BUSINESS ADDRESSES. I Abervstwvth. j O H IT JAM-ES LONDON AND ABERYSTWYTH RAILWAY TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE S, )•»»« ^ij^SKOBTH PARADE, *•*«- —^ (■' £ rfT7' AND r • «'• '^TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. Ss FT .JF« .«);».,}••■* -msn r*wl&vr -•-■> tf' "■•■'■' ■"■ »' (■■■'•• C ai;, nW -a*- -Hi **• AGENT FOR *«.«,*•* 52 ZriZZFZZt?" fiiSS,' :'BA.TCLEKP, AND GRETTON, "tSS .•OWI" • —-•• BTJRTON-ON-TRENT. *"J II WD» IUH>W ;A OR LIST O F P R I 0 £ S •_ W. f|^Tf,. r. ,.3. jf-T*. "For the Season ending October,* 1876. •<*< i. ^:rw tot ts* PER KIL. PER BABBEL. PEP. KIL. ^-EBBabree. INDIA PALE BITTER ALE 30S tiOj STRONG AND fNo. 3B 33S 66s NI>IArAb (No. 6. 21s 42s BOTTLING ALES ^No.2.36s 72s ,R T_A J No. 5. 243 48a • .(-No. 1.42a 84a I MILD ALES No# 4 273 5ii GUINNESS'o DUBLINs 293 58s \No. 3 30a 60s EXTRA STOUT t f FAMILIES AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED DIRECT FROM THE BREWERY AT BURTON, [ OR FROM OUR STORES AT ABERYSTWYTH. f •BOTTLED ALE AND STOUT. Pale Ale. 4s 6d per cloz. ;"s- w Allsopp's Do. Do. 4s 6d „ •" Guinness's Extra Stout 4s 6d t. • » •RR<FC*'V *—' The "Proprietor of the Railway Tea Warehouse has much pleasure in presenting his Friends and the inhabitants of Aberystwyth, end Families resident in Western Wales, with the Price Current of his Establishment. .3.J.3 .Ufa: JH* um*-tm* — — '■ .iviii". £ » »>? *<i H«fO i*"l *•«■» !«>>. TSTJ OR". X C TEAS. r.I 5"1■ -d} s«s!' T:»L! »>.W KtfTnl Perib. 'i*™?-? *>lT.zr?S Perlb If0 1 8. d. No. •-•••• 8» 1 Kftinps of Assam and other kinds 1 8 4 Rich strong Oopack Tea 3 0 2 r^i <lfrnn £ r Familv Tea *;?? 2 0 5 Very rich full-flavored Tea 3 4 3 Very fine Choice Blank 2 8 6 Choicest Moning Souchong and Kaisow im- To which we Ball attention. | ported a » io, COFFEES- Fine JAMAICA r'. !«?'1 4 The Essence of ttiess Coffees ir bottles at 1?. and finest PLANTATION. 1 6 2s. only rtquires boiling water to make a cup FINEST EAST INDIA. I 8 of excellent Coffee instantly. Bare aud Choice MOCHA 2 0 GOOOAS A N D CHOCOLATE. Cocoa Nibs, firmest Trinidad } f Dnnii'a Iceland MoS, 1 J ■^lake Cocoa, genuine Sry o a. V'r. i_ i 4 Ground on the premises. Do Spanish Chocolate i CaJtes Chocolate Powder, loose 10 Peek's Chocolate (recommended) 1 4 EPPS'S HOMCEOPATHIC COCOAS, Is 4 1 per Pound. w • « RAW AND REFINED SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES • -M Also, Currants, Kaisins, Muscatels, Oranges, LemoiiS, &c. MISCELLANEOUS-DEPARTMENT. °:n^ It is impossible to enumerate the numerous articles comprised in this department suffice it to say, families will find the stock as extensive and varied as in any lof the largest Metropolitan Est ablishmeuts IncluùIlIO' including- huntley AND PALMER'S AND PEEK FREAN'S BISCUITS, j ;j Jca OJ b* on ,vOii ALSO j- •» CROSSE & BLACK WELL'S GOODS IN GREAT YARIET^ xukt t* lood -b ■oWHITE WINES • %*r Gall. Doz. Bott. Gall. Doz. Bott. SSERRY NO. 1, agreeable Light Wine 9s 18s Is Gd SHERRY, No. 5, very soft, pale nutty i- Ditto No. 2, excellent Dinner Wine 10a 20a la 8d flavour 153 30a 23 6d II -ittMtto No. 3, Standard Pale Wina 12s 24s 2s Ditto, No. 6, very soft, Gold, nutty Ditto ^<o, 4, Standard Gold Wine 12s 24s 2* j flavour ••• 15s 30a 2s 6d OLD RICH SHERRIES, 36s, 42s, 488, and 60s per doz. 5f.ARSALA, finest imported 2|9 2a Od ■"Uto, good sound Wine, grown Sicily ••• ? WHITE FRENCH WINES SAUTERNE fine quality ••• Is 6d | BURGUNDY, fine quality 18a Is 6d DUto extra qualUy 24s 2s Od 1 Ditto, extra quality 24s 2s Od RED FRENCH WINES CLARET, Vin Ordinairie, recommended 18s Is 6d BURGUNDY, fine soft wine, recommended 20s Is 8d ■ Ditto Medoc, excellent dinner wine 20a Is 8d Ditto, extra quality, highly recom- •.Ditto'. St. Emilion, delicate after dinner mended 30s 2s 6d wine 24s 2s Od MASDEU, a full-bodied red wine, from the flth«r choice Wines 30i to 60s per dozen. South of France- It resembles old dry Port 24s 2s Od "—— IROUSILLON, first growth of vintage 1861. 24a 2s Od RED WINES 9RT, No. 1, sound useful Wine 93 18!! Is 6d I PORT, No. 4, dry Old Wine, recommended 18a 36s 33 ^jtto, No. 2 fine fruity Wine 12s 24s 2s Ditto, Old Crusted ditto, 48a 54s 60s No. 3, full flavoured Old Wine 15s 30s 2s 6d CHAMPAGNE etiAMPAGNE, ifne quality, recommended 428 3s 6d CHAMPAGNE, W.L. 5s r Ditto pints 24s 2s Ditto W. & G. 6s Ditto G.L 4s Ditto Moet & Obandon 63 Ditto B. L. 48 6d "rl' I. "< "1,1 DUt° BL' SPIRITS "4': _1 1;+ 'L' "aP-A.NDY, Pale or Brown, very useful. 18a 36a 28 Ditto dittb 10 years old, un- Ditto ditto highly recom- equalled 21s 42s 3s 6d mended 21s 42s 3s 3d WHISKY, Irish, fine old, recommended 18s 36s 3s 6d Ditto ditto Martell's, finest im- Ditto ditto 10 years old, equal ported in Wood 24s 48s 4s 2d to Brandy 21s 42s 3s 6d Ditto Martell's or Hennessy's (bottled Kdahan LL old Irish Whisky 3s 8d in France). 54s 4s 6d Dumville VR ditto 3s 8d Ditto very old Martell's, Hennesay's, RUM, fine Jamaica 16s 328 2s 8d nr Otard Dupoy & Do.'s VSOP 6s 6d Ditto, extra quality, very old I83 36s 3s GlN, fine London, very strong 13s 26s 2s 2d HOLLANDS, John de Kuyper's 3s §in. Old Tom, finest made -• Ms 28s 2s 6d ,fit> a<)j,^rp j,.r„ oua = WHISKY, Scotch, very old recom- raeuded 183 303 33 BRITISH LIQUEURS 9*Oger Brandy l3s Od I nv,PPerDRini' ^Ibr- "jb-f Ws 6d 0faBge Bitters J | Cherry Brandy, &c., ko. f BRITISH WINES. Oran„e "J Black Currant "i Ginger ?la 4d Red ditto >ls 4d •Raisin J A-11^ any other kind J Bottles charged two shillings per dozen, and allowed for when returned. T E R M S C A 8 H V H^TJANOE HOTTSW^ GREAT DARKGATE-bTREET (OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET), WILLIAM PROBIN, WORKING LAPIDARY, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, P^EGS to inform the Gentry, Inhabitants, and Visitors ot Aherystwylh tbat he has now on hand a well- selected Stock of Diamond Rings, Wedding Ringti, Signet Rings, and Gem Rings. Bright and coloured Gold Jewellery in all its branches, made upon the premises. Every article warranted. Also a large Stock of Whitby Jet and Oak Urnaments. Old Gold and Silver Purchased, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in New and Second hand Plate. BREAD! BREAD!! BREAD!! I PURE HOME MADE BREAD Can be obtained at D. BISHOP, 0' 38, PIER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. French Rolls, Dinner Rolls, Leaf Roll. Brunswick and Milk Bread made daily. I 1, EVAN MORGAN, AGENT FOR ALL THE BEST MAKERS IK CIEWING MACHINES, Large Assortment of Hand and Treadle alway. in Stock, Silk, Twiist, and Cotton Reels, Oil and Needles to fit any MachintS -MACHINES out of order re-adrusted. Easy Terms of Purchase. DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 21, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. MACHINES ON HIRE. ESTABLISHED 1826. THOMAS" WHITE, (Son and SNMSJOR to tie 7a'e EL'ztbjth WLic<,) MANUFACTURING LAPIDARY AND JEWELLER I EGYPTIAN HOUSE, TERRAGE ROAD, AND YORK HOUSE, MARINE TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. 'I I splendid collection of Jewellery of Ihe nswest designs, coxp ising Necklets, B)ooshes, Ear Liogs, &c., always in St( ck. GEMS AND Of HER RINGS. OLD CHINA IN GREAT VAI IFTY. Gii" An) t'n,:{ not in Stock made t) cr:ar. DEALER IN SILVER AND ELEC rRO PLATE. SALES BY AUCTION.. 1. A1 CARDIGANSHIRE.—YALTJABI^ FTFEBHDLL> ESTATES FOR SALE. MR G. T, SMITH will SELL BY AUCTION, at the Belle Vue Hotel, Aberystwyth, on THURSDAY the 10:h of AUGUST, 1876, at Two o'clockin the aftertioob, the following "Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, in Lots, namely:— T r r x r*rr ? f 1 J OP FARM. NAMB-01' OCCCPIEB. QUANTITY, N/JIE OP PARISH. • t I -— —: —; A. B. P. ?- 1 j, JWPWT 1 Penpompren Mochno. John Joees 84 0 0 Llancynfelin. 2 Tymawr Mochno, Jame|.JoneB. 24 0 0 j ■* n- i,lfl tw- 3 Blaenclettwr Fawr Thoog^B Jones 218 1 29 „ ••>■ > | 'Jl* 4 Llwynwalttr Thona# Griffiths 97 3 35 *>•* >[:V R*N R«U*L 5 Llwyncrwn Davi^ Morris.26 0 371 V* VM. N*FT -<<• 6 Blaenclettwr Fach JOHN^AVIES 210 3 1 Llanfihangel.geafcu'r-glyn;*<T FCRFJ «•' .»*••' 7 Brynfedwen Fawr Lewi%Hughes 137 1 15 F V! II "J £ I. •• The Properties abound with Game, and scvcijgjjj of the Lots-_ai;e contiguous to well, and strictly preserved Estates. !.of' -c- Plans and Particulars may be had Fourteen days before the day of Sale, on application to F. R, ROBERTS, Esq., citor, or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwyth. J. SALE ON MONDAY NEXT. .'w"' I' 's f'{:JU 1¡f(' ¡. ABERYSTWYTH. v.- IMPORTANT SALE OF THRASHING AND SAWING MACHINES, PORTABLE JJTEAM 1 ENGINES, &c. 1 •1 MR G. T. SMITH has been instructed\to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, AUGUST theTth, 1876, at the Coashbuilding Yard, Moor-strett, Abcrystwyih, at Three o'clock in tLe afternoon, the following Valuable MACHINERY, namely:- -,y IC A STEAM TaR MàCHIXE, Double Blast, MADE by Marshall and STO|Gainsborough, .in. 1871J in good repair and thorough order. A Seven-horse Power PORWVLVS^EAM ENGINE, by Olayton,and Shuttlevforth. A Six-horsa Power Portage yiTEAM ENGINE, with Double Action. Masssive RACK SAW BENCH, with circiilar -aws, up to four feet diameter. Further particulars may be obtained of Me^ H-UGH HUGHES and SONS, Solicitors, Mr GNTRFLTH JONJW, Soli- j citor, or the AUCTIONEER, all of Aberystwyth. Ternas-Cash. < QUEEN STREET, ABEtlYSTWYTII, ) ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. J MR G. T. SMITH h;(s been instructed AY the ( Proprietors to cf[er Apr SALE BY AUC TION, on TUESDAY, the 8th day Vf AUGUST, 1370, at the Talbot Hotel, AberystlfytfTV at uhtee o'clock in the afterno6n (subject to Cono\tions\an(iin\u^h I-iot or Lot3 as may be decided at the tiVie offealA, L\REVVERY desirable and well j situated FREELI\)LD|IJWKLV^Y HOUSES, iu Queen- street, in the occ pati n M ld Richards, mason, a Captain Lewis E ar an Captain E. Oliver. Each house contains on t ground or a capital front Kitchen or Parlour, back Kitchen and ullery; and on the upper floors good front Sitting-room, and three Bedruoms. There are also good Gardens and Closets at the back. The Pfo- perty possesses a frontage to Queen-street of about 49 feet with a depth of nearly 80 feet, abutting on premises in Great Darkgate-street, formerly belonging to the same proprietors, and recently purchased by John Watkins, Esq. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs HUGH HUGHES and SONS, Solicitors, Mr Griffith JONES, Soli- citor, or the AUCTIONEER, all of Aberystwyth. 0- — In Liquidation. CARDIGANSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF MINING PLANT'AND MACHINERY. i MR G. T. SMITH has been instructed by the Qfficial Liquidator to Sell by Auction, at the Mine, near Goginan, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16TH, 1876, at Twelve o'clook at Noon, ;thcjwholo of tho Valuable MACHINERY, I PLANT, and MATERIALS, of the Bwadrain Consols Mine, COMPRISING 1 30ft by 5ft\Water Wheel, with 1 30fm Launders; 1 24ft Water Wtieei, with 17Jm Launders 1 30ft by 3ft Water Wheel, with 25fm-Lauhaers; 1 12ft by 2ft Water Wheel; 4 Balance BobsJ 3 /shatt Bobs, 3 Angle Bobs; 220fm Iron Rods, 2iln Iby inXwith Pullies and Stands ^30fm Iron Rods, lfias»i(}Jlfin round, with Pullies and Stan^b Capstan and Sh^rs^>S5fmVli^ Wiie Rope, with Pnllies and Stands 220np &.10L ChVin, with Pullies and Stands Shaft Tackle, coAphW; 860fcn Railroad Iron, abo^jt lolhs to the yard; 60/m^ucket RojU; 40fm Skip Road, and Skip Ladders, Cuing Planks, 2 Winches 40fm Rail- road and Stands; Air Machine, Sheds; Several lots of Chains, of different sizes; 3 Anvils, 2 Bellows, 2 Vices Screwing Gear, Smith's Tools; 1 large Screw, Yokes, Bolts, of different sizes; Several lots of useful Iron and Timber 1 Drawing Machine, complete; 1 Crusher, com- plete lOfm Plunger Lift, complete, 24ia bore 1 Self-act- ing Jigger; other Jiggers 3 Round Buddies; 17f<a If in Shafting to Jigger; Hutches, Dolly Tub, Barrows Sundry Sheds, Roofs of Bin and Crusher House; 45fm 9inPumps, with Bucket Rods, &c.; 12fm 6iiu Pumps, with Bucket Rod.s,-&c.; 12fm 5 in Pumps, with Bucket Rods, &c. 12fm 7in Pumps, with Bucket Rods, &e. Parts of a Crusher, Parts of a Drawing Machine. The whole of the Machinery is in good condition, and a large poition thereof is nearly new, so that the Sale affords an excellent opportunity to purchasers. CARDIGANSHIRE. '1. Valuable FREEHOLD FARMS, in the parishes of Llan- badarn Creiddin Ucha and Llanfihanl y Creiddin, known as SARNEY FAWR and 8ARNEY FAOH, con- sisting of about 115 acres 6f aoperior Arable and Pasturb Land, well supplied with Water, in a good state of culti- vation, intersected aacfeipptoached by good roads, lying in a ring fence, with gqpd Y^HING-house and suitable Farm Buildings, together w\h^ some very nsefal OAK TIMBER of ars rowth, the whole situate about bal f m fr m e village of Llanfihangel y Creiddin, now imheWapWtion of Mr John Davies, as yearly tenant, To be Sold by Auction, by or er of the proprietor, by MR G. T. SMITH, on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd day of AUGUST, 1876, at the Talbot Hotel, Aberyst- wyth, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to condi- tions).. Possession may be had on the 29th September next. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs vHUGH HUGHES and SONS, Solicitors, or the AUCTIONEER; Aber- ystwyth. CARDIGANSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of the FARMS of RflOQJVIADE, TYNYGWNDWN BWLCHYRHANMR, >&ORSVVGAN, OORSGWAN- FACH, PENQU^RWEIXCTTTTYR, and CORNEL OF AN, comprising ab 3 ACRES of superior Arable and Pasture Land, lying rto a ring fence, Five miles from Aberystwyth, > To be Sold by Auction, by MR G. T, SMITH, on THURSDAY, the 24TH day AUGUST, 1876, at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel, Aber- ystwyth, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon. Particulars and plans of Mr F. R. ROBERTS, solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwjtb. COUNTY OF MERIONETH. Sale of a Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as CRAIG Y FACHDDU, situate in the township of CORRIS, near Machynlleth, of Arable and Pasture Land, with extensive Ffriths, through which Two valu- able Slate Veins run Cottages and Dwelling-houses a portion of which will be laid out in Building Lots, To be Sold by Public Auction, by MESSRS WM. DEW and SON, at the Slaters' Arms Hotel, Corris, on THURSDAY, the 10TH day of AUGUST, 1876, at 2.30 p.m., subject to conditions then and there to be produced, in lots. The Property is distant about ten miles from Dolgelley, is approached from Machynlleth by a horse tramway, IS composed of a meadow, abutting on the old turnpike road and an excellent field on the opposite side, running up to the extensive Ffriths, together with six good Dwelling. houses. The lower portion of the land is divided into lots suitable for the erection of Dwelling-houses. It is situated in the very Centre of the Large Quarries, now in full operation, viz., the Braich Goch, Talyllyn, and Aberewmeithaw, and the demand for such accommodation is greatly on the in- crease. The Aberewmeithaw Slate Vein can ba trsced running through the mountain, and which is now being extensively worked on the adjoining property, a portion of the Talyllyn vein also strikes thl ough the land. This sale offers to capi- talists an excellent opportunity for investment. A special train will run on the Corris Tramway, leaving Machynlleth at 1.30 p, m., and returning from Corris in time to meet the 6,25 p.m. train at Macbynileth. Lithographed plans and particulars will shortly be issued. In the meantime all further information may be obtained from Meeers Dalton and Jessett, solicitor*, St. Clement's House, Clement-lane, Lombard street, London; Mr David Davies, The Cottage, Talyllin via Towyn and the Auc- tioneers, Wellfield House, Bangor, and High-street, Rhyl, J DOLBIJAWDMAETH, DINAS MAWDDWY. r'. SALE OF SUBSTANTIAL MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. !f R DANIEL has been favoured with instructions ILJL to Sell by Audtion at the above premises on THURS- DAY, the 10th day of August, 1876, the valuable FUR- NITURE, viz. Drawint room suite in walnut work, upholstered in green brocaded Damask, consisting of lady's and gentleman's easy cbah-s, six single ditto, spring-seated couch, superior rose- wood sideboard, ditto round loo table and cover, occasional table, handsome gilt-framed pier glass, glass lustres, coil vase. bright fender and tire irons, mahogany window poles, muslin and Damask curtain?, reading lamp, tapestry car- pet, hearth rug, crumb cloth, &c. Dining roonf-rnahopaiiv telescope table, ditto sideboard with cclfcTftte complete, lady's and gentleman's easy chairs, six single ditto, conch, fender aid steel fire irons, coal vase, drut-,ot and hearthrug, window pole and hangings, &c. Libary — Boofecase with shelves enclosed in glass doors, with chiffonier under; tables, chairs, carpet and hearth- ray, &0. Bedrooms—Ornamented iron bedsteads with handsome drapery, spring mattresses, wool beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers, washstands and toilet services, dressfihg glasses, towel rails, cane-seated chairs, Kidderminster carpets, &c. Hall and staircase—Oilcloths, linolium, stair carpet, ditto 'I oilcloth, stair rods. China and glass services. Kitchen requisites. Out-door effects, &c., &e. Catalogues to be had at the hotels in the neighbourhood, at he place of sale, and of the AUCTroNEEit. Sale to commence at 1'o'clock prompt. MARKET HALL, TOWYN. J-: lot. t' SUBSTANTIAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, The property of Mrs Dobson, late of Ynvsmaengwyn, removed for convenience of sale. MR DANIEL will Sell by Auction (unreserved) at the Market Hall, Towyn, on Thursday. August 17th, 1876, a largo assemblage of FURNITURE, com- prising va'uable mahogany extending dining table, one drzen mahogany frame dining-room chairs, ditto round library table, ditto occasional1 tables, ditto hat and coat stand, pair fire screens, one and à, balf dozen cane-seated chairs, nigbt chair, polished drawing-rooin tenders, ditto parlour and bedroom fenders, four-post bedsteads, pal- liasses, hair mattresses, wool and feather beds, painted washstands and dressing tables, mahogany framed dressing glasses, sponge and hip baths, large deal linen press, towel rails, toilet services, kitchen table (with drawers and under cupboard), a very costly dinner service (containing 164 pieces), a very valuable guitar and case, &c., &c.-For iuU particulars see posters. On view: the two days preceding the day of sale. ■ Sale to commence at 2.30 V. -^v r? H E L I MIN A R Yi.e^vt'frirr.} j J ,!lS £ arL!R V: T 0¥Y N *r IN THE DYSYNY VALLEY. Vtry Desirable Freehold Land and Cottages for Sale. MB DANIfiL jnxft- -far. Sale by Auction next month (nnless previously disposed of by private contract), Eleven Acres, or thereabouts, of most valuable and improving- FREEHOLD MARSH and MEADOW LAND, and FOUR NEWLY-BUILT COTTAGES, situate in the Dysyny Valley, close to the town of Towyn, with a frontage into Gwalia Road and the Towyn Canal. The Land is exceedingly rich, and capable of great improvement, with convenient; cattle sheds thereon, and is admirably adapted for a Dairy Farm. The Cottages are well built, and let to respectable yearly tenants. For further particulars, apply to JAMES SPROTT, Esq., Solicitor, Shrewsbury, and to the AUCTIONEER, at Towyn, NOTICE. MR O. DANIEL, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Estate Agent, Towyn, begs to announce that he has OPENED an OFFICE at MACHYNLLETH, and re- spectfully -solicits the patronage of the nebility, gentry, and inhabitants of the town and surrounding country. SALES and VALUATIONS of LAND, HOUSES, LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, and all other personal Effects, undertaken with, care- and personal supervision. OFFlCEs-Maengwyn-street. Machynlleth, and High-street Towyn. r«7/ j Tewyn, Jan. 1st, 1875. 'r l- MR E. J. MORGAN, CEFN, TY'NLLIDIART, PENLLWYN, (ABER- YSTWYTH). BEGS to announce that he holds an AUCTIONEER'S and VALUER'S LICENCE, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the Nobility, Gentry, and Farmers of the district. Sales promptly attended to. Valuations made. Sales cashed. IN LIQUIDATION. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TENDER-A LEASE- HOLD MINERAL PROPERTY, with complete Machinery (including a Blake Stone Breaker) near the railway station on Nantle Valley, Carnarvonshire. There are 15i years unexpired of lease, which grants 2 power to take the minerals, consisting of lead, copper ores, umbers, &c., under 365 acres. Small fixed dead rent merging into royalties. The property can be sold separ- ately. Apply for particulars and form of tender to J. H. TILLY, Victoria Buildings, Queen Victoria-street, E.C., London, official liquidator. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ON MONDAY, August 7, an Excursion Train will run from Bala at 7'40, Corwen 7'15, Llangollen 8'45, and Ruabon 10 a.m., to Wolverhampton, Bilston, Wednesbnry, West Bromwich, Birmingham, Droitwich, Worcester, Malvern, Evesham, Warwick, Leamington, Banbury, Oxford, Reading, and London, returning on Friday following. Tickets and bills can be obtained at tbe Stations. MUSICAL FESTIVAL AT DENBIGH, ON 1 hursday, August 10th, a C heap Excursion Train for DENBIGH will leave RUABON at 7 10 a.m., Llangollen 7 35, Berwyn 7 40, Giyndyfrdwy 7 50, Carrog 7 55, Dolgelley 8 35, Bontnewydd 8 44, Drws-y-r.aut 8 54, Llanuwchllyn 9 11, Bala 7 40, Llandderfel 7 50, Llandrillo 7 56, aud Cynwyd 8 4; returning same day.- For particulars see 81 ecial Bills. EXHIBITION OF ART TREASURES, &c., AT WREXHAM. UJST1L further notice Cheap Return Tickets (avail- able on day of issue only) will be issued to Wrexham by certain trains on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, from Dolgelley and Stations to Acrefair, inclusive. For times and fares see special bills. J. GRIERSON, General Manager. Paddington Terminus. REPLY To a pamphlet entitled 'A PLEA FOR HIGHEtt EDUCATION IN WALES." In connexion with ex'stkg institutions, Reprinted from the Cambrian Neics. PRICE SIXPENCE. To be bad of the Ca:r„lrian Ntws Publishers: JACOB JONES, Bala; DAVID LLOYD, Stationer, Portmadwe I and J. GIBSON, 3, Queen's Road, Aterys.twyth. û'J!i;J;;r SEVERAL Sums of TRUST MONEY to invest on Mortgage ot Freehold or LefS^hold House Property.— Apply to Messrs RADCLIFFE and LAYTON, Solicitors, Liverpool. ,¡ !l. f ,f BUSINESADDRESSES V? »«IM.J M»?I?; M 1 ;a»«C A General Drapery and Millinery ¡.. -1.t-6 f. k. 1-!r,t: 3, # l' -:¡, .1¡j.4 .,r ')oo: ',t; ':J,'h. sa IS lp.en J..2J; (, Establishment, sMsrs oJ." c,J.s J:a l"d. ¡¡J,1of 41 .¡ ""t:, ,"y fr.>. ji), LITTLE T)ARKGATE STREET (Opposite the Infirmary), ABERYSTWYTH. ""S —» jI.1"! "v '^TT.AW TPA fj} » 14S 1*0 j— tri* !.#ta v. | .>♦ j; • ■>« i ———— Pi;0ti* I SUMMEK" "FASHI0HS izz:-Sy c' j.II. s T -I L*i! v .t* b- ^TM WILLIAMS ] Begs respectfully to announce His RETURN from the LONDON Markets with a Large and Well- selected Stock of the 0 CHOICEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS FOR THE ENSU!NG REASON Which are now ready for inspection at such prices as not fail to give unqualified satisfaction to purchasers. -L .1 ■> J f!»" "Jul HSHI' LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, Costume and Fftney- DrEsg- Materials, including the Choicest Designs of tl e Seapen cl Special attention is invited to the Stock of Black Silks, which are of the Best Makes and f very Cheap, commencing at Is 11^d per yard "J Fancy Stripe and Coloured Silks from 2s 6d per yard, much under value i French Merinos, Silk, and Wool Eepps, in all shades t«I'- Silk Velvets, Velveteens and Crapes all prices Prints, Muslins, and Grenadines from 3M upwards 2 Holland, Camlet, and A!pacca Over Skirts from Is 1 lid 'J ') ::UTI J. 3Jl' White Pique Trimmed Black and Long Cloth Skirts from Is 91 AJTTI..I fn Black and Coloured Quilted Satin Skirts from 9s lid 'u..1 vl iT Shawls, a well assorted Stock of the newest designs in Shawls and Wool Wraps A Large Variety of Straw, Chip, and Leghorn Hats and Bonnets, in all the newest shapes Trimmed Bonnets and Hats in all the latest styles f-* .i. .¡. English and French Flowers of every desciription Ostrich and Fancy Feathers in all the leading shades Black and Coloured Ostrich and Coque Feather Trimmings from Is per yard A Large Variety of Rich Broche Natte and Corded Ribbons, in all the new shades I0* Rig Coloured Satins and: the New Natte Turquoise in all the fashionable shades New Ornaments for Trimming Hats and Bonnets in great variety Ladies' Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Bows of the newest styles and colours from 4d upwards Newest Styles in Ladies' Linen Setts and Fancy Collars from 4td per sett i Ecru and White Muslin and Lace Frillings of every description An extensive assortment of Ladies' Ecru Lace, Scarfs, Bows, and Ruffles V i The New Streamer Netts for Scarfs and Millinery Purposes, in all the new shades .-rsfltuhs^d Heal Maltese^ Yak, and Valenciennes Laces, a large assortment Kid Gloves, in alT the best makes (one and two buttons) in black and all shades Silk Lisle Lace and Cotton Gloves, all sizes and prices ♦ Silk Umbrellas, in brown, green and shot, ivory and fancy handles, from 4s lid Liat Sunshades, in Brazillian shot silk and cotton, in great variety Z v :!)-f Ladies' and Children's Plain and Fancy Hosiery of every description :.«.i A l<wgO oto«lc of "ow O*imp«il 5Vi»,gftJV, itx tittwit ana colours^ all i rices .f* New Beaded Gimps, Ornaments, and Loops, newest patterns V "-TZl'IT'&ilj A Large Stock of Embroideries and Insertions at low priees a T 'ioa ilzi. J ■ B ( Thompson's Corsetts, Crinolines, and Dress Improvers ,,>/ L Gentlemen's White and Oxford Shirt?, in all the newest styles Gentlemen's Undervests, Drawers, Pants, Hosiery, Scarfs", Ties and Bows. Collars i' 'H: Cuffs, Fronts, Umbrellas, &cM &c. Woollens in best West of England Broad and Narrow Cloths, Scotch Tweeds, &c in all the Newest Patterns for Summer Wear • -i tc*. • H 1c rJntw = SPECIAL TO VISITORS. *7 C. M. W. holds a Large Stock of Plain and Fancy Real Welsh Flannels and Shawls. ..And also of the New Patent Flannel in all colours. 'ri' XQ Ot ifct-'i'. •sicz .1 .V7 1 -'y o* *•« "i't-i i.7*o. SHETLAND AND WOOL GOODS, Comprising Promenade Shawls and Scarfs, Squares, Breakfast Shawls. ? Ladies and Children's Costume Capes and Fichues in great variety at such prices that cannot *iv* v,^ Toi foil to please. «* Kv- m» *-r ~tM i jut,; fc, .y mi J PERSONAL INSPECTION AND COMPARISON OF PRICES IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. TERMS ONE PRICE TO ALL FOR CASH ONLY. NO CREDIT. C ?' M. W I L L I A M S 1. o l'i General Drapery and Millinery Establishment, 9, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET" I; (Opposite the Infirmary), ..r ABERYSTWVTH, JAMES McILQUHAM, BRIDGE END HOUSE, ABEKYSTWYTH, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in all kinds of EARTHENWARE, GLASS, CHINA, BIRMINGHAM VV and SHEFFIELD GOODS, &c., &c.-Goods Let out on Hire.—An Experienced Packer Kept. SACKS, OIL SHEETS AND TARPAULINGS A Large Stock always on Hand. A h DAVID ELLIS, FURNISHING AND BUILDERS' IRONMONGER, ABERYSTWYTH (OPPOSITE THE GAOL), HAS on hand IRON iJEDbLtLAUb, MATTRESSES, FENDERS, BRUSHES, LAMPS, SAUCEPANS, BELLOWS—FLOCKS at 3 £ d per lb.—Best LAMP OIL at 4^d per quart. BEST NEWPORT, WIG A N, AND RUABON COAL. JOHN JONES, BRIDGE END, ABERYSTWYTH. BEST NEWPORT COAL, 18* PER TON; BEST WIGAN COAL, 188 PER TON; AND BEST RUABON COAL 18S PER TON, FOR CASH. 5 GRIMSBY HOUSE, 8, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. W. BTBAMBER, FISH AND FRUIT MERCBANT, AND LICENSED DEALER IN GAME. WENHAM LAKE ICE, OYSTERS, WHEN IN SEASON. WINES, SPIRITS, BOTTLED ALES AND STOUT* -ALLSOPPS ON DRAFT. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1820. WILLIAM" JULIAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, TEA, COFFEE, PROVISION, AND FLOUR DEALER, 10, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. A constant supply of First-Class Australian Preserved Meats, Labrador Salmon, Lobsters Sardines, &c. HOME-CURED BACON AND HAMS. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S GOODS,