NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. PARI-UMRTTARY NOTICfM. ELECT-YON ADDRESSES, ANB L'UBMO T' )MPANI KS. (id per Lille. LAW NOTICES, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4d pee Line. TBADKS, BOOKS, CHARITIES, ic., 3d per I.ine. la «reler to render the Advertising Oolunina of the NOK 1H WALES UHMONlULIi mure e! teusively useful to the lOic, tho following RlilM'C'l 11 .S(JAI,K OF CHARGES is ",lopted for the undermentioned classes of fKtl'AID AUVKUTlSEMKXTS Situations Wanted. Clerks, Scrv.iHtx, etc., H'ai*tel. Artid-cs mo Animals Lo"t 01' Found. Offiecu of S'°l' Wanled or 10 6, Let. and Apartments to Let. One Insertion, not exceeding T?e.ty Words Is. 6d. ThMetr'?rtit? :?.M. The<e OKAKtiKS apply only to such ADVERTISE. MENTS .IS Rio 1'AID FOIt at the time at the Office, of for which Stumps are enclosed with Older, if seut ty Post, and do not inc]nd" 8alM by Auctioa or ordinary Business ddressc3. SSXantss. WANTED, at or near Penmaenmawr, a xms.ll Cottage or Villa, unfurnished.—Address, Vost-olfioe, C lester. 88 ANi'iSD, immediately, by an umer- tificüd Techer. 1\ situatbn 'IS Schoolmaster or Second Master. Oiocl references, Goorgo Jones, Lodgo, Peninorfa, Truin idoc, 110 WANTED, a School, by an uncertificated W Master. The hig]rc4 testimonials can begiv(?u, find the best reference# to the :\Iauagef" of ¡;;ch"o]s where the applicant has acted as Master. — Apply. E.J., Post- office I Jam 1) dbenmaen, Carnarvon. 101 persons e&lantctf. VA /"ANTED, an Assistant in tho Wholesale W Drug Trade.—Apply to Mc?sr? Huwer? Bfjtheis, Chester 112 A GENTLEMAN in practice as a Civil Engineer and Surveyor in Cheshire, i.4 willing to take i pupil into his oftke.-For particulars and amount of premium required apply to J. I)., care of the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle, Hangor. 70 WANTED, in a Clergyman's family, an In-door Servant, a1wut 20 years of ago, who un- derstands his dutiei, ami who will bo required to work tccasioaatiy in the Garden. He must also be acquainted with the Welsh language.—Address, IS., Post-office, Kuthia. 67 WANTED, a Nursery Governess in a V CI??mtm's family. Mnatbeof? oMi.'h.gdt'.p?itMU. able to cut out and make children's olotiies, and teach tho rudiments of English. She will be tr,te,1 in every respect as one "f tlw family. Apply with references, .stating ago and qualiifcations, to Mis K. V, I' care of Mr Douglas, Chronv'h Office, Bangor 1? WANTED, in the ollico of a County Court W ANTED, in the offi(,o of a County Court .Registrar, in LAW. an d1ioieut Clerk to W Re?t.u'.inXorthW.des,aHcHlc?MtCt?rkto ,?d p:,y iudispetmblc. tl?,) (?")?,.ty C,??-t Application, stating age, salary rc-juired, references, &c., to be addressed to No. 116, f Utrice, Bzingor. Co 6c Uet. mo BE LET, in consequence of ill-health, I an old-establishod Public Houso, with Vault, situated in the centre of a leading town iu North Wales. Ingoing, low.—Apply at the office of tho North Wales Chronicle. 60 TO BE DISPOSED OF IMMEDIATELY, A Chemist and Druggist SHOP at Bethesda, A., only the Fixtures ?nd Bottles if preferable. Satisfactory rcasoUs for leaviug will be given. —Apply to Sir. J O. Williams, Druggist, Bethesda, ° near Bangor. 71 fl'U 11E LET, at a moderate rout, No. 2 rtHyKE"mi', at a mod erate root, No. 2 Dining, and Drawing Koom, 7 Bedrooms, Attl?l, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, and all other conveniences. For further particulars apply to Mr. C. N. Bicknell, Auctioneer, 2G2, High Street, and Ty'nhendro Bangor. 19 GOOD INVESTMENT. TO TOBACCO MANCFACTUXtEKS, AND CAPITALISTS. TO be Disposed (?, the Business of a TT.b?,??. Manufacturer (lately deceased) situated in Palace Street. Carnarvon. Commodious premises, with Ste.rn Engine and Machinery complete, in good working Address by letter to "C.W. North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor, Xorth Wales. 21 (bolasttt. TUEBOBTU HALL ACADEMY. TIIE Duties of this School will bo resumod T.n, J,?t,ry 2,)tl?. Al.,?,, i, d,?y i. ?itli ti?? will be op?.el i,tno. 1, .Mi'uut Pleasant, T.'pper Bangor.   'So?'LOyG-PARR?.. Prospectuses on application. 93 __cil: MONA HOUSE, LLANGEFNI, ANGLESEY. MBS and the MI8SÙ! MIWLER will lYi- resume the duties of their Ladies' Boarding and ch'o_nlues(y, Ja:I 19th, 1869. 99 MARR1ED Clorgyman, ALA., Oxon, of !?IARRIED Clorgy,min, ?\I.A., of healthy part of ?orth Wa)es, on the borders of Shrop- .hire, takes a few pupih to prepare for the Public School. Two vacancies. Age, 8 to ¡5. Every home mfort, and ponies for boy's use. Address, Rev. H. V. Williams, Llangedwyn, Oswestry. n n lij3 "EDUCATION FORI. A DIES, UPPBK BANGOiv, NORTH WALES, UNDER the superiutendence of MISS LE1=,HMAN, who for many years conducted the Educational Establishment at Blackrock, and the Educa- tional Institute for Ladies, Lower J? itzwilliani Street, Jlervion Square, Dublin. Applications to be made for the present to Miss LJish- uiau, 6, Park Terrace, Upper Bangor. So EDUCATION. ABBOT'S VIEW. EXTON PARK, CHESTER. TITUS R. L. DEW (assisted by Professors 1. a1111 Teacher") receives a few Young Ladies to Board and Educate. Every effort is made to secure to tbe l'upils the comfort. of a Christian home and the ad- vantage. of a refuted aud useful education. The highest references. Prospectuses on application. 51 ST MARY'S SCHOOL, ABERDOVEY, NORTH WALES, FOR THE SONS OF GENTLEMEN. rjI lHEKE arc two Departments, 1st, the CLASSICAL SCHOOL, to prepare boys previous to pntring the Universities. 2nd The MODERN SCHOOL, to prepare boys for lercantile pursuits. Each Department will bo under separato Masters. It is proposed to conduct the school as much as possible after the maimer of the great Public Schools. Aberdovey is delightfully situated and is considered as one of the most healthy spots in the Principality, Terms tn application. The Principal. 57 GRAMMAR SCHOOL. BALA. HEAD MASTER JIm. W. T. PHILLIPS. THE Pupils of this School are thoroughly i grounded in the subjects necessary for a sound Middle Class Education, the Oxford and Cambridge Mid- dle < las. Examinations being taken as the standard for the subjects taught- „ There are a few Vacancies for Boar(loo-termsi on ap- The next Quarter will begin on Thursday, January 28th. 78 i PORTMADOC GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THE REV. S. W. EARNSHAW, M.A., TSt. John's College, Cambridge, begs to inform Iii? friends and the public that this School will re-open on Monday, the 1st February. Terms for Day-scholars, Two Guineas a Quarter. Drawing Lessons by Mr J. C, Rowlands, Head-master of the School of Desigu, Carnarvon. For further particulars apply to the Rev S. W. Earn- llIaw. Portmadoe. W Vacancies for Boarders. 73  ?N'Oticco. ?uMtC ct. BANGOR CHORAL SOCIETY. MR BINNd b¡\g''¡ to inform the members of the above Society, that the Practices will be resumed at the Penrhyn Hall, on Monday Evening next, Jauuary 11th, at 7-30. 2, Brynteg Terrace, Jan. Gth, 1869. 106 rrH E proposed Conference of tho Clergy I and Laity of the Diocese of Bangor, convcued by the Lord Bishop, will be held on the 12th of January next, at the HCW KatioIlal School-room, Bangor, at 11 a.m. The proceedings will be conducted in the Welsh and English languages. JOHN EVANS, Llanllechid Rectory, Honorary Secretary. December iilst, 1868, 85 J 0 H N W E L 0 H, (For 13 yoars mannger to the latelr Robatji,) WATCH M AK K K & JEWELLEit, 25: Hiuu ÖTHEET, BAXGOU, BEGS to unnounce that he has succeeded Bto Mr Roberts' business, and trusts by careful at- tention to ail orders entrusted to him, with moderate charges, to meat a coutinuauce of the extensive patrou- age bestowed on the lato .M r Roberts. All kinds of foreign and English Watches carefully re- paired, and clocks attouded to in the country by exper- ionce,1 workmen. Old gold and silver bought. Wedding Rings. 40 "TIII BANGOR WATER AND GAS ACT, 1854 NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the next NO?,li.y General Meeting of the Shardwlders of The Uanor Water and Gas Company will be held at the Company's Ottius, in Rmgor, on Friday, the 29th d.?'otJanuaryi)M?aMt? at one o'clock in the afternoon, il?iy ofJi?iiti,,try iti??ttuit, at one in the and deebring a Dividend for the year ended the 25th day of December last. The Books for the Registration of Traufers of Stock in the Company will be closed from the 22nd to the 29th Üay of Jauuary. both days inclusive. DAVID WHITE, Secretary and GeneralllIanager Bangor. January 7th, 18U0. CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH MENTT. OLD LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR. ROBERTS in respectfully thauking tho I Public for the support received during the last seven years, desires to in f orm them that he has removed I f,tthiIl;\lt:N;l: i:'í: larger and h.s commod- ious promises, The Old London House," lately occupied by Messrs. Lewis and Thomas, and trusts that the sup- port so long received will bo continued and extended. Fresh Buns, Pastry, and Biscuits, Sic-, daily, rich Bun Loaves, Lunch Cake, and an assortment of iced am' or- namented chiistmas Cakes remarkably clu-ap. Icing Sugar, cosaques at all pric, Cake Ornaments, kc. Agcutforthe Imperial Wine Company, Loudon, whose are justly celebrated for their quality and cheap- ness- Good Port and Sherry from Is 5d per bottle. t573 EPPS'S COCOA. ONLY in ? lb., .? lb., and 1 Ib. Packets- ?tin-Unedand?beUet'. SotdbytboTradeinaU parts Prepared by Jas. Epps and Co. Homœopathio ?mists. London. M A MANUFACTURER of a Manure, es- tablished sixteeu years, wishes to appoint a few respectable Agents. Good Commission.—Address by post, with occupation, &c., "Manure Agency," at No. 158, Bishopsgate Street Without. Loudon. 115 f^lTLIS'S PATET ROOFING FELT, E the best and cheaDest Waterproof Covering for all sorts of Shells, Outbuildings, Hay and Corn Ricks, kc. Sold by S. Ellis and Co., Manufacturers, 2;3. Stmn, Liverpool. Carriage paid. Also Sheathing lelt, Hair Boiler Felt, autl Portland Cement. 72 NORTH WALES TRAIN!MO COLLEGE. 11HE Annual General Mooting of the Sub- 1 scribers to the above Institution will be held in the National School-room, Rhyl, on Tuesday, the 19th of January instant, at One o'clock. Tho Committee will meet at 12 o'clock. RICHARD LUCK, Honorary Secretary. LI-f.irf.,I?,n, Gtl? 18GI?l. 109 T(i AN?bu- 1)Ett- rnENDERS are required for the Masonry 1 contained in the Piers and Wing Walls of two Bridge over Cogin River on the Penrhyn Branch Hail- WilY. Plans nuy be seen on application to Mr H. Lee, Eugincer's Office, Bangor Station, aiid the Tenders arc to be delivered oil or before 10 a.m., on the 13th January, IStii). to Arthur Wyatt, Esq., Port Penrhyn, Bangor. 96 ECONOMISTS AND CONNOISSEURS SHOULD BUY BARRY AND COMPANY'S prepared COC)A, which is the Excellence of Prepared Cocoa. Sold in Quarter lb. Packets, by all Grocers, ONE SHILLING PER POUND. Has no attractive name, but Quality to recommend it. NORTH AND SOU I'll WALES BANK. SIXTIETH DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby Given, that a DIVI- NI)I?ND at the rate of TEN per cent per annum, on the Capital Stock of the Company, for the Half-year ended 31st ultimo, will be paid to the Propiietors free of Income Tax. on and after Tuesday, tho 12tli instant, at the Head Office and the respective Branches. The Transfer Books will be closed from this date to tho 12th instant, inclusive. By Order of the Board, RICHARD JONES, Liverpool Manager. Liverpool, 2nd January, 1869. 97 TUE NORTH WALES COUNTIES LUNATIC ASYLUM. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the Annual NMeetitig of the Subscribers to the above Institu- tion will be held at the Board Room, on Tuesday, the 19th day of January, 1869, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the election of Visitors for the year ensuing. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Annual Meeting of Visitors appoiuted for the several Counties in Union and of the Visitors appointed by the Subscribers will be held at the same place, on the same day, at One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of appointing a Chairman awl Clerk to the Visiting Committee, and for other purposes connected with the Institution. JOHN ROBINSON, Clerk to the Committee of Visitors. Denbigh, January 4tli, 18m. 100 THE LOMBAWEXCITANGE & NEWS t ROOM, Lombard-street, London, J. H. YOUNGHUSBANi.), late Treasurer and Secretary of the Liverpool Exchange. SVDSCIUPTlO)I. 23 3s per Annum, or 10s Monthly, payable in advance. The Room is supplietl with Newspapers, both homo and foreign Reuter's Telegrams, giving Commercial, Political, and general Telegraphic information Shipping Lists, Directories, Time Tables, and othes Books of Re. frence There is also an excencnt Refreshment Room attached, as well as a Reading and Writing Room, comfortably furnished. The attention of Country Bankers, Solicitors, Manufac- turers, and others is invited to this Institution, which will be found very convenient to gentlemeu whose busi- ness engagements bli,?c them frequently to visit the )[etropnIis. Fwr further porticulars apply to the Manager of the Room or to lr n. W. Benwell, Secretary of the City Offices Company, Palmerston-huildings, London. 118 EARTH CLOSETS." VI ESSRS. JOHN PALIN & SON beg to 1 f. call particular attention to the above admirable substitute for the present system cf water closets. The new Sanitary Amendment Act (July 31, 18(8), legalises the construction of Earth Closets instead of Water Closets, and their simple adaptation for commodes render them invaluable for the hospital and the sick room. Extract from the" Lancet," November, 18f)t MOUI.K'S EAHTH CLOSETS.—We understand that it is definitely decided that Moule's dry-earth conservancy shall be introduced into the new Asylums for lunatic paupers which are to be built, under Mr Gathorne Hardy's Act, in the neighbourhood of London. It was tho practical and very striking success of these closets at Colney Hatch Asylum which principally led to the de. cision to employ them in the now establishments. "-T1n; LANCKT. Messrs. Palin having been appointed Agonts, and having the above Closets on view at their Offices, will be happy to show them to any one who feels an interest in sanitary improvements. 23, St. Werburgh-street, Chester, 113 FETEPt R- WILLIAMS, (SON AND SUCCEESOR TO JOHN WILLIAMS, 91, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL.) PR. W. wishes to c?U the attention of parties furnishing, and also of BUILDERS, to P. hi., Stock f g,er?l F.r.i.hi.g,,nd Bti il(lers' Iron m(ingery, his stock of mngell bdng the largest in North Wales, He begs to solicit a continuance of the commands of his father's extensive connection. Agents for different makers of Sewing Machines. 1490 irtrNvrL?E CO., VR OLD IRISH WHISKY of the same quality as that supplied to the International Exhi- bition, 1862, Dublin Exhibition, 1865, Paris Exhibition, 1867, and now requlariy to the House of Lords, the quality of which is equal to the finest Frenoh Brandy, may be had direct from Belfast, in Butts, Hhds., Quarter Casks, and Cases. Quotations on application to J\1essrs. Dunvilla and Co., Belfast, or Mr. William Williams, Nag's Head Ion Cor won, North Wales. 42 BOOTS <5x SHOES. TRY DICK'S.noted Gutta Perch a bottomed BOOTS and SHOES with Leather Tops and j_ Insoles. They are unrivalled for Cheapness, cannot be surpassed for Comfort, and are unequalled for wear. Everyone who studies Health should wear them, being an excellent preventive from Damp. s. d. Ladies' Boots of really good quality, at 4 9 Gents' ditto ditto from 6 6 Boys' and Girls' ditto ditto 2 3 The Repairing Department is managed by thoroughly Practical Men, so that all Orders entrusted to us are well and speedily executed. PRICES OF REPAIRING. s. d. Rivetted and Seweil Leather Boots repaired with Gutta Percha. Gents' Boots, Soleing and Heeling, from 2 3 Ladies' ditto ditto ditto 1 6 Boy.' and Gi,l.' ditto ditto 1 3 NEW ELASTICS PUT IN OLD BOOTS. it. d. Ladies' s. d. Gents' 10 a Set for Cotton. 14 a Set for Cotton. 1 4 a Set for Silk. 19 a Set for Siik. 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. HIGH S TREET, DENBIGH. HIGH STllEKT, MOLD. CAMBRIAN HOUSE, PWLLHELI, and Wholesale Drp t at 90, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER. 1453 CITY TEA, COFFEE, FAMILY GROCERY, AND ITALIAN ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED 1780. MESSRS. BOWERS BROTHERS BEG gratefully to acknowledge the ?o.- ted to them have their personal atten- Btinue(I and increasing patronage of tion and care. the N ohility and Gentry of the County B0WERS' TEAShavebeen and Principality. They can us.?ur? their 1tmSSnS BOWER' TEAS have been Patron and the Public that the Articles noted for many years, and they es- supplied from their Establishment are of pecially solicit a trial of them by all who first-class quality, aDd all Orders entrus- desire good and ifni) quality. FRENCH AND ITALIAN CONDIMENTS AND PICKLES. SAUCES, ESSENCES, AND CULINARY REQUISITES. BURNING OILS, CANDLES, HOUSEHOLD AND SCENTED SOAPS. BOWERS BROTHERS, 101, EASTGATE STREET. CHESTER. N, B.-AU Orders to the amount of £2 are Carriage Paid to any Railway Station, 43 THE "INOKTII CHRONICLE" STEAM PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTALISHMENT. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AND LETTERPRESS PRINTER, STATION Eli, AND BOOKBINDER, HIGH STRE E T, BANGOR, PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES,SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, ETC., EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. PROSPECTUSES. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. CATALOGUES. INVENTORIES. CIRCULARS. BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS. PLACARDS. INVOICES. • BILL-HEADS. CHECK BOOKS. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT IS REPLETE WITH EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, ACCOUNT BOOKS LEDGE RS, CASII BUOKS, ETC. MAGAZINES AND PEillODlCALS SUPPLIED ON DAY OF PUBLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN ALL THE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS. GRIFFITH DA VIES. WHOLESALE & FAMILY GROCER, HIGH STREET, BANGOR CHRISTMAS FRUIT. VALENCIA RAISINS, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D. PER POUND. CURRANTS, 2D, 31D, 4D, 5D. PER POUND. SULTANA RAISINS. AND DESSERT FRUIT, MUS- CATELLS, FIGS, GRAPES. & A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FANCY ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, TEA CADDIES, INKSTANDS, BAGS, PURSES, &o 39 ThE GARI)ENEIIS' CHRONICLE AND agricultural GAZETTE, A Weekly Journal (registered for transmission abroad), DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF ALL BRANCHES OF HORTICULTURE, AGRICULTURE AND COLLATERAL SUBJECTS. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, PRICE FIVEPENCE, OR SIXPENCE STAMPED. Established in 1841 by the late PrOreiSOr Li1HUey in conjunction with Sir Joseph Paxton and other leadin Horticulturists, the "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE" has, as circumstances have demanded, been enlarged in size, and its scope rendered more comprehensive, so that it still remains the largest and most important of all the periodicals devoted to Horticulture and Agriculture, either in this country or abroad. Thanks to the Contributors and Correspondents-including amongst them all the leading Horticulturists, AgriouHurists, and Meu of Science of the Kingdom—ORIGINAL ARTICLES on all matters connected with the subjects of which the Journal treats are given. The principles' of Animal and Vegetable Physiology, of Botany, and of Natural History generally, so far as they have a bearing on Practical Horticulture and Agriculture, are ex- plained. The fullest information is supplied as to improved methods of Culture, New Implements, and all points connected with the Cultivation of Flowers, Fruits, Forests, Lc. the Management of Estates, Farms, Gardens, Orchards, W oOtls or Stock the details of Field Cultivation the practice of Drainage and Irrigation, the Veterinory Art Road Making, the keeping of Bees, Poultry, &c. the Construction, Maintenance, Heating, and Ventilation of all Garden or Farm Blllhlings in short, of all matters connected with the Practice of Holticulture, Agriculture, Forestry, Fruit Culture, and Rural Economy generally. t) .I'k t tl OH' t dth M NEW PLANTS, FRUITS, &c., ale described in a manner to be serviceable alike to the Cultivator and the Man REPORTS of important lictropolitan and Provincial Exhibitions, as well as of all Societies, Lectures, &c., likely to he interesting to the Horticulturist or Agriculturist, are supplied in addition to Weekly Reports of the various Markets for Corn, Hay, Hops, Cattle, Flowcrs, Fruit, Timber, &c. varit)iis Markets for Corn, fl?iy, tiol)s, CORRESPONDENCE serve to bring to light ft vast amount of varied and The Colunins devoted to TIO?IE interesting information. iDt° O?ng ?thec?eusive circulation of the "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE abroad and in the Colonies, the department devoted to FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE forms a valuable and interesting feature of the Journal. in REVIEWS of BOOKS whose subjects come within the scope of the Journal are supplied, while under the head of GARDEN and FARM MEMORANDA are from time to time given Notices of such Gardens, Farms, or Estates as are likely to furnish materials for the information of the reader. ±. p A CALENDAR of Weekly Operations as well as Notes for Amateurs supply valuable suggestions to Practical Gardeners and others, and in the Notices to Correspondents replies are fur??ilwd,to any question that may be asked, such replies being given by men of tho highest reputation in theii respective departments. Woodcuts are given w h enever the nature of the sub j ?t requires tli? En?'racin" so brge a field, addressed to so many classes of readers, and with so large a Circulation not nnly m Great Britain but on the 'ontinent, in India, and the various Col-?f;, the GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE affords an excpptionaMy good m??ujn fir advertisers, the more so as in action to thn special features of the Journal there is a GENERAL NEWSPAPER, in which a careful Summary of the News of the weak is given without leaning towards thia or that. Wty, so that the reader is put ia possesjipa of the facts and is enabled to draw his own inferences from them. Office for Advertisements41, Wellington StMet, Cogent GMden, London, W.C. pufair Notice MONEY TO LEND. o | AAA TO Lend on Freehold Property, jj-}:' 'v'v/ in one or in Varl:'13 BUJnS. I Apply toMr. S. O. Williams, Solicitor, Llandudno 12 ICHAEL KENNEY, Bill Poster and General Advertising Agent for North Wales. Contracts entered into for posting bills in Great Britain and Ireland- All Orders intrusted to I.K, from other towns by Rail or Post promptly attended to. P.S.—In connection with the United Kingdom Bill Posters Association." 10 [A CARD ] R. D. ROBERTS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, LLANRWST. 176 llEAUMAIUS. TtlOMAS OWEN AND SON, BEG to announce their return from the Markets with a variety of novelties suitable for the seasou- General Drapers, Funeral Undertakers, Houso Furnishers. Iron and Brass Bed Depot, Feathers, Redding, &c.. Cork Matting. Agents for Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines, Atkin's Patent Carbon Filters, Iron F.ncing Wire, Hurdles, Gates, Agricultural Imp]c- menta, &c.. Lock.. Hinges, Scrcws, Naib, General Hard- ware. General Factors. 44 LLANGEFNI NEW FAIRS. AT a Public Meeting heH at Llngefni, on the 2nd of January, 1869, it was unanimously resolved that a new Fair for Cattle and Horses be held anonally at Llan;¡efni. on the 28th of February, n of!. also that a new Fair be liolrt on the 13th of March, (tho day .preceding the Great Catle Fair) for Sheep, Horses and Welsh Cobs. A, LAURIE, 103 Chairman. TO CONSUMPTIVES. LUNG S—Prof. 0, Phelps Brown continue, to send by Po?t L -Fr(?eofCh?Lrge.h!sV L U N G "UIIPTION. which describes minutely the First- —Second, Third and Fourth .Stages, as well as &I. LUNG S—Throat Complaints, together with Bron(?hitis and -Asthma, never failing remedies lately discovered L U NG__are given. They consist of herbal Produc,. only -and the Plants to be employed ue truthfully i?lus. L U N G S—trated and described. This wcrk also contains a -prescription in plain English for the Speedy Cure LUNG S—of Epilepsy or Fits, which has been trie t in three —thousand cases without a failure. Sent to any ad- IU NG.-?ress on receipt of one stamp. Six copies, three r—stamps. All communications mut be addressed L U N G S-to tho author, Prof. 0 Phel Brown, No. 2, -King-street, Covent-garden, London. 111 NOTICE CARNARVONSHIRE POLICE CLOTH- ING CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR. Parties wishing to tender can forward Patterns or Sam- ples of the undermentioned rticles to the Chief Con- stable, Carnarvon, not later than Wednesday, the 20th day "f Jauuary next, viz, for quantities about 14 top coats, 4 coats, 8 pairs of trousers, for Superin- tendents. 2 top coats, 2 coats, 4 pairs of trousers, for Inspectors. 9 top coat., 9 coats, 18 pirs of trousers, for Sergeants. 40 top coats, 40 coats, 80 pairs of trousers for Con- stables. A separate price should bo quoted for Tunic fcr Ser- geants and Constables, and samples of the articles re- quired can be seen at Carnarvon or any Police Station in the County, care being taken in the case of Top Coats to ask for pattern of 1865. White metal buttons will be supplied for the Under Coats to the Contractors. It must be understood that neither the lowest or any tender will necessarily be accepted. By Order, T. P. WM. ELLIS, C.E. December 30th. 1868. NOTE.— For convenience of comparison it is requested that each pattern should have :,tt?,,h?d a card of Con- tmctor's name and address bearing a number this num- ber being gai,? quoted in a separate letter giving the price. 8tatement should be appended as to expenses of measurement. 75 ^do^1Icense3.~CAUTI6N. THE Commissioners of Inland Revenue Tgive notice that all DOG LICENSES granted in the year 1868 expired on the 31st L?c?niberl?.,t,.nd every person keepiug a dog in the current year is required forthwith to take out a new License. The duty payable for each dog kept is Five Shillings. The penalty for keeping a dog without License is Five Pounds. A License is not transferable from one person to another. A License may be obtained by the owner giving his name and address, and the name of the place where the dog is kept, ou application at The Office of the Collector of Inland Re-j In the neigh- ven ue, I bourhood of The Office of the Distributor of Stamps )■ the appli- or I cant's resi- A Money Order Post-office, J deuce. Licenses will also be granted by the several supervisors of Inland Kevenue. Persons residing at a distance from any of the above offices, by transmitting with thdr application Inland Revenue (Receipt) or Postage Stamps for the proper amount of duty, to the Collector of Inland Revenue for the District, will receive a License in return by post, WM. CORBETT, Inland Revenue, Secretary. Somerset House, London, 1st Jan., IGO. 171 palest, &c. RAIN AGE PIPES from 14 inch. to 6 Dincii(3.i bore of first-class quality can be shipped by Rail or by Sailing vessels.—Apply to Mr J. Williams, Towyn Tileiy, Voryd, near Abergele. 30 TO be Disposed of, a Grocery and provision TBu,?ine,?s, situate in High Street, Bangor, Ilent £2G per annum. Immediate possession. Stock, (low,) Fixtures and Furniture to be taken at a valuation.— For further particulars apply to Mr John Pritchard, Auctioneer, &c., Bangor. 61 __n_ .ioaltø fig Auction. FREEHOLD HOUSE PROPERTY for Sale in MALL- TRAETH YARD, ANGLESEY. MR C. N. BICKNELL has been instructed by tho Guardians of the Poor of the Bangor and Beaumaris Union to Sell by Auction at the Bull Hotel, Llangefni, on Thursday, January 14th, 1869, commenc- ing at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of Sale to be then and there read, ten Freehold Houses, situated as above in Malltraeth Yard, Anglesey, now in the occupation of Edward Jones and others. Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, Mr C. N. Bicknell, 262, High-street, and Ty'nhendre, Ban- gor. Bangor, December 30th, 1868. 74 DWYGYFYLCIIITO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Abl y R GEORGE FELTON, at the Erskine LvJL Arms Hotel, Conway, on Friday, the 22nd day of Jauuary^ 1869, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, (unless pre- viously disposed by Private Treaty, of which due notice will be given:) LOT I.-All that freehold messuage called SYCH- NANT COTTAGE, with the two fields adjoining, con- taining in tho whole by admeasurement 3 roods and 10 perches or thereabouts, situate in the village of Dwy- gyfylchi, ,d adjoining the old road from Conway to Bangor. The situation is most healthy and charming, commanding a fine L"ndscape and sea view, being within a short distance of a splendid bathing ground and the accomodation of the Messuage is sufficient for a moderate sized family. LOT 2.-A11 that Leasehold Water Corn Mill and pro. mises commoaly called NEW MILL, with the fixed machinery therein, and the cottage an,1 garden called PENTREFRLIN, and four fields adjoining, containing in the whole by admeasurement 3a. 2r. 9p. or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Elizabeth Pritchard, her under- tenants or assigns. This Loti. held under a Lease for the term of 50 years, f,w.tb-29t]i day of December, 1829, subject to the yearly rent of to 18s. LOT 3.—All that Freehold Wool Factory with tho fixett machinery (if any) therein, containing by admea- surement la. 2r, 1p.. or thereabouts, situate in the parish of Dwygyfylchi* ami now in the occupation of Mr John Jones. i For furthw particulars or to treat by hivate Contract apply to M* William Jorm, Solicitor, Conway; or to the [ Auctio, Moat.? E?te'Q?:? L!&Ad;Ldvo. 1626 £ aks fin Auction. RE THE LLANEERIS SLATE COMPANY LIMITED, OTHERWISE THE GALLT-Y-LLAN QUARRY. IMPORTANT TO QUARKY PROPRIETORS, SLATB AGENTS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. TVTR WM. DEW has received instructions from the Liquidators of the above-Darned Com- pany to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTiON on Tuesday, the lUth day of January. 1869, THE WHOLE OF THE VERY VALUABLE ROLLING AND MOVEABLE STOCK, IRON WAGGONS New Slate Travels. HIGH PRESSURE EIGHT HORSE-POWER Sl'KAM EN- GINE AND BOILER, by Kinsey. of Nottin-IMHI, nearly new, Patent Sciew Jack, DOUBLE PURCH ASE CRAB WINCH, Slab Trollies, WEIGHING MACHINES, TURNTABLES, several TONS of T RAILS, and Angle Iron, Wire Ropes, about 90 Turnouts and Crossings, Drums, Blacksmith and Miner's Tools. Chain- Cross- kill's Cart. Longitudinal Sleepers, Tie Bolts and Rollers, Traverser, Frame and Extra Timber, Steaiu Pipes, Large Be vil Wheels. &c., fee- Also the WHOLE OF THE STOCK on band, consist- ing of. about 340,000 SLATES of various siz.'s, a portion now lying nt the Quay in Carnarvon and the remainder at the Quarry. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a. in. Catalogues may be had at any of the ps Hotels in Carnarvonshire, of the Auctioneer, WellrieM House. Bangor. and from Mr D. P. Williams, chemist. Llanberii, who will also shew intending purchasers over the works. 8a LLANFECHELL, ANGLESEY, NORTH W ALES. Important Sale of FREEHOLD LAND, bem j the Allot- ment set out for the purpose of paying the excuses of ¡II\,t,;u:lI; tk{o'tae ÏLf: t1:le tl:lp.lrih i LJanf, hill MI\ W -f. DEW has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, in Lots, at the Crown' Inn, Llanfechell, on Thur",ay, January 23rd. 1869, at 12 o'clock about 100 Acres of highly improvable Freehold Land, Tithe and Land Tax Free most (? iigibl ;ltuLI:' ;!i¡tt atJI'rAnN'F;Orl MOUNTAIN OR HILLS in the Pari.h of LlanfochelL The lots are set out Oil the Ground. Plans with Parti- culars and Conditions of Sale. can be viewed at Mr A Foulkes, valuer, Newbridge, Ruabon, or Coi n the Crown inn, Llanfechell; and at Mr Win. Dew, Auc- tioneer and Estate Agent, Bangor. THE RECTORY, RHOSCOLYN, (distant about three miles from the Valley Station, ANGLESEY. -Sale of Substantial and Serviceable HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE and other Effects. MR JOHN PRITCHARD has Wn in- 11. strutted by the Rev. R, H. \\ïUi.ttm, to Sell by Public Auction, on the premises above-named, "n Wed- nesday, the 13th day of January, 1830, e >m-dicing at half-past Eleven o'clock à- m. precisely, the w!i of the excellent and substantial Household Furniture, com- prising sets of mahogany, oak, and cane-seated Chairs, mahogany, dining, centre, and occasional Tables, papier machie Table, mahogany Sideboards, Sofas, a sweet-toned square Pianoforte, by Broadwood and Sous, ill mahogany case, Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets. Cruml, Cloths Iron Feuders and Fire Sets, Cut Glass Wine aud Spirit Decanters, mahogany Butler's Tray and Stand, iron Hat and Umbrella Stand, Wheel Barometer, electroplated Candelabra, Salmon and Trout Fishing Rods with reel., a capital double-barrelled Gun in g >od order, hr;e Book. case with glazed front, a mi,culhlledus collection of Books, crimson moreen Hangings, mahogany f-mr-post tent. and half-tester Bedsteads, hair Mattresses, prime Goose Feather Beds, Blankets, Sheets Quilts, nuhogauy winged Wardrobe, mahogany Chest* of Drawers, Toilet Glasses, Chamberware, Dresing Tables, \V¡lh.¡t;lnds, Night Commode, Kitchen T:\bles an I Chairs, Dresser, Cupbo.\rds, Dinner and Tea Services, ^laujle, Tin Has- tener and Bottle Jacks, eUht-day Clock in mahogany case, Culinary Utensils, set of Harness. Saddles, Pony Carriage, a small quantity of seed potatoes, lianural Cucumber, Crane, and other miscellaneous Items. Plasllwyd Terrace, Bangor. SALE of Neat and Serviceable HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE MR JOHN PRITCHARD has bnea in- 1 structed to Sell by Public Auction, at Glanydott Terrace, Menai Bridge, on Tuesday, the 19th ,hy January, 1869, commencing at One o'clock (precisely,) a general assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the pro- perty of the Rev. Mr Jones, deceased. Plasllwyd Terrace, Bangor. V. Jii R. A Catalogue of Steam B)ileri. Cupolas, Corn Mills, Steel, Irish Cars, Serge Cuttings, Harness (good,) Can- vass, Junk "nd Jute, Guttl\ l'ercha, Nails good;, Lead, and Founders1 Ashes, Mixed Metal, Tools, Leather, Waggous and Wheels, Old Wood. ]\TR SPILLMAN, of Bo'l Yard, Fleet 1YX Street. ,Y.U, will Sell by Public Auction. at the ROYAL ARSENAL, WOOLWICH, by order of the Secretary of State for War, on Monday, 18th January, 1869, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. The Lots may be viewed at the Royal Arsenal, Wool- wich, from 10 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock, on the three working days previous to, and on the moruiug of, the day of Sale; and Catalogues may be obtained at the War Office, Pall Mall; at the Tower; and at the Royal rseal, Woolwich. 108 LLANBERIS, CARNARVONSHIRE. Highly Important to Parties Furnishing, &c. Attractive Sale of Truly Elegant London made Furniture, &e. &0. MESSRS. OWEN & ON respootlully beg ,m to announce that they have been instructed by Mr J. E. Williams, who has just taken the Padarn Villa Hotel, Llanberis, to Sell by Auction, at his previous Residence, No. 2, Snowdon Terrace, on Tuesday, the 19th Jauuary. 1869, commencing at 12 o'clock precisely, the whole of his truly, handsome, and costly HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &e., kc., comprising an exceedingly handsome and massive walnut drawing-room, full suite, richly carved, and upholstered in excellent blue velvet. comprising six chairs, gentleman's easy chaii, lady's sewing chair, double-headed couch. ceutre table, large eheffonier, Davenport, lady's work table, music stool, and a Canterbury. Beautiful mahogany dining room uites, noble pier glasses, in gilt frames, very superior Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, prints and eugraviugs. Sets of mahogany bedroom suites, consisting of bedsteads, toilet tables, wardrobes, chests of drawers, chairs, com- modes, and other appendages prime feather betig, ex- cellent bed and table linen, magnificent bed and window curtains, patent felt druggets, fenders, fire irons, kitchen furniture, and various other effects, The whole of which are minutely described in Printed Catalogues. May be vieweG at any time upon application at the Padaru Villa Hotel, Llanberis. Catalogues may' be ha,1 at the different Hotels in the neighbourhood, and of Messrs. E. Hugh Owen and Son, Auctioneers and Valuers, Carnarvon. 77 Without Reserve.—BEDDGELERT, NORTH WALES. -Valuable SLATE QUARRIES, with Plant, Machi- nery, aud all necessary Buildiugs, with Possession. fH. ROBERT REID will Sell by Auction 1'- at Garraways, London, on Friday, January 22nd, at Twelve for One o'clock precisely, by order of the Trustees for Creditors, valuable SLATE QUARRIES, very eligibly situated in the parish of Beddgelert, North ales, near the north western boundary of the County of Merioneth, and about seven miles from the shipping port of Portmadoc, where vessels of 300 tons can lie at all times of the tide. The Quarries are on the farms of Ger- raint and Berthlwyd, extending over a surface of about 350 acres, an,1 lie in almost a direct line between the well-known Quarries of lrs Assheton Smith, and those of the late Lord Palmerston. Four inclines have beeu driven at well selected points. The slate is the pure purple blue, straight in cleavage, and free from spot an d blemish, and considered to be in- exhaustible. The river Mor bounding one side of tho property, affords an abundant supply of water power for sawing and dressing the blocks and slabs. The property is held by lease for a term, of which 32 years were un- expired at Michaelmas day, 1868, at a rent of C200 for the first ye ir, at a Royalty of 1.12th, not to be less than £200 per annum for the next six years, nor less than £100 per annum during the remainder of the term. The Fixed Plant, Rolling and Moveable Stock, and other property on the Quarrie to be taken by the purchaser at a valua- tion in tho usual way. Tho Quarries may be viewed on application to Mr Robert Jones, at the Quarries. Particulars may be obtained of F. P. Chappell, Esq., solicitor, 26, Golden-square, London, W.C.; at GarrA- way's, E.O., and of Mr Robert Reid, 48, Great borough-street, London, W. 98 DENBIGH.—To be SOLD by AUCTION, by MR EDWARD WILLIAMS GEE at the J.; NEW INN, Denbigh, on Wednesday, January 27th, 1869, at 5 o'cl. ek in the afternoon, 2 Freehold Cot- tiges at the Back l'ow, Denbigh, in the occupation of Hvan Davies and Robert Bassett. For particulars apply t j Mr J. F-U JOnw, SoI:cif.or Denbigh. 63