WREXHAM NATIONAL EISTEDDVOD, GORSEDD, AND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 23RD, 24TH, AND 25TH, 1876, &1 •Tf PBESIDENT3: IF SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., M.P. THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. MAJOR CORNWALLIS WEST, LORD LIEUTENANT OF DENBIGHSHIRE. THE HON. G. T. KENYON. SIR R. A. CUNLIFFE BART. • G. 03BURNE MORGAN, ESQ., Q.C., M.P. HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR OF WREXHAM. EDWARD WILLIAMS, ESQ., M.D. (CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE). LI CONDUCTORS: ESTYN, MYNYDDOG, AND LLEW LLWYFO. GORSEDD. Each morning at Nine, under the direction of the VORD GRON. Candidates for Degrees will be required to pass an examination. Particulars will be forwarded on application to Mr Ceiriog Hughes, Caersws, or Mr W. C. l'avies, Bangor. ADDRESSES BY EMINENT GENTLEMEN. GRAND CHORAL CON T EST SEA cn DAY ADJUDICATORS: Sir JULIUS BENEDICT, Mr BRENLEY RICHARDS, OWAIN ALAW, Mr JNO. THOMAS (Harpist to the Queen), Mr LEWIS THOMAS, IEUAN GWYLLT. IEUAN GWYLLT. 9 GRAND EVENING CONCERTS. I ARTISTES: U I MADAME EDITH WYNNE, V- V MADAME PATEY, p b Mr EDWARD LLOYD, ,>- q V 4 & Mr LEWIS THOMAS. q Miss MARY DAVIES, Mi33 MARIAN WILLIAMS, MISS MARY JANE WILLIAMS. Miss CORDELIA EDWARDS, Miss LLEWELYN BAGNALL. Mrs MAGGIE JONES WILLIAMS, Mies MARTHA HARRIES, Miss LIZZIE EVANS, Madame MATHISON, EOS MORLAIS, Mr J. SAUVAGE, Mr D. HOWELLS. Mr T. J. HUGHES, IDRIS VYCHAN. Mr JOHN THOMAS (Harpist to the Queen.) Mr C. A. STEPHENSON (Violin.) jj Mr J. ELIAS DAYIES (Welsh Harpist.) Mr JOS. SKEAF | (Pianoforte I Mr F. G. EDWARDS | l^ianotortej Mr F. OWEN (Harmonium.) r _J-R CHORUS: THE EISTEDDFOD H 0 I R ( 30 0 VOICES.) THE MUSEUM Of Works of Art, &c., sent in competition, will be open during the week at the Savings Bank, near the entrance to the Pavilion. THE CHAIR DAY, AUGUST 24TH. The Mayor and Corporation of Wrexham, the Volunteers, Cavalry, Militia Staff, and Fire Brigade will be Invited to join the „ PROCESSION on the first day, to open the Eisteddvod.. | On the CHAIR DAY, they will be invited to form a procession in honor of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart., M.P,, the President. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS WILL BE DULY PUBLISHED. ROBERT WILLIAMS, GENERAL SECRETARY. MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES! HAY MAKERS HOWARD'S PATENT SELF ACTING HORSE RAKES. AMERICAN HORSE RAKES. WINNOWING AND CORN DRESSING MACHINES- HORSE HOES, &C.- Together with every other kind of Agricultural Implements by the Best Manufacturers; GRIFFITH WILLIAMS & SON, to Biirun STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. 1:3- AGENTS FOR BURNARD, LACK, AND ALGER'S CELEBRATED MANURES. MRS M. THOMAS, 3, LITTLE DARKGATE- STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAS just returned from Lone. on and commenced business as MILLINER and JUVENILE OUTFITTER. t M She hopes by strict attention to merit the patronage of the gentry and public generally of the town and neighbourhood. HOSIERY, HABERDASHERY, RIBBONS, LACE, FEATHERS, BERLIN WOOLS, &c, &c. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! FEATHERS!! i- EDWARD ELLIS, 7 & 8, PRINOESS STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAS just now a Large quantity of GEESE and POULTRY FEATHERS. Also MANGOLD, SWEDE, and TURNIP SEED of Best Quality. A Large Stock of New and Second Hand Sack Waterproof Cart-covers, Indian Corn, Oatmeal, Rice. American Provisions, Bacon, Cheese, and Butter. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF THE BEST IRISH WHITE ROCK AND SKERRY BLUE POTATOES, DIRECT FROM IRELAND. THOMAS SMITH, FISHMONGER, FRUIT, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. PIER HOUSE, PIER STREET, AND NEW MARKET HALL, TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. Wiltshire Hams and Bacon. Licenced Dealtr in Game. Cambridge Sausages. The choicest Fruits and Vegetables of the season. Machynlleth. T H 0 M A S'k9 CELEBRATED WELSH GRIPE POWDER FOR HORSES, Is 6d per Bottle Also GRIPE MIXTURE FOR HORSES, 2s 6.1 per Bottle. P6 Also ALTERATIVE AND CONDITION POWDERS FOR HORSES, 1, per pound packet Prepared only by JOHN THOMAS, Chemist, Macnynlleth. Directions accompany each bottle and p3iCact> Sol- Agent f.,f LONG'S SCAB LOTION for Sheep.—A certain cure for Scab. THE EMPEROR OF RJJSSIA AND THE CITY OF LONDON. His Imperial .\1¡¡j,"3ty the Einperor of Russia bai conferred on Mr J. W. BENSON the appointment of Goldsmith to the Imperial Court, i" appreciation of llr B&NSO J'S artistic production of the Gold Casket presentad to the Emnpr->r by the Corporation of the City of London. uaperor c: J W "RENS0N, To H R IT *i" o w°? Q"?e.ea aD.d Famih*. nf A?' tlie P^nceof ales (special appointment). Maker (if the Chronograph, by which the Derby and all great races are timed. Fnze Medalliilt of Loudou, Dublin, and Pans. LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; & 25, OLD BOND ST. J W BENSON invites attention to the unequalled advantages which he is enabled to offer tn ™. chasers by the use of steam power and tho employment of a laree sta? nf skilled English and foreign workmen. Tho highly satisfactory perfo-manJ> of his ^ja cxies and Clocits is recognized by tlin Prosa and the Public* Tim nil"'liip1 amt h';g"i'&uiJh.°Salicc' are th0 l<jwest, compatible wi'.h sound work- manship and fl-ish. "VrOVELTY. English Clocks, far superior to foreign -1-* designed by English artists, manufactured on the premises' and to be oo.amed only at tho above establishments. Clock Cases aW,"t0CtUr0 °f c"uutry houses, &c, WATCHES. From 2 to 200 Guineas. Railway Guards, y Sailer,, Soldier,, Miner,, and Workmen's Watches (of extra strength). CLOCKS. From 1 to 1,000 Guineas, JEWELRY and Plate for Presentations, &c. ( bN- WRtches anJ C]ty!¡S ep:,irHI hy "hilI, workmen. I Old Jewelry. S-lvjr, ac<l Watrlios exchanged. Watches sent t" nil part?, sate by post. ite above sketch r-presents the Pemetuil Hcrchant3 and Vmp n euppneu. Calendar. Independent Seconds, Keyless Watch Tlie new Pajrtphl. t* on lurr^ «rir (with testimonials). The hands, Ki&out b,in* re-s!-t f?o«n timTto Watches and OIOCK,, Jeweh-y an<l Pi.te (pro.usel, illustrated), sent post free time f 3r leap "ytar ktijp ;i pt rpetu.^l register of eftci\ ^n^on's New Work, Tira^ and TellQrs/' published by Hard Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, wicke Pi'ccadilly. PI ii:i, 2-t CJ CUit, 3s. aniyea; show old and new style. phases of rATTTTON —The Public are cautioned nsainst misrepresentationq una thw -TV v^r^tioTiP Of heat and cold. attempts to aeli Spurious Imitations. In consequence of spurious imitations of LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, a which are calculated to deceive the Publicy Lea and Pernns have adopted A NEW LABEL, bearing their Signature, thus, c which is placed on every bottle of WORCESTERSHIRE SA UCE, and without which none is genuine. •83° Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, IVorcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sauces throughout the World. Y. R. HORNSBY AND SONS'. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND'S FIRST PRIZE PATENT "PARAGON-" MOWER. SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. Thai nger-bar can be raised to pagg over the swathes. The side draught is overcome, and the weight of the pol taken off the horses' necks; All nuts are locked to prevent tiem shaking loose. An entire'y new pattern frame, which is stronger, lighter, and more durable than hitherto. The cutting-bar is brought more in a line with the axle of the road wheel than before, so as to ride more easily over Inequalities of land. A new pattern of double-plated fingers, which allow all dirt to pass away without liability to clog the knives. Efficient oiling appliances to all bearings. In the Combined Machine the inconvenience of changing the pole-plate is now done away with, as no additional pole-plate is required. The necessary change of position is effected by sliding the pole-plate along the patent bar provided for the purpose, and the alteration is easily and quickly made. These, with other valuable improvements in the details, render these machines still the best for perfection of principle and thorough efficiency. (-. ;i -y,- ,:J. 'OH¡'r -y" ..¿:i- :v;i-' J < .h) -t. .)" 0;' -) _A ¡ IiJ .J!t.: .J. .>i :1 '< 1- Ii' The three varieties of this Machine, marked 0 "A and N gained respectively the First, Second, and Third Prizes at the last great trials of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, at Taunton, 1875. PRICES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Patent Paragon One-Horse Mower, 2ft. 9in. cut 18 10 0 Patent "Paragon" Combined Mower and Reaper, 2ft. 9in. cut 22 00 I Patent Paragon One-Horse Mower, 3ft. 3iD. cut 19 0 0 Patent "Paragon" Combined Mower and Reaper, 3ft. 3ID. cut 22 10 0 £ s. d. Patent Paragon" Two-Horse Mower, 41t. 3in. cut (0 and A right hand and N left hand cut) 21 0 0 Patent "Paragon" Combined Mower and Reaper, 4 ft. 3in. cut (0 and A right hand and N left hand cut) 24 10 0 Two knives are included in the price of each Machine. Detailed Catalogues, with full particulars, and the names cf the leading agriculturists in Cardiganshire, upon whose farms these Machines can be seen at work, forwarded on application. AGENT, M. H. DAVIS, ABERYSTWYTH. WILLIAM THOMAS, THE STATION YARD, ABERYSTWYTH. 0 HAS on hand a large quantity of Cement. Common and White pressed Bricks; also Flintshire Fire Bricks. Glazed and Common Drain Pipes. Tenby and Porthywaen Lime. All sorts of Ridge and Flooring Tiles, Slates, Slabs, &c., &c. Dolgelley. W. DA. VIES'S THE READY-MADE CLOTHING MART, DOLGELLEY. Has the Best and Cheapest Assortment of BOYS', YOUTHS' andjMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHES ever 'u .C;, J- offered to the Public. '.l I. ;¡:rl V All heavy Winter Garments now at great reduction. HOTELS. DEVIL'S BRIDGE V*" r.f- | v j :te A- .»"* ,4 5f 5 J FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. R-, II H: j Three Coffee Rooms, Private Sitting Rooms, and numerous well appointed Bedrooms. BILLIARD ROOM. C 0 L D LUNCHEONS ARE PRO V I D ED. DINNERS TO ORDER. „ Ci.. f'- .i r-.i i.t-i"iii'ia. jii "chm f-'w"•>»" Carriages to and from Aberystwyth daily. ••«< ?•« s.u Good Stabling in connection with the Hotel, Post Horses, &c., &c. NOTE. — Luncheon Baskets cannot be taken within the Falls enclosures. CAMBRIAN HOTEL, BORTfiT, NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. THE HOTEL is handsomely furnished throughout, and replete with every requisite conducive to comfort and luxury, combined with moderate and fixed charges. CHARLES MYTTON, PROPRIETOR. Terms, inclusive of everything, 2 Guineas per week. Children and Servants, Half-price. Special terms may be made for families for a period. HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS IN THE HOTEL. BILLIARDS, CROQUET, AND BOWLING GREEN. The Bcach is probably the best and safest for bathing in the world, and is within one minute's walk of the house. The water supplied to the Hotel is unsurpassed for purity and abundance. ;J .T. READY FOR VISITORS ON TUESDAY, JULY 25TH. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL WINE STORES. v/ r'1 W. H. PALMER (Of Cambridge), submits the following List of Prices I SHERRY from 2s 4d per Bottle ..26s per dozen. PORT „ 3s Od 11 34a „ CLARET „ Is 6d „ 1S3 „ j MOSELLE from 3s 01 per bottle 30s per doz. 1 HOCK 11 2. 91 „ 32s 11 CHAMPAGNE,, 3S 6d 42s MOET AND CHANDON, JULES HUMM, PERRIER JOUET, VEUVE CLIQUOT, LOUIS ROEDERER. AND OTHER KXOWN BRANDS ALWAYS IX STOCK. I BRANDY from 3s 6d per bottle .1 WHISKY 3s Od GIN from 2s 3d per bottle. RUM „ 23 9d „ j SAMPLE DOCK GLASS OF WINE FROM 4D. t<; CIGARS FROM 14s Gd PER 100. L I Q UE UR S. \c ALE AND STOUT. %r Q UEEN'S WINE CELLARS (Opposite Gcntlc11lc,Ù; Bat/iiu^ Ground; I VISITORS AND TOURISTS TO BARMOUTH AND DOLGELLEY, SHOULD avail themselves of an opportunity be- fore leaving to go and see the renowned ARTHOG ALPINE FALLS. Ten Minutes' walk from the ARTHOG STATION and Five Minutes' walk from the HOTEL, the only place where TICKETS are obtainable to view the magnificent FALLS, and to explore the Grounds embracing some of the most io in an tic and numerous points of interest in the Principality. THE SWITZERLAND OF WALES. ARTHOG HALT, HOTEL AND FAMILY BOARDING HOUSE. (Two Miles from Barmouth and Seven from Dolgelley.) CLOSE to the STATION and the Ancient FORT OF CEAIG-Y-BWCH, The LAKES, and CADER IDBIS. Only Five Minutes' walk from the ARTHOG ALPINE FALLS. The Hotel commands some of the Finest Scenery in WALES, including the Glorious Estuary of the MAWDDACH, and the Grand Barmouth Railway Bridge. JOHN SCOTT, PROPRIETOR, (Lata of the Devil's Erldge, Cardiganshire). t BUSINESS ADDR ESSES ¡ it t1 "i t IMPORTANT NOTICE. i. "J \I1.1 ;„V .J FOR GOOD AND CHEAP BOOTS .r;¡j. GO TO DICK'S. Iff :.r.r; ■ t (J SHOPS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN [ THE UNITED KINGDOM. > >-z l THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE WITH ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOTS AND SHOES, That for Style, Finish, and Wear cannot be Surpassed BOYS, GIRLS, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Fresh Supplies Home Every Week from their Manufactory. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT, LONG FAMED FOR CHEAPNESS AND PUNCTUALITY. Note the Addresses in this District- 16, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH HIGH-STREET, LAMPETER l,: .,I"! MAENGWYN-STREET, MACHYNLLETH VICTORIA BUILDINGS, DOLGELLEY E "i,¡¡¡; CHURCH-STREET, BARMOUTH —: jUtM?' 5fcC~- ü "Jli'.<: -v.i fCS r<ot6r lilt A-H")T i lis ,0tilK!"dT t.. II! _w" "C' «r»ir A 7# r'i i) W j o i Ivor. J ± n l I *01 Ul.i :st k.'ji li. 4-TIT J?ho STII. «28 j naJfcccV i. t ui.?.t- ii JL » -ui 'Sl ,-u ,j • >. vr l *01 Ul.i :st k.'ji li. 4-TIT J?ho STII. «28 j naJfcccV i. t ui.?.t- ii JL » -ui 'Sl ,-u ,j • >. vr 2 V/ L'a. fi.i ii 'i H J a' c- j'f. 'is-z t'liVf I ,iia.-ii iv s (*. ■.•bitV '51 r>5?/i3.lUi1 • w I: -.c'- [ v u 2 ) .>- ."i-]'Il :1rl( 't}..lli .,):t{.) t{ '1' .1 i .• #/ £ -1' .:J- ü.&i.f' 4.: _.1 L.i1' ,J m niv .•«. 'R 'lr ,r-V4:- :?; ¡¡:<: .ji:F/Y\ ¡. ('> ¡i,j | ); U r: :.7' 'f;e' ;■ i t ,< j. E. EDWARDS BEGS respectfully to announce that he is now showing the LATEST NOVELTIES in Millinery, Mantles, Cos- tumes, Dresses, Silks, Sunshades, Scarfs, Hosiery, &c. ALSO THE NAGNES^;SCARF? > 8 & 9 PIER STREET, AND L, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. •?' "r > u ï, t: '6 '1: { :J. t"- BUSINESS ADDRESSES. USE THE CRYSTAL PERISCOPIC AND EUREKA NEUTRAL TINTED. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES TOO much cannot be said as to their Superiority -M- over the ordinary Glasses worn, producing a Clear and Distinct Vision, as in the Natural Healthy Sight. The material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optic purposes. Before Buying Eureka Glasses see that the manufacturer's trade mark (Eureka) is marked thereon. Spectacles from I a. per pair. Agents—Aberystwyth R. D0U7HT0N, China Dealer- Bridge-street, six doors from the Town Clock; Machyn- lleth J. REES and SON, Watch and Clock Makers, Silversmiths, Jewellers, &c», Maengwyn-street, Machya lletb. PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE. T.THOMAS, PAINTER, &c., 12 DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. A CHOICE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS from the best Manufacturers. CHIMNEY & OTHER GLASES. A good Ass&rtm&nt of OLEOGRAPH PAINTINGS, PHOTOS, &c., &c. Pictures Framed in Gold, &c. All kinds of Moulding for Frames, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Lead, Closets, &c., &c., VEBY MODERATE TERMS. April 20, 1876. M. JONES, COACH-BUILDER, MOOR STREET. ABERYSTWYTH. Carriages of every description made to order. Repairs executed by first-class workmen. Remove the Cause, and the Effects will Cease. A NEW VEGETABLE REMEDY. DAVIES'S DIGESTIVE & TONIC PILLS, COMPOSED of purely Vegetable Ingredients, are particularly recommended as a safe and certain cure of Indigestion, and all Liver and Stomach Complaints. They not only act as a mild aperient, but also as a tonic and alterative, remove all unpleasant sensations attendant upon a disordered state of the stomach and biliary organs, such a3 Giddiness, Sick Head Ache, Flatulence, Heartburn, Pain in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Violent Palpitations, Spasms, &c., &c., Purify the Blood, and Strengthen De- bilitated Organs, thereby restoring the whole system to healthy state. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., &c. Prepared only by JOHN H. DAVIES, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH L. J. TKUSCOTT (Eldest son of the late James Truscott), PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND ENGRAVXBI 6, GREAT DARKGATE STREET (Opposite Market-street), ABERYSTWYTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'W'OO'V" GLASS o ¡j 'j AND PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE. GLASS FROM 2ld. PER FOOT. Grli ASS Every description in Stock. Estimates Given. A large Assortment of ROOM AND • i FRAME MOULDINGS in Stock. } -.1' PAPER HANGINGS. FROM 3id. pim HANGINGS PER PIECE OF TWELVE YARDS. W. H. SHEPPERD, ST. MARY'S PLACE, SHREWSBURY. HERALDIC AND DECORATIVE ARTIST. HOUSE PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPER IIANGBll, GILDER, GRAINER, WRITER, &c. OIL PAINTINGS RESTORED. Trade member of the General Expenditure AssurOOO Company. COUPONS GIVEN. .ht: 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD HOUSE.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR t: Is THE BES1. "QUITE FREE FROM ADULTERATION."—Lancet. "Is DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR."—LatlCel. I have examined Johnston's Corn Flour anu find it feefcly pure and most excellent in quality. When bot ad with milk it affords complete nourishment for ChildreD la persons of weak digestion." CHARLES A. CAMERON", M.D., F.R.C.S.I., f Profesor of Chemistry, Royal Surgeons, Dublin. PURE A E B A T E D WATl'RS' fav VMRVAM BYT 4#0 REGISTERED. ELLIS'S F. 0f i U T H I N WAT CRYSTAL RPRINGS. Soda, Potass, Selfczer» Lemonade, Lithia, & '<>r Lithia and Potass. ,» JOR&S BllA iv DUD "R. ELL IF & SON, ii and every label ears their trademark, rfoldeverv and Whole.-i»'e of li. ELX.13 & ii'QK. liuthin. N TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. •pTiJ C$ VfOW discharging a PRIME Cargo of J3l PIJNE the logs are fiesh, clean, and sounf- SELEC TE D CURLY LOGS FOR PANELS, APRIL, 1876. Our Prig "Mtrtba" has arrived with a very %oOLQ09t&' of Red Pine Dtals, Batten?, Red and White Fio°r MAT, 1876.. f pl^v,r The above cargoes, added to our former stocK PINE, RED PINE, YELLOW PlNE> °J^vbO° n BIRCH, MAHOGANY, RED AND WBll^ ffbicb BOARDS, will be found an excellent Lot fr make selection. dSi^6"' Windows, Doors, all sorts of Mouldinys, A»9 e manufactured on the Premises. JONES AND GR'FF^, ABERDOVEY, YNYSLAS, AND I [ Saw MiUS <i-'Orùers to be sent to Aberdovey. c' a a We are now yerding a cargo of RED Prepared FLOOR BOARDS. July, 1876.