BUSINESS ADDRESSES. Abervstwvth. J JOHN JAMBS F, LONDON AND ABERYSTWYTH RAILWAY TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT STORES, NORTH PARADE, 'P'" ,_d'; AND • • < • ,J¡" TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. I"R., AGENT FOR R- BASS, RATCLIFF, AND GRETTON, A.. BURTON-ON-T RENT. L I 8 T OF PRICES. ,J>: ;"< For the Season ending October, 1876. .A.L' PEB Kit. PER BABREL. INDIA PALE BITTER ALE 303 60 /No. 6 21s 42s ]iTrrn ATr, ) No. 5.24a 483 AIILD ALLS S No. 4 27s 54s V.No. 3 30a 603 FEB -TER RSARBEL STRONG AND (No. 3B 33S 66s BOTTLING ALES < No. 2.36s 72a (NO.1.423 84s GUINNESS'S DUBLIN J 09* xaa EXTRA STOUT t FAMILIES AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED DIRECT FROM THE BREWERY AT BURTON, OR FROM OUR STORES AT ABERYSTWYTH. V1 £ ?R'V BOTTLED ALE AND STOUT. • vi Bass and Co.'s Pale Ale 4s 6d per doz. erli Allsopp's Do. Do 4s 6d „ s;t'[ Guinness's Extra Stout 4s 6d „ t .1 .—-———— The Proprietor of the Railway Tea Warehouse has much pleasure in presenting his Friends and the inhabitants of Aberystwyth, and Families resident in Western Wales, with the Price Current °f his Establishment. 1 • ;• ,,f\- ,r 1 T ■* "» 'r.\i •» •' •< TEAS. Per lb. No. b. d. Siftings of Assam and other kinds 1 8 1 Good Strong Family Tea 2 0 Very fine Choice Black 2 8 Tr> whiVh ■SOP. call aDecial attention. To WhiAh we call aDecial attention. Per lb No. a- d.. 4 Rich Btrong Oopack Tea 3 0 5 Very rich full-flavored Tea 3 4 6 Choicest Momng Souchong and Kaisow im. ported 3 8 ".L", COFFEES |;ne JAMAICA. 1 4 ^ine^t PLANTATION 16 £ IMEsT EASt' INDIA 1 8 "iarfi an^ nvftiw MnPfTA .20 I The Essence of these Coffees ir bottles at Is. and 2a. only requires boiling water to make a cup of excellent Coffee instantly. COCOAS AND CHOCOLATE. c 5°coa Nibs, finest Trinidad 1 4 *ake Cocoa, genuine 14 Ground on the premises. chocolate Powder, loose 1 0 Dunn's Iceland Moss 1 4 Fry's Pearl i Packets 0 8 Do. Spanith Chocolate i Cakes 1 4 Peek's Chocolate (recomiiiended) 3 4 EPPS'S HOMOEOPATHIC COCOAS, Is 41 per Pound. RAW AND REFINED SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES Also, Currants, Raisins, Muscatels, Oranges, Lemons, &c. I MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. It is impossible to enumerate the numerous articles comprised in this department; suffice it to say, lilies will find the stock as extensive and varied as in any iof the largest Metropolitan Establishments ^cludjjjgr HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S AND PEEK FREAN'S BISCUITS, ALBO .1 ("f: (1' .ja:r.i, CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY., r n r WHITE WINES .¡ ,r<r" Gall. Doz. Bott. No. 1, agreeable Light Wine 9a 18s Is 6d i^tto No. 2, excellent Dinner Wine 10s 20s Is 8d jjo. 3, Standard Pale Wine 12s 24s 2s No. 4. Standard Grold Wine 12s 24s 2s Gall. Doz. Bott. SHERRY, No. 5, very soft, pale nutty flavour 15s 30s 2s Gd Ditto, No. 6, very soft, Gold, nutty flavour 15s 30s 2s Gd Ditto, No. 6, very soft, Gold, nutty flavour 15s 30s 2s 6d »#AT- OLD RICH SHfiRRIES, 36s, 42a, 48s, and 60s per doz. Dh^ALA, fioeat imported •« f? £ 4 good sound Wine, grown Sicily 188 a WHITE FRENCH WINES to* v—Aito — — — 18s 18 I Date «tr» qalllty 24s 2s Dd | I BURGUNDY, fine quality 188 It W Ditto, extra quality 24s 2 Od RED FRENCH WINES ^kARET Vin Ordinairie, recommended 18s Is 6d £ itto, Medoc, excellent dinner wine 20s Is 8d ■"itto, St. Emilion, delicate after dinner wine ••• ••• 0d Other choice Wines 30.s to 60s per dozen. BURGUNDY, fine soft wine, recommended'i 208 Is 8d Ditto, extra quality, highly recom- mended 30a 2s 6d MASDEU, a full-bodied red wine, from the South of France. It resembles old dry Port 24s 28 Od ROUSILLON, first growth of vintage 1861. 24a 2s Od RED WINES No. 1, sound useful Wine 9a 18a lu 6d No; 2, fine fruity Wine 12s 24s 2s No. 3. full flavoured Old Wine 15s 30s 2s 6d PORT, No. 4, dry Old Wine, recommended 18s 36s 39 Ditto, Old Crusted ditto 48s 54s 60s CHAMPAGNE IFF. 'W, ZHIBJTON ET P CLgjs E, fine quality, recommended 42s 3s 6a Ditto pints 24s 2s Ditto G.L 4s Ditto B.L 4s 6d CHAMPAGNE, W.L 5s Ditto W. & G 6s Ditto Moet & Chandon 6s b SPIRITS VMtDY, Pale or Brown, very useful. 18s 36s 2s llto ditto highly recom- jv. mended 21s 42s 3s 3d ditto Martell's, finest im- U: ported in Wood 24s 48a 4s 2d *°» MarteH'4 or Hennessy's (bottled h-. in Franc?) 54s 4g 6d 'tto vetv old Martell's, Hennessy's, gift fl or otard, Dupjy & Do.'s VSOP ft>|d fine London, very strong 13s 26s 2s 2d Tom, finest made 14a 28a 2i 6d ..S,0!•. "'Z°0! 18. 36, 3s Ditto ditto 10 years old, un- equalled 21s 42s 3s 6d WHISKY, Irish, fine old, recommended 18s 36s 3s 6d Ditto ditto 10 years old, equal to Brandy 21s 42s 3s 6d Kilabau LL old Irish Whisky 3s 8d Dumville va ditto. 3s 8d RUM, fine Jamaica 16s 32s 2s 8d Ditto, extra quality, very old 18s 36. 3a HOLLANDS, John de Kuyper's 3s L BRITISH LIQUEURS \*s0d Peppermint, &c ^4s 6d I Cherry Brandy, &c., ) O. BRITISH WINES. di>„ |lB 4d Black Currant I Red ditto >" 4d And any other kind ) Bottles charged two shillings per dozen, and allowed for when returned. t TERMS: —CASH. -L=- NEW AMERICAN MACHINE.—KING OF ALL MACHINES. Self threading, Self Threading Shuttle, Self Setting Needle. The only Machine of the k.'D,j in the world. To be had at EVAN MORGAN, AGENT FOR ALL THE BEST MAKERS IN MACHINES, 21, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. h MACHINES ON HIRE. LIANCE HOUSE, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET), WILLIAM PROBIN, JiQ WORKING LAPIDARY, JEWELLER, AND 81 LVERSMITH, „ 1 ??to inform the Gentry, Inhabitants, and Visitors ot Aberystwyth that he haa now on hand a well- (T^llI <!Cted Stock of Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings, Signet Eings, and Gem t J (\r,y* in all its brauches, made upon the premiaea. Every article warranted. Also a ^arge Stock of Oraaments. Old Gold and Silver Purchased. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in New and Second-hand Plate. D. BISHOP, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, 88> PIER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH (OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK). V kltlDE AND CHRISTENING CAKES MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE AND FINISH. soups, ENTREKS. JEI.LIES, CREAMS, ICES, &o., &c. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. ESTABLISHED 1826. THOMAS WHITE, (Son and tuec'Sjor to the late Elizabeth White,) 1JFACTURING LAPIDARY AND JEWELLER EGYPTIAN HOUSE, TERRAGE ROAD, AND YORK HOUSE, MARINE TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. 4. SPlendid collection of Jewellery of the newest designs, comprising Necklets, Brooches, Ear Einga, &c., always in Stock. GEMS AND OTHER RINGS. OLD CHINA IN GREAT VARIETY. W Anything not in Stock made to order. DEALER IN SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE. ) atI Advertising is to business what steam machinery—the grand propelling power. -Macaulay. PRELIMINARY. TOWYN. IN THE DYSYNY VALLEY. Vt ry Desirable Freehold Land and Cottages for Sitle. MR DANIEL will offer for Sale by Auction next month (unless previously disposed of by private contract), Eleven Acres, or thereabouts, of most valuable and improvieg FREEHOLD MAHSH and MEADOW LAND, and FOUR NEWLY-BUILT COTTAGES, situate in the Dysyny Valley, close to the town of Towyn, with a frontage into Gwalia Road and the Towyn Canal. The Land is exceedingly rich, and capable of great improvement, with convenient cattle sheds thereon, and is admirably adapted for a Dairy Farm. The Cottasrea are well built, and let to respectable yearly tenants. For further particulars, apply to JAMES PROTT. Esq., Solicitor, Shrewsbury, and to the AUCTIONEER, at Towyn, PRELIMINARY. DOLBRAWDMAETH, DINAS MAWDDWY. Sale of MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consist- ing of Dicing and Drawing Room Suites in Walnut wood, upholstered in rich Green Rep. Library Furni- ture, Handsome Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Wool Beds, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Dressing Tables, Washstands and Toilet Stts, Dressing Glasses, Towel Horses, and Caneseated Chairs, Kitchen Requisites, China glass, &c. MR DANIEL has been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION at the above premises on an early day next month, the whole of the valuable effects. Full particulars in future advertisements. TOWN OF HARLECH. COUNTY OF MERIONETH. Sale of VALUABLE FARMS at Harlech, inclu ding the fine SEA. BEACH 2 Miles in extents situate in the Parish of Llandanwg, adjoining the Town of Har- lech, having a wide Frootige to CARDIGAN BAY, and known as PEN-Y CkKRItx, ACttAGALED, TYN-Y- MORFA, CROGAN, and GKOESbAS, containing in the aggregate 664*. lr. Op. of EXCELLENT ARABLE and PASTURE .LAND with Dwelling-houses, Buildings, and Gardens, eminently adapted as a site for Sea-side Residences. To be Sold by Public Auction, by MESSRS WM. DEW and SON, at the Castle Hotel, Hatlech, on SATURDAY, the 5th day of AUGUST, 1876, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions then and there to be produced, the ABOVE VERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE IN 9 LOTS, VIZ: — I PEN.Y-CERRIG. A. B. P. Lot I.-Part of Pen y Cerrig, with Pasture and Arable Land 9 Q 24 Lot 2.-Part of Pen y Cerrig, with Pasture and Arable Land 7 2 28 Lot 3.—Part of Pen y Cerrig, with House and Buildings 13 2 27 Lot 4.-Part of Pen y Cerrig, with Pasture and Arable Land, with House and Garden 12 2 35 Lot 5.—Part of Pen y Cerrig, with Pasture and Arable Land, with House, Yard, and Gardens. 9 0 2 Lot 6.-Part of Pen y Cerrig, with Pasture and Arable Land, with House, Garden, &c .i. 7 3 20 ACRA-GALED. Lot 7.—ACRA-GALED House, Garden, | and Land 18 3 5 I TY'N Y MORFA. Lot 8.—TYN Y MORFA House, Buildings, Garden, with Land and Allotments 250 3 2 Lot 0.—Forhescan and Foreshore. Pasture and *« Rabbit Warren 334$8 17 „ 661 Ca 0 Lots 1 to 6, the PEN-Y-CERRIG FARM,in its fujNtjr, .to ntaate «1OM to «i» townof Harlech, rising on a gZdual ascent from the railway^ intersected by the Harleeh *sd Barmouth Turnpike Road, and appoached by another public road, forming the upper boundary of the propwty- It is admirably adapted for and capable of being laid out in building sites. A vast expanse of unrivalled scenery Is ob- servable from this lovely sput, viz the whole of the ooasfcfrom Pwllheli (including Criccieth and its Castle) to Portnsadoc. The entire expanse of Cardigan Bay, and the Snowdonian Range while the ancient ruin of Harlech Castle is in close proxunity. The Farm is bountifully supplied with the purest spring water, and an unexbaustabie supply of the best de- scription of building stone. It overlooks and is adjacent to one of the finest pandy beaches on the Welsh coast, which in time must bring out Harlech as a formidable rival to the most popular watering places in Wales A slate vein runs through a portion of the estate, and a level has been driven on it about 120 yards long. A very handsome and capacious new hotel hai been erected in the neighbourhood, and private residenceis and lodging houses are greatly on the increase. A newly-orecled and superior endowed elementary school adjoins the propeity. Lots 7-to 9, ACRA GALED, and TY'N-Y-MORFA, Lie on the flit, within J of a mile from the station, and are composed of very superior Arable and Pasture Land well farmed and capable of being made the most productive land in the neighbourhood. The excellent Rabbit W»rren, of.about 335 acres, is well stocked, and is capable of yielding a good revenue. The property has a sea frontage of folly 2 miles in extent, which is capable of being ariaoged into sites for terraces and crescents, fronting one of tile finest and bard sandy beaches in the Principality. Full particulars with lithographed plans may be obtained at any of the principal hotels at Harlech, Barmouth, Dol- gelley, and Portmadoc, of Messrs ALLEN and SON, solicitors, 17, Carlisle-street, Soho-square, London, and the Auc- TIONEERS, Welllield House, Bangor, and High-street, Rhyl. COUNTY OF MERIONETH. Sale of a Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, knewn as CRAIG Y FACHLDU, situate in the townahip of CORRIS, near Machynlleth, of Arable and Pasture Land, with extensive Ffriths, through which Two valu- able Slate Veins run; Cottages and Dwelling-houses, a portion of which will be laid out in Building Lots, To be Sold by Public Auction, by MESSRS WM. DEW and SON, at the Slaters' Arms Hotel, Corris, on THURSDAY, the 10TH day of AUGUST, 1876, at 2.30 p.m., subject to conditions ihon and there to be produced, in lots. The Property is distant about ten miles from Dolgelley, is approached from Machynlleth by a horse tramway, is composed of a meadow, abutting on the old turnpike road, and an excellent field on the opposite side, running up to the extensive Ffriths, together with six good Dwelling- houses. The lower portion of the land is divided into lots suitable for the erection of Dwelling-houses. It is situated in the very Centre of the Large Quarries, now in full operation, viz., the Braich Goch, Talyllyn, and Abercwmeitbaw, and the demand for such accowmodation is greatly on the in- crease. The Abercwmeithaw Slate Vein can be traced running through the mountain, and which is now being extensively worked on the adjoining property, a portion of the Talyllyn vein also strikes through the land. This sale offers to capi- talists an excellent opportunity for investment. A special train will run on the Corris Tramway, leaving Machynlleth at 1.30 p.m., and retnruing from Corris in time to meet the 6.25 p.m. train at Machynileth. Lithographed plana and particulars will shortly be issued. In ttitt BOla i n- all further information may be obtained from Ammmh L1 jUon and Jsssett, solicitors, St. Clement's House, t- t:ii. ut-laue, Lombard street, London; Mr David Davies, i iiu Cottage, Talyllin via Towyn; and the Auc- tioneers, Well field House, Bangor, and High-sireet, Rhyl. NOTICE. MR O- DANIEL, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Estate Agent, Towyn, begs to announce that he has OPENED an OFFICE at MACHYNLLETH, and re- spectfully solicits the patronage of the nobility, gentry, and inhabitants of the town and surrounding country. SALES and VALUATIONS of LAND, HOUSES, LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, and all other pereonal Effects, undertaken with, care and personal super vision. OFFICES—Maengwyn-street, Machynlleth, and High-street Towyn. Towyn, Jan. 1st, 1875. MR E. J. MORGAN, CEFN, TY'NLLIDIART, PENLLWYN, (ABER- YSTWYTH). BEGS to announce that he holds an AUCTIONEER'S and VALUER'S LICENCE, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the Nobility, Gentry, and Farmers of the district. Sales promptly attended to, Valoations made. Sales cashed. SALES BY AUCTION. CARDIGANSHIRE. POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the Sale of FREE- -i-i HOLD ESTATES, in the parishes of Llancyafelyn and Llanfihangel-geneu'r-glyn, advertised to take place at the Belle Vue Hotel, Abervstwytb, on Wednesday, the 2nd day of August, 1876, is POSTPONED until Thursday, the 10th day of August, 1876. QUEEN STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MR G. T. SMITH has been instructed by the Proprietors to offer for BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 8th day of AUG Jar, 1876, at the Talbot Hotel, Aberystwyth, at Tfltee <rclock in the afternoon (subject to Conditions, ahd is su h\jW or Lots as may be decided at the time of SlleUTJbi eewjiry desirable and well situated FREEHOLD LfftTIsLL ^NG HOUSES, in Queen- street, in the occupation! of Mn David Richards, mason, C Captain Lewis Edwards, and C ptain E. Oliver. Each house contains on the ground floor a capital front Kitchen or Parlour, back Kitchen and Scullery; and on the upper floors good front Sitting-room, and three Bedruoms. There are also good Gardens and Closets at the back. The Pro- perty possesses a frontage to Queen-street of about 49 feet with a depth of nearly 80 feet, abutting on premises in Great Darkgate-street, formerly belonging to the same proprietors, and recently purchased by John Watkins, Esq. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs HUGH HUGHES and SONS, Solicitors, Mr GRIFFITH JONES, Soli- citor, or the AUCTIONEER, all of Aberystwyth. CARDIGANSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of the FARMS of RHODMJU>E, v TYNYGWNDWN, BWLCHYRHANDIErGOttSWGAN, GORSGWAN- FACH, PENQUARmSV<«TTYR, and CORNEL OFaN, comprising aboat525 ACRES of superior Arable and Pasture Land, lyin j fence, Five miles from Aberystwyth, MA To be Sold bySRucVon, by MR G. T. SMITH, on THUPAJAY, the 24TH day AUGUST, 1876, at the Belle Royal Hotel, Aber- ystwyth, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon. Particulars and plans of Mr F. R. ROBERTS, solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwyth. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. USE THE CRYSTAL PERISCOPIC AND EUREKA NEUTRAL TINTED. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES TOO much .cannot be said as to their Superiority .:1. over the ordinary Glasses worn, producing a Clear andDistinct Vision, as in theTTatural Healthy Sight. The material from which the Lensea are ground is manufactured specially for optic purposes. Before Buying Eureka Glasses see that the manufacturer's trade mark (Eureka) is marked thereon. Spectacles from 3 13. per pair. Agents-Aberyshvyth R. DOU jrHTON, China Dealer- Bridge-street, six doors from thb Town Clock; Machyn- lleth J. REES and SON, Watch and Clock Makers, Silversmiths, Jewellers, &c., Maengwyn-street, Machya lleth. JUDKINS & CO.'S EASY SYSTEM OF PURCHASING BY HIRE. SEWING MACHINE PROM ONE SHILLING A WEEK WITXQUT SECURITY FOR PAYMENT. APPOINTED Ag ZNRS- OWEN JQSES, 27, Prospect-street. JOHN PAUL, Mill-street, Aberystwyth. N.B. U Orders by Post Punctually Attended t o PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE. T. THOMAS, PAINTER, &c., 12 DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. A OHOIOB STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS from the best Manufacturers. CHIMNEY & OTHER GLASES. A good Assortment of OLEOGRAPH PAINTINGS, PHOTOS, &c., &c. Pictures Framed in Gold, &c. AU kinds of Moulding for Frames, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Lead, Closets, &c., &c., AT VBRY MODERATE TERMS. April 20,1876. M. JON ES, COACH-BUILDER, MOOR STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Carriages of every description made to order. Repairs executed by first-class workmen. Pakonisei by the Faculty and the Nobility. DAVIES'S gOBEHOUND gALSAM Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza, Bronchitis, Asthma, Low of Voice, Spitting of Blood, Consumption, and all Disoiders of the Chest and Lungs. This excellent Preparation, marvellous for its efficacy in the above-named complaints, is sanctioned by public appro- bation, and encouraged by an extensive sale promotes ex- pectoration and abates fever, thereby affording immediate and perfrct relief, and, if persevered with, scarcely ever faUe to effect appeedy and lasting cure. Being palatable to the taste, may be given to children with ease, as well as to adults. Sold in Bottles at Is, l^d., 2s. 9d., &c. Prepared only by JNO. H. DAVIES, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Terrace-road, Aberystwyth. Directions accompany each bottle. J. TitUSCOTT (Eldest son of the late James Truscott), PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND ENGRAVER, 6, GREAT DARKGATE STREET (Opposite Market-street), ABERYSTWYTH TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. NOW discharging a PRIME Cargo of PITCH J3I PIJSE the logs are fresh, clean, and sound. SELECTED CURLY LOGS FOR PANELS, &c., APRIL, 1876. 0. Brig" Martha" has arrived with a very good Cargo of Red Pine Deals, Battens, Red and White Floor Boards. The above cargoes, added to our former stock of PITCH PINE, RED PINE, YELLOW PINE, OAK, ELM BIRCH, MAHOGANY, RED AND WHITE FLOOR BOARDS, will be found an excellent Lot from which to make selection. Windows, Doors, all sorts of Mouldings, Angle Beads, &c., manufactured on the Premises. JONES AND GRIFFITHS ABKRDOVEY, YNYSLAS, AND MACHTNLLETH. 4WOrders to be sent to Aberdovey. Saw Mills at Ynyslas. I November 16cb. PUBE ABBATKD WATERS I i%p &4 iii=;= I JIF.01$TERED, ELLIS'S j RUTHIN W ATE R S, CRYSTAL SPRINGS. j Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Lithia, & for GOUT Lithia and Potaw. I JOfiJy*;vJJlÐ "R. ELLIS & SON KUTHIN,' laudeverylabul ears their trademark. Sold everywhere, and Wholesale of R, ElJJB & Ltuthin, North Wait* BUSINESS ADDRESSES General Drapery and Millinery :L 2J. Establishment at n. I 9, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET (Opposite the Infirmary), ABERYSTWYTH. •• oJ; V.v IV .1 i '1 r 'l. :> ''1 d Ø).' l 1 SUMMER FASHIONS. 1 r. ;'t. I I. C. M. WILLIAMS Begs respectfully to announce His RETURN from the LONDON Markets with a Large and Well- selected Stock of the CHOICEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS FOR THE ENSUING SEASON, Which are now ready for inspection at such prices as cannot fail to give unqualified satisfaction to purchasers. 7 Ar:J 1. \i '? LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. Costume an? Fancy Dress Materials, including the Choicest Designs of tl e Seapcn Special attention is invited to the Stock of Black Silks, which are of the Best Makes and ?, very Cheap, commencing at Is Ilid per yard Fancy Stripe and Coloured Silks from 2s 6dper yard, much under value French Merinos, Silk, and Wool Repps, in all shades n r Silk Velvets, Velveteens and Crapes all prices ? Prints, Muslins, and Grenadines from 3d upwirds Holland, Camlet, and Alpacca Over Skirts from Is 11d J White Pique Trimmed Black and Long Cloth Skirts from Is 9d Black and Coloured Quilted Satin Skirts from 9s lid Shawls, a well assorted Stock of the newest designs in Shawls and Wool Wraps A Large Variety of Straw, Chip, and Leghorn Hats and Bonnets, in all the newest shapes Trimmed Bonnets and Hats in all the latest styles English and French Flowers of every description Ostrich and Fancy Feathers in all the leading shades Black and Coloured Ostrich and Coque Feather Trimmings from Is per yard A Large Variety of Rich Broche Natte and Corded Ribbons, in all the new shades Coloured Satins and the New Natte Turquoise in all the fashionable shades New Ornaments for Trimming Hats and Bonnets in great variety "I Ladies' Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Bows of the newest styles and colours.from 4!d upwards Newest Styles in Ladies' Linen Setts and Fancy Collars from 4id per sett Ecru and White Muslin and Lace Frillings of every description H' f An extensive assortment of Ladies' Ecru Lace, Scarfs, Bows, and Ruffles ■ The New Streamer Netts for Scarfs and Millinery Purposes, in all the new shades Real Maltese, Yak, and Valenciennes Laces, a large assortment Kid Gloves, in all the best makes (one and two buttons) in black and all shades Silk Lisle Lace and Cotton Gloves, all sizes and prices Silk Umbrellas, in brown, green and shot, ivory and fancy handles, from 4s lid J Sunshades, in Brazilian shot silk and cotton, in great variety Ladies' and Children's Plain and Fancy Hosiery of every description • A largo stock of the new Crimped Fringes, in black and colours, all j rices New Beaded Gimps, Ornaments, and Loops, newest patterns A Large Stock ot Embroideries and Insertions at low prices Thompson'* Corsettg, CrfmiffHUi, and Dres* Improvers r Gentlemen's White and Oxford Shirt?, in all the newest styles Gentlemen's Undervests, Drawers, Pants, Hosiery, Scarfs, Ties and Bows, Collars, Cuffs, Fronts, Umbrellas, &c., &c. Woollens in best West of England Broad and Narrow Cloths, Scotch Tweeds, &c., in all the Newest Patterns for Summer Wear < „ 11 .■ ¡ SPECIAL TO VISITORS. C. M. W. holds a Large Stock of Plain and Fancy Real Welsh Flannels and Shawls. And also of the New Patent Flannel in all colours. J SHETLAND AND WOOL GOODS. Comprising Promenade Shawls and Scarfs, Squares, Breakfast Shawls. Ladies and Children's Costume Capes and Fichues in great variety at such prices that cannot fail to please.. PERSONAL INSPECTION AND COMPARISON OF PRICES IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. TERMS ONE PRICE TO ALL FOR CASH ONLY. NO CREDIT. J c. M. WILLIAMS General Drapery and Millinery Establishment, 9, LITTLE DARKGATE STREETil (Opposite the Infirmary), ABERYSTWYTH. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1820. WILLIAM JULIAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, TEA, COFFEE, PROVISION, AND FLOUR DEALER, 10, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. A constant supply of First-Class Australian Preserved Meats, Labrador Salmon, Lobsters Sardines, &c. HOME-CURED BACON AND HAMS. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S GOODS. JAT-VTE S McILQUIEIAM, BRIDGE END HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in all kinds of EARTHENWARE, GLASS, CHINA, BIRMINGHAM and SHEFFIELD GOODS, &c., 4tc.—Goods Let out on Hire.—An iflxperieoced Packer Kept. SACKS, OIL SHEETS AND TARPAULINGS; A Large Stock always on Hand. "TE ST NEWPORT, WIGAN, AND RUABON COAL. JOHN JONES, BRIDGE END, ABERYSTWYTH. BEST NEWPORT COAL 18 Per TON; BEST WIGAN COAL, 18s PEB ToN; anD BEST RUABON COAL, las Pxii TON, FOR CASH. GltIMBY HOUE, H, TERITACE ROAD, ABUYSTWYTH. W. BTBAMBER, FISH AND FRUIT MERCHANT, AND LICENSED DEALER IN GAME. WENHAM LAKE ICE, OYSTERS, WHEN IN SEASON. WINES SPIRITS, BOTTLED ALES AND STOUT. -ALLSOPPIS ON DRAFT. ii I I L, r DAVID ELLIS, -2 FURNISHING AND BUILDERS' IRONMONGER, ABERYSTWYIH (OPPOSITE THE GAOL), HAS on hand IRON BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, FEEDERS, BHUSHES, LAMPS. SAUCEPANS, BELLOWS—FLOCKS at 3 £ d per lb.—Best LAMP OIL at 4 £ d per quart.