? £ >-3 = _i /-s 0 g 1: 0 ? |K" lf £ fcj bJ B '< ti 3 sffi .1- ? 5» ■= g W = 516"; :ç ;?; y.Ol 2 2-S" i P P 5^ c ?j' ? I^C *"5 2 tfi 1.:1 K?   t-< ? 3  1; F?-?? tE'6 5C c PC? 5~ 6f ? 3 ? S? c. £ 05 W a 2. » S ? ??. ? ? a !'? ? ? o >• IØ-

"D-A-N ,rELOwEN,HowELU&CO r BOOKBINDERS AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, WESTERN MAIL" BCtLDtKCe, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Paicg LisT o.,i APPLILATION. Istimato given for Binding Gentlemen's Libraries, Account Boeks, and aU classes Qr &oin4i"i. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE TBAD8, 87491


jyjASTBllS A NX) £ <OMPAN!j THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, £ 9 .Ap 30, ST. MARY-STREET, TaE SWANSEA CLOTHIKITS, 13 AND 19, CASTLE-STITERT. DEPARTMENT A.-Bespoke tr Ordered Goods. in t"hillnartTQeDt we have In im- mense !tucko( Scotch, lrista,anù Yorkshire Tweeds and West uf England Cloths. Trousers made to measure from lbs. 6d. to k, M.; ""il. from '21. 10 lO;r.6d. :arfect fit "uoranteed. DEPASTMSNP B.-S<? JIC:¡.o'l8eJCk ,9? J. ?n-e JtCkft% Tron?ers, and Jum,n, Duck 0-d,, M,,I? and Curd Good.. aild every requ¡ae. DEPARTMENI C.-Kt? ttndPtpiotet'tr?dt'crif)- -?' {?'????'i't'??.?S' P>rlmanteBnx, Hat CQ:!H, Cu' It Bags,and Oillo;inC5. pEfABT??T £ >.—Keady-made Clothing,Overcoats warn 95. lid. to b&.6d.; UI.. "? :.OM 17.. &I. to 72.. 6d.; Clotb Trousers from 2.. 11,1. to 23a.6d.; Pit., Nap and IVaver Reefer J aek ets, Coat s an d Ve atst» ma t eh and a great variety ol materials.' fl —Moelerv, Shirts, Pants, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Ties. Mufflers, Jer- nva, FronU, Gloves, Hose, and nå.!f.ho. \VriO! Cardigan J:('et8, Br:\L'. Handkerchiefs, Collars,Wool t, special linein !i.1'1 DBPABTKENT F.-Jr?niif' ClotWn*. H<.V' Suits 4 0, t 11 Overcoats, 1&u:t!I:: Jvket! Reefers. Vest. Tmuw". t?Xn.?rf. rvm Cash; Úne l1'\O!-Atl tiotsis Marked in. Plain Figures. 38139

?tMJtttg ?OttffS!. L I N E y l* LAN L I N E AMEh'It.'A. RUVAI? '4,?L bTEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON (Caiiing "t Ibltla:\ to land CAJladiall Malls ImJ PA" ^niters): %or IL I;col,llkl.MAr. -i PARISIAN .1&10 VO'^ NEMAN .1"17 tuKl'iNUN Mar. 24 0 k I MORAVIAN Mar. 31 CIRCASSIAN April 7 SARMATiAN April 1;> I ?.. Ntuoii Fares J.:12. JC15, and 11. Interroeaiate 1;)Q., Bteenige, i'o 6J, to Boao.'i. N'-w Vork, tHnor.t., F?'?'t?phit'.P'rtJt?. ?!it'hht.? Through Tic?Mt ",w ut Sproiil l i .itej> p "44LE ''?.)""?'iM-"Kt[.<.tt<t 0" Tf?nt ftnn<?' Uf??tM CM Dominion of C?.ud?. ti? r?- 0- m ?.< .'t finiph??.? \V<?"' f?'« ?f Ameri(ca. ^GOVERNMENT ASSISTED PASSAGE* to Halifax, or ihrouvh io^u^-v, gi.»»it«-d t, AgrU-ultunl Laboarvtu and Female Dumcstio Sewunts tvf. AlXiX aoJ Cu.lames «Ueet, Lu«r- ?— Full jMirticnUrs un application to  i ",),,1; vr to L. t Kt-rnard, Auotioa^-r, 1' Qutrn- Jtnvi, aud G. BirvJ. Bute-street, Cardiif: J. C. MaJinwiu, twtie -street, and A. T. Austin, 16, ? ?«!. S?M??O. ?r?n. Siltkri? >Ula, d U it. lU-es, Auctioneer, LlanV\uo ruid. Puntvpridd• Chtn?- ilh-p.ace, Neath UMi? %? ;Ui?nM. Beil Vtutt? High-9liv«t,Brcoun; l\c.t: and Jonv«. 4, Tafl-st P"Ut pr*J? P??r.? A'!?n.?.t'?nnt-)-,t?<.Abf)?vfnny; John W. (>ai!Ci9* CartWftt, Iiaver:'«»rdwi-st ;I1tOU ^<-kv. 10. iirv»t Uwek-itrt-et, y \'??. ?r<.w Packet ?t?rt..t?t Han* and U?Mn.t7J,<mmt??))tr?t. ft"p'11. \\II; A. 'i'HBY. M"r\t..hJ Ak*rtillery B. A. Lf?i??ttu?t?r. Xtttt??.t. t?? Tale ".m. uaiP!l;, Book^Uer arid Stationer. Bt-auiori, and S, Ida* K»tvf V»le; Batteti. c4. B^mufdTt-street, p,a"t;t'" 1..1.: t, lIa' 'tel'' d. ¡wau" t,¡ T, f?l ?_??*T?r.\HU?\LH?E ? i NEW TOU. h:cl HVLM'OOL to NEW VORg. va Ql¡¡F.s'l iOW>, ley W CI)Nk:Sl);?. QUEENS. >\GLAXD Wednesday. March 2nd ? Li I Pil 9t 1. HCLVKTTA \VwJne*da\ Marvh 16ttx From LONDON to JSKNV YORK astollowa: — GREECH Wednesday, March 2nd HOLLAND v«io SaUvn Pa,) Saturday, AJareh l^tli CANADA Saturday, Much 25th Kiiooa Farts to New York 10, 12. aüd 15 Guinea?, W.g positiou ot berth, all h.? i''I tqWù &100n privilege: W)it, !< .,?d 22 GUHlto» I ?mm?e t? ?'' ?'?. Honon. fhUt?t.)phit. tud t^Uim rr.lo. Superior acoommolation and b..d. ?.k'-?.r..?!i?.s. t.???T'trL??:- B?iiin? to ;i!l parts oi ihe t*uit«d States and Canada. Special Rates to t**v i1 *■ 1°. t,) ''.)ual Steamship C,l Lim:lt'd. W, Water-street, I-iverpoo) or ac 37, LeaUeiihall >treeJ, l*-ndon; and to Me*st>- .1. H. !i??!t'.<??? ?.. <D?i? Ct?mbt?. Bme l)ocf. (U'di;f, M,. George Hi?d. D?pr, 246. But?.I, C"rJj:t; J- C. ;l.dllin.. Castle Bailey-street, ".I1 t W. Cwt. \Ni;htooml*t stitft. All- J.. R \1, 'M- Postnuister, Pontvpnol; John 111omas. 1, p;- 'iiv e Georgetown, W?it-gar; Henry Uwis. ;t'tRtŸp. (, y: Thomas l)avies, 84, Pontmorlais, :j: i\) 11 :t'\¡:'BY:: 1åC:: A'«er:i-lr:v >'• • Wafers. 39. Queen-streer..Neath. ???? Y\T Y. EDWAIWS CKRD IF- F and KRW Sg^^gg^ YOliK SrKAMSHIP USE. T i aas Steamer* ùf thi, Lill" intend to sail is < f w J. weatht-r, ahj other circunutaneai lJel- m'.iiivst TO NEW YORK FROM CAR DIFF. BHJEOLA, 2.800ton* SATCKDAY. Feb. 26th RMMMNPPA, 3.0CCtonJ SAll RDAY, Mir.!9th BRILETNA, i.\t>00toiji FROM \KW YORK TO CARDIFF. KHlWrNDDA, 3.000 ton* ^ATI UDAY, Feb.26th nW?'t'?A. ?'.?t?u! SATVRDAY, 14. SUkOLA. C.3W ton# 8ATCKDAY, Mar. r £ &h FIIOM CARDIFFTOPHILADELPHIA. CLIFTON J.aCOlvns SATl'ttDAY, Feb. 26th 1' ro .gh b:lh vi Ladine lor all classes 0\ GOODS and PAKCELS to JUU iroiu Birmingham,Gloucester, Bri!tol. IriJiiwatcr. ilfrnord, WoiverhaDipti>u, .u.uchhW, hra-hvr>j, L^; dou, Staft'N. At^rgavenny, 8wall. ^ew^lo^, M"ti"r !c, .ie" and places tie !Yoteri cl,i, 't. Mi t:l:h"inT': t\iftr.' D;il' PluJide'rhia. Boston, Baltimore, Ac., Ac., in coojunc* tiou "ita 1he principal BaUway Comp.;ani1 on both l Cheapest route fur all classes of Goods to and from the M dand District. Dock Dues, Landing and Warehousine Charges, Ac., ire niudi )ow«?r tu CardilS Uuyi axiv ci tlie other Iraus- It:antic Ports. For Freight Charges and other particulars, a&-plj tj W. Y. £ D«'AhD8, Cardiff aad Newport TURNER, EDWARDS, and Co., Bristol or S¡;LLEY.51. St>utli-str«et, New YorU. ?\?n;RFOHir'? t) COHET?tid th.; T Y whultof the SOrTH hI Utt'Li-ND, |*r FAST T)t.?X:' ou 'hi? GREAT WESTKR? ¡;A1LW Y, Md power*'ul 8#imshlps, via MHiord H«*veu. The Water* lord$wajii*rs run d?i;y. Th? Cork Steamers leave Mihord TuesOUvs, Thursdays, amJ S.t-V" ret urni ?-9 Ui'idavs, Wedire^iuvs, and Fridays. S T\0N*ALlJ C L i!t? S CAS TLir HKE <? RO?AL MALL PACXEM t? SUL?t AFRICA, IAIT,A L, ..i" U^VOS, MMMOLTH. and MAUEtKA. "oI" .I Ct'e!t R"ul" -'ur rt¡e\ll. ireijUt, an.lLAsiiyt*. a^piv A. F, At'STlX.Teuiperaiic* Hot^l. 16', t M»r% .tn-r. rfi.Knw.i. 3»S06 1\.>' /-iViMHFF ANU BRISTOL_.  WYE ohlu)Y MAIF. FEKHLAUY. 1S31. fNID Bute 1 Tuesday 6 o1^ alter i WfcUnesdHy 6 0 alu-r 4 Pridav 7 Omoru &iS»iturllay 7 30 morn 7?M???..?.?SMtc..rn -,rua\" 10 Omorn 9uWd"¡"1I 30mor/' •OtiThorsdav 1 0 ft,r 1 aFrldav 2 0 after 12 S.r urda> 3 0 afur 14 Mondny 4 15 alt.. l> TuodaV 4 30 atler ,6 Wtunesdav 5 0 itr 17 Thurjuav b80 ift?r 19 Baturdav 6 S!On?rn 2'oMoiiJJV 730. iSoTuesaa'v 8 Oraorn 3aYf t'dllùay 9 Q mvrn I'Vi'Dtursaa* .1^ 46nn>m 25. tr.12 15 -ft" t&i^aturdav 1 30 after t.?m ?'?'t B?'n. Brtul laTuesday 3 45 morn ?Wedf??y? 9 15 .m 3 Thursday 10 Omoru 4 Friday 10 45 morn 5 Saturday U 15 morn ? Mu?bv 12 M'?<X? S Tuesday 2 0 aft«r 9W?ttu-saty.a<&ttr 10T)mt<tJ.t)'50t? 11 Friday 5 45-after 14aMoiida.v 7 30 morn 15oruesdttV aG I6ftWedne)J*y8?morn 117.iTJ»urSrday 9 Omorn :8 Friday 9 30 morn t9t)*tm???t0o!?? 21 ,11 ?morn 22 T, 11 4.?, .n 23 ;It 24Th!.r?y?..2<5*{t< 25 Friday 4 30 rtftcr < '^6 Saturday 5 30 it. Q To-and-Fro. FARM.—Alter Cabin, 2s. 6*1. Fore Cabin, h. 6d. Tc-and -Fro Tickets issued for return trip 011 same day &I marked • After Cabin, 3.. 6d. Foro Cabin, 2s. Tt. ."J.F", 1ïdeh .111 be i^ued .'? S.t.LUY, A.Lie tot the return trip on Monday. j$>l)ip0, ^r., for 3>alr. #- ^ipCiL LIOK SALl', the BRIG U. ,1-' c. MICHL'LS. ""d wood^ mctaj f;&"tt'¡w..L "iT h ¡'N pu and .tal.u.liug rq(,lIg: !t'&>fr,.¡j tOIlIlt'. 332; now by <ht)';?''??'i't'??nt! '? further par- !.cj?..i.)tk.?.Jtn?.<t.t.eMi,itre<!t,C?ntoi? ?r?iff.Mroh't?M'd. 65pXS_ fnsuranre Compaiurs, vSrr. "pUOUOi: AGAIN.ST ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN A u*eJ iura i case of deatli by accident, auJ a *eek!y "Jiv .uce iu "he event Qf injury, way be 1') a policy of t lie EAILWAY PA59ENCER9 AS9UUASCE COMPAKT, Itie uldest aud lu¡pst Company, irduring agaiuJ'- ?'?*" Ae??t?f?'k'"?. T,?e R' ght KINXAiRD. Ctiairman. ?" ,o'E'õrfJi'Tf.HM:;mlI. I PAID I P CAPITAL A?D IŒSEIH, fZM.COO. Moderate Prerniu, Bonus allowed to insurers aItr fiveyenrs. t'UO?"H?' BEEN P.V1U  A? ?OM??lTtO?. A&L'iv to the Clerks at the RaUway SUtluiu. ?. D-1 Agent*, or 64, Cornliiil. Loodon. ?,y. WILLIAM J. VIAN. 1tci.-tary Agent f??rCardiff-Mr. ?. %i"u3. H. Henry-itreet. live" M'. W 1;. Ur-h.?. G. W. Bii- way Btdtiin. + ^otrlsi, Siiung ilooms, &r. CAKDIFP. i CAIWlH'. 4 1 K i; Vi W E S T K Ji X H O T E L, G S" MAKYSTBEtT. CARDIFF. N*W M4S4tilM4LVi.) OEOHUt BOWDEX, PROPKIETOB. 1lli, wHll-appointed Commercial Hotel La now con- «.tt'? ?J. ?t? t "r?mt tf?tmtj?u'cnt 01 ?e p- tr etor. To the ordiuary accommoitation of an ttoll t?'?tn 'Kt?J !jM convenience of a we))?ppuint<d Restaurant, where refreshments may be obtained at on reasonable (¡;'rt\!:tr,r.on'O U7' I f,?' -3t, ?Ai!W;IV 373;vl 1\.T 1, W ( R T, .\1 0 N EitibUsh^d 1SWV .1,11. HEES, BILL PO#rr:R AN I) AL)VERTISI-'qG AGENT. lLyr.1 LIIe PORTING STVriOMS in • 040;1 ami n"'ih"¡u-tu, Two .r.od !till I'oaters, aud L,(j a'¡J IT..V l.l"IJt L rir a-.d LLA?ARTH-STttEET. M?? IiV JOC.Uto's" A I'El.LOO STREKf ii M?UKY. ?A?KA. ?'r"<? W. VW^l-LlKE ,C»V». Y«o. »t.a Co. W. EVANS (Strict ^-ii Warlicli Paten'- »,\»nipany>, Maaafftr, 1 VGIN'EEKS I HON ?.). t'?S. SMITHS, lilk; HT?,. y;kenof Rogers's linpro^ Ship's Stwrm* Midline, t:.J ??.tt?mr<r<(? all *'r? of Ai:r'c?.?n? )o?- luentsand baJlàt.. Castifigs. ??'?;'??'"?ry d.?p? P?,.y !'Ikd'. _0- Li-. E N T, J" N SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, POKTAliLE HOI sES, Krc.. 257 299, J l'STON KOAU, LONDON, S.W. ?e t??'.n'.i the Me C. k)?T bg to inform C-U^na "iuerH th-t hii lamented ueath "W itJ «.y iti"rur« wiih t continual" ot th al^e ?I??.,c.n?.rd.3iRn..J.'???? to Ma:«y»tMat ..e, vill P.-criv.-imincdiatemlent,on.:41ia 4 ?\?'?V AtAi.KHSl??. BILL- V, AMI cn.'CL'LAR UISTBIBUTl.SO (XJVI'ANV (LIMITED). »: cm Rt h-!>TKI;M' CHAMBERS. I'HASK H. SIMPSO.M. T-Permiinent I' lsliiu Stations i Cardiff i.Tifl #.>vr fjftiu-tMHNl. Contrai-ton t..r all descriptions «i AJv«r.;j,iiir,Circula«' Di-ttiVutiliK, &t! ed. AU orders ;ir..mptlv Att"lIded. 'Jjl pm; "GKKAT BI.OOD I'I RIFIKR.- ,-i???«)M?'M.?.?B?;?ii'M?r??-LS purify the t( >ou unit rc i- ■ f-r\ I), as* of btoniacli. i -ti a KUiuev*. Pure Hlood gi*e» Health. TUou- U*-u cured bv thr-^ wonderful Piiis, wlioje Li;t7. by i;l2' 1 iv a:; cbetuj'.ts, In, 1». iyj and is. 3d. I.- bv rail to anv addr"H aWC^ 'l'lJ I EE.i,a.Y\IAIL, J. ):{.StAi'?B''iS??MBUn.M baIts tjp ^urtton. iF"¡¡-¡; A;'¡.&; Aymt** .,Aty,,w ø4, tAy -?,d tivrive frvtti forwarding/^r ctiibUiQ/i at Mr Ù;I!, a* wel l GJ/vr reference ..d d"tCwtl", CGtaJegwa if Stecx and furniture, i'lans »f h'ltatex, and ==:. oiu:Âe;;r; ,}. other 1T. tiud meur columns. The central situation of tht ;r \"t:Cf li::tta¿:1J: .ur lUta¡¿1 ulCQ,rst u ith every part -f thù a,ut (he Herfhb9ur>H^ counties, enable w t. facilitate tAt ItsfMtscU of Property of 'ry ds,,i;9 is.. Me??/s. BEYNON A LEWIS- Colliery Hordes,Ac-, at Swansea .March I i:fiv0,:ftgf.;i¡;7.i 1, II. DAYIE8. Leasehold ..d 11;1?eity, at S%an?., ?l.?b I Mi. E. J. EVAN'S. Horses. C.vits, Ba:J:L\1:tb :MOleh 2 Mr. L. GOIITWALIZ. Fire Proof Sates, at Newuort March I 'ire Proo! ."J"R¡H'Äiï'ï;d¡¡ö'C.Marcl11 Ironwork, Engines, Ac., at Nant'g.o Mnrch 3 Ironwork, Machinery, Ac.,near Abertiliery MaaU 3 Messrs. W, and 8. HERN. Bookseller's tfiovk. Ac., at Cardiff March 1 ,mJ 2 Mr. C. HU ?l. Bt-ynon and HUR"). Leasehold Property,at Swausea Feb. 23 Buaiuess Premises, at Swansea March 8 Mr. 1). JAMES. Seed PotaU ei. at Bkettv March Mr. V. B. JONES. Horses, at Bristol Mart h 3 Messrs. R, JONES A SON. Hellers, Ac., at Court Colnian Feb. 28 Mr.KE-NNAI.1). Shop Fixtures, Ac., at Cardiff F"' Mr. J. M, LE ,I S"?tty F?b. 23 Pr.p,, ly, Ac., it 3 Meisrs. VN ..1. LOWES 4 SON. Fr,,b.ld IIlt:t,, h, .arcb 11 MR.J. G. MADDOX. Dutch BulW. at Cardiff March 5 :e:¡:\Xf.l:h: I LIL,e,d Premises, at »v»av.sea March 2 Mcf>-n, PARRY ami BEAK. Shares, Properties, Ac., at Newj«oit Feb, 23 t=\I:I" M. E. KOBERiSA SON. Freehold Pro^nv, at Swansea March 8 FrertMrrrt:RšôlLËiÄii¡j.:ïi;'Ä,b 8 Books, at Cowbridge March 1 Ë!r:tr;ê 2 'Horses, at Cardiff March 4 Colliery Horses, At' at C.rdiiT March o H:SSI:' TRIBE. CLARKE aud CO. Colliery Plaut. SU>res, Ac., near Aberdare.March 10 &: 11 Messrs. W 11LLIAMST WILLIAMS. Horse?'. Ac., at Cardiff 12 ^aj7e^IO"m(>rrow' COW H}¡WH t:, UN RESERVED SALE OF BOOE^. MESSRS. STEWIKNSON, ALKXAN- DF:R.audCo., and MR. JOHN THOMAS, %ill MULL bv PUBld AUCTION, "II T(:KSI).ty,. 18*1, at the ar Hotel, Cowbridg* at Halt-past. Two ,I-k in the \ftHIWOU.' Collection of VALUABLE BOOKS. Tl,,iC.. bridge Book Club. b. For iurÙllr particulars see ;ata:ogu. whhh may ha obtained at the ..UC1tlf:t'" Offll!i. Cowbridgw and l'at,li n. ,£lIt;- REPOSITORY. CAlajlFFr"' Sale of magninrel¡t Twi»-years Transplanted Larch, Tir, Spruce, ?.?tc:Lk Fir, Au;tritu Pine, Pi. P.,r. AI)pl"d Pum Tret; Choice Dwarf R-?, (uamed), Moiss Roses oj K«>rts (.naiucd), Choice Ivies (Irish and I Variegated', Hawthorn Quicks, Rhododendron# of SL-rtS. MESS118. TEPHESO, ALEXAN- ;11 DER, and CO, are instructed by Mr. Dahlel Weaihetiy,o> Builth»SELLb>' AUCTION,at their Repositon' Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on WEDNE^6- DAY, March 2, At T?1-111 '?'I ot DoAiY 6iAM '4 ENI!LIT TREES, I Good- 011 i<" t,I:,¡j:Nl' i FOREST TREES. Ac. 19 ??7 Catalogue's nrav he had cS the Auctioneers. ?9?e7 ITUR?F ?ALk: >H5*R MAKCH. MESS1W. ALEXAN- l' DER. ant CO.'4 NEXT LARGE SALE ?f lUtSlthS, HARNESS HORSES, COBS, atul PONIES .?ill L,? held at the Repository*, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 4th day M-h, I ? Entries for Ihi. Sale h..Id b, nude, ?.,l <call, secured, on or before Tuesday, tbe ht MaCh. &9"15 ( HORSE AND CARRIAGE HE Ity, CROCKHEKBTOWN, CARDIFF. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, A LEX .AN- DKR, and CO.'S NEXT FORTNIGHTLY 6ALB ol IX-llierv. C-d other IIOHShS, CAkKUGEB, .?l HARSESR Will be ".W_ their Repository, ou SATL itDAi. M?Cil 6, Iti81,ai2.30p.m. precisely. Total expense of each horse- offered and not "J. fil? shillings. &922 ¡'-¡;Ül-:¡U-i!U¡¡UU\ KIN'G" nEAD HOTEL Y.UW, N ;WPORT, MO' IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS. MERCHANTS, FAMM, JEWELLRKS, p_nROKUts, HOTEL KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. rXRESEKVKL* SALE OF A VALUABLE CONSIGNMENT OF FIRE AND THIEt PROOF SAFES, Direct from the YlI.uniat.tun.r. Tlionus Skidniore, Suit- fordshire Sale Works, ù;\ erhamllton. whose Sales in Cardiff liave givon o nnu-h Sdt:3f.tio:l. 'IR LEWl GOTTWAl.TZ h*3 re- ceived ¡mtruction, l SELL by AUCTIO, at mc atove address, 011 TUESDAY, tl?t ,t Nl-h. I ;l;(r;><.nrlSI:lelv:!iK 11 lUFTEEN FIRST CLASS WROUGHT IRON' I IRK ANI) BL HiiLAR PROOF SAKE s, Fitz??j with cI'? W and T. Slud more's Celebrated Pat«nt 6 and 8 lever powder-prooV Locks, "nù each S<cureu by a ,t-l g- "I plat 1'h Auctioneeer .can recommend these bai« wa.n W.JO utmost c('Hndtnc as N'ing iu every respect adapted f..r their professed rtt|uirements, and are in u<e at the l*rincipal banks vI Londou, IHf1.uiuhötllJ, and »>oi\er- liauiptoij. Consigned bv the Manufacture [or Absol, ut. e ,S, a4,e. CuUlocues, ",ah lull and Un .1 reletent*f, maj be obtained of lhe Auctioneer, ora iiie aingsHcad On View Monday, February 2S. Theatre Royal Buildings, Card ifi. f*ALK XO-MOUKO\V. SALE OF A BAN KRUPT .VfOCK OF A BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Consisting of atx«ut COO Lois oV High-Class and Rare Books, ta1.i(.\ucr)", and 1 Iron Si4« ?. 1%TESSRS. W, and S, HERN will SELL i\ I bv MICTION, at 1,, Victoria Rooms, tit. Mary- «««, l'uùi"" ou TIESDAY, L).NK!31)AY, and THUP8DAY, March 1, 2, and 3.1381 (Tu.sda" at Ele%en a. m Two arid Sevt-u p.m.: Wednesday at Le, a.m. :,1 J:j 'i:It.TOai SeHn p.m), the Stock of a Bankrupt B_ookseller and a Library, Removod ior convenience of Sale,comprising, aTOong* st other ra.r auJ excellent rk,, the following BOOKS;- The "ationa16all..y (Selection of Engravi. ngs)s Photo- Kraphic Art Union, \!u A,t Joarnal, 1\um:r and I<tL,Un'. Barbou. Isaac Waltons W orls, &rclay'. EngUih Dictionary of Biopuphy, Disraeli s Novels and ITv.1, Thackeray's AorLs, B\ ron' Works, CarhI'J Works (complete), Jardine's ..turaHltø' Librarj. S?hiii,ei NV.?L?, tt?. Turner GaUu, ernon Gallerv, Rembrandt Gallery, India and it, N.til? Princes, Tom Hood', Laughter, Nestfield's Medieval Arctntcrtuie, Wyatt'. Industrial Art, Cruikshank s Peter &blejnibl. Scotf. Waverlev oveLJ, Kenton's Pembrokeshire, SwEt'. W.?i,ypl,i,, N.1h, of Engtaud (!llustrat"d): &al Architecture. Fuller s (!h-'h His- .,Y, CLk,. Commentary, G.,tt,r "i th^ W.rld. elr', ::šit Wrl>I ftocarth's Wr., Ire edition, with supped p¡as), Macaulav's Hitory 01 England, l.,yttuu'. UVI. lJon Quixote (illUS1.rated by Iruil,h-l 1, Milton .Panidnie Lost, Dante's inferno (illustrated b\ (iUlt&"C Vorf), Popular Encyclopaedia, Tom Hood', Works (ilimtrate? by Gu,tal DorO, CaMell'sHlstcry oÎ Lnglaud, Knigbt'. .tioll.1 Cyclopedia, Waverley Son:h (2 volume.), KniKbt's SIÏùe,peNo. DiUlin's Bibliomania, Tennyson', Works, Comprehensive History of England, Hl.torv Franco-Pru,nan W ar, Burns', bcott and ùmlfellow p«K Macmillat.'s Magazine (17 volumes:•, Gn)le.iqufI k<teh.. bv Gusuve Dort, "n'k. Work., Saturday Review. Farrar'. Life of Cl.rL ..d W.'k" ?l.,I. "fSt, Paul, Geikie s Life 01 Chnot, Gowl- win'n Works (12 volume.), CaUin a ComiJiiirJes. t'orn"hi i i Magazin™ e (8 ?lu..), Umgfellow^sNl^oems, l £ e ,U1Hi o'itn:{: Cawell's Bible "Dictionary, Gullivers Trave.s, Bentley s SUndard Novels, Fortnightly Review, New Monthly AmerUau Scenerv (120 ellgradng., by B.,t tjItt', I land (illustrated by Bartlett). Nicholson s Architecture. British Poets (43 vo s.» and Tower ot London. Also IIrili,b Poet.l \oi'LIIt':8¡h1,IIUOU. ,!¡oo In different ,¡tN. warTauUd tirepioof, handsome.> tiuiatJN. ¿uJ manufactured t) Eminent )la"eu. Catalogue. 3d. each, on appliiation to the Auctionwrs, 74 St. Marv-street, Cardiff. -a91_- SALE THIS DAY. ?, WOOD-STREET, TEMPERANCE TOM?.. CARDIFF. TO GROCERS AND OTHERS. Mi;. 1:. F. KKXXAUD has bmi in- ?yj.,trLMtedt.yMr.<<i)<(?tt??'<?"?'??'' ?XT?BES. FITTINGS. COUNTERS. TEA B)X8. scAUs AND N%'EIG HT', .V By AUCTION, at the above Premises, ou M?UAT?. '<\¡" 1U' ?'s'??°'?''?'?' at Three o'clock. 3e23B ?QCE?' MOTt:LyXKl'r5Tr?AUY&TttXt:T,' CARDIF MESSRS. WI???S Md WILLIAMS ?) ?.J?r?.Mt. aKLLby ?BU(.AU<.THO? ?"a? ?r.t. ou SA'll HilA Y, the 12th day Of U-1?, ladl.  ú)t9 of "?H??. ?.?.HAR?.S.c, AnvMK:J.>'?u?'tM'<?")?'?. ¡ can do so oil application to the Auctioneers, al tbu. EntranceFee Ii.. Gd., which includes all txi^ns^s if unoJd ') 30 P.M. Th. Sale %? Lil ?mmence at 230 p,m, Auc-twiMjen'Ottice^, 18, High-street,Cardiff. :!l 6AÜ;"0' CHlHÇ¡'; I"HINb l!IL¡¡'- .1ut Imported trom Holland, cou-*»stin^ ,f LILIES, GLADIOLUS. RANUNCULAB. ANEMONES, Ac.. 4c.. aH named. Mli. MA1>I*)X will SELL the above M H; ;\j' l:um,i,' b)S'I¿'C "I ?S"r? ?h. Rooms, in the &.uth \\ale Mty  Ch?mbtr?. C?dtt!. on ?AT?-KDAY Mn. H-e 5Ut ?f of M?ch. Three o'clock pr.doel)', C*ta)?u? may '< hd on at'p''Mt' _?_ "?S — S^ALOP PLU'E. PESAKTH. NEAR CAKDItF. TOFAIIMKKV. CONTRACTORS, AND OTUIKS 1,. 1:1. r,, ?AN'S has Ix:eri instruct,d by Mi. D. Edmunds (who is giving up)?!.ir" ?ttmr. D. H. Edmunds (who i. gtv?jj up the t?u.?r) bujinf-o to SE).L by AUCTION, th,, Fremt?M .??.mWED'iKSUAY. the 2nd of March, 1881, the who1" of Uu:ir \ SotsSk^'ART^ BPR1G TROLLY. TLMBER iA hFt A. M W!(;GO. M-MKG TKAM. GIG, kA l L',ESq, IMPLEME',T- Fun parlicula.. "f which p", in posters.  T."3t"tb"c"dit will be Khcn '« ;r<'h?frt tu tbe amount of £10 and upwards, or di?util for M!n ?'M the r;ite of per cciit. peraniium. ?'e'??"?'?e'?'<K'e??? r"?" ?? Th \ucti-meer i iH-rmitted to receive furthor Entries for tills Sale up to Saturday, the 26th inst. t t i!lsr,,C,rd?ff. Dated Uth February. 1831. 3W?4 I 1| UDSON S-NUTll, W lLWAMS,& UVER tmRfERKDACCOtXTAXt?. MIUTOLC^, AIC'TIONKKFIS, VAH.EK.S. AND GE-NE&%L AGENT.S, ALBERT CIIA.MHERS, HIGH-STREET, CAKDIM'. Mr. (1. B. DYER. BmUtent Partner, Cardiff. HEAP OVMCM, Til* ExrH.HI.T, BWSROL. 38lol i pKORGE JJAUTON DYER, AUCTIONEER, ALBERT CHAMBERS, HIOII-STEEET CARDIFF. -_w:IbY!1 SALE THIS DU. COEDSAESON FARM, bkhlqy, SWANBEA. TO FARMERS. BUTCHERS, CATTLE DEALERS, MARKET QAKDENJjRii, 4c. MU, JOHN M. LEEOER has received ..l instructions frvm Mr. John Nieholls tu SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above Farm, on MON- DAY, Fehruarv 23, 1881, a small but "ietul Lot of DAY, nBM IMPLEMENTS. POULTRY. POTATOES, &?., Criiliig chaff :f:c'l'I;$ and troughs, Mertw? pi&; ri of irnu ha rro'tn, double -furrow plough, sheep dipping paratus, horse hoe, ck wjl(hint( ma- chine and weights, iron roller ncarlv new (by Cro,kiln. oilcake cmsher, leading, shaft, and plough harness, I.,rg Iron boiler, oven, Ac., Ac., and about ?0R.,i ol choice Poultiv. Also about Jrwu '1\11I. of Gloucester Kidneys and Mag- :ftuL;d P»>taU«es grown <»n ihc Farm, which will offered in Lots oi hah a cwt. After the at»ove are tlispo.:wd ,.t the Auctioneer will LET by AUCTION the several old PASTl RE FIELDS, frum the date 01 BRI up to 29th heptrmber next. Sale t.(.1 commence at Half-past Two i/cl'Hjk in the Afternoon. Three Months' C^^•dit will l? given on th,: implements and Potatoes on sums ol ,C; and upYiar{h Auctioneer's Offi8, Oxwrd Chambers, Oxford-e?t, Swansea. 3^23ti SWANSEA. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN CENTRE OF SWANSEA, AND OF WELL-SECURED LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS. MR, JOHN M. LEEDEIl had been in- 1: .tructol to O''EH for SALE by AUCTION, at th Maekworth Arm9, Wiud-street, Swansea, on THU RSDAY, the3rd day of March, 1881, at ThreeoVloca in the Atteruoon, the following highly important and valuable PROPERTY, All situate :n excellent pofitiorw in the I-vwn cf Swaiuea. 1N CQLLliGK-STHRLT tot 1. All tl1&t lull\' Ii""n,cd and well-frequented pf"t 1. A,-l ti.t i.ii)- ii,=e.N No. 22 in College-street, to which it has a frontage of 31 I""t or theraj'.bouts, with a depth of 128fevtor tliere- aboubs; together with Ihe large PIECE of Dth. wck, extending behind the adjoining house. on either lid,!fu,fi.t or thereabouts, uch lami being no", n.eù. garden and skittle alley in eonnec- tioi, with till Wyndham Arms This Loi is let 1,0 Thomas Jones and Co., on repair- ing lease, for l vaars from Z5Ü .1(J,rt-tl. lSgo. at the Yt'r¡y reut 9100 for th, ii.t two years,and £;lltJ for the rest ?t the term, the Lesieesalso covenanting to >pend £ 350 in it the lirst five ears of the term The Pwpert veitendsat the b.,?lioron,IWf the entire Higt,t-t and Oroliard-street, stretching to ithi. 90 feet f High-street on the ùl1 side, and 6Z feet oi Orchard.o¡treet 011 tlie o'.htr side, and covers a very considerable arm. Any improve:neut that may be made in the neighbourhood must larcelv increase it« \ah.: Lot 2, Ail thlt HOOSE and t'HOPL? and known as No. 23, College-street. havinga frontage I,; College-street ofl^ft.or tbereaUouu,arid? adepthlwcw- wAr, ?' earden of Lot 1 of 72ft. or there^outs. And .1, aU tIIOL!'SE a!id SHOP nown as No. 24, College-street, Having a frontage to suh strts oi 13ft. 3iti. or thereabouts, and a depth backwards to tbo garden of Lot 1 oi TOn. or thereabouts. No. 23, College- .tWl'" and a .nall part "f No. 24 are *n;eupied' by Mr, Cl.rl,, C,.k, <u \earh' tenant, at b-, rent of 40 ),. t.? N* ;?4 C?l ,i; 1Ir,¡eJ t,y ?r. J-,pl, Watt?, a* Y,.rly tenaut.^t the ,-?t of £ 30 J year. ST. MARY-STREET. Lot 3, All that bighly important and eligible piece of Bl ILDINCi LAND, having a frontage U> St. br- street ot 4Bft. or thereabout^, and an average depth of 72ft. or hert;ibutiti, and comprising the s.t«'s or the hotws formerly known as o" b and 6, I, Mwy- street.. CALVE IIT-STREET. Lot 4. The BLOCK 01 BUILDINGS comprising Xo., 9, 10, 11, and 12, Calvert-street, aud now occupied by Mr. Yeo, baker,and othtrs. This property is most advantageously situated at the juneUon of Calvert-street and Church-street, v, ith a frontage of 71 teet, or thereabouts, to Calvert « streel, and a feet, or thereabout, to Church* ,,rt!4?t. and Is bounded at the back by St. Mary's Churchyard. L? ?ki ii gat its I ?s! t-11 I I i tb flt or It,r it must be required for t-t improvements. It 1, ,? let p 1,? i !=t1f:,o,,illi\'f;, ifOl);letti vears, horn the 25th of March, 1878, at the rent of A'46a year, aud m sold subject to a mortgage for OO, at 5 percent., tor a term (at the option of Mie borrower) of three vents, from the rth of Aug6 ust, lU, HIGH-STREET* Lot5. AM that HOUSE and SHOP, known as 'So, Sj High-street, occupied bv Abraham John. All that HOU SE and SHOP, being o, ii, High-street, -?pi?,i by J. Evans. A!ItL.- ?OUSE and SHOP, being Xo.W, High-str,,t, ."?Upi'd bv J, D."i". All that 'HOUSE and SHOP, »«ing No, B,High..trttt, occupied by T. Preasdee HLluable Lot, consisting of the tour well-built and l'OUlUlOdiùU5 Shojjs und Houses, known as Nos. 95.98, 97. aud 9S, High-street, and having a frontage to such street of 56ft., i sold Kubject to" lease for 99 ears, trum March 2o, 1802, Ly which a vfar\y rent of C4 4s. was rt'rn'J. L.t 6y All those TWO HOUSES, being (" 101 and 10^, igh.5tnet. having a fn'ntae of 3H, and Is depth of 75ft. or thereabouts, and in the respective occupation of Samuel Powell and A. Griffiths. 'i Hi" Lot iR ?idgub3e,?t U> a I, for 99 yews, from March 26, Ib02, bl? re:»erv a yearly reu of A2 Ss ,A" 7. AU Ihn.. TWO HOUSES .??i HOPS. :in" Nos. 103 .d 104, High-slreei, ha\ing a frnnta¡e Ot H, or thereabouts. This Lot is IOhl",I. fo. lease of 99 years, from September 29, 1&12, ? hi?h r, ?,l yearly rent -i A:2 I,. I. Lot?! All h.tPUBLIC-HOUSE. bo"n as the OHm Branch, beilJ Nos. 100 and 107, High-street, together wh h the adjoining HOUSE, being No. 105, High-street, IIUW occupiMi re!ti\.t'ly k, Smuc1 Bninuei and B. Pearson, and b.?i?,g i,? all .tge to High"U-1 "I 45ft» or thereabouts. This lot is sold subject to a lease fort^y yars, from 29th September. 1802. by which a yearly rent oi X3 7s. 6d, was reserved The above lots, Nos. &.&,».and D, afford an admir- to any person desirous o! making t;'t'o and ty provision t'lf the future. The xuouev invests in their purchase will secure a iniall pre- •>"it income in tilt." various ground rents men- tioned, and will without trouble or risk accumulate ior the 20 vears during which the leases have yet T" run—at the elld 01 that period the result being the acquÜition of a valuable freehold property pro- duclna a considerable income. I.t 9. All those valuable and welbrccured G ROlD R?'NT'? u,?ti.gI.11 t, Ihe r.?? sum of L34 1& vear, reserved out of the )iou:-ei in Cee PiJtUl, between thntM.da('h'!Jtret and CirmiTthen-road, "anlt"a. and ?jyja i. ^Ur tbeterm of 43 years from the 2ah 01 Mamrl, The actual ground rents reserved to the vendov amount to the sura ol £ 44 4s. a year, but îrum this must be deducted the chief rem 011"963., payable to the corporation, leaving Lle net bumt'£a4 ISs. The ve.d?, arrange for a considerable p&rt of Hp. purchase ..ey fZ,, on mortgage if rqllir('J, For further wticulars. I)lam, & pply to tl?,, A- ioiiwr, or to Mr, i;dwud qb. Solicitor, -11, Small" Street, Bristol. 390/4 At"TKH THF. SALE OF THE ADon: PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED THE FOLLOWING SALE Of VERY VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Mr. JOHN M. LEEDER has lieen in- structed to SELL by At CTION I t., such conuitions us si.all be t L, and t>ier-' produced;. at the Maekwr-rth Arms HotA I, Wind-street, Swansea, on THURSDAY, March 3. 1W1, the under mentioned! "¡J"ùlt- LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, .il.I JA 1. All that Pmntwa situnteat th Haiod, Swansea, now in the occupation 0\ Mr, But-?-K?, iti? Iruntagc Qi 40 f??,: nd a depth of 114 feet, more (Jr 1-3S. held lur a frm of 83 years, from the 29th of SeptemUT. 1870, at the yearly rent of .t5, ejtnnate.1 to be worth at. least £ cO per annum. Lot 2. All that Brewery, Dwelling-house, and Pre- apises, known tif! the Haioil 1hYiel. tormerly ca.led th» Haiod Flour Mills, now in the occupation of the Hab>dBvew ervCoinpi.nv, Limited, a/1t:fo;r f term of 921 years tni ni the 2Jt'h SeptemUr. 186!, at the yearly rent of iiO. This lot is sold subject to an underlease to ThcHafod Brewery Compam, Limited, for a 'Hm f 21 I,.an tru,I?,Mar?ti, 1%0, at the yearly nt. during the lirst. seven years. £ 75. and Itli"g the n- j' mainder of thr œrm of i& Sale tv commence at Four o'clock in tht Afternoon. farther particulars mav be obtained (1: Mt5jN. Brown, CoHill'. and Wood" Sü!x!tor,. Worcester-place. S»nn- Qr 01 the Auctioneer, at his vllh'e" Oxturd Cham- bt'r. Oxfol"d.-trt. I&nt't, -;IM0l1l!.HnH.X1'GLO. I TO 1RONFOI NDI KS. IKON AND METAL Eft- CHANTS, DEALERS. AND OTHERS. MESSRS. \V.M. GUAHAM AND SO? l' are instructed by the I)i. of thcNantyglo ami ütaina Ironworks Company, LimltN. to -LLL by A'?'?!tit theabuve pJaee, 011 THURSDAY, th, 3rd dav of u.mi" 1881, commencing at TWù o'clock punt- tuillv, atout 300tons of ?'??M?CA?' A?D WHOUGUT IRON, In lots, -,??l-ti?g .1 wrought ritl'. cold bla?t broken eastinirs, PUglDt gearing, iron J.l1p"S, Also 6n !??Tfc'AL \t?'? Md ?U) ht:)i Conibinrd.' Via CtXTK?LRAL PUMP. Mt./M ?PES. &. AN?iititvof MIXED RAILS,and TWO HOS KAtL- WAY WAGGONS. For further particulars apply to Win. Adams, Esq., Mineral Surveyor, Cardiff; :ds3ts. Colk-rne and Ward, Solicitors, Newiort; or ?f' ?< "Au?o,?'" YicWrla Chamtici-s,Viewport. _Miin. MONMOUTHSHIRE. -LLANHILLETH. TO I RON FOUNDERS. IRON AND METAL ?EHCUAtM. DEALERS, A II OTHEM MESSRS. WILI.LAM <IRAHA.M AND i?'isON?'st'??t.SHHjhyAUCf?,? ?'? &?9 Cotiie?. "KT Al,,rill- Station, on ?C?DAY't?M-.?.Y ?eh, ISSi,? 11 oclock ,ctually,   IRO: punctually, about ^nT lR0> aud "he! wi", 'OpeS!. v,rougbt anol cast SCr-d' ('!Jaiml" &c. A,LATTGF DIZUAL, Cit. Di-Itll. Mr. John Morgan upon application, show the 'Tor^rther particulars applv to the Auctioneers Tic- toria Chambers, Newport, Nor;. 3:i122 MESSLI.S. DAVIS and BROTHI:I!H(.K)I) (UteJ. Davis and Son). 8ALK FIXTCKE6. St. An. R. UhdE''??'. Cheps!ow: p? zs Furniture, A;c Fh. 28 Bta?t H?'tt). Ch?p?o?: 're.ho!d Propt-rty March 2 Fitir 0? Farm, Ctnp<) hi)t: Live D,?,i Farming Stock, Ac M?ch 3 Par?nd. n?r LyJnfy: Blacksmith. Tools, 4 &:C. .'I1arl:l. 4 •^ i- Rock"Motei;P^si(™«M" Fat.Stock March 8 Neck's F?m.N?t'??hE.ut: Uvea?Dci.d I G:Ífæ¿1{1l\ £n\ ';ti;:t: M-1, 10 ?Gturga tf.?t. Chep?w: Oak and other Ti.,b .M-hll ?P?iriage Farm, Caldicot: Lh' and )J{>ad ??f?St??&e' Mereht? The Dukes Head Inn, Wc»olastone: Lhe and Dead Farming Stock, Household Furmtuiv, and other Meet!. M?ch 16 Bnxkweir Farm, Brockweir: Live and IA?  F'-i.: Mrch 17 So;i?) ?'itnn. n?rLvdt? Live KLd Hcini  T1F!:t: P"? perty IK-rty ii?? FN' Slock March f&? :X\t:Itt\t;'ï/;ï'Ù':I:k' f¡ïh 9 White Hart. Inn, ltc?ggivit Mo(.r Roads Keep April If a Licence i< obtaineii. Welsli-street, Chepstow. 2c, ISS!, AMEL OWEN & CO.'S A B C RAILWAY TIME TABLES, the only one pub- lished in Wales, price Id. 2,. per annum tree by post. Bt. Mary-street, Cardiff. WESTERN MAIL. YV MOST INFLUENTIAL PAPEB IN WALE3 ,alt?3uttíon. I ABERDARE. BN%ILLPA A-ND MEHTH i i-iE COLLIERIES. IMPORTANT AND L:NHESE?l!,) SALE OF WLr LlERY PLANT, STORKS AND EFFECTS. MESSUS. TRIBE, CLARKE and CO. will SELL by AI CTION. bv order of the High Sheriff of Glamorganshire, in lots to suit purchasers, on lhe Premises, on THLINIDA and FHIlHY, March 10 and 11 (anollollowing .u.).¡C necessary;, tho whole vithe movable PLANT AND EFFECTS At the Collieries kuuvia respectively by the names of B-lit?, a'' Merthyr Dare, which are situate about 2t m¡lt ?r,, :.1 AI=, comprising :— A T THE ?LNVLF' A COLLTERY. CCOiron riddle imms, bO wood tub traius, fl miles of tramway with crossings, sleepers, chairs aJd points B00*\ar<is railway idiHK, vertical (>UlCillt", 12in. strue, 6in. cylinder, 4it. riywheel, att. pulley attached, 24it. '3hMfhng. and 4 ,1rlviH puileys; 1 pa. tram weighing machine to weigh thre tons, Bal'cldt's calt weighing machine to weigh 20 tOTl; water heater, weighing machine on rail (by Bart ett)tnw*eigh 5t?lio;port,b!? fitting shop, 2 weighbridges for trams (bv Bartlett); gL 'to consisting of oils, tallow, grease, l»olta and nuts, d. brattice cloth, guide and wjm1illros. indiarubber and other packing, loose sheave?, brMsl's, irtyiwurk for 50 trams, 500 tons ironstone, 300 tons l,it? ,,),i, 22,WO to, fi; wood pit wil 1, .,t f:s:/SB':d ;?;;l\.Oih ;.L1:ô'f;: riipeouurum. CONTEN TS of SMITH'S SHOP, including 4 anvils and blo{'k:1, 3 bohl: 4 pUflching blocks, lSiIl, 1;\11, a CruUf9, i?r?ble f?,rge, spare bellows, and smith's t?!s, %ices, smith's iron and old castings W.t thr colliery; ;'lcni! ti ¡{II'It;Elto iîl'I.a.e. li":à: dling requirements, 4 carts, 40 tons plates on floor of drving-iooin a: brickworks, 3-ton Pix>ley's weighing luacuine, 50,000 fire-bricks, 100 ions small coal, timber and sundrv loose and general coilierv materials, Ac. AT The MERTHYR DARE COLLIERY Two pit tr,- with .,t.j shoes, brackets, stays, wrought iron pt"?L wire guide tighteners, pulley ;t,,l :¿l' .:l;utrtrrs;J. mB Hi tramway, ,lecpers. chairs, &C,. 37 neW iron and compo?ite trama, 64 old iron trams. 10ft. druni iu, wrought iron b,z.k?, baud and wrough iron p!eo, ôtiu. patent I k.t"Iti? wiro down tl pit, 9Wg thre' ton 'A'f!hing wacWuo, by Batlett; 26 iron l?eighta, (Ild pit e?rria7gt!5. b?r iron, old chain and r.p iron, ?."k "I "I for pump with cast key ?kv?, spare p.r wheel for d,l,?g g,.r. (.t-iron water heater with cmmcctiulJs to flue, ha\ v d-puncbiiig machiud, up t. I)I.] in J-inch plate; wrought-iron with pipe to Hue,3w feet 4-irtch flat tíhd wire rope, crsb wind!,2 water trams "ith veives and lever, 44 tire bars (long !.tatLtl"Il),2L tons of ironstone, contents of stores, lamp-room, carpenters shop, smith's shop, lolt; together "ith the- llfti furni- tun', and other effects too numerous to varticularbe. The Sale willttilt! D= Colliery on THURSDAY, M:h 10, p.ct.ily.t 1130 1o'Iock. There will be No Reserve. The whole may be viewed two days prior to Sal ?. 4, Croekherbtown, Cardiff, 24th Fel ruary, 1S31. SALE TO.MORROW. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. PALE OF ALU ABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASE- HOLD PROPERTIES. MESSRS. W. J. LOWE and SON han' 1'1 (,e',n favoured with instnictioI SELL by PUBLIC L, t the Cameron Arm. Hol"l. High- street, Swansea (subject to Hth conditions as ùaU then "d t hore œ produced), on TUESDAY, Much 1, 1601. the follovvins valuable p" 0p L R T I p 8 Lot 1. All those Four Freehold Dwelling-Houses and Prtl/1i,itu,te and b-ing Xos. 2, 3, 4, and 5, Barbour's- eourt, High-'htt't. Swansea, now ooeupied by Mewra. P.nelly. Delbridge, Nieholls, and P."Ll '-d pro- discing au aunual rentM 111 £411- Lot 2. All those Two Freehold Dwelling-houses and Premises,situate and being Nos. i) and 10, Biirlx>urs- court. aforesaid, now occupied by Messrs. Mann and lire^gi auJ producing an annual rental of £ 13 4s. This Property has au entrance irom Higldtrtet and Orchard-street. Lot 3. AI! thaI Leasehold Dwelling-hotae and Pr- mises, situate and hdng I). 2, New Vincent-street, ad- joiuing Argvle-btreet, Swansea, containing five rooms .d the ust', i ()file", and now in the occupation of Mr. C-ti,?, as lenant,at the eekl.?, &, &1. }[t>lù for an uuexpired term of about 94 years from VS>lh March, 1879, at the low ground rent of £ 2 per annum. L,)t4. All ,,ir u..d -.t ,f Lot. AUl" Piece or Parcel of Land situate hi Bryn- melin-atreet, in the borough of Swansea, together with Two Messuages or Dwelliug-houses thereon, and known as Nos. 10 and 11, Brynmeliii-terrace.Brynmelin-street. This property jj held ïur the residue lIf a term of 75 vears, created bv i4U indenture of lease dated the hday of f)vm[,1872, and made between the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough t'l wan-t 01 the one part. alld Henry Brown 01 t ;ll:"ùt,Ùt:r Ilirt. less tw) uays thereof, subject to. th vearly apportioned ground rell ot £ 4 8a. The Vendor reserves the rigot wf putting this property up in two lots ii thought desirable. The Auctioneers beg to call tbe attention 01 intending purchasers to these properties as n. d« struble invest- ments, being centrally s i tuated, and in an excellent state (,1 repair. Sale to commence at Three (j.(:I..k. For furthrrparticulars us to Lois 1, 2. and 4. apply to Messrs. Boor and Plant, Solicitors, York-place; or tor the whole t the Auctioneers, E. Heathticld-street, Swansea. fJl/t tlALt; THIS lay. gALE OF VALUABLE RAILWAY STOCK. GAS AND OTHER SHAKES, LEASEHOLD PlwrERT1E, AND POLICIES OF INSURANCE. MESSRS. CARRY and HEAR are in- l' structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Kini-'s Head Motel. New^iort, Mmi., \\n MONDAY, Iebriuirv 23,1&J1, at T? tor Tliree o'clock iu the After- nojn, subject to conditions to be Lhcu prod-iceJ. tb f STOCKS SHARES, PROPERTIES, AND POLICIES,. £ ?,313Great Western Ouarawteed 8tock. Seven Shares £ ^Fullv Pid) iu theCarrleon 0:1.5 Cf) Twenty Shares Xi (Fully Paid) in thu MuAO.iic-hall, port. ?N policies of A*ruraucc, £ "00 each, with bonus,: T .t6 17i. 6d.> sddeii to each policy, on the ri\' of Lady ilW\ Gentleman, a$«*d 5 i-ud 69 years respectively. I Annual premium on each policy, t4 18?. 7. All It-iiii k'? Carisbrook Villa, i Ca^rau Park, Newport, now in the occupation of Mrs. T. Floydt- Lewis,containing eu'tranee hlI. dining auu drawing-rooms, kitchen, awl ueesary otfires 011 the ground floor; four bedrooms, bath»rooui, and w.e, on the rtrst lioor; and two bedr«.K>ms and store-room on the second lloor, Tliere is a good cellar,and also aide j entrance. All that Leasehold Cottape, situated at Gel, ly.-groes, i. n the parish of Mynyddlsiwyn, MOM. Forfurtherpatticulars, npplv to the Al:ClIone",r9, a« j their olliees, Trt"(lt-ga r-i1l.1(.'e. Newport, or to }lnu, Oibbs and L(6,,d1\1, ¡";õiicitoT5. Newport. Dated, Auction una EstateOftlces, 39149 Newport and Abergavenny, Feb. IK, 1^1» J NANTYGLO, NEAR BKYNMAWR. SALE OF LEASEHOLD FARMHOUSE AND COTTAGES. MESSRS. CARRY and BEAR han; rt? m?,i?,,d instructions to OFFER lor SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at [he Griffin frm. Brymnawr. on MONDAY, the 1h day of March next, at Two for Three o'clock precisclv,all that commodious FARMHOUSE, Known art Penvwain, situau af Nantvglo; together with the Three I'Itabtl:, Two Cattle Sheds, ana Two Barns belonging thereto, and siUmte on the opposite ?;d?, ,f the road. And also I,, l,, several fi. t,?"g tAh ?,d zl,TTAC'y Adjoining,r. And near to the F.-I. being &f'tmrad Therefrom by auother me,u¡L&e. The id premises are i,- within one mile of B m,'i tJlIl:;hO'fILÄt,.iLtWIrl :hl,?':i I onmouth. Bnd ar in the occupation of Mr. WilUam W^eks and hW lIn\rr.tnJut, Tlie Pmpertv I? held UUdPT lease i,?? t h, Nantyglo .Id Blaina Ironworks Company, Limited, for a wrm of 45 ?* It I 20th 01 December, 1372,subject IQ the annual g=d'f Z6 6», .d to the r r,.ti.. of lb, iIt) jrid e r. To viewapplv to the Tenant, on tlie premises; and for ltr particulars applv to Uk* Auctioneers, at 3 Offices at 5fewport ami Abergavenny, or to Mr. Joljii !I'I_?)I'I_tllr S-p; SALK TO-MORROW. PALE OF LEASEHOLD AND FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Ml*. T. II, I)AMKS has received instruc- 1 f..1 tions to SELL by AUCTION, at the C.(!, Hotel, L'ktstie-square, Swansea, on TUESDAY, the 1st d.? of March, 1*31, at Thrco o'clock in the Afternoon, subject conditions of Sale tn be then produced, the LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE OR DWELLING-HOUSE, YARD. GARDEN, COACH-HOUSE, AND PRF.!tW;};, Knowu U5 No. 1, Argyle-streel, OyJtorinoiith-road, the couiitv of Glamorgan, now in theoccu- tationolMr. D.,i,i Jonca. 'l'hc pvmi*sareh' ld muter* Corporation lea for ¡5)rs from the 25th day IJ March, ',872,?L the !t A: 3. Al5>0 I",iItEEHOF,l'I)Wf.LLINC.-HOUSE AND PREMISLS, tOrJ io:i,rr. 3:H!iiT said, uow in the occupation of Mr. George Hall, and let at the runt of 3s. a we-ek. For further particulars nnd conditions of Sale apply to Mr. J. Aeroti Thomas. 8olkitor, lB, York-place, Swansea; or to the .ctiom>er. 18. LTnjoJl-slreliJt" vkuD- 8t. an?_- KAj THIS DU. COURT COLMAN, BRIDGEND. IMPORTANT HALE OF PitiME FAT CATTLE. MESSRS. It JONES and SUN are 1'- favoured "it h instructions from William Liewellvn, Esq., Court Colman, to SELL by AUCTION, at the Farm Buildings, 011 DAY, February lhe28il>, 1831. IWELVE PRIME TAT THREE-YEAR-OLD JlUF£¡¡, Fourteen days' keep wil1 lie gl\eu. tree 01 charge, at the Purchaser'srisi;. 11't:'l'll1s-Ci.\8h- Sale to Commence al One o'clocs. The attention of 1Juh:llr is 9p('dilly iavitod t.) tuis salt- ût Prime Fat Cattle. Or* A eonvy"nl"" w ill start from Ul Railway Station, Bridgend, immediately alter the arrival ol the 12.15 p.m. train, tor the place of Sale. F?r further par1.teular I,ply to ti,? Auctioneers, P,d nd B'?dg""q i -r IJIU8TvL UOKSK Bl. STOL. LARGE SALB OF 80 HORSES. m It. F. ii. JOXE." begs to announce that his next STC, D SALE of upwards of go IfO¡¡};IJ, Com tin,* hunters c,f chancier, hacks, lmr- ness h; cobs, and En;ih tk, :¿ ¿:h}ll: DAY, March 3,1831. Early Entries for thfs important Sale are respectfully solicited in order thai due publicity may be given in Preliminary ro., and good stalls secured. 33673 VIVIAN ARMS, SKETTY, NEAR SWANSEA. MH. DANIEL JAMES will SELL by AUCTION, in the Yard adjoining, in the Second W,?k in March, about 1Bu9h('b of Choicty Early and Second SEED POTATOES, fr. one or he leadiug Growers in England. AI!o, several CARRIAGE and CART HORSES, and a few excellent COWS and CILVKS. Cambrian-place, Sketty. 305u4 '1\'118I: SAMUEL AND NlCUOLl^, (liite Mr- JOBS S .l'bL). "AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, SURTEVOI^, MORTOAGE BROKERS, LAND. HOUSE..IND INSURANCE AGENTS, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS. CHURCH-STREET, CARDirF.. Zil24 -M-i-V-IT A E h p A I X E- m!11 LL POSTER, TOWN CRIER, &e., 5 SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDARE, Beg, tn inform Ihe Public .nd Tradesmen iti general ti_ be RENTS some of th? j LARGEST POSTING STATIONS 'n South W.I?.d I, ready to &c.,¡" Orde.. for Posting, Ac., in-Aberdare, Aberaman, ?,d dil?,l?t. N.B.Coutractsmade. PricH,- ii^T on^ppbcation.318G4 THE WESTERN MAIL. TEE COMMERCUL PAPSR FOB WiLES ,1!1 SALE TO-MORROW. TO GENTLEME 'JA, ?kAViiR'? WNIRACTORS, AND OTHERS. MESSRS. BEYNON and LEWIS will SELL by AUCTION at the Jeffreys Arms Hotel Hor»e Repositorv, Ofol'ù.strr. (Swansea, on TUBS. DAY, March 1/1881, the following useful ,ju. atole HORSES, DOGCARTS, H!RXES. Ac. 1. Bay Coli, 14'2 band.», ;) )rø olci, quitt iu <,)(JtJ.tJle and sinle harness, a .\tld luwk, and up to weight. 2. Brown Horse, 6 )ï.ar, 15 1 hands, goes well in saddle and harness. 3. Gre/ y Cob, 1;t hanù, H:i\U. cud in aU kind, o( harness 4. Brown Horse, 5 years 151 hand. s, perf,ectly quiet in saddle and hauifss, clever bunHr, al.1 woiiauted sound. 5. Brown Horse, 5 vears old, 15'2 hand. s, a perft ect. lady's liack, vury last åtlll souua, and luti lJt.;cu driveu a ft, tin es iu double harness. tJ. Strong Bay Horse, Ib'S hands. J years ohl, a capital worker, alld sound. 7. Bay Harih's Horse, U"'3 hands, b years old, a re- Jnark.1bly tine goer, and opt 11 tl) veterinary surgeon e. ftJ11lnatil.m. 8. Bla,' Cob, 14 hand,. very ti?i ul. 9. Brown Cart Horse,* goo.1 worker, .nd ?.?.,d. 10. Dark RIY Curt Hone, a good wm ker. 11. lJk Bav Hor:7 4 years, atout 1p, hands, with dark pmnt3, just oH flit 1ann, has been worked in chains. Also Dog Carts, Spring Carls, Stone Carts, 7 bets of Ringle and Double Harness. Saddles and BI1ûb:s) several 1* Hand-made 1,-Lhe' Head lulls, Ac. l?.,l,id,dwiti?,, I,au- ,be-1 the Yawl bv Ten o'clock the Morning of e. ti t) 1\. Commence at Ti?r. o clock p.m. (in consequence of Llang>felaeii Fair), and the Crri. Harness immediately alter. 3^250 WEEKLY AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAV \\f,JI(Œ¡1it.1\'n:;¿)i;:lt.'l KIREKT, SWANSEA. MESSRS. HEY SON and lewis will .J.. SELL bv AUCTION, at t!.» abova pwcc, on WEL)? "March g, -.681, a etoeral asiortmcnl. ot W E-gi11lólrFtibiHx BFtèT; ú{ Including new and second-hand stiita, pier KJ!s, vanes, Sc., cf- 3925a_. SWAYSEA. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPEBTt IN TIIR CENTRE OF THE TOWN AND SEAR TkfP MARKET. MESSRS. EUWARD ROBERTS and I SON arc ill!truded bv the Mortgagees to 6ELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at th C-It, Hotel, Swansea, ou TUESDAY, arcli 8, 1881, at Thrt" nVluek p.m., sub- ject to such Conditions of Sale as silaH then anti tliere be read (unless previously disposed of by Private Treaty;, all tho"" FIVE FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES AND PR1:lIIiIŒ. 5itllateBnd bein:( O. 14, 15, 16.17. and U(, Grnllfic!d. street, Swansea, I a n I at back, known a\h:t"i:tl;fterir Thomas W. Williams, under a lease cranted for a term of 21 years fromthe 2Sth of September, 1872, at the cloar 271, For furtlier particulars apply to Howell Thoinaa, Esq Solicitor, Vcatii: HMOrs. Charles Brot" Solicitors, Neath; or to the Auctioneers, 40, Oxford-street, Swan. sen. 3915b SWANSEA. SALE OF VALUABLE LICENSED PREMISES AND DWELLING HOUSES. MESSRS. RORERT MERRALL and CO. Iiavebeen instnictedly tlieMortgaL'ee31.) SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, Castle- square, Swansea, on WEDNESDAY, Uw 2nd day of March, 1331. at Three o'clock in the Art""Jhln (subject, to conditions uf 8&1, to he then JI{úciuced). all that LEASEHOLD DOUBIJ^-UCENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE AND PREMISES, Known :o I he C LARENCE INN," !!Lt:te at the corner of Clarence-street and William 8waiuea,and now octupled bv Geor^? Gilljcvt. Tins House is underlet on a ivpair»>n« leaw to Mr. J01:¡;li&fu5: 21S\.et:\le o\!a!ili), (6ki¿). Yr. Aho all those 1"h, J.r!w!d 0\\ ELLINU HOUSES adjoining the said JJiT1, situate and Nos. 2b, 2C, 27,28. aUll2S. in C!ar¡'rJce.1 r.:t' a'.ore^id, occupied bv Mr. Gacquet and "the. produ»vng t1w annual rent of The whole of the above Property is hel,d Ude, I-, for a term of lives (two of 1, III r, t I 1! In and tor ad years,from th.;29tho; 9eptcmlier,lolc,attne yearl v ground rent ol .c9. 1'ht"premhcal" cen'mll}' situated, itid wal a.ways command tenants. Tlu* ÅUlt¡OJHTj can, f hereiore, O;lo fident 1 v recommend the pro;* rly to invevtors. Fo?! further p:¡r:k'u!an VP¡y to Mei?r? Erans and Davies, S)lidtl'n, 62, Wi ?d:'t"'t. S?mu?; or td the AucikmetrJ, at their Otfioes.C, C¡lStl'ltr1, ¡';WMll- :;a. -y PEMBROKE-DOCKYARD. I^OR SALE bv ALXTIOX. at Hef .I.' Ya.itSt)"J TIOC'KY<I"'rJ. Pt>mlJro1.l' Jk{'k ?!,y W'lkr ol the I. -idsT Cjrnnusbioiier.-i Admindty), "ii .VONII,kY. 7, l??l, %T?- o'cloc k (.ifCiiely, oouslsting of r,REENHEART TIMBER. TEAff PLANK. ENGLISH OAK, Tilirii. STl I F AMI I'LANK; OFF At. WOH1J. And several Thousand Hough awl .l0(4l'il OAK T It E E I L from 18 t.) <t2 iu. C:llu!OX1U." roay l'tj halt ün ajiplication to 1 íl Aue- ti.itu<r, and at the Dockvard. WM.TnOMAS, Auctioneer 1.n1 he Lord Commissioner, oi the Admiralty. Owns Hall. Pembroke. ?^ > RALE TO-DAV. SALE OF DESIBABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY AT SWANSEA. MR. CHARLES llEUIIES (late Rernon It and llu!H) h1U been insrruotcd to SELL by ■UCl' the Camemn Arms Hotel, Swansea Oil MONDAY, February 28, Usl (subject to inch conditions asshall then nll there be read;, the !1. lowing vl!bl^USKn0LU rr.OPF.RTr. Lot IAli that <luus.anthHv built Dweliing-hcu e a'ld Premises, situate and pdl1; No. W, kl'l!trI. Swan- Heldfora term út 113t a around rent ot.£2 9s. Cd. per annuis. Lor, ÂI1 those Four wdl-})ult Dwelling-houses and Premises, siltiate and being Nos. 54, ÓJ, Gr, and b7, Baptist Weil-street, Swansea, all let to respectable Helil f., Wr. of 5 year, from the 25th day of M¡1r('h, Us14. at s ¥roulld rent. "itd pr annum, W1 3. All that subsUiitially-built ))wemng.hou,uud Premises, situate and being No. 3, Symnions-stree:, Waunwen, Swanjea, now m tlw (:uPllthm o. E. B°U Hekl for a term of 71?vro, Irom nh of Sepm. ber, 18/4, at a ground rent of a 10,. per annum. Lot 4. All those.Two Dwelling-houses aud Premises, situate aud being Nos. 4 ??d 5. b?, I I'?, ""I, reet Waun- wen, now 1?t he?u 1;t 1, fn J.,I.h ^Held for x term of 75 'ea". from £ 9th SeptemUr, 1874, at a ground rent oL £ o per annum. Lot 5 All th«w Two Dwelling-houses alt1 Premises, 1ituat-e and being Nos. 7 and 8, WheatUeld-terrace, AVaunwen, 11VW iu lbt occupation of Hopkins and Norman. Held for a term of 75 yar?. from 2?? September, 1874, at a g,.u.d rht ,f 95 peraunuin. Lot 6. All those Four 1),, ?l. 'Ig-h aud Pn>mh, situalR and Wine S?. 2,3,4, and ft, l? heatfleld-terrace, Wiuinwen,now in 1he occupation oi larkm, Cheley, Philliphant, and 14'C.rl\ 1". H?l,t lor a t.rm of to years, from 21th September. 1874, at a gr?,?n,l 1J11f £10 per annum. lot7. All those Four Dwelling-houses and Prom I" siluateand being Nos. 21,22,23, and 24, M«r»d.-n-strcet, ul1wen,now in the occupat Ion of Ricks, Rice, 1 llamas, ll,.Id for a term of 75 v, from 251h March, 1875, .1 rouurt rent of i:10r annum. Lot 8 All that vcrv subitantlally-liiult Dwelling- ),,?u,e and Premises, situate and being No. 81, Bryny- rnor terracc, conuining dining, drawiug, and breakiast- room., four bedrooms, bath-room, two kitchens, ti,r?" cdlars, two W,C.'I, and -Il greenhouse. Tbis Lot is inexcellent repair, drained,and complete in every respect, and has a back entraiwne. Ueld !,I ,Ip;?t ;-car,,troni Degemlu 25, 1573, at ah?und rent 01 £ 5 per annum. Thca'xjvo Houses are situatod in localities I, 11,h houses are alwavs in good demand.-They are all liuw let to res pet table tenants, and are well wort by t heat tent ton 01 Intending purcliasers. Sale w commence ut Three ocloek p,m. For further particulars -pi, t R. T. Levsnn, Esq., 6,r t. t be 1-?t 1, i,,eersiord-etiect, Wi\n' S\LK OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD BUSINESS SALE OF VALI;ABLE JLEASEHOLD BUSINESS IN HIGH-STREET. IN THE TOWN OF 8WAN8EA. in I. HCliHES (late Beynon and l. Hughes) has been instructed to SELL by PUB- LIC AUCTION, t Ie Cameron Arms H.t,l iji,- el',at olie TffiJ1'l., Ar!:rcot8:i"Htfi (subject to ?i.oh conditions a w ill be p,.d ,i t b? Sale;, the lolluwlng valuable BUSINESS P^REMISES, Namely:— I"t 1. Alp ttW. extensive and 9ub?tantajlly-built Leasehold flouse and Premises, recently called or known by the name of The King WIlliam:: .ituar. and Li??g No 150, High-Street, in th town of 6a.Hsea. now in t'w t:V:cupntwn of fr. W1Uiam Richards, under an .d?r- lease wluch ,U& .Pi,? on the 29th day 01 September, 1862. at a fent. or 4:lO per annum. Thi. lut I, held foterin 0199 v?rs from the 25th day of Marco, 1799, at a "ourj"d rent Jf t 'J. &A. pn annum. LM-2. All that extensive and substantially-built Lea s ehold Shop, with the SwrehOu.e9 and Premises, situateand being 09.151 and 152,High-street,Swansea, now in the occupation of lir. ro. Richards, under an ""der Ir: bi?h will !-pre on the 2h day of Sep- tember, 1893, at r,Wl 01 1;!10 P, annum. TI?i, lot is h I for a term 01 99 years trom t ,?c 25th day 01 March, 17^9, a a ground rent 01 £ 2 8., 6d. J..r anhum. Bale to commence at Three oc ock p.m. For further particulars apply to hlr, E. Austin Williams, Solicitor, 13, Castle-street, Swansea; or to the Auctioneer, 98, Oxtord-street. Swansea. 23169 £ >alrs bppribatt Contrart. rp() r\KMERS, COWKEEi'ERS AND OTHERS. The Merthvr atid Aberdarc Farms Mallagement Cnm. mittcc II." about iJI) TONS or Prime MANtiELS, and "bout 50 TONS of SWEDE for BALE, which they are prepared tu II at the Farms, or at th Troeolyrhiw or Alerdnre Junction Railway Stations, in quantities ot not less than Fonr Tons, for which offers arc requested. Address to W. E. DAVIES, Clerk to the Com mittee, Parkncwvdd, Navigation, near Pontypridd. 39240 February 24, 1E8T rJ10 LET, a capital little HOTEL, I bv a first4,-lass market. Receipts about L"25 week; mZd market, table, and commercial trade. Ingoing C1l Ce arranged for about £300. Also a hrit-clis. Double- licensed inn at Weston-suiicr-Mare; receipts about .1:3" week: the tenant retiring with a competency. Ingoing about £ 700, bv a valuation.-Apply, by letter, wit,, srAmpd envelope, W Mr. W. Clements, 10. Berkeley- .trect, Gloucester. P s T A T E AGENCY. Mr F-n,UY DUN "onduü\' tbe Ralt, PI-b and Mai.agciu. ut of Land Property, carries p:j Hoadmakiug, the Construction of F'aim Premise.i,and other E!tat Improvements, and make, Valuation! -d Arrangements with Tenants. A resist er kept of mat" and fsrms to sell and let. Estate Offices 2, Portland-place, London, W ■ ONES BROTHERS, PRINCU'AL tSILL- t POSTBRS AND DELIVER.ERS. H70H-STREM, NKATH; AND BBITON FERRY, Circulars Addressed and delivered. Bill-posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brocon Railways, and tùe Prinelpai Auctioneers. Lwlee. oi tne Princ!1 Posting Place.. rImE WESTERN MAIL, .J. BEST ADVUinsarG MJtDlUJt I ublít t\otíct. /"IREAT WF.sTE& RAILWAY. -"ERHOUR AND PAE ISvia WEYMOUTH, ROUTE GTHBOUOH NORM.iNDY AND BRITTANY TO PARIS, THE WEST AND "uIJTU OF FRANCE, AND »PAiN. Through rate. (or P-9-16 Part-els, aud Mercliaiidise bNWt>fIJ1 the principal towns on the Great Western and Western of Ftanc. Railways. The STEAMERS LKAVE WEYMOUTH at 11.30 p.m. all,1 CHERBOURG at Seven p,rn. DAILY (Sundays excepted), weather and circumstances permitting, in connection with fast trains on tile Grtufc Western and 38940 .1. GRiERSON, General Manager. Western of France Rai!wavs. N 0 -r "K Tuetday fwd, March 1, bdnK fixed by the Commi. ttee of Mana g ement aj the last day for entries hi W receive I: for the L<jcal Examination of the. Royal Academy in the Monmouth centre, Mr. it. J. Grove* will be glad it those Ladies and Gentlemen w)u> would wish to attend the Examination would send in their Names and Addresses ou or before MONDAY, the 28th inst., so as tp prevent any chance of the inK excluded, the Board j n*v ing civeti particular in.4mcr.ions that all Lists must1 be in ho>ndon by Wedn< d a y March 39^2 REGIMENTAL ORDERS by the Lieut.- Colonel Commandant, Commanding 1st Glamor- gan Artillery Yolunteeu. CARDIFF DETACHMENT. 1. Gun ar..lH<<,ruiL Drill 011 Monday, Wednesday, and Fridav. Squad Drill nn Tue*da.y and Tnursday, at 7.301). 2. Clothing InsptcUon for Members who could not attauj last Vtk, as under :-H &tten', Thursday, at 3 p,m,; L&llerj', Friday, at 7 p.m.; K Battery, rViday, ?t 7.3<)p.m.; LBattery,Monday, at7.16 p.m.: M Bat- tery, Wednesdav,at; N Batun, WHiutaday, ut 7.?0; O Battery, Thursday, at 7.30 p.m. "\7nil;ttp;ti-vtt;de in N Battery, viz.Bombardier Lang to W C.,P-ll vice Connock P.d; Bombardill Lock to be OrPom vice Andrews reai¡ued Guaper Waph3m t, be Bom- tardier, "ire Lang promoted; Gunner James to be Bom- bardier, .roe L"c promoted; Gunmr Long lobe Bom- bardier, \'kc John deceasedGunaeriYancesto be Boui- bardier, vice Lewis resigned. o BATTERY. 4. 117.? toll.i.g bn -d. in the above Be.N i—Bombardier Kdwardst to be l. ,ice Dykes promoted; Gunner Hitt to 00 0, 'L Lancastleresigned; Gunner Wadley to be Bombardier, vice Edwards promoted; Gunner Chubb to b! Bom bar* ait" vleo Martin resigned; Gunner Burt to œ Bombar- dier, vice N' resigned. 6. For duty during the ensuing week:—Captain Fisher, Lieutenant igg, Htlr"du Granger, Per/»eant Wilkins, Corporal Thomas, BoiuburdU.v Co.'»kiey, Trum- peter Brown. Bv order, (Signed) W. PITMAN, Major and Adjutant Cardiff, Februarv 2fI, I8S1. t;COTJ ULAMOIWA:S IaFLE 0 VOLUNTEERS (SECOND CARDIFF DETACHMENT). Ordevi for the Week Commencing FEBRUARY 2.3, 1881 'h Monday.—Company Drill; muner at j::nn;: tually. Lnirorm wi h gicngarrifc. Otticert;, undress. Band toat?e.ud. Wexhu sday and Friday.—Position and 1ieeruit Drill at 8 p.m. On nuty I." t¡." Week': Clp11I 8hackell, Serjeant Ga-iaid, Corporal lYi;¡ds.r, and Bugler Williams. bigrcd, J. H. RUDEN, Captain. Drill-lodl, e;1:1¡' REGISTRY OF OWNERS FOK THE RI)I?,,TRECT OF PENAlffil. NOTICE OF TDff. FOR MAKING CLAIMS AND OBJECTION#. T HEREBY GIn; NOTICE, that all Persons who rtro entitled t" VOtl" M O"O¡fr3 Of Proxies If,t tht; Election of Members 4..f .thE" Local BJRrd fir the District oi PENARTH, and who are not on the Register of Owner, and Proxies iiow i?? for", r-r who, being on Register, do imt retain th qualification or the adclre. described therefn, 8hlJ who are dflJirolls to hvf) their name. inserteti lu the RegUterab-mt to be made for the said District, and all person ) who arc desirous of objecting to il name on the Register now in force, are hereby required to give or send ic me, on some vnr of the first stt days of March next, a Claim cr Objection (as the COM may t,) in the Form hereunder set forth. THOMAS nOE THOMPSON, Penarih.21st February, 1B8\. OffaT. OWNER'S CLAIM. To he Rr:llrni."rJ (J..t1:CI" (lithe Jxicct bca1c1/Vf fv District cj hr.7t", lilOJ¡ day of 1831. I, the undersigned,claim to have my Name inserted In the Reciateroi Owners and Proxk-s tor the District ,f P' pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Act, lb, as Ow"or of th Property hereinafter described, which is situated in the Parish ú1' that is to say rtl) I alao yfate that the Interest or Estate w'lich I nave in such Property, and tlie Amount of all t h¡ Kent-ser- vice which 1 receive or ry In respect thereof, and the I Names of the Persons f,? v>hom I recei ve or to whom 1 pay such Rent-service, arc set forth in th, Form here- under written. I I IAn.1 in re | j I I)t"<'t ùf U\Il.,l in 1.'1 !ln rr„*ot of I ,«'t'>f A,|J V' H 1 Dcserintiuii of 'which 1 havrj '?!?,-t,'l'"L .5!V I PiopiUj. i (VW^tnr T" iJ I iiiom-i.i Kc, 5m-jce t111 errvicu tli«» ¡UII\Of(((. juruuftyy- j <?.<i. i i. <1* I  I I  I I I l .Ad:t:;): Claimant. o Rere insert a clear Statement of the Property, a8 aDù Acre, oï b Describe the Property by its Name, Situation, or the Numeof Occupier, or suy úttler de^ignatiou by which it mav be iiieutiiiwl. c Describe the Estate or int-Test, IU an estate in fee simple, of freehold, a term of ir.«, and also whether it is held by the Claimant ior.í\j:; with others, and in the case of a Partner eltiming, insert the number and names of the other Partners In the Firm. d If the Property is let by the Owner, insert the amount of Rent ived from each Tenant. e Insert Name of Tenant or Tenants. fli tho Owner is a Lessee paying Rent, insert Lbe amount of all the Rent he paÚ. a lneert the Name of tht Lessor. a This need not be the Owner's residence, but should be some Address within the district. •A Partner must set out the amount of Rent-service which 110 would receive or pay if the qualifying pro- pertJ were equally divided among his co-partners and himself. CLAIM OF PROXY. To 17,, Officer of Ihe Local- Jfoardfor lh*> D'ttrlrt cf north. 7/w daj of l&oi. 1, the undersigned, having Wen appointed by of Owner [or Ow"e. of the Property here-, inafter described, whleh is situated in tile Parish "f to vote as his [or their] Proxv pursuant to the provisions of the Public Act,, 187b, elaini to1 have U1 name inserted in the Register 0/ Owner, and Proxies for the District of Pcnarth, as sud. Proxy. I h" transmit to you (a) the writing under ?h. h,d the c6, of a f,L?rpor. the ..1] ppint ing me ???h P?."Y' of 1 a'o ,t.t:ni'Cr ti whi,! b. cur have] in .ueb Property and the amount of the R?,,t whlt, he ti "3 receives [""ecchc) or P.Y, (vr pay! In respect thereof, and tho names of the persons from whom he[wtbev] receives lor receive] ur (I whom he [?, t hey] \m" >r "pa}" such Rent-service are Mt?t? in t't? Form h?reundcr written. I jAnd in res-j !AnU In r*fc-J kw^ -KtL | I Jis&'L. I ¡. l,et of ¡ ",hid. the I I l)e-ó'r'i' ¡"" ofl A\o'I'" \rt ,m {'J iRl:Cl;li{.J I rr{'lwl. (It)¡ an1::atatf"or R', t I rroi«y. inrc! w»lv«tn,F-m ««( i v,ssT,e" d.  I £ 3. tl. £ s. a. ol frt) oi (fj i I ;1 ¡ i Signature of Prox y Address M ofproxy. II If the appointment itself is not sent, insert tho words to an attested copy of." b Describe the Property by its Name, Situation, or the Name of the Orcupit>r, or any OUJPl" dt::Ûgnatiuc 1Jy which it may be ld,?,?tifi?d. c D?ch)< the i?tate or I!it,t, n? an M'aff' .<.m?, cf /'r'?<'M."?.< years, and whether it is held b) the Appointor solely or jointly with d lllhe Property ii let by the App-t-,t?'. Insert tbe amount of Rent received 1rom each 'renn\. e J (;iert Nam or T(;nant or 'fNlaullJ. I If the Appointor is a Lessee paying Rent, insert the amount ot aU ttl Rent he pays. o Insert the Name of the Lessor. 1\ Thi, need not be the Proxy s Residence, but should be eomeaddiess within the district. FORM OF OBJECTION. T) lite 7??n.?.< Q?.r?? /?.M.'?M??/M-<A<D?M< ??ar/A.7/.u.' dav 0/ IM. I herebv give you SotlrA th.t I object to the N..e .1 the ?o!' mentioned and described N?low being re- tained on the R<-);i?tr of Owners and P..L. for the Christian audi Îkscripllon District of Penorth. Surname I Address as1 On case 01 of '.1"^ P.?y | | I | i Signature of Ob j ector. 'Io¿=:r. public flotirrd. A-LLP'ERŠOX-s-h6;¡;¡;-a-èi.\Ùi:; A.Xaiwttte- ESTATE of $OHN THOMAS, UU-ot L.?. 8)??p, Rhymney, Monmouthshire, Gr??.r's A:bj- t..t, Dtea.k an' requested to nd particulars to 11,? Itftfijwith.—4AME8 MOROAN, -lilqttf.? ihe, Aami- nisfcnitor, Alb??,L CC?rdift, 2,An Februarv, L TT N rn a I A K rs" if. CARDIFF ARMS ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 0" TUESDAY RVKNINC, MARCH, at Eigi.t k 'nv, THE fiE". CHARLES UK/KMSED, B.A.¡ LùJ1ÙDll Will DKLIV'^Li: hN ,EC141RE. Subieet— WlII.iW'?i' A Lg;Rit- J'AHR IU JESOS CHRIST. AU wt" ilell Collections' •> D-tr;ty E*K-nses. C?2c5 fjiilK KAXKJEiCl'TCY A Of, JI.;9. 1.1 the C >unty Court fA romouth;,hjtc. ùuJ.itI1 1 wpmt. The Rvetend WILLIAM SOMERSET, of WoolMtoa 'hHY, Lydney, ill tJh Countv Qf GioLCt.^ier, CJevk in Holy Orders, was adjudged BANK.RU 1'T û" the 25th day û( .'ebrwtr\" 11m, of February, MEETING of CREDITORS will be held at the County C¡)uJt..O"f. Bridge-street, Newport, Mon- nliJ1:tÜshire, on t.he Uth day ot Much, 1 £ 3!, aV Twelve 0<'101:$ at Noun. UniU tlie appointment of n Tru?tee, all fl(l"1.0115 LI\"il1 in Ulp.r 'l08/Ct.)UO!l allY of 1.!I(. ('tf(!¡tt, vf tbe &nkrupt mut deliver tin m, and nil debts u ieto the nnkrupt mils- be paid, tth, R,gitt.r acMnjj iu th, mutter of thh Petition, R.i the Uou^vy Cciul-otficc, Bridg*-atr«t, Newport aforejafd. Creditors must forward their p?isof debts tdLe ReMstrar, Ð.E HJEN1Y JOHN D ITIRegistrar. L A M O tf_ N S TL I R E. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES \ANIMH) ACT, 1878. TOOT AND irorrn DISEASE OTUIER '<AML"»*D- Wi.M'i OF il. t BEGULfc 10NJ made by th» I/5CAL AUTHORITY of th-.C !low .i cL?t OR (AN l#tu day of lebruary. 1881 wJtb the view "f preventing the intJ'O duction of FOOT and AluveR DlSEArirJ iut» their No Cattle, Sheep, or Pig may bo moved ^except fcr the purjxisc of immediate slaughter as undfcrmcnrit>ncd> H;to the District of th Local Authority for the County .of Glamorgan from the district of any other Local Authority in ?lg;d or W.1,?. "0 Cattle, Sheep, or PiK of anv description, whether All,hcC?r?,tt?tle? Stic?p,pr Pg )f anv dwription, wbether :lùi:ti the r:rt;t:' fa{'ii Countv of Glamorgan from ,he District of eilher of t he 11 Auth')ntlt,01 the Borough of Cardiff, th Borough 11 Neath, the Borough ol Swansea, or tho Borough or J'i" poii, Mon. All Anima!. tbat y be .1 !1, into the Di,tl,t PI the Lucal Authority for the County of GhLmOr! for the purpoe of immediate slaught; r, slaU b 'Ul"t t.:f the following regulations The Owner, at his own expense, shall mark the Ani- mal in the f(Jl1owhg manner: Cattle, by Ilil)'4r-b,, t -i- i?,h. long, ontbeleit L quarter oi each of t>e Cuttle, l'Ot lg:'J).:I: or h8;1;fntrr)8d arrow, nbout five indies long, on the left SL of each of the Sheep or Swine, w iJh the following or s^ime like the b 'hIlp -1 B.I.e, !I h tf. l.wi, g parts, .?,j blue or red ochre, Qnl pait; milted and used warm. Before any movement 5'ito the C(lntv District, 01' re- moval fromthe railway truck in the County District t,k place, the W.J.'? or person in charge ?f kt.laC:'naîJl:ttnd;ff; Ottt r:; ot the Local Authority » statement oi the par- tjcu!;u of tho number and description of the animals, and th- the Inspector .hall thereupon delh'er to such person a licence spetffyinyf the ('ohron' upon which such Animal* are admitted into th, disr.t. These conditions shall t'If! as follows .— (II The animals shall t;<> tken toa place named in the Licence, and shall not be again moved exccpt to a slaughter house situate within two miles of such plate for thp. purpose of slaughter, (2) The animals shall be .1allghtcted within six days from the date of the licence. This Iwltuhtlon shall come into and be in operation 0" the expiration on the morning of the Twent>-eighth day of February instant of tiie regulation made by the said Local Authority on tbo Fourth instant, and shall remain in operation until tlie 31stday oi March, 1631. 1. MAN*SET) FUANK.LEN, Clerk of thy Pea- Clerk to the Local Authority 01 the Countv 01 G;rnora;àn. 3t73 Fi ivATi: INQUIITY "DETEC m K ASSOCIATION FOR BRISTOL AND SOCTH WALES, In )nnt(.:t on tvili: aU the London and Foreign Office,. MALE AND FEMAU: DETECTIVES. <!i, NICHOLAS-STP.ELT. BRISTOL. ca03 AÜ,tr("1I '1' Maiwg-rr. CrnOfis an1) Contrarts. jpENARTil LOCAL ISO AUU. CONTRACT FOR REPAIR Off HIGHWAYS. TENDERS, lor the REPAIR and MAIN- TENANCE of Ihe HJCHWAYS III the Parishes oi L LANDOUGH *nd £ OGAN. Copies of the and Form of Tender may be obtained at the Offices of the undersigned, ttJ J:ljlll Tenders, endor.d Tenders ior Repair (If Roads," are to lJf delivered before Noon on ONlIA Y. the 7th March, 158). HENRY C. HARRIS, Surveyor. 7o, S!, l ':mli rL >277 fl 11 ii!"ti)Ml1 At|IK UOLfLIJ.Kl-i inu TC,I?AIGOLA-.NIEI"Til?.COJ.Lit.?itY PI'OPtii;? TORS (!ESSHS. co It YEO, and CO.), Swansea, arc prepared to receive TENDERS 1m' th? "'pph' I their Requirements during f he supply 'Months ending the 31st of August, 1631, of the following Articles, vte.Oils, Tallow, Tram (f1' CO!t(lH Waste, Hemp, Yarn, Pocking, Ca!unglo Bolt* and üt::f Rivets, Plate Nails, &1f Dogi, Pat Rose Nails, Wire Ropes, Sht and Bar Jron, Steel, FH! Sigrnl Wire, Blwting Powder, Dynamite, F>ise, De- tonator*, Pitx.wd, Sleeperwood, Spiagwood, Bridge HoH!,}lrJUk'eC'l'Ah, Ironmongery, o.t., Beans, Hay, Bedding, Further particulars and Form. of Tender to be had on appHCAUOl1lv Mr.J. Robert j, Mining Engineer, Wor!. t.? Chambers, Swansea, or at the. Company's Offi-. Cambrian Chambers. to the Cie. Houlllerc de Graiffola Merthyr (. M essrs. Cory, Y*o, and Co. ) Swansea, mar k ed "Tenders for Storei/'Vili be received up till Saturday, March 12,1881. The Company do not bind themsclvej to accept the lowest or an y Tender. 3y26S rr o r. U I L U E R S TENDERS arc required tor the ERRCTfON cf SCHOOL Bl'fLDlNtiSaud TKACHRR'S HOC SB at St. George's Super Ely. Plan. and [JeclfiC4tion5 may l>e seen at the Office úf thp. Archit{"CtA. Meiers. B!essley aud Vauglian, 22, Tri nity-street, where Forms of Tender and Bill of Quanti- ties can be obtained. The Tenders are to be sent to the .Ipriigned on or before the 5th ot '4"l' next. TI,? Board d-' not ?-i lid itacit to accept tbe lowe4t or any Tender. T. EVANS, The \1"11. We"oe,nr Cardiff,Clerk to the t"liwl Ro"d for the United Dis- tricts 01 St. G,.ri?, ..?d St. L) ?d" Sur*r m6~cmitKAnw i The YflTRADYFODWG, LLANWONNO, and LLAN- TRISANT JOINT BURIAL BOARDI., i,, TENDERS for the Formation, Making,and Metalling ûf a NEW ROAD about 760yards in length, toserve as a deviation cd the porth, Glamorganshire, the making of all PATHS, CULVERT'S, BANkS, FENCES, and other Works in connection with tl,, tlid Roaol,an,1 the ERECTION- 01 a STONE BOUNDARY WALL, 9ix feet high, aloug the Northern 8hl thereof, The Plans, Specitication, Biils of Quantities, and terms of C..t.,t mav be p,t,,I, ."d k" ol Tender o b Uined, at the Office of .Mr W. H. Jenkins, C.E., Ponty- pridd, on and alter W EDNKSDAY, the 16th February! Instant, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Five p.m. Sealed Tend('n, endor??d Tender for H," must be sent to ine, prepaid, ou or before WEDNESDAY, the 2nd of March next. The Board will not pledge themselves to accept the lowest vr any Tender. EDWARDS PRICE, Solicitor, The Court Houac, Pontvpridd. ,ri, tZ Lb? "jtd. J,,y f F?br-?y, 1382. 33113 _í.w I BRISTOL, \VEST OF lN G L SOCTH WALES PERMANENT BlilLDING SOCIETY. I GREATER ADVANTAGES ARE NOW OFFERED TO I BORROWJ:¡¡. I COSTS OF MORI&AGE6 ASD Sl'RVEY FEES P A I rPB\ ÖTY. BEPAVMENTS VERY I.OW.-REDEMPTIONS VERY EAHY. ENTRANCE n;r, C.RI\!>F Aaisrw: urDSON SMITH, WILLIAMS, And DYKE, ALBERT CHAMBERS, HIGH-STREET. TX\ jFoATil I'EiiSiANEVf iiuTLiDmo SOCIETY. Ilnconiorated under the Building Societies' Atft, 1S74.) O.lTl lis 32, IX)SGCK08S-SnTiEJiT, CAUQIFF. The principal object of this Society Is to enable Mem- bers tn Purchase their Dwellings by easy payments. Shares may be taken daily, and every informatioB obtained from KEES ENOCH, Chairman. WILLIAM JOHN TKOL'NOE. Cicc-Obairman. J. II. PHILLIPS, Secretary. 313156 f1 piIE" MER'i'iiVR AND DOWLAJS BUILDING SOCIETY. (lncornorptrd under the Building Societies' Act, 1374.) Are prepared to LEND, on Mortgage, at the shortest notice, 8UMS of 1;100 to .clO,ŒXJ. obtained in ohr ?let Lei, or f? in primtt, iudivid!. Borrowers in this Society have special advantages not The legal cos:" are paid by the B,¡cHy, and tbeinde- P",d,f the borrower, so ong as his stipulated re- Rpyahlc in 'ont!'lv orQ\lartn\v Imt\menb. plympnt, ør made, h r/urel by tlie PgllItrar under F?l?? ty Societies A?t.. The upmost -.y I* maintained. For parti.?l.. P"ly W Mr. J". R"b"t" at the Office of the 8ochtv, 311, 'tktoria.strep,, Merthyr. 14 of the Society, 34, Victoria-street, Metrhyr^3 £ 31^ PIANOFORTE :MAKEl AD IMPORTERS. a TEAES WITH MESSES..1. BROADWOOD AND BOSS. LONDON. INSTRUMENTS BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS AT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOB CASH, [36192 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF -D-'Al'Uj:L-OWE & CO.'S A B C t? BJULWAY TIME TABMS, the only oue pub- )ii?ed)nWttM.?'tld. 2s. r amum t- by p?t. Bt. t'?rdiff. THE WEEKLY MAIL, I. ) 72 COLViraS. EVERY SATCBDA?. PKCS2B Mutational announrcmeius. — "CARDIFF^ DA N C 1 N 0 OA LIST II KM CS. Private Lessons at ail times. Schools Attended, firit-cl?,s Q?drille &- ud, of any number, supplied at shortest tiotift. Adt'E.T.HOHERN.MourtH?luse,23,G riville I tenter, RoatU. 4683kly I" PKSakW. rpiIE ltev. J. POWELL is PRI.l'ARKD X IMlke DAY PL'PILS..1 5, WIND??R-PLACE, iPENARTil. Next term "m ""mmCuee on M«y 11. Full particulars will given on application, 43a8kly (:OWBWD&L Gi LENDARE HOCSi:, COWBRIDGE. I" —Principals, Tiie Missc* DAnE. Tiie duU.. of It"" h-i?, muaw4 on THCUSI)AY, the æth 'lIIary, -.o===- :=-=,cc"-===- 7-: AHI^IAVENNY MILt'ORD flOtSE, ABERGAVENNY. .f SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Conducted by M.. YATES, "¡'led by competent Resident Governesses. Masters attend. The aim of the Prindval is to combine high chi" cau?ti? and careful moral training With the conuor?s oi a home. Terms very moderate. First-class references. Prospectus on application. Pupils prepared lor the Local Examhia* -W(;AS1:IJ;tll:yj,- ~iiilLYN GKAM.MAR SCHOOL, E _,EWCASTML'EMLYN. ncadMaiter-Mr.T.T. ELIAS, M.R.C.P. Az,istAllt Mailers-DAVY ELlA: D, LL. RRBS, DRAWING, BHOUTHAND, and MUSIC CLASSES DAILY. Term.t-Boarder3, 25 Guineas per annum; Day Scholars, from 3 tj 4 Guineas. 327&i SWANSEA. COLLEGIA i'E SCHOOL. SWANSEA. N_j -Head Master, R, GIFFORD WOOD, B.A.; S-.dV.,t,?,. FRANCIS J. ODELL, Eq., B.A. School RU-OPENED W EDXJ.:D! Yo January I. VNONE ,S(JUO<lL, CONSTITUTION r HILL, SWANSEA. RUI) MA.'TKR ;\1., EMERY*. S.C. M>E'1LH Mr. GEORGE EMERY, B.A. (Lond.) (l.t, one ,f the Nl "i H iil). PREPARATION for the PUBLIC SCHOOLS and UNIVERSITIES. Classes arc Hudiult for the Oxford w, London triculaÜon, aBu other Bum¡uatioIl8. atl48 OliMAL Head Master-EDWARD T. DAVfES, M.A., Trinity Second Master— £ ROBINSON, B.A., London, formerly Senior Mathematical Prizeman, University College, London; 4a!lJCiate ot the College 01 Preceptor*. Master ot the Junior Department—T. A, REES, Cert4• aed Elementary Teacher. lYeparauonfor L? Universities and the various F.buo Examination,. In the Y" 1880 the Head-Master p.??d one pupil at the London ricu1atilJn (First Division), two -1 the CKtord Local, and oue at the Royal College of Surgeons, Eminat.i.on8. Sjjeciai atteut10n gi""f" tlJ Junior Boys, who forma sepsffate division, managed on Iu owü distinct method*. For Pro,peclu. apply to the H.¡.)lo1$tu. The commenced 011 TUESDAY, January 18, at 9^30 a.m. Ali N OL1) COLLEGE WOODLANDS. Principal: R-. E. WILLIAMS, M.A.. GIM,. B.D. Edit). the Duties of the New Year began on WEDNESDAY, J. u.aiy IStli. _± L NKTU. NEATH 1)!Wl'HŒ'fAHï SCHOOL J. (LIMITED). iiikXit Master: Rev. ü. BLACKMORE, M.A., late Scholar i'xliit itioner aud Prizeman ct Qucvn's CoH., Camb. ,lth üsiilam .Muwr.. A tkit grade boarding and Day School, with Cits- steal and Madera Departments. Preparation for it, Universities, and for Professional and Mercantile Pursuits. Boarders are received by the Head Master. Por PruspedHs and further information apply to the Ven. Archdeacon (irl ffittis, Neath, or to the Head Master The Half-Term begins TLLLI fLiDAY, the 3rd day of March. h__=-==-=; G :l^ES rFlKLD HOUSli, ULOLCKSTEi:. SCHOOL YoTi GIRLS. Conducted by HBRR and M&3. G. N. LKO. Most beautiful and healthy situation in the country, ont: mile Horn Gloucester. Excellent Pr.uU8Cj. Recreation Grounds, two aud a half-acre». Prepanatiort for tùö University Examinations. The Modern Languages, Music, 1)n¡"in¥, and PainUDI ft"(eiYescWJ. attention. Careful moral training. First-class references. Mode- ratt", inclustve term. HALF-TERM Commences on MONDAY, 7tb of M..hlls8l. In 18.»" CerL¡r,cate, twenty-five with bonoW'"and two PrL''J werv gained In the Oxford ¡"1 ar.d Trinity College (Music) ;EAtiong by F.Pil. from I?i' School. Prospectus and full particulars on application. 38837 T?ENS that 1 oun Ladies are in no burry to :l'e out Of-" J,on" VELVET-TEENS. rnHE "LOUIS" VELVETEEN X IS SIMPLY UNIQUE. Do not be In¿lJQEiake any O'ber. AN EXTRA PROFIT TO YOUR LOSS, ..y be speciously made if you accept under whatever now* offered an inferior quality of Velveteen. "THE LOUIS" h, established Its reputation so widely even a slight inferiority would Injure its repute, which constitutes A TEST OF MERIT, and guarantee ot UNSURPASSED QUALITY. lie sure you find the words IrilE "LOLID VELVETEEN" ON EVERY YARD, or you have not THE GENUINE LOUIS," Notwithstanding all..oerllo." to tile contrary. Wholc.alellmd"n Agent, J. H. FULLER,92, W;>tUng- street. who will send em enquiry. post tree, the llaml"1 of the neareit drapers from whom the genuine LOUIS VELVETEEN can be obtained. 38768 NOTICE.—Mr. F. n. JONES, Wholewle J. and IMan FISK and fHUT MERCHANT. Bridge-street. Cardiff, bP, w inform the nobilily, sentrv, hotel psvprlet<i?, and (}tlH. that b h OPENED a Shop .in ill RCil-STREET, for the sale of Fish ana Poultry oi it(, best quality, combined with Fish Should h" K- L?slq,,L:tlity,cinibinttiA tittt puthe patr(magc he will endeavour to supply R-1?4 article at the lowest f,?o?s ie price. Uy'teM Sixpence and Nincpence per do/^n. All ONC," puncLUAlLy at- tended to. Also a constant supply of Native Oysters, £ gga. Ac. rpiIE DREADFL L -'lUWEH AT KID- 1 ELLY.-Staekjx»leCourt, where t crime was committed,aml'1 he fJrindpd ".itueuea were PHM- GRAPHED by HcrrGOLDMAN. C.pi,. to w 1, t bis st.di., Swansea, S"an- Old Castle Views may also be had. piANOS. A MEHICAN QliGANK. HARMONIUMS. ¡ It:slÇ W AllliHOUSE, 31. QnES-STBEET. NEATH. MR. J.W. ROBINSON Respectfully invites Intending" to Inspect his Stock, or w rit4> for price) to above Adaress. He il prepared to offer Instru- ments of any Make at Prl- which will be found by eOlUpo.r¡80tI to be tlie Lowest in the Trade for Cash, or on any of the recognised Systems ot purchase. MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 21. QUEEN-STREET, NRATH. BRATTICE CLOTH BRATTICE D CLOTH!! DmrnCE CLOTH! T H E B EST A 11 CHEAPEST. W. p 'd to TENDER tor the SUPPLY of BRATTICE CLOTH and AIR TUBING of every de- -A'd, 38Z7ô 'Iql? I W. D. 1 H. 0. WILLS sXTERFIXE SIIA0 TOBACCO. IX PACKETS OF 4oz" 20." 'u' TRADR MAKK—"A STAR." 11212 Jpnru '8 JXJliCTION' HYGIENIC. INFALLIBLE, and PRESERVATIVE. Cures prompt.1y, without additiolial mn., aU nt f chronic discharge* ot the urinary organs. Price 4s. 601. per bottle, Boldin Pari. by J, FNT. (,u_or to Bn>u). Pbarmaclen, U&. Rue Richelieu ;in ú>ndon b, W u OX .d Co., IQ, Oxford street, W., who iU *t?? ;t. carriage P-1 ..v t..? i ? th, U,?itd "gd"m ou | rKtiplol WM>. wtoitl CA.Wo Wds ilublit gmuomtHtO. CAkt DIFF. N EW TIUAl'ItE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Lesaee.Mr. W. H. DAW. Sole Manager, Mr E. Br.aa. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, FEBRUABJ ze, MX D'OYLKl CARTES OPEIU c^MPAN V W.Utppt.rmCi)?rt and SuUi'tu'?<? '"L?MM Comic Opera, the I'IR.r?'\?"'i?NZANCE, Or h??$1.,??fD.ty Preceded at 7.30 Ii)' 1"" O"rt¡a eDtld" IX AU IX. Magnificent C«ot of CtW.t. r..w..r!?'C).)!.9. A??entedi)?- NKW SCENERY BY.I.N? ?A'ef "rur ,H'l'ERNOÛN,j I SPECIAL DAV PERFORMANCE- -,w,, .1 2. ,t 2.4; Half for Chlldrenunder 12 ycarfc NKXT I IN EI;K. I Mr. JAMES BUCHANAN Ann bí P.?wcrM C.?u'ny !a Ddre" HaMiday's es^at ?0?!? UAMH Doors open at 7. Commence at 7 30. Carriage# at 10,30, *Phe?ofA.'m!'i'.ion.htr?){th:.En??tn'!et:- Private Boxes, 31s. 6d. and 21s.; D.> ss tirvl^, ♦«.; pj Stalls, 2s. Gi Pit, Is.: Gallery, €d. NohaJfprlce. BOl Puus at Ir, Wm, F O U _R T H S E A S 0 X: MEN0KLSSOHN"S -ST. I'ALL." CARDIFF CHOEAL ANli oRCH £ STR.»L SOCHTY AxsrAL SLlisCKIl'floN CONCERT, WEDNEEDAT.APRIL 27, 1831, ATWOOU-STKKKJ C 11 A P E L, Assisted by th« loilo»ing (.minbt Artbte. SOPItA.N'V, M?u?t CATM??E FE.,NA ?. (Principal Soprano 01 U, Sacred llamonic Concerts. Lo.idonj. VlilTIUL{v, MIllS ANNIE WILLIAMS, Londoa. Ta.voH. loh, liES DAVIKS. R.A.M. Bavt, M.- ?f-VAI BlilCK' BAND AND CHORUS-150 PERFORMSBB. ALcecaodmerp!a? nist. i".C. B,tLvli ??"?" ?:A: ?-?.C?. Conductor Mr. J). C. DA\ IS, AdmUiloii—Iteservcd 3ts (Non subwribers). »•# G.11 ?s. 6d.; Back F-t., Is. S'.ibswr.»*f# of Ml h. "Ill he Dtitlt'4 to five tkkB; ,HUfJ ot 10 &1., ta«> ?.tiet?t']ffMti)p«-h)iyre<t?tt:. ??76 LJT. JOHN'S SCHOOLROOM ? C!tUCkHEM'l'O?N. AV AMATEUR CONCERT Will be given in tlie above Schoolroom onTTESDAY. M-1, 1. 1281, lor the purpose nt Providing F"?d- I'' an Organ for St. J. church. livatiarv??k. '"U'AT'U?'? -?'t S'?'Pti'S?'t" Will be Performed. Doors op."n at 7.30. Concert t., ojnunence at 8 Q'cWok. A1)det,, 2,. Back Solit. Is. =-==-=.-==-===, 3J276 SWAMSEA N- EW THEATRE, wixivs'rBEKi; NEl%' DlKSCToS A. M-?ILL?. TO-NIGHT (MONDAl). i'~B. 28, EMM'S b 1-F I T On whicli OCCA5iim will be &re*ented one of the 2t £ MAUSABLE CHJMBiNATlOSS OF APTRACTIONS f Ever known. Alter an nbseuce of manyyairj* The Famous Come<!ian, M U. JOHN ROUSE. Will R"ne,,J'I!¡':Sft;t,£l1n;r'fâl'¡;¿'.1L JAO?* A ),.A ybi upwards 400uIgMa at .I. Th".t"' M! F/?CE'?1' LOMAX TO-NIGHT as COUPEAU. iu the Great Deiirlxua Tremens Scene, from DRINK. TO-NIGHT Mit. GEORGB MELVILLE Will Be:PI'ar us Fabian aml L,?i6 -L.1 F?-b4 t!le Corican Hroth. Aug.?.t?d Btnd.?n? th? d-fecttun of W. P. Hulley. Augm;:Md It'fif õt;; LfV':1°be o:SuJley. The remr"bi. Legendaiy Drama, 1. I'?. AU. 1,0. tn^ French, el1ith. THE CO't??'BMOTHERS. Abi.. d?,i F-, T*Ui I Mr. G»>BO* &I: Lui. d?i FmneL?sBit i Act I.—Corsica. The Vendetta. The ApOBiT Act 2.—Forest of Fontainebleau. TheOuei. Mtt* ?UZA MA?KN)?'YMe tet*. For this Niijlit Onlv,EMM'S Comic Dra«ia,_ THE ?S?'* WALL, ? THE BAUNTLL) JUL% Characters by Mr. E. &c.- i Misses Constance Lewi3, and AdelaideChippeftdale, HICAROO .ad Oaki, t be ret J ugalc For the hmatiti only time here, th(-Cojm)c;" ?? 'I'HAT JACK. Jack the Boots Mr. JOHN B017M ELIOT and BENSON, B?,,g .,?d D. Men. iDuring the Evening MiM CONSTANCE LE% will Sing a Popular Ballad. EDGAR j,t'l!fI!1II;'¡""tur¡'t. For tbls '¡¡;bt Onl"tt¡"YLlIIlI!\ SC £ N £ from Chae. ?ortt.t. {?.l? Gr?.t FU?, n K t NK Rp.t&l by xprc p"I'cn -i the dhUcpllllad Author. CMp«tu .?.?r. FAWCETT LOMAf, 'Cl'?"-t- by tfu Company. Durf.g the E ig At! CrLFtPl?' iC T PY;Iill During the Evening (¡.. CHIPPENDALE wlU Sings For this Night Only, EMM'S Extraordinary Mil Abmirdity, X Y. Z Or FROM INLIUCTIOF I RWIMIR. X, y, Z, .Mr. EMM. DJu, a. 20. W., and 20. ö Pit and P",me8a4e, lad ;Gall,?ri, 6d. Box OfEm open fmm Twelve till 2%m, at ¡Sr:,6d&x t:,oYnJ;t'I Box Seats may be reserved without extra cliarge. Doors open at 7 I Commence at 7.30. MERTHYR. T E M I' E It A N C ER A L L, MEBTHYB. CHARLES DILLON, WIn MISS BELLA MORTIMER, AMD FULL AND EFFICIENT COMPACT. will pay a fietam Visit ta Merth,ro" FRIDAY and SATCKDAY, March 4 tod 5. FRIDAY: MERCHANT OF VENICE. -hylk Mr. Ch*r)<t DiUoa. Vorlla Mi« Mortimer. I 8ATUBDAY: tMB M A C B E T H URN ITU RE. GREAT REDUCTION 1.14 THIS II PRICE OF FURNITURE, AT ^lsot'S STEAM CABINET WORKS, 19,20, 21,22, and 23, FAIRFAX-ST BEET, Md 58 and 59, BEOADMEAD, BRISTOL. L S O P'S STEAM CABINET AND FURNITURE WOIUU I 19. 20. 21, 22, and 23, FJJRf Ai-STRilKT. and 58 & 59, IIROADMEAU BRISTOL. I*reraises and Stock are the L.rgest i n Brisll uW tbe West o! England. TAPESTRY CABPET9. l/6t I äJDDEB)j(Ii!Tl'Rdo.l¡ lOt IBRUSSELS Moo. 2W iiphl-io MAITItEi# 2; ALSOP's.-lSt. Cd.—EASY CHAIR, ia ieatber Clotit -tid L'?a?m, A LSOP'S.-S GUINEAS.—WALNUT DR.HnG-ROOM 8t:ITE, .P?U- "'Kt, Cy C, t, .?.1 St. MMtt Chairs; Walnut CliUTorird«, J:. ios.; Oval Cenlre TaM.. W 4*. A LSOPS,-f;4. BIRCH BEDROOM ITF, complete, oomprisiug Bed- stead with Pail!u<jes, Drawers, Toilet hble. TQ"d.¡¡.0.1 Four Ol1ain. A LSOP'S.— £ 0. SOLID MAHOGANY /A ?tNtKG TABLE, 8 feet ?M. with two Louse Leaves and Patent Screw; Smaller ditto, with One Loaf. 88s. A LSOP'S-I?.M.-MAtiOCAXY PAR- 11 MCR CHAIRS, covered fa RWr- clotii; Ger.tleman's Easy Chair CO I"wh. 3<5s.; Mahogany ovjl Cent/a ?k.<'?'; Chiffonnie^, 50J. U. or Couch, VJi. A LSOFS.s—HAT & UMBRELLA 1-1. M.?D. with <?)o'-e-?t *'?  i<t? ?ck larger ditto, with Martt. Stub, Plate-glass Baca, arid Dn»w«r, 4,. FURBISH T H R o V U H O V T 4L?OP'? STEAM CABINET WORKSfc 19. 20, 21, 22, 23. FALBFAX-STERST, Am 58?59.?0.<M"?. BBISTOL. irmr AN,  9, WINE-STREET, B RISTOI, A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, AND JEWELLERY, SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOCKS. BU-RXAN'SThr? Gai?gitver Engd.hL?w Watch, Capped. Jewelled, and Hall Marked, LorM « S..Il Size, t., Lad" (i?.t,. w-, i, warranted f. \ve y- and is Lhe only reliable watch e.-r .t price. Old- Ily Post receive special atUntion, and any article purchaBcd can be exchanged if not .pproY8.1 of. The Finest Selection out of London of WEBDIMG, KBBPEB, PASCY. AND tlGYD RINGS. 9, WINE-STREE-, BRISTOL. Oballm the CI", and TlniebaU over V>» w»t; ,1. At Oue p.m. Tl1E-J.:i¡Ü:MIi:- T SVKB* UTt&l&ü.