph Morgan, Postmaster- rln!n"II: M.Jont^and Brvtther. hipt\rf'kfO. Swan- 50a: X l"l,tw', C4, 5Jk Tgan-twt. lY^vlt gar John it. Tav'^r. P<>it-t>'<v. pontvmi<t»r JoLu .J ChaJinùt'f, Cf'iNr*-vi ur-l.Une'.lv; David Tltomu^. Glenview Cot- :a;!o, p.i'.Tv. r^titypriild. 97872 ?? & W ? KI'? AHDS ?'?.. S ? f.t?DtPF and NEW ??-?.?? VOKK STEAUStHPHXE. S1pamt.'t" of th: Lint* t1"tl to sail as •> WP1.ttJcr. :"1.1 circimstanoes per. TO NtW YORK fliou CARDIFF. RFFOLA. 2.300 tons 6ATI KDAY. Fc-b. Ffinr n !• DA. 3.000ton* SATC*R!>AV, Mar. 14.h RHKIMNA, 2.100 tons SaTUKDaY..Mar. 26tto r "om NEW YORK TO CARDIFF. RTTIWINOUA, 3.000 tons SATl'HDAY, Feb.23th >:Hi i Bina. 2,500 tons SaTI RPAY. 11?r. 6:n Mt:Ut.A. 2,4W I. 8ATnWAY. dar. 26\11 CLIFTON o.ivotorts ;;J.nuv.\y. Fc. 2Cth Through bills nf Ladin;rorlI classes or GOODS and TAiiCliLS tu aud irora Birmingham,Gloucester, Bristol, 1'rM p w-U'T, Hert'icrd. Wolverhampton, Manchester, J'raatord. London, Stafford, Abergavenny, Swan3a. Newport, Merthyr, &c.. !("" and places in "the Western States and Cana-iit, including Chicago, J:irot;ro: I v:oikc. sr. Pmi's, Tolevlo, Buffabs Detroit,Toronto, Thi)ad-lrliii. Pdq. Haltimnrp. (' !C', in conjunc- :14. wi:3% th Ilnnc.pal lbilway Companies on both ch^at e«t rout»» for Il e!a!9' "f 00009 to and fr"m th. )hllau.t UItrict. l»ock L'ues, Jjanding and Warehousing Charges, &:e, •re T:1\¡¡ !<>wcr in Cardiff thau ariv ol till" other Train- •ttanricPortJ. For Freight Cimrzcp and otber part it-ulare. applv t-i 1% Y. ('-I i ft 811'\ "'I'rt 'f K.SK! f: ARD. a«d C"" Bristll: <•" t; F. HI' tLEY, ?:?'uth'.Mw't.!<fW?rtf. BbNALI) CH:!UHS CASTLHUXE I V ROYAL mail pxckfts t" IOL Tft AFRICA. 2, ATAL, LONDON. DARTMOVTH, and MADEIRA. Biiirteft "d Che^pfst Rou?< For partkula. fn-ight, n:d fxma^. apply A. F.Al 1', Temr:t.uct: Hotel. 1? Er. M?y ?r.?. b?n?a 38906 ^plAUDI FF, SWA?SE\.  Vy BEL?ST. ?REEXOCK. A?D _.L GLA\ The Scrrw St^am Ships AVON, SOLWAY (Building), SEVERN", AND PRfNCESS ALEXANDRA Are intc :vU*d to Sail with Goods allll Pas*; risers at f..dvws iwTdifi > IV Beiiastw Cardiff. Glasgow to Cardiff* H*id Glasgow.  Fch via Belfast. F"J E-M Feb.] 1 Monday 8 pm S Saturday 2 pm 4.Friday 2 pm 11 Monday 6 pm j. Saturday 1 pmll Friday 2 PUl 21 1{jHd.ay 8 pn. k Saturday 2 pin 13 Friday 2 pm 28 Monday b 1-11126 Saturday 1 pm 25 Friday 2 pm :nSt'a to tkÜt BeUJ.St t') S,aD- Glasgw-tOMwan:.  and Glasgow.. «ta. sea, Belfast. T' h.J Feb.I ;F«h.] 5 Snturday B pm 1 Tu,.i.y 1 pm 7 Monday. 2pm :?!i.tturUay3)'m8TuMJ?-2t.mHMond?.?pm 19 Saturday 7 pm 15 Tuesday 1 pm 21 Monday. i-pm 26 .?turthv 2 pm 22 TuMdty 2 pPn'i 28 Mdn'hy. 2pm :l;¡:¿i Gt*p»k»c' or Glasgow: Cabin, 2, Hteerage, 12s. &l. ). 11i»*r^ ov ;r'. 10s. Returns at tare and a &I w o to Win. Slúanluhl Co.; Greenock, h 'd "c Belfast R. Henderson and Son Whitwill and Son; Swansea, M.JONES Wt If t, ¿HS; \port. R. Burton anI.! son; Carditt. } CO .JV. B^teDorks. WJ63 |\ fit K C T S T EA M ?? 3?? JL? (OMMrX!CATtOX ii A L E S It ETIVFEN WALES i.r,p.rooL and south h ales. T' e lir Kt.l\ GEN'EIUL STEAM SHIPriN'G CÛ}J.P. Y steamers are a^pointei to SAIL as under (wither |. Dl'BLI.N t.) CAHUJFF ,very SATURDAY LnERCOuL to ( AKDIH every MONDAY. CAKDitT to vtBLIS ove-y WEDNESDAY. Fr Rat.. and furth.. PaO i?ut- Pi?ly at tile O!!ic. ? X' ?".??"/ s!fLXCE?' t)OCK. bL'BHt. P. N'SCFTH:, 20. Brunswiek-street. Liverpool; t( K TAYLOR and CO., K239 69. EUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. /"CARDIFF AND liltlSTOL. "VE OR LADY MAFY. FEBRumiy.lrl. r?'"H"U?.?. Cardiff. 2 W<h"d.y 6 0 a!r j 4 F"id 7 1)., 1 TiMrsday 6 30 aftr l 6a8aturday 7BfJ 7a3londav 3 30 morn 8nTuesday 10 Oroorn Wll1tšdav ..11 30ujorn ¡OaThursûav 1 0 after 11aFriday.. 2 0 fter n.J; J 8 ::t:; I 14 Monday 4 15 after I If Tuesday 4 30 after 16 Wednesday 5 0 a1tu 17 Thursdav 5 30 ät!r 39' ?:: 63U wotn 2!aMonday 7 30 morn ?2a Tu,.Ii 8 0 manl 23a w ffln"d, 9 0 morn :'hurday .10 15 m^rti 2J«Fri<lay 12 15 after ?€rtSaturday. 1 30 after ?S Mondav' 3:JO aftr From Batimrst Basin, Bnsiol. laTuesday F 4,? morn 2aWeduesday 9 lomorti I jd.I l: 4 Friday 10 4b tuorn 5 :11 ?b mf)rn 7 Mon y 12 30 after 8 Tuesday 2 0 ft?r SW?m?hv.a? after 10 Thursday 5 0 after 11 Friday 5 45 alter i'?M?d'.y 7 30 mwt :r lbaWednesday.. 8 30 mom 1'7aTl? d.,??. '9 .8 tli(UY 9 30 morn 21 Monday 11 15 morn 19 ftt?ia%- 10 Omorn 22 Tuesday .11 'morn 23 Wednesday 1 0 after 24 Thursday 2 45 after 21 FiL? ? 4 80 after ?b ?'4tUr4&5aO Afti:r (I To-and Fro. FAK?.-Afttr C-A:n. 25. 6d. ?'M Cabin, h. 64. 7o-nnd-Fro Tilk-?tI, ?,:?dZ f, same duy a marked ^After Cabin, œ. d.; Fore 2, 1',? ,d.FT.. Tickets .illl.. tsaued on Saturday, araJlable for '1 • r* t, fHp r»'i f0nl'1Av ^bijps, &t„ for ^alr. -v. ??-?a? ?'??'?- the BIUG 6.  C. M1CHKLS," hard wood, metal t<«5te:)e<J, with hrr span aDd standing ?????'"Kt;jt??'?? t<??-. ?, now lying by the Hospit alSlup, Old C»nal.- K«r further f«tr- • ukirs,  t>v W. ?' '?' Cantotu ,niiff.ruMtt^ro. PV, I OYKS! O YlvS! O YKS!I.ost. ?_/anywl.<.r):'M'wMnth?Ci'?ti???""nr?''? L i, 11l.1.tlOII, Consti|»t\on, L-mitude, Headache, ;ur or live fevers, itumer\»us BI!WU; Aftl'Ítiou, and Feverish C5»»ld» without cod. "y the skiilul wd direet M l i'in- y of Lam p Jou^h's Kffer\eac;»g Pyretic :I'Y YI'r:,): ();t:r::f be \f;I; ?"?'<.j b taking LA)lIÃ)GU'S YR}1'tC SALINE. Mav !/•"• obtained 't any Ct.einlft. or or the j: Jii3.n':]f;t 1\.e.;ll¿ÿj:' )Ie ::U¡2,) TlAiJ ifl.uoD. TOU NSl-ND AJiS A J" A Ji I i. 1j Y. fl?' -!I kind, of Biood 3.J !:¡n ?.?..? )')tt.)?M. Lleers, A". T:? (.est Spring "nd Autumn MetU^ine. S.)ld by ail Vru",Ih. L'I JIM.N.- (iprr THK Itkli JIMIHUWK.<PCCK, WITH -N" l)«x-TiiVs hk\D!v TU}: ('YSTU1ô () ol.h:ri'ioI"mdH,. in hnttl«9. 6d., 4s. 6d., and j. D*An, Ste«l a). t F!?'?' K. C 39033 -.t.M.. '1'- 'III; <;i;i;at uloou ruiaFikK.— 1. )t'? Bmu?'h. PtLLS purify ti?? t ."Mi.Mo.a, rdij' q'r\' Di^vasn of litoioaeh, .it?,?,vs. ?r" Hi-d t;?'M HM)th. Ihou- •01-1^ oured bv t-hi^o wonderful PIIl. wh I'.jiiid n^t be l?y an> other mtdi lne.- '1.1 I Icy \H dv'muu. In tlQ, at "l. ?taud?M. If" 1,\ r..¡¡ to aiiv addrera. 200:) .) 1; 1" I'AllI in SQU.ARL,. i.? ';?dint?*- PRINCE OF WALES'S LAt'NDHY. Q,; Csed in the p:;C!!F" of Lf»l N'Bl' JiGH'S I AUNDRT. i> KL <irr>> PARIS HLI K in AREri. V »o> d by the PttcT because it is Cheap. ,1 I,, the Ttich be« ause of ih B-,?u, 11\ M.< .viirs PARIS LLl KinSQCAKh*. Bvware«»t U. i Imitators. N-e HKlKiTTS NAMti 171- ._n 011 ever\ "r.& i^UL Wi.Li.LV MAIL, iJ £ 5T ADYi'ETISIN'U MEDIC ;§>alfs bp auction. two. ||(,«;<< s'.iyyesi 10 ^uiwiton, ÂW;tH"í. -i91It:i And others, t't '1Yat advantage rfot/ v.ouul 1 rir?/rwafwanUHgfor effiibtiton at Q«r OJfiat c.< ire; ? as /«r re;Vrri«« a-tti Cataloguest tf stock and ts'<rudurc% Hairs of A 'states, aid c 1;¡;& of (r" ø}:r %ø;t;td:: I tl'!a in our coiu nns. The central stUa.t£OI/ I thr Wk^i'KIOi MAIL Offic»%$t. Mary-street, Cardiff,and o:<r constant "<t'rco)>rse uitA ereri/ f*art of t-us av.' i ,1:c:¡;r{.:rf"Lifl;. I -?,osV qfl?ml?ty oy eivry d?cr:pt Me. BEYNON A LEWIS. U-t? and i,l Feb. 26 t;t.t;IS:f.1fi: 2 I .1 2 Messrs. BRITON, liNOWLEs. & CO- Valuable? Properties, at (i lourest r March 1 Mli.T. H. DA VIES. Leasehold and FrtII\'rt8,n'.a .March 1 Me-srs. 1) 1: AS 4 z??d SONS. Catth', nor!(:,i,;A.;¡!M:. > larcb 21 Mr. ELl ASS. Horses, Carts, U.tni'T>, Ac., a\ IVuartti March 2 Mr. L. GOLIWALTZ. Fire Prooi Safes, at Newport March 1 Curj-eU, Blankets, Av., ai Crdiff March 3 i;i:tZtl;;i::Ër:¡ Messrs. W. GRAHAM .,?d SON. Timber Trees, at Aberdare Junction .March 10 .s..s. W. aud S. HERN. Booksellers Stoek, Ac., at Cardiff March 1 alld 2 Mr. C. it U C, HES (Iw .,d Horse, ;vt Swausea Feb. 26 Tea, at Swansea Feb. 2o Feb. 28 Business Premises at Swansea Nl"m? 8 Mr. D.JAMES. Peed Potatoes, at Sk,?tt .I. Mr. V. I]. JONES. =,1:1 S??'i.š 3 Messrs. R. JONES A SON. rb. 28 ;l;:ïr; Implement?, PouUry, Ac., at Sbeliy F" 23 Freehold Property, 4c., at Swansea March 3 Messrs. W. J. LOWES £ SON. F?"h?):d .d Leasehold Property, Swansea Marcnl l?' J. G. Freehold Property, at Cardiff Fob. 26 Mr. J. F. KENNAKD. Shop F1rturet«, Ac., at Cardiff Jcb. 28 Messrs. PARKY and BEAR. Sh"r. Properties, Newport Feb. 28 .Mes'n. STEPH S -N.ALEI.Z.,6iiil-i:???,. Fruit Trees, Ac., at Cardiff March 2 Fanning Stock, near Cardiff .March 3 Horses, t Crdi H»«h 4 Colliery Horses, Ac., at Cardiff March 5 Suv Furniture Vans, Good-will, Ac March 8 Farming Stock, ucar Cardiff M-rl?l,0 MESSRS. TRIBE. CLAIlK and CO. Colliery Plant, Stores. Ac.,near .bt:rd&rt:rch 10& 11 TlIE REPOSllX)RY. CARDIFF. TCIF,It iposll'OltYC, ARI)IFF. 8.,(:'lt;Â;:l ::li;:tal¥: Apple, and Plum Tr-?; Choice Dwarf Roses (named), u5 Roses of Sorts (uamed). Choice Ivies (Irish and, Hawthorn Quicks. Kbodouendrons of Sorts, Ae. Messrs. stepiienson, ALEXA- M ',?d CO. are w!trucled by M? Daniel "I",iy,ofBuiltli Numi i?.to SELL by ACCTION. at tk??ir Repository, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on WEDNES- DAY, March 2, at W?l,. o'clock, a consignment of OltNAME.?TAL SHRUBS, HOSES. FI?L?IT TREES, FOREST !RKE.->. ace. Goods on view the Morning 01 Sale. Catalogues may be ??.d oi Oie AucUoueerj. 39267 L,W?ll. FAKM, MICHA.LT.-17C?Ci-Prf. COCKT- YIIALLA, NEAR CARDIFF. \TL ESSliS. SI'EPliENSON, ALEX AN- 1.' DER. and CO. are instructed by Mr. Wilham l'I,t¡' Willi is It';willg th rarOl, lo bELL by ACC. 1'lU, tTHUkgl)AY. the 3?d.t .March, 1881, the whole "I the farming STOC crops, ASD IPLE:IIETS. Consisting or 6C. with and in ?if; 7 two year-old heilers, tive ot which are in mlt; pair of Lwo. Vear-old steers, two-yeai-old I)r bull, 3 tat cows. 6 yearling calves, 2 cart horses, 16 hands; cob man', ex- eelieut worker; three-year-old colt, two-yoarw)ld tHlv, suckingponv, 2 sows with litters of 16 pigs, which wall lie sold in convenient h'ts. Mow and .,)f meadow hay,about 20 tons 2of oat straw. 11)LEf1::1'W.\gt.>1I1 cart, combined mowing machine 11,' Samuelson. hnr5P rake, Camhrhtgc roller, wooden ditto, wheel plough, two swing ditto, setoi drags, itiu. turnip scufller, drill. and roller; puiper, l'haffc:utu:r. weighing machine, wumowei, Uh)Is, rkk. cloth, trough, Kr\H\lt(,mt", ladders, trap. G.O., lore, shait, and trap harness, double cheese press, d churus, and a quantity of dairy aud other utensils. Luncheon at Eleven" Sale at Twelve o'clock precisely. Three months'credit will to given upon approved sei urirv \0 purchasers Dr £ 10, or discount I.rc"iatthe rate of"5 per cent, I' annum. The Auctioneers beg to notify that the pri?.nt I-, strictions prohibiting the Sale of Cattle at Fairs and ,,rk,?t sff, t t, S.,J, t-L- being he-Id upon farms in unaffected districts where the stock has been in jvoss»-s#ion ot the farmer lor 23 <Uv?. HOIi.SK SALE FOR MARCH. STEl'IIICNSON, ALEXAN- l' DER, "I CO.S ;?XT t.ŒGE IBM! of HL.M'ElUJ, HARNESS HOUSES, COBS,ami MONIES ",111. held at tho U"pository. Cardiff, en FRIDAV, the 41h u»vuf Man'h. 18!;L 4? b 'i.y 1&411. should 00 .ad,, and 5t&lls on (1r bftorp 8rtluriiay. thfc _26th iJ1st 31tj_- HORE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, CROCKHEIUmnVN, <lWUF. ATKSsK.S. STEPHENSON. ALEXAN- i>l Lit, n,ICO.'SN"T FORTS»l«XY HALB v1 Colliery,Cart,and other H0ItAGES..?dHAR,-F.SS Will be held at Repository, on SATURDAY* March 5,1081, at 2.30 p.m. precisely. Total expense of each horse offered and not sold, flie :hHiH5_ 3j220 S-UE OF AN IMPORTANT FURNITURE REMOVING BUSINESS AT CARDIFF. i\ \'Tl ESSRS. STiC 1*11ENSON, ALEXAN- 11 DEU,ar\dCO.,are iU9tnH:h-J hv the P»\»prietor9 .to oiler for absolute SALE, at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff, at Seven o'clock p.m.. on TUESDAY, the 8th day IN March, 1881, the LEASE OF THE PREMISES. Situate in The llafs. with the valU3ble awl extensive PLANT, HORSES. AND APPLIANCES AND GOODWILL OF THE "STAR" FURN'ITl RE REMOVING BUSINESS. The Propert).o! Messrs. S. J. v.i68 and 1;0., the oldest 01 ito kind In South Wal, The Premises, which "re In the centre ot the town. comprise an excellent Yard and Buildings adapted tur carrviu& on a lare and imp()rtut business, and (om.. I)rl:k, Nvacious ,,(I, good four-stall stable and shed. witi? ha' loft over the wuole, larc aii house, aH in the QC. cut ion of the pr.pri,,t 1! Ui ,bt?r Buil,lins let off at The Yard has also "alua1< Canal Wharfage aditptod or a retail cua11r.L-lh. The Plant consists of SIX FUHNITCBE VANS, Three cart horses, harness, and other appliances, all in excellent condition, and thl" opportunity afforded to V\U1:huen ut this desenptvonot property is an excep- tl l ° Ttei*remiesl u:c held (or the unexpired tenn of ten years, at an annual rent of £3U. but as a portion ot the premises b let oft »t 62 per annum, Ihe tent is thereby  whole may be inspected and ?-11 inventories obn upon appli?tion to the A?tu-ur, Q,'? Ch.mbers, CArWff ad to th? Proprietors, No. 1. Tt?? H.y?,. diff.  CASTLE FARM. 8T. GEORGE'S. NEAB CARDIFF, Within One Mile of St, Fagan s btauon, G AVU. MB.SH: STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- m DE\(, and CO. are instructed by Mr. Lkwel yn It. SELL by AUCTION on this Fitrni. ?. T U.1:1. D4Y the 10th day of March next, the following very t-<HOIITIIOm¡ SHEEP. HORSES, BIPLEMET", "lid a Portiun of the HOUSEHOLD Fl RNiTLRfc. Consisting 0180 very excellent yearling h\ ,hcp, "OS CotswoldandDown.allniceweights; 6pedlgnc shorthorn milking cows in call; three-year-old shorthorn bull, pur- cb.d trom the berd 01 joseph 8u^f ''• Aj^ Pri. Wiltshire; yearling ditto, Welsh Baron, d,. ;r¿clf \)el'l'îf; Cherry, got bv ;a;d Cherry 1).k?. d-11?ald from Sir Thomas Phillip^ herd, Aiston-on Stour four usetul cart bones. and to eobs. IMPLEMENTS.-Comblned mower and r i>\ Bamuelson, hay-maker, horse-rake, elevator, chain ami other harros, turjp?:- pulpuig .hi,h.ff. cutter and bOMe g?r by Riclimoud and Chandler. turnip drill, Id(l-?e dozen hurdl?. two gai.d cattl« cribs, sheep and pig troughs, J1'?"' dtf;ob:et;.(ttfer\e;l:)j bamn. FUR.?41TURP.-Thecolite,,I?, ?f several bedrooms in mahogany and ak. &n excellent oak wardrot>e, (;bai?. t.bL?l. ai»d corner (;Upb?dg, settee and ,o1a iu hiur, _) ,,y kitchen "it, double ch?-PM90, to- I,_t?f with a q.ti?y ?i diry uteJ!sH3. ..t Half -P.'A Half-PtI Tw?l,? p.m. punctually. Three months' credit upon I-k to purchasers 01 910 ..d p..d, -po?? ap p roved security. anC'al: 1 b? f:?{\ :IT(:ton jto Mr. Yomt1l. 11 0, to the Auctioneers, Queens Chambers,Cardiff, li- day. prior I" the Sale. ? day, p,rt?, notify t It the present re- striction prohibiting the .1. 01 caW. at fii" ?"I U1Met3 do not a!fect the 9<Ùe o( atoe" held upon fartn' In uliafTected districts, where the stock has been in the Jwsscssion Of t h 1(1.1 mer for 23 (toys. 32251 -Có\ÙliáDGE-n TUB SALE of EAT STOCK, ad,,?rti" _IL take place on Tuesday Next. March 1, for Willia., Thomas, the Hayes l'arm, Sully. "ILL NOT BE HELV, in consequenee of the Order issued bv the Privy Couucil for the prevention of the removal ot Cj The BALE of HORSES, as prev10us}y announced, will be lieid at the same time and place. STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER, and CO., Auctioneers. 1.r""rtiAfy22. 1381. 392U ALTERATION OF DATE OF SALE. gylynis farm, radvr. NEAR CAIWIFF. The sale of FAHMI(j siook, T CROPS, and IMPLEMENTS, arl.1ised at hi-, 1, m for 11th lard1, WILL NOT TAKE PLAC1. until the 14th APRIL. -J9: IHLE THIS DAY. SALE OF FKEI.ilOLD COTTAGES, LAND, AND 4LHUtY. AT DVNA.S POWIS. near CAKDll f. I li..). (J..MADLKJX is iistructl,l to 1.' SELL by PHilLlC AUCTION, at lb,! yucen'a Hotel. Cardiff, on SATURDAY, Iho iKth day ,t l eb.. ia>l.»t Two tor 1'hre oducl.; in the Afiernuun. subJd t,) such ronditiolls 1iS shaH thtn élUH.1 there be lv-ad, all that piece o» FREEHOLD LAND, I; i't? in the village oi Dynas I'owis, up<jn which stand Three CotUgesftw.ol hkb have n:œHUy been trl'(t('Ù). aUld to rasj-ectabJe tenants, at aTotal reutal ot^a.b'J. per week. Th'-re i< aim upon the property a g>x»d Quarry of mountain limestone, suitable tor building or t=ier ;articulars apply t? Mr. Hy. Matthew" Ruilder Dvna.r i'owis ,A the Auctioneer, Soutfi U ale^. Daily f'W" Chambers, or of Messrs. Halton, Spenwr, Corbett, amI Evans, StdiciWrj. 6, Working-stre< t^Car- di -390" (J 0 l E T 1 S A N 1) S 0 N AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGEXTS. FLNANClEitS. TALl'KRS AND MORTGAGE BROKERS. v j«nra«nu Manafied and Compromises Arrtiificd. At1\o"uncc.s made em Consigutnenls. FillK. LIFE. AND MAIUE ISiSURA-NCES EFFECTED AT CURRENT RATES. OFHCSS I'O\n:J.I,.PLACI- IICTF. DOCKS o a j: o T P' i rJ i-iii|' WESTERN MAIL. THE COMMERCIAI.XBR FOB ii'AL j ^alrsi l)i) auction. RING'S HEAD HOTEL YARD, NEWPORT, MON. IMPORTANT '1'0 SHIPFJIRS, MERCHANTS, FACTORS, JEWELLERS. PAWNBROKERS, HOTEL KKEPKUS. AM) OTHERS. UNRESERVED SALE OF A VALUABLE CONSIGNMENT OF 11RE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES, Direct from the Manufacturer, Thomas Skidmore, Star. fordshire Sale V» oi Uj, \V olverhainpton, who-e Sales in Cardiff have gi\en so much satisfaction. KH. LKW1S UUTTWALTZ has re- l" ceived Instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the ubove address, ou TUESDAV, the ht 01 March, 1H81, at 'INvclveo'clo^k pr,lm\'J a \lHaul Consignment FIFTEEN FIRST-CLASS WROUGHT IROX FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF S A Fb. >. }ittd wilh Chubbs' l\TH7 i :ti"('rl"!i C' lebratod Patent 6 and S lever powder-proof Locks, and each secured by a swd uurù plate. The Auctioueercan recommend those Safes with the utmost confidence as being in every rcspect aùapteù tor lhlr professed requirements, and are in us at the princi|»al banks of London, lhnuillgham. and Wolver- hampton. Consigned by the Manufacture** for Absolute Sale. Catalogues, with full particulars and list of releron?ea, may b uutaiued of the Auctioneer, 01' at the King's Head Hotel. On View Monday, February 28. Theatre Royal Building*, Cardiff. 2-9104 THEATRE ¡¡O\ AL lliI7llf\:o, STf.M~ARY-STRLET, SALE OF MADE-VP CARPETS, BLANKETS, &c., Direct, from the Factory. Mil. LEWIS OUTTWALTZ baa re- .l1' ceh't'd iWltrudions to SELL by AUCTION, at the ubtv.e Buiiuings, on THURSDAY, the 1." ui March, 18S1, t'WI p.m. lJuntunlh', A Consignment ¡ MADE-UP BEST BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS. Iu various it,,g,.tj?,r with a good assortment of liLANKRTS. SHEETS, FOOT OTTOMANS, Ac. Th. Carp, k e, itnU rea d y for g dow I. 39177 "Theatre ltoyal Buildings.Cardiff. 39177 iMPOiri^ANT I PRESERVED SALE t)F N URSER_Y STOCK. CLEAliING OF TUB TUPsLEY NURSERY, HEIŒFU1W. Mil, LEWIS CiOTT\Va\LTZ has rccoived II instructiulls bon1 Mr. William Grore to SELl, by TION. at th? King's Head H,y'?.pu't. Mon.. on %VED?NESD,%Y, 9, 1881T p.m. punctuallv, the 10111)"" i n NURSERY STOCK, COtl9lgtiUg of specimen conifers IlJ other ornamental trees, apple and other fruit trees, dwarf ro3. strung and extra strong quick, larch, ash, spruce, Scotch lir, Austrian pine, tvgdlwr with a quaulilY oi privet, laurels. Ac. Theatre Royal Cardiff. 3S2t'B o.1LB OF A ii'N h. lit tl Slot K OF A BOOKSELLER AND STAHONER, Consisting of about 600 Lots ul High-Class and Rare Books, Stutionen-, and 12 Iron îs. MESSKS. \V. and S. HEH will SELL 1't' bv AUCTION, at the .¡ctoria Rooms, I. Mry- Slrect, ?_tin, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March land 2, 1%1 (Tuesday at Eleell am., Two and Seveup.m.; Wednesday "t Eleven a.m. aud Seven p.m.). I the Stock of a llaukiupt Bookseller and a Library. Removed for convenience l'f Sale, comprising, amongst othi-r rare and excell< ut works, the lollowicg !J()U!9:- The National Gallery (SulecLiuu of Engravings). 1 hoto- •rapliir Art L'niuii, the Art Journal. IVti'iier and liuskm's Harbours, liaao Walton's Works, Baiclays Eu¡h5h Dictionary lit Biografihy, Disraeli's Novels "lid Tales, Works, Byron's Works, Works (complete), Jaidlne's Naturalists' Library, Schiller's Works, the Turner Gallery. Vernon Gallery, mbraLldt Gallery, India and its Native Princes, Tom Hood's Lau6).1ter, tt1rhl's Mediaval Architecture, Wrail's Industrial Art, Cruikshank's Peter t)cbjnlÎhl. Sett's Waverley Novels Feuton's Pembrokeshire, Hansard's IVpographia, Nash's Mansions ol England (illustrated), Naval Architecture. Fuller's Cliurch His- tory, Clark's CommenUiry, \7.Lttl\"r of the World, Shakespeare's Works,Smollett's orks, Dickens s *V orks, Hogarth's Works (rare edition, with sui»preased Macaulav's History of England, L)1.toOu's Novel3, DOH Quixote '(illustrated by Cruikshauk), Milton's Paradise Lost, Intrml (illustrated by Gustave Dore>, ptjiiular Encyclopedia, Tom Hood's Works (illustrated by Gustave Dore), Caasell's History of Englaud,Kuight s National Cyclopaedia, Waverley .Novels (2b volumes), Knigrtt's Sh;&"eSllre, Dihdiu's Bibliomania, QD'ysun'5 Works. Comprehensive Hiswry of England, History Franco-Prussian War, Burns', Scott s, and LOJ1gflIows Poems Macmillan's Magazine (17 volurne:I, Grotesque Sketches 1:.1)' Gustave llore, Bhenstout"s Vioiks, Defoe s Works, Saturday Review Farrar's Lite of Christ, and Lilo and Work ofSL, Paul. Geikie's Life of Christ, Good- win's Works (12 volumes). Calvin's Commentaries, ,JillHi (8 w Recs's Historv of Noiiconfcn.iitV. Plutarch sV jlves, Cassell's lliul Gulliver's 'h'Wo'.t!1:J, Beatley s t>!4ndard Xovds. Fortnightly &view. Xew Monthly American Scenery (120 engravings, by Bartlett), 6cut- hUH! (diastratol bv Bartleu), NichoL-ou's Aicliit«;turc, British Poets (43 vols.) and Tower of lyuidou. Al. TWELVE I HLI SAi'ES, In different sizes, warranted fireproof, handsomely ih,d, .:?d manufactured by Eminent Makers. Vat&.lugut",s öd. each on application to tùe AUCLin!1t!I'l 74, Cl,, r d i ff. L'?iu tA WOOD-SIlUiKr, TEMPERANCE TOWN, > CARDIFF. TO GROCKKS AND OTHERS. -\Iil. E. F, KLNNAHJJ has lieen io- 11 structed by Mr. Gika(outgoing knaut) to dis- 'Tl-VTUKES. FITTINGS, COUNTERS. TEA BINS, SCALES AND WEIGHTS. "I., B, AUCTION, at 11, above Premises, on MODAY, th(? brh u1 February, 1881. Goods on view Morning of 8we, which will commence at Three o'cl«k. 394??3 IiV\ TO'liCE—-the SALE by AI'CTION ?f .£ F.t and Store CATTLE at Daily Furg, Ely, Enounced for Monday, i?, 28th i,.?t., 11 L uT BIS HELD, incompliance "ith an ordr from the Privy Council. (S;gned) E. J. EVANS, Auctioneer. Church-street Chainl*rs, Cardiff iTALii; 1'IUS da\ FOR THE BENEFIT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 1t\,1| 11. LJ, HUUlIE (lata iieyuori and l' Hughes) will SELL by Al ClTON, at l-he cauteron Hotel. High-street, Swansea, on SATLliDAi, February 26, 1t)81. a very Powerful BAY CAKT HORSE, 1B-2 banùs, six years old. 14 cwt., w.unr1\ in harness, awl suitable for dray, waggon UI" !llJulltjIlK. Nil Ht.3er.e. Sale at Turee tllliees. 98, Oxford-street, Swansea. 39225- SALE THIS DA*. 100, OXFOHD STREET, SWANSEA. A IV JI R. C. 1IUOHES (Late 'tJ8m, Beynon l' ami Hughes) wiU BELfc by AUCTION, t the .1,J,e place, on SATURDAY, Feb. 26. 1881. about 25 Boxes (21lbs. each) of the choiCC3t newseason's Lint crop VONGOU TEA. Specially se!peed for the u,?, of private families. 'fi, Tea beiug h'Iurid and without any mixture whatever can be uighly recommended. 011 View Morning of Sale. No Rt-3er\e. Terms Cash. Sale to Commence at T-?l?e Noon. Auctioneer s Offik',). 98, oiturd?tillt, 39209 SiLhOFD'tslKABLt: ^ASEHOLD PROPER_ TY AT SWANSEA. MR. CHARLES HL'OILES (late Beynon and Hgh.) has been instructed to SELL Ly \Lo'lION,at the Uamr1\ Arm3 HoUl, Hightrte\. 8\*aM* 0. MONDAY, February 2d, 1881 (suhj^t w ouch conditions asliliaU thul1 and there be rea"), the lol lowing valuableEASEnoLD PROPERTY, Cumprising wt 1. All that substantially built Dwelling-house and Premises, siLuate aüù being 1\u, 19, N ichol-street. Swan- sea. Held for a term of 93 years from June 22, 1865, at a trround relit of £ 2 6d. per annum. Lot. All thtl Four Wd.IJU11t •Dw^lhiig-houses and Premises, situate and being Nos. b4, bb. 56, and 57, Baptist Well->IZt:e\, Swansea, all let to respectable U:UB!!t8. H,I? f?r a t- of 15 years from the 25th day 01 March, 1874, at a ground rent of £ 8 rer annum. Lot 8. All that substauti.illy-butlt lJweHlllg-houseand PrenÜJ aitua IiLUU. Icing No. 3. 8ywwous.trect, \Yii,IJUWtn, MwaJlse;&, now 1D tbe occupation of r. ifeid for a term of 75 yen., from 29th of Beptem- l«er 11374 at a ground rent of J:¿ lO, p?r aniimu. Lot i. All those Two Dwelling-houses and Premist's, situate and being Nos. C aud 5, Symmons-street, Waun- weu. now iu the oucupation uf oI.\1crrimau and Josiah Held for a term of 75 years, f' 29th September, 1874, at a ground rent of J;b per annum, Lot 5. All tbo:l Two Dwelling-houses and F-k situate aud bi?W N. 7 ana 8, Wheatiteld-U'irace, Symmon's-street, W, ,,w in Le occupation at H°PHe and N~ 1d for a term of 75 y?r? from 29th September. 1814, at a ground rent of £;5 peramium. Lot 6 All those 'uur Dwe.'ling-houses and Premises, «;tw* and being Nos. 2, 3. 4, and b, Wheatheld-terrace, Waunwen, coW m the .ccupation ot Parkin. Cheley. I'hiHipbant, and lII'l'art.y. PhiiH?ld & £ mof^ye,rs. from 27tb September, 1874 at a ground rent ol XlO I:r annum. Lot 7. AU tbot' Four lJweLHn-bnlles and Premises, sit late Bud being -2I ?4, Mvs lell_stmet, Wamiwen.MW in the occupatiollof Hicks, Rice, TholD, ftU^Held for a tem of 75 ,.r?, from 25th March, 1875, at a g?ud rent of y,, annum. Ail tLt very u ?t Iy ?u,lt Dwelling- Lot 8". d PreoSes.sitLte and being No. 81, Bryny- iTHir-ten-ace, containing dining, drawing, and br?lkf.11 rooms, four bedrooms, bath-room, two kitchen,, three eel Larg, two w. C s and k greenhouse. Thi5 Lot is iuexcellent repair, drained.andcomplete in every respect, and has a back entrance. Held a gruuiid -,I, ;;t,db,b.,k,.t., ld The abo\"{'I Houses are situawd in localities in which f, al!waJys in good demand. Thej are all now ,h.>t Th, rei?trties in w?ieli of intending purchasers. of to commence at Three o clock p.m. For further particulars apply to JL ,i Uy?" Esq" Sohcitor: o to the Auctioneer, JB, Ox 3911.)7 !f'a. SALE oF VAruTBTigS^HolD BUSINESS- IV HIGH-STREET, IN THE TOWN OF 8WANSEA. Aj\ fl| K LJ. HLUHES (late Beynon and Hughes) has been in,trockd to SELL by PL B- LJ(; A(;CTJOS. at the Cameron Arms Hot. llih- .lrcel, 8wau>e", TlfBSUAï. March Beh, IdSl to sueh ronditio,ls a9 will be produced at the Sale,, tb toHow17!sle PREMISES, Namely,- ?ub,t.ti.ily-b,?ilt lot 1. I(a;n3\s. and substaiitia-Uy-biult t,y Wle name of 'l'I.e King William," 6l1,uale and IJeIJ¡: NlJ. lJO. lIih-!treet, ill the town f,Swat, now IH I,f iir. WilUam liTihiu ds. under an under- "LTvvhkh wUleillire ™ the 29th day of Heptember, 'Chi, lot is bel,t for 99 yC! from thf' 25tl?, -reiit of 4,!0 per 9s. bd. lby of March. 179J. at a grouJld rcll of £293:. 6Ll. 179?. tagr,).j run', of A;2 93. 6d. A3h.p. with the Storehouses awl Premises, situate aud bciug No,151 and 12. High-stwt.Srt'ui'sea. Vow in the oecupaLiun ol Mr, in. fth'hards. under an under lease, which will (xpire on the 29th day of bep- t, be,, 1893, at a rental uf ,1;10 per annum. Thi, lot is held for a term of gj ,arg I rom tho 25t.h day of March, 1799, at a ground rent ol 9s. t3I!, [xr annum. Sale to eOUlJUcllCI3 at Three o'cl()d p.m. For furttwr particulars apply to Mr. E. Austin Williams, Solicitor, 13, Castle-street, Swansea; lIT tu :.lJt Auctioneer. 93. Oxfor(I-str(-??t. Swansea. {'y16::} U_- AUVKin-isiNij;' ]ULL- J POSTI.NC AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICFS • CHURCH-STRSET CHAMBERS. SECRi-riAKY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Jt"j Permanent Posting Stations in Cdilf and St-iohhourhood. Contractors tor all descriptions of Advertising. Circular Distributing, 4c. All orders procuutty attended. 3>aus i)i) guirtion^ I COEDSAESON FARM. SKETTY. SWANSEA. 10 F\l(MEhS, BUTCHERS, CA1TLE EA.LERS, MARKET GARDENERS. &I. Mil. JOHN Ill. LiiEDEU has received 1t'L instructions from 1". John Nieholls to :Cf.L I" PUBLIC AUCTION, Oil tho above t'arm, on Mu.N- DAY, February 28, 1881, a smn but useful Lot of FARM IMPLEMENTS, POULTRY, POTATOES, Ac., Comprising chaff cutters, sheep racks and tr()Uh9. scutiter, two IJBlrsof irou harrows, double-furrow IJlouJ{h. sheep dipping apparatus, horse hoo, sack weighin ma- chine ami weights, iron roller nearly new (by Crosklll). lli\t'ak(' c\h\'r, lC<\I1ing, h.\ft, and p'ouh harness, large iron U'iler, ovcn, &(?., &r., and about 40 Head ot C' Poultn", Also alJuul Two Tons of Gloucester Kidneys and Mag- num Bonum Seed Potatoes grown ou the Farm, which will be offered in Lots of half a cwt. After the ahon" are disposed of the Auctioneer will LET by AUCTION the several old PASTURE FIELDS, from th ùte of St&1e up to 29th 8rptember next. Sale to commence at Half-past Two o'clock in the Afternoon, Three Months'Credlt will be given on the Implemelita and Potatoes on rHlIn, of .£2 and upwards.. Auctioneer's Offices, Oxford Chambers, Oxford-street, Swansea. A9^L- 8WANSEA. IMPORTANT SALE Oil FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN CENTRE OF SWANSEA. AND OF WELL- ECIIRED LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS. MU. JOHN M. LEEDER ha ben in- JL structed to OFFER for SALE by Al't:TION, at the Maekworth Arms, "ïIHIstreet, Swansea, on THURSDAY, the 3rd day of March. 1381. at Three o clock III the Afternoon, the following highly important and valuable PROPERTY, All situate in excellent £ >ositioiis in the Town of Swansea. IN COLLEGE-STREET Lot 1. All that fully licensed and well-frequented PUBfJC-HOUSK, known the %V)*,?di. Ams, 11,119 No. 22 in College-rtroet, to wi?i(!b it liasa r ft,roiitagc f 31 feet or th?bouts, with a depth of 12Bfeetor t I ?r?- Ilouts: together with the large ¡PIECE of LAND at the back, extending behind Ult adjoining houses on either side for a distance of 145 fcct or th"re"wuts, such land being now uscll as a garden and skittle alley in connec- lioll witb the Wyndhain Arms This Lot is let to Thomas Jones and Co., on repair- ing lease, for 21 years from 25th March, 1880, at the vearly rent of £100 for the first two years, and iilO for tile rest of the krm, tho Lessees also nli t ,)t!iidt"inimpru%eineutswithin tht. tirst tin veal's of the term ThePropertvextendsatthebackforonehalfthecntire distanc hetween High-street and Orchard-street, stretching to within 90 feet of High-street on the olle side, and 6a feet of Orchard-street on the other side, and covers avery- considerable area. Auy improvement that may be made in the neighbourhood must larcelv increase its value. Lot 2. Alt that HOUSE and SHOP adjoining Lot l. and known as No. 23, College-street, having* fWlltage In College-street of 15ft. or thereabouts, aud a depth hack- wards to the garden of Lot 1 of 72ft. or thereabouts. Aud alsu all that HOUSE and SHOP known WI No. 24, College-street, liaviug a tronUge to such streets of 1Wgitee:7ts adOt htka:l\S t garden 01 It 1 of 70ft. or t.heieabjuts. No. 23, College- street, and a small part of No. 24 arc occupied by Mr. u, (_ "k ?til 24 ,,upid b), Mr. y-. and th "It of N.. 24, Cullege-street, is (_upi,d by Mr. Joseph, Yt'ady tenant, at the rent of ±30 a year. ST. MABT-STREET. ?t 3. All that highly importaat and eligible 'i ?7? of ?UIL l?NO 1,A-Njj, a frontage to St. Man'. 8t.ret ot 4ít. or thereabouts, and an \\verae depth of Utt. or thereabouts, and comprising the sites of the hOUSf" tornHr1.r known as Nos. 5 and 6, St. Mary- street. CALVERT-STREET. Lot 4. The BLOCK of BUILDINGS comprising Nos. 9. 10. U, and 12 c,i," ,rt?tr?et, and now ?upied by Mr, Yeo,,and vthen. Tli, property is most advantageously situated at Lhe Junrtiol1 of CI. t-t .?d Church-street, withatrontaeoof 71 feet, or thereabout*, toCahrert- street, adn 4f,et, r thereabouts, to Church- ftred, and is 1,?.?ded at the back by St. Mary's Churchyard. Lookingat its position there can be HO doubt that sooner or later it .u?t be required for street improvements. It is now let on repair- ing lease to Mr. William Yeo, for the tern). of 21 years, frum the 25th of March, 1818, at the rent of J:45 a year. anù is sold subject to a mortgage for J:500.llt 5 per cent., for a tenn (at the option of the borrower) of three years, from the 5th of Angn.t, J880, HIGH-STREETM* Lot6. All that HOUSE and SHOP, known as No. 95 High-street, occupied Il,y Ahrdlunn John. All that HOUSE and SHOP, being Xu,, High-street, occcpiedbv J. Evans. All that HOUSE and SHOP, being No.97, High-street, occupied bv J. Davies. All that'HOUSE nnd SHOP, being No. 93, High-street, i?,l by T. Pressdee 4.h,? ;'ï\ahle Lot, -.?1W.g of the four ?ll-b ilt and,H" known Nos. 98"uigUstret and ;a !ft'a:' s:l1r:t :.reeJ subject to a lease for 99 years, from March 18m, by which a yearly rent of A:? 4s. W. re.scrwd. ",t J All those TWO HOUSES, being N.,? 101 and 101,Iligl, Zretb,,?i,:g .at, and depth ot 15ft. or thereabouts, and in the _P??t i,Pti.. ,7bf,. of Samuel Powell and A. Griffiths. This Lot is sold subject to a lease for 99 years, from March 25, 1802, which reserved a yearly rent. of £ 2 &- Lot :j:2 f;l those TWO HOU8E mM SHOPS, being Nos. 103 and 104, aigb-"t",t, 1.,i.g i.g" fw orflfttocflKXtts. This Lot is sold subject to 0. lease of 99 year?, Irom September 29,1802, which reserved a yearly rent of J;2 9s. Rd, Lot8. All that PUBLIC-HOUSE,known as the Olive Brauch, being No*. 106 and 107, High-street, together with the adjoining HOUSE, being No. 105, High-street, JlowoccuVieù resj-ectively by S.roue1 Samuel and B. Pearson, aud having iu aU a frontage to High-street ot 46ft. or thereabouts. Thi lot is old subjt to a lease (or 99 Y- from th September, 1302, by which a yearly rent, of £3 7s. 6d.w>s reseneù The above lots, Nos. b, 6, 7,and 8, afford an admir- .bl,pp,?ru.?ity to ?,?y? person d?irous of making ?afe and ewy provision for the future. The money itiv?ted in their puml will ateure a small pre- sent 1"-e in the various ground n'nt9 men- tioned, and will without trouble orriskaecumulate fvrth 20 years during which the leases have yet to run-at th end of that period the result bring the acquisition of a i-aluable freehold property pro- ducinga considerable income. CAE PISTILL Lot 9. All those valuable an,1 well-secured GROUND RENTS, amounting in all to the net um ot £ 34 13s. a ?r, remrvt,d out f t ie huuws in C.?! t, t1:I'gIt;sIfat rNllpT:n¡t, \d payable for the term of 43 years from the 25th of March, 18!s1. The actual ground rents reserved to the vendor amount 10 the sum of L44 4s. a year, but from this must be deducted the chief rent or JU96s., paY6lble to the corporation, leaving the net iL34 18?. The vendor .r?"I? f(, de,bl, part of the purchase money of any lot to be d,???d .tg.g,, if r.ire'd. For further particulars, plans, Ac., applv to the Auc- tioneer, or to Mr. Edward Thomas, Solicitor, 11, Bmall- street, Bristol. 390'4 AFTER THE SALE OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED THE FOLLOWING:- SALE OF "EHY VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Mr. JOHN M. LEEDER has been in m  structed to BELL by AUCTION (subject In euch conditions as shaH b,ti?,n.ndth?, p,?, d) at U1e Maekworth Arm3 Howl, Wind-street, Swansea, 00 THURSDAY, March 3. 1881, the under.mentioned valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, ";1. Lot 1. All that Malthouse and Premises situate at the f.d, Swausea, now in the occupation of Mr. Roberts, ith a frontage 0140 I""t anù a depth of 114 feeUmore or less held tor a term of ?i years, from the 29th of pw.mber, 1870, at the yeavly rent of £ 5, e8timaœd W be worthat least l??he yeal-ly of A;5, ?? to Lot 2. All that '1,,r.,?n ?Well !g-l, and Pre- mises, known as the Hafod 33re.,?, .y .11?(i the Hafod Flour Mills, now in the ?u p ation of the :IB¿C:?,WLIi -d r?ad for to- of 92* years from the 29th September, 1861, at "Y-'y "'uL of 910. This lol! :'?'dp'mr to an underie? to ul j The Hafod B?wery Company, Limd, for a term of 21 Jears f, the 25th March, IsZ thc yearly rent during the fird seven years of iC75, and during the rew mainder of the terra of £ 85. Sale to commence at Four oclock in the Alfftternoon. Furtber culars may be obtained of Messrs. Brown, Collin5. "nù Woods, SolicitQrs, Worcester-place. Swan- gea, or of the Auetio at his Offices, Oxford Cham- I". o:39256 BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASE- HOLD PROPERTIES. MESSRS. W. J. LOWES and SON have been favoumd with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AüCTI0, at the Cameron An?. Hotel, Hi-I? ,trect, S. (subject to .11? -.1 I"i, I, ha\l t hen and there be produced), on TUESDAY, March 1, 1881, the following valuable PROPERTIE S-— Lot 1. All those Four Freehold Dwelling-Houses and Premises, situate and being Nos. 2,3,4, and 5, Barbour s- court, High-street, Swansea, now occupied by Messrs. court, Iiigl b=ge, ,Ni, h?ll, and Parker, and pro- du6lg,,u annual rental 01 £4112" Lot 2. All those Two Freehold Dwelling-houses and ri!-No,. 9 and 10, Barbour a- court afo?id, now (?-uigi,d by Messrs. Maim and Gregg, and producing an annual rental 01 918 4a. This Property has aU entrance from High-street and Orchard-street. Lot 3. All that Leasehold Dwelhng-.iouse and Pre- nú, situate and being No. 2, New Vincent-street, ad- joining Argyle-street, Swansea, containing fi??. rooms j?d t ?hg,? usual offices, and now in the -cut., on of Mr. CocUn, as tenant, at the weekly reut of 6s. 6d. Held tor an unexpired term of about 94 years from 25th March. 1879, at tbe low ground rent of £ 2 per annum. Lot 4. All that Piece or Parcel of Land situate in Bryn- melin-street, in the borough of Mwanea, together with Two Messuages or Dwelling-houses thereon, and knowu as Nos. 10 and 11, Brynmeiiu-terrace. Brynmeliii-street. This property Is held for t l?? ??id,.? of a t"rm of 75 years, created by an indenture of lease d.Wd the ?;rg ?a N 0 %?,?n,er 1872, and made between t he flavor,"Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Swansea of the one pari, and Henry HrwD of the other part, less two d." thereof, ulj.t to I he y""rly apportioned ground r, I £ 4 8,. The Vendor reT\'tS the ,t, putting this property up iu two lots if thought d?,' 1,, Auctioneers beg to call the attention of intending purchasers to these properties as most desirable invest- ments, being ceutrally situated, and in an excellent state of repair. Sale to commence at Three o'clock. For further particulars as t,{) Lots 1. 2. and 4, apply to Messrs. Beorand Plunt, Solicitors. York-place; or [or tho whole to the Auct\olH:er20, 2, Healluield-street, Swansea. -17- pjUDSOX SMITH, WILLIAMS,& DYER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITOR. AUCriONEKBS, YALl'EKS, AND UK.NKKAL AliKNTS, ALBERT CUAMHE1W, HIGH-STREET, CAIWIFF, rr. G. B. DYEH, Resident Partner, Cardiff. Hf-AD Okkicks. THU KXCHANUI., r.iu^ios.. _ö81bl_- GEUIWE BAm) DYEI:, A UCT10NERR, ALBERT CHAMBERS, HIGH-STREET CARDIFF. Daniel owen & CO.?S A It HAlLWAY TIME TABLES, the only one pub- lished IRLVAY Id. 2. p? annum f? by post. 81' Mary-street, Cardiff. T Ul,' WEEKLY MAIL, .2 COLUMN'S. EVEFY SATURDAY. PIUCE ED £ >al?2S bp S^trtioin BALE OF VALUABLE RAILWAY STOCK, GAS ANL I OTHER SHAKES, I.J»SEHoLD PROPERTIES, AND l'úLICI OF INSURANCE. MESSRS. I'AKUY «4 BEAU are in- s.,? LL by p,i? C AUCTIO, ?t the Kings 1IL1 notl, Newport, Mon., on MONDAY, February 28,1881, at Two for Tb!8I ,"löCk in the After- noon, subject to conditions to b^ then 1)?lu?-d. the STOCKS! SHARES. AND POLICIES. As follow:- £2.313 Great Western Guaranteed f ock. Seven Shares £ 5 iFuliv Paid) in tU»Caerleon Gas 00. Twenty Shares .£5 (tùlly Paid) In the Masonic-hall, oe):NtiS of Assurance, <it each*, with bonus, £ 26 17s. 6d., added to each polkjft oitthe lives of Udy and Gentleman, aged Db an d # years respectively. Anoual premium Oil each PO¡i.Y.£ lBo. 7.1. All that Semi-detached Villa ..o'" Lo risb?k ViUa, Catau Park, Newport, now in tbmup?tion of Mrs. T. Flovde Lew;, containing entitnoe hall, dining and drawing-rooms, kiichen, aud ne#wsar j r offices on the -:Igå:I,:tllg bat h 'dea ;.t on the tirst floor: aud two bedrooms and store-room on the second tloor. There ioa go,'4 cellar, and aloo Sid* All that Leasehold Cottage, situattf at Gclly-groes, in the parish of Mynyddistwyn, Mo | For further particulars, apply Auctionoon, at their T g,I,, Newport, or to Messrs* Gibbs and Llewellyn, Soheitors, Newport, Dated, Auction 4.?" EstateOffices# 39149 Newlo?t Feb. 16, IV.. SALE OF LEASEHOLD A-N p FREEHO_LD PROPERTY. Mr. T. H. N?'I El has i"od ¡!)moo- 1"J. tions to SELL by AL?CTIO t the Hold. l.astk-squarc,. Swansea, on TUEil?AYtht? 1st da^ pC Man'h, 1B81, at Three o'clock in thÅtr"'rnoon, 4"4 to conditions of Sale to be then prod ti^ LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE OK DWHLUMMnWLSE, LE,18\ f[Jtol OUSE, PREMISES, I Known as No. 1. Argyle-street, [Oystermooth-W^}. Swansea, In the county of Clamorgah, now m the^cu- palioll o;. DM'ld Jones. tiF 'l'hf! years from the 25th day oi tete 15 vears (rom thE" 25th da\' oi. ,y Fir?ZtiOLI) DWEL LLOUSE AD PREMISES, Situate near the Pentre Turnpike Gate, Swansea afo e- said, now in the occupation ot Mr. Gvorge Hall, and let at the rtnt of 3s. a week. For further particulars and conditions of Sale apply to ?r. J. Aeron Thomas, Solicitor* York-placc, Swansea; or to the Auctioneer, 18. Union-street, H*vaa- 'm. COURT COL MAN, BRIDGEND. 114PORTANT SALE OF lItimE FAT CATTLE. MESSRS. R. JONES and SON are favoured with instructions from \\ïHiam .Llewellyn, ESQ Court Colman, to 4ELL by AUCTION, at lb. Farm Buildings, on .MONDAY, February the th, 1881 TWELVE PRIME FAT THREE-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS. Fourteen days' Kerp wHl lJe given, free of charge, at the Purchaser's risk. Term.-Cash. Hale to Commence at One o'clock. The attention of Butchers is specially jnvited to this saleof Prime Fat Cattle, ItS" A conveyance will start from the Railway Station, Bridgend, ly after the arrival f 'ti?? I" p.m. train, for th place .( 8.1?. For limber l?,tictilars apply to the A.?ti. Pencoed and Bridgend. 3922i BKialVJTHUKCPOSITOKY, COLLtUK-STKitT, BRISTOL. LARGE SALE OF eo HORSES. MR. F. R. JONES begs to announce that his next STUD SALE 01 upwards of 80 HORSES, Comprising hnnt?rs of known ehancter, hooks, fi. jar- neS9 honteS, cobs, and ponies, will take pi,?,?? on 1HL ItS- DAY, March 3, 1881- ,?L. l?.M-arc, h 3, 1f! lihis important I;- f?.rly' E.tri,, this Important Bale are respp,ctfuli' ."Ii?iWd in ,rt,r that d?,, publicity may be gin.1J in !n.r.IIl_'IiI..e,:ured. 38&'73 CITY OF GLOUCESTER. MESSRS,lUWTON, KNOWLES, and CO, ..l t W announce that in their large SAL of PROPERTIES, which %i] I t?ke )laec? 3tti?, Bell Hotel. G-n TU,' ESD -?Y the llst of March, 1881, at Three for Four o'clock in the Afternoon, will be in. cluttl?d THIS? HIGHLY VALUABLE Bt'8LESB PREMISES, ow nu for many yers past OCCup1e(l by ",1t:sr=;, WingalA<, Buildeu and Contractors, mitu; in a most command)ug position overlooking the Cattle Mark.d .iii I:i.Ie valuable, troutages to Station-road, Clarence-street, L1ut \\rhittilù-strt. The pro rt," nd their gre t extent ot frontages tu some ol the principal thorough- fares of the city, rndert¡wm gafe present investments, with tha certainty of largely i.d future value. The Sale will also include t) wLEIt'S TEMP' HOTEL, Y.t d,,ir.bly ituate W Claren?nre,,et, at the corner 01 Russell"Heet, hi?i?g an important frontage to hotu these streets, within a tow minute.' walk ot the railway stations, containing coffee, commercial, smoking and threesitting-roems, nineteen light, and airy it in,, suite of domestic apartments, stock-woni, cdlar- age, large enclosed vard, kuite-house, Ac., in the oceu- pation of but, at theyearly mnt of L100, and llESIDENTLAL PROPERTIES, Tn the city of Gloucester, and at Hueclecutc. about two miles from th&t aity, BUILDING L,\NI). Ac. For further partkularj, apply to M.nri, 'f.ynwn and Bon*. Solicitor*, or Messrs. BtuUlu. lUluwita. unci Co.. Estate AgentsLbotUcif Gloucester. VI.UN ARMS. BKETTY, NEAR RWASSEA. M U. DANIEL JAMES will SELL by AUCVIION, in the Yard adjoining, in the Second Wed. In March, about 160 Bushels of Choice Early and Second SURD POTATOES, from one •jf theleading Grow. in England. Also, mve.1 CARRIA^ GE ",?l CART HORSES, and a few excellent COWS and ()ALVES. ellbrn 805,,4 ^VICTOHO MAHT. OXFORD-STKEET, SW.ANSEA. ME:5HS. BEYNON and LEWIg han) re- ""h'ed instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the above Mart, on SATURDAY, F?br.ry 26, 1.81, a ° BOOTci AND PH o, L?-DIE,AND GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Con sig "'d for awoliite sale. T ie,,trtkl?i are quih- new, of the "best malcrial and w orkmanship. Also, a large quantity of pArKR n iCSAND PAPL'R. Terms-Cash. No Reserve. Sale to commence at Three o clock in the Afternoon^ TO oifVTLEMFi'N, FARMERS, CONTRACT'ORS. AiD OTHERS. Messrs. BEYNUN and LEWIS will l.r SELL by AUCTION at the J,!ff,??. Arm. Hotd Horse Rei»isitory, Oxford-street, SwaHsa, on TIES- DAY, M-11 1, 1881, the following n..lul and .Iu- SUe HORSES, DOGCARTS, HARNESS, Sc. 1. Bay Cob, 11*25d. q.?,!t i,? d.?bl. and single harness, a good hack, and p,,) L"g b t. 2. Brown Horse, 6 years, 151 bands, goes well in saddle ami harness. a. Grey Cob, 14 hands, 5 years, good in all kind, s of harness. 4. Brown How. 5 years, 15 25 hands, perfectly quirt in saddle and harness, clever hunter, and warranted .>Dlld. *° Brown ?,r 5(,Id 15 2 hands, a perfect lady'. back, ,cry fa'" and sound, aud h. b, driven a %y. h?":k. double IIMl1es.. 6. Strong Bay Horse, 15-3 hand!, 5 ycaN old, a capital 6 ;sto. LtI- H. 16,3 hand,, 5 years -1,1, P;t.) w. Ba}^ .,d. orw, 15'3 hands, 5 years old, ft ml 'r,1:o 'e::g% ma7ikabi? open to %,et4ariu-y surg?ii'? ex- 8. Black Cb, 14 hands, very useful. 9 :lIl' good [', and wund. 10. Dark Bay Cart H?l" a good ,orker. 11. Dark By Horse, 4 years, bo?,t 15 hand,, with dark points, just off the farm, has been worked in c. Dog Carts. Spring Carts, Stone Carts, 7 Sets of Single and .Double Harness, 8&ddles ..d Bridl., several best Hand-made Leather H,.d titll,, &C. Each Horte must be prodded w ith a halter, and be I. the Yard by Ten o'clock the Morning of Bale. th, Y,,d *k 1,1,, at Three o clock p.m. (in consequence of Llangyfelach Fair), and the Carriage..nd Harness immediately after. W.h5 WEEKLY AUCTION SALE E WEDNESDAY'_ -WlJÛc11ll1:1Emgf:- STREET, SWANSEA. M ESS&9. BEYNON and LEWIS mil SELL by AUCTION, at !be above place, on WEDNESDAY, March 2,1881, a ,?I Zrt, of ii()LJSEIIOLD FURNIWRE AND EFFECTS, Including new and ?nd-b?d sutt?, pkr ~1^* OIi SALirBY l'R!V/VfliTCONTKACT, -L' a (jmnd L.. COB GELDING, 5 yean old, 14.2 hand" good goer, line action, *p to ZOY'W-% clever f?-' ^Well-bred Brown COB MARE, 6 years, 14.1 h"nd" very clever =? country, up to Z.e. broken to I- l?y 4ELDI?G,9yms, firSk>la.1 hunter and clever timber Jumper, quiet in double and single ham?, a it& Il?"k? "d in gml worklngtrim. C!l,rr:I Iro:;¡;r::ggtin having no further ue for Iw.t?d sound, and .object to a V.S. c""IIIlnatlon, For iiarticulara apply to Beynon and Lewis, A*uc- tioneers, at their Horse Repository, Oxlord-street, Swansea. .m" 39176 Victoria Chamber* „ Swansea. 0^01I77ct> Messrs, NELMES and 'l'AYLO' mSALE FIMIRE8. Welsh Newton F. three Mile. from Mon- mouth j Valuable Live and Dead tanning Stock, I ,dl" C.ttttle, l March Much 1 Wel.h N.wton Farm, tbree mile. from Mon- outh!H,I,I,ll Illu-11, March 3 Brook Farm, Whitchurch, four miles from "?"' and six from Ross: Tr-13 Liv. and Vead k. -I.g Stock, in- cluding 21 head 01 Shorthorn Cattle, 9 Boroe. and,, and C,), d til?-P': March 4 Stow Farm, Clearwell, live miles from M.; mo t" ?i"?! fd "?d Farming Stock Much 8 Ll:u:r*eL(ic;¡ March 8 Iii(,IuWtlt-?oi:e henl of 52 head of well-bred Hereford Cattle, team .110 H!, ,?d 70 Sheep,Ac. March 10 TJiincavo Uu?>er. one ile from U.k: Hou.e- ho^FurmCre, Dairy Utensils, 4c M.rch 11 Liangcvicw, near UC.ppi. Wood and March 12 Timber [areh 12 Cattle Market, Monmouth: Fat and Store March 14 Stock March 14 Clanna ?"tLage,ti?rLydney; Household Fur- March ca nitUl'C, lie. March 23 Pertll.v-P y.rm, Llau\'ø.pley. near Aberga. veniiy: Timber .during March Monmouth Tho e ntive and valuable Stock of a Cabinet Maker and furniture Dealcr.durmg March Pentwvn Farm, LUutllio: Live and Dead Farming Slock.all ?.1y dt, Callow Hill House thr mik-s from MOB. "tl.Valuable Household Furiilt,?. and Appointments .an purly date Catalogn"" and f,,Ii particularsot the above Sales may be obtained on application to Nelmes and Taylor, Stock 8alesmen and Geurn1 Auctioneers and Public A, .u, t..t,,?,ttl,,irOffic.?1,Prior.v,-street,Bionni and 173, Commerci81stred, Newport. » N B —N and T. are P"'P.d to Condnet. Sales and Valuations of Pedigree and -the, Farming Stocks, j"J Ac In any rart 01 the country, upon rea*on:ibleternis .t prompt sejtlements. 3949 r-Ts T A_' T E A GENU*. i4??iLAY DUNconductstpe Bale, Purchase and Management of Land Property, carries out, draining. Road making, the Construction of ftrm other Estate Improvements, aud makes Valuations and Anang..ments with Tenants. A regi.r kept of UW, and 'arm. to ,?ll and let, Batata Office!: 2.;?tp,o,?d(, W -J0141?? ?kO'ftlkltg? I' ifgijii?AL BILI- POSTERS AND DEf.IVEREUS, .? l-rl TR" 'LA?fl,A, BRITON 1ERRY, Cirm)zn Addr, :?' and delivered. U- 't"' to the Great W,?.Iq-tb and Brecon Railways, and tb. PrLmip.6L .ioœen. Losom of 'L Principal p.tlg pkm ^»alrsf bp aurticn. I PRELIMINARY ANNOE:NCRMZNT. 1 MESSilS. D. EVANS and SON are m-, .l.'J. 3truct<d br Messrs. Thoniss .Jal\is, Daniel Evans, and others, tv SELL bv ACCT.ON, at L'anfair FteUis, Llanilttru, en MONDAY. Mareil 21. 1881. a I number of CATTLE, HORSES, AND SHEEP, Also 40 to 00 tons of v.e U ;harvesled hay. Particulars next wœ Any person wishing iO enter anything in tms Sale can do so by informing the Auctioneers tftfcmn oue Week. G A M O H r; ,\S SHI it e7 7" PARISH OF liLANWONNO, AliCltlJARE VALI.EY. IX) COLLIERY PHOPHIETOH.M, TIMBER MEROHASTB, AND OTHERS. Messrs. WILLIAN graham and m SON arc instruCtad to SELL by AUCTION, at the Traveller's Rest Inn, Aberdare Junction, all Till, RS- DAY, tlie 10th day of March, 18í,id""k '11, p,n,l -Zb" .?d 12 ASH TIMBER TREES* Numberelll.. white paint, together wit h 622 Oak, Ach, Birch, Beech. anft Ald^-r Poles, dotted with white paint, growing upon tile Aberhiff-y-Cyitou Wm, in the above parish. TheTaff Vale ShUvray, the Glamorganshire Canal,and turnpike road to 'Aberdare pass tluvugh tbe Farm at AbeTilare .1 undion, Consequently, the Umber is in an exceptionally favo«»irt>ie situation for t by dther of these routes to the numerous collieries and wot ks onlyaaltortdistan'v» fipwm the property. Mr. Tboraaft Davies* jWie Tenant of the n^rm, will show the Timber. For further part,icu!. a:py t. the Auctioneers,   I £ >air$ I# ^rtb^ Contract. IX lmuiSaiws.. ESTATE SAN ue EB. Wi; MOT AID SHOE N fat, 2, m-Ø'l' '1' IQ'ORlJ. E:8HS. TKiBft, C Awd CO. ha''e_rl'il jn»tmct'.ms j fe |n tb*,Tt?t? to bW; by franUWfc?* «ne I»t, tM-' STOf.K W-TlWfflE., » i i r.' iLb(?,jw)vr, .sortmeut of )r." and a ?oia!l qlji = of L umanuiafituwd Gikido, aniontiilng at cost to about £ 360, ab')tract9 of which wa) b had, anù HJC Stock will be on view on the Pivmises, 12, High-street, Hereford, oil TL, ESDAY, March 1. Tenders will he received at the Offices of the Brokers until Twelve o'clock on WEDNESDAY. March 2, wilen they will be opened In the preoeuoo of those who attend. }Ieanwhile further particulars may be obtained ot 111'. W. II. Brown, Solicitor. Bristc Air. L. W. Winter- totliam, Solicitor,Stroud; Mr. Janies .-Ailite,Accotuitant. Caledonia Chambers, Bristol; or of the Brokers, Albion Chambers, Bristol. Dated Aibion Chambers, Bristol, Feb^21, 1881. 392W ri>o EAIiMEltS, COWKEEl'EKS fi TOTHERS. The Merthvr and Aberdare Farms M"nap;ement Com- mittee liavenlxiut 80 TONS oi Prime MANGELS, and about 60 TONS of SWEDE for SALE, which tlaeyare prepared to Sell at the Farms, oral the Troedyrhiw or Aberdare Junction Rilw.l stti., in quantities .1 not, less tball Four Tons, for which offers are requested. Address to W. E. DAVIES. Clerk to the Committee, Parknewydd, Navigation, near Pontypridd. February 24. 1881. 392'<L rpo LET, a capital little HOTEL, r r b, « first-class market. ?.1425 week; uud market, table, and commercial trade. Ingoing can be "gd 1,, atwut £ 300. AI.o a IIM-cla.. Double- licensed Inn at W; receipts about £ 35 week; the tenant retirlup; with a competency. Ingoing about t700, by a" valuation.—Apply, by letter, with stamped envelope, to Mr. W. Clements, 10, Berkeley. tet. Gloucester. 3918 public potters. HE I'ASTURESAN D WHEAT- VIELDI THE OT,, WEST —Cheap and h'rtUe J.'?d? ia Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, and Washington, with healthy climates, railway facilities, and assured growth of value.— Address: The Northern Pacific Railroad Agency, 20, Water-street, J^er- pool. II We alll)wn (tIlC Master, even Christ; anù aU we are brethren." • (CANTON* CHUHCH OF ST. JOHN. ) The Rev. T. R. PHILLIPS, M A., w«\ (US.) P%_I, ?ACif behalf of the Canton Bit»lc W.?.?' H<"iety,onUSlJA.R\'F.JNG EXT"t'e".27. 1881. Divine iServ'ice, Half"p:tt Six p.m. æ2p26 THE •i.LANDAEf 1)10"SAN I TCHURCH CIfORAJSWCIATJON. The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of t he Liandaff Di- Church Choral Association will be held in ti, Town-hall, Cardiff, ou TUESDAY NEXT. at. 12.30 p.m., ,,e 1,UIW BISHOP of the Di? in W. ?hir ■file Rev. W. DAVID, ) jj' 39210 The Rev. J. W. WYNNE-JONES, 39270 The Rev. Wr J. C. LINDSAY, ) LL PERSONS having any CLAIMS .C_IL against the ESTATE of JAN THOMAS, late of Lawn Shop, Rhymney. Monmouthshire, (irews .us!s- tant, Deceased, are requested t.) nJ part Icnla.N to me forthwith.-JAME MO KG-UN, Solicitor for t"e Admi- ni,trator. Albert ChamN-re, C?diff, 2)lh Frljruary, 1881. .Mpa lyr O T r O E i'¡emy ne,t. March 1, ljeing fixed by the Committee of Management as tbtt last day tor eutries to be received for lb, I- 1 E-mi-ti, of I be Ropl ACàdemy in the onmouth e?-t Mr. H. J. Groves will be glad if those Ladies and ntlemen w ho would wish to attend the Examination would send in their Names and Addresses on or before MONDAY NEXT, the 28th inn., Su as to prevent any chance of their being excluded, the Board having given r»articular instructions that &11 LisM mnst y March 2. piUEO N S 11 O O X I N U A PIGEON MATCH will t vke placo al the LAMB AND FLAG HOTEL. GLYN-NEAxlI, on MONDAY, february ^ist. Tho principal prize will bo a FATBUBLOCK, l?t. Th. will V,, F-kT BUDL4C)CK, 2nd. The winner of the rI.t pd," to ;0" L5 to the second best shot. 3rd. To saw bi stake. To lie Shot for in liandkup by 20 MemVrs at 4.1 is. each. Belt's Life Rules. Shooting to commence at Halt-past. Twelve o clock, sharp. Entries to bo ,.t to Mr. M,?dith D.,i, Lamb and Flag Hotel, Glyn-Neath, on or before the Match Day. 39205 TT~N I 'I' A R I A N I S -M. CARDIFF ARMS ASSEMBLY nOOMS. MORNING and EVENING SUNDAY SERVICES, at 11 a.m. and 6.W p. Sl'SDA yt }A!'Êi ;'J?.r.-27". t 6.30, THE REV. CHARLES W!(;KíiTEED, B.A., of London, Will Preach t 1 hv: above Humus, Subject: "Wuy I A M A titfi I T A H I A N f" PAnT r. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, THE RE\:&11l,fu1rËlA'LILECTrE At Eight o'clock. 8ubj""t: "WHY IA3? A UNITARIAN PART U. JESUS CHRIST. Collections to Defray Expenses. 39260_ WVATE ENQUIRY DETECTIVE pASSOCIATION' FOR BRISTOL AND SOUTH WALES, In connection with all the London and Foreign Offices. MALE AND FEMALE DETECTIVES. 45, NICHOLAS-STREET, BRISTOL. 3§909 Address The Manager. SutUnns ocittt &c. R .1 N C I I' A L I T Y pPR?N T INV?TM? BUILDING SOCIETY. BONUS YEAR. UNAPPROPRIATED PROFITS. Dec.. 1879, £5,344 Is. Large or Small Investments may be made on Sub- ocriptlOn or Prepaid SI1areo, which may be expected to realise, with pmti&s, over 7 per cent. Or PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS,  PE?R CENT. ON DEPOSITS, Advances on the Most Easy and Equitable Terms. open Daily lor aU Business. 28, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Ågneles:-Newport: Mr. E. Thomas, 43, York-place. l'eliarth: Mr. D. H. Kdmuuds, 21, Plassey- street. Ebbw Vale: Mr. J. A. Davies, Ida-place. 30192 W. SANDERS, Mal\1\¡¡lnp; Secretary. LOANS ON MORTGAGE, Repayable In from 5 to 21 years, Principal and Interest, may be obtained at short notice from the Blt 1:?!?jr and CLWl'ON permanent BUILDING SOCIETY. (Established 1864, Incorporated 1874.) INTEREST ON DEPOSITS of £5 and upwards. 31, 4. and 4J per ceut. per aimum, paid Hí:Lli.reõ4rly. The Bonus Return to Borrowers ha, been regularly Is 6d in the 9 (7t per ccnt.) ot the interest charged, or from 2i to 6 per cent. un the repayment subscription. Investing members have received from 6 to y per cent, per annum, iutêroit and bonus, for 16 years. Net Biennial Bonus, April. 1382. prospectus. Report, alld Balance Sheet, sent free. C. H. LOW, Chairman. (T. W. LUCAS. Deputy-Chairman. T. SHERWOOD SMITH, F.S.S., Secretary. OFF!cE.No. 30, CLARE-STREET. BRISTOL. 39054 Agent at Swansea :-Mr. H. T. REKS. Auctioneer. THE Tierthyr AND dowlais BUILDING SOCIETY, (Incorporated uud" the Building Societies Alt, 1874.) Are prepared 1.0 LE.1ti 0,011 MtWt){age, at the shortest notice, SUMS of i-100 to £10,000. Reparable in Monthly or Quarterly Instalment*. Borrowers In this Society have special advantages not obtained in other societies, or from private individuals. The legal costs are paid by the Society, and the Hide- uendellee of the borrower, so long tie Ins stipulated re- payments are made. \3 secured by the Registrar under th Friendly 8ocietic!J AeU. Thu utmost 8ecrcc.y is For pllriicnlars apply to Mr. E. Rol-errs. at the Office of the Society, 34, Victoria-street, MeitUyr. 3S014 l\1f I C H A E L l' A 1 N E, Ml 3ILL POSTER, TOWN CRIER, &0., S.SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDARE, Begs t- i.'f tile PublU: and in general thatheHENTS^omcott^ BT.TIOSS In Routh C,E' ?,,TP0'71,TING STATIONS Orders for Po=tin<r. Ac in Aberdare, Aberaman, and district. XB.U'QMt,ac|m^. nna^L< N. E W 1* 0 n '1', M 0 N Established 1870. J. D. it F, E DILL POSTIlt AND ADVI- RTISIN'G AGENT. RENTS all the PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS in town and neighbourhood. lVo good Bill Posters, audi k, 5S235 public Companies, dcr. 1 CLOSING OF THE ST'RSCHIPTION LISTS.  rpHE SHORTHOlC\ DAIRY COMPANY i (LIMITKUk Issue of £ 75,000 r,? percent. Preference hre', itt, participation in adilitlonal profits. OT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the -,?VBICRIP. TIU LI??TS tor tI", above Shares wilt tw ClA>SKD THIS DAY (SATURDAY), the. 26th in»'.„ tor London, and at Twelve o'clc. k 1m 1\10:; \)AY -1 IIT, tlie 28il» iiibt., for Country apulicstions. i By order, j CHAR WHITENURST, 2Z and 25, White Lion-street, Secretary, Bishopsgat* F2.C., 26th February*, 1881. j Tissue OF £100,000 SIX per cent, PR&F8RESCt: SHa\RE8.1 rriHE MEKARSKI (IMPRESSED AIR J. TRACTION COMPANY (.WTdlTED.) CAPlT.Ur.je250.000, in 25,000 SHARES of tio EACH. ISSUE of £ 100,000 SIX PEi; CENT. PREFERENCE SHARES of £10 Each, entitled also to oue..Irj¡ ot the Prollt< tl per Share to be paid Oil application, awl Li IN. per Shllre on allotment. The remainder, if r". quired, to be called up lu sums not exceeding £ 2 lOa. per Share, and at, iutervals 01 not Ie", than thme j The Hon. Robert WeJ!tIII:G;¡;cor, 65, Queen's Gate, S.W General Sir Frederick R. Chapman, G .C.B., D.E., 12. BinaGardens,South kensinp,on, S.W. .J. IEq.. York,. Charles Walter Stronge, Ztq.. C. B 9, O-naUtrgh- CItt"fintiiróiu:abllrgh' I Michael Mill" Koore, ""I., Gl.goW, and 9, su"1 square, Hyde Park, London, W., lite Deputy-Chair- man of the NortUMetropolitan Itamway Company. Edward ?ylam, Esq., Henrv-Atreet, Berniouusey, S.E' and The iilms,Crs»wIey, Sussex. Jlonrleur AlfrM and Monsieur Leon Delpttrea, Directors 01 the Soci^le G;¡éra!" dt« Moteura a Ai, Comprint (Hyit^aw J M^karski), PI" and Tmm- ways rle Nantes, Paris. EmjIsker—F.J.Brafcwei!, Ksq., F.R.S., Jf.Inst.C.B., 37, GL Oeor g e-»ir»rt, S.W. SoLlclroR-crf7i;;1i:Y, and Co., 19, St. Swlthin's-iane, E.C. Bankers—London and County Bank, U.brd-.t-t, and Bmnc}}{>.9. At'f>I1'ORS-:Mes.r.. Turquand, Youngs, and Co., 41, Coleman-streat, E.C. Skcrftakv—John Russell Clipperton. Esq. OfFft," 3. Westminster Cliamlxri, Victoria-street, London, S.W. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. for tfw This C(" has been formed principally for the purpose ot supplying mptin power forTramwavs bv men of compressed air iu the plae of horse power, which Is very expensive, and ot steam, whicb. is impraca ticable in crowded thoroughfares. Hitherto, mechanical difficulties lyive stood in the way of the successful use of dr:v ml)?" air, the principal one being t?,, ,7 p ?u,7- ? Itch i be u?d-? much as I,OOOJbø. Jr q, ilh. These difficulties liave now, however, been solved by the patent. of M. Louis M £ karski, by whose system the d¡-)I compressed air is pa..ed through eu .h""ted water, which adds by xpansion lHarlV lCer cent, to its I power,Rnd the premure required a- ."t exceed 4501be. to th square inch. Mekarski's system has been in operationon the Xantea Tramway in France, whk'h is aboutiour miles in length, for nearly two years past. Nantes is a city with a impu- tation of nearly 120,009, and {:Si i;Pt: tbe wlnter.tim<! in each day allout 172 jourueys of ntjarly four miles Nwh, carrying large numbers of passengers. Two of Mekarskfs aIr !ocomotivP3 b",e been .u. je?ted to a tlwrough testthe Wantage Tramway, which nas itii1'{: ri:ejt:r¡: way, Thfese engines have Ven working the whole passenger traffic of that tramway, ,nd tbelr working ha. been inspected by a !!umœr of tramway and rall?y engineers,andotNer scientific nerons, 4h? ex- ,:ft:eï;hnIT;?:t', i.'T;¡;o:hmho haw t.1 'rile iuUowing r, ,.t- fl'om the Report of Mr. F. J. BramweU.theemluent Engineer, upon this yt,. ill use at N:mte5:- The journeys w ere performed with regularity and at an average tJ, including ."toppages, of frcm live to six mil.s per hour, but f.'g ltr ,d,,Id be .t.u-dif needed. Tl;,dri,?r ,?7, the r n,,r the most absolute control as regards starting, stopping, varying speed, and varying the pressure to surmount an incline. No akilled mechanic need he in (har ot the car; and theappearance of 'ho cars wheti in morion h that which would be presented by a common traracar, running ar, seven to nine miles an hour of Its own -I down a gentle incline, as with oomprefsed air t!wre is,fno smoke, iio,!n nor is tJere i tl. in these cars any visible machinery. io' As a fact, neither from theirappeamnco, nor from any sound ?iuc&i, do th?e can ini?rft?re in the 11.1. degree "ith the ordinary traftio,. The M4karaki I compressed air system I, one 1h: I, thoroughly I niltHagœblr, and in every wa' y trustworthy do tram- v. ay work, irom day to day, under any or all 01 lhe renditions imposed by tramway work in large and crowded 10wn, I T"" 'Y9Ú'm Is applic.1b., not only to tramways, but also to engines working on underground l'&ilw'St in nunej, .?d th" plao1?. Its importance as regards underground railways can hardh' be over-estimated, ",efng tbat it will do "way vith the noxious fumes 1 attendant nn the use or steam locomotives. From tho report of the North Metropolitan Tramways Company for the ?,fve ended last June it appears that tb, t'/tal mileago run by their cars during that I*>riod was 2,222,674 ii, 9. -d tit their ?t?,d ?.I?t?d of 2,094 horses. 1 A, r,4le th,? e?W. ns4ei mf r com- ?,Y ?:?. t??,4or?Tr-?"-y Company would amoiult to over £ 37,00U W., annum. From actu:ù statistics, as weU as careful calculations, I tlw Dircetm's have every reason to believe that the adoption of would save considerably mom than 2d. per mile. From negotiations which haw.ln entered into, tho Directors have no hesitation in saying that the Com- pany will be able at llnra to enteV into fontructs for working the traffic of various Tramway Companies in the United Kingdom, and they believeYhat the profits derivable from such contracts will be very considerable. The following ? the dates of, 'Z.n,- parties to, the Agreements that have been entered i.t.; -13t)? December, 1879, John Emery Gowen and John Russell CMpperton; 13th June, 13th July, and 13th August, 1880, same parties; 1st. January, 1880, John Russell Clipperton and John Hill Munday; lPth June, 13th July, aud 13th August., !8mf r\lfU1"I: 19th October, 1A r Engines Company (Limited), aud John Russell Clipperton; 25tb February, 1831, Compressed Air Ynhu' Company (Ltmitt>d), John Emery Gowen,John RussellClipjwton, .Johnlll\! !Iunday. and tlli. Company; 21st February, 1381, FiJ. Bramwell, Fsq., and this Company, being agreement for his appointment as Engineer. ?p?,, )f all agreement* andol tA,, of A. elation .1? 11 -1? "t the Offices of tgoli,i, Full prospectuses, with form of application and copies of Mr. Bramwell's report, can be obtained of the Bankers, i?ito., and at lhe Offices ?f the Company. N.B.—One of the locomotives is now standing Bt the Victoria Station of the London, Chatham, and D,?, Railway, where it can tw seen oy application to ttw StA- tion Superintendent. An engineer i. in attendance to e\j>lainthe machinery. fnssuraiirr Companies:, &r. Church OF EGLANI> LIFE AND FIRE .\8SURAC. TRU ST AND ANNUITY INSTITUTION, 9 AND 10, KING-STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LODON. Empowered by Special Art of Parliament, 4 and 5 Vic., Cap. S2. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. A.-?' granted on th. LI\e. and Property of the General Public uixm very favoiouble terms and ?n- ..HUon8. from the. '") Special allowance. oil Ix)tl? Life anTFgeton 'Fund in aid of Premiums on both Life and Fire Assurances effected by Clergymen and 8ehoulm&9f.,er.:J, Advances are also made in connection with Life Assurance. Pmspectuse?, Forms of Proposal, and every Informa- tion may be obtained oi H, M, BAKER. 8ectetar¡. The Directors are prepared tv reeeive applications for A.geneie5ln Districts where the Company is not fidly ¡JubIícationfS. LAoloV0OD'S HAG A/TniT for B31ARCH, left N". DCCLEXXV. P,i?ea 6d. COVTEXTS:— IRELAND UNDER ORDINARY LAW. TifE PRIVATE SUCHKTAIIV.-Part V. AMONG THE ALBANIANS OF SOUTHERN PPIRUS. ON SOME OF SHAKESPEARE 3 FEMALE CHA- ILICTElts. III. -DKSIIMIONA. I R.RrRGÊ&.il,J¡;î;arts.-conelu'lon. HOMERS REA.EPIC ]tE It 7E)IBI) IN BALLAD- MEASURE. AUTOBIOGRAPHIES.—No. II.-LORD HKRBKRX OF THE HIGHIJlND TARTAN. Bv Lady John Manners. THE POLITICAL SITUATION. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD and SONS, Edinburgh and London. 39248 ■I • CHAKGE HOUSES AS SELDOM AS POSSIBLK. It Is a nuisance at the best; But when you tlrST, Patronise R0 13 E P, T AV ° ° D, PROPRIETOR OF WOUD 11110 s KCnOl{ URN?IT3-URP \tkks. pC"? 0"?c.?: T WEST CANAL WHARF, CARDIFF. Friccsas Low as any, Advertised at2«.6d.,and Is, 6d. or othenvise. Superior Appliallerl anù Better tyle, ESTIMATES FREE FOR REMOVALS To and from all parts BY UOAIJ, RAIL. OR SEA. E X T E N g I V R WARKlfOtTSf.VG ACCOMMODATION. Orders r?piv@il at the Chief Ollk and at ea;iton. Roath.and Penarth Bmnciies. 373029 T?EATTsrrsCUCUHLO??CE? KAI, ever i.?IIFAI?9!1111 If nearly_ 60 year!, KEVl'lMi'S COUGH" LOZENGES. KTh, RMt and Stff.t i?m?'y for COUGHS, ASTHMA, PHLECM. Md TtUKl.?? 'n the Throat TyE??S——?t)TUHUMKXUKS: Convenient to keep h?ndy?n the poek.r" JT eTvITNO'S COUUH LUXi-?C;?. Are universally recomtnended by the Fac ult3?. ??riN?? ?.'CCOH LOZENGES_. Jt?. bold in Tin.. h.ld. 'nd ?. M.. by all Chemists 45(«5 D ANŒL OWEN & CO.'S ABC  BAtLWAT TLME TAB'?, the -111 on" pub- | [ lished in Wales, price 1J. ?. ?r annum ?p by p?M. ,diff, Cntorrs aim Contrarts. i ií'fX úi;¡[-r im;¡tt'<ff'tJie- t H'CY;;C X 5,000OLD RAILWAY SLEEPERS, delivered in gtx«d condition aI. Newport.—Apply David Davies, Ci,ii and Minii^En^lneer, Pontyp<K>l. 337p26 I rpFiii OOVIPAONIK HUl1LLEE DJ TGRAI(kOLA-Nil?:HTKYR COLLIERY PHOPIUE- ToES (MESSRS. CORY, y, and CO.), Swansea, ar. pr" to revive TENDEKS for the supply ot fllg Requiremeuta Ai 11 six Vonths ending the 31st of August, 18U1, of the following Articles, vix.Oils, Tallow, Tram Grease, Couan Wmte, HE-mp, Yarn, Bolts and Nuts, Rivets, Plate NaBs, Bai11Jogs. Pat Bose Nails, Wire Uopeg, Sheet and Bar lwii, StA?d, Film, Signal Wire, 01-ti"g Powdw, Dynamite, Fuse, De- tonators, ip¡'t:I:tnglt"d);¡1Sliri: j "Is. BratUeeClotli, iroamongm,, OaU, Beans, Hay, Bedding. Further particulars and I-, of Tender to had on app1ioatlon to Mr.J. Roberts, Mining ,"F wo- ter Chambers, Swansea, or at tho Company's otli-, bd.slll=t)er, jtf** W,W-.dd-d fA Iho Ol. Jlootll", de Qft\&I>Ia 3i.t hy' M- Cory. Yen, and Co.), Swansea, fturked (for 8will be rcceiveû up till &trd?y, Marcli 12,1331. The ComJ»nv do not bind tMmseh. to accept tne lowe.t or IIY Tender. æ.!69 A It DF. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. The Council of the Boroughof Cardiff 1. prepared to receive TENDERS for the Execution of the i. lo? i g Works for a period 01 One 1. PITCHING, PAVING, and CHANNELLING STREETS within the Borough to such all extent U shall from thne to time be required by the Urban Authority; also LAYING GULLY and HOUSE DRAINS, ana other Works connected therewith. 2. SUPPLYING, BREAKING, and STACKING MNE, for Highway Repaiu, at the several places mentioned in the Specification. 3. HAULING and DELIVERING BROKEN STONE and other Material, lo the Highways ith'. the Specifications may be s-en and Forms of Tender ü1:>I.llIed at the Office oi Mr. J. A. B.Williams, M.i.C.K., Borough Engineer. B X" Tenders, ?nd.-d "Tender for Street Works, Stone Supidy, or Haulage." as tbe case may be, to be d'-liv^red at my Oftite Bot laler than Tell o'clock on tile Morning of TliUUSDAT, 10th March. 1881. Thp- Couucil Ùoe3 not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, J. L. H EATLEY, Town-clerk. Town-hall, Cardiff, Feb. 2S, 1881. 311261 rjX) CONTKACTOHS AXDOTHER8. The TSTRADYFODIVG, LLANWONNO, and LLAN. TRLSA-NT JOINT BURIAL BOARD im1k TENDERS for the Formation, Making,and Metalling of a NEW ROAD about I ?, 11, 1, 1,, L,d as a deviation of the highway between Trealaw and Porth, Glamorganshire, Uk m.kin .( ,Ii PATH8, CULVERTS, HANKS, FENCES, .,d oth.r W?rl. in connection ith the said Road, and 1-'IIE TIO, of STONE BOUNDARY WALL,?.tNorthern side thereof. The Plana, Specification, Bills of (Quantities, aud terms of Contract may be inspected, and Form of Tender ob- 1"'M:(* %,uJk'Êdpn I;? Y.nt.vry 'It.,?t.I.L-n the hours oPFen ?.m.d Fl,? p.m. Scaled IVnders, endorsed Itotder for Road," must be sent to-, p,?pid. or !>efore WED.NEDAY, the 2nd of March next. The Board will not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. J. EDWARDS PJUCE, Solicitor, The Court. House, l'onlypr¡dd. Clerk to the Board. Dat^d this 11th day of February, 1881. 39118 gftnuattoiiai Sttmounrcments, _.v.- YiriNDSOK PLACE ACADEMY ALEXANDER LOW, HEAD-MASTER. Tliis &11001" resumed 011 MONDAY, .laHilar}-10. en a New Quarter will oomnienee. 381911y_ ] COWBH1DGK. 7-1-ÜDAIŒ- li.(UT?SI-4 -CO"rlilt U —Irincipab, The Mis. DAVIES. The duties of their School were resumed THURSDAY, the 20th January. =-c;- ==-=-=.=-=1.4.- yKWCA3,1.LE-1,vlLYV I^MLYN GKAMMAli SCHOOL, J NEWCA8TLK-EMLYN. Head Master-Mr. T.T. ELIAS, M.B.C.P. I A,.i.t. ,DAVY ELI AS,; D. LL. REES. DRAWING, SHORTHAND, and MUSIC CLASSES DAILY. Terms-Boarders, 25 Guinea, per annum; Day Scholars, from 3 to 4 Guineas. 327b3 SWANSEA. (COLLEGIA 1'E SCHOOL. SWANSEA, J -Head Master, Rev. GIFFORD WOOD, B.A.; Z4 -Ii.d Alt183 ODELL, Esq., B.A. School ML,r .-iEei;!Y,J.M,-y ,i?l.. B. A 8?IN .1 A" li N OLD COLLEGE WOODLAND3. Principal: Rev, F:. WILLIAMS, M.A., Glas., B.D. fidin. The Duties of the New Year began on WEDNESDAY, January 19th. 342ad OLO[:cESTER; r^nrrWfEIELD HOUSE, GLOUCESTER. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Conducted by HERR and MRS. G. M. LEO. Mostbeautifut and healthy situati In th country, 'Ce mile from Gloucester. Excellent Premises. Recreation Grounds, two and a half-acres. P,?p-ti, for the 1:,?i, r,ity Examinations. r, The Modem Languages, ?u3ic. Drawing, and Painting receive especial attention. Can:ful moral training. Firs¡"'w, refnces. Mode- ratf., inclusive terms, HALF-TERM Commences on MONDAY, 7th of March, 1881. In 1880 T" Certificates, ith h;Iunl:l,es were :'i ir: I-[ 81.d Trinity ColIge (M,,?i?) O?ini?tiom by Pupils (rom thia ¡;cùoo\. Prospeotus and full particulars on application. 38837 TEENS that Young Ladies are in no burry Tt? g?t!??t ?f-l' k??ig VELVET-TEENB. rpirE''LOu1 S'' VELVETEEN TIs SIMPLY UNIQUB. Do not be induced by pemnio[L to take any OTON. AN EXTRA PROFIT TO YOUR LOSS, may be speciously made if you accept under whatever name offered an inferior quality of Velveteen. "THE LOUIS" ,t?bli,h-!d its 1,P??t-t4-n "'¡dly even ..light I' InleriùriLy would iDjure Its repute, = ..Wtt- A TEST OF MEIUT, and guarantee of UNSURPASSED QUALITY. Be sure you find tbe words THE "LOUIS VELVETEEN" ON BVBIY YARD, or you liave not. THE GENUINE LOUIS," Notwitbstanding all assertion. to the contrary. Wh.1-1. London Agent, J. H. FCLLER?, Watling- street, who will send on enquiry, post free, the names of Ihe n?rest drapem from whom the genuine LOUIS LVETEE.'I can be ol)tain' 3S7W rpHOMPSON* AND gHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS FOR BRINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS AND THE ESTEY OBGAN8- QUEEN'S BUILDINGS and ) CARDIFF. 64. ST. MARY-STREM, j \J THREE YEARW SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY BROADWOOD, COLLARD, BRIKSMEAD. BRARD, AC. rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, 97 and gs, OXFORD STREET, gWANSEA. SOLE AGENTS FOR BRINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS AND THE ESTEY ORGANS. T II R E EYE A It S' S Y S T E M FOR PIANOS BY BRINSMEAD, COLLARD, BROAD- WOOD, KIRKMAN, ERAIW; HOPKINSO.V AND ALL LEADING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MAKERS. N.B.-HANDSOME CATALOGUE FREE 0-i APPLICATION. rpHOMPSO? A:-iO SHACKELL, 111 & 112, COYYERClA.L.STREET, NEWPORT. I SOLE AGENTS FOR BRINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PtA?OS AND THE ESTEY ORGANS. THRIVE YEA Its' SYSTEM ¡ FOR ORGANS. HARMONIUMS, AND PIANOS, I llrom 10s. per month, Brattice CLOTH BRATTICE) _D CWTII!! BIATTICE CtOTH: THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. of W, are prepared TEI;R f SUPPLY -t BRATTICE CLOTH and AIR TUBING of ?y do- serlption.-Ad s Wù.Ltrok MANUFACTURING COMPAlfY. i Al l.UHTOV. =a6 ^ubltr amujsrmcnts. CARDIFF. ???U???OYALTCA? *LI'RE ROYKL, CkiiDIFF. LM? Sole Manager, Mr E. Bel*es. THIS tSATURDAY> EVENING. FEBRUARY 26. LAiT NIGHT oF MR. WILSOX BARRETT'S PROOF" COMPANY In W.G. Willi's great Play. JANE S H O R E. Magnificent ew &ellery anJ Appointment,. Aiitt, Original u:;ic and Effects, lo conclude with th: Laughable Farce, entitled FRIC 9T. ?'?? .?H?l'?BAPmc FMCHT. ?_ "NEXt WKEK.-Mr. Doyly C?rM t up<m ComM'? in Gilbert's and Sullivan's \a.t 8u. the P,RATE4 m PENZANCE. Day Performance, Saturday, h J. I Doorsopen at7. Commence7.30. Usual prices. Bm PtKhf <M Mr. Wm. Lcwii't. Duke-street. SWANSEA EW TTILAIKE^ WLNMTI"F, TO-XIGHT .SAlLUllAl). POSITU ELV THE LAST 'fi;ii¥ Il t'ir't ¿íuJAr¡itii :'t ¡i..1 COMPANY. LAST NIGHT uF Ku\;D THE CTOC)I. LAtiT NiGHT OF BRUM. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY), at 7.30, the enormously aua-ewtnl K O i: X D I H E C L 0 C K! Concluding wilh an Original EcieutricitT. BRUM, A? Dili-% tf Xi?CHANT*' ROUND THE; CLOCK AND BRUM TO-NIGHT. ROUND THE CLOCK AND BRUM TO-NIGHT. FAMOUS ECCENTRICITIES TO-NIGHT, MONDAY NEXT. FEBRUARY 23, Eim a BENEFIT. JOHN HI) OSI, a» Rascal Jack. GEORGE 1o.ŒJ.\ llLi: the Cjrslcu. ¡¡",then, FAWCETT LO.MAA as Coupeau Drink" (byexpw* permisaitm of et-4,- Ilea.* k;lq ELLIOTT and BENSON, Son« and t?!? A?ttM. EDGAR AUST .L If, g C.? i.IL- RKABUO?ndOS?* ?.?i Jut?'-r' 'Ji?, Constance Lewis, Min Cbippendmit?, ,?d New Com- pany, including Messrs. Lonnen Meadows, W. P&1lhM' .M"'t!' Towers, and tuuuerdii. ot Augmented Orchestra, under ^h«Uit«ctidn '? MM". W. F. K?Hty tMK'.A. Mackuey. BEifANUBLK PROG E, for-ta? oM of th Greatest Combinathw S K Attrar^tions ever knowii. rr(jtG¡&biï;{; :iir.T;Lf:o:iŒf Director. i. MELNLLE TT(?N GUT SP?LAL DRAMATIC NIGHT. TO-NIGHT SATURDAY), 0,-<n at 6.30. Commence at Sevan, JACK LONG, OF T E X A t?, Followed hv WASHINGTON IRVING* Rll' V A N W I X K L E, OR THE SLEEP OF 20 YEARS. BFP, Mr. EMM. MW?KA. iU. CONt?T.?NCE LEWIS. Picturesque Scenery Powerful Caat. Muaic. Mturesq Concluding ?,t HAPP? JoK HalJ_Priec at Nine. MKRTHYR. T E M PER A NeE II ALL, MEBTHYE. CHARLES DILLON, WITH MISS BELLA MORTIMER, ..Nil FULL AND EFFICIENT COMPAKY, will pay a Rcturo Visit to Merthyr on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, March aDd 5. FRIDAY: MERCHAXT OF VENICE. Shyloek Mr. Charlea DUlOD. Porti. Miss Mortimer. SATL-RDAY 39239 M A C B E T n jpURNITURE. GREAT REDUCTION IS THK PRICE OF FU1U.:1Tt'RE'11 ¿T A L sop's STEAM CABINET WORKS, 19.20, 21, 22, and 23, FAIRFAX-STREET, and 58 and 59, BROADMRAD, BRISTOL. A L S 0 1"8 STEAM CABINET AND FURNITURE WOaKS 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, j FAIRFAX-STREET, and 58 & 59, HROADMEAD BRISTOL. Premise! and Stock are the Largest in Bristol andtba We-jt of England. TAPESTRY CARPLVS. I/Si tlDDERMIN'8TERdo.l/10J BRUSSELSdo gfflk iPRUfG MATTRESS. 25:$ V A ESOP^.—18s. Cd.—EASY CHAIR, in .11 Leather Cloth and Carton. A USOP'S.—8 GUINEAS-WALNUT ?_ DBAWUfGBOOM SCMK.cumpht- Inl: Conch, Two Easy Chir., and blx »malt Chir,; W.t-t C4,iff I. t4 It. 0,.l L?.tr?, Tbl,? L3 3.. A LSOP'S.—43). BIRCH BEDROOM SUrfr, mmplete, mmprising ?- .1. t'rythPJl: Table, T??,I-il, ."a Four C"i", A LSOP'S.CC,. SOLID MAHOGANY DIYIYG TABLE. 8 feet long, with Two Loose Leaves and Patent screw; Smaller ditto, witb One Leaf, 63s. /A LSOP'S.-l?.Cd.-MAHOG.?STPAR. MCH CHAIRS, rnvred In Uir. ?t.h Gentleman's Easy CSmif to match, 36s.; Mahogany Oral ct. Tahlc, 4. Chlffomdere, 00.. i Sofa or Couch, 60s. A LSOP'S.—Ms-HAT & MFBRELLA STAN?D.ith Gl-,Ut ..d piw gian Back; larger ditto, with Marble Slab, Plate-glass Back, and 1>r'a- 4&. furnish THROUGHOUT ALSO P'S STEAM CABINET WORKS, 19, 23. 21, 22. AND 23, FAIRFAX-STREET, un 58 and 59, IlROADMEAl), BRISTOL GEORGE CHEADLE AND CO., LOCK: AND LATCH MANUFACTURERS, BRASS FOUNDERS, AND WHOLESALE BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS, WOLVERHAMPTON. PRICRS ON APPLICATION. 6618d IMPORTANT NOTICE. i H. COLLE1T and 00, LANGLEY MXWMY. CKjrfE?HAM. announce t.t?t t?" Celebra fu" WU?mKE AH.? ? '? had "'?'h tbole AGENT, Mr. L. V, OWBX, 113, Bro&dway, Car.ulf, willCollectthelr Accounts Monthly. wtH Con«tttte ?< Trial Only ? solicit?. FtmHy Mild Ale, h. per Gallon Highly reooo- A 11:. itt". 1,. -.a UtSr Is.'w. LTi^' C~ Stout, 1??M ? ? ?M??. mic ?, DAMS AND 0?0 THE CITY HOSIERS, HAIR CUTTING AND BATH ROOKS, TEIGEL BUILDINGS, BT. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. 37S8 jpiANOS. M E B I C A N QRGANS. I •J^ARMONTUMS. INI USIC WAREHOUST,, 31, qUEEN-STREKT, NEATH. MR. J.W. ROBINSON Respectfully invites Intending Buyers to inspect bis Stock, or t?, for pncea to above Ad. Be II -p.-i to F. L..tlu- ?n't? T?'? 'St?e ?t Mctt ."leh wil\ be found "y comparison ?. be tbe w-rt in the L?d. t?? Cash, ur on any of the raeognijed systems of Purchase. MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 31, QUEM-STREST. HEATH. U. I- 1 BUILDER OK IKON' CiiURCHES, SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, I'tJKTABLE HOUSES, Etc, 297 ASD 299, E¡;STO KOAI), LO:<iX?<, ?.?. The Executors QI th" I.t. C. KENT beg to !nf,rm The E?Mtor?f t).? ?te < <<?T '?J?/?j'? no way ?t?rteM ?'th t?e ?'.tnuMtMx of the wl. t.u<;ÎIIt'!o8. I AWIi..atlon! for d.1g?, .?d eltim, MidreM? W Manager as above, will rc-eiveimmeaiateatU-iition.[4Ia* R--ÕUEr{.)-liHLOU STREET J)t) FOUNDRY, SWANSEA. n,- W. ?MTLAKE (C?y. T?.d C W. BY??  and 8ûI W?r.k.h Patent Fuel C.?afM?y). ;?M<<f. KNGtXEKM iKU?FOUXUt;KS. MtiMa, MiLLWRI«HTS, 4c. Makers of Rogers's Improved Ship's Steer,ing «acj>i > and Mannlacturers of all sorts ot Agricultural I mentfi and Sanitary Ca.:in!I. St?,hip Wpatm ei every MIcripiQD p nro^m^ot7lr att.nù",l w. a&3õ4 S ??idenr th.,t c.n;{;Pt;;¡ Mf? ,.?d hr fndi?ti. "'? M" C^orn t?fnta. for during the 1-10-' ? h. Al3Jl OUTON'S CAMOMILE HLL> ,h»ve t:: alforde,j Mi,f to thousands, "old in MUu. !s. l'.d.. 2?. yd., and Us. A Pleasing AppeariiKe Is the U«t letur of ??ODFRKYS?E?T'HA?' OF ELDER thp C.>mpl,.xion. I n ttd., 9..1. E'ItCh. b)".u 1IedidJ.w Vendor* and Perfumers. —  ???,? Zrr?RY SATURDAX room