STUM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN M EN AI MMIXSE. ISANGOK. UKAUMAIIIS, LLAN- DUDNO AND LIVERPOOL. ? /N and '??' November 2nd, rl (an" ?.til further notice), the City I)ubl?'st."?? Packet Company intend t" ?iii one of their steamers hom Menai Brieve on Kri lays at 10 a m. Fi i 'in Li\'l'11"1 every W,lncsdI\Y. Cargo will be reo eeivoil at the Clarence Dock at Liverpool up to Tuesday evening e n il week. Applications a he fore M''?'i I'ri't o 2!Hh Oc'ober, 1808. Tl7lTll.'YAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. For Fin", Llt(. a"u .Marine Assurance, nnl! tor Annuities A. 1). 1720 1-y t,, f Ki.g G?,g. the Fillt, nml confirmed by Special Act, of Parliament. Chief Otlice in the Royal Exchange, London, Branch, 29, P..11 Mall. assured with this Corporation incur no liabilities of Partnership. Payment of their claims is secured by a large invested Capital Stock. They enjoy the advantages IIf modern practice, with the italn\i*y "f all office which has lweu teste\! by the ex- perk'net! »»f neat ly a Century aud a half. Tables of the premiums and of the Bonus in the life- Department, may be obtained at the oiffces of the Cor- poration, or fr »m its Agent* in the priucipul towns of the United Kingdom. 9 JO 1\ A. HIGH AM, Achiarv and Secretary. 1MI t >1; I'AiNT TO ADVfcUU'lSEUS. TH8 WHITEHAVEN NEWS, (1"i.,I<,</ i very Thursday and Saturday morning,) OHUTUVrKS !S ONE 188UE. MOKE COPIES THAN AH, THF. '"? \.rHHK wmTKHAVEN NEWSPAl'ERS rUT T?UETHEH. TIlH Circulation extends throughout the T whole of the County of Cumberland, a portion of Wes'tmoreland, Lancashire, Dublin, the Isle of Man, Bir and Liverpool, in which places there are agents who receive regular parcels oi tne paper. meiisioi tub^ includes the names of the most influential mrr("an1.ih;. and agricultural gentlemen, and iron-ore pro- prict'K, as well a. the pnncipal gentry of Cumberland and Westmoreland. l'l«u"niKTOR WILLIAM ALSOP, To whom all orders for Advertisements or Papers must be addressed. Offices 14S, Queen Street and 4. Roper Street luteliaveii ~T) [ x N K Y\niiy^¥iAfwu For Thiity Years the Medical Profess.*m have approved of this pure solution as the hest remedy for Acidity of the ST< >MACIf, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE tioUT and INDIGESTION AJI,1 as a mil,1 Aperient tor delicate constitutions, especialiv adapted for ladies, chiidreu, and Infants. When combine.I with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a nio»t agreeable effervescing draught, in which it aperient and ooling qualities aw much increased. In warm sfj'isons and warm climates this simple pr(i?).?"n?wi?) t?n REGULAULY, has been found highly Dinneford and Co., Chemists, &c., 172. NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, Sold hi <tH respectable Che,Hist* throughout the World. Cm'TIun.- See that ''Dinneford & ( is au each b,.ttle and red label over the cork. 73 Under uie IMvoU- And tlie Himcipa age of the Queen And t?.P'.ncit.a The onlv Real (\;i-p wiihout inw ard Medicine is ID' 'P?R s KOYAL ISA II PMSTEKS, J for Coughs, Asthma, Hoi rseness. Indigestion, Paij?ti??"f<)'e?'oup)-'?<?insC.'ni;h,!n- flaen/i, Chn nic Strains, Bruises. Lumbago, or Pains in byt'.??!<)'u).d:HMtHhemn?tn;?tfcctinu!i.Ui!.e.?csot the('?t..ui.) Local Pains. FitoNi THorsA:"n8 OF WONIIKKKUI. CUHKS Spinal Complaint o/30 f'eal",>: Sfo.uAillf./ and RltettdtatÜnn qf the Hil, Naffetton, December 18th, 1862* Messrs Hoper and Son,—Gentlemen. I w.?naietfr) with a pain in the spine of .?y back for 30 'nl's. and of yiitr Pliist(-i,,i itl)ottt two y!ar.? since, I procured oiie, and after applying it found iclicf the first night, and have been free from pain ever since. I was also troiibled wit)) rheumatism in the hip, and applied one with the same results. As I havo received so much betn tir from the Ust' orYII\11' Hppcr's Plasters, 1 havo seut you ihU foj the benefit of others suffering in the same way. Yours, &c., THOJL.S BROWN. From r. Cupi. Esq., M,K.V.C., Author of the Prize I-I?i.?y the Diseases of the Liv,, of the Horse. ,? ) (.U '? Diss, '22.,1, 1851. I Gentlemen,—For the b4 three winters >'rs. l'upi<.1q felt a yreat delicacy of tho Thest, accompanied with easional pain, couuh and hoarseness. Ha\'iH had yo .r valuable Koper's Koyal Bath Plaster recommended to he?, 'I". t,.? of one and it was attended witht he most hendiejal eifect, in consequence of wh ch Nhe has made frequent use of them, aud invariably with tbe same good re>uhs. —I remain, FHANCIS CUPISS. Unprincipled S hopkeepers, for the s..kcuf gain, have tended ;}lnr\uí:\ il\\nat\ns. Purchasers are, therefore, cautioned to Notice the words, "Ropers Royal Hath PlastO^ en .'raved on the government -tamp, and the Autograph on thc back. » "'rq):l'ell only by Rt. Hoper ami ¡)n, cnemists, Mioinoiu. On :lC:I:n,r:)iT:rnBé\t, IIn,l thet.ums?'?HN?M)Mo(theH!<stttn CHme,w)?e "The trees drop balsams, and on all the boughs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it flows." or direct by post on receipt of Is 4d, or Is each il) püst. age stamps. Sold by most patent nwdicille vendorti in the United KinH,1otH. I'll, OF I-NIITA'I'IONS I-B. particular aud ask for lioper's Plasters. 1.2'  ::r ?ER?PERRINS' ;,( WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. j ? r?oun? ? Bcc?M | ? by ConnoiMeun. ?? M?kfof  THE ONLY ^|"LEA & PERRINS"; LtA'PÚIINS I ? "MOD SAUCE," "J SAUCE. j 'I ? See name on wrapper, label, bottle, and ¡ ? stopper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London, j I: and by all dealers in S???". ?BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. | ;i LEA & PERRINS, | WORCESTER. __n- 6S4 ESTABLISHED 1807, THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM PRINTING W0UKS HIGH STREET, BANGOR, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I Executed with Neatness and Expeduion, on the MOST PAVI'HIF'rs, RIKCULARS, CATALOlH'ES, :OL'IE'I'lE:-i' RULES, REPORTS, I HAND BILLS, PILL-HEADS, CHECK HOOKS, &e I Executed in a superior mannir. AUCTION BILLS, PO S T E R S, &c- Well displayed, anil on the Shortest Noticc. ADVEltTISKMK.NTS liFCKTVKD FOlt ALL THE LONDOK AND COUSTllY NEWSPAPERS. THE FORTH WALES CHRONICLE Is lHihlished every 'Friday niyht. p.t F.ij:ht o'clock, price OHICE.-Cuxton House. High Street, Hangor. TI OMLINSON & CO.'S BUTTER POWDER, FOR ..u?h.K tiood. Swect, Md Firm Butter ALL T? Y?t mov l?time of Clitil-nitig oftentimes of hours tuminutp? ?d t<H<mK ?wayM.yu.iptea.sMttmteofT_ur- Hiv», Unugold:i Garhe, Weeds, Dead J.eavcs Ca^e. &C. So*l everywhere, m P?keM M, 6d, Is, -s M Md 78ÛÙ MCh. I I IKBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT I :G EN UIN E' Mnufctnred on the E.tsbli,hments M R. TOOTH, Esq, 8Jd iey Paris Kxhi* ition, "Mors Concours The chemical aUI)sis of Dr. Miller p, .?. tbat this Extr.ct b unsurpassed in comi osition, For Bt:d-Tca, SOUl'S, and Ga?-i.,s, on. onu« e of ",trsct I, cqul to two pounds of best K,a?y bee*. —2 os., 2s 4 oz., 39. 9d lb., 78 6d. I lb., 148 in Jau %?ith Th(, s 1'.t? -t stoppers. Insis'tonh?vh.tjMr.TOOTH'SMM'tfactnM LIEBI(;'s EXTKACT m' MEAT BIS ?UITS (Coleman's Pate"t), really delicIOus highly ..triti,e ,,d economical in- valuable to Travellers, Sportsmen, Invalltl, &c very suitable for Iii iieheon. -TI Is. :'8 and Hs 9". e*ch LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT LOZENGES (Coleman's Patent), in Boies, Is., 2B Gd.; and IS 6,1.1 palatable and con- venient. SoM by RICHARD HunnFM, Chemist, Bangor. W. J. COLEMAN & CO., 13, St. Mary-at-Hill, I ondon, E.C. 1230 ROBINSON, HOME AND E: P >RT SI AVE MERCHANT. LONDON: 4, COLEMAN STREET, E.C. MILLWALL DOCKS, AND CORN MARKET STREET, OXFORD. 1620 READ THE WARNING VOICE. To THE I:EIJIL11\TEO.- r. "'1IIilh tlit* I-C:C r.»tefl rhl!\ir.i-II '011111 i iirt- oi Nt-1 vmui» Dehil i <'i»nlto Se"d hy pust, fr e** i»i a copj nt his insa'u ,bl w<>» k, ht* W irninu Voice(18ft p tye*) H. M • dii-rtl WOI k un the t ort- hy Medicine 0111\ of t'f\(lII!Ö ifhiiiu. I'rtinit l Dit-ati tI, Mental and PIJ\Iiea! Ot'pn!1inll, Pal- If th H"rt. Noi»«»s III 'In* Mead in Kai s, Inflection, Impairi-d .¡gilt lid \1 Plllnry, I nrligptioll, 1.08S III Koerg\ alld VpitetiTc, I* iins in the hack ;tntJ Timidity, *elM>iuirusi, I)iz. iMicti-, Ln\f ot S, ilnd<, Gioiuidless K> ar<>, &c. ltin importallt Hook contAln?- th«* Pn- « iiptions and Instroclioiis b which 1113n) 11).>o« tints of Hi, Smiths p 11£'I,td haq" het-n restored 10 heaith alPI vigour, xiter KlfCirii ii and 1\11 lither lalseK-callcd rcuifdies had tade<i. Sfnt t't'f u-ider seil, to ;llJY f\dilre". UII receipt of a ooNsui-T A LONEON PHYSICIAN. Pr, llIi\J1 « II 101' the Ht i;eiii 01 1'l'II:iIlI. Mdt. rinjf from Ner vows IM>\ uy, \c., ou vvceiviutf a dterripton (d their :(: losing a >t imped ditt't ted envelt p. for rrpK), senti his writte o p io with ad\ire and rfiiections, for the most tuccef-et t.eatmc'it and ore. Address. Or. Stnitb, 8, Burton Crescpnt. Lnndon, W.C.KJ44 Ail Restr o i.ymta, CTHOEDDEDIG AC AR WEUTH Gaa H. HUMPHREYS. CAERYNARFON, Ac If werth gan y Llyfrwerthwyr yo gylfredinol. LlyfrauAddysg a Gwybodaeth Gyffredlnol. ADDYSG Cl.amben i'r B(?bl, dwygyfrol, Iledr, 383; llian 32 0 A D\\?(J(Jlil;ë,I'¡;BII, itli:1 n g Oetholion Addyn^ Cliambers i'r by.,d l?. 6 (' 3umadell Barddonlaeth, g.? H Hugh (Teg?1) I.; Ihan I 0 Oramadeg Cymraeg, gan H Hughes (Tegal) 2s.; IliaQ 2 6 Grtimad"l{ Cymrei" John Mendu8 J. 2,.6?.; Ili?. 3 0 C,y,?.,??b It iog C)'mra It. ön H.,?, (r?g.,). 0 6 Crynodeb o Knuadeg Cymra g, tan H. Hughes rfegai). 0 6 Cyfaill yr Y.nlor. gan I) 'rityl?li (Ciwy f4rdd) 0 & r Lienor Dlwyllledig, gan Iorwerth Glan Aled, Ulan 2 8 Geiriadur Cymraeg aSae^oneg, gan Arfonwyson, lIedr 1 0 Hunan-cytarwyddydd Gymro ddysgu yr taith Saesoueg 0 Llrfr Llvtliyrau Cymrsei: a S.tenoneg, arcrafflad diwygedig 0 8 Voeabtilmry- Llyfr o i mJdiddanion Cymraeg a Saesoneg 0 6 Amddiffyniad j'r laith Gytnraeg, gany Parch.K W, Morgan 0 6 n..rl.rh "'rddrl'hnU' ur W^liliHOlh. 1111.11 Arln"w!JoInn 0 (j, Oogydduetti; <ef Cydytnaith y \Vr«»g a'r Korwyn, llian Y Garddwr Cymreig, wedl ei gttsglu o'r Gweithiau goreu 0 Llyfr at I'dufl Celfylall, gan J. W. Karey, 0 America 0 6 Cyfrifydd Pdrod at Uwyo Moeh. 111 fJi o tesur tiatllng 0 6 Lly.neulytr Teulnaidd (dros 100 0 ddarlunht.u) gall D T. Jones, Lianllyfnl, a T Parry, Gtaitygors, 3s. tic; Ihwiedlg 4 i Llyfrau Cerddorol, 0EMAU T.??,, Cynulleidfaol, 1,; )'da ph?p,?r 111?ell,,Ilg 1 6 J Udgorn Scion, 1)?wi Wyllt (,.1 0 do:au,) 2, 6d; IhdO 3 0 Yr Attmw Cerddorol, gan David Hughes, Uauddeusaut 0 6 C&Il1iad Dewisul 0 hen Do???,? h 6?. i un arall 2 6 Llyfrau at ysgrifeno Cerddorlaetli yr un, o 6<. 5 0 Llyfrau Ysg?I. &c- \TR Kgw>'ddor Gymreig ar Uerdyn (4c. y dwsin) yr un 0 01 I Y Llyfr 1',g.),?l :?i ,,?: ) .y un 0 I Y Ll,(, Ysgul OW! GdlÜou; (l 4,. y d-,t?) -y; I? 'I00 Y Sillydd, lie 4rweinmd Hall1"lIe;.c Cis- 8c. y dwsin) yr 1111 0 4 The EHl(hh Battledore (4c. ac k y Iw?,?. )r un ^c a 0 I Humphreys'Penny English Primer (8? y d.?i,?) yr nn 00 1 Humphieys'Twopenny English Primer ( 18 4c ydwsin;yr un 0 2 Hnlllphre\ 81 ArlthJlletu'KI Tab1e HOlik (He. y dw:,cill) yr un 0 1 Cyfnflyfr yr Ymol Sabbothol, I1.r¡,!foltHtHl newydd, iia. 6r a 4 6 Llytr bob Athr.,w. nt gadw cyfnt \)'r I'restnoiion a'r Ab- senoliou yn 01 Kestr (h tic y Hwsm) yr un 0 2 Llvfran tadw cyfrif Taliadau E:steddle«iedd Is; 23 6c. a 4 0 Llylrau Gwobrwyon 1 Blant Da (4c y dwsln) yr un 0 0J Cardiau Gwobrwyol (rllan o Air Duw ar bob nn) lOOf) am 2 6 Cardiau Mwy-yit cynwyi Ktnvn a Dailun 200 nm 2 6 Y Lbisern Vsgrythyrol, Catecism (I! 4c V dwai.) yr .n 0 2 Rhodd Mam a Ch-teclsm Kverett tg,, y dwsin) yI "I 0 Llylr H.vmnau Blant (8g. y dwsin) yr un 0 Yr lioliedydd Cristionognl (2s. y dwsin) yr un 0 a Darlunia &e. DARLITN y Parch. Owen Tiioinai, Llmiilsln » « n y Parch. David Roberts, Caernarfon • 8 € yd, ?,t,t ??r Barch Edward A??yl ♦ 2 6 Darlnn y itiweddar Barch John Elias, o Fon I 0 Darlun y P!tfeh Thomas Aubrey .26 Darlun y diweddar Barch Joint Bryan, Caernarfon I 6 Mr. W Thomu, Caergybl, Is.; mewn Gilt Frame a Gwydr 3 6 Pedwar ar h ig?tin o Ddarluniau y.rythY"ul yr .11 am I 0 Wesley, ii.?ilt.n, Col., yn ?ydg?rd(t?d yn Birmingham 0 6 Twm o't Nl\nt-Gntyn PeT\-Hewi Wyn 0 Eiflon—Lewis o Fon-Esizob Heber-Thos, Pennanj, yr Hynaf- laethwr-Robvn Ddn—Kichard Llwyd, Beaumaris-yrun 0 6 Modryb Gwen (map cywralu o Ogiedd Cymro) Is.; Hiwledig 1 6 Panur L'.vthvr. iryda Darluniau. -2 s. y dwain; eto, llai I 0 Llýfr D.rlU1i¡aÍl Ó olygfeydd yn Nghymru, 2s. 60,; un tcwy 5 0 Darlun 0 t'erclled eymru,mewn gwisg Gymreig, h; lliwtedig I 6 Eto. eto. 0 falntioU nvwy, is 6th., Mwhsdlg fc 6 Castell Caernarfon, Jublll y Fibl Gymdelthas, Is 6c; lllwledig i 6 Pontydd Nlenai a Britannia (3S mod. wrtb 18) as 6c* eto, Hat I 0 Tref a Ch..tell eo.rn"ron (38mod.wrth 18) 3& 6c, t., 11.1 0 M?p IlIw¡edi o Oledd Cymru (at y Ilooll) to 6 Wesley y. p.g?th. .1I.n y tro di?edd.f. Is,; IiWedfg16 Anfonir gwerth. awllt ao uchod drwy y Post yn DDI- ÐRAUL. ar dderbyniad gwerth yr hyn a fydd oisiac mewn Post-office Order, neu Stamps, cyfeiriedig Mr HUMPHREYS, Printer, Camarvan "ciilUSTMAS 1'UEsKNTS! NEW Y¡';AI,.HG¡¡'l'S!-ç CHRISTMAS-TREE UllN \MENTS. JOHN OWEN, 4W. ShuUehill, Manchoter, lm; orter of French, (•erman, and other Foreign Merchandise. Evety description of Fancy Goods. Shippers, Auctioneers, Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and others are most particularly reque-ted to call and inspect the immense Stock of New Arrivals from the ConthJent, consisting of Tors of a.??ipt, n ork Boxes, Dressing IN ?t ,,g TL,?!?k?, Alb?. L lies' C ?ipanions, "as? ,t., Pu,?e? k?., Goods, Pal)ie Al ?qg 'd.? IIlird Shades, Ho"er Sh.d. Fruit Shades, and all other kind, of Fancy G?.d- t(?o nkinieloustome?:tion. Rocking Horses, Shaped Dorses, YHchts, <c Cases of Goods always ready, from t2 to £ 5, and £ 10 up to £ l* well selected for anv trade. gai, r The 0 ld Established Wholesa]e Toy Warehouse, 49, Shudehill ?, pposite I bornas-street, Ianchcster. Terms, Cash N.B.—No Trgvelien or Agents employed,-Price. therehy reduced, lW Great Western, and 1),?,bigl,, R.thi??,nd ('or,en es ern, an ?? BATHING CHE AP Excursion Tickets, are issued daily to PHYI. us follows Fares for the Double journey. From a,m, 3rd Class. Polgeiley Dep. 6 45 5. id Rontnewydd 6 4. Oil I>rws Nant 7 -r> ) Ll.?? w'llily. „ 7 ]7 4s 3d nala.. „ 7 30 3: M Lbndderfel „ 7 41 3S 3d L'ftmltillo •• 7 50 3s Itl Cynwyd ,,8 0 2B lOd C(,rw?n 810 *8 Cd (iwv?detwern „ 6 ?0 B 6d ne. wtn „ 8 30 2s 6d N an tel wyd II-, 2s 4d Evarth H 8 45 28 Od Ruthin „ 8 0 Is Od Hhewl ,,85:1.. Is Sd ;j S Is Gd Llanrhaiadr 8 Gd Rhvl AIT. 10 •> These tickets will also be issued on Saturdays by the 10 40 a. m up train from Corwen and intermedi te stations, and also by the 4 (I p m from Rnthin, Hhewl, and Llanrhaiadr. On every Sa'urdiv, until furthor notice, 1-t and ind class return tickets will be issued ftom Corwen and intermediate sta- tions to lthvl by the 8 10 a.m and 10 40 a.m. t.i.?, and also by ?"4 ?p? rro?t??, Rhewl, Md Llanrhaiadr. ?  Far,, for the Double Journey. 1st Class. 2nd Class Corwen, Gwvddelwern, Dtrwen, N..t?l?yd, 5s Cd 4s 6d ;varth. Ruthin, Ri?"WI. Llanrhaiadr 3s 6d 2. Cd All these tickets are available for the day of issue only.  Return ArralJements-Pscngf'rs for stations between Ey- arS)'' Corwen and Dolgelley indusive. return by the train leavin I:hyi at 4] cm and will have time at Ruthin up to September ? tOYi? th. ,I ?htM?n. and wU) be .1i.w.? to pro(w'd by the 6 4) P m. train on producing their tickets Pas Sers f.<r Llanrhaiadr, Hhew!. and Huthin, return by the 7 10 p.m., or 8 p n). Trains from Rhvl. The splendid Promenade Pier open daily, and a fine brass band plavs upon it and the parade at stated hours during the day Children under twelve, half not transferable. By Order, T. CARTWUIO' T, General Manager. Ruthin StRtion, August, 1868. ]2 _4 s -6 E-L L PILLS. THE JBEST FAMlly MEDICINE. Sold bv all Chemists, at Is lid. 2s 9d, and 4s Cd per Box. K A Y E S "w o irs I) E L L L S II LLS T. E 1IEST REMEDY FOK INDIGESTION Sold by all Chemists, Ac., at Is X'jd, I'sfld, and 4s 6d per Box. K A Yll S W O KSl)Er7L S P T L L S, THE BEST (KVMEDY FOR ASTHM >. ?old by all Chemists, Xc.p at Is Jid, 2s 9d, anll(ld l'er Box, K A Y E'S-W-OR S D E-LL>S-P 1 L L SO THE iiEST HEMEDY FOR C' TJCiHS AND COLDS, ,,1,1 hv all Chemists, ,r. at Is 1 1,d, 2s 9d, and 4s Gd per Box. K A i h' W U R S DEL J, S P J LLS. THE BEST FMFDY FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS. Sold by all Chemists, 4c., at Is I'd. 2s Od, and 4sfld per Box. S p I L L S. THE BES1 TiEMEDY FOR DlgE I ES OF THE SKIN, SnM nil ri-pmists, k. at]A I'd, 28 Od, and 48 lid per Box K A lv S WOKSDELL'S PILLS. THE BEST REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. Sold by all Chemists, Ac at la ltd, 2s !)d, and 48 (idper Box, KAY F.' H \I' 0 R S D E 1, L'S P I I. L S, TH BEST REMEDY FOR F MALE COMPLAINTS. olll by all Chemiits, A-c., at 1 s Ud, :'s 9d, and is i d per Box. f-A Y E", S I) E L L S PILLS THE )? ST REMEDY FOR NERVOUS 'FFECTlONS, o!d by .t" Chemists, .tc. at 1. ljd, 2s Od and 4s Od per Bnv. Y E NN (j7R ,71i t L f 8 1' 1 L L B v A Y E S W O K S DELL'S PILLS 1 ava been in constant use for nearly I'alf a Certury, ?d ?ve m? wMh UNIVKRSAL SUCCKSS j Sold by aU Chemists, & at ? I ??d ? 9d and 4? Od per^Box, I UULAL U U tl 1^1 U x\ I Im S? BOYS' CLOTHING   J? V?Al A:r-. 'lI- 1> A] L ,,(( L, AND MADE OF THE PREMI8EB BI HÄND LABOUR. OF Meltons, Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds, and Aneolas. ( L1 28, 6d. 22s BO N'S' SUITS JACKET, VEST, AND From 5a, 6d. THE CELEBRATED ORIGINAL H [ 50s. UITS, Made from the best Welsh and Scotch Tweeds. By &c., &c., &c., by JOHN ARONSON, 4 GENTS-SUITS. 1" 2. TIANTTC PT,,(111,. TR, A,T^'TTOF^. T<ov<5'STTTT. ?5s. 6,I. ?? ??    MRS. 8. ? ALLEN'S > W|^g ?? ZYLOBALSAMUM ? ? *? !.L?- F/   ?. (OR DRESSING & BEAUTIFYII?? ?E HA)R. 'y ?F ?? A clear transparent preparation withont ?. IL ?t  sediment, and Md in high este.?. t ?? F??.' <' -t?-?r?' ?7 ??? ? t'y thu?.m)..f ?. ? ?t. <OF # 0 d,.?.i.,g their own ad ??????f ??y y? A. ?? ??F ?-? J'/??? y ?? ?"? ?' hdieeaa teem ildr, DRES^IN^ DPBESSING ZnK 4 3s.  J r ????'?.??'t7?? L/Y?- f*? F ? y.?-? "S?'L ??Tt ? y Tbi? ))n?N!t!)ed prepM?tinn 11,   ?? ??-?? '7  -t ?. fails to invigorate an ? d beautify the IHair, t IT IS NOT A OYE, BUT IT WILL RESTORE GREY HAIR L/L* Cm )T )S HOY ? OYE. BUT 'T «)LL MSTGRE EK< HMft ?? L?Y? TO!TSOX)G)ttt).Ct)LOUR, ??L?r?? ?" e- PRICE SIX 8HILLIWC8.    C -'?  Wholesale X»cp5<—266, HIGH HOLEORN, LONDON. U Sold by most Che2nisM andperfumers. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ADVICE TO INVALIDS,-lf YOU wish to obtain quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and -g?,i?h to calm ami assuage tl ,?.,y ,,higll of p,.Lr:?..d clbeae, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulutin svstema of the bodv you will provide your"etf with tna, marvellous remedy discovered by Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE (late Army Medical Staff), to which he g;?,? tc name of J. COJ.LIS BROWNE (.ate Army CHLORODYNE, me of and which is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Astlima. CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal disellocs-Diptherill, Fever, Croup, Ague, CHLORODY NE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery, CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation nnd Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meuiagitis, &0. CAUTION.—BEWARE of PIRACY and IMITATIONS. CAirnoy.—Vico-Chancellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated that Dr, J. COLLIS llHOWYE was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of CHLORODYNE; that the story of the Defendant, F?ELuA,?, was deliberutelr uutrue, which, he regrotted to say, hd been 13t 1864. Bold in Bottles at Is I il, 2s 9d, 4s Gd and Ha each. None is genuine without the words Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE"ontheGoverumeutStamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Som Manufactuush :—J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. Loudon.  y\\01ECTION FROM PIl   ?B  ?EATENT ARE NOT POISONOUS. 't "t-t>! MA JP 4' COMmm'M) PafMR?O?tS'.      ??????F. CEaEmnEBEa?? 4 Sold by CR"cER$. C//fA?/?7'y,/???/KO/VCf/?&???<jLSy CHANDLERS, J7?7yoA?/?? &e.??/??w//f?? ???y WHITECHAPEL ROAD, LONDON, E. [NCOJ E WITHOUT RISK.—An A OKXCY L for the SALE of the EAST INDIA TF, CO'S TEAS will, with moderate industry, insule II espe tahle JiviuHo Apply for terms to tile Company's in ciiouses, No. 9, Great St. Heleii's-flmrcli.vard, Hishop's-g'ite, London.  ? LONDON EXHIBITION. 1802.   ??? Only Prize Medal awarded. ?o?j?? Jurors'Report: "Exceedingly T?< ??' ^> exoeHent for Food."  t/'A?'??t>?  11 or3r **?-  '° -A^ Sold Every- .ejeq?-?? ?' ???? 'h.M. jo uoijoejiaa» JAT •uOllBpUOUimOOM jo noitooj?ad: „ ?'?f<? <<tTf* fa?OUOH Jo i?paK JOAI!9 ?og ??*    Lgsl 'NOiMBOjxs stava  ST EEME^p. -<9 INDIGESTICi ( ??ONiM ?   ??ILE Sold uerywhere. Bottles 1a. lIa., Ia. ea., and Its DENT Chro?omMtpr, Wat(?h and Clork U M.her? to He ?,ii.R.H.tli(illrinceofNi "("" H.I.M. the Emperor of Kuss)a,a?'Makers of the Great Clock for the Houses of Pani.mect,N,StrMd,andS4 and 35, Royal Exchange, London ft Gold Lever Watches £ s d from. 16 16 0 Gold flalt I hrono- meters. winding with or without key, frem 36 15 0 Gold Hunting Case oxtra • • • 5 5 0 I Gold tl v* H'a- aw mln v: Sliver L?,?' watcnes h?n"' 6 5 0 Silver Half Chronomo- me ers, winding with or without a Key Irom. 26 6 0 Silver Half Chronome- ters. in Hun ingCasea from 27 8 0 anne Chronometers g. from 7 0 so 15 0 Gold Chains, 1« and 1? carat, from £ 4 4s. Drawing Room and Library Clocks in Ormolu Marble, tc., windinu with or without a key. Dials. Bracket and Astronom- ical I locks of every description. Turret Clocks made to orde E. DENT .It CO., 61, Strand, and 34 and 35, Royal Exchange, London. DENT'S PATENT DELEIOOSCOPE, (or Meridian fmtrument) for th Heulation of Clocks and Watches by obtaining True Time by Solar observation. Kecent improvement enable the most in- experienced person to fix Justrumenh in the Meridian, nnd thereby furnish the means of ascertaining either Greenwich or Local Time, price £ 2 2s ))?T Clock, W'ateh, and Chronometer M?kerte the 0 )een and the late Prince Consort, 61, Strand, (?joining C.utt'i)R?)k),M() 34 and f:nl:6lÈ";d' I Maker of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament. KEATIMG'S COUGH LOZENGES, THE BEST REMEDY FOR COUGHS, Colds. Hoarsemss and other affections of the Throat and Chest. In Incipient Consumption, Asthma and W inter Cough. they are unfmlin Keitig free from everv hurtful ingredient, they may be taken by the most delicale female or the yoiinnest child while the Public Speaker and Professional Singer will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal exertion, and also a powerful auxiliary in the pro. duction of enunciation. OLD BANK, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON. (Branch of the Stourbridge and Kidderminster Banking Company.) STRATFORD, 7TH MAY, 1868. TESTIMONIAL. Dear Sir,- Having had" severe Cough this winter, I was advised to try your Lozenges, which are invaluable hitvin" purchased one box. costing only lsUd, completely set me up, and must, therefore, strongly recommend them 38 a certaiu cure. ToMrK I retmain 5 your most obedient Servant, T. Mr I, W. HOBBINS, 79, St Paul s Churchyard. London. Manager. PrcnarodandSotdmBoxea.lsL?d.and Tins. 2. 9d, 4s 6d 10,? 6.1 by 'rilONT.IS KEA'PING, Ch, mist, &c., 79. ??'t Ciiiii-c?b'N,?trd, London. Retail by U Uru.-gi??t? and Patent Medicine Vendors in the world. SiX CARTES DE VISJTK, I s 8d; twelvc s 2. 8J; Carte enlargc?d to 10 inches on 15 in. b3' 12 in. India mount, 7s (Id Cabinet, 2s 6il. Send Carte with stamps. Perfect copies returned free. London Photographic Company, 40, High H.ilborn, London. ''?°'?"°°' ?' g D. J?LIJP?Manag? USE ONLY THE GLENFIELD STARCH. THE QUEENS' LAUNDRESS USES NO OTHER 1" CANDLES. ASK FOR FIELD'S PATENT SELF-FITTING CANDLES Safety, Economy, and Cleanliness combined. Fiom One Shilling per lb. upwards. SOAPS. FIELD'S CELEBRATED TnfLET SOAP TABLETS United Service, Spermaceti, White Paraffin, and United Kingdom combine the emollient properties of the most carefully prepared Soap, with a perfume of unrivalled delicacy and permanence. 122 STOWEIZ'S No. I GINGElt WINE. Cannot be equalled. SOLD BT EVER I RESPECTABLE GROCERS, CON- FECTIONKRS, itC. MANUFACTORIES 48 and 48, HARRINCTON STREET, LIVERPOOL and 16, COMMEHCIAL-STREET, LONDON. ør Ask for STOWER'S BRITISH WINES of all sorts. 9!16 COMPENSATION IN CASE OF INJURY, AND A FIXED SUM IN CASE OF DEATH Caused by ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND. May be secmed by a policy of the RAILWAY PASSE.NGKRS ASSURANCE CO\IPANY. An annual payment of £ ■'{ to t'G 5s insures £ 1000 at death, and an allowance fit the rate of £6 per week for injury. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE May also be provided against by Insurance Tickets for Single or Double Journeys. For particulars apply to the Clerks at any of the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 64, CORNHILL and 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. AGENT FOR BANGOR: MR. THOMAS JACKSON, RAILWAY STATION. 83 ALMANACKS FOR 186 9. A large assoituient of DIARIES, ALMANACKS, and POCKET BOOKS, including Harwood's and Renshaw's. Also, QUIGGINS' and JEFFERSON'S TIDE TABLES on Sale at J K. DOUGLAS, CAXTON HOUSE, BANGOR. All Books and Annual Publications not in tock can be rt'n(\1rp\I in threp davR. Tlie i'Aiil.iMI' 1YJ..t.l.ihAJ.'HIJAJ.. UiiAia for BBUSHIN0 HAili by MACHINERY. For Prospectus and Particulars ttpily to the Patentees and Sole Manufacturer*, JOHN GOSNBLL & CO., 12. Three lgng Court, Lombard Street, London, E.C. Anond to Bed Bull Wharf, Angel Paasag* Upper Thames Street, E.G. CEWING MACHINES^TcFLORENCE. SEWIN(-j' rMACIIIN ES. Tt.,FLORENCE. required in & Familv, Mn.heafourdinermt?i?hos, hMpatmtt reversible foed motion, fastens off fts seam without stopping. No other Machine has the*e late Improvements, tot which a Hold Medal was awarded bv the Committee on Sowing Machines, »t th* late Exhibition of American Institute C'n c<u)ijit!(ih'on with eVC1'111l'cl¡"mollm M'ichine) held at N?,? Y.,k, IHti;), Copy of Committee'# lwp.rt, &"d l'ro,\OOt\l8. with Sump" .r" post-free. AD.ItESS:-FLORENCr, SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 97, CUEAPSTOK, LONDON; AND 1,9 Uitt) 21, BLACKFHlAttS STREET, MANCHESTER; AND AT 83, UNION STREET, GLASGOW. Bead Illustrated Prospectus, 4;c. Agents Wauted. UOhumOn. Just I'll I>lished, THE Religious Statistics of Wales; a Pamphlet-price 2d; or 128 6d per 100. 1 o be had of Mr. Douglas, Bllngor; and of all Booksellers. PRICE REDliCED FROM Rs. TO :< In Small Crown 8vo., p. p. 30(i, Cloth, Price 3s. SERMONS: preached chieHy at HM?nr ? Cathedral, by E. PUGHE, B.A.. late eoior Vicar of the Cathedral, now Rector of Llantrisant, Anglesey, and Rural Dean. Parker and Sons, London and Oxford; J. K. Douglas, Bangor. TO VISITORS AND OTHERS. NOW Heady, Third Edition, enlarged and corrected, price Sixpence, by post Sevenpence. LLANDUDNO AS IT IB, by HUGH MULLENEIJX WALMSLKY, Colonel Imperial Ottoman Army, author of Journal of a Bashi Bazouk, kc., ne. Published and sold by J. K. Douglas, Chronicle Office- Bangor Just Published. URQUHART ANL) A DAMSON S NEW BEDDING LIST, MAY he had trpe by post, or on application Il. at the office of this paper, or to URQUI-I ART and ADAMSIJN, Cabinet Makefs, Upholsterers, &e., The House Furnishing Establishment and North of England Bedding House. 13 and 15. Bold Street. Liverpool. Factories,—Concert Street and Flat Street. 673 NOW PUBLISHED, HYMNATJ HEN A iNEWYDD, i'w h&rfer yngwasanaeth yr Eglwys, HYMN AND TUNE BOOK. Limp cloth, sprinkled edges 2 6 Cloth boards, red edgos 3 0 Roan boards, rei edges 4 0 HYMN* BOOK. s, d. Limp cloth, sprinkled edg. 1 0 Cloth boards, red edges 1 4 Roan boards, red edges 2 0 The usual allowance is made to the Trade, and to Con- gregations purchasing quantifies All particulars can he obtain*d on application to the Publishers, J. Haddon and Co., 3. Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London. The Books may alsii be had at the Hangor Depot. of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, through all Country Booksellers, or direct from the Publishers. Single copies will be forwarded post-free at the above prices. 1513 Clergymen in the diocese of Bangor can receive one- fourth of their Subscriptions to the Bangor Branch of the S P.C. K. in "Hymnau Hen a Newydd." THE NEW CURVED POINTED PEN 2s. PER GROSS BOX. POST FREE, 2s. 2D. UNRIVALLED MAGNUM BONUM PENS. OX CONTAINING 12 PENS AND HOLDER, 6D POST FREE, 7D. J. K. D O DGLAS, ST A TIONER, BAlSrGOR GUN COTTOIT PRENTICES COMPRESSED CHARGES. THE CHEAPIST AND SAFEST EXPLOSIVE FOR MINING AND QUARRYING. A CHARGE of given size exerts six times the pewer of Gunpowder. The small space at the bottom of the hole filled by this dense explosive enables the miner to increase or diminish the power of elleh blast, and to obtain the proper position of the line of least re- sistance, Much lleavier bunlens may be placerl before each blast, thus saving in the cost of drilling by reducing the number, the diameter and the depth of the holes. Regulated charge for Splitting and Pillaring fine Slllte Rock. For particulars, apply to Mr. William Casson, Plas yn Penrhyn.Portntadoc. 34 Post Free fo* Two Stamps. The most Valuable Book ever Published for Nervous Sufferers rr I I E SECRET FRIEND by DR. BARNES, M.D., who has for twenty years siven Mexdusive attentlOu to the treatment and cure of all Sexual iilaladici. Nervous and Physictal Debility, oss of Memory, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Sight, assitnde, Indig< stion, Spermatorrhea Impediments to Marriage and other ailmetiis, caused by the follies of youth, which, if neglected, result in consumption, insanity and an early death. °'' Dr. Barnes's name has been before the Pubhc notice for a considerable time, and the cures he has effected has gained him a far-famed and jnstly-metited repute for his Bkill in th treatment of the bove and all Sexual diseases, without the u?: of Merrur*. His mt-di al work, the Secret Friend, is illustrated with numerous Cases and Testimonials from Patient4, showing the way by wh.cb th y were restored to health and manly vigour it is a true guide to those who require a speedy cure. Sent post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thornhib Crescent, Caledonia Road, i ondon, 1546 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE M NERVOnS AND DEBILII ATED.-A single copy of a new medical w, rk, written by < ne of the moht eminent medical ineii of the present day, solely fliT the benefit and guidance of that class of Rutferers whose affections are often aeU-inflicted, and who desire a speedy and private cure, yet too oftn become tbe dupes of d« signing @dol q,?.. k?. For such su;erers this work is 'ntended, showing certain meaDS of cure in all cases ot nervous debilitv, relaxation, organic, or local weakness, langour, blushing, debility, and various other nervous symptoms also showing how all the so-called iropeiiments to marriage may be effectually removed; with numerous illustra- live cases of parties who have been resioiedto the blessings of health by foil- wing the advice la d down i., this work Sent free to any address, on receipt of stamps to pre-pay postage. -Address to the Secretary, Institute of An tomy, irm ngliam. CAUTION.—Parts of the above book have been copied by several quacks. Per?ots should be careful in whose hands they intrust their health, and read this work before applying to a.ny one 1[,,58 any one. boOKBINDING.  ING TO THE PUBLIC. Every description of BOOKBINDING neatly and expeditiously executed at the North Wales Chronicle and Cronicl Cymru Oflices, High-street. BANGOll, BOOKBINDING. ACCOUNT BO )KS, LEDGERS, kc., in Vellum, Russia, or Calf, with or without Ituss-ia Bands, aud warranted to open flat, manufactured on the premises. BOOKBINDING. TO THE TRADE. Binding, Paper Ruling. Paging, Number- ing, Perforating, kc., executed at the usual Trade Prices, at Douglas' Steam Printing and Bouk-biuding Works, High Street, Bangor. RUPTURE By Her Majesty a Koyal Letters Patent, WHITE'S HOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS. f) EQUIIUNG no steel spnnsr round the í \J body, is recommended by the following peculiar- ties and advantages 1st, facility or application; 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night; 4th, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to he wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. "We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort. obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which w, have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &e. C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Oplialmic Hospital; W. Bowman, Esq., F. R.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Gallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Blizard Curling, Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospitlll; W. J Fisher, Esq Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F. R.S. James Luke- Esa..lSurceon to the London Truss Society Eramus Wil- son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by pos. on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufacturer. tpa, 31r. WHITE, 223, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. 6d., and 31s. 6d. P.?t?,ige, Is. Double gla.6d.? 42. and 52.. 6d. Postage, Is. 8d. Umbilical,, Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE. Post-office, Piccadilly NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS, &c., The maiu'ial of which these are made, is recommended by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE, andTIIEBESTlNVENTION forgiving efficient allll permanent support in all cases of WEAK- NESS anil swelling of the, LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS. SPRAINS, ?e. It is porous, light in texture, and inex- pensive amt is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price }')??< 4s (id., 7.. Hd., 10.. to Ms. each. Postage, 6d. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONDON. Spocimeas may be seen in the Crystal PalMS. .t. J. J j.. 1. JJI\.11. 1\. <.1\), KEL> a?d" prised, perforated and wmmon BRICKS on Sale. Apply to Vernon Darbishire, Peudyffryu Works, Conway. 17 MK S KLLlTT DENTIST, TOWYN. )5yMr6 Surgical and Mechanical Dentist in London, Ay be con- sulted at the undermentioned towns. D-'LtiKLLEY—Kveryl'nday, at Miss Evans's, Smith- field-street. P' RTMADOC—Mrs Bennett Williams, Snowdon-atreet, HIP ?111J nIl t h P-lnr-s^iV ir ('1', 1nfHlth. 328 LLAINHi>T pUuiduimaNu E ,1'\ ¡,LI:HMENT. ( ) \V I G to tho sudden ¡jpath of Mr \Vil. lianl Pritchard, the celebrated Dyer, MRS PH fTUlI A RD, hi. widow, heg to inform the inhahitants of North and South Wales, that she will continue to carryon the business altgether the same as before, M she has the same directions, materiids. opportunities, and workmen, and also the Same agents everywhere. Chief Agent: Mr William Jones, Glanadda, Bangor, North Wales, who will occasionally visit every part of the Principality. 604 Everything will he carried on the same as formerly, PUPE AERATED WATERS. ?? tS? ?? ELLIS'S. RUTHIN, SODA  ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, POTASI ELLIS'S, RIJT"IN, POTABIN ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SELTZOER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL REMEDY FOR GOUT. Tlie Public are p.rt!I.l t?d to observe that every Cork is branded R. E li. an d &on, uthi.. with- out which none is g ..i.e. May be ootained from all respectable Chemists, Con- fectioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON Ruthin, North Wales. II 0 L Y N ET A D SMITH'S MARINE HOTEL, WATERSIDE, HOLYHEAD, A first class Family anll Comrnerci,,1 Hotel, comman- ling an uninterrupted view of the sea and the Snowdon- ian range of mountains, replete with every comfort, in- duding Hot, Cold, ..d 81,?,we? 13;?th?, Billiard Room, &0. Cars for Hir.\ A,'Bus meets the Tr;titis;tn(i Steamers. Charges moderate. Proprietor—W. H. SMITH, Auctioneer and Appraiser. 19 CURES AND COMFORT FOR THE BED-RIDDEN BY HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in relieving and curing old sores, wounds, bad legs, ulcers, and er- uptions of the skin, when rubhed on the surface it penetrates and purities each tissue on its passage, and exerts the most wholesome influence over the internal structures. It heals by cleansing all animal fluids with which it comes in contact, and thereby promotes a sound IIn.1 permanent cure, GUll and Rheumatism. To sufferers from the racking pains of Rheumatism and Gout this Ointment will drove invaluable. After iun with warm Water the soothing action of this Ointment is most remarkable; it seems at once to lessen inflan^ition, ease pain, reduce the swelling, restore natural iirculation, and expels the disease. For the above cora- claints Holloway's Ointment and Pills are infallible specifics. I)il)theria, Bronchiai, Sore Throats, Couphs% and Colds This class of diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment, three times a day. upon the throat, chests and back of the patieut. It will soon penetrate and give immediate relief. In all stages of Influenza, Colds, and Bronchitis this treatment may be followed with efficiency lId safety-indeed, it has never been known to fail. All Virieties of Skin Diseases, Scrofula and Scurvy. This Ointment is a certain cure for Ringworm, Scurvy, Scrofula or King's I vil, and the most inveterate skin diseases to which the human race is subject. They can. not be treated with a safer or more speedy remedy than Holloway's Ointment, assisted by his ?,lebr.,te? Pills, which act so powerfully on the constitution and so purify the blood that these disorders are completely ??.di.,tei 0111 the system, and a lasting cure obtained. Dropsical Sicellinus. "(wlm, nf this dangerous and stealthy complaints which frequently creeps upon us by slight squeamishness or tntiing jaundice, of which little or no notice is taken un* >1 the legs begins to swell, '.i he cause of the evil must be I 'oked for in the liver and stomach therefore set to work earnestly, by taking Holloway's famous Pills according to the printed instructions, and rubbing the Ointment very effectively over the pit of the stomach and right side, where those < rgans lie Most dropsical cases will readily yield to the combined influence of the Ointment and Pills. Pile." Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. These complaints are most distressing to both body and mind. false delicacy concealing them from the knowledge of the most intimate friends. Persons suffer f)r years from Piles and similar complaints when they mit ht use Holloway'sOintment with instant relief, and cffect their own cure without the anuoyance of explaining their ailment to anyone. The Pills greatly assist the Oint- ment, as they purify the blood, regulate its circulation, renew diseased structures, and invigorate the entire system. Disorders of the Kidneys, Stone, and Gravel Are immediately relieved and ultimately cured if this Ointment be well rubbed, twice a day, into the small of the back, over the region of the kidneys, to which it will gradually penetrate, and in almost every case give im- mediate relief; but perseverance will be necessary to effect a thorough cure. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the foNOtting rases. Bad Legs Chiego-foot Fistulas Sore-Nippl bad Breasts Chilblains Gout Sore-Throats Burns Chapped hands Glandular Swel-Skin diseases Bunions Corn -Soft) lings Scurvy Bite of Mosche- Cancers Lumbago Sore heads toes and Sand Contracted and Piles Tumours Flies Stiff-joints Rheumatism Ulcers co-Bay Elephantiasis Scalds Wounds Yaws Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY 224, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London also by all res- pectable Druggsts and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilised wotld, at the following p»ices:~ Is. lid,. 2s. 9d 4s. lid., lIs.. 228.. and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable savill by taking the larger sjzcs. N.D.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Put. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The Premises 244, Strand, bein^ required for the new Law Courts, Thomas Holloway's Pill and Ointment Business will be carried on at 533 OXFORD STREET, W.C., on and after the 24th June, 18(57, although the Advertisement will, for some time to come, bear tLe old address, "244 tmiid. 1410 pipping. (SHORT SEA PASSAGE.) EVERY THURSDAY TO AMERICA. .rtvi. T)Y the splendid MAIL STEA- 13 MEKS of the ALLAN LINE, running in connection with the GRAND iiMIMiril Vw TRUNK a",1 other RAILWAYS, and Forwarding Passengers on ensv terms to all Stations in CANADA and tho WESTERN STATES:— PERUVIAN Jan. 71 AUSTRIAN Jan 28 NESTOUTAN Jan. 14 | N. AMERICAN Feb 4 HlBE INIAN Jan. 211 MORAVIAN. ,Fch 111 Calling at. LOND NDERRY (IRELAND), on Friday to embark Passengers and Her Majesty's Mails '• and from Poitland to Liverpool every Saturday. Cabin Passage to Portland, Boston, oi New York £18 18s. and £ lo 15s.. indnding Provisions, but not. Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. Steerage passage £6 fis. to either Portland, Boston or New York, including a plentiful supply of cooked pro- visions. Baggage taken from, the Ocean Steamships to the Jtmil- way Cars Free of Expense. For Freight or Passage apply, in Glasgow, to J. &A. ALLAN, in Loudon, to MoNTuosiEuiEandGREENHORHI, 17, Gracechurc''street: or to ALLAN BROTHERS and CO., Alexandr.)))ui]din,;t,J!U))ca-street.LivcrD«..)t- 85, Foyle treet, Londonderry. 1407 NATIONAL LINE. STEAM FROM LIVERPOOf, TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. n 'K-kv IVTATIONAL STEAM SHIP ?i ?1-? ? i? COMPANY (UNITED) The new full-powered British Iron Serew ',= Steam-ships Ships. Tons. Ships. Tons, France,Gracs. 3200 I Helvetia, Cutting. 3325 The Queen, Grogan 34121 Pennsylvania, Hall 2873 Eugland, Thompson 340U Virginia, Thomas 2876 Erin, Welter.! 3200 j Denmark, Thompson 2870 Louisiana, Forbes 2210 I Will be despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows PENNSYLVANIA. Wednesday, Jan. 6th EHIK. Wednesday, Jan, 13th ENGL,\ND" Wednesday, Jan. 20th. And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers ie very ..rior. Rate of P".sage from Liverpool to New York, Fifteen Galue??s. Hettua Tickets, Twenty-Fin Guineas. There is excellent accommodation for Steerage Passen- gers, and a full supply of Cooked Provisions served up by the Company's Stewards. Passengers booked through to Aspinwail,—San Fran- cisco,-the inland towns of Canada and of the Uuitfd States on favourable terms. For freight or passage apply to The NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (Limited) 21 and 23, Water-street, Liverpool, to N. and J. CUMMINS and BROS., Queenstown.