f GEDUCTION OF POSTAGE tr: ON NEWSPAPERS. rnre of the Reduction in the Bate F V T°N5E^\IJ\VSPAI>ER POSTAGE 1 We have adopted the following [ „EDUCED:SCALE OF CHARGES. IF PREPAID Od ,? Subscriptions 0d r Hal. Yc.rly ditto 5s Od IF OX CREDIT: v'rlv Subscriptions 12s Od s liali V early ditto 6s Od Post Office orders payable to JJ^-LEV AND BRADLEY, WREXHAM.

lales by Auction. y MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, & CO. THIS DAY. L!? "r'('E GIŒSFORD, DENBIGHSHIRE. Cl)} LI. F, ry,y ?.j(;)M?.?rM 25 acres of superior "Iobl.} It]' ?.?,<? .ofitf!? at Llay, in ?c?ar?7< I or l! V ??. cf?oi? ?/ Denbigh. ( HriirON, ELHICI, ? CO. have ((J to submit to SALE 1 At (- )! lK'L'n 111 It I 1 f J t l'lV s .un?, the 14th (ay of June next, at Three t'Jf H y" li ivi<t Three p.m. most punctually, at -jd. H"j¡'-pa4 Three pm. mos PUIIC ua y, a ;l:n'" ¡,Ir j):: y 111 Hdtel, in Chester, in such lots as I :il,'I;r"!loi 1;:1:: veu(ior.s may decide upon at the time I:t' :I;¡¡, uhiect tn conditions then to be produced, i.-M;E or DWELLING HOUSE, with tll:l¡l:i;>, yanl, gl!.l',des, and appurtenances ¡ii" ott" I ;111" within one mile from Gres- ?;?u?nly called "Hay C tt "M.' <'II t:.IUlHl,Hl) c.t e .1)) age, .?'???"?;,?. ?.crd Pieces or Parcels of Land ..rd tl f II' lè,l, .1 containing the following quanti- l: .H ?'-?bouts, be the same more or less, ar t.le 1; -imply A. R. I'. Ollthui\;liug.s, Yards, and Garden. 0 2 0  1 1 2() r';ir (Toil 4 0 0 MiiiuiK'r H.i oum 1 l- ieKl 1 2tl 3 226 '.i? 5 1 30 1 in1 .V lU'llt 1 3 10  0 2 3 7) ( 'ft "? ?' .?? ?'?d Farm 0 235 Total 24 3 21 ¡, a t?r? desirable tenement, situate near to ?b?ut one mile fr'Hn the Rossett r-), o. ULIL ;L|LLIUT one mile from the Rossett T Western Railway, and four miles ?.,h?. with a view of the Yale Royal. It is ?'? oc??tiou of Mr ??mucl Newns as yearly le \"1. p,particulars and plans, with any further in- '1U'ltion ."? ''? had from ?'' Thomas V. Royle, '"?'e? ?te-street, Chester Mr John Whalley, 1.1' L I t H Cl t f isurvevorf Northgate House, Chester; or from ''r Chur?'n Elphick, and Co., auctioneers, Whit- ;?? (Shropshire^, and Chester. 946a .v'ant Sale of ez-cUcn' HOUSEHOLD FURNI- rriit: 'ariichvi Hay Grass, After-grass and Po- staek oflaii, Straw, and other out-door ,'f.r,; I,'D Leasee'* Interest in the unexpired term L'elJ. of the House and Premises at BODDERWERN, mile from the Mold Station, on the Ch'-tter, Mold, and Denbigh Railteay. MES.-dJs. CHURTON, ELPHICK, and Co., beg t) announce that they have been favoured with vn-uctionsfroin Major Matthias, who is leaving the n-M'ilwurhood, to SELL by AUCTION, on THURS- i. IUlII FRIDAY, June 19th and 20th, 1873, commenc- v each day at eleven for twelve o'clock, punctually, til" whole of the valuable HOUSEHOLD FURXI- Tt I!E and other effects, including excellent ma- t'ljanv telescope, dining table, capital sideboard, ,Ailie cooler lined with lead, several sets of excellent *ii:r.twooil and mahogany single, lounging and de- r'tH.n11 chairs, couches, mahogany and walnutwood 1,» and other tables, well made Davenport, with rirawvrs and tittings; carved rosewood Indian work stand, excellent walnutwood bookcase, with nurV." slab top, chimney glasses, French and other t:me pieces, antique china and ornaments, fine-toned c ittA^e pianoforte in walnut case, by Ralph Alison, LJUIUI several sets of polished birch and iron half- t^iter ami French bedsteads, hair and wool mattresses, handsome polished birch wardrobe, excellent chest of urawers, dressing and wash tables, baths, dressing ■iljsses, cut glass, china and earthenware, a few plated goods, lamps, quantity of books, Gill's patent ball stove, patent knife cleaner, kitchen utensils and other household effects first-class breecliloading and rifles, revolver, cartridge making machine, >v,»rds, archery bows, arrows and belts, fishing rod iu1 basket, Ac. Tth- Out Door effects comprise capital donkey, 'i mkey carriage and harness, set of excellent thrill U «><• gears, ladders, wheelbarrows, water barrel on i>!ie?N,rain water tubs, pig troughs, sundry garden ,[l*l tO'lit l(> iLLC- I o- i after g'rass, <> roods ot Kidney potatoes, stack of w.11 a tono of oat. traw. quantity of jH iron, empty bottles, &c. Mao. the Lessee's Interest in the unexpired term of limut 20 years in the Lease of the House and Land, hiding tenant's Fixtures in and about the premises. N II —Catalogues may be had at the Offices of the tioneer, Chester, and Whitchurch, Shropshire. 1024c CHESHIRE. Old Freehold It'sidential Estate called THE WOODFORD HALL ESTATE" one mile Over and Winsford. two and a halffrom Little iwjrth, six from Xorthwich, and eight from on the London and North Western line of IWdwow. Also, about twcnty-twi aeret, or there- of highly valuable accommodation Meadow I.oiid, situate in Witton, Northwic/i. Also, a sub- >'nI'ioUy built Dwelling House and premises in H' m Street, Northivich. Ml.ssliS CHUHTON, ELPHICK & Co., are in- .J structed to SELL by AUCTION at the Crewe \rms Hotel, Crewe, on MONDAY, the 30th day June lest, at two for three o'clock most punctually, in the ■('.lowing or such other lots as may be determined ■mm at the time of sale, and subject to such con- l-ioiuas will he then produced, thb above highly 'luable property. LOT 1 CoiuprisiM WOODFORD HALL, with its noble ,till; of 1'arra Buildings, and 261 acres and 37 perches vihnU. arable and pasture land in a ring fence. Ill" Hall is a well-built old fashioned residence, •ituatc on a gontle slope, approached by a carriage iri yo, with I:trv and spacious lawns and shrubberies front and -aidens at the side. The House which is -'ibsti-ntially built, comprises, entrance hall, three re- ■I'tion rooms, with kitchens, larders, dairies, and suitable oir.-ufficers with ample and commodious ■dr.ioms and dressing-rooms. In the occupation of .1 'NI)h Slater The buildings which are nearly new are arranged -'■'i!h taste and judgment, tiil stand in one noble rank, f, )r eight horses, coach-house, ••1'Hie-r.Mim, shippims, with tieing for 70 head of i-tiwith lofts over, engine house, large barns and chop-rooms, root-house, granaries and loose LOT 2. .T\I) COTT.HJES, near Woodford Hall, with 9a. 3r. 2 j' nu? in the holding of Mr Joseph Slater and Mr LOT 3. T I J IT J-. J.; FJELDS, 11a. 2r. 24p., adjoining Lot 2. in the "••cupation of Mr Thomas Shone. LOT 4. T FIF.LIS, 12a. Or. Kin., adjoining Lots 2 and 3, lil" occupation of Mr Robert Whitby, jun. LOT 5. (,' I FIEI.K, 5a. 3r. LOP., adjoining Lot 4, in the oc- '■I'aLoa uf Mr James Kettle. LOT (j, 2!ta. 3r. 7d., between Woodford Hall I)' tlH occnpa.ti(')&:1 (.1£ ]'1J." J Q"'Clh tliu.niu aiid William LOT 7. v COTTAf; and Gardens situate on the ontskirts 4)f ()vt?r, tyi(i oc(-iipit,(l by Charles Eaton, ? ?'?"y.'LI?<niels,J. Vernon. George Ledward, .?. '.hMle.?Ashiey. LOT S. ?/"R MEADOWS c:?ed Gilbert's Moor, Boot's -'?"?., The Great Commissary and the Little Com- and Little Boot's Meadow (the two last i now in one) 2ia. 3r. 12p., situate in ").. .;J .V "?.nthwich,and now in the holding of Mr "J'jlh Kayner. LOT 9. A li n"ISE, occupied as the orthwich Post Office, -iu i r V ace "? Post ?'stress, comprising hree en- 4)f Post seven coniprising three en- t,.rL r4)t)llls .tll(l seven bed-rooms, with out- "fli. ;:nd, garden, ?c. LJt 1 is a '?"?'?e famny residence having extn- .¡I'l' views, ? senate in a good residential neígl¡hourhood where capital hunting :md shoot- 119 cztn be enjoyed, ?einK within fou miles of the cit. i'•,J'! "I?nel,s- The I?nd is in ? good state of liv;ilels. The land ii in tgoodstateof (ultivatiou the ???'' !?"- having been drained :\lld houed: It dj(¡ins the ??te? of the Earl of jr' ior l inT'lf Philip ??ton. Baronet, M.P., il)r "ledi ale, ?P'?'" Cunliffe, and Woods Esq. There are vv: churches within one m;ie ???n ? th?n' ? ?'' ?'?<d stations on the West phslra i i Ud^ ° and ?o?h Western i.inip! s if ???-?y are twenty minutes' vak  ?' 4, 5 and ? ?'? ?'S'te building and Lt*4? worth the attention of I)Uild?rs, being WiLhin ten minutes walk from the important and ?"nshing towns of Over and Winsford Tho; Land Tax on Lots 1, 2, ? 4, 5 and 6 has been re- eemed, and the tithes are remarkably low. -'he meadow I.?nd at Northwich, now let as accom" l'lIHlatiou land, is in the highest state of cu?' ti'l!1, bounded the one ?"? '? the river DIUP ? Uk other by lands belongin, to Mi s ^xon » orthnigton, Esq., and Mrs (jeenalJ, and i ?;U ) worthy the attention of capitalists, ?? 'severa) tenants will kindly show the property. j, ',™ r with plans ? any other information !,1'1be■ I^iU1.ui;iied ,on ?P''cat!on to H.rnAiu, Dt rrox u JIII,lI"l, Land and Estate Agent, Statham' I IIWLoIl 111,NIZI' HU-NI 11.1 Fs,4., Soli(-itor rx)1't1l1 or the A l'(:1l Q:-i E :ms, Caeter ald WIlIt, iiii ? or tlif,, AL'C*L aii?l Nvlllt Sales by Auction. SALE BY MESSRS CHURTON, elphick. & co ro be Sold pursuant to an o?er ??c Il¡gh CoM?o? p!:  a cf"se °f BENNION v PoI'SE.ik" icith the al)probatioit ? the Vice-Chan- cellor, Sir Jlr ames Bacon, by MV2HN CHURTON (the person appointed by ?i. the said Jude for that purpose! at the wvnnstay Arms Hotel, at Wrexhanif in the couuty of Denlngh, on Friday, the 27th day of June, 187:3, at Ittoo clock in the afternoon punctually in 67 lots certain Freehold Land known as "The Hirder" Salisbury Park, and adjoining the Erddi and So utley roads, in the suburbs of the important market town of Wrexham, in the said county of Den- bigh, suitable and arranged into convenient lots for the erection of Villa Residences and Terraces. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Reece and Harris, solicitors, Birmingham, and Messrs. Be1írage and Middieton, solicitors, :?' redfor Row, London, of jo?n A,ngton Huhes, Ksq solicitor, Wrexham, of Messrs. Kennedy and Huxhes sol^tors, 26, Chancery Lane London, ?f ?lUoughby Raimonde, Eq" solicitor, 16, Houghton street, New Inn, London, of Frederick James Hand ?A? .?'?? ?"- S' New ?"' Strand, London, of ?.??C.Baugb, surveyor, Wrexham, of Messrs. Umiton, Mphick, and Co., auctioneers, Chester and N?,,ltelill"l Shropshire, and at the plac? of sale. Dated this tenth day of May, 1873. EDWARD BLOXAM, 850:1 Chief Clerk. SALES BY MESSRS. BAUGH & JONES. SALE of FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES in High- town, in the Town and Borough of Wrexham. TO be SOLD by AUCTION by MESSRS BAUGH JL & JONES, at the Lion Hotel, Hope-street Wrexham, on MONDAY, the 16th day of June, 1873, at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions and in the following or such other Lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale. Lot 1. All that Piece or Plot of Building Land, situate in Albert-street, Hightown, aforesaid con- taining 3S4 square yards. Lot 2. All that Piece or Plot of Building Land, ad- joining the last lot, containing 384 square yards. Lot 3. All that Piece or Plot of Building Land, situate in Bury-street, Hightown aforesaid, containin° in the whole 520 square yards. Lot 4. All that Piece or Plot of Building Land, situate in Bury-street, Hightown, aforesaid, adjoin- ing the lasi lot, containing in the whole 533 square yards. Lot 5. All that Piece or Plot of Building Land, situate in Bury-street, Hightown, aforesaid, adjoining Green-bank and Derby-road, containing 792 square yards. The above Lots are most eligible as Building Sites. For further information, and inspection of Plan of the several Lots, apply to the AUCTIONEERS, Temple- chambers, Wrexham, or to Messrs ACTON and BURY, solicitors, Wrexham. 998s Sale of Fat and Store Stock, at the Golden Lion Inn, Rossett. MESSRS BAUGH & JONES beg to announce that their next SALE of FAT and STORE STOCK, at the Golden Lion, Rossett, will be held on MONDAY, the 16th day of June, 1873. Stock already entered Several Prime FAT BEASTS. One Prime Two-vear-old BULLOCK. 50 Prime FAT SHEEP. 20 Prime LAMBS. A Lot of Prime FAT CALVES. Several Fat and Store PIGS. The property of General Townshend, A. Balfour, Esq., Mr Davies, Mr John Edwards, and others. Further entries respectfully solicited. SALE AT TWO O'CLOCK. 992s VERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, DENBIGHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. T BAUGH AND JONES, at the Lion Hetel, Hope Street, Wrexham, on Monday, the 16th day of June, 1873, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon. subject to conditions to be then and there produced, t!1..<?sE..l.igh!Y.i!1l.v..<lg yard, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Hope Street, in the town and borough of Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, and now and for some years past in the occupation of Mr Nicholas Stewart Scotclier, jeweller. The above premises are situate in one of the most important business thorouglifar 3S in the flourishing town of Wrexham, having an extensive frontage to Hope street, and from its central and commanding position, presents most desirable features for invest- ment or occupation being commodies, attractive and well adapted for carrying on an extensive business. For further particulars apply to HENRY HUMPH- REYS, Esq., solicitor, Wrexham, or the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 840a SALE OF EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE AT ltOFT HOUSE, ROSSETT. MESSRS BAUGH AND JONES have been in- Lit structed by Mr John Evans, to offer for unre- served SALE BY AUCTION, at Roft House, Rossett, aforesaid, within a short distance of Rossett Station, on Friilav, the 20tli of June, 1873, the whole of his valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, comprising— IN KITCHEN & BACK KITCHEN.—Several tables of various sizes, very excellent and valuable eight days' clock in oak case, which chimes every quarter of an hour, nest of drawers, with other usual kitchen re- quisites. IN PARLOUR.—Kidderminster carpet (new), piece of new carpet, mahogany chiffioneer, mahogany leaf table with drawers, mahogany chairs, rocking chair, pictures, chimney ornaments, &c &c. IN BEDROOMS. -Four-post, wood, tent, and iron- bedsteads, mattresses, feather beds, mahogany and deal chest of drawers, carpeting, oil cloth, stair rods, cane seated chairs, toilet glasses, toilet services, chim- ney glass, &c., &c. ALSO IN YARD.—Wheelbarrow, dolly and tub, brown ware, &c., &c. Sale at one for two o'clock. 1060r Sale oj Excellent Household Furniture, at No. 13, King-street, Wrexham. MESSRS BAUGH & JONES have been instructed -4-TJIL by the Executors of the late Mr William Bayley, to offer for unreserved Sale by Auction, at No. 13, King-street, Wrexham, on Monday, the 23rd day of June, 1873, the whole of the Valuable HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE and other effects, comprising- IN KITCHEN AND BACK KITCHEN—Fenders, fire irons, iron stool, ash pans, brass and other candle- sticks, mahogany and other chairs, small round stand, mahogany and other tables, eight-day clock in oak case, fire screen, large sofa, mahogany corner cupboard, cutlery basket, sundry crockery, cutlery, meat safe, tea trays, iron and other saucepans, fish kettles, bread tins, hand saw, meat chopper, cleaver, soup ladle, coal box, wood box and stool, together with numerous other kitchen requisites. IN PARLOUR—Fender, fire irons, ashpan, coal vase, pair of lustres, six single mahogany hair-seated chairs, mahogany loo table and cover, mahogany sofa, folding chair, small oak stand, tea-tray, mahogany card tables, window blind. roller, and curtains,.brass cornice pole, chandelier and globes, carpet, hand bell, and ink- BtiiTxl. &o IRE HALL-Iron umbrella stand, three door mats, piece of oilcloth. IN BEDROOMS—Wire fender, mahogany chest of drawers, dressing tables, toilet glasses, towel rails, toilet services, washstands, oak bureau, card table, hip bath, chair commode, cane-seated chair, iron and wood bedsteads, mattresses, feather beds, bedroom and stair carpeting, brass rods, glass, gas pendant, window blinds and rollers, bed and window curtains, clothes maid, bed and other linen, pieces of oil- cloth, &c. IN YARD—Water tub, slop pails, old screen, set of pony haif-iess, Ac. Catalogues may be had on application to the Auctioneer. Sale at One for Two o'clock. 1070 SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT RHOS- LLANERCHRUGOG, NEAR RUABON DENBIGH- SHIRE. TO BE SOLD by AUC rIOX by MESSRS BAUGH i_ AND J ONES, at the White Horse Inn, Rhos- llanerchrug-og, on Friday, the 27th day of June, 1873, at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then and there produced- All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, and SHOP, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in High-street, Rhosllanerchrugog aforesaid, late the property of Mr Robert J ones, deceased, late in the occupation of Mr Green, shopkeeper, but now of For further particulars apply to. JOHN JAMES, Esq., Solicitor; HEXRY HUMPHREYS, Esq., Solicitor, or at the Offices of the AUCTIONEERS, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 1072r SALE BY MR DAVID ROBERTS. Important Sale of Costly and Elegant Furniture, Pianoforte, valuable Oil Paintings, Water Colour Drawings, a choice collection of old China, and articles of Vertu, about 16(1 ounces of silver Plate, Books, ti-c at the PLAS, in the town of Coriven (where they haw been re moved for the convenience f.S'<?. MR. DAVID ROBERTS respectfully announces his imtructions from Mrs Attree (late of Colo- mendy, Conven), who leaves the neighbourhood for lier residence in Sussex, to SELL by AUCTION, as above, on THURSDAY next, June 12th, 1S73. Catalogues may be hail at the Hotels, in Corwen, Laia, Ruthin, and Llangollen, and from the Auc- tioneer, Conven. HU;" c Sales bv Auction. SALES BY MR GRIFFITHS. STOCK SALE. GRIFFITHS'S AUCTION MART, WREXHAM. MR GRIFFITHS respectfully announces that he will SELL BY AUCTION, on THURSDAY, the 19th day of June, 1873, in his Mart, situate as above STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Fat Cattle A lot of fat sheep and lambs, pigs and calves Sale at Two o'clock prompt. 978j KNOLTON HALL, Two miles from Overton, nearly ajdoining the road leading to St. lIfartins. MR GRIFFITHS respectfully announces that he I T i has been honoured with instructions from the representatives of the late C. R. Cotton, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, on their premises situated as above, on FRID VY", the 20th day of June, 1873, the whole of their valuable Hunters, Hack, Carriages Horses and Colts, &c., a herd of pure-bred Alderney Cattle, cross-bred Cows and Calves, as specified in the catalogues, which may be had from Auctioneer. 975e KNOLTON HALL. MR GRIFFITHS respectfully announces that he i?JL has been honoured with instructions from Captain Lake to SELL by AUCTION (by kind per- mission) on the above premises, on FRIDAY, the 20th of June, 1873, the following valuable HORSES, CATTLE, &c. :— HORSES. A Grey Mare, 8 years old, 15 hands 21 inches high, well known with Sir Watkin W. Wynn's hounds, has carried a lady regularly to hounds for three seasons. A capital Bay Carriage Horse. A capital Black Carriage Mare. The above pair have been regularly driven together for the past three years, and are fast; the black mare carries a lady. Brown Gelding, 8 years old, steady in single or double harness, an excellent hack, and has been hunted with Sir W. Wynn's hounds. COWS. Capital Cow, in full profit. Do., do. Capital Heifer Calf. Do., do. Sow, and seven followers. Berkshire Sow. Sale at Two o'clock. Charles-street, Wrexham. 1016 THE QUINTA, OVERTON. MR GRIFFITHS respectfully announces that he has been favoured with instructions from Capt. Sewell, who is changing his residence, to SELL BY AUCTION, on his premises, situated as above, on Saturday, the 21st day of June, 1873, the whole of his Truly Valuable Household Furniture and other effects, as particularized in catalogues, which are in course of preparation, and may be had from the Auc- tioneer. Charles-street, Wrexham. 1017a IFTON RHYN, ST. MARTINS, SALOP. Valuable Freehold Houses, Maltkiln, and Building Land, with the Minerals under the same. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr GRIFFITHS, at the Greyhound Inn, near St. Martins, afore- said, on FRIDAY, the 4th day of July, 1873, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, in the following or such other Lots as may be agreed upon, and subject to conditions:— LOT 1. I A comfort.flh1ø .1lf11'TT' n "'LLl lX-  f ???In, Yarj, Garden, Out? 0 ces, and Appurtenances thereto, with two Crofts of excellent pasture Land, containing together la. 3r. 3p. (more or less), adjoining the road leading from St. Martins through Ifton to Overton, and the lands of Lord A. E. Trevor and the new If ton Colliery Com- pany, in the possession and occupation of Mr John Rogers. LOT 2. A piece or parcel of rich Pasture LAND, containing an acre (more or less) near, adjoining Lot 1, and sur- rounded by the lands of Lord Trevor, now in the occu- pation of the said Mr Rogers. LOT 3. A MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE called The Flash," with the garden, outoffices, and appur- tenances, and the crofts of excellent LAND thereunto belonging, containing together la. Or. 37p. (more or less), adjoining the turnpike ruad leading from St. Martins to Overton, and now in the occupation of the said Mr Rogers. LOT 4. A piece or parcel of rich pasture LAND, called Poplar's Croft," containing la. 2r. 18p. (more or less) adjoining the said Turnpike Road, and now in the oc- cupation of Mr Edward Rogers. LOT 5. A piece or parcel of excellent pasture LAND, nearly opposite to Lot 4, and containing about an acre (more or less), now in the occupation of the said Mr J. Rogers. The property is situate in the township of Ifton Rhyn, within a short distance from the village of St. Martins, has frontages to good roads, and forms excellent Building sites. The Lots lie in a mineral district, in close proximity to the workings of the new Ifton Colliery Company, and valuable seams of coal are believed to lie thereunder. Mr J. Rogers will appoint a person to show the Lots, and for Particulars and Plans apply at the offices of Mr KYITIN G. SALTER, Solicitor, Elles- mere. 1075s SALE BY MR MOSES DAVIES. DENBIGHSHIRE. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr MOSES TDAVIES, at the Royal Oak Inn, Llansaintffraid Glyn Ceiriog, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of June, 1873 in the following or such other lots, and subject to such conditions as shall then be declared :— LOT 1. All that piece or parcel of LAND, called Cae Acre, forming part of Talygarth-issa Farm, situate near the Peutre, in the parish of Llangollen, in the county of Denbigh, containing by recent admeasurement, la. 3r. lp., or thereabouts, be the same more or less, and recently in the occupation of Mr Robert Wynne, or his undertenants. This lot adjoins the Oswestry and Chirk road, and lands of Mr E. Jones and Mr Edwards. LOT 2. All those Three several pieces or parcels of LAND also part of Talygarth-issa Farm, called by the several names of Cae bach, Cae yr liendy, and Cae Tydraw containing, by recent admeasurement, 10a. Or. 9p., or thereabouts, be the same more or less, and recently in the occupation of Mr Robert Wynne, or his under- tenants. The read from Oswestry to Glyn passes through this lot. It adjoins lands of Mr Evans and Mr David Jones. LOT 3. All that piece or parcel of LAND, also part of Taly- garth-issa Farm, called or known by the name of Grobwll facli, containing, by recent admeasurement, la. lr. Op., or thereabouts, be the same more or less, also recently in the occupation of Mr Robert Wynne. This is bounded on one side by the River Ceiriog, and on the other by the new road from Chirk to Glyn, and adjoins lands of Mr Owen Owens. LOT 4. All that MESSUAGE or FARMHOUSE, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances, and several pieces or pxrcels of LAND thereto belonging, being the remaining portion of Talygarth-issa Fium, containing. by recent admeasurement, 34a. 2r. ;(jp., or thereabouts be the same more or less, recently in the occupation of the said hobert Wynne or his undertenants. The new road from Chirk to Glyn passes through this lot. The lands are bounded on one side by the River Ceiriog, and on the other by property of Major West and Mr Evans. The whole of the lands are of very superior quality. The property is abou five miles from Chirk, and about eight miles from Oswestry. It is situate in the beautiful valley of the Ceiriog, and in the neighbour- hood of the charming scenery in which the district abounds. A tramway from Glyn to Chirk has recjntly been completed, and is available for the carriage of passengers as well as of materials. Fishing and shooting are abundant. The water of the river might be mdijy applie.l to extensive manufacturing purposes. The Sale to commence at Five o'clock precisely. Particulars and Plans are in preparation, and will be ready fourteen days before the day of Sale, and (with any further information) may be obtained on application to the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. MINIIIALLS and PARRY JONES, solicitors, Oswestry. Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS LLOYD & JONES. LANE END, BUCKLEY, FLINTSHIRE. MESSRS. LLOYD and JONES All SELL bv AUCTION, at the Black Horse Inn, Bucklev, on THURSDAY, the 26th day of June, 1873. at Three for Four o'clock in the afternoon, in small lots, Valu- able FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate in the township of Bistree, in the parish of Mold, and county of Flint, and on the north side of the road leading from Padeswood Station to Buckley, and near to the Spon Green Colliery. There is excellent clay in the land for brickmaking. The mines are reserved, but are believed to have been worked out; but in case any damage shall arise through working the same, the owner of the mines is liable for such damage. Also all thos9 two gardens, one containing 470 square yaids or thereabouts, and the other 490 square yards or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Samuel Hughes, and situate on the south side of and abutting tJi. road leading from the Buckley and Padeswood highroad to the Spon Green Colliery, and at the -rear of houses in he occupation of Mr Catherall and others. Plans and particulars may be seen on application to Mr Thomas Astbury, Galchog, Northop; Messrs Fin- chett-Maddock, Moss, and Sharp, Solicitors, Chester; and the Auctioneers. 1059r i LANE END, BUCKLEY, FLINTSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs LLOYD i. and JONES, at the Black Horse Inn, Buckley, on THURSDAY, the 26th day of June, 1S73, at Three for Four o'clock in the afternoon, in small lots, Valuable FREEHOLD BUILDINTG LAND, situate in the township of Bistree, in the parish of Mold, and county of Flint, and on the north side of the road leading from Padeswood Station to Buckley, and near to the Spon Green Colliery. There is excellent clay in the land for brickmaking. The mines are re- served, but are believed to have been worked out; but in case any damage shall arise through working the same, the owner of the mines is liable for such damage. Plans and particulars may be seen on application to Mr THOMAS ASTBURY, Galchog, Northop; Messrs FINCHETT, MADDOCK, MOSS, and SHARP, Solicitors, 12, Abbey-square, Chester; and the Auctioneers. g SALE BY MR. CLARKE. 1^0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr ISAAC TCLARK, in the Cattle Market, Ruthin, on the Fair Day, June 17th, a Portable Enine and Thrash- ing Machine, in complete working order. 1039a Railway Notices GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. SHREWSBURY SHOW.—On Monday June 16th, an EXCURSION TRAIN will leave Chester at 8'20, Wrexham 8'50, Ruabon910, Chirk 8'40, Oswestry 8'40, and Gobowen 9"20, for Shrewsbury, and return the same evening. Hand bills with full information, can be obtained at the stations. J. GRIERSON, General Manager. Paddington Terminus. 1038 Legal and Public Noties. HOW THE GUARDIANS SPEND THE RATEPAYERS' MONEY. ABOUT a month ago Tenders were invited by the [ AE Guardians for the purchase of the old pumps and tanks at the Wrexham Union. I, therefore, ac- cording to that advertisement, with others, sent in a tender for X20 for the same, and mine was the highest; but for some reason which has not yet been explained, it was not accepted but the Guardians preferred to spend £2 or X3 more to advertise for fresh tenders, which were to be sent in last Thursday and the highest offer made for the pumps was zC14 5s., thus sacrificing at least i'5 158., and spending addi- tional money for The only difference in the two advertisements was a snnn tron tnnk, valued „i—i -Cl. r; ""t to be sold, but used as a water trough. I consular i ougilt to have had some ex- planation why my offer of was uot accepted, or be invited to tender again. However, 1 suppose tne ouiti- dians consider the ratepayers are wealthy, and to sac- rifice £ S at lea> t is rj object to them. J Yours truly, THOMAS ROBERTS, 1067s General Dealer, High-street. BUCKLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. TVJ OT1CF fi HEREBY GIVEN, that in accordance .1. with the Standing Orders of Parliament, a Special or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Pro- prietors f the Buckley Railway Compotny will be held at the Black Lion Hotel, Mold, on Tuesday, the 24th day of June, 1873, at One o'clock, for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving the following Bill in Parliament, with the undermentioned title, namely:— Bill, promoted by the Wrexham, Mold, and Con- nah's Quay Railway Company :— Wrexham, Mold, and Coniiah's Quay Railway (No. 1. An Act to authorize the lease of the Buckley Railway to the Wrexham, Mold, and Counah's Quay Railway Company, and to make certain arrange- ments with reference to the capital of the Wrexham, Mold, and Connah's Quay Railway Company, and w for other purposes." G. M. DIXON, Chairman. J. BIIOUGHTJN, Secretary. Wrexham, June 5tli, 1873. 997 HOWELL'S FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL, DENBIGH. ON TUESDAY, the 1st day of July next, VACAN- CIES FOR TWO ORPHAN INMATES, on the FOUNDATION, between. the age of 7 and 12 years, will be tille(I up at the above Institution. VACAN- CIES for TWO PAY BOARDERS, over 7 years of age, will also be filled up. Terms: zC20 per annum, pay- able quarterly in advance. AND VACANCIES for SIX DAY SCHOLARS, will also be filled up. En- trance fee, 10s., and a payment of 40s. per Quarter, payable in advance. With the view of bringing the benefits of the 1 nsti- tuion for DAY SCHOLARS, within reach of children, living at a distance, a Home," with Board, Washing and Lodging, can be supplied in the Town, to the satisfaction of the Local Governors, at the rate of £ 20 per annum. Forms of application for the above several vacancies to be had from Mr MARTIN SMITH, Park-street, Den- bigh, Clerk to the Local Governors, and which uay be sent in to him on or before Saturday, the 21st instant. Fonner applications made should be renewed, by Letter, to the Clerk, on or before the last mentioned date. NOTE.—It is particularly requested that no applica- tions be made to the Local Governors, individually, but that all Letters of recommendation and Testi- monials be forwarded direct to the Clerk. Denbigh, 4th June, 1873. 987 DENBIGHSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS, ESTALISHFD 1872. Pat r ons: THE LORD-LIEUTENANT OF THE COUNTY SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., I.P. HONOURABLE G. KENYON. G. OSBORNE MORGAN, ESQ., M.P. WATKIN WILLIAMS, Esq. M P THE MAYOR OF DENBIGH. THE RECTOR OF DENBIGH. R. B. HESKETH, ESQ. P. H. CHAMBPTES, ESQ. MAJOR LEYLAND. MURRAY GLADSTONE, ESQ. CAPT. TAYLOR. CAPT. MAIN WARING, ESQ. O. BURTON, ESQ. W. SLATER, ESQ. T. G. NORRIS, ESQ. P. YORKE ESQ. THE REV. J. BOULGER. THE REV. G. MANN. THE REV. HICKS OWEN. THE REV. J. WYNNE. J. RAWLINS, ESQ. A. E. TURNOUR, ESQ. J. C. W. EDWARDS, Eso LL. HEATON, ESQ. EVAN" PIERCE, ESQ., M.D. Ti-easitrer: T. JONES PARRY, ESQ., North and South Wales Bank, Denbigh. Hon. Solicitors: MESSRS. GOLD, EDWARDS, AND WESTON, Denbigh. Hov. Secretaries: I J.R.HEATON, Fsq. E A. FAZAKERLEY. HQn. Assist. Serttares: REV. R. JONESt Li. ROBERTS, "ESQ., M.R.C.S. Officer J. BEVANS. HEAD OFFICE: I VALE STREET, Denbigh. The object of this association is to prevent the cruel and improper treatment of aniinals. The Committee earnestly solicit subscriptions anI donations to enable them to carry on this good 1 Ad communications are considered *trictlv privat? 935a — Business Announcements. THE MOLD AGRIGULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT. JOHN WILLIAMS, 19, HIGH STREET, MOLD BEGS respectfully to invite the attention of Agriculturists and Farmers to his large and well i selected STOCK of Royal Society's First Prize HARVESTING MACHINERY and DAIRY GOODS, etc., &C., comprising:— MOWING & REAPING MACHINE?, by the best makers. HAY MAKING MACHINES, by the best makers. HORSE RAKES, HAY COLLECTORS. C. S. PIKELS, ASH & HEEL RAKES. EASTWOODS COMPOUND ACTION CHURNS. CHEESE MAKING APPARATUS. SINGLE ANDJDOUBLH CHAMBER CHEESE PRESSES. CURD MILLS, CHEESE STOOLS. BEST MACHINE OIL, &c., &c. IRON AND BRASS BEDS. AN INSPECTION INVITED. A large assortment of LAWN MOWERS just arrived for the Season. A heavy Stock of all COLLIERY rquisites at Lowest Prices. Hoops, ESheets, Tin Plates, Chain and Ammunition Warehouse. AGENT FOR THE PATENT MARRZZO MARBLE. lOlOr IMPOKTANTJTO FARMERS. S-H E E P DIPPING J. F. EDISBURY, Has just received the season's supply of McDOUGAL'S, ) COOPER'S, V SHEEP DIP. BIGGS, ) FLY POWDERS [AND LOTIONS. Purchasers of the above can have the loan of a Dipping Apparatus, upon application, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. FULWOOD AXD NICHOLS ANNATTO. CHEESE SKINS. The Farmers' and Breeders' Compinion free on application. 3 j 924r SAMUEL DAVIES & SOX, (SUCCESSORS TO MR. JOHN CLARK.) TAILORS AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. BEG respectfully to call the attention of their customers and the public'generally to -D their large and varied Stock of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, suitable for the Spring and Summer Seasons. LINCOLN, BENNETT AND CO'S HATS, DENT'S GLOVES, AND WELCH, MARGETSON & CO'S SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARVES wmlS 6 &c., always in Stock. April, 1873. 733r ESTABLISHED 1820. H-LTG-HES AND SON, 56, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, HAYE now received the NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPERS, embracing the "best and cheapest ".— J_ J English and Foreign manufactures for HUGHES & SON having purchaserl above ONE MILLION ENVELOPES before the advance in Prices, together with a large Stock of Note Paper, can supply large consumers and the trade on very advantageous terms. Every facility that can be obtained by the use of Steam and improved Machinery, has been added to their Printing, Binding, and Manufacturing Department. NOW READY, THE NEW AND REVISED EDITION.—PRICE 2s 6d. THE GEMS OF WELSH MELODY, BY JOHN OWEN (OWAIN ALAW.) CONTENTS OF THE FIRST SERIES. Songs, with English and Welsh. Words. March of the Men of Harlech, "Oh let the kind Minstrel," the Dawn of Day, the Ash Grove, David of the White Rock, I think on thee," Land of my Fathers, the Bard's Visit, Old Morgan and his Wife. SPECIMENS OF PENNILLION SINGING. Aiid eleven Welsh National Airs for Piano and Harp. Second, Third, and fourth series ready in a few days. London: SIMPIUN", MARSHALL & Co.; the Publishers, HUGHES & Sox, Wrexham, and all Book and Music Sellers in the Kingdom. 578r C. K. BENSON & CO., FAMILY GROCERS AND ITALIAN ^WAREHOUSEMEN, BEG to call special attention to their TEAS. which are of the cholcestàqualities, and have been selectedj • ith the greatest care. In giving names expressive of the qualities of Black Teas, they wish it to be distinctly understood that they are Mixtures of various kinds, no one quality possessing in itself all the requisites of a really good Tea. STRONG KAlsOW CONGOU (REFRESHING, PUNGENT), 2s. PER POUND. FINE KAISOW CONGOU (A CHOICE MIXTURE), 2s. 4D. PER POLXD. DELICIOUS BREAKFAST CONGOU (This is a perfect Tea of great strength), 2s. 6d. per Pound. CHOICE NOSING CONGOU (this is a Tea of sterling quality), 28. 8d. per Pound. FINEST MONING CONGOU (we especially commend this high-class Tea), 3s. per lb.1 FINEST LAPSANG SOUCHONG (unsurpassed at the price) 3s. 4d. per lb. FINEST KAISOW CONGOU, A FAMILY MIXTURE OF TEAS (CHOICELY BLENDED), 3s. 611 per lb. THE FINEST MIXTURE OF TEAS THAT CAN BE PROCURED (THIS IS THE PRINCE OF TEAS) 3s. 8d. per Pound. They beg to call the particular attention of Families to TEA. S at 2s. 6 d., 2S. 3d., 3s., and 3a. 6d. per Pound, And also to their choice Stock of GENERAL GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. ii, HIGII-STFIEEI, WHEXH1M. 203g I • J. GBB-GIB!—— I BOILERS. JOHtf FERNIHOUGH & SONS, Of DUiti^iELD, MAKERS of every description of first-class Single L and Double Fluell High Pressure Lancashire Boilers, with ordinary lap seams, and with welded and flanged Flues and Cross Water Tubes, welded in with- out rivets inside the flues. Also, of Forge Boilers (Vertic-tlj and Horizontal) with Flues or Egg Ends for Coal and Iron works. J. F. & Sons have always in progress a number of first-class Two-Flued Boilers, which can be delivered at short notice. Estimates anil prires on application. 1S13. 1019,t rpENTS TENTS TENTS !-Tents LET on I Hire for Pic nics, FlowerShow..4 .I, e-, Marquee Tent ¡¡II .v. ,y si feet, ti 1 st) tivo smaller t-ines. -For terms, ite., apply to Mi1 JOHN PIERCEY, Glynne Arms Hotel, Caergwrle. 908c Om. RUABON FREESTONE, -1 rpOMLEY AND DANIELS, "GAKDDEN LODGE" QUARRIES, lOtwe RUABON, Entertainments and Meetings. ?-?'?-??????-?-?-???? » BER ;HAl\'I AYD l\-IINERA FEMALE FRIENDLY SOCIETY. wllI b.e .1Je.U.!  Anniversary of the a.bove Society .„ be hel(I T??????-ty wmbe hei. whCoedPoeth on Tuesday- the 17th day of June, 1873, wh?S???' ?? ? ?>eS £ ?y' Militia Band will be in attendance Tea will be provided at 4 o'clock p m' Immediately after Tea, Tickets win be sold each for admission Into the Green. Tickets for Tea and Green-la rxI. WILLIAM DAVIES, 1008a Secretary. FARNDON LADIES' CLUB, 1873. Lady Patroness: Mrs. ALDERSEY, AIdersey Hall. Lady Stewardesses: Mrs HUGHES and Miss HARBSIOX. Stewards: Mr HUGHES and Mr ROBERTS. THE ANNIVERSARY of this Society will be held JL on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, 1873. Tea, on the Green at four o'clock. ADMISSION: To Green and Tea, 2s. To Green after Tea, Is. The Band of the 1st Cheshire Militia will play for Dancing from 5 to 9 o'clock. 98lr HARVEST HARVEST Tlte Great An mal Trial of Slowing Machines, Ilor&z Rakes, and Hay Tedders. THE above TRIAL will take place on THURSDAY, Ttlie 19th of June, near HOOTON STATfO?. si Intending purchasers of Mowing Machines, &c. should cot promise their orders but wait and sets the new improved machines working. „ J. HILL, MANAGER. Chester, May, 1873. iojtfs ROYAL ORDER OF ANCIENT SHEPHERDS. ASHTON UNITY. OWING to the success which has attended tha above Order in this district, having enrolletl 1,100 members in the course of six years, it has been decided to OPEN a LODGE in Wrexham, to be held at the SEVEN STAllS INN, Chester-street, on SATUR- DAY, June, 21st inst., at 8 o'clock p.m. Entrance for the first six months. single, 3s. ötl. married, -Is. (id. A Preliminary Meeting will be held, as above, ou Saturday (l'his Day), at 8 o'clock p. m. GEORGE PRICE, SECRETARY, pro (MM.. Hawartlen District. 1048s PONTBLYDDYN FESTIVAL. A GRAND FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD IN HARTSHEATH PARK, ON MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1873. A FIRST-CLASS BAND WILL BE IK ATTENDANCE. The usual Amusements, including DANCING, will commence at Three o'clock. REFRESHMENTS will be provided on the ground. ADMISSION TO THE PARK-ONE SHILLING. Children, Half Prise. TICKETS may be had from Mr Jones, Leeswoml National School; Mrs Nuttall, Pontblyddyn National School; 31rs Price Roberts, Grocer, Pontblyddyn; and Mr Dyson, Alyn-baak, Pontblyddyn. 1052S TO VISITORS. LNI R. PIERCY, Glynne Arms Inn, Caergwrie, will the have two large "IARQUEEs on the ground for the ACCOMMODATION of VISITORS. 1071g FREE MASONRY. PROVINCE OF NORTH WALES & SHROPSHIRE. B.W.P.G.M. SIR W. W. WYNN. BART., M.P. CONSECRATION ❖ OF THE FITZALAN LODGE, OSWESTRY, (No. l,t32. THE Consecration of the above Lodge, and Instal- lation of the Worshipful Master will take place at the WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL, OSWESTRY* ON SATURDAY, 21ST JUNE, IS7, When the attendance of the Brethren of this and the neighbouring provinces is respectfully invited. CONSECRATION AT FOUR O'CLOCK. BANQUET AT SIX O'CLOCK. By Order of the W.M. Designate. E. BREMNER SMITH, Hon. Sec. Tickets for Banquet, including lotile of wit 12s. Gd. 9913 THE GRESFORD VOLUNTEER FETE AND RIFLE CONTEST, w ILL take Place on MONDAY, June 30th, IS77. Particulars in due course. U51a LOYAL PRIXCE OF LOÐCm, Xo'^WtT BOWLING GREEN INN, WREXHAM. THE ANNIVERSARY DINNER, will be held on the THlltD MONDAY in July (July 21st 1873). Dinner 0:1 the table at Three o'clock. The usual price will he charged, viz., 3s (id. The Royal Denbigh Militia Band will be in attendance, and play for dancing as usual. Admission to the Green Six- pence. 10:JOc WREXHAM WORKING-MENS CLUB AND tt INSTITUTE. The Committee beg to announce that it is intended to hold the ANNUAL F E T E ON MONDAY', AUGUUST 4. Particulars will be given in fLtare advertisement". 1171, DENBIGHSHIRE AND FLINTSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL SHOW will be held at RHYL, on I L:S[).\ Y, the ;,¡th of At; (. t.T, IS, ,t Entries for Farm., close on the 1st of July, and for Stock on the 21st of July. Prizes amounting to '£,!i7 10. are offered for Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Dogs, Cheese. Butter, Implements, and Leaping of Hunters. Prizes amounting to £ 114 10s. are offered by the Rhyl Local Committee, entries for which must be made to Mr George Bell, Kinmel-street, Rhyl. on or before the 21st day of July, who will, on application' send list of Prizes, terms of entry, &c. All the Prizes offered by the Rhyl Local Committee are open for competition to the United Kingdom. Lists of Society's Prizes, Rules, Forms of Entry &c., may be had of the Secretary, to whom all Entries for the Society's Prizes tnllst be sent. GEORGE BELLIS, Mold, June 14, 1873. SECRETARY. 1050s TO.COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, AND M"I.N"I.Nlfur AGENTS. 1 R. H OLMES, BRYS BELLAN, MOLD, HAS now on hand a. large aianHt„ of il PUMP? EGlNES. ?nd BOILERS S a? sizes, and equal to new, which he can recommend t10 mining Friends, as under:- Pump;¡ 9 feet long, 0 f any size 1 from Sin. dia., to 20in., for :;J:1mq ? Door Pieces for lifts, I>'lass l' Stuffing. and g?M {?rp?r''geT lifts, D BoXéS a.uu Bl'?8, t amI bolts, R I pt?te? a.nd bolM, H ft Plunger poles rope¡¡ fro.m.  ttf) ves for wive ropes from t to lift I Bolts and rings for pumpjomts, S'lea 1 rinlYs for p IIpin'" CI)IYIU! ot V:t,o I A LuSe lot of <?f?h pumping cngi-?of various A. C' Va. I Also, Boilers and Win v   dtd.vered free in Wr £ n« ?»Sines, w I. ERA 'c, for ,?- ?..   m? K..S? S,"? ?.? G,e:tes, & <l.:c, BII::ket L'!athcl'; <111'1 {):lyeI' l.f » Bo,ta„, » '>»r '??'. JmK', !S"7-{-