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CKmx VOLUNTEFRS *-There will be a drill of ibio corps on Tuesday next, at seven o'clock. CHESTER RACES.—Mr Topham's two SOBS have bOlO elected to fill their late father's post as Clerk of tke Course. Bon SEMINARY, CHESTER.-On Wednesday, at the above establishment presented principal, Miss E. M. Jones, with a handsome •g^iramated photographic album. :NEW BURIAL GROUND AT LLANASA. On Wednesday, the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph con- Maated a portion of ground which has been added te the churchyard of this parish. IEP. ALLEN EVANs.-AVe are glad to learn that lffr Allen Evans, Llanrhaiadr, is recovering from kis recent serious accident, though it is feared a considerable time muot elapse before he ceases to feel the effects. THE CRYSTAL PALACE FISTEDDrOD.-The Ssoth Wales Choir last week gave a grand re- fcesrsal of the music they propose singing at the forthcoming national music meeting?, in the ruins ot Caerphilly Castle. NEW MAGISTRATES FOR CARNARVON.—The Biases of Mr Hugh Pugh and Mr G. R. Uses, feiiii bankers, have been inserted by the Lord Chancellor in the commission of the pea,e for the lbprou-b of Carnarvon. TSAINS TO ABERYSTWYTH.-We are glad to ass that the last down train to Machynlleth on the Canbrian Railway again runs to Aberystwyth. Bassougers can now leave Paddington at 12"45 jP-tu., and Euston Square at noon, Manchester at 415, and Liverpool at 4 0, and reach AberyJ stwJyth *A 21. GREAT ORMESHEAD MARINE DRIVE, LLAN- 5>RDIIO BILL.—On Thursday this bill, which has passed the House of Lords, came before Mr Bon- i-iams Carter's committee in the House of Com- aaoas, There was no opposition, and the clauses feeing been agreed to, the bill was passed and a-rafied to be reported. THE WELSH UNIVERSITY.—A public meetieg a_ t aid of this University was held at Chester on ^idcrsdsy week. Mr Hugh Owen, London, Rev. Griffiths, Neath, and others addressed the meet-1 iasg. A deputation waited on the Mayor of Liver- on Saturday on the snbject, and he promised ftagive the matter his careful consideration. TEF ATTACK ON ORANGEMEN AT CHESTER. Saturday, John Grogan and Peter M'Andrew, }:&&euFfrs, appeared before Major French (Chair- Messrs W. Johiison, E G. Salisbury, and F. A. Dickson, at the Chester police court, in answer t£¡,í :n:miu¡onses charging them with riotous conduct. "Ebey were ordered to pay costs, and to find two a-iirwties of 50s each for their keeping the peace for fchree months. COLONEL EGERTON LEIGII'S EXPENSES AT "Bi: LATE MID-CHESHIRE ELECTION.—From ASi abstract of the statement of the election ex- jes je-s of Colonel Egerton L'-igh, M.P. for Mid- Cheeiiire, furnished by his election agent to the iig £ i-stcriff of the county, we learn that the osaisst cost him £ 2871 2s. Id., the two highest issais of which were ngents' fees £ 855, and cabs, raHwnj fares, &c., X 1-50 10s. Gl. *Li? £ ;ual TRIAL OF HARTESTING IMPLE ASKNTE.—Our readers will perceive that the great ataacal trial of harvesting and other machines is feed to take place on Thursday next, in a large fifc-id conveniently situated between Hooton and 7j&sbhr.a; Stations. We must congratulate Mr Hill, the manager and founder of this important saseiisg to agriculturists, upon the importance waii popularity which the meetings have attained, =r-, doubt not the attendance this year will be GSfSbi. if not greater, than on former years. SSEOPSHIRE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. The meetings of this association were held at Wsiijsgioa, on Tuesday eek, the Rev. E. D. WITTS, of Oswestry, chairman. A number of Rasters and delegates from different parts of the eflsnsy attended. After devotional services, several EEsfjjrs of interest to the denomination were dis- and the reports sent in showed that dur- iiii; th J last year the accessions to the membership & iae churches had be>n larger than for some jf&rs past, and that the contributions to the Mis- a-j £ >Efir* and other Societies had likewise increased. thanks of the association were also voted to Rev. H. Angus, of Snrevrsbury, the late secre t,,a7, J who had recently removed to a church in Itfaeasbire. Mr Wilks, of Oswestry, was elected »->T.re4sry in his place, and Ilr Jud-on, of Wellins- fcs. chairman for the meetings next year, which Jire t~ be held at Shrewsbury. SLIDDF-N DEATH OF TWO CHESTER SOLICI- On Saturday morning, a little before six e'&vaek, Mr William Morris, solicitor, of Chester, •vfis'ii walking in his garden, Richmond House Siosgiitou, was taken suddenly ill, and died in a au mwWwo _c L- L.4. T.c eon-iil gentleman had been clerk to the IckrtlQ- SatvlEnant of the county for many years, and was secretary to the Cheshire Rfie As fSKiaticn, He was in the 60th year of his age.— Wi .i?e also sorry to record the death of Mr Thos. :3:1, of the Friars, Chester. He wa3 the senior of Messrs Helps, Birch, ani Cullimore, :1 Doaglas, solicitors. Mr Helps had been in i&.isate heal.h for a consideraV-l time, which ne- cs?<itated a s-.journ abroad. lie was on his return &.? Englacl, when, on Thur.-day last, whilst on h's j»->ssge from Algiers to Marseille. he suddenly dspa-aiL His body reached Chester on Monday ¡ lost, ana the funeral t:ok place at the cemetery on ?t-icesd?y. j3i..A AND FESTINIGG RAILWAY BlLL.—We h&jiiji the ioala and i'estiniog Railway Bill comes the committee of tho House of Commons week. A petit;on in favour ofihe Diil, with a S-53^3 number of signatures has been sent from wliere t public meetiasr was held on Satur- ijij. The selcct committee appointed bv the House e-f Cosuaons.to enquire into the merits of the Bill, sstfS Thursday. Evidence in support of the was taken. Mr W. E. Oakley, ;ir-, was the fir,.t witness examined, and he Ls testimony in favour of the proposed line. Mostyn and Mr Holland, M.P. for Mcrion- s'vh.tEirs, w; re also examined, aud their evidence '1& to sLow that the trade of the district not jt: j^sent sufficiently well supplied with railway acrjocsmodation, and that the contemplated line 15ala to Festmiog was calculated to give every which could be desired both for passenser -c and for the transit of coal, limf', and slate, in wiieh commodities a vaot amount of trade was In the district through which the prop" osed passes. Mr Walter Eddy, Vron Cysyllte, also ,£i.-¡t? evidence in favour of the Dill. -j-v'EEiTON.—The Xa.'ion-il Schools The nTI. ssii inspection of these schools was held on the Jii- €« last month, by the Erv H G. Temple, her 2&t<csiy~& Inspector of Schools, the following being 0£eRl report, as receired this week:—The SZ'i.xil bchoo'. "The disciplim of this school ia swaae-iingly good. The examination in the ele aassrss?? instruction has been highly satisfactory, regain? deserving especial praise. Greater TKr/e'y of method in arithmetic in the lower « £ a->siis should be employed. The general know- Zwige is well advane< d, and the repetition of poetry iat? seen exceedingly accurate but the scholars >,7';¡. understand iiirr- tl;o-cu-bly what they re The singing conti'.ues to be unexcelled six Eujflish-speaking portion of my district." "This is a very good infant The entries on the teachers' parchments as follows I: "This is a very good Mistress's This is a very good :¡"i:ö'j7:t In the :J:xcd S:'}:ool the yearly average tsraa 39 number in schedule, 81 absent from •3^X533, 3 actual mimbr r, 78. The number of yii.3-;ei were 78, 74, and 7S, in reading, writing, wA. asrithmetic respectively. In the higher stan- z i'lret;c resi 20 were examined in two extra subjects, jU;graphv and Enfclish literature, all pa-sing with «scsi -SEception in the latter subject. The upper .ilZxi?s were likewise inspp-cted in grammar, tn. parsing and Enrii-li history. The In- School had an average of -57; number «:36T:sied for examiuatien. 52 absent, 2. The aiiount of grant claimable for both school. of which £ i7 19s. was deducted, .z article 32, a. 1, of the New Code. MINERS BURIED ALIVE. A mining- .Tiisi^-Ophe occurred at the Cae Conroy Alinei on 'ftrdtbj week, which caused the utmost consterna- tdaz aa tle nmgb JOnrhool of Llanbrynmair. Six named Evan Morgan, Thomas Morgan, E rS-is?sx >¥atkinf, Evan Watkius, Thomas Owe;), Xeoi "Bohert Rûcs. went down to the workings at tz&st on Frid'y afternoon, and ought to ft the mine at ten o'clock at night. Thev •jseaii to work, it seems, in one of the levels, and ac"working foaie time tLe roof of the level Jjj.1, aod .-everal huutlred tor.s of earth completely ^■utteea the means of exit, and the poor fellows only wait and hope for help to come. As .^tu as it was known that the six miners were iiMXffserftted, a large number of miners from Dylife, Cyfarthfa, and Fronfelin went to •aaaffik in rescuing tkeir unfortunate They vasrkei unceasingly all through Friday night, JSt" 'l Ste3sriay, au d Saturday right, and on Sunday exeliemeiit of the miners and villagers above ¿{iiSCä considerably, lest help should arrive too Shortly after four o'clock on Sunday after- 2nxn. tie miners were able t3 communicate with companions, who had been about forty-eight ikirin without focd, and succeeded in handing to tsse. a quantity of provisions that would, should a- fcrther accident happen, last them a fort. -icr Ti ose who worked for the rescue of the aifM, did so at considerable hazard, and had to cut xt&j&gh about twenty-six yards of earLh. At 2 s'clock on Sunday evening the six miners bl to walk out from their place of con- 1and, we need hardly say, their reanppar- the cause of much joy amongst* their -an.i frsn.-ls. A doctor was pre-lit, bu '¡'I 7 ai* services were not required. MOLD. TRYDDYN CHURCH —The Incorporated society for Promoting the enlargement, building, and re- repairing of churches and chapels, has made a grant of money for rebuilding the church at Try- dyn, near Mold. CALL TO THE BArt.-Among the gentlemen called to the bar of the Middle Temple on Satur. day last we notice the name of J. R. L. Hazeldine, Esq. of Maes-y-ffjnnon, near Mold, younger son of the late John Hazeldine, Esq., J.P., of Shrews. bury. CAVALRY AND INFANTRY APPOINTMENTS.— We are glad to learn that among the successful candidates in the recent open competition for first appointments in the cavalry and infantry, appears the name of Mr Charles Ernest Clough, who is second on the list of 80. Mr Clough is a son of C. B. Cloueh, Esq. VAGRANCY.—On Saturday, before Cel. Wills, John White was charged with begging in Mold on the previous Wednesday night. He was taken into custody at the time, but escaped from the police. Being caught at St. Asaph at his old tricks, he was brought back, and sentenced to seven days' imprisonment. CLUB FESTIVAL.—The Druids belonging to the Lily of Mold Lodge partook of a substantial din- ner, on Whit Monday last, at the Griffin Inn, and in addition to the members who sat to dine was Andreas O. Yon. The dinner was catered by Mrs Wil'iams who gave the greatest satisfaction. The "hair and vice-choir were occupied by Messrs W. T. Thomas and Rothwell. On the cloth being re- moved, Mr Rothwell, the secretary, gave a finan- cial statemen in connection with the lodse, and urged OD the members the importance of exer- cising zeal and strong efforts for its success. Mr Thomas was glad of meeting with his brothers" asain at the dinner table, and he was glad to be able to observe that death had not thinned their number since they last met; and although there had been rather a drain on their funds during the year in consequenco of sicJ ness and accidents, he was glad to say that the current contributions hnd been more than sufficient to meet the demand, and consequently the invested fund had not been disturbed. They had every inducement to in- crease the number of their members. Trrde was brisk in the town, wages high, and a great number just springing to manhood about them, who hould be asked to join the lodge, and thus pro- vide for a rainy day. Though they might consider him digre-sing from the subject, he hoped they would excuse him when he said that he trusted the Druids would muster in strong force at the forthcoming Eisteddfod, as perhaps there was some affinity between them. Before he would leave, he wished success to the Lily of Mold Lodge of the Order of Druids. A very convivial evening was spent, various songs being sang in a most creditable manner by Brothers John Davies, Feeney, E. Jones, P. Jones, Rothwell, and Thomas, who sang a poem which had been composed by the latter during the morning of that day specially for the occasion. PETTY SESSIONS, TUESDAY—Before C. B. Clough, Esq., and T. W. Eyton, Esq. A BEDLAM SQUABBLE. Elizabeth Conlan summoned Catherine Jones 'or insulting and assaulting her at the station, on the 31st ult. The feud is an old one and both parties have appeared in court before. Thii complainant called P.C. Jones, who was at the station at the time. The officer corroborated the complainant's story. A young girl named Needham also corroborated the complainant. There was a cross-summons in which Catherine Jones, who spoke with a broad Irish accent, charged Conlan with assaulting her at the station on the same occasion. The compla.inant called Ann Davis, who saw Conlan strike Jones. The case-i were a ijourned for a fortnight for the production of another witness, the bench suggest- ing that the cases should be settled in the mean- time. ASSAULTS. Edward Daviss was charged by G. A. Roberts with assaulting him at Pentre, on Sunday, the 1st instant. The complainant deposed that he and a Samuel Davies came and pushed him, and then struck him, at the same time challenging him to fight. His coat was torn, and his hat was taken away. Thomas Beavan, who was with the complainant at the time, corroborated his statement. The de- fendant and another acted most blackguardly. The defendant was fined 20s and costs or 14 days in default. feamuel Davies was charged by ths same com- plainant with coming up while he and Beavan were walking, and shoving them asunder. He then took hold of complainant by th3 throat. The defendant, who is the landlord of the Travellers' Rest, was fined 10s and costs. I DRUNKENNESS. Edward Owen was charged hv ?.(;- uin. j.aut. una r:otous In tllíi-stl'eeu, on the 3rd instant. Fined 5s and costs. R jbert Roberts was charged by P.C. Hughes with being drunk and figuting in High-street, Mold, on Saturday night, the 13th ult. Fined 5s and costs. Patnch Davency wa3 charged by P.C. Pearson with being drunk and disorderly in Mdford-street, on Sunday night, the 1st instant. This being his sccon 1 offence he was fiued 10s and costs, or in de- fault seven days. S itauel Fouls was charged by P.C. Hughes with being drunk and disorderly in High-street, on Saturday, the 21st ult. Fined 5s and costs. Paul Blackweli and Rib rt Parry, who did not appear, were charged by P.C. R. Jones with being drunk and fighting on the evening of the 2nd ins: at the Bridge InD, Pontb yddyn. The officer was called in to turn them out. After being turned out Blackweli went home, but Parry was v<jry noisy. B.ackwell was fined 10s and costs, and Parry, who is the proprietor of the Bridge Inn, Tryddyn, was 30131) fined 10s and costs. Thomas Griffiths, was charged by Inspector Miushall with being drunk and inciting another man to resist the police, on the night of the 31st of May. -Fined 10s and costs. BEATING A WIFE. John Uutton, a warrant for whose apprehension was granted at Cacrgwrle last Thursday, was charge I by his wife with heating her, on the 4th instant. They lived at Hope, and he was in the habit of beating her. She gave her evidence with much re'uctance. The defendant was cautioned, and fined 59 and 13s costs, or seven days.