WATRD TO PURCHASE, the eatly nnm- V V bers of the ARCH/EOLOGIA. CAM;BRENSIS, up to the publication of the New Series in 1850. Apply at the Office of this Paper, and state prioe, and •whether bouud up or uot. WANTED, a Respectable Man in Holy- V V. head, as Collector for the Liverpool United Legal Friendly Hociety, established about 23 years since. Head Office, 26, S. Anne's-street. Apply to James Currie, Secretary. ■■ \— \7JH\TA-T NTKD, by a young Jly. a Situation V f to teach a youn family Englisri, French, Music, and Singing, axe nineteen, salary according to the age ?Ll number of children r,?qui?-d to be taught. Member of the Church of England, and good references.—Address, A,B, Nora ?!M eh-ici?, Offi?-. YSTRAD MEURIG GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Xl/'MTED m Assistoal Master, after » f Chijskw, in the aboye Sl1bool. A perpo^ jt> the above ^cBool. A péÍ1tollll1 Huly Orders and ao, quttinted with Welsh preferred. for particulars, apply to the Head Master, Yatrad Meurig, Tregaran, South Wales. PREPARATION FOR THE, THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES.  Young Man, accustomed to Tuition. Awi?hin,%Otlo prepare for the above, can he received A ivournlifa terms at the Commercial and Classical School, Ruthin. Apply to the Rev. E. H. Davies. MANAGING SUPERINTENDENT. WANTED, bv the Moelfra Slate and Slab I Company Limited, at the Works. near Portmadoc, Candiaatei must have a practical knowledge of Quarrying in all its details, and are requested to forward full particu- lars, stating Salary expected, and enclosing copy of testi- monials to William Robertson, Esq 2, Moorgate-street Bank, London, B.C. There is a good Dwelling House at the Quarry. in North Wales,within reason- y able distance from rail or coach, and market town, a modern detached VILLA or COTTAGE* RESIDENCE, unfurnished, containing three sitting and four bedrooms, with the usual domestic offices. The House to be fit for immediate occupation, and to have good kitchen garden, &c., with small coach-house and stable. Good fishing and some rough shooting very' desirable, and if near the sea would be greatly pre- ferred. Address (stating rent), C. B., Bryntirion Cottage, Me- xW Bridge, N.W. 60 TO 300 PER ANNUM, IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE. WANTED, active DISTRIOT AGENTS to W?. First-"a LIFE OFFICE, on Commission, or Com- mission aud Salary. To those well up in the business very liberal terms w given. The Company embmce. all the modern improvements in Life Assurance, and offers unusual advantages to sea- faring men and others. Address, enclosing two postage stamps, for Prospectus and term: to J. F., North Church-street, Cardiff. TO BE SOLD. PLASYNEOE, a freeholdenteel family residence, situated close to tjtai&ly of I;l "T4I?, with Cottage, Stable, Ooaol¡house, n, and ?.ad,p6k, ?out 2.1 acres.-Apply to Mr. Ric4ard HofierU, HiD, 8t AiVk. FESTIKIOC] UMION. ""DDICAL OFFICER WANTED. THE Guardians of the Festiniog Union TH?Hill, at their Meeting, to be held at theBoard Room of the Workhouse, on Tuesday, tho 12th day of January, 1864, proceed to Elect a Medical Officer for the Llanfihang- el District., oomprising the Parishes of Uanbedr, Llan- fair, Llandanwg, part of Llandecwyn, and part of Llan- nhangel-v-traethau. Salary, 1;40 per annum, exclusive of extraa and vaccina- tion, but including medicine, medioal attendance, appli- ances and treatment. The Officer appoiuted must reside within the District, and possess the qualifications prescribed hythe consolidatd orders of the Poor Law Board. By Order of the Board, SAMUEL VAUGHAN, Clerk to the Guardians. Union House, 16th Dec. 1863. HOLYHEAD UNION. APPOINTMENT OF RELIEVING OFFICER THE Guardians of the Poor of the Holyhead Union will, at their Meeting, to be holden on Tues- day, the 5th day of January next, proceed to the Election of a Relieving Offioer for the Holyhead District of the Union-comprising the Parishes of Holyhead and Rhos- oolyn, at a Salary of £50 per annum, in the room of Mr. Richard Morris, who has resigned. The person appointed will be required to devote his whole time to the duties of the Office, to reside in the town of Holyhead, to comply in all respects with the rules and regulations of the Poor Law Board, so far as they apply to the said office, and to give Bonll with two Sureties in the sum of 1:200 for the due performance of ihe duties of the office. Applications and testimonials must be forwarded to the Clerk ou or before Saturday, the 3rd day of January next, from whom any further information may be o b tained. The Relieving Officer appointed will not be Registrar of Births and Deaths for the District. By Order of the Board, THOS. WILLIAMS, Clerk. Holyhead, 10th Dec., 1863. RUTHIN UNION. SCHOOLMASTER WANTED FOR THE WORKHOUSE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, HPHAT the Guardians of the above Union 1 will at their meeting, to be held at the W ork- house Ruthin, on Saturday, the 16th of January, 1864, at Twolvo o'clock at Noon, proceed to the fdentiorj of a Schoolmaster for the Workhouse, vacant by the resigna- tion of Mr. Isaac Jones. CandiLlates must be capable of performing the duties as prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Poor Law Board. The person appointed will be required to enter upon the duties upon the Monday following his appoint- ment and to give a month's notice in writing of his in tention to vacate such office. The fixed Salary is M per annum, with the usual ra- tions, &c., but if the person selected should at any time during his continuance in the said office obtain a certifi- cate from the Committee of Council on Education, award- ing him II larger sum than the above, the Guardians will pay him the difference between the fixed salary and the sum awarded, iu proportion to the time he has served 8uch#ffice. By order :> f the Board, By order BENJAMIN DAVIES, Clerk to the Guardians. U.i.. OM,,e, Domb., 19th, 1863. mo BE LET.—UNFCM1S.HED, a House ill _L the Centre of Anglesey, conbining 8 Rooms, Coach House and Stable, and good Garden, with the right of Shooting over liOO Acres of Land. Kent £ 25 per An- num. or the Shooting would be let separately. Apply to Mr. Riohard Edwards, Gwyndu. Military Store Office, Tower, 3rd Sept., 1863. HOUSES TO LET, FRIAR'S TERRACE, BANGOR. TO LET, THREE HOUSES, constituting the J_ FRIAR'S T?HRA<? B?agor. wnh immediate P?aeMMn Each of two of the Houses contain a Sitting Room, Dining itooixt, Back Parlour, Four Bedrooms, One Attio, Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, Buttery Pantry tf:o. t'he third House contains, on the first floor a Kitchen, Scullery, Two Pantries, &c.; on the second floor Diuing Room, Breakfast ditto, Butler's Pantry, Water Cloaot; on the third floor Two Bedroom, Large Drawing-room, Small ditto; Five Bed- rooma with Attic*, Ao" &c.  Apply to.Hk. l\IøJW.Gf.1'¡¡".c.iac.cJ&, f*1 BttuS? ? ? ?.?BiMH. iEct?W, ?B?.btM, .H1v,,d.J.1J,l:!JU:w,¡' > UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE LADY LOUISA DOUGLAS PENNANT. MISS SWAINSON, Professor of Musk, Has great pleasure in informing the Public that she has made arrangements to give a GRAND MORNING & EVENING CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC; AT THE PENRHYN HALL, BANGOR, ON MONDAY," JAN; t-t864, For which occasion she has secured the services of the following eminent artists:- VOCAUSTS, MDLLE. S è HUB E R T, AND ■ 111* L L W PIANO, ME. W K I 01 BY (Associate of the Royal Aoademy), and MISS SWAINSON. VIO TIT. 111 R. H U L S E. CORNET. m a. x A T T R E w S. The Morning Conoort will eommence at half^past Two o'clock and that of the Evening at Eight delock. Doors open at half-an-hour previously. Prices of Admission ;—To the Morning Concert-Re- served Seats, 3.; Second Seats, 2s; Third Seats, h. To the Evening Concert—Iteserved Seats, 2s. dd. Se- cond Seats, h. (id. Third Seats, Is. Tickets sold by Messrs. Catherall and Nixon, Book- sellers. THE Vale of C!wvd Hu?t Annual flail will JL take place in the TOWN HALL, at DENBIGH, on TUESDAY, Dec. 29th, mat. Ladv Patronesses Lady Williams, Bodelwyddan Mrs. Townshend Mainwariug, Galltfaenan Mrs. Wynne Price, Llanrhaiadr Hall Dancing to commence at 10 o'Clock. Gentlemen's Tickets, 10s 6d* Ladies, ditto 7s 6d. DENBIGHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND GENERAL DISPENSARY. THE Annual Ball in aid of the funds of this charity will take place in the COUNTY HALL, Denbigh, on THURSDAY, the 31st of December. LADY PATITONYSS MRS. JHKNE PRICE, Llanrhaiadr Hall. PRESIDENT PHILfflUt PENNANT, Esq., Brynbellan. Dancing to oommeuce at Nine o'clock. by order of the Committee. P. N. ROBERTS, Secretary. Board Room, November 28th, 1863. BANGOR DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILD- ING SOCIETY. A Quarterly Meeting of the Committee will ??. be held in the Chapter Room, 6n Tuesday, the 5th January, at 12 o'clock. PAROCHIAL COLLECTIONS. £ a. d. Barmouth 2 0 0 Llanfairfechan 1 10 0 Beaumaris ••• 1 j 8 Llanerchymedd **• 0 16 8 Llanbedrog 1. 2 Llanfaethlu and Llanfwrog 1 0 0 Llangefni ,253 HENRY OWEN, Hon See. MENAI BRIDGE & LIVERPOOL. jXk rnHE City of Dublin Company's -L IronSt?..?r, ?M?? "PRINCE OF WALES," or othe vessel, is intended to sail as under, during the WINTER MONTHS:- From MENAI BRIDGE MONDAYS And FMUAYS, at 110 ".111. From LIVERPOOL. WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 10 a.m. For further particulars apply to Mr. J. K. Rounthwaite, 20, Water Street, Liverpool; Mr. John Thomas, Bangor Street, Carnarvon or to Messrs. E. W. Timothy & Son, Menai Bridge. A C3ACH leaves the Bulkeley Arms, MenM Bridge, for Aiulwoh on ariival of the Steamer from, And returns in time for Llin," to Liverpool. TO DRAPERS. TO BE DISPOSED OF,  Good General Drapery Establishment, A in the Market Town of Ruthin, Denbigbahire. Applications to be made to Mr. Thomas Parry, draper, e treet, Ruthin. Dec. 21, 1863. TUITION, BY THE SEA SIDE. THE REV. EVAN LEWIS, Incumbent of St. j_ Catherine's, COLWYN, near Conway, who has had much experience in Tuition, receives into his family a limited number of Pupils, between the aces of 7 and 15. The comforts of home are combined with careful train- ing.—TERMS MODERATE. COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAII SCHOOL, RUTHIN, DENBIGHSHIRE. PRINCIPAL. Rev. E. H. DAVIES, M.A., Jesus College, Oxford. VICE-PBINOIPAL. Rev. THOS. KIRK, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. SCHOOL Re-opens on Tuesday, February 2, ? and Parents wishing to enter their sons, are request- ed to make immediate application. Terms (inclusive of al expenses except books and washing) Five and Six Guineas per Quarter, according to age. ?For farther particular# apply to Rev. E. H. Davies, Ruthin. SOUTH AMERICAN DRIED BEEF, From the finest grass-fed Oxen, lib EQUAL TO 21b OF FRESH MEAT WITHOUT BONES. Approved of by the highest Medical Authorities. A PRIZE MEDAL WAS AWARDED AT THE EXHIBITION OF 1862. THE Commissioners appointed for the in- Ttroduction of the above wholesome, nutritious, and cheap article, beg to announce that, by the Steamer La Plata just arrived at Liverpool from Monte Video, they have received a shipment, carefully prepared and selected for this market, and which will be sold ex-warehouse at the rate of 618 13s. 4d. per ton, or 18s. 8d. per owt. For the convenituce of parties in the country wishing to make a trial of this Article, a package containing 112 Ibs. will be delivered at any railway station in Liverpool, on re- ceipt of a Post Office Order for 20s., payable to the un- dersigned: audprinted instructions for the most approved mode of cooking wiU a l so be transmitted to purchasers. Manufacturers, Co-operative societies, and Employers generally are invited to bring this Beef into notice, as the Association feel assured that its introduction will prove a great boon to the country. ■. Applications to be made to Messrs. STEEL and Co., Glasgow; or JAMES GORDON & Co., 11, Orange Court, Castle Street, Liverpool, Agents for the Association. Liverpool, Dec. 7, 1863. The DENBIGHSHIRE and FLINTSHIRE 6 TELEGRAPH. [Established as the "WrexhamTelegraph." 1854], TS the LARGEST, BEST, and CHEAPEST X NEWoPAPER published in the above counties. It contains Forty-eight full-sized Columns, is supplied with County Intelligence by a staff of Reporters and Corres- pondents, contains much Literary, Agricultural, Horti- cultural, and other Reading, and Original, Political, and other Articles, and is in all respects a First-class News- paper. Within the last four months the circulation of the TELEGRAPH has quadrupled. Advertisers will find it the best medium of publicity in Denbighshire and The Telegraph is published evory Saturday morning, price Twopenee An edition for post on Friday evening. Pabliebing Offioes; Wrexham, 39, Lamplt^treet; Mold Hi^h-street; £ %i»t Offlse, WrifcluHa—wWe Mmmuni- cations must be Amt. > j ANGLESEY QUARTER SESSIONS. TVTOTICE is Hereby Given, that the General jL? Quarter SesBiom of the Peace for the County of Anglesey, will be held at the COUNTY HALL, in BEAU- MARIS, on TUESDAY, the 5th day of January next, at the hour of 10 o'clock; u the forenoon, for the dispatch of the Civil and Criminal Business; and that at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, all business matters, and things appertaining to the assess- ment, management, and application of the County rate; or stook of the said County of Anglesey (which by any statute or statutes now in force, the Jmtices of the Peaoe are authorised to do and transact at the General Quarter SessioiM. or at any adjournment thereof), will be com- menced, done, and transacted pifii^icly and in open Court, AND NOTICE IS IIEREBY ALSO GIVEN, to be held t the ti., nd place f,?"id, the Justices That t the ?.id G,?.edl of the then and therein attendanoo, will take into o?nid.-tiii tho axpwuewy of ppiutiug 4,Vaesk to ?tk$,VWU" Jw Hamm tha Gaols ■ i RICFiA?T5' the, Peace. December 14h.1863, CARNARVONSHIRE HILARY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1864. NOTICE IS IIERFPY. GIVEN, TllA T the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Carnarvon, will be held at the National School Room, in Gai^arvon, in and tor the said County, on Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1864, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, for the dea, patch of the Civil, and Criminal Business, and that 0,4 the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon "f the same day, all business, watters and things appertaining to the assessment, management, and application of the County stock, or rate of the said County of Carnarvon and also the business relative to the County Police (which b any statute or statutes now in force, the Justices of the ?oat?e are authorised tie do and transact at the General Quartet Sessions, or at any adjournment thereof) will be corn- commenced, done, and transacted publicly* and in open Court. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That. at the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County, a presentment made by the Grand Jury at the last Summer Assizes, to the effect that tfye Gaol of the saidCounty was insufficient, inconvenient and deficient, and ought to be renewed and rebuilt was laid before the Justices; and it WI\8 ordered that Notice be given of such presentment having been so laid before them, and that the same would be taken into onsidqrtin at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County; now, therefore, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Justices who shall be present at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden on Thursday; the 7th day of January, afofesaid, will proceed to con- sider such presentment, and the steps necessary to be taken in relation thereto. Dated this 15th day of December, 1863. W. T. POOLE, Clerk of the Peace. N.B.—Magistrates* Clerks are requested to forward their depositions and recognizances to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the Saturday preceding the Sessions. COUNTY OF DENBIGH, NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Denbigh, will be held at the County Hall, in Ruthin, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of January, 1864, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the transaction of the finance and police business, and will be continued at the, same place on the following day at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. The business relating to tho Act? made Art} j?ugoo regarding the lic?, and the bugin?.%s rola't ?%'To the Asoasmeat. p lication, or -i the ft?.ty StoclForRate w ttnn:-d;' ;t% 11 o'clock, at which hour all bills and demands against^ the County must be laid before the Court. The Grand and Petty Juries, and all persons bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence, or tb surrender in discharge of their Bail aro to appear at the County Hall, in Ruthin aforMMc!, on FRIDAY, t4i 8th day of January .t, at 10 o'clock in the, AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, on.the req?isi: ti.? f eight J'uti?. acting for the said County in the A;r;nfS\:itgL:lileiho:t¡{e iêof: to be held at the time and place first before mentioned, application will be made that a fit and proper place be hired or otherwise provided for the holding of regular weekly or monthly Meetings of Petty Sessions of the Peace within the said division and that a fit and proper Lock-up for the temporary confinement of persons taken into Custody be also provided; and that the expenses,, thereof be paid out of the County Rate. -» ereo epM 0 )1 o JOSEPH  p?g Clerk of the Peace. Ruthin, December 9th, 1863. N.B.—Instructions for Indictments should be sent to my Office (if practicable) four days at least before the Sessions. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. LLANGOLLEN BRIDGE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Denbigh, to be h.ld at the County Hall, in Ruthin, on Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1864, at Eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, it will be proposed that the sum of £ 500, granted by an order made at the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, 1859, towards widening Llangollen Bridge, be increased in amount to the of sum £800, upon the understanding that the Railway Companies will undertake to complete thewide- ning of the Bridge, according to the plans of the County Surveyor approved of by the Cour t of Quarter Senfous, and by the C.m.itt ointed for that purp. and y e (Jomm1šÊifoËfUrC\f£h":Peaee: Ruthin, 21 Dec. 1863. Merionethshire Quarter Sessions. NOTICE is Hereby Given that the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Merioneth, will be holden on TUESDAY, the 5th day of January next, in the COUNTY HALL, in BALA, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when the Court will resolve into a com- mittee and proceed to audit all such bills and accounts against the County as shall then be daired and also to transact the business relating to the Assessment, Applica- tion and Management of the County Stock or Rate, and the General County bu,inm, and likewise all business relating to the County Constabulary, and the Application and Management of the Police Rate, after which the Court will be adjourned to the following day, to be held at the same place at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when the Grand and Petty Jurors will be called oyer, and the Court 'll d to hear and d.te,i.. all :tte:ï:;o' tf:he ie:he fuîw1:: :"f In the trial of prisoners or persons indicted for asslul" and misdemeanours at any former Session's, and in ling persons bound by recognizances in cases where p plication shall be made for that purpose. 2. In th?ati%i of pr i soners. 3. In the hearing of appeals. 4 1 hi;Ùon: aui::tnaf:sh oth b; iness as may be hrbught before the Court. All persons bound by recognizances to prosecute, or who may have to prefer any indictment, presentment, or articles uf the Peace, are required to furnish me with, proper instructions on or before Tuesday, the first day of the Sessions; and in case of special indictments or pro- ceedings, instructions must be given or sent as long before the Sessions as practicable. The Clerks to the Justices of the several Divisions are requested to transmit to me, seven days before the Se8- s i ons, all depositions, convictions, and recognizances, which shall have then been taken, with any i..t tio.. for iudiotments, whicl- they way be able to give. All bills against the County which shall have teen -,Iit.d and allowed either previously to Or at the l:e Sessions must be presented for payment to the Colpty Treasurer between the hours of 11 and 3 o'clookjon Wednesday, the se?..d day of the Sessions, wheiwthe same will be paid, otherwise they must stand oVer t4the foUowingSe?ions. i _I EDWARD BREESE. C!eA of thel'eaéÎ*1 Dated this 17th (hy of December, IS63. (" 1 <■ LIVERPOOL. X NOTICE TO ADVEIITISERS. THE ONLY.CQNSEBVATIVP DAILY NEWSPAWJE IN LANCASHIRE." TITE DAILY CQUfi^jPi. PRICE ONE PENNY. '? Conbining Figbt'Page?, is a Medir? For all classes of Advertisers. The Cir,-ISlm ? the tfSJLT COURIER has been more than doubled within the l?at few n> Publishing 'offices?^ CVsae-strMt Liverpo^ wliere PuMMhing  LiverpwL,?w%ere ?.?.?receiv? 84 awtylmr,,J. IL  Oete. BMgor, ?byhMy.????M'???tM<M ?t?ng Agent?..?. 'h.J !v1'I ?- .?T ? 1, ,j 1 TWE BANKRUPTCY ACT. MM. tll. 'MÈET'I;O- CREDITORS. T hirst meeting of creditors. iFOHff ?T?la?gRl) EDWARDS, of Pensarn, AblIn,the Coftty of Denbigh, Grocer, ?Maien. and General Dealer, having been adjudged kJû¡Ø uniler a petition for adjudication of bankruptcy iz her A6jesW% 00. of Bankruptcy for the Liver- I dis'tri* 't 4'Upeol, on the Mtit day of December, M63, i., h?:1?; kq.izvd to ?.u;rewipr his-If to of ?e registrars of the a?id .t at the 6?,t meeting of *dtt?rs, to be hold before the said registrar ou the 1st day of jMtmry 18M, at twelve o'clock at nooh precisely, dg? ,?o mid di!)? court M Liverpool. C?rtea Turner, Bin., of 53. Sbi?th John-street, Vver )), is the offioial awgnee, *d Me?n). EvaM.!?on and Sandys, ,of Com- _we Court, I?d'?ttttet, Liverpool, are the, aoUeiton -ftng in the b-k?nTty. A puMic sitting *ifl be appointed by the Court for the s^ ,pi; to P'. his last itxatninauon, of which sit- tW DAi-. will be given- in^ the Lopdtfn Gazette. d'first mq.?A ?.N  '?.  the rii?trhr ? { H l' t bfl, ?f? of ty? of t e""Jitg I [ 4oo"? A. "ig4ot or assignee. of the t?Stt?'r ?t? !tn?'BBect9. *?t the public sitting, ""b r- 1I"M., <If tredit:>l'9 will also be received, .d Ob said bankrupt will be required to submit himselt to be M.onined, and to make full dMclbaure and discovery r .11 his estate and effects, and to fi.ih his euminlltion. jfotice is also hereby given .te aU jpersous indebted t- the sari! b.,k-tt,.r that ..v. ny 9 his effects, ..t to d.- liy«i-,the same but to the omcia1l\s.igne whom the court hii'?ppoi?ted in that behalf, aud give notice to the solicitor actUg ia the ba?kiu tY CHARLES HARBER, NeaMu?er. AMLWCH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Owen Owens, of Melin Adda, Am- lweh, Anglesey, miller, has made an assignment for the equal benefit of his creditors, which ig now lying at my o gc? for their signatures. All persons who are indebted to him, are requested to p&y the amounts of their r??spective debts to me, forth-I with, to save law. pr.diap. B. ROOSE, B.RR¿rto the T-?te.. '■ t —; —;—; UNDER A DEED OF ASSIGNMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT MELIN ADDA, AMLWCH, On MONDAY, the 28th December, 1863, at Eleven o'clock precisely, rpHE whole of the Farming Stock and Effects TbelOnging to Mr. Owen Owen consisting of four strong Cart Horses, three Colts and Pony, five excellent Milch Cows, four Cart. and Gears, one Gig, about 15 tons of Bay, quantity of Ockre and Corn, about 20 tons of good Potatoes, Gorse Engine, Turnip Cutterj, &c. Also, a capflal Horizontal STEAM ENGINE, of 20 Horse- power, with boiler and fittings complete, all in good working older, and nearly new; together with all other utensils in trade. For further particulars apply to Mr. Owen Owens, Am- lweh port; or to Mr, Hugh Williams, of Llwynrath. CHBISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS IN great variety, at G. H. OGDEN'S, Toy and Fcy Warehouse, Bangor. T 0ANS graced from ?100 to £ 1000 on I J personal security.—Appty to G. H. OGDEN, Bangor, Agent to the W?.t d EgLd In. Company. [A OAW] WALTER JONE-S,, i No. 10, Boston Street, ^UCTldNEEB..VALUER, AND APPRAISER, > 'f "HOJiYHEAD, v -All orders entrusted to his, ewe will be punctual- ly attended to. PRtlT TREES, SHR?BS? to ?WEN OWENS, Bryn Nursery, near Llan- O gefni, offers for Sale 500,000 St;?ng transplanted Thorns. Also, a large quantity of Forest trees, Fruit trees and Flowering Shrubs. TO GENTLEMEN PLANTING. I??V? Strong Transplanted LARCH, iwiUuu 2.? to 3 feet; healthy and good Rooted, at a low price.—Samples and prices may be had on ap- plication. J. ROBERTS & SON, Seedsmen, Denbigh. TRANSPLANTED QUICKS- TAMES DICKSON, Pool Park, Ruthin, has f J I on Sale, One Hundred Thousand four- year old Transplanted Quicks a low price. They are very suitable for planting in osed situations, R8 they are growing in a very exposed and high part of the Farm. They are well noted an n hardy. FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS, &o. H WJ TTUMPHREYS, Nursery and il. W LI SeedsmM, High-street, RmRor. has SALE &ne Stock of FRUIT TREES, EVER- i RËÊnf3WRGfS¥iWk, õ:ifi: TREES, &c;, of all Sizes. Price Lists may be had on application: POTATOE BEEDII TO SEEDSMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. TO be Sold, the New York Red (just im- ported.) Early Ashleaf, Lemon, Lapstone, and other Kidieys; early Handsmarths, early Oxfords, Dal- niahoys, Fortyfords, Pink Eye, Yorkshire, Cumberland, Lancashire, Scotch and other Remps, Flukes, Seedlings, Scotch Downs, White Rocks, Sweeps, and every des- cription of Potatoes, in quantities to suit purchasers.- Apply to M. MCMAHON, Potatoe Seed"man, 69, St. Johns "rket, Liverpool. TREES, PLANTS, SHRUBS, &c. TAMES DICKSON and SONS, of the "New- ton" Nurseries, Chester, beg to draw SPECIAL atten- tion to their UNUSALLY LARGE, INDEED ALMOST UNLIMIT- ED, Nursery Stock, which is in the FINEST POSSIBLE condition for removal, being EXCEEDINGLY WELL ROOTED, consequent upon a REGULAR routine of transplanting being UAREFULLY carried out, and VERY HARDY and VIGOROUS, owing to the exposed situation of their Nur- ,øedes, and consists of FOREST TREES of every description, including SEVER- AL MILLIONS of Transplanted LARCH, with OAK, Scotch Fir, Spruce Fir, Ash, Spanish Chesnut, Quicks, Evergreen Pruet, &c., &c., in proportionately large quantity. ORi'TAMENTAL and FLOWERING EVERGREENS. CONIFEROUS Plants. ROSES, a VERY LARGE and CHOICE Collection., GREKXHOUSE and Stove Plants. VINES, all the leading Varieties, including between One and Two Thousand EXTRA STRONG, for FRUITING IN POTS. FKUIT TREES of every description. For particulars as to FREE DELIVERY, Prices, &c.. &c., see detailed Catalogues which will be fjnvarded POST FREE on "application. W If resquested, special offers will be made to those about to plant largely. Branch Nursery NEWTOWN, Montgomeryshire. Public Notice. PQ? -1 Hereby Certify that one rubbing ?D ??' of LEWIS'? TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC cured me Aof tT)i; cdoloreux in the Head, after Buffeting three months' downright agony, and spending ,£2õ in doctoring aud physie. Signed, JOHN DIXON. Witness, Mary Dixon, his wife. If you suffer from Toothache, Ticdoloreux, or Rheumat- ism, get bottle of this wonderful Specific. Patcutee-Joeph G. Lewis, 4, Quadrant Buildings, Lime Street, Liverpool.—Sold by all Chemists, in bottles at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. X GUINEA'S WORTH for Is. Ud.- A Indigestion, Stomach and LiverComplaints)ann- di,??'H. 'tbtirni Hick-Headadie, 91?omii, Wind, Dimness of.Sight, Los? of Memory, consequent upon a N??t?ik and disordered stomach, are effectnally cured by LEWIS'S STOM ACH and LIVER PILLS, prepared from a recipe of the late Dr. Bick.?atetl?, of Liverpool. 'I'hey are pre- sàibed daily by most surgeons, and havQ the la? ge?t sale of »ny medicine in the kiugl-; in fact, they cannot be too, highly rw4nmeadaiL. Patentee: Jo"ph, G. Lewi4, 4, Qttd?t,B<uUu)? ,Li?M Street, Liyerpooi. Sold M bMM, at is? Y?d. i?,a U 9, by U Chemut). I GRIFFITH DAVIES, '( DRAPERY, MERCERY, MILLINERY AND I) FURNISHING ESTABLISHNFNTP BANGOR, ¡' .It.o:. •• '• .1 DRESSES, MANTLES, SHAWLS, BONNETS, &c. PAPER HANGINGS,- BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 304, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. TSAAC to infoWtt h!s'C,nst()iners, Victors, anftttw general, thai TSAMJ ftOitM8gsto inform h'C,ustOtOOrs, V:;tors, and t 'Óuttn' general, that 1- he has constantly on hand a large m?ortmqni of Ladies's, Gentlemen'8, and Child" and Shoes, both France M? ??i?. in every T.?te? mi?d to the requirements o? the Se?on. md of th, rLI?W ??h- loth u leaving i:'<'d=::n rely on obttfining a really Fi??t-.I.. icle, at Mo f.1e.AJ>HIONS. LLANDUDNO. NORTH WALES. (),UEEN'S HOTEL (Under New Management and Proprietorship.) THIS UNRIVALLED MARINE HOTEL. SITUATE IN THE CENTRE OF THE BAY, BEING NEWLY AND SUBSTANTIALLY FURNISHED, &c., AND IS REPLESE WITH EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITOR. IT HAS ALSO A SPACIOUS OOFFEE ROOM AND LADIES' SALOON LIVERY STABLES, POSTING AND LOCK-UP COACH HOUSES. TABLE D'HOTE DAILY. DINNERS PROVIDED FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES. W. G. ROBERTS, Proprietor LIandudno, May 7th, 1863. CARNARVON ARTILLERY & RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. THE SECOND ANNUAL BALL IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE ABOVE CORPS, WILL be held at the ROYAL SPORTSMAN HOTEL, CARNARVON, on Wednesday, the 6th of January next, under the same distinguished Patronage as that of last year. :,7 Tickets may be had of the Hon. Secretaries, and at the B..Qf the Hgtel ■ ic e a may m o e LADIES' TICKETS ? „ „ 7s. 6d  GE.NTLEMENS? TICKETS „ „ 4 12k 6d. v:i.a i:><! ,• Dancing will commence at Nine p.m. Captain HAYWARD Lieut. W. TURNER Lieut. J. T. WILLIAMS Hon. B". B-ign DAVIDS J PIANOFORTES ON gALE OR FOR HIRjE. ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERY AJiTCLE IN THE MUSIO ADE UPON TilE SHORTEST EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON ME SHORTEST NOTICE. ?' JOHN DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONftTLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BAN^O^, BEGS to announce that he has constantly on hand for Sale or Hire well-timed Pianofortes by approved makers. He has also entered into arrangements for a regular supply of all the New and PopularJMusic immediately of its publication, to be sold at HALT, PRICE. Every facility afforded for trying Music over in private rooms attached to the Shop. Parties resident in the country may have their Music by return of Post. Ifthe price is known, it is advisable to enclose with the orders the requisite amount of postage stamps, with one stamp extra for each piece as postage. On SALE a Foreign PianiDo, in handsome WALNUT CASE it is a TRICORD, and very fine toned, full com- ass. Lowest price for immediate Cash, £25. p Also, on Sale a new brilliant toned COTTAGE PIANO, in beautiful Rosewood Ofcse, with the extra compass of 7 octaves. It is exquisitly finished with Ivory fronts, and Collards Sharps. Lowest price £25 for Cash down. SEWILL'S ^4^1 WATCHES. Manufactory, 61. South Castle-street. right opposite the Custom House, LIVERPOOL. 'WATCHES forwarded FREE and safe to any part of the Kingdom upon Receipt of a W remittance. A WRITTEN WARRANTY WITH EVERY WATCH (f you are in want of a good Watch, warranted to keep correct time, send a Post-office Order to JOSEPH SEWILL, 61, South Castle-street, Liverpool (directly opposite the Custom House,) who will by return of Post, send a first class Watch of the description required, warranted to keep good time, and exchanged if not approved of. SEWILL'S Silver Horizontal Watches, Jewelled and Warranted, £2 2s., £ 2 10s., 93, E3 IN each. SEWILL'S Silver Patent Levers, Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted, B4, 25, 26, JET, and L7 10s. each. SEWILL'S Silver Patent Lev; uitable for Ladies or Gentlemen, 4?5, 26, and 27 each. SEWILL'S Gold Horizontal Watches, suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen, £ 5, £ 6, and £ 7 each. SEWILL'S Gold Patent Detached Lever Watches, Cases 18 carat fine, 29 9s., £10 10s., cl2 12s. each. SEWILL'S RAILWAY WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. Expressly manufactured for every description of engineering purposes, railway travelling, and hunting. To persons requiring a real fine, accurate, and substantial Timekeeper, ° THESE WATCHES WILL BE FOUND INVALUABLE. Gold-16, 18, 20, and 25 Guineas each. Silver 6, 8, 10, and 12 Guineas each. An immene atoek of PRESENTATION WATCHES, in Gold and Silver, of the finest quality and magnificent designs. SEWILL'S GOLD CHAINS, In e newest patterns, with Patent Detector Swivels, £1 lis. 6d., £ 2 2s., £3 10s. each free and afe per post Captains, Shippers, and the trade supplied on the most reasonable terms. NOTE THE ADDRESS.—THE OLDEST WATCH MANUFACTORY IN LIVERPOOL, 61, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, RIGHT OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE. Cir Post-office and Money orders to be made payable to JOSEPH SEWILL, LIVERPOOL. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. NOTICE. Messrs. Gabriel will, in future, attend BANGOR every FRIDAY, commencinq with Friday, the 8th of January, 1864. In consequence of the great increase in Messrs. GABRIEL'S Practice in North Wales, they will in future Visit the undermentioned Towns every alternate week. They, avail themselves of the present opportunity of thanking their numerous Friends for the large amoiuit of Patronage they have received during the Eighteen Years, they have Visited North Wales professionally. Bangor, at Mr. Douglas's, Caxton House, High Street. Carnarvon, at Mr. Hawkridge, Bookseller, Bangor Street. Oswestry, at Mr. Green's, the Cross. Wrexham, at Mr. Jones's, Confectioner, Hope Street Shrewsbury, 48, High Street. OSTEO-EIDON Patent, March, let, 1862, No. 560 OSTEO EIDON is the renowned newly invented, soft base for INDESTRUCTIBLE MINERAL TEETH an GUMS. Neither Springs^Wires, nor Operation required. Supplied at half the usual cost bv ?FCABR  ''HEOLDESTABDSH?D ESTABLt>>^ .'ESTABLISHED 1815. SEE DIPLOMA.) GW" 134, DUKE-STREET, LIVERPOOL (OPPOSITE BERRY-STREET). 27, HIRLEY-STREET, C WENDISH-SQUARE, AND 34, LUDGATE-IIILL, CITY, LONDON, ? ?E?.??ET. BfRMINGHAM. AMFRTPAN MINERAL TEETH, BEST IN EUROPE, FROM FOUR TO SEVEN, AND TEN, TO Fn?nEN rGUnTINNEFA*S S VPER roSEr. T J, P"AAB RTIAL SETS IN PROPORTION, SINGLE TEETH, FROM 3,. 6d„ WARRANTED. E 0ONSULTATI0N GRATIS. :MESSRS. GABRIEL'S prepared WHITE GUTTA PERCHA ENAMEL, for STOPPING DECAYED TEETH Price Is 6d per box, directions enclosed. Sold by aU Chemists in town and country. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, for Preserving and Cleaning the Teeth] and Gums, i sold by all Chemit?i in town and country, at Is. 6d. per bo. ?'' A.?n?io? Baa?r'? Mr. Grinith, chemist, Hi??treet; Crna!von, Mi G. Owen, chemist; DeNMgh, Mr Q-g GI' jjeaumaris, Mr. Roberts, Chemist; PwUheU.Ttr. MorriS, chemist Amlwch, Mr. R. Chemist; Holyhead ?G? Boberb, Medical Hall; Uandudno, Mr. Hugh Hughes, Chemist, Mostyn Street. Just published, post free three stamps, GABRIELS' FRAOTICAL TREATISE on the TEETH explains their patented method of oupp!yu? teethJf without springs ior Wres, and without any operation. oNyone'vuit required fKntCe?nt?pttitnt* where fme'?m<0.qt<. tt. M I »dœcr