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LLAHDUDNO UEBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Th monthly meeting was hell 11.\ the .ffiCB, Cburcnwaiks, on Wednesday afternoon, Mr John JOD, J.P. (onainrau), prts Ther.) we e a! present Meanrs K. Conway. \V. Bevai, Joseph Hughes, W. H. Jones, Robert Itoberts. J. O.Thomas, Thomas Owen, i' T. Murks, E., W, I I i -1 in Evans, T. W. Griffith, Wil iam Williams. Elias Jours, J.P., R. Belli*. E. Thorpe, E. E. Bone, and IV. O. Williams, with the clerk (Mr A Conoliy), ami the engiuen- (Mr £ Pal-y Stapriei s <u,C.13.). FINANCE COMMITTEE. The cd'c^or ha. I ¡¡ot in ti c following «cjonnts daring tho month R.tet?, £ 74318 s 113 water and gas reutaU, £ 2822 183 lil; general reoeij.t«, £ 259 14a 2.1.-£22:! 11- 2.1 rate s.atemeut, t0t..I""H"Wt of rate, £.1.0,025 15s 4d amount 4* lid outstanding, £ 739 10s 51. The account hook* containing the certificate of tho an iitor as to tne correctness o! ttc accounts of the D"ban District Council for the year ended the 31st day of Ma" h last were laid upon the tib' l'lte commiltoe .e. The committee ha J under consideration tenders for the following loans, namely — £ 12,779 for paying o-itstandin'; balances of money borrowed from the Public Works Lorn C-imnii3s,ioziers, 1;3998 for water and gas pllrp"gee, and £ 1504 fur asphalting. With regard to the fir t named amount the Clerk r-ported th..t bo hail received e letter from the Puhlio Works Loan B.>»rd, stating that tne arc prepared loaocept ieptj- mect of thaba?LC.' om??uutn?cfthMr I, at the pr?e!)ttim.&udtb!tt'be terms .Hdo-?dt'tous upou tIley May seetpt Mp?ymeut of telr loan* b I r, tbi-v fall .iuo are > cmj considered l y the Tr3'«'*irv. 'So tar, thcrufor. as th sum i" qnestim WwceMtt-d negotiates would b*v* U ceasc :or the present Undr thJ clrcnms' aUOiS, and centering tbar the largest sum will nrt bo renoiri '1 tbechrk w? ?ked to az?a ocmmMUM'a with the tor.d«», aud report farther at the next meeting. Mr l.KiKKmi tnovvd th" kdnption of the replrt. and remarked that tho town's t'u.areos were in a inosi vathfa -.tcry 8:J,!Pt ticcrly all th! current rilt beiug oollcstodi The auditor, although torn* through th-< acoouuis with" II lY of tui ea?le" oould not find a sing's farthing to surcharge toe Council. The Fii-aoee Commute hoped th* 'PI uiH:w C'Inmit:ses would exercise th., Mm? olarir:g ,h? current y?ir and the reant! wonU be equally ?tish.ct 3ry. The "COOIUU'. for tb.. last y?r ??w ?i « edit balance of 4llo9 2, 8,1 tb'0 v-oo'tl hav» hem close u;nn £ 2J00 exr"p: tbt £4CO "S I'ai,' otI ¡" ,)'-<I1"'1,'u'o fundi and a sum of 1:465 wa" ad-ie 1 to the sinking fund. Tha r.n..rt was &A0V)vCil. WORKS C I.M.M!TXEK I'BOPOSKD KLMTNIC TR.UIJ. The Surveyor t tliAt th,, ti-QA sp?citi8 b the notices wrved upon the owners of the property fronting adjoining abaf.i.-g on ,dootyu-»treot Extension fro n Clareuco-s'.co: to Nantygamar- road, Clure:!o;-?'-re'i 'i"d Pl-asant-stieet, to carry out certain «. 'ks c-f Sc-weriup, pavictf. *»., ex.nrtd on the 30t!i of September last, and that in t:Hj maioriU' of oa es li e owuer.v lad not emplic., cr o"mwer;o, to comply therewith.-It WHS resolved that tho survovo.-advortfss forthwith for tenders for th« x-CJt:oii of ths work r^qu lvd and whioh be cot pst ill h,'L;l hy thb respective owatra within the vf\i l1 .y. Tenders for the wideoin; of Maead'i-ro.id were received as follows:—iv/o.t William', CflPi Howard, £ 65 Jo'in RDbertj', W."t View, £ 113.— It wa resolved that the Coune:1 bo Ie- commended tc acc pt the tell lir of Mr Williams fin 1 to direct tb' rhe work be puo in hand forthwilh.- It wa- that th" Council b? recommended to purcbaso one of G. G. Rutty's road scarifiers at a cut oi £100. the sum included iu the estimate.— The Survey" or reported that, on inspection the 8')1'- Jace wat -r c'rains laid down by th EcclaBiasfiral in West-paraaa and Dale-8!rtet, were to btive been laid at too high a level. lie was jill eft,d to give them notice that until th pipes ia.d 'own acoordin« to the plan approved, the st,, ill ijot be taken over by the Conucil.— The Clia-.intn of the committee reported that tho eub-omm.t'.ee P" tlted to wait npoti Mr Roc^on, hai fai!ed jo Sd.rjre a porticn of the ornamental ground in front cf the Ncrth WLste- i Hotol, tcr the purpose of er-otit)g a pablio oonverJence t'lere- on. aud sng^st any sit" of er than j that alreaay d cid d upon by the Council.— | 1è.1:\ hI that a r^prescLtation to tbi, effect ba made to tha L-'C-ii Oov-rnment Board.—Ths Sar- stuted tta* he bad Peen Mr Brooma with j • ^»rd to the and nU^ed to have bCd! -ldoscd by biai, and uro f ha i be a prodooed thM laud iu question w>s iochl,J.od in the leao to Mr Broome, of tbe ,idjoinin« proiiert.v.-An applica ion by Mi W. K nysland for permission to lay d'wu an eleo- trio trnmway Ii] the district wai real. AMo all application of a similar natare by Mr H. Entie.d Ta)-lor.-It was mated th..t aootber application would shortly ba received on the same subject, and it watt d.c;dá to leave the whole question until then. On tba ruction of Mr BEYÀS, tee report was adopted. THE WH,;¡¡ :-¡;P!'LY iMraBTAST PR:I>DSALI. At the meeting of the Ga-i Oooara'.ttce. j the committee biid under ooastderation tba resolu- tion passed by th., Colincil in coinmttteo en tho 9tb instant, whll'¡'y tins ootumitUe was rcqoeelfd to take ioimediat;- etsps s.o ai to iacreasc tho volume of water delivered at Llandaduo, and to sapp]y the inhabitants of the Great Onn- s ite^j ■. with Dulvn water at the earliest practicable date, The Eneiueer reported that, in bis opiuion, the only way to satisafctorily increase tl:a volume cf waur to Llandudno was to lay down a tareer maiu, he put before the oornmittee fisures to prove t».;t j thi size of the new pipe required for Llandudno 1 should b. aflfteon ;uh mam. Ho also staged th"C he was of opipiin that it would be b- jt to !»y do.vu | tile main iii f.),ir portions, ki),) iii fofir years and he advi^d fiat to- first portion ba fro,.i a point oa tho road Itaiing from Caorhon to Ddol Bridge at its ju-iotion with tuo road tn Lbctn in the sumioit of Oroes&u Hul 0r a dinta.KC 0f ..i444 var?. Th.? ?'co?! portir? f.om Ci- .o Hd: !o Llii,n(in?in-) Jii,iction or a -it 7079 ?;'?; The thir, p.)rtioti from Da'idudoo JiiTiO iorj Id Vaughan str. et for a distar.ee of 52&> ysrd i, tn! tbe lourtb i>oi:ion, the town fro-ti Vu.1.n.rt,e t,) Gbur"h.w::k-, anI th9 !Ïf.:h I'),t.u !r ,1' the reservoir at Llaubidr to the punt first mr::ti'.>a'.»l or a distance ol 3:43 jv.-ds. The Eniiin:-cr alsi pro^entjd a traoin^ -i-o.vt i^ a proposed altered divewio;i of tho mam M k- to cross Talycafn Hri igo, and avoid pissing tfiro i .ii Caerhun P%ri., )h-' route bei-i, from the poait riiss mentioned alons; tho roal as far as its j ma- ;n with tbe ma n road to C>u\v.»y, theaoe. across some field?, avoiding the hill at Ty'uya.o*?, andpimug the road t at a point near Pwiljwaen, then down the road and across the propyl hri,I", and onwsds alona the main mad to CrorfStu. — It was resolved thut too Cumsil h. renommsnd d to adopt the ulnve recomme -Jt-ttoa of the Engineer with the amended r: u'o -s d«-orib)d, a'ld lo i i- struot tbe Engineer to prep-.ru ihi uCM9s!try p!an3 and estimates preparatory to bsing made to the Local Governme: t Board for SilJcton to borrow money to cirry out the ifrst, portion of the Bchem wi: ¡¡'HIT de'a y,-l'lH Engill;r r, I' let "r from the En-inter t ) the Talyoln Bridge Company with resnsct to the siz- of the pipss ti M plsced upon the bridge —He was authorissd to arrinye. if possible, for two ll inoh or two 12-inch pipes.—Th En¡¡-inesr 0,,110(1 I.!t. (joll to th f"or, "lUt tb existing arrangam-,ots bwefu the C 'n-:oii and the Cowlvd Boar s rrlativ.i to tbs ootm-cioo of the water mains of tbtl two author.ties as Caeihun and Llandndno Janotion. would tcr-nin*t'» at th.« end of this month, and tho water woqIJ ..IlSC t,() h", delivered thr-nsh ¡;.e Uowli-d main. Hemi-gc-ited thst it would ba t > the interest, of both authorities if the existing urranfiaTieat oonld bo made per- manent, a id provision th m made to meet pos. ihle c'ld.ut. to eit'ief of tho mains or ozoh ernor gercics. "0 At a sn^qreat meeipg it was resolved that tno Council be ricomnciended to put in haul cflw follow- ing ":tteo"Ojs to tbe water awi gas mains, nam.-ly Water extensiocs flodafoo row, 48o yards at a clet Of i)j9 J?ires..?,r,ot, 47 v?irds at a cost nt LB Nan'vgamur road 237 var,I? ar COBt ,f C42 —?)59.G<SM'?!:9!o?.Tb6t'rfd.fro?Mivi<'r?'? Hall to Clarenoe-'treet, 158 yA'.ds at a o et of £ 43 tyn-street Extension tooompie'e between Cl»rence- eiroet and Nmitygaarar-road, 336 yards at a cost of £ 59-- £ 146 -Withreferencetothe agreement with |hc Cowlyd Water Board, with r*gar,l to the o >nno:tion of the mains of tbe two authorities, (.tCsorhun and Llandudno Jnnotion, wh:ob termln1!fll on th" :n,t of October last, the Engineer stated th»t Mr T. E. Parry, tbe olerk to tbe Cowlyd Board, and M- T Fairingtoc, the engineer, cilled upon him and requited that the water minht b) Is't enuning through the Cowlyd mailia for a abcort tlUl" lonjer ontil some oth»r arrangement could be ma !e. had agree 1 that this should be done until this .n-set- ing.—The scion of tho Engineer was approved a id it 19M agreed that, until some deiitiite settlemen: s arrived at respecting a continmnoB 01 thn c:ino-c- tion between the two mains, the existing arrange- men I be allowed to stand, on the understanding that no rent for uss of pipes be paid beyond the 3lit ult. Oni month's notion on eilb0r side to termi- nte this arranierasnf.—The Engineer read a letter which be had reo-ived from Mr Humphreys, of the Mostxn Estate OiEco, with regard to the wa'u supp y tithe cottages at PenmorflllLod undertaking to pay tbe entire expense of puttin", up a wall fountain near tbe main road, and also to pav the wat r late on the cot&.8. Th eng'nw was antii-i.-ed to do tbj iidOMsiry work at the expense or tu,< e tate, but lufora co ime iii, w>'ri<, to ca1 f.tieation to the notices ab Jut to In serv r< quiring wat-r c-o^biS to hi lie d fit the cottages in questio n — Tne i'liig'necr reportodjthat he had invi-scig^teii tli'i enm^ :iii,t made b/ Mr Tsylor, of Penrhyns d-«, wit i r'.gard to the alleged mmt-isfactary water ;.up, II) tht ditri:,t. Aod he hn" pr"v,,¡ by"d a doiih". tha" the f'*ult did nor lie with this authority. ampl > watir ^eing supplied. The oiu-e of norn- phiiit wis probably owing to oorro tei pil>or other Ide d circumstances. The olerk was directai to write Mr Taylor to the above eff. cs. Mr ELIAS JONES moved the adoption of the [elnr, an] it Mr MAKKS moved an amendment tSat the 8\11"- veyor'a recommendation a-t to the portion of t be new water main be referred back to the oommttteo, us he had sugseetions to make iu matters of datail. He conld not be present at the committee, but would uiako a point to be present at the next meeting and explain his proposed alterations. To avoid delay, he would move that tho committee ba empowotei to ac". Mr W. EVANS seoonded the amendment. Mr UEI.LIS said that if the committee bad power to act, i- might commit the Board to something it wonld net approve. Mr Marks then explainel in detail he had to make. Mr THOBP said if the words with power to act wsra struck out ot tha amendment ha siw no objection to it. Mr BùNIo: did not think tha suggestions of Mr Mark.1 sufficiently weighty to refer the subject back to committee. Mr W. H. Jones said the suggestions of Mr Marks were not overlooked by the committee. Mr ELHS Jomi said it was a ess A ot doctors differing, and bo thought their algiucer'a report was suftioient. Eventually th9 amendment was altered—refer- ring Tho subject raised by Mr Marks back to a comtuittoe of the wbol RHrd, aud ¡n that f"rm was carried, the other portion of the initiates being confirmed. Mr GMFFITH and Mr W. 0. WIMJAMS complained of the need for additional gas msius in Lower Mc.styn otrset, where eemi-darkus/ss prevailed (U-ighter), ENOINKKI said he did not thiult the mains wei-o et fault, but hat the old servioe pipes might be corroded. Tha street lamps and the n-sw shops were well lighted. Mr GKJFFITH denied that the street lamps were \f1'1 supplied. It was resolved that the Engineer report on the auhjoat to tho Water and Gas Committee. THB: SANITARY COMMUTE! Theminutra having been passed, Mr W, \y¡llim¡9 (cbairmati of the Sanitary COlDmit cee) remarked I ul)jn the very healthy state of the town generally. THE FIIIE BR.IGADI ARRANGEMENTS. At the Bya-Laws C immittee, the monthly report of the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade was pre- s3ut,>d and considered. He rcoJtUmcade 1 thst telephonic c"lla should be fixed in the house of each fireman, and that two additional firemen should als ) bo appointed, one of them to be a resident at Crawydon. lie ulso recommended that the old fire I escape should ba kept at Craigydon, if ft suitable cotili4 be fouuli for it. The euperiutendent was directed to report further as to the additional i men lvqnired, and as to the site for placing the fire escape at Craigydon. The superintendent presented tabulated particulars with respect to two fires which had occurred since the lait meeting. The tollow- ing reinirt by the Engineer was read November lsr, 1893 —Gentlemen,—As requested at your last meeting I have looked into the question of providing with telephonio communioatijn in oasa of fire, and have interviewed the district snperin- tcudeiit of the National Telephonio Company there- 0:1, I 1110 of opinion that is is IIdvisable-l. To provide and fix in tho pay office in the Council's va"a..n i 'struineiit and cotineclicu to the Llandud- no Exo'iang- with also a transfer switch and in- 8t,n;eDt to the ttirnoock's oottnge to lJ3 used at nigh'. Tile cOiit uf this will hi £ 11 lGs per annum. 12. To provide a private wire to a point near to the pojt-jfflca at Cra'rydon, and there fix a sheltering ibex" with ao instrument inside. This box to bs | provided and fixe 1 by the Council, the key of which oould be hnng in a glass 0883 which could be broken in case "r fire. Directions for use to be written outside tha box. The cost nf thi?, togsth -r with the wire, would be £6 per armuru, aud the first eost of t:ie sheltering box abJDt 151. It would, of course, bo still better if rhis commiit-iB decide 1 to ompNy a liraman living in a cantral position st Ctaigydou, when tha tt"OhODóJj would be plaid in his hoo-e. The advantages of above is tbr?afeld—1st. It provides Craigydo J with a publio call to the firs station. 2nd. It also planes Or*ill- side snd all itber hotels in town, and oilier plioea at present on the telephone, in direct communica- tic)n with the fire station. 3rd. It will b a very great convenience to this offioe, the ga9 work9, and the y ird, as at present there is no communication to the yard other than by messenger.—I 9.00, geatle- men, your obedient Bervant, E. PALBS BTKPHKSJON. —Is was resolved that the consideration of ths report be adjourned until ihesuprrinteudont rcporta whether it be possible to appoint, as a member of thll brigade, a man living at Craigydon, who will consent to have the telephone fixed in his house. inn MUNICIPAL D1JII.Dl(1". At a .Toeing of the Council in committ-e, a letter wa, r-.d from Lord Moetyn, acknowledging the woeipt of t h, res11atbnB passed by the cam- mittH af the U^-t meetio. aa to ite, and statmc; that hfh'?forwMft?fi th 'I\m t, \tr Piek('rin: and would t?i?, the matter his immediate aUentioo. --A letter was read from Mr Bilcock, stating that tlil, Counoil not proceed with the erection of the mnniciutd bmldings, bis charge for the draw. ing i.i!nn°, eh va'.ions, seotions, and geoara1 work. j02 d-awir.g», and specification of the work woidd be 21 per o-nt. upon tho ameuDt of the lowest tnkr. the imnunt of the premium to be deducted friin thi,, and that the surveyor's charges f,)r the q!11)!itie "rould be It per cent, upon the amonnt of the lowest tender.—At the invit"t;ol1 of tho Council, Mr Siloick entered tbe room, and satisfac- torilv replied to a number of questions pnt to him: hv *'>o commitlee, with respect to o 'ssible additions to the building at any time at a minimum cost, and ç;-ithol1 detracting from the character of the strnn- lure, ud as to other matters. — It was resolved thst the terms set forth in Mr Silcock's letter be f.c,>tHl, and that ha b^ requested to proceed with- not delay to prepare the necessary drawings, plans, sections, specifloation, aod quantities, at.l to advertise for tenders for the execution of the work, —That he he aiittiorioed to state in the advertise- merit that the work will be required to be oom- i menced nn or about the 1st of March, and comnleted wi'.hin 18 months from the cotiirne"ae"t,-It wa, resolved that Mr Silcock ba asked to give an j estimate f r nt"ndim tha publio room, and fixing a gi l'^ry uronnd Bam, o as to provide accommo'la- tion for ah "ii" 1000 personAlso an rsMmato of the oost of fixing additional lavatory Flecimmi(li- ti-in. as sing-jested by the engineer in his repcirt. The minutes were passed, and ou the motion of Mr Bone, seconded by Mr Bellis, it was a:treod to ap"ly to the Lord Chanoallor for a district registry of the High Court of Justioa to be established in Llandudoo. KI.SCTRIC MOHTINO COMMITTEE. Atam-rting ol this committee it was reSIV"(1 that the engineer be instructed to write to th" Mbwing e'rotrie-l Hneiper, forwiv-Mng conies of thn L'sndudoo fl'ctric lighting provisional order, and for their tfrmn frn advising and report- ing p«iara!1v npon the who'e quastioti o! the "1, tric li-jbting of L'andndno, v.z. Mr F. '(. Mel- hipsf. London Mr F. Praec". Lo. don Mr T. IJ Miller. Liverpo l Messrs Kinoaird, Waller, and Mnnville. Lmdon. Tho above had been on"1mlJni. cat..(! with end the ""mm;"R r»oommendad that the tfi-rrs of Messrs Kincalr I and C,) be accepted f)r a report. Th- CI.-AIBMAV mnved. Rnrl Mr E. JONKS seconded tht the report bo adopted. Mr HI'l-L£s moved an amendment that they invite competitions for the enpply of alectiio light, and then takf) the advloe of an emiuent engineer on the schemes submitted. Nir IVUKK-J SECONDED the tttncnirrcrit, end it "WAS (vIT:-ierl. WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS COMMITTER. A totter w. Tesd from th" ..g-nt to the Moatyn Estate stating that Lord Mostvn, although not being of < pinion th.t the nottaces will cost as much *s Ihe Council estimate, was willing to reduce the price of the land so as to give every faoi.ity for buildtn" oottaoes reOly snitahle for workmen, bo h as retards price and accommodation, snd wonM tberfore reduce his price f"»'the land required to 5. per «pUre ya-d instead of 7s,-Besolved that the offer be accented on the understanding that L rd Mostvn «■ II psy his proper proportion of the con of makincr the roads and laying down the aawers -That an advertisement be inserted in the local papers inviting artisans to penil in competi- tive designs for the erection of workmen^ dwel- ings, and that premiums of £5 5< and £ 3 3, he offered fa. the beat and sfend best respec^ivclj. The conditions of the competition to be drAwn up by the surveyor, who shall be the ao.e assessor. Mr BRVAN MOvei the adoption of the report and remarked tnat houses w.mld ptuhsbly be ereotod that could lie let at 5s per week. Mr W. EVANS sscoude i. MrW. 0, ILLIAMS mov-'d an am«ndment that another application b-iiua ieto Lord i\1",tYI1 lor land at lens thin 5.¡ per y ir(I ts under tliosa cir- curoBtancea oottag^s coui ¡¡:,t ba erected and let at less than 5s per w^eit, aud this was more thttl1 uorkii g.'iuu could pay. MrOi..sKrn HuriHBs seconded tho amendment. MrW. EVANS ilia not, think Lord Mostyn wtuld take lean than 5s per yartl fur land near the rail- way ota'i n. The parish had tome laid on the Great Urnae. The records should ba looked up witb reference to that land, Mr T. W. GRIFFITH said they had two strings to their bJW. He beheved the rent, or tha oottnges wuul i be 5,,8d near tba 8ttiofJ, and that would nor meet the cry raised during the election for liou-ies at 3. 6ct per week. Tharo w^a a sasgastion to get laud frciu tbe Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The CHAIRMAN Toero were many cries during the, l,oti,,u (I.,iqhter). Mr GRIFFITH 1 believe Lord Mostyn would ma ke a still further oO!1ceBsiGo. Mr MARKS hoped that the Council would get ou with tbe work in hand and ereot the eighteen houses recommended. As secretary of tho Work- man's Dwellings Company, it was pitiable to see tbl) m.iiiy applications for small IIOUJCB. Mr 130NE and Mr W. WILLhMS support the com- mittee's repjit. Mr IIEVAN, in reply said if the Couccil shelved the question that day it wonld be their own responsi- bility. Th are were people paying 5J per week for one roim. It wan useless to allude to the Kcolesias- tioal Commissioners, who hid no suitable land for tho purpose. If ha had h1 ont3 applioition for tiiosa cottRges ha had had twenty. If the minutes wero I aosed some cottages could be ereoted by the busy time next seaaon. lIe considered that Lord ;\Io:tn had met thim generously and the com- mittee had dme its dmy. The CHAIRMAN Hatd he did not doubt iliat they all wanted to erect the cottages as soon as pos3ible, und at the cheapest rate. Ha suggested thai tha repo. t of the oommittea be adopted, and that another spot should be lookad out for more cott .ge?. Mr BnLls supported the committee' report. They must do something, and it should not b6 alto- gether a mcnetaty speculation. Mr W. 0. Williams' amendment was lest. Mr E, E. BOSE moved that the acceptance of th.' cffir from Lord MOôtyn be deferred for a month that in the meantime tenders ba obtained for the orection tf the cottages, and tnat other sites to reported upon. T its was jsconded by Mr MARKS, and eventually ai;rc'd to unanimously. NOTICES OF M'TION. Mr K. EVANS pave notice to mova that all the reo-:rds to looked up as to tha parish laud said to ex's: on the Great Orme. Air It HCBERXS gave notice to move at the next m;o in, a res ilution as to the best mode of push, ing the reput-itiou of Llanduddo as a seaside resort. THE TRAMWAYS. !'('vert') B¡Jp:iC9tion were received for permission to 13. down electrio trams in Llandudno. The CHAIRMAN suggested that they should all ba refer!ed to comtlil tee, as soma of the applicants desired u perioral in-erviaw. Thi s suggestion was adopted.



[No title]





- - - - - - CONWAY AND COLWYN…



I T'-,- rA':'! l'\ I HOW I…
