NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. PAHLUMKNTARY NOTICES, ELECTION ADDRESSES, AND PUBLIC COMPANIES, tid per Line. LAW NOTICES, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4D pee LlOe. TBADBS. ROOKS, CHARITIES, &c., 3d per Line. In ortler to render the Advertising t'-olumns of the to the Public, the following REDUC'l.D SCALE OF CHAKGES is adopted for the uuderuieutiouod elates of PKUWM ADVEKT18KMENTS Sitnattons Wanted. Cierkiy Serwj utsy d-c., Artidc9 or Animate Lout or Found. VJliCfS or SIwp. IV'IIII('( 01' to be Let. tl1ld Apartments to Let. Onc Insertion, not exceeding Twuty Words Is. 6d. Three insertions, ditto, ditto 3s. Gd. These CHARGED apply only to such ADVERTISE- MENTS as are PAID FOR lit the time at the Office, 01 for which stamps are enclosed with Order, if sent by Pst. ar»cl do not iuclude Sales by Auction or ordinary Business Addresses. grants. WANTED, at or near Penmaenmawr, a V V small Cottage or Villa, unfurnished.—Address, S, Post-office, Chester. 88 TO FARMERS. WANTED to put out 2 or 3 HORSES, where there is good grazing and shelter—Hay and oorn wilt bo paid for extra. Address,—A. B. C. D., Post- office. Portmadoe 169 Ðnøonø tantt. -=ïrANTED, a good COOK. She must (\ understand making butter. No kitchen maid kept. Good reference required.—Address, X.Y,Z., Post-office. Rut-bin. 1487 WANTED, a PARLOUR-MAID She It must understand waiting, and cleaning Plate. Good references required.—Address, X. Y.Z., Post-office, Ruthin. 1488 WANTED immediately in a small Family í l in the Country, a Good Plain COOK, who will also assist in the washing aud irouing.-Apply to Miss Roberts Bryn Meirig, Bangor. 19 A GENTLEMAN in practice as a Civil ,C-IL Engineer and Surveyor in Cheshire, is willing to take a pupil into hi. office. — For particulars and amount of premium required apply to J. D., care of the Editor of the North H?.< C?roH)'<-?. Bangor. 20 WANTED, m a Ciergymfm's family, an In.-door, I?,v..t, ,I 20 years of age, who un- derstands hl duties and who 'ill be required to work occasionally III he Garden. He must alsj be acquainted with the Welsh language.—Address, A.B., Post-office, Ruthin. 67 &alcss, &c. DRAINAGE PIPES from H Inch. to 6 inch", bure of first-class quality can be ??hippod by Rail or l»y bailing vessel. -Apply to Mr J. Williams, Towyn TilViy, Voryd, near Abergele. 121:1 rno be Disposed ofa Grocery and provision r Busitie?, situate in High Street, Bangor, Hcnt. 221; nor aunuin. Immediate possession. Stock, (low,) Fixtures and Furniture to be taken at a valuation.— For further particulars apply to Mr John Pritchard, Auctioneer, &c., Bangor. 1633 lUo tie Het. TO BE LET, in consequence of ill-health, T11 o)d-est*Mished Public House, with Vault situated in the centre of a leading town in North Wales. Ingoing, low.—Apply at the office of the North IVates Chronicle. 1630 TO BE DISPOSED OF IMMEDIATELY, A Chemist and Druggist SHOP at Bethesda, or only the Fixtures and Bottles if preferable. Satisfactory reasons for leaving will be given. —Apply to Mr- J O. Williams, Druggist, Bethesda, near Bangor. 171 rr"O B1 LET, at a moderate rent, No. 2 TFriar's Terrace, Bangor, containing Breakfast, Dining, and Drawing Koom, 7 Bedrooms, Attics, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, and all other conveniences. For further particulars apply to Mr. C. N. llicknell. Auctioneer. 262, High Street, and 'jVy'uhLndre Bangor. GOOD INVESTNIENT. TO TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS, AND CAPITALISTS. 110 be Disposed ot, the Business of a TTI,bacco Manufacturer ?lately deceased) situated in Palace Street. Carnarvon Commodious premises, with Stean Engine and Machiiery complete, in good working order. Address by letter to O. W. I forth Wales Chronicle Office, Baugor, North Wales. 180 ftrtolastif. TREBORTH HALL ACADEMY. THE Duties of this School will be resumed on Monday, January 25th. Also, a day school, in connection with the above, will be opened at No. 1, M(?unt Pleasant, Upper Bangor. Prospectuses on application, Prospectuses on "PP?? LONG-PARRY, Principal. MARRIED Clergyman, M.A., Cxon, of Agreat experience in tuition, and r?iding in a most heathy part of North Wales, on the borders of Shrop- shire. takes a few pupils to prepare for the Public Schools. Two vacancies. Age, 8 to 15. Every home eomfort, and ponies for boy's use. AQdre?Re?. H. V. Williams, Llangedwyn, Oswestry. 1623 ~EDUCA HON FOP. LADIEI, UPPER BANOOii, NORTH WALES, UNDER the superintendence of MISS LEISHMAN, who for many years conducted the Educational Establishment at Blackrock, and the Educa. tional Institute for Ladies, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Me?iOD ??quare, D,?bli,?. Appli?i,ti-? to .ad. for the pr?.?.t to Miss L,,i?h- man, /), Pr!_l!l'pe! Bangor. 1574 .0. EDUCAITON. ABBOT'S VIEW, EXTON PARK, CHESTER. MKS R. h DEW (assisted by Professors 'J and Teachers) receives a few Young Ladies to Board ami Educate. Every effort is matle to securc to the Pupils the comforts of a Christian, home and the ad- vantages of a refined and useful education. The highest references. Prcspectuses on application. 1538 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, ABERDOVEY, NORTH WALES, FOR THE SONS OF GENTLEMEN. HEliF, aro two Departments, 1st, the CLASSICAL SCHOOL, to prepare boys proviou. to entering the Universities. 2nd:—1 he uDbkN to prepare boys.-orMerc..ut.)e pursuits. fewh Department will be under separate Masters. It is proposed to conduct the school as much as possible after the manner of the great Public Schools. Abenlovty is delightfully situated and is considered as one of the roost healthy spots in the Principality, Terms en application. Address, .j Tho Principal." GRAMMAR SCHOOL. BALA. HEAD MASTER MR- W. T. PHILLIPS. THE Pupils of this School are thoroughly Tgroun(led in the subjects necessHY for a sound Midclle Class Education, the Oxford and Cambridge Mid- dle Class Examinations beiug taken as the standard for the ..)? j ,?t, tau ht, th1'h"; a ?ew Vacancies for Boarders—-terms on ap' plication. The next Quarter will begin on Thursday, January 28 th. 78   I'ORTMADOC GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THE REV. S. W. EAKNSUAW, M.A., 1. St. John's College, Cambridge, begs to inform his friends anil the public that this School will re-open on Monday, the 1st February. Terms for Day-scholars, Two Guineas a Quarter. Drawing Lessons by Mr J. C. Rowlands, Head-master of the School of Design, Carnarvon. For further particulars apply to the R?, S. W. Earn- lhaw, Portmadoe er Vacancies for Hoarders. 73 public Noticto. BANGOR CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. 11IIE Quarterly Meeting of the Committee -1 w.ill be held iu tho Chapter Room, Bangor, on Tuesday, the 5th of January, 1869, at 1 30 p.m. JOHN PRYCE, 1649 Honorary Secretary. MR. BINNS, BEGS respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Bangor and its neighbourhood, that he has succeeded Mr Landergan, as Organist and Choirmaster of St. James' Church, Upper Baugor, and is now ready to receive pupils for tho Organ, Harmonium, Pianoforte, and Singing. Terms, fcc-, on applicatioB,-Addres8, 2, Brynteg Terrace, Bangor, and 17, Castle-street, Beaumaris, vm THE proposed Conference of the Clergy Tand Laity of the Diocese of Bangor, convened by the Lord Bishop, will be held on the 12,h of January next, at the new National School-room, Bangoh at 11 a.m, The proceedings will be conducted in the Welsh and English languages. JOHN EVANS, Llanllechid Rectory, Honorary Secretary. December 31st, 1868, 85 J 0 H N WELCH, (For 13 years manager to the late Mr Roberts,) WATCHMAKKR & JEWELLER, 252, Hiaa STHEET, BANGOR, BEGS to announce that he has succeeded to Mr Roberts' busiuess, and trusts by careful at- tention to all orders entrusted to him, with moderate charges, to merit a continuance of the extensive patron- age bestowed on the late Mr Roberts. All kinds of foreigu and English Watches carefully re- paired. aud clocks attended to in the country by exper- ienced workmen. Old gold and silver bought. Wedding Rings. 1277 CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. OLD LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR.  ROBERTS iu respectfully thanking the J • Public for the support received during the last seven years, desires to inform them that he has removed from the Market Place to the larger and more commod- ious premises. The Old London House," lately occupied by Messrs. Lewis and Thomas, anil trusts that the sup- port so long received will be continued and extended. Fresh Buns, Pastry, and Biscuits, &c-, daily, rich Bun Loaves, Lunch Cake*, and an assortment of iced anfl or- nameuted Clnistmas Cakes remarkably cheap. Icing Sugar, cosaques at all prices. Cake Ornaments, &c. Agent for the Imperial Wine Company, London, whose Wines are justly celebrated for their quality and cheap- ness- Good Port aud Sherry from Is 5d per bottle. 1573 WINES, SPIRITS, &c. WILLIAM ROWLANDS &CO., HIGH STREET. SUPERIOR LONDON GIN. IRISH MALT WHISKIES. FINE OLD SCOTCfl MALT. Martell's, Hennessey's, and other BRANDIES, RUM, GENEVA, PORT, SHERRY, CLARET, CHAM- PAGNE, &c., &c. Per Dozen. Half Qnarts. Pints. Pints. Bass & Co's OCT. BREWINGS PALE ALE 7s. Od. 3s.6d. Ditto ditto Kilds, 32s. to 36s. Ditto ditto MILD ALES, 24s. 27s., aos., Per Dozen. Hal. Quarts. Pints, pintsf G UINNESS & CO'S Best Dub- 1 ?  lin PORTER. f b3- Ditto ditto in Half-Barrels, 24s GENUINE HUNGARIAN WINES. Highly rccommeudcd by the Medical Profession. CARLOWITZ (see Lancet) 25s doz. Sole Agents for Bangor aud neighbourhood, W. llOWLANDS, & CO., WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, HIGil STREET, BANGOR. Orders per post will have immediate attention. 50 OLLIS'S PATENT ROOFING FELT, Xli the best and cheapest Waterproof Covering for all sorts of Sheds, Outbuildings, Hay and Corn Ricks, Jcc. hold by S. Ellis and Co., Manufacturers, 23, Strand-st., Liverpool. Carriage paid. Also Sheathing Felt, Hair Boiler Felt, aud Portland Cement. 7Z THE ROYAL IN'SUHANTOE C JMPAMY, LIVERPOOL. Capital, 22,000,000 iu 100,000 .Shares of 223 eaoh. FIRE BRANCH. THE Rates of Premium are exceedingly Tmo(ler,ite, and governed by a careful consideration of the risk proposed. j?FEBRANCS. Bonuses hitherto Ieclared-the largest ever continu- ously declared by any Company. THE ROYAL is distinguished for the promptitude aud liberality of its settlements. AgentRobert Pritchard, 23, Brunswick Street, LivcrpooL 76 DOG LICENSES.-CAUTION. THE Commissioners of Inland Revenue ,;?? notice that all DOG LICENSES granted in the year 1868 expired on the 31st Lecember last, and every person keeping a dog in the current year is required forthwith to take out a new License. The duty payable for each dog kept is Five Shillings. The penalty for keeping a dog without License is Five Pounds. A License is not transferable from one person to another. A License may be obtained by the owner giving hi. name and address, and the Dame of the place where the dog is kept, oil application at The Office of the Collector of Inland e- n the neigh- venue, Dourhood of The Office of the Distributor of Stamps V the appli- or I cant's resi A Money Order Post office, dece. Licenses will also be granted by the several supervisors of Inland Revenue- Persons residing at a distance from any of the above offices- by transmitting with their application Inland Revenue (Receipt) or Postage Stamps for the proper amount of duty, to the Collector of Inland Revenue for the District, will receive a Li.?e in return by post. WM. CORBETT, Inland Revenue, Secretary. Somerset House. London, 1st Jan., 1869. 86 AND CORWEN RAILWAY. NOTICE OF ALTERATIONS OF TRAINS for January, 1869. DO IVV TRAINS. A train will leave Ruthin for Corwen at 6-40 a.m., on Ruthin Market and Fair days, arriving in Corwen at 7-25 a,m, the 6-0 a.m. train being discontinued. The 8-50 it. in. from Denbigh to Corwen (through 3rd class train to all Great Western Stations) will leave at 8-45, and the intermediate times will be slightly altered arriving iu Corwen at 9-50 for the 9-55 a. m, G. W, ex- press train to Wrexham, Chester, Liverpool, &c. A new train will leave Denbigh for Corwen at 10-25 a.m. and Ruthin at 10-50 a.m., arriving in Corwen at 11-35 for U. W. fast through train to Salop, Birmingham, Oxford, London, &c- The 11-55 a in. mixed train from Denbigh will leave at 12-15 and run to Ruthin only, arriving at 12-40 p.m. A caHiage will be attached to the goods train leaving Denbigh at 5-5 p in. arriving in Corwen at 7 15 p.m. The 6-50 p.m. train from Denbigh will run to Ruthin only. UP TRAINS. A carriage will be attached to the goods train leaving Ruthin at 7-40 it,ill. for Denbigh. The 8-10 a m. train from Corwen will run on Ruthin Market and Fair days only, leaving at 7-50 am.. and R^uthin (daily) at 8 40 a.m., arriving in Denbish at 9 5 The 2-50 p.m. train (goods) from Corwen will leave at 1-45 p in., and reach Denbigh at 4-5 p.m. A carriage will be attached to this train- f The G. W. London express train will arrive in Corwen at 4-45 p m in connection with the 5-0 p.m. train from Co.wen, arriving in Denbigh at 6-0 p.m. The intermediate times of the 8-0 p in. train from Cor- wen will be slightly altered to arrive in Denbigh at 9-15 p. For minor ulterations see the Company's Time Tables for January. By Order General Manager's OffiCe, Ruthin, Dec. 21st, 1868. 36 GRIFFITH DA VIES. WHOLESALE & FAMILY GROCER, HIGH STREET, BANGOR CHRISTMAS FRUIT. VALENCIA RAISINS, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D. PER POUND. CURRANTS, 2D, SiD" 4D, 5D. PER POUND. SULTANA RAISINS. AND DESSERT FRUIT, MUS- CATELLS, FIGS, GitAPES, & A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FANCY ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, TEA CADDIES, INKSTANDS, BAGS, PURSES. &o 1263 PETER R. "WILLIAMS, (SON AND SUCCEESOR TO JOHN WILLIAMS, 91, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL.) P R. W. wishes to call the attention of parties furnishing, and also of BUILDERS, to P his extensive Stock of general Furnishing and'Builders' Ironmongery, his stock of ranges being the larget in North Wales, He begs to solicit a continuance of the commands of his father's extensive connection. Agents for different makers of 8ewing Machines.' 1490 D?Tv I L L?" & CO., I VR OLD IRISH WHISKY of the same quality as that supplied to the International Exhi- bition, 1862, Dublin Exhibition, 1865, Paris Exhibition, 1867, and now reqularly to the House of Lords, the quality of which is equaj to the finest French Brandy, maybe had direct from Belfast, in Butts, Hhds., Quarter Casks, ant1 Cases. Quotations on application to Messrs. Dunville and Co., Belfast, or Mr. William Williams, Nag's Head Ion Corwen, North Wales. 1357 DICK:JS BOOTS &Z SHOES. TRY DICK'S noted Gutta Percha bottomed BOOTS and SHOES with Leather Tops and Insoles. They are unrivalled for Cheapness, cannot be surpassed for Comfort, and are unequalled for wear. Everyone who studies Health should wear them, being au excellent preventive from Damp. s. d. Ladies'Boots of really good quality, at 4 9 Gents' ditto ditto from 6 6 Boys'aDd Girls' ditto ditto 2 8 The Repairing Department is managed by thoroughly Practical Men, so that all Orders entrusted to us are well and speedily executed. PRICES OF REPAIRING. s. d. Rivetted and Sewed Leather Boots repaired with Gutta Percha. Gents' Boots, Soleing and Heeling, from 2 3 Ladies' ditto ditto ditto 1 6 Boys'and Girls' ditto ditto 1 3 oya an NEW ELASTICS PUT IN OLD BOOTS. B. d. Ladies' s. d. Gents' 1 0 a Set for Cotton. 1 4 a Set for Cotton. 14 a Set for Silk. 19 a Set for Silk. 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. HIGH S 1'REKT, DENBIGH. HIGH STREET, MOLD. CAMBRIAN HOUSE, PWLLHELI, and I Wholesale Depot at 90, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER. 1453 CITY TEA, COFFEE, FAMILY GROCERY, AND ITALIAN ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED 1780. MESSRS. BOWERS BROTHERS BEG gratefully to acknowledge the con- ted to them have their personal atten- tinued and increasing patronage of tion and care. the Nobility and Gentry of ??Coun? ????? MESSRS BOWERS TRASh?ebeen and Principality. They can assure their MESSRS BOWER,)' TEAS have been ?tron ?rth? PuN'i? th? ?e" ?rtietM ??N?S? noted for many years, and they es- lupplipd from their Establishment are of pecially solicit a trial of them by all who trot-clast quality, and all Orders entrus- desire good and fine quality. FRENCH AND ITALIAN CONDIMENTS AND PICKLES. SAUCES, ESSENCES, AND OuLINARY REQUISITES. BURNING OILS, CANDLES, HOUSEHOLD AND SCENTED SOAPS. BOWERS BROTHERS, 101, EASTGATE STREET, CHESTER. N,B.-AlIOrders to the amount of 22 are Carriage Paid to any Railway Station, 1358 THE "NORTH WALES CHKOMCLE" STEAM PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTALISHMENT. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AND LETTERPRESS PRINTER, STATIONER, AND BOOKBINDER, HIGH STRE E T, BANGOR, PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES,' SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, ETC., EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. PROSPFCTCSES. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. CATALOGUES. INVENTORIES. CIRCULARS. I BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS. PLACARDS. INVOICES. BILL-HEADS. < CHECK BOOKS. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT IS REPLETE WITH EVERY DESCKIPTION OF COMMERCIAL S TATEONERY, ACCOUNT BOOKS LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, ETC. MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS SUPPLIED ON DAY OF PUBLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IX ALL THE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS. ThE GARD EN ER S' CHRONICLE AND AGBICULTURAL GAZETTE, A Weekly Journal (registered for transmission abroad), DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF ALL BRANCHES OF HORTICULTURE, AGRICULTURE AND COLLATERAL SUBJECTS. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, PRICE FIVEPENCE, OR SIXPENCE STAMPED. Established in 1841 by the late Professor Lindley in conjunction with Sir Joseph Paxton and other leading Horticulturists, the "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE" has, as circumstances have demanded, been enlarged in size,.and its scope rendered more comprehensive, so that it still remains the largest alld most important of all the periodicals devoted to Horticulture and Agriculture, either in this country or abroad. Thanks to the Contributors and Correspondents-including amongst them all the leading Horticulturists, Agriculturists, and Men of Science of the Kingdom—ORIGINAL ARTICLES on all matters connected with the subjects of which the Journal treats are given. The principles of Animal and Vegetable Physiology, of Botany, and of Natural History generally, so far as they have a bearing on Practical Horticulture and Agriculture, are ex: plained. The fullest information is supplied as to improved methods of Culture, New Implements, and all points connected with the Cultivation of Flowers, Fruits, Forests, &o.; the Management of Estates, Farms, Gardens, Orchards, Woods or Stock the details of Field Cultivation the practise of Drainage and Irrigation, the Veterinary Art, Road Making, the keeping of Bees, Poultry, &c. the Construction, Maintenance, Heating, and Ventilation of all Garden or Farm Buildings in short, of all matters connected with the Practice of Holticulture, Agriculture, Forestry, Fruit Culture, and Rural Economy generally. M 1 k t th OIt' to nth M NEW PLANTS FRUITS, &c., are described in a manner to be serviceable alike to the Cultivator and the Man of Science, REPORTS of important Metropolitan and Provincial Exhibitions, as well aa of all Societies, Lectures, &c., likely to be interesting to the Horticulturist or Agriculturist, are supplied in addition to Weekly Reports of the various lIIarkets for Corn. Hay, Hops. Cattle, Flowers, Fruit, Timber, &c. various Markets for Corn. HayH, OME CORRESPONDENCE serve to bring to light a vast amount of varie d and The Columns devoted to HOME: CORRESPONDENCE serve to bring to light" vast amonnt of varied and interesting information. '"?'0??   e?sive circulation of the "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE" abroad and in the Colonies, the department devoted to FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE forms a valuable and interesting feature of the Journal. REVIEWS of BOOKS whose subjects come within the scope of the Journal are supplied, while under the head of GARDEN and FARM MEMORANDA are from time to time given Notices of such Gardens, Farms, or Estates as are likely to furnish materials for the information of the readefr. ] ] t,) t' t P, A CALENDAR of Weekly Operations as well as Notes for Amateurs supply valuable suggestions to Practical Gardeners and others, and in the Notices to Correspondents repliei are furnisheù to any question that may be asked, such replies being given by men of the highest reputation in theii respective departments. Woodcuts are given whenever the nature of the subject requires them. Embracinoo so large a field, addressed to so many classes of readers, and with so large a Circulation not only in Great Britain but on the Continent, in India, and the various Colonies, the GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE" affords an exceptionably good medium for a dvertisers, the more so as in addition to the special features of the Journal there is a GENERAL NEWSPAPER, in which a careful Summary of the News of the week is given without leaning towards this or that party, so that the reader is put in possession of the facts and is enabled to draw his own inferences from them. i Office for Advertisements;—41, Wellington Street, Parent Garden, London, W.O: Vublic Xotte MONEY TO LEND. O J AAA TO Lend on Freehold Property, OO TVV U in one or in varicis sums. I Apply toMr. S. O. Williams, Solicitor, Llandudno 18 RICHARD CONWAY, PLUMBER, &c., CHURCH WALKS, LLANDUDNO. PUMPS, BATHS, HOT WATER APPARATUS, RANGES, CLOSETS, &,c., FITTED AND REPAIRED. 1640 ANGLESEY BANK FOR SAVINGS. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the General 1 Meeting of the Trustees and Managers of the A n. glesey Bank for Savings will be held at the Grand Jury Room, in Beaumaris, on Monday, the 4th day of January next, at 12 o'clock. for the purpose of auditing the Ac- counts of the Treasurer and Actuaries, and upon other important business connected with the Interests of the Institution. J, WATKINS JONES, 1, Castle Street, Secretary. Beaumaris,r30th December, I8G8 80 FOREST TREES, FRUIT TREES, EVERGREENS, &c. C1HIVAS and WEAVER respectfully invite J especial attention of Planters to their very exten- sive, healthy, and well-grown Stock of the above. Their Nurseries being very much exposed and free from artifieial shelter, renders the safe removal of plants almost a certainty. rrice Catalogues post-free on application. Estimates and special prices for large quantities. Eaton Road Nurseries, and 108, Eastgate Street. Chester, Oct., 18G8. 1476 [A CARD]. MILES R. PARTINGTON, ACCOUNTANT, PUBLIC AUDITOR, ESTATE AGENT, &c., 1063 ST. ASAPH—RHYL. DENBIGHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND GENERAL INFIRMARY. THE Annual BALL in aid of the Funds of ? thH Charity will take place in the County Hall, Denbigh, on Tuesday, the 19th of January, 1869. LADY PATRONESS:- LADY WILLIAMS-VVYNN, Wynnstay. PRKSIDENT R. MEREDYTH RICHARDS, Esq., Cerrig Llwydion. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. By order, J. DAVIES, 7th December, 18G8. Secretary. NOTICE. CARNARVONSHIRE POLICE CLOTH- ING CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR. Parties wishing to tender can foiward Patterns or Sam- ples of tho undermentioned articles to the Chief Con- stable, Carnarvon, not later than Wednesday, the 20th day wf January next, viz for quantities about — t 4 top coats, 4 coats, 8 pairs of trousers, for Superin- tendents. 2 top coats, 2 coats, 4 pairs of trousers, for Inspectors. 9 top coats, 9 coats, 18 pairs of trousers, for Sergeants. 40 top coats, 40 coats, 80 pairs of trousers for Con- stables. A separate price should be quoted for Tunic for Ser- geants and Constables, and samples of the articles re- quired can be seen at Carnarvon or any Police Station in the County, care being takes in the case of Top Coats to ask for pattern of 1865. White metal buttons will be supplied for the Under Coats to the Contractors. It must be understood that neither the lowest or any tender will necessarily be accepted. By Order, T. P. WM. ELLIS, C.E. December 30th, 1868. NOTE.—For convenience of comparison it is requested that each pattern should have attached a card of Con- tractor's name and address bearing a number: this num- ber being again quoted ia a separate letter giving the price. Statement should be appended as to expenses of measurement. 75 CARNARVONSHIRE HILARY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1869. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the General Quarter Sessions of the Peaco for the County of Carnarvon, will be held at the County fhll. in Carnar- von. in and for the said County, on Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the despatch of the Civil andcriniinal busi- ness, and that at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the fore- noon of the same day, all business matters and things ap- pertaining to the assessment, management, and applica- tion of the County Rate or Stock of the said County of Carnarvon, and all business relative to the County Police, (which by any statute or statutes now in force, the Jus- tices of the Peace are authorised to do and transact, at the General Quarter Sessions, or at any adjournment thereof,) will be commenced, done, and transacted pub- licly and in open Court. ic y ? in °fÏLrM: THEARSBY POOLE, Clerk of the Peace. Carnarvon, December 14th, 1868. N.B.—Magistrates' Clerks are requested to forward Depositions and Recognizances to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the Saturday preceding the Sessions. 1610 ANGLESEY QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Anglesey, will be neld at the County Hall, in Beaumaris, on Tuesday, the 5th day of January next, at tho hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the dispatch of the Civil and Criminal Business and that at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, all business mat- ters, and things appertaining to the Assessment, Manage- ment, and application of tho County Rate or Stock of the said County of Anglesey (which byany statute or statutes now in force, the Justices of the Peace are authorised to do and transact at the General Quarter Sessions, or at any adjournment thereof), will be commenced, done, and transacted publicly and in op n Court. ?ICHD. OWEN, Clerk of the Peace. Beaumaris, 16th December, 1868. 1618 MERIONETHSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the next General Quarter Sessions of the, Peace for the County of Merioneth, will be holden on Tuesday, the 5th day of January, 1869, in the Town Hall, Bala, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when the Court will resolve itself into a Committee, and proceed to audit all such Bills and Accounts against the County, as sh,dl then be delivered, and also to transact the business relating to the Assess- ment, application, and management of the County Stock or Rate, and tho General County BuEiinuss, and likewise all business relating to the County Constabulary, and the application and m:magement of the Police Rate, after which the Court will be adjourned to the foll?)?'t' ''t' in,? d? ,y to be held at the same place, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when the Grand and Petty Jurors will be called over, ami the Court will proceed to hear and determine all matters brought before them in the following order 1. In the trial of prisoners oi persons indicted for as- saults and misdemeanours at any former Sessions, and in calling persons bound by recognizances in cases where applications sh ill be made for that purpose. 2. In the trial of prisoners. 3. In the hearing of appeals. 4. In hearing motions, and in the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the Court I'he persons bound by recognizances to prosecute, or who may have to prefer any indictment, presentment, or articles of peace, are required to furnish me with proper instructions, on or before Tuesday, the first day of the Sessions, and in cases of special indictment or proceedings, instructions must be given or sent as long before the sessions as practicable. The Clerks to the Justices of the several Divisions are requested to transmit to me, sevon days before the Ses-I sions, all depositions, convictions, and recognizances which shall have been then taken, with any instructions for indictments which they may be able to give. All bills against the county which shall have been audited and allowed, either previously to, or at the above Sessions, must bo presented for payment to the Court Treasurer, between the hours of Eleven and Three o'clock on Wednesday, the second day of the Sessions, wheu the same will be paid, otherwise they must stand over until the following Sessions. Dated this 12th day of December, 1868. EDWARD BREESE, 1619 Clork of the Peace. I Sales fcfi uction. RE THE jJjANBERIS SLAT; QUARRY COMPANY LIMITED, OTHERWISE THE GALLT-Y-LLAN QUARRY. IMPORTANT TO QUARRY PROPRIETORS, SLATE AGENTS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. MR WM. DEW has received instructions from the Liquidators of the above-named Com- pany to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday, the 19th day of January, 1869, THE WHOLE OF THE VERY VALUABLE ROLLING AND MOVEABLE STOCK, IRON WAGGONS New Slate Travels, HIGH PRESSURE EIGHT HCRSE-POWEK STEAM EN- GINE AND BOILER, by Kinsey. of Nottingham, nearly new, Patent Screw Jack, DOUBLE PURCHASE CRAB WINCH, Slab Trollies, WEIGHING MACHINES, TURNTABLES, several TONS of T RAILS, and Angle Iron, Wire Ropes, about 90 Turnouts and Crossings, Drums, Blacksmith and Miner's Tools. Chains, Cross- kill's Cart, Longitudinal Sleepers, Tie Bolts ami Rollers, Traverser, Frame and Extra Timber, Steam Pipes, Large Bevil Wheels. &c., &c. Also the WHOLE OF THE STOCK on hand, consist- ing of about 310,000 SLATES of varium sizes, a portion now lying at the Quay in Carnarvon and the remainder at the Quarry- Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a-m. precisely. Catalogues may be had at any of the principal Hotels in Carnarvonshire, of the Auctioneer, Wellfield House. Bangor, and from Mr D. P. Williams, chemist, Llanberis, who will also shew intending purchasers over the works. THE RECTORY, TREFRIW, near LLANRWST.—Un- reserved Sale of new and very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, GLASS, UHINA, ELECTRO PLATE, COWS, HAY, 1MPEMENTS, kc. MR J. PRITCHARD has been instructed 1 by the Administratrix of the late Reverend Lewis Thomas, deceased, to Sell by Public Auction, at the above-named residence, on Wednesday, January 6th, 1869, commencing at Eleven o'clock, a. m. precisely, the whole of the excellent London made Hous .'h il(I Furni- ture, and other-effects, comprising for the Drawing Room, Dining Room, Breakfast Room, Study, Kitheng. and nine Bedrooms, a very handsome Walnut Drawing Room Suite upholstered in green Pekin Cloth, with extra Chintz covers, set of Hangings, ensuito, a splendid oval Pier Glass in richly Gilt Frame, size, 4ft. 2in. by 3ft. 3in., Mahogany vVriting Tables, Occasional Tables, Gilt Cor- nices and Valences, Mahogany Telescope Dining Table, with two extra leaves, size, 8ft. by 4ft., MahogauyChiiro stuffed with hair, and upholstered in Leather, 81);\nish Mahogany Sideboard and Cheffoniers, a sweet toned Cottage Pianoforte in mahogany case, set of ci imson Da. mask Hangings, six Rosewood Chairs, Rosewood Settee, Chimney Glasses, cane-seated Chairs, clrmney ornaments Engravings, Velvet Pile, Brussels, Kidderminster, Dutch and Venetian Carpets, Hearrhrugs, Iron Fenders, and Steel Fire Sets, Mahogany Butler's Tray aud handsome Opaque Porcelain Dessert Service, Iron Stone China Dinner, Tea and Breakfast Services to match (India Tree pattern); Electro Plated Articles, Glass, Oak Hat and Umbrella Stand, Iron and painted Wood Half Tester, French aud Arabian Bedsteads with appropriate drapery, Hair and Flock Mattresses, prime Goose Feather Beds, mahogany and painted ashst.mda, Dressing Tables, Chests of Drawers, Night-commodes, Oak an,1 painted Wardrobes. Baths, single and double sets of Chamberware, Toilet Glasses, Blankets, Counter- panes, eight-day Clock, Oak Dresser and Cupboard, Tin Hastener and Jack, Kitchen Tables, Chairs, Crockery, Culinary Utensils, and other Kitchen requisites. The Out-door Effects consist of a small quantity of Hay, two excellent milch COWR, new Chaff-cutter, Corn- crusher, Harrow, small Cart, Harness, Saddles, Hurdles, Slate-cistern, Oak Churns, Dairy Utensils, &c., &c. On view fonday, January 4th. Catalogues are in course of preparation, and may be obtained a week before the Sale, at the principal Hotels in the neighbourhood, at the Rectory: at Messrs. Catherall and Nixon's, Printers, Bangor or of the Auc. tioneer, 3. Plasllwyd Terrace, Bangor. 1600 THE RECTORY, RHOSCOLYN, (distant about three miles from the Valley Station, ANGLESEY. -Sale of Substantial and Serviceable HOUSEHOLD FUR. NITURE and other Effects. MR JOHN PHITOHARD has been in- "?tr.,?ted by the Rev. R, H. WilIiatm, to ell by Public Auction, on the premises above-named, on Wed. nesday, the 13th day of January, 1869, conrnencinj at h,,If-?? t Eleven ock a. in, precisely, the whole of the lí\ Einøbtt;¡nH:;¡5' ,e/¡i;); o: prising sets of mahogany, oak, and cane-seated Chairs, mahogany, dining, centre, and occasional Tables, papier machie Table, mahogany Sideboards, Sofas, a sweet-toned square Pianoforte, by Broadwood and Sons, in mahogany gase, Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets, Crumb Cloths iron Fenders and Fire Sets, Cut Glass Wine and Spirit Decanters, mahogany Butler's Tray and Stand, iron Hat and Umbrella Stand, Wheel Barometer, electro-plated Candelabra, Salmon and Trout Fishing Rods with reels, a capital double-barrelled GlIn in good order, large tigok. case with glazed front, a miscellaneous collection of Books, crimson moreen Hangings, mahogany four-post tent, and half-tester Bedsteads, hair Mattresses, prime Goose Feather Beds, Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, mahogany winged Wardrobe, mahogany Chests of Drawers, Toilet Glasses, Chamberware, Dressing Tables, Washstands, Night Commode, Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Dresser, Cupboards, Dinner and Tea Services, Mangle, Tin Has- tencr and Bottle Jacks, eight-day Clock in mahogany case, Culinary Utensils, set of Harness, Saddles, Pony Carrhge, a .mall quantity of seed potatoes, Manure, Cucumber, Crane, and other miscellaneous items. Plasllwyd Terrace, Bangor. FREEHOLD HOUSE PlWP£ItTY for Stie i. BIALL. TRAETH YARD, ANGLESEY. MH. C. N. BICKNELL has been instructed by the Guardians of the Poor of the Bangoi and Beaumaris Union to Sell by Auction at the Bull Hotel, Llangefni, on Thursday, January 14th, 1869, commenc- ing at 2o'clock in the afternoon sub j cct to conditions of Sale to be then and there read, ten Freehold Houses, situated as above in Malltraeth Yard, Anglesey, now in the occupation of Edward Jones and others. Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, Mr C. N. Bicknell, 262, High-street, and Ty'nhendre, Bar,- gor. Bangor, December 30th, 1868. 74 MENAI BRID(-,E, ANOLESEY. IMPORTANT TO SLATP. YARIJ PROPRIETORS AND OTHERS. TO be SOLD or LET, by Private Contract, Tthe following desirable FREEHOLD and LEASE- HOLD PROPERTY. LOT 1,-AII that Freehold HOUSE and STABLING now in the occupation of Mr William Thomas, and situ. ate in Green Field Terrace. LOT 2.—All that extensive Yard and Premises, known as the OLD FOUNDRY, abutting on the Menai Straits, together with the 4 newly-built COTTAGES attached thereto, which latter yield a Rental of £;\0 per annum, held under a lease for an unexpired term of 31 years, at an annual ground rent of £10 per annum. These premises are well adapted for a large BUILD. ING, SLATE or CORN TRADE. N.B.—A quantity of Timber, Joiner's Benches and Tools, &c., thereat, may be had at a valuation. LOT 3.-All the STOCK-in-TRADE, consisting of SLABS, TILES, BRICKS, PIPES, and MACHINERY, at the Slate Yard belonging to Messrs. Wilham Thomas and Son, to be SOLD by TENDER, to be sent in to Mr William Dew, on or before the 7th day of January, 1869, the purchaser to have the privilege of becoming the annual Tenant of the said yard. 1650 DWYGYFYLCHI.—TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR GEORGE FELTON, at the Erskino ,4 Arms Hotel, Conway, on Friday, the 22nd day of January, 1869, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, (unless pre- viously disposed by Private rretty, of which due netice will be given:) LOT 1.—All that freehold messuage called SYCR. NANT COTTAGE, with the two fields adjoining, con- taining in the whole by admeasurement 3 roods and 1() perches or thereabouts, situate in the village of DW1- gyfylchi, aud .,Ijoii.g the old r.??,l from C?.w?,y to Bangor, The situation is most healthy .?,l charming, commanding a fine Landscape and sea view, being within a short distance of a splendid bathing groun d and the accomodation of the Messuage is sufficient for a moderate sized family. LOT 2.—All that Leasehold Water Corn Mill and pre. mises commonly called NEW MILL, with the fixed machinery therein, and the cottage and garden called PENTREFELIN, and four fields adjoiuing, containing in the whole by admeasurement 3a. 2r. 9p. or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Elizath Pritchard, her under. tenants or assigns. This Lot is held under a Lease for the term of 50 yoars from the 29th day of December, 1829, .ub¡ect to th? yearly rent of 5 188. LOT a—AH that Freehold Wool Putoi? with the LOI?' 7 ?n?, (if any) therein, containing by admea- surement la. 2r. 35p. or thereabouts, situate in the parish of Dwygyfylchi, and now in the occupation of Mr John Jones. For further Darti<mtars or to treat by Private Contract apply to Mr William Jones, Solicitor. Conway; or to tha Auctioneer, Me? Ett?tt O&c% UMdadne. 1638