By TO SrxCUL HEa MIISIY APPOINTMENT AND H. R. H. THE PRISCISS o. ALKS. BROWN & CO-, M E K C E R S, CHESTER. AUTUJIN NOVELTIES IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOUCLE AND CREPON CLOTHS, COATINGS, AMAZONES, SERGES, <&c. BILKS FOR DRESSES AND BLOUSES MILLINERY, MANTLES, CAPES AND JACKETS. "WEDDING OUTFITS. MOURNING OUTFITS. 11516wtb. Scholastic MOUNT HOUSE SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, UPPER BANGOR. PRINCIPALS MISSES GIBBS AND CAVE (Assisted by Resident and visiting Teacherb). TIIIS SCHOOL offers a Thorough Ednoation to jL Girls and Junior Boys. Modern Methods. Certificated Teachers. Gymnasium. Tenuis. School Library. Successes in 1894 in Oxford, Cambridge, Trinity Collect,London, and South Kensington examinations. KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT under a fully CERTIFICATED (Froebel) MISTRESS. Next Term will commence SEPTEMBER 13th. Prospfectua on Application. 11738fw VIOLIN LESSONS. M ISF-, ISABEL HEWITT, who has studied jM under MR THKODOHB LiwsoH and RERB ELLESBEROEU (Pupil ct JOICHIM), and MISS MARGARET HEWITT (Pupil of Messrs THKODOBK LAWBON and JOHN SAUNDERS) give LESSONS at Own or'e Residence. OPES TO ENCHOEMKSTS FOR OOKCMTS, AT HOMES, &0 Boston, Upper liangor. 11538L N IXU N (llerober of fbo Ifccor. Soc. of Mue.) gives LESSOSS IN PIANO, SINGING, AND TtiEORY. And prepares Candidates tor the Local Examinations. LLANDUDNO and the Neighbourhood Visited, i Bryn Hydd, Upper Bangor. 11169  j^jUGH Q j>KERETON (ASSISTANT TO MR WESTLAKK-MOBOAN AT BASO JB CATHEDRAL) IS OPEN TO RECEIVE PUPILS IN > SINGING, PIANOFORTE, AND ThEORY OF MUSIC. Preparation for Local Examinations. Terme Moderate. Address—CAILLSPA, BANGOR. 11377o trinity HOUSE SCHGOLi, Colwyn Day. THE REV. J. TI. ASTLJSF. M.A.. EMMANUEL COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, KECEIVES BOYH horn 7 Veers of Ake to PRE- J? PARE for the Publk School, &c. For Prospectus, References to looal and other parents of pupils (Sc., apply to the PRINCIPAL NEXT TERM commences SEPT. lSnl. 11281a — Fair View," Beaumaris. — SMALL l'.K:I'AHATOHY SCHOOL FOR UOVS AND GIRLS. Conducted by M I 8 S II. A G N E S JONES of N.A., late Warden ol the Scluol of J. ivinity at. l<ai £ < r, ai.iimiw Chaplain and Senior Muster at Oandle Grammar School, Northamptonshire T|\V /TI IS» .IO:-it;S is a trained tdicher, having had large :L experience in leaching bota in Elementary and High Schoo's, also in goo families ill England. Pupils will bo thoroughly grounded in ENGLISH (in all its branches), FRENCH, MUSIC, ELEMENTARY LATIN. CKKKHA.NU DRAWING, aud PLAI-I NEEDL.E-WORK. Ref. reces kindly allowd to The T.adv Magdalen Bulkfley, Baron Hill, Beaumaris The Right Rev. The L. rd Bishop of Jtaugor The Rev. John Morgn B A, Rector of Llandudno The Rev. D. Richard), M.A., Vicar of Blaeuau Fts- tiniog The Rev. Edwin Jenes, Nt. A, Junior Vicar of Bangor and also t,- Pareuts < i iVimer pupils. Lit'le Bovs carefully prej iirod for the Public Schools. FIRST TERM BEGINS OCTOBER 8th. Terms Miss Jones is open to Visiting Ei gagements [art t of Morniug. cl Altcrn('ou.. Pr?!.ectu< a id t?tunem.?. moy be had on ppli a- tion. VALA COUNTY SCHOOL. HEAPMAMKH J. C. EVANS, M. A., FOrMeTIY Powis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesue College, Oxford, and late Assistant-muster ut Christ College, Brecon. Mathematical and Science Master: A. B. SULLY, B.A (Lond. and Oxor.). (Late Open Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford.) Drawing, Book-keeping, &0. G. V. PKIDffAM Formerly Art Masier iu Norfolk County School). NEW BUILDINGS admirably fitted with every convenience for Boarders. Preparation for the Universities, Civil Servioes, Preliminaries of the Law and .Medicine, and the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, and a good Commercial Course. Boy* attend the plac; of icor^(/> selected by paitnls BOARD and TUITION (inclusive charge), E36 per annum. Recently Scholar*hips have been ohtftined DIRICT trom School at th University Collects, Lampeter College, and Clifton College aleo there have been eevtra) Mtrtrifuttt'OEp, including Two at London University (in let Division). HPTINOTIONS IN OXF-FW) LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. Among the 5LMOKS 2 Certificate?? of Exemption from Responsions (the First Examina- ion -1 0-fod University ) 7 th place MI all England iiiKnelisli' nd and 60th „ EDg „ „ 3rd place UcliKious Knowledge J 7th 13th and 24th Greek 7th? 17ti?.30th Bgth in 1,iin ..llth.36th.32th,Mnd&B8thKnt!tish 36th .Mathematics' „ 24th & 26th „ Religious Knowledge. Bala is Cntre for the Oxlord Local Examinu- Uonl895. ti¡'CE ROAHDIXGSC.HOLARSHirsra)?)?' in value from £ 20 to £10 a teur will ho ottered fur com- Petition by the Head Master in January, 1896. The Examination Papers will be graduated according: to the age of candidates. For particulars apply to Head Master. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. IMMENSE STOCK. BEST STYLE well ventilated workrooms. PRICES REASONABLE. P)EST STYLE. well vmt;liitt?ttworlro.mtl" PRICES REASONABLE. Recent deliveries of AUTUMN and WINTER WOOLLENS in choice shades and great variety. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. BAYNE AND DARGIE, CLOTHERS, STABUSHKD 1870. UPPER BANGOR. 12—9823R11374 EST A B LIS H E D 1851. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 224, 226 228, HIGH ST. (OPPOSITE THE MARKET), BANGOR, BEG TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK OF LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, GLOBES, WICKS. Best Refined Petroleum and Benzoline. GAS AND PETROLEUM HEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Sole Appointed Agents for Bangor and District FOlt THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT CO. The Purest, most Brilliant, and most Economical Light in Existence. SUPERIOR TO ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ONE-EIGHTH THE COST. Plumbers, Gasfitters, Hot Water and Electrical Engineers. 11477m Scholastic S. WINIFRED'S BOARDING SCHOOL., BANGOR. FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF CLERGY, GENTRY OF SMALL MEANS, AND OTHERS. 1TOB LOR*. BISHOP OF BANGOR. PIIOVOST REV. H. MKYNELL, M.A. BON. CHAPLAIN, PBO. T M. VERY KEV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR; rnHIS schooi is condacted by Ladies of expe- .1 nenoe, and offers an clacation preparatory to University Certificates, with definite Church teach- ing. Terms, £ 30 per annum. For prospectus, apply to Miss E. WELCH2IAN, S. Winifred's, Bangor. 1045SJ MR 0WEN PRICE, UH\d.SIsr AD CH01JUtA'I'RH OF HT. MAHY'S CnURcn, AND MTIIC MASTKK AT TKIAKS SCHOOL, BANGOR, gives Lessons in Singing, Piano, Theory, and Tonic Solfa. PREPARES FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. r^ vPEN to ENGAGEMENTS for Concerts, Fisteddfolaii, Ac,, 6:j Accompanist or Yocahst (Baritone). VISITS LLANGEFNI ON THURSDAYS. ADDRESS 7, Snowdon View, Upper Bangor. !27f.2E L.L ANDUDNO. LANSDOWNE HOUSE SCHOOL. Principals: Missp MATTHEWS AMD STANDRING. Assisted jy an Efficient Staff of Resident and Certificated Teachers and Visiting Masters. PUPILS are very aacee?toUy prepared for the i C..mbncge, K.A.M., and other Local Essmi- nations. Adjoining the above in York-road new premises have been built for the LLANDUDNO KINDERGARTEN, TECHNICAL AND ART BCHOOLS, AND SWEDISH GYMNASIUM. 9541-9440 M" \VES!LAKE-MOKGAN> ORGANIST OF BANGOR CATBEDRAJU Choirmaster of St. PanPs, Colwyn Bay, and Conway PariBh Church Professor ot ilnsic at the North Wales Training College,Bangor; Examiner to the Incorporated Society of MUõioiaoB Vlce-Presi. dent ana Examiner to the Guild of Organists Pupil of Sir Walter Parrett (Organist to the Queen), D Gladstone and Or. Mann, Gives LESSONS in Singing; Intoning; Piano- forte Organ; & Harmony. SCHOOLS ATTENDED by epecinl arransiement for Singing and Pianoforte. System adopted similar to that in use at the Royal College of Music. Pupils specially prepared for the Local Examinn- tions of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, the Associated Board, and Trinity College. POHLS' RECENT SUCCESS :-Two Open Scholar- ships (Pianoforte), R.C.M.; I.S.M. Locals (only candidate with Pianoforte Honours in N. Wales, Joly, 1894; Honours, December, 1^34; only oan- didate with ADVANCED Pianoforle llonoars in N. Wales, Jnl" 189 £ Honouis in Orgaii-Ployiiig,  MCATHRDBA? J B  JTHE CATHRDBAL. BAXOOB. 1102lj D01jGRLLEY GR?MMAR SCHOO-L. (FOUNDED 1665). NOW recreauised as F?IRST-GRKDE CHURCH ? HCHOOLtortheD'cc?ectB'nKar. AN EXAMINATION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS (Value from £12 to £Q8), will bs btld at the School, on DICKMBISB 18th and 19tb. Full information will be supplied on nppl.oation, which should be made aa early as possible to the Headmaater, G. W. KINHAN, E.q.. M.A. F.F H'st.S„. ] 12785tw Scholastic PIANO & THEORY of MUSIC. MISS HEWITT (R.A.M. Senior Honours .l\' Pianoforte and Theory), OrganiEt of Beau. maris Church, late Musio Governess at. Mount House School, GIVES LESSONS at own or Pupils' Residence. Schools Visited. Pupils Prepared for Local Examinations. BOOAFON, UPPER BANGOR. 12318a W. HUGHES KOBEllT8, Estate Agent and Accountant, 7, CHURCH-STREET, CARNARVON, (Taesdsay, Thursdays, and Fridays), AND 7, HOLY HEAD-ROAD, BANGOR. (Personal attendance en Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.) RENTS collected. Estates carffuHy Manned. H, DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHEIŒ, NO CHARGE IF UNSUCCESSFUL. Private in- quiries conducted. PropertyBougbt and Sold. Valuations made. The Auditing and Balancing of Booka undertaken. Houses and Shops, &c., to tie Let in all parts of North Wales. Businesses Bought and Sold. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Money Lent on Note of Hand Alone. From £5 to < £ 1000. Repayable by easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half. yearly payments to suit borrowers. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. All applications by Post must be sent to 7, Cncncu-STRKKT, CARNARVON, where Mr ROBBRTS resides. Mr ROBERTS also vas various sums from £200 up to zE20 000 to lend on Mortgaee from 3.1 per cent. Apply for particulars. 11200jl621 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY T 0 FaruierB, Tradesmen, Lodging-honse Keepers, X and others in sumi of £10 up to £500. OX BORROWER'S OWN NOTE OF HAND Without sureties, at much lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to suit Borrower's requirements. Extensive business doue for 25 yesrs pas. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. For prcsfeotus and terms, apply personally or write to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Crescent Road, Rbyl. Head Office 20, Kennedy Street, Manchester. Established 1870. 11796 ~«256wh LOAN OFFICE AGENCY. MONEY advanced to every respectable borrower. Special terms to Farmers. Letters attended to immediately.— Applv, Mr J, P. Jones, 25, Caelleppa, Bangor. 1971L ESTABLISHED IN 1836. FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICEb (Stubbs' Ltd.), 43, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.G. IUilflOIUlnIBS, BY OBTAINING TIMELT INFORMATION MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. IVKBT TRADEB SHOULD BIIAD STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement containing LISTS OF CREDITORS NNNIA ALL THE IMPORTANT FAILURRS. The Commercial Registers contain more than r3'" EIGHT MILii-iION Entries DEBTR RECOVERED PROMPTLY AND REMITTED TO SUBSCRIBERS on TUES- DAY and FRIDAY in eaoh week. DRANOIIES at Aberdeen, BirmiLfeham, Brad- < > ford, Brighton, Bristol, Belfast, Ctiarles-st. Chambers, Cardiff, Swansea,Cork. Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow. Hull. Leeds, Leicester, i Liverpool. Loudon (West End), Manchester, New- casti?, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Porte- month, Sheffield. BuB-OFf!C)'a.—B!Kckbnrn, Cambridge, Derby, Exeter, G!oncetH Gr'mHby, Hutifm. Hanley, Hodderaiiol?. Ipswich, Limerick, LondOnderry,! Middieab?ro', Newp?t (Men,), Northampton, Oxford, Preston. Re&diB?, Somhampton, Stock. ton-on-Tees, Snnder?nd, Wtis?t?Waterford, Wol- verhampton, Worooster, York. TIRMB— £ 113, £ 3 2a, ?2 36, £ 5 59. according to requirements. PBOBPKCTOS forwarded on application to any of the above O&wn. DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, gANGOR, Respestfully"^invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to his Present Choice Stock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard Patterns, and Invisible- Shades 41) well-known to every Sportsman _o. Hills&e and Cover, for Moor and River, KnlckSrihc!¡"èr Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Coloure, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch; Checkn. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather TruDk, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. I Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE AND CAP MAKER BY APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEOI. or NORTI: WALES PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST IEREE. JOSIAH HUGHES & CO., High-street, Bangor, Have just received their NEW STOCK of SEASON'S GOODS, — INCLUDING — Table, Reading-, Bracket, Suspension, Telescopic, Hall, and Fancy LAMPS. LAMP SHADES and FITTINGS. COAL VASES and BOXES in all the Latest Designs GAS, OIL, AND COAL HEATING STOVES. AGENTS FOR MUSGRAYE'S CELEBRATED WARMING STOVES AGENTS FOR THE Incandescent Gas Lamps THE FINEST ARTIFICIAL LIGHT IN THE WORLD. 11696a SNOWDON -FLAKE FLOUB,.L USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD, FIRST. PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL at Millers' and Bakers' Exhibition, Loudon, 1892 THOMAS LEWIS & Co.. "FCJ&OSALE CITY STEAM MILLS, BANGC? INCREASING SALE CITY STEA-31 I)IILLS, B-ING ""fit BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, CARNARVON. GREAT CL EAR-ANCE SALE R. WILLIAMS, HUMPHREYS & CO., HAVING purchased, on most advantageous terms, the immense and varied Stock of the late Mr R. WILLIAMS, comprising cf Ironmongery Goods and Agricultural Implements, BEG TO ANNOUNCE THEIR INTENTION OF Selling Off the Whole at a Great Reduction. THE S.\LE CONTINUES FOR ANOTHER WEEK. 12673tw GOLF BOOTS ESTABLISHED 1813. f GULF SHOES BOOTS. J l SHOES M. A. CROOKS, HIGH CLASS BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. 222. IHIGH-STREET, BANGLOR, t Are now Showing Autumn and Winter Goods in ?1 Departments. The Stock com- prises the Newest and most FitsliioTiable B?')C)T.?, Sil ?FILIPEPS produced by the Loading Emlish and Foreign _?d S? HPPEE3 Shooting, Fishing, and Football Boots, Russian and Tan Goods in Great Variety. Sole Agents for the "K" Make SPECIAL ATTENTION IS PAID TO REPAIRS AND HAND-SEWN WORK BY EXPEHŒNCED WORKMUN. Orders Received by Post have Careful and Immediate Attention. 7350 T H E BORTH WALES MUSIC CO., LD. l' 1_l 111Ù lVl ¡) lJ..J \) I' J). BANGOR pIANOFORTES ==— I ORGANS I TjARMONIUMS. TUNERShy Contract to Her Majesty's Government. R R D. WILLIAMS MANAGER. R. B. WATSON, HAIRDRESSER. PERFUMER AND TOBACCONIST. FANCY GOODS REPOSITORY (Opposite Cathedral), BANGOR. Football and Cricket Requisites. rpho Finest Gentlemen's Saloon in North Wales. Private Hoom tor Ladies and Children. Cornliings and ll kinds of Hair Work mado up on the Premises llollfw MISS JONES. TECHNICAL DRESSMAKER, 251, HIGH STREET (Opposite the "Bee Hive"), BANGOR. I GOOD Fit Guaranteed, CharRes Moderate. ?J Lessens Rivfn no the Eureka Dress Cotting Chart. Patterns cut by measurement. 12707jtj PRIVATE XMAS CARDS. Samples Free. JARVIS & FOSTER. Lorne House, Boll 0 2ilr VALLANCE BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS, BAMOR AND BETHESDA. Our arrangements for the Coming Seasons are now completed We are prepared to offer exceptional value, and are showing the best selections of REAL HIGH. CLASS WOOLLENS we have ever shown. YOUR INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 11375w GRAND DISPLAY OF Latest Novelties FOR Autumn & Winter Fashions, AT THOMAS'S, London House, Bangor. SHOW NOW ON. WORTH READING. I) I C K S = THE PEOPLE'S BOOT PROVIDERS, I HAVE AN IMMKNSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SEASON'S GOODS COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN STYLE, FITTING AND MATERIAL. DICKS' CUSTOMERS HAVE THE LARGEST^ BEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY TO ClIOOSE FROM. Dicks' Earnest Endeavour Ist0Ifi^iMo^tl,afc Dicks' Eariiest Eiideavour e??n be had for their Money. Special Orders carefully attende to. Anybody's and Everybody's Boots and Shoes repaired Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly. LOCAL BRANCHES- 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. 7, Bridge-st. and 3, Palace-st., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead. High-street, Pwllheli.11573wh HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -:0:- 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J W. ROBE R T S (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, AN" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only given by very few U-inios in the Kingdom. Price List on Applioati? Terms, READY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales onReoeipt ofillost Card. 11215fw LEA AND 0B1IIOATU™TLLE P EPTPJN S' Siguature r.J 11. \l lJ yJ1 ( is now Printed in Blue Ink diagonally acrossithe OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Aold WholM?'e by the proprietors, W&tcestcr CroMe A "j OA XT II IMII BtMkweU. Ltd., London "nd Exnort Oilmen gsn?rftHy. V '? /A .& TT?T? RETAIL EVERYWHERE. UlJL V 11844wth