
IPRPSS ASSOCIATION TKLKORAM.l LONDON, 'LI I SPAY. The Stock I'ych&v^ has been closed ÜI- day. Consequently, ther» are uo trmwactious d2 .v. to report in public securities. Thftv ha* l*e*u onlv a moderate inquiry tor money to-day, and short Joans ruled easy at | ) t to l.V percent.  IWount ??'"u<" ?' three '"?'? isiiuote^ -M percent. iltXHM in e«>^ has been rawn from the i'.aiik for I «vpt and A'OO.OlXl for the Con- tinent. while iA',000 has been taken to the Hank from J:IO. ?'t'?r ?t?'r skady at Mexican dollar. iiombav whange Is. 3 l-oL'd., Calcutta Is. :.M„ iloi:0r Kong l'i. Shanghai 11'1. <'? \'ha¡.> there was r,?ry little doing: lonVe wealier at -^d. ?r?ht?U:ai!w?rtWtph for the Palt two day?,L::n increase. Mexican l.'aiUvav week's tram". i'l-,iW .\t?'t?n?';a?'t«'rw?!st.ram. c..  t:ry;; l\\t 7;t't;f'" 1HI.O3 Ayres gold premium -11.

LOCAL FINANCE. I BY OUR FINANCIAL Fl'lTOH.1 I CAlMMKF, Irisn.or. With the London and provincial Stock Fx-'h<iii7M closed and 'he HIIIHwjpal elections, it wan not to !>« exp-cted that much business would be recorded in local stock* and shares. IN a of fact, not half a dozen parcels of stocks or shares have changed bands, and those which have been transferred have not b-vn of an important character. In I:ai!" l;h.??!'n.l'-witnsfaJ?yOnin?'y?h.trM are sli^htlv weaker, transactions having taken p?ac,? at t,' (I (;, th-, ii). k-t at the )s'rt.rt?'ur<??'bcl?th??o?n?.?r this cainpanv will know how the 1:100,OCO l?ew preference shares have Wn taken up, because or. or before that date the first instalment of 4.2 'per share should be paid, the alternative beint; the forfeiture of thesbar s. As far as we can gather, a large majority of the ordinary shareholders, to whom the new preference was issued pro rata to their hold- ing, are anxious to s?ll their allotments at any premium which they can get. Ibe majority of those who have bought at a small fractional premium will probably pay the first iiistaiiiietit, iiid will, ttli- tip the shares, but what proportion of those who have been unable to dispose of tbeir "lIot, nientsnill act upon the s./ine lines it is im- possible to ascertain. Our own impression is, howev. r. that the directo s trill find after the 10th inst. that they have a considerable sum to otler to the gsneral public or to float in gome other way. liven Swansea people are rot so sanguine of the future of the line as they Yr, sonie tiiii,, At the saiiie tinie, we trust, in the interests of the present shareholders and of the public generally, that the money for the construction of the new line froiii Port Ir.lbot to Swansea will b« found, and that the directors will be able to avoid the clutches of the Great estern Ji'ailway onipany. There is nothii g new to reuort in connection with other local, amino business has been reported in any elais of stock. There is apparently a little better inquiry for Hanks, and National of W ales shares have advanced i t0 16-),. Coal and Iron Shares are slill dull, and the oontracts for the ensuing year are awaited with a great amount of interest. It is stated that some local firms have tendered a» prices tanging from tis. Gd. to 10s. Od per ton. This is from 2s. to 2s. 6d. below the prices of last year. In the Miscellaneous Department l'rodncial Tramway Ordinary Shares are J lower at 4—j. Spillers and Bakers Ordinary have lieen dealt in at lit and Cardiff Ice" 15Shares at Si. Inquiries have been made to-day for )1 ¡d- Wales A Debenture Stock at IllJ, County vf Gloucester Banks at 64, London and Pro- vincial Banks at L'OJ, National Bank of Wales Shares, Spillers and Bakers Ordinary, Inter- national Coal Shares at 2g, lihondda and Swansea Bay Ordinary at 6, and Lloyds lianka at :26, New sellers offer Taff Vale Stock at 79J, James Tucker New Ordinary ( £ 8 paid) at 7. Hancock Preference and Ordinary Shares, Tyneside ( £ 20 fully paid) Shares, one 9harein the steamship Rhodora at 1;65, South ales Colliery New B" Shares,Tafi Vale ordinary at 7SJ, lihondda and Swan,a lily Ordinary at 0i, Cowbridge and Aberthaw 11 ail way Shares, and Midland Kailway Four per Cent. lient-charge ;stock at 1«3{-. The directors of the Barry Graving Dock have decided to recommend a dividend of o per cent, for the half-year ended September 30. ThiS, wilh an interim dividend of o per cent" makes 10 per cent, for the past year. Some hme ago there were rumours of a pro- bable amalgamation between this company and the Tyneside. We understand that overtures with that object in view were made by the latter company, but were not favourably re- ceived. The "dividend now declared will be paid this month. Messrs E. T. Lyddon and Co. in their monthly in vestment circular refer to the num- ber of steamers now laid up on account of low freights, and the consequent effect upon the ooal trade of South Wales:— The C0»!tielu therein lias an output of about 28.000,000 totii-ubout tl.rec-fiflbs of which ia 8hi¡ p-d, IInd about linlf of that isuaeil in kunki-r- ing. It is proved in this wiy—by a careful analysis of tbe August Cardiff exports, iimrte by a coul exporter, it appears tlint, out of 820.000 100. jent forei¡:nwi.e a* cargo, "bout 300,t,00 (0" would be ngain re-shippid at f,reigil siations ns ^ullk^•r9. Ahoul 100.000 tons more were shipped at Cardiff as bunkers for the exp T! ing vessels. Hence four-ninths of all coal chipped at that port was ued for that puroc sc. R?ugl?ly p?.ki.g, ti??,efo,e, ?b,.t IlIdY ti quantity .1?ipped is so consumed. If <he il.t:1 :s ita¡ùS'1 ,,f w; aud allf>tled to Soulh 'l\'al..1', tI'e reductiou 1/11 d-'Hiiiu I for bunkerB wenld nmount 10 little over "If .nn'thomotw?ai'i'.tt'?t'.t? output "f "ver 28.000,000 tons. So far, therefore, as toe bunker- ing is conceireii, there is not much cause for alarm. A falling i ff nviv, of course, be expe- rienced in the demand for the rest of the coal raised. But it is likelv Unit the quantities in both cases wilt soon right themselves again in this disirict. The principal evil in more likely to ba that of a diop in prices, rather than "ny lengthened restriction in the demand, erpecialiy in that for • In reference to Rhymney Kailway Stock jessr. Lyddon state Rhyimiey Stock canr.ot be conpidertd dear nrt fr. evpn vhould the ]-ISS of truffic not tie recovered, it is by no merm* crruin Ih" 10 per cent, ,hvidend -ill not he Maintained, while if but 9' p>r cent, be pI,I, thy THurn 10 an investor vould be "bouI 41 cyni. It is only a question olinDe wlirn tins cvmpanv will imvti a considor- ahtf\ amnion of now tr4ffit,.1> The Taff Vale return for the past week •howR the heavy decrease of £ 1,2, but th oorre*pfmdin^ week was a very heavy one, t ?1e? revenue then being £ "15,7o8. The passenger receipts were !:5:!(\ down and the mineral 1:702. Or. the current half-year there is now a decrease of £ 850. /lNSWEH-j TO C )IIKR'l'O.N'llivN'T-l »' t'l('J(T1U): W. )uwe made Ow moat 6;;1¡lng In. quiries !Iud can Ik-lHre y«> i that tbe rumomstr* »vbvw 1 itely unfounded. Tuey must hnve ben fhated with tllc view or bringing down theshrues, UKAr-t;lc.ll) We haven't a hlh opinion «>! the company. ,2) If well l it should pay a ',)\111 dividend must of tLe dlrectnu are yoi <1 LUiSi_¡ JI(,I mPII. SII\t for that reason wo ha re faith JII the coiupf.nv. (3) Too .h8'!IY CapHftlistd, and not ik,i, ?.?' fe?n fn yield much o' ? )<-mn. '.0 the share- J¡;¡!ùn.


Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DAILY STOCK, SHARK LIST. Supplied by T11 AOK.1'UA Y & 00. STOCKBIJOKBKS. CAtiOIFf, B»tr,W.VTS. PaM. ,o,P*ic"T   to Do. [a*Mt), < lfiM 1 18t'k 4;r. Wf-;I-=-JO: > JS.J „ T.on toll anrtNitrth Wentcrn jIW PJ I, M?t'n.) • 'jj :.lin 10 •drotiwa bar 10. is) Stock tihynuii y I t,' :i: .I,I. ;z i, J "T?'' V'.?' K'??'?St?? ? r?'.n?:K'<rtA:    $i" Vo. JIU. 1I,t WII H' ))0. Uo. 3rt' IC'il -f  1:rf'f: "II!lr\r'I' ;cg J,: 1>„ Vltd iwi 4;^ » '4 f!rt tt'co tii i'»i'»"l"S|o, MO IW 11.' Sto1 ,i;r:rY?: ¡i;i ? l2!Xd «UTAUANTi:i;i> ANI> \AK i '0 "'nr.hrj' J:,ilWM' !al). 141 142 Aui-L titiW \t'rII Igna.) m 'bl .iM» T'EUNRFH H.TRLXMIR. I'OOK* ICO I\ '2 hAHAVAY AN1» OTIIKU IIMnKNTPRRft. t1-»i ». M^rt''yr"A '4 p. 100 ci )-'> Stock ',(»rry i;*<ltvav 4 !>.<"• J(KJ •• '^3 '*5 M i o, 100 |?uh» ?»oclc 4 per Cent 100 II'* 118 Caiti"riau A 4 1'V''  '"•) 1 n»l< jl. ^« ik IHl,0 •• M •:»•!( We-'ttu f» p.p. 00 Hvj Ji'V t)"r'?..??J"?..?' 'M !? '< ?*i.t WJV* A 41 v ditto IPC JtS 117 Keii'h and Krtvun Ut WC 1(7 "9 Vo «lo. A J>0b m r 1C0 JJhondda H s>ea i:uy ♦ p.c. )m> m7 KlyrtMuy 4p.c •• i»« 47 yJ: V »'- '? \U \» "A NK osumoriwunWreil.iudteib.. i:: :i •i <<i%iiioTk',«ti(i)dro ilitd) I'rof. 2'».. '4 I' '4 50 J.10111'8 Blink (f.imUodl 8 IV. j f- 6 W 20U PC Metropolitan. Hlrniingham, )1.4 fI. al".lSoutu Wales 6 1,) J(I!Í v'laiia' it»»v <«' Wnipi",l,d. (' 10 1<' » NiitUinr.: rvoflhi-.i^l. I,nn.. n" 1 4.1 CC National I'tovlnruvl l.lm.. 1. ith f:;I, to Kordi HomUi \i, "liD. 10 ij, a OA-5. 10 Al enlfifP 10 l' U ???"'t?'?:t?.? "0 Vo. H tii.e Ill) '5 '0 IV ('-I. TO.. ]? ]? ),? )).ro.. ;M 10 r.iynviv»i>>- JJ •• !d 5tvcc NdirirllU'M'-l1"1.1" 1:'0 lh CO t7i: IPO J J f 'I ■> • > *« i ",l1I:' t:aPt I I'M t 'lit. 0) x(l s t |r v,i* < .lJ X'l ? (:A's"A:<)' WATJ.l;. ?d. r.?.? r., i: ICO h' 1;(.t't'II\ b:i IS i*.iivW«t>ii*V.itii-errHO 12 ■■ 's'« }1lI 10 \'1Itra,l. 1' 13 18 « -i •? WATKUWtlttKf.  ?d < (  A  n •• i}»•c' 10 Nc.» M I" l'oiityi'Ti'M » ■■ *» :f, .? l-.l-ltvl-li'1 1 »' 1 VI'r<T«ll. 10 ? )? COAT, AND XROV U Alhiou Sw. ('oll!cry U \J H'< 1.1 Jt liuvis 1'1. J. n ? lililiv Villi- Iriiii.tCiiH^O ■■ ?; .?*, III H-II.III I'r.l. II • 4 S l),i. Nf-iv I! l!i < < > 5 |>„ ri«f. A i' 8'j S% ? )t.)!'V'.?.?'?.Arr.?.. ?' [. ? |i,i«ri>*tliH»i «'o»l !• 8*4 1r1) i:¡:il:u'¡\l c.1)i. I ],; I( r ?.. N,.iityi!i,i* liltiii.MIron I*rpr Wl ? "? 10 Ktwivrt AWm-irn 10 14 !I.å ? li„ rtirllrl|<itlne 1 ret, 10 ? 1^. f Mortli'.Nmien'i'iiif'ollii-ry ,s ? s II. r-i n, 1'iet. 5 S ij% '??L?'?; ? S p !>«». 5 to 7!n p.c.l ref.* ].. 71 ri I '{r ?" 4" ? if0 Do. 5IV. ?"?' '? SJ J 83« 17 t.(.thM?<?'?f"A:'i7 j? *7^* i ::I: New 15 ,l'" f¡; f,1 TiP»iegar fr<»»* <•«.•«I A St» ? '? ^5 1'0. do. "It" 25 8 190 MIUI;I,t,A ¡r.oU'1, "?' AlexanlrsilV- A lUiil. 4^ ??  A i'vefere.ooe ICO KO .U Xd Al»w»<tr» »o.«'«BPr. 1M 5} ad 10 t?.i,t!.?? Dock !U 10!4 1 H'.„, t m, i.V.. Llnlh. I i» h 10 lir .tc1 Htú,,&rJ' Dr.l 'J W 5 111 1',1. 1.1. fref '0 '14 b't }X t!r'.t'?t H. WulM "'t-nnt.?. ? Kt 5(, t<nle llrr l'"fk fP ■ 11J9' st.?r?.U?C..r?..M4"  5 ('ar11¡ff. ('('u'Lh 'rf"III1UiY' :c \l ro (?.ff.t.)?'? ■ ?' sl ? «* IT 'iff WprhiHpn'««,"U«ce -b 14 6 ? rei^rnlOraTltij Dock ? ? 49 M 1 CJI"Vter Wagon A 1 5J4 *■4 in V Hancock 4 Co JO 16 17 in i'u. re'vn *ice •' p.r. 10 121( ? *^3" HicicH 10J I! )(5 ? Hh»'« l)v* li*uiV J  fc ;0 MiUoid liiK'-k 10 • ¡ 70 40 60 tv SO 11". "It" 2? • Ji,. Vo\rr>oT» Water' £ At»Miitie* <J 5 Newi or I Tr^nmav* å.. 8t4 9 10 P-rn.dl aoJ ''?'.S?? "? 7% 10 Vo. do. Pref, 10 9*4 M |>i.»r»M v?.ij»l»»»Mhne. 60 7 JSO 9 id W lw"III,i¡.' TraMinav* 1« • J 41 ? l>o. f! peree»»t. I*ref. 10 i '? 10 t)nt,t)))?h.?\ n.c.rref.. K •• ? )0 A lUkewoM 9 •• >0 W 10 rio. fip.c. rrof 20 >-> ? ThM.,).mt.?)?Sh.<cte)).. S t?t ?' 10 'l'ULlõer'lJ. J:dll{' ()rl. 10  ]0 10 no. K.w 8 J\v> 10 I.». I'M. fret. !•' •• )[' 0 1)0. New 8 7 Stock WwiitiKi H k»hr. 4 p.o.Stui k J'«-i 98 M jij 11i.i«.. 43 14 1 ¡ o D,i:: i;¿frôw'iI:f.ltOtbOi:i

THKItK AllF. SKLLKHS 09 £ 00QT;»ff H' nt .9\¡ 1<; Tu ker*» New Ord. (t 8 at 1\4 l> ;UJI1 ¡31I"ulo' 6 P.o. rrtf^teoce Hhare. 1 Tyue-i,ie (£2:. folly v-'i ) share 1 S.x Rku»doto ^l»*re. at £ &'» 20 ()nth IV?,1. Colliery New 11 Sbarel 10 H^ucock's Unttnarjr f^hrne ? ?. 3A W hoi-'on and Proviurml '"ark Shlfe. at £'YI is 3* i!.?n?t('<"i<iU.tit'?P'efMenMSh!r<)*.M!0'<! XI 0 Han? Or'dimr; Stock toO IHill .t:3 Rhymoev Ri1wa' P^f. Sto-k £ 00 Barry 4,0. Deb. Stook, at 1:4% 5 Bute 1>rv DoclI; 811:\fCS \0 O.-otrid GMtlm Uock Shsres I., VoutvyiMd (I.e Plet. Sbaret 6 :\llmDt.Ju!t,t Dry Dock A JEVW) aud £,;170 Harry 2nd Treference Stock F. R F A R P lt'Ll Y F, ItS ()V £,-g9 Mf1-.I.. A LIb. SUwk. lie* 5Co ntJ of t.¡ol1;e !er HM1\\( qh: at 64 3 Lomlon and t'rovlnci >1 Bluk :-I}\lll"e1'. at *e^ffii 30 XnMoiLtl fi«nk (t Walwfli'area .9 ???'t"dB?e"rTSh.<tM.atn? iy0 liarry and .-nt.. at 4\ 40nhtr.oran R:»iik Pref Sharet 20 L yd- HMnk Hhare*. at 2 j8 1 but Dry Docs £ !.OC0T.-lf V«le • ref 8toc»r jt?0 • Ib,1H11\r Siock ;£;0-) ym> ey Or,1, o Scrip i J"- I'iny Ka^way C 8 )\:dtt) Shares t9t) Ale*andr4 J p.c. P-b St»ck 5 Newport GIS New 7 pc C ^h Ire_, at;38 30 Newport*Aberc»rn Ord. Sharea AI'oLmeMh»of Rhondda and Oiran ea By New I p.P Pref. ttharrs neg"ated. RAY AN!) CO.. STOCK. Til AUK Kit A V AND CO., STOCK- I nilOKI' (ini I'F 1? T. LYDDON &: COMPANY I. '1' r.f P.JlAl!lf"It(f? PAN Y "?!{!'rK'' ??'?"A'M?-" US 4T.f. 'r.)O North's Col,i. r, 6 p.c. Debeutorei. at 98t; CO Pontvuvidd Watet n OHharen 2V V«'ra.l n"lI md W:?l,?? A and 0 Sh- Kb) uiney R vOw w Scrio. ,l 6j' a Rurrr :<ri t'r- f .at 4'Yi W Grpd WW- CoUierf N.? B F,h?- £ iU> lhrrr nm\ (^«do\tou Gt^and Water Stock—bll wanted 1 'fUckerJ Old Ordinary 3 Hancock aud Co. Pref. Sh-.rea 7 Rh ndd:i I'reference Alloiiuentu 10 .Tam.. Tllc'.r'. N.. Untlr" C 8 nt £ 714 2j D. DaylsaUtI SIDle Shups, A 12H 11,? Rhoiuldauud S"ôm;" Bay Ordinary :hue. ate: Mf AM Kl>. W StlonI Ba.llk ot\v..lE'8 Rh'TflA at 16 Panr i»t Prcf?re«ice st«xk. at 143 i- .T-O 1 HtocV. at 192 £ '.r,T0 T.iIt Vide Piefereiice. at "4: £ i?5 Tf»rry 2nd Prpf. 8>o*. at '41 jf-00 HbnJ1uf»' SoriD at ;65 Ell, Rhytuney Ordmnry Sto<ct SO John HI iud share* J.3 Upr Oidin <ry Sha»p^ £ &0 'IHlf'trau'1 rorv Pehe-tiuev nt :0. /1 KO. THOMAS, STOTK HllOKKIf, VITINNA Ilif A flill'I? (?ARIIIIV TflKRK ARK vKr.T.Kh's (?F Rlioaddaand gwn8e" Bay Pref. AlIotwenb. t 1. Gl prem. ??> {antt fiwauseu !5iy Ordlnarr Tnl"fl1I1t< V,n8ill.r(na Ordiuary shares £ 1-0 Barry and e..lo.tOo Oaa and Water Stock and ££0 Wnter Stock • lOand S Haiioock'sOrdinary O. Davl. Md SoM tUmi?.)) Shares 'N I; u 14,Rs or Pfnarth Sdiowav *>hare<* (ruH, paid) u 1/],IOMIiNG S. ? ND .1. G. THOMAS, I 'I;:K' I 1K olH.U?å¡;¡ ITELEGRAPHLC ADDROW— KI.KMING, CAKIIIVV.' Telephone No, 158., ON 8ALE. Trne-hle Engineering Or,lIor, I'\h3NI" Moaihdtu ri, <'o.> 0,(U."y Share! H?!)?K'?f?'*?'Mh? 5 'now Fuel HhUel Aihiou 4?oli'?l £ 1.-0.) Mil\hql,1 Urdumr Stock U. l)a»i« ;,11(\ HOBH 8H nes I Junct:on Un- Dock Sbarea LiUtcl United Hrewery aret Wi\n'tM U;n 1 p.c. Shirrs 10 Smuh Wnles Jrtin Bh*rea (€9 p id) *n<l 10 fullj paid— off«.'is\fanf.ed WANTED T*fr Vuio Pief. Kbviuitey I'uf. MpjiierAaml U"rll; Prer. North' Ordinary 1"haru MounUtuatt K art. t?..?*(t().t-Soo! ""MOD j 'omer)' ()tbeHtn'eø J^jHOS. F. PKAT5SON. STOCKBUOKKK, '1 'Hw tT ',?:r;?cg:. .G.Vil;ST TIOCKS. CAI?I)IF V. "Xl" -ilb nddaOrdin ry and 5 Allotments ;1;3:0 T, "111m, Stock £ 011 Ba rr Uravinte Hocks 5 P.C. Deb. 7 Urltd i»nd Wouth Watd Wagons I Wjd, 8 ,"??Y7 SO -lAolI O(..JJjr7 Shares 10 Wm. 1tallcock htH\ (.'0. Ordinary RUYKR^ Notth H Piefeience ftewporf-Ab^»c.rD Trefeieiifes IJardl/f G*- St >c>s J. W. COUliTJS, TAYLOU, & CO., HTOCK AND B H A It I BROKERS. BANK BUILDINGS. ST. MAKy-HrRKKT. OUIDIFP .^TOOKS, OAKDirr"-Telei)houe No, 551. RUVKRH. fi International Coal Slvrrs. at 2"- 40 Naiwnil I1ltuk of W de* Hhares. at UJ!4 2' St iller* "m1 B'kt** Oi doaiy Sh.,?. tel;??,,t:Cl?OT.11 Vide Ordinary 4-k .(?' 0 Knte Dock Debenture "HoCk KKLLKRS. 30Cowbrl1fe and A» erth .w Hallway Sharei tr:(1 Qui.ire Bitten 1"I":lr.II-),I" wUf¡t.ecl 10 ii Pr.ltinÜII J: ,uk Hhatca 2' Uuncck'H Ordnar/ wli oes 10 Inmatlonill C ml 8h re, K >rry Ordinary fltock Rhondda and Mwansealiiy Prer. l1orueht.e ocgotliWd. 'rinCOliKTHKN 1)1,'NN AND CO '1'I:'IIN". (J'T.I;I' No. 2 >-T* -OK AND slIAUK liKOKIdts. MIWIMNTS I XCIIANUI;. DDOKH. CAItWVF f I 1, r,I. 6 Thompson f>nd Shackeir* Preference 8harn tt.h'nt. 't)r?'?)i*f.M. ?t 71,, '?" 9 Tyiiodl ie t,,t?n-<,r?< .<h4re< I t,T.{.h¡)'('ir;1(UUarl ''? 110 Black 1,lon Brewet-y bh >re-* ??'M- In St.m. I\un O.h'8 OrU!lt:' £ 0 Ol auorgandiire Cituk Pier. Shares 1UT>ondon and Provincial Ka kHlmre^ ? N?<h'-? m-ft?!'?!'?'? 10 liirry Oravliw Dock Shares. ""01S Morel's and Till-M ell4 IU4oURe's 14, SlIarWl PARSONS A NO l.'O IS J 10 N"J STOCKIIRO,a:n' CI N i l; U; CIIAM81mR, Tt"t.I,hOllt', No. )1. '1',d(.r:uLI' J:()UH:S'1', Nr."rOltT. I. SAT.' SPSou-'h W; rnJiiViy A ivn\ 'i) :\t'n' H '0 Win 11 ruf ".SK' :1.t'llt liiny«t»y IJl'leiltn'f'1 y«iricet«H»|ofr(U. a :t Ci.f"Oamh.|.»n i!i,d I'n ^r. n. c (Uv-'ilV M:.tat ¡ (inmiuiu It, I':tt'fj,d! 1.1,lt Kr.iti.s *'f,0 lhlml1(1\, ()rolluary •» De s mil: M-fv.' £ S p r. Debeiiiure Rhon id* IVef. Allotments i!;> Proelncl-.d Tranjs Pref.. at 10'» WANTED. i'Z.Ta-os 'rn('1¡nr"e Ord. V5 Hank of Wales ü Newp rt-Al»ercarn Ord atí '2 PamaUuDd F,Vl\Uq, f'rctVreuoe D Internatlomd t '0.11 1::01 Newpoit Has g t¡):: Wi stprn OolHcty New II. aM .it/ North'^ Prefwrcnco —! 1 B.'SÎ;\îS, ;'wci\ ;d SIL\Œ I"I'()JO'H Iwil.ll-iM- m'Ti: tH\cK. CJiBTOFIf. 'l'rlrl'a'R-"Sll'nlt'f, .'AI:)I); I'.(), 'I'eleiihono, N?. 01.) IIUVKKS- lthyninev Unliinvr or Scllp 6 Il:ink nf Wail's Mlwre< lilKimlila I(;iilir«y l" Stock )IÏ;W,)tr.(r1b:t; at !?» SlIJItKS- lUnv R ill" '» fh "■ »' Car.liff Arc,(1 .v)iir. 3 ;o FUck Ion Br"t.)IY Shuren. at 8'6 11(.773 • JKMiY J. rll.LlNGlCK and CO., KK'ITON SAYCE. VauGHAN, and CO., STOCK AND SlIAUK KKOKI-ilW, 45. uuiii-s I HI:I: R, NICWI'UHI, MON. MRPLUNIE :io.l:Tt'ln:r,:n, 1'1L1.1NOln. NKITPOM, Wi: HAVE nUYER8 CI? 20 Vor.1, U uVs. at £ '2- iV.w' Gllllhrjall Railway No. 4 Irei. 3i>S\nllrrs Oritin u >. at £ 11 £1.i.I" Partri i^e .Tones Debentures jt*V>0O 'i'aif YHIe Swdr, t. ;8, 20 North's, "t t:ll1a id II North's at P" 15 Luudollllll<ll'rDrlncl.1 Banks, at £ 20 Wi?' IIAVH sn.Td'n^ OF £ A*K) Midland Rilw,4 R? ,t Ch.rg. t 133% !{g ;i1bnE'7¡'t\t'1¡t¡,,hlj8..0:Mi 133ji 30 1IItlIathll1.1 Cn.d. at £ 3 £ l.0(K)!' .uibr an Kailway I> Debenture, at 8C3 jtV.OU Cambrian Railway No. i I'ref. 20 Hancock's Oidlnary, at 16 < fj.i'Ol1 Cambrian Railway No. 2 Pref.. at 32 p.o. :< HanoockV IVefereneo 20 at tl2 1.3d t:1, uri Tall Vale hinck 15 0 Cambrian R-Uway 1st Pref, SB. t'n.*iM»»tv <10:1(' in 11 u"qnot-(1 SeeiirUtw. '1 S i EO. HOHDI'.X & CO.,STOCKBUOKKUS, f03. KUTK DOrKH. CARDIFF. UlJYEIt.- National Bank of Willes hhuroa Kvery das* of bu^ltiens trJt1"d. CHA. MASSY AND OO. I'OltY'S COKNKH HUTi: DOCKS. CARDIFF, Teleeraius TNVKMT. OAunirr." P.O. Telephouv. 75. r.UYlli- 40 Furry Ruilway hM.. at ,6}I 6 nhOt1Jlh Ontinary. ¡It. j-) If* l.oudon ;iud Provincial Banks, at 20'i auh Sand i roo; "tIOURI Rallk of Wales 1 Hn Dry Dock*, "t .94 id ,0at 2a 15 Albion., at 9', SELLERS -10 V, Davis and Sons £,00 aud 4J 4 Taff Ordinary, at 7SH li)Rh(Mid ta Or-dtury, at 6.^4 8uill. Preferenc Shares at 12 £ -'00 • byjnnev Ordlnnn, a'. 190 S0R^O'»dda Pfel AHollUPIIU tJ Bntt'l Of» I lOCk ,I. lit '1 A Bute Dry Docks, at S. PICliCY rowEIJIJ, STOCK!iliOKER, 1\8, DOCK-STRKKT. F.Wr(lRT. MO, T lecrmis: PKRCT. NKWPOHT." P.O. Telephone, 65. BUYilUS- 5 Splliers. 217Y. at ?3 18, M 511"1'. (1111*,1) lhdioory, at 4 8KLLERS— £ 1,0H) Brecou and Mertlilr Ordlnar,. at 4J6 10 Lotulou and Piovlnc al^. t £O 7 d 7 and 5 hhondda k Snansoa New Aliotmente. at Is fid yicm. 169M SWANSBA AND DISTIUOT DAILY STOCK AND SHAUn LI9I'. Supplied by STKI'HKN 1'. WILLS, Stn< « and Sinn- lii-nker, 30, Wind-sirept, Pwansen. 8WANSKA. J'»iil. Pni*«. Stock SWI\08t'al'orporation31o: II.C. IW ) Oí 1'1& l'o. Jbrhonr4l!.c.100.. 98 99 10 Rbo"II"t" ft Swan. Hay 01'11. 1011 10 1>0, I>o. 6 p c. Pref. 10 10'V 10', Stock 1)0, V" I'.C. iI.b. 100 1CC% 10714 -0 QUui. Bank (Ltd) nidlnary 2 6 S'/| 5 Do. Do. Pref 2M.. 6 6^ SO Metroiiolittn. Birndngham. and Kouth Wales Bk (M-. 5 1CH 164 10 11, H. Vivian k C0. A 8 4 & ,o W.aoer&Oo )Ordi".ry 10 9 4 10 10 Do. 110 Pref 10.. 9% 10 IAn,l?1.1?. Oox & Co 1 44 f,i, I :&'c,i., fi 10 Atlantic Patent Fuel Co. 6!4. 10 n 10 Swan. United Breweries 10 .« 6 7 10 D'. D.. 6P.t. 117 10 Do. Tramways If 'i 2!i 50 Central Dry Dock.. ó W 5 fs p,: Dry D ck 35 11 1^ •;5 Do. Or*s 7) p.c 35 38 39 xdk 25 Do. Do. 7 p25 35 3?, d 1 R: c"J'P, JJ: 2 :I 3j\ zd 5Do Mrdm' hh'o..nera 3 tyi 3 Do. Sbij-piug 3 VA. 2 4 Do. 9 4,, 71 NFAIH.. 10 Neafh W.t.r"Q,I, 10.. 16*4 17".d 10 Do. Do. B. 10 99 10 *d 5 Do. Tramways 5 '•> H 10 Main 0.111"y 10 9 ?, go, .THLlq AND LLANKLLY. Stock IJaneliy ft MynyJd ltlo.wr Railway 5 p.e. Deh too 80 85 „ Burry Port & Gwen( r?th Railway 6 n.c. Deb 100 75 80 10 OattnarthnUnttd Breweries iO 8 8^ ,o Do. D". 6Prd, 10 8 811 VS D. 0- iS 8 27 y QUI. hlt.ë; ¡s:: 'BH 27J 95 1Qnlni PKMBROKK AND MILKORD. flU>ck Pm\> Tuby Rail. Doh 100 100 106 105Pref. 1089 10 Mdfnrd Dock 10 yA X i STEPHEN P. WILLS, STOCKBROKER, SWANSEA. i Telegraphic Address: WIL?'? "W"NUA. BUYEn- Peurlkfb r Colliery Ord. nod Pref, UlxQiorvanKhirt* (Uuk < Jrd. and Pret. £ iO0 ?ff Urdtn"7 Stock £ 500 hw.iutes Harb 't.?k Loudon nnd Provincial Banks KhOndda P.O. Deb. stock k. 1aUlm 1 acker's Ordinaries, nt pa* y a trad OM Ord., Pr f. and Deb. Weaver and ro. (Limite ) Ords, Jnmes Tunker's Pr -f. and Debs, Rhoudda Ordinary and New Preferences SMALL CAPITALISTS ehonld write for kj Pamphlet (Copyright .red at Statiouer8'»hsll) explaining H. B. 8MITH'8 SYSTEM of making profits I in ,3,1 S mid 8UAUBS. £ 5 and upwards, without further dk, repeatedly doubled. Average du'ition ,f transactions three days. The best evld, of popularity and success I. the crowds of Client* who throng his Offi. St,k.Ited an d accounts managed, It I ¡;:d, lW:klel:!tt LiuIwala"=; profile made during previous week. Th Court Journal uft:J5 11)¡je throng of operators dealing with blr, j*mith Js quite astounding. —Particular*, testimonials, prcsi opinions, pot-free, 11. B. -SH r?tockbroker 13 S■ 3;* 1*tie. Queen'd,. l.on ioi*. KO. L9D57

TRADE REPORTS. TRADE OF CAKDIFF. txc-BANOR, Tuesday. Tile condition of Ills coal trade to-dny W88 un- iiltcri'd, but, if any, the demand for steam qualition via« II sllude t>i-tter. The mniki-t, liow- evi-r, was ensy 119 lcgjnls prices, owing tu the continued ecumity «f suitiible tonnage and tlio confcqiiunt difficulty in obtaining a sufficient lOt 11111 of emptio, to the co'lieiies. Re«t quali:i'B rungpil from 10s to 1019,1, seconds 9. 9.1 to 10s 3d, and nuiali 4s 61 to 53 a ton. Houso coal was in good demand, and, as stems arc heavy, sellers wei-fl quoting firmly, heat liousi-liold coils reatioe 1 12K 6<i to 12s 9 Ho. 3 ltliondda 11a 3d to lis 6d, and No. 2 large 8i 6<1 per tun. Coke wus in mode- r.-ito icqiiL-st; foundry ranged from 18. 61 to 19s 61, und furnncs 16' 6 1 to 17s n ton f.o.b. The pitwood market waS qui,.t, if price for ordinary timber being 148 9d to 153 per ton. It) i lie out- ward freight murket sleain chartering was f-clive, but suitable tonnage WaS from plentiful rates for all directioiiF, but more particularly for Egyptian and Italian porto, closiug finll. I TRADE OF SWANSEA. SwANsxA, Tuesday. The meeting to-day was well HttendeJ, and all present were pleased to see the r?tui n of Mr. Wlllillm WilliwnF, of Morriston, alter his serious illness, looking quite himself again. With his return came the good news of his having Imrtilllly started his workm. The fact gave quite a stimulus to the trade, and it is reported that more inquiries are being made filr plates than has been the case for some time put. There is, however, a wide difference in the price between buyers -»-» sellers, the lutter siill holding out for more remunerative prices, and the starting of mills and works will depend upon the prices asked for being conceded. Theaiiip- ments last weell ft-ll off in consequence of the stormy weather, but there is a prospect of larger shipments this werk, The pig iron market remains unaltered, and prices are practically III* s imo 119 they were list wei-k. The price of copper Ins been maintained and there is no alteration to roport, but block till is somewhat lower. There will b* found a reduction in nllsleam and IUBUU- ficturing i-oale, and also of coke, which is easier in consumption. Piqlron.~Glasgow warrants, 41. 3.1d, 41s 2d, 41s 2Jil, 41s 3d ca.h buyers. Murket quiet. No. 3 Mi<1tJlesboroul,(h 37a 61 to 37s 9i1 prompt; oilier numbers in proportion. Market quiet. Jlemotite. Warrants, 47- 4td for mixed numbers, f.o.b. Cumberland, according to brand. Welsh 16. Angles, he., at usual extras, f.ot, at w^iks. .Shett Jrori.—Singles, £ 6 10a to £ 7 f.o.t. at works. Sleel Bails.—Heavy sections, £4 2s 6e1 to £4 5,; light ditto, £5 10s to £5 15s f.o.t.; sloepers,aneles, channel*, i' according to section and specifica- tion. liteel Sheets.—Singles, B7 10s to jt:8 10', with the u"II..1 i-xtrao for Ihe ) i;;lirr nugcs, lie'^nter Steel.—Tin-plate bars, L4 12q 6d t. E4 15 Stemen.1 Tin-plate Bars.—Best, jE5 t) £ 5 1 6d. All delivered in the district, cash lees 2J per cent. 7'!)<-?/M.—M?f!erf' quot&tioha for UeMcmer H.i¡,r.ï2lulr. rt \i;:n;(Oe) 12, 3 1 1 ? 12' 6(1; (ernes, per double ho*. 28 bv 20 C, 2Es to 24,. and 26); best chnrcoal, 13 6d to 13. 9d. according to finish of brand. Copprr.— Chili bars, £ 45 lie 3d to £ 45 13s 9J. niack Tin. — £ 94 to £ 0", 5s. Spelter.— £ 13 176 611 tv LID, per telegram received on J.ead.— LIO 83 91 to £10 lIe 3-1; fip;i',i-li, £ 10 5' to £ 10 6* 31. Anthracite CW.-I'CHI biir vein, telecteil for unlttug purpoaes, 144 94 to 16s 64; secoad qualiq oil ■ 12s H. 12- fid; (Ji-; i in. 1 y large, acforclin," to (l„aliu- mill sxli'i't1" JO" ton"! »"«'H iui>bly nilm, 4s 9,110 5s ilellvere.t t.o.b., Hwfiio-e.i, in 30 Ans !«"« I* CfHlt.  S''eam C*nl — g 9 ? ti I 1,? 10, "eooinl qu Iliiy ili" 8 61 10 Us hunUi-rs, lUToriling ?' 8, t. 9.4 486-1 to 5, 1),, —delivered f.o.l".Swansea, oakli 30 i'ays,}««» 2! p!r cent. II,luminous CW. — Large (No. Z .R.. hon-l, d.n)., 12s to 12s 3d; through coals, 93,61 to 10s small, 7*61 to 8s per ton—delivered f.o.b.Swansea, csnh 30 days, l«s»2> P" c-nt. Coke.-ifext found.y, 17,1 to 18s per ton furnace, 14s to 159 per tOll-r.O.t.>, Swansea, cash 30 days. In^s 2& pm cent. Patent fttel.- 10s 9ii lolls per ton. Frcii/hts.—Messrs. Hin ges* and Co., sleanislup owneis, furnishod the following freight list on '('banco — Oran, 9f fuel Altfiein. 8Af tuel; Venice. 8s cod, 8s 9-1 fuel; Aneoiia, 7s Bd ival, B, 31 fuel; Naples, opli.m Tone Annuii7/a a, 7-6(1 coal '8s 31 fuel; Palermo, 7s 3d coal, 8s luel; Caunis, 7s 3d coul, 8s fuel; llivonne, 6f coal; La Kochelle, 6f coal; St. Yalery, 3/400 coal offer. HARROW, Monday.—Tile depression in hematites ia maintained, and' makers are booking but few orders. )I('8-ell\<:r iron is in steady consumption, bIn 9a1os nre not being made heavily forward, noil forge and foundry iron nre not selling at all. Prices are onsy at 47s 9d net cash sellers and 47s 4Jd buyers. Makers are asking 50s net f.o.b. lor iies- seiner parcel-, but sales are noied at lowor stocks nre fairly siemly, though they arecotiipaia- tively low, anll the ontpm i< maintained, with 41 furnace. in blast. Iron ore is easier at 8; 6 Ito 9. net at the mines. Sleel makers are only busy 011 heavy rails, but orders aro not being booked to any exient either for rails or other qualities of steel, and the outlook is gloomy. •, MIIIDLESBOROVUH, Tuesday. The tone of the market was very flat. Consumers were disin- clined 10 purchase, and only sales of small lots for early delivery can be made. No. 3 Cleveland pigs wero not furl her reduced from Inst week, but commoner qunlities were reduced 3d. A few brands were slill quoted at 33s, hut generally both makers ami uierrhanis flbk,1 37s 911, 11,1 solil at th«t. As u rule, tln>y refused to pay more than 37. 6,1. Makers would not sell at that for prompt, but would linve accepted it for delivery to the end of March. People woulli not buy forward. 'l'l1pf., were sellers ot Middlesborough warrants at 37, 91 cash. Grey fnrll" was reduced 10 36. 3,1, and a sale was reported at 36s. While WKS 35s 3.J. Heavy ste, I rails wern £ 4 29 6,1 net at ""Irk-. Steel plates sold at £ 5, less usuil dis- cnunt.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SIUPPINU INTELLIGENCE. LOCAL OHABTEUINO TRANSACTIONS. CABDICF, Tuesday. The following include the latest hxtujref re- ported OUTWARD— STKAItKBS. Cardiff to Barcelona, 10s 6 I, clean terms (S. W. Kelly) „ Poit Said, 7s 9d (Benedict) „ Genoi, 7s 9,1 fCadmtoii) „ Passages, 5? lO'I, clean tr,?m ? P<.ftH?<),7?9'(Jo?"A?.T))'<on) „ Cape da Ver,ies, 6s 10J i (Phoenix! l'oit Said. 7a 9 I Alnrteris, 8s 3d (Luxon) Naples, 8s (Wehtmld) „ 11 irdeanx, 61 (Uskl „ B?,do:?.X,6f Ely) ? (,e"nt., 7- ?',t.()., IJ.c. Lisbon, 6. 6,1, clean (Kuno) „ Bilbao, 4'9 1, cleaniEar«den) ? Civitu Vecc'iia, 8s 64 (Kylingdale) Oporto, 613 to Passages, 5 10J 1, clean terms (Soring- bok) to Barcelona, lO* 3 1 Obt.31.—Passed Ess1: Steamer Pubbreilam, from New York fur Aim-ter-laui. Passed West: Steamer Oilton, of London. Nov. I.-paorie(t EAAT Steamers presumed Spain, from New York for London; Dresden, from Baltimore for iii-einen Havel, from New York for Bremen Australia, from the Clyde for London Spiingb-k, of Llanelly; Kimpokus, of Cork; BriiCadaile, of Newca-ile Marsala, from New Yoik for Hambuig; H.M.S. Fanny. Pawed West: R, ngitiki, froin London for Auckland steamers P'ilzwilliam, of [,011; !CI"¡cn, from Sundswall for Bristol; Ptarmigan, (,f Cork Knight Com- mander, of Liverpool; James Hogg, of Middles- borough.—Wind, S.W., moderate ctoudy bar, 29 80, steady. SIGNALLED OFF THE MUMBLES HEAD. Nov. 1.—Wind, S.E., light; weatber, limy; tea, smooth.—Passed East Siemiers Amiral Ccille, of Rouen; Rhio, of Newport; Count (i'Asprcmcnt, of Swansea. Passed West: Steuuers Bwllf*, of Loudon; Morfa, of Swansea; Orbo, of Liverpool; No. 12, of Helfsst. oiJIm DKSPATCH AT PORTHCAWL. The o'eaiusliip Cro-«liill, of Glasgow, entered the harbour at Ponhcawl on the early morning tide on Tuesday, and was bunkered and loaded with N.rtl, C,??p..y' (l,KOtone, Including bunkers) for Portsmouth, .a,ling "K" in the afternoon. The captain, 011 leaving the dock, said he Iwd traded in the Bristol Channel for the past thirteen months, and lie was certain that lie was loaded in less tims by two hours thita any- where else. hir. Francis Rogers is ttim loW agent for North's. CASUALTIKS. FLLorn's TKLKUHAMS.J Tlie British barque Lndy Gertrude, from Jamaica for Rotterdam, was abandoned at sea on Oi tobsr 23. The crew wero saved. The steamer Galtee, reported on Monday ashore neoiGoole, floated the same niitht. No »p|iarent damaged. She proceeded on Tuesday morning. The German sieani"r Hudiksv>11, from aam- burg. stianded at Hofoudskar, near Stockholm. Assistance has been sent. The German steamer Bedale, from Rotterdam, and the ttriti-h steamer Pelaw, from London, both arrived at Sunderland, having boen aground at Whitburn. The Brilish steamer Alice Otto, from Cron«;n!t, with n 001), is ashore in a bad position at Faro, Gothland. FOREIGN ARRIVALS AND MOVEMENTS OP IXKJAL Vr-;tIBRLH. 8t. Donat'8 arrived St. Nazaire from Cardiff 31st. Qulcksiep passed Kheernesj for Barry Dock 31st. L-sd.v llavelock arrived Barry from bI. Malo 3.11. Peter Graham left Kwaiisea for me"p.. Moonstone l?.ft Rotterdam (or Cardiff 1st. Happhlre 1-ft Pensacola (or We.1 Ilartlcpool29tb. )..1\ Uarrouere arrived Huelva 30tti. Treilegar Rnived Mhr.ellte, 1 at. G ?c?''? it? Be?i??? for Valencia 1,t. Purtugalete left Galalz IQr Hamburg ht, tiastanos arrived Marseilles 31st.; Cairo left Firieus for the Aroff 31st. Ma-.thew 11,,111111\1°" nrri.1 New Orleans 29th. Kril: left Gslveaton 1st. Oswin left Newport News for Bayonne 1st. Whitehall left Norfolk for Mverpool 2nrt. Lyndhurst. passed Snlliia for Antwerp 31st. Hart lelt Hndv, (or Glasgow lat. Ferncliffe passed Constaiitjnople for Gibraltar for orders 1st. Sully left Constantinople for the Black Sea Slit. !ta?.an arrived "nrrv?bt. Rentiu-mel lefl Tampa for Norfolk 31st King's Cross paned Algiers 3181. Garonne nrrived Bordeaux 31sc. Kly ?r,i, :dr?iv?d 31 -1. 31. Kenfiew left 8ullll. for Rotterdam 31,t. Wyntistay left Possedonla 'or the Danube 1st. Ll =.f, Odessa for Hamburg 3!.t. Douglas Hiil arrived Ancona from Cardiff 31st. CARDlFF.-ARRIV ALS. p. R DOCK. Oct. 31.—MarbeUn, B, t05, OrlH, S. 1',Il' London, Ii::l' 3;ir'9œÎib"o,lr.Ire'm: 1 nees, a, 1,388. Hot. I.-tnvemMt, t.<57. Kotterdam, light. BUT IJUT'K !JOCK, Oct. 31—Ballocbmyle, 1,438, Talcahuano, wheat. Sir Befit. a, &36, Havre, ?ght.l'ehr U^laml. 1,229, Dub)in. hMlJait. ur.')!.)e.orMu.p.uc. Alert, i Nov. 1.—'Gogo, sf 39t?. 541, TA R?,c!hAlle'. light. Castro, a, 724, London, (iKht. Otto, I,524« Koiter- da.o.Utht.E.M.NetMn.l!),B.«t.o).U(!ht. Wax BUTK DOCK. Oct. 31._Y. Yana, 63. BXMbeth, 56, BrI.tol, Ugh' H-tdon.t.MO. 'l't\pmog. wlle-.t. uwinta, 9. 7. J Capl.ln Cook, B, 153, Li..rpoal. sundries. Orpheus, ':1 2, Li.e..poo!, aumlrio). Voorwanrts, 186, Canal, light Nerio, 3? 8MMtf" p"??ne). LyMifMd. 184, W.terrord, bot?tt. (!iUMu. 183, Youghal, ball..t. Harvey, H6. Dungarvan, pitwood. Nov. 1. Viiii". Edward. 61, Canal, light. i te r, 68, Bd;lol. liglit. Lewisman, 58. Lytbcmore, 176/ ].?"'!)Mt. Hannah, 140, Bristol, light. Editb, 68, Bristol, light. PKNARTH DOCK. liglit. Nov.L-Bromegrove. a (Philip), Soutbampton. light. SAILINGS. ROTH D" Och 31.—Speedwell, s (f^erdra), Almeria. Hospodmr (Kerr), Santos. Halewood (G-1t). B. bay Erit,io (Mnrtft'h). frtnid?d. Poai): t8ch?en?, L<e!*on<. t Z, o ) rii Nov. 1.—Industry (Sit ev). 0 H., sea. ifula, 9 (Bowman), R.I.. Ann (B.w.i,,g), Pen- .,th. EAST BUTB DOCK. 31 Joeefa (Hal" bre), Rio de Janeiro. Mary Emily (Jones), Hnelva. Jessamine (Maynard), PI,VIn(Jllth, JVaaiand (iSrikscn), Campann. Nina (Hansen), Buenos Ayres. IlIeh Keith (¡¡ullld,,). Buenos Ayres. Australia (Angel), Pensacola. A,tl- (Icune), Seville, Nov. 1.—Tweed, s (Kennedy), Newport. Kate B. Jom», (8,d,l,) 1, -?l ?, (Re,-), Kouen. Moliere, s (Crabby), Havre, G. B. Wood, a (Boweo), Allc"Il\.<. Cognac, s (Schmidt), OSarente. WKST BUTK DOCK. Oct. 31.—Shirley (Turnbull), Penryn. Christopher Thomas (Guy). W-t?rr,)r Mirla M'Millan (Blat,ter}), U?'rtan" N.t'd(Ne!n).]'?Min. PM)!!<e(Ne<t? ), i 'F.í'a'II",IÊ1ieeir'I.(ti;), Dbt. (e¿ ((ni.). Quimper. Advance (Pope), Plymouth, A-lwyn (Hllis), Londou. Cadwgan (,1om.a). Aberayr"n. H?" M'G,?g,r (pri,?-), Dubtt?. Dewi L?,, (Pi'?n'}' B*?)n)tcur.)t. B.I';LadV M..y (,Joue.). AberU. ?nneer.t (Poole), Rouen. Cii« (Hoyer), HHCHOS Ayrei. Chaney, (C"l'pelltf), Caeu. PKNARTH DOClC, Nov, Mamilh(ifise, 6 (Hughes), New York, bunker ooal. ArllO. a (Taylor), Havre, coal. KNTBRHD OUTWAII L)S.-November 1. Havre, Worth Devon, s, B, Mnlhollaml, 448, J. T. Dlllln"& Co. Malta. Sleumeve, B. Padgett, 1,285* Jones Bros & 00, liar" Ww<it?. t. 9. ?tt(i? U060. T. 6. H"we a '0o.°' O ".l.lfibi'o' n. B, I'Mwartls, 1,457, R. Hopner A C, »«» V> oVt,;7 iVo»t. H. ['h"f\tdft, 1.47. n,UOfll1\"r ¡t CIJ, Ne\t {)df'II". 11'01t. ,¡¡lhIP, D. llmutoll. 1,17.1, Cor' Ht;1I::j¡}, Artisan, B, Kinsman, 1,083. I'- P. Crrel N' vi I, 8. I]- Rieer, 1.-H4, Foster, llain *.Oo. r,en AIM 'iitv I • !*>»<• (,Tl.. 1If"tel ■ e Ti-v.a,, 11. JH{ul. 993, Voster. H.iln & Co. «t..ViiMire. F¡¡I'I Puwfd('!o, », B, Pa*ley. &.<6, Martin Rnivrns^'rdeit, >. H. lielilloR. !86, AnnhlJ( Bros. Mprlwjj¡., JI, Ifiilliiiityne, bOJ. Q. H. Wloweand Jlwioelona, Joshua Nlcliolson, o, n, Mubly, 1,1-3. fiiHiihcns. Mawson & Gos* IJort, Hald. OH», «, H, Turncy, 1,380, J. If. Wilson fjiemw Ahwrlr y. B. Jioburts, 57^. J. T. UmuanACo, JaffV, lirewlon, 8, B, Bainment, 895, Edwards, Robert* ileontlti" AmeHe. P, Brurieau, 162, A. n. Tap- 8. NwJ'. Svverteon, fi41. C. HtOTllhnln,Progress, s, N.Y, Syvertsun, 541, C. ftivw-li^ur otto Nwv, Knudsen, 1,33, J, & M. Gunn TsrraRoi,. Jens Meitdeli, Nw.Tn", 45. 'J:"Uehf"11 It Co. r,iho" Hann., nn, ,Tnrgunøen. 135. lellHs'ii & Oo N;'kj\:billg, J. m Nellsen. Den, Ni18en, 13', ledefsen Valpaialso"Mmarl. Chili, Monk, 5, Jimes A Jn((r,iin U.-IIOM T"" Ao anie, It i, (1tllal'lrl, ?3. A. T IJlli:ovlch Hnelvii, JÙt«lau, n, H, IJurnard, 662, J. Cory ft Knn' Port-aid, Jamel Cameron, I, B. Nlth /lson, 1,118, M. Cadl^ Led., B, ni.f.,?, 767. Af"«d Bios. A Co. OLEAUl-ili.—November 1. Sf, Nntaire, Advance, «, B. I.B?O?-i Palermo, Bala, a, 0,2.192 coal Havre, North D. von, 0, 8, 1,000 roal Marseilles, KfhrllwjrL'a, I. B, 2,MUco.1 Port Said, Koyle, s, D, 2,970 coul :¿.=: :u1'y, B, 1*460 Coal j Rouen, Activity, s,!}, 1,2S0 coal Kio ( tt Janeiro, Artisan, D, 1,831 COal Kuri. Weardale, a, B, l.HCOcoal :r:19 coal I hlmpe. A¡.cdly, a, H. 1,200 coal Jaffa. Drfiwton, B, 1.440 Coal. 60 patent fuel Roohelle, Jane, 9, B, 1.7.0 COR f{ochefor(, Roselaml, 8. 1.480 coal 8m \lrna. l'lr.len-. s, B, 1,600 coal Cadiz, [,I"tu, N y. 37U oual J{nnlle, Vega, Den. 300 ooal Trinidad. Acm. Rns, 852 coal, 30 from Vi&dl1:. Led", B. 1,338 ,.) V»TH Cruc, Cragslde, a, B. 1,400 patent fuel Bombay, Aristomene, B. 2.700 coal Huelva, a.¡¡lan, I, 11, 1,300 coal IM FOR ft.—October 31. Bilbao, ftnrl of Duinfrief, s, iron ore, Dowlals Company Talcaliuauo, Dallachmyle, wheAt, Rplllera & HAken I Horvleaux, l)ordogne,s, pitwoud, Newport, PiIwoud Co. I'aganrog, Huldon, wheat, Sp, 1". & U.kon I Mverpoi l, Ctptaiu Cook, s( sundries, Begg &Co. Liverpool, (), plums, s, sundries, Ql chrlit 4' Co. R; acoff, Nerio. potatoes, G. Shaplallll Dungarvan, HRrvey. pIIW"od. Tellefsen & Co. BAlWY nOCK.-AIIIUVAL8. ODt.29.-F. T. B., 545, London, IIXI?,. Elemor., 0, 612, Itouen, light. Trevean, s, 999. Rotterdam, liuht. Oct. 30,-Ko.t William, I, 1,175, Rotterdim, light. Siedmere, s. Nant Fraucon, I. Glenarilf, 468, London, | ballast. Oct. 31.-Elh,!wRMa, I, I,Wi, Ito W,llht: ?'clivit,y. a, 677, 7li, Ports- mouth, ligl,t. iVnpo), s, 1,284, Amsterdam, light. Goldsboro', I. H"I Branch We,1 bruok. 8, Hainpstead, a. Rising Ptir, 835, Garston, ballast. I :II' \.43JljJI, It, 83¿¡:IIt.062, i; 1 nt. Jame8 Catneron, 1,118, Fleetwood, Arbib Nov. Ladr ?IoatYlI, 467, London, light. Lady Havelock, I. Collerdine. RAILINGS. Ont. 29.—Vesta, s, Dieppe, coal, Nyanxa, I, Malta, coal. St. Donat'?, s, si N axaire, coal, o,t? ?O.-J. B, ighl, Sp,,?i., ..I. j.h. Scott, I! so"tbampt. &)Al. P. 'i. Ban" I, Lon(I Coal: Scorelb> s, Gibraltar, coal. Klemore, 8, London. coal. Orpington, a, Venice, ooal. 60n¡.er,e a, Buenos Ayre., lconl. Oct. 31— Pahs of Apt- Algoa Bay, cod. Hlddtkel, [Singapore, 1, d..t,y. Gio -t-e coal. D.1,?.p \Iïr doajIIr'i. Gi,i'itpno,kuc.:r. Tlior, Olnnce.r, ooal. M.ry Ann, Gloucester, emi. Welwcra, Buenos Ayres, coal. Nuv, !H.o.! BrMwh, I, New Orleans, c/»ol. Activity, s, Rouen, coal. Nant Praueon, a, Gibraltar, coal. John Ubead, i, Malta, o"al. 4 NEWPORT.—ARRIVALS. AttxsHoiu DUCK. Nov, 1.—Friarv. I, 1.606. HIIU, water b&1I'lt, J'or- I tl1l1"h\l, 8,1'83, Mlddlestioroogli, wster bl\llast. Vain. I. b70, Llverpoiit, water ballast. BII11IC. 996, R. I). waier bnllast. Huvglero Settlmo, s, 1.243, Londou, water b«II««t. Spark, a. 855, Calais, wder bnllaJt. HlVltR Wb.RVU. Nov. 1,-Cormor."I,. I. bid. Plymouth, water ballast. Wtndsworth, 78. Fadstow, ll £ ht. Hnsaoiond Jane 34, Biistol, li^ht. Ant, 46, Bristol, Unlit. Tredegar, I, 59, Bristol, light, Margaret Wut, 83, Diinesivan, pit- ,d. 81. A*nes, 54, ?t. Ag,.?,, b.11?,t, Cornucopia, &0, Bristol, liglit. AMie^moor, I It. Ir,I)uk,Iildil,b: :14'7: light. Plover, s, 114, Liverpool, general. SAIUKGH. > LIXOIHlR4 Doox. Nov.1.-K.mpoKus.. (Johns). Portland. Alexandra (Gillinsen). Pernambuco. Brsciidsl e. s (Thompson), Bremerhaven. 1 hor (Johaimesen), Gusdaloupe. Vol. ney. i (Edmundl)..lillylo. Starlight, s (Slromondi), "rorre .&lJnulldltta. otn DOCK. No,. I.-W.,tr.. (Schul), Martinique. R, tm (lion. Hsr.lngton, (Hubes). Wlller/ord. Auric, s ( -1. Belfast. Caroline (Vorl""I, Gnada- loupe. Dendats (Oiscn). Liebm. Wye (Wright), Bris- wi. FenDY Jane (Bell), Bridgwater. RIVall WHARVU. Nov. 1,-Vben «(rolll), Fowey. Erme (Wystt), Ply- mouth, Ceres (Petherlcli). Bode. Helen (M earthy), Courtmacsheri y. Harvestman (IlanuneU), B illi cition. Martha Jane (tlavie>), Csrnarvnn. Lord Koll,i (Clancev), U.try.or (?IL o. Bude. T.le.rAm (Sherlock). Plymouth. Twin Broihen (Col-l??,Y), Co,k. 111-1 (Jones), Cork. Brothers (Howies), Clevedon. Reliance (Herbert), troud. ESTEHED 0(7TWARoS.—November J. Lisbon, Atatanta, s, B. Johnson. 743. Wans, Ward 4Co. OOIl8tantlllopl.. Horace, I, B, O'SnlllY, 995, T. llevnon A Co. Rtdón. Kdousrd, F, Lech&nlt°nr, 141. Budil ft Co. iVsi.tes, Pauline, F. ErlaJul. li6, Budd 4 Co. Henueboiit. Aig.ette, F. Ni-I..(,. 14Z Budd & C.. H?., b,?.t. J?.?. B4ptl., F. K-rnim vaiit, 161, Budd Naples, Jtnggiero Settlino, Iry. Pesce, 1.43. Cory Bros. 4 c. L'Orlollt, L'Amltie, F. Le Rouiic, 126, A. H, Tapson Cl.EAKED.—November 1. Seville, Maitlanda, I, B. 1,203 coal llio de Janeiro, City l amp, B, 1,450 -1 Gibraltar, Volo, s. B, l'bo. cod Lisbon, Atalanta, I. B, I.UOcoel IMPOET8.-November 1, Liverpool. Plover, 0, general, R. Purtnn 4 Son, Bristol, Prince 01 Wale., corn, R. Buiton 4 Son, KIPOItTS COASTWISE.-November 1. Anpledore, Why Not, 50 coal. W. H, Chambers W.t. Pilot. 45 ooal, A.T. W. James Highbridgr, Flora, llOioal, W. H. Chambers ig Catherine Sutton, s, 50 coal, T. Wilks 4 Co. W,t,rl,,I,Ll 150 co-I. T. Wilk.& Co. Bristol, Per.wraltce, &6ceal Plymouth. Franchise. 235 coal, Ti.p.nlwya Colliery Co. "r pe8,? .:1, T iP'.L??. C.11-?ry 00. PorLGavorue, 75 cnsl Far,ld. (Cork). Bellna Jane. 150 ooal, 0, J. Dunn 4 Co, Cork. Hartequin,100 (wal. Bevan 4 I'ryce Padstow, Surprise, 62 coal and 2 tons mnilary pip. H. Evans DUlIgarçan, A?nrn, 1'10 Mal, H. Evans Uude. B' fiO (Ml. H. Kvnns Par, St. Germnii's., T. Wilk. A Co, Bristol, John. I, 175 coal Bristol, Oatbon, e. 140 coal Lerryn, Knt-<prise, 130coal,Clapp4Co. Queenstown, Balierbei-k, 330 eoal, H„skins 4 Llewellyn St. Agues, t. Ago, 95 coal, D. H. Monis SWANSUA.-ARUIVALS. NORTH DOCK. Oct. 31.—James Drake, s, 875, Hull, nil. ^ov> x.—Marion, 75, iLinsale, nil. Charles, 66, Gloucester, pireh. Caroline, 79, Westonpoint, Bait, Elizi, 34. Aberthaw, limestone. Margaret £ l!en, 27, Carnarvoru slates. SOUTH DOCK. Nov.I.-Galatea, I, 347, Treport, vt« Bristol, general. Oiympe, \15, Port Lannl\V. pitwooil. PRlNC" OF WALKS DOCK. ODt. 31.-Eryeina. 532. Poit NnUuth, copper ore. Nov. 1.—Bay Fisher, s, 177, Barrow, tin-plate bin. Lincolnshuirlel, 65, Ca,dllf. ti,?-pl.t, :>1r"I, 136, 1 ,?het, il. BUt.INGS. NoRTH VOCK. Oct. 31.—Mizpah I..nnloll. Quiver (LAm. prey), Barnalupl*. Klttv Ann (CIIUULO, Barnstaple. G8f!(al Lee J) 1, Blr W. Moleswortli (-&m,den), Aberthaw. My.IHV (Ryd..r), Glouceiler, Mary Fanny (rook!). l'iddown. Guiseppiua D, Mary F.?,y (br-k,), (Vianello), Venice. SOUTH DOCK. Oct. 31. William George (Ticlcers), Guernsey. George IV, (Hughes), Guernsey. Vixen (Shields), Dublin. Margaret Hobtey (Ueddin), Guernsey Sarah Jane (Daney), Morlnix. H.refor.1 (Piiillips), High- bridge. Germania (Kearon), Dublin. PRINCE or WALES DOCK. Oct, 31. — Travancore, • (Logan), Genoa. Carrie HM,'ev T,brtl.). Newcastle. Edith.. (Thomm), Newport. Manlianset, s ( New York. Nov. 1.—Blanche, 1 (Bedford), Fowey. ENTERED OUTIVARD8,-Novomber 1. Bibles d'Olouue, Rblo, a, B, Davies, 88, Latrlcheos and David Regeio, James Dmk., 9, B, Bullk, 875, p, Buther* R,g (10 ( tport, vim Tort Talbot, Galatea, a, B, Aylward, 347. i s & Harrison Ahus, Sigrid, Den, Pettersen, 136, Naerup A Co. L%Guayra. via Cardiff, Johannes, Rus, Saltman. 352, & Co. •'••Wx. Dart, B, Youn^, 54, Enri^ht A Co, Cherbourg, Oiympe, F, Piguot, 9o, L. G. Jeffreys A Oo, ^epon, ,Ii., P, L? 108, L. G. J?ff,.y, & C.. f\ Alnlo. Anna. P, Tanuuy, 94, L. G. Jeffreys & Co, :l'Bhd.1'Zi: too'l.egy. & Co. un. A.i, C,?ill? F, Auff,?t, 691. J. 4- CLlURIliD,-Noçember 1, .b.,g, City of Brlf»t^, a, B, 603 coal M",I.I., Dart, B, 115 co.1 New Orleans, Peveril, I, B. ballast Lisbon, vim Newport, Orbo, s, H, banast Marseilles, Bougemont. a, B, 1,600 fuel Roueu, Amiral Oecll1". F, 1,400 coal IMPORTS.—November 1. | I Tr^port, vtd Plymouth. Ac., Galatea, a, 24 ?.k. sulphate of potash, Ar,ti & H iu Port Launay, Oiympe, 130 tons pitwood, L. G. J.ff,.V. IMPORTS COASTWI SB.—November 1. GIO"Celter. Charles, l?O tonl PiL, Graig"la Company Burrow, Bay Fisher, s, 32 tons r?,?Go'00 ton..crap, 21 ton. tin*piate bRr., G. Shepherd A Co. C*rhnrvon, Margaret Kl'en, 47 tons slates, M. Moxhana Westonpoint, Caroline, 60 tons salt, vl"? & Bom Kinaale, Muion. 114 tons oais, John Dyer Aberthaw, Eliza, 52 tons limestone, New Cot Lime Co, Cor.rjfr, Lincolnshire, s, 103 torn tin-plates, T, JI. W, Mason A Co. EXPORTS COASTWISE.—November I. Ramsey, Musgrave, s, 290 coal, laln Colli cry 00. Borrow, Bay Fisher, s, 360 cool. Nant MerthyrCo. 80 eume. 30 cool, G. Shepherd Guernsey, Mary Armsteai, 190 coal, T, T. Paacoe Belfast, Winsunley, s, 5CO coal, T. K. Bobiuaou PORTHCAWL,—ARRIVALS. Nov. 1.—JSmily, 39, I/lr.comb., IlRht. Crolahlll 8 .p ?e.? A>gorta,s, 3?g, Bilbao, Iron ore. Ocean Pear), 51, Kilmore, It lit. F..ourite, 35, IlIraoolDbe licctit. Ouse, s, 441, Bordeaux, pitwood. SAILINGS. Nov, l.-Crosshlll, s. Portsmouth, 1,140 coal. Star of St. Agnea, St. Agne., 90 coal. IMPORTS.—November I. Bilbao, Algorta, s, 700 tons I' or, Nortb'l NL,ig?tion C..P..y Ouse, I. 800 tons pitwwd, Fred B. Vivian NEATH AND FALUTON FERRY.— ARRIVALS. Oct. ?8.—Black Book, s, 122, Cork, ballast. Cel. 29.—Albert. 46, fadstow, imllftst, Oct. 30.—City ol York, s. 30, Bristol, geiieral. SAILINGS. Oct. 29.—BK,ck Hoc! s (iKWis), BeUut. Out. 31.-Corlll.b Lais tMiiyne), St. A,

I HUNTING NOTES, I [IIY COvl,.R,i,-Sll)r."j It Brems ll slmrt twelre uiontlu since we too], our wuy to tlia first, meat ot tlia (llamorganslilre, ant; hero we uru agdn tins October morning, with tito-stin aliining and a gontle, nutumii-like breeze woftiiiR its fiaurance around us, ollalo bound for Newton R so, in full anticipation of a good day's fcporl, altliougli the easterly qmrter from which the breeze blows warn, ue tliat one element, ut least, is ready to dispute out right to "Get aWliV- hark and enjoy that glnrlou, run which rnrely the cry heralds. Leave, lie thick in the coverts, and are no Dew and full of odour that hound, will have a difficult task to carry the ccent through, and get away on the fur aide on fair terlD with their los. And so it ptove, bya-and- bye. Getting to Newton House in gooil time, we look over the lawns in setrch of old Caell and old frieiiita, new face, and new acqunintaricfio. But, strange phenomenon I we scarcely sea half-1-dozeu people about. How ia this? l'Oli!" replies" friend, "they are all iotide with Mr. Gibbon." Krenkfaat, I suppose p" "Yes, and a generous one. Go in; you have been asked for." So I obey orders and go In, to find our good- naturi-d host in his element, dispensing good clifjer and kindly greetings to all alike. Outside I s-e If Morien," pencil in hand, peering into his neigh- hourw faces, and trjing to read their names in some mybt?rious mnnner, and, when tho mystic process la at. fault, jogging a friend's el:e:n:, I asking for the information which Ins power of divination has not be8n able to help him to. The result will, doubtless, be seen in the Western Mail, aiiti tell us all who were fit the meet, and, although Morlan" may leave out the names of "few men, I tliink it may safely be Imzirded that lie will not neglect the ladies, as he seemed particularly anxious to know all about tliem, and stock his noii-book with their names, ages, and place, of abode. At eleven o'clock we get the first glimpse of the houndlllu they come into the grounds with waving si ems. nnd range tliemselves gracefully around the huntsman, quite prepared for the admiration which is b?to,?ed upon them in full measure by ,he gathering fi?id. Cox has good word ,y 01 mauy of U,em, and Harry is on the watch to see that they coniluct themselves in public in a manner worthy of the kennel. Willi bright sun. shine overhead, and very little wind to disturb the trees and blow the scent away, we move off in very good time, to try tHe Newtou Moors, which prove blank. From there to Stanby Wood of coew. and equally of course a quick find. Knitting him tnrough the wood, hounds get well oil him as lie breaks covert and gets away past :-ir Josepii Spearman's kennels for Stanby meadow plantation. This is wired all round, and before the fox can manage to find a way in, he is rolled over, and the first Who-hoop I" of the season echoes through Stanby Wood, and con- veys the news 10 those not up that a fox had been uniimely chopped." Tlie field is big and the fences are blind, and our progress from covert to covert is marked by not a few ary shifts to manœnvre from piint to point without negotiating too many jumps; for, as yet, nothing has hap- pened to put men In the mood. At 12.10 Penllioe Graig is tried, and almost as soon as hounds are thrown m they get busy and drive out one on the Pantllwydd aide, to carry a fitful scent along the top of Coed Munsel, and to throw up i just beyond, unable to make anything of the I line. A canter aCIOs. Mynydd Ruthin takes u. to Trallwn, where we make our third venture and it ve our third lind. Hounds throw their tongue* prettily as they hunt their quarry through the thick underwood. unable for quite a quarter of an hour to induce him to break. But he Is viewed away after hanging desperately to the ahelterand heads for Ruihin Farm, where he runs amongst soma sheep and succeeds in foiling his tracks. Hounds get to fault here; but, by the aid of long cast h ick, Cox gets them on again, and back tliev go to Trallwu, to leave it for Brigam Wood, L'lisnting merrily as they hunt over the open. Kuuning through to the far end, our fox doubles hliort back, and Blakes Macks for Trallwn again, then straight on to Panlycock, where he swi-eps round to the right until he touches 1'IIutrulhin FlAwr, getting bick to Trallwn, and finally finding sanctuary under gtouoil. It is well after three o'clock when we find our- selves et Argoed Gorse. Silently hounds draw every inch of the thick, wounding furze, and as silently a lurking fox steals away, with merely a whimper to end him on his journey. But the Imund is steady, aud In a moment other hounds challenge, concentrate their forces, and dash into the open as Cox sounds Ihe "Gone Away I" Through the Llansanor School Plantation, then the Trenchet, where he hangs a bit before he heads back to his kennel in the gors-, and on to the Bullen. Hare he turns aliort, and noes over the old ground again to the Trenches. But he rune straight through this time, and make, tracks for the Forest Wood. Scent is better than it has been, and hounds acknowledge it by freely throwing iheir tongues when they get out into the "p"n near Rhlw Talog, and go away with a better head than they have hitherto carried to Talygarn, right over by Ofn Llys into Hensal Park. Running risht through, tliey bend to the left, make Umierch Farm, and strike the railway nearMiskin, cross the Ely River, keep on over the Miskin drive, and head for 4caurdy. At this point they hunt very pretnly, and, making a turn to the right, head for Groes Paen, taking a line midway be- tween Crofta and (lelliwen. At this time there are still fourteen of us, in- cluding two ladies, who have ridden well to the front from the find, with hounds, and watcb them still fresh and eager hunting on the line over a rough, troublesome meadow, gradually making it in the top corner, where tlie sinking fox has evidently crept through on his way toLlwynpauua Quarries, close by. The shades of evening are now fast falling, and just as we begin to wonder how long we shall have light to see the country the master blows the ro-call, and hounds ar quickly stopped, after a cpilal hunting un 01 one hour and lusty minutw. Of the last to keep on four were fariiiers-and capit-sl repie-entativea they were of the large number who gathered to the meet in the morning. I mugr not forget to say that we scampered over IheLUnsanor golf ground in the inomine, doing a little damage, I am afraid, tll the" purting gri-ens;" hut a-. ridents will happen, although, in future, if the gentlemen of the hunt will look out for the posts slicking up in the ground, like signals of danger, and give them" wi,le berth, it will obviate the ri-k pf receiving a volley of protestation, &c I hope in my next noles to give some attention to the interesting points discussed in Ap Rhys' letter. FIRST mET OF TU H CARMARTHEN- SHIRE HOUNDS. On Tuesday irorning, nt half-past ton, the CafID8rlhenehire hounds held their first moetof the season at. Guildltall-quare, Carmarthen. There had been a slight frost overiiigilt, ittid the morning was bright and crisp. However, the attendance of sportsmen was not so large ns on most former occa- sions, while there were but two or three ladies present. The master (Mr. W. J. Buckley) was among the former, and in addition ti him were Mr. T. Morris, Coomb, deoiity-inasler Mr. T. Parkinson, Castle Pigvn Major Glase tt, Wenallt Mr. Strick, Brynamman; Captain Grismond Pliilipps, Cwm- gwilly; Mr. J. Francis, Myrtle Hill; Mr. Pliilipps, Cilgwyn; Mr. W. Buckley Roderick, Llanelly; Mr. 8. N. Powell, auctioneer, Llanelly; Mr. D. K. Wil- liams, Ivy Busli, Royal Hotel, &c. The hounds were tiotted off to C'wmmanbacli covert, about a mile and a half to the west of the town. No sooner had they commenced work- ing limn tliey discovered a brace of foxes. A division of the pack was, however, prevented, and the hounds settled down on the track of a strong dog-fox which led them over Derilys land and up to Ffynongaint. Thnre Reynard made a complete turn, and led the hounds btok to Derllys. Thence lie proceeded to Cwminerthyr and up to Cwm- centien. At the latter place he ran to ground, but was dislodged by tho terrier. On his getting to open air again be made towards Derllys, and at Carnmauclia, a farm adjacent thereto, igain retreated to ground. For the second time he was unearthed, and made a sharp gallop towards Ffynonsalnt. At that plsce he once more sought refuge in the earth, but was again ferreted out and killed mid aoinewhat exciting scene, nearly the whole field being present. The hounds. had hardly finishrd their task than they fixed upon another fox, and a smait, if short, run ensued. The fox ran across to Nuntyci, thence to Nuntybwla and over the hilltop to Voelcwan. From there he directed his course to flwmdu and made for Penlan. At the lutter place the hounds were called off, and all proceeded homewards with the thought that the day's sport augured well for the coming season. The hounds acted admirably, and were kept well in hollll1 by the huntsman Tom Davies. The scent was catching."

"FKRIII OF CH*B<JK."—TO give an opportunity to thou, not yet issing H.rniman's Tt i, the Importer. t1e::¡\ (rr.ilU ..d p.t fiee a paclfet f their fr. T:J() (1U::on ll:t;hl lap):'JIJJiBtPKlti:el hbt localityOiirdlft: Howell, 355, Mute-street; Anthony, 39, Nt. M.ry-street; WHJJIm't f'hemin, 8, Janim-Blree' KilwurtU, chemist, Albany-ro.,1 Jenkins, SiUlslmvy-sqiinre 01;irlc, chemist, CI\t.hl\18; Da,ls, 61. Cowbriilce-vuiiil nl,I"II, Grocer. Cath^ys MIIUt!(¿¥, chemlat. Priim, 14C, Cllttou..treet; Huck an(t Hon, chemists. t..lo1Ul'R.'1u:"re; OJ1eman bond 0. 8, Iligh..¡treet; Lltten, confectioner, Castle-rooil; Jones, chemist, Jloatb oleiomi, cùmi.r, Williams, 11, Bute-street; Mmnford, chemist, Scotland, and 40. Cutie-road lloutli: Fletcher, June., Koath Harries, 103, Queen- fttroet; Yortb, chemist, Canton. Cowbriilge: Tvoinas chemist. Uriilgend: wi I'll?.n, l'()t-omce. Pontypridd: Key i-ltemlat; Mill,, t- dealer. 7,lsntrissant: 1,(eweJlyo, cheml.t mid at Oowbrlilge. Alierdare: W. J. Thomas, chemist, Morgan .ttb. cbeml.I, and Jouw, chemist. Tre- iierbert: Itlclisrds, cheml.t; Tla.Ies nlt M.g. Merthyr; Ht.erheu8 chemlsi, and Thomits, ohemfst. Fenarth. 1'roclcr, cll"ll1\ät. CK41oToon: Hopkins, cbemls, Barry liock. Ponuird.uve ,rorùau, chemist. Neath. Hutchlns, cheu\18t.. Hirifaln: Oeurirp. CiICIIII"t., Cwmavun ArnoM. I:hemi¡t. &c. Oemore V. I.lewellyu Vost-oiHos Freatelau: Uorrls and Son, bakert. Khrmney: Davie, .:tS)? ''Bttw!!ee<' ?Mtt)?ht)?'()? tSStXa?t?' $U0fnt4$aiiHtSteCS. R. 'W. M I L L.E R A N D" co WINU AND SPIRIT IMPOUTKItS, ST()KESCJ10F1\ B RISTOL. LIST OF SKLKCTEL) WINES. Choioe Sherry..15/, 18/, 21/, to 4'J/ per Do t. Hooks Iii/, 18,, :!4/¡ ()1. to 4 -i; per [),Z. „ Port* 15/, 16/, 21/, to 54/' „ Marsala 14/, It')/, 1K and lit/ M Old Ornsted Port* 3(1/ to 72/ „ I >( Invalid Port SO/ „ Tarragona 12/, lfi/, IS/, and Clarets.10/6, 12/, 15/, 18/ to 48/ „ J Spanish Po,-ts aii,i Sh,!rri,!s froin I It Burgundies 18/, 24/, to 64/ „ j Champagnes au;, ;G/, 40/, to 100/ |( Sparkling Hooks and Mozelle* from 32/ to (18/ per Dozen. CHOICEST OLD WHISKIES, BRANDIES, &c., Thoroughly Matured. Uratidy, from 22/ to 84/ per Doz. Gin, from .18/ to 30/ per Liot, Irish Whisky, from 20/to 42/ „ Rum, from 10ii to Sootoh Whitky, from ..20/ to 45/ "I Foreign Liqueurs, &c., &,c, AGENTS WANTED IN ALL TOWNS. LIBERAL TERMS. All InquiriM should be addressed R. W. MILLER AND CO., "WINE DEPARTMENT," STOKESCROFT, BRISTOL. 17741 26 GOLD MEDALS FOB EXCELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR REPAIRS. b ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWO CEN. TURII'S. LARGEST STOCK IN WEST OF ENGLAND AND WALES. ADDRESS. } S. & A. FULLER, BATlt J. C. HOWELL, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEERS, LONDON AND LLANELLY. IT* r T^NRRN T/I FOR 8HtM. HOUSBB. COU.tRNEa. IKON ELECTKlly ?"° TI5-PLAM WOllH. CONtKACm UNOBBtlXfV MR IUOTIIC&L T T/~1 |JT1I11V> TNIT IRAXammo* or FOWUK. 'X. SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES FOR CROMPTON & CO., LTD iW)7  ?-PORTER 0 U T: 0 0 AND u KK These ALES, which are of Exoellent Quality, can be obtained in 'BOTTLE and CASK from LOCAL AGENTS throughout SOUTH WALES and WEST of ENGLAND. For terms apply to CROSSWELLS, LIMITED, IOU 11, PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF.

THE WELSH SUNDAY 1 CLOSING ACT. 876TH CONVICTION SINCE I SEPTEMBER, 1891. At Cnfdiff Police-court on Tuesday (before Alr. T. W. Lewis, stipendiary) number of shebeen caws were heard. Mary Hsgxott was charged with selling beer 8t her boute, 154, Mary Ann-street, on the 23rd of October.- Pnlice*constable Dicks stated that on Suurt&y nmroing he, iJ\ company with Police- constable G<>uge, watched the house, "nd saw a number "r men "nd "omen enter and le. D?- fendant had been fined three iim<s previously, and had had the licence of a public-hous« which she kept mken away from her.—A flue of £50 And cosrs was imposed, with the alternative of a month's hnprisonment. Youglial-3treet, w.,q fitie(i John Rbino", of Youghal«dtreet, wa* fined £ 10 and C.tB lor a similar otfetice.—pi.lico— constable David Evans saw one man ;u>d one boy enter. He also saw seventeen ^omei\t n or. Inside lie found a 4^-gallon cask, Leaides a num- ber of drinking vots?lc. Police-constable George Gouge waichod the Ionua, No. 10, Mity Anr».gire^t, occupied by Hioinns Donaghoo, and ha. seventeon men enter mid twelve leiive. Under tho power of a warrant the constable entered and found men drinking and a" on tup.—Defendant was fined £10 and c,)t;¡o, or a month. Patrick O'Knorke, of 20, Mary Ann- treer. ".1S fiimd LID and cost*, or one inOMih, for a snoiUr fJffflJlcu. David Rees w.^s brought, up charged with a AhmUr offence.—Prisoner hveii at 20, Jielsori- itieet,andPoiice*coni»iab!e Lewis walchellthe house on Ihe 231'11 ult. and saw a nntnbtr of men enter aud leave.—The So ipendi-irv digiiiissed the ewe. Annie Hughes, of 4, Garth-court, wan fined 20? Mid cost*, for an offence of th^ samp kind. .I¡i f;e;r ,tI'I:yi;:>t, wns charged with" like ofTenc*, coJiumfted in 0,?to- ber 15.- rnlice-con.tablu Davies entered, and in ihe house found c,k. ,f be,?, on up.—Inspector Haywurd proved a long listcf <"onvictiotiS against Spillan, the last being a fine i f £ 100 nnd costs or thiee months' impti^onment.— Uo wus now filled £ 100 and cost" )r default three month*. Police-constable Durston proved a c'lrg of illicit sale ngninst Julia Nel1, of 7, H \lkot-street. -She was lined £ 10 nnd costs, or one month.

CHAIWE AGAINST A C AUDI IF PUKLICAN. At. Cardiff Police-court on Tueiidiv (before Mr. T. W. Lewis, stipendiary, ? I J b') 'it:sr'd:dY ÙlWlI(l'JII I street, was brought up charged with a breach of the Licensing Act. Mr. Xfcleher appeared for the ei e'nn st. ;'i;I;ik.r s:J" moinin?, (lie 23rd uif., "e, in company with l'olic- constable GOUK", watched the house, and between 1040 a.m. alld 11.0 he saw five men and two women enter thiuugh the from door. The oili er* entered the house and found j»evf»r 1 vessel* pttJv full of beer, and nlso a funnel, which appeared ai if it had been tiseti only a few nmmtos before. Two men were in the hnuoe. When witness asked the landlady the meaning of it site seemed In ie i surprised that they had been found there.— Mr. Belcher, for the defence, cniled M »ry Ann Rpr,"n. who said that ?he did ?.t k,ow f it, presence )f the i wo men until she SKW them with the lbles, The door had been 1,?tt. open by hec daughter, a little girl, when .ho f?tled ..ilk, and rhe ,en must hnve entered then.—A number of other witnessee were heard for tl?o defence.— Defendant wa* fined lO, "nd coI:>, or faui e^o dy.

DR. DE JOMGH'S LIOHT-BROWN Con LITER OIL.— hi THUOAT DISKASBS ITS EFFICACY W UMK«;UALL».R..— 81rG. Duucar ibl,. Uon" M.b.,r)?<)dtt<' to ',he V/e«t* mioater Hospital, wjites:—"D»e wlue of IV. de Jonah's Cod iv?, OU a therapeutic agent hi a number of diseases, el etly of an exbawt, character, h'w 1,111 ad^Ut«d by the world of medicine: bat, I..ddItIG. i ',¿,efonnd >f ",ome<ly of neat power in the treatment of wa"y Affection* of the Throat aud Larynx, especially in Consumption of the latwr, t:f:=n !,l .¡;IP\¡ Ii. ¡a;:¡J only in capsulod imperial h*u-pints, 2s. >Jd.; piuta, 4s. 'Al.; frflarU.. 9* tuy all cbemlsu. 8ole

FAILURE OF A CARDIFF BAKEK. The first meeting of the creditors of AlirM Sutton, baker, Eclipse-street, C»rd.ff, was hel l j: the Official Receiver's ofbces, Carti iff, on Tuesd-r. The liabilities amounted to £ 135 b. a i., sssets boing £ 40 9*. 21. The debtor attri»>ur his failure to bad dfebts, depression ill tracie, h' Tvr family expenses, and 1 ss of horses. The M! ing were the observations ot the offici?l re^iv- -The rceiving order was wnde upon a cr«'di' petition, the act ,f bankrup cy being w.ic" suspension (If payment. Tn#» <!pt,r ;> IIUI.! he started t.usillep A a bake' in "p.¡¡¡; t 1888, with a borrowed capital i>f £ 4. He Jp: to IInve given credit, to liii custodiers iwno principally of the working class) a littl- t,), tr Tie states he Is nof in a portion to m-ikj my r •> factory offer f,)r a-cmposi'ion, HJJ i t- adjudicat-d a bankrupt.—No resolu- ¡.II passed, and the üffi.hl receiver W;I:\ up;o \r. trustee.—In theafteiooon the debtor c«n:rj v? his public examination bpfnr" tho regis rv. K L'Uigley), and after answering quesii tr the official receiver lie was '111()" t, » exumimition being closed.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
-<- FAIRS FOR ISOVI'.MBF.H. Tlio fo'lowil1Œ li-t of fair. I:a" bten ;ns 11 fi'i.m'M r■■turns antl oilier u:. of trt£,)I InatilJII, umJ every r«bwit»:» prwu w has been tnken to ensure i' s accuracy I.l'tle IT 1 Lliindt-lov 1 riiUiKyfelach L 2 UrfSoii 1. 2' Fanners Cavo 2 T 11,  2 Newport 2 ??t)?v.?.?.? 5 Cwtmmman 7 7 Q?.'?.d.?. 7 Tidsam 7 Wfl^hito I 2P Kington 8 I «n.niiiiatef ? ltav**Konlwest 3 New Inll. LUUGRANOG 9 H<nM!h. '0 Cny.?. JO Riifferr&n ^0 Lhllrnm"rch 10 Ti,l 10 Cardigan 10 )! ?)'c?t)f-Km))'nU.2.M' T<-tnp)?'n. 12 Cfinirose 12 Abe«\?twitt» 2 t.'?it?).?.???.? t Llanrhyst^d.. 12 G^rth B1 toiw^i'i U). L 3 Abr,.v:(ln •• A b 11 11 i'oiHiied He h'ti Carvw h-u «-• 3 At'-??y  I :î?' Unihi 'V-rv N-a:h J-i'h .ii-irJ Ll«i:S*wei jL*u*ryJWe,* jTieviii- iTio^r, l l H «v O stleiv.wn (leh'I1IHh.. Kglwviwrw # POfltbt're{fl Canton iv .it .)J « Stock Market dtvi.

JmtA purs:—-a sfeccii «lcuyM.1 l- Homan (':ulloilc HIlh\p or ^1 ¡-,i ..r  tempdiiince meftiii^ nt !tltn.HI1I!r.! wus so (('•.iisiblu anil nirilfMat- f' ,h\erve n"lice. 'l'h Bishop Uth;tt' wh?at??n.?'SS!?!d''eta)!<?.??' -> lii>ht tn'(!M not. al>"Vi- ii ,'ertniu mitiiin"' I llouhl he f'K-<?'r<s'y t)t"in hl'I'1 fr\¡¡ dlf, t?isisi).)M't.?!?-U)"t"?v<()M.t)t?""? j. is, ",deed,l\ pi?F Hint more tempi'i un" n-i J an! nci "-i rr.H"wtthJc ami as |ir:»ci.K"i 1 !( !i?'?n' ?:?'?!A?rR?"snr??t??" ,« ii-. Simliylil Altf may I'e aMrii.u ■, t), Tact that n is l.rewcil "t"?-' coinpara l;ivoui;ililv with tliP orii"»r>t co)onr?'<f""i'?y?'?' mult t,rf.paroil from tlio linost n.'reforii^i.r Ii'y ar.rt mor'.ileiicaicly Bavoumtwitli •> .r. Wor'.ters," l;.it roally srowi. in t..e vj; ( valhiVS «f llon-loi-.lsliiri!. Me* Mill.' Sm, oi the Heroli'rU BrA\erv. Rrt! lilt.! 1)1\1\' br, (){ t.his tnm,'c. 4!(I,and it is salJ hy n\'l,\r :ùJ  nrthnN-?th.Scu[h.t-j(<'t.?')?"t. ,?";?. «*!«*, N'U'li Waias »• Mal^ Stoma; HV»te«!<t»stre«».» ardin. 's ••Oirculat-P' in' ,i..„. & Co.^ h.f< wor)J??' ,o1Hllarh,. »n.l Art' ac-know!tlr",1 :"1: unriv'iUedfo< «»nt   '¡..r.d tb:III¡:IUut::f,w 1'II. ,„ ci » u.tural and aiiupla manuer »ud afoij^ ,?A?' "l1c18purt.lnc-A. )'lr I.inuer for.. 1';11l,e11UJ A.:t\t ,1 S..mlll B K.OR UUIL SERM .^UIIIW TO C. Hr;tOJ, .:r I)" :JIU x;;r :r:k, or to ,lIdr l.vudOI! W 'L2C |.| N>w ■» Printed '"I Fnb))the.t by ?.?'?'?'? Owm 0 Co..L?i?)..t .e ,?;? ()wtn a (.1 Co. i Li;nltel). £ Gtw*"a"t"W* bL IL. C.,dift.IL .<r-