TiATTCL T and SON ■ I IA n.? the LA no ERT FURNITURE Warehouse out of London. D\iU. I t WIs and SON I J n?.ith.r.jrj;f9ttn.JB?t S.fCtt,l Stock out ofLondon ')? .<\iTn' LWIs ?)d SON I J Exhibit I'.II immense Stock .'CL'MU?-.CAMPM'S. l?U(??, FI.00[t-CLOTUS, U:OL;t'M. At' DVVlLiTT" L \\TSaud SuN JL? Ht'<!Mr)'Kitrcput<ti..M \f superior good* at the lowest pr i 'o. Fin: PER (c'óT DISCOUNT TO CASH PURCHASERS. ——— 39295 L\t, ar.d nr., HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF,


^Dipping !1.IJU£f5. I s LïO LIE UNITED G ;;TATES STEAM EKS-One jjf lowered STEAMSHIPS will be des- 1,lehe.! 'm L?ILRPOOL to NEW VOKK every m-RPAi Captain? „ Capta, i. ns, A B ';I N (A Douglas ARIZONA Murray [NEVADA .I'.Mits W YOMINO R'gH- IIIIAIIA WIS* ONSIN HentVv OREGON Mack 'Calling ut Ql'EENSTO'WN the following day to .m'l t.)kf'd throuRh t, San Franciscoand aU J 1").nt.ll\JI ^SomLiverpool f New York I !!ate. 01 Pa""O I",au L,,erpool t<, Now t.k I ('aNn lOi:l :(; r::&i:Ÿ'('k?l;;I' aI:d .PHa- !Vlphia,i6fo. inchJÙiu, a pleutilul.'uppiv o provision,, rooted and nf'd M the Company s stewamj. Pas- ong ?(,rWArdvi to portend. Qnvbee. or Baltimore at TLm* sieaiiiers ca.ry \1rlZ\"QII and Stward8Ue3 tree, and iUt" provi d "Ith sinoke-ruoms BUû room* CHI dtik. ami tJ8tb-room below also ¡..lan(.s Passeugrrs are recommended tj btwu their Tickou from our Agent,tetore leaving hom. For Freigut ana Passat;'apply rot.' Guion and Co., 11. Kumtord-street, or *6, Water-»tr«*o!. Liverpool; and t, 'ù "'tr!f.t1a(.'e-. 1I MrAa. L.odou. 8.\N Qt" Jamus ami Co., Que« and for Passage only to Owen Morgan. Moigan-street, Fontvpridd William H. hock*. 11 ..d I, ti-t D(?ck-st?t. ".Wprt John Witt*. Packet Office, Beaufort Wharf, Newport W, »tiir>.Kerrv, Caroline-street, Bridgend G. p)" p. Ottk't Macule# Hurley, Matthews, and Co., 26, t. ».t,» ^r ^ari-4<4U*fe» Cardiff Frederick Foley, IVmtt- I' "I John Clrk?. PwHhh and Ll,? HiMiU'lnev Jone»»3. Uiactrstrt'ft. Portm" • lirvy.r. Biu« Bell Haul, Conw.iv; OrifKth jo",V", n?l 11 ? J, William*, '(81." yi.arnroeu's U,?i.?. 1..rkt't'3f't.CM. iarvon. 10684 4 WT Y. EDWAIWS I ?V CARDIFF and EW p;. t YORK ?ul,41lip LINE. Ihr i o';i^ Sfeaniert of this Lint intend to i1 at foil^ws. wirul, weather, and other circumstances per- rlD NEW YORK: FKOM CARDIPF. PTTF,OT 'A. 2.?W IATI l?l-AY, Feb. ?Sth F,T; ? 11 i? IIA. 3.OW A1rRUA'f, Mar.19h RIIEI*FINA? 2,bLV t, ItiAT U RDA Y. M,r.h FROM EW yõRi TO CARDIFF. I il A, 3.ocx? tom Saturday,Feb.yth ItHd ""A, 2."0 I";?, ??: 8ATTKDAY, M.H th 1!H!LJL\, 2.3CA) tons 8ATCRDAY. Mar. 26th UOM CAKDIFF lO PHILADELPHIA. CLIFTON O.UJOWIH SATURDAY, Feb. 26th 'l!, "r Lading¡;);lI classes of ODI and 1 i t.. and from Birmingham,Gloucester, Brbwl, tur, Hertford, W<»irerlwim|doJ», Manchester. i t<»!ilon, Stafford. Abergavenny, Swansea, > Merthvr, Ac., Ac., and traces in the Western ■* >i Canada, including Chieago, 8t. Louis, Mil-i Paul's. Toledo, Buffalo, Detroit,Toronto* ;-r j¡: Boston, Baltimore, Ac.. ie., in eonjunc* "1 with the principal Railw.iv Companies on both MUS. C !"IH>{," r.-ute for nil elllsse. of Goods to and from the MiJlaud Lhstlit.. Ihvk L'uei, LanJln" and Wareliousing Charges. Ac., ø, nrie:i lower in Cuidifl than any oi the other fuUt- st?»ntic Pons. for Fre^l.t Charges and Ott", particular, apply to V. fcDW AhDH, C."ift and ?N 'w?-t U h\KK. EDWARDS, and C. Bri.kJI i r • «. P. 1 t LLEY. 51. South-street, New York. DuSMA> C1'K1UK*SCASTLE X-INE .LJ' IWLU MAIL PACKETS to OI"H AFRICA :UTU.1 LONDON. DARTMOtTH. and MADEIRA. Shortest and L'i?_P.t 1U!t"- F-tlr p&rt¡('ul". freight, and p".g,, »j>pJy A.FAt,-STIN.T?.?=?_ 16, 8'. Mar).srl"U"t. Swansea. 33906 f^AKin F F, SWANSEA, \J r.KLFAST ORE KNOCK, AN D The &r. Stfam Ships AVON, SOLWAY /Building). SEVERN, AND PRINCESS ALEXANDRA I Ae, intended to Sail with Goods and Passengers as follows — :• tail Helfast tv érZ11Œ G lasgow to Cardiff, and Glasgow. via Belfast. III'.J M.-r.l Mar.} 7? M-.nday 7 pm 5 S_turda. 1 pm 4 FrIday n' 2 P. I. >J »:id«y 4 pm M Saturday 4 pmll Friday 2 pm 217 pm 19 Saturday 1 pml8 Friday 2 pm 28 Monday 4 PDll26 Saturday 3 pm 25 Friday 2 pm t" lk:I.,t 1:tf¡ut t\1 Swan-Glasgow to Swan- aud Glasgow. Ka. Nea. via Belf. ] lar) j |Mar.] 5 dyl pm 1 1,-Ly 1 r. 7 :\hmdaY.n 2pm «2 >.vuruay 2 pm 8 T.A?), 2 pm 14 Monday. 2pm i9 taturdav 6 pui IS Tuesday 1 pm zi Monday. 2pm U; Saturday 1 pu» 22 Tuesday 2|>m,28 !I?,, y 2 pm cS 1'ra\' 1 "m! I :jfli::a¡7- l()s. Sreemx-N ,r Glasgow Cabin. M.; Steerage, 12s. 6d. tidier* or ? qsit- 10«- Retx^rus at ta1* V»d 6Â'r; r ;w:o \5j(: & t nt. Wm. Lindsav an.i Co.; Belft. R. H,.d,,?.d Son Bristol, Mark Whit wil IS" Sw: M. JOYES *n 1 bK</lHRBS; Newport.R. Burton and Bon: Cardiff, E. T" ytOR and CO^fc*. Pl?l" Docks. -D- -I -}: 1,' C T S T E A i COllDtrn C A HON t) 17 'f 1] 1%' A 1, E 8 P I J:LI, BERWEEN W ALES LiVHRPOOL ANl> SOUTH WALES. I The DrBLI GENERAL STEAM SHIPPIVO COMPANY'S StoaTta'ra art api<iihtf J tç. SAIL .« uuiitr (weather permitting) 1)1. to CARDIFF cverv SATURDAY. Li N. ].,RP(IOL to CARDIFF '.very MONDAY. CARDIFF to Dl'ULIN' every WEDNFSDAV. Iv. Rates nd further particulars apply at She Office, Of the ('mpanv. SPE.NCKB HOCK, KCBLIN T. ¡I VFFLE. 20. brunswick-itreet, L;verpovl; or W E. TAYLOR and CO, 36239 69, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. ^AP^ITF AND BKISTOL Sfl. WYE OR LADY MARY. I V > K H.1381. „ frotn uute i/ocks, 1 Tuesday 4 £ 0 after 2 W edi.ej^Jay 5 0 ail« iUujHiay ), ;.tltT St 6 3)m ru ;a: 7 &J'(u.sday 7 4 mum I ??dh?tt". 345u?n' IO?T)m'day..tO]:murn l.aKriday \'<I 0 :i "t. ?t??nrday?? 1 80 ft" I 14 Montiay 0 alter 25 'luesday 3 45 ar.r 10 Wednesday 1 5 alter 17 Thursday after .?'?..? 5 ¡; 9 Katur«lay 30 atter ''2aTuesday 7 Omorn &I"dHf:dKY 74b morn t^'Hiur-day J 0mr,rn v. '0 15 tno-n 2- -'v Mritay \Z J> ?r 2 v.uiilav ,1) athr T e'? a' 3 3) after ?? W .til,,h\ 4 0 after a T »i. i. «• a an ♦ From DlIW"I't aasin, I Bristol. latite?(ta 7 45 morn 2uWednesday.. b lb. <jal'hursday S Omoru 4 FriJ?y. 9 8,),n .5 10 1,, 7Mu!?a?.?..?lI?uur« å :j :U I' 9 Wednesday I 0 ft., lOThurs?y '2 45 after 11 Friday 4 16 after 1^ 't; ;.iay 5 0 "Ite. '5aruesday .0 7 0 inorn 1_ W,-d ?'?-.d?y f ao r,, 17aThursdav 0 Omorn '.ScFriday .? 8 30 morn 19 'Hntur'lay 0 21 Monday 10 15 morn I ^2 Tuesday 11 Omorn ?12, 4,5) Ml?.r?y 1 0 af^er IB Friday.. S 45 after 2*3 Saturday 4 0 after M 'ii d '• 45 ,:h r 30 i edne««iav 1 (, morn 1'I' 3 0 moru a To-ftnd-Fro. I rA)t?.-AfwC?..N. ?.6<F?' <'?Mn.?.M. lo-and-Fr^livfce'sissu'd (nr return trip onaameday n m'?ke.?' A"? 'C?H. 31 ?d.. Fore C'abii», 2 T? Inù-rru TiektL4 ill U- i,- t!d Saturday,available for t'jTet irn tr:.[» on M -tio\y. bíps, cvt., for fpalt. 'in\ in\:M;tt HKICJANTIXK, _l I;I;(J;)t I(: v i; •'dr> 4ic«< k with sails, spars, e." ;i"}.7:1, a, ',c .'i> ^C;O- 't: »^7 lotds. Quung i\oom<J, &r. I.ON DON.  Lû'iDO'i.- n- V s t tU. Y" — HOTEL, -J, i>x K1 £ 1 I'A- bl*UrET CU%']-'NT GARD?.-i. i:-i* well-known Family H >'el, whioli is situatcil in t :'i:r.II:'): ,.rft!; ;i:(:L3it;: r* b.i:H* and j'1\ I. larnithttl throrufhoul, ftl1d is now r t!,1I!' 11l."2! I omelv and r(.Illf)r1atJ! Hotels 111 tho SIetfj|.i.:ij. No;» ithitalidina the iutreased romforts ari.1 a{'wmO-.btlloll. ttuo' at"I" to*- rati: IA dl,trgc5 ;or \:dd, the ll-'te: I a. so )(,)r4H been n^led will tJ. con- PIES' COI'FKr ROOM. lULl.I,UIDS. Z9472 A' K i-CH'r, ? o N ? t.t'<L:ii' .? 18V0. J.U.JH?KS, mLL rO'I¡;I: AND ADVERTISING AGENT. RE\t»all tin- VM\CIPAL /'OSJ'i.Vt; MAliO.NS i. Rf:\H!t?( (.??i;L\<.<fAJ- f'UStt?t; h't-AUU?S itt tf?rv and Irip kept. Mhlrr^ 13. I.LAN ARTII -STTIE ST. 1>'Ai I ICS'S WATKKL.00 TIŒET I'V K>t N DRV. SWANSEA. Pr.>piiK«>rs W. ?TH?tC?.t'?."? Co. ) W E\ AN> (Stride A 'tt({¡. r¡;,r:t )c!;pr. rf FNGIJitERS IKONFOI'NDKK>, hMlTUS, -\i ilT?4. of RogerImi'tw ed si>ip Stivn^g Maclut *nu *la»ai*artu-e'-i A all r?i or A g rf'uLurai itnple- Ow n* aud Sanitars' Casting.. 'y a1'1 Kepairs ot every deripti- p,I,' ty ('"]K???  klluut :? (t' ?O? (TiCliCHKS, S(?HOO" JJysiiTALS. l'OKTABLK HOISKS, Krc., ?7 A?.. ?M. KtbTU? KOAD. LUXHOX. K.W t>i >ors. • the fate C. KK.VT B-G TN Jnlorm C-r .ij,. »fl(t ,,t!r<thaf his Uinsnt-.l death IP jnt..rt..rt with the continuance of tho aUove U«ine«s. A[.J..?'Mn??r <?':EMtnd ot?m?tea. :add to Ma»:agii»j aU»ve, w iJ r"I t m«!ned>at-atfention.! 41H? C^AKIUIF APVURTtS?C. BlLL- c I'ljiuNG. AM) OKCH.AM DISTRIBL'TINO (.OMfA?Y(HMHtD). hCKETAJlY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Po. Pirmaneiit Posting BUtlous ill Cardiff :4nd Sei^»ibour?:ood. Cot.vrairior^ i«»r all desoriptioni .1 I Ad^#rti»tn^»Ctrculair DiotriUiling, Ac. Ail oru»-rs prompt'v ,td rl'lI': (iliKAT HLO()l> rUiUFIEU.— 1 tHOMP.>ONS BURl->OCli PILLS purity the; L\.&tt LoIoou,and relieve nry Disease cf btomaeh, j L.r and k.Jneys. Pure Blood gives Health. Thou- stTiua ha\p ell cured by wonderful Pi (Li, whoe } <-«a»e cwu.d not be reached t,y 8Y oilier medicine.— ;°.1, t.'v all chemists, io bo*ej,at h. ld ard 3d. T -v» i* Itv ra.i 'oarvaiitlr^'i 200o Ti Vi WJLUiJuV MAIL, n,n "ST ADVEJOULKO MBUTUbt, DANIEL QWKX; JJOWELL& CO. I 00MMEKCIAI, AND FANCY STATIONERS, 4, "WESTERN MAIL" BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, An' now showing a LARGE ASSORTMENT OFOFbllgcE 8TATIOYfRY, Ot wblch tl1t'Y Solicit &n lU:I{b:t.4vU. Bi.1 values in ACCODNT-BOOKS town make). COPVlNti PRESSES at makers' ¡orice.. LERVER. BOOES. bTANLIS, Ac. OAK and WALNUT STATIONEKV CABINETS, A L*ri(e Stoc just received. Ttie 511 UTTER" CABINET, in Th- 8i, &1." INVOlCBand Ltt'lTER RACKS aud ENVELOPE BOXES. All the Leading Makes in STEEl, PES. Including GiUott'a,Turner's, Heath's, Brauuauer's, Ac, I ;t'I;t.4JI;;I' I N k S. A Larr.e Stock on band. Any other makes procured Morda.Vs IVORY and SILVER PENCILS. Perry's ALUMINIUM PENCILS. Cohen's, Far's. anJ Rowney's DRAWING PENCILS. TRACING CLOTH and PA rER. PAPER BIN UIIS. and ELASTIC BANDS, 10 large or omall quantities. LKTIKRCABES, BILL CASES. POCKET-BOOKS, BLOTTlNG-BOOKb, aud other LHATHfiR GOOUb. All the Leading Makes in NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Bob i?r g, r-I and "rc! i;d U, (rum 13. &1. p?r rwaiu and 2s. 6d. per 1,00) Sautples and Estimated l.r qiunfities sent, if rt"Ouln..t. .$'alt5 bp auction, iF »> WOULD ITYYEXT TO &>LICTT*R$, AUCTIONEERS, ETTAI*I AYTMS, Uá fJlMN. (AT YREA £ ADIVUIUT^E '/ý WU"ÙJ AURRTIEFRORMFORIVARDINFFOR TU'TTBI'.WK AT OUR UffiCt. OI :RW. AS /OR REFERTIUE AND DIIIRIBUTIAN, L'&TCUOYUE* OJ STOCK ATUI R\IRTMURE, PLANS OF BILAIES, AND *NN»UHUIIIENTS *J tM HALE f -11, 'f"perty, "dl' c ?timw. CENTRAL TITHOTVM OF THE :r¿;'u.T:. :a¿.j. OUR C&JTIUNT &ntt,.CQ"" InOt 'fWY PART .1 THIS ,d Ile NETTJHOOUNNF COUNTTES, enoNe W(« FACILITATE 'A' DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY «F EVERY DESVRTPTWH. M«sr». bEXXOS A iEtt IS. fti:0Inê?:0. 8. MR.T.H. DAVIES. LN..b111 and FrceholdPro|>erty, at 8wansea .March I Mi. K. J.KVANB. Horses, Carts, Harness, Ac., at Penarth & Mr. L. GOETWALRL. Fire Proof Sates, at Newport March 1 Carpets. BlanLets, Ac.,at Cardiff March 3 Nurserv Stock, It Newport March 9 Messrs. W. GUAIIAM "ud50, TimberTret., I Aberdare Junction March 10 Messrs. W.aud S. HERN. Bookseller's Stock, Ac., at Cardiff March 1 and 2 Mr. C. HUGHES( ?,t.,ty i Hughes). Business Premises, at Swansea March 8 Mr. D. JAMES. B.,d Pt,t-, at gkMt r t.? March j Mr. J M.LEEDER. Freehold Property. Ac., ut Swansea March 3 MR. J. G. MADDOX. Hoi.seliold Furuiiurf, at Peuarth March 8 DuUn Bulb" at Cardiff March 6, Messrs. W. J, LOWES A SON. Ttelwld a id Leasehold Property, Swansea March 1 .NI'6 B. MERRALL & CO. 6.E. 2 E. ROBERTS & SON. Freehold Property, at Swansea March 8 Messrs. STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER, A Co. F??it irevs, Ac., at Clliiff 4.-1,2 Farming Stock, near Cardiff March 3 Horses, at Cardiff March 4 Colliery H. Ac., at C.diff March5 M.n Furniture Vans. Good will, !c, March 6 Fanning S">ck. near Cardiff March 10 Mr. J. 6THAK E R. Fit at LJang.nIlY 2  COWBRIDGE. I THE SALE oE FAT S'WCK, adertiwd to take place on TUESDAY, March 1, for Mt. William Thoma3, the liavea Farm, Sully. WILL NOT BE HELD, ill wumqut-tice of tiie UrJ.oed by the Privy Council for the prevention of 14.. removal of Cattle, Ac. l'he SALE "I HORSES, as previousl, y announcedB, will he held at the same time and place. Sffa'HKli80N..1LI>XA.'iDER, and CO., Auctioneers. February- 22. 1831. 39Z11 SALE TO-MORROW. THE RKPOSITXJKV. CARDIFF. Sale úf mafiuiliccntTwo-years Transl.\I&1\tcd Ircb. Fir, Spruoe, Scotch Fir. Austrian Vim*. Pluus Wicio. Pear, Apple, and Plum Trees Choice Dwarf Boats (llAwt.d). Jloss 1ü)s ùr hi-1ft" (uained). Choice. Ivies (Irish and Variegated'. Hawttujrn Quicks. Rhododendrons of MKSSI{S. STEPHESON, ALEXAN- II DEK. and CO. are i.?l,ucte?i by Mr. Daniel Wutherly.ol Builtb Nursaries.toSELLby AUCTION at thir Repository, CrockbcrbWwu. Cardiff, on WEDNES- DAY. March t. at Twelve o'clock, a consignment of ORNAMENTAL SHRUB" RU;E"3 1"illlclT TREES. FOREST TRKKS. kc. Goods on view the Morning ol Sale. Catalogues may be had oi the Auctin. 3921 CUVIIT- YRALLA, NEAR CARDIFF. MESSRS. STEPRENSON, ALEXAN- .1.' DBa, and CO. are instructed by Mr. %Viiii, iraucis, who is leaving tbe farm, to BELL by AUC- TION, without lWserw. ou THURSDAY, the Lin I'?! MFARAlINti 'STWKI' vi the IMPLEMENTS. C:I 8 rf:: f. &Ir:o. Vear-okd heifers, I)U,t.. C-7i,, are in ("If pair of tw^- year-old su-er«, two, Durham ball, 3 tat row" 6 vearlinkr (Silves,2cart horses, 16 hands; cob mare, ex- wlteut worker; tar,?,d colt, two,year-old illy,i sucking ,y, 2 SOW! with litt?,, .1 I3 pis, which will be sold u convenient IoU. Mow and two pieces of meadow hav. about 20 tons; 2 mow t of oat !tmw. IMPLEMENTS.—Waggon, cart» combined mowing macuiue bv S&nluel."?. tone rake, Cambridge rolJt:r WL?LA,?? \1JUo, "heel ploul(h, t wo lWin ditto, ?-t ot dr«u«, •oantifr. turnip scurtier. drill, aud mller; pulper, ehaffcutter, weighing machine, w i er tcn4», ric* cloth, trough, grinastone, ladders, trap. 0.0.. f. eliaft, and trap tarneas, double cheese press, 3 ,hurao. and a qtiwttity, of dairy and other utensils. Luncheon at Twelve. Bale at One v'c¡vek preci3<ly. Tl1r mouths' credit wi 1I be give n upon approved -I-itytopumnrsofA:l 0. or d?wouth at the rateof 5 per cent, per annum. roI1ufo< t a;ifY that the pre",nt re- strictions prohibiting the Sale of ('?ttle at hairs anJ ,t,rl,3 not affect the 8"le of Stock being h*ld upou tn unaffected districts where th?,t-k has been in po:J'kll0U 01 t ?.,dy,. HORSE SAI^'FOR MARCH. MESSRS. STEI'HENSON, ?LEXA?N- .1.L DER, and CO. S BXT LARGE SALE by H L'NTE KS? H AKNESS HOMES, COL- and POXIB9 ,? U N I"? RS. HARNESS 110?? ,,ff.IDA J', the iLl be 1,,Id,,t III 1881, at 12.30 1'01" including Brown Mare Casaowarv." aud Grev Gi lding Slave, quiet in harneSN liave^een regularlydrlveu wbeekr andleader in tandeoi.tb* property ot the Ki|{ht Hon also thirty ty the property of «enltemen aud larmers in the nt¡ghoourbood. Full partieulan will appear in Cata:ogue, to Ibe oh- tained vI tile Auct.ioDeer.. IlL the Repository. Queen • Chamfers. Cardiff. -¡¡O¡';KiT<Ü:Ii¡;POSïTo- c RUCE?. CAIWIH'. IESSlt. ALEXAN- DER. and CO.'S NEXT FORTNIGHTLY BALE of Colliery. Cart, aud other HORSES. CARRIAGES, and H ARNEbb Will be held at their Repository, ou SA'I' IWA March B. 1&81. at 2.3Ci I'. In precisely. Total expen* of each hurse offered and not wid. he ohtllill! -322- BLSlNKSs AT CARDIFF. MESSRS. STbHiKMU? ALEXAN- ..J.l-L uEK.tndCO.,win?rn.tfdbythrPTOf.nft.jrt ?rr.r.?.tut.. SALE..L th. ?"' Ar-? H,?1,1. Cardiff, at Seven o'clock p.m.. ou ILKbDAY, the 8th dAy .1 hf.,?h 1881 tt?? ?'"?"L???THEPKEM?P.S. Situate in Th U.yM.Ctrd.ft.o(?Ler with the ?.?t, uab,te extensive Vj \\T. HORSES. A?U'?VFUA?CES AXD GOODWILL OF THE "STAB" Ft')??!? REMOVING BCi?ES". T.. Frup?ty.t Mr.?. f. J. D?? .nd ?.. the oM't of its kjud iu S<Jutb Wales. ??'  '-?°' the town compri^ an e?-i?ut Yard aud ?"?;;?, dpt?,l carryirie on a Urge and important business, and oom. ?SYtSci.'? '?.? '?"?"t-'t' 'ed.Wh !?''??r?<-whott.rx.? hou?.? mtheoc- l' ofth' pN1prirt,(,¡n. Thei-eare Lso otber Bu[iding> let o« at remunerative the hM "Iso ?u.'b)t Caul ? h?fti!" adapted for R retail < oal trade. thr J'Itl.nt CLHI3Lit, of the l'lant "KNITUKE VANS. Thtee cart horses, harness, and other appliances, all in excellent condition, and the opportunity affoiued to [.nrc?MCMctth? d?rilitivn of property is 'u ncep- l' '?'??'i ar>- h.'M for the unexpired term of ten years, at annual '?'t .1 L? ?U. but ? a porHun "( "e ?Vrf?ir? i?. *J ? u<! « ? per annum, the rent is thereby Til e -hull' may be inspected óiud tuJl inH':ntorin retJu.ed 1.0 .1.18. "? ?e A'? ?' L'  obtained upon application to the Aucl:ouer'i. Queen 3 Ch?r..?? ? "?d t. the P¡ovridort, .No. I. The 1t.C.rd¡ft., PRELIMINAKV ANNOCNChMJSM. \?KS?KS. ?t):P!tKKsiO?, ALJb\A?- l' vim. a:t" (;0, r' ;/I,'rllet.1 b}' the A<imwb, M K; IXT ?' A" ?,'?.?.'  ?t. ?"t'?- 'i^OK^l^AV^VALUAifLE LEASEHOLD FROPERTIES. I.tI'? t," of Cardiff, Con<?'?.i;c[?""?e!'d* Hou!K?!?rc<itd.)?< lesideiice of the deceaMd. with the Urge garden, stable, coach-house, amJ oiubuild.ngs. us. 1 !?: W?h'?"?< ?t'?' ?. t? and 'u, Charles street; Shop and, No. HI. b. -V.,y i.? "I Mr. ?'D?v ?)*J?'?''Ncs'32 ?di!?Chd)?n-9tre< No Z4 -nd ar)1*1' *4,?. 2? U?; ?.'?B?Mrd?tfMt; .nd So.. I t?b E,!I?j-?ut.t ''1 appear in  A¡J\'ertisemenh, S,Kul|p»rtiC|ilars will appear '? '?;??''?'??; aud turtbrr iniorinatiou can oI t Au>- Z",A turtb?r Chalnt". Ca.nHI!. or of Meun. .lean; and Morgan, b'Sii?. ?. <??"?"' 3919 'T? H )t tT F"A UC?' t (?"M A H T, ,QUEE_N?SlItEVE. CARDIFF. MR. E. F. KENNARD He.tlu\ly announces the ENLARGEMENT ot his i-r.nitc.tHhe-t?v addres9. which ?'' ? feend irios. siiacii>us and convenient, and litud for th n-ceptt 'ii of ev, rv drurintioii of GOODS. -He intend, conductin g ???'?LE'S ???'??''TL'?{''?.'?'?? ami SATHtbAY t:VE??t.S. t.?.)?xt.- 01 "U,er al.. bv six-cia! arrangement. ?G<?{)'8??i'?<??'i''i'VA'H: S?Ln. Nv"ùrl:"lor wartd'ousiiig. Ten j>er c» rit Coan»iiJiion only charged .w, .U Good! ld. Private ;d,' cunduct4*d 1i usual. CwTS in South Wal. s io. ??OM'EB. 4MERIC\N 01?CAN6, HARMONIUMS. ?f. pi-"? from LJfu ioof.innsas, with the usual guarantee. In- j Bv».i<'bt. Sold, (Ir Exchanged. pt!r.4oiu d"1i"H vf disposing oi their Ootids without Hit" u*ual Iw:uleflt to sales at private IIL"- "m 1'?d thig establishment all hey can desire. A?? '?tt't? within Twenty-iour )Mu)_?ter Bale. "n, ,a9291, jjt'DSONSMITH, WILLIAMS,&DVEU CUARTKRED A('('OL'N'l-A.N IS, Al'DlTOKS, Ai:CTIOXEERS. VALl'ERS, ANI) UENERAL AO EN IS, ALIIEHT CIIAMHEISS, HIOH-STREET, CARDIFF. Mr G. II, DYER. Resident Partner, Cardiff. Hr.iDOtnckd.THi; EXCHAN«L. FRISIOL. K!7M B Alill)N D i, A?c'noxr?i:, ALBERT CHAMBERS, lll(;[I-STI',EETI CARDIFF. tI YI \NIEL OWEN & K).'SA H C D KMLWAY T1MK TABLES, the only M? pub" )"i1t.(. \t.!< price Id. 2'1*' annum f,,? by po?t. j «t, Maiy-'treet. Cardiff. — rI"lIi WEEKLY MAIL, 1 jtt? <;o??e. ??x "WltDAY. TULCB 2A. ^•alrs bp auction, I 13 -A LI; THIS DA).- [ KING'S HEAD HOTEL IARD, NEWPORT, MON. IMPORTANT 1ù IS MERCHANTS, FACTORS, JEWELLERS, PAWNBROKERS, JiVTBL KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. UNRESERVED AU, OI- A VALUABLE CONSIGNMENT OF MRE AND 1111EF PROOF SHES, Direct from the Manufacturer, Thomas Skidmore, Staf- lordshlre Sate Wurks. Woln"rtuul1lJtun, whose Sales in r¡Jitf have given so much siitisiaction. l|l £ LEWIS (JOTTWALTZ has re- l' 1 "eiv", inslnictions to ??.LL by AUCTION, at i.» address, on TUESDAY, [he br ot 1ardl. r;öl. at Twelve ucjùCk prompt, a Valuable C »iiiignraeut FIFTEEN FIRST CLASS WROUGHT IRON FlitP. AND L, WLAH PROOF j' E,j, Fitted with l1d T. Skidiuore's Celebrated Patent baud. 8 itrer j»owdcr-proof Locks, and cach secured by a steel guard plate. The Auctioneer can recommend these Safes with the utmost confidence-as being all every respocl adapted for their professed rtK,lulrdnt::1i, aud are in U3e at Die principal banks,t London, Birmingham, 01111.1 Wolvcr- hamptou. Consigned by the Manufacturer for AhsohiteSalc. Catalogues, with luil¡mrlll.:ular:iaJu,! lbt vi refuencea, may be obtaiued ot the Auctioneer, orut the King's Head HoLd. Oll View Monday. February 28. Theatre H; >alUuiidiiig<, CaruifT. E9104 THEATRE ROiAL BL lLUINGS, ST. MARY-STKEKT. CARDIFF. SALE OF MADE-UP CARPEIB, BLANKETS, Ac., Direct from the Factory. MH. LEWIS GOTTWALTZ has re- 1 cc.iVN ¡nstn,ct!vu. w SELL by AUCTION,at the 4W"e bil,ii,g,, THURSDAY* the 3rd of nch, 1381. tT%pn .wtually. A Consignment of MADE-UP BEST BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, In various sizes; tocthtr with a good assortment of 1JLAKET, SHEETS, 00f OTTOMANS, Ac. Th Carpets ar ot excellent make, allu ready for laving down. Tneatre Royal Buildings, Cardiff. 39177 ALLEN HOUSE. WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. Mii. J. 6 -UAI)DOX is insti ueti'd by Mr. i .J.. J. Leu is, wi?r, who is leaving Penarth, to SEL.L by 'LTIU.N, at the alxtve house, wilnout risitve, on THURSDAY, .March 3,18ol, at Two o'clock in the An" 11UUll, the wholt. ot his Lu. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, For particulai'9 of which see }mJtJbllb. Auctioneers Others, outl Wales Daily Nc«s" C}¡unlter, 76, b. Mary-street, Cardiil. foaSd &A LE OF VUOlCEsi' R IN G BU LBS, Just ilnix?rt? Lit-),. of LILIES, GLADIOLUS, RAN UNCI'LAS, ANEMONES, Ac., Ac., all named. MR. MADJHJX will SELL the above m valuable Consignment by AttTIO. without jiÍ(('t. a, hi3 Rooms, iu the "S"?tt' N^ales Daily News" Chambers, Cardiff, on SATURDAY Next, the bL1 day of March, 1831. at Three o'clock precisely. Catalogues may be liad ou application. 39273 | SALE TO-DAY AND TO-MORUOW. I SALE OF ABANKIvLPT BTOUK OF A BOOKSELLER I AND STATIONEIC, Consisting oi about 600 Lots of High-Cla?s and Rare Books, Stationery, aud 12 Iron Sales. MESSRS. W. and s. HERN WUISELLI A L: L:TIUN, at the Victoria Rooms, St. Mary- street. Cardiff, 011 TUESDAY, WEDNEaDAY. 1"1 t THURSDAY, March 1, d, and i, 1881 (Tuesday at Eleven a.m.. '1'w' and put. Wednesday at Eleven alu. and Seven p.m.; and Thursday at Eleveu UJII., Two and Sev»«n p.mi, the Stock ot a Bankrupt Bookseller and a Library, Removed for convenience of Sale,comprising, amongst other rare and excellent works, the lolkmlJl BOOKS:— The NaUollal Gallery (Selection of Engravings). Phct". graphic Art Union, the Art Joum* Turner and Huskiu'! H^rboun, Isaac Walt-ou'a W,)rk?, B.'?lY', English Dictionary oi Biography, Disraeli's Novels and Tale?. Thackeray's Works, Byron's Works, Carlyle • "'ork:t (complete). JarJwt";j Naluralht' Libtary, chilh:r'! Works, the 1\ullu (T-"Uery, Vcrlon tlnlkry, kembrauJt Gallery, ludia and its N.ti?. Puncej», Tern Hood'> Laughter, Nestlield's Medieval Architecture, W'att'. Industrial Ar t, Cruikshauk's P?tI. Schleuiihl, C(lU' Wavertey Non:l" Fenton's Pcm\Jrùk.uJuro. Hansard', TypoK"'ovlua, Nali's Man3io!w3 of Li9' Ollustratetl), Naval Architecture, F.Ilr sC?ur. His- ton', Clark's Commentary, Gazetteer ot the World, Shakespeare's Works. Smollett's Works, Dickens's Works, Hogarth's Works (rare edition, with suppressed plates), M"llaJ" History of England, Lyttou'a Novels, Don Uuixote (illustrated by Ciuikshank), Milton's Paradise Lost, Dante's 1,,I?rnu (iii.,t.t?d by Gustave Dort), Ptipular Encyclopedia, Ton rHood's Works (illustrated by Gustave Dor6>, C:wU'8History of England, AIJlgbt's National Cycloj^dia, Waverley Soveb (2b volumes;. Knight's 8""k peare, Dibdin's Bibliomania. Teuuyson's Works, Comprehensive Hi.w,y ?t uglHd. Hl!wry Franco-Prussian War, Burns', Scott's, .,?d L gf,il- Poems; Macmillan's Magaxine (17 volumes). Grotesque SkolCh", by Gustavt? Uoo? BherisUjne's Works, Defoe a "vrk., SaturdAy &%ic" FIIrrI"s Life of ?!i!3t anJ Life and W?k of St. Paul, Geikie's Lilt 01 Christ, Good- I win's Works (12 volumes), Calvin's Commentaries, Cornhill M"&a7iDe (3 ,olumes), Longfellow' ,Poem" Ili-y ot Nonconformity, Plutarch'S\Lives, C-' Bible 'Dictionary, Uu?.i" Bentley s bt..d.rd o\'b, Fort-uightly H\iew, N?. Monthly American be?.,?,y l¿O engravings, by Bartlctt), &ot.. 1.'d (ill?'%Mt'd BartleU), Nicholson s Atu ,i?ture, British Poets (48,?,yl, )rof London. Alw TWELVE IRON SAPKrt. In different sizes, warranted i i-proof, Juuidsomely finished, and manufactured by Etiinu-nt Makt rs. Catalogues 3d. each, 011 application t4J tIw Auctioneers, 74, t, Mary-street, C.urdiff. 8Jlæ HALEI'OJmorrow. SALOP-PLACE, PENARTH, NEAR CARDIFF. TO FARMERS, CONTRACTORS, AND OTHERS. MR. Eo J. EVANS has been mstructedby .Mr, D. Edmunds (who is giving up his tarm), and Air. D. U. Edmunds twho is giving up the haulier's business) to SELL by AUCTION, OJJ the Premise aj above, on WEDNESDAY, the ZuJ vI March, lciCl, tire whoie of Uwir valuable HORSIW. CARTS, SPIUG TROLLY, TIMBER CAJUUAGE. FARM WAGGON. SPRING THAt', OIG, HAHBSS. IMPLEMENTS, "0., Full rarticullin of bich appear in postr, Two Months' Credit will be given to purchasers to the amount of tlO 4nJ upwards, or diocount Ivr c.?it alter the rate 01 t5 per cent, per annum. lÙ. to commence at One o'clock punctually. .The Auctioneer is |»ermitted to receive further Ftia for this Sale up to Saturday, tilt abth inst. Auctioneer's Offices, Church-street Chaulbeu,Cl\rditf. Di\\e,\ IIlh fibrwITv. l&H. SALE OF LEASEHOLD AND FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. T. H. DAVIES ha3 rd str.?- II ti" w SELL by AUCTION. at the Casl Ie Hotel, Castle-square, Swausea, on TU Ebi)AY, the 1,, d.y of March. 1831, at Three o'clock ill the Alternoon, subject U» conditions of Sale to be then produced, the LEASEHOLD .MESSUAGE OR DWELLING HOUSE, YARD, GARDEN. COACH-HOUSE. AND Known as 1, fr;;lS, Oystermouth-mad, ¡ bwansea,in the county oi Glamorgan, now in theoccu-| Mr. D,,ii Jones. The premises are h.dù under & Cor\>oration ]t'a for I 75 years frVUI the th day "J I",(¡" lB1,1 the j yearly rent of £ 3 3s. i ALoU A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE AND PREMISES, Situate near the Pent. Turnpike Gate, Swansea afore-1j said, now iu thcoccupatioll ot .\11'° George Hall, and let at the rent of 3s. a week. F?, furUu:r drticula'" and cotui.lions of Sale apply to Mr. J, A. Thomu, ulwltor, lR. York-place, Swansea; or t),i?,t, Au(?tio!ieer, 1$, Union-street. 6%,au- S'M. 3*201 SALE 1'1) MORROW. SWANSEA. SALE OF VALUABLE LICENCED PREMISES AXD DWELLING HOUSES. MESSRS. HOHlRT MEKKALLandCO. have been instructed by the Mortgagees to SELL j'UUL)? ?U"C??J? 't ?i?UMU?'t.CtMittt-. "quart, 8wftn5**a« on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd day of Mart h. 1381. at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject, to C01htitj'Hl9 ot Sale to be then produced), all that LEASEHOLD DOUBLE LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE AND PREMISES, Knowoas the "CLARENCE INN," situate at the corner id Clarence-street and William-street, Swansea, and IWW occupied by Ge<>rjlc Gilbert. This Hou is underlet un 3 repairing leise to Mr. John U,,? for 21 yearo. al the yearly rent ,t £% 0,. "A?o all 'th?t ?'? L? DWELLING HOUSES adJoininK UI6 mtl Inu. Bit?Ltkdllll being Nos Z5. æ. 27,23. and 11. in CIHœ'3tÎt't aforesaid, oecupied by Mr G '7t ..d pr.,l g tUt auuusl -t .1 £ 75 81. The whole or tht above Property Is held underlease for a term of liY9 (two of which ure st.11I ita existence) aud for 99 years, from the 29th 01 September, Y"r'y ground reutoi L*9 The pmis5 are centrally situated, awl -ill lw.y' command tenants. The Auctioneers can, tllerdorc. con- fidently recommend the property to ;"vo,lors Fnr further p?it,u Jar., pp", to MeS!lr5 E,an' aud Davies. SOliciton. 62 Wind-street. .1 w ?A?ctk.u?.?t. their oKet/ ?CMUestr?t?.t. 39287 -'r- SALE THIS DAT. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. i SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASE- HOLD PROPERTIES. MESSRS. W. J. LOWES and SON have been favoured itt, instructions to bELL by F'BL!C AL'C???.?M'C.ttUfroD ArnuHotf). Hi?b .tree' Swansea (subject \0 !ueh COHùltiuns a shall then ?t'h?'!????? 'on''TUESDA'? Mud, 1, !?!" t?e tujtdWtng "?''? p E T i E R— }' R T I E Lot 1 All those 'vur Freehold Dwelling-Houses and Premises, situate '? ?'?'?' 2. ?4. ?'nS h.'i?)?- court, High-street, 1S",all. now occupied bv Mtsrs. Pemrellv; Delbridge, Nicholls, and Parker, ''?'?? ducing an annual rental of £ 41 12s. 't'?* l?" !?e T?. Freehold Dw,ili?,g-t?- and Pr?ii? <itu?.? being ??. 9 and ?. M?b?r' court .[o'reMid. now .-I,i?d by MeMn. MM. Md Greizg, and prjductnii?af.nM.Mi rental) 118 4a. ?? t?.t.?y hMa,. entrance from High-street and Orchard-street. Lot 3. All tb"t Lcaseholù D., ii,?.u,e .d P,- mu-s, 9ituau' and being (I 2, »'ew V inceuHUwrt, aù Areyle-Jtreet. Swansea, conlamiui.' live romts I aud tile usuak oftices, awl now 1\1 the .ii cupalion of Mr. Voctin. tenant, at the weekly rent of bo. &I. H?lat.; .in unexpired P-rin of about SW yearj from Zbth March, liflu thf low arround rent ot Li pr annum. Lot 4. All lbkt Piece or PA?lul Land situate in Bryn. melin-street, tn the burough ol Swansea. Wl"thl'r it Two Messuages or Dwelling-houses (twreulI, ami MIOWII as.Nos. 10arid 11. Bryooielir .tiiacr lirvunie iii-streei This 'propertv IJ held Ivr the resHJu of a term of 7S ?\ ?"??'.? ')',??mh'?'r'. ? ?e (Iawu the 20th d? of November. l,d l.? t the Mdvw. Aldermen, and BUfiCt"5:Sl'S of tJw Hl:rrJII.h .A Swansea of the Hue part, and Henry Bwu t t')'.??." ??. 'h'Mt'? ?s ?kM?t. subiect to the yearly apportioned ground t of &; os. The Vendor reserves t''?" right ? putting this property up-n t\O ioU if thought desirable. "'Ih??'t'?e?n ? t'u ?)' He attention of intending purchaser3 to thp. properties a most ùir4blt itl\ut- i??t.??ehi? ce?tmU'v situated, and in .1, excellent .taw of repair. E.1, to commence at Thr,, o clock. For further ?icu?raM to L1)t 1. 2. Md?.?pP't'to Messrs. Beor and Plant, Solicitors, York-place; or for th? 'w'tjob to thu "?ucti°)nMn. ° 2. 11.Lbfieid-,t-t. 8Witotl"a_ _0_ _391_1_ N S T ATE AGE N C Y. Mr. FINLAT DUN conducts the Sale. Purchase &lId Management or iMnd Property, carries out Untitling. Itwlmaking, theCouslruction F1LnuPrtI:aI1J I othff1:stAte Improvements, and makes Vca.luatiof1., and Arrangements with Tenants. A register kept 01 estates aud farms t,,) eH uuJ Id. Estate Offices 2..Purt,larH,j-Lact, j,owjÕIJ. Vi" • TI fOiN'ES BLIORINTRS; rfuxCu'AL'SiL?. <t POtHE?M AND DBUVKREKB. I HIGH-STREET, NEATH. AND BRUt? FEMT. Circulars AT(?Rir'e?We"d and delivered. Br., to the ?, Great Western and eatb and Brecon Railways, and b. Princijiai Auçt.ioueoCl. Lessees vi the Principal Porting fiww- ^ales bp auction. SWA?NBEA* IMPORTANT SALE BtIlOLIf PROPERTY IN CENTRE OF SWANSEA, AND OF WELL-SECURED LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS. MR. JOHN M. LEEDER has been in- '.1. structed to OFFER fur SALE by AUCTION, at the Mackworth Arms, Wind-stie»-t, Swansea, on THU HSDAY"Li"i 'f Ma",h.I88I, atTbr<o'clocl< in the Alternoon, the following highly important and valuable PROPERTY, All situate in excellent ptaitiuns in the Town Swansea. IN COLLEGE-STREET: Lot 1. AU Ihat luily licensed and well-frequented U1JLl().HUUSJ: kU'Jwn as the Wyndhaju Arms, being .'0," m C 'Ue^e-street, to winch it Ims afruit?geotsi .N u. t, ll,r?UOUt3, with a depth of 122 rt or t I' abouts; together with the iarge PIECE of LAND at the u'k, extending lliud th 'j??IIICE,,ILAiD.111,. hk lor a distauœ of 145 k't:!t or th!'6.boutl. such land being now used ',??;, Ui skittle alley in c:onhw- "'i"g now th W?.d Anus This Lot is let to Thomas Jones and Co., on repair- ing lease, for 21 years from 25th March, 13oJJ, at ",g yarly rent of 100 for tile first two years, nd £llu for the rest of the term, the Le&Scts al) covenanting to $p.nd in impro,emenu within the nrät five years o[ the term TP.p?rty??t?,?d..t the "k the entire distance between High-street and Orchard-street, stretching to itt 90 f-t of High-street on tho vn«t side, and 62 feet o[ Orchaid-etrcet on the other side, and mversavery mn ld? Any improvement that may be made iu the A,.?h=Zd lareelv increase it, valua Lot 2. AU that HOU bh and SHOP adjoimug IA t 1, and known No. 23, Oolleg^street, having a ??,utg? Cut -st?t of 1, or thereabouts» and adepth L-k- wards to the garden of Lot 1 of nit. or th"wutL And also all that HOUSE and SHOP know,, No. 24. College-street, vl,lg a tr,?tg? to such streets ol 13ft. f;lt(e;i)tet, aJ::ïlllthto aljt': t arJen of Lot 1 of 701t. ortlicrmwuts. No. 28, College- ai reel, and a smalt part of No. 24 are occupied hy Mr. Cliarles Cook, as yearly tenant, at the .;it f 1:40? year, and tJJt: rest of o. 24, College-strtet, is occupied by Mr. Joseph Watts, us yearly teuant, at the rent of J:<!O » Jear. BT maRV-STREET. Lot 3. All that highly important and el!iblc pi- of L,-t 3. All tl?.t I''I ? "'y.,I' i.'rg a ,6e to St. 'd.y- tNG 1,AN ti .? II :itrt:cl 01 4Stt. or thereabouts, and all average depth of 7211. or thereabouts, aud comprising the Sl (I[ 111" houses formerly known as Nos. 5 and 6. St. Mary slrwt' CALVERT-STREET. T."t 4. The DLOCK vI BL1LD1NG8 comprising Nos. S, 10. 11, and 12. Cail'.rt,.tr«t. and now ?upit?d by Mr Yco, Wk,!r. and others. TI?i, pr(lerty h moot dl.,t?g?-,?sly situated at the junction of Calvert-street aud Church-street, with a frontage of 71 feet, fir thereabouts, to Calvert- street, and o4 feet, or thereabouts, to Church- street, and is bounded at the b,?k by 8. M..y'? Churchyard. Looking at its position theie can be w) dou6t that sooncr or later It must be required Inr strt impnwl'uH'nts. It is now let repair- ing lea,e to Mr. William Too, f,r the term of 11 | I years, from t 1?? 25ti. "I M-h. 1378, at the rwt .1 i,? 11, vear, and is sold subject lo a mortgage for xt 00 percent., I?, (a t the option 0 f I the borrower) of three years, from the 5th of I Aug6 ust, 1830. HIGH-RTREE71  1860, ¡totS. All that H,'J;P, Unown as No. 95 High-street, occupied by Abraham J?i,,?. All that HOUSE aud SHOP, being No. 96, High,.t,eet. occupied by J. Evans. All tt?i,Bt?OUSE ..d SHOP, being N..97, High-?tlll?t, occupied by .1. Dayic. All that yliOUSE ""d SHOP, being N.. 98, High-street, occupied by T. Pressdec This extremely valuable Lot, ,it,,g of 11, l,ur well-built ami ('ùmmuJiou Shops and Houses, I known as Nos. 95,96, 97. and 93, High-street, and having a frontage to such street ot 56ft., I? .I d subject to a lea." for 99yo?:m. from March 25,1802, by which a yearly rent of L 45. was reserved. Lot 6. Awl I those TWO ]?o 4?i. 101 and "Y' High-strt, having a frontage of aft. and a depth of 75ft. or.thereabouts, "wi in tlfe respective occupation of Samuel Powell and A. Griffiths. This Lot iii sold subject to a tease for 99 years, from March 25, 1802, which reserved a yearly rent of £26, Lot 7. AK those TWO HOUSES and SHOPS, being ¡ (û.a' Eligh-,, b.?i.g a froutage of 3,,ft! This Lot is wId subject to a lease of 99 years, from I September 29,1802, which reserved a yearly rent ot 1290. 6J, Lots. All that PUBLIC-HOUSE,known as the Olive Branch, being Nns. 106 and 107, High-street, wgether with the adlvllliug ROUSE. being No. 105, High-street, nuw occupied respectively by Samnel 8amut aud B. Pearson, and having in aU a h,(HJtaKe to HiCb-strttt of 4&tt. or thereabouh 45tt ThU lot is 80Id so "t to a lea.e for S9 years, Irm 29th September, 1302. by .? hich ayearly ren 01 £ 3 7s. 6d. was reserved The above lols, Nos. b, 6,7, and 8, afford an admir- able opportunity t,(1 any person desirous of making at ami easy provision for t be future. The mouv invested in their purchase will secure a small pre- sent income in the various ground rents men. I lioned, and will without trouble or risk accumulate fort 20 years d,g w ',I tbe 1, ba.. yet t11?7 ,.)"I of ti??, 'r4 ,I" 'suit b'i.g the acqni.ition o[ frcehuld p.lrty pro- ducinga considerable income. CAE PISTlLL Lot 9. All tho» valuable and well-serured GROUND RENTS; amounting in all to the nd ,,m 01 434 Is,. a vear, reserved out ,f the houses in CP. t,U between liangavelach-strect aud Carmarthen-road.Swausea.and r31b!C for the lrrm of 43 years from the 25th of Marcb, The actual ground rent! rmerved to the vendor z,?u,),t to the sum ot L44 4?.. year, but from this must be deducted the chief rent 01 £ 96s.. payable to the corporation, leaving the uet income £ 34 13s. The vendor can arrolugc for a considerable part of the purchasc molley ot any lot to be advanced on mortgage if required. For further particulars, plans, Ac., "pply to the AUCA tioneer, or to Mr. Edward Thomas, 8olicitor, 11, Small- street. Bristol. 39074 AFTER THE SALE OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED THE FOLLOWING.- SALE OF VERY VALUABLE LEASEHOLD, PROPE "T"' MR. JOHN N. LEEDER has been in- 11'L structed to SELL by AUCTION (_uhject to such (vll<!ttionl'1II sl\1l be then and there produced), at the Mackworth Arms Hotel, Wlnd-¡trL-et. Swansea, on ,THURSDAY, March 3, 1831, the under-mentioned valuable wt 1. LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, viz. Lot 1. Alit t, Malthousc -d Premises situate at the H.fod, 8I1'an_, now in the occupation of Mr. Roberts, with a froiitagn of 40 feetalld a depth of 114 feet, more (If less, held tur a tirm uf t3 years, from tht" 29th oi September, H570. at tho yearly l1t of £5, estimated to be worth 3t 1c £ 50 peranuum. Lot 2. All that Brewery. Dwelling-house, and Pre- mises. known as the Hafod Brewerv. formerly called tlie Haiod Flour Mills, now In the occupation of the Hafod Brewery Company, Limited, and held for a term ol 92,- yeaerfrocn the 2i#th September, 1861, the yearly rent of tlO. This lot is sold sub j ect to an underlease to The Hatod Brewerv Companv, Limited, for a term of 21 years from the Z5th M?cti, 1830, at the yearly rent iluring tlie first seven yeaTs of £7, ..d during tbe ?e.- main d er of the term of i'85. Sale toO commence at Fr,, lr-ek in the Afternoon. J'urtlier particulars inav be obtained or Messrs. Brown. Collins, and Woods, Solicitors. Worcester-place. Bwan- sea, or (lr the Auctioneer, at his Offices, Oxford Cham- bers. Oxford-street. 8wan9ea. 39266 C.r/AMORCA.NSHI RE. rARlFH OF LLANWONNO, ABERDARE VALLEY. TO COLLI KKY PROPRIETORS. TIMBER MERCHANTS. AND OTHERS. MESSRS. WILLLAM GHAIL\I and I SON are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at tne 'IVaveilerV Rwt Inn, Aht'rdart Junction, on THURS- DAY. tlie 10th day of March, 1831, at Twelve o'dock 30 OAK and 12 A514 TIMBER TREES, Numbered in white paint, with 622 Oak, Ash, Birch. Beech, aud Alder Poles, dotted with white paint, &ruwing upon the Abeiufl-y-Cynon Farm,iu the above ""ri,h, ^The 7??ff V.1, Riitwav. the Glamorganshire Canal, and turnpike road to Aberdare puss through the Farm at Aberdare Junction. Consequently, the Timber is in an exceptionally favourable situation tor transit by either 01 these routes tv the numerous collieries and works only a short distance from the property. Mr. Thomas Davics, the Tenant of the Farm, will show the Timber. For further particulars aly to the Atictio Vi:,r.ugl:Ii:IKn.t() the Aueti;r SWA1EA. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN THE CENTRE OF THE TOWN AJW NEAR THE MARKET. MESSRS. EDWARD ROBERTS an? l' BU are instructed by the Mortgagees to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, Swausea, on T ? 7ESPAY. March 3, 1881, at Thm» o'clock p.m., sub- lect to such Conditions of Sale as 1. 1 then and there P,?,i ,?,ty di?po?.d .1 bV Pi,.t. T,*?.t?'), aii FI VE FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES AND PREMISES, Sit. t? and b,i.g SO" H. IS. 16.17, and 13, GreentieM- strect, Swansea, together with the Yard at back, known as Greenfield-street Engineering Woiks. Th. Property It b'l "y Mr. Thomas W. William,. und**r a 'ea! granted for a .( 21 Y-? from l?? 29th of September, 1872. at the clear yearly rent, of £ 70. F.,fl"ll"Wti?.I.- Pply 1, Howell Thomas, E, Solicitor, Neath; 'srs. Charles Bros., 8olkit{)r. Neath; or to the Aucti?,iie?, 40, O"t. ir,,t.'8w. VIVIAN ARMS. SKETTY, NEAR SWANSEA. M It. DANIEL JAMES will SELL by AUC;TL ON, in the Yard adjoining, In the Secund W eek in March, about 150 Bushels of Choice Early and Second SEEn POTATOES, from one of the leading Growers in EIIland, At., M:nrJ.l CARRIAGE and CART HOIt;. and n low .,ell?. tCUN%'S?;?dd CA LVEs. Cambrian-place. Bketty. S05ti4 SALE TO-MORROW. LLANGENNY. BRECONSHIRE. Four miles from Abergavenny, two trom Crickhpwell, and LWo íJ"JII1 Gilwern tatwn on London Nud North Western Railway. MR. JAMES STRAKER will SELL Iy 1"- ALCTIO. "L the ,iHaw' f(i;, consequence of the stoppage of Abergavenny W.irket), WEDNESDAY. Mwrrii 2, 18H1, t second annual consignment of prime, sound, and ri\J FAT SHEEP, Of the Cheviot breed, Irom the well-knnwn t1nck of J. A. Doyle. 1:1,. vi Peiularren, near l'ricklll1wtll. con- sisting qf zJ L h! ¡ice Three-year-old Wether3. 2 Ewes. 1 Hum al-oan excellent, cross-bred CO", in calf. (1f with fait a' tout. Ha!«: IH comrnenee at Three o'clock ,harp, Auctiniip»:r'f Oilices. 2. Tivertou-pluce. Aberga- venny. :il' Q O'TJITTTS XTD o N AUCTIONEERS. ACCOUNTANTS. ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENTS, FINANCIERS, VALUERS AND MORTGAGE BROKERS. Assignnicuts Managed and Compromises Arranged. Advances madc on Con!iKnmt"lIt9. FtRE. J.I FE. A I) MARINE INSURANCES EFFECTED AT CURRENT UATES. 5, l'O WELL-PLACE, BUTE DorKS, I) A It )) IFF. MICHAEL P A I N E, l' 2ILL POSTER, TOWN CRIER, Ae,. 6.SEYMOUR-STREET. ABERDARE, Begs to infonn the Public nli Trudesmeti in general that he HEYIN some of the LARGEST POSTING- STATIONS In South Wales, and is ready to Ileceive Orders for Posting, Ac., in Aberdare. Aberamao, and district. in. e. Price list on application. 319M THE WESTERX MAlt, TJUi: cotfiuscui. PAFBB FOR VALES 1 1 -}!!J ftU)-1 I SALE TNM DAY. i TO GENTLEMEN, FARM BIW. UO?TRAOTOM. AND OTHKRB- MESSRS. BEYNON and LEWIS will j?i. MI !LP.h ,it6,yBA.tFj?i;,N ?oN and LEWIS TUwEiSll- mi Repository, Oxfuni-stEcf*>t. Swansea, on TUES- DAY, March 1, 1881, the <oUowint;u?uI Mdvatu- able HORSES, DOGCAIM, HARNESS, & 1. Bay Cob, H'2 hands, 5 y-s (U, quiet in double 1. Bay Co l?;rt, ss, ag..d h.k, and u. to weight. ll in ?d Brown Horse, 6 years, 15*1 b.iiids, goe* well in ilr,)wn Hr? 6,g .? j. Grey Cob, Uhauds, 5 years, guod I- all ki.d. of ha rlless. 5 ?e. 15-21 hands, perfectly quiet "<. Hruwn Ro, 5 ve. 15'2t hand., perfectly quiet in saddle and haruess, clever bunltr, ami warranted u" Brown Hone. 5 ye? old, 15'2 h?nds, a perfect lady's hack, very fast and :Øund. and has I- driven a kw times in d..bk, harnuvs. 6, S??' Bay Hurse. 15'& hand" 5 y,?r? old, a capita worker, and .d. 7. Ba'v Harness H-e. 15-3 hand:. Syearsoid?re- 7? kebly SiM goer, *ud 4.11 to veterinary surgeou s ex amination. 8. Black Cob, 14 hand*, very useful. 9. Brown Cart Horse, a good worker, and sound, lu. Dark Bay n Hùrle, a good worker. 11, DLL Bay Horne, 4 y,? about 15 hL.d, with ,wrk P.?..t4l?yj t off the l??, h.s been wurk?i in Chains. Also Dog Carts. SpritigCarts, Stone Curti, 7 Sets of Single and Double Harness. Saddles AIIAI Bridles, several best Hand-made Leatht". Head Stalls, Ac. Each Horse must be provided with a halter, aDù be in the Yard by g" the Moruing of Sale. Sale, of Hortfcs tu Cominenoe at Three o'olock p.m. (In consequence of Llangyfe)aciiFalr),and Harness immediately after. crew SALE TO-MORROW WEEKLY AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY VICTORIA CHAMBERS AND MART, OlFOKD- STUEET, SWANSEA. MESSRS. BEYNO? and LEWIS will .r: j SELL by AUCTION, at the *bo? pt-. on ?" Edl)A Y, 1,.re, 1, 1882. a feneial awortmeat 01 HOUIIIIHIJLI)yK"FEC". Includiin; new an.) ???' at, '? ?*. PEMBROKE DOCKYARD. FOR SALE by AUCTION, at Her J. MaiMty. D,??kyrd, PembnAe Dock (by order ,.] the L,, 'D ;fti?,, Ad,.i.ity). I, .MUNDAY March 7?1!BI. at Twelve o'clock (in?titty. co??tt!? of GREENHBABT TIMBER. TEAK PLANE, ENGLISH OAK, THICK STUFF AND 1 LANK i OFFAL WOOD, And >.yeral Thousand Hough and Mooted An<t ?? THEENA1LS, From 18 to 42in. C<tLt)n"ue? may )<" had on ?ppHmtion to the A.c- tioned',and at the Dockyard.  WM. THOMAS. Auctioneer to the ??' Commi!,ioners of the Admiralty. Orange Hail. Pembrokp. — L SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD BUSINESS PJlEHŒd IN HIGH-STREET, IN THH ?W? OP SWANSEA. Mli. (J. HL'CillES (late ISejiiou and ?LHutthe3)hM?eni.<n?toMHL.LbyPL!B- Li? AUCflUN,.4 I'M C?mm.r. Arm. Hotel. Rih. street, Swansea, on TUESDAY, Manh 8lh, 1<B1 (,ubjcct to .tIh o6nditions will be produced at lho I I Sale;, tho following valuable Halo), the BLMINESS PREMISES, Namely:- Lot 1. All that dt.??' and tub!tanti?)y-b?? L!:bilJua:n;¥t:o, rntjiIb; by the name ol fibe King Willi bittml, and wing No. 100, Hlgh-strc i t, in t1C lown of Sw.??-, now in t Ilc occupauon of mr. WilhAm Richards, under &n under- Ie. wilil:i?I Ire on the M, day 01 September, 1832, at a "t of per annm. T)*??'i'5 HeM fo? t< rm of 39 years from the 2W\ Tlj:;f i:f7w,t[ a ;oe:I¿tm 91. 6d. perannum* Lot??!??t exten?ve and inbshmtuXy-baitt Ltt?hutd Shop* with the B?rehouMs and Prem?. situ.n' M)d beinIQNo..151 <md 12, Hitjh-ttrMt.SwMMt. now in the ocwiBaUon of Mr. Wm. Richards, under an under tMK. h ? will expire on the 29th day 01 Blp- tember, 1893, at A rental of £ 10 per annum. TI?i, lot Is h.S! for a term of99 y?r.) trcm the Nth dJ^of Maicb,1799,ata ground rent ol £ 2 9s. od. Per .u- Bale U» COJnU1C at Three o'clock p.m. IVr further OWicul? apply to Mr. E. A.,ti. Witt?m'??citM. ? ?tUMUrMt. SwanM. °??"? Auctioneer, AW.orij?tret!t. 8waits?. 391W ?a!fg ?p ?rtbat? ontratt. nE joHN JOSES, DECEASED. rpI o lie SITA>L) by TENDER, as a going ,l. concern/the STOCK-IN-TRADE. GOODWILL, and BUSINESS 01 a Boot, and thw Maker, lately carried on by the above-named iuhn Jones, at Victoria-road* Ebbw Vale. The Btonk vUi be on view on the prTijee, and T?.. ders wm )x- reet"'td at the M,? of Mr. T. G. Powell, Solicitor, Ebbw Vale, up to the 9th of March pro?nto. ? ForturthMC&rtic?ara app)y to Mr. T.?.PoweH. Solicitor, Bryumawr aud Ebbw Vale, or Mr.Dand Hug?t,, d-, Vi,!tri.d, Ebbw VWt?. 39290 ?S?'?t?eb?I? 39MO_ TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, COLLIERY PRO- PRIETORS, AND OTHERS. nno be SOLD by TENDER, in one Lot, rt I. following valuable ?" §OFP'tCE WOOD, ow growing on the Birder tHUt Farm, in th,,b 01 Wcnvoe.withih ,ix mil.. of Cardiff, tbc proveny of It. F. L. Jcnner, Esq.:—About 34$ Acres ol Coppice Wood, being part of the Wenvoe Wood, and numbered on the New Ordnance Survev for the Parish 01 Wenvoe .sv. 135. Mr. Thomas Evans, of the Vishweil Farm, Wenvoe. will show the Lot. Tenueraw be addressed to Mr. Thomas Evaus on or before the 21st of March, from whom Forms of Tender, with Conditions of Sale annexed, may be obtained. The highest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. 39292 TO COUNTRY IRONMONGERS. ROUND, CLASP. MEAny. WELSH. PATENT. AND JUDGE HOBNAILS. TIP NAILS. COIL CHAINS, CART TRACES, PLOUGH TRACES, BACK BANDS, COW TIES, COOPERS' RIVETS, BRATTICE NAILS, HORSE NAILS, BOLTS AND NUTS. Get Makers' Price. belore orring from W. H. BE A B L E, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF GTIFF S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. ^TIFFS STARCH.   (^TIFF'S STARCIl.-¡ s STARCH. s Tll-'F'S STARCII. s TIFFS STARCH. I STIFFS OTAECII ¡. 5peclII)' 'n¡tatl I", <OLLARB, WRIST- BANDS, BHlKT FRONTS, &o., imparting a BEAUTIFUL GLOSBY SURFACE to those Articles.and making the Linen }ùOkHke new. The GENUDõE ARTICLE 13 Sold by GrM?rt. Oilmn. i- t? Jioxrs and 51b. I)8ru9. each box ?i packet Uaiing LI? Tradp Mark—" Q ?e, Bc.s." STIFF CO. REDCLlfTbTKEET, BRISTOL II CLEANSE THE BLOOD." OLD Dn. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. Hiahly recommended for all kinds of Blood and Skin Diseases, Pimples, Ulcers, Ac. The best Spring aud Autumn Medicine. Sold by all Druggists. CAUTION.—GKT THE RKD AMU LLK WRAPFMR, WITH THK DOCTOK'S UUÐIN THKCBXi UK. o other is genu. ne. In b"^ttles,2s.6d.,4s. 6d„ and lis. Dean, StMtMdCo.. 131. Fleet-street, B.C. THE LEADING DAB. Y PAPER. POSTAL DELIVERY OF THE "WESTERN MAIL." By a 9pf'dal concession of th Postal Authorities* the Publisher is now enabled to d.p.,?h the br?t ùition of the WMTEM MAIL?(!Il morning by the mail .i,. ?iMC?ditttt.<iiitnd3.. BIv this means persons resident within the limits of GR??AS?H?"' "'1' ????? thefimiHo"t CAIIMARTHENSHIRE tfitll: .,d tho? tMrUoM! of BBKe0?aHt«)t .tmi MutMUUTH. MUKK?mpn? within the Tredegar and nhymney Valley P,?lt-I,t., are enabled to have the WES- T?R?MA'? deti?redMth'-trrMMencea. on the morn- ing of publhmUon, by th« same post as that which con- vevs their London ktters. The 'S??' EDITION ?f the W?TERt MAIL can be forwarded to Kcsideut3 of the following and all vher p,aces witt?il% tile Cardi fOSW D tl.?? Wr t DMlt mornilur delivrV. fi* t ry. Bedwas, BonvtUione. Cadoxton. Caerphilly. Castletown. Ctfn buiv. Courtvralla. Landough. Llsvaue. T11Ind.lf.rf. Llanishen. Marshfield. Mellngriffith. MM??i?'e- V,'dw. Morgafistown, l'elll&rth. Pencoed. Pentyrch. I'r.tergtont. Pwllypant. I Hadvr. 11, Andrew's. $,. Bride's-sup-Ely. I I St.lrew's. I '?t. N i, 1,.l Sully. iN\Yell. I TI"91"?'l'll, I Walnut l?. Bridge. Whitchurch. YstmdNynach IJONDOK and West of England subscribers receivetheir P* ou the afternoon of publication. '??M'??'?h'???' W?T?M MAII, ,hm.Mber<-porttd tt once to'the FuMht.M. tt tb. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Head Office,Cardiff. to 9 9 ??? :¡"" t: ?',?* F1'* H90 The above remarks apply also to the WEEKLY MAIL, which oan be supplied by post to subscribers at the following rates of subscription — ftr Qutrter.poattrM. ^521 •• o if o L In Ihe'case of the WliTERS MAIL, ALL SUBUNP TITMS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. P*. Office Orden to be made payable to the pub I Bsher, H. Macxjorzn THOMAJ. HJ PHE WESTERN MAIL, J_ MBn ASYfiBTlSiaa 1UB1UM Ptiblit i^ottcrg. FT N I T A R I A N I S M. CARDIFF ARMS ASSEMBLY BOOMS. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. MABCH 1, at Eight o'clock p.m THE REV. CHARL¿\rËBD. B.A.. of London Will DHUVKR h? LECTURE. S"bl.&- Wil.Vl(A. A UNITARIAN." PART IL. AU are çarnetlt1). Inv¡w.d t"attend. JSStJ8 CHIlIST. All are earnestly invited toattend. *"?* ?)?io?toDetMyE.?penMt. &2&5 THE BKYCHAN LOOOE of MARK J)L MASTERS (No. 271), will he CONSECRATED at UHECON, on THURSDAY, the 8rd March next, t, Tw?he Noon; and i?STALLATiOS .( Bro. W. P.M..N.bUI.lg.W B. L. AUGUSTUS H \IFH _,y L.!-j I by the Officers of his Lodge. All Mark Masters are re. quested IN attend. T. LA WHENCE LEWIS, Sec. ynUt*. and 8. W. Designate. Glasbury. R.3.O., Brecon shire. ^298 GLAMOROANSIIHIE AND MON- MOCtHSHIRB PROPOSED NEW lNHKMABY, CABDIFP. THE GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES IN AID OP THE BUILDING FUND, Will lake place in tlie GRAND C L RC US, CardiK (by per- mission ol M.. I'ayleure;. on WEDNESDAY, July 13. la, 111 Uu: uce of jndulItial Gentlemen a(td the Public interested. ad:Ilr:v.ilJ be gi?t?'I in .ddl?io, 0.?? Thousand others:— «■ a. 1. H-d.d p d, st?,i 100 00 2. '?y p- Stertiiiji- ? 9 J0; t '?* t,?t,,Pttt t-80 Pi 6. Handsome Gold W'HdtMdCh?i???.? ?00 6. Sil ver Mounted H-r 10 II II 7. c- wnt&ini?g 133 Pi-1 Plato -ld Cutler 1)?? Kuives aud Forks -i ti?t Quality, thecompleiaent for a down guests 3000 8. Su'i???.fB?'eii? J n fn ? ?wint ?Mo. M J 0 X ¡1[4llc:.f. if! I b 0 0 12. Lady's Gold Watch and Chain WOO)• li<? E?troTt* and Coffee P.t. Cream J ug and Sugar ill. 0 0 0 14. Special Prize, by Cross Bros., Cardiff, Electro Cruet SUud, Toast liack, and Egg OL., ° < t e 15. P.M. i.i; 19 g 16. J;pecial Prize. by J. Newton and Cu.. ll(,n, C?klierbtowii-a Superior buit 500 17. H'¡:1:s. g g 17. H.U)dK.mK f? 13. Set o< Dish Covers » *)J J{ f;t:=: Ig a). Dessert Service 3 S 2 21 I>iù" oj IJumùerlaoù Bacon. a 0 0 2? C.b?ri..d H. (.b..t 401b ) 200 :d. g 8 er u? a 00 ?.Cr? 5 2 0 2?j ?nk .jt E.?g]?,nd i  3 oo n1:tf{.ft{; i i M. One U.? of Champagne a00 28. W. of 500 Manilla Cigars b00 wiJl" Machint:, "Wellington ?00 30. Et?ti!)u !i-dny a00 '¡!r1Æ1. r i3 g 32. Paiioi B?n)<eti Ili0 l.UOOmher Pnzet ot v?hM t 5.. t? ?.. TICKETS, SIXPENCE EACH. Bookol ZLTickets, 10s. Treasurer-G. F. Utuckey, Esq" Bristol and West of Englaud Bank, Carditt. Auditors: Ald.W. Alexander, J.P. Aid. C. W. David. J.P. Alderman D. Jones, J.P. J. M'Connochie, E.q J.P., Ex-Mayor of Cardiff. I nun. sees.: I I F. W. Armstrong. I H. B. Moreton. W., Burnett. ] D. W. Evans. I Samuel W. Allen. I V. W. L<)Ck Tickets may be had of either of the Secretaries, at the office, 6, Bt. Mary-street, Cardiff. The Drawing, wuleu will be on the plan 01 the Art Union, will take piace in the Circus, Cardiff, ON WEDNESDAY, latll July, 1331, and the wiunlug numbers will be published in the WESTERN oil, &tita WALES IMTIIT STIES, and BRISTOL PRIVATE INQUIRY DETECTIVE J[. ASSOCIATION FOR BRISTOL AND SOUTH WALES, la connection with all the London and Foreign OScei. MALE AND FEMALE DETECTIVES. 45. NICHOLAS-STBEET. BBISTOL. 33909 Aditres. The 3lanager. SutRiuig ^ortettrs, &t. P n 1 N C I 1' A L 1 T Y PKRMAKEKT ISVKST.MEST BUILlJINU SOCIETY. BONUS YEAR. UNAPPBOPRIATED IIHOFNS. D. 1379. /I6.3M h. tarie or Small Investiuents may be made on Sub- Kription or Prepaid Shares, which may be eipecwd to .U. with profits, over 1 per cent. C>" PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS, 25 withdrawable at ?utble Ai,?,. Advances on the Most L-isy and Equitable Terms. Offices open Daily for nil Business. 23, ST. MAktY tiTHEET. CARDIFF. Agencies i—Newport: Mr. E Illu?, 43, York-PIM4t. Agencies Pdiarth: Mr. D. Ea._d" 21, pl_y_ str?L. Ebb? Vil,: Mr. J. A. 1).Ii.Ida-place. 80192 W. SANDERS. MauagingSecreUry. PERPETUAL INVESTMENT i. BUILDlNO SOCIETY. Ornc^'N^ 'fi^^ET. LONDON. SubscripUon Shares of ilO. Jt26, toO, and Lloo issued at4 pur cent., Payable by Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly F.t,. =,?d S)-l of RIO. B25. kW, and 9100 ixutd at 4 percent., Interest Payable Half-yearly by ChN-l' bums riot ei;?d ig 01withdrawable at OMWee? Notice.. Advances promptly made upon good Freehold. Lease. holù. or Copyhold Property, Repayable by Easy I nstal- mt5 No Premi?ni9 are charged, and the law costs wn- nected wit* n Mortgage d?d i. Repayments. A??'?-CAKU?. MM?rs. Owen l'lb. Swiss Hall Chambers. NEWPOHT, Mr. C.lWwe. VlcwriaChambeM LLANELLY, Mr. S. N. Powell, Auctioneer. KIDWELLV, Mr. W. Thomas, TheCottage. By whom Subscriptions c.w be received, Advances arranged, and every information obtained. 33230 I)HN E'DWARD TRES1DDER, S"tarv. rX pilE WERTHYR AN1) DOWLAIS < BUILDING SOCIETY, (Incorporated under f he Building Societies'Act, 1874.) Are prepared to LEY V, Ol Mortgage, at the shortest notice, snls of' £ 100 to £ 10,000, Repayable in Monthly or Quarterly Instalmento. 33.r?.Z.I,. t,?i, Society have 'p, 1,1 not Ob:tdílü\'il1i:i: v:V\te\id'i\d Th 'r a' "osts are paid by the Society, and the i.d?- e ide,gc, :n ft 90 l?lig as I,$ stipu)att'd. S?n?t'are made, ia awured by the Registrar .,?d?r the Frit.n?y Societies Acts. The utmost secrecy is maintained. For particulars applv to Mr. E. Roberts. t the Offi. of th ,,t y ?!' Vi.Mn.t-stTM?. ?d??hyr. 390U JJRYANT, jpOWIS, & jgRYANT, ivooo BROKERS, LEA D E II ALL HOUSE, 101, LEADENIIALL-STREET, LOXDOX. Aid AT QUEBEC. 39124 B R 0 U'S I N J E C T 1 0 N HYGIENIC, I>PALLIBLE. and PRESERATIVE. CuM promptly I wlthuut otaitton? B??, ??jt?r chronic discliarges of the urinary organs. Price 4s. od. per bottle. Sol3 in P,,I, b, 1. Ferr*(successor to Brou). Pharuuicten, 102, Hue Richelicu 1111 London by WILCOX -dC. 336. Oxford itrMt, W., who will forward it, carriage paid, to any town in Ll,.ited Ki,,gd-l? r'elpt of P.O.O. Also b, .11 Chemi,to. a9232 c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In use Uie last 81 years for BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. Iu Boies at Is. l|d„ 2s. 9d.> 4s. 6d„ and 11a. /"COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. Tn use the last 81 years for BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. In Boxes nt Is. lid., 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., and lis /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. 4s. 6<1.. aDd I It 32941 2HE GREAT ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR NORM H'ALF.S, THE £ £ ST FAMILY XEWUPAPER, THE W E F. K L Y I A I L w E E K 11 t Regularly Consists OJf 72 LOU COLUMNS, C"t'i' great amount of Original and General ',di,,g Matter, and is one of THE I.ARUEST WEEKLY PAPERS In South Wal..or the West of England. It is essentially the Family Newspaper par ucolltoc. in the District In which it Circulates, Alld h th" GREAT MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS Throughout the Counties .( GLAMOEG'A'? '"? ?"?S'?'???- MONMOUTH, i'ARL)IGA?N. BRECON' PEMBROKE. The CLRCULATION of the WEEKLY MAIL is f4;h ;.UvT.?1 I/;hevg N'r: I nbllshed in any of 11??c""Itnemt"d above- a f??ch' A\ertisers will do well to bear in mind. THK "WEEKLY MAIL" IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. And may be had of all Newsagent., PIUCE TWOPE- E. Or will be sent to ally Ad, iu the United Kingdom tor One Quarter on receipt of P.O O. tr?,. 9d„ Iud W the Colonies and all parts of Eumi..d Lb. Udt.4 StItM for3s.3d.ptrq?rter prepaid. AUOrdenmu?t be .ad etd the PubU*ber, Mr. B. Macfci.vzis THOMAS, at the Chief Oln", Cardiff, to'whom?ny mmpl-l W My imjtuit dati? NY h..Id b. CRI IIR I. ettibers and contrarto. PENAUTH LOC AL BOARD. CONTRACT FOR BKPAlR OF HIGHWAYS. TENDERS are'invited for the REPAIR and WIN. TENANCE of the HIGHWAYS in the Parishes of LLANDOUGH and COG AN. Copies 01 0." Specification and Form of T-d,, may be obtained at th om" of the undor.¡¡gn.d, to wbom Tenders, endorsed Tenders tor Repair of Uoads," are to be delivered before Noou ou MONDAY, the 7th March, 1:!EL HERY C. HARms. Sun'oyor. ,ó. RLc:r:'t,-(t!f_-7'1- irnUK^COMT'AGNIE ilOLILLEKK D_E 1 CRAIGOLA-MERIHYR COLLIERY Pli?pillf". 1u; (MESSHS. CORY, YEO, and CO.). Swansea, ,U", prepared to ?ivt? TENDERS fur the su\ph: of their Requirements (1urin htl ix "Months ."di?g tj?? 313t of AUiuIl. 1881,, of the following Articles, vi/—Oils, Tallow, Tram G-, Cotton t,. He.p. Yarn, Packing. Castings, I"t, ami N.t,, Rivets, Plate !S.f" R&\lOvgs. Pat KMP I NaH., Wire Kop< I!hce and Bar Iron, Steel, Files, 1;411L Wire, Blasting Powder, Dynamite. Fu;? De, tonators, Pitwood, l.1erwoud, Spragwood, BrWJ(e Halb, Brattice Cloth, Ironmougery, Oats, Be?46 Bay- B?ddi"g' r Be.Et':r P.,rti-6. and F-, -t TW,, to be had on appHcatwh to r.J. Robert" IdiningP;ttgiiiwr,Wuu,? ter Chambers, Swansea, or at he C..P-Y" Offices, Cambrian Chamber*. T", 8ddtue.l to the Cle. de GnLilÐla Mrth,r (Messrs. Cory. Yeo, and Co.). Swansea, m&rked "Venders forstor%, il I be m?ived up "111 satur"y. March 12, 1881. The Company do not bind tbeb.1'. to 1IOeeh8 to-,t -1 -.v Tchdei. 3926^ <0tiucational announrements. CA HARROW HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. [ Principals,The Misse. MARKS. The HALF-TERM COMMENCES on MARCH 3 (D?V.) 3M4 ATVCFNG, CALISTH^NTCS. Private r-z.. 1& ail timet. Dcboo!* Attemtod. lilrst-class Quadrille &iid, of any Dumber, supplied at .bortest not. shortest noticTe. WURN, Moort Now, 28, 4h-viu. temee. Boat h. 4e83II1, OOWBRlDGt. GLEN DARE HOUSE, COWBIUOOE. -Prlnci""b. Tbe Mil, DAVIES. Thedutksof hoir School were resumed on THURSDAY, We 2kh January. 38574 "NWCA^le-EMLYN. EMLYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. I-QEWCAS TLE-EMLYN. Head Master-Mr. T. T. ELIAB. M.B.C.P. Assistant. Masters—DAVY ELLAS,: D. Lt. BEES. DRAWING, SHORTHAND, and MUSIC CLASSES DAILY. T-B-d?' 25 Guij'w p?r annum; Day Scholars, from 3 to 4 G uiio-AS. Z,.? SW SEA. CIOLLEOIATE SCIIOOL. SWANSEA. J —Head Master, Rev. GIFFORD WOOD, B.A.; heoonilMaster, FRANCIS J. ODELL, t^q.. B.A. School KK-OPENED WEDNESDAY. January 1, 38759 K¥O*L D COLLEGE WOODLANDS. Principal: Rev, E. WILLIAMS, M.A., Olu., B.D. Edin. The Duties of the New Year began on WEDNESDAY, Jannarv 19th. 34223d GLOUCESTER. "VFRESTFIELD HOUSE, GLOUCESTER. ACHOOL F O R GIRLS. Conducted by BSRR and MRS. G. M. LEO. Most beautiful and healthy situation In the country, one mile from Gloucester. Excellent Premises. reatiQIl Grounds, two aud a half-acres. Preparation for the University Examinations. The Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, 6114 Pafhting receiveespecial attention. Careful moral training. First-clusmfuences. Mode- rate, inclusive terms. RVLFTERM Commences on MONDAT, nh of March, 1881. In IM Thity;l. C?,tif,.t-, t-.ty-fi,. with honours, and two PrizeI were gained In the Oxford Local ar.d Trinity College (Music) Examinations by PupiU from rhis h-I' Prospectus an,1 full partie,,1ar. on application. 38837 SWANSEA NEW INDUSTRIES* THE sourn WALES BRUSH MANCFACTORY. Tills Manufactory, established by Mr. J. I. Levis only a fw y, go, is ..? become one of the iuful. industries of Hwansea, and in returning thauks to nume- ro? friends and patrons for the ?!ry I ? tb"w re- -d, M?-. I_wts and C.. tg TB I.(- the pubU.2 generally that the ,neBglt}epREMISES ARE INCREASED, By adding No. 18, Calvert-street to the }:Stab1ihrlU'nt, which is now calTied on underf Lewis and Co., Ntos. 4 autt li, the South Wale* Brush Manufactory, at Nos. 4 and 18, C3hert-,tred. Swansea, where Brushes, BroomJ. Mops, and Ma? ?re!?old wholesale nl retail cheaper than any ,o11:.titl' .rCl.Br;,r :I;Z kept. hol..ale Price Li# fre.. 39302 CHANGE ROUSES AS SELDOM AS POSSIBLE. It is Q nuisance at. the bMt; But when you MU8T. Patronise ROBERT WOOD, ■ PROPRIETOR OF WOOD BROS.' A NCHOR FUP,, N URE T7ANS. Cmu Om?"' V WEST CAKAL WHARF, CARDIFF. Prices at Low as any, Advertised at 20. 6cL, and b. lid. or otherwise. A pli.- ..d Better Es.f:f.fE:PPPR a:-¡rve.Ü8 To and trom ail partj BY KOAD, KAIL. OR EA. EXTENSIVE WAREHOUSING ACCOMMODATION. Orders received at the Chief Offices and at Canton. Boa;h. and Penarth Branches, 37902 Pj. FULI.&H A,D SON$ PU, LL A RS' Dym. DYEWORKS, By APTOINTMSNT PERTH. TO THE tlCEES. _t PCLLARS' DYEWORKS are the Largest of the kind In the world, and are distinguished tor JjritJass work- manship, despatch in returning goods, correctness In carrying out orders, honest advice if articles will not turn ouL well as ordered, and uniformity of charga. AGSX IN CARDIFF :— Mrs. D. MORRIS, Milliner. Ac.. 8, Rojul arcade. Miss ELLIS. Fincy Repository, 31. High-street. AGiNTS I RoiTH: — MIs,e! YICOL aud STEWART, 6. Castle-road. AG-71 I* SwaKSEA MUS 8TMCK, 20, Hhth?trttt. .r:L'?,f.tt_a7 rpEETHF TEETH!! TEET H )!! Prize Medal, London, 1862. Gold Medal, Pari., 1867. >1 R. K E A L L SURGEON DENTIST (25 Years' Experience; 15 Years in Swansea), 191)1IIIGIISTREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can proouoo a perfectly fitting Set. of Teeth in one dear day. The very beat work- manship guarantced. Partial M t5s. per Toolh: Upper or Low.r Set. from Two Guinea.. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux, Rheums, Toothache.andall Nervous Pains, h. 1}d. and 2s. 9d. per Bottle. Dtro?h .my Chemist. Cokm*n,C*rdift. Youn?.?e?purt.. H'y" Neath. 33131 jQANlELQWEN,JJOWELL,&QO., BOOKBINDERS AD ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, WESTERN MAIL" BUILDINGS, ST. MARV-STREET, CARDIFF. I Paics LIST os APPLICATION. Estimates given for Binding Gentlemen-. Libraries, AccounL Book., alld all classes 01 Bookbinding. J SPECIAL PRICKS FOR THE TBADE. 37491 T3?V;"D7T)A\?E?T?rn!M??? R WTitel: a remedy for Nervousness, I con .ider 'COBDEN'S ILLLS' iucomi^rable. 11 have given them for neuralgic paiU!. nervOu, ,d I. i. in the %.d, A, and in all cases they have effected a cure. ?OB!??' ''???NE? ?d PHOS- PHORUS PtLM the strength, energy, .,?d vigorous vitality to constitutions in any WAY ?nf?!?)? 1,?f.Ilibl? in .?..Lgi.. Have on others. 2,. 9d. Md 4.. 6d..A Chemists. Or post frM for 33or54 i'1QJt's:t: ¡ BUISEX DRUG CO., 13!5. QUEEN'8 HOAb. BRIGHTON. AGENT8~J.Munday(Ut«Cr<«), 1, Duke-street, C.Iiff A. Hy- Chemist, ?'M't'!? F. P. 'K?)' t'9.Hit!?-'t''Mt'.6w??., T. W. EVDns, 14, Cowm.ia¡-sLreI, Aberili<2' I ?mMAUl?? Md "007CH?nR? |X 7, RUE DE LA FBDIDLAUE, ^PARIS. M.ti-, bettt than Balsam. Gnmault ami Veg^etable Matlco Iii ti." .,?l Capsuies. Wheie all X'?*?? ?'h!!ed" th?. ?p?ti.n. are .)w? .ftectt?.,r.ur< '<?"?'?'?? cure of and eUMuc cMM of disiase. They Me med )nthcHMpit*)'cfP*? t'?M'?M?- inl 'eelSiPgbrro;\b' ,h;ttktL.. "ri_t .jeti. per bttl Ckpwles, 49. 6d. per bo N ..b?,, Md9on% 37 N?w?t?trMt. R't?? Mr. JoMn. 49, H*y- market Mes3r^. 'o'?' ?d Co., 76, N.w B??. London. 38549 I Cw ES'FERN MAIL, MOST LSMTPNMAI PAPBR LN WALM 1\1 ASTERS AND 0OMPANY THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 29 AND 30, ST. MARY-STREET, THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS, 18 AND 19, CASTLE-STREET. DEPARTMENT A.-Bespoke cr Ordered ¡¡"od.. u this Department we liave an im- nienae stock of Scotch, Irish, and Yorkshire Tweeds IIJ Westot England Cloths. Trousers made to rueaiure from lOi. 6d. to 23.. &1.; Suits from 42s. to 107».6d. ;a p<rl.Utlrlanw. DEPARTMENT B.-Serge JaCKete, Trousers, and shirts, Dunpree Jackets, Trvuten. and Jumpers, Duck Goods. Mole and Cord Goods, DEPARTMENT C.—Hats and Caps 01 every descrip- tion, Waterproof Clothing, Hues. Portmaøt.e&u&, Hat Cases, Car. oet Bags, anJ OibkinCoats. D SPAilTME.NT D.-ii-dy-t? Imm 9.. lid. t. 59.6d.;Sit. from 17,.6d. to 7, 6d.; Cloth Trousers from 2s. lid. to 230.&1.; Pit. Nap and Beaver Reefer J wketi, Coatsand Vests to match and a gl-t variety of -t-ri 11. ?BPA??T E.—Hosiery, Suirts. Pants, Scarfs, t; whreUu. Ti, muto' Jer- ,,y,, Front, Glove., H, and Half-hoM, WriU, C&rJigan Jackets, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Cillars.Wool Veott, .poeialliue In W.?hirt?mStt.h?.M?.tM. DKPASTUENT F.-Juvenile Clothing, Boys' Suits ami Overcoats, Youths'Suits and On"I)!.t". Boys' and Youths' Jackets, Reefers, Vests, Trousers, and Knickers. MASTERS AND COMPANY. Tenus Cash; One Price.—All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. 33139 THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. rpiIOMPSON AND gHACKELL, PLANOFORTE AND MUSIC I WAREHOUSES, CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT, AGENTS FOR THE ■EUMEYER piANOS, BEST AND CHEAPEST INSTRUMENTS EVER MANUFACTURED. Double Overstrung. Cheek Repeater Action, Iron-framed, Trichords Throughout. WARRANTED BY THE MAKERS TO STAND Alt CLIMATES. NiWrrr AND STVI.ISH DE8IG'I!I, from £30. fII8k au4 Gùld. Walnut. Rosewood. Ckrvad Oik. Mahogany. Prioe List sent Post Pm. JJRlNlSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS. THOMPSON and SHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS. B RLNS-UEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS FROM 35 GUINEAS -RRI-I-SlIrAYS GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, JD With Patent Repeater Action, May be had of the SOLE AGENTS, THOMPSON and SHACKELL, TMU61C AND PtA?UFORTE ULOOSS. CARDIFF, {???. BUILDINGS, and 64. ST. MARK-STREET. S W AXSEA, 97 and 98, OXFOBD STREET. N EWPORT, lllandll2,COMMERCLAL-ST. TEENS th t Young Ladies are in no hurry § to get out 01-" LUCM VELVET TEEXS. 11:- HBh" LOiTis';V:LVETEE-Ñ I IS SIMPLY CLIQUE. Do wt be I ndu?d by persuasion to take any ther. AN BXTRA PROFIT TO YOUR LOSS, may be speciously made if you v: whatever U,?m. ?ffrd inferior 4-lity -i Velveteen, ? "THi: L?ouis has "tablished III reputation w widely even a slight i.f?,i.rity ?..Id Injure it ?p-t?. ?ht?L, COWlÙt. A TEST OF MERIT, and guarantee of UNSURPASSED QUALITY. Be sure you find the words THB LOUIS VELVETEHI ON EVERY YAlD, or you h&\e not !fotwifbJ-cElU:I, I Notwithstanding 11, assertions to the tr&ry. Who?? S??e!it.T H'° F?!.BR. !M. ? *Hi?- ¡llJ"l"¡f!t. who ?)t Mad on enquiry, post ?'.W, 'M' of the .A dmpert from wbum the ge..i- LOU VELVETEEN can be obtained 33768 A il K I rflHE"DREADFUiTMURDER AT KID- II WBLLY.-?ttckpck Court, where the crime was committed, and the principal WitneMM were KHOTO- I GU"RKD by HerrGOLDMAN.  Copies TO be had at Ilb Studio.'S?? Swansea Old Castle Views may .1. be had. 39&3 RJ]:ÍEAiH A:1\!> SOS PIANOFORTE MAKERS AND IMPORTERS. 21 YEARS WITH MESSRS. J. BROADWOOD AND SONS. LONDON. INSTBCMENTS BY ALL THE BEST MAXEBS AT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOB CASH, [36192 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF gTEPHEN JOLLIER, J UN., BLUE LIAS LIME WORKS, ¡ TIMBER. DEAL. AND SLATE YARD, STEAM SAW ADLLS, BRIDGEND. 86169 K EATINGS COUCH LOXEKUES. J[\. An ever incraMit? M!e o?nM?_ 60 yt? KEATLNCTS COUGH LOZENGES. The Best, and SafesL ft?.?dy for COUGHS. J[\. ASTHMA. PHLEGM, and TICKLING m the TI?r.t. EATING'S COL'(ill LuzKXUM. KC,??.i?nt to keep handy in the !!?ket. T?'KATl?tysUOL UH" 'LOZE?UE? f Areunivm*Hyr?mmendedbyth?c..jtv K EATING'S COUGH LOZ ENGE.S. Ksold in Ti??,, l!. 1?. and 20. 9d„ by a))Chem?t! 35745 No MORE C~VLOMEL OR BLUE PILL For BILIOUSNESS. HEADACHE, CONSTIPA- TION, and INACTION of the LIVER. MUNDAYS l'ODOPHYLLIN LIVElt PILLS Are the .atest and m?t t!ffmt?l remedy for Connlpa- tion, ?dt?!*?. HMdt)che. BUM?.eM. JauHdiCt. Eruptions ol the Skin, and other ailments arising from a disordered state of the Liver and Stomach, d 1 pro- d?g* re ;;tt (i: tlrjval: B? gi tothe Stomach, ami cause a thDK o' restored ?uerty'H pern?MM the SY)t<m. Mty tx- ttken by per- eons of aU ages and every kind of constitution. *° A?' ?r' ??''D? \'ODOPH?LM P1LL8," and w that you get them, as inrrior kinds ? oft? fUbtÜ tuted. Sold In Bou. at lj and 2j. 6<1.. free by pool. PKRPARID ONxr u J. MUNDAY (Suooeuor to W. Cross), ENGLISH and FOREIGN PHARMACY, 1 DCKE-STREET. Corner ot HIGH-STREET. CARDIFF. | "T FACT WORTH KNOWING, j BEECHAM? PILLS Are emitted by thouMndi M '? ?t' *'?"???? AbOlturbiU?ssild nervous disorders, saeh? wiiid and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, ful- IIC' and sweHin¡ after meals, dizzineu and d,.w.i- cold chilli, of heat, low of appetite, shortness of b?til,eosti%*e,ties scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis ?urbe? leep, tr?htf? Urams. ami t? nerMU! and tremNine MnMtK.m, Ac. The trO dose w.H give rt))e< IP:l minumsThis i'I) ti:i ?r they have d?\eitii.thouMnd«)tMSM. The Proprltor ot the?t Pii?ht?inzob?ned (?t j?ttt MpenM) a patent fur Pills lm?-ing obtaine?d (taht e 9 w)m)e world toi?r oduce I!hAll?!.g I fmr<mu?ut! 'hr j<mduM t em, fol-remu%,itl g the abuse corn ;tr:fhe t:UJ1 :d\a Mth Evert !uffer<ri. ?rn.M!y iwd,'tly OM b. of these P'?'. 'nd Ih wi! ''k..l?-dtd M c? ? ORTH A YUl,E, A jao;. For females ot ??):Mth?Pit?*re i?iviLl?ble. as a fcwd?eiot them carry off aH grbi3 humours, open jdl ob.tructtunl, and bring about that is requu-ed. No {; female ,houh! be without them There is no medicine !? '?'? equal BEECHUrS P? be t,d t,?or i_m. any ? the d.rMtfom GIVEN ?th -h bo?. they ??r?t.?t?.o' "L?t. MundMdMbu? ?o weak 11-D-illd d.11 di. or' tivr. thty -.ct, h?? if¡.1m'da1 t:.1 doses will be d to work wonders upon the tr:lt rgndIDto tJ;rkh:er:n:ct:'tbe w!?-1- u.ut -t., til. ?'   <-o?<?i" bring back tlie keen edge of tf:,alr:'¡', b)O it ItkJBBJ'G of h??.'b?hy.??ner?yot the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thouMndt. tmbfMmg ill classes of )OcMy.n.loneo[ the best ral1tee. to nenmous and ?M!t" BEECHAM;:) P)LM lia i -e the hrge-t s.ilo of any patent medicine in the BEECHAM S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As .,?.dy tor Cough In general, asthma, ditficultv .f brefLUIllig, 'hurt ot.1 .I,- ?So{"t'i? ?t.?h?zi??*h: th<?F?!?".M!? uhriv*)ted. They 5peedily remov that sense of depn-s. sion anddiiffcuity of breathing which nightly deprive tlu* patient of rest, 1."t any p,n 1,? 9Br.W?AI'?- COUGH PI I.LS ? trial, it?d t,e mo iolent cough will iu short time be d. ,T-The public are rn¡u tonotll:ethat t)?S?"BEEC?a PILLS, St. Helen's." an- on the G"m"i? Stamp 1ti"J to each bo& of the Pills. If not on. the.v area forgery. "Pr?r?.Sy? ?d ?h, .d- ? h. propr?r. T. Bt-eeham. Chmit, t? Helens. Lanca- ahire iu b* at 10..?,i 2,. i?J. »ch. 80nt post f- to. lie prpltr for ,?t 36"mps.Id by all DRMGITTS ..d Pat'la ?.e"" tid, "?'- N.B-Fu"diwHon?n-?en with ,I, box. M? NEVER l)T:PAtK. IF YOU SUFFER from STIFF JOINTS, IL RHEUMATISM. CORNS. OOCT, PAINS in the LIMBS, SPRAINS. OLD SORES, PILES, Ac.. *nd par- tlculars and fifteen stamps to Mr. CHARLES MAGGS, Proprietor of G&mjee', 8ttvt. .c., Golden C?, I'tt. Tlloma!,8wl\osea. Hundreds have ble.I th-& ,If d, hen all other ?ited emed had f.iled. 39204 DANIEL OWEN & CO.'S ABC Ij RAILWAY TmE TABLES, the only Mt pub- li,h.d 1, W.I., pri,, Id. 2s. W, auaum fm. by port, t ?. Mtty-<M*«. "J¡ir?' UUAl4m t.- by post. public amugrmnttg. CAKPgT. NEW THEATUE ROYAL, CARDIFF. .Mr. W. H. D.W. I tiol. M-M-. MI 8. BVLVM < THIS (TUESDAY) EVILNLNU. MAiCH 1, Ult. 1)1)1 USY CAMBa OEERA OOKFAST W W appear III Gilbert and Sulllvmn's I»M* III lis*lll PIRATSfo°ri>ENZANCE, Or the Slave 01 Duly. PrMtded at 7.30 by the Op?rft <eMU*< SIX A?D SLX. M.gDinœn (;? 01 t:b&r-. werfulctio?, Augmented Baod. EW .4c4NI;KYBx Wi??ATI. K.TITBI AV fSPKc'lAL 1)AY PERFORMANCE. A11>-T5 ,peu at i. Commune, at 2.30. AFTETL j ? !J.u chttdreuund?t: C*J*.  I Mr JAMES BCCBANAN NEXT And his Powerful Com""n, in" ???' ?'??'?AM?** NOIREJAME. U.on open .t 7. t 7.40, OmTkgw at IO.. Pri? of A.!mlnion during this En" P,i,.w B- 31,. 6d. and 21?.; D- Ci".i?, 4. Pit 8.11., ?,. 6d.; Pit, Is.: (?ih-ry.&i. No?:prt<t.' Box Plans at Mr. WiD Lewis's, Pake-street. C H 00 CP. 6-0-?A a CKOCKHBBBTOWN. AV AMATEUR CONCERT Will gil?. i. ihe above 8cti^>lr\>oiii TO-NIGHT ii!:DA)OD te p s:,bD8 Fundafcr ???. for St. iaCli =,=le  ILA -LA['* TOY BYMlbilD friw itMti.?ttMN? Doors open at 7^0. Omcert t-» commence at 8 o'efcw. AUMiMtOX-F")? !?h. ?.. B^ck SeaU.U^^ I WA.ŠÊA EW THEATRE, WIMMTRKET, DiHicroB. A. X?VLLL& TO-IG ITO-.MGHl ?'LtiSDAtt. ??'<cm. TO'XIG\n?' i'Ji>\ !J 'iIÉ.AHÅcnO!i. important product ion of Boucicault's Drama, the (Fo Acta) 0?j[ORO(?f. (FOWActs) pO"erlw Rt OIJmi' N.14 U.-V Effects ..d Acee»Tint. YABn'rTPERMKMjScK'byKBLMTTMd IØIO RICARDO and 06 &1, J UGG LEH$, ELX*AL AUSTIli. Ac. CHANGE OF AFTER P!K!E. 8-.d Pi?,, IN 1. o'clock. MERTHYR. 1;7"L. MEBTHYB. CHARLES DILLON, InT MISS BELLA MORTLMEB, A "D IFULL AND EFFIClBjT COMPAXT, will pay a Return Vitt t. Merti yr on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Mutch 4 aad 6. FBIDAY i MERCHANT OF VENICE. Shylock Mr. Charles Dillon. Portia. Mis. Mortimer. SATURDAY: sm M A C B E T H. F URNITURE. i GBEAT REDUCTIONI u T8. PRICE OF FURNITURE, AIr A L 8 0 P'S GTBAX CABINET WORES, 19,20, 21. 22, and 23. FAIRFAX-STREET, and 58 and 69. BROADMBAD, BRISTOL. A LSO P'S STEAM OABINET A" FURNITUBB WOBItI 19. aJ. 21, 22, and za. FAIRFA,X-STWM "d 58 & 59, BKOADMSAD BRISTOL. Premises anil IItoCII- the largest iil BriitolaaAtfe. West of England. TAPESTRY CARPETS. 1/61 ?IIDDIIRM'IaISTNZ&-IA" MDDEtMINBTBBte.t/Mt SPMNG MATTUU-. ?< ALSOP'S.—18*. Od.—EASY CHAIR, ia LttthBrCto? and Cw?. ALSOP'S.—8 GUINEAS.-WALKUT DRAW!? BOOM 8;;ITE.cumi,rjK  Ing Couch, Two Easy Ct?f. and BU AOL chi.; WW- t Cbiff iw% 5, o,.a o,.u- To*. gs 3L A LSOP'S.— £ 9. BIRCH BEDROOM SUITE, compiete, comprWngj Bufr stead with PaillaMes, Drawer*. Toilet Tabl". Towel-rail, and Four Chain. ik?MP'S.CO. SOUD MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, 8 fMt teag.?tit ?' T" t- and Patent VW; Smaller ditto, with One Leal. 638. ALSOP^.—10a.Od—MAHOGANY PAR- LOUR CHAI&S, covered in !htr- ?-?- c'oth; Gentleman's E? Cb*.r to 1. ?'??S? Centra Table, 4b.; ClifY.. W., sa. or Couch, 5N. ALSOrS.—3fl».—HAT & UMBRELLA AL L MAXD. with Giavt-tx? and PUJe- g'Mt Back; ')"'?r Jtttc, with Mut'e Slab, Plate-glass Back. and D. 480. FURBISH THROUGHOUT £1' L SO P'S STEAM CABINET WORKS, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. FAIRFAX-STREET, AM 5S AND á9, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. iplEORGE CIlEADLE AND CO., LOCK AND LATCH MANUFACTURERS, BRASS FOUNDERS, AND WHOLESALE BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS, WOLVERHAMPTON. PRICES ON APPLlCATl01 GUM m E E T II (From ?s.) T E E T H t T E E T  I Mr J. T HOLLAND. t. SURGICAL '??kiA.NICAI, DENIMT. 1, HERBER1 PLM^ Hl^ RELECS ROAD. S??A.'48EA. Mr. H.Ii..?d, fte? 15 ), p-ti.1 *?'?. 1. <-nat.M to guarantee ?ueccM In evry cue. Prtw me"l T?Lh with *H the t'. t-i known In th. dental art; charges as mùJente as II n"lIt ,"eta ?.'?r'r Work.—Medical <.r.T ?ri?H ??e.. 37319 B U R -d A N 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, A5B JEWELLERY, SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOCKS. BLIRMAN'STI- G.i..Sil-r E h Lever WaMi..C!.pi<-d.J.w?)?.?? BaU M.ark LtfM Qr b?nSi?. !? L?ty'? a?.K <?r. i. w.rrm.MS f^r Five years, and is uiv on;y reliable watch ever etttttd at the price. Orilersby Post receive special attention* and any welt: purchased can be exclianged ti notapproredof. The Finest out ul London uf WEDDING. KEEPER. FANCY* AND SIOft RINGS. 0, WINK-STKEET, BRISTOL. Observe the Clock and Tiroeball over the Shop; Ml Fall* at One p.m. jT?\ TUTICH -Mr. F. H. JONES, Wb-l"s ..d t?F'SH and FRUIT MERCK.LNT- ?.dg??t Cud,M. begs w ivil)rm fta ngWUtyj gentry, hotel vroVMdor,. and tlb" m b? Opened a shop iu CHCRCU STREBT. '"r Ibe oaIe of )"'ish and Puultry (){ the vuy w-stQuaHty,coœtiDechrttJI cheapness. 5hdUld be be (,,?red ?th a sh? of W. public patronage he will  .rti,i? at the lowest p*s«h!e pn. OvjWrt 8i&po ..d ¡oepenc per d01.eC. A!! .,d, pdDclAaH1 at- feinled ?' A?? ?n?nt ?.pp? ? N^ve O^rs. Ezt? .to,. 46350i.- j I, .vldeut that Camomile Is Natu"*$ own d.pi.d .ale remedy for Indlge*Uon and all &waaaøb com. olaints, for during 11?' i:,tt'-(Y y»rs, baV? T1V\ TORTON'S ??r'PILLS have i? ?ff?,d?d r<-?? -t- Lh.-dl. 8-id in B-ttl- at lTijd.,23. 9d.,andlls. A p r?mf ice i i t he fi iii lettet' ot r?m?ndAtiun. ?ODFREY'S' EXTRACT OF ELDER t T FLOWERS, forSotMning the'.ikin ,,d C,?pi?.i.n. In Bttl?.. 21.. -h. by .111 erlt6n Vendors aud Perfumers. 38494 HECKITTS PARIS BLUE in SQUARES. Csed in the PRINCE OF WALES'$ LAU"Ity- BECKÎi!-BLl.:t;TrlV.üu:š |\r U"d in tbe DUCHESS of KDINHURGH'S LAtnrDBY. ECKirris FAitlS BLUE in S?L?t:S. db y t"' P', b-11 It.. Cøp. ch^oTiti1?^ RECKITT'S PARIS BLURT? 94C R"_ li.w.f ad litu-   BECKITTS NAMU wsTl Z,try Wrapper NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILL. i>  <" '=? '???<,  11 W1™"1it £ r ST 4' ui ^!ruSo»* gmvel, an ?ins int.,k. i? bx. 4.. U. =h tz ?,i pe.?nt Mt?d LCIM VOild0f": Or Cbr £ coiiu; t^g H^ Un- wh.1,??? BmLy and ?. x-4ø.. and all the wholefs 'e ho_^sM^ EYED "2LVnAr. ,&MIa M