EDUCATION. THE HALL GRAMMAR SCHOOL, M ABERYSTWYTH. B T. HUGHES, of the University College of Wales, receives pupils at the Hall Grammar School, Aberystwyth. Subjects taught:—English, Classics, Mathe- matics, Book-keeping, Short-hand, and Drawing, in which 5 Pupils took prizes. The discipline is strict, but kind. /he School will lie-open on Tuesday, the 1st of August, ■ernia moderate. Applications to be addressed as above. laWELL HOUSE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH THE REV. LLEWELYN EDWARDS, B.A., of .1.: Lincoln College, Oxford, and Graduate in Honours, Receives Twelve Boarders and a few day pupils, to prepare for Matriculation at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Aberystwyth, and London, or to fit them for professional ad commercial pursuits. Special arrangements made \ttth students reading for degrees. AN ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP OF TWENTY tr>. POUNDS IT ..f *»ill be given to the best boy who enters the University College of Wales from this SchooL The School Re-opened Monday, January 17th. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED IN 1812. „ Trustee* :—Rev. Canon Phillips, M. A., Vicar of Aber- yptwyth, Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., Gogerddan, Thomas P°naall, Esquire, Glanrheidol, Rev. John l ugh, vicar or ^anbadarn-fawr, Vaughan Davies, Esquire, Tanybwlch, ad George G. Williams, Esquire, High Sheriff of Cardi- ganshire N HEAD MASTER: EDWARD JONES, First B.A Government Sciencj Master, and in Honours or ,the Uni- versity of London. This school is examined yearly by gentlemen not con- I cted with the masters, among whom may be mentioned Rev. Dr Charles, D.D., the Rev. Professor Grimley, Rev. Professor Lewi and the Rev. James Cornford, ^•A., Trinity College, Cambridge. During the last year several pupils of this school were Ccessful in examinations for tbe Banks and the Law and ■Apothecaries' Hall preliminary examinations. One, *ho was five years pupil at this school, took a scholarship ?^ £ 80 a year at Oxford, and another one of £ 50 at Cam j?*dge. Also two who entered the University of Oxford direct from this school took their M.A. degree, and one 5*atriculated in London University (first division) in ""Miuary last. T i • The Head Master receives a few Boarders. Inclusive ^ms, £ 10 per annum. „„n.T, ..Aberystwyth Grammar School RE-OPENS on Monday, lj*g3lat of July. LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL -L BELSIZE HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. ncipal, Mrs E. Marie Jones (F. C. College, Glasgow, 411(1 wife of the Rev E. P. Jones, M.A.), assisted by ^asters and a staff of qualified English and foreign teachers. Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cam- Sfidge Local Examination, and the Civil Service Seminations. — The Rev J. Davidson, B.A., Christ ^hurch, Chester, writes of this school — "I have ??hch pleasure in offering my testimony in favour of Mrs y°fie8. I have had every opportunity for personally ascer- filing her abilities to teach her pupils, and conduct her ??bool in a manner that cannot fall to win for her the con- fidence and esteem of all who may avail themselves of the gaining and education she is so capable ol imparting."— rosj>ectu8es and testimonials on application.—The year divided into four equal terms. Next term commences August 8th, 1876. FRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR. Chairman of the Governing body THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. Head Master: ftEV. LEWIS LLOYD, M.A., Jesus College, Oxford Assistant Masters: 4R W. H. POOLE, B.A., Exhibitioner of Magdalen Cjilege, Oxford (1st Class in Natural Science). klt J. IDDON, B.A., Scholar of Sidney College, Cambridge (12tliWraugler). n. ALFRED F. WINTER, B.A., Scholar of Pem- broke College, Oxford (1st class in Classical Moderations.) llERR GSCHWIND (German and French.) MR W. MARTIN (English, Writing, and Drawing). TIIE School is conducted on the principle of inol tbe large Public Schools. The Course of Education E ,^es Greek and Latin, Mathematics, Natural Science, Relish,Book-keeping, Modern Languages, Drawing. Paint- :??» and Vocal Music. Boys prepared for the Univer- y ties, the Civil Service, the La v and Medical Examina- ion". A Modern Side will soon be established, in which Mathe- matics; English,Book-keeping, and Modern Languages will 8 the mai» subjects of instruction. TERMS :— BOTS in the Senior Department, B10 a year. „ Junior Do. 28 „ No extra charge is made for either Drawing, or German, French. The above fees include payment for every sub- Je^t taught in the School. The School is situated outside the town, and is sur- Vended by Cricket and Football Grounds, with a Tennis L<>Urt. Pour largo Class Rooms and two Lavatories have been tjded to the old buildings. Boarders are received in the Master's Hous6» ^^ext admission day will be on FRIDAY, January 28, the boys re-assemble. .Application for admission and for further particulars to be pressed to 1,10 Head Master, Friars School House, ^Ror. MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH. llIS School is conducted by Mr J, Owen, certifi- W cated teacher of fifteen years'experience, and late 3°r at the Government Training College, Swansea the (.j^e of study comprises the usual brarches of a commer- ia Professional, and classical education. The methods of u*striicuon Rre the most modern and approved, and are l8e<l on thoroughly scientific principles ^citable apartments found for pupils residing at a dis- arms and prospectuses may be had on application, vfehool will RE-OPEN on Tuesday, August 15th. "IIE GKAMMAR SCHOOL, LLANDYSSUL, CARDIGANSHIRE. A/TLT WM. THOMAS M:A., on RE-OPENING Oj-"?: School, September l?t. will be prepared to RE- ^orn a faw additional Boarders. Premises larg« and ter ^odious. List of recent passes, as well as prospectus of ~J^iJ3n application. PL AS~ ROAD, MACHYNLLETH. Jyl RS JAMES JENKINS, assisted by a Resident ■^Di- Governess, Recaives Young Lalies to Educate in rir'sh and Music. Rtrms on Application. ^ool to COMMENCE July 24th. ABERYSTWYTH, CAERLEON HOUSE. MISS TRUBSHAW informs her friends and the ^>1 Public that she has removed her School from No. Ura'plac >, to a large and commodious house facing the duties will be RESLTMED (D.V.) on Monday, I t> \8t instant. W- QPils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge local ex- Rations. Q 'esident 1' rench Governess. ^^or two Lady Boarders can be received. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS COMPANY. 13 RDii-eetors of this Company are prepared to fot renders fcr the following Cast Iron Girders Ridges, viz. :—■ °Ur Cast Iron Middle Girders 42 feet long, height in centre 2ft. 3iu.. ohto ut ends 9in-> web Uin. A*? Cad Iron Face Girders 42ft. 9in. long," 3 feet may be obtained from the office of MrGeorce Ci' *he engineer of the Company at Oswestry. Tenders to be ient to the undersigned on or before 4th tost., marke 1 Teud -s for Girders. 0 GiO. o;Cre(ar, ""Pony's Office?, Oswestry, d August, 1S76. v^tifX,HAM ART EXHIBITION.—The attractions of this exhibitiun are daily increasing the n'am besides the thousand and one attractions, music S (Jromu8t l.rominent feature. Mr E iwin Harris gives ih ft3,0 recitats each day at 12 o'clock and four o'clock, i0f,f e,lln.- frorQ 8 "o'i'lO o'clock there is some chasm- f. n'P Uuao"tiil music by a small but delightful orchestra. yV(>Utit0graniule included overtures, selections from the operas, Stians' waltzes, galops, &c..and solos for a u>' ciari°aett,J' vio'dfeello, &c. Mr Hariis also middle of the programme eaoh to 41).C to immense dehght of his audience his perfor- K ^ivQ Sre alwavs encored and Ust night ha was obliged Pt-'r["°rtnance after a double encore. A greater ^tcelv K to yarr's'3 Power as an organist c:>uld V fi 8ivt:n- the pictures and cases of jewels, &c ptrrfec?.3C(ill and visitors may relj' upon seeing everything tK*1'the .All we can do is to advise our readers to lti°n and to go quickly. One shilling secures V^an^v8 °f ti>eExhibition,aud fourhours'niusic. The t °r,,h Western and Great Western liailway8,have $at aprl°.Vin sPecial excursion trains several times each to the four grand concerts, to be held on Cs ,AuKW3t 12, September 23, October 7 and 21—at a 3 Orchestra, the military band of the 30th *sais't, tiiletlted artistes, both vocal and instrumental, L MEETINGS and ENTERTAINMENTQ, PUBLIC ROOMS, DOLGELLEY. I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1876. FAREWELL TOUR. MBS HOWARD PAUL, assisted by Mr RUT- LAND BARRINGTON and Miss HELEN FEATHERSTONE, will appear as above in her new En- tertainment, for the last and only time in this town, as she is retiring from this arduous branch of her profession. The principal features of the programe will be an entirely new and trifling absurdity, written by Cuthbert Vane, entitled BY RETURN OF POST. Characters by Mrs Howard Paul and Mr Rutland Barring- ton. With every kind of appropriate Music. An original Character Sketch, written expressly by Mr Geo. Grossmith, juar., ARABELLA AND ALATHEA, (Friends in Deeds)i introducing the Kpanish Dance and i Duet TWO INNOCENT FAYS ARE WE. Another trifling absurdity will follow, entitled A VERY C ft O Sy&"t X A MINATION, And an pnusuallv interesting BREACH OF PRQMISE CASE. In which Mrs HowArd Paul will ppear in three charactets, P] Mr Rutland Barrington sustaining the characters of Wigsby, Q.C., Grigsby, Q.C., the^" two opposing Counsel. The Enlertainment will conclude with the marvellous re- presentation of Mr Sims Reeves and Mr Santley by Mrs Howard Paul and Mr Barrington, in which they will sing a popular Duet. (The appointments of the Stage and Entertainment are entirely new and of the most elegant character; the de- signs of a distinguished artist.) First Seats, numbered and reserved, 2s second seats, Is. —Tickets may be obtained of Mr OWEN REES, stationer, Victoria-buildings, where a plan of the Hall can be seen and seats secured. TO-NIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT. FIRST APPEARANCE IN ABERYSTWYTH OF HENRY & WALTER WARDROPER'S POPULAR ENTERTAIN- TT MENT, for Three Nights Only. QUEEN'S HOTEL ASSEMBLY ROOMS, THURSDAY 3BD, FRIDAY 4TH, & SATURDAY 5TH, AUGUST, 1876. This charming combination of Refined Humour, Real- istic Portraiture and inimitable display of Versatile Art ha won for these Artistes the title of The Mimics of the Age;" whilst their rapidly earned reputation, and universal popu- larity is unequalled.—HENRY & WALTER WARDROPER in the course of each evening will present a brilliant pro- gramme of Mimicry and Music, and illustrate the art of Instantaneous Metamorphosis by their Marvellous Changes of Appearance (Face, Feature, Voice, Age, Sex, and Cos- tume), without the aid of any Trick, Mechanical contri- vance, and Without Assistance, as given by them this season in the London Halls 200 times. A New and Elegant SceBarium accompanies the Messrs WABDROPER, and will be fitted in the hall.—Admission: Reserved seats, 3s; Second seats, 2s; Third seats, Is. Tickets may be bad (and plan of room seen) at Mr John Morgan (Library), SO, Pier- street, and at the Queen's Hotel, Aberystwyth. Doors open at 7'30 commenee at 8 carriages at 10.—Schools and Children Half-price to Reserved s-ats.-Piaiaist, Mr J. CANTER Acting manager, Mr G. F. TUCKEB. LLANBADARN-FAWR. A SPECIAL MORNING PRAYER and SERMON in ENGLISH Will be held in the Nave of the aboveChurch, EVERY SUNDAY, At 11-30 during the Summer Months, commencing 011 the 25th June. Hymns Ancient and Modern (Old Edition). Offertory towards the Restoration Fund. ''LLEWELYN. PROFESSOR PARRY'S COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT. TEMPERANCE HALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29TH. Further particu,ar. ohor 'y. -ljl < 3" SOLO SINGERS IN COSTUME. WREXHAM ART TREASURES' EXHIBI TION. Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. PRESIDENT—His Grace the DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. NOTE.—The various Railway Companies booking to Wrexbam have made special arrangements to run frequent EXCURSION TRAINS, the passengers by which are admitted to the Exhibition at Half price upon production of their Excursion Ticket. NOW OPEN. FOUR GRAND CONCERTS WILL BE GIVEN ON August 12, September 23, October 7 and 21. 1,000 MAGNIFICENT PAINTINGS. MUSEUM OF ART. ORIENTAL MUSEUM. Will be Open on BANK HOLIDAY. Special Arrange- ments on liberal terms will be made to large employers of labour. QUEEINI.3 HOTEL ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ABERYSTWYTH, MONPAY, 14TH, AND TUESDAY, 15TH AUGUST. FARfcWELL TOUR. MRS HOWARD PAUL, Assisted by MR RUTLAND BARRINGTON And MISS HELEN FEATHERSTONE WILL aDpear as above, in her new Entertainment- wV for the last and only time in this town, as she is retiring from this arduous branch of her profession. The principal features of the programme will be anten tirely new and trifling absurdity, written by CUTHBERT VANE, entitled BY RETURN OF POST, Chara iters by Mrs Howard Paul Phyllis (neat-handed) Her Maid Mr Rutland Barrington I Herr Gustave Butterbrodchen (a German The ^Grtfat Gus. Montmorency (?, lion | Barcingtm comique whom no one can bear) Signor Levanti (a medium) J o With every kind of appropriate Music. i An oriainal Character Sketch, written expressly by GEO. GROSSMITH, JUN., ARABELLA AND ALATHEA (Friends in Deeds), Introducing the Spanish Dance and Duett, TWO INNOCENT FAYS ARE WE. Arabella Mrs Howard Paul Alathea. Kutland Barrington (Staunch friends of years standing.) Another trifling absurdity will follow, entitled A VERY CROSS EXAMINATION, And an unusually interesting BREACH OF PROMISE CASE, In which MRS HOW A R D PAUL Will appear in threw characters Miss Selina Sinj?lebe;.rfc Plaintiff. S*sS«eW1 ■ MR RUTLAND BAERlNGTOX Sustaining the characters of Grigsby,} Ti e two opposing Counsel. Songs introduced by special permission of Messrs BOOSEY and Co., 295, Regent-street, aad CHAPPJSLL and Co., New Bond-street. The Entertainment will conclude with the marvellous lepresenti tion of MR SIMS REEVES and MR SANTLEY, by MRS HOWARD PAUL and MR BARRINGTON, In which they will sing a popular duet. (The appointments of the Stage and Entertainment are entirely new, and of the most elegant character. The designs of a distinguished artist). Admission—Reserved Seats, 3s Second Seats, 2s Third Seats, Is. Tickets may bJ had (and plan of room seen) at Mr Morgan's Library, 30, Pier-Et, et, and at The Queen's Hotel, Aberystwyth. Doors open at 7.30; commence at 8 cfcn-iagesat 10- Schools and children hal'-price to reserved seite. J, /L NOTICE. NORTH CARDIGANSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SHOW. ON Monday next, at Three o'clock in the after- noon, at the Town Hall, Aberystwyth, a MEETING Committee of the above Society will be held for re- members' subscriptions, and other purposes, H. C. FRYER, Lodge Park, R, GARDINER. Birch Grove, 1 JONATHAN PELL, Belle Vae Hotel, R JONES, Nanteos. WANTED, TO LET, &c. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. The Charges for the insertion of PREPAID ADVER TISEMENTS referring to HOUSES TO BB LET, HOUSES WANTED, SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATIONS VACANT, APARTMENTS WANTED. APARTMENTS TO BE LET, MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND, MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND, Are as follows 3 Lines (seven words to a line). 1 0 Ditto, Threeinseitions. 2 0 4 and 5 Lines (seven words ta a line) 1 6 Ditto.Threeinsertions. 3 6 Ditto.Sixinsertions. 6 0 For each additional line over five lines, when there is one insertion, 4d.; whea there are three insertions, or more, 3d. Remittances may be made in Postage Stamps Halfpenny Stamps preferred. No Credit Advertisement is charged less than Is. Gd. NOTICE TO MINE AND QUARRY AGENTS. WANTED, to purchase all kinds of OLD W MACHINERY, METAL and SCRAP IRON. —Address MCILQUHAM, Machine Broker, Aberystwyth N.B.—Mining Plant, &c., Bought and Sold on Commission. ANTED, THREE APPRENTICES^ to the Dressmaking department.—Apply to E.EDWARDS, 9, Pier-street, Aberystwyth. WJ ANTED, a Steady GENERAL SERVANT, at Vy the Dovey Valley Hotel, Cemmes Road. WANTED.—A Shepherd wants employment. Has had great experience. Excellent character.— Apply, JOHN SHARMAN, Cnwch Coch, near Crosswood. REGISTRY OFFICE j r FOR FAMILIES AND SERVANTS AT NOWELL'S FANCY WAREHOUSE, 8, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, Opposite the Infirmary, ABERYSTWYTH. FANCY DRAPERY and LADIES' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT IN the Principal Street in Aberystwyth, with the Stock-in-Trade and Fixtures, to be Disposed of. The house and Show Room have been lately fitted up at great expense Enquire of GRIFFITH JONES, Esq., solicitor, Aberyst- wyth. CARDIGANSHIRE. FARMS TO LET FROM 29TH SEPT. NEXT. ———— ACRES. PENYCEFN, in the parish of Llanfihangel Gen- eu'r-glyn presently eccupied by Mr T. Lewis 200 GLENYDD, in the parish of Llanfihangel-y. Croyddin, and in the occupation of Mr J. James 213 Y'NYFRON, in the parish of Llanafan; in the the (,i Mr R. Euwards 317 Œ acres of this sheepwalk.) 'NYBWLOTT and TY'NBEDW, in the parish of Llinil r; occupied by Mr T. Hughes. 220 A plv-Crosswood Estite Office, Birchgrove, Abpx- tw,, t'i; and on Mondays, at 12, New-street, Aber- twvtb. 12 th July, 1876. TO BE LET—BORTH—With immediate posses- sion, partly furnished, No. 1, Cambrian Terrace, Borth.-Apply, Mrs PRITCHARD, ai above. LONDON HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. THE Basement and Upper Part of u LONDON HOUSE,and the Corner of Great Darkgate-street aud Baker-street, consisting of two Drawing-rooms and W.C., on the first floor, three Bedrooms and Closet on second floor, three good Attics, and in the basement good Kitchen, Scullery, and Cellar, TO BE LET.—Apply to Mr G. T. SMITH, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, at his Offices, 42, North Parade, Aberystwyth. FOR SALE. A COMBINED; MOWER and REAPER (by Williams, of Rhuddlan). Quite as good as new.— Apply to MORRIS DAVIES, Esq., Ffosrhydgaled. p I FOUND.-Those people who are fortunate enough F to purchase Dick's Boots have found them to be durable, comfortable, and cheap. LLANBADARN FAWR, ABERYSTWYTH, TO BE LET, OR SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, the commodious Dwelling-House, Out-Buildings, and Garden, known as the TALBOT, in the village of Llan- baolarn, now in the occupation of Mr R. Roberts, Tanner.- For further particulars apply to Mr DAVID RICHARDS, Llan- badarn. CCOMFORTABLE APARTMENTS and LODG- J INGS.—Mrs WILLIAMS, No. 1, Roche-terrace, Port- madoc. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. Iu the matter of the Companies' Acts, 1862 and 1867, and In the matter of the Blaen Caelan Company, Limited. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, pur- suant to an Order of his Lordship the Master of the. Rolls, made in the above matters, All those Mines known as the Blaen Caelan and West Blaen Caelan Mine, situate in the Parish of Llanfibangel-Geneu'rglyn, in the County of Cardigan, and all the Machinery, Plant, and Ores thereon. Proposals) are to be sent to George Tempany Smith, of Aberystwyth, in the County of Cardigan, the Official Liquidator of the said Company. Particulars and conditions of Sale may be had gratis of Griffith Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Aberystwyth Messrs Fallows and Brown, 4, Lancaster-place, Strand, London and Mr George Tempany Smith, of Aberystwyth, the Official Liquidator. Dated this 13th day of May, 1876. CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO LET—With possession at Michaelmas next, that very desirable Commercial and Family Hotel, called "Dolaucothy Arms," with commodious buildings, Situated in the salubrious and picturesque village of Pum- saint, near Llandilo, together with about 55 acres of very rich pasture, arable, and meadow land. To View-Apply to Mr John James, Woodward, Cefn- garros, near Pumsaint, Llandilo. For further particulars, apply before the 21st of August next, to Mr D. P. DAVIES, Estate Agent, Surveyor, &c., THOEDTBRYN, Near LLAXDILO. ABERDOVEY. TO BE SOLD, a large ami well-fitted BATHING BOX. put together with screws; good glazed win- dow, lock, &c. The top covered with waterproof C invass. Price £ 5.— Apply to Mr REES, Chemist. MONTGOMERYSHIRE, TWO EXCELLENT UPLAND SHEEP FARMS. TO BE LET, and entered upon at Michaelmas Next, CWMRIf AIADR FARM, comprising about lG2 acres of meadow, arable, a,1Jlr! pasture land, and 501 acres of partly enclosed sheep walk. Also the adjacent C WMCEMRHIEW F ARM, containing150acres, together with 90 acres of sheep walk adjoining. Both farms are situ- ated in the parish, and within about four miles of the town of Machynlleth. For further particulars, apply to Messrs POWELL. BELL, and SWETTENHAM, Estate Agents, Newtown. Montgomery- shire, and 11A, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. l.;V.:ZP. 'Ø:8' .0< THE ECLIPSE SAUCE. IT ECLIPSES ALL THE CHEAP SAUCES. TR Y IT. In bottles at 6d., ls., and 2s. each MANUFACTURED BY CHARLES MORRIS, READING. and sold retail by all Grocers nnd Oilman, PUBLIC NOTICES THE BALA BANKING COMPANY, LIMITED. "VTOTICE is Hereby Given, that the Half-yearly J3I General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Town Hall, Bala, on TUES- DAY, the 8TH day of AUGUST NEXT, at Three o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving the Directors' and Auditors' Report, and to declare a dividend. By order of the Directors, GRIFFITH JONES, Manager. Bala, July 27th, 1876. PURSUANT to an order of the High Court of JL Justice, Chancery Division, Vice-Chancellor Malins made in the matter of the estate of Jacob Davies deceased and in an action Davies v Davies 1876 D No. 40 the Creditors of Jacob Davies late of Hendai in the parish of Penearreg in the county of Carmarthen farmer who died in or about the month of September 1875 are on or before the 2nd day of October 1876 to send by post prepaid to David Lloyd of Lampeter in the County of Cardigan the solicitor of the defendant Walter Davies the Executor of the de- ceased theirChristian and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims a statement of the ac- counts and the nature of their securities (if any) held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily exclu- ded from the benefit [of the said order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice- Chancellor Sir Richard Malins at his Chambers No. 3 Stone Buildings Lincoln's Inn Middlesex on Thursday the 26th day of October 1876 at 12 of the clock at noon being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims. Dated this 21st day of July 1876. ALFRED RAWLINSON, Chief Clerk. MORGAN AND GILKS I Furnival'sInn E.C. Agents for DAVID LLOYD Lampeter Cardiganshire Plaintiff's Solicitor. MR PICTON-JONES'S TESTIMONIAL^ THE Friends and Wellwishers of Mr Picton-Jones have decided to present him with a substantial proof of their estimation of those qualities which have won for him such popularity in his native town, as well as in the country in general. The undeviating z. al and faithfulness which have characterized his valuable services as Magistrate of the ancient Borough of Pwllheli for upwards of ten years, his cordial and active support to the National Eisteddfod, as well as his readiness at all times to do what- ever good lies in his power to his countrymen at large, are so well known to his acquaintances and friends, that the Committee feel it unnecessary to make any apology for placing the matter before the public in its present form. As it is intended to present the Testimonial at an early date, those who are desirous to contribute are respectfully requested to send their subscriptions to the Treasurers as soon as convenient. REY. HUGH HUGHES> ) Treasure„ JOHN EDWARDS, ESQ., j ireasurer?- • V; CLEDWYN OWEN,. R. IVOR PARRY, j; Secretaries. '¡ £ s d k a d Sums already acknowledged .765 9 0 Mr Owen Jones, Grapes'jHotel, Maentwrog ..u 0 10 6 Mr John Davies, Cambrian House, Festiniog 0 10 6 Mr Harwood, Twthill and Eagles Hotels, Car- narvon 1 1 0 Mr Isaac Peters, Three Crowns, Carnarvon 1 1 0 Rev. Eleazar Williams,* Edern 1 0 0 Owen Jones, Esq., Castle-square, Carnarvon 1 1 0 Henry Hobley, Esq., Carnarvon 1 1 0 Mr Henry Hughes, Beaumaris 0 10 0 The List will be closed on the 3rd day of August next; and all friends who have not yet subscribed and are desirous of doing so, and those who may have Subscriptions in hand, are requested to remit the same to the Treasurers by that date. To the Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Llanaber, in the county of Merioneth, and to the Superiutendent of Police of the said county, and to all whom it may con- cern. J ARTHUR MAXFIELD, now residing at m London House, at High-street, Barmouth, in the parish of Llanaber, in the county of Merioneth, grocer, &c., and for six months last past having resided at London House aforesaid, and also of 71 and 72, Spencer street, Birmingham, manufacturer, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply to the General Annual Licenbing Meeting, to be holden at the Police Station at Barmouth, in the Division of Ardudwy Is Artro. in the said county, on the Twenty-fifth day of August next ensuing, for a cer- tificate authorizing the grant to me of a Licence to Sell by Retail Beer, Cider, and Wine to be consumed off the premises, at a shop situate at High street, Barmouth, known as the London House, in the parish of Llanaber, in the county of Merioneth, and being within the said Divi- sion, Given under my hand this Twenty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. ARTHUR MAXFIELD. To the Overseers of the Poor,of the parish of Llanycil, and to the Superintendent of Police of the .district of Penllyn, in the Penllyn Division, in'the county of Mrioneth, and to all others whom it may concern. I WILLI AM ELLIS, now residing at a House situate in the town of Bala, in the parish of Llanycil, in the county of Merioneth, commonly called and known by the name and sign of the Red Lion, do hereby give notice, that it is my intention to apply to the Justices at the General Annual Licensing Meeting, to be holden at the Town Hall, in the town of Bala aforesaid, on the 26th day of August next, for a Licence to hold any Exciseable Licence or Licences, to sell by retail under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, 1828, all intoxicating Liquors, to be consumed either on cr off the house or premises thereunto be- longing, situate in High street,in the town of Bala, in the said parish, and commonly called and known by the name and sign of the Red Lion aforesaid, of which said premises Thomas Lloyd Anwyl, of Eryl Aran, in the said parish, Esquire, is the oyner of whom I rent them, and which said premises have for the last seven years been occupied by me, the said William Ellis, as a private residence, farm house, and premises. And it is my intention to apply to the Jus- tices to insert in such Licence a condition that I shall keep the said premises closed during the whole of Sunday. Given under my hand this 29th day of July, 1876. WILLIAM ELLIS. NOTICE. I SCHOOL BOARD FOR LAMPETER-PONT- STEPHEN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.—The above School Board have (subject to the approval of the Education Department) made certain Bye Laws in pursuance of the power given to the School Board by s. 74 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870 2.-A printed copy cf the proposed Bye Laws will con- tiuue deposited, for inspection by any ratepayer, at the County Court Office, Lampeter, being the Office of the School Board, for one month from the date of the pub- lication of this notice. 3.-At the expiration of the said month the said proposed Bye Laws will be submitted to the Education Department for approval. 4.—The School Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any ratepayer. THOMAS LLOYD, Clerk. August 1, 1876. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited by the Abergynolwyn Slate Company, Limited, for building 12 WORK- MEN'S COTTAGES at the village of Abergynolwyn. and Specifications may be se?n at the Company s Office, Towyn, Merioneth. The GJlPpany do not bind themselves to accept the lowest nor any of the tenders that may com:; to hand. The tenders must be in on or beferj the 7th of August next.

LAMPETER fCHOOL BOABD.—The monthly meeting o: this Boro was held on Friday, July 23. Present: Mr John Fowdeti (presiding chairman), the Rev. Joseph Jonos, Messrs W. B. Pice, Joseph Morgan, David Davies (architect), and I h s. T li,y(i (c'erlc) -,Nlr Davies, the architect, laid before the Boird two draft plans of the new lafant School one of which having been selected, the clerk was directed to send the same to Mr Williams, the district inspector, for ap- proval, previously to submitting it t) the Education Department.—The clerk's salary was fixed.-It wtg i,esolve,l th;<t the appointment of master and mistress f( r St. Peter s School should be made at the next meeting.—The clerk was directed to write to Mrs Harford enquiring whether the North Lolce may b? rented to the Board fo- the use of the mistress of St. Mary's School; he wa, also directed to ad- vertise again for a mistress for that sch,1. MONTHLY MARKET.—At the market on Friday, July 23, the following prizes were awarded by the c,)iniiii,tee Cattle, 1st priz', Mr David Williams, Penpompren 2nd ditto, Messrs Daniel Jones, Llwyneier, and Rees Davies, Penlan. Strre pigs, Mr Evan Thomas, Bontfaen, Cellari. Shpep, Mr David Walters, Faicondale. Poultry, Mr John Hughes, Pantcoy. Wool, 1st prize. Mr John Worthington, Lampeter 2nd ditto. Mrs Harford. Faicondale.

We quote the following fr<>ua a co temporary: Mrs Howard Paul—This very clever en:e tainer has resolved to pive up the phtform, and she will commence a farewell tour of the provinces next month. Mr Cuthbert Vane has written a new travestie f, r her, and she has falso secured the literary and musical pen of Mr George Grossmith, jun. There 13 no woman so clever as Mrs Paul in her own line, and no one s ) young after having been before the public for so many years. I saw her at the Alexandra Pal ice l ist week, playing with the charm and "go" of a girl of twenty, and keeping an audience in roars of laughter with her Woman's rights song, as if tha1; very character- istic porformance had only been seen list week for the first time. Mrs Howard Paul is not orily a good actress, but she is a good woman, a hospitable hostess in htr pleasant home in Regent's Park, and a credit to her sex and profession*" Mrs Paul will appfar at the Queen's Hotel Assembly Room, Aberystwytb, on August 14 and 15

NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. CARBIBB.-Neither highway nor county ioad surveyors have any right to allow heaps of road scraping to lie at the road side until they are grass grown. The course to pursue is to summon the offenders before the magistrates, who will deal with them. There is scarcely a road in the district not rendered highly dangerous by the practice of leaving these heaps on the roads year after year. VISITOR.—Tbe reason why we make a charge for publish ing lodging houses is that in abont nine or ten towns where this paper circulates every house almost takes in lodgers during the summer season. To pretend to get a com- plete list of visitors from about 3,000 houses was absurd. In order to find out regular lodging houses and to reduce the list to a system, we have adopted the plan of regis- tration.. The fee is a nominal one of 2s 6dfor the season, and does not by any means cover the cost of publishing the list. Registered houses are advertised week after week throughout the season, whether they have visitors or not.. In a year or two lodging house keepers will se the advantage of a system which keeps them prominently before -she public. Houses may be registered by forward- ing the fee to any of our agents.

POLITICS IN WALES. So complete is the political stagnation of the hour that even in Wales, where burning questions are usually as plentiful as sand at Barmouth, .indifferentism now prevails. A proposal on the part of the Conservative Government to repeal the Great Charter extorted from King John would not at the present time cause anything beyond a passing sense of uneasiness. In Cardiganshire, as everybody knows, we have excellent reasons for desiring to see trial by jury abolished, but that cherished palladium of our liberties might be removed without fear of Peterloos or Hyde Park riots. After twenty years meditation it is generally admitted that the Crimean war was a blunder, but just now the country would be allowed to drift into war in support of Turkey, if the Government were so disposed, notwithstand- ing the speeches of Mr HENRY RICHARD to the contrary. In times of great political activity the speeches of Mr HENRY. RICHARD are perhaps read by some of his admirers, but now be speaks to a dull-eared constituency. There may be fast- nesses among the mountains where village politicians are still haranguing audiences gathered from far and wide on the Burials Bill, the 25th Clause, and the Disestablishment of the Welsh Church. Wales went almost mad a year or two ago over the 25th clause of the Education Act. Many of the most hearty detesters of this clause never understood it, but their political guides told them it was the symbol of oppression, and they began to. howl, without stopping to enquire whether there was any real grievance behind all the sound and fury. The reactionary majority who do the bidding of Mr DISRAELI in the House of Commons have this session passed an Edu- cation Bill, which will give real support to de- nominational schools. Dissent has been set at defiance and flouted openly. Those who hated Mr FORSTER without a cause and voted for Con- servative candidates on the ground that they did not believe in Mr GLADSTONE are having real grievances prepared for them. The Issachars of Wales who have carefully prepared their own burdens will not be allowed to crouch down but will be goaded on by their masters. The Conservative plan of making things pleasant all round, by providing a needy aristocracy with sinecures, increases taxation but something like two years ago was not economy driven out of power by the painful cries of starving office seekers ? We do not believelthat the rank and file of Liberals are a whit better than Conserva- tives as regards expenditure, but Mr GLADSTONE, Mr JOHN BRIGHT, and Mr ROBERT LOWE, are men who by cutting down useless extravagance roused not only those actually in the enjoyment ot national money but all those who had hopes of reversions. The Prisons Bill is a fair sample of the way taxpayers are imposed upon by the Governing Classes. This bill by placing prisons under one management and by abolishing useless gaols is calculated to save the country not less than half a million a year. The Bill has been biiterly opposed by the squirearchy of the country not because it is defective but because it robs them of one of their cherished rights. The Bill interferes with the patronage of magistrates and must therefore be opposed. There are governor- ships of gaols and other offices in the gift of the magistrates which they and their poor relations have held from time immemorial. Interference with these appointments was resisted with all the force possible, and the fact that overburdened taxpayers would be benefited by half a million a year was ignored. A national debt of 750 millions is believed by the ignorant to be so good a thing that the Conservatives have invented a process by which a sum of about three quarters of a million a year is paid off and three millions is added The plan is marvellously simple. To borrow money to pay debts is robbing Peter to pay Paul. The debt costs the country about twenty-seven millions a year in interest, but what is that to a nation that has ceased to take interest in its own existence. The national debt affords the rich an excellent investment, and is in many ways a convenience for which the poor pay. National indebtedness is not a subject likely to arouse that interest in politics which has steadily declined since 1868. The stimulas to renewed action will be found in acute national pain rather than in chronic suffer- ing however great. Government will eventually 0 y blunder upon a tender spot with its heavy heel and spur the nation onward to acts of growth and puiification. In the meanwhile stagnation must deepen even in Wales. Once a year Liberation societies will trot out their platitudes political agents will make sham fights in registration courts once shining lights will flicker and die. Real political life will only be found ia Tory head quarters where new reactionary measures are manufactured year by year down to the precise degree of Liberal apathy. The landowners who compensated farmers for the cattle phgue and who have protected them against foreign compe- tition by restrictions on the importation of live stock will next proceed to the re-imposition of a duty of a shilling a quarter on foreign corn. There is still room for a good deal to be done in the way of re-action. We may live to see the paper duty re-imposed after the work of abolish- ing School Boards has been accomplished. The happy condition of the Established Church may be increased by the encouragement of pluralism, simony, and other things which in former times were called abuses, and dissenting deacons and ministers may make increased efforts to train their sons for holy orders. We offer our readers any consolation to be found in the fact that there I is yet a good deal of ground to travel over before all the reforms slowly won through the centuries I have been fetched back from us.

CLEARING ABERYSTWYTH STREETS. The Town Surveyor at the last meeting of the Aberystwyth Council called attention to the ob- struction every market day on the footpath near the Corn Market by a man who sells crockery. This man pays a toll of five shillings a week to the lessees of the Corn Market who claim the footpath-or at any rate three foot in width of it —as private property. Mr THOMAS GRIFFITHS, a member of the Council and a joint lessee of the market, contended on Tuesday with a good deal of warmth that the footpath was included in the lease granted by Nanteos to the lessees. A reso lution to clear the footpath was lost by a majority of oue in favour of an amendment, moved by Mr GRIFFITHS and seconded by Mr J. R. JOKES, not. to interfere with the way business is conducted in the town on market days. Mr GRIFFITHS more than once asserted that the lessees were determined to fight the town on this question. Whether the Surveyor exceeded his duty in calling attention to the obstruction or whether he acted on the sug- gestions of a third person are questions compara- tively of little importance. The clearing of the streets has evident" entered upon a new phase. The battle new to be. is one that will test. the pcwfcr and get at iest for ever doubts as to rights in the public iiiuico.^hfares. of ib* to".rn. The Covr: by a cf cue, virtually resolved on TuescLj a portion 0. one of the streets of Aberystwyth should be claimfed. by private persons, and let out by them on rental without interferance As Mr ATWOOD pointed out, no right of this sort can be al- lowed by the Town Council. Apart al- together from the general question of clearing the streets, a stop must be put to anyone's charging rent for their usp. It was said on Tues- day that three feet of the footpath at one time be- longed to Nanteos, but it is now said that the new building was brought to the limit of the Nanteos property. However that may be, it is clear the MAYOR, as the chief member of the Corporation, must take the initiative in protecting public rights, which, if allowed to be tampered with in this way, may ultimately result in the closing up of streets. It is almost incredible that anyone in these days would not only deprive foot-passengers of the use of the footpaths, but actually charge rents for them It is generally some glaring abuse that results in reform. After all the conten-tion there has been at Aberystwyth about clearing the streets, it is worthy of note th&t Mr. Griffiths is likely to be the person who will bring about the very thing he most wishes to avoid. Few of the inhabitants care much, whether a few boxes are left on the footpaths the old women who sell fowls at the corner- of Pier-street would perhaps never have roused sufficient interest to have got themselves abolished; hawkers of vegetables might have been tolerated as a mixed evil; but when a claim is made to a portion of a public street, and it is admitted that acts of ownership are exercised over it, then the system of obstruc- tions is doomed, whatever may become of the particular footpath claimed by the lessees of the Corn Market. The sooner the owners of Market-street enclose their property, the better will it be for the public, who are liable to be warned off the streets which have been flagged at their expense, and are kept in repair by them. We shall be surprised if the ratepayers have not something to say about this claim, which cannot be allowed to pass unobjected to even for a week. The MAYOR said on Tuesday that it was time for the magistrates and the police to interfere. Our readers will endorse his opinion.

LOCAL AND DISTRICT NOTES. The result." of the bazaar at Criccieth exceeded the anticipations of its promoters, for R160 was raised, whereas only £80 was required, to complete the purchase of aa organ. The managers of the church, however, are glad to have the balaaoe for the renovation of the sacred edifice. A correspondent cJls attention to the erection of a t -11 bar on the beautful Panorama Walk at Barmouth. The people of the town who care to encourage visitors should take this matter up at once. Twopence may be a small sum, but visitors like freedom above all things, and the toll bar will irritate them much more than many a greater evil. A fund is being raised at Portmadoc for the widow and relatives of the late Private JOHN ROBEKTS, who was acci- dentally shot at the butts. Volunteers generally are to be appealed to. *♦* '■ Uppingham School, we understand, will reassemble at Borth some time next month. V Oxford Local Examinations will be held at Aberystwyth, about Christmas next. Mr Griffith Jones, solicitor, is the jocal secretary. We are requested to state that fever has disappeared from Aberdovey. We understand there has been no case of measles or scarlet fever there for some time. V We are glad to report a successful regatta at Pwllheli. The weather was agreeable, and there was a large attendance of spectator?. Llanychaiarn Church is no-, ne of tho-w sacred edifices of which a parish has good cause to be pruud. The church was so bad that, two years Qgn. the pa Lhioners thought something should be done to ob„:iiu funda for improving it. In August, 1874, a successful baz tar was held in the Town Hall, Aberystwyth, and a suui "f X524 83 31 was realized. From that day to this no accn t has been given how por- tions of the mosey have been disposed of. Two years have pas ed away since the bazaar was held, and the time has come when the accounts should be audited, and the work commenced for which the money was obtained. The public came forward very readily to assiet the promoters of the bazaar, andit is scarcely right no account should be rendered of the proceeds. Awkward questions may be asked if this two-years' silence is not sye.-dily broken. Cannot the VICAR do anything towards enlightening those who, very properly, are beginning to want to know, you know." The proceedings for the compulsory purchase of a site in the village of Llanbadarn for a Board School have been abandoned. Sir PRYSE PBTSE, Bart, has iffsred a site, which ha3 been accepted, within a hundred yards of the spot fixed upon by the Board. The terms are perfectly satisfactory to the Beard. The inquest on the two sailors who were drowned at Portmadoc, and the remark of one witness that at most seaport towns lights were kept burning en the quay all night, will no doubt direct the attention of the proper autho- rities tj the desirability of establishing a similar practice at Portmadoc. At Dolgelley on Saturday last the Kural Sanitary Autho- rity's Inspector reported that the death.rat through the Union for the three months ended June :!0th was at the rate cf 2-r2 per 1030 per annum. This is about a third higher than it ought to be, and yet the inhabitants are astonished that visitord do not visit Dolgeliev. Dolgelley is nearly a healthy as the back slums of some of the large English towns. A i evolution was passed to call the atten- tion of the Local Board t) the high death-rate, and ask whether that I:nary body will do anything towards bringing about a hf-a.ihi-r st.te of things. Si much has been said about Dol^eiiey Local Board, its non-resident clerk, and its clever way of not doing :.nyhinz, that only the very credulous will éXjJec the Board to act on the reso- lution passed by the Kural Sanitary Authoiity. On Monday a boy at Vaalndarn was caught in a water mill and had both his b gs Lrohn. On Tuesday morning a man was washed off the deck of a fishing smack at the entrance of tha Aberystwyth Haroo. r and was drowned. Later in the day a servan gal at tie Beile Vue Hotel, Aberystwyth, fell 20"n whi e va ting at d;nntr, and died in ten miaLtOP- On Wednk s'a; m ii n', g a m'ner died in a field just outside Aberjs wylh br.'o.-e medical assistance could be procured. Pe'ails of thes* events i I le found ia other parts of the ppp r. At the MachynlUtri Ptt'y Ses ion?, on W-cnday ]a t, a bookseller asked why lie should not hawk b ilks about the streets in the tame way as th bookstall b rVSi There was no reason. Strictly speaking perhaps, newspaper'lads aad lads who sell tea-cak^s ought to have hawker's liceneeaf and if the Machynlleth bookseller uoes not think it beneath his dignity to hawk his wares he can do so. The licence will Cost hira nothing. V At the last mett'.ng cf the Aberystwyth Town Council Mr GF.O^.SE MoiccE, the late cleik to the Harbour Trustees* applitd for two years' s.,ilary, and contended that he had Lever resigned his tnee. Alderman JONTS said the cle: k ^signed his office It fjre the Harbour was transferred to the Corporator. Mr MORICE s.iid h0 would commence legal proceedings. The umpire's award ill tbeYstrad Meurig quarry arbitration was ieid. As Wc stated last, w&ek the totil cost of the quarry, wLh exptnses, wilt reach £ L,00. Mr GKEE* go; up a perfectly useless DIS- OU83:oa as to -*b"> wss t> lime for^the "s;i.t milk. Con'.mued on paje 6.