
FINANCIAL. fFRCtt TBK PRKKK ASSOCIATION.] I,ONI-ON, Satubbav Monev has been in fairly good request to- day lit 1 per cent, for short loans and 1* into the New Year. Discount was quoted steady from A to 1 per cent, for the best bills. Bar silver was quoted still weakor at 27,id. per ounce. Bombay telegram exchange Is. 0 27-32av Calentta Is, Od.. Hung Kong- 28, Old" Shanghai 28. Std., ditto four months 2s. 88d., The Paris Bourse was dull, and closed quiet. Cheque exchange on London 25.17; private discount 2 per cent. German Bourse quotations generally firmer. The premium on gold at Buenos Ayres has declined from 266 to 263 per cent. The settlement now being over, the Stock Exchange has become quiet, and business in some departments was nlmost at a standstill. Home Kails and American descriptions, however, were generally in demand, and dealings in the Mining Markot were fairly active. COUMIS are unchanged AT 103 & Money and 103* Account Rupee Paper dull on t,ho decline in silver; Liverpool Three-and-a- Half Loan and some few Colonial Loans higher. Voreign SeeUl-it iOl feature lcs, owittg to the absence of apvculutive business in this market. Argentine 18Uo and some of the Cednlas Issues improved .t on the decline in the gold premium Santa Fe Loans also rose 1 to 3 and Buenos Ayros ditto 1; Costa. Rica B" up 1; Italians and Turkish 1894 a trifle weaker. Home Kails wero mostly ,n)nd. Westerns advanced 1, and the other heavy lines J to j, iu vestment purchases being m»'de iu expec- tation of fairly satisfactory dividends in the New Year; Chatham First Pref im- proved J. but the Second Pref was rather weaker; Sheffield Stocks WIt' in demand, the Ordinary and Pref rising 1 and t) o Deferred Mock |; LaiicashireamiXorthern Deferred up A. Hull and Barusley 01, Easterns Brighton deferred down but South Eastern i Deferred closed tirm. In the American Market the chief feature wat. a further fall of li in Illinois, while most other lines varied from to J. cither way, in response to New York prices Atchison A Mortgage closed 17J. anadian Lines ruled steady. Mexican Krtilway Ordinary dropped J. while the First Pre! rose Ko^anos advanced 1 and Central ArgpntlIws V Parr's Alliance Banking Shares improved I and Bank of Africa i, otherwise there is no change to report in this market. In Miscollaneon W. G. Armstrong Ordi- nary rose 2, Nantt::v and Blaina Iron Pref 1, Glagow Trams and Rdl's Asbestos! AUsopp Ordinary fell 1, Nordeufelt Deben- tures 4, and the Shares closed a shade lower. The only movement in Telegraph Sharus is a rise of in Western Brazilians. Mining Shares were rather unsettled. I Diamond Snares fractionally better; Do 1:"(, halt-yearly dividüml 12s. 6d. per share Sheba Gold up Is to 23s. 6d. Prim- rose remain at 6; Simmer and Jack down to 13, on realisations; Crown Keef 101, \Vemmers 6a; Tharsis Copper firmer; Char- t ered of Africa up 9d.; Bechmmalands closed about 30s. '['he final batch of letters of allotment and regret in the Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia (Limited) has now been posted. The Joint Stock Institute (Limited) announces an interim dividend at th" rate of 10 per cent. for the quarter ending Decem- ber 2o. One of the most interesting of the sevoral Australian gold mining l'roperi ifs to he offered to th" public iu the first few dnvs of the New Year is Lindsay s Gold Mines (Limited^, for which out nominal eapitall of £ 65,COO a satisfactory working capital 1 will be provided. The new company has been formed to acquire and wor.; two adjoinimr gold mining claims of about 24 acres in area and registered a. Nus. 159 and 380 on the oolganlic (?cid Fields, Western Australia. These properties, it Iioill be mentioned, :esesirtl;r:te;1 i\hSIOUI ¡ auriferous belt of country, within half a. mile of the famous B"yiey Reward Claim, which in a year and a month produced no loss than X234,000 worth of gold, produced | with the most primitiw appliances. Wurk j is now going on on the Lindsay claims at a' brisk pace and with the most astonishing J results. On No. 159 two shafts) have been sunk at a depth of 60ft. and 50ft. respectively. The yields from( each of thew are highly satisfactory, and only require development. Another strong I reef runs through No. 380. where a shaft j i-ank thereon has shown important develop- j ments. Mr. Neil Jensen, the present manager, in a report elated June last, speaks "f a third reof, which he thinks may be BayJey'a line of reef, as the stone is similar. Reports and cablegram, from the most trustworthy "f local managers and engineers point to the prospects of Lindsay's Mines being very encouraging. In the north shaft 50 ounces of gold v ere obtained from a leader, and it is proposed to sink that shaft t.. a depth of 100ft. Again, according to a cablegram dated December 4, 1894, from i Messss, J. S. Reid, E. N. Wigg, and Temple ton we learn that an average sample assayed 14;oi. per ton (2,2401bs.).

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LONDON SHAKE MAKKET. COSSOLS  ,)D. 12,0 Cl??s f In. Oowheus DO MOI»«»Y '0?^ j i)o. an. Accou i it. Jau 103'v ••• N 2,1 do. do •• Local Stook ••• j ••• t}ttEl:tö:m, ¡ I:: India3^ U2;ft ) i .?. Do.? 10> • t?,d of Works, 3iyc 11914 !i¡!t:: ¡i I r o. do. j v IUBCanadi,w 4 y Ct.JauJ 111 ..I .j. Ins.C.Goou Hope,4i>r. i.'t. • ln9.New7.«Himd Coiisol'a 6 • "'1'" Ius. Ivewb. Wales'1 oer C 107' vi 4 pr "I I. S.h A?.ti,? '?l6 lTi«.Quee[isiatiu4perCts. t> j nUIIU; HAil. IV" 3fS Brighton Kftilwuy Oro.. 69 j Do. Deferred 153{;i CAjfj(1.)jJ1 Oo;.i»olidatt)d. lib Do. Pr«terre d Cc»u. Or«l. Do. l)e>n «. i do 4:% tIlhE;r.E: 17'. ',4 Do. ?r«ieieuce L8'% (ilasg»w :111" SoutU Wesr. 0,1 Great Krt^ter^^ Ordiuary 76-&Vb*> 76':8 Gt.N* >t«i.F«efd.Con.Oi 115 1 Do. ao. Defd. do. -2 Co J,.t. ,i)' 16':i,; |  (iMtt Western ":2 )6 ?. Hull ai d Bamttisy 2\. 33 T.ancaiihireaitd yk b i. ?13 Loudon Knd North-Westn 1 176 :1{'1: 'if! Do. do. 1 69 Mali. Sbef.&n '8 Do. Preferred 8 D?noftrr<d.?.N ?() 29fo 29?  Wettowu'.irau Con 112 £ Do. llIStt'?k 85 "o Di?tri" Ordh>a*> 31/ I ■ Do. Preferred 100 t.)id')'.)?d0r<)h?ry ???.!5:<? l?)?, t;orihBrttahOr<).fret.?.?.7? D Ordinary "W 37% Kortb JEautfri) Ordinarv )65'^ ) NortL Sff»fford Ninre '^8 Soutb Eastern Ordinary '?2 Do. Deferred 90fo 9.^ j IL.L" t?, T.ft Vale A?. 9 51 l'unieas t,7 AMKKKHN 1UH.WAVS A Cfutiul Paciifc | 58#; 58^! !?'?. Milwaukee 58'? S? M? L. Ordi?.y 11 1 > «). Preferred 53* Sh?''   )  ? ilOti ::1f:L2:\ i I 11O I 2 !ii.u'J.?Ce'?n).?.°?!M<t! !M;? L«ko shore '36" 13": 113e t: ;{Ñh;iJi"I"J4;: :¡;4 !13 H.Muun.KMt?tT?!!? N.'w York C" ol v1 New Y.,k Outiino frX*' !15% K )?f,,Ik P?()"t"r" 1% 19 kf:Jerf;LJ It: !18 P-nuiyl*aaia Ordiuavy ^2 52'^ j,bld:l: i\ It. 1521", Do. FintlucoiueBouds frtM t'?oiic. i't<? ?Hi..? V. jbash Preference 'i')0'"tJtU???)[tt?.! ?1' ? ? W Atlantic Q.W. lstHort. 1^! 1 Atchison <'? 4% ÁtD'2,UrrÚlaØ8'i:: 4. 17f, ft?diMt P)t?e<. *0*, 60% M? Grand Trunk .Ly 5 £ n1I;i 37 :ror-. Do. S.d Preference: f? 37 ¡r:J"LCO II3\ I JJexicaa0»\linary ••• M D,. Fi?,t, 5? Do. Ssoo&d frefereocp: 29 I c "KEW¡; bOND* Low?r,A. C)rdiu.ry "1 9'^ "'1'" Ueiican Cen.4p.c. Bond 68^5 Do. do. Firat Income 1 Bueuu A ,rea Gt. S'theru !C4 'f' Bueuos Ayreaaud 'R 63 Centrml Ar,t; 65ty 66 Chilian tr¡" 06 ..0 Do. m: w* *>res 183i T)", 1tift; ?b H' Rulg&riiiu 6 yev cent, 1888 '01 Argentine 11Io 8 I'" Do Fuuditti; 7I'4 7H» 1)0. y.O. SterlniK ?O Do. Trenaurv 40:.l Ai*ent»oe Oeditlae A 29^| A::41:11. l 'oo HneuoH A'v. rert Cndniial.. 7 Do. J. <?' .Ùf.'uï9" 7t ,t EYI'au [ uitted 102b CDo. St»u« Domain 44 KDO.GO?. Pref., Ne»t 00\ Dam«, N.? 02'i F ouch 3por Keutea 102 101% l: o.3J«WO-m» 107 4 10'^ Germun 3}::r, ',191.3 :Ii 6 .uha* «<A*j •• Mexamii 0 ptlt; Cent 71^ PeruviaiiCorporat'L (y;ii,3 Do. Preference 8^! 9 P >rtu<ne*o t>er Cent. 1869 "4^1 (Jre«ks ]fi81 31{J. Do. 1884 31 husaiat \>.c. Con,er.joWle 10311, Spanish 4 per Ceuts • De. Ottoit .in Defeuoe O] Do. Firat Group 66.H ■■ Do.Secoud p '3 Sr ••• :l?i:p: n Do. f ourth Group 25% Ottoman Hank share- '6\ | >uacKM.A fjoua Urnifuay 3(^ per Cl-t 'H" I Hofuuraa | 3'A ••• Parajruiy ••• Transvaal T.oau 5 perCent 111 London S. Katheriue'a Die *9 Eut Jt West India Docks 22 Hf I.r Oriental Pref 1J3V D. Deferred '•?# Gen. Steam NaT., £ 18 pd 4^ Cunard 3toan..bip, £20 pd ¡,/ Do. 5 percent. Pref 5 Do. 5 per Cent. 188? 4 j !.urJo.Âmerict\u Tol. 'Prefl i2 to. to. Do. do. Ordinary. 3<iV Direct United St's Cables ••• Et..t?r. ditto ••• Eastern £ x*enaion E".t.rndito"1 ;°19 f!:tj.?Ef. A"h,?, Guine a Oldi..y 365311.1, Allsopp's Ordinary 129 128{4128 Bryant Jt May Ord,y 'b% 15 Coasett Ir.M? iq -21 Ehbw V?l- St. Iron Co. 71 ••• Hudson'* Bay Shares U Hotcbkias 2 1 Doocan Laud Ili 10^ ••• Suez Canals 133 Spratt'fc Patent 10 ••• Ilsmmoucls 2 ••• '[r,,[;;1 é' lifctl's F.r? ••• ",I Go tlmoreCopL>er De}o8i:iD' I.¡' .t. Nitrate Railway Priuvtive Nitrate 2% 2J ••• ^an .ioitc N'tr.t? §% ■" jian Vablo Nitrate Ef.?:J=! t¡i Hell's Asbestos », i>ceaua )>And i'S. ,b.?,-d Africa 451> j48/9 liechuauaiand Land. 296 29! t Sew Kxploratiou Ros^tl^pr C. pl,'r Mines 1 Ar ••• Viio Tin.os l^A ii.I Hrry 1% Tb-*r«i*Oot.iKK- •»* 41, t.EÍ;f. l ,4'1 i; Mytjre Gold 2^„ 2| Mraore Gold Fields. 18 186 ••» Montana* 12 6 ••• De Beers D,d .1 16 ••• South African Fxplo is'? i?A Sew Jagertttontem 17«5« 17-% Gold Fields S. Africa 4- 4 ••• Salisbury Gold, N?. 3>, gii;11 1'1:: Jumpers F.= .„ I • 1 7;:i.<] :I 9 113 ••• Simmer and Jack j | 14 13% — "Wemmers 6^ 6a ••• Crown Reef | 10^ Lanff.aafbtes I j )lm:= lÖÖk'Ö.j Mii 129;6 Sheba 28/6; 29/ »/6 Primrose j 6 '1\ ('. 6 Australian Broken Hili 2/ *1/9 lantpaca Water i 1' 110% f.1?-¡: jt, U iii Do. Bank 2% North's Niv Cellieries. 2-i< C 't L. 22 5| ••• Fear's 1,,p Ordinary 4% Bartholway B,?.er, Ord 9 Do Preference 2 St Louis Brewery, Ord 2% D.- .Prt?f

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LOCAL FLNAiNOE. [BY OUR FINANCIAL KUITefc.] CAKDlf r, SATUKBAY. The markets are still devoid of animation, aud very few transactions are reported. Barry Urdinary Stock i. we-a" and ",vel'1 sellers 0: the prtierml ordinary are coming lll. The irculars alldttl1l-i four 11' cent. jiK-iertuice stodr in liyu of the .-eeond> third, and fourth pitfirences, which have bée consolidated, \.tre received to-ùay. The terms are, of cj.urse, the same as agn-wl upon at the meet- ing of hareholders. The preference and tit omlme stocks of some of the other railwav8 have improved. The busino» done has had vttv)itt?et{f?tuponthepri(;M. Hia)[mrg;.<u 'i lM'ce per Cent. Stock rose i mt)n) Lad.n I Market on klrid,? and is now quoted at :G?5. 'ihe iluctuations in the quotations are as under —.Rise: Grout Western Preference, 1 to 174—6, Cumbrian Four pt'r Cent. Debeu- tures 2 to 112-13, and Nantyglo and Blaina Iron Preference 2 to 81-2. The members of the Stock Exchange reo Buiry Kailway Ordiuary, 240 (small lot). Tatf Vale Ordinary, 81. Baikis-Ker>teling, 9-. 6d. Alexaiuh' Estates, 6s }<alkis Laud, 6s. The non-members have transacted the fol- lowing business: — Harry Ordinary, 24U (small lot). P»arrv Pitferml Ordinary, 1142. Vsteof Glamorgan Shares, 32. fnquirie.s* v.ere nuulo t.-dk, for Rhondda "nd Swansea Bay Ordi"ary at 9, London and r?vin?)t°'BfUtks.B.'rry Three per Cent. Debenture Stock, ditto PrefMred at 114,' ex all, Rhondda Five per Cent. Preference Shares at 121, SuilleiB and Bakers Preference at 12J, Miller amI Cory V..lwnthreo, Queen's Hotel Sb:tr?, Countv of Gloucester BanD, MordeJ. Carney, an d Co. 25 1.?id Shares at 4!. Car- (titf (? Mtocka, Rhvmnpv Railway Ordinary at 10ó. Great Western Colliery B" at 4, ,lame" Tucker Preference Sh:ue3, Al?,-dr. Dock Fonr i**r Cent. Debentures, and Bland's Shares. New sellers offer Barry Four per Cent. Pre- ference Stock at 1332, SpilleiN and Bakers Ordinary, Bwllfu and Merthyr Preference £10 Shared at 7, lihondda Foui per Cent. Deben- ture Stock at 328. Vale of Glamorgan Shares, Bieeon and Merthyr "B" Debenture Stock at IO82. Mordev. Carney, and Co. 29 paid S hares at par, May C01wolida.ted Shares, Balkis-Eeirterlinir Shares, Barr., Ordinary at 241a. ditto Preferred Ordiuary at 115i ex all, and Deferred at 119 ex ail. Tlio Western Joinery Company (Limited) was reifist^red Oil the 20th iust., with a capital of £3.0(x1, in £5 llare. to aoquire and take over as a gointr concern the business of joinery :ind boK manufacturers unw carried on at Tiid(ir*laii' ('ardiff. under the style of Davies Blathers. The first directors are Ale-iiiirs. J. N. Leieh. R. If. March, und J. E. Davies; quali- fication. 50; remuneration to be determined ill general meeting. Registered office, the Western Steam Joinery Workb. Tudor-lane, Cardiff. By the Bristol "VN'aKrworks (Company's Bill for n«-xt M\-vion pow»*v will he sought from Parliament to raise £350.000 additional capital by the creation, at the option of the company, of either new ordinarv .h: or stock. UpOn Ihi, new eapital further lx>rrowinjr powers are snnsht to be exorcised to the extent of EFT.500, According to the preamble of the Bill, th3 whole of this 2437,509 additional ehare and 10:011 capital will ho expended in completing the work, anthorisevl by th" Companý's Acts of 1888 and 1889. and for tht) general purposes of their undertaking. According to "Stubb's Odette," in the week ending December ^8 there were D5 bills of sale ro'/i^tered in Eiivlmtet ann Wales, an increase of seven as compared wi'h the corresponding T>ei'iod of last yar. The receiving orders gazetted number 83. ehowniff an increase of eleven, and the nnmber of reiateroo dedo of arrangement was 54. a dArrea of 33. Th. totals for th<a "1; of tho voar to December 2^ are bil^ ">? sale regifterod for F.1Ilanrl and "le', 9S4. an iuirease of 74: the reeeiviny orders va-.dt(lrl number 4.801. a decrea'-p of 105 and 11, reiri«tered deed- eif arrfinizeiiieiit 136. The immi^r of failures i" Fmrland and Wales gazetted during the M-eek erMline Deeemlter 29 137. Thw numlvr in III" correspondinir week of last year was 159. shouin" a decrease of 22.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DATT/T STOCK AXD SHAKE LIST MESSRS. TH ACKER, AT AND CO., STO C KANT) SHARK BROKERS. 3 DOCK. CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. RAILWAYS Paid. Prices. Stock Barrv R:iilwav 100 239 241 Stock Greut Western 100 161 162 London A Nth. WJltM. 100 174fi. 175t Midland 100 | 1/ 161% 10 Rliou. k Swaunea Bay.. 10 9 9$ Stock 100 206 209 „ Severn and Wre 100 11 12 Tuff Vale Divided Stk. 100 8V* 81'(, io Vt)eoft.?<nuor<?.' 2 5% 3% PREFERENTIAL. Stook BHrr' By. 14Rt Pref 100 164 1tii Do. Con.o!. 4pc. 100 130 1311 '61 100 76 /8 Do. :1ud Pref. '62 100 53 58 Cambrian No. 14v,c. 10J 88 Du. N 241' 100 47 48 ? G.W. r2, IOD 174 176 10 Pern. A Tenby 5 p.c. 10 Vi> >• :b'. & ':u5. fg J Stock Rh?..ney 4 ?.e. Cons. 100 !? m T6av-?<p.<Con< HM .1M 1}7 ? uARANIrEED AND 60 Aberdarc Railwny 60 l50 Jo6 10 ('o..bdRI<Abtha,,3pc 10 )1:" 2 btock Gt. West. 6 p.c. tfruiir.) 100 .176 lf» IW 168 170 RAILWAY AND OTHER DEBENTURES. Sto, Al?.i? DL? k- I%y 4100 105 107 St.?k B-ry R.ily 3 I.e. 100 100 105 xd l?,?-A 4100 la '7 Do. 'l' B 4 p.c 100 1 10" Bnto Dock 4 percent. 100 126 12! sd C?.ri?A?4°[..?.? 100 ?.' 130 H2 Do. A41 1 124 ??1) u.c ?.' o.? IOC.?.']20 ? Do. g: i m m Great Western 5 p.e. 100 76 178 id MicHMd3p.c.?.??)Oa 11 1)5? 1a\tÙa?ct.cÅ.¡«;"¡; ¡ ¡ m Neath aa4 Brecon let.. 100 119 121d Do. d?. A 1 ,m 103 110 ? Do. do, A2.?"?100' 00 ,'dd. & 8' Bay 4p.e. 100 .123 125 -d „ Ith "yp103 134 ?36 -d ? ¥tJVl' i iJ 1 BANKS. 30 Glamorganshire 2% • 6 5 Gi???shire.Pr'ef. S & S% -? 6g r:S¡:k;i¡f¡::df. lt: 3 A S ??&fr'ov'?ciat'? 5 "M? 20? 50 Lloyds Bank e.S4? 25? 60 }[etl"lIw(ofEng&Wale8) 5 15 16 20 Nt. Bk of W.I. (in liq.) 100 75NMMmttProtmm?.IO!t..<l 42 -d 60 N-ti..i.1 12 17 '? 481/Il 40 N,,rl, 10 ?4 ? 4;i GAb. 10 Aberdare 10 16 16 Stock Cardiif A lOp.c. 100 20/ 2_1\^2lh I)u. B 8 p.o 100 !61 17? ? C 7 ?. ]00.M5 :M Do. D 5 p.c IM. o4 106 V.-gii I" oo 115 li? 4 P f. 10 HynTi Valley 10 ?'? Stock Newport A 10 p.c 100 .208 *1J2j* t.k V.. B7?,?,?' ico 158 162 Do. C 7 p,r ?..t 100 158 ?62 is Swan807 1;r; l i:  5 40 42 25 Do. 7 per oont ¿; 0 8 t¡A.; AND WATKli. 10 Bridjrenci 10 7 7) 11 ??t'' '7 10 Y?t,i. 'U. M? 11 WATEBWOBKS. 25 Bristol 25 52 52^ 20 Do*; I 4m 42? ]o l:li: 1ît 1 10 iloiityl)ridd 10 pte. Ord 10 21 Z3 10 1)?. 7'I?. 10 15 16 COAL AND IRON. 10 Albion SW? Colliery. 10 n 12 ]O?.D?M"udSoM.M.)3&).Ht 23 EDbw Vale 21) 7,1? 1% 5(; r.?, Western rd .B.54 & Do. '?"* ?M?A?5'.? a S?d MH.H.Vni?Co.APM!.8.1& ? 5C-15 3^ ?,.4 loo Mill.&C.,y o p D.b. 100 1") 1,2 d 62% N. A Blaina Iron ?. ?.. 81 ? 82 10 Newport-Abercarn 10 5' £ 6 10 Do. Participating Pr?l. 10 $ lA* 8Ji1 5Noth'. N.?. C?di? .r y 5 1Ii Iji¡ 6 Do. 10 p.c. Cm. Pr"f.a 6,,1, 6,f4 100 Do.op.c. Debentures 100 100 102 1d 10 Pennkyuer Colliery 10 ? 6 10 Do. 5 7% p.c. Pref. 10 7•% ){ 100 Po?'uUUntt.t.'i.cDo?MO 105 M?d 6. 5 1^6 ?k ¡; Do,N.£210.ordted I.J.. 15s 18b 100 Do. p.(:. Atort. IOU' 90 93 xd 17 S.W? ?omeryA. 17. 10 10^ 3 Do. 10 p.c. B 3 4# 4$ 3 Do. Naw Blli2 -? M 'Imdeg- 1. & Coal A ?. 36 n? 5? 25 Do. do. B 257 7& MISCELLANEOUS. .•stock Ale*audra Dk t Rail 4 A rreiercnce 100 109 11 Ate?udr/D?.4'{yMref'100?90 95 10 Barry Gravluff Dock. 10 16'. Ib(í 1 Blaud and Co., Li?.,t?,dI •% 10 Uristj) Brewery Ord.M..? '24.j,-4? 10 Do.6p.c.rfef.M.15? .5?d 10 BrhliolAS. Wal. W.'110 3 6 o/oi 60 Bute Dfy Dock 50 62 £ 63'? rdiff G(srl)o 31,j P. CO 5 L?, 61,1.d 5C??df APeu''ys 3 4 •'$ 5?C<u'di:tJ'cuonDryi)'k40. 39 41 ,5 Crm W,,k-C 41 50 Central Graving Dock 50 48 50 lOW.Haucoek&Cu.I.t.dlO.m? 19 10 Do. P?" .'(?- 10 J3% 3 :Stoo „ 4_, Dei). kil?p k I r?'i H'6 88 20 Hill's Dry Dook 18 $'k J 10 ililiord Dock 10 ig Cu=y (Ltd99 Ii 9' au.M(i.iiV JMn'i''tjlirj D K A'7? 78 ?' 1), D..Bi. 37 N'wp' 61 A?i'.it', 6?? ??d ,o il??,???,dE,IOM. 2? ? 10 Do. Prof. 6 p.o. ciun 10 7% 50 Penartb ::lli¡"I>UlJJiu 60 07 40 10 Provincial Train ways. If) .xd 10 Do. 6pl, eUl. Prdf. 10 II ¡:xd 10 Ii'y'l Kotel6ii/p. 10 7 a S ?f)??'??'?' ? U? 1? 20 Do. Mp.c.FM[.?.M.2??)< Stock Sw'ns'aH'rbr.4p.c.Stk 100 10J W2 xd 6 'IhouiiMon A anackell 5 %-#■ l :înJ:Ill l 2? 2% 10 Do. 6 p.c. Pi'dc. 10 4 4it SOWi'adt.M.'ihp?'??? 12 ^4 Bk it\lf:'j'I;"() i, v* t '? 22.

SlêLJ,EB8-Iûl:'¿ 4 tkcbàO:l33 26 )3.k.. O?d snares 50 Bwllfa «x Mortkyr Pref £ 10 8h8, ,t 7'i4 I;bW A Mertbyr B 1).b t ?081, fRf,¡4,rt.,¡)š 8 28 32 'aJo 01 Glamorgan Sbarea 26 Peariky oar Ord Shares, at £ 5 &9d 0 W?.ti". O?,ii.?,y -bid wan tod 2') H-?k Ordinary Shares, at 18^ 20 ISI.R d," C- £'1 "i<i, at 1/4 "gt) Neatb & Brecon Al"& A2 D?b 8tk. 30 Nicholas A Co. A;9 pd7 20 Norcii's 10 I,.e, Pref Shares 26 Barry Graving Dock Shires £ i0 Barry Ordinarv.it240, and £ 500at 241 60 Bland and Co. ;El ShAr, at 15s 25 D. Davis aud Sons Shares, at 13 y BUYERS Barry New 4 p,c. Pref Allotments 30 Rhondda A Swansea nay Ord Sh., at 9 27 London A trow Bank Shares £ é6ï Barry 3p.c. DcoeütlUC Stock 34 Rhon<1d.. 5 1',0, Pref Share. IS S-jiliers A Bayers Pref Shs, at 12% £5UO Miller and Cory Debs £100 Bairy Ordinary stock, at 240 06 North's Ordinary Shares 20 Bwllfa and Merthyr Colliery Pref, at 7 10 50uth Wales Maraialaue A Jam Shs £ 500 Cardiff Gas Stoc1.tuy issue 20 Hilis Dry D.??, Shares 25 P..ty)),iad IV,?t?r 7 p.c. Shares, at 16 30 I,rl, ,.d H-i.g Bww, Ord ,9h."?B £ 1,000 Rhymney 4 p.c, P,,? ?t.k 10 &40 A"i.. ;.Jl?,3 Shares £1,000 Albion or D. Davis Dobs Allotments of Barry New 4 p.e. Pref Stk negotiated. THACKERAY AND CO., CARDIFF STUCKHItOKEBS. 10" TT LYDDON AND CO, E.,22, BUTE ST., aud STOCK EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. Tuli-nnuiw: u YnDOKt U1RulrF,I.f Telephones: P.O. 63: Si:. 103. SELLERS—9 Hancock Ordinary Shares, at 18ft M«.. ue> CaruejB, £ 9 pÚd £50 Kiiymuer ( iruiuary 3 Pr?-iiy B.?ldig society Shares 50Sat r"?id,t £ 10 Shs, t 17. 6d 20 Barrv Graving Docks, at 16 <4 cash BUYERS £100 Rhywncy Oruinary, at 106¡" 50 Great Western Colliery B, at 4 100 Vale of Glamoricunb, at 30,1 £501\ Rhondda Deb Stock 15 Nell's Ordinary Shares 5 Bute Dry Docks, at b3 J300 North's Debeaturo, t 103 16 Bhondda Pref Shares, at 12% ST AND J, G. THOMAS, STOCK- F BROKERS, 1, DOCK CHAMJ1EKS, and STOCK EXCHANGE, CABDIFF. TeicrraiP.s"Vlkminq, CA*mvr. Telenaoce. 15S. TF. PEARSON, STOCKBROICEE T ):u£g C.?difl Telegraphic Address, "Gunoi:, CAEUIKF." Televbones, Natiollal No. 139. Post-Office No, 82. BUYEIŒ-£200 Rhym..ey Ord Stook County of Glollcoster Bank Shares 20 Alordey A Carney £ opd Shares, at 4rfr Cardiff Gas Stocks Windsor Slipway Shares !1dBrSI6;djck 5 Vule of Glamorgan Shares 5 Bute Dry Dock Shares SELLERS-5 Hancock Ord 2U Mordey A Carney -15 pd Shares, at par 20 A 2 Barry Graving Docks J W. COCJRTIS AND CO, J BANK BUILMNUS. ST. MARY-STREET and STOCK EXCHANGE. CARI) i5rF! EET. TeleyramH: "Sxoc.s, CAHIH^F." Telephones: National,661; P.O., 57. 13UYERS i5ou B y OrdiZy Stook 16 Tucker Pref Shares £2,000 Alexandra Dock 4 p.o. Deb 26 Spillers A Bakers Ordinary £200 Swansea Harbour Stock SELLERS -25, 6p.c Pref Share. 15 Nell's Ord Shares 5 Tucker Ordiuary and 3 Pref Shares £100 Taff Vale Ord Stook RIU^G]:KIRHD;^ T7CTN" .V AND CO. T STOCK A, '1141?? BROKERS. J"XCHANUE- U?i. BUTE DOCIS, CARDIFF, and STOCK EXCHANGE. Telegrams: "TEEDPKK. C.APIFIR," Nat. Tel. No. 1-8 ;.1;8i;6; POWELL-PLACE and STOCK EXCHANGE, ?UTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Teleeroma: "SHIRKS, CUDIn," P.O.T'phone Ne.51 BUYERS-IO High-«treot Arcade Share. Weaver and Co. Ord Shares Vale Of Glamorgan Kai way Shares 10 But. D"y Dock Shares JINK* J, t'IJLIN(.?ER and CO. LT8 SAYM,VAUGHA'?N.d CO. BETTON .,?o CK AND iHABE BKOK 41'HIGH-STREET, NEWPOI?L, qON. Telephone l-to.127,-Teleg.romS, PxLUNbsn, NEWPORT." BUYERS—20 Pontypridd Water, at £ 16 5c ?,?d E, Pref 2ù E,?Ft.- Dry Dock Shares 'O, ,r ?. Sh- ?7t 16% SELLERS- £400 Brecon 1st Pref Stock, at 83 p. 50 Eastern Dry Dock Shares £ 1,000 Devon & Somerset B Deb, at 27# 50 Parnall aud Evans Pref, at 467 20 London & Provincial Bank Shs, at £20 1, 0 John 15s Dealings in aljl "i131..d?,.t 15,, West Australian Shares at vary cloH9 prices. ERCrPO WE LL.STOCK & SHARE P- BROKER, 113, BUTE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 'r .? Ptiist, UJ.IWlFL" T,ph..??, P.O. 89. N 225 P A R S 0 N S AND SOB J3NT" STOCKBROKERS, CENTRAL-CHAMBERS, NEWPORT, MON. Telephone No. 21. Telegrams, "ROBJBWT, NxWpoaT. WANTED —Pontypool Gas A aud B te,?, Nantyglo and Blaina Pref lvhondda 4 p.c. Deb 20 Star Bricks Z3 Eastern Dry Dk., t 3% fl1:;fl and Ev- (0 60 Seal' le and HerriDp losp?ll ..t 11 ('?nbri !7 1st P?mf FOB SALE—10 Pontypool 0. A Abercaru U. £ 32 Rhondda 4 i\e. Nb £ 5,000 ,ute %b, at 127 and free tmp 41,000 Br? Ord, at 7% £\:Oí:t7ï7 Out of 1.000 iuni who marry, 332 marry yui vgcr \\( meu, S79 marry women of the same j age, aud 89 marry older woiomu ■* -C-11A IS. MASSY AND CO, c COBY'S-COBNEB, BUTE DOCKS, CllmœF Tfleeraphio Addre5.. IKVKST, CARDIFF. T?h?° N<.M?t. ZM'?ost.otticc. 75. BUYERS—15 Trodeprar Iron A, at 5' 20 Queen's Hotel—iwy lowest 20 Hills' Dry Dock Shares, at 3 fc £ 500 llarry Preferred, at 114^ .11 Rails, at 206 "82?? l?? ry Ordinary Stock, at 239 ,ELLEES-15 ?'?'?"'?'' Shares ?% £ 800 Barrv Ordinary Stock,-at 241 2^ N?=.Aburciti:n Ord Sher? ?0 S?S<t Or??, at 9& ,S),000 HtMy PMf..frfd. at 1156 x sH £1000 Barry Deferred, "t 119 ? all 2IIAwne.tlona¡ Coal sharps, at 3 ir??RNR? SULLY A?D CO U8. BUTE-STBEBT. C ARDIF T?m!f. Tmot, BUYERS-20 Psrtriiige, Jones & Co, Prefa 10 Bland Stwres £ 300 Cardiff G". D Stook £ 100 Cardiff Gas A. B, and C Stock North', and. D. l)«vi» and Sons Debs BELLIIIIII-20 Spillors h Baiers 6 i Bhondda & Swansea B.y Ordinary SOUTH AP.?.A.?? CLOSING MIDDLE rMCES. Charterers, at ? 6d Champ d Or, at C?mpd'OrDMp'. *tMa 9d Cha;:li. F, k Joh??. at 20? Bff" at 3,0, IS<X?' ?' M? Con?.M'.t?t !h M Alexaudms, ut 5. -d bpe3 BOM, ?,t 25? riONEL Br TA?LOR AND CO. 12, BUTE-STREET, AND STOCK EXCHANGE. CABDIFF. T'tntnM ? "Security. CMditt." T'phus: P.O. 113; N. 212 BUYER8-£"00 Rhyinnev FAil-V Ord Stock £ 500 Rhondda Deb Stock 100 May Consolidated Shares 100 1Cleiutonteln. Mining 8hares £2,000 Chatham Ordinary Stock 20 Albion Colliery Shares SELLERS 500 Bute 4 p.c. Debentu'O Stook 100 Xy Consolidated Shares 50 Balkls Eestcrlinv Shr,. £ 250 Rhymney &11""y Ord Stock 100 B.?,Ikh i?, L"?(I Sha.? 15 Aerated Bread Shares, at 6 25 Rhondda Pref Shares, at 13 # 20 London aud Proviueial Banks STEPHEN P. WILLS, SWANSEA, Stockbroker.—Wills, Weea," T'phnelM. SELLF,R-S"au801l Hadlour Stock 7?E7)RGE H. MUIR AND CO., ?Tr STOCK AND SHAKE D.ALE.S HMd 0<Bte=-9 tND 10, PANCBAS-LANE, QUEEN. STREET, CHEAPSIDE, B.C. Tolegmphtc Add??o:SPE?TCENE89, LO"ON." DEAL IN ALL QUOTED STOCKS AND SHABES, for Investment or on Cover System. Term. ou Appllcatiom. 15 commands EM I St.Ok i 26 American Share, £ 10 ?1.000 „ or 50 „ „ Rio ?5.000 or 250 „ And 80 on 1U proportion. Ctr?C Branch ONeo :?JAMES STEEET?DOC!f?, Where Clieute can obtain uuy information coustdut prices I Bankers: — CAPITAL A?D COUNTIES BANK, LUDGATE-HILL, E.C.. AND PICCADILLY IJAC? H648

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NEW YOKK FlilCES. I TELKGRAM.J NEW YORK, Saturdat. QOVEaNKBHT BoNDII AKO SAU.WAT IU(AItEB. C..ll Quotation*. Dec. 38. Deo. 29. 0.11 M. U. S Gov. B..I, 2  Ditto oth«r Securit;e 2 p' po' Kxcb'njfeon I,ond'n.60d' .Igbt 487'j 4 ;i Ditto Cab!. Tranht#l?-4 39 Ù1 Elchang. on Pari., 60 da, 'icbt 516 5.1^ Exch'ng* on BerlintW^'kys night 0 5 95^ :l?,;¡Irutd:tt: liJ! li.) Western Union Telegraph Sharea 8.1 8'1 atchiion, 'rpka" 4^ 44 DI1,I4 11 63 Do Do. 5 p.c. Income Baltimore 5 iS R:¡:£()hiöï¡¡::iv:ï''p:ë: Ir'" ¡g; Canada Southern Shares 48# xd 49 i (Tinadlan Pacific 51 59 8;:¡ ïta h :i Yt 8-J* Central P,,il, Shares 6*?,?i???:, 13 l?t Cheaaoealte and Ohio, Common.. 174 111 Chica,O. Burlington. 4 Qmnce,. 71 71% Chioagoand North Wwsurn Ord. ?64 97 Do. Do. Preferred. I42ib ChiOIMHwI' &Sp)ré, lci; Chicago and Rock Ihland .,1 611, g¡:l;et:II\ni;l;;á'gö;¡ o, xd 61t, and St. Louis Ordinary 33 58^ ..d ft. 12? Deiuware Lackawanna 161: 161 Denver and K10 Grande Shares.. 1#^ Do. D..1, .'fe, IUlnoiA Central Shares 83 'y Lake h. & Michigan 80'tb.'n l??d 1» Louisville -d Nashville Shares 33  Mionigan Ceutrai Sharea Missouri, Kauaa*. and Texaa 1> 13 Mia«0uji Paoitiu 2<% 27 l:Jirf.1 l Do. Second Mortgage Bondai 1,4 .Sow York, Cent'l u Htlds'u River .9 19 New 'k, :lcano, & WesfruOrd.i ;50 1St Northern Pueitic, ciominon j¡ Do. Preterd 11 17 Noto¡ aud Pre(ened '7 18% Ohio .t Mi881t<!UVPl Ord. h",ro — Pennsylvania and Philadelphia 5! 1 Philadelphia A "g Shares, 14^ 14% D?. Bo. 6, 1"IlIe 'lit *3>k Do Do. 4 pc. ilort: 11 1 Union Pacific 8¡;d" 11 11 WabsHb, 6,. IS. and Pauitic> >3» 5'« Do. Do. Prei Suarus 13% 13% Silver Commercial B1"1 5):. 59"" COriON AND t'fWJlUC¡.; .1 .au'" Cotton,day's rec'pts atAtl'uticpts 33.0j.) ']3 OJ)'sreo'pwat Guif l'Orte ]0gio 11 Cotton,day'a export to (it.Britain 4,0;) 15 ow C otton, day'sexporr. to Continent 13 .30J 23 CaLton Futuros, Jan. delivery. '55 j5; Cotton F nree, Mar. delivery .I ó2 .tton.lliadl'gUpiand >ewYork| U 5^ c'L ron,3iiddhn g pland bt Petroieoxu,crude at New ton; 6 Do standav i bite, NewYorkl a r.r « Do. Do. Philaueiphia; b:* 0 CI D.. Pipe Line Cert. Jan. 94^ 91^ Spirit* of Turpentine ^7^ Si'4 ¡h'.So¿;'nJe: 7¡ 21'4 7.0 'Tallow, Prime City vty iugar, reiimng, Mascovados L-* Do. 96 per conL. CentrU\'If"¡ .j1a Corn, mixed, Western spot ,5 5? Corn, Puturoe, Jan > is 5>3r »Jorn, Futures, May 5^ 52 aprmg Wheat, N y. 1 «pot 6M& i wneat, red winte- 61 62 ii d?ii?.ry J.? 5 [!: 1!i:!A:> !t ¡t CoSse, :<»o:7 Coffee Fiuiuvx jan 0. Mar 1 33.10 Flour, ex State Shipping Brands !?5? fron, o. 1 Coltnes? 93# Tin, Australian ;13 } -61 Ti., Au?? 11.1 10,0 C.Pil?, & ekt Grain Liverpool steamers 2ad 2 It "i ? i;i;'? i ? ?L-i ?21i d 2 ?i 4 Yr vit (irain ?te&mer Ln? > Whet1 ChICago, May delivery ,¡'It 57 Cern, Chi¡,o, JUl i -iv 5 it Nominal.

=-=-c-C_ TRADE REPORTS. CABDIFF. EXCHANOE, Saturi»y. Owing to the interruption occasioned by the Christmas holidays, production at moat of the Miliarias was entirelr suspended until list Thursday and as a consequent the busuiess transacted on the Cardiff coal market has been ofa.Yeryme?re chantcter. To d?y, however, there p(?.red to be moM Mtm?hoc, Md, dinr"b;e:he1a:e nbrof :i:po: business in the coming week will be, in all pro bability brisk. As regards pricea, there is no apparent obange, the quotations current 0-day being M f.11.?:- Be9t t?- -.1118 to Us M, seconds 10s M to Me 6d. dry ::l 9a Jd \a 10a, best Monmouthshire 10s 3d to 10s 6i, seconds 9. 3d to 9s 6d, and patent fuel 10s 9d to lis per ton f.o.b. Beit households 10s 6d to lis, No. 3 Shondda large 10s 3d, brush 8. 6d to 8a 9d, small 6s 6d to 68 9d; No. 2 Rhondda 8s 9d, through 6s 6d, and small 48 3d to 48 6d per ton f.o.b. Special foundry coke 218, foundry 15s to 16s, and furnace ooke 14s to 14s 6d per ton. There was not a great deal doing in the pitwooa trade, ?n3 for di: èliVhe lW;W3dd w.:ath quoted price. The demand 70r foMi?n iron ore WIIoB also quiet. Current quotations were as follow Beit Rubio lie to lie 3d, Tofna 108 6d to 108 9d, and Garrucha 108 6d to 108 9d per ton c. i.f. Cardiff or Newport. The outward freight market was brisk to-day. Orders for the Mediterranean and Italian ports were plen- tifu), and freights for these directions indicated an upward tendency. Coasting business, how. (?ver, was quiet, an d there wm no '?m -oe? :f i;athik:;s for Spain ornåi:rt:e. NEWPORT COASTING TRADZ. The coal shipped coastwise for the week ended 29th ot I December, 1894, was 11,786 tons.

LOCAL PATENTS. I The subjoined information is furnished from the Patent Agency Offices, 31, Queen.street. Cardiff (Mr. C. 12. Dovey, representative); 15, Ruperra-street, Newport and 58, Wind-street, SWlI,nsea., where all information can be obtained rospecting patents, designs, and trado marks registration. Applications were made for patents by :— George A. Russell, Newport: An improved diving chamber, 24,467. December 17. David Thomas, Pontypridd Improved metallic pack- ing for piston rods of steam engines, air pumps, &c.; 24,754; December 20. William W. F. Puliei), Cardiff Improvements in or pertaining to boiler mountings; 24,755, December 20. John J. Prioe, Tredegar: A tobacco pipe made of wood and vulcanite; 24,853, December 21. Provisional protection for twelve months was granted to -? gderick G. Treharne, Llanislen A process for using the volatile hydrocarbons for purposes of Oowbustion; 22,399, November 20. John Sullivan, Cardiff: An improvement in laced or other boots 23,133, November 29. Edward S. Restieaux, Neath: Improvements in sewing-needle threaders; 23.596, December 5.

FOUND DEAD IN HIS BATH. Dr. Wartenburgh, of 223, Maida Tale, Lon. don. was found dead in his hath on Friday afternoon. It is that the liody had been in the beth many houra. The doors were locked on the inside

POWBLL'S BALSAM or ANIU!:D-Fon OOUGHS, Powell's Balsam If Aniseed. Asthma. Powell's Balsam ctf An. *6. Bronchitis. Powell's BOsam of Aniseed. H"ea8. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. Lung Troubles. Powoll's Balsam of Aniseed. Might Coughs. Powell's M.. f Ai.,?,]. Influent. p? w. Bl.. of A,?i-I. Relievos Instantly. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. Safe and RcliaVle. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. Established 70 years. Powell'b Biilsam of Aniseed. Refuse Imitatious. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. Sold fcy Chemists. Powell's B.1?.. of Aniseed. Tr?.d, Mark, Powell's BI..m of A.I.O.& Lion, N?t, -3 Mn" r*?eU'c B?m ?f AniaMd. 1. ld., N. M. 4. 6d..& F u ^s. per bottle. fL1145 i

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. I CHARTERING TRANSACTIONS. CARDIFF. Saturday. The following include the latest fixtures reported i- OUTWABD- STEAHEKS. Cardiff to Barcelona, 88 6d. clean terms 8t Thomas, 7- 6d, clean te-8 :a;7;8 :J.' trm?, oal, and 9s 6dcoke (Spero) Venice, option Anoona, 68 3d, clean terms Malta, 4s, (Mario) Colombn, 8. 9j, clean terms (Inob Mario) „ River Plate, 7e 6d, clean terms (Madura) „ Constantinople, 5e Hrl. modified terms Adriatic, 6. 3d (Rosina. Mendle) London, 3s 9<1 (G. N. Wilkinsou) Newport Itirer to Civita Veochia. 6s 6d fuel, olean termti (Romsdale) Swansea to St. Naxaire, 5f (Oraigendoran) SIGNALLED OFF THF, LIZARD. Dec. 28— /"asset r: awauiBi from New York for Antwerp. Deo. 29. —Passed JSast Ami tie; brigantme Aùele, from Adelaide and Valparaiso for F-1- mouth .teame" carli"le City, trom Boston for London; American, of Rotterdam; Tyne, of Newcastle; Lutece, of Rouen; Rallus, of Cork; Greeoe, from New York fur Londoll; Tmtern Abbey, of Cardiff. Passed Wst Steamer Mississippi, from London for New York -Wind, N.N.W.. gale 5 weather, thiok; heavy showers se., her., 29-74, falling. SIGNALLED OFf THE MUMBLKS HKAD. Dee. 20.- Wind, N.W ?'c weMMr. squally; .ea, roagh.-?ff?e? ?M? B.rq.? Gi?nr?on, of SwMMa.; liteamer '?ringbolc, of Llanellr ?"oMft W??.t: Steamer Barrowmore, of Liverpool. In Roads; Steamers Winstanley, of Dublin; Hayle, cf Hayle; Count D' Alpremont. of Swansea; Louise, of Douglas; Dauntless, of Hartlepool; Lynx, of Cardiff. FOkMGN ARR1V, MOVEME,NT, S OF I I- ?l- JA)CAL I Cairo, of (Janlill, passed Atolers lor ?wcrp- Ely left Bordeaux (or CartfJt! 28Mi. ?M.?e?!?*? Xr Uarruch. 28th. lidy Havelook sheltering under Luoito Wtn. Peter (ij-ahain left Houon for Cardui Ann. A. I, .I. ?,d B,,d, Iltl EM. C???'S'Mhnttnopte WMteM arrived OlbraW from 'Vi?ot 28tjL Maf-thexv Hedli'ictfon arnred St. Vincent trOm C. We Jacket arrived od- 20th. Mon^i )eft Malta !nr Oibralwr 23th. Oswin arrived Nieolaief 29th. .?u.?Mp shett-rin? at l'lymouth ?uund Mth_ Ann" Th 'nMo left Hsn-elona lor <!trrueh& 28th. Iu!o .??i-Wt; arrive Ht. Ka?irc 28th. CA.RDIFF.-ARRIV ALS, I IKUTH HOOK. 0. 28 Pickwick, e, 731, London, light. Ruby, a, 19, Duddon iron OrO. Dec. 29.-El?;n, 8, 1,595- Jules Ch?t, 680, Eoueu, light. Br.n. R s ,)OOK Deo. 29 —William Damon, f. 165, Limerick, oats. Sir Bevis, s, 1,070. HUTU WRST UOfTK D, 28. -B,.ieClark, 41. Bi ?de ofd, f?Tt). Arthur, s, 241, Dublin, general.. ?"'?-&?,?. ?' ?-P,, ?. W.terford, ¡¡aUa.>rt. Revell, 8, f46, Rouea, UxM. A<tif,s,47<.C?n.)?ht.LyHu.!nor[',l,17A I'r,AItTft HOCK Dec. 28.-Thoin. Allen. 1,044, Antwerp, lighl Kritniinia, 612. London, light '?'D?'?.-?pt'i'm'??8.I'H?rth ?'?y,?'?- P, 1.044, Road?, roal (put back r di-trl. SAIMXUS. ROATH DOCK, Doe. 2.St, Fillan's, s (Trapp), Port Said. BirrK EAST DOOK. BriLtol. BCl'K WEST DOCK. Dee 28.-8t. David's, < (Winfleld), Newport, Bewie Bur, 8 (N)chohe), Cam. S- LtmcMter, < feWSH. s (Buth). Houen. K?.. 11el'. 29.-tHa:1't. Po Buth), Rouf'n. Ko.te, 8 (Thomas), sia. PEARTII DOCK. Dec. Sur- biton (Cook), 1..1':11:011 Hr"t:¡l1n:. (1i¡.1O<\tli. London. KNTKRK1) OUTWAKDS.—Deccinlier 29. Genoa, Hopetoun, fI, H, Purvis, 1,319, M. Angel Bombay, Kn -ht Templar, s, B, Pain, 2,704, Outline, pS,d,«y, n, B, Thompson, 1,875, J. & 0. Bar- Vt??MO. At.p.ry?wit? rMt)t, B, Perkins, 1,056, T. tievnmi (:. (Limited) M?t? ?i'!ie?. Willi??n ° BaU. ?. B, Wekh, 1,595, Willo.,1 SoUl Co. AWera. Dolcoath, s, B, Miller, 1,082, Osbora an 1 *8 Pi^ *)"  Franklin. 8, B, M:Dol1al), 1,160, John Fer- Algiers, Loch Katrine, a, B, Borne, 338, B. Bopner UtMutm?. Jules chg. 8, F, Bojie, 656, J. V. V ""t & to Caen. U-M • i\ Gudionw 474. 1. H. i« SmmM.];n?ton. 8, B, M- 1.164, C. P. Bow- Consfaiitinople, City of Truro, e, H, Smith, 1,064, 0he11ow, Hodfiree A Co. CLEABEJX—Dei-ember 29. Cliautenav. Jules Chagot, «, F, 1,600 00&1 k,:tif. 1, 950 !1 Genoa. Silvia, a, Ity, 1,120 coal !?"? ??<?'. ?i 1, 1 Ucr. 1.300 -1 (lenoa, Hopetoun, «, B, 2.550 coal 11, 2i?O4,200 ..1 V.1p..i,?(, Ant r?twithCMth.B. I,OW wal, 4m coke, 121 brick. port Said. C'it'v, b-, B, 3,600 coal Algjew, Dolco atl). «. B. 2 1.1 Colombo. Leven, 0, B. 3.00J cod l'n?. Frf!n'?'). ?'.)? 2,101, ?Y Algiers, T-?? Katrine, 8, B, 1,7JO m.1 Ouenuey, Mary Ann, ?-. ,275, "-I Constantinople. City 1) f Truro, e, B, 2,COO (.1 1MPORTS. —December 28 and 29. BMefowL ncs?e Clark, ^mve), A. Downey Dublin, Arthur, 8, general M ? Bc? Ouddon. jtuby. », iron ore, Dowlaia 1,0. C.- any Limerick, William DaMon, 8, oate, SPUIIP. and Bakers BAHRV nOCK.-ARRIT AL. Dee. I sunxns. Den. 29—Leven, Oolomb.), coal. Hopetoun, r, I Genoa, coal. NEWPORT—ARRIVALS. ALEXAKDttA DOCK. !)rr.23.-R.tU))!mny.a.Se,Hane))y,wtterbtUMt. 1UVEH WUAltVES. Dte. 29.—J. M. J 59, Ilfreumbr, Iiht. S.P?lb, 57, BMtni. light. Brothers. 52, Weston, light. Ethel, 8, 55, Bristol, ??:'I.Eulilv )htri1 54, UardHt, D,B,r. i.t,iI, "t, !')hn  6 Bridg?aier,  min. Ttiora, 78, j^creiul. Devon, 8, 69, Bridgwater, grain. Thora, 7H, Avonlmutb, gmiu. Harnett Ann, IMinehfttl, light. SAILINGS. ALEXANDRA DOCK. Dec. 29.-Ah..¡o.. (.loroan), Gibraltar. Ruxine, 8 (Fofcljer^ill), Lisbon. OLD DOCK. Dec. 29.—-Alexander (Lilienthal), Kingston. RIVER WHARVES. Dec. 29.—Isea, s (Jone,), Brifitnl. Edgar (Morgan), Briptol Fbenezer (Ph ,on.), Cour. auiceberry. Emily (Imin), llfr:i-joml>e Saumel Dixon (Welsh), Wexford. Maria Reid (Kehoe). Ballinacurra. Robert (Uornall), Clcnakilty. Ellen (Neil), Wexford. Waep (Beaaett), Wexford, F.,O.. EN IBUE1) OUTWARDS. -D?ember 29. Savona, (leor^liioH p Bouboulls, 8, Uce, I.flew, I8M: S. J. Embirlcœ CLEARED.—Decemlxr 29. Bombay, Ikbal, s, B. 7,500 coal ilil raltar. North Tyue, s, G, 1,400 coal Port La Plata. Dulwieli. 9, B, 4, 000 coal Suvona, Georgioe P. Eouboulis. 8, OCfl, IngleMia, IMPORTS.—December 29. Bilbao, Ah.larP., 9, 1,806 tons iron ore, Blaenavon Company Bristol, Ethel, s, general, R. Burton & Son Cardiif, Kmilv MarK, general, R. Burton ft Son Bridgwater, Devon, 9, grain. Parnall k Evani Avonmoutb. Tljora. grain, 119111all & Evans EXPORTS COASTW1SK-Decelllber at Bridgwate* !rzabeth Ann, 70 coal Portland, < i^to, iew?, W J. Klmah'. "/¡ 65 !.), T. G. Ct??'ilzbt l^yrmoutii. Mary. 36 coal, Clapp Jt Co. W.t.f.rd .1. C. Wd,?, 128,rpl,W. L. Goldswcrthy, Bolfa8t, Kathkenny, s, 480 coal. 7. F. rhm. & Cl °*f.r' it?tbkmy,,?ra?118, E. Fletcher Wexford, Annie. 175 O-J, MI,?,i?Y. Jones & Co. SW ANSEA.-ARRlY .!LS. I NORTH nOCK. Dee. 28.-A. 34, Wtehet, fAn. bon.. Honor, 42, Aberthaw. limftstonc. V'andora, Ii, 73, Porth- gain, macadam. 8,h A. Widdup. 119, put back. g,?i., ?mtM' ?7, K?k. nit. ?Mt.yn. 122, put back Forest BeUe, 99 p?,t b""k, Ifrbcnlhrook, », 1.357, Nkotaief, wheat, Minnie Coles, :J9, put bftf-k. Dtc. 29.-Twiff, 110, Teignmouth, put in. SOUTH DOCK. Der. ?.-<;hm,lM.t)ut?f)f. EtniUanne, 122, put back. S..h M'Dona Id. £ put back. Kirkless, 245. put in. coal. Stream 'hcr, 8, 188, G.?.- ?ev, 1111. PMKCBOFWAJ.EaPOCK. Dee 23-Fkl., 101, Belfast, scrap iron. SAILINGS. NORTH DOCK. Dec. 28.—Winetanley, e (Dempsey), Trooa. SOVTH DOCK. Dec. 28.-Rlo Formoso, (Read). Briftol. PRTcE OF WALES DOCK. Dec. 29—Dauntless, s (Haluman), Naples. Bar- rowmore, R (Waite). Philadelphia ENTERED OTTTWARDS.—December 29. 0, B, bimn. 5", F C. Boulanger Trouville, Stream Fisher, 8. B, Baunister, 188, Shep- herd & Co. herd it Co. CLEARED —December 29. ?ptM.)?unt)M<.t,B.t.9SOcot) =r City 6f Malaya, s, R. 420 -1, WO general Trouville. Stream Fisher, p, B. 560 coal Sables. Swansea, M, B, 1.225 coal ?)?ct<? Riga, 3' Bel, 1.100 coal TMPOHlfl.—December 29. Nlcolaief, Enlit-olbrook, 55,516 cwt«. wheat, Weaver !M!Y)!<TH CO.WWISE.— Deeenihpr ZA Bctf?Ht HMm. 3M tons scrap t=. 0. T?!or FdrUi?un. Vandora, S, 73 tons mM?'n. Ht?hMy Board; 60 t,?, brik,, order W.tS?t.' Aur..m"' 2.750 tin ?M, W. H. Ed-& Aberthaw, Hunr, 37 tons limestone*, W. P. Davies; 37 tons luji'"S. Silurian Limf" Company EXPORTS COASTWISE- December 29. London. Fitswilliam, ø, general, Tucker & Co,; 180 coal, R. Hodycns

it is now settled that the next piece in one- wssion to "Olaufle Duval" at the Prince of Wales's, Lot.don. i. to be a musical faioe, written by Mr. Bual Hood, and composed by Mr Walter Slaughter. The title of the pieoil is "High Jinks, and the altitude the jinka may be expected to attain may be gathered from ilie fact that the chief part is to be played by Mr. Arthur Roberts. Organic foods include starrhy food., meats, and fats. Mai-nutrition conies when theve substances are root taken in proper quantities. Fat 11 umallr either!: from food, or, it eaten, ic not løtmi. l.ted. Tlie fat supplied in Scott's Emulsion, how- »rrr, is easilv uu hv the syMeni It i? P.rly digested wb." taken. Physicians, the world oyer, eadone it. Cheaiid* sell it. 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. 1.11461

EX-CARDIFF BAILIFF IN TROUBLE. CHARGED WITH FALSE PRETENCES. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. I On alurùay morning* at the offices, iu Car- diff, of Mr. Morris, clerk to the Penarth magis- trates, a man, '?ied David Williams, was ..)r'?M] (be'on'. Mr..1.S.?tt.-hf.)?)' with f)btiii)ii?(j'?!116'by{td?pret<?<M:<mm?. ?.ili i s .L,du Itoge?, %t Cadnxtun.ohthe 11th of ?ptemb?r.—It was alleged tht prisoner went to Rogers's hou." and repre- rented that ho had bteu authorised by Mr. W, J Olles, solicitor, Cardiif, to distrain for upwards of £1, rent due to Mr. Joues.—Poliee-oonstable Thomas Harris, stationed at Barry Dock, stated that on the 21st of December he received prisoner into custody at Pembroke Dock.— Albert Edward Crowther, head clerk at the Cardiff County-court Offioe. said prisoner, until the 10th of November last, was a certified bailiff at the Cardiff County-eoart, but his certificate (produced) had been cancelled.— Lewi* Alexander Ko/ers. Ixiardin^-houdfe-keeper 7 TrHvi^trf^t. Bf»rry Dock, deposed that he was previously tenant of 16, Angelinarstreet, and that Mr. W. Jones was his landlord. On leaving the latter address, he owed Mr. Jones Ll 8s. 6d., arrears of rent. On the 11th of September prisoner came to him at 16. Travis-street, Barry Dock, with the docu- ment (produced), but the schedule of furniture was not tilled in. He said he had been autho- rised by Mr. Jones, and that the latter had nothing further to do with the matter, which was now in his (pritoner'O hand.. Witness persisted in going to see Mr. Jones, and prisoner said that, in doin so, he would only incur more xptn. /16 paid prisoner £1 lb. the balance over and above the £1 8.. td., being for prisoner's expenses. He paid the money because he believed the prisoner had been authorised.—Mr. John A. Day, a olerk (h the employ of Mr. Jones, and Mr. Jones himself, having given evidence, showing that prisoner acted without authority, the accused was committed to the next quarter bessiong for trial.

A THIEF WITH SOME NERVE. STEALS THE COLLECTION IN CHURCH. CONGRATULATES THE PARSON ON HIS ADMIRABLE DISCOURSE. The Presbyterian Church at Germantown, Philadelphia, was crowded with a fashionable congregation, when the Rev. Dr. Charles Wood preached til "The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil." At the conclusion of the service someone stole the contributions, which amounted to about ;C60. All the congregation had not left the church when tho fact that the money was missing was di.?(?,.d by Tr..?u?-?, D?.?,i :on. He immediately ifr..d Dr. Wood, who was conversing with several perrons. A search wa made Immediately by thoeo present. It waa thought that 'bl the i)ar:¡h Cltedthiu A rnii:r. It could n"t he found, and the conclusion was reached that it had been carried off by a thief. 'Ineta was a special collection on that day for tho Sunday School. After tho money was reoeived in the contribution boxes, it was dumped into a little bag, as had been the piactice, and Treasurer Deanison took charge of it. Mr. Dennison has been in the habit of depositing the money in a comer of a pew until the service ended, and, when leaving the church, taking it with him. On tin's occasion he did not, unfortunately, deviate from what had been his method of attending to his duties for years The money was carefully laid LIl a corner of thu pelv by Mr. Dennison, and while the congregation was leaving after the service was timshed, he joined in conversation for only «t few minutes with several persons; when he went back to the pew the money was gone. While Putor Wood was talking to several of the pM i shioners, a mm ,b?) was o stranger, and wiili:j:rl J'h,1J b:: the thief, setpped up to him and wniplimtntbd him oh his pulpit oratory, F or 3,ears, said the 6tran 'r, "I have heard repeatedly of the fashionable character of your congregation, of your eloqueiice as a minister, and of the mag- nificence of your edifice. J am now convinced after attending service to-day that nothing I have heard about this church has been mag- nified." Dr. Wood patted the stranger on the back in his customary friendly tnanner, an d said he woijld be fflad to have the plea- sure of numbering him among the members of his congregation. The man's face beamed with smiles at the reception accorded him by the popular pastor, and, after repeating very briefly again impression of the church, he bowed to those standing close to him and walked out. Several of those who were near the minister remarked that they had never seen .the man before. It was after he had left the .edifice that Treasurer Dennison informed Paftor Wood that the money was missing. In order to overtake the stranger, who was sus- pected of being the thief, a. courier "as de-",d imntwdiyitely to the staitioB-house. Special-policeman Cairns was detailed the oase and ordered to make an investigation at one, and within one half hour a description of the man was forwarded to the oentral titatlon. A squad of police was sent in search of the man to the several stations on the rail- roads, but no trace of him eould be found. The police felt confident from the facts in the. case that the theft was not committed by a member of the congregation, but by a profes- sional thief, whom they believed to M the stranger.

INVENTORS PRIZE COMPE- TITION. BRAINY MEN TO THE FORE. I In connection with our Inventions' Competi- tion we must again draw attention to the desirability of competitors studying simplicity in their designs. Inventions that necessitate great change* in trade methods aud customa are often difficult to successfully place on the market. Improvements should be aimed at so br II>! possible. In view of the unexpectedly large number of competitors for our inventions prizes, and of the fact of a great many inquiries for particu- lars being still received, we have decided to allow the competition to remain open until the end of the year. We wish to particularly impress on competitors the desirability of their sending in their designs as early as possible, and not leaving them until the last week. By attending to-this request competitors will greatly facilitate our task of classification and selection. We effer & FIRST PRIZE OF 210 IN CASH I For the beat invention of Borne article per- taining to the desk err writing iible; such as pens, penoils, inkwells, pen wiperm, rulers, paper cutters, erasers. papeT weights, blot- ting pads, slopes, desks, or any other ap- pliance that can be used on -the office desk or home writing-table; We offer a SECOND PRIZE OF 25 IN CASH I For the beet invention for somg culinary article, that is, an article used in the prepara- tion or cooking, of food, suoh as s>lucE.pa11s, frying pans;, kettles, stewpans. gridirons, pots and pans, egg beaters and boilers, rolling pi us, cutting board., pet?y-maki,,g bowd., IDdlea, spo?, knives or forks, or ani rti.le whatever pertaining to the kitohen IUId used in the course of cooking operations, or pre- paring food for cooking. We offer a THIRD PRIZE OF -22 10, IN CASH I For the best invention of anv article 01 gmemi household o:Pr;:Iiochtlei,k"I:¡: mental, or both, such aa pi^ture-haiitfing deviœ curtain suspenders, dmught e"clnderu, door checks, ornamental brackets, newspaper and musio stands or racks, bell pulls, fir. irons, coal scuttles, waste-paper baskets, or any other article or appliance, whether fixturo or not, that can be of use in a house. It will be observed that in the widr range of subjects quoted above there is ample scope for the iuventive efforts of our lady readers as well as those of tlie sterner 8U. Rectufc statistics show that women are rapidly coming to the front at inventors, especially in con- nection with matters of feminine interest, and we desire to give all a chance of com- peting We will again draw attention to tvo important fact that all inventions will remain the exclusive property of the respective com- petitors, and that, although only three com- peti tors ?n bo prize-winners, we h.11 use I :?Iff t?: ril:f;d ¡;ve.i¿8 u merit, whether they 1. th. actual pri- winners or not. All inventions must be new, and not pro- tected or patented before.the first i^ue.of this competition, and. in order to safeguard the pro- prietary rights of the Inventors, all inventions must iw protected or patented beforo being eligible for competition. With a view to assisting compet i tors *o far as we -n, wo j;trnlrtiilo n8aR w;eb;n, tit: necessary protection or pte?t may bo obtained at considerably reduced charges. The Competition will be decided by th. Editor of the Cardiff "Western 5hi)." assisted by such professional experts as he may deem necessary. Portraits and short biographical sketches of the successful inventors will be re-produced in this paper at the close of the Competition, if pp,?d by the competitors in question. if Ä1tt'íae 00 forwarded free on receipt of stamp for reply. addressed to the Patent Editor of the Cardiff "Western Mail. Tu&-jr-street, Cardiff.

The appew?ce of the serial novel at Print- ing Houm.sliiare is surely a sign of the times. A .crial is, it ?eems, about to be made a feature of the "Times" weekly edition. The nov«l selected is by Mrs. M.E.Fraucis, who i known for her "Story of Dan," and" hi" North-country Village." It is entitled, "A Daughter of the Sril," and, u« that indicate, deals largely with j country Ids. i

sttsttnessf SZtortsfsrs "THE QUEEN OF BRITISH BEERS." golden sunlight PALE ALE. T. P. JONES, Manager. South Wales Head Offiee-94, St. Mary-street, Stores, Westgate-street, j CARDIFF. Or of the undermentioned Agents:- AM'ltm*THOS. NICHOLAS, Central Supply Store A.KAITKSN V .1\ PHILLIPS, Horcrord,roa A 0. PEGLER, Ci,? tt??ot iminm W. H. HUTCHINOS, UrocM, ke. AcF.aDiES D. GRIFFITHS, SMtion-strMt, Beer Dpl" Buu .G. VAUGHA N", Wine and Beer Merchant Jlnu Doer J. IIf. DAVIES and CO., Holton road DAVIES and CO., Br.t",h-t LAI.A THOMAS PHILLIPS, The Shop BMMN. J. MEREDITH, H.xh ttMct BBIDGZHB J. -d C SAN KEY, IlimraTene-piace :G:ä:Jo4-gp S: "J:!llo: ".YN Awz ¥ H f JlUIOY POBT T. REES THONA.S cft? t "?ANa AND JOHN (ite E-. -d Co.) 6, The Hayes EVANS AND J N (Ut* z- -d O.) 76, JUilwiy-itRwt. F, WICKH AM, Wydham-orescent, Caaton* A. 'K?K. C!Mt<Ki.atre<!t* !to? JA8. MOBGAN (late MM.'P'.y)er),CoMM]t- tiou-street, Boath „ "T''?n?HMS, C-41-d, Bosth „ P. ARWOOD (te J. B. Fletcher) W?d- viiki-i'oad. Cothays. W. M.?THoSAS, Wo?dtitk.roMi, ?th?yt W. J. W. 'HEAIE, Salisbury q- Cathays ? :h àõ.š1; .? T. PALM?E:R, Wyudhtim-street, Canton „ J. S. BTOWX,, Wyndham-6rcec6ut, Ctntou  EANN tn< aON?CewbtidM-rM? C?ntM ? W. ?., 'TTHEWS, Cowbrid?-rotd, CanloB, „ A. BISHOP (lite VeAicombe), Broadway, Koath. D, DES, t, Carlisle-street, East Moors r.. BELL, Kdwawl-strest H T. J. BfWNDIO (late J. Pritchard), Wet- Aree „ W.??A't?B'S, ?ae!t-?{r«it, E?t U.. COBDIPTG. Gro<'M,Ctive Mtd. (??ton ..0. PBITCNABD, Oran H.Ul A?entfor „ J. M. -V u4 =" „ TH 15&CG., "Peopl.d plystmi. 14d» Woodvilla-road, Catnays. SI'UK*1i':tšÑrø, F-t-02ce, 6L~CHTe-rda8, Canton DA Oro??r, 124, CYf-tbfL-k-et (otCttt?eMtd?.Rotth. H )[01lt"tlag>t. cornwall-! roacj, .S^ltmead, Grangetown. „ B. EVANS, 62, blratbnairn-stroet^ B. Castle-roadJ. 0, WM. BUNNING, Wholesale Beer Bottler and Wine Merchant, Miskin-street, iJatbayg. CtMMOM J. SP10KETT, Grocer, tc., Rock HOUB. CAaKARTMEN. T. P. CKATER. Wine tiud Spirit Her chant. CiBBieAir DAN DAVIES, Merchant, College-row CHEPSTOW EDWIN ELLIS, Hi?h-ttre? Cw;t nnx.a. t'.THOBNK.Gro.?r.?: EBSW VaUB JOHN BICHABDS RAI..L PALMES aud V'High.qU,t }t .S :[I,aB:¡;ftQ LU.VJUW D. L. LOrGHEB, Hip..b" LLANELLT .TT. DAWKIN EVAN, Victoria Hou<c, 9, Market-3treef. LLAKIDLOBS G. ROBERTS, Great Oak-strce LLWTNPU.B. J.GEOBGE, Wine and Spirit Merchau> MAIKDEE, NSAR NkwroaT ED. JESICINS, Grocc: M'Jstlo ALFRED NICHOLAS, Central Supply Stores,!"ét. ME&TMTR G. M. and R. GUNSON, Hifch-sireet MILFOLD HAVKN W. M. ]ZoR' Mojrxotrra W. S. POOLE, Agincourt-sauaK MoitaiSTOv LEWi 8 ??d 130N, Dill.y. NM?.???.?. H. MONE/Wmy?rcS? „ G. T. HUTCEMS, London-ro? .J. GBIPFITH and CO., Anrel-stxeet NtWPOBf, Mov, J. A C. 8ANIEY, 141, Commemial- street KSVISIMK D. DAVIES, General Stores NgwcHoacs JOHN THOMAS. R?y.1 Ok NEW TNEBMAE, K.M?W.JEREML?H. :o?:" cial-strcit NETLAKD GKOKGE BBOS. NORTON'S BBIDOI W. A. BILL, Cash Stores PEMBEOEE B. ORMOND, Wine Merchant PUMSBOKS DocK..iALBEBT BOLLlNGS, £ xchao;» PESYOEAW JACOB PHILLIPS, Wiliiaiastow;i PrKAfeTH J. S. STOWE (late Evans acl Co.), Grocer and Wine Merchant, 15, Glebe-street PoNTYCTMHta .D. J. B;¡,;g-t CO., BoyalSteres. PosTaoYDTacir J. YCOCK, Grocer, û. PoBYiraiftD ,.w. B SMYTH, Ciiemist, Ac 11 IE%'IS ig6 P. $MYTH, CieAiW*? &? ?"?' LEWIS BEOS. StoKs t?°?? :t Tail-street. ron?,6?r .TPlITEN, WeMb BMk POEM.J. THOiMn?hte E. M. UcwcUyn', Cymmer B?idg. Store. Bisca J. J. HAINES, Old Bost-oftca Boas B,d-?tr.t SWI.BBA ,F. BHADFOKD, OiforJ-street ? .?" W. S. CLARKE, OxfoN.street STOKES. Wind-street and Quaj-parai« 11 E. DAVIES, 38, St. Helen's-aveau. J. DEVAS, Wi- Merchant, CaatLe street D, DAVIES, $7, St. U.Ign'o-&v? TAL-.T ?. ?. A. 'RjGE?. Tha Tower TKSBY J. MEEBIMAN and SON 1:I'¡tfi:{r THOMAS .TONES, Bridje-stroet Tie THOMAS JONES, Beer Merchant Tari-OEisi E. F. GBEATSEX, 43, p rk.BtM?t T.k O. ETHEKDXHs, 17, Cominercial-reaJ „ C. J. palei., H.U. Tnobto'wN. D. MORGAN, Grocer. Usi A; RIVERS, Br!d,e.Btroet AGENTS APPOINTED IN UNREPRESENTED TOWNS.' THE BEST TEBMS OFFERED TO FIRST-CLASS GBOCEKS AND WINE MERCHANT 3 HIGHEST AWARD, GOLD MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 205M WHAT IS I.P.A.? PER Db,-E:N ?P!,4T? PI"1 4 ST.RoNci AL E 16 ING !N D IA PALE.4LE 3 .114  A.K.AL E' 216. 1/6 1*.MILY A Le 2/6,li6 BROWN STOUfi 2/6 liv ?'i coRKFD 0:? BOTTIXD 6 5OLD SY, WINE /AttvchANT^. Gnocqis. & j 1.- I WHOLESALE BOTTLERS CROSS WELLS (LIMITED), PENARTH-RO CARDIFF. THE PEOPLE'S ALE. T HE pEOPLES STOUT IDBMK K)NLT DBINK ONLY L E S. asT 0 U T 8 „ BREWED BY WILLIAM YORATh AND SON, CAMBRIAN BREWERY, ffjQj NEWPORT, MON. lAOENTS WANTED, IN ALL TOWNS. AGENTS N A VNTRR W YOEATH and SON, WUdsor-road Stom, Newt*? Xn??YR J. H. MERNMAN. B?iMce I.. S?MAWB. W. H. JOBDAX Tenet* Inn. WMB RAN %V. H. WALTERS, Grocer WH?E??E A?EKT?F?M??S. B?S AN» CO. (LTD.). 34396 "EVENING EXPRESS" PROFIT SHARING SCHEME. CERTIFICATES RECEIVED IN PAYMENT FOR GOODS TO THE VALUE OF 28. 6D- By the following :Firms DAVID JONES and CO., Provision Merchants, Wharton-streot, Cardiff. PEEKIX8 BROTHERS, Ironmongers, &c., St. Mary-street, Cardiff. PHIL PHILLIPS, Jeweller, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. THE ATLAS FURNISHING CO., The Hayes, Cardiff. Messrs. I. S. FIELDING and Co., The Hayes Buildings, Cardiff, will siva Caeh 2s. 6d. in exchange for certificates presented. FOR Å RTISTIC pRINTING GO TO D ANIEL QWEN AND CO (LIMITED). ART pRINTERS, ST MARY STREET, £ < RDIFF Wotm TUDOR Rfljn "r ALKEY, THOMA.S, AND (LIMITED) BUSINESS IS NOW CARRIED ON AT THEIli NEW PREMISES. m T U D 0 R R 0 A D. CARDIFF I Printed and iMblisa** by th PropriMe> Dan:1 Owen and Co. (Limited), at tb- "Wsr MAIL" Teroj>ORHRJ omce Tador-rouu, Caul in tlaeColluty of Ol&morjt\\l1. MONIPAY. DECEHUEB 31, I. I