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Posr OFFICE FOR BORTH.—A post office has, throug.1 tbe iuKt-.uui-na-.it>' of Major Mathew, been e.abii-be-j :i BiTih. BATHING AT AB^UXSTWYTH.—Several people have b < a indulging in tiiis exercise in the set have b-4 ii ii, d u??- during tl:0 i:l..t 11: :1". MAKTIX'S CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY.-We art- gl d to ham rom t 16 ii quarterly report of thi- society tt:at tli, iin.fit tor the quarter euailes the company to na> £ 7 10s. Id. interest on paid up cup'-jii, aud .t:3\111,. I,. purchasers, at Is. in the pound. Tie Mini 01 til 5", was also paid to non 1011. carried to the reserve fund. THE REV. KLIAS OWEN, M.A. of Caersws, M'Mit^'iKjery.-liire, has ,cn appointed one of the honorary r i s of the Archssological Caw. i bn u-i s. TLI" Ar"<h rny sneaking of tiie Areuaic wor -s, plua-e-. &c., c! Montgomeryshire," one of tiie wjr-.c <»f t is eiuin • it Welshma.i, affirms that "it is dcsiin d to tr»ke its place among tae gl s ari ot I !I" E srh.li Dialec. Sncie'-ies." 1 Hii ATTF-SIPrED .I URDER IN CHESTER.— At tijo Cue.-ttir Ou>- Police Court, on Tuesday, At Li,,(? Cit I before the si-.twig ;tia_:istrat ;s, James Coulon was br-u giitnpon remand cnarged with attempting to murder his mother, under the circllmstance nnrra P.; ill (,ul lasi week's issue. The Chief Cons able put in 'he following certificate from Dr Taylor, Mid applied for a remand, which was grantee :—Mrs Conlon is progressing as well as can be ex, but "lIe is by no means out ot danger. I c.ou't think sue will be able to appear for s wo or hive v.-«i<k-. if she continues to progress as f :vou"ah!y as s he it present is doing." CHKSUIRK AND THE FOOT-AND-MOUTH DIS- .,ie ;<nt:ri ed by the secretary of the Home Cattle Defence Association to state that Cnaui.el Island 2it le have conveyed the toot- azid-iii to H,ivhe-id. It is sail the auimai> %%e!,i. iufeot-d at Southampton, where a number ot O,it)i,t,- sufferin, from the disease were jias&e.u as sound. It tnis statement is correct —and we can hardly doubt it, coining as it does from so reliable a so irjc—it behoves the local authority and the Chamber of Agriculture to grapple with the evu immediately, and take prompt s'p TO V-revent the contagion reaching Chibhii' .—Ch' sier ('ourant. SHROPSHIRE CHAMBS-B OF AGRICULTURE- Th. u-u :1 monthly committee meeting of this C; amber was hela on I'uesday in their office, The S<}u-ue, hlireiv^ury, Mr. J. E. Severne in the chair. It wus unanimously agreed that Mr. S-verne be the elected D -puty wish Mr. Staid, y Leigbtou as the anuaal Deputy to the next meet- ing of .he C -ntr-tl Chamber ou 4th May next. On the proposal of Mr. J. Howen Jones, seconded bv Mr. S-vei-ii», i' "as r. solved to convene a general special in• 'in.; of members for Saturday, iay 1st, at the I'lfiof the Chambers, Shrewsbury, to discuss The Agricultural Holdings (England) Bdl" a- intr^d ced in the House of Lords by his Gmce the D-, i: ,.t' Richmond. The report of the Finance Coimnutee was received and adopted, which c- ri'* n i d the business. HOPE fee Horn, HOARD.—An adjourned meet- Eg ot this o i board wa. h Id ou Monday, and there w- re --res -tit— L'ne. Rev T. R. Lloyd (in the chair). Mr YYiilcock, Mr E. Jones, and Sir Evans. Mr Turner, nrc'm. c produced the amended plans of the P-n_, ffordd and LlaHfynydd schools, wita the ran eihouses omitted. The al era- tions wt re up,u oven. on the motion of Mr Will. cock, seemed by Mr Jones, and M«r Turner nndertO!d: to ['ward the plans to the Education Department. Mr T-.ruer having informed the Board tta:, owiLg to the alteration of the plans, he would b. mom y out of pocket with reference to the :baijd-#3(i plans, it was proposed by the Chairman, se conded by Mr Evans, and agreed, that Mr Tanicr hould be paid all money out of pocket in resp<;(.-t d the t.taus. IMPORTANT TO AGMCULTURISTS.—A case of som. iigricui: nivii iuteres has betn heard at Welsh- pool County Colrt be •ore Judge Homersham Cox. It was an action brought by Mr. Frederick Roberts, who h:.d OCCU¡," d Ctettcrwood Faim, under the Earl of Powi:, givtin notice to leave on LL,JY. day la?t, a^ain.-t his landlord, for selling on a dis- tress v. hpu the rent Lad been tendered within five days of the making oF the distress. The distress was put in on i,le 26-hof Ma;ch, and when the money tendered by Mr. E. M. Jones, for plaiiitiif, it was refused unless a certain sum wis added to it or jr uud above the costs which Mr. Jones r< c -gnw- < is 1 ,.al. Mr. Bedman, instructed by Mr. C J nes, cont nded that the p aInhff was boun l to "?'r th« costs, however exorbi- tant,' anJ b ;d hi remedy afterwards by an action to recover the ?-mut he considered oferpatd. His houo'jr t-<>k time to consider his decision. Mr. Ba 1, o- Os .ve.-try, was for the plaintiff. — X^NREI-.TAINMENT AT THE LODGE.—The last Via ¡¡I'1'Ù; '); 1.1" bU r concerts given at this place in aid of lo*at eji-u'it es was given on Monday evening at The Q-iiuta Seho droom. There was a very gool ait;il.e", but some of the back seats were not so wed fi:kd as is n-ual at The Lodge, t-here generally b n har .'iyioim enough, bu; the fact tnat it r;:is m:. ;:vy-week ha 1 prob;bly some- thing u> do .7, i. t1,!>. T«e programme was very Succes-ftd!y g' ■ tbrongh; iL was as follows:— Glee, Tiie ti .-rdy Nor- man du,.t, "Two merry hearts, Evans and Bowen solo, Deat- W. Griffi hi glee, "Her.. 11 cool <OL olt), One morning, oh, so early I" bli,i.i P,Ii:s; trio, Ti-e wreath," Miss B.».ven, X-ss Ev.-ms, _iid ,.r. BJllJ; violin solo, H i:i- ter s chJrû," Mr. Boini quartette, In this hour ot sote:.ei .splendour," Mrs, B-trnes, Miss Perkins, M"ssrs. Blickj?eli and Barnes; gIep, "0 hush tiit-e, my bab.e dee, 0.), who o'er the downs Walter's wo drg," Aliss Evan^; larboard watch," Air. Bond and Mr. Biacs -;J; solo, "My mother bi,}", m.. bind iny hair." Mi,- P- in, glee, sofliy fall solo, rti- lvi-g 1. Mr. Blac-.well quar- tetfe, "See our • ;rs wi, h fpathered spray," Messr- Blaciiweil, G ffi-.V, and Hall, and Miss E.-ans; solo.. P,li i v" li.)u > -lee, "Rule Britauuia (I God save ihe Q ";1; A BYE DAY WITH THE FLINTSHIRE HARRIERS. A cor: m oli i ,,t u. itie Sporting writ s o-y, April 7, the Illvet was at the Manor P.: I'll. 1: by special invitation from Mr B" 'A'ouiad a hare immediately in a siuad cr = fiold b'hii,r1 Mr Brown's house. bat sceut h v rv ind.ff-rent we hunted her !or an v" y laet ever the grass and very Slow over th; ;;d ,°" eventually running her into a dra-?in vi'-?-of .'jepauk. W?then a?joarn?d ) into Mi Bi o vij' b?u?c. wao invited ev&ryone pre- sent to a!. M i:. -tt I-'mbaon. A[er having par- I taken of ls,e ,.?, i things that loaded the table we ?l ,at loaded the table we i once more mou:? our steeds, and succeeded in fi d.. 1 n m; anotii-. r c; :;t o.cp, and one of *be right ■ort-wMch f-' it"' us a spkndid run at racing pace 0. -0 m m. t", .?:huu., :? lea-t cL?-ck over n r?rc ¡ good count ti:S Dfible hare, thiiiklu"- ¡ she hari i-ao eno ugh running for one day. also be- took hers-rlt ti) a Mrain, where she was le't ad alone in g; mo it of the horses looking as ¡ if they had L:.J neudy enough as well. We theu trjtu-d away to a wbeat fisld not far distant, and fou ui ut o. e- Mother b'1re of the right soot. ) b which gave is a clipping good run of 55 minute- I with LI\O SHG.I C eeks. running nearly a mile on I the r iT :e s!:e was ran into the oppn, I Fall- w,-t- nothing serious Lao- pen- w JC-:I UI I: turt;ed hom», having enj->v«I«i I themselves U. !y. loud were the for the great Kin ..ness and kospitality Mr Biown liad shovri i>- o: a- .d. all Loug may he live T-) himsel:, j('l' I,r is a bit of the right ftuff and a thorough spor^n.au—would that there were asny more turc.iers in the neighbourhood So en led on; oi t :e uiany good days we have had with this pack this seu-o'i, having been stopwi' five weeks bj t ost, kil:, d sixty-five hares, and run five to ground, Thl2 have had a succe-^sfu. season tiirougl oat, aud may we be all here ano her stasu-j :o see this really good pack do their duty, is the ardent wish of your humble servant." A SQUABBLE BETWE^S DENBIGHSHIRE MAGISTKATES.—Iu ifie Court of Queen's Bench on Saturday, -MLr Q.C., applied ou be- half of Mr Broftulow W. Wynne, Garthewm. Abcrgele, for a criminal infoimation against Mr IJabert B. Heskuth, G ^rych Castle, Abergele, f ,r a libellous letter addressed by him to Mr Wynne h his capacity as a justice of the peace. It a, psared that Mr Heske h's keeper made a charge of trespass in pursuit of game against a person who was brought up at the petty sessions, at which Mr Wynne presided as chairman, in the absence of Mr John W. Wynne. Upon the evi dence of the keeper the man was convicted but on appeal to he sessions it was quashed. A charge was then mad e before the same bench, Mr B. W. Wynn agaiu presiding, against the keeper, who was committ- d iw perjury to the assizes, wiohou: bail It ::pue red that the magistrates' clerk was an attorney, practising at Rhyl. He was preen, when the ma, was convicted for trespass, and ho undertook the >"(' nee of the gamekeeper at the assizes. O i *;i 19th March, Mr Wynne wrote to Mr Hesketh, -ta'ing that, as several of the justices were dissatisfied with the conduct of the clerk in undertaking the defence of the game. keper the magistrates of the division would uieer on the 30 h to cousider the same, and invit ng his attendance. To that letter, which was the letter complained of, Mr Hesketh replied, stating :—" I am -orry that your particular spite against my gamekeeper, should blind you to all some of justice and right. Mr George, the clerk, did not defend the keeppr except indirectly. It is not the duty of a magistrate's clerk to defend the decisions of this bench," &a. The court held thio as the letter bad not been published, thou-h I ic was a rash and intemperate letter, they c'uJ not interfere. They thought hat the sooner peace was mad" bptween the two gentlemen t L!t. better, but they wsre of OfJiniml it would not be obtained if the court interfered. THE BATTLE OF AGINCOURT-READING AT 1 CHESTER.—On Wednesday night, Mr T. M. Lockwood, by the desire of the Freemasons of Chester, read The story of the battle of Agin- court as told by Shakspeare," in the Chester To'n.hall. There was a good attendance, the result of which will be a welcome addition to the funds of the Chester Infirmary and the Masonic charitable institutions. Mr Horatio Lloyd, P.G. S W., recorder of Chester and county court iudee, presided. Mr H. S. Irons, of Chester Cathedral, having played the Grand March from Meyerbeer's "Proohete" with his usual skill and delicacy of manipulation, Mr Lockwood delivered the introduction to his reading, which was a well cf»mmled summary showing the state of govern- ment, art, archi ecture, literature, &< in England during LlP 14th century. This portion was illus trated by 22 large and handsome drawings, repre- senting the architecture and costumes of the period, executed in pen-and-ink under Mr Lock. wood's direction, and prii.cipally drawn by Mr Harry Berwick, his pupil. Mr Lockwood then read selections from Sbaksp^are's play of Henry V giving the principal incidents relating to the battle of Agincourt, and concludins with the courtship scene between Henry and E'izibeth. The reading throughout was given with a clear | intonation and in remarkably good taste, and the repeated applause bestowed testified the apprecia tion of the audience. During an interval, Mr Irons played Killer's La Cbasse," and, as an Pn-ore, Schumann's "NacbstucK," both of whic pieces elicited loud applause. The playing of the "Weddinir March" appropriately followed the com t bi ) scene. The entertainment closed with votes of thanks to the reader and president. FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE IN CARNARVON- SHIHE —The marriage of Miss Annie Evans, second daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon Evyns, rector of Llanllfchid, Bangor, with Mr William Savours Powell, of Magram, Glamorganshire, was on Tuesday solemnised at the parish church, Llanllechid. The bride, escorted by her father, who gave her away, arrived at the church at half- pa.;t eleven. She was attended- by-five bi-i- les- maids—Miss Evans, her sister; the Misses Clay- ton (-wo), Brynmally, Wrexham; Miss Norah Ihler, and Miss Dale. The bridal costume was white silk with trimmings of silk grenadine, tulle veil with wreath of orange blossoms. The bride carried a bijou basket filled with choice euo flowers. The bridesmaids wore light blue musl'n dresses, tulle bonnets and blush roses, and magui ficent gol i bracelets, the gift of the bridegroom. -1r Roes Morcan, Neath, was the best man. The ceremony was performed by the Lord Bishop ot Bmgor, assisted by the Rev. J. O. Evans, rector of Magram, Glamorganshire, the bride's brother When the bridil pary w(-re leaving the church, bea itiful flowers were strewed in the path of the newly-married couple by the Sunday school chil- dren, who lined both sides of the path leading "rorr the porch to the church gates. The wedding rJpjeuner was supplied by Messrs Bolland, of Chester, and was served at the rectory. Tue narty included the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Arci- deacon Evans and Mrs Evans, Mr and Mrs W. Sayours Powell; Mr Owen Evans, Mrs Evans, and I,lr O. Lloyd Evans. Broom Hall, Pwllheli; Miss j Williams (the bride's aunt), Miss Hunter tinges, Mr Edward Hughes, Mr R. Morgan, Miss Evans, Rjv. J. 0. Evans, the Misses Clayton, Miss N Ira Ihler, Miss Dale, Mrs Phillips, and the Rev. D. Jones, curate of Llanllechid. Mr and Mrs Powell Ictft Bangor by the afternoon train en route for a tour in Switzerland. DEATH OF JUDGE HARDEN.—Mr John Wm. Harden, Judge of County Court Circuit No. 7, v.bich includes part of Cheshire, Lancashire, and Shropshire, died on Friday evening, aged 66, at Bournemouth, where he had been staying on aecount of ill-health during the winter. Mr Harden was the son of Mr John Harden, of Breatby House, Ambleside, and was for many years a ba;risterin Liverpool, and attended the northern circuit. He was also a magistrate for the borough of Liverpool, and also for the counties of Caes.hlre and Lancashire, in which capacity he of'en presided at the sessions at Kirkdale. When the County Courts Act was passed in 1847 he was made judge of the circuit we have named, and held the appointment up to the tim* of his death. A few years ago, on a redistribution of the circuits, the Chester and some other Court3 were taken from his jurisdIction-Chester being added to lie North Wales, Nantwich to tho Macclesfield, an Oswestry to the Snre^bury circuit—but he received instead those of Wigan and On his taking leave of the Chester Court, the legai profession presented him with a silver service of plate ns a ma, k of their appreciation of his long and able services in that district. His heaith broke down about three years ago when he lost his wife and one of his daughters, but he still continued his work, and expressed the intention to die in harness." About eight months ago ce catuht a cold while travelling from his court at j Runcorn to bis re-idence at Rock Ferry, and bis iuugs becoming affected he was compelled to retire from active service, his duties being discharged /1 in the meantime by Mr John Gilmour, as deputy pidge. He went to Bournemouth, where for some time during the winter he appeared to improve, but had a relapse, find died, as we have stated, on Fi-id:iv evening. His death creates a vacancy in the judefship of the County Courts of Biiken- head, Wigan, Leigh, Warrington, Altrmcham, Northwich, and Runcorn. The appointment, iv hicii r.ts with the Lord Chancellor, is worth, we b dieve, from £ 1,500 to £1,800 per annum. CHESHIRE CONGREGATIONAL UNION. — The 691l annual meeting of the Congregational Union for the county of Chester was held on Wednesday, at the Congregational Church, Oxton-road, Bir- kenhead. under the preidency of the Rev. F. A B irnes, B.A., minister of that place of worship, who is al;-o chairman of the union. There w-.s a large attendance of ministers and delegates fr. m all parts of the union. Among the members pie- -ent, were the Revs. D. B. Hooke, Mold; J. D. R 1, Holywell; H. S. Payne, Nantw.ch A. W. Po'ts Crewe; J. D. Thomas, Buckley R Ash- e:ofi, Rock Ferry; Thomas Peters, Chester; and J. L. Jones, Malpas. After devotional services had been engaged in, the chairman delivered a leng hv address on the general aspects of congrt- garionalis.n. The Rev. Mr Robinson, the seore- tary of the union, then read his reoorf, which wa of a hi,h'y encouraging character. In several of the chap-Is throughout the county, and particularly | in North Wales, gret progress had been made. T,w report w?n adopted unanimously, on the mo Ion of Mr 'V. Milue, of Bowdon, seconded by the ILv. A. Wilson, of Stockport. The Rev. G. S. Wood, ke treasurer, read his report, from which it, appeared that the total receipts for the 'e.¡l' ba(l IJ:e:l £808, and that there was now a balance in band of £31,6, It was proposed that the salaries of each of the ministers of the de- nomination be increased to £150 per annum in all ca>es where less than that amount be already paid. TLis was agreed to. A number of grants were given to several churches within the union, including—Holywell, £ 33; Buckley, £30; Mold, £ 15; Bong; ton, £ l0 and Malpas, £40. The j ri -cipal business before the meeting was that ot church finance, upon which a series of resoluiions had been drawn up and adopted at an assembly of the Na'ioiml Congregational Union, held at audder-fi.dd last year. These proposed that in villages and rural districts the stipend of each minuter should be not less than X150 per annum, -tri in towns and cititS proportionately more. To .'■eo:np'i-li this object it was suggested that greater effoits should be made by congregations to rei-e funds, and also that greater economy ".0;1 be s: cilred by grouping together small L t s. At conferences held at Birmingham an i L 'icester, a resolution was come to iu favour ..f ú¡C, formation of a board to raise and administer fetid. f..r iL«! purposes indicated, such biard to c >ni:o- t (Ó fi.iances of the present county as)cia. t o,, to be composed of 120 memb rs-oue-third minis eriul and two-thirds laymen-to be exclu- sively appointed by the county unions throughout the country. The Rev. G. S. Wood moved, "That this union approves of the principle of consoli,lat- ing all contributions for home missionary purpo-es into one national fund, without, however, accept. Llg all the details of the draft scheme proposed aud that, in the further consideration of this scheme, special attention should be directed to J securing, firs- that the proposed board be fully j representative, and secondly, that it consist of s .eh Members as shall make it an efficient exe- cutive." Mr Thompson supported the resolution, which was carried. It was unanimously agreed that the meeting next year should be held at ilarple. The Rev. T. Hartley, of Marple, was elected president, the Rev. T. Robinson was re elected secretary, and the Rev. G. Stanley Wood | treasurer.



