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Liverpool Mission Defended…


Liverpool Mission Defended by Eminent Welsh Divines. In view of the. pulbiic interest taken ia Mir Evan-, Robeintisi'S' Liverpool meeting's, and in order to oor,reot certain, miseonoepftions. as, itiol his methods, 'a leititeir has been sent to. the Welsh, press, signed jointly by the Rev John Williamsi, Prince's-road, Liverpool, and1 the Rev Thomas Charles Williams, of Menial Bridge. The tetter, of which a copy hais been specially furnished to a contemporary, is in Welsh, and the follow- ing is a translaition — "We desire to take advantage of your col- umns to remove, if possible, igome wrong im- pDe'sis:io.ns which are evidently being spread throiughiouit the country with reference to Mir Evan Roberts's -mission in Liverpool. We ob- serve, that- same are suggesting th,ait his 'sillemtce" i,nlthe meetings causes- ithem to become practi- cally disappointing, while others will have- it tha,t his healith is. so. affected that he ought nolt to have been pressed to fulfil his engagement in this city. We are glad of the opportunity em- phatically to deny both these assertions. Mir Roberts's mission in Liverpool is proving a suc- cess far beyond any expectations. The assem- blages are enormous, many chapels -are filled nightly, and it would be easy to fill many more. The enthusiasm is increasing, and we are fully convinced that the spiritual effects, of this- miissdon will Ihe. felt for generations. "lit is not alone among the Walsh peolple that the interest is beingfullt.. The Lotrd Mayor has sent offering the young (revivalisit on behalf of the city any official wellcome, that. he would, be willing to accept. Alll are c,ageir to welcomie him,, and, more than all, the spirit of the Lord undoubtedly sustains him amointgst uts. Mir Roberts,'s methods1, of conducting the meetings are the, same here as in South Wales. He per- haps, is the. very firsit to adopt such methods. He has no programme of any sorit, and we do .Thot know that he even prepares his> addlresses. lit is the: people who carry on the meetings, not he, and he constantly emphasises^ the. need of all' learning to rely on the Spirit and not on the man. Therefore, notwithstanding that he himself may be silent, the meetings are, never at a standstill; the reins are enttirety in his. hands' His control is perfect. It -is, however, ,a mistake to suppose that he is altogether silent. In the meetings, held by him at Sihaw- slbreet and the Toxiteith Tabernacle all he said showed fine taste and great knowledge, and it w,as manifest that he was, endowed wiitib: such ,n.aitiuiral gifts' of oratory that it would not haw beeon a tax upotn, him to have taken the wholle meeting. "Buit what is rrelmalIkalble in him lrs, his won- derful power to change, with a few phraselg, the whole tone of the meeting. At the Taber- nacle on Mtomday, for instance, the proceed- ings became utterly fiat. There was, not a breath, of life in anything. Mr Robert's: had been speaking very strongly for about twenty minutes at the starti, but afterwards he Stall down and -appeared as if taking no notice of anything for about, an hour and a half. He got: up suddenly when the. meeting was at its lowest point, and in less- than five minutes the place had become awifuli ttiO- be in—hundiredsi praying and praising simultaneously. We are fullly convinced thait he is an extraordinary man, not alone on account of the call he has received and the divine countenance so cleanly vouchsafed to him, but also on account of his natural mental powers. He is; differeinit from everybody, and he should not: be judged: by our ordinary srtand'ard s-. "The exceptional insight that he possesses and the paroxysms he is subjected to prove an obstacle to some'. We do not profess: tlo, be able to go into this question. But one thing is oettai,n-thiait mOoSlt of the things said by him here while under; this inspiration have already belll verified. He is undoubtedly a 'chosen ve'ss,ell' of God for a specific, emergency, and it rest's upon us, as, Itlhosle trying to promote the kingdom of God, to be wide in our sympathies and sparing in, our -criticism, and to pray much on hi,s behalf and. o,n; ibeha'l'f of his work, and to glorify God in him.'


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[No title]
