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By TO Epcm,  HER MAm,rY Appointment and H. R. H. tiie Prin-cbsb OF WALES, powiT & 0 ° > MEKCKKS, CHESTER. AUTUMN NOVELTIES IN FRENCH AM) ENGLISH UOUCLK ANT) CUEPON CLOTHS, COATINGS, AILAZONES, BERGES, Ac. BILKS FOR DRESSES AND BLOUSES MILLINERY, MANTLES, CAPES AND JACKETS. WEDDING OUTFITS. MOURNING OUTFITS. llSlowtb. gcholastic MOUNT HOUSE SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, UPPER BANGOR- JPkiscipalb MISSES (HUBS AND CAVE (Assisted by Resident AND vieiting Teachers). TIIIS SOHOOL ofTnra 1\ Thorough Education to Girls and Jur.ior Bovs. Modem MethodB. Certificati'd Tjashern. Gymnasium. Tenuis. School Library. SUCCESSES in 1894 in Oxford, Cambridge, Trinity College,Loudon, and South Kensington examinations. KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT undur I. fully CERTIFICATED (Froebel) MISTRESS. Next Term will commence SEPTEMBER 13th. Prospectus on Application. 11733fw PIANO & THEORY of MUSIC. MISS HEWITT (R.A.M.; Senior Honours '.L riMpfcrt<- ?d Theory), OrKM)Et of Bsau- rcaris Church, ]' Music Governess at Mount House School. GIVES LESSONS AT orcu or Pupils' Residence. Schools Visited. Pupils Prepared for Local Examinations. BOOIFOS, I'MKK P.ANOOB. 12318A Fair View," P)e-lllllaris. SMALL i'Hhi'AKATOKY SCHOOL FOR HOYS AND GIRLS. C nduc'ed by MISS It. AGNES JONES Sist-r of th,, Rev. M.A., late Warden of th i t-thool of Divinity at Hunger, ar;d now Chapl^io nnd ellinr Master ut O..d!? Ü'HnJlllar ?<-hw),N"rtham)'t«'?'"rc'. MISh JON'KN is a trained tmcher, having had 1-w, 1\1 experience in t?-ii.g bota n El,nt.?y and Hish !'clw" also in g.?,t families in En?Uml. I in EMiLI.^H (in all it-s brnuci>es\ FKhNCH, MUSIC, KI.I-.MIDN1 AK\ LAX IS I'REtAI AND DK AWING, Mut t'LAi? XhEDhE-WOHK. Ruf-rei.ces Miv lv allowed to ly The Magdalen liulktlcy, Baron Dill, Leaumaris The Right Re\. The Lad Bishop 01 Bang,er; The Hev, John Morgan, B A., Rector of Llandudno The Rev, D. Hichards, M.A., J'iear of Blaeuau Fes. tini.ig The Rev. Edwin Jones, M.A Junior Vicar of Bar,or aHa nlo to Parents .-I former pupils. 'I Litvle B(>y ca.du1ly I'l'f'?artd for the Public Schools. HhhT TEKM BEliISS OCTOBER 8th. Terms Moderate. Blfes Jene« is open to VWting Ergagemcuts part of Morniugs ai.d Afti riiooiip. Prosp.ctus iiifl tustimoaia'S be had on apnii a- t i ou. TRINITY HOUSE SCHC OL. Col wye Bay. THE REV..T. H. ASTLUY, M.A., EMMANUEL COL1.ENK. CAVBIIIDGE, RECEIVES BOYS from 7 Yearn of A&e to PW> PARE for the Public Schools, Ac. Fur prosponort. References to local and other Fa.t"t of pni-ii-s A-c.. apply to the Principal NEST TEKM oommepcaa Seit. 187IJ, 11231a ti cTw Fj L Li' s FBMALS OEPHAN SCHOOLS, DUN BiG H. OX TUBS D A Y. Dxcembsb 3?tnfxt.Or.e V.n.?.cy ?''r m 0?'t" Found?ticnerb'twfeu tv.e Age of Sevn ar.d Twslvo y«ar3, oni l'ne VACICï von Pay Boabpsr, ovc-r Seven years of Asa, wil' be ti'ird a', the Tetrcs, £:c 1 p r ai.nuaJ, f.iy-hlt Q :F.rLrly iu advance. Toe | Lnc T! Govrno.-s will ALSO entertain appUcauoc3 U t the admission of Pay SciiOMB-l. th« Terms b->ic2. Entrance Fee, 10.; 'nj a QIl; to: Jy ¡Hye:eut or of apiilication or vh'. !W fr^m .Mr J. 1' LuV.i 8e\'crd vacanci h ps he h-  Mr J. r. LL\.I S,Iic:t:,r, l,'Ieik to hc Lca' Co\'rnc:T. and all apphcat OTI:' miletbi- sent 10 himoIJ or bl font Si.'htrrJ n'i'. //»<• ^V"<7 ri<pf<in f For.nsr al}il¡('nl¡d/,s C, ."TV ??- ?..?'f?r f.. ?' C?e? ?''<.f?..? ("amassin g the L cu l (ioveri.or. jiuicr .i t iri;l;rec*ly, i.9 etrictly forbidden. Note. To-re <» a Qaa!ific«tion test for the admission of Ciiil'iren. REGULATED according to AT* which etn b, "lid from the Clerk. The SciiodI Examiner is to RTAS till eleate i Ouadidale# and ro- port to TEE Iv.I ,:1 (frtvc'tor'. D..nbiRh. N'nb, [¡II, '805. 12717tw Denbigh, N.wnnbe- o h, BALA COUNTY SCHOOL. Fkadmabter J. C EVANS, M.A., Formerly I'owis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesu? Co?Ke, Oxford, and late As istaut-m6ta!er ut ChhM -11? ?,, Brecon. MATHEMATICAL and SciencE Master: A B. ULLY, B.A. (Lond. aud Oxon). (Late Open Scholar of J inooln Collsjjc, Oxford.) DRAWING, Book-hcepire, &-o. V. PIIDTIAM (FJRM( rl, y A.rt .Alas'.er in Norfolk County School). NE W RUILDIXGS !O(;!uir:\bJy fitted with every convenience for Boarders. 1 reparation for the Universities, Civil Services, Preliminaries of the Law and Me licine, and the Oxford and Cambndgo Local Examinations ard a good Commercial Course. Bog ??ftt</ "lC ?'afe "f ,el le,te"? by pmtnts Foy< BOARD and TIJI'1'1()N charge) iob per annum. Recently Scholarships have BEEN obtained mukct from School College, and Clifton College also there have benn several Martriculat.iotJ9, including Two at LondeD University (in 1st Divis-ion). I INUNCTIONS IN OXFORD I.OCAL I!XAYtNJ.'rto. I th':ENIOH6 2 C,,rtifleatc- of Kxemc'inn?? Itespousidiis (the 1, V"om? ]îrÔfl'n']:Tit.)l\UIlI1U' I 7 th place in all Engluid iriEngiishi ••'nd and 50th" >-nr, f 3,d phwo Religious K!lo;"ldgc: JUN?ORS 7th, 13(h ?n(I 24t „ 7th. 17ti..30t I Sit ii, llth.36t.b.S2th,M:td&59th hn?h 36th .?'hcmati? Z<th&2Sth..Re))f!'OMKnowi'()t-? Ba'o ie & Centre for the Uxtod LoMi Examina- tion 1895. ENTRANCE MOAHDIN't! SCHOLAHSIIlPS ranRing m a year wttt be ottered f..r coin- PvitKm by tho Head Master in January, 1896. The be g,a,lu.,ttcd ?(-,c?rding to 'JJ: age ot candidates. For particularf, apply to Ifead Muster. tFIRST CLASS TAILORING, IMMENSE STOCK. BEST STYLE. ?T?????'PRICES REASONABLE. P)EST STYLE. well vent;lated wo,kr?, ù 1:1 1-' 1-1.. Recent deliveries of AUTUMN and WINTER WOOLLENS in choice shades and great variety. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. BAYNE AND DARGIE, CLOTHERS, srAiiusiiKD 1870. UPPER BANGOR. 12-9823HI1374 ESTABLISHED 1851. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 224, 226 228, HIGH ST. (OPPOSITE THE MARKET), BANGOR, BEG TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCS: OF LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, GLOBES, WICKS. Best Refined Petroleum and Benzoline. GAS AND PETROLEUM HEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Sole Appointed Agents for Bangor and District FOil THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT CO. The Purest, most Brilliant, and most Economical Light in Existence. SUPERIOR TO ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ONE-EIGHTH THE COST. Plumbers, Gasfitters, Hot Water and Electrical Engineers. 11477E  Scholastic S- WINIFREDS BOARDIN 0 SCHOOL, BANGOR. FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF CLERGY, I GENTRY OF SMALL MEANS, AND OTHERS. B: I LORV. BISHOP OF BANGOR. PROVOST REV. H. MEYXELL, M.A. HON. CHAPLAIN, PRO. TEM, VERY HEV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR; TIIIS School is conducted by Ladies of expe- X rienco, and offers an sdacaiion preparatory to University Certitioales, with definite Church teach- ing. Terios, L30 per annum. For prospectus, apply to Misa E. WELCliMAN, S. Winifred's, Bangor. 10458j MF ¡,UGH Il BRERETON d.. U I (Assistant TO Mb V!rstl»ee-Mokoan AT I EAOJR CATIIIIDIUL) IS O?EX TO RECEIVE PUPILS IN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, AND THEORY OF MUSIC. Preparation for Local Examiuationp. Terme Moderate. Address—Cahllupi, Bangor. 11377a VIOLIN LESSONS. 1\?IS3 ISABEL HEWITT, who has ?tudiea m noÜH Mb Thkoeohh Lawson and Hf.rb EJ,LE;¡n;.¡(1lm (Pupil of Joachim), and MISS MARGARET HEWITT (Pupil of Messrs 'I'LIEODORK Lawson and John Hacnuero) glVt. LESSONS AT Own or Pupil's Residence. Oi'KN II LGAOElIETS FOil CONCEan, AT HOMFP. (S3 MISS NIXO N (Member of the Incor. Soc. of McF.) gives LESSONS IN. BINGHNG-, avd PIANO, TUEORi. Aud JR?I-ER53 CAU'2id?.te» for the Local EXamj¡;ai01). LLANDUDNO SUA the Neighbourhood Visited. Bryn Hydd, Upper Baugor. 11169 J[IR\v ESL:LAKE-^FOKGAN, ] ORGANIST OF BANGOR CATHEDRAL, Choirmaster cf St. Paul's, CGlwyn Bay, IIlJà Conway PARISH Chnroh Proft'eeor of Musio at the North WALES Trairiirg College,Bangor; Examiner to the Incorporated S^oiety of Musicians Viœ.Pre.i- dent and ix&miuer to the Guild of Organist"; Pupil of Sir Walter Parratt (Organist to the Queen), Dr. Gladstone and Dr. Mann, Gives LESSONS in Singing; Intoning; Piano- forte Organ; & Harmony. Schools Attended by special arrangement for Singing and Pianoforte. Sys-tem adopted Bimilar to that in use at the Royal College of MrbIc. Pupil- specially prepared for the Local Examiun- tions of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, the Associated Board, and Trinity College. l'Ul'lL" Kkcknt Succesrks Two Open Scholar- ships (Pianoforte), R.C.M.; I.S.M. Locals (only candidate with Pianoforte Honours in N. Wales, July, 1894; Honour?, December, 1894 only can- didate with ADVANCED Pianoforte Honours in ;< Wales, July, 189 £ Honours in Organ-Pltiying, July, 1S95). Addrees — Tkf Cathedral. Banoor. 11021 j LLAN DUD NO. LANSDOWNE HOUSE SCHOOL. Missk MATTHEWS AMD STAXDRING. Aabisted JY an Efficient Staff of Resident and Certificatc-d Teachers and Visiting Masters. PUPILS are very enocessfnlly prepared for the Cambridge, K.A.M., and other Local Exami- ul4tioTl. Adjoiuint; ihe above io iork-road new jiremiseB have be2t: built for the LLANDUDNO KINDERGARTEN, TECHNICAL ANU ART SCHOOLS, AND SWEDISH GH1NASIDM. 9541-9440 I Scholastic j 1\iR QWEN PRICE, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Mary's Church,and Mrsic Mastkk at Fkjaks School, IUxook, gives Lessons in Singing, Piano, Theory, and Tonic Solfa. FJiEPARES POlt LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. CIPEN t 0 ENGAGEMENTS for Concerto, F,i«teddfodan, 4c: as ÂCCOlHPUllitSt or Vocalist (Baritone). nSITiI LLANGEFNI ON THURSDAYS. ADDRESS 7, Snowdon View, Upper Bangor. 12702B THE ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY of MUSIC AND ROYAL COLLEGE of MUSIC FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. President-H.R. H. the PRI(;E Ol? WALES, KG, HON. local repkisentatxvb vor bangou PROFESSOR W. RHYS ROBERT", M.t., University Collogonf \orth Wales. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS. LMiT DAY FOR KBCKIVINU FORIS OF AFPLI- CATKIN FKOM CANDIDATES, JANUARY 3Ut, 1896, S,e fryllabu^ A, LOCAL SCHOOL EXAMtJfiTION'S. LAST DAY FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION FROM SCHOOL-* and TEACHERS OK MUSIC, FEBRUARY 2Sth, 18y6. Sue Syllabus e. Copies of (ither Syllabus, with full information, wil be seut pot tree, on application to til. Honorary Local Representa ive, or to the Central Office, 5', New lloud htreet, Loudon, W. ia745jjj GEORGE WAT.jON, Secretary- W. HUGHES ROBERTS, Estate Agent and Accountant, 7, CHUROE-STRJUET, CARNARVON, (ToPix's»y, Thors-fiy". and Fridiiye), LíI 7, HOLX^LF' iif-fiOAD, ti A N G O R-. e;tcr,Jc\1t\l attendance en Mondayc, Wc-dnc-edaye, and Fridays.) STENTS collected. Estates carefjlly Managed. U DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE, NO CHARGE IF UNSUCCESSFUL, Private in- quiries conducted. Property Bought aud Bold. Valuations made. The Auditing aud Balancing of Books uudertakn. Houf-es and "hops, Ac., tot),, Lot in all parts ot North Wales. BasinoBnes Bought and Sold. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Money Lent on Note of Hand Alone. From £5 to £1000, Repayablo by easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half- yearly payments to ouit borrowers. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. All applications by Post mast, he sent to 7, Chorch-strekt, Carnarvon, where Mr Roberts regies. Mr RoHkhis aleo<has various sums from £ '200 up Io £ 20,000 to lend on Mortgage from 3b per cent. Apply for particulars. 11200j1621 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY rro Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-honpe Keepers, JL and others in eum'i of £ 10 np to £ 500. ON BORROWER'S OWN NOTE OF NAND Without surttier, at much lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to snit Borrower's reqnirHmeut?. Exteigive business done for 25. years [a NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. For prtBpectus and term?, al?ply persoDP .11y or Write td GEORGE PAYNE, AccouD :ant. 3, Crescect R<- Rhyl. Head Offlcc 20. Kennedy Street, Mnncho¡,t.er. Established 1870. U7»6—5256wh  OAN OFFICE AGI-"N(" T OAN OFFICE AGhNC  MONEcl JJ to every rf??etabte ?,,??? Rpecial terms to Falmen. Le?r? 'onded to immeai?)y.- Apply, Mr J. P. Junes. Caelleppe, Bangor f 19711. I DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, QATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to hÏ41 Present Choice btock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard, Patterns, and Invisiblec Shades ill) v«ll-known to every Sportsman o. Hillside and Cover, for Moor and River, Knickerbocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Colours, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch: Checks Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design •Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE and CAP MAKER BY Appointment TO THE University Collegi, OF NORTH WALES PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST FREE. JOSlAH HUGHES & CO., High-street, Bangor, Have just received their NEW STOOK of SEASON'S GOODS, INCLUDING Table, Reading, Bracket, Suspension, Telescopic, Hall, and Fancy LAMPS. LAMP SHADES and FITTINGS. COAL VASES and BOXES in all the Latest Designs GAS, OIL, AND CO A LI IK A Ti X G STOVES. AGENTS FOR 31 use;RAYE'S CELEBRATED WARMING STOVES AGENTS FOR THE Incandescent Gas Lamps THE FINEST ARTIFICIAL LIGHT IN THE WORLD. 116963 SITOWDON F L A KE FLOUR,. USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD, FIRST PEIZE and GOLD MEDAL at Millers' and Baiters' Exhibition, London, 1892 THOMAS LEWIS & Co.. LARI?CRVSING SALE CITY STEAM MILLS, MNGCR INCRÊASING SALE CITY STEA,'il iJl BANC-,Ji'l BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, CARNARVON. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. R. WILLIAMS, HUMPHREYS & CO.. HAVING purchcsed, on mst advantageous tcrme: the imm?ac and nri¡d Sto k cf tb kto Mr R. j_ j WILLIAMS, comprising cf Ironmongery Goods and Agricultural Implements, BEG TO ANNOUNCE THTRIR INTENTION OF Selling Off the Whole at a Great Beduction. THE SALE CONTINUES TILL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25m. 1267Shv 0' LOOTS I ESTABLISHED 1813. | GOLF 3AOE3 DOOTa  i 53033 M. ARCLOOKS, HIGH CLASS BOOT AND SaOE MAKERS 2 2 2. :H I GR. S L' R E E T BANGOR, Are now Showing Autumn and Winter Goods in all Departments. The Stock com- prises the Newest and most Fashionable !S ) )T->, SHOES produced by the Loading ENGLISH and Foreign MAKORJ. Shooting, Fishing, and Football Boots, Russian and Tan Goods in j Great Variety. Sole Agents for tllo K a "I'. c, SPECIAL ATTENTION IS PAID TO BR?AIRS AND HAND-SEWN WORK BY Ol'Jes R?otveJ by Pjst )?VL- CMAll! aad LnmaJ.?ta .??'at: ):i. 7350 EXPHmEN?HD WORKMHN. )I. 7350 THE MTH WALES MUSIC CO., ID. BANGOR OIAN, OFORTES ==:— | ORGANS = TJAKM0NIUMS. TONERS by Contract to Her Maj esty's Government. TV NERS by Contract to Her Majesty's Gore1'llment. I r" E. D. WILLIAMS MANAGEB. ?' ??x?p?' 1:IAIRDRESS I PBRFtrME? AND TOBACCOMtST. FANCY GOODS RBPORlTORY (Opposite CathedralJ, BANGOR. Football FIND Crlclcet Rctjulsiteo. The Finest Gentlemen's Saloon ia North Wales. Private :{IIU binda of H&ir Work tM4e tp en'Ow fccwUos. 1811fw MISS JONES. TECHNICAL DRESSMAKER, 251, HIGH STREET (Opposite the" Bee Ilive"), BNGOR. GOOD Fit Onutanteca. Chafes Moderate. ???o 8Ri%,f?,n on the 11 Eurrffi" Dreno Cnt'ing Ch?t? Ntterbll'e'4tby Me"ucement? 12707jtj PRIVATE HAS CARDS. Samples Free. ,JARVIS & FOSTER. Lome House, Bangor. 111901: VALLANCE BPOS., MERCHANT TAILORS, BANGOR BETHESDA. Our arrangements for the Coming Seasons are now comp"lete We are prepared to offer exceptional val Ge, and are showing the best selections of REAL HIGH-CLASS WOOLLENS we have ever shown. YOUR INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITWD. 11375w GRAND DISPLAY OF Latest Novelties FOR Autumn & Winter Fashions, AT THOMAS'S, London House, Bangor. SHOW NOW ON. WORTH READING. I) I C K S = THE PEOPLE'S BOOT PROVIDERS, HAVE AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SEASON'S GOODS COMPRISING ALL THEJ LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IX STYLE, FITTING AND MATERIAL. DICKS' CUSTOMERS HAVE THE LARGEST & BEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY TO CHOOSE FROM. Dicks' Earnest Endeavour tii, Pz,,),I?c tL? thal bTha.iS Slw?tfaat Sptcial Onlus carefully attended to. Anybody's and Everybody's Boots and Slices repair id Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly. Locrl BKAXCttSS- OJ 1 !7 H 1 (' 'p m P 11 "1' r(' l 'T (J n p 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOH. 7, Bridge-st. and 3, Palace-t, Canvjrvcii. 30, Market-street, Holyhead. High-street, P',vllIr- ]i..i,3Vi.h HIGH CLASS TAILORING. 213, HIGLI-STREE, T (ual" JI«rkat Hall), BANGOR. J W R 0 B E R T S J W R 0 ?? E f? '!f? ? ?1 ? o? ? o..t !l _J. -'l. (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). FIT, STYLE, AN" SATISFACTION* GUARANTEED. Ftid id only given by vlry lev Hsassa in the KingJoru. Price List on .i-yy.h.iti, Terms, READY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North -.r"!3 or.Racespt at Poat LEA  AND Signature, PE 11 R I Signat?r? # ( I is now Printed in Blue Ink diagonally acrosslthe OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the I ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE 8n!d Wholesale by the propi-i?orf. Worcster C-ojM & 1 B?okwet). Ld.. London <MD ExDort Oiimeu ?cnnaUy. r OLA1 I I 9 JI RETAIL EVER! WHERE. l ) 11841wth