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IDDttt¡. MONEY—Several small sums of money to advance j\j on Mortgage. Apply to J. Jones, Solicitor, Wrethani. -¡QÑEY LENT on PERSONAL SECURITY 1\J T" WBEXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM* ml (Limited) are prepared to advance any sum from ?5 to -M?' on personal or other security, for 12 months „T»ble in weekly, monthly, or quarterly Inst?lmenta, ?"j? rate of interest. Good Billa discounted on Ter1 oderate terms. The strictest confidence observed. ?nc!icttion to be made to the Secretary, THOMAS JOKES, JSonntant. Offices, Temple Place, Wrexham. yaNEY TO LEND. TRADESMEN, FARMERS, and other respectable J persons snpplied with LOANS, from fl0 to floo, feW ÙAJS notice, on personal or other security, to be jepaid by easy Monthly or Quarterly instalments. Strict confidence observed. Address Mr. W. Alexander, SSI, Chapel street, Salford, Manchester. ¡II ONEY TO LEND from -620 to £ 500 on personal tYJ or other security, within one week from the day f .mlication, to be repaid by easy monthly or quarterly in- ?"'nts extending over of from one month to two-and- years. Confidence observed.—Apply personally or hr letter to EDWARD CLOWES, No. 58, Booth-street, Tiat Oxford-road, Manchester. Established 21 years.— tffWnL Connor, attenda on behalf of Mr Clowes, at Mr T-noq Cross Foxes Inn, Abbot-street, Wrexham the first T&ty in each month. MONEY to any amount in large or small sums to be j? advanced npon personal security, accompanied ?th a Life Policy, or by Bill of Sale, Implements of jrtde, Machinery, Post Obit Bonds, or upon the per. IOnalleeuntyof Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergymen, and others, or upon Farming Stock.—Apply personally or by letter to Messrs. Jay and Co., 6, Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane, London. NOTICE. CERTAIN Persons trading under the name of Jons & HARRISON, having offered Lime, and represented it as being late Mr. Burton's," I hereby beg to give this assertion the most unqualified contradic- tion, as I am the sole Lessee of the Quarries formerly held by Mr. Burton. WILLIAM LESTER. Lime Works, Minera, 30th Jan., 1863. CANADA. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION OFFICE, DRURY-BUILDINGS, WATER-STREET. LIVERPOOL, 2nd MARCH, 1863. THE undersiened has Opened an Office at the j. above Address, for the purpose of affording to all parties looking to CANADA as their future home, per. tonal or written INFORMATION as to the various advantages offered by the Province. The Government Pamphlet, affording full particulars of the Crown Lands for sale, with other information useful to the intending Emigrants, may be had on application, or if sent by Post, on the receipt of One Penny Stamp. A. C. BUCHANAN, m2 Chief Emigrant Agent for Canada. LESTER;'S LIME w ORICS MINERA, NEAR WREXHAM. Ms. JOHN GRANT, Agent, Wrexham. I OFFA BUILDING SOCIETY. I NOTICE. THE Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Members of the above Society will be held at the Office, 16, Henblas-street, Wrexham, on Thursday, the 2ht day of May instant, when certain proposed altera- < tion and additions to the rules will be submitted for the approval of the members. ARTHUR CLARKE, May 7,1863. Secretary. CHEygUr 8HTER IN QUALITY. ¡ t' I ..r- The full benefit of k I reduced duty) I securedbyusingHorniman's LjjjSlfl ft Tea; the Agents supply very ??M?Mt K choice at 3s. 4d. & 4s. ( nNM! I Homiman't'High Standard Tea' ?fjttBat 1 4s. 4d. (formerly 68.) exceedingly II 4 strong & delicious, it is preferiecl ??N<tt F?m  m? t by those who desire at a moderate VMMt!?? pice the very BEST. Purchasers ?N?tj? j identi?thiaTeaaaititBeMenly Hn?J?? j mP"b"-Ñ ?M??? ?WZ?!?<? LMOON    fotr | 88IIP- Agents in THIS DMTRtCT t Ior HORNIMAN's TEA. WBEXHAM. Potter Snape, Booksellers] OSWESTBY. Roberts, Bookseller. CHESTER Wadsley, Chemist. MALPAS Roberts, Chemist. WHITCHURCH Beck, Chemist. SHREWSBURY.. Whitney, Chemist. WELSHPOOL Williams and Son. Maude, Confectioner. GENUINE FARM SEEDS. SPRlG VETCHES, ?a. 6d. per 60 Jb !ar?e ? WELSH SPRING VETCHES, 68. 6d. per 60 lb. All kinds of GRASS, CLOVER, TURNIP, and other SEEDS, of good quality, are kept in Stock. Purchasers 1fill do well to compare Samples and Prices before pur- eeing elsewhere, A priced descriptive Catalogue free en application to H. BROWN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEEDSMAN, COMMUTATION.ROW, LIVERPOOL. IAGKICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. IJIPIWYE]) Lawn Mowers and Rollers, Turnip JL Drills, Horse Hoes, Horse Rakes, Reaping Machine, C h eese Presses, Cnrd Breakers, Cheese Makers. Wasli- Mg and Mangling Machines, &c., &c. Silt and BONE MANURES, SUPERPHOSPHATE, &C., AT A. CLARKE'S, Near the Feathers Hotel. CHESTER-STREET. MR. JONATHAN SHARRATT, BUCKLEY, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, COMMISSION AND PROPERTY AGENT, And Collector of Rents and Accounts. AqST TO THE PBOVINCIAX. INSURANCE COMPANY, W t.:t7le Patent Eureka Sanitary. and Manure Company, Limited. RAILWAY STATION NURSERY, "<i Warehouse, 37, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. By. STRACHAN B EGB to thRr.k the LadifB and Gentlemen of the  Keigbbou'ho'd for their liberal support, Bud t( *^OLnce hi SE DS of Sr6t'c!a8a quality, that caDno1 '<'??tati.ta<.tion. ?'o?er Seeds, Barley and O;¡h, direct from Scotland. Guano of the hf at description. „ All orders executed with caie and despatch. ba,centr8 ttnt cut by the day under his personal ruperir tendance. MR. EDWARD KNIBBS, ./r CTloNELR AND APPRAISER, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. CAE-PEN-TY COLLIERY, FROOD, NEAR WREXHAM. PnMic are respectfully informed that they can £ uPpHcd at the above Works with the BEST CO?A" S at the following rates Jam Coal 4jd. per Cwt. ?Mn  „ ?remed Slack ..3d. .?ough Slack 2d. „ -pUfc above 1 Colliery is situate about one and a half ai, from" hoatsheaf and one mile from Holly Bush, on Me Wrexham and Mold road. Agent for Wrexham:— Mr. GOMER JONES, Bank Place.  L I ME! M«• LESTER is now prepared to supply LIME at ? ?y Railway Station, from the EISTEDDFOD ""RKS, lately held by the Messrs. Burton, and orders pressed to him at Minera, near Wrexham, will receive ?ptatteatioD. ALBERT HOUSE, 14 HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. 14 R. GOttDON Ðegs most respectfully to call the attention of the Ladies to his choice assortment of SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING PRINTS, HOSIERY, FANCY SKIRTINGS, SHAWLS, I RIBBONS, GLOVES, FANCY DRESSES, SILKS, &c. 'J.'nese li-oods being quite new, R. G. can with confidence recommend them for style and pattern, and solicits an early inspection. R. G. begs to inform the Gentlemen of Wrexham and neighbourhood that a portion of his Premises has been fitted-up for the purpose of carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS. In entering into this branch of business, R. G. assures those who may honour him with their patronage that it shall be his constant endeavour to merit their support. His Stock of Woollens have been carefully selected from the West of England, Scotch, and Yorkshire Markets, and are recommended for style and quality. '1)- -3_ _.# .I. »Y IDOUerafle cnarges, penect mnng, and good workmanship, R. G. hopes to secure a share of public support. The Measuring and Fitting Boom is attached to the Shop, and all orders will be made up on the premises. March 6, 1863. CALL AT EDWARDS'S CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 23 TOWN HILL, WREXHAM, 23 WED WARDS haa always on band a )atge Stock of aU kind of BOOTS AND SHOES, which h« is V ? prepared to Sell on the very LOWUT Tznm 1 BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. Perfection of Mechanism.Morniny Post. OPINIONS or THE LONDON PRESS UPON BENSON'S GREAT CLOCK AND WATCHES. "As a sample of English clock- work on a large scale, the works of this are probably the finest finished that have ever been seen in this country. No Chronometer could be fitted with more perfect or carefully- adjusted mechanism.Times, June 11,1862. A triumph of ingenuity.Tele. graph, March 31, 1862. The entire finish is of the highest caste.Daily News, May 29,1862. A more splendid and exquisitely- finished piece of mechanism we have never seen."—Standard. June 17, 1862. The largest, and unmistakably the best finished clock in the Exhibi. tion."—Enyineer, August 15,1862. j Some of them are of great beauty; and if the English watch trade only follow up with the same spirit and success this first attempt to compete with foreigners in decoratire watches, there seems to be no reason why we should not get the trade entirely into our own hands.Times, June 23, 1862. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR CHURCH AND TURRET CLOCKS. I WATCHES. Chronometer. Duplex, Lever, Horizontal, Vertical, Minute, Half-qtr., and Quarter Repeaters. Independent and Plain Centre Seconds, Keyless, Chronographs, Enamelled, Astronomical, and Re- versible Watches. From 200 Ga. to 43 3s. each. BENSON'S ILLUS. TRATED PAMPH- LET ON WATCHES (free by post for two stamps) contains a short History on Watchmaking, with descriptions and prices. It acts as a guide in the purchase of a Watch, and enables those who live in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Colonies, India, or any part of the world, to select a watch, and have it sent free and safe by post. Watches, Clocks, and Bronzes of every description, from the plainest to the highest quality of which the Art is at present capable, manufactured from High-Art Designs by English, French, and Italian Artists of great celebrity. CLOCKS. Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Bed-Room, Library, Hall, Staircase, Bracket, Carriage, Chime, Musical, Astronomical, I Church, Turret, Stable, Railway, Post-office, Shop, Warehouse, Office, or Counting-house, From 1000 Gs. to I JB1 Is. each. BENSON'S ILLUS- TRATED CLOCK PAMPHLET contains a full and carefully prepared Price-list of every description of Clock and Time-piece, with a short and in- teresting history of the Art of Clock-making. In it will be found a great variety of pat- terns of Clocks suitable for all purposes, and it will be sent post-free for two stamps. BENSON'S ARGENTINE SILVER. l The Morning Herald, October 23rd, speaking of the Plate in the Exhibition, says, "Mr. BENSON, who has a Medal for Plate, exhibits some beautiful things." The Argentine is a composition possessing all the beauty and richness of colour of Silver with its durability, at a mere fraction of its cost. It is a compound of various metals with a heavy deposit of pure Silver, forming one hard, compact, white body. When the Argentine and the real Silver are placed side by side, the most skilful judge cannot distinguish between them, while its durability is so great that after many years' wear it remains unaltered. During the last seventeen years it has been so well received by thePublic, that its manufacture has been extended to all those articles usually made in Silver, viz.:—Spoons, Forks, Dinner, Tea and Coffee Services, Waiters, Bread and Cake Baskets, Candelabra, Dishes of all kinds, Epergnes, Claret Jugs, &c.; and which can be seen at the various Establish- ments of J. W. BENSON, whose new Show Rooms contain an immense Assortment. A Prize Medal was awarded to J. W. BENSON for excellence of manufacture of Argentine and Electro Plate. A Sample Spoon will be sent post-free to any part of the Kingdom on receipt of 30 stamps, and an elaborately illustrated Catalogue containing 300 Engrav- ings and Price-list of Argentine aud Solid Silver Plate, will be sent post-free on receipt of six stamps. J. W. BENSON'S BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS ARE 46, 47 & 63, CORNIIILL. All Letters should be addressed to the Principal Establishment, 33 & 34, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, (Established 1749). r ESTABLISHED 1821. SPECIAL MANURES. GRIFFIN, MORRIS, AND GRIFFIN Invite attention to their Manures which are successfully used in FORTY-SEVEN BRITISH COUNTIES. MANURES FOR ALL KINDS OF ROOT CROPS. Surprising results are produced by the use of their well-known TURNIP AND MANGOLD MANURES, SUPERPHOSPHATE, WHEAT AND GRASS MANURES, ETC., ETC. Agriculturists are invited to send for an Annual Circular, containing List of Prices, Particulars of Premiums, &c. CERES WORKS, WOLVERHAMPTON, May, 1863. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. I. THOMSON, T. BONAR, & Co., 571 OLD BROAD-STREET, LONDON, E.C., SOLE CONSIGNEES AND AGENTS FOR SALE IN GREAT BRITIAN AND IRELAND. Price at Scale in London, fixed by the Peruvian Government, aSIa per Ton. SIR WATKIN AND LADY WILLIAMS WYNN'S TESTIMONIAL PICTURE. SrrucPttTPTTRR to the Plates of this splendid Picture can have the same beautifully Framed and Glazed, S surmounted with the Wynn.tay Family Crest, at Mr. G. WARBURTON'S CARVING AND GILDING ESTABLISHMENT. BANK-ST.; WREXHAM, from 16s. and upwards. Specimens may be seen on application. Wrexham, 17th December, 1861. I MP ORTANT l^pGAB TH È. OLD ESTABLISHED TiAD)iiCNlTJ NOTICE. TTT AR PROFESSIONAL ATTENDANCE AT WREXHAM, EVERY ALTERNATE THURSDAY, AT MR. JONES', CONFECTIONER, No. 5, HOPE-ST., May 21, June 4,18, July 2,16, 30. OSWESTRY, EVERY ALTERNATE WEDNESDAY, (for dates see local papers). SHREWSBURY, EVERY SATURDAY. it OS TED BIDON." What is, it See Patent, March lat, 1862, No. 560. m. m T7MRS GABRIEL'S Self Adhesive Mineral Teeth and Patent Coralite 9um.Coloured India Rubber Gnm? M entirely enpercede the ordinary method., and are supplied without 8pnn?, Wires, or Metals, and without txtrtctiiK teeth or Stumps. Among the more important adTantaEee obtainable by Messrs. Gabriel's Section Frame Air Ce!I<,the fol. loing Jg? es are entirdy?oided a wonderfully increased amount of Su.tioni.ob. '| Fia6fjcity hitherto unattainable; a Fit perfected with the most unerring accurac3 and 'dlree of lightness almost ^abulon^ unpleasantness of taste aDó smell being done away with by the peculiar na'-we ?t. pr.parat? ??  used ?"'S of the nry beet de.cription, the workman? of t?he nr.t order. "ifcar. Gab'riel from beinr msmifacturOT of every .peciality appertaining of the profeMion, are enabled to make ,1. • ill. A- ordinary fees. Patients will thus be enabled to take advantage of the higher re- lOurcCl of tbe Dental li 1nthaut the necessity of a V181t to town, or having to pay for tat-claw -orkmM.li.p the exorbitant charges ulually made. "AMMicr^Mraa^TaTTMrom M U the set warranted. Partial sets in proportion. Every operation pertaining to the profession. Mwop»pti»ng xruni, vwliU Enamel, 4e„ at tbe "we atried)' moderate rate of charges. ^oXe^&SSon for'wM) ? f ? <f» Bfedua mods of ?'<? ? ?. -? had gratia 0. application, or will be aent direct for three po.tage stamp.. Gabriel'. TreQtÍle clearly explains their .,stem, and should be read ?" '?- teethr-Lmim J?WM)? H"iÙtl. .? j 8*ni mach more disappointment. Their Treatite Gabriel'. S,.tem "ill «a»e mnch money more annoyance, and stiJI much morlt dumippointment. Their D'øatil, thould be read before consulting < Dentist, as emanating from MCh a .,MMu?rce it ?mayy ?? c? .S.ntly j relied .n.?.? ServUt fhMu. MESSRS. G A B 19 L Surgeon Deatilb, established 1815, (He Dipløma), sauare. and 65■ I". DC*E-8T' U?Yt? B?. ?Bhmi?bM?., .?.A?;.t?,.B? t!Mb.o., C""l'- equue, .ad 66, e..et., EhmmgbaJn; htUDatlonallxbjbjJjoD, Clall 17. NewR-OstY., AL TU(JTR POWDER, as prepared tor ]Her Maje.ty aDd the ? ? Famil, Messrs Gabriel's celebrated 11 6d per bos.-AI.o the fA'll'l "Vi ]bjlb 6111 A Pklb(.HA }'AMj.Lt the oa116eoti".top,ua¡forde- ?S m?.th?hM ? tM?T' M ? ?..Jt?? <a?', y?< J. JONES, WHITCHURCH, CARPET WARE ROUSE, CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY MANUFACTORY. EDWARD HUGHES, (Foreman with Mr. John Clark ivpwards of 18 Years) MILITARY TAILOR & MEN'S MERCER, 24, YOKXE-STREET, WREXHAM, MOST respectfully informs the Gentry, Tradesmen, iM and Inhabitants of Wrexham and its vicinity, that he has commenced business on his own account, and hopes by assiduity and punctuality, together with the latest style of fashion, and attention to all orders entrusted to him to receive a share of their patronage. Parties finding their own Material will be attended to with promptness. Mourning made on the shortest notice. February 9th, 1863. ■ 'I MM ■ tm ■■ 11 1 ■ ■ [A CARD]. MR. THOMAS HEYWOOD, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 8, HIGH-STREET, & 11, QUEEN-STREET, WREXHAM. THE NEW SLATE YARD, HOPE-STREET, WBEXHAM, (Adjoining the Temperance Hotel, and opposite the Savings' Bank). SLATES, TILES, RIDGES, LATHS, &c., always on Side, at reasonable prices. AGENT:—WILLIAM OWEN. BARBER & BENTLEY, WHOLESALE HOSIERS, HABERDASHERS, AND GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN, 40 BA SNETT-STREET, LIVERPOOL 40 Country orders punctually attended to. CHARLES MORGAN, BILL POSTER, ME SSE N G E R, Near Bickerton's Machine, BEATRICE-STREET, OSWESTRY. UNDEB THE PATRONAGE OF THE LIVERPOOL EmGRA TION COMPANY. JOHN BRADLEY, OF WREXHAM, BEGS leave to submit this card for inspection, and [ ) would observe that he buys all kinds of left-off Clothes, such as Coats, Trousers, Waistcoats, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Gowns, Cloaks, Old Silk, &c., also every de- scription of Children's left-off Wearing Apparel. Also Books and Newspapers, Guns, Pistols, Swords, Old Clocks, Old Furniture, damaged feathers, Old Hair Mattresses, to any amount. As there is a great demand for the above goods, J. B. will purchase any quantity, from a single garment up. wards. Ready money only. THE BEST PBICE GIVEN FOR BOOTS AND SHOES. J. B. will attend if desired at the residences of persons having these articles to dispose of.—Letters to be address- ed to him at 35, Yorke-street, Wrexham. GERMAN BARM. GEORGE HADEN, IMPOBTER, 20, MADEIRA HILL. &- Large and small quantities supplied. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. HEALTH RESTORED and maintained by the use H of these Pills, prepared solely by John Kaye, Esq. of Dalton-Hall, near Huddersfield. They are unequalled in simplicity, safety, and beneficial effect, and in caaes of acute as well as chronic diseases, especially those rising rom impurity of Blood, Indigestion, and Conati. p»tiont are the best medicine that can possibly be em- ployed. FEMAXES, ARTIZANS, MECHANICS, all persons of Se- dentary habits, and the general publio, will find them of the greatest service iu correcting and preventing irrega- srities in the performance of the various function of the human frame. REPEAL OF THE PAPER DUTY 5,000 PIECES OF WALL PAPER AT E. OWEN, 20, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVICE. DR. HUNTER, the old Medical Practitioner (estab lished 20 years) may be consulted personally or by letter, at his residence 44, GREAT CHARLES STREET, BIRMINGHAM, on all cases of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Trembling of the Hands, Depression of Spirits, Involuntary Blushing, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Vigour, and those diseases requiring confidential Medical Advice. Slight cases cured in two days. The use of Copavi, Cubebs, Mercury, and other dangerous drugs are entirely superseded by Dr. Hunter's mode of treatment, though at the present day so commonly used by the greater portion of Medical men. Maylw consulted daily, from Ten in the Morning till Nine at Jllight; Sun- days, from Ten till One. Country Patients should lose no time in applying, or send full particulars of their case, and enclose a stamped directed envelope for advice, which will be sent GRATIS by return of post. HEALTH AND CHEERFULNESS. PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOW A Y' PILLS Sick Headache with loss of Appetite. A certain core for headache, loss of appetite, and low spirits. These Pills may be taken without danger from wet or cold, and require no restraint from business or pleasure. They strengthen the stomach, andpromote a healthy action of the liver, purifying the blood, cleansing the skin, bracing the nerves, and invigorating the system. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities whioh are the especial annoyance of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. Dropsical Swellings and Turn of Life. This is the most distressing period in woman's history, it destroys thousands, the whole of the gross humours collect together, and like a tide sweep away health and life itself, if not timely and powerfully checked. The most certain xemedy^for all these dangerous symptoms is Holloway's Pills. Armed with this great antidote, the fiery ordeal is passed through, and the sufferer is once more restored to the possession of unimpaired health. These Fills are eqaally efficacious in all female complaints, and obstructions at the dawn of woman, hood. Disease* of the Head and Heart, Why are these diseaees so fatal ? The answer is self. evident—because the first disordered action is neglected, or the means for its rectification are misapplied. Neither need be the case at the present day, when these excellent Pills can be pui chased everywhere, at a price which places them within the reach of everybody. No misapplication can occur if the printed directions are properly attended to, as they invariably address them- selves to the seat of the affliction, without deranging those organs which are already acting healthily. Holloway's Pills are the best purifiers, and therefore the surest preventives of serious maladies; of which) if they be already established, they can become the most unremitting extirpators. Nervous Disorders. Any derangement of these delicate organs affects dis- astrously both the body and the mind. To the nervous invalid Holloway's Pills are an article of vital necessity. They impart tone and vigour to the internal organs, and consequently to the nervous system, which pervades and connects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, headache, nervous twitchings, and other kindred complaints, which are all radically removed by the use of these invaluable Pills. Holloway's Pills are the out remedy hnown in the world for the following piseases Ague Asthma Bilicus Com- plaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Com- plaints Colics Constipation of the Bowels Consumption Debility Dropsy Dysentery Erysipelas Female Irregu- larities Fevers of all kinds I Fits Gout Head-acbe Indigestion Inflammation Jaundice Liver Complaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urine I Scrofula. or King's Evil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary Symp. toms Tic-Douloureux Tumours Ulcers Venereal Affec- tions Worms of all kinds Weakness, from I whatever cause I &c. Ac. Sold at the Establishment of Professer HoUoway, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through- out the civilized world, at the following prices:- is. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4a. 6d., lie., 22s., and 33s. each Box. There is a considerable saving .by taking the larger sizes. N.B.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. DOMESTIC MACHINES. HARPER TWELVETREES' PORTABLE LL ENIHA RUBBER CLOTHES WRINGER, Price 30s., can be fixed upon any Tub or Washing Machine, I and will wnng three blankets or six sheets in a minute. and will wr i ng Carriage free to any Railway Station in the Kingdom from the Works, Bromley-by-Bow, London, E. ARPER TWELVETREE? WASHING IMACHINE washes aU kinds of Linen, Sheets, and Blankets, with half thy usnal labour, firing, and soap.- Prices: 219., 45s., 55s., 75s. The same with WrMgisg and Mangling Apparatus combined, at X4 10s., X5 log., £ 7. Also Iiarper Twelvetrees' PERFECT MANGLES which prevent injury to buttons, at 30s., 40s., 50s., 80s., 70s. Compare the Prices! Carnage Free from the Worb ;-Bromley-by-Bow, London, E. AS MADE CHEAPER BY FIFTY PER GCENT! Every consumer of Gas in Workshops, Warehouses, Offices, Stables, or Dwelling Honses should adopt Harper Twelvetrees' ECONOMISING GAS CAP, which prevents "Roaring," and effects a perfect combus. tion of Gas. Free by Post from the Manufactory, Brom- ley-bv-Bow, London for sue stamps.—xne eoat win oe saved in one night AT ADWY'R CLWYDD. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty in lots to suit JL purchasers, a quantity of BUILDING LAND, lying on the east side of the Township road leading from Penygelli gate to the Talwem road. For further particulars apply at the office of Mr. Humphreys, Solicitor, Wrexham, where a plan of the lots may be seen. PAPER HANGINGS. THE LARGEST S OCK and GREATEST JL VARIETY at R. HUGHES & SON, 56, Hope- street, Wrexham. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Via QUEBEC and the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, (Under Contract with Her Majesty's Provincial Government for the Conveyance of Mails). 1863 SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS 1863 The Montreal Ocean Steam-ship Company's first-class powerful Screw Steamers NORWEIGIAN Capt. M MASTER, HIBERNIAN „ GUNGB, 1 BOHEMIAN „ BORLAND, !?Mkt? NOVA SCOTIAN „ BALLANnNE, j^^N«ftg £ ^JURA „ AITON, ?'*?*?? ANGLO SAXON „ GRAHAM, NORTH AMERICAN „ BURGESS, PERUVIAN, Building, Are intended to Sail from LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, EVEBT THURSDAY, Calling at MOVILLE, LOUGH FOYLE, on FKTDAY, to embark Passengers and Her Majesty's Mails. And from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL every SATUKDAY, Calling at MOVILLE to land Mails and Passengers. Rate of Freight to Quebec and Montreal. 55s. per Ton Measurement, and 5 per Cent. Primage. Weight subject to agreement. Cabin Passage Money to QUEBEC, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, including Pro- visions, but not Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. Steerage Passage Money to PORTLAND, SEVEN GUINEAS, including a plentiful supply of Cooked Pro- visions. By arrangements made with the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company of Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Tickets will be granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods and Passenger?, at very moderate through rates, to all the principal Towns in Canada. Baggage taken from the Ocean Steamthipt to the Rail. way Cars Free of Expense. For Freight or Passage, apply in Glasgow, to lADS & ALEXANDER ALLAN, 70, Great Clyde street; in London, to MONTGOMESIK and GREENHORNB. 17, Gracechorch-st. or to ALLAN BROTHERS, and Co., Weaver-buildings, Bruoswick-st., LiverpooL KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. VICTIMS to INDIGESTION, Nervousness, Physica V Debility, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Chest. Lungs, and Throat, and all who desire to restore aud establish their health with speed, certainty, and economy, should immediately use these wonderfnllPills. They strike at the root of disease, purify the blood, and strength and invigorate the entire system. prepared solely by John Kaye, Esq., Prospect Hall Wood, Jrd, late ot Dalton Ball, Dear Huddersfield. Hundreds of taBU of cure enclosed in each box. Sold by all Chemists and other dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. lid 3s. 9cL 111 4s.6d. Wholesale Depot. 23. BREAD TREET, London. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. THE Proprietors of the Birmingham Institute ol .L Anatomy desire to make known an infallible means of self-cure for the nervous, debilitated, &c., and will forward the same gratuitously on receipt of a stamped directed envelope.—Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. DENTISTRY. ALTERATION OF ATTENDANCE. WREXHAM, 1st Wednesday in every Month. MOLD, 2nd Wednesday in every Month. M.R. LAMBTON COXON. DENTIST, 105, GRANGE LANE, BIRKENHEAD, MAY be consulted in all cases appertaining to Dentistry Free of charge, At Mr. Kennair's, High street, Mold, 2nd Wednes- day in every Month. Mr. Coxon invites particular attention to his method of fixing Artificial Teeth which has given the highest satisfaction. Charges strictly moderate. Complete Set from £5 0 0 Single Tooth 0 5 0 Fit, Mastication and Articulation guaranteed. Badly applied artificial Teeth Remodelled. OILS, PAINTS, AND GLASS WAREHOUSE, 24, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. WILLIAM WARBURTON BEGS respectfully to return his sincere thanks to the JO inhabitants of Wrexham and its neighbourhood for their very liberal support he has received during the last ten years in the Painting and Gilding business, and begs to inform them that in addition to his Painting business, he has commenced the sale of Window Glass, Oils, Varnishes, and all kinds of Paints, mixed up ready for use in any quantity to suit purchasers, at the most reasonable charges. Estimates given for Painting and Glazing. Please to observe the address—24, Charles-street, near the Wynnstay Arms Hotel. PORTRAIT ROOMS, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. MR. P. JONES, Artist, calls special attention to the Jji much admired CARTE DE VlSrrK POR- TRAITS. and to return his thanks for the very liberal support given him for the last four years. He wishes to intorm bis numerous friends that he has jost purchased one of the best instruments, with everything that is necessary for producing them first-class, not surpassed for depth, brilliancy, vigour and tone by any in the kingdom. He would feel obliged for the patronage o* ladies and gentlemen in this department. Terms, Half-dozen Is. each; One dozen 105. Worlts of Art copied. None exhibited without permission. THE LLANRWST CELEBRATED DYE WORKS. Sole Agent for Wrexham—Mr. W. JONES, MAHKET-KEEPEK. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY IS an infallible cure for NERVOUS, MENTAL, and JL PHYSICAL DEBILITY; is the discovery of an eminent French Physician, and has been used on the Continent for the last five years with unvarying success chemically prepared in the form of a lozenge, may be taken without the least fear of detection, and speedily restores tone and manly vigour to the most impaired constitution. Sent through the Post to any address, pre- paid, on receipt of lis. or stamps. Each packet contains all the medical advice required in these cases. Sole Agent in this country, Monsieur A. Duval, Patent Medicine Agent, Birmingham. —— HEALTH and MANLY VIGOUR. A Medical Man of 20 years' experience in the Treatment of NERVOUS DEBILITY, Spermatorrhoea, and other social duties, has published a book giving the full benefit of his long exper- ience, gratis, with plain directions for the recovery oi Health and Strength. A single copy sent to any address on receipt of one stamp. Address to the Secretary. Insti- tute of Anatomy, Birmingham. EVERYBODY'S WISH IS TO TASTE NOKES WREXHAM SAUCE—ONE SHILLIKG PER BOTTLE NOKES' WEEXHAM SAUCE IS a most delicious relish to all kinds of Hot and Cold JL Meats, Hashes, Chops, Steaks, Made Dishes, Soups, Fish, Game, Welsh-Rarebit, &c. The Wrexham Sauce by all is praised both by far and near, Full flavoured, piquant, rich and rare, to epicures mos dear, 'Tis found upon the Emperor's board; 'tis found at City feast, 'Tis asked for in the burning West, 'tis ask'd for in the East: 'Tis found where gourmands congregate, for all would feel the loss The Spread would certainly sustain without the Wrox- ham Sauce: J lis talked of in the sunny South where golden fruit doth grow, 'Tis talked of in the frozen North, on Greenland's hill of Snow. Fair France, trinmphant, boasts no Sauce beneath he* genial sky Invented by her choicest cooks, with Wrexham Sauce can vie; Club-house, Hotel, and Eating-house, Camp, Restaurant, and Inn, ResounId nnw,ith calls for Wr-e?o? Sauce—without it were a sin. If to enjoy a Chop, Fish, Hash, or Gravy be your aim, No Sauce can with Immortal Will's e'er hope to gain a name A good digestion to you all" will this famed Sauce ensure, And like the noble name it bears 'twill for all time endure. 'Twill suit Economists, for none can this strong point deny, That quality and cost are saved if Wrexham Saute they buy; For mark the fact, while all declare that there is none so nice, The Wrexham Sauce is sold to all, at just two-thirds he price. "Reading" and "Harvey" bow their heads, and own diminished sway, While e'en Sir Robert Peel" will find that he has had his day; The Worcester" doffs its cap at once—all yield to com- mon sense- If Wrexham gives as good for twelve, why pay them eighteenpmce ? ONE SHILLING PER BOTTLE. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by Proprietor, RICHARD NOKES, Chemist, 31, York- street, Wrexham. This celebrated Sauce can now be procured from the following Agents in this neigh- bourhood Oswestry, Mr. Green, Grocer, Canton House Llangollen, Mr. Evans, Chemist Ruabon, Mr. Yardley, Family Grocer Cefn Mawr, Mr. John Thomas, Ironmonger Ellesmere-Mr. Josiah Jones, Grocer Malpas—Mr. Roberts, Chemist Chester—Messrs. Grindley & Son, Chemists Whitchurch-Mr. Robinson, Chemist and Druggist Nantwich—Mr Cureton, Grocer Overton Bridge—Mr. Holt, Grocer Mold—Mr. Birch, Chemist Newtown—Mr. Ward, Chemist The Proprietor regrets in consequence of other Sauces bearing the same name, but 01 a very questionable quality, to be under the necessity to Caution the Public. Purchas- ers are therefore requested to observe the words, "Wrexham Sauce. R. Nokes," are printed upon the wrapper as well as impressed upon each Bottle with a Patent Stopper. THE WHOLE WORLD IS CHALLENGED TO PRODUCE A DRINK EQUAL TO THIS THE ROYAL CHESHIRE RESTORATIVE A DRINK, for Horned Cattle and Horses, prepare d by R. NOKES, Veterinary Chemist, No. 31, YORKE- STREET, WREXHAM. Is. each dose, or three doses for 2s. 6d. Since the introduction of this valuable Drink to Agriculturists, &c., abundant blessings have been bestowed on the Cow, Calf, Horse, &c., in allaying pain, stopping the progress of disease, and restoring health. When other remedies have failed, the Re- storative Drink" has, beyond doubt, proved victorious in abating disease and establishing health. Be anxious to prove the value of this Drink on your sick beasts, by purchasing one or more trial doses and if successful, as there is little doubt it will be, accordingly make it further known in your neighbourhood, and thereby confer a benefit upon others. In the following disorders the Restorative Drink" will be found of service:— For a Cow which has taken cold. a cough or hoosc. „ cannot be cleaned after calving. has lost the use of chewing her cud. is out of condition and weakly. „ „ is affected with mouth and foot disease. has an affection of the breath. „ is affected with black and red water. If you wish to make up a Horse for sale have im- mediate resourse to the Restorative Drink," assisted with mashing. The Drink will restore the liver, stomach, and kidneys, thereby causing a reaction which will improve the condition of the animal, and give proof thereof by the finess of his coat. AGENTS WANTED. OSWESTRY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J. MULLINS, DYER, CLEANER, AND BLEACHER, BEGS most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Jj Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Wrexham and its Vicinity, that he has appointed Mrs. HUGHES, Dressmaker, &c., 47, Hope-street, Wrexham, as Agent in the above line, and all goods entrusted to her care will be punctually attended to. GENUINE GROUND BONES. RAW BONES Half-inch and nlle. PREPARED BONES Do. do. do. THE change produced on the Land by the above t. Manures is truly wonderful, transforming rank and sour grasses, which Cattle do not relish, nor milk well upon, into a luxuriant and sweet herbage of clover and other rich grasses. On Meadow Land these Manures produce early and heavy crops of Hay, of superior quality. WHEAT, OAT, AND BARLEY MANURES, Which will strengthen the straw, increase the yield, improve the quality of the grain, and generally prevent the destruction of the young plant by the wire-worm. TURNIP, MANGOLD, AND POTATO MANURES. The above Manures will be delivered at any Railway Station, or Canal Wharf, by ATKINSON & BUTTERWORTH, BONE AND MANURE WORKS, TRENCH, NEAR WELLINGTON, SALOP. Agent-MR. JOHN GOULBOURN, HOLT LODGE, NEAR WREXHAM GROVE NURSERY, CHESTER ROAD, WREXHAM. JOSEPH FRANCIS begs respectfully to invite the tJ attention of the Nobility, Gentry, Farmers, and Inhabitants of Wrexham and neighbourhood to his fine, healthy assortment of Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Flower- ing Shrubs, Ornamental Trees, and STANDARD ROSES, together with a very large stock of QUICK THORNS, and evergreen Privet. Orders received, and promptly attended to, at his SEED ESTABLISHMENT, No. 2, High-street, Wrex- ham. SPECIAL NOTICE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE i.\ INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL—TWO MILLIONS STERLING, INVESTED FUNDS, £1,374,000. DIVISION OF LIFE PROFITS. The Books for 1862 Close on 31st December, PROPOSALS must be lodged at the HEAD OFFICES in LONDON or EDINBURGH, or with an AGENT of the COMPANY, on or before that date, otherwise they will not participate in the Profits of this year's Business, For the three years since last Division of Profits in 1858, the Company have effected Assurances amounting to ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND POUNDS. Certificates of Indisputability granted. Foreign Residence allowed on liberal terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Company Insure against Fire, every description Property, at the Lowest Rates of Premium corres- onding to the risk. LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED. Forms of Proposal and every information will be furnished on application at the Temporary Offices 58 rhreadneedle-street, 4, New Bank-buildings, London' E.C., and of the Agents of the Company, at Wrexham E. TENCH of Ruabon. Life Only.