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Sales bv Auction "VBTMBSSRS BAUGH, JONES, & JONES.  BAUGH, JONES. & JO?ES. _¡\Lr, "I '-I;FAT AND STORE STOCK AT THE I ? ?LDKX LION, ROSSETT. I Ht?.? ? BACtH, JONES, and Co. w; hold I *fK next Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK I /t ?'hk-n Lion, Rossett, on Monday, the 2Mh j  ]"-5. ?' STOCK ALREADY ETERED: J 4 e lot of Fat Beasts Fresh Barrens p. useful Dairy Cows "i^,t ,if prime fat Sheep ,j. liiitu Lambs t F'itt ('.lives. j, ,t Kat and Store Pigs, T- ,r-vof A. Balfour, I?q., J. Topham, E? ?:S(; T. 1'eLkl),tne, I' '•uV"riN Mr Evans, .Mr Jones, Mr Wool- .roft, Mr Thackeray, Mr Dutton, Mr -Nlr D??Ll'iesi '%Ii- Ilritchard, M:Vr Vvi<;r Williams, Mr Davies, Mr Pntchard, 1 r. ,lT Entries respectfully solicited. ? ? ?. 'ct"ck,:md tiw Auctioneers respect- ?'i'?.? )? ti?, tuck be at the Mart in good t. j' H011) ■ K!. IM' X A Li Y NOTICE. „r'Head of Dairy Cows, Cat ring 11, iters, alln Short horned Hulls, pori; Pi! J'< a Fatof, Implements oj r' :1 Uou**h»ld Furniture, at • IJON INN, HOPE, FLINTSHIRE. I foirenitiic* of Sale.  JONES ,t CO. have received M 1> ,„s from W. Horkenhull, Esq., Mrs. tt ?' .?l.??))?y Aucn?'n on th? premises ?. ,?jn)).:ttH"t')t'cs:n(ionWednHs- ?;i.'?'? .i?..f')tri], isr.'i, the above Stock, *.U'' [•,mi*»ri>infl 33 Head of Dairy Cows, '5 14 eL?l Of 1).tiry Cow. ,j ,.x.;ellent sow and a number w, -,t.?- I'i^- awl 7 Pea Fowl. "The f Nl,vin- Machine with side j"i .Mowing Machine by same two Iron Ploughs, .f,,ur spouts, Narrow Wheel (4 inch) -:1 v ,-ratciies, Narrow-wheel Cart titted •; ,,5 WilY cart, broad wheel cart ,I I (' 'd' 1-'1 d iy's l'idiiig S, (ile,iiid uUa qiiiiifcity of useful HIJUSE- A'lrUl". an.i other Effects. aid iiiav I)e 1 u! foril, White Lion Inn, Hope, or '< t;.v minute^ walk from Caergwrle C' II 1 I K ;i i Toenail' s Quay line of Wn-xliaiK. six from Chester, I' ¡ (, .?.?,rT??"cck prompt. 900e  1,?E. 4ZrDE-VCF.- yUEEHoLb VILLA ?E.?DEyCE, olt,l, ;.v Ijinldiitj 'sites in and ? L tht, cot! izty oj Dc?- _*T ,?),,?-r)-!t?'?MH?RS.BAUGH, ',?? 't) ?-??.c.v?H.'t?.LLu??Den, I,iMth.iavof May, lNa, at two for ?)?it-anr-r't'i.su?iec[t.'cM]<H[.i.)ns the afternoon, sub t I), ?, 1 ?ltlle fi)llowill,, f,i- Hi- onier.- as n.ay ?''?''f''? upon at ,i?.t!?m-t??.i?;f-?: -.f in tht ?,?tt,-c?n?.'L,?'h'L'h'!nt; notice LOT 1. Souare yards or thereabouts. "SFACE or Dwelling House, ■ j' i«," with the Cottage, Stable, and Aoonrri'n.iiices there- -ituate near l^laiigollen afore- .a my wars past in the cfceupa- I)u,, no" of Mrs Ci-riffiths, 1, the whole in surface area, nos v ■ i'W.hv Huiise contains entrance two kitchens on the ■: tit.! four bedrooms on the cham* 1, iLl froiit, and lawn back thereof. Lor 2. or Plot of III ILDIXG LAXD, situate adjoining Lot 1, ia the whole in surface area, 5S LI >T :i. of eligible BUILDING t:; of JVnybt'dw Property, and i r.p..t*iiiii.c in the whole in sur- (J49 LOT 4. lining Lot :i, containing,"1 G-32 LI IT 3. I».r..iiaiig Lilt 4, containing, m¡4 LOT (I. GfJl i t> have been laid out with :« requirements of parties • ivsideiices, and are situa- :ne,e overlooking the pic- oigollen and the River Dee. lit,;tiitifill, :ilicl tile l)lo- .« tive minutes' walk frJlll the LOT 7. or Parcel of L AXD, situate in ;he town of Llangollen afore- v. ilh the tlire" old Cottages 11, and nuui'"eied respectively .!• a large fr.-ntage to Church- land :)tth? back runs drnvn to nverJook iug the J>ee, i, well erection of private liou-es or and contains in the whole in I.OT S. s-r ACE or Dwelling House, he- • •••h-street, Llangollen, afoiv-aid, "J pPlll tenaIJ..e, thereunto • r late in the occupation uf Mr r atains good cellar kitchens on :h «•■• entertaining-rooms <m the i a and How -ur.leii al the l ear 1'ie river wall, overlooking the ■:5i ill the whole in surface 243 i',f ,nu:I'ion :qmh til the A1Tl'10\LI:n:, i .?ts,\VttXh r.n or to Messrs. Min- .J'e. olicitors, Oswe-try awl ■ ni i'ith r of whom, awl at èh place ')'.?'t plan- (?!nch are now in j?rf- iie obtained tell days prior to the day 'i,-¡;l PROPERTY SUES, Lec^W'^al, < u til-' Cmiiitii «f • P.Y I)v at the house of Mr M:. 'sh, | 1^73. at Two for Three o'clock in t,)c ] ,t. ;l,; ¡¡U;r he (leter¡¡¡¡ui;jd it the -ale— Squarejarda or thereabouts. LOT 1. huilt :inti slated MESSTAGE j with tin? outhouses and ..i oil-id adjoining thereto, situ- turn ike road leading from rvddyn, aforesaid, aud Llan- MI OIAV in the occupation of ftic -r. and containing with ■ i.iuj-lioiise, 5_14 LOT 2 nib m l slated DWELLIXG- with the outofiice and '•••'onging adjoining Lot J, t turnpike "T'i:i:uil or Mr Hopwood, lie ai-'ing with the site of the "—op, Ac., J:3(j L.I ■ :J. >*ot)"-built and ?ntedCOT- ua'-ii-'ns and appurtenances j| dtinte at the rear of and -a frontage tf) the road j -ID turnpike roa I to the THE occupation of Thomas ■ "a'tlier. and containing in the '? 37U area, I?T4. 370 Building LAND, being part 'Ternf Lot upon the; o and contain- i 430 LOT 3. i.i"ini"g I.ot 4, and containing j ':i surface area, Olt; LOT G. :J,uih P.'1 COTTAGE with £ .i:>j"»ung. and garden thereunto "'1: ? a ?(.nt?e to the ?id '1'1 ..ii, J" .i: I ,,7, l,V th" river at tJw rear, now '.1 '1 (f lkl' > ?'??'?'?'? -??'?.Mid '?.?- t?H wV iio^ie )n surface area 336  ?'  LOT BuHdinKLAXD, 'I' ^1 uUle „ P5ece ° Building LAXD, .¡,  frouta:e to ?'" aforesai¡l turnpike it,)Illl(led by the river, and I '•••uoif 1. wh, oie in surface area 510 L, in ,iirface area 510 ?'. ?. v, e1j:ihlp plot of Rending LAND i •> nf the saiel turnpike Tot:] t? "? 'S'i '?a .?.nunx ,n the whole in surface ?. L(OT ? ",t' ,11:) (litt,) adjoining Lot. and 'V- ? 1, surface area 4'0 (,¡ :,1': W lOa: In SUI' ace area 2 liit LOT HI. Lot 9, and "? '1?"' ??'S Lot 9, and "? ? u-.? f.e?whho?msurfacearea 4U L?ll ?.U?.. '?"??"?sL-AGEorDwening- > ?.. ,'y'??""?s,with the la?e ^'T'ln- ..l. "?).?? .?""?'"S- Row ? the occupa- t1.;rell!:to helf)ning. now in the occupa- ?.r J?'?? al»d Mrs E)iz?beth ha.1 frontage to the said inroad ana 0011 taming in the whole in '?-?M 1320 T: ;(\1' I'Jts have been laid ? with the ?e? to 'Z? U'^ «Viir!,uen^be; n/ai(1 °ut with the view to ?????r?? ? ?? neighbourhood, wh?e "11 1 whare :Mare '1CI1 in rW Jnd are adjacent to the V- 4"^ ? T ? ?' Leeswood, and Nerqnis, ???? M'? =?t{..rX. d??? road, and about a ifSSdd lb. ':er'll tenants U sh»» the lots, and for fur- 'no. Ga.i:e'¡ :lrs :t!JIly to \1essrs. Dumville, Lawreflc, sSloS N! :TV:VSquare" LinIII,n s W.J1": Messrs WilL ba, 9 a;J 'eYor'. Wrtxlialn or at n l Kyrke" Mining \LL TeuLpit e,s, WrexU- ra. ?c- Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS. BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. Unreserved Sa7e of Household Furniture, Patent Weighing Machine and Weights, American Cheese, and othee Fff.-ctn, in the Vegetable Market, Henblas- utreet, Wrexham, removed there for convenience of Sale. MESSRS. BAUGH, JOXES, & Co, have been in- tTjt structed to offer for SALE by AUCTION on the above premises on Tuesday, the 27th day of April, 1^73, the following household furniture, patent weighing machine and weights, cheese, and other effects-viz" kitchen, parlour, and bed-room fenders, ash pans, tire irons, metal tea and coffee pots, tea trays, kettle, saucepans, crockery, and earthenware flat irons, paraffin lamp, meat safe, cane-seated and other chairs, eight d.tys' cioek in mahogany case, ma- hogany loo and other tabbies, painted book-case, with cupboard underneath, pier glass, pictures, barometer, mahogany sofa in black hair, carpeting, hearth-rug, wash stands and services, dressing tables, toilet glasses, iron bedsteads and mattresses, flock bed, bed linen, painted chest of drawers, cornice poles, wiridow curtains and Venetian blinds, oil-cloth and brass stair rods, door mats, ck-e. Also packing hamper, buckets, and cans, dog kennel, wheelbarrow, two rain-water casks, patent weighing machine, and weights from !it) lb. to a t lb., and one American cheese weighing 50 lb., &c., Ac. Sale at one for two o'clock. 889a hnprn-tant Sale of 44 Head of Dairy Cows, Heifers Fat Cow*, Fat Bullocks and pedigree Bull, also two useful Cobs, Milk Cart, Harness, and Dairy I Vessels, at GLAXYRAFON FARM, SOUTHSEA, two miles from Wrexham. MESSRS. BAUGH, JOXES & Co. have been 'Ni favoured with instructions from W. H. Darby Esq. (who is giving up the Dairy), to offer for Sale by Auction, on the premises of Glanvrafon Farm afore- said, on Monday, \fay 3rd, 1*75 the whole of the above Stock and Effecs, comprising— DAIRY Cows AND HEIFERs-Twenty Ivery choice sliort-liorn Cows and Heifers, calved and to calve. HEIFF.RS— six very promising short-horn Heifers, rising two years old. YoexG STOCK—six short-horn yearling Bullocks, Four weanling Heifer Calves, one ditto Rull Calf. (The Heifer Calves by pedigree bull out of pedigree cows.) FAT STOCK—Two fat Cows, two ditto Bullocks, two fresh Barrens. BULL—One two-year-old short-horn pedigree Bull. I-IoTl.-L-Olle useful Cob, 14 hands, six years old, one ditto 13 hands, aged. Both steady to ride or drive, also a handsome horse pony 5 years old. Also very useful milk cart, harness, milk tankards, milk cans, pans, and measures, cre.1m pots, sieves, double action churn, &c. The Auctioneers beg to call the attention of farmers, dairymen, and others to the above Stock. The Cows and Heifers are handsome and in excellent condition. The young stock are very promising, and are by pedigree bulls out of pedigree cows. Detailed Catalogues are in course of preparation, and may be had nine days before the sale, on ap- plication to the Auctioneers, and at the place of Sale. Lunch by ticket at 11 30. and Sale at One o'clock prompt. 792f PRELIMINARY. Desirable FREF.TIOLD PROPERY in Mount-street, Wrexham, Denbighshire, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. BAUGH, J()NTE-\ and Co., at the Lion Hotel, Hope- street, on TL ESDAV, the 11th day of May, 1875, at i l ,,iy, 1875, -i t F-ur for Five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to con- ditions to be then and there produced and read, All thoss four substantially brick-built MESSUAGES or DWELLIXG-HOUSES, with the out-liouses, yards, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate and being Xis. 32, 33, 34, and 33, in Mount-street, in the Town and Borough of Wrexham, in the county of D nbigh, and now in the respective occupations of Messrs. John Griffiths, Michael Edwards, Pugh, and Owen Parry. The property is drained into the main sewer, and water from the works laid on. For furth T particulars apply to Mr Jxo. JONES, Solicitor, Wrexham, or the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. nc S ALE BY MESSRS. CHURTOX, ELPHICK & Co. fair i-,f the WHIT?: BEAR and PARK PLACE I V.Vani other PROPEllTY in the town of R ut ra n. NOTICE. 1.,HE SALE by AUCTION of the above Properties, advertised to be held on Monday, the 20th April instant, is unavoidably POSTPONED Until MAY 3rd, 1S75, when it will positively take j'lace. CHURTON, ELPHICK, & CO., 870s Auctioneers. ON ,I JX¡).Î.. Î. TH: ;IUI OF M VY. AXD XOT AS BUFuiJE ADVERTISED. RUTHIN, DENBIGHSHIRE. ale <,f tw> "hi rsta'Ai-heJ, ht-iis, s-veral excellent D\VI.'LJjlS<i FS, Sh'ips, Cottages, Yards, Oui-l/ii i.JS, Gird'as. and Building Land, in Weils-reet. Ll.au air iload, and Park Road, in thr imp 1 riant market t-wn sub- dirid d iii<i> .vr>U cmreiiient L'lts. >«"s-*Rs. OHUilTOX, ELPHICK, and CO., re- V. I1. s eclfully annnonnce hat they are instructed to scELL by .ILt not as be'ore advertised), at one for liaif-pa-o OIK- his agents may decide upon ,a1 ¡ ll'- time of sale, and subject to such conditions as | will be then 1 rodiiced, the undermentioned well- situa-ed, and verv vaUi tok FitEEHOLD PROPER- TIES. LOT 1. Two DWELLING HOUsRSand SHOP, situate ill ell-stre ,-t, oi: -uined by Richard Edwards and Ed- w ad Mostyii, with Stable and Hayluft over, at the rear thereof. Lot 2. An old establi_ shed Inn, or Public-house, with spirit vaults, called the White Bear, having frontages to "A ell-street and Llanfair road, in the holding of David liol.erts, together with the storehouse, coach- house, range of stabling, and other erections, and art of the garden at the rear thereof. Lot 3. Two well-built Messuages, or Dwelling-houses, ad- joining i.ot 2, having frontages to Llanfair-road' occupie 1 by Robert Evans and Marv Fouikes. Lot 4 to 1) inclusive, comprise several Gardens or pieces of frontages to Idanfair-road in the several occupations of IJavi,¡ HolJerts, l.ic]¡;tnl Edw.u-ds, Euward Mostyn, Robert Evans, and David Edwards (gardener), inlots as shown onthenLm which may be seen at tile offices of Mr Adams. Lot li). An old-established substantially built Inn, called Park Place," situate in lark-road, with the brewery and other out-buildings, yards, &c., held therewith by Hugh Williams. Lot 11. A large messuage or Dwelling-house, adjoining Lot ''routing Park-road, with the ctl)inf-t-iiialiei-'s slicil) outbuildings, yards, occupied by Mr Levi Junes, and a stable held by Edward Jones. Lot 12. Two Messuages, or Dwelling-houses, also adjoining Lot 10, fronting Park-road, held by Thomas Roberts, and Joseph Jones, (joiner). The respective tenants will kindly show the several lots. Anv further information may be had from Mr LLEWELYN ADAMS, Solicitor, Ruthin, or from Messrs ELPHICK, & Co., at their Offices, Whitchurch (Shropshire), and Chester. 870sf SALE BY MESSRS. TilOS. & E. HUGHES. CROSS FOXES INN, OVERTON BRIDGE, three miles from Ruabon and tioo from Overton. f? ESSR?. T. & E. HUGHES have been favoured ?fj. with instructions from Miss Negus, who is re- tiring from the business, to SELL by AUCTION, on Wednesday, 2sth April, IS75. the whole of her ex- cellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of kitchen, parlour, and bedroom requisites, Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, mahogany and other tal des, gofa, cane and hair seated chairs, mahogany lial '-tester bedsteads, iron ditto, mattrasses, feather bed-, bed linen, glass, china, breakfast, dinner and tea services, quantity of hooks, double-barrel gun, dairy vessels, patent mangle, patent washing ma- clrne. garden toies, lot of timber, lot of old iron, part of lire wing vessels, 2 excellent cows in profit, and a variety of indoor and outdoor effects, which will be enumerated in catalogues, to be had from the Auc- tioneers, and principal hotels in Chester, Wrexham, ()slve.,stry, Ruabon, and Bowling Green Hotel, Over- ton. sale at one o'clock prompt. Office-Overton and St. Martin's. 835s WREXHAM FAIR, 29th APRIL, 1875.  ? & ? HUGHES will SELL by AUC- 1".1. nON, in their Auction Mart, a lot of Fat ?r??)? '"TS ???'' Barrens, Fat Calves, Fat ??aeeep and Lambs, a lot of Porket Pigs. I Rale to commence at 10 o'clock prompt. j Offices—Overton and St. Martins. 7378 Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. THE SALE at Plasissa, advertised to take place -L on Wednesday, April 28th, 1875, IS POSTPONED. The Stock will be sold on Thursday next, at the Auction Mart. FRANCIS LLOYD, 882f Auctioneer. Sale of Live Stock, Household Furniture, Dairy and Brewing Vessels, L-c., at the Plough Inn, Worth- enbury. MR. LLOYD has been instructed by the Mort- gagee under a bill of sale, to sell by Auction, on the premises aforesaid, on Monday, the 26th day of April, 1875, the whole of the out-door Effects, Household Furniture, &c., comprising LIVE STOCK.—Four capital dairv cows, two pigs. HOUSEHOLD FUUXITURE—Oak dresser and shelves, eight-day clock, Windsor, oak, and other chairs, fire screens, Pembroke, two-leaf, oak and other tables, bureau, pictures, set of dinner service, housekeeper's cupboard, &c., &-c. DAIRY—Cheese press, wheel churn, cream pote, &c., &c. BREWERY—A quantity of brewing vessels. THE BEDROOM FURNITURE comprise iron, French, and other bedsteads, feather beds, blankets, sheets, and counterpanes, cane-seated and other chairs, washstands, and services, dressing tables, night com- mode, swing and other looking glasses, towel rails, fender and fire-irons, &c., &c. A Stack of Hay. OUT-DOOR EFFECTS Wheelbarrow, winnowing machine, pig troughs, sundry tools, and a large quan- tity of other effects too numorous to mention. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. 840f FAIR DAY. THE NORTH WALES & CHESHIRE AUCTION MART. WREXHAM. MR. LLOYD (late Jones & Lloyd), respectfully an- iTi. nounces that he will SELL BY AUCTION, in his Mart, on Thursday, April 29th, 1875, a splendid lot ot Magnificent Fat Cattle, Bullocks, and Heifers, Cows and Calves, Calving Cows and Heifers, Barrens, Stirks, &c. 12 Very ripe Scotch Bullocks, the property of T. LI. Fitz Hugh, Esq. 2 Roan short-horn pure bred yearling bulls, pedigree, time of sale; owner, T. R. Parry, Itsq., Holt Lodge. A grand selection of fat and Store Sheep A prime lot of fat Pigs and Calves Sale at ten o'clock prompt. Plassey, Wrexham. 158b MR. LLOYD gives notice that he intends pre- senting at next Christmas Show Dinner, in addition to the usuil cups, value zC42 15s., 1st prize, a Silver Cup, value X7 10s. 2nd prize, a piece of plate, val ue X3 3s. Will be presented to the Seller whose live stock realizes the largest amount of money in the Auction Mart, or elsewhere during the present year from January 1st to December 13th (Christmas Show Day), both days inclusive; any gentleman winning either first or second prize and not wishing to compete against a tenant farmer, will be awarded with a silver Medal, the farmer coming next will receive first prize. A cup or piece of plate, value S3 10s., will be given to the buyer of the larg-est amount of stock between January 1st and December 13th, inclusive. Sellers and buyers will please keep their bills as a guide. -f Highly important Sale of Shoi-t-Horn CATTLE, &-c., at- BRYN-Y-PYS FARM, Situate one mile from Overton, three-and-a-half from Ruabon, and six from Wrexham. MR. LLOYD has great pleasure in announcing In that he has been favoured with instructions from Edmund Peel, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, in his Farm Yard, situate as above, on FRIDAY, April 30th, 1875, 21i head of short-horn cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, dairy vesaels, &c., The cattle including— 12 Magnificent short-horn young dairy cows, calved and to calve. 4 Splendid two-year-old purebred heifers. 1 Ditto yearling heifer. 7 Hearing bulls and heifer calves—choice colours. (The young stock are all by pure bred bulls). 1 Remarkably fine dark roan short-horn two-year old bull. (For pedigree see catalogue.) 1 Very prime short-horn bullock, very suitable for a Christinas show beast. 1 Ripe fat cow, heavy weight. 1 Roan waggon horse, Farmer," 16-2 high, very active and powerful. 2 Berkshire sows, in-pig. 50 Cross-hred ewes and lambs, breed Shropshire and Large 01 un. The Dairy Vessels comprise three new patent cheese presses (maker, J as. Cornes), 11 pairs of cheese vats (new), size 13 £ 12J, IU, H3, 11; 8 pairs of suiter boards, wey tubs, &c., etc. The Auctio er has great confidencein (lirecting public attention lo the above highly valuable stock, Mr Peel's present emplove having judiciously and carefully at- tended to the breeding of his stock, and always en- deavoured to ootain the very best short-horn bulls, regardless of expense. It will be fouitd on inspection I that they are of a superior class, and deserve particu- ar notice. I Luncheon, by ticket, at One o'clock, sale to com- mence at Two o'clock most punctually. Catalogues may be obtained from the Auctioneer, or place of sale. Plassey, Wrexham. 879s SALE BY MR SXAP&. Important, Sale of Cart and Carriage Harness, Stone Wagon, Cart. Wagonette, Pony and Harness, Two- Wheel Drag, &c., (L'c, MR. SXAPE WILL SELL BY AUCTION, in the IvjL Lion House Yard, Wrexham, on Thursday, April 29th, IS75, a large quantity of strong and well- made cart harness, collars and bridles, single and douhle silver-mounted carriage harness, pony harness, I cast iron mangers, with wrought iron cratches, stone wagon, iron pumps, &c, the property of Peter Walker, Esq. Also an excellent wagonette for single or double draught, a capital black mare pony, 13 hands, 4 years old two-wheel drag (by Jacksons), set of trap harness, useful broad-wheel cart, set of harness and riding saddle, a 5-pull beer engine in good working condition, with lead piping complete, &c., &c. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock, punctually. Catalogues may be had from the Auctioneer at his office. Lion House, Wrexham. 871a SALE BY MR JOHN JONES. MR JOHN ,JOES will SELL by AUCTION, at I ?YjL the Vegetable Market. Wrexham, (removed for convenience of sale), on Monday, April 26, 1875, Household Furniture, comprising, iron and other bed- steads, chairs, sofas, nier and toilette glasses, chests of drawers, sets of chamber ware, tea and coffee ser- vices, cruet stands, a large variety of vases and lustres, engravings in gilt and manle frames, a large assortment of ladies, gents, and children's boots and shoes. Also a large number of second-hand books. Full narticulars in posters. Auctioneers' Offices, 34, York-street, Wrexham. 895b SALE BY MR. JAMES TAYLOR. NEXT THURSDA Y, APRIL 29th. 1875 (FAIR DAY.) Vfl~ R J AMES TAYLOR has been commsqioned by ,4 Mr Thomas Roberts to SELL by AUCTION, I without reserve, on the fair day as above, close to the National School, in the Cattle Market, Wrexham, the undermentioned LIVE STOCK, Implements, Carts, Carriages, Gears, &-c. 24 Sliropshire-down ewes and lambs and one ram, large in-pig sow, broad wheel cart. 2 spring shandries, 2 useful gigs, one nearly new, Whitechapel in excel- lent condition, several lots of shaft and chain gears and harness, do do. of cart thripples, about 20 iron hurdles, large patent sheep rack, "Hornsby's" and other ploughs. 2 sets of iron harrows, iron cultivator and scuffler, also a number of powerful and useful draugh and carriage horses, cobs. and ponies, to- gether with such others as may with Mr Roberts' (Golden Lion Vaults) and the Auctioneer's permission be entered up to the morning of sale. Sale at 10 o'clock most punctually. 907s GEORGE FRANCIS BYFORD BEGS to announce that, at the request of JL) numerous friends, he has commenced business as AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, And hopes by strict attention to the interests of his employers to merit their support. Plas yn LIan, Ruthin, April 14th, 1875. 842s Business Annoucnements SUMMER FASHIONS. T. C. JON E S BEGS to inform his Friends that having just returned from London, he is now prepared with a large STOCK of Newest GOODS in all the following Departments for the present season :— MILLINERY, FANCY DRESSES, HOSIERY, MANTLES, GLOVES, JACKETS, WOOLLENS, SHIRTINGS, CARPETS, LINENS, &c., &c. N.B.-To meet the growing Wollen Trade T. C. J. has engaged Mr E. HUGHES, formerly with Mr J. Clark, to superintend his TAILORING DEPARTMENT. 10, Church-street, Wrexham, April 23, 1875. 903s W. & J. PR1 CHARD, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, Respectfully intimate that on and after Wednesday next, the 28th inst., they will shew a very recherche collection of LONDON AND PARIS TRIMMED BONNETS AND HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, MONTURES, &c. 909r MRS. SCOTT RESPECTFULLY announces that she will make her usual display of FASHIONS, in MANTLES, MILLINERY, COSTUMES, &c., &c., on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 28th in- stant, and following days. 31, HIGH-STREET, April, 1875. WREXHAM. 908c LONDON HOUSE TAILORING AND OUT- FITTING ESTABLISHMENT. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Begs to inform his customers that every De- partment through the house is replete with all the latest patterns and shapes for the season. In the tailoring department is shown one of the largest stocks of Woollens in town, com- prising a sefection of West of Eugland, and Scotch Tweeds, also Black Doeskins and Black Broads. FANCY COATINGS OF THE NEWEST STYLES. R, W. wishes to call special attention to the celebrated all wool 16s 6d Trousers made to order in variety of shades and patterns. Also his 45s. Suits are not to beequall dt? regard quality, style and fit. All purchasers should inspect R. W.'s Stock before buying. He asks no favour, but simply desires that his customers should com- pare the quality and prices of his goods with those of other shops and farm their own con- elusions. ROBERT WILLIAMS, 24, Abbott Street, and 1, Chamber Street, Wrexham, and Star Shop, High-street, Brymbo. 906f WE ARE NOW WELL STOCKED WITH NEW TWEEDS for SUITS from 50s. N EW DESIGNS in TWEEDS and c HEVIOTS, for TROUSERS, from 15s. 6d. CHOICE BER LIN COATINGS, from which w E MAKE a COAT and V E S T at 45s. jjg LUE SERGE SUITS, well Shrunk, 42s. OUTFITS FOR ALL CLIMATES. A SUIT MADE IN EIGHT HOURS. ROBEHTS AND WILSON, MERCHANT TAILORS, 24, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 863r FASHIONS. BROWN, HOLMES & CO. Beg to announce that they will make their principal display of French and English Fashions for the Summer Season, on Tuesday next, the 27th instant, and following days. As there is considerable Novelty, oth in Form and Material, Ladies will be I interested by a visit of inspection. SJLK MERGERS TO HER MAJESTY AND H R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Chester, April, 1875. 331e NOTICE. MR J 0 H N CORFIELD, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, WERN FARM, LLANBEDR, RUTHIN, (LATE OF RHYL), Begs mos, respectfully to inform Stock Holders, Farmers, and the Public generally, that. lias com- menced operations as Auctioneer and Valuer in the district of Ruthin, and the Vale of ClwM, &c., and avails himself of the opportunity to solicit. the support of the community at large, hoping that by energetic attention to business, together with prompt and speedy settlements, and discharge of the trust and duty imposed, to merit the confidence and patrosage so liberally hitherto accorded him at Rbjl and other places. Valuations for Probate. Valuations f -r Dead and Live Stocks. Valuations of Drapery Stocks, &c. Valuations of Cabinet and Household Furniture. Valuations of Glass and China Stocks. Valuations of Paintings and Articles of Vertu, And General Stocks in Trade. JOHN CORFIELD, Auctioneer. P.S.—Inquiry Offices: Mr John Hughes, Mr Robert Loyd, Cross Keys Hotel, Chemist, Market-place, RUTHIN. Messengers in attendance. 894r I Business Announcements. SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS. 26, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, SILKS. DRESSES. I MANTLES AND SHAWLS. MILINERY. COSTUMES. SKIRTS. FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. SUNSHADES. RIBBONS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. LACES. HABERDASHERY. CALICOES AND LINENS. APRIL, 1875. E SMITH, HAVING removed to the more commodious Premises (lately occupied by Mr Broughton, Druggist), 26, HIGH-STREET, purposes making a SPECIAL DISPLAY of SUMMER FASHIONS on WEDNESDAY NEXT, April 28th, and following days. Preparations have been made for showing the latest and choicest NOVELTIES, and for layin; before liii Cavio nr; tirou; loni ths^seaso n constant supply of NEW GOODS in inexpensive styles and materials, as well as in the richer character of Goods. Especial attention has been given to the DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY departments, and the new SHOW ROOM will be well supplied with the choicest Styles and Newest Shapes in HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, &c., &c. An inspection of same is respectfully solicited. 904rc BEEHIVE ES TAB LIS HM ENT. MOLD AND FLINT. MESSRS. J. JONES & CO., PROPRIETORS, BEGS respectfully to inform their Friends and the Public that they have just received a large and well-assorted STOCK of SPRING GOODS of the newest fashion and best description. SPECIAL LOT OF BLACK SILKS, CHEAP! THEY HAVE ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF TABLE COVERS LINEN SHEETING CARPETS COUNTERPANES HEARTHRUGS BLANKETS MATS TICKS OILCLOTHS MUSLIN CURTAINS. AND COCOA-NUT MATTING FRENCH CRETONNES THEY HAVE ALSO A LARGE SUPPLY OF WOOLLEN GOODS, WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING AT VERY LOW PRICES. 853fc HUGHES AND SON 56, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, Beg to call attention to their Large New Stock of WALL-PAPERS FOR 1875. 692r CAMBRIAN DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, WREXHAM-STREET, MOLD. CHARLES \Y H E L D O N BEG to announce that the above Establishment is now open with a complete new and well-assorted Stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, consisting of Woollens, Flannels, Prints, Calicoes, Silks, Shawls, and Dress Materials, of the most new and best approved patterns, at the very lowest possible prices. MILLINERY, MANTLES, AND DRESSMAKING. All orders entrusted in the above Department will have the attention of the most competent hands. A CHOICE SELECTION OF SCOTCH TWE EJD S, WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS, IN THE MOST CHOICE PATTERNS. Suits to Measure £ 2 2s. 0d., £ 2 10s. Od, £ 3 0s. Od. Trousers 16s., 18s. AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL OBLIGE. 820e G EORGE ARBUR T ON, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL DECORATIVE PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, CARVER AND GILDER, 16, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. G. W. returns his grateful acknowledgment to the Nobility, Gentry, and Friends generally, for the liberal patronage they have conferred upon him the last Thirty-seven years, since his commencement in Business, and begs to inform them that he has RE- MOVED to the above premises (from Chester-street), and to assure them that it shall be his constant study to deserve and increase it by prompt attention to their commands, likewise by keeping a stock of the best materials, with which, and good workmanship combined with economy, he solicits a further continu- ance of their support. Country orders punctually attended to, and work done to any amount by measurement, day, or con- tract. CARVING AND GILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE FRA3IES, CONSOLE TABLES, AND CORNICE MANUFACTURER. OLD OIL PAINTINGS REPAIRED AND RESTORED. OLD WORK REGILT EQUAL TO NEW. G.W. begs to intimate that he has received a large supply of choice OLEOCXRAAHS from the old and living masters, and invites an inspection of the same. N B.—Workshops—Williams's Court, 42, Chester-st. 627rf CONSTITUTIONAL AND DIGESTIVE WHOLE BROWN MEAL BISCUITS. J. gTEYEHS BEGS specially to call the attention of his customers to the above BISCUITS, extensively used in London and the provinces. Specially adapted for invalids. To be had only from 46, HOPE-STREET, 516c WREXHAM. An Apprentice Wanted. GEORGE GOSWELL, HORSE-BREAKER TO SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, ACTON TERRACE, RHOSNESSNEY, WREXHAM. 873e BEADY NEXT WEEK, THE pENNY QUIDE TO WREXHAM AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. WREXHAM BAYLEY AND BRADLEY, ADVERTISER" OFFICE. A few Advertisements can be inserted, and should be forwarded at once. F.r terms, apply to the Publishers. e TO THE WORKING CLASSES OF WREXHAM .tL AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. If you want a Good and Cheap Dinner, go to the WORKING MEN'S CLUB, Mount-street, Wrexham, where you get a good dinner, meat and potatoes, for 5d, pudding Id, soup l.Jd per basin, tea per cup Id. Lodgings for respectable men, 3s per week; use of bath, and washing, included, or taken as Boarders at a reasonable rate. To working men desirous of joining the Club, the advantages of which are numerous such as a first- class Reading-Room and Library, Chess, Draughts, and Bagatelle, the table has just been put in tirst- class order. Also, Billiard-Room, which has been entirely reuovated; new patent cotton balls, new cues, new and improved billiard cushions by Orme & Sons, Manchester, &c., Lt-c. Terms of Membership 4s (id per year, 2s6'd half do., Is 3d quarter, Od monthly, 2d weekly. Casual Visitors Id. Persons under eighteen not admitted. HOT AND COLD BATHS ALWAYS READY. 708s PATRONISED BY THE ARISTOCRACY OF EUROPE. A IZ& p H I L L I P S Elegant Preparation for the Hair, INDIAN E LIN. This beautiful Exotic Oil possesses the fol- lowing peculiar and valuable properties:— It imparts to the hair a splendid gloss with a most delicious perfume. It gives to the hair a very dark appearance, and by its use light air is made to appear many shades darker, and light red hair as- sumes a rich golden auburn tint. It speedily restores weak or thin hair, and causes it to grow with the most rapid luxuri- ance. It fixes the hair in any position for a great length of time in the hottest apartments and by its use Bandoline and Cosmetiques may be entirely dispensed with. It is invaluable to those who wear the hair curled, whilst to Volunteers who wish for a military abear- ance, it is particularly recommended. Indian Zelin has since its introduction into England rapidly superseded all other oilsS pomades for beautifying and nourishing the hair, and is now almost exclusively used by the aristocracy in England and the Colonies. Sold by most Chemists I?ers,in bottles, at 21 3d each. Wrexham By Mr J. F. Edisbury, and Mr  2113rs SPRING AND SUnIEX FASHIONS. 1875. THOSE  have money  are sure to pur- chase where they can buy their goods the best and cheapest, ?? goods the best Therefore, LIVERPOOL If you wish to have the most CUTTER LIVERPOOL FASHIONABLE CUTTER ?S?ER?? ? Materials for Spring and CUTTER LIVERPOOL Summer SUITS, CUTTER ?L?ER? ? At lowest cost cut by the CUTTER  Noted Liverpool CUTTER LIVERPOOL Cutter, where perfect fit CUTTER TLTIV? ERPOOL is aranteed, try CUTTER LIVERPOOL T. C.fJONES, CUTTER LIVERPOOL Glasgow House, Cefn. CUTTER t Gentlemen are privileged to return any garment | ordered if it do not meet with decided approval t Glasgow House, Cefn. 881r Business Announcements* OLD BANK CLOTHING ESTABLISH- MENT, 43, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. HEAVT Purebaso-s have been made for the present JH. Season, consisting of MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND GENERAL OUTFITTING. Every Department has been entirely replenished with New Goods. AH Garments can be thoroughly recommended. Deing well-made, fashionable, and good value. THE PRICES RUN AS FOLLOWS !— MEN'S BLACK SUITS FROM 30s TO 80s. MEN'S BLACK COATS FROM 12s TO 45s. MEN'S BLACK AND BLUE WORSTED COATS AND VESTS TO MATCH FROM 30s. TWEED SUITS 30s TO 60s. TWEED COATS 10s TO 30s. BLACK AND TWEED TROUSERS 7s 6d TO 22s. A GOOD SELECTION OF TROUSERS AND VESTS TO MATCH. BOYS AND YOUTHS DEPARTMENT. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, 5s. to 30s. Youths' Eton Suits, 10s. to 40s. WOOLLEN CLOTH DEPARTMENT. This Department consists of an unusual variety of West and Scotch Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Silk Mixtures, Black Superfines, andIDoeskins. Every attention is given in the execution of all ordersu HAT & CAP DEPARTMENT. Silk Hats 5s. t0 Ift Felt Do Is. lid. to 7s. 5d. STRAW HATS VERY CHEAP. AN EARLY INSPECTION IS SOLICITED. April, 1875. 8450 SPECIALITIES FOR SPRING, 1875. THE following are among the leading lines JL just received by W. & J. PRICHARD, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Real Washing Matelasst; Cloth.71d. per yard. Balerno Alpacas, in 12 shades..lll^-d. „ Pure Lustre Alpaca, in 10 shades. 12,1(1. Glac6 Mohair, in all shades .Is tid. „ Arabian Lustre, bright as silk, and most durable, in 12 choice tints. Is. ltid. „ Japanese Silks, in greys and browns Is. 3d., Is. 6d., Is. 9d., 2s. 3d. „ Together with an unusually large assortment of other new and elegant DRESS MATERIALS, At extremely moderate prices. Special delivery of real China Crape Scarfs. 2s. tid. to 10s. tid. Skirts, Costumes, Cuirasse, Tablieres; Jackets, Mantillas, Rotondes, in new designsL just arrived from London and Paris. Extraordinary value in- Muslin Curtains, 3s 6ll to 30s per pair. Leno do. 3s lid to 40s Lace do. 4s od to 32s „ Swiss do. 30s to 80s „ Also the new MALTESE LACE CURTAINS Combining lightness and elegance of appear- ance with extreme durability. W. & J. PRICHARD, DRAPERS AND UNDERTAKERS, WREXHAM. 850es WELSH SCYTHE-STONES. "pOMLEY AND T) AN I ELS, SCYTHE-STONE MAKERS, RUABOX. 892r SEED! SEED!! SEED!!? CORN EXCHANGE, WREXHAM, Opposite the Vegetable Market. EVAN WILLIAMS BEGS to thank the Agriculturists of Denbighshire for their liberal patronage during the last 18 years, in Wrexham and to invite an inspection of his new and first-class stock of SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, including Vale of Clwyd Red Clover (very suDPSerinrt' Hereford Clover, White Dutch, Trefoil? ?o? Grass Alsike Clover, Scotch, English, Vetches, Swede and Turnip Seed, &c., &c.. I ALSO AT BAILEY STREET, OSWESTRY. 54le W EBB'S PRIZE STOCKS OF HOME GROWN FARM SEEDS. CARRIAGE PAID WEBB'S IMPERIAL SEED. Price Is per lb. Cheaper by the bushel or cwt. IN 1874 The heaviest crop of Swedes in ENGLAND OR WALES Weighing the enormous weight of 44 tons 8 cwts. 2 qrs. per acre, was el grown from WEBB'S IMPERIAL SWEDE, which has proved itself the Heaviest Cropping Hardiest and most nutritious variety in cultivation. From MESSRS G. & J. PERRY, Acton Pigot. Dec. 30.1874.-We have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellence of your Imperial Swede which we consider the heaviest and handsomest in cultivation. We have this season taken first prizes at the following places:—Manchester, Wolverhampton and Wordsley, in competition open to the United Kingdom. WEBB'S IMPROVED COL. NORTH YELLOW GLOBE MANGOLD, Is the largest, heaviest cropping, and best in cultiva tion. Price, Is per lb. Cheaper by the cwt. Twenty Silver Cups and other prizes, amounting in, value to upwards of X150, will be awarded at OUT an- nual Root Show in November next. Particulars on application. EDWARD WEBB & SONS" SEED GROWERS, WORDSLEY, Seed FarmKINVER HILL. STOURBRIDGE Seed Famt :-KINVER HILL.. AGENT-THOMAS PUGH Union Placa, OSWESTty Who attends Wrexh9amA, OSswSa^Stm tSi*r SSl^m ??p..? ?.S?MS?-NN