? ?"???'?"  ?it ?  

 MO  ?54B? an & MTTLt.?    AMBER/^P^  ON AliX^ ,???.?AGEMC?9 ????)??,?' )M ALL TOWK& %^?XCARD!FFr^ PEPARTH ROAD.

Family Notices
WHTHS. MARRT \GKS. 4 DEATHS. \'r!c-r: :1\!)i'llrin UIVIT tfH h"*l are I.'h.\rt"d ,t??.'??'T ?"?. '?' for JO w?t? M' for e.?h?<)r..m!?.adMU).?t?).rc?.u?? otuvs ,f 'Hi- doacriniien will b> insert,' i I\ utbcmi.atrtt lw th '• > u-• an tad tress ot "'l, '<"11t' tiirou rh •> «*Hc.tor ,r au t\N"t o-. c. T, itaittfthe :\i\tí" IX ME MORI AM. Mir Nor I.US uu to- this !>«•» Iro* aw chafsed :'0;. 6d or .!( w,an-t 1,1. Uv ..verv I .•<■■- > :5lrtl)t tflamagrsi, .rathi). MARRIAGES. H\ »' J INA"*—JAMVS.—On ;w..)<-r ? tit C?Mic uii v b, Rr: i r D'-Hulsu. Jphn "M H»lin.tu Vtnir.o*, J:'l'i.t;¡. t Jaiw JMU.Mterof the l:¡t E t(.f 11 V,v'*r,l>\ LMVIS- c., R. >M).ivi d s (We, lsh.). I'liuve h lhv*: ^HMw. i. > bv the K*t, \l: ;i." ¡:u': Gv::J:ir tony mereini-road. 'Marhp?.'? Mo. ? MKrv Lhzabeth (Mliss) Cook. r Sevmonr-atreet, Liverpool. DKAT'IS. J SEIVH — Ou Christmas n,v. .1 Wolverdoue, Sontb.  Vi i, ?hM?)''?'??' Jcukius of Pouvlan, C*K)it *«cd2o. Dwnlr r.ron,'o PAKI»OK.-Oii Ti''? 8th of ?:.?"h.'r. ltfM, ? Roath Farm Wyuvard. Tatimaui.* ph\ resideucû of his late fathor-in-Lav, John Lewis\ WK'Um Henry Ptrdo. 'at* of Xanwrw Potteries, EDlAnâ, g"i 54  ?. Hv«,k*h P.osser, irnxvr TJ"OVUOD, Aberd- frimtnil Monday, S?'mb.?'??'?))' ?<"t)em.u only. No R??l'?.-OBCeM?. 29, 1, iu the wreck cf the W?nt?? on Great X.?rt? Kiaud, X? Z?lMd. J?'? ?"f ?? BaywaTd. ^;Jt witn hor .) \u cv:r+- y o two y:u UIJ Gw,,olme, a«r^ 8eyen mouths. On IVcomber i3, at L<»voaton, Pembroke, Mar^ir*^t Kaunv, .ii,'e d 5J, wife of H Hcn j .muu ito'*rta aUlt r,1N of ta^> lata AM«Tni;m Kobert ??' .?' ?"f. ? '?t? H?.'?"'P?mb??. beeplv ;v*rottoii.. T??'?'?-Mmber 26. at Pentvryn, DI'HtdJ A? Gwendoline, dauguter of W. H.tmM.t Th .n.? 8m"I.m. a^ed ?ix Yt. Frivuto fuuor.vl

g T 0 N E B | (Sous of tbe l.ii,1 Atd ruir. A, ^ton.1), I c o M v L K r i: p u N K K A L V V it N 1 S il K R S J A N» FUXEKAL I>1KKVTOKS. | EVERY JU':I,!UI"n:L')R FUNERALS OP I ALL CLASSES. j [Topj-ietors of Fuueral C.i: H»'irs?>. SliPllibiers, aud o l i's. Sup^-rb Fir ur.-» h Hordes, X' K LIS T 0 X AP R (C A T r ON Note t h On'.v Address 5.WORK?'"(?' S T R H R T I b=' "STOXE'im'H^'oARniFi' I G A STOXE AD C-I G. -k.  "|TX DERTAKEKS, established OVER SO YEARS. ■Ar the Old and 0 :lv Address— (10, 11, AND 12. WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. AND UNDEK THE M.VXAiiEHEM' 01' MISS STONE, A,,i"t"d by Ele,i" StAff. T? Adir,, Stude," Uiilertak?r. C},JirL 21305 T lyj ARSH and £ jCOIPY. UNDERTAKERS, 1,tCl ADULTS' FUNE R A L 1st Class, with B!rt Ga5s.sill earse. orVictovia Ofti, T\*o Het Coaches andP:1"S to M itch, lin. E1 U, fnH.1iaei. tillC. S »tm rriratm>d Rohe. liu. oMtside Oa «>fRa (polished), with Hest Brass F Elaborate Xame Plate (enruyed) lies K, and, £ 12 12 0 as ;tw¡'t shëÜ' £12 12 0 Bearers — 9 9 0 ,}éf.1iI;"¡¥I:;h.¿;£;i} 9 9 0 tun* hci x •. J IS Above 6 10 0 i-ina Br-« Furniture (En- "H" h 0 0 2j-. I JeIW:ir ;1u;l C('ch". 4 4 0 ?NLY AD'j- 80, ST. ARY- -TKlyKT. <*VVRT>TVT.>VS06 BRADLKY and COOKE. H -u ;"hoM Fi:r::it :'e, at Cird'tf DfcC. ol )J.Sf-. R,:rTûX. KNoWLEo and PRIDAY, Timber, t; Gloucester Jau. 4 Mi-. T>. EVANs. Pi-nv, B.iker'si Caii, Cai-dif D,?. 31 'Ãi:i:rJh £pl¡S¿; :1: Cattle, Ac., t P,tb Market J.u7 Mr. LFWIS GOTTWALT7. Freehold Lriud, at C^wbrkle, Feb. )1.<. S. HKR:T and PERTWEE. HoasehoM rurniture, At., at Pcnarih T?.u. 8 J-. 17 Plo).e:ic.s, at tt'EORGE.TÓR<Jan. 17 I v il^cr rihte, Jt"we11e- A?., jt Haverrvrdwest, J&D.8 Jan. 8 Mr. LATTT. H">raes, &r., at Cardiff Jan. 8 Tf!>: DVKE-STRF.ET AUCTION" ANT) STORAGE ROOM—J. O MAbDOX .'lId OX. Auctioneer*. Household Furniture :mtl Elfects, at Rooms, Jau. 1&3 Mr. ALFRED PHILLIPS. Horses, at C"rli{ë j??. 15 i> "OUKLt,, LEWIS ,'w\ CO. Villa :tn! Cotna-r Pr'e tv. at Cardi.f D *o 2^ I*roi<rtie-.i\v.:»tCavhif Jau. 5 Messrs. STE?H>SON an.! ALEXAXPFIi. Lcas'.fjold i'rorerif-. Ground Rents, and Freu- hold E.t:»te,»t Cardiff — Mr. C. Ii, T1TKKR. 1': t:ir. ,I.. r -rUU.1 D e c, 31 bp Qurtion. PKEL r^riNVi T?v A:O CXCLMLXI MESSRS. T B P 11 N, N? inl 1.11 ALEXANDER are i^trm.-trd to SKLL 4y at Carditf. TUP Ka' l P..rt of N\ xt Ymr, SEVERAL VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES uiid GROUm RENTS, Situate in the Rhcnnda 'd1cy. toc°ther witH a V ALTJABLR VREKHOLD ESTATE, })ltuateo h the r^'i? :iv! P0I,ulollS district vi Barrv. in t1l1: C!)! 'V-r r:r.trj. Furtni- • • ,J ipncar in future advertise* I1leDh. III tiiformitt:ou may he had uj-.on :■!■ ■" Jfaios, M-icintosh, aud ÖtiU1:I;4;"1 ,,¡,\ÙJ¡r:;r (th {:jtI:.115 Hitrh-sirei. Laiuin. X912 MOON'S YARD PFNARTH ROAD. CARDIFF ^Within two inirut«s r J;¡:tR.t;118i1way). ON TrE.«DAY. J A NI'ARV 8TH, W5. MR. W. G. LATTT to unnoun56 1\1 R;h i.o (;11:f.;o);1T (;k &c., ft. the :i>>ov« !■ |>hcio1's Yard, y>iv- eip^lv art Twelve oVloc-k Noon. Present Er'*r5o4: include II "nd of h'srness borRI': End hunters f ^nt'eruan in Mfro^ordshiro (who ?F(i t. tevjether with n'»War< .s <) f 30 va!\mhJo horses fr >m loc;d owner*; aln the -b-1- ('c";teJ.15 of a larsre eaddle-n-iis), ce.nswtiu^ of fluvprior hrass and 8i1v,m.w.tw1 fonr-vi-h-.ind, Jlair. and -iiicr'e harness: nicrLt • • ■ -• • • • "nd striped ru., in suites, VinHnic s f ■ • .-y, 1\UeeGp3, ourn-^e lamps, and munr r< ». ^•■r'licr Entries ire rosi., v! •< feJ, particu- vhlch to secure r •oi' ii iu cataloeues t'>T1t in fi* f'ftr1y as possmle to the Auc. tuti(')n.tp1'1'M'U. Cardiff. s*. ef!"h thp I\J:t. charge for hots if not *r !11ng voom fo" 100 hor s _¡3 SAT K THIS P%Y. IMPORTANT q TF. (I' nu, I RKSIDFVCE Fi'HH.1; ANT) nT'Tnn¡,1'I; \'D C'OTTAGK PROPKR Y. IX C.\R!>7FF, J'tl KSS,S- POWRLU TJEWTS. rtnd I 1 >, l"iv«- rt«;'iv-1 nistrM" i'>s t,1 SErjL bv A' '"TON. Hir H.•%•«! HOII.i, urd tt o'n KATCRDAY, t!ie WMt PKCKVRER, ,e)4, a Th*o* O '¡.wk ill *):.> (':jPf't t). ''onditi0U8 of S'llr thf>U Ii.] ><> •• • >•- h- '1 •• .i o s L. 1. VUb OMJ' uild i r S: :5 j/¡ }. C.), r,'C' 1:0Am. Nowi'tfioi n('1H <>f 'fr. .Jom Olovor. -■ !1'1'i tirsf. :d *■<)) 1 J".1flUr. kit«-h^u "i four b"dr -ms, a*.i d n.xual domcsti'j ■ 1 acs y«»rd. lovq-r shed, and stable* side "rhp 1¡'I1C11(" 1¡; let at a r(ntt11 of £ V, B". >i, ar. l tlio i' t » rental of £ 20 per '■ t.-n.Hit pivitiif tat* filled would ltt 'rom /-If t £ ppr anann. Hoi I -n le.isr for a term of "• )>;t;¥E¡j[i:i:k0.t 1373, at the luw ygurly KUllU'l f '■ £ .> 3,. M. CO'f'l'AOKS IN >• :■Tir;■ -r (X-S'IirerT. T' J 'r ;v. >os. 7. 8, le. -• od. a:. L' «i X i' .» r a t< mi of 99;.e*i..rom rlr- <' .iy, lw- i m .i l' .-tal auuual .ruuUoI I llt nr £ 12 17s. *j«1. I'"r K rlh-i P.irtion'a. to t l .t- Auctioneers, To. ». ht..Tclm-^rtct, Ci'nlilf: n» to rii'¡';f' !:2:Y?;i;;ff: T/li iR SAIiE, by I'RIVA'J'K TR"E VTY J (BUTE riOCKS. CARI)IFF). th cwntive PKHI1SES Mlh.»rto „wl I.y ti?, A)ir,»tr"et F(Ijodry. com,.rlISlI1SC" Foundry c-irh uetvly-erect»i :fj,)tiCr', t'A1,jt".1 Workshops .• d St'-ves. The PN!r1I1foht!o are "ttl »in:a>d for a'l •intfin-cvinlp shop, ULd mo«t cur.T<ir>:jf!y f, r ►vovkatthe DocVa Also the Four DWKLLI\G-f!()LrSKS. "'} J, i. J 4, A!:eo stT*ft. A subsi^tiii) of (f>r» Par(i«a'.kr« n ul* tu M r. Wilier c v' k SoMclwr.. St. 3fary-iiLr-i. l(A? bp raUrtlon.  ON TUESDAY. 7TH JANUARY, At ?".],?k. MKSSHS. GOTTWALTZ, BOW- f ¿:d p:ti t£: -A. U:: A! L{. Itil M-I-KOR. Tilt T: ) I, lv ,)r Mr., S,"Ie1(1ou Farm ¡- T5 PK1ME FAT CATTLE, 6J FAT WWTHKKS. Furtir r v'p.fries «un ?.-f?tht?S?a.f.MJTa i'KELIMINAV VsPi Ai'KMENT.. I'RELIATINA ?),TE N T. lfi,4 C, -t lUSS.i'i'T V. SPK MJMAN. TRIŒlNGlLL, GLAMORGAN. SINRK. FOR SAM: BY AUCTION, BY ti LEWIS GOTTWALTZ .of til. ilrni of M*s»r.». Oottwalti. Bi>wrlag, and IVrry), t:, »..•«»» »p!» .#•« br "n Ju4t,ci, t L", r u i '.O' uirt till it .l .'1*. ??''?'i ?'? ? ?- n.'<?tc"?Hf;?THH" SAM?. at the H-ur IL-u-l, iVwbn.ige, iu February, in One 1A>I, PiUHuaut t-» a Jadgiueui Made iu tne above- nii,utioii»,d action of Bussett v. Spearuiau, uatecl J4tn ?'?H(?R FOUR ACRES OF (M'STOM ,\I;R FREEHOLD LAND, 1'ur i -J.-S will shortly appotfr. aud Par- I„ l.LiaWothian and Ystraipweu. tkllbr" ,I.w.t I'omiitio'js of Sale ata in course of ^.IVPU'UUON, AND utuy O Thad gmtis 6u I MESSRS. BRUTON, KNOWLES, 1\1 E, il>A {¡'rsi. ¡,f !rot the ?.re* K?'!<'? "o' ?'nc.?M. OD FRIDAY. 4th J;I.nmry, 1395, nt 0-U» for Two o'clock in the *««- ?'?'?:.?''t"' ?? Prime OAK, ASH, BEFC?? ELM M.) SVOAMOUK WMBBB TK?RR W LARCH POLES. <.d.!0 AOKBiuf'Xtl'PtCB WOOD, NORTON CoMrt, m< Sandhuret Estates, MM' to U)ou- C< Cat.i'.oijiioi mav b had of the Auctieueers, Al?iou- ttambm, l»l»,««»t»r. 3^» ?\hMT?\KAR[7t' X?W'ANTrvT'RY?UMnt'? U U^KHOL.D FUKNLLTKE AND APP01.N1- MHNTS AT Xo 30. CUV?RO.?. PENAnTH. MESSRS. S. HERN and PERTWEE l. UVO iustruoted bv th EVRVUTORS of the Ide .1., N'M' to SELL hI" AUCTION, on the rr.-m.s?; ?< ABERE, ou TUESDAY, thl$thdy.f J.tUU,I" 18«. the vcrv 'I\1,i,¡r ?'UUL'?HO?? F'??xn'URK AND KFFKOTSJ, Comv»risiU!< — Handsome SATIN WALNUT; OAK, aud ?<her BE1V FO »M sriTh:s, iueludiiw aiufflo and Üünhle ward- rv,»,. FKiH-NT vL T«>1LKT TA HLES. aud the ?h?' .t'?i???' ?-s a,id IRON BEDSTEADS, »r'V." • ;¡: \}i;I;1 U } J S „I\I ,5t!I,N 0lU.»r of SEVEN DKAWEU^. « uv. SATIN WAL- SH M!:t>ICLNI; RL'l'HO M(L>, nKihi.#A:iy E.»"; 1I\0.1t, nn'ios'.vnv Gutter t r:" Aud stand. "ALMJi z,l Ifit. St'lFR14)P (IAK DINlSii-UOOM SUITE '» SADDLKBAGS uuil V III(; i? 1) OAIC SII)F,- j;OAi\D "ii: >w- 'od plate-Klass, drawers, aud c J,uv. it-s. diniu.-r-»m table, three insertions, ',><»(> bpI, riti.?g t:lb with nine drVw m .ok, bm- ai.divu:. u-nders it • 1>S'>M OAK ovKi: i K< i^•> .;•■ i i>iTTO, .ok sh l\c., :ll:D tVr- !■ K v n»N TE\ *1* v f' 1 ,>v< (l',)1o." p cc.. -■ •■AHPKTS, Lit. r vi.y M-v;ianand Bax' i1. u-■-> "11'1 ui.nier and tea wave, WINE und TCM t»LK K t ree kitchen tables, and tho u<.1ni i'- • -it \¡1 inivinarv utensils, <i< .•. in Twelve o'clock punctually. (ll v :« H) and Mormn* of S.'11e. "Hhr5t uv i>ly to the Auctioneers, 94, -rdiff or to 1:,I,(l' rHUrit.S, Esq.. Solicitor, 313,13 11, Castle-siruet, t arditf. THU RSl>AyTJA N^V\R¥17x^1895. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASE- HOLD KOPEKTI S AT CARDIFF. MESSRS. S. HERN and PERTWEE ?JL ..? iustrnct? to SELL br AUCTION, at thf.K?ttH?tt-i.on rHUKSOAY. the 17th Ja"uan, 18%, nt Sev^n o'clock in the Evening, the fOllowiùg desirable PROPERTIES 11<ANOA FF-ROAI>. CANTON, CARDIFF. L.t 1. All tbo- VTY d,i-?,1. and ??ll-b-ilt S'?-i- detailed Residences known as THORNTON nu" ,.d ,RAVEIISWORTH," oem; Nos. •m i 90 Llandaft'-road, tocher ,iti? A PIECE OF FREEHOLD LAND ? t the i:?r of the sarden of Each residence is ppr..b?3 by a carriage d?il,. ?id contiins thl't reception and hve bed rooms, atti.s. b?t with lavawry, nJ pos^e.sses ample domestic odicez;, aud are L?31d or a term of 99 y?.r. f, 1812 at an unuual eround rent of £ 7 10?. ELLEN-STREET, NEWTOWN. L"t 2 All tht 1lmmodio1\8 Dwelling-house (for- i,»riy On- LORD RAGLAN BOTE1.), acUpiaing tho ■1 V» K.I! •• .a ^ci*r ^ton^rm l?ti? TOWN, I UVDIiHe' situate in ELLEN- NEW- 11!1; under lease for a terra of 99 years from 1st M iv 1852, at an annual jrround rent of £ 14 15s. <nr- ':1, RIVERSIDE. Ldt 3 All A ?l? nitfes O and Dwellin?- hou^es. I- •, • i HADDOCK-STREET, If, let ,i• m t> :• i\u d held for a term :'t; at t\l.' ll lJnt\¥ £ 11i1:Cfl' U* ForFurther Particulars and Orders to View apply to the Auctioueers, 94, St. Mary-street, Car- J.tI, 34572 ~TF>U*RANCE.H 4LL, HAVERFORDWEST. SALE OF VERY VALUABLE SILYER PLATE, PLATED GOODS, JEWELLERV, & MR. GEORGE JUXES has been iusU-u t d tho Representative of the late M" Bush, of Giasfryu, St. David's, to SELL by Ace i'lON, at the Temperance-hall, Haverfordwest, on 4l LDA Ï. Januarv ah, 1895, about 100 LOTS UF SILVER PLATE AND PLATED AR'I'ICL JEWELLERY, &c., c%)l?,$.iJE'VE',LE"Y, &-c., Rt.ui?-,v,d for 1). I.I? of .,?l ;')l1 f1îl)'1:,e:tf ch!c' cl' fr:iis¿ d: ert ditto, broochcs, {1iamond null otherrings. Sale to comm nco at One for Two o'clock sharp. The purchase monry to be pJ.irlliLt the tinu of Catalogues will bo ready and »uay obtain-d seven d&\» prefiouato the liV of th« Auctioneer, or v; Messrs Katon-Evuus ,n(i "1l1Îluus, Solicitors, Han'rfvrlwt'sL 0,,l BrHIt', Haverfur«iwest, !I""Cl11h"l' 1;tl1, NU A367 IMPORTANT AND f: I:, SALE OK VALl'A M »'■» -i unLD FURNI. •; nn: Ar..> R M rs, Removed from IMmlPark-place, and tbe complete conteuts ot a laive H »use from I Rî't::O/iI;f ;C :i[I\ J. "f-?,I)DOX AMI SON have veceiv- -KLL by PCUL1C \["cnox, I Duke- street. Car-lift", ') 'i • I [ !!S!»A^ .NEXT, Jauuarv ^st a:.d lw/j, the HIGH-CLASS AND WELL-PRESERVED APPOI-NT -11 E-NTTS, <I:I,I:J)f)LrH.tt71l ubove, jKcluliuu' TWO full-compasa p!' ^o f ortv.s. m rost-woo' solid walnut suites, • 's and ui -rccco 1;theJ:; H •. K carved walnut, bo)kca.3e, Brll l! i ,tI,iuets. dining Rud occasional ■'■'■ clocks aud bronzes, walnut and gl lj n. 6ft black wnbut. bt it chamber T walle:- ditto in various woods, iron «n t-'r eL .wd half-tester WoK-ids, with usu?I b-'ddit: a 6ft. winded ward- 0}W, wjth pair of handsome toilts t.) match sots of \¡Ir,. "1- Ac. The wlioleon View Dav Prio)" round 1\Iol'11!llJ¡rs of each rhy's Sale, which wiU COJUlllence at Two o'nlock 1' 34350 SIIOPT O ICE, T,J),\ Y, D'^RMBKR ,1>;1', 1394. BACKS. IMPORTANT SA1.?-; OF L\('¡nXERY PLANT, MATERIAL^ *N»' EFFECTS. MR. C. H. TUCKER is instructed by Mr. Wi!H'is (who':e tensmcv ha exnired) to F' r?T, by AUCTION, on the Premises, as ahove tùc ,\IM'mlmY, BIHf-DING PLANT, MATERIALS. \;>;1\ EFFECTS, Vilinble 1 2 -:).i>. ve;*f-ie«»1 I- t e-im l>oil» v PMI! flflhi!?*, i fJiiili l.wflr wl ..@ l ??nd eoiuplete; steam e->«? »:e end aM titt.i*5M; elr^ular sa'.v ^» nch. 6ft. mortar uill. steam <rbie heater, stron?-vonm iron doors, centrifn id i«u»ni>. old wrousrht and east iron, building ♦i?nb:>r of dwc* i Tition«, drain, pipes. w.y en sbeds, i-avinsr brieks, lir-r». quantity of fl -'oi-'n?, irrat"s, clvmn«?v ri^ees. -.n d a vimety of oth"r natulan I valnable trado effects. Xn Reserve. Now on Vitw. S .V-a! EV"*v. oV-Wl Mtretn.illr. 1^48 • 1 7. St'hen-stror»t, Bristol. aIf£) tl1 Cfnticr. .) TIM«KR ME-CHANTS Af) OTHERS. T'I, BE SOF-n BY TENDER. Al OUR l.» OAK an d ASH TPFJ5ER, ¡I! v1' Ir; ''1: WOOD, Now t,r0V1.iu;! Oll II i \no\vn a T'nr- vnvz, Coed r. -s • "• i).'1'TI, 01'(1 Llun- 1r;lf!,c11. 011. tho L' Q\hrnr1:ti"l Estal in tho Pariah of Lhmfibon ft'td Cm!,¡tv (If Hhm0r,PI. within ony ac-f ss of 1.11:1 ¡}¡1"<ioinrh and Ystrad Mvimch Stations, 011 til" Rhvrnuey r.ailwav Lot 1. 1; Oaks hndhn in TYllyrra!g Wood, 45 O:ds in Coed Llauqwin Lot 2. 17 Oaks standing iu CCletl.v Darran, 106 Oaks au l 11 Ash «t indine in I,111nhrnltllch Wood. Lot 3. \bont 23 Acre nf Cor.nice Wood growing in fpart": Tynyurraisf and Llanffwm Woods. Lot 4 About 32 Acres of Coopice Wosd jprowinor in Coed v Dnvrsui «nd Woods, about M A' res of Coppice WO,) I srrowitK in GTadlfa Wood. Mr. Iôa1c Davies, Mill Cottage, Ystrad ].[y,,clJ. wi" sh^w the Lots, aud Form* of Tender and Fm-ther p.rt v:i!v* can he received on application to Messrs. Ri V.'riN nnd mosso) Lantl .A:cut,<J, Charles-street* Cardiff. '1\"(ll'q mlt8t 111; in on or before SATURDAY, 19h Jsiunarr, 18%, and hich^t or auv Tin ier wi!' not tv-c s- jrily be 29^?9 £ \ilf5 lip 33nbatc Contract OR SALE, S.S. "WOTTON," built ut Neath in 1867. Hs been used In Passenger 11". In Workir: Or cr. Dimensions, 64ft. by 12it. by 6ft. Endut¡;. 10 and 16, 501b. pressuro. Anplv to Secretary, Sr. Mawes Steam Pin-ket êOOlpany (Limited), 2543etc St. Mau-cb. C'oriiwull. N.KWS OF THE WEEK .NL. raics ONE PZNNY. ^•alesJ t))) Suction. THE CORPOR-KTION HORSE REPOSITORY, CANTON, CANTON. MR. ALFRED PHILbiPS will hold .ULL his next huwe SALE of HORSES At the above Premuw* on TUESDAY, Jiuiuary 16. Entries should be mado Ht least one clear week before the Sale, so as to ensure due publicity. l'ütnl expense on horaes not. sold is 5fl. Forms ot Entry aud all partioulatli from the Aue. tiùl4.1f\r. 139, Severn-ro-id. 34304 SALE OITMONDAY NEXT. MODEL AUCTION MvRT, N ORTH-ROAD, ?? CAND! MESSRS. BRADL8f and COOKE ?.1. will SELL BY AUCTION at ti?? ?Mve addrew on MONDAY NEXT, D?Mntbar 31st, 18 4, jity, of HOUSEHOLD FPBMITUBE. Bed- =B,d,li. ,.d Domestic Effllt- Sale at Two I',Ll. 54584 SHORTNOTICE 'OFSVLK T?/rB '0. MVA?S will SELL by i,,CTIOII, tho A,,d Hotel Ya-d,ou MON OA y, 31>t December, 1894, *t T?.el.k, a PONY. BAKI, R 'A CART, ..d Set of H"NESS. No Reserve. Auctioneer's Office. 9, Windsor-place, Cardiff. M373 insurance Companies. SCOTTISH JpROVIDENT JNSTITUTION. ESrUlLISJJ81> 1B37. Hu 8'1'. AMUREW-SQCABE, EDINBURGH. IN THIS SOCIETY are combined the ADVAN TAGESof MUTUAL ASSURANCE WRIT MODERATE PREMIUMS. The PREMIUMS are so moderate that, "t usual aees for Assurance, £1,200 or £1,230 may be decurecl Irorn the first for the Yearly Payment, which in most Offices would be charged (with Profits) for £ 1,000 only-t.Jq\1iv111nt to au immediate Rwl certain Bonus of 20 to 25 per Ceut. Tho WHOLE SURPLUS Koes to the Policy- holders ou a system at once aafe and e'luitablo-uo Shave ""iug to those by whose early death there is a loss to the Common Fund. The DISTINCTIVE SYSTEM 01 the Institution is specially suitable for Assurauce effected for tbe pur- pose of providin a. Fuud for piyinentof tho DEATH DUTIES recently imposed. The Premiums, with right to par ticipate in the Surplus, differ little from the non. profit ratt. of other Offices; nevertheless, as the result of persistent economy and prudent manage- Dwnt. tho Bonus additions uudor Policies hoerrniin? claims have averaged for many years 50 per Cent, ou the .6.ssur;tllCes which participated. THE ACCUMULATED FUNDS EXCISED EIGHT AND THREE-QUARTERS MILLIONS. Souru W.nt.° MOXKOPTBSHIKB Bp.uclI- 19, HIGH-STREET, CARD F F. T. BlNlE LEITCH, Local Seaeta,ry, To "I?= iriquiri? should be made. 33505 ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. R. A. McCURDY, President. BANS OF ENGLAND, Bankers. A GOOD P ST RECORD IS THE BEST FUTURE GUARANTEE. Assets, December 31«t, 1803, exceed £ 3#,00 ,000 Paid to Polior bolders in 1893, over 4,000,000 Returned to Policy-holder? siuco 1843, over 75,000,000 The wonderful growth of the Company is due ill tL large degree to th freedom from restrictivns and jonditious in its policy contracts, and to the oppor. tullitis for investment which it policie8 provide. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT WITHOUT SPECULATION. The "FIVE PER CENT." DEBENTURE POLICY gruarautees to tho Beneficiary the payment of Five Per Cent. for Twenty Years, and the principal sum at the end of that time, or at death, if prior. A SECURE PROTECTION FOR THE UNPROTECTED. Executors, Trusteeu, and all iutereflted in the servation of Property affected by the NEW DKATH DUTIES should f(jec?? apply f<»r particulars to uty of the I" ? 41-I lan'Jr for (ii .11 Britnm and Ireland, -¡'¡ !lIt Cornhiil, Loudon, E.G. Branch Ottoe for South Wales: CALEDONIAN CHAMBERS, ST. MAKY-STREET, CARDIFF. L11580 GEORGE HUGHES, Branch Manager. CCIDENT INSURANCE COM A_ PANY (LIMITED). 10, ST. SWITIIIN'S-LANE, LONDON. E.C. PERSON.I, ACCIOENTS. I RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. FLDEUTT GCARA.V'TELLS T 1; EAPLJVI:KS' IIABILITY. Ab'ents th !onhont Wales. MI44Q1 ''?"° TtMS. P?TTER. SMMtary. hotels, 0tmnff-rooms. CARDIFF. B()lVR;A;{N HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, ST. MARY-STREET, C DlFk' ((Jf?'O'SIT'E TOWN- H A L L) The above IS NOW OPEN. Sitver Grill, Ladles' Coffee-room, Dining-room, Snack Bars. Ales, Wines, Spirits, and Ci*ars Tea, Coffee, and The Best of Cookin. in the Best of Style, at-a Reasonable Rate. Come and judge for \lmr8elves. 29405 C. DAV1ES, Proprietor. PORTHCAWL, I ESPLANADE HOTEL, PORTH .'j (?AWL.-Inc)usiv? T?-? from 7". 6d, T,?r day Goo'l winter climate. Perfect drainage, tiolf. [32436 LANGLAND BAY, ¡ 0- SBORNEHOTEL. LANGLAND  BAY. Aq Served Dail' v a? Olffl, R,?, overlookin the &Sinle Cup "I T., 4 d., ?:th Bread ,ud B<)'!tet.? "P?i''Tea '(B?!<)!tndBuhf'r.Cat.t'. ah.I p 1». 3<5. Pl.i. T'?, with ll,, nnd ??.??'?'?'Tf.t.w;tt)St<!akorChop, 1. 9d, I.i. T a, ,ith Fish, from 2». (according to Bf!HCU). W(ek Erid 'fariff-Fligii Tea, Saturday Evering; B'efkfaat, Table d'Hotc Pinner. Ten, and Supper, Sunday; Breakfast on Monday, with Bedroom* an-1 Attendance, 15, Wines and Spirits, Tobaccos. 4c. Rood Stabling. ANNIE 8. JENKINS, 341175 __JPr»prietress. WKSTON-SPPBR-MAKE. ^^ESTON S fJPE R- M A R E ROYAL PIER HOTEL. This First-lass FAMILY HOTEL hM been E "ti rly Re-'leeorated and Re-furnished throubout. and fitt?d?ith every modern c0nvenjellM that can cmtduMtJ ?he comfort of Tisitors. by Mrs. CBOWE. of Barry's Hotel, Cardiff. Table d'hote Dinner at separate tables. ;t Seven n.m. Trms 8tritlv mode rate. For W?k.?,nd Visi%t, ínchtdin Table d'h.te Dinner on Saturday. Breakfast, Table d'bote Dinner, Tea, Rnd Suppef on SU1t1ay. breakfast on Mond-iy Bedroom awl At.t.(>uditl)cû. 1. 2R:n:; ?nbntaf!0!!5. ,I ?TERILITY?N? WOMEN: ITS J (?AUSES AND CURATIVE TREATMENT B. RYLKY. M.D.. M.R.C.S., London. An IBLv L,UT. STRATED Dl'rION L of this work is NOW BEADY. P,i.? 38. 6'L, post free, 3s. 8d. Lonl;oeH:' 'Rf. !e3J' S;;nd. rL 103 GO TO DANIEL ()WEN AND CO (LIMITED). ST. NLKRY-STREFT, CARDIFF. FOR NlliW YEAR'S CARDS NEW AND CHOICE DESIGNS, E. P RIE-ST AND CO KINO'S-ROAD. CANTON, CARDIFF. GALVANISED CORRUGATEO ROOFING SHEETS, 2ft. 3iu. Wide. 5ft. Is. 2k&. 7ft. Is. 3d. 2s. 3V3. ?? ?. §? 8?' 1? ?d. ?f? ? PATENT ROOFING FELT. iu 2>-Yard Rolls, 4s., 5s. 6d., aud 7s. 6cV. por Rill. GALVANISED STEEL TANKS, ALL SIZES. 3252 INJECTION DAY.—An Infa.HiMe Remedy nd Cerbin Cure for all Dischargesof the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in n few say. without medici"e., 801d in bottles 2$, 6d. eaoh by post a'? M.), by all chemiBts. Lnn?')U A?urs. F. rewbury and Sons, 1, Kiii?, Edwar i-streoi, P C. A^ent ? ?'?"' J. X?day, Ch..igt, H:), street. I& ^ulilti ^iotuts. I ST. MARY STREET. CARDIFF. ADJOINING THE XEYV WESTSB^ MAIL BUILDINGS. V SPACIOUS SHOPS. HAVING TUB" MOST COMMANDING ELEVATLON IN THE TOWN, ♦ f WITH j AMPLE CELLARAGE AND ::cv ENTRANCE, WILL BE 4 ADAPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF.pi. READY FOR OCCUPATION JUNE, 1895, OR EARLIER RENTS FROM 9200 PER ANNUM. Arpt.T TO MR. JAMES ..A LAN, OONTRAOTOR, 32847 ON THE BUILDING. tea ucational 9nnotmccmrnts CARDi FII. SOUTH ^rALES (gCHOOI, OF MUSIC, 94, QUEEN STREET, cARDIFF. Patronh: THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF BUTE, K.T., LORD TREDEGAR, Ac. Di CTC-R Dr. JOSEPH PAKRY. LENT TERM Commenoes TUESDAY, January 8 1895. BRANCHES LACFFLET. VOICE PRODUCTION and SOLO SINGING £ 33s., £ 2 2J. PIANOFORTE TECHNIQUE and SOLO PLAYING £ 3 3s., £ 2 2s. With. Special Pianoforto Department for Juniors £ 1 Is, nmora Also Violiu, 'Cello, Harp, Flute and Wind Instruments. Ft? £ 2 28. Pupils prepared for Local Musical Examination-, Prpf'?ot? and Musical D,gr-. Scholarships au-.l Medals are awarded by com- p.tit,i.? t t ,L. A.,?.-I Examination. Dr. Pa?.y has (,Iass?s at the Uni.ersity College iu Harmony, Couuterpoint, Orchestration, Form, aud C?,.p ?iti-, .h £ 1 1.. -1 sess i on. 30876 ??7'BLSt?NTE RM MDt ATE EDU- t CATMN ACT.-CARD! FF SCHEME. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIKf.S, THE PARADE, rARTIfFfl HEAD-MISTRESS Mi., MARY COLLIN, B.A., Associate and formerly Scholar of Deflford College, (lonùon j sevo years Second-Mistress in the Nottingham High School for Girls, G.P D.S. Co. The School is intended for Girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years, and the endowment enables the Governors to provide tho most liberal education at oompurntively low fees, FEE FOR FULL SCHOOL lOS. PER ANNUM, OR £ 210s. PER T Ithl. PROSPECTUS OF THE CHOOL. Particuhtrs of Quali. fications for Admissiou, Inù Application Forms may b? obtained (rom tho ?e?-MistrcM (4,P&rk.phtce) or from the Clerk to the Governors, °"* Mi*. DAVID SHEPHERD, 1, Freùerick-.treet, Cardiff. For Particulars of ARRANT KEN rs FoaBoiuoEaa ap?y to tbe Head-Mutmss. "P1¡; tH:¡d-:fs;ido consulted by parents on Tburaiay Afwmoons, from 2.30 to 4.30, at 4, Park- place. [33907 THE SCHOOL WILL OPEN JANUARY 15TH, H95. T?ATHEDBAL ROAD HIGH c?i(,'ROOL FOR UfRJ.S, Mra Md the Atimea TAYLOR, .,i?td by Ht?My- Certificated Governess and Vi,iti.g MMtar? Pupils prepared for Martriculati". OK ford. CRm "MIke, Collegc? of PrecHptoM. Trinity, R.A.M., and London College o-ff;,W?eeept?rii, Triuitv, aud Good Art Studio. Painting and D-.i.g i? all Sty)?. "N;'J¡'; p!lftrI:ä ,n,1 -v.g'f.lT re.tssemMe J?n. ?.r.2M HARROW HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL ROATH, CARDIFF.—Condncterl by the M'RS- J MARKS, assisted by Staff Trained, Efficient I" wrs. Educatioll upon High School system, 11J.,p:tm. requirements of Loudon Matric. Camb. (Local) College of P,oceptar., Ry.1 d-.y Music, &0., &c. Reduced inclusive fees. Home training. D°;m?'ic .??. 'N?T???ANU?B'?')?? ?WRSTBOUR?E ORESCENT, 4 COWBRmm;.ROAD, CARDIFF.-BoAPD- ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB OIBLS.-Princi!?), MI.' HIBBS, C.?l. R,A M.. with Honours. Boarders receive all home comforts and careful training. Visiting Masters if req\Üred. Duties will bo Re- su?o'?tn. 14thc_¡.: Class Jan. 9th. [.3OSill DANCING—MISS DAY has Resumed L her CLASSES at, the CRUSH-EOOM, PARK- HA TL, Ttf(INSDAY EVENING,. Juveniles at Six; Adult-, Eight. Private Lessons Given.—Particulars, 40, The Parade, Cardiff. 32621 DANCING. Physical BxercIsea—Tbe DMi'?. FVAN?L hold CLA9SM8at CABDU'?. NEWPORT, PENARTH. &c. Privats Lessons. 19 Wcstbourne-road, Peuarrh. 52675 POBTIICAWL. ORTHCAWL HIGH SCHOOL FOR t GIKLH.6AND7, ESPLANADE.-Pri.-ip,,I, The Misses JONES, A-sisted by Resident Certificated G??m?B find Viiu' TAl.t.SPRING TERM THURSDAY, January 17th, 1895. 34381 BRISTOL. THE REDLAND HIGH SOHOL I FOR GIRLS. BRISTOL. A PUBLIC SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST GRADE.-Pi-Midcnt. the Rev..T. PERCIVAL, M.A., LL.D., Head-master of Rngby School. C??r'man'?ouncir !!???C.PBtDE?A?X.?M"A. Head-mistress. MI.. E. A. COCKS. Boardine-hou-.i. Miss HALL, Gordon House TheMuaic Teachine K under the direetion of Mr. and Mr*. ROECKEI,. The School will Be-open on TUESDAY, January 22nd. Pro.?Metuses aud Fntr?,,f? Forms may be ?ined' from Messrs. TRIBE, CL -KRKE, CO., Alb;on*chambers, AmaH-street, Brisf ol. The Head- Tt1itTf!qS win BCO Parents at the School on Saturday and Mondav, January 19th and 21st, between the hours of Three and Five. 34-31 EDWARL) A, LEONARD, Secretory, K~ INGSDOWN HIGH SCHOOL foi KGIRLS, M'P.T,BOROUGH HOUSE, KIHSUDOWH PARkD1, BRI8TOL. Established 1868. Princinal:—Mrs. E. E. HOBBS, INCLUSIVE FEES for Board, Eueiish, French, Music, Harmony, Drawing, Bookkeeping, and h()ttt.lunH1. 30 GUINEAS PER ANIFUM. Pupil. prepared for all Examinations, 664 C",t,6- c.t,. (214 Honours obtained during the p..t 11 (:f1lrindoù:cnJu t;pn:ii' t', THE PRTN?IPAL. 31491 NMt Term begins TITF,DAY, 22-d MM. CLIFTON. THE DOWNS SCHOOL, CLIFTON JL •BRISTOL. (Faces the Clifton Downs.) PUPILS PREPARED FOR THE NAVY, THE MODERN OR CLASSICAL SIDES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND ALL USUAL EXAMINATIONS. F,, T!? .] to tb. Pin(!ip,?N -Mr, W. J. LIAS, B <Mto Scholar of Jc;us College, C"m¡'TJde); Mr. B. BE?/AN-PETMAN. B.A. (late Exhibitioner of King s College, Cambridge. 1462o TAUNTON. KING ALFRED'S COLLEGE, _HL TAUNTON. For the Universities, Army, Professions, Business, Situation Open and Healthy. Orouu-1. Ample, Accommodation recently improved. Term. moderate and inclusive. Some Exhibitions reducing expenses, Admission froOl nino years ol Details 4. ?? 0. 0, L. THOMSON, M.A.. Headmaster* 33953 (Ctiurational Simtouiiemcnts. STROUD. ARTJNG ENDOWED SCHOOL, NEAR STROUD. —Headmaster, W. J. GREENSTUFF. M.A.—Fine Playing Field, Gym- nasium, l'ive* Courts. Workshop, aud Saua. torium. A Cadet Corps will tc § arted next s" Boarding Fee* £ 35 per onuum Pitteeo boys passed tl1H Cambridge Local Examination in December, 1893. Sit In hononrtl. with four m'rksof distmction In arithmetic (17th in the kingdom), mathematics (13th), and drawiug (30th). TMny-two entered Decemb-r, 1994. Fort7-f »nr pl3e9 in Science aud AXb"pMtmf'nt,MKy.18M:PtMaMd' So:M G.t,y, MechnnicH (-olids). Mathematics (Sta?e TL); Frec'iand Model Drawing, Inorganic Chemistry. 44rm "y Igth. tOS[)ce on appli- CAtion. M332 BRUTON, SOMERSET. '?-INf?SSCHOOL. BRUTON, JL?. BOMEESET. FIRST GRADE ENDOWED SCHOOL for Universities, Army, Professions, &c. SQhOWHbips and Exhibitions to the value of £300 a year. Highest Fee, 55 Gnineas. 1293d D. U. NORTON, M.A Head Maafcer. PUNSTER. SOMERSET. WEST ? OF ENGLAND HEALTH wRr,- BOST. AM?OMBE SCHOOL, DS"mer- t (One Mik: t'o. MineheltdL- Hr'?mM,tM°'' Mr. W. H. CULVE;?WrLL.-So,?dd Bi siness Education. Special Attention to Modern La/ullage*. Home comforts; lib,r.1 di.t. Lofty j-c1:J"i:¡;.t\i:r:k;. kiudiy pexmitted fb Rei. VVM. EVANS, Tregare Vicarage, RsgUn, Mon. 34244 WESTON-SUPER-MARE. OOSSHOLME LADIBS1 COLLEGE, J? E'LLR?BORUUGH CRESCENT, WESTON- 3 u I" ITA P (Conducted ou tho Hij;h School System), Pupils Prepared for Oxford and C,'mbrlde Local, con of Prece?tors, South Kensiugton, Royal =Y,I. g w Society of Musicians. Iudi- viden! tt,,ti delicate and backward pupils. EfBcent Staff ùf Cel" pic:ttpd Mistresses ",oJ visitiJ1 Profesfioi-s. Lovely ;_>itnaiüu. PrhtÜe Park for Tennis, Sea Bathing. Moderate luelasivû '1't)\'lDif. For Particulars apply to the PmNCIPu, MINTON TNGLIS. NEXT TERM COMMENCES JANUARY 17TH AT HOME AFTER JANUARY 7rif. 3*289. WESTON SUPER-MARE, f't' ATHIOLSTAN LADIES' COLLEGE. SUTHERLAND HOUS15, 51, Birnbeck-road, INCLUSIVE FEES for Board, English, French, Music, Ht,ron, Book-keening, and Drawing. 24 GUINEAS PER ANNUM. Pupils prepared for all F1xlt1llinat.iuns. Individual nttAmtiou to Delicate and B()k.r,1 Pupils, Tennis and 8M Bathing in Summer. Rcferenee, Prospectus, ami View of House (which is on the Sea. Front) mav be had bv apply ing to "THE HEAt) MISTRESS. ?41'XT TERM TUF SDAY, 15th Jllm'.t'y,1 1895. 34294 HEBEFORI? HEREFORD LADIES' COLLEGE JLi- COMPANY ^LIMITED;. REDUCED AND INCLUSIVE TERMS. Education upon the High School System, combined with Home Training and Domestic Comforts. For terms apply to Miss Cust, the Lady Prinoipas or Secretary, Mr. Edwd. Maidisoa, Ledbury. 92541 JJIREFORD COUNTY COLLEGE. Preparation for Universities, Army, Local Exami- nations, Commercial Life, Ac. Centre for London fitatriculation. Fine buildings iu splendid, elevated situation. Inclusive Fees for BOdrde"s £40 a year. Reduction made in special cases. For Prosnectus, List of Recent Successes, &c.. apply to HEAD-MASTER. 34185 BATH. GRGSVENOR COLLEGE FOR XJT GIRLS. PRINCIPAL Mrs. LOCK, Assisted by a Large aud Competent Resident a"oJ Visiting Staff, Thorough Education. Preparations for Exams. Over 1,000 RUCOeS8êS last ten years). Refer to parents in South Wales.—Apply for Pros- pectus, Views of College, Jcc. 340b5 LONDON. MORNINGTON HOUSE 30 AND 31, PHILBEACH-GARDEN3. EARL'S-COURT, LONDON, S.W. High-class School for thef Gentlemen. Streng],. recommended by several Ladies in the Pr.iu(pll.1it7. Principals—Miss ALLEN and Mademoiselle DID IB li, who are assisted by a staff of Governesses aud Professors. Prospectuses on applioatiou. L11524 ^yALKET, rjlHOMAS, ANDCO (LIMITED) BUSINESS IS NOW CARRIED ON AT THEIR NEW PREMISES, t. T U D 0 R R 0 A, D, CARDIFF Å BLESSING TO LADIES. The most wonderful medioiae ever di90Uyere\f for all inegnlaritic8 nUll obstructions, however ohatmate or loag-standing. Tliousauds liave been relieved bj this miraeuious romedy, awl thereby saved troublo. Ulue!i3, and expense. Perfct1y harmless nM a?zonisti effectual, as testified to by h.1, ,d? f w:'rried IU1d'Sin1e fema!es Numerous unsolicited t?monS?miS?H? USELESS. Md only Mug flisappolntmcf'.t. Stamped addressed envelope t=UjJf¡As1Î'l'7¡:]: t!*mstow. The only ef(?ctual reme d y on eurth. Try M<??fo[??YM?'E?t5S?'iMH. fLUS? pufaltc Ðotítt. ARDIFF oTjrf^ORATION WATSSWOBKS. Nolnen TO OOSTSUMKBS. The attention of the WATERWORKS havias beeu dsw? t. the I.,g? A.t t P-?Ilt- ?e'f.Mh?e t!td eoMtquem ge¿ ::ve:i; caused bv the Bumttn): ..d %ir.ll, of severe /?t_()?, L?? geuerallv are Requested, a* fr  =!bdl,, to that ?"?"???S??;?? ? ?id'DAM'S H to th?rPr«m.?. Md WASTE OF WAiBR by Protecti^ the Service ripk Cisterns, Taps, 8d ether Water flttj»K9 1NT A1.L EXPOSED St?A?ON?. eHXMttUy Sh?mhtwhidh. HOT WA'iER A1PABAIUS and INSIDE W, C.'S ?iA,t, nd where the Ui-t?' -d CircuUtiM 'K?ree? p'intd intht ?.< t. the eMf?.?nd. coMtqufnt.y. _11y tt'f,Mtef) by hmt. Ia aU ..h eMM (where the exe of rfmovixi; to t ?M expct-d Matt on would be teo ?Mt) ?t??? My ht often avoided by?'ertus die MpM, C??rua. ?mt other ApfanttM wtth FtM. M?ytM't. My Kotwomiuctmx Matenai, c. ?y Sarkintr. or any t'1i;"o,:m&1 )lL:\ 'S? i i rin a smal f OaMisM or d?,i.1 the ni*ht, when tbe t..p..Lr. 1. »mt- By Ordr, J. L. WIULAIIZ T"7*01erk '.r.I, ()a- 26, 18M. ?M" jMARDlFF INFIRM ART THE ANNUAL BALL ,ill b. hWA on MONDA.T. Jtuiuarr 7th, and the CHILD^ENS FANCY DB S8 BALL J??y Bih.?. Ttek?-Mh nirhta Ladies, 10s. 6d.; Gentlemen, 12s. M-i w,lî'fs'S:;d Mg't \;58i to view 3a. 6d, Adnlts who have take* tiflketo for t'F; A,.t b> "<?.' '? MC?d Lgh, M'M.e?h. nete?onnboo??Md from Membwrs of the General Committee, Mr W.. L. >.k.- :t; c; ?"??'SHEE?the M?y. Hon. Sec. 2664 E R THY R G ENE It A L .iT. HOSPITAL. ANNUAL FANCY DEE9S BALL DRILL-HALL, MEBTHYR ?r)f%?. ON WEDNESDAY, .fA NU ARY 2"D. 1895. Etulley's Connty Baitd. No Circaltrt. CHILDREN'S ANNUAL FANCY DBESS BALL, On FRIDAY. Juuuarj 4th, 1895, All particulars of— 33959 F,. R. DAVIS, Hon. See. SUNDAY AFTERNOON POPULAR SERVICES, PABK-HALL. SUNDAY NEXT, at Three p.m., dDDP.ESS—REV J. WILLIAMSON, M.A,. CONTRALTO SOLO- THE FlUSr PALM SUNDAY." ANTHEM. "SINU INTO THE LORD CHOIP. Chairman RALPH POMEBOY, Esq. 3Wl Selections on Great Oryin at 2.30 p.m. SMM BRISTOL V. CARDIFF (.ksaoda- tion). -SATUBDA.Y NEXT. Decem)«r M. at, ROATH-ROAD ATHLETIC ABOUND. 3 p.m. CREWB ATHLETIC V. CARDIFF on New Y- Day, 5.0 p.m. 2870:423 ¡ i.egal ftotitt£S.I ^IFir TO^IVElroTIC^TH^ TI, JOHN OIBSON, 35, <Horse-street, Docks, C.U'diH, Will Not Be BesponoiMe for My Debt or bou tr?tube(i by my Wife. ANME GIBSON, after this date.—(Sinned) JOHN ainsowit. neSíi, C. O'KEM?E. -Dumber 28, M94 3009z29 Shipping ^otttrs. qTR^TFF ^and BRISTOL DEC itBFB. "THE 111, R, 1 H 10 N P, 17 q." "om Bute Docks, Cardiff, Fn-m Batlmrst Basm, 3riato, Bristol, to Ca^'f. 29 Saturday 5.15 after 2<5aSaturday 8,30 mora 31 Monday 6.15 after | 31aMondar 9.45 morn » To A <i >r;J, F*»ES.—After Cabin, 2". 6d.: Fore Cabin, bo.L L >• Fro. Tickets issued for return trip on wme da; ;d): after 4, j.' 6d.mT:1:: F:. Ti,k?t? wm be i,,meti on Saturna" avai1able for -i.t etur* Trip on Monday ?'?"°" ?O??THOMAf. ..ur" 5002 Packet OfBee. Bute Docks, Cardiff ? ?? CARDIFF AND ig BOBDEAUX. TheCardifl Steam.lup Company's fir8t.cI Sc.iaw Steamers will ad :¡s followd (circumsta o "m;t,f,I'1! GARONNE Cardiff for Bordeaux Dec. 29' ELY 'Ou or b..t. With G..i. aim • 11'JU. For. of f,?iht, Ac., apply A. 0. C. Ag?t, 31, Q)i de.OtmtMont. Borfton.. t? at th- Ott'« of titeU..m,.tn). S.M. Mo.t. <?.i.' tMrdur' W. R COMT?M!' C*M Mooper? CtmpbgeU £ neComi^n>C, OKFtELD (late Hooper, Campbell an d Co.) Manager. GRjAT WESTERN RAILWAY CHANNEL ISLANDS, VIA WEYMOUTH, QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. SHORTEST SKA PASSAGE. WEYMOUTH to GUERNSEY" in about 4) hours. GUERNSEY to JERSEY 1U about 1; hours. Powerful Fast Steamers, fitted with Electrio Light and every latest improvement, leave Weymouth (weather oud circumstances permitting) '7t2,?11150111h DAILY (Monday mornings excepted) for Guernsey uud Jersey. Last Train in connection with the Boat leaves CARDIFF at 9.33 p.m. L108341 HY. LAMBERT, General Manager. INDIA, CEYLON, JAVA. QUEENS LAND, BURMAH, PERSIA, EAST AFRICA &c. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY (LIMITED), BRITISH INDIA ASSOCIATION. MAIL STEAMERS from LONDON to CALCUTTA BOMBAY BRISBANE MADRAS KURRAOHEE BATAVIA U?r?M ??D'A?' SoMHAMPT-N BANOOUN ?ANZiB.?B TOWNSVILLE MAURITIUS | MOMBASSA MAUYB'nOUGH Delivering, Mails, Pafiscn^drs, Specie, and Cargo at. all tbe Principal Ports of INDIA, BITR,)IAH, 't ,A, QUEENSLAND, .md JAVA. Every Comfort for a Tropical Voyage. Applv to Gray, Dawes, .nd Co., 23, Great Wineha?. teN,tréet, E.C., and 4, P. 'll Mall EMt. S.W., or to Wellatly, H- y S??.11, and Co., Albert-square, Manchester; ??P.t? MA-l, .d D.?k BilliU,- stl'ect, London. L10217 -\TE\Y ZEALAND SHIPPING NCOMPANY. TENERIFFE, CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA. AUSTRALIA (VIA HOBART), AND NEW ZEA- LAND. I Monthly Service, Excellen necommodation. Liberal cuisine. Special arrangements f.,r bMbng passages at Reduced Fares and Ronnd the World Túnrs.  TONGARIRO, 4,163 tons, January 10. Apl?ly to J. B. WMtmy -d Co., ?m Leadenh»U- 16t;i.1,I¿nE.-g, nëaf'E{:t ..(I CD.Davis ,,9, Ed- ?*rft-).hce! Hendersou Br09.. 55. Mount Stuart aqt.?M. Bute Docks; or C. J. Cnd!ipy. 32, C. I.-ro.I-, Cardiff. 1.10110 PAND 0. MAIL STEAMERS P. FROM LONDON TO BOMBAY, GIBRALTAR, MALTA,-) BB!NDISI, EGYPT ADEN. Md I Every Week. MADRAS, xm BOMBAY. ? CALCUTTA, MADRAS, COLOMBO,~| CHINA. STR A ITS, JAPAN, l .?-I t. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, j- j.ortm<tl. TA?NI?AP??AL?AN'-<"?- DRIA. ) TA9A TICUTA. For Particulars, Mpty m tha Co?pmy'a. eBcM 122. Leadenhail-street, Loudon, E.f. or in Cj.' 113 Wilinhtw? ?d Holme" 119, St. Muy.streat. LANGLANDS AND SONS .1" STEAMERS. REGULAR STEAM COMMUNICATION FORTNIGHTLY BDTWEBK ABERDEEN, SB WCASTLE, HULL, andCABDIFF, Calling, when inducement oilers, at Snnderland, Middleshorough, or West Hartlepool. For Freight, 4c., apply to   E TAYLOR and CO., ^^38^Buts^TeBcent^ar^ff^ THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POST ING COMPANY. 13, BRIDGE-STREET. CARMATHEN. Bill-posting and Advertising in all ks Branche Throughout thê Oonntiee of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, R. M. JAMES, Manager mHE BURDOCK PILL MANUFAC JL TOPY 44 OXFORD:STRBFT SWANSE k TheBMoHtoMOf tbe ht. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON desire to inform their Cnst?tn'M th?, the BUS- ?NE'S "Ul be CARRIED 0!f Br THEM M usual. All Orders will receive Prompt Attention M. A.TH'tMPaOX  6C091 JTA1\M4E'S JJ?OA^NE,eS«, )| Executors IMPORTANT.—One bos of Hoi-ton's II.X.L. ? LI.8 are warranted to cure ail private .,OR and comnJicntion. of the urinary orgin?. whether acquired or otherwLie, also "ravel and pain in the bact, Pr? from Mcrnurl,\ Sent post I. rlrf., 4s. by Proprietor, G. D. Horton, t.P.S. Yrtim the Oeneml Hospital,, Birmfn-'haro, Atf:T, 8, Cardiff—A. Hagon, Ch,i?t. 3-?, Biidge^str* add 11, Bute-street. 1IIortll11'- Wills, Chemist, Pootmor lais and Georgetown. Swansea—Lloyd, Cbemist Oxford-street. Newport—Yoitug, Chemist, Hi'in street, N.B.7Iavo rtever beenkno#n to ^il.LcrW«\r« answered free. IMe-we name wiper. VTEWa OF THE WEEK. i.1 PJIla OND mnst. Crnflrrs anb Contracts. èiREAT" WESTERY RAILW AY. The DIRECTORS ot this COMPANY are Prepared to RECEIVE TENDEUS for the SUPPLY of ABut, r 185 TONS of WROUGirr IRON and STEEL UIRDEK WORK for BRIDGES. Vlaos and Specification mAY be .een ,?tomx.o! Tender ? Bi? of Qmntities obt,?q?d ?t the Oihce of the E.l at tbis Station between tho b. of T_ and Four P- Tenders, addressed to the lp i??,d ..d m»rKM .t,?id? T?.de?or Gifder Work." will be received on w- TUESDAY, ?? 8th (u-o.tima The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or ny ?"'?' K. MtLLS. SeerettFy. L11646 u. K. MILLS, Se?r?t-rY. L-d,2Ut December, LbA. T 0 B U I L D E R S. TENDERS are hereby Invited for the ERECTION of a RESIDENCE for J. W. Hibbert, Esr[., at Pen- Y-" Roath Park. Plaa and Sption.ø to be ""on at the OClce of th? uudetaiped, f-. k.. RilH of QuMtiti ? may be obtained on receipt of a cheque for i 1, which will be returned on the receipt o: a bona fide Tender, to be sent, endorsed, to me not later th*u 'ive P. THURSDAY, JMUMT 7<t. M?9. The lowest or any Tender w?U not necessarily ke acceptod. EDWIN SEW UID, F,R.I.B.A.. Qaeen's-chainbers, Cardiff. 34363 public Oppouttments. TRRNTVERSITY • OF WALES. APFOINTSTBNT of BBGISTBAB. Salary, £400 Anoiications. with printed testimonials, to Acting f H. :FAITRFULL..dOWEN, H Victoria-street, WtmiwWr, S. W., before JANUARY 10th, 1895. A knowledge of Wel&h considered an unpertanJ qwlwmtio? C?didates ut? raquestel not to canvass. L11639 ENCOED BOARD SCHOOL, NEAB BBIDGEND Immediately, ASSISTANT mSTBE9? under Mutor for Mi?xl School, to touch Sta.ndmr? II. and JII.—Application*, statiiiff qnaliacatioas and 6ØJ&r1. with testimouials, to bo HUt os or ore salaryJ, ANUABY ?'r, ? Isaiah John, Cl?rk, coo<1: 34336 T LANDUDNO SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, for the Bo1s' School. ASSISTANT MASTEK EI-P.T„ competent to teach Drawing to commence duti,? at time j. J-y, 1895. S.kry I pet' St$**ortatTttiui 8th JANU?Y. IMS. with e^esof tbr? m?at testunon.a^ to  ? e? rk 34366 S. BELLIS, Cl??k. THE LLANDOUGH-JUXTA- TPE14A.BTH A?O COGAN UD. SCHOOL BO ABC. WANTED, a MALE PcprL RWB; a youth tMTineMrredoM ^r two y<M"? under M'tic)e9 Ma. ??'?? ?r?her P?rtietUMS may be M on application to the undersigned, at Cefn MabJy. chambers, Quay-street. Cardiff. ? ? ? FRANCIS E. HUGHES, 34341 FRANCIS E. Clerk to the Bo"rd. Butliiutcj ^onettes, &'r. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT INVESTMENT BUILDING SOCIETY Q1 per cent, on DEP08ITS,>hort Notice. j per cent. on LARGE DEPOSITS for One Year ^1 per cent, on PREMBHNTTAL SHARES. 2 h. per cent, on PREPAID and SUBSoCRlFtlON u SHARES. Apply for the 34*h AniraolBcportauii to W. SANDERS, M.HIGIIO Sue., 2<S, St. Mary-atreet W?HDEBS, MtB?fM :tM., ?. ?t. M?-y-?Met. '?' ??TS.-Netfport: Mr. J. M. W..D, 24, Hig?l P. th: D. H, EDMCSIUS, 33, High Barry: Mr, D. H. Euaosntf, MAuket buildings. 63%0] Ebbw Vale: Mr. J. A. DAVISS, Ha-rhcc lyrBRTHYR AND jQOWLAIS j J^ UILDXKG KSOCILI-Y. Chairman, Mr. Alderman WILLIAMS, J.P. Gwaelodygarth House, Merthyr TydliL LOANS ADVANCED IX SUMS FEOM Zloo TO tlo,OM. EMY Ke-p?menM in J to 17 YMrs—?rour?e B.<Vemption Terms—Utmost Secrecy—Loaua ON B'?ildi."? in Progra??-No Management (!h-g, °' C p r?.Xr?i7 to Mr. P'??E'EWn'SAMS. !!e:t;t;:f.r ilItI;R iWf.I'trc; Local Aitents throuthom South 'Vals. o90 LAMORGAN BUILDIN# G15, SOCIETY, C&RIJIFF. 15, QUBBN-STBEBT, CARDIFF. Established over a Quirter of a Century. INVESTMENT SHARES.—Five per Cent. Interest and Bonos Added Yearly. t. DEPOSITS received at Four per Ceut. Interest. ADVANCES Granted on Favourable Terms. For Further Information, Prospectus, Tweu.¡)i.xtà ?' ?u??po'-t, Ac.. ?ppb' ? 24598 T. A. D,k? THE SCHOLASTIC TRADING COMPANY (LIMITED). NEW YEAR'S CARDS NOW ON VIEW. A LARGE STOCK OF PURSES, BIBLES. PHOTO ALBUMS and FANCY FRAMES. GENTLEMEN'S LETTER CASES &ad POCKET BOOKS. JUVENILE BOOKS for BewardR and Libraries. BEST Is. SCRIBBLING DIARY in the Market^ with Map. 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUAEB. [34382 FOR NEW YEAR'S CARDS 00 TO jQANIEL 0WEN AND CO (LIMITED) ST. JYJARY-STRBBT, 0ARDIFF A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK TO SELECT FROM, WILLIAM TRESEDER, NTTIC, SERY V t MAN, SEEDSMAN. A ND FLOBIST,4 CARDIFF. TREES LARGY QUAN'I'ITI I iWch, Scotch, Spruce, Austrian, 'Birch.*e..&c Prices on Application f 'moBtf ) 1.. n h'!? atMk -f transplan- ted .!l. pric, APPHISTFEARS, PLUMS, CHERRr:gS, &?.. &r. quantities '?' young, h?.ltb, Trees. St?.drd., py- mids, bash, tmined, &(!, Special price for large IIUfl.utit I PEONIES. PYKI,'rui! Now is the time to plants these, beantifnl flowfflny plants. STOVE AND G"lUI PLANTS. CHUYSANTHE- mtrm, A A- aellect.ion enu "e at  th'Xm-MM<. COWBRID?K.ROAD. JapAlUW8 incurved l'fiexed varie. tie.. ,??.. to30s do* in 8iti. and lOin. pots. I! WB BAT HSfc ROSSES. CUT FLO WEES.—This i. a I special feature of my establishment, AU orden executed with promptitude and despatch.f4754rlc TMADDREN & CO.,ELECTRICAL T ENGINEERS AND CONTKACTOB8. Fverv.-ne DESrBOUS of hivint their BE8I DFAOES, SHOPS, HOTELS, Sul., FITTED for tho .;r,:CTRic MaH?.or?h HLHCTB'C BBI,?9 o? TELEPHONES, should ."4 to n. estimated We only employ skilled .orkm. ;<111 use .alr the bcirt m"t!>rtals, AU woi-k carried 011t under our l'r"hm:d supervision, an- H be Ilteal. o?r '? CASTLE-ARCADE, CAt?'F? ..tJOIW TeiephMe, No. 452. [312 ^ugttiesg A SENSIBLE NEW YEAWS PRESEN'f, A PARCEL OF pHILLIPS AND CO.'S pUlE rp K A. People often wonder what to send their taenia at this time of the year. Well, there is nothinr they will appreciate more than a PARCEL OF PHILLIPS AND CO.'S PURr; TEA. A SUITABLE £ ^EW YEAR'S pHBSENT, A PARCEL OF pHILLIPS AND CO.'S pURE T I; There is something that everyone likes. It WTB be a Special Treat to those who have not yet had the opportunity of drinking PHII.LIPlf-^jl^jS CO. S PURE TEA. OLB. PARCELS OF OUR STANDARD TEAS AT THE FOLLOWitiC PBICES Is. 6d., Is. 8d., and 2s. per lb., DELlVEKSn PBEB TO ANY PAST OF THJJ BRITISH ISLES. Wl1eu requested to do O, w: supply caulS:, I' with tea, gratis, out in that WhÙ we do UfA. pa) carriage. p HILLIPS AND c 0.1 rp E A M E N 74, QUEEN. STREET, CARDIFF. Telegrams, "SottcUaug," Cardiff. aUoua.1 Tele- phone, :No. 440. SEND POST-CAHD FOR VAX TO CALL. 33519 REASONABLE (j-IFrr::> THOSE ABOUT PRESENTING THEIR FRIENDS WITH FW YEAR'S (J}- IFTS Would do weU by Inspecting our Large and Varied Stock of USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES IN OUR WINDOWS AND SliO W -BOOMS. FOE THIS SPECIAL OCCASION we will Up our Cased Goods for Inspection. '?S 5 :<;f lltj¿oR I.uœ:s at wices In,a £ 10 to 21.. We will allow 25 per ettu. discount oil marked prices to clear. QROSS GEOTHEKS (CARDIFF. )42 ? M2? L TWO ^yEiiKS O? SALE. THE ATLAS FURNISHlXG CO (LIMITED), JJAYES-BUILDINGS, QARDIFP THEIR G T SALE Of JPURNITURE. M !jblCAI. 11 NSTRUMENTS, WILL BE OVER AT TH; END OF THE PRESENT MOTn. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS. GENUINE JGARGAINS THOUSANDS OF POUNDS WORTH OF STOCK TO SELECT FROM. ALL GOODS OFFERED AT PRICES FAR BELOW COST. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREB BY ROAD OR RAIL. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY IT MIGHT NEVER OCCUR AGAIN. ALL KINDS OF RURNITURE, B EDS. BEDDING, &c., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. NOTE THE ADDRESQ THE A TLAS FURNI3r!! C°" T IMITED, THE HAYES* C, R D I V F. 14111 BO'N E S S YEAST nm: BRAND. For use in Household or Bakery. Produces the Finest Bread. Order sample for trial a»ainst "OJ .ti",? Y..t from ^AMES CAI,DER..d CO. fUMITEN). B.I.en Distillery; or No. 9. London-sfeet, 9810 Glasgow