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BOARD OF TRADE.—Session 1896.…

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

BOARD OF TRADE.—Session 1896. BOARD OF TRADE.-SE8'lON 1896. Bangor Corporat' on Electric JI Lighting (License). (Tbe ProdBotion. Storage, anl Supply f Elatricity by the Corporation of Bn4or -ilbiu the Borough of Bsngor, mid places beyond the Acquisition and Appropri"tion of Lands and Co.str aetion of Work-, tile Breakii)g up ati,i-I InterfreDo" with nlr-W aod Railways, &r. the Laving down and Krection of Electric Liues, Pipes, Wires and Apparatus the Taking and Recovery cf Rates audCha-gn; the Entry into Houses and Linda; th1* Making of Contracts and the Trau9fsr o! the Under- taking the Borrowing of Money, and other Matter". ) N OTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN, that the Nitv r. Aidermea and Burgesses ot the B Jr;)og\1 of Bangor, in tho county of Carnarvon (aereiirtPer oallel the Corporation "), and whose addr^s is the lown Cierk's Office, Bangor, intind t, apply to tbe Biard of Trade forthwith for a under the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 aid 1883, for ail or soma of the following, amongst other purpose. that is to say — 1. To authorise the Corporation to proluc- supply, anol distribute I",Iectr'O!'Y for pib:it' private purposes, as d-tined by the said Acts, within the Borough of Bangor, al.tl So much of the Parish of L.'andegai as lie, betw the Borough of Bangor, and an nua^i uary line th bridge carrying the Shrewsbury and H.}lyhed- road over the Kiver Cegin, in that parish, thence proceeding io a outb CltPterly drao tlOlJ alonlZ the said Shrewsbury and Hoiybead-road to a point opposite the Grand Lodge of Penrbyr; Puk, tbeare coutiuaing iu 11U easterly diroc- lion along the road leading from that lodge to the bridge (Pont Tal-v-boni) carrying the lasr mentioned road over the River UweD, thence pro- oeediDg in a northerly direction along the west, bank of the said River Ogwen to Capel Ogweo Bridge, thence in a westerly direction along th* northern boundary of Penrhyn Park to the road leading from Aber Cegin to the shore, thence in a north-westerly direction to the end 'f Port Penrhyn Breakwater to and acros-i the River Cagiu in u westerly dlrcion to tha bonndary of the borough of Bangor, and So much of the parish of Pentir as lies between the borough of Baugor, and all imaginary line com- mencing at a point at Belmoat Cottage, tlear tin boundary of the said borough, thence following the south-easterly bmn lary-wall of Gorpbwysfa Park to C..e'rffos Coth" øituate on the Menai Bridg) and Carnarvon-road, aud following the said road III a southerly direction io Glyn Ceris t averu, thenoe in. a westerly direction along the private road within Treborth Park, to a point opposite Treborth Hall, theDoe iu an easterly direction to the gas,- raster in Treborth Park thenca in a northerly direction to the villa known a9 Ceris, and t'uenoe along Ule 6e shore to the Menai Suspension Bridgo, and from thence aloug the 8e".b;)fe to llie boundary of the brn h of Bangor, and so much of th said parish of Pentir as is known as So. David's Vicarage and Grounds all.! which im;n<di- utelv jiins the boroujli of Bangor, all ia the cninty of Carnarvon (hereinafter called the Ares ot i Sappty"). 2. To enable the Corporation to purchase, tako on leas?, and hold lands, or il1tcet,e, or e'BJI112t\>' in or over lard. or to appropriate for the par; "I of the licence auy lands belonging to or h,.lcl b J them, and to erect, maintain, work, and use noon Biich land? ail necessary or proper eiginas dynamos, batteries. machinery, apparatus, worki, buildings, and appliances for gcnerttiui-, producing, storing, supplying, and distributing electricity, or for other the mirposes o! the undertaking, and to empower the Corp*oration to sell or di8p[}ij of any lands not requirrl for the purposes of the under- taking. 3. To anthori-e the Corporation to open, break up and interfere with all streets, roads, public places, ways, fooq;!lth" railway J, CA, navigable rivers, towing-paths, bridges, culverts, sewers. .-iraiu, und v.as and w.ter mains aid pip?s. aurl telegraph and telephone, and other wires within the aria of supply, ttond to lay <1 JWO, ereot, tmin- ttin, renew, and remove, either above or under roand. or otherwise, eloeiric liDS. conductors, mains. pipes, tubts, wires, pt" srieer or disrribut- iog boxes, meters and apparatus, and other wot ks or things require;? for tho purpose ot enabling the •Corporation to supply, produce, store, convey, transmit, or distribute fle^trioity within the area of i supply, and to confer all such other powers upon the Corporation us '11<1, t b e necessary for effecting tbe objects of the proposed undertaking. Tim following ia a li,t of the street* not repairable by a local authority within the proposed area of supply, and in respect of which tho Corporation propose to take powers to hreai, up, pasi over, or interfere with, vti. Port Penrhyn Road bsing the ro^d leading from Tanybryn to P,)rt Penrhyn Lode.e. So rau'ih of the road as lies betwe n the Borough of Bmgor and Treboith Lodge com. mencmg at a point riistaat 36 oliains or thereabouts from the West»r» b-umUry of tke said Borough and near G i. ii thwy and continuing thence along n", l'ai Bridge Road in a South Westerly direction p.sl the Meuai Suspen ion Bridge and the M nai Brnjjo ft'tion of If¡.. London auci North W" rn Railway Company tok Trehorth Lodge. The road leading from the Shrewsbn-y and Holyhead Road to the North \\Tal«s Uni- versity Collete passing the said Col'ege ar d rejoinii g the sanl Shrewsbury and Holy- head Road at or ni-ir Tanybryn Lodge a distance of about. 2o!) yards inc'ud'ng the bridge at right angles to the 8»id ro ui lead- ing up to Penybryn Farm. Th- NtW R)ad leading from the Bridge Road n-ar the North West corner of Bryny- morto Plus Gwyn. Prince's Road. Temple Rea l. Bulk-ley Tioad. Oorad Road. Hwfa Road. Evelyn Road. Fair View Road. The rotids leading down from the Menai Bridge Road to the George Hot-d. The roads within the enclosed Vi'la^e of Llan- degai. 4. To authorise the Corpora ion to rnanufncture, purchase, hit-, sell, and ha lamps, accumulators, mcteie, dynamos, Ultima, plant, machinery, und oti.or I for the purposes of tho licens", and to aciiaire, work, and use patent rights for the producing, storing, controlling, dis- tributing, and or otherwise r- latin4 to the supply of electricity. 5. To au'boriee the Corporation to tak«, collect, and recover rates, rents, and charges for the supply of electricity, and the use of any machine, lamp", meters, fittings, o- apparatus connected therewith. 6. To authorise the Corporation to brealc up, pasp, or cross over or uuder all streets and parts of streets carried over or under any riihvsy, oanal, or navigable river. and to break up or interfere with the tollowiug railway and rivers so far as they are situate witbin the are& of supply, nauiely:- Railway. The London and North Western Kiilway. Rivers. Cagin, Adda, Ofjwen. 7. To make provision for the inspection and teetuig of mains, conductors, and wor k, for the appointment and remuneration of electric inspec- tor*, and for the supply, use, inepeotion, testing, and certifying of meters, fittings, and instruments. t. To authorise the Corporation to ent-r upon any houses, buildings, or land supplied or pit poeod to be supplied with electriciy t, for any pur- poaes relating to sach supply. 9. To authorise th* Uorporution to enter into contracts with cotnpunieioi persona tor the execu tion and maintenance of works, and the mpoly (f electricity, and to relieve the Corpiratiori from the consfquences of any ao-s or defaults of any suoh contractors, and to empower tim Corporation to tran-fer t'j compinies or persons, 0.11 or some of their power', duties, liabilities, aod works for such period and opon BuOh itirw) aud conditions as may be anreed upon. 10. To cooter upon the Corporation all cr s m" of the Dowenl of the Eiectric Lighting Aot., 18S2 lAnd 1888, IIntl eiiactmenls incoruora'.ed thi.rew'.th Bti'l to alter, vary, or extingnish all righ.s an Fivrlegcs which wouid or might iut-rfcre with any of the objeots of the license, and to c-onfir all oth»r rights atl 1 privileges utces-ary for carrying auoh objects into eff,el. 11. To exempt the Corporation from the obliga- ti,)rl to supply electrici-.y for public Dr i,r,vits purposes in such portion or portions of the area of eupply, or under such oonditioas or oircum- fitaucea m lb.)) b3 epemfiij in the license. 12. To empower the Corporation to borruw money for all or any of the purposes of the license, arid to oh '.rge the miueve so borrowed aud inter-it upon the Inroagh fund of the ooroagh, aud to empower the Corpomtion to apply auy 01 th i- corporate funds ti auy of the purposes ot the liO.lS1, aud t) provide for ills disposal or applica- tion of the revenue ariaimg from the undertaking. 13. To in jorpovate with tho license S-otion 265 of the Publij Healih Aot, 1875 (relating to the protection of local authorities aod ihiir officers tro:rl pirsofiil li$t)ility), mn(i to es (,. i tn,t t > matters arising under the ltoease. Th* nlm, of the stresH in which it i4 proporcd that el tctcic lines shall be laid down within a speow,1 tisue are as folbws Garth-road, from Garth Point to Bank P ace, Tan-y-fonwent, from Garth-road to Waterloo- road. High streat, fram Tan-y-Bryn Lodge to Kail- way Station. Glaurafon, from High street to the Deanery. Farrar-street, from High-street to Holyhead- rcad. Holvhead-road, from Farrar-etreet to The Outlook. Ffriddoedd-road, from Holyhead-road to Plag Gwyn. College-road, from Ho'yhead-road toMeirion- l-oad. Priuoes-road, from College-road to Menai- road. And notice is hereby given, that a draft of the license will be deposited at the Office of the Board of Trade on or before the 28th day of NOVEMBEH instant, and printed copies of the dratt license, when deposited, and of the license when made, may be obtained (at the price of one shilling for each copy) at the offices of the nudsimeutiouea Town Clerk and Parliamentary Agents. And notioe is hereby further given, that a map showing the boundaries of the proposed area ot supply, aud tbe streets in which it is proposed that eleotrio lines shall be laid down within a specified time, and a copy of this advertisement as published in the Loudon Gazette, will be deposited on or before | the said 28th 4ty of Nov(?mbe? for paolic iaspec- t?on, at the offioe of the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Carnarvon, at Carnarvon, in the said OJuuty. at the Town Clerk's office, in the borough of Bangor, aud with tbe cl?rk to the Ogwen Hüral District Council at his oiiioe at the Union House, Bancor. And notice is hereby further given, that every local or other publio authority, oompany, or persoa dtsirous of bringing before the Board of Trade any objection respecting this application, must do so by letter addressed to the Board of Trade, marked ou tho outside of the cover enclosing it '• Electric Lighting Acts," 011 or before tbe 27th day of January, 189S, and a copy of suoh objection mast sKo at the oame time b" sent to tho undermen- tioned Town Clerk or Parliamentary Agents. Dated this 22ad dty of November, 1895. R. IIUGHES PRITCEIARD, M.A., Town Clerk, Baugor. ROBERTS AND CIIUBli, 6, Qutjan Aune's-gate, Westminster, S. W., Parliamentary Agents.


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