..HET'AIII 8C."LF. (lJ< SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS c TO* TB8 TOttOWISO CLUtlK8 OF Sn rA1.10!t Wantip, m tiiioKV Ort'KKiu. "P.IHJi.1"{) 1.101, APaittMvm W itrv. MomvWamw. I FiRTkEKMIMI I I Bl'MMANtH ".? SAiA. 1 U"TA'<)'t\)?". ) MiSikiLANKors "A"T. )lOlSL.. SHOP*, C FT1CK*, Pc BWCHOlSK* 1'0 1,)1'1" ov KLI, SpaCIrlO ArtflCLKS FOR S41t IV PRIVAlA COV 11 n{t paid for in Advance the ordinary rrNiit rat. e w »inn tw- ,'ha1'f"d Hi 1 nsi-i- | WtSTEKS MAIL. lion, in Mtfrdt. allo1 ,Vr I Three sn I 9"" !l Men Ion. I Insertions. lniertiow. M «-k,lv. t »nr «<• ■ »• is (i 1 0 i t; o 7 i ;t I c. <> :;o ? (i <' ■• <» 4 •t< j I ;;) 0 :,4 1 »; «' 4 i »; o oa 1 n 7 0 '•J I:! (I 4 <> ti 0 H o l | 5 '4 <• t; \1 it II ,r' o 1-0'- V' voru* _n — 8.- 'Ib8 ho *cM* doe* nut apply tHL\1\t.t is«* UieoMIrawft Public Bodies. GENKRAI- ADVKRTISINU ( HAKUKS. Parua*k.via.rT N'WICIS, Addre?:»e»to Purliainentary > iecttm. aud ûO\ eruiurM Amiuum-e mmi* arechai&r^i « mic ShiHiu, |*r lire 10r each insertion. Prostut'1 j. ublit cuO)pallia are chat gfvl .Nim^n^e per line u>\ rath uiM'rtioll K:»t, vuM1c, mum«o*ol, |*roclti*Ki :"Ddpn and contracts. and *-h|H trJ nonce* aial un.r..ø S.i1r1( p*-r iioe '(I each insertion. I Albion A»oix««j are charged l'L'p*l1r I*f J: rH. alld a U other classe* lIt advertisement* t'our}JIH""1 «rr iiue Mr insertion. But f.Vs* fburpis nrt 'I(1 t. rliulte* 1n proportion tv tht Ilumtwr 0' lIIrtiUII:- Or, o^d, pwticuoi whicb lI1i.\ l"t' ohtajm^ on t :on at tlie Oftic* PkEiiOXS KK.NE>1 VA "» maIHJ!.(.>fjpt inav l'akuJatt" eigli' 1'¡n.h t,')a 1" .and an inch, iu cluriMig ad\-t1rtit'I!It:n(., h,I. !ht' tineaare not coum^l, tut tb. 84.h t'r-t IU'III ,JHdu.din& Jatselinm and d*>h«. are In' 11t .|iaa, *£ r c* pieUtkarffdwat tberawot \he hll" to the t.. Lqu"! and POdt -vj"t.>rot shuM hf nude |-ay- 4»Mv t\1 the Yall"r. «. « r. HP. HftvKY Ma.K.vzit THOMAS _"81:. (,r.1 ",ift. to "hOIn all tll,,¡;ltf'" c\'QlnUluiC4Ih'!lj htJuhJ l-e n,hlrhst\Í -+-, n itli1trtmOnii\l VlYol'N'li bi.uu>;|u»aM, tali. Jkud dat W, >tui*y inK -r I\t .f.: :lli;.a,III¡l ( \IJ: ,h a v:ew to Mamaji*. "ith » Udv su»tal»W tor* wife.- Address, (onliJ"ntiali', K. K K." 26. tillers-street. WW 370^ JÜ,,¡.a-l.,t.'ïÚ,- \rl-iït-i'tf,I-; ^Islu-s IV (y^rwu.itd with Widow, orotherwiie. notow's 40. .t l i means EtirU-v, in strut ooii»»d«»t»w*»|«h« <»•. MhicU vkiii bt" ieturn«d.-Boeh, Mat; 5*»"' .a, Y17\\4 4 \VllK>VVHK with a tamily. t» au *xi*'J*«"t-!»»«- •\ tioi» woidd like t.> CoFr»->pond with a suitable |JTv. widow oi '>thrr»Ue, witii a view t» Matriiuony.- W i te, giving Inil i<«rtifuiara &lId em-lusing 1,1' to > (■> Ma-< Ottic. earltitf ),¡&l CIrrttal. "%W %TANTtl>. a Tillo i»r Lay-Kr*deiiltip. prv (*»* by a 'V "}:ls:I" J:i,I"i;i.i, Ltfin*, M«f"rn */«.Otftc* C^rdifT. a2?n3 ilirttrnl. ••\•M TA.MKD.I.vh S.. W..ii, a ivmp»- A 1; l;t ,t' (irt,a:¡:: :11 'I,II; Hui.ChenÜ:-1. f'al.. f|I X» I'HHMim1* A» Wi/m M'»puKn,»iilia*!t» Wfun lia-f Hi*Jirstr*Hfi.iif*» ltoU-it Ua\ il', «7st.. I'jr.liyiii. 212ua W'AMEll ii»int'uutu'l>. Juuiur ur Iniprovrr. wixr.1 V v t riilf, x*hh\ gecd 1'n.xoi Wwliuiu*. Mrui' al AlxT'ljr'- brlJolaøtlr. WASTED, »t ""l «f i> t 'V :I?8r ditl. ti.Ö::I\ n. I'UiWr.a lu.d-i- twelve y.arj. rli.irwiji. h"1'- Music, »uJ no-illt woik.—Adilius n. I. P. Brunswick- .:rt. "waf! 365uZ i VOl'MU U'l» t« 1» rwrin-d ill » m-liwl <Imi« the mIJ aoquiit U.. »it 01 Moiling by i;is(rueUug tl* junior r*ii ",ml wniuiiew- i..n fur Uwliinc "imnic, in wliich sho i VIoft- ArtJTW Kcin. r.r„ .VUI/.C»r.ti lT AjvTEI> loinif4uwl>. an «- J Triuhrr.- ■ 'V íiRltó¡;f'Íi'. a\:1t,D'i¡: Kach. S»«h aD8u %*? Ä'i'; >*tiull«l School, » Tr«(n».l ) f OrtiliMtnl Salary lorty powuds t*W, '101 E7t).Xi.1J;:J_rf17 cv. Pujjh. *it ( Kar-. ^.Lk ,1. ■ yKQl lUKL) K^i g ageuiria as Besideiit (r»vrrn*as; It t; :Il1t:JIt.;t,rII: j » ciu-Jk' "r.u, and &wan (acquired abn^ad1: s.J) uury. a. W..Po>f-oJfic. SkAtty, ^waiiN-a-106'ti JBomrstttr rbnntsf XHiiryraald. a y jnnc w,'ro*n-whc> £ ?n 'V d prk:fl¡''r'iltl I Bryit. Skettv. Swansc:i. aæ.¡ f ANThD i:itmetiiatei>'» a ^ix>d Pltin C'>ok. aWe to «ash luid iron; tirnin family.—Appiy. stating •age. ppferei»ct<. a:ul vagea required, to iii». 4.dlp^ L' udrfwuod H. Y}ut)"ti!. 4£1öl WAMKl> iianiediately, in 611iii\jth,¿-t cliiMran, a good, ekan. rwpet4«We Oenaral ,nsnt, Ullt wuh .ud iivu t iiarat-iei Mnctly »n- '0 Arply persouaJiv at *), )lolltveUtr.ti rat"t:. .nlK'. a7J¡¡:> »a~y"A^TKIi at qimt. an tdtidnt.ïi;IUJ P.rWur )tu,t havt »»*rved in a ..ntlt'RI.u'tthOU I *•.#1 hare good reference.—Mrs- Knig »t,11ia t"f; D'tiiM'tt.Hte, !»«ar Cardiff. 'V Ull'f.\t:,¡'XII;¡;>\I\ti' Mr»- Mor A t)ie Lindrns. Penarth. ""A>*K1>. » wu*u OuuaLry ttiii. »g«d \%TXnTbT», a (io Tural 8»«t. r-fyreiu "V! ti3 T;I:;¥ a;L1,IJIl1¡; 1 r* vs-ri»ad, Cathays, CaTViiff- 'V A.:V.rilW:"¡;} aMi«r in House and frartour Work.-Apply, bv letter, to Mrs. Cwv. Yaindre Hatl.St. Mell«n>.Card»fr. 39' i S .}I_"L t'nl1t" s-.ppliM m e%^rv capaoitv on r app)i«*ti"0 u> Mrs..1, llH'. U-neul KfgJ«r.v ^nhoe, Br>nma*r r°'"3 U>ANTKI), a re7j*cTabli Gir!. at-out 20, as Uenenl, 8*Tv*ni.—Appiv Kd!bw.E'nt itooms, tavdifx "i" G.W.K J npw "X v f t l Tiuuiicdiaicjy. several c::{t.: ¡ St^rrantj. Ladit^ suifce«i with Cut>k» and Kitcbrn- Tiui-fs.—Mrs. l>«ivid,27, Klni^Uert, CaactifT. WASTlDaF oncf, g'X»4l (ici*raI '.I'\ 1it:-iï.U;t ,,H rccommi'tijcj al from 2*> !O 30.— X. V. Zt 1")jT.('Ifti"f". Yv railgvi'lai'. ',¡rAfEö-înat,rÔh." Plain »1io UIIJit- ▼ standaa 'm8nÙtr\ at. F«tundryn:aid. l*o: (and I", Am "allh."p, Jlust tJf"HrlyriN, J I nexce^tional rIt:1tnce.-Â1'Iy Bu 37. P03t.o(,ftil',f', AN'IKL), WJmjj Girl a. X i^mui-I to a little 'V"I:t.I:f:d'¿ I: ,eW. >• I .jhjection t one not unllS b*n on: before. .ldna lk>*b9. Bwanwa. #19«i4 « "ijiTBD, (iejiwai r*. r\I.4'tomN Ui do ¡ W" plain ivuHng. Must be very clean al .buut 20; good n"'er. iKcs 'qu.rtl Aj'p'y, by leUer, K- H. 'f, II" JU*U, Cardiff. mo,$ W" ÚTD Maid to Kldrrly trndy > Church* tfman; c kmI r-nuiak-T, and mt;t have undaiuable i hararfer-ft. K .'ow,.I.t !fe*i«'ry Oftiee. (Iwauwa. \V ANZ,rU:):Mr:'I;,nI'9 I Ucuerul yr*all's.— M rs. fivaus'a KegiSi 9, 1.]m'r("f'l. kll.f). Cardiff. 316ul_ ■f ASTKi). a <I*iti, re«|,Klablc Gcn.rai kervaiiT. O hji I rej reqwirfxt Two in family. —I*or l»rtjeular»a|.|.l" vMi llogg. Blalloner. Croeklitrtitown. ?<6"s_. *rASTKl) iiiiiuidialelv, jriiort Plain Cook ,T':I:: ff lUttll »faJllil»; mint havt good Iiara<ter Irom Lwt situation.-Afl'ly, stating all pariluuUn, Mr*. 1:.1 J'. OpM\enor H"UV, Catt'.eilra' 1 oat], Cardiff. «fui A>'TKD iiuin.-diatclv, a Head fi'aiin-M. -A)>i>ly to ro 1'I.trke, at the M iiulaor Hotel, buUe l)<a'ka. Caraiff.. '-V' u,T;U-tï;U1;î,r:Wi10i;- '¡!ij plain Cook, and nan .di't with w:'hin, Houseman! kekpt two in [amilv,—Apply 24, Cro< k l ierbtown. I ar- l-tll K&¡;-¡('j;¡\ \:n\ Ila I w»»hi..g. ironing. Al«o 'IUI', Only i .imprtant servants JlnJ app') • 1,.twl t'tllfT!IH. wagM.- -i. Church Fark.Tlie Njiml.lM V A i-!¿: :I:J r, ä: •*p»rieu«-.J Working'; llou^ek^ef^er, not under 30. one thai can manage :i Oairr and a«<M*t«»mM to hHking preferred.—Address i.oW«r, tt'tx'rru .Va./Otti<*e, Cardiff. IV LTANTEDliiuii^tMtWv a Hyuie and Partourwaid ▼ in a lfpiiifJeuMii's '(,¡udh': liighcat tdC..IH('-¡' .V'pTy to Bo 4. IW ..fli'T, \V A; 1:d.J li*'tn»r*l >»ts«iu g->'t v^- ranees | d wagoi given.—Appi.v Ant^tnpe HoteJ, Bute-ftfet-C-irliff. ?oM'l23 W ASTKD, an and Pvirlo>irraa» 4 'V":l:. at 1k:K: Cardiff. 282u3 WA3iTKD.a Gen< ul -It, with g«nd reie- ff'rw" Age atA>ut 20.-Mrs. Huult, &, -Umtsi- .-r?t. D«)u. C;tr(hff 26aua WA-NTED,perieneed Sû;aid ;1' S;th.- AI' ?A.—Applv, rn(l«>»ing stamped envelope. K. K:i^s Jone*. M»*gi^vy Olfice, >f>ath. 267j»28 A S TKi>T ex}n-rten».V«l General i«krvaiit muat y? ãt:.¡,I':f.I, A5rs. )(il., t"rmJ"It:. Clytha Park-r«»a<l, J.128 at 6, 'V A:?:Pÿ:lIerrant,rr' fANTtD, trt'^era\ ftervant a».<us1«»v\^ to pUUi ?\ ?trng t'Mrty .df;t;r jii; ).. h?.b?.- Ap?y 7. PtrtW.??'?.?. Hnxt).. ?"? '>A-NfKl>, a general .r\t who <mji ':II"k. also \\? '?' \f.?. ,? "*?T)f??'n't'id. ?.Addr?-! H. >»., )",? ? < ?w?Tt. M..n ?.3 A\ Ta\Mfcl». "a ipxHi u<M.M*t ?" Appiy. t*- ?? ..?ut-u?J 6? p.H'6.Tf??. ^ire^egarvdie. « £ 4ou3^ AUtf!S??h<<?"ed''i'?'L<. H.n?mt?.?. and t? ?nm?Tv.nt..tMr)'.B«'it!t.<fti*tr.??' Kmi«rk'k-«itr»-et, Cardiff. Wl'M T.,f, ?V Huutf.rm.t?.?t<n.tct.t*r<<it 23^p^# A>"i'BD,'gO(Kt I,w C«*»K ..i\1 a P^rl mrinaid, a \V' guod ?tf-M?e.-lrpt? to M.-? ??"?'' <?rMtn! Havertordwst. 2 )?_ 'V!Zi; ;Î:=-: i C.. 2. 1 )«vo»ft»-rrare, Swansea. <1 oob O^neral 'r\41.t. can plain v<«>k. no wadring '• ? B ti<u 'Ur???M?<.hd*? fhiUttn «»d oWigitig. i.m y Kbi«w, M»jndt*. Mewport. ^04u2 WANTED, a good Oen^ral Herv :;bif.oi. ?V .?L.u?.-Af?y Lord ?tn.?t h.'«LL.??r 0 range, (Wdtff. lT^ui W A>TKi», eaptri#n«^»l iientral 8< rr«nt, wiib ,y gcxni rharact/r mnsr U* able to do pi.iln pooking t.i.d <M?*"d "o" "<* '"?" Apply. > j«Ally, 3, His Ind Aberdarv. ??A?TKU.t?i H?'?'?'.<7tn<.T??)'r? jUairvmaid; trom ("GURU V pnjierred —Miasdones, b.'?n'?'??Y????'*??? Swa:ii»-a. WA>TKD, a >urae Oiri, about 26 year# ot U,- \YI! Jf £ dge. MumMes. Swansea, ul ZSl fcI>T* iiw»eralgar»a«i aPoui, 2wya»ra <>'aiie. 6, Cyril-creaeent, B««tb. 76p« "<fj; h»rvanl for h,,?,. ▼ T Business; nitist ba a gnod plain -k, and tl" 1" produce* tirstH'ia«« i« t*reiK*a -Apply in j^rson.any tv?i.? Xt?? MS and eigltl ul'l, at ?. W'n!bf.r ,i?.C*r.t«r. 59pa 'V A:I"\ attive Uwl as fci,itch«mnaid; NV our a.-c'i^U'ined of business, where a tastlinz l?d. u Ü(."e.- AWY twins ..d don. Koyal ?.?S?u?H!. 'X?pcrt? _?!'? d lOOD P4.L? Cooi aJv^ Oonna 1 S ivant. Arl" N ew-, tttey and Corse* )1a"" BeoisU.v Office jvi Scrrauta. Nvw^ort, Soinestif btrbants 01anttl't. (1ENi)KAL efkrvant and Nuiaeniaid WaPted. tiood X references i"dl'I'I, — Apply Dartmouth "lia, GloMvy*t«rrace, neai- Wurkihvu for Blind, Cat- ",ff lHul WANTED, a Vonn« <rirl to as^-irwTtlt < )TildrVn nnd in lumsewurk. '-Apply Baitoa Villa, Kat<-n- t^ir.ic», Wlfltl(>K. 5!, -btrbants 22Kant glared. 'rl;(:G:-¡; berv ant, or Chambermaid, in r<-«n>ectable tamily- — Addr»'*s21, (iraig strvtt, Mountain Ash. "\1- 'V A:;1r1&IlJO::I;;l:\i:I:t'(¡ rbarueter.—Bv* 10, ^t-<»thcr, Aberti«re. t i- Vi\ tliö:f!Mt Ina: familv. GoihI references.—Apply to M ,• Dowlais Toj»,'l>o*l!*is. {B.3ul- W AJiT £ l),biluati"ii asParU^r i 1 •'1 r gtNH. 1 plain needlewoman; ,x ANo thorough Hon'einaid .ind »• » ■ r'n. bituatious. Apply £ B. Joueas >• J' RJCM'tCTAHM-: W idow;'middle d, rl'4nirt.'4 Itr. entfat' mein as Wmking Houvkeep. i to >mg e gentleman or widower. HousetdbH^n^s not.hJt'Ctcu Addr,»N 14. » .»'•" Mud, Cardiff. «-• 'V A',J\t:i:¡'nlll::I,¡:{;12:;j t!¡: V'CiOOD Plain CO"k re<iui„s a Ke eitB.geiiirnl in !9. tuiousl,t. S"all"'l\. 2111 ;f.r.'E'Y:' C Ët:; dift'. WashinK, by « lis|*«tahi.' inanied 1Y:l,?:i:Ç:'l:1 V a.> Office. Cardiff. 130"'j .l l I=:¡t.t :11:H'lJ)I'i;i: iiiau .H lamiiv wages Alt! to ii20a y«ir. Ad- ,|-M 2. t"II¡,t'H""f.'<tt"p,l'arolilf, 15?nl ITI'ATJON Wantwl by staid peison, widow, with saiisiactory leiareiices, as Uousekt'epef or 'nll.1 C\«jk fiiull :dn Addnts n., J}v! ofliee, Bwlfli. K.8.O. ll9u1 'V A ;,l,¡,)',f:f;¡;¡ W a, Nurse or wait a lady no ob j ection to travel.—Address R F-. Caimm, lJaliallo. liriM'(l). iiv a .Di-eriur Vouiig Person,Situation », yy Working HouseLeriwr Mntoitable homeuiole .11 object than salarv mv have l.igiieet rtU-wnoe.- \l2J. 11"'$:"(1: 1/'1'' office. Cani;ft. 35p^ ICltrk!S, ^6fiii2(tant £ i, mantri., fANTKU. In a Kolicilors llltice. I, V' :'¡,, I;i''[:a :r'h.'ol e.II'tI; IlIIuh'rst.nd shorthand ¡)'ffHeù. Stale »>agts.-X 8. Hnfrrm Unit Office, Cardiff. a>luo | 'V.\l"?;I" Iron mid Metal & l eictiai:t's OWce, e.,in|a'teiit CorTe>poiulent and Bus)k-Ueei^'r. One having a knowledge id the busings preferred. Mate age ,tHi salary required to K. U'tsttrn| Orti, o. Swat'a. zl?wf_ D" il IKW lSaiidVOMPAN V. ihe lirapers. Neath. j' I). ;t;vll I;'}II :I'i:1. "¡"h.'n: ,M"vcel v g,HMl window dresSei \W-l>h. ['«> active, sUaily Junior; a good window dieswr. Welsh. Ad d ress, with lull partu u .il>. Isaac James, l>t»|ier, Swanv a. 'V A:. ::):"I::i:r,'ir,l¡¡O¡1: he Out fi. t tint Stale a g e, height, and salar.v.-Address t. C< iadwio, Hndl4tnJ. lb1Jul I iir.iMtU iininediatelj, a gi*«l junior H.ind ¡ur the I:"all". Drap.lV Apply, p\.hllrll'ular3,t';I¿' Evans, T rniple of t'asliion, Pontypridd. DUKSSMAhKK# Waul ed,a tirst^lsss Dressmaker; muM U' a "oo d tit and stylish.-Apply to rhonias I I'liillips, Naalh. 2&"3 J t;T .'II'T E 1I,¡.íïi;r-A ;s¡.í¡;"ï.q;ir;J- .¡,i, t total abstainer, nd non-snioker.—Api'ly \V, .1. Kaat. Bridgend. MU.UNKRT.-Wanted at once■ til;s!-class Milliner. .¡, Also young ladv tor Millineiv Sales.-Apply John James ami i o., 28. lli'ih-Jtteet, Cai'dilf. .f *1 i UAPHKV.—Wan-.c'.a Young Lady for the Counter; If knowledge ol millinen reij'.uied.-Apply, '.utl j j l irtienUi'j. U. S Pugh. Tvnowyild. ognwre Va l e. lOpvil :R'ti;: 1: ?:I:" "I ;I.;¡ I/ wanted. -Apply, wil u Hul particulars, to Koaoh, M.rlhvi lul 1' >»\ T aNTFU ..í, vt;"t;- a sitaip Juoior for the Provision IViint. r. Personal application preterwl.- A|.plv Tl'.oin.ts Evans. Cas-t!' -)irv*t, 1Yvvlegar. 34:8\1 l*|' \M 'KI. lor the l.ii^crv trail*, a strong Junior.— >> Apply t" T Ungdoii, Porlh. m* 1 BI, >. t:'1 -\Y«nt.\l i :I" ;} ;I I:'IT: Vol.Ill Ui Improver, also an Apprentiiv. -Api'lv 'o 1 T. -Simpson, Carmart hen. :lH experieweed Pers*»u i«a B«»maid good chatawltTindi?i'* u9ablv.-Apply Vu toru Hou l, )hbwVa\< 3b4u I 'Vi.. r EUt'-ilrl¡'íj;8Ifiw-;¡ti ¡'r" ia pro\ isor tri'ie. Welsh u<\N-i«jry.— Apply "11- Ham Har':s IU, High-atrert, Mcnhyr. A?9u4 Situations Vacant. nI io VPROCSTKftKRS.—Wanted a! on<e. a g»^d General Hand. Constant employment.—Adaresa A. (».. 8, Bridge-street. Xcwpott, M on. m\ TANTfil>. a thoroughly atcadv Young Man 10 b*»k after h<>r»H anu trap, lie must understand kitchen gardening* .ml willing to 1M". bhutWlf 1JIt'IIC- lallv usetul. Apply to Mr. Jan^sf.Handy, KNl'H. WtWujarv Surgeon, W harTou-alreet. 'aII¡1'f 79'?I- %*r ANTKL', "a pharp lail as Page.-Appiv at the Glamorgan club, Car.iiff. iVM "ro I'U MUKIiS.-Wanted iiniurdiotely, a good and trustwortliv Piumb*r, one atru^tomed to ni^in !i11ltlf? "ll\t:nI.cI: ult:t I i aec*'inpan^d whh testimonials from last Itlmth'n' to 1*3eiA to the Manager, Pontypridd Watcruorkj I om- I>any, Pontypridd. 864u2 m *r AX1KD. sharp, shrewd Bamian, to i.ikechargcof A Bodega; security required; speaking Welsh preferred.—W. Clciueuts. biouce^ter. ;}'O Aio:f\Bh-d, to hv* h\Jt;1ûÎ,ivi iruirt U to O ;U 01 ac must bo able to mould well ;.O()Ó N'!nl'ht.a't,() character will be required troiw last employer.Apply to A. Buchau *» £ ?{>- ¡ WI'i¡j eO(:SÜCÏXJI.-WanIC.oJ.. i,;¡ I '1 Billiard Marker: will aU' W required to wait and make hima^lt1 generally vaetul.—Apply he 1{¡lIL kc at the Club, stating ageand wagca rmpuw»d. wp^»_ ^STED. a goo*I, Steady single unn as Bar an d 'V iellanuan. N"U« ),tir eomj^et^nt persmie need appl'v.—Address, in fcrst instam*. eiirlosing reterenetf*. to N:_6, HVk/i/a Maif, (UIII", p£õ 'V ANTKD, g'H' d steadv Man tor IMive,y Work, and u»ed ti» sack carrying.—Apply to ,h nkin Koati'i- Merchant, Neath. _1011'2'<1 WAMKD, a giHMr steady "hq.¡.l. Worker Apply at oncc to Johu Hitchina, U, Waterloo-street, Swansea. b4p2S \\f A1'ËO two good Fitter! to work ar vi.-e and f l' f'rti'll; mut be steady men.—Applypcr* ",ualtL At>eraman Works. 39048 gg I .t'ltuatíonø lanttb. "W IfANTBD, a actuation ^as First Hand Milliner in a ..JUd u*edi»uu tiaue.—J- d, Ao. 1, U\dt"8trl"' W inch^ster. ~4^YtaTVG*Mam aged 19,wants a situation as I'nJtr j 1' Gardener and do gem-rul wur in the houj" Used ".t'f" bi* months oP.'Clulfildr from ¡t place. A uieui><ej-ot tlie Church ot England.-Addres* ,¡"lill how.ien. 1. Haf.>d-Street. Hafod, "lIt"a 37twiii I' WANTMD.Vv Married Man, situation a»Coatlnnan, or ioach'inan ana Groom Muaertuml* ,.U !•»* i dutlt ""dl; live veara' ,xt character trum present en»- pioyer.-K. Janiea, eä" oi P<«W*ftw, Pouty^d. 46ôl.a BOOT iKADE.-Wanied", a bituaHon as Managev, S.»lesina».Ht«>okroorn Keeper, or Clicker.—B.. Po>4* oib«> Hat hen. Mon. 3"dS \|f AMKl>,b* vrespectable married couple, the 'Mrë \V <>t ortv.ys r house aud gai-dtu. Man uuderatanda gar-ienii.g, w ife a* house k eeper or cook. K\ccl!«ut reler- 1,Ilt;I:;rh:r:¡:;r pret* 'r:L: I of Yr Jt:u. New Oxford street. Swansea. 34uS WANTED, (Situation as P81' by a youth aued 1«. 'V IJharp and aetive exoellent a'ef,,u.:e,-î'hireN Grirlithv Golde.i, Grove, [.ludHo. J,il:l,) WA.S'J hD. bv un a' tU e :Œ'p; the Coliecticm ot B#viU, Aoc«»uina, At m;igh- bourh<>"<i ot Swansea; g(M>d relnll{'e and 5tl¡rit\; Agent, HV.tvr' Mail, Cardiff. 3all. BAKMA1D. -Wanted,i iituati»»J» b\ e-i^r'.aMv YOIHI" -D. 1. Will give tint month, i arUiff pn:en'd- .'11" Post-offi^ Ab»*rdaie. »*3 ¿lIl A1\TKD by YoVth, a Situatioo a> Ju»»i«»r i ierk, or W- some otuer lightempioyuieui ïE .\ltred, 11 l/ad. SwiHiiea- t.1I1 BV a iKi|KcUUe aingie man, gwd ac h uLir, ,i situa- II :i;1,I-f.t;:j :,I,\u:¡:,¡; U'qulnu. willing to do anything; iinierstanu* bUl" ride ordiiv. 1< int class teatiiuojiials,—Address Alph.. 23. Bailey-street, Newport. 303u4 fiiO HAV | AND COHN iiUU'HA.NTi -\V«nted. ( a Situation as Foreman or Braoeii Manager, htore keeper,or any place ol trust, with a view t Partner- ship. —N. 1. Wwtrn "fait. Cardiff. 2%u1 WAITED, by a' married man, siitutimi ä, Co*' h | uiaJi or po>th».y g^t u-iertiiccv W C., 4o, Orear 1"rd:¡'f'ItrSI(nl a t.'IfHt!4't" a:jl'" V*YOl">"G I.AUY tl8) is desirous of entering II) hi-tioner's, li'Hikseiler s, or any light business in evltafgefor comfortable home; 1&nt'I't-p!ioIUltJi, ie-, t'-remrt s. Ad»ire5> N IJ. 11 .-Uad, Cardiff. 1114 Vi^AM'KD, »U u*i."o as (uoom and Coachman, |f thoroug'il .v experienced; *ijig»e, agn A lUides, f.1,¡t\\cll, Coleiord, Gloui-estcr. :18111 ViOl'IH, aged V, "require a Miuatioii as Junior Clerk in bwanwa -Audicss C., lle*'rr« MaU Swansea. ;t.)6u3 BOOK KKKpi>G or Co!le,tj"»g Biquiri'd bvaufK-| J iterieiiceti an<l efficient person, tor the whole or ".rt 01 Ins time.-Applv N U I.H ,,1It4,! Office, Cardiff. '2A1I3 (j1 j AtlDKNtK, U'eid Working, by a tlHMo.ighly prac- ti>;al man. Thrfe y«*ars* eacelleut c h ara^H r trom Ia4 fitualiou, aud first class rvferei.ceH. Age 2->. bingle. —Address C. H-, >o. Z, David's Town, Pciisarn, n»-ar Carmartben. ;9"4 WANT1:U7 situation by \oung Uuy as Bavmaid, or anv light bm-ineas ^ivetut month. t? 20 ?"?r '??b<??'Adum< ''?.' W., U e?f*rn Mail Oifire, hwansea. 260p B' OOT "THAD fe.— R e■ •engagement an Sa esuuii, or Manager <d Branch exjierieiieed, g«»odielei*nce married.- K., BjC^wbiiuje-road, Bridg«-n«l. S27uo V\TANT £ D, by a V'-ung Ltd.v. ('itu?ti.?'B?n?..i.i f In Hotel, Restaurant, or any h'" busing. G .«t ref?a?. '-B. 8.? ')?'f.< .t/H?. t'<?)?. 4"N Sin'ATlO.N Wanted, as Light Porter. Ai u>ioiin <l ? tuhnr?s. ?te 16.-A Jrt,,? Al.. M???).'?. IwMerra'T, Cardiff. l^Jug WAM'hD, a situation aa Burand CcJUrmaii; willing to give time for exjHriem-e, an«l make himself t.MmUy .??)'°U?rtM _?<t?t<tr?H?.?rd?T.u2 WAXTBD.a bituation as Groom, or L uder Coach- 'V .Ixí:t.i;:ttII'jr\:N; aweight 9at. 101b.—lor (Mtticu?t.U.WiHixtat, Ciinrov, Ma\-erfordweet. Iv^ul SIlA ATlOX Watiivd, ?TTt?d'?V?k?c C?d.'ii" hor-jughly nudet-'tands kitcJjen ami How er garden, JnM. "wi" '\lIHHt""r. and laying <ad ot grounds. K'> objection to Miiaii lain).—Address A. Keikie, West* gate hill. Pembroke. „ f|V> BAktiUH. •-Wanted, a hit nation as Kint Hand. .1 with knowledge ot small goods.—-Address lo, Temple-street, Newport. t?AXmU? t.y y.?njt 'M ?. ??"?"?''?'? Shipping (riftcr; nit* v,uis' teatimonUls.-1 Wood. 10, Lower t!.?t.'?')?'T?r?'itrt.Bri!t..LuI ViJANTRD.a :?'K.?'?? (<?".m and Coaclinian Vv married good ehar^r-'rr ft'»m la1;* situation.— .tp).!y3'H?-??.M.K.nA. __??' A WtLL-KDUCAlkD Man wishes tor aome light employinrnt, < r poiition ot tried, in Newport; \Ha rccoiumeniieii, suhsiantial sernrity would not ob- ject to put & li'tle eapital in a genuine concein.—Address '?. ))'?"r,*)?. (?t' Newport. l< £ nl %%rA\TKD, by a :I.f:i:;(; ?T a* Han.Mid(.r\Ytttrt?.-AUdrm< 1 M-t Swansea. to3pg WANTKD, iiI(; J:li-(' ?T m?.d L'M.tMt't'Mft'o.?-?f-rintt. Not been m.t?fwf.. ('¡udiN j.releirM.—H. b-. Mad. ?.?a. 4?,94d ^sfiirifS, Crabellersf, &r. 1KDU6TBIAL Aaauraucc Agents Wante<l gotnl terms .lilHilffl!UL AuurHC,' Ai"1I1t W.I1u.1 :jOlNI t.rn" "iuR.It;:¡':i\:u. VI. to H. Ii ttlJ" WANTKD,"Traveller in the~Wi«er8ipirtt7Ale, and VT fotltrTr?Xm H. Mullock and Son, Newport, Mou. 1,2 agrnrtf £ >, Crabrllrrai, &r. rl;ô¡;HóŒR AND WIKB MKKCHANTB.—AGENCY FOB W ATKIN^S HQUSKllOLD ALB8.-Waiit«d, inse\eml towusin tho W«t of England a,ni SouthValt# where Uot represented), Buyi ng Agwiti for thwe ftiuous \les, w hich command Igwe sa l es where introdvood, b**« inc wknowled^od to both*Vst quality and value In the market Tn. Household Pale Ale, *1 Oue ShiUllig per Ballon, simplv uurivalled for value, brilliancy, Øa\our, and soundness. Prk LUU, Bhow Cards, Window Traiu- p.rend.s, Ao„ provided. A valuable addition to ail established huiitiesa. Liberal terms to leading men only, u it h suitable premises and cart delivery.—Address the "'IIg.r, imperial Hereford Brewery. (Established 1834.) 838d f|^0_W I_XK7"SPiUiT, ALK, AND POIUEK MKtt X CHANTS.—Wanted, an Appointment to liepre- •fot. a tir<t*class House in Monmouthshire aud ttouth W ales "ill im at lilwrLy shortly 18 years' experience valuable safe CUIIIItlul1; can guarantee a large trade; terms, OODuft\8tilH1 and aa1arv. -dd.reu Tra- veller, Athememn Club, Newport, OI". 310ul "T ANTKD, a Canvasser, by a b l ouse Agent na i ary f ▼ Hinl commission.—Apply W. 19. FltV^r# AtotJ Otfu-e, Newport. 131ul AN'IKD, a Situation as talesman in the Whole* f f ?ale ProvisionTrad« by the Advertiser, who has had fHtct"1I vears' experience ill buying and ll'lIil1g, anJ nut undertake any duties connected with the tradl> AddivM B- at Locke's Advertisiug Oftk. rwpurt, M.m. 621'28 \r AXT1D, Commissions io K«prescnt a good House If in the AmurU^u Piwiaion Trad* >» South ''01'401,lr" Alfred Marsh, Provision )lrrol1a"l. Ncwp4)rt, Mon. 6ap28 L'1JUCA'l'IOX:=-a-;it-¡¡-a;t')1 the rA die ol new Educational "turks. Liberal com- mission." Apply to H. Uoldic, 1, ('(JIlt'l(t't-lrt'tl, Swan- 5cT-Xp^tTn H^nd \4_- VÃ1:{t;\II'h0,'f,: drevs Watches, WtstrrH Halt Ofticc, Cardiff. 'E:u \'[ 1:11' KVEUYVVHkht: Ageut* Wanted. a Xew tilings required by all. A'3 10 io weekly. r; OKI:I); i' t' 'i }2 rtsk. Experience I n Ile\12- G. f:. Bacon and Co., 12<\ Strand. London. ob^l<i prtnfrsiOtpg. MJ- l'ALS Wanted, active or sleeping Partner, with l' I t:'ti(l' :tJ 87:J;r sea in lull working order aud returning {)ud (\rtlhU: Principals only need »pplv. -Address, lor interview and iost anD .;fountJ. ONi: VOl'.ND KKWAKD. — Wliercas, on the IMii (f' :l 1&tl:I; Dog left Gwenllian House, Kidwelly, Carmaithenshirc, and has not re- tunu-d there, or to his luuue in Lydney, ..nYtIH gi\ ing inforinutiou that "in lead to the m*overy oi'thuDog Ih al«ove Keward h<ln be given. Ihu Dog hasagrcy tacc one long nuil on hind 392o4 L()T, nviu I, S'ott-slnci, l'etni«ciauce-U'Wn, a large sized White Bull Terrier Dog, ears cut, answers toY name ot .1 ruart." Anybody (ound kpitl mm alter this not it* ,,¡lIlw prosecuted. 37tJp28 I6&T, tHtwcen the Hospital and High -slice. a ftittg _j with e-mip+ss and square on white stone —Finder will bt- rewarded l'y applying ut the Brynymor Hotel, .11(" a26ul partmtnt aisaantrt. -"1' .\TEÙ:l-¡;tt!;¡'H::t. f r^in- -Address, stating rent, N. 10, Mad Omce, Cardiff. 2S8u3 A PABTMBNTS Wanted, from the hI of March, II. the nei g hbourhood of Cmoklierbtown, for a lew t:.I'Itt¡b:.l:i'Ualllt.r:,l'l' ..t":k Ir, clusive; no CanUm person need apply; nochildreu or f:11 \Jln.I:(\)t'(':J' ;¡l:i I. :I'J Address u., H'aum Mail Otiice, Cardiff. £ ^p28 pč\rtmtnt\) to Xrt. %1D0W Lady wishes to la t cnnloltable andwcll- \V J lr\i ;{ i'i\l; tt t)J\ltIUIooa',l w family 11, rlÜ¡lipS.Il'.wt", w"n,'ra 37fm5 tlOMPOM-ABLE"lidginp »t a Panii House In the Vale ol Towv, close to Landilo. Dining and Di-awiiig-ruoms, '1\\11 Bedmrnis. Healthy situation, charming scenei.v. Very convenient ipiarte.s tor lislnng geiitleiutu.-Apcly t.i J. lax kyer, atalioner, .lli- "'10. i3 "1 õ;¡¡.,('ï,.Iilri,i:1A;,I,'r:: I gtlltk'liuui, ul two friends; no young children; no other lodgers; hnJ,U moderate.—Apply personally at, h\ Sun streel, H,ti. &u3 C1U.MI oM'lAULE Fiiiiiil.hed Aparfinents for One ur 'J IwoUeiitlemen liot »nd eold batUs. Terms iii.,. IB, Pnnl roke-terrace. Cardiff. £ 01u^ ,J» Hi\ l.SOK 1'l.ACK, CIttiCKHEKBT_ OW^ N,i'Ali• TJl, lJlIK. T.vo g,i«Kl sittlng-iwnis, with Three Bedlooms ia« iwp.iudi en client cooking. "ah clean ¡llId. Ib'tju2 I \tib:i};IIi:í;IÉ,nJí:t. Two Priend*; ternui moderaw.—Apply «. «riH,k- .ireet, Cauton, Cardiff. 1lu2 N'HATfl -C'omloriibleAp»rtiiKn!wuliust of piano, lor one or two gentlemen Apply M., L:t, Jjut- laud-mad. lOBul U OATH, fnrm,lied Alvartineiits for a lady ami g. iiiicloan or genfluinen -Jb. |« r week; or UD- liirnishcd. Uordswoith-pliue. }(Ht.lll. 112ul K>-VaiKTABI.K Varnished ,ti meiits Mr lad'y mid gentleman, or gentlemen. Terms moderate —Kaibyai House, KidlJIhma-I1J&J. Car- ilifl. n:.mi W Ji\KaT"-i.ointoii.d.le Sitting-rooLM. with one or two Bedrooms h one conllorts good cooking; teniis 1\1'1. id. 11 Mm. Ottico, Swansea. pi8 ••• Apply 0' 13. Trederidi- g t lOMI-OHTAliJ.i: ,trolL It. street, Cr^kherm, i9lutlling:J}ou5t5 to 1ft. Mll.FOliP HAVL'N.-To Let. Tel. room House, Willi )llJ:1.H.t:x-ToJ I,ft, '1' f¡JOn1 HtlWH', ""1lh JilLVOKD 1UYSX,-To I< room Hous». Willi li"'l t.1l'lI AllLlOHD HAVliX. 1',) I.W. House, ",ith l«ar«ieu anu oiabk*. MILtOllU liÁ\Jo:. -To lat. Twelve-room House, with Uarden.—Apply wT. Cartiu-, oi, llorseinry-road, Westminster, lxuidoii. 3fl^uj rpo l« Lai, No. 13, Cast letoii-lerrace. Mumbles, con rro ,1t: eleven looms.—Apply ilrs. rstriek, Yoisweru, yiumohs. 85õu5 l)\ j r': o j:t( j Ij,:fl drawiug and diuing rooiiis,. ei l ar. l«lh, several K-,lr>oui.. J. ut on application.- Hern, Cardiff. 3nu17 riSo b« let. No! t. Bapidule-sireei; Youil.; gas liltings. I -Applv to i>. W. Thomas, 77. St. llary-slreet, t .lilf. 24.3 PAKlsH^OK iLANKUl, CAKMAIirilti-MSHUIK. To Let, Pairwuter, near Pantyflynnon Station. House. Pleasure lirounus, walled t.ardeii, with Laud at tallied, tlU lease 01 l1y the year. Partly furnished. Houw .autalns drawing-loom, dining-ruoni, four bed- IwRi.. kitchen,hick diivo, 1I.>d stabling. Good trout and ",jll lulling iu \h neighbourhood.—for forth.* (.articulars apply Capuin Thomas, Morel., Liandilo, or John Kees, K> q Pairwatar, Pantyflyiinoii, Llanelly. n2 fiyj let, oca Yic,,Jiuusc. bt. Mellons ;-01 -tCJI-rood! J|^ villa, with outhouses ami excellent garden;! h!J(ler..h rcnt.-Appiv JJ. 1.ûmuud., lirocer, Hi. Heliolis. lu rI |10 be T at. on u W v llav neat, No. 1. Cleveland- ;1'0 rE:;)::r;)' a-:1JI1):I\l- 144ul "L 1'tlI,itv:lll to station aud Church. Nouth aspect.-Apply Alfred Elliott, lik 1 nniond-terrace, Park-place, Cardili. 142ul N E:I"trr:)t:lš8:d railway nation. Bryntirion commodious, semi-detached ilia.- Apply u Kdw .rds, Gold Tops. 130ul_ (LiT-'itBlKN'S AVI.'jil'li. aWANiVKA —To tajt, or for bale, heven-r .oined Houses, overlooking the Bay .ud the ,;L Helen s Kecreation around Imy window, and front gaidnri).-Applv JJ, Thomas, Builder, Belgrave HUH", tn, Helen Mv.nue, "iI&llacft, 4'ctlo.\ mo be Let, 33, Hcatlitield-place, Swansea; 9 rooms, 1 cellar, two w.e's.-Apply 1' H. llavies, Auctioneer, I nion street, 8wau:tf!a. 391119 JI KtWKS; WT"iinU"il. JiKRN. House Agents, H, til: Mary-street, Cardift, liave to Let in j(>¡d. a Receptinn- rimmi, 10 Bedroom, tOO RUATlt.ROAU-tiuperior Ko.oiolcllce, very llUpl. accoiMiiiiHiation, good stabling £ 120 KOATit-liOAlt—liesideneeand Stabling A,5 1'.I<A lI};,1'It}; L'};(i ,I "I'J LIK-Convenient Hou", 3 itedrooliis, 3 Sitting ri>.uis .£35 ST. ANbBKVV'd-CKKe( KNT—geuii-detacbed Me siii-tiei, 3 Hec. pt ion-rocios, 6 A60 v IN OSOII-l'LACii-Good pwmlly Keaideuc# ta W. and f., ?4, St. Mav> -treet, Cardiff. I^O la- Let, with immvdisle possession, Koatii Uoiiiie, J. near Koath Court, with the gauleiu. conservatory and hotlioij.e,—Applv to Mr. (ieorge speuctr, careot Mr. K. K. »|«i„*i,b. Woiking-street, Cardiff. i'HOM Jrtnutø, r., llanttn. "%tkT ANTED at once, in Penarth,Canton,or anywiicre W .r:ri), ;:II:ih,¡;¡h; I months or lv*» not«*pe\i»u« — Apply N 11,»*«<er« MaU llffice, Cardiff. ^,l4 „ WANTED, a ilou.^e, suitable ior 1ItX: ot a dispensary of medicine* b»r the aick pour of the Cardiff Tnion and* re.Mdem-e ol (¡I.(JltJ'f:I', Mu>t l>e in tljeneiglibouihoodof Cna-kherbtown, and rent not to exceedrSOperantium. -Parti-ulars t<> »<e sent to W. p,l Stephenson, Queen's L'immlf'fs, Caroirt' 39215 W" ANTED, a small HlUt.lth-IJ(.rd-" I attached, in or near LlanUhcn low rent-N' 2, II wr« .11411, Cardiff. 123al ,1 'V År:'¡ Double-lieensed House (lire),counter trade, in a leadipg thoroughfare it in Cardiff, Highestrcct or St. Mary-strect prelcrrcd.-Mr. Kicliard gav,mrs,Tynyrheol, Neath. 10Qp28 WANTKD, at UdvDay, Houm- in Cardiff, contain- ing live bedrooms, fwo or three sitting-r(»oms; plesuantiy situated, lient muJtr"h.-Aùure8S Tweney and Co., swansoa. 57p28 „ P'lBLlC-HUl'sKSh^'ToWii aiid Country, Must show fair rf'!lIrH, -Menu. Hern, Accountants, 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. _4- Jrtl11it, &r., to itt. f|V> 1AILOHS.- io Let, in Main street, AI»-ravon, 'J'O J IJ &¡ ::rti)stc;i' j:'(: valuation.—Apply on Premises, or to Mr. T. M Joues, Auctioneer, A be ra von. "'tI:;f I/ tby the ,YIn¡I_t a Doiible-lronled Shop with Dwelling-house, in Oxforu-stred, near the !1¡trket; suitable lor any hui- ness. Koomy premises and back entrance.—Applica- tions to K. n- Mini Hi. 3, Orange-street. Bwansea. 881u5 f|V> Let^ witfi possession on .March 1, suj^rior bminesB J_ bhop and premises, with plate glass window, good fioritaud cnmmalltjilll pO.ilitwu, 1\0. I, Meteor-street, Cardiff rrnt low shop 111" la' divided.—Apply Pen- gain Mouse, li.iatll.C.irdift. J421J H Ul:j.¡IÙ 1:(i;;I-.J:I-: Bute-sueetimme- diate |a>sse»sion.- Apply T. <i..Teiikms, Acvimtant and Auctioneer, Areuue Chamfe rs. i;4(jua S"WASHK*V-To U let, one 71 the best and I't:'t (:;10". venieul Business Pieuiises in HiKh-lrN't, Well adapted lor Outflttiug or fieneral Drapery. Modern double plt4!hiS front. Kent moderate.—Apply on 1 he Premises, l&J, High-street. 216u2 f'l'lO Let, a Yari f T l n a ccntral posilion, suitable liu' _a "1 W':j;SI,r:;Ú::J:,l:E 8wanM-a. 217u2 obuTSFiier Ho,I* Shop al,Li1tt;il Ui It/ in (X 1 Uo JJ tiood p«dl|un. Will I.I shopwithmit t.houle if ticceasary. Apply 4tl Castle load, a.Lh, ¡ ?7u2 fllO lilUPLJa ASlToUTKITrEKS. -T» be iat, »*• x oelleut hliov, with plate-glass front, IJwelling- hlJuaeauv G,njen, in tbe village of Raglan, Monmouth- }dr", with imiiicdistij possession; inconiing «asv Apply to Robert Bcader, I.'aglan. liL,u J. ■ AK1' for Brickvard 10 Let on Le«e. Cwuibran, neifr IJ Newva.ri g.«si I lay, and close to a ou4 roadway. n !dr Tbonias Davies, 34, Cowl.ridge road, Can- ton, Cardiff. 104!a I rrO-Let, á Large BtJrrs lUiree-sforeyj, with gas and X water I,dd ou. Sear High-Street Station. Suitable for any purt>o»e —Apply T. JOHn, Hiaht (cet iireweiy, Hu alisea. 3i{0u« I r]O i.T-il;;¡'- and Bakehouse, centre of Uanton. Jl Nini'-rwincd House,with large garden, ,a. Sttings, ":l'" main nll, utd!tr" hup, Five-roomed House Willi large pnlen in Ely. Seven-roomed House, main n*d, Canwn, rent 8s, a week. Free Beerhouse, centre of Cardiff. Shop ¡n Castle-road. Land for Building, iu Cwmbl"n, near Newport. Advances every fortnight — Applv Thumu Davie,, 44, ("mhrh.1¡tt,wW, Canton, Citrdi If .BUu4 BK1WBKD —ElUmalve Premises to Jat; house, shop, and store* complete, with fixtures. Can be had U)g«tb*ror separate; rent inodarate.—Apply to t. W. L.v k 4, Ht. Marv-*treet. Cardiff. Prhttavesi chambers Uockl.—Apply T. G. 'J cn- kins, House and Jlstate Agont, tliambers, Car- IJHJfL OUWBT^d «hop to Jj't.75, High-street, Pe j jvdar- ran, 3lerthyr Tydlil.-Apply to Wr M'Cwe, 6. Ocorge-itrcet, Svvansta. f 1011 r1 »\o la. Let excellent Shop and Dwelliug-house, 8Uurhter house, Stable, and Bakehouse, situated al S-ortIt Risca, Mon. Any business except grocery can be kept,—Apply to John Thomas, Wyndnaw linus, Nantvmoel, near Bi-i d ge.nd. 108ul mI o BHOPKKKPKIta.-A rare oi, | R,rtunity I, now ofTered al Pontvpridd to a (lushing tnulesman, the Anchor House, IVft-street, being to Let It is situate in thecentreof the town, near the convergence ot all tho St reels.-Apply to Mrs. Kvans. Tredegar Arms, Ponty- r|I >(j be Let or Sold, aoapital Vard, Stable, io., at the l«ek of Herbert -place, lately occupied by Mr. Cony- beare, Slate Merchant.—Apply John K. Harvey aiul D. 14, Pisl.ur-street, Swansea. 79p28 rilO let,"in Canton, Shop and Bakehouse yard an 3 X stable attaclied.—Aptdy G. «•, Tlie Mews. Severn- r*»a d Canton, 86p28 if I f ILLINKBY AND DKBH8MAB.ING.—To Lel.Shop and Bedroom (.furnislied if neceaaar y )i good pos i tion; rent low.— M 10, Watern Mad Omce, Car- d ft. 47^P SPACIOUS Manufacturing Premises, in G i ouceeter* shire, near railway, and canal through premises. Two water-wheels aud shatting 16-horse power, lately worked as engineering and large loundr y but easily adapted for other pur|»oses. A\>ont 20 aorea can W had. House, o iff ces, stabling, At* .—Por jiarticulara applv ta» G. Waller and Co., Holland-street, South- war d 8. E. 4l>07d ^JT. M All Y -STBEXT, CARDIPJ? — Corner Shop, HCnisc, aud Warehouse.—Most commanding posi- tion in the street, comprising handsome double-fronted shop, ample show-rooms, good oottage, warehouse (with cart-way entrance and rolling-way». Kent moderate. -Messrs. Hern, Estate Agents, 74, bt. Mary-street, M' BSSKS- W. aud 6, HEHN. House Agents, 74, Ht Marv-street, Cardiff, li^ve to lad. in SHOP, large HOUSE, rant *60 WOBK.1NG-STRBET—GOOD STABLE and Store, rent per week &• CAKDlfc'F—Exeellenl SHOP and Cellar, cart way entrance it desired *45 HT. MARY-STREET-CORNER SHOP, HOUSE, COT1 AGE, uud Warehouse CARD1KE-Splendid position, GOOD bUOP and extensive Business Premises ^2o0 CAKDIKP (Centre of Town)—GOOD SHOP, HorSH.and 0ELLAK8, rent MO PRIVATE HOTEL, well situated, 10 Bedrooms, & W. and S. Hern, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. KFlCElu^TM^r ti^et r ^rdiff. Nice light, first-floor Offtco In the beat patt of the street. Com- manding entrance. Kent only £ 19 per annum.—Address ex. Hesffr* AInil Offit^e, Cardiff. r■ iitTMAKEET GAUDE.NKliS AND OTHERS.-To be Let, a Garden of t wo awe* or thereabouts, in a high state of cultivation, ami well-st<icke d with choice truit ttves, with largo vinery, hothouses, cold frames, Ac, piggeries, poultry houses, Ac. There «ro two goo*l oot- tag £ and the w h ole well supplied with good water, and vt ithin four miles of Swansea. The stock cani be taken to at a valuation, if desired.—Apply to Mr. J. Lceder, OFKiCKS, Mount Stuart-sqiuire, Bute Docks, giound floor and tirst thxjr.—Apply to Joseph Elliott and Sons, Powell' s place, Buta D«K' k Cardiff. 3b268 r|tO I*. Let with posi»ssiou, an old-esUbilihed Double- X licensed Inn, situate at Divfeu, near llanelly. Ix- t.llent trade. Satisfactory reasona tor lv»vitig. Rent and incoming moderate,—Apply to Mr. Gougli, Auc- with U'ino and Keireshuient Licence. Ilent very moderate — Me*»r». iiern, Auctioueers, 74, St. Marv- fc^> ft A>»KA. T o lie Lei ,a capital Hetves U liveiit Bar, ill « gv.wid position. Rent £ 35.—Apply to Beynoii aud J>-wis, Auctioneers and Valuers. Swansea. rilobe Let.Comnien ial-stieel, Ne.vp .rt, Sing't-Lieen: I sed House incon.iug inoueiaic.—Apply io. High- CJ W ANSKA.-Tv. U et T Two g.M. d Plll.l j c- i lousea ill the fin iu,sliate ncighboiirh.«id of large works doing ..good trade one selling live barrels weekly. Incom- ing £ 100 and i20.-Appiy to John Ivans, Penlan Villus, "t"|^BEE Double-Li(«* ns i 'd House, twelve miles fr«>u« Ncwivoit trade goo»l; rent lt»u*; would suit a hutohej; ineomin g £ 8u, including furniture, Steni,ViotoriA-luU»N'ewpt»rt. EEBHOUSE,centrally situated i" Nr.wj«»rr modern fittings; doing large trade; iituujning Aiyj.-0. ClOMNf KBC1AL H'»tel, located iu manufacturing and j mining district, Glamorcanshii* possessing con- spiouousadvantages from its admiraWc aituation to iwil- wav stations, inavketa, commercial eaUbiiahnveuts. X700. R«nt*75. Keturm about &U weekly. Premises imposing, elegantly furnished and appointed. Pro- prietms* relinquishing business. M r. Everett, BEEKHOr.SK.-Excerie nt posltkui; centre town. £ li0. Kent rmsonabto. Takings about ^weekly. CaiKvhie considerable cxtcjislori- Spacious bar. Pre- mises indi^pulablv attractive. Commodious back-vard and piemiscs.—Mr. Everett, Stew hill Chambers. New- (1BOCKKY and Provision Busiueaa; unop- Jf iK**ed. Principal thorou g hfare. (Goodwill, fittings, fixturee, A70. B«nt comparatively low. liet^iins sdXMit £ 40 week. Premises eoruer one* spacious and convenient.—llr. Everett, Slow -hill t f i*niber3,Ne» niOBACCOS IST'B Business: in-atemtc relit.; good l situation large town goodwill ^excellent httings an d sna' k tlOO.—Messrs. Hem, Cardiff. 37iJ0cu4 rlI lo Let, at Bristol, i)ouWe- ii eu-e d House, tireat advantages; rent £ l £ 8; (wirt let off incomin g 1*195; illness cause pi' disposal.—Address W. J. Tliojnaa, l.owrr Ashley Road. Bristol. I ?u4 KAPKKY.— FirsiH-lass ojh umg tor iiiiHler«ta Capi- tal: excellent premises; very best position sUa k Mnall.- Particulars 11, High street, Cardiff. H4<u3 TiI 'lO tv L.*t T >r SoM. an n M -L^tal' i-' h t- d BuU'hei's Buii |ness in CarditY. Same han d ohe owner) 26 vears. Slaugliter-hou«c on the premises.-Apply to Henrv- Uadlev, 111,Cowbridg'i"oa<l, Canton, Cardiff. 241u3 flilNWOlJkS PKOPKIETORS AN D OTHER_S.-Cir- J. culai* baw^iihs, with water power a» well as Materials, situate on the Great Western Railway Canal 'at Civdach, Swansea Valley, and on the highway to Y^taUtern, for Immediate Disposal, on remunerative tenns.-Applv to Mr. Henry Rees, Auctioneer and Va l uer, College Chambers, 2, Colle g e-street, Swansea. f l M JA M KwS, Swansea, Hotel Valuer. Constantly I • engaged in valuations in all parta. No extra charge tor long distances. Twenty-six years expe- ra^o Let, New Inn, the Haves, Cardiff; long lease, X principal thoroughfare, satisfactory rea*m* l«r b-aving.—Ai>ply on the premises. isutud HAKE 0PP01CTUNITY.—Wholesitle an d KeUiil Tobacco and Fancy Business, Takings *40 weekly, ineoming aWiut ieOO.-Cigar, Wittem Mat!, Cardifl' I >K1ST6L —tyo, Cash, will Purchase Spirit Vaults l> Undsomely fitted, owner having another bitsi- ui- Z must.)« aold.—L. Samuels, 4, Bxc h ange R. n3n2 BRISTOL.—NoMe Corner Premises, elegantly fitted andfurnish'-d to Spirit Mei-e h ant c.ish required, i*2^ L- Samuels, 4, Kvhange K. u 2 A7EAK BKISTOL -Pretty Counlry Inn, with large (garden and Orchard, g«nx l Stabling and Out- buildings; should be seen.—L. Samuels,4, Exchaiige ■ yUJiri^Jir^Lr' Samiieiriias IX Spirit Vaults and J> Be»*rhouses to Let, both in towu and country, last ou application, 17«u2 ■ VOl BLB-LICEN9ED House to Let, tree, with Imme- %_¥ diate possession doing good business.—Apply on the premises, Cardiff Castle Hotel, Docks, Cardiff. 177ui IJKMBT ieV.— F uU-lii*ii*d l lotel~lease. 0|i|Mit« station. Grand upportn'Oty. A bargain. — Merrill, Auctioneer, 6, Castle-street, Swansea^_l W ul ri^O I* Disposed oLg^i PamilyGronery and Baking J. Business in populous neigtibourhood, with out .looriM.-er licence; stoc k utensils, Ac., optional; satis- factory reasons given for leaving.—Apply T. J., IVtiltrn Mail, Cardiff. ?SL'i_ riio let, Double-licensed, situated at Llantiisaiit.- JL Ahplv, with stamped envelope, to Taliesin Mor g an, r lloTH", a Uelrohuient House, at .N o. 19, frililly- X street, Ciiidifl.-Apply Miss Wild, al tlif above audryss. 11 ol f |0 POltK BCTCIf KliS T o be disposed of, a good 1. Polk Business in li.Mtli.all lieceasaly machinery, Ac. 1 uiiiic< l i.ite possession. — Apply S. Davey. 139, I i;lt"!l-h'r.-el, t.' .itiliir. 4i)84ul '/T6f.Ui;N OPI'(lRrPM'fY.-To f*t, the Plymouth j Inn exce lent corner position.-Apply iinme- ijiaieSv, Aienall, Auctioneer, 6, Cast le-street, Swan- D"'TiAFkHV lo let, al Dowlais returns 42,600, am i iiuiy be doubled rent 4(42; fa;st position fixtures, and im p rovements at valuation.—Appl y Mr. John Lewis. Fail geld Honw, Swansea. (I'iul D It A f KI! S* T o i*t, Cambrian Home, Carmai- l then. Fixtures tint no st.« k, for ivl.iut. 40 yuars. One ol the f«-st concerns in tVnles. Shon over 60 feel large showrooms handsome double front rent only £ 100. Splendid opening for a man of energy and taste. ipply Mr. John Lewis. Diapers' Valuer, Pairlield VXI:,OKI>-STBKKT, SlVAXSKA. -A M eu.l i _1 Corner f J^ree PnbUc to trf't only 4:100 wonderful bar gain.-T.M..lames, Valuer, o wamia. 83p28 riVj Let w itli immediate possession, the Bruce Arms, J full licensed house, silimted in Abel-dare rent moderate incomin g very low.- Kor particulars apply to II. A. Wellsted, House Agent, Clitton street. Alier- jTl^O LET, Duublc- L icense.l Public-house. Kent til4 X ingoing Hi0; fair trade.—Address James Bailey, POXTYPR't Dl>.—CLAIiENCI? IIOTKL. -This Doub fe i.icenaed House lo Lei with immediate possession. For particulars apply to Mr. Williams, Solicitor, I j KIVATE Hotel gimd House, ample t ion ver'y suitable in main thoroughfare near railway lUtions trams |mss Uic door rent moderate Messrs. Hern, Auctioneers, Cardiff. 37^05 1/' Olt SALE.—tioinl Hotel in eouutrj- tow n tu mld- Wales; commercial,familv, posting,*c. Incoming ,'mnt tl.OCO.-W.anil S. Hern, Cardiff, jfarms, ^rauttg iLanli, ^tr. r|lO Let, Tvr-muuich Patm, ab »ut. one mile from X Kaglan Station; 163 acn-s; rent low.—Apply to Anred Williams, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, p, Com- jnercial-street, Newport, Mon. 1^' ARM"AND~GKASS LAN D.-To Let, a Farm of 130 acres, iti the neighbourhood of Cardiff; and b'j acres of Grass land, at Llanwern, near Newport.— Apply to Mr. W.. 1 Goddard, 19, Duke-sireet, Car* 1> ISC A." t o Let, Cribbath Farm, with immediate 1\, po.i«'s?ion.- Apply to Mr. M. Al. Joues, Maindee ^otigfs!, ianU, Ar r for ^>alr. 17WR Bale, by Private Contract, Two well-built Villas in Egerton-street, Canton, Cardiff, called Violet and Lily Vale Villas, occupied by g<x»d tenants.—Apply Mr. H. Cousins, Solicitor, Cardiff. ri'^u U't, cheap, a good Four-stall StaJ»le; would suit a X cabman. AJho good Loft- or Workshop.—For nar- f,it-ulftrs apply 41, Clifton-street, Koath, Cardiff. 23feu3 PERSONS wishing to Invest in Pro p erty would do well to apply lo William Wcstla k c, Cornmiision Agent, Neath. 108u\ f |10 be Let or Sold, sis substantial Six-roomed Hoiues, JL to the. back of Biclimond-road.—Apply to Mr. .laines Harris, 4, Stacey-road, Roath. 53p28 PENARrH. •ForSalc.Maugi ra ri-teiT a. e.tWiiwel i -built eight-roomed Houses.—Apply Messrs. Robert* and J^mgley, on the Premise*. 38p £ 8 \T' 1LLA to l>et, or for Sale, In gtaceyiroaU, by the 25th^ Man*h.—Apply I^Oxfor»l-street, Roath. 4946u4 f| V6 ^^e —H d T^'y ^nT alVT ontraei, Eight freebold J| Cottages, including a Corner Shop l"ive Freehold Cottages, Two Freehold Cottages, Three ljarge Shops iu Castle-road, Eight Leasehold Oottagea. One eight- roome d House with about eight acres of Tand, freehold; Two Houses, including a Bakehouse, rent £ 52 a year, price A'500; Two Villas, Lease 999 years, in liug's-road, price, iJbOO. Several YiUai iu Stacey- it>ad. Comer Shop, Lower Grange. Four private Bouses at the Docks.—Apply Mr. ihoinaa Davies, 34, C'uwbiidge-toad, Canton, Cai 'dlff. 4&Q2 |)OU5RS, lanb, VTR., for £ >alr. 1>ENAKTH.—To be Let or "ad f4einidetw-?.d Villa. Hot and cold bath. Large garde#.—-Apply 5, Herbert-terrace, Penartb. y\\ ri S DSO R-PLAOiTC A RDIPC. W ell-bullt, nicely. arraueed Kesidenoe; hot and Ii baths; three rw-epfion r)('m, six bedrooms, am! every convenience. Price moderate; large portion on mortgage it desired.— Messrs. Hern. 74, St. Marv-stwt, Cardiff. UMFKIKS-PLACUS, CaDn'ol1venleut, weil. arranged Houw, tlirwe •itting-roonu, five bed- r?m?, grlI.hou, Ac. Price moderatR.-Mtlsrs. BJ'n, AlI('tionn, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. B ROAI)WAY ( .T?o JIR<ft!:llaUI:iOî: 8:p;rc: moderate.—Mewrs. H..n, Auctioneer,, Oardlr. 37205 S' OATMKUAD; I ltDIFF. Seml-deUched Re- sidence. Beat situation. Well amnled. 1rit. mu erate.—Messrs. Hern, ('ardi". tIARUU'K. —"Cottage"Property (oaufreoi town), 900 y Y. I. "),,nd ,.t nominal. Pay 8 pr H? r?. 0rdiff. ju-I -jjujuauu RXII—M—U-I—T XL orsts, <ltarríagts, ITBR btodt. IV)K Sale, a very handsome little Hone, 14.8; a splendid hunter aud lady's horse soun d fine ac- tion, good tempered, fast. — F., Taylor's library, 'IVnl.v. 347u5 "ijVJR Sale, Young Cymro," entire )Ouv horse, four years old, bay, black points. 12^ f¡andJ86t.1I Davies, Cleglrfwya, *8t. David t. 86bn& XSOR Sale, Cob Pony, Oak Trap, Cushions, Harness, X Saddle, Bridle, and Patent Chaff-cutter.—No. aj, Bl'oadway, Roath, Cardlll. 2B9u3 ri^t. lie S"id, on or before Cow bridge Maroh Fair, that i celebrated C.,t Stallion, the 1).V.,ty .( Mr. "homa..Jame" Tha Park, Ltanilterne. John J.rown isa beautiful b").?.h stands lt>J I lands bigb, rising "r got bv that ..led prize taker, Tommy Brown, whose pedigree (swell known; John Brown'silam wugot by that noted horse Youiig Lincoln,granddam by Young Champion John Brown is a good worker in all liarness, and has ,d himself a sure fpai getter. 4wm (.VoK Bale. a l,andsome Cart Staliion, by o¡lõ't. X known Clydesdale horse, the -rl f Colonel "i"y, Porthlierrv, out of a fine dark brown Hereford hire marc. He r..1 the l??,,d..ut and twit- teiupered horses for this ?ou's shows. To be men and examined Oil the 19th and Wth iiutant at the Ik-positury, Cardiff, and at other times by applying to Mr. Michael Ktely', Groom. Weston Farm, near CsJox- ton.—For I'M"" aud putirttlar" apply to Mr. Jenkin Jones, Highlight Farm, Cadoxton- j uita-Rtrry or to ;l:ft)JÁf.ëo:rÍr åh mo be Sold, oheap, a first-class Coborg, equal to new; I all" a Bath Chair, in good oondJtlO"Appl' W alker Bros, (jueen-atreet, Cardiff. 2olu4 L OBBIE81 WAGGONS: C-ARTS! A larae £:;f!I!m; .V£:f.i: Clarence-road Wlieelworks, Bristol. ^7r' f\ ROCEB S li-ap 1ur bale aiitMg, aou n.a JhlU:U ly used chea"Appl' John Morgfcn, Lamb and V g, At?e. AM.2 W" ANTED, 1V»V and H, to i»it horse 15 'V :C:II y.u tu"-riJ. 14' ?t h. 83<ml *TffRYTood Cow ami Gail lor oaie.-Appiy W U. Morgan, Energlyn Mill, Caerphilly. lu AKOE ]ioan P,?digr,. C. well-knowu LA:r.ff,\Z' ;p:.E IA.1 li-i?l %t bl, 3n,?4 ">ORSalc, well-bred Sheep D'g' igi wontha 1; old; thoroughly broke.—Apply at C. Keys Brewery, Canton, Cardiff, 1410 IU SALE, Bi.k CUrï:v-n.;tFjID.c;r-l)õi. '2fiï.ëi}ü high at. shoulder 10 months.—Apply SargeaDt Luugher, Cwmavon, I'aibach. l'm:[¡j, ¡'o,Jli:&' Pli, loa.-H.W., Box is Post M, ?it 87pm POULTRY, iligfrotio, &r. '?IIT' UMr. John Weavsr, 6, We)t- bourne-tilace, Caidiff, Is now Bookiug Orders for bitti,, .f Jigg. from Breene's First Prise Crystal Palao* ::II'I'I:'):I; 11kLJt strains. Price, 10i. W. per sitting of thirteen egga. Cash must; accompany all orders, which will h* execiited iu rota HOII. BLACK li;'ïG.w.BalltA,,1 grand Cockerels | II and VuUeta, 1-4 from my cup, aud iiumeroua pru« .¡nllen and .,nu hatch II ypri@e inner! at Carmanílen thi, w..k, Prire very muderate to clear out E. Giiini, 18, Stw^y^road, Cardiff. EVENTEEN" Cross-tired Fowls, laving, 3v each, 8" cheap, most young pullets.—Apply No. &6« Cow' IK_I,_«?_ &V,,S 1 VAR'K "bRAIIMAS- Mr. John leaver, 6, West- I )Alt.t:li'i' Jr:cI"Qd\ t.11 ing. "I Eggs from Brew# aud Kelldrk" Strains. CiK'k w inner at Abergavenny, Swansea, C,rJill,, Ac. I' 10e. txi. per sitting of thirteen eggs. Cash :t :l ::iit tl be r:fute.i rût&Um. HES S KEPR VEL\LTTTVPEY 7AE 11; W EGGS OBTAINED1 monthly. Keeeipt 5e\'(.1 atamps-—roulu*rer, 1, Prestoneplace, Leeds. P* P.V, :ft;ui?'i;Ãr Af,i. Grev, with crimsuji t.Ji, .,t, Pa.,1. eluded, for 15s.; '10,000 other k?,rigii Birds. t,g.7"of Tortoises, alive, 24 stamps. Five Thousand Pai j ots Cages. Long Brilliant -k'. F-th". Is, 6d.a bundla, containing IM. Green Beetles tor J.w.nery,¡¡', a dozen Cask of large Conch Shells, for ornamenting ad, ';iu \*» LK, SS':l;)rn:;e() f.;luphaut' Lk). 'ller's. aud Othc-r St()('k:" to h-, Animals and Birds.—Wm. CHOS'i,lArg.? lm|K>rter 'I"A.rl':t!r.i\'rI' 11¡ar. iHtscfllanroiig ",airs. ^LAMORGANSHIRH BANK SHARES. — Fiv« (j L"oiiIA¡;'tffJtI:.M rp. tjj.I:'l'l40-ti,' AddrvssM. D-» Wt.skrn Matt, Swansea. 883u\) Hl KDLES.Hurdle jwlea, helve j»oles, aud dry cask hoop poles fur sale —Apply to H. Morgan, Llau- dev nuci. near ClltfJrJeou. Im 340119 Fo Ü&¡;õ1IIU.t -d;-I,tl-¡):ílt. Can fix ditto any part of b"&UMA.-N('n. Miller, I'orf land -place, Mumbles. lisSoK SALE, ■OA!#*) feet»f ieilow Pitcii P»ue, Spruce, X Deals, Siantlings, audSO j tons FirewthKl; close to railway. AlltO Ii quantity of Indian (Jorll and Wheat U.000 Feet of Thirk Wood als^» 100 Dozen Mats.—Applv. by letter or i>ersonally, A. Dorotich, £ S, James-sireet, Do< ks, Cardiff. 815«l fLkl MlLki: for Bale.—Apply Ely l arm.Carairt. ToTnTsold, fjy cfieap, a gov T s i aiv hitiiarU-lUiiatelfV To1tJ;'lrh)(k(.¡;:iÄ;I s 11 ?.1 Roath, CA'Iii 287u3 8 t;gr.kEi¿:IF:IiJit-f,: original stock of ColonelFotheringham, Dumfries, p.1,. Eaf,).y Bose, per cwl.—Am»ly R. Marsh,Pembrcv. H A Y.—For Sale, a Kick .1 Meadow Uay.Stand- i 't ?r,,f p, it 'L ?S. ?. Apply Mr! W. B. Li>vu«, 116, Bute-road, C.,diff. 89224 IL^OK Sal e, a cud u. Dimble Hollow Fork "Premier" ¡'io,;ïli):li-tif¡:i '¡ to both wheels. Prke. A _Api,ly B. J. Price, Com-, menial it M.j,,r. 171,.l BlUilAUDS. Two lOll. by tU. Uilliard Tables, bv ?B IUI.4L-ItLl-.4. ?r- ?.- I- t? I 11 i A I"I Bristol. 145ul rI ilO BUILTIEIL' AN D OT BERS.-T. cheap, M huge Venetian Window, ail eompleje.— For parti- ell au apply H. A, Welisted, Ho?w Agent, Cliftou- street, Aberttare. 7lp28 Xj>OR i'' lt:¡;S iJ:t con- X iitt,i ."it purchaser*.—C. Hewetts, 9, .'W Oxford-street, Swansea. 8lp28 EM^O'U'S. -hixlluWreiTBiu hels Tartarian Black s Oats f." &&I.J.;?;"1 Owen. Ash UII. .r Cow- bridge. £ (rrUanrou«( 52HANTS. WAKTBD, about 300ft. of Iron or Lead Gas Pipes.— if\ísctUantOuø ants. u2 WTSTSD, a Ten-ton Weighbridge, new, or good 'V 'I'I!o.trft,PiPá- 'V A:i,11,:0K.1iW'.f.Çtf;;íri WAN'titD. lW yards of (Second-hand Three-it>ch 'V,ghl.Ïr\fa:r.='=f Apl?ly,,04?tii)kFim, B.. 2, Polt,ftI" Xg iW202 d 9  'v r"' PIT Air %W.. ~Waiiled, about 100yards, 9ft. by 6ft. .d. with -k,t nds, also elOOw,ww..t price aud particulars to Mr. Sam Hern, Auctioneer, ifUEfcrUancous. WJIUNT and Co., 5, Widemar»h-street, Hereford, W. III;iJ'¿rt'I"ot:deC¡d': r ye." in bottle, !d- In prime condition. 89243 GO to W. lIuut anù Uo. 5, Widemarah-street, Berp- It £ ford, for Nicholls's Best Loudon 61., from Is. Od. to 5. d. Bttf, =44 XXf JENKIN^ BICYCLE MANUFACTiTREK, If, AND DYip 72. ST. MARY-HTRBET, CARDIFF. New and Second-hand Machines by .11 tlfn best pinker*. Machine? exchanged or aold ou commission. A large assortment, of accessories always iu Stock. Noma- sonable offer refused for iot of socond-hand Machines which must be cleared ofit to make room for new spa- son's Stock. NH,-1Irpall" done promptly rind eff^ ici. entAll y 4by ex- I'ei..ced mechanics. 39^03 1,00() F,.48 CAN I)S, or Memo 1, 000 ,7,s.{;J"til'¡;í Catrlage paid on 10s. ord.'rs.-Hcg"" Prlnting., Bristol.. ? L rilHE Highest Price given tor Udlee and G^ iiUemen s r!'H fv!y:t,ïïô ton-st.refct, C.diff. 7bd AIlDEltS forT llii i ders, Paiuters, Plasterers, Far- LA:I ,5:täïï: grI esmblished Maimfsctory, Barr's-street, Bristol. 4404d !t..H-Ãuiï';if-G;I;tl;I;¡"t:ri <Ù¿t"bi.f 10; I A c)?..d by M, D. !lorman, 7, Brldie..tree Car- .A,, ord.r at tended to In town or .try. U628 /1 ENTlKMEN'a and Ladies' Uft-off Clothing GE.L-f Mrs. Beer, 30, Caroline-street, Cardiff, fll orders p?..t?dly tt,.d?d to in t.w. or country. °S013 (i KNTlEMKX'b aud Ladies' Left-off Clothing bought I ?"TLE'dk;?N'b aii(I L.flies'lxft-uff Ciotti • •V^AMBRTA.N" B ICY CL C 8 FOR IB 8 1. C:I:I'I(leIIrO¡!JI1I Pat All machines w?.?t" MORRIS ,a, T H N B 0 The oply reoognised manufactui'cr, 10 Wal. Vokk».-POhTYPBiDD. Show Rooms anp OUI"" :—16, ANOEIR8TBEKT, CARDIFF. Prioa list now ready, one stamp. 100 Second-hand and New Machines y .other maker., 1. Hold tt..Ptig Pl"b? Machines ex- ï,¡aol 'e¡:'irvl !.ij"k x. lYust repairs to fo/iaifdc makers only. 36oi4 ~A PORraiGllT'S 'A»JLr WASH, in Four Hours, J\, witi?". utV?=nyrbi? us Iu,g"THI, DOMESTIC" V, Wringei, d Mangier (tbr 11Ir,rl :o'Z')'ja:r::r.fndU: f;a'II": —Illustrated prospectus, post free, from Morris Bros., Poutypridd, and IB, Angel-street, Cardiff. SW17d tiT-OKF CLOTHES.—Mr. and Mrs. Roddy, 2, L ¡'t:¡; C:If!tr; :r ladies' and Usntlemen's Wearing Apparel, Ao. All ouiers punctually atuded t? in L?wn or country, d IFLONFT) antrb. A GENTLEMAN wanta to borrow Private Temporary A 0 ¿;L1it11 M?ii quarter. l''t:f¡;¡f private accommodation. Sub,tanllahecurity deposited. —N. 15, 14't, Hil Office, Cirdiff. a61u iflontp to 10MMHRCIAL ADVANCH OFF[ORR 120, DOCK- OTRM, NEWPORT. MON. The«e Offices liave beeu Opened for thf purpose of granting Cash Aitfonimodatioo to Tradesmen, House- holder', and others, in any part of England or Wales, In Sum, of from ilO NOTlC. rPOK VAI A1> EQUITABLE 1'ERI, For Prospectus "I.a apply JX'MKmaUy, or by Iltt." to ««n»* Pri?.t? Ofu-120, DOVR-STREET, NHWPOHTIMON. 37416kly iHV* I ONET Advanced, from U to *600, at a few hours' 1\ I OíTrd':f,;tfrt:o or ;:L.l"pt"°¥; Augustus Taylor, No. 33, CenoullaUoo-,treet, t)?, 1, iff am ■ VO YOU WANT MONEY ?-If '0, pare time, Xf trouble, ..d uPI'u" by =*.g dlrt to Mr, i ,it ,it. 49, B,,t-tr..11 "lo to £ 900 leut daily. No .urelle, or fee., n.. advertisement Is geiiulne. aall!6klv i\ to 4500 to be Advanced upon good Personal or tot) to Mr. Steed, Victoria Hall, rt .,IPZB lontt? to Irnoa gaj? to £ 16 J<ent, on Personal Security, to House- £5 tbol ¡'ino'"ftíi'h 1¡;' oocïe; 4:5 b par oent,; re?mentt, 6d. in th?perw?-tt. -App'y pertOMt'y to I e SecM?)y, 1, Tht Hayes, G :àBUJ; tJ!.n;'r;ï'h;;v ù Ijr vanced to F a rmers, Tradedtr.en, and others at a few he??ottet. i'?'own or Country. .too?y t9t HARBIS, .W y w?? BTjTE-tTREET.CAM!??. 89040 A TON MAX AND MMCOU?T C6BFANX, Bt. 7% Heten't-rmn!. SwentM. 6U £ 100 td?Mced up.? application to Householders and others. No sureties. Call or write. Ofti?-h.un.g.t.9p. 31942d HiraStiBa. W, and 8. mdtN. Estate Agents, 74, m lit" Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to Advance &jito £1,000 on good personal security. Annuities, reversions, Ac. 38941 a AAA Ready to be A i,,?,d on g^xxi Free- £45 000 IIh! oce,du )o= Ihan £1,;t),-Mes,rs, Hern, MMncht Agents, 7? St. Mary-street, Cardiff. "M? ga iTaa to O,ODD .dy to L. Advanced on good ?100 t'¡:d r;1'h:t :M! }{; Auctioneers ..d A-unt?-t-,rd SPECIAL TERMS TO FARMERS. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Money Advanced ? to tU olum without delay at a Ra- ddk?d Rata of Iiite?L Instalments arranged hi suit borrowers.—Apply pr. I (mAlIy, or by letter, to 8. B?rg.2. Hute-terrac, Cardiff. Private Residence, "f.,d U. N.wprt.-d. E.t?b- I lished 30 ytttn.' N.B. -No feet unttM the moxeyittdvtmotd. 38767 /1A&H Advanced, from £ 5 upwards, on any kind of my Security.—Apply personally or by letter, to the Agent, Mr. H. Godmall, Auctioneer, No. 35, Clift-I .et, Roath, Cardiff. 38627 -j¡W"-LO.1N OFFICE, ABERYSTW1TH.—Money Advanced to all clane. without delay, In sums from "0 upwards,,?.Wm.t ?m.lvto .nit the COIl\enhmoe of borrow ers.—Apply to Mr. James Purtou, it?wella, 18, Mary-st?t, Aberyatwith: 38255 ONKY^IMPEBUL DEPOSIT BANK, 85 and 17 YY-rk road, Wutmiu.tu Bridge road, Lon- C.Pit 1, A;160.01 Beserve F! 4?0,000. A,i v.,imp mad: at, Jew hours' notice, from £ lQ to ,ooo, Town or Country, to male or female, upon note 01 hand, ot.S? Of furniture, twk, plant, ,top., and :¡n;¡f:ln: í.'i:(eevlla1t: r¡; policies 'd dud, at £ 5 per cent., from one month to fifteen years. r f- rq,?ired. All comt ::t[¡,re trJ;'tri\:t ëJ'tlt'n'II. required. CHARLES HUNTER, Manager. N.B.—The Manager having a 1""11.unt 01 capital at his command, aHù whhiniC to extend Ute business to persona raaiding iu the country, responsible applicants will have the money they require one day after applioa tion. No genuine profiosal refused. ONFY Ad,?..d0t uneouuectad 1 with any C.rdiff Money-lender.-Juhn Henry i, Theatre Royal Buildings. Cardiff. HONKY Advancedupon aU kind, 01 reaiaeeurity, -Apply Johu Henry Jones, Tb-V? Royal n I IDII,Oardl\ 8438'1 £50 TO nl10 granted at. shortest notice upon ply John Henry Jones, Theatre Royal Buildings, Cardijr. 84397^ SSDagonst Si Colltrrj) iUqui^itefi. p ERS Wante T I*irs W a g gon Wheels and (Y:. :t'\nItc;affAI:. l Jong, 4ln. diameter; 10 to. Tram Axle.. 4ft. long, 2/ln, diameter 25 Wlis Doul)ie-H?(i?d &Il> ¡ hvo Tons ,x ri6o,Lr"fl"I g"VAI I' 50 Ton, 11m clean heavy Wrought &rup,-Appl,v to H. F. Hallesy nd Comny, Brok. Me tl?), f??dI y, W,LWAY WAGGON6.N,w and seven, eight, and ten-ton Coal .?d Mineral Wag- Sons far Pt.h-A?,p y to !:I.. íCl. ai:'i' «;jo¿;U\\f:g¿;i:S Rllte Docks, Cardiff. 28414d OR- SALE, HIRE. OR KEDBMPTlON PI K- FCRAJIB?- 180 Eight-ton TV. Ulw.y w.ggo,?,. 180 Seven-ton T.V.R. 40 Elt ?t-t.. T. V,U.. with ,nd and side doors. 100 W,,t,? GW 35 T.t?. G?W?N?. with .d .I .id( doors. 'o .iilht-wnG.W.R, 100 Six-ton, 't.1. rate. 30 Ter;.t.i ttr\ve'flIliHK .i,les. 40 Eight-ton Ore, Ballasttor8toue\> aggons, failing ,ide.. 40 Six-fou Ore, Ballast, or Stone Waggons, aJlIh'" J. M, HAIME, 4, Pearson-place, Cardiff. 35867 "^arbiiteryT Cool5, £ ot^alr. TO be Sold, by Tender, the whole of the Shinbuilding, TO '7;¡; ,:r. e"i, °f¡t h¥'d:i B",?k 01 t.t &. \i",1I' W\lr¿:.lther ilia lIolllg concern or tor removal, mosl complete 1 ii every rslt. Inspec- tion invited- A]. iroik-wrew e?nter. \UUI;U :i'87"'t ?t7S nf ?v' kaiUast double bottom, two winches, ami donkey ::r:. n:. :n;i,tw, 70 h.p.; .,iv Id..I? consumption ,.t expected to exceed II. tons p.r day —For further parthull. and terms apply 10 W. F. Pile and Co., ji.??- M-, C-r diff. 38647 Ii' OR Sale, one small Engine and Boiler, cylinder 3iin. b,m. 71n. stroke one small Engine without boi1 or. cylinder 34in. bore, 71u, .troke,-Y 9, HctternMail, Car- dllt 283114 1-f':?Î:r.iI:lro;:c t Drum i^ompieUs with skitt liuk F?prti bus apply at 113, ?ent""te. Pentre, near Swan- lea. 234u 4 ^KlABLE~^iigi7^MtwUrMill-sr8aw^Beiiche^ i'entrifugal Pumps. Sale r P..h- Hir, ? tildi.g089148 'VA!f' good Horizontal Windrng 6ugine,20 _k, a wi-I. h. 't, complete. Link motion preferred.—Send lowest pri? ..d full particulars to Mr. Bant Hern, 74, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. 87206 ST\_ "if:,pi;tr:=,: dressing-table, wiih pl? complete, to cast news pAle, Min. x \ô:n" 'ith .fteration for amalltr .tze, by Hoe, London, A5good as ??-w; f.??r 8tr b,,l to,t fame siT" of pOie.. have t?.,? ,.ed very little; L. metal pot, furnace, and d,yi?.g by J. and R. D:I:I': '¿I: Tï. 1:'C"lft":tr can:r; imm"diau purchaser.—For price, ?d,ire,. Mr. H. M. Thomas, ouall"" H*aglern Mail, Cardiff. 3Ot22<t FOR J 51 ,¡ F. V [ A T E S A L K, tr li K A T H A U Ii A I S. LOCOMOTIVES—Three with 16} inch Cylinder, Copper Bo* and Tube*. RAILWAY CARRIAGES -9 Composite and 33 Second Class Carriages, MULTITUBULAR STEEr, BOILERS -Two New Onev 13ft. 7in. by alt, 91 u. CItANES-Fo., Double Purchase Wharf and 3 Platform Jig t! rCroiies, mli to lift Two Tous.Al I the Abu% v Iel"L.,?do, ti?? property of a Railway Co., and 'dl I?;;e :r.rnrByOil"Y (.'0., auol PULSOMETER-No. 5, with Pipes and Foot valve. PORTABLE ENGINES—10 h.p., by Clayton 8 h p., by Riutou anu Prt-.1,or. Several Smaller Blaes. STRAM CRA3fl2a-Thiee Narrow Gauge, C"n11,let.. STEAM GANTRY II.' Taylor, Birkanhead; to lift 15 Tons. EXGDŒS-lIorllOlltal. J2 by 22; Verti".I, 1j by 24. Niun other suitable size*. PF.VPS-Doiev and Boiler combined, 12 by 8, direct Rctlul; einch Gwynne's Cenlrifugal; Vertical iwii.Itb two diretrt Acting P".P" and Engine, all combined. ROCK DRILL— Ingersolls, with Flexible Tubing and Tunnel Gear. WEIGHBnIDGBB-20 Too., by Hodgwnsand Stead; and 5 smaller ones. AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF OTHER PLANT and SUNDRIES. -Further Particulars apply to QHAKLES J)II I LL I PS, X E W P 0 R '1', M 0 N, "OLY THE BEST." ("1 Alt AWAY'S SEEDS GPolt FLOWER CAHDRN. GARAWAY'S SEEDS GFOR KITCHEN CARDEN. f AKAWAY'H SEEUfi X lOR FARM. ARE THF BEST, All Orders over 20s. (Potatoes and Too," Included) Carriage Paid to any Railway Station. FIVI PIli Cist. Dtscot'.xr for C«8». T II ¡.; C" 1 111'0 N 21B. COLLECTION Contains 6 Quort. or the Best Peas, for succession, 2 of the Beans, „ And all the small 8eedl-t,g,. Beet, Boreeole, Broocoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, leek, lettuce, Onion, HaUhh, Ac.-necessary to crop au ordinary Oarden jor ticelt'4 11iolltk. GARAWAY'S 1LLUSTRATKI) CATALOGUE, con- taining full Cultural Directions tor a Year, jwat tree 011 application. /■ A li A W AY & CO" ]h:rdham nOWN, 30075 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. rp n A p is ELL &. (:Í A n E, Horim FURNISHERS AND CARPKT WAKEHOliSEMEN, 39, COLLEUE GREEN, BRISTOL. E u t, s E-li Of EVERY CLASS COMPLETELY FURNISfiLL) ILLUSTRATED PI-'LDE ANU ESTIMATES FREE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. ::0, COLLEGE GREEN, Bristol. T R A P N E L L & G A N E, LAUGEST ESTABLISHMENT IS WliST OF ENGLAND. 38609 BILLIAKU HALLS7~(JhaJks, 'CaH!i, and T BROS, l?.,y %'?,k., 11, U,gl- ?t. ?d.n.W.C. Cl?H 1,? tt?? t.d? r )tmitrd?MeBe<tHttitM and Ivory Good, ill general. Old Balls Adjusted or Exchanged, and Tables mi- ?'ar?"* Price LI.n, 0? ?u'?m-Htibbf-r samples post tree. Kstablished 1862. 2082kl EL"rll.-F. ovven & co., isCruicon I DENTISTS, from London (Established 80 years), 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA (three doors from Temple-street). Consultations PVee Daily from 10 to 7. painless Den- tisuy. Adamantine Teeth. ObUined Six Frbo Mdl,. For Eating, AltlcnlaUun, and Comfort, they arc aqual to Xe ?f?mtt) Teeth. W.,r..ted t- I-L Jf- time. A Tqti, F." A:O 2 6 Upper or Lower Set From 1 t 0 LApTp?er th or Can be fitted while waiting. 99042 f? T?IE VVKEKLY MAIU A THE MM' FAMILY NEWSPAPER. DYXE STEEL & CO., EXGINEERS, NEWPORT, WON., AMD DYNE STEEL & SON, ENGINEERS, SWANSEA. ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR WINDING ilAULING, AND GENERAL PURPOSES. CONDENSERS AND STEAM TRAPS. STEAM AND HAND CRANKS, BLOWING FANS, FIVY.ERIN 'SAND TANGYg'S GOVBRfiOR'S, "CAMERON," "SPECIAL." MiO OTUHR STUAM PUMPS. PULSOMHTEBB, CENTRIFUGAL PCMl'ti. G IYFARD'S patent injectors. HYDRAULIO AND OTHER llFTINCi JACKS, HAND POWlIK PATBST ROCK DRILLS, CRABS, PULLEY BLOCKS, BAOK HOISTS, WESTON'S PATENT BLOCKS, GAS, STEAM, AND WATER TUBES, STOCKS AND DIES, TUBE EXFANDEItS, AND JI.:lGIXEEHI:i' TOOL!! OF AI.L ÄIlJS. RAM PUMPS, WITIK ST-FULX or housm lUMS.and Single ur Double Steam Cylinders, tor i-kimm* HvJUK8. \1:flJ..ROt'.Vl'JJ work, and tor General Pumping Pur- poses. THE EXHAUST JNJECTOR, for feeding IIolleu works with rxAHMMt attain from engine tidy. ECOVOMl* OBVIOl!8. Simpl. to IIlallil>ulat.. Certain In action. BOL'DON'S (OWX MAKE) STEAM PftEBSUBK GAUGES. ATKINSON'S PATKNT FEBD-WATBR HEATER. RIVET FOUGES AND SM ITHS' HEARTHS. WHITE META1 FOR BEARINGS. PATKNT SPLIT PULLIES FOil BELTING. AMERICAN MACHINE BELTING. PATENT STKAM TRAPS AND UNIONS. DUDGEON'S PATENT TUBIC EXPANDERS. CONTBACTOM MO MANUFACW RING 1RONBOOF!:1'¡ GAS WORKS, IRON PIT FRAMING, BM?NB?.tc. I"Itlws and P?rtimi?s on application. TRKDEOAR-FLACE, NEWPORT. 41I K.Yi:HAN(fE-Blr|LDI\G.S SWANSEA. lySPFtTtON 15 JNVITBD OK KJfGIXES AND GENKRAL MACHlNKItT AT NBWPOBT AND SWAN9RA. w A liU T It l'OR WINTER. HRAVY WINTER CLOTHING. MKN S WINTBK OVERCOATS. MBN'S WtNMB U1STERH. =:: REEFERS. MOYS. WINTER OVERCOATS. WINTER SUIT'S. MHT8' WINTER SUITS. l V; ':fJa:xn, IM)ya, WINTER HOSIERY. MICN,13 WINTER SHIlflH. iit)ys. WINTER SHIKTS. N'S WINTER OUTFITS. BOYS' WINTER OUTFITS. Men', and Boys' H. u.p8, (Boy" Mnfftert, Ties, UmbrÖJlu, Rngs^ Portmanteaus, Waterproofs, TOE CAniHKF HOUSE, Phophiktobs — W- I CE AND SONS. Terms—One Price. For Heady Money Only. A<idrM??mt M( CAROLINE-STRKET, ST. MARY- STREET. CARDIFF. -I BORVVlCK'H BAKING POWDER. Bo rour G'SLD MEDAL8. 0 BORWiOK'S BAKING POWDEK, FOR _IN-H'SOLZSOM 9 BREAD.  EORWlCK'fi BAKMU tOWDER, JD? t'OK prDMNO AND P1ES. ¡ EOJiWICK'S- BAKING POwMu, B__ FOR P1UMCAKE. BORWIOK'S BAKING POWDER, JO FOK TEA CAKES AD SCONES. IItWICK'S BAKING POWDER, 130 MH NOHFOM IDUMPLINGFI. INVALUABLE ON BOARD 8H)P. 37046 < A RDf ?A'<t? FK?AKTH _BIWSES. ZT"-V nrn 8 0 12 0 3 0 6 0 ?so F;B'Oftl-nl-l¡' '0 -12r¡-a-Õ-1-6-¡¡-19-¡¡ !'eu.rt II ',¡ g g 8 cg | =: — | 10 0", 1 0 | 4 0 I 7 0 110 0 I0n, t?y "6t60 60 80 street,Cardiff. ?n 0 t 3 0 | 60) 9 oo 1 Later 'Bus on Saturday. SUNDAYS." t'r.)t))P<mtrth i?.ta t.u'?tnd 1.3_0. 8.15*.)md 9? p.<n HpK'ifd?uM<-< LW""I\ 2.0 ?.d 9.0 p.m. F>om_Cardiff .7. 10 6V.m~Tnd 2.15,9.0, aud ib_O flpecial'Bussei between 2,Qand 10.0 p.m.

Considerable unetsiness hall been ex. presltOd ill certam quarters at the supposed inaction of Getierali Colley and Wood in the Transvaal. We will assume that these dis- tinguished officers know their duty best, and veoent events go far to oonfiiut the wisdom of a policy of cautiou and great circumspection. The number of Boers now stationed at Laing's Neck, every available ridge and gorge of which is being fortified, is about 7,000. It was thought at one time that four or five thousand was the maximum number of men under arms, and considering the position they bold, and their great qualities as guerilla skirmishers and sharp-shooters, such a foroe was not to he despised. If, however, it be true that there are 7,000 men under arms, aided by two guns, of large size, then even greater precaution is imperative. There seems to have been a little fighting at Wakkerstroom, one of the small towns occupied by a handful of British, and invested" by the Boers. It is stated that the place had been taken and re-taken, together with a considerable quantity of loot" in the shape of waggons. The Broad A i-roto has authority to say that it is not con- templated to make any change in the com- mand in the Transvaal. Sir Evelyn Wood will continue to act under directions from Sir George Colley. The statement made by a contemporary to the effect that Sir Garnet W olleley had requested to be sent out to the Transvaal to take command there is mani- festly a ridiculous flight of imagination, in which the writer betrays ignorance of the antecedent circumstances of Sir Ueorge Colley's appointment, and his relationship with Sir Garnet.

Ionoti-s" returns to his charges made in the Daily Kem with reference to a British invasion of Afghanistan. He reiterates the charges as follow:1. That in ,1>!ïO Lord Lytton was making preparations for a war against Huaaia, and had for that purpose assembled a force on the borders of Afghanistan. 2. That as early as July, 1S78 —that is, about two months before the re- pulse of Sir Neville Chamberlain's mission at Ali Musjid—Lord Lytton had made military preparations for the invasion of Afghanistan m teevent of the terms he had offered to Shere Ali being finally rejected. 3. That soon after the arrival of the Russian Mission at Caunl, Lord Lytton had evidence that Shere Ali was more hostile to a Russian than he was to an English alliance; that he dreaded the idea of comin g to terms with Russia, and was anxious to come to an itriderstandiiig with thevioerey. The writer declares in the most positive manner that there does exist in the secret iti-chives of the India OHioe confidential corre- spondence which will bear out his statements. This is either true or it is not true, and, for the sake of all concerned, it would be well if the subject were cleared up. To-night Lord Lytton will, in the House of Lords, open the debate on the Government policy with refe- rence to Afghanistan- more especially the abandonment of Candahar—and it is to be hoped he will take this opportunity of cl. ar- ing himself of such grave charges.

The East Cumberland election resulted on Saturday in a Liberal victory, which is a net cain of one, or two in a party division. The figures wereGeorge Howard, 3,071; Right Hon. J. Lowther, 3,041. There are certaig characteristics about this contest whioh arrest attention. In the first place, Mr. Lowther was at once a strong and a weak candidate. He was strong as a scion of the greatest territorial family in the county, and, therefore, a candidate who could oaloulate upon a good deal of support from very colourless politicians. On the other hand, Mr. Lowther had not distinguished himself, and his administration of Irish Affairs when Chief Secretary waa not by any meana a suo- ceis. Besides, during the canvass be displayed lack of dignity, to say the least of it, and it is probably to this we must lay the blame of his defeat. We know for a fact, at any rate, that at the general election, in April, 1880, the late Conservative member, Sir R. C. Musgrave, polled 3,101, whilst Mr. Lowther,on Saturday, could only poll 3,071, a clear loss of 120. On the other hand, at the same election, Mr. Howard only polled 3,039, whereas, on Satur- day last, he polled 3,071, or a gain of 82. Since April, 1880, there can have been no material change in the constituency, and the Government have certainly not increased in popularity, so that the very large Conser- vative defection and the very small Liberal increase, may safely be attributed to the popu- larity ot otherwise of the candidates,

The oivil marriage of Prince J-mlerick William Victor Albert, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Germany, and grandson of the Emperor and of Queen Victoria, with Augusta Victoria Amelia Louise Marie Con- staooe, daughter of the Grand Duke of ISc hies wig Holstein Sonderburg Augustin- burg, was celebrated on Saturday, and the religious marriage yesterday. The Prince is twenty-two years of age, and the bride a few months older, The lifetime of these young people, although still brief, has witnessed, perhaps, the most extraordinary revolutions in the "map of Europe," and fortunes of dynasties, which almost any period, of history can present. When our own l'rinceaa Victoria m ISoS married the Crown Prince of Prussia, the event was not hailed with a ohorus of unanimity in this country. The Hohenzollerns were but "German lairdies," very powerful ones if not very rich, it is true, and noone had dreamed of the unifi- cation of (leriiially, if we except Bismarck, Hadowa had not been fought, and Austrian power in Germany for ever broken Sedan had not beeu fought, and the Napoleonic dynasty for ever crushed beneath the iron heel of the Hohenzollerns. A great portion of the rioh territories of the bride's father had not been roughly "conveyed" to Germany, and, in short, nothing had taken place which subsequently raised Germany to the highest pesition as a great Power and the I {oval descendants of Frederick the Great to a place unequalled among the crowned heads of Europe. It is ttated that this is a genuine tore match it is to be hoped that it will be a happy ot.

When we mentioned on Satut-day the in- tereating fact that Booth and Irving, IlIdu- bitably the two greatest English-speaking actors of the day, were about to alternate the parts of layo and Othello at a aeries of perfor- mances to be given at the Lyceum, we were not aware that these two distinguished men bad played together before. It appears, how- ever, from a statement in the Manchetter (Juurdum, that io a series of performances in Manchester, nearly twenty years ago, Mr. Irving played ljtiertes to Mr. Booths J{<unlctt ( V/.wo to bis Othtllo, Buttanto to his Shyhck, Wellhnrn to his Sir Oilei Overrent-A, liiu-kintf- 4,4111 t) tl, Ill., and Beneulio to his JtwKieo.

The South Wales coal trade maintains the activity which for some time we have had to record. The shipments have again been large during the past week; prices, taken all round, are firm, and there appears to be no lack of orders. This condition of things renders sellers chary about making forward engage- ments, unless at safe figures. The iron and steel industries of the distriot are also well employed. During the past week the coal clearances foreign from Cardiff have been 108,137, and from Newport 20,303.

The. Newcastle steam ooal trade i?tiit re- ported to be quiet, and from Durham and South 1orkshire this class of business does not show great animation, considered apart from the demand engendered by the unsettled position of the labour market in adjacent dis- tricts. The isteel trades of the country con- tinue to be very brisk. In jroji thercfis no material change. There has been a drop of la, in Glasgow warrants, but a review of business in other districts d,oii not reveal movements of any significance. The Con- tinental iron marketa continue to P,-iid favour- able reports.

MH. GLADSTONE'S ACCIDENT. Out- London correspondent, writing on Sunday night, says:-The Premier, Mr. Gladstone, is now nearly convalescent. The many visitors who called thia morn- ing received information as follows, written by Al ra. Gladstone, It Excellent night, the wound healing rapidly." At three o'clock the right hon. gentleman rose and sat up in his liedroom, aud at 5,30 he was seen by Sir James Paget and Dr. Andrew Clark. Both gentlemen were thoroughly satis- fied with their patient, and announced that tbey would issue no more bulletins. Mr. Gladstone, however, will not be in his place in the House to-niorrow night. not being physically capable to resume his duties ai y#?t. Even had the right hon. gentleman been quite restored to health he would not have been in the House, as he had commands to dine with the Queen at Windsor. Mr. Gladstone may be expected to re-appear in the lioune on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mrs. Gladstone and other members of the family were enabled to leave the Prime Minister in order to attend Divine Service to-night. O. Talbot, I M.P., was amongst the numerous visitors who made inquiries regarding Ir. t; ladstone's health.

THE GERMAN ROYAL MARRIAGE. The public entry into Berlin of tlie Princess Augusta Victori., who was aivotnpanied by the Crown Princess of liermany, commenced at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the wemlier being very favourable, the procession was Weeted with I enthusiastic ovations at all points of the route. The castle was reached shortly nl'tor three p.m., where the Princcsscs were received by the Crown Prince and all the Royal Princes, with a numerous suite. At the staircase the Crown Prince offered the bride his arm, and escorted her into the Swiss Hall, where she was welcomed hy the Royal Princesses. Thence sh# proceeded to tlie Branden- burg Chamber, where lier arrival was awaited by theKntpcmDtnd EmpM" ?ttend«i by *U the princely gue?ts. The fnamtge contract wu ed in the Chamber ?t the Kerfuersl, after f:ct: :e ti)I:C'edthy K:ítur: (f dignitaries, accompanied the bride to her apart- ments. The illuminations during the evening, which extended to the most remote outskirts of Berlin, were particularly brillinnt In the Avenue Unwr den Linden, and in the centre of the city. The Tower of the Raihaus and all the public monu- menbMdMUTM "pre tiMrmtety illuminated the street* until,& late l?.ur,wid cor- .ith I)onft crowd6 moved through diality and rejoicing.

"THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" at TlilC CARDIFF THEATRE ROYAL. The Pirates of Feiizanee is announced for performance to-niglit at the Cardiff Theatre, and if adequately given should not. tail to draw good houses during the week. It may be mattor of re- grettosome that Messrs. Gilbert and Sulhvun (whose names seem as inseparably linked as those of Krckmann-Chatriao, ar Meilhac and Halivy) should not turn their attention to mors important work, and give us a National English Opera that should raise the opinions of musicians, both in England and on the Continent, as to the capabilities of Englishmen te. produce work worthy to stand Bide by side with other examples of contemporary musical art. This latet work from tlteic pena differs but slightly from tlieir former productions There is the same quaint distorting of modern hie (M if Mr. (ii)b"t .? it .tl"ctd in a ? mirror), the same sort of good-natured satire, the same delight in the incongruous and the absurd, the same witty allusions to current foibles and follies, and the same disrespect for theold-fashloned legitimate drama. Or. Sullivan's music is charac- terised by the piquant orchestration that has beforl charmed UI, and made us almost forget that his melodies do not err on the side of glaring originality. The lout tniemblt of picturesque scenery, bright dresses and faces, fun, frolicjand sparkle IIJs, as heretofore, drawn all London, and the opera is now having a victorious march throughout the pi-oviueos. The principal characters urc Mcy nr-Otnera! Stanly who has un estate in Cornwall, and who hi "the very model of a modern eral l although I'7:ef that his 1= knowiedge lws only been brought down to the beginning of the century;" his daughter a. impressionable vounir lady, whose mission in life seems to be to reclaim poor wandering pirates, and who falls it. love naturally with the youngest and handsomest one of the horde that infests the neighoourhood of her father's abbey the aforesaid young and handsome pirate, who ahould have been ap. prenticed to a pilot by his nurserymaid Rnth, but she didn't Mtfh the word aright through bemg hard of hearing," and unfortunately found, when too )tte, <)Mt .e )Md doomed both herself and him to the vila lot of piracy. The 7')'?« King and the Serutant ?f Police also play important parts, ?nd the chorus is formed o Flap? !rates, police, and Oewral ?'<o)t?? daughwrø. who take the place of Sir Josepli Porttr't sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts in the Pinafore." The most popular num- bers are tho song o?the Pirate A't?y. ?M< waltz, the Ventral's tter wng, and the /w/< in the first act, dn;c o;ii:ete t nl: a happy one," in the second act. The overture is a clever medley of the principal airs, and in the con- certed music Dr. Sullivan has displayed all his usual skill.

I.ieut.-General Sir Donald Stewart is to lie mad a full (ieneral. The funeral of the late Lord William Pitt Lennox took plaee on Friday at the firompton Cemetery. The chief mourners were Mr. William Robert Lennox (the son), and Lady Sophia (Veil and Dowager Lady de Ros, sisters of the deceased. The Queen has approved the appointment f tl, Rev. (i. li Bradley. LL.D,. Master of University College, Oxford, to the Canonry of Worcester Cathodral, vacated by the Rev. Dr. barrv, trans- (trredteWMtmiMter. The !rteh demand for reVQlver from Birming- bam ti" now completely subsided. Revolver makers report that the approaching Coercion BUI has made pomas afraid t- purchw.

EIGHT HOURS' RUN WITH TIn; XOYADDFA WI HOUNDS. Most of this season's runs with these hounds ar8 worthy of record in our sporting papers, but th" run of Monday was pre-eminently the must trying experienced in this part to the physical endurance of fox, hounds, and horses. The meet had been fixed at Treftlan, and punctual to the minute Mr Hughes, the master, with whip and hounds in good form, appeaiwi. The day was cold and murky, witli just a taste of frost. The hounds were thrown into Pen Ian Wood, in the presence of a numerous company, including Col. Lewes, Col. P. Lewes, th, Misses Lewes, Llanlear; Mr. B, C. Jones, Mr. Prm- ton, &c. No vioner had the hounds entered the plantation tlun it became evident that the ho t. of tho wixidii was at home. After son* persuasion hol bolted for Allt-goel), with dojj, and huntsmen following. As if reluctant to leacv with so little ado, the fox, atter running the length of the last-named woods, made his way back t" where he started from. To describe the hunting for the first hour and a half would baffle a moo skilful pen than mine, but suffice it to say that it was soon discovered that there was more than out fox on the move; and not before two of thp« were run to ground was the third induced lo tak. to the open, ?hich he did ovn UyfnMt bog {m Bwlebyllan, down College dingle, .?.r Aeron, up to ;rn'lcr;¡i::m:t'o;;¡::te hill for Rluwonen. This was a pretty good stre" Ui begin with, but yet t no 1.11 nur tru", The hounds crossed Cilerwisg dingle in nut style of pace and music, up U; Llain, over Drumùù". towards Khjdygui, where the fox was headed, and turned back 1:1 tielli Gwenyn Wood, when he was viewed by all the huntsmen going in good style, but very little in advance, lie went through these WOod, and ran as if bent for Glandenis, but turned a few fields short of that mansion for Derry Orinonu Woods, thence to Derry Ormond Park and Kerry Lodge Woods in a umie-L*?eve to go in fur Coek'x Hes Here he succeeded in playing wily trick with some of the huntsmen, but the dogs kept t» his heels, and would not be thrown oft just yet. He turned on the left for Denmark, Bryngwvn, I'antfedwen, and over iilaenplwyl, passing the vigilance of half-a-dozen keen sportsmen whu were here on the look-out for him. The slight check got here was no doubt very acceptable tu the pursued, if not to some of the pursuers The dogs soon found his drag, at"! were off at a rattling pace by Rhiwonen over Cilerwisg, to Llanerchfach, up to Penbryn Hill, and along that ridge down to Hendrelas, in the vale of Aeron onco more. Tin pull aeros- country, from Perry Ormond, had shown itself c some of the horses, and the run was no longe- graced by a couple of Aberaeron friends. r v court the same defeat, the rest followed the hound, by Tyngwndwn, Cwmere, and Aldergate, when they turned on the right over Glanwern, ti)wirii, Llanlear, but remembering the wire fencing on II" meadows below, the fox had thought to spite th" nders by going beyond those, and down to Brynng. He was closely followed over and beyond Brynog Bridge, where he was lost. He had been seen coming to the bridge, and Captain Vaughan's {iloughmsn had headed him a liiMo Imlow, wi??-,? le w. e.n coming back towards the bridge. For about live minutes or more he could not be made out, but even- tuaUy he was espied leaving a few bushpg do-. to the bridge, and making for Doledwr. His d,- fiarture was greeted enthusiastically by men ami Flounds. He made direct for "'eJinfh, but, being headed, he turned towards Ystrad, across the turn pike, up for Tangmig, Drewynt, Graigwen, Llettv Bowen, and Nantygelli. The heavy clay land aid nasty passes about here thinned the riders con- "id,b)y, nd good man y of the dogs had given it up s,, bad jotH.fiI'aC to :"frU;' to the bitter end. Thp fox nowmade forAUt-gMt.. but, changing his plan??, he mads fordr?bwled,l and olf for Dihewid. flero he turned for Pensarn- fswr, facing Cribin, but turned ngain for Ciapel Brwyn. on to Tvddyndu and Panlygwiail, over Ynysftilen, headlong for Cwm-vacnng. lIere he turned again for Bryne and Castle-hill. To elud. his pursuers,it was clear that he wasfast exhausting ).M strength and cunning t? ver)- little purpose One of the huntsmen descried him lyin don iu a furrow, on a stubble (:ît: ciy¿N. don d\ not start a minute too soon, for the hounds were on his form the next instant. He took the roild to Ystrad, bat diverted by Allt-goch for Dreberfedd once more. Now he was hunted as much by mm .8 by dogs. He was continuomty vi???A and talliea, n?king the dala mvarl*mto with tite joyous rings of men and dogs. The sun had set, .?d the d?v's work not done, and all felt highly excited over the probable end. The "gamely f. a g ain for ISwlch, and down for Y. but was 1,?.ded and e-t to Allt-goch, and up to ;IIelIhIrJ'it.g1; o'ft<lw Ut; were close his heel.. nd th? theri bm-1 following. He was seen making 8 rush for Dreberfedd farmyard, with the whole pack folio. ing in splendiil tunc. Brave Cardinal" saw his game, and, in?tino his fellow hounds ¿s 1,tfo(JI :n I' alOp:ll!'ct°uli: &?. onl Dreberfedd farmyard, thus -niog their well-merited blood. Tho gallant mmteawaa there to cheer the dogs, and to witness the death of as brave a fox ns ever honoured a pack of hounds with his brush, It was six o'clock, or eight hours since the tirst fox was started, and over six hours since the defunct fox broke cover. Mr. DaYi", (Dreberfedd), himself a keen sportsman, hospitablv entertained the hunting party—which by thistim* consisted of only thr"inclllding mtr and whip, out of those who started. Many incidents of tN. run must be left out. hut it is compul ed that do«- and honies travelled during the run over seventy miles. A. I'OX HT'XTIXI; AT YSTRAD MYXAC11. Tlie Pentyrch had a meet on Friday near Caerphilly, when there u a-s a large field, several ladies and gentlemen being on horseback, among them being the Misses Morgans (two), of Ruperm Castle. The Wernddu woods were tried, Md?t)nef?x broke <wnr,whM.t -pital r,?. ,-a. ??.de up the valley t- ward* Ystrad MynacKand sevenl splendid "rings weM given on t)x Graddfa ne)d. a?d the ne?).. bourhood ?f Yyjtrad Mynach eehœJ with the fine music of t he pack. Reynard, however, snKtked ff'8:hf 'Iovi;"L1:I;d' got to earth. The dogs were then drtwncS 'n? ..otlw "red rascal broke cover in the Llaabra. d-h woods, and Mn 011 down the MUey. but a? evening wM dosing in, theti?k was got together evening i., th J wallk ow?? to nake go?i Md dntwn on'. Md ý:Jl:ed' toke;; his e-pp, Thom who were in the hunt MY that better hunting could not be wished for than v.n- enjoyed. THE CASCADE HOl'XDS. On Saturday morning the Cascade hounds hail meet at Gelligaer, and it was decided to try the Oelliargwellt wooda, which were drawn, and sub- sequently the Penallta woods, when a fine "red fellow" broke from cover, and was hunted for some time across for Gelliargwellt, but he msnaged M get M earth Md escaped with his brua. Thi: pack, which is owned by Dr. 8, Leigh, hM don aervioeable work in this district during thl season.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. FOXBOVSDS. Glamorganshire.—Monday, Wewvoe ullage; Thurs 11 Ma. Powbll's.—Tiiasilay, Mydnni; Fid.y, The AWY near Whltland—10.80. Pbmhroe&shirb (IIoutl1). Monday, Throstle Mill: Friday, Hayes Gate-11. PEinxEnftARS. — Tuesday, Gellywernenj Frld., Golden Grove—10.30. Talk or Gwru.—Monday, Pencader; Pru?.T. M Vale "or^Towv.—Tuesday, Th'' Half Way, Biwon-roiJ; V tJa i:Jlit: Ut-on-ro.iJ;

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
FORECAST OF THE WEATHER. The following forecasts for this dav were issued from the Meteorological Office last evening at 8.3J o'clodl :— o ? ?Ct'n))a"?'*ri"?" westerly f»ir but chruifchi* 1. Bcotlabd k. | weather. a v» o i -eutllly b-, very Hull*. E. :I\:}?' t? ?'th?':c!i? 4. fcugiaod t f a,. wtd, fine pn..Ih-. Easterly Ureeaes, light, fuIlowM <.MtdttndOouttM'? b./ ?Mt: cuid.?. togS. 5. En<!?nd.S..I<'D-fE?'<-r')ybrMz<M,hgM; fair, coU, don A Channel MIP. t.'g i B. IIootlantl W. "re.t<>rI,I' I:c'eeze.; till. (Scotland j w i j Variable WMtf-'y br, tn. 7. ENGLAND, N. W. I G,INE U W 2 ,ND 3. and X. Wales f 8. A'??.f.?.? )A'fWt-«M'n-? ArMJM. t).??? ZkMthWaiu J <??; '<'?- 9, Ireland, N SaineasXos.a and o. 10. Do., a &uw a* H. o. "Know and rail.. METEOROLOGICAL READINGS AT CARDIFF. Btnml'r tcn*> at s.u •.«.«»« ?_?°??V?'???tU.?O?r)tJ?b?Ml. T*o-; Hyzrt. During z bl" ??"'t o.?. jen?!!?Mt"m.Uir<<: Bate. a| Si 9.0 a.m. j M„ tk.o D*te. ? S '?*J"_ ?? jWitid. ?? <? '"T Wet 'Md. Min. Rtia .). t m j'??Butb. Butb.? ?H. MunTitl.W.Mt ,M.O"it.6 ?t ? 1 80 3 £ & I n TuM ? )M.H6 3".? i M.7 | 37.2 ».« | j X* W«t ? 30?M 81.5 32.< ? ?.2 ?.6 | SE Thur 24 ao'pl 32.7 30.6 37.9 3D4 St Thllr 26^ «U98 32.7 1,30,6 13'1.' ,31>.4 I ¡; ao.77 I I I Hal 26'29J12 36.2 1 30,2 40.4 I 31.3 I XI 26,29.812 I au '304.1 41.4 I a2.3 0.02! IV 811,1 27i 29.832 34.3 I 32.4 i I 42.7 j 38.0 *0.29' S«E ILJ\ L-

M. Menier, the proprietor "f O'e cr?t ?""?? Ch:to; died worth 37::nd It is i.d, that the -"rri-P of Crown Prince Rudolph will not take place in MlAy. all was I I erroneously announced" few days ago. It is unaersUxnl that the Benchers of three « the Jan? of Court h?ve come b, a !utWO w I favour of altering the regulatiotis for -D tc tlw Bar, M )M M tmaMe ?Ucitora t.) be <nlM MMrun lapse of one vear instead of three as at present There will be an election at Rugby s'h tv nine scholarships, of which five a™ daMical. aut June. Two are of £80, and two of CIJ per annua. Candidates must not be more than fifteen yeaN vi 1 age on July 1. 1881, and the -0 tenable as long as the boys remain at the scnoor. Earl Spencer, the R:?) of himb<?v. ?d the Ri?ht Hon. A. Muadelb will i-eprese?t, i.r Wls- iesty's Uovemment at the open)? of the Nwi..] ;a:i:r:t M :rcl.. bv their Koy? Hi?htM-MM the Prince 8-d rn  Wales. "?T,c P?u.p<e:?.n -.?,?': .?hq, 8,?. 1, 1* ?; id. 4y Cb- Xy A.. Stockport