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IJublir amusements. ,'A R I 'I PF fJMILATIilS KO V AL, CAUUltF. ¡.e,e and M"n"¡¡tr Mr. B 1LEI0HKR TO-NiOHT AM) PrRiN'G THF WKKK, .AVlil'TF. \T\' HlfcXfc'S COMPANY In the IAZ,,T G?i,ty Sw'cq¿a, ?IXDm ELm? jjl1 ^00 LAm liow being Played .t the Hulfty Theatre, London,to Cr(.w;lf"d H(uue;. RUI.L BANI) AN'll CT[OKVS, MONDAY. K.-v<.m?r 7«h, M':?'??'/?''?. Common ill" I'avid G«rvk." M Sell ol for "M'1t1i\1." Koad tn Hum," ° bh Sloops to Conquer, N rlCF.-T T, il, t- thy Last Train to Merthyr Cardiff hn.ry };i¡;ht at b:leHn o'clock. D.cr* Open at ,'vpn: Commence 7. =0 ?? Plan N??. ?????'?..e' 8backtWe T_ _?_————— ? K A ? D T H L A T RK. IJ, ami M-i.C-r Rj\W¡¡O FI.ETCBB8 T?MmA'<urm''<(.?H!:w?'-K. Mr. WILLIAM liiU'KNK .1t'OUVAM' in hi* Celebrded l'rmiK TO ^[AN. Jhe (.i rest Ovi.iot Pcene. bunting Ruilwuv Collision. T',e Thrilling B«rn Scene. MONIWT 7'h, "A KK» FOUTl'NK." N Ho,„ Oi-eii»t .0. l".minei.ee 7 Z Box Finn .t 'SI..ns. Thomi'son ami Slniekell's d.im¡h'd'  HI LH A 1! M O N I C 1J ALL, CAXDiFK jH t_ KST 1? MRHr? Positively C'osmg Saturday, November !9:h, ]SQ Greater fciiee«sa than ever of Mr. JOS' Ptl FOOLE'S \? lf.t:W?YM'?"-?!?. The <t?rt bft?K?t btK?r cr.?.? t?wih?.t tt?t, tn,r??w.tk?Mt.t?;??u,).i?.?<? ob- tniu even stHti.liiig room 'lIh'l'udift t .cpr<ss SAVS Ou?f'? t' ???rMM)t Cardiff me n-ti?Mbeeu rool-'a M vriorn.iia.' Another Biwlxl EiteaireiiiMit. at enermou, "P" of It k It I t I z 'Stie Renowne-d I)e V; the Tnost mar- velum* t'qU¡I,b+1t (If moder., times. ÅI80 Mr. 11 0 11 1) K S M O Nil, Th# C?hb?ted Nc?m O'm-iha'i *» d Champion Bon" a?)t.nth.-pr).??!L?.???. um^iir Accompanied by *n fcminent CO'<??! t'A''?°"'?'?????'?'? "??D. ,y Evenii g at 7.4t. Illuminated D «y l>rtoi inaiiCM WediifViay atl.i Smir.lay a Taiee oVI^It. rr¡lt'S:- it Z." I., all \I Half-, rioo at ticu'cl(?ck. 1.446 TO SI-HI'. B SPECIAL. P E S I R E. HR JOSEPH PARKT'8 NEW ORATORIO. ^AUL OF rji A R S IS, ? 7HK PARK-II^LU, CARDIFF, WtDSESfAlf, Norembet 2nd, at liigkt p.m. ARTISTU :— MAPAMP SQCIRE Popran->. Mil. XtLDWrS Hl-MPWKEXi -Tenor. MB. FfRANGOON DATIES Bass. THE FESTIVAL CHOJWS An.1 an EFFICIENT OUCHESTRA OF 48. ORUSIT ,oo,oooo.oo}JR HUGH BHOOKSBANK. OrisrvcTOR THE COMFOStR. Popular Prices. Is.. 2s. Reserved, 3s. and 4s. 'J1ckt"U8IHJ Pian at Messrs. Newman auù Sons', 84, Biieen SMeet. speciiil TMU' Arr?n<emcn:< on Tan and P)?mn'y Jiai waYi at .t. and a qunrter, t.i,?. I.,i.?g O oditf at EI8rén P.. ;&z4 /SAKIUFF MUSICAL SOCIETY. 1/ BE A SON H9 -93. HM. Con.iuit. 1-Mr. T E AVLWAKD, Prospeeiive Arrangements — THH" m:*S?I'm"*l"?KMBi':R ',6? y (f February 8th. ttantoro s liattle o( the Baltic J sir 1 B ntu 's 1'eb. kah 1 StanlorJ as lievenge f^ „ 19th JERMSOF Sl'BsCKiPUONFOR BON MEMBKBS £ a. d. Six TicltetJ for B.?h Concert 2 2 0 Three 'I 1 1 0 Two" J 0 15 J 50 One 0 7 6 Prospectus with Fnll PRrticulaN at e8sr.. (Newman and 6 its', Qiieen-tireet. or lUe Secretary, Ma\rietd, 1n¡jthnr("h. "0 ~r\ ? D K 0 M ? DA.' .1 l. ThW "urtr'. Pic? urt. rttnttd by FKKDkKIrK GOODALL. B A., IS NuW ON VIKW, F. a Slwrt lime only, at th* CAUISKT OF FINIS AKTB, 38, CASTLK-ARCADK, CARDIFF. Haiirq. Ten a.m. till Nine p.m. Admit9Îml-"¡Kpe1Ice. 17902 "a i'PUCAMb for USE of COLONFAL- /V HALL p!f'"e apply to COMjETT and ISAAC T Tnifrlers. far iff Ugl— pIANOS, Q KUANS, P, AN US Why be without one when lOe. 6J. meuthly will Purctuue one of our hlaanificen ImtfumenU? pIAOFORTES. Special Prioet during the Bummer Months only Cath. M'thly. U I. da WALKtrr CA"E. FRLL COMPAS'' ? M THICHORI). ir.,?t, 3ft. 10' bigb SimiUr Model, superior quality 11 11 VANDERBOLT MODBL, iron frame,) fuli oo-. triet,ord m,ohlne eo,.red > 20 14 0 b. r ?,t. IOIII. iiigh ) ▼ASDERHOLT HODHL. t\n. higher. I 15 superior quality XrJtOfBAN MODEL, f,?ll compass, iron frame, fu!ltric:h,,rd..? -1 ( 26 18 B ??t )?.? ?'. ?c?d ??' ?? f ? IS 8 rane .d, 4f,. 3, n. hi DO., with CHBCK AC110N "OOOO''oo. Z 19 AB'OCIATION MOUK1., 4ft. 2in. Burr WAiuuc, prize medal design, a flrtl-c1&U instrument at a m"d.rale ^-31 22 2 vi. Itb All the most modern i.. r; ,:t. ,) BBOADWOOD. COn AHO. BKfNsMPAT>. KIRK. MAX. STKINWAY, SHIcfDMAlKli, JCSlIS SBOWA^K. KKAHL> PiANOFOiii £$, Iwa 18 TO S50 OUIN1 AS. 0R G A N S MASON and HAMf.I.V (qn?e Agents). BELY,, SMITH KAHN, DOKHhliTV. Ac., (rum 5 TO 250 GUINEAS, From 5s. Monthly. R. J. H,iim AND SOXS, The Chnpo;t and Most Accommodating Firm in 8ou(h Wales, ?ARD)FF, .51. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 34, TAi'F-STREET, KJNTYPRIDD. Manufactory- Peel Grove Planolort* Work., Cam- br^iige-rvad, London. Tuner, visit all parts of South WaIn, FuM CataloKd'S, post free, on application. Sp?lk) teS Teachers, Schools, ami PI»oea "r W""hl¡¡. Canvassers Wanted In l)i.trlu:a whure not yet r, re- tnted. Ltbernl terma, &3407 :*V ASTiS Wii WSFAPKlt« ON SALK y^TAT KEY rj^HOMAS, AND (JO (LIMITED), 1' A V E K M J R 0 H A K T S AMD PAVER RAO MANUFACTURERS CAKDIFP. ► r r ELT B-A MEIUUAN JJ l;NTiSTKV AT CARDIPK F. OWEN, SUl!(i\;()N DENTIST. ()f I('nd(}1I (Fs'u"lbt:d 30 Vt'urs) ASS18IKI) BY A Fi?A(; rtc?,Al? A,?SI'TANI. ATl'KM)^ 1IAK1 9 ril.L t, AT CARDIFF, 4, OXFORD-STRKl'.T, SWANSEA. GOLD STOPPING ON THi. AMBItlCAS SYSTEM. AMFRICAN TERtH-The New D.ntiatry Warranted to give ever, Sf\tieraotiolL lJ3U 17i 1ISH I'i?.CT'?hUM MILFORD J HAVEN The Mi:f,] Haven Direct Fi.h Sopply Ayec?t'on deliver,carriage p^id, to any part of South Wales and District, a Basket ol Fre.ii rish on receipt of P. O f •it j.s:t; .t'rr nd It.I:I 't, f I MANA??itH Fisil Fisli Dmxs. Mill?'d Pi,ectal Terms to Asylums. Institutions, and choo! Hmoked Haddock—« SPe,iaifty. The Tra.le Supped, 179 7g l? uote paper 1i\V f I ARUIi:i) W< )?.—Ari?t«d Men. jYt_.t.tt«ti<'?/M?'.<?/)tet?.r?dhy'?kinc )IIUIWUX GLOBULES, W.r.?.tf?Mf'"?ou.tVM)'<ct.fr.M2t.9.).!p'rpMt j ?.I.Ui'noupMveC!rcu?rwithM<'hph)«t.-?.<f<'y. St. J.L?" sq. C.,digL 4JuUtic ainii0rHirnt& I ('1<P11'I', ">1 A' i J: F Ji ii Scou- j TO-NIGHT! The Australian Oipbeus, H A R RV ATKINSON, i Whose v h't> is one of junpil'ir swept new, delighting all whohfar it. Hi abilities as HH nrtiste «IT exceptiotml. It Ii hoped th fact or td b-iiiff t\ s(llu\ger will not i.1 duce a lack of interest 111 him. He has not. Inug bceu In this country. In Australia his Burnu is common pro" Ho joll tlifir prrmiei e»»t« ruiner. Gly full play to your curiosity and see this clever C\\lollia1. THE )DG A K BROTHERS, Humorists alld J listrumental¡ale CHUISSIK ANGUS, Cautrntrice. GFORGK R1POX, A Singing Comeuian. THE COINIIFYSI Whose BUple is Vaiieir. CHARLES CHAPLIN. (,. Vuty C.b "), a Powe,fuJ)J-Vramat!c Singer. SHERMAN AND MORISEV, NT XT W KKK The Eneaeemettf of theSenson: Ftioaffed for Evpry Pantomime Rt Drmv 1, ne T' r»ne, London, for tù Next Seven Veais :i» I'i'inpit.itI Coin, ilian DAN tE?O. T)n :i[t..p*?kcr. 141d5 I KKwrour. rP H E M P I R E Uanager —OSWALD BTOLL. TO-NIGHT! A N 1) R E NV ti LT L L THE IKON-HEADED MAN. Who London, a twelve engagement on Momiav, Nov. 14th. His extraordinary doings are better seeu than desci ibed. They have oreated wiùe., read wonderment In Cardiff. Varieties bv other able artistes, including TH B BR EWii I L li COMBINATION, CHARLIR ROSS, and THE SERPENTINE DANCERS (The 8i,I. 1) m). 1413<15 SWANSEA. m H jjs M P 1 R E 'Tp HJET? M P 1 R E TO-NIGHT! AnA, rj^l'BRA, AND v ORA, III. balancing aCl at rarlance with the laws of jCJ1\vits" tion. Thunders of appame greet li?,1, Rmluahl Achievements enD where audiences have been !>at+d w?txhiMti«Mufe!M?".){ d?tttt'y. Th,i.. h. ever, i9 quite unique. ever,?IICHAEL NOLAN. Author and Fhs' Singer oi t he famous "Annie Rooney.' 'fm.Jf?KHDPXCAS. Two charming ami ck'ver S"" 1,. d, I.g, ."d «a nee well. J. U. £ AVANA(TH. Mimic. FLOKKIE D'OhVilihB. Light Comedy Voeailtt. JOSEPH W o-median and Dancer, And ILAFFIN'S T U1NED \\ONKKYS. Who evince almost human intIIiuce und would delight the beart of D irwin. 14Hd5 Nr £ \V THEATUIs AND STAR OPERA HOUSE. WIND-BTKFET, SWANSEA. 81)18 Propiletor aud }dftn4Ker A. \I&LV1LL8. TO-NIGUI a"d During the We.k. t 7.30, The World-renowned Muncai Comedy Odaity in 11,, AM 11. FDN ON THE BRTSIOL; Or, ,1 Night at St*. Universally pronounced far lunnler tha" a pantomime. Yells oi laughter from .art Lo finish. Variety of incidentals in th aaloou scene. New songs. New dances. Several novelDes since last visit. Everything spxvkling and bright. Usual Prioes. Box 0 moe tt?nMttr't.?ind-ttftet. B. EVANS AND C°.'8 GRIAT jQISPLAY AND SALE OP THEIR RBCENT STUPENDOUS PURCHASES OF IGENERAL R A P E R Y j i FURNISHING, s HOW-ROOMAND JpiANCYQOODS rpHIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), NOVEMBER 2ND. BEING tmon?tthe LARGE??T BUYERS ? ?. the DHAPKRr TRADE, B. EVANS and COMPANY are frequently offered for Cash (hy Manu- facturers desliing to rettitc their Stock.). SPECIAL CLEAHING LOTS of KXTBAOBDINAItX VALUE. The. have, under such Ifpeclat circumstances, nm It* STUFENDOCs FDKCHASES which they are d.t,l mined to p-Aily tn n Into Money by Selling the GOODS far HELOW tbe USUAL TRADE PlilCES. They consist of BLANKETS, QUIITR, SHEETS, SHEETINGS, BSD IICKS, TOWELLfSGS, TABLE LINICY. FLANNKLS, CURTAINS, CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, DRESS MATERIALS, SERGES, MANTLES. JACKETS. FURS, MILLINERY, GT.OVES. LACE GOODS, MEN'S MERCERY, HOSIERY, 4c. The above Special Transaction, alone amount to £2' .977, wldel,. in additio n to their huge Regular Stock, .11. the, venture to think, prove most attractive to their Customers and the Public generally. TIUPLE-STREET, SWANSEA, October, ISM. 16186 WOKTH A OUINUA A BOX. 1 JgEECHAMS pIIJLS FOB AU. BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SVCR AS SICK HEADACH I', WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRKI) DIGESTION, CON ST1 PA'TION, JJVJCR COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. liAROEHT SALE IN THE WORLD In Boxe. 9Jd., 13id., aud Z., 9d. eaoh. g E E C H A M S rj^ 0 O T H jp A S T E. -EFFICACIOUS-ECONOMICAL—. CLEANSES THE TEETH- PERFUMES THE BUEATB In colltpilbl* Tube., Oae Shilling Eaoh. L943 Siteinrea SUtHird'jrs. X" 0 H D?AR. DOCTOR, V "t,.ill 1111 f,?,- Tight Ch.,t this Feuvful Weatlier ? 01" lI,ere la notldng like TUDOR Wir.HAMS' PATHNT BALSAM OF HONEY. THKKK IS NO MOKE TRYING SEASON FOR THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION THAN THE PRESENT WEATHER. B»ware of the sunshine in the day and therold winds at night. Should 'you catch a culd, nip It In the bud hy takug the Certain Bt"l1Iedy, rjpUDOU Y^TILIJAMS' |^ALSAM OF ONEY. Thnusand. of Children have been Saved from an Un- timely Deal II by the prompt use of Tiulor Williams' Balsam of Honey. No Mother should negleot to keep litis Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Renieint'-r thut it Is wiser to cheek A 31it(bc Cotlh at t h coinnienfientent than tn allow it to develop 11110 1\ liniieringcomplaint. Aak distinctly for Tudor Williams' Halsain of Honey, and see that you get the ri(fht. article. Thousands ot Children Cured from W hooping Cough and Bronchitis when all other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give it trial. NOW COMMENi KD HY PHYSICIANS AND Sl'RGKONS. When you are distressed with am I serable cold, nose btg up, throat sore, limbs t\dlilJl( wilh a Rennal feeling ot sm tUt"r¡II.1\ lew d08g of the Balsam of Honey will clear tho wietched symptoms away,almost, before you know it. There is 1101 hiut( like It on the markd it is thoroughly up to date it trickles into all the system, A true friend, prompt arid reliable In it. action. Just another word. When you ask or send for Tudor Williams' Pntetit Bilsum of Honey, do not allow anybody to per- suade you to purchase .omething else. H you do you .imply throw oft the genuine fLr, ivle and take on with R false one. Wonderful Cures Daily. Thousands of Testimonial, to hand from all parts of the World. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. gjr, My wife desires me io say that, your Tudor Williams' llalnam ol Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As Boon as a COUKII or cold makes lis appeatance » dose of Tudor's Balsam hi at once administeied. and this treat- ment is followed np until tie cohl disappears. Before using the Balsam in our family the children hl\ve bjen tuo,tf1\le with cold, f r "eveml weeks, but now, bv taking doses as diiected, they srem to .offer very little In ouveuience. During the short time the oold t. upon them the actiou of the Balsam is marvellous, and the little ones take It readily and ask for more.-WALTER J. LlKirrr, C.M.. Headma.ter, Severn Tunnel Bcbool, March 16th, 1892. fiold bv all Chemist, and Stores all over the World, i,. lid 2s. 9.1., ati'l 4s. fid. bottle,. Sample bottle sent (postpaid) for I'XI" 30., and 6s. from the Inventor. TUDOR 1%' I,I,IA 118, 1, D MEDICAL-HALL, ABERDAKE. [169?0 "rHE STANDARD LIFE A SBUHANCE COMPANY KsrABiisHiD 1825. jpn;rr>g Ii7.WO.OOO. 1NCOMI5 £1.000 000. CLAIMS PAID. «if>,OX),OtO. BONUSES tb.bLO,UOO. Every PeKTlptlon of Life Assumnm granted at Mode- rate Premiums and on very Liberal Oondltlon.. DISTRICT OFFICE 7. Bt. SteplienMtrtet, Britte). Chief Agent at CarJIIT. J. J. David. St, John', chamber.

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