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ROROCGa MAGISTRATES' COURT ir ?o S;A." MAT 18 iOM.—DetOre ¡DO mayur ?. ^oS1v n\ the Ex-in»yor (J. Dickenson, Esq.,) ?d r,t"I. L't U'!))i!ttB? I>R'" A BATCH OF DRUNKEN CASES. Tb! ?aa crowded with persons who dan been trP??? ? ? in the course of Saturday night and Sunaay 'rpreen .a)eof drunkeDne8. The ar?t wa! Patrick Di¡¡tt ICO had been apprehended ? P.C. Whitticombe, leaJ, b? ?"°? the prisoner drunk and quite inca- pab, 'e °° ??u??y night. He got a truck and took him .g.t?;jn. Prisoner, in reply to questions put  ? ? bench, 8aid he was a tailor and came from br 'hfckl but was at present working in Wrexham. ?ith a caution. Diiciw'b- CA59 NO. 2. j T hn Tay'or was in custody charged with being '? lh'6ca.e?a3 proved by P.C. Mills, who said ?'! nd the prisoner aLout half past 2 ou Sunday morn.  tu(lk in Brook-btreel, and be took him and locked "rn Di-cLsrged with a caution. C!IU u' CASE NO. 3. I Thomas Robots was in custody charged with being rrun j' C. Whtticcmbe eaid he fiund the priar neron un "!j,c night lying in the gutter by the Dolphin very j k Y Prisoner in reply to questions put to him said l"e uD'from the Darland, and ha met with a friend on heC-- "t dh' ia question who reatel:11. ¡he !) U b. xjavcr There seems to be something very re- t! I b ??L?]e that so many a ;QU;u have got into the gutter :\ame night W;Hrd did you get drnnk prisoner: At the Odk. The Yayor: WLat quantity did you drink ? Prisoner: Two quarts. The Miyor: Pretty fair. Yoa:are discharged. Mind oJ not do it again. CAfE NO. 4. I Richard Boot was in custody charged with being drunk. P.C. Mills said be found the prisoner about hf.at eleven o'clock on Sunday night, in High-s'reet, druck. He kjnt him home and afterwards found him in jink-street. prisoner admitted the charge and ia reply to the bench said be came from Brymbo. The hyor; I thought you were all going to ba Tce- •c'aliers in Brymbo. But it seems not. D <ebarzed with a caution. 1101B WAYS OF KILLING A DOG THAN HANGING HOt. John Huberts was summoned for drowning a dog in the ttcck Gwenfro that runs through this tonu. Mr Davis, bjiougb survtyor, faid he had been informed that the defendant had drowned a dog in the brook tb-at runs Aiougb the town. He used great ciuelty in the drown- ing of him as veil as having him in the brook after- viiii. The surveyor then called one of his men, who aid he wsi pumping at the brook filling the water cart, iiiiivt the defendant throw a dog in the brook. After tliowirg i1 in he put his foot in it to keep it in the nttr. Defendant said a man asked him to drown the jig for him and give him three-pence for doing so. He ,a wai q,iite ignorant that he was doing wrong. TseMay r: I dare say you have seen many dead uinils in th" brook in days gone by. Defeodsut: Yes. The Mayor: But there have been bye-laws passed in tit borough s ince then to prevent the fouling of the uregaand other nuisances. -Is you were n:t aware that you were doing wrong if you pay the costs we shall Lot convict. SPILLING IIANURY. I Edward Parry, a servant man in the employ of Mr; ¡ Roberts, of Berse, waJ eummoned for spilling manure fc.macirt. Inspector Lamb was the informant, and Lt offence was admitted. The Mayor, after ascertain- ¡I Eg where the man was in service, said the master was Ire to blame than the man, and asked him whether be iid brought eny money. Defendant said his master bad I' even him a sovereign to put in his pocket. The Mayor enlljd: Y"u are fined 12-. and 8s. cost3. And tell par master ttar he must not deduct it from your nges. IL has no right in law to do so. ANOTHER MANURE CASE. Edrard Lloyd, of Greslord, and William and Edward Price, of Wrexham were eummoned for getting out suu c a; iai| roper blurs-to ait, at half-past twelve in nea terrocE. Jo:eph Parry, one of the borough men, pud the tbaroe. He saw the manure wheeled out by I lirtwo Piiet'.i a! th. hour nautd, and placed by the old t-kpir, a-.d h" suv LI ivd cart it away. Elsard Price, the father of the two defendants, here ii-td ;te point as t) the qulity of the mauure, and con- tiit there was n,) offensive matter in it. Jueph Pairy said there was. fiedtfendaat Lloyd eaid he did not know what sort i: lie was engaged by Price to carry it to his pr.tator ground. The Mayor requested that Edward Price should be trri). On going lLt,) the box he said it was a mixture jnannrs and pig manure that his boyd were out. If J ieit for Davici, the surveyor, to come i"'i>.kat ii an Le should h<=ve b;.en mad to du that if 1 1: I »!• what thrv say. Tie Mayor: Was there any night Boil or not r Aiit: I hid it all carried awayjast before. You li-tumir.c it. iMMay r: I ic-f one m'ot begr to desline that. Can Jaca02th eay taut there was no night soil? I t-rnol be quite positiva. ¡.. ¡¡m,) ¡;r\t:or iu reply to the bench, said • t: SVC. oH'ensii'a u, L'ter, but not uiucii. Iijjd ira, lt oif O'J piymtnf of the COSI", and the two Ice?; were rj:,td 6d. each. 1, a..XT DCOU NElGHBOCaS. I m iga:. t Muiray was summoned by her next door tt!gl L'Jur, Jane Jonts, for an assault. The complain- ^tt lis lung story about the defendant'a boy cslling "M?yfu?of his name, coupled with a few choice ex- Hifts. All this endei by the defendant striking her tiies tim(p. j^dant faij the complainant had charged her with illllgwi!ft a tnan in Broukhton. She then called a r,um named AMpc?n who g?g her evidence accompanied by a ?btr of 8est'lulatione. She said-No wonder she j:*u- l oui sat) strui k her, when she (comp!ainant) charged b?T'rithli,,in- with another man. (Ser? ?itoeaa struck '-?6.3 box.) The ?cr: Don't break the board Mrs Phinn. There ?Mm?(; of y?g in the Haymarket who keeps an ,i-tr ?Cp. You should try to be aa cool aa an oyatcr 1!tu YU °d wV U &)c ??iog your evidence. '?M'proceeded to make some further obeetvatiorB zkeoIP5rLied by very little of the coolness of the cyl, H" ?VOIlLiP then administered a rebuke to all parties, l?ito'd the d?fundaLt that she was fined Is. and 8s. Sar' ^not Pay Ia}'or: Then you will go to gaol for 14 days. '*Thank you' Sir. The oJ The ??ay?r: You are quite welcome. ?? ?!rt: I am quitc satisfied.  ?MtwM then taken into custody and one of H. tj tlaritd ?'? her to the lock-up. On passing the n?'°" t in the court 6he gave her a violent elap in :? She was then brought back to the dock, and I ir^ gave evidence of the fact. Tse said: Such conduct as this maybe all ntyfr eia Tipperary, but it will not do in WrMQam. a co f I J b Is^ CQ We '°? have order and decency ob- ?tj \?- ?uwiti have two months in addition to the 1'"J!It t 1 I h. fciii T6"! ???dy awarded you. As long as I SIt in thia ?ir 1 ntver -liw justice to be insulted. I Biiw i. CAUTION TO THE IRISH. I P '"? said—I see a number of Irish here. 1 them tbat if there is any further ,?&ic I llt"ftir llltquerce of wbat has taken place here, all Iqtrijb;U?bt here will be punished with the greatest t ?t?'i!t?'? !awa!!o?. I ?l "I t' ?4 t Ll:, I I FTEIL TUE HKSA-KJIiG Up OF THB MUrTIA. I i" b  ?"? "1 custody charged wi th &teal ?'??'? ""g piece from a person named William ?i[, ,,??". The prosecutor aaid he was in the ??'dJn ???eTo?n RIH, on Friday last, and the ':u-'«rta v* f ?o-eb'tUng piece oat ofhishacd? which p p ,~ien out of his pocket to pay for a glass of PC ?"? proved apprehending the prisoner  d b ..d i, ''Y &Itttvaxds ht '?c Queen's Head. Pneoner said *i! the da. v "?" the breaking up of the militia, and iy j* IUDlc• If he did take it he did not know oiu8- k P'W Cl0^tr here as ked to be a l lowed to make I''e!¡¡tn 5 1l10hr here asked to be allowed to make 4 I, ewtrl? She began bv aayiug-That MAU (the /?!???°°'?'* r B:: ?hmkLkuowwh&t you are going to Bm?' ? let me give you this warning. If this a, I{lyr. k b' h uba 9V?U YCU some monev to ma e t UI up he ?.i? Q tbe Cr b' J b of f|e c"me bim?tf, and any one who receiYes J CDn: '1 ?y f 3muidiag a felony they are equally RUilty. to f i sort has been done you are liable to ?"sot. *'? him. Sentenced to 1 months im-  I ?'?1 P, OVDCOWJ1fG. r>^ae f-u?moned for having an over- N 'tr ? hju? ?bematfrvM reported aome time I, tw • R' ? '?S???ort') tbo Local BoMd.wbo ,e tb;.t }}ogb ;jllr' I') or t,) the LQcal Board, who pt "tlt a oulti be summoned. The Sur- v,ftbId ret ,r- t e fol!owiag report on the subject '^e followiag report on the eubj ect: t N  ?'<'i?- p6S/)il A'lop-ing in No. 32, ro?-?ee<, m «5s;.ctlcitr)10Y1 Bnerty, tenant. 0 I m 4 Ll., 1^ 1 child '1160 feet—number sleeping—* 160 feet-number feea =?L'6ber ? I taW child; back kitchen, 1176 feet—num- ber aleeping-2 adults 4 chiiaan bedroom over do., 1176 7^ber sleeping-2 adults 5 chUdren. Being only fSr f 14'^i:d3 cubic feet per individual, 800 cubic feet being the minimum allowed at our hospitals, penitentiaries, and asylums. The following medical certificate was put in :— We, the undersigned, hereby certify that on Wednes- day night, the 6th inst., we inspecteda lodging-house kept by Daniel Brierty, No. 32, Yorke-street, and we pro- nounce the same to be much overcrowded, badly ventilat. ed, and very filthy. We also inspected a lodging-house kept by Richard O'Hara, in Bithell's Court, and found this likewise very badly ventilated, and extremely dirty. EDW. WILLIAMS, M.D., T. EYTON JONES, M.R.C.S.E., &-c., &e. Wrexham, 14th May, 1863. The Mayor declined to convict because the certificate did not etate that the house was prejudicial to health." He, however, told Brierly that he had had a narrow escape. A DESERTER. I l nomas Bradshaw was brought up on remand, charged with having deserted from the 56th Regiment ot Fllot. The Clerk read the following evidence which bad been taken before the Ex-mayor on the 15th inst James Conway said-I was formerly a private in the 89th Regiment of Foot. I received my discharge on the 6th of November last. Yesterday evening between 5 and 6 o'clock, I met with the prisoner near the Town Hall. I asked him if he was ever a soldier. He said at first he was not, but afterwards he told me that he was. I asked him then if he was a deserter He told me he was and that it was the second time, and the first time he got 42 days and the letter D' for the first desertion." I said then you are very foolish-a soldier's life is preferable to going about like this. He said, I am sorry I deserted. I am throwing myself in the way of the police, if they will take me up." I then told him that I would give in- formation to the police. He replied, that he would be quite satisfied if I did so, only he would be kept in the celf here for twelve or fourteen days until they wrote for him from the Depot." I then went and gave information to the police. I stated to him (Bradshaw) that I fancied I had seen him stationed in Colchester, about five weeks since. He told me that he belonged to the 56th Regiment of Foot.. He did not say that he belonged to the 97th Regiment. P.C. Tudge gave evidence as to the apprehension of the prisoner, who was then remanded until the govern- ment is communicated with.




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