[ ,K tlKM'AClir.S, i\i»ioi-:sno.v, LIVER COMPLAINTS. kc„ lliV KE.BNICI(, yiXi ETA RLE PILLS. •rl,i: JVKST MEDICINE Iff TUE WORLD £ ». til. per Box. lod;6

ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR VARICOSE VPINS, SWOLLEN LEGS, &c.f vat ? N :1., 6. 6"" SINGLE STOLKIXU, 3S. Od., l'o, Free. A Stocking readies from the foot t" just below the knee, Kne^-caps 3." Ankleh 2a. 9d., Leggings 3s. 3d. each, JESStt WILLIAMS PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. 10100

,,<>' -4 ft'  .1 -0

Family Notices
Ji;ti)S.MA):):t.\CMS.AK))!)).THS SVTU'iW rtnuftirirjp under tMs head nr charged of (1 ;1 "dt 0; 2<. 6d. tor 30 14'Ørds and 'd. f r tarh I"t.l: uvrd, and mutt M prepaid A'o 'Iotl." of tI,; r.l rn»'i K N .1' b* umtSS tfuffteuflffrtfrf bv the ,)Idl:i:t :t':e':I'd ;I:dttr:g'¿I ¡ :If'" ur an aAC or cvmcyohdsnt of the Wkbtkhn Nun. IN NEMOKTAM. f NoTTC*3 wn<fer th\< headingure etiarged 2s. Cd. for 30 • <>. fl'rf W. ^>r ?v?ry wrd extra. imtltf, Jflmmes, IDraths. BIRTHS. A"n,-On Odber 3 at the Man. Merth,r V..I. :1 ..If. 01 Ifev. E Arnott, of a daughter. -0 October 2y, at Btow-hill, Newport, the t 2), H. Melville Brewer, of a son, MARRIAGES. l;rFlTJ(-1'>I1T<'U"(>()n November 1, at St. John's Church. C.?ditt. by the New Canon 1ï1UmJon, S. PI t, the R, D.?id L'auywern. B_onshlre. to M.rv "Ii..beth (Minnie), .i.. daughter of the I.t?? Th. Pritehard ami Mrs. Pritehard, of Charl.st_ N. cards. f' LVII8UII-GRKL"!SLADII,-QII Nopmber 1, 1892, (it re, I>v the Rev. B. Arthur ¡¡alJD<)lJ. M A prebendary ol Bath and Well, Charles £ fie««t*r, of Clifton, to F11I11Ct" J. youngest daughter ot th" late Thomas Greeu!lale. Ksq., of Rúurd, Somerset. DEATHS. Brr>t>.—On October 30. at his vesldence, 3, Park-street, Newport, Moti., Mr. Charles Budd, aged 75. POVALL.—On Sunday, October 30th, atCaevleon, Ex. sergeant• Thomas Povall, aged 67. Funeral WcdTle!. day. Noyembe: 2. at three o'clock, to Caerleon

OH i^TONE R 0 S • (SODS of the L*t« ABli?,t. G.1.9 Augustine Stone), COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASHES. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, 8hi'nbfert, Hii-t Coache.. t3upf'rl>Flemi,h Horses, & plefee LIST ON APPLICATION. Phase Not, the Only Address 5, WORKING-STHKET. Telegraphic Address STONE BROS. CARDIFF. i ?  & ?tO., G. A. $T0™ & V°-> KVKKV IlKtJUISITK FOR FllNBRAI.8 OF ALL Cf.AH.sr_s. Vioi.i Lor. of Ckn, ll«n«. Sh^llW.n, aupub =J ift. anti ,».r, tiTMiirj <qn)i«fu»ut for KiineraU. Piuct (JRT (I Application, 10 1\, ") I, WOltKINCI-flTRlCKT, CiRDIKI'. 73284 Slurtioii Mr. W. BRADLEY. CiotbiDi, Boots. J.wellerf, &:c. nt C?till Nov. 3 "'?' ?')n?. T. f«? 9 A. CHOW. Nov. 2, 3. and 4 Messrs. J. W. CROSBY and CO. toteatner CoTeutiii., at Newcastle Nov. 17 >iMir^ KowitlN.IHPERRV Furniture, Piano., Pictures, &C., at Rwms Nov. 4 P?rjfottM. N. 4 Hunter*. Ac.. at Exch.n"H.Nov. 15 Me?r<. W and 8. BERN L-asel.oM Property, at Penartli Nov. 3 Messrs. HRNKY HOPKIN and CO. Copvhold P,?pe,ti, at C.(iiff .NoO'. 12 Copyhctd ??'?Q??'?? HUGHES. Mark«t pla«, Aberdare—Letting of Market Tolls, 4c 9 Messis JENKINS. G1.AKKB ind CO. N. 9 leasehold Property, at the Mart, Cardiff Nov. 14 Mr. TATTY. H-rw, Carriages. Ac., at Repository Nov. » Hor?M. Corriate. &c ,at W.)h '?ov\n Iron Safes. «t ."tiff N. 10 glmk,,t-, at Weovoe »ov. 11 r.t Sheep and Cattle, at Canton Pair N. 22 VI.i '*?*?'-S KK?!' Ak".II. 'ANI) .'f(MCAIIK •J O. MAOOtiXaodSoN. Anciloo«r«l (ton&enb oiX*",.M. at Rooms Nov. 3 Conttntt ?.i,?)0't(ti?.,jro yofmtuM.JM., at CardIn .Ot*. !UNev.!A5 Mr. MORGAN MOltGAS loambo)d Prnp,ti". t, I l?. M.?t C *rdiff Now. 11 ?MMbOd Messrs. ??.?t".n? LUNT. Farming Sluk, near N.-wport Nov. 7 Mr. T. PAHHX. Farmhi* Stock, Ac., at Lluibaddock Nov. 7 ?""? "?- t*Nov. 3 Mr. SHv MAN. Jssrellers' Stock, Sc.. at Cardiff Nov. 4, 5, and 7 Mr. W. THOMAS. Lea5.buld Propnty. at Barrv l?mk Nv, 3 £ >alr$ bp gitrtioit. ON SATURDAY NEXT, NOVBMBKR 5TH, At. Glaruor.can H\)f1" Itepotitorv, Cardiff, 84 LE of 50 !Ii¡¡h.d. HAItNES BO¡¡,E. HUNTERS, COH^.an i YO?INS. C<KmAGK8, HQ"g CLOTH- ING. &A DUI.F.S. BRIDI.KS, AC. "i\f /| R. W. 0, LATTY begs to announce that lie will lio;(i his next SALE ou tlic e.iniIn. ieuclni? precisely at Two o'clock. 179?4 F,"tb .t,it. "'L be malle. 179 TO HANKERS. MERCHAN S. AND OTHERS. ON THURSDAY, KOfFMBEK M. IM?. AT 10, CUSTOM HOl'sK-STHKKT, CARDIFF. Ml! SV. Q. I.A'J i'X is favoured with iTJ in,trllcUo" from Mn8. Samuel Withers and ?. of .'?k Works. W"t Bromwich. t.ttt Birmi?hMn. to SEI.I, In AUC1 ION, on above date, at fc.O p.m. 25 FIRf. AND l'rRGI AR HK^I.sriNG SAFES, Of Mr.«..< .i. r ..C?): fr,im 3C1". t1 Bit. In hel^li'. Mul', H W. »>.a Co. have fn established i/e«rly halt iw cent nrv aTi1 r wnkers to hev Mi j es1 y's Post UMc? (*)'??:!m?m ?.c?'u) i thf :iJ.1,: and oi IHr Companies — itirm:'h?"B"??"'D"'Y. j).rn..Pj:h.mD.t'ric'a).?CunnM? Banking Company. Cam nvv»n UiBtne-.Bf.?in?Cump?.y. U?"d.i.\ H?'bythirt Banking Company, B?'f?e)), D.-r'?hire Derbyshire Banking Company. Matlock. GlouceateraiM Western Counties Corup^r»y s BanK*. K«ij<)i'.Joh!??dSu".H*?k'-r!.FM"'?M.Surrey. LlovasBanking Compa" Birmfoghara. >nith ahd outh Wales Bu?kint Company. Bwaosea, Stucke)", Banking Company, C.L16 Carey. The Alunater Bank of Ire'nnd. Wtttm?re?.? B«nk ?c ?"f"y' W Indermere. Ten supplied to liirmiul Municipal Building!, &S5 and Co" Bnrton-ju-Treut. i?.t' Board of Ml,th,? Tyde?. Corporation of Marvpott, Cumberland. Oarj>orat'on f L nc<>ln. fewls ra..OfJ¡4:d Merchants, Birmingham anJ London. Catalogues now ready and may be had from Aile. tloneer as above. 17309 ON FKIDAY, NOV MIIEX UTH. 1892, WENVOE, NEAR CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF f.00 FAT AND "TOnE 8HE £ P AN3^ LAMBir. 3U HfcAl) OF FAT AND STORb: CAXTLE. MILKING COWS ANI) CALVES, 20 CART HOR-KS, CA- T COLTS, AND PONfKS, PIG, POULTUY, FA KM IMPLEMENTS, S. RYI-ISH 'iWO-WHKKL DOCi-CAKT, FOfN-WHEELDino. AND A GOVEKNKSS CAR. Mil. W. U. LATTY has been favoured i?t. ?)<h Instructions fnm tevfr? well-known )oca) r, ,,d private elltlem.u 10 SL Lb,,AU??I'loll on the above date, ih a Field adjoining the WCHVOt Arm.. Wenvoe, near CauHrf, tb whole 01 the above valuable FAKMING STOCK, HORSES, IMPLKMENTS, &C., Commencing puncti).illy&tTwtlveo'clmk. For F'p:fc'I P-t, dl.t,ib.t?d throughout the dh,riot. Catalogues m »y had on application to the Allo- I 7n3 KlLWhGY FARM. COMMON CUED Y-PAYNB, LLANWIBBY, Pontypool and Caerleon. IMPOKTANT SALE OF FAKMING SI OCK, PRODUCE, &c. MP. THOMAS PARKY has been f?vonred '< L "i'h intructiona from Mr..?me< Griffiths (who K through ill-lieaHh, giving up farming) to SELL by AUCTION, on the pl?tni-I as above, on IIUR61)A 3rd November, 1892. Luncheorj by Ticket t 11.30. B?.tlZ-M. 17760 ew, CA-TLK-ROAU. CARDIFP. IMPORTANT SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. MR. SHVMAN has been instrHotod to SKLI, on FRIDAY and FOLLOWING DAYH, November 4lh, ?ib, thefollowiiiK '.VA'lXHMAKKiiS' AND JKVVKLl.KKS' STOCK, Without Rea*rv«' :— alttfits, keeper rings, gold and silver brnocl>e?, Hr8t, class n,\rb| lad other CIOl' opera 11U5es. a h'w line -isl JH,hIUn. musical iusuum^nts, violins, thre ci-nr rt .utes, octaves, ojje saxhorn, on Chic.ocoU,.g" oijmjj thirbfln stops, knee 8w1l8), and 11, organs, eewiug-macl'.lnes bv goo-< makers, .?i.n.,it .toCK of cutlery, Ac., Ac. SdetocommenceatA\.30a.m. KACU Day. "0 Ti»w V^ming or L:e. 1963 '-1.m)lFl'J\1I V ;mT I:) I N ,-BI¡L-¡S1: ? m&.AKDCtKCOLAKNBTfUBUnNGCOM- PANT <LiM!X £ D>. OFfIOM- CARTLR CHAMBBHR. 21, CAST.,E- STKHKT. CAXmFF. SKCRGTARY. FRANK H. SIMPSON. Pest Permanent Posting Hfations £ Cardiff aUu N.ihhJ",hoo,l. ContmU»rs for all lemrlpV.r.nt I •dvertltiug. Distributing Ciroulars, A, All Orders ofomotlv attended .$i\les bp Auction O FIIIDAY MRXT\ A LABOR UNRESEKrfiD SALE OF ELEGANT AND SlU'ltfUOK FUHNI. TUUM, 11,1110.,11 from the Newport-road, Windsor-place, Plat- I tUftul.-yurde/4$, RU" by order of the Keprestntatices "1. Ctntieman deceased. FIve FULL-COMPAPS COTTACrE PIANOFORTES, Aimtnster and B,,t Brussels Carpets, Ci<>ok3, Oriental Oiuam^nts, Pictures, Plated Good?, Table Cutlery, Glan, CblnR, .i useful Household Kffects. i|\|EiSSKS. OOTTWALTZ, liOWKINQ, 1, and PERRY will SELL by AUCTION, -t their Sn!e-rooins, 11, High-street, Caidiff. ou FRIDAY NEXT, th N ?.b,,r, )82, at Klevcn o'clock pnnctunllv, the SUPJBRIOH HOUSI';HOLD FURNlTURK A Wl> lOFFECTS ft. above, InrludlnK BtfST nnd BPARR BEDROOM SUITES, in roltá Amtrtca walnut 1cood. Hungarian a.h and walnutt lille figured :Spun1sh mahogany, alld blu, walnut, LAK(iK SPANISH MAHOGANY IV RI)fWln:, BHM;' BKi>STRADS. Sprin« Mattrossea, Overlays, and T, 'I I" I Futings, n FASHIONAHLB CARTED v1''f.;lï;t\ 'i''(!itJ'o{A¡,I W' :,ttn; p- holstered in siik and plush, fine Dresden China Cande- labra. Ornam.ul.d Knl> k-knacks, FiVB FULL- COMPABS COTTAWK PIANOFORTFS by Sames, Cl&alltn, &agtr, Turner. and Sq,Úre; 8>air Muslenf l'ox. Carved Music Stool, CABINB'lSf M\1llc C"billt8, beau- tiful ROSRWOOO INLAID DKAWING-HOOM FUliNI- TURE, uphul^tery in silk broeitelle, Axminster and t.11 BIt H-C[,ASI OAK DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, including carved Suite In Leather, bit. r. ;1" :lbtrd ot.f:d r, frami" Dining Table, Blick Marblo Cl HJk, File Bronrea, rich Ode"1 Om menti, 8UPKRIOK MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, 61t. Sid&L?,d, S?if). t.i B-k 1, Oft Screw Dining Table, EXCELLBNT .,I 4 ORNING KOOM SUITKS, with C,,tt?g? andothev Sldt l>»>»i\i3, 011 l'aintillt!8. Kngravtiigs, ')0, tt-ntsof Pantries, Table Cutlnv and Plole, Dish Coveu. KUchen Furniture, Lawn Mower, and a variety of Household and Outdoor Kffects. ON VIEW DAY PRiOR TO SALE, Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Cite dlff. 11878 ON FKIDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 4TH. *|Essns, GorrWALTZ, BOWHING, i' I and PERRY ill i?(!I,?d? in 1helr Furniture Sale at the Booms, 11, High-street, Cardiff, the following HIGH-CLASS PI AN >FOKTl«S A POW KR FUI -TONE 7-OCTAVE FULL TRI- CHORD. JRON-FRAMK, UPRIGHT ORAND PIANO- FORTE, with check Rltionl and all the latest modern impro"7mentB, iu rosewood case, wHh inlaid marquerle decorations, alld brass candle sconces, by SamtS. A 7-OCrAVK TRICHORD, IRON-FRAME, UP- RIGHT GRAND PIANOFORTE, with check action and all the latest improvements, in burr walnut crat-, with inlAid marqueterie decomtions and braas candle OtlCe3. by Smg? az %eager, Londoll A FULL-COMPASS 7 OCTAVE COTTAGE PIANO- FORTE in burr walnut-wood case, with silk and carved panelled lront, on boldly oorvød truss supports, and brass candle sconocs, by iTWner. brÂ"siDïN JČÅVE TRICHORD COT- A PL HANOi,,RTE, with check action, in burr wnluot case, wi, b handsome panelio > front, beautifully Inlaid in matqueterie aud with Il(, glll decorations n carved trus* p(?rt., by B. "?,% .d C. London. 'JUEtïöRuf.bCÅ ol :"tlfÑor,T: in rosewood with panelled front, Incised ? ith gilt decorations on hp?d leg supports, by Ch,,dln .d London. Catal-gue of the Furniture Sale may be had of thr Auctioneers, Cardiff. 17916 ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ll?B. 1893. MKiiSHS. GUTT WALTZ, BOW RING, and PERRY will HOLD a LARGE 8ALK of HUNTERS, HARNKSS HORSBts, VOns, AND PON IKS, At the Horse t.oIJ8"g', Cardiff, on the above date. Early 1(nlrl. are Solioitedj 17990 FOR POSITIVE ALE, TO CLOSE AN ACCOUNT. \,| ESSKS. J. W. CROSBY and CO. r (of West. Hart epool) are instruoted to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the County Hotel topoo.I, Central Station). Newcistle-on-Tyne, on THURSDAY, 17th November, 892, at Three o'clock prompt, at the tbe very low upset price otC6,000, ti t excelleut STKAMEK (;OV,NTlNA. ofNewoastle, 1,645 tons gross, 1.062 tons not. built under special survey by Palmer's Co. (Limited), Jarrow. In August, 1880, and classed 100 Al Lloyd's. H.. compound rnlu, by Palmer's Co, of 200 n.h.p.; dia. cvls., 32in and 601n. stroke, 42in.; working pressure 801b. Carries 2,560 tons deadweight on 22ft.; cubil capacity, 10 3,?Mt. t- d9 ? e? ? weight on 22ft oubil 103,000ft.; steams 9 khOt. on 14 tons consumption. Has water b.11., in olIular double b.V. iron main deck, yellow pine upper dmk, bridge, 55ft.; poop and forecastle four steam winches, four batcbps. donkey fr?stle; four *team wi?elift, four hatches. donkey 256.7ft. v 342/t. bV 2?.3(t? HId very large sum expended on her few .?ntl,, g., when put. tbroUib Iloyd', No. 3 Survey. B-' r., -?tubed I-,891, and gmd for several Yèan. The steamer is in splendid eondiiion, and now lying at South Shields, and ready for em loyment. Will be placed in dry dock for Inspection three or (,-or days previous to the day of sale. For any Further Particulars apply to Han nay, Boyd, mid Coo, Lombard-street, lI..we.I. or to John W. Crofby aud Co.. Shipping Salesmen, &?. Bxebange- build Weat Hartlepool. 17945 JPKTKRSTONE, MONMOUTHSHIRE (Wlihln Thre* Miles of Oardiff). SALE OF VALUABLE COPYHOLD PROPERTY. MES3KS. IlleNRY HOPKINS and 00, '_L are inst noted to SELL by AUCTION, at the Park Hotel, C"nJilf, on SATURDAY. the 12th day of Koveniher, 1892, at Tliree o'ejocn in the Afternoon (aub- ject, to Conditions to be then and there produoed), the following valuable COPYHOLD PROPKRTIES Lot 1 ALL THAT VALUABLE PASTURE FIELD numbered 63^ on iheTitlie CommUl.'lon Map of the aid Parish of Pelerstone, containing by admeasure- nifnt 2acres I rood 33 perches, or the,e3,t.Jouu. The {If"(lp4!rtv. tocetber with Ixit 2, Is held on au annual tenancy bv Mr. Charles Rces, at a yearly rental of i;iS. Lot Z ALLTHOSR VALUABLE PASI UKB FIELDS, numlwrediespeotively 55i and bó5 tlO lIt saidCommuU- tion MKP. &111 containing by admeasurement 3 acres 2 roods 12 perches and 3 acres 1 rood 26 rchea rupee. tivelv, or thereabouts, TllE ATTENTION OF BUTCHERS, ORAZlBHS. AND OiHKItS IS DIRECTED TO THE AlIuVH VALl'ABLE I'KOPF TIEB. For Plall. alld FUI tber Particular. apply to the Auctioneers, 19, Duke-stre-t, Cardiff, or to DAVID LEWIS, Eaq., Solicitor, 17828 6, Cliarles-street, Cardiff. F1)tST CLAS At THE MART. BANK-BUILDINGS, on MONDAY, Nuvember 14. at Seven u'clock in tb Evening. It/I'ESSRS. J PN K I NS, CLAHKE, and vo, hv. b-e" 11I.tllted to BBLL by AUCTION. above, the lollowlng attractive toil.-i' I ifROITHIIrl.13:- Lot 1. No. 14, Sticey-iowl, ROAtb; a well bnllt resi- dence, with a frontajie >>f 26lt.orthrre;iboui8, alltl having au extensive range of Stabling and Coach houses at tbe reltf. 8., now ill th focuoation (If Mr. O"opei-. Term, 99 years, from March 23,1873 ground rent, £ 4 12a. 6d. per ftnnUIn. L.,t 2. That d-slraWe Cottage and Premises, known as No. 7, Fox-street, as now !u the occupation of Mrs. Burge, !It t h very :ow r ,t?, of 6,. 6d. Term, 99 years, from the ?5ti March, 1873 ground rent, £ 2 5. ?r ?u.. Lot 3. No. 61, l'Untageiiet-sl met, Riverside. This Lot i, {t a3¿ .II;i 'î'2\ ft,etaT:.J tper annum. To View apply to the respective tenants, and for Further Particulars as to Lots I and 2, to Mr. James Morgan. Solicitor, 37. St.. Ma,y..I..Pt, CarditT: Rnd as to Lot 3, to ;r" ?9. St. M.,Y-.t-t. ardi ff. or as to aU the I")t" to the A-ti- ".11 179161jENKI CLAITRE.?? CO.. Cambri.u-chanibers, 12, West)sate-street. Cardiff, uKfciCHWoTlD. CHlUS'lCHCK( H. SEAR CROSS HANDS, AND ONE AND A HALF MILHS FROM NKWPOllT. 1MPORTANX SALE OF FAT AND STORE CATTLE, BHBfcP, HOiibKS, HAY, Ac. MESSRS. NEW LAND and HUNT IJ have reoeived In.tructlon. from Mr. T. Davies, who is givi.g up the Beechwood I.n,i. to BELL by AUCTION oil ti?? premises, on MONDAY, 7th N.??.- ber. 1892, the vRluable LIVE AND DISAD FARMING STOCK, Comprising 78HKADof FAT and SiORE CATTLE, inc)udlng23 Fat.BuII"Cks and Heiferj, Hiid55 Young Cattle. 22 FAT W ETHER SHEEP. 10 NAG and C RT fiORSES and COLTS. 115 TONS of PRIME MEAUOW HAY. Implements, Carriages, Harness, and effects. Catalogues may be had 01 the Auctioneers, NeTI79t, 6ALE TO-MORROW, BARHY DOCK. SALE OF VERY VAl.UABi K LEASEHOLD PROPERTY IN HOLToN-RCAD. MR WJLLI4M THOMAS has been 1 favoured wi h instructions to BKLL BY AUCTION at the Victoria H,?tl. Burv Dock, on lHUR*DA\, No\:mbr 3rd, 1892, at Four o'clock in the Atifrnoon precisely (subject tv Conditions of Sale which will be ttien produced, Rill which may be inspected at the Oflicesof the und'rBlg" S.11?ito?l, '?"" d-Y. p,?..r thereto), a\1 Ih,, Commodious, W.n.bullt, and HOUSE, SHOP. WAREHOUSE, SRABLP, ( OAOH-HUUSIC, AND PKIiMISliS, Being No. 8. Holton-r ad, Barry j)ock, The above premises are tu-hI under a lef\ge of 99 fears, from 1st August, 18<5 (Irss the las ten dars thereof), at the very low ground .t f.C5 per annum, The premises are let to Messrs. Davies and Sherwood under a lense which has h\e years further to run from Ihe 6th D,?e.b,r. 1892, tfeloo per annum. The Auctioneer begs tocall the attention ofo"pltahsu to this desirab e property, which, owing to its situation, .ill, in f'. yea' undoubtedly double in value. For a view a;;¿J;l:n}:}'r who have kindly onaetiled to show the same, and for all further parti- cultus to the Auetioncer, Vere-sireet, Oidoxton, or 1, Romllly-road, Barrv, pr to JtRBn and COOK, Solicitors, 'wl1.r:t.tÄ' Office, B.iI1Kwater, Dated Tovn-cl^V »ffsce«, lriw"ter, October ?Qth, 1892. 17330 1tlt bl) |)ribate Contrart. SALE BY TRNDGR. ISAAC THOMAS, ^;yiARTON-STREET, CARDIFF, has been inshuo'ed by the Kxecutor 01 the late Mr. John Morgan, Cloth-hall, Maesteg, to SELL by WOOLLEN STOCK-IN-TRADE, Amounting at est or stock prices 1. £ 3X5 16s. lid, Ktoc.U w view until THURSDAY NEXT, November 3rd wl'.e'-t Ole Tetuleis, nt. Three o'clock precisely, will he gpnned a«- my Officii. Wharton-street. Cardiff. Abstracts 011 qom'- 'Hon. ?X72-t?, -< I) KAU, 'lDBl8WYN»Coiniiieuw ou Wchh- | \j and Matt_lnt,!n" N. or thk WItK, Oatte; bp auction. "ATE TO-MORROW. MODEL AUCTION MAUT, NOBTH-STRBET, CA It I) IFF. 1:\ I R. W. BltADLKY will SELL by AUC- TION, on THURSDAY. 3rd November. 18n. k?,S,k?,l CLOTHING, BOOTH, JR?VEL- LKRY, WAiCHES, &e. Sale commencing at lwo o'clock sharp. 1!??R,- 35?2d3 SALE TiliS I)A'I. MILFORD HAVEN. SOU HI WALKS. BE T. 1(. ,:fW'ÃEtcg})tr'1!nN. ONK OF TIAN I ARGl «T HALliS OF ill,ANT AND MACHINKRY EVRR HKLD IN THE KINGDOM. MESSRS. A. '1'. and E. A. CRO W, Con- IL tractors'and Mechanical Auctioneers, Sunder- land, have been honoured with lnst.ruct.iun, from the Official I iq, :idfitot* to SELL by AUCTION, on WED- NB8DAY, THURSDAY, ?,?d FRIDAY, 2,d. Z,d.?d 4tlidavsof November, le92 the wiiole of the valuable PLANT, MACHINERY, and GENEKA STOKKS ûf the ftbovp extensive Works. Detailed CalHlosues now ready, and may be had on application at Place IIf Sale, or from A. T. and E. A. CROW, 4uctlol!e. 175?0 Sundrrland. SAL 14 TO-SIOHIiOW. PKNAliTH. MESSRS. W. and S. lmleN will SELl. 1'L hv AUCTION, at the Esplanade Hotel, Penartli, 011 THURSDAY. November 3rd, 18»2, at 7.30 p.m., the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY WINDSOR TERRACE. Lot 1, All thai Leasehold Dwelling • house, Slab1-, fwd Premises, sltuRte aud being No. 3, Windsor-terrace, Penarth. The house contains two reception-iooms, five bedrooms, hot and cold l ath, W.C., two kitohens, and usual offices. There is a two-stalled stable, witb '.?k MitmiiM. Ilia -b?l- I- let -t -1 aggregate rent*l of 42:oeperTOpll: i¿ :n .rlct:t¡o I he It d,y 01 May, 1868. at the y?ly KroulI rent of £2 15,. CHURCH-ROAD. Lot 2. All that Souii-detached Villa hoi ig No, 3. Cliur h-road, Penarth. with side and k entrances. ?ouse contains two Rood reception-rooms, .be bed- rooms. bath-room (hot and cold ?.te,). W.C., good kitchen, scullery, china p.,?t,y. and i,Mci, a, large gllI well atuckrd with fruit trees now in the occupation l?f F. Senior Thom is, K-q held under lease for the re- mainder ,I a term of 9? ye"n, subject to a 10. yearly grou id rent. For Further Particulars apply to the Auctioneers. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 17770 SALE TO-MORHOW. IMPORTANT UNRKSEKVKD SAI.KS OF MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND KKfliCTS. ON THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3rd, 1091, at Two o'clock pr.[.I, MESSKS. J. G. MADDOX and SON are favoured with instructions to SELL by PUB LIU AU?TION, at tbalr S.leroom., 25, Duke-street, Cardiff, 011 the abuve date, an immense assemblage of uearly ne" valullble HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS Including several massive Iron and brass bedsteads with compJett bedding, three excellent bedroom suites com- plete in walnut and Pal., black walnut, Ac. a 6ft. birch alld a ditto mallogallY wardrobe with pairs 01 rlllchU toilets to maleh. smaller wardros aud pairs toilets, chests drawers, Brunt-is pile carpets, two com- plete suites of dining-room furniture in soh ■ car\'d W.I.utand mahogany, each embracing a II' ble !Ide- boud, ?.t,? ding dining t^ble, overmantel (a Uit?, of nine pieces) coal !51t. walnut chUfonllirt., ditto cabinet, gilt pier-glaBJ, two suitrs with walnut frames eovered III saddle bag lId plush. hall-stands ond pain of chairs to maudi, and numerous other effects of two large rciden- es. On View Day Prior to and Morning of Sale. 17888 SALE TO MORROW. QUfifiN-STREET SALKROOMS, CARDTPF. BALK OF EXOKIiLRNT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE. MESSRS. MOORIC and co. are instruoted to BELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY. THUHS. DAY. and SATURDAY, October 31st, aDd November 3rd and 5th, a Large Quantity of superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comprlslnl rosewood .tra"11I1e suite In Genpa velvet, rosewood cabinets, Hvermauteb and octagon table to m»tch, suites in ..d?tleba tapestries, and leather, zlr- ?ult-massive eideooará8, dining Ubl-s, overmantels, hall stands, ward.obes, ducheose toilets, bed.tends and bddi.,g. carpets, rugs fende. brasses, ware, U. Also a magnificent Piano, by Heaih and OIl8. Cardiff. Sxle each Day at Two and 7.30. 17930 SALK OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, Sopbl..treet Canal-parade, alld Dudley-street, Docks; St. John's-cresoeut, Canton; and Broadway, Boath, Cardiff. Mlt MORGAN MORGAN (Moran. Matthew, and Co,) 1. instructed to SELL b, PUBLIC AUCTION. at The Mart, BiLtik-l?uil-til? "t, m, FRII)AY?N,W rth9. ,L"h: 1892, at Seven p.m. (Iubject to conditions to be tben aud there p,oouceJ), the following Valuable PROPER I'lKS:— Lot 1. All that desirable Mesauaxe, situate and being No. 23, fophla-street, Dccks, Cardiff. Let to a respec- TAbla tenant at 10.. 61. per week. Lot 2. All that .Imilar Messuage adjoining Lot 1, beiug No, 24, Sopbla-street. Let to a good tenant at lis- p»:r week. P" D" 3" aD th.t convenient MU.LO. being No. 14, Canal-[<arade, IKnjks, Cardiff, Let to a good tenant at 90, P'" -k, 9'. 1,. t, 1, 2, and 3 m held unaer Iftm for 99 years from SeDtember 29th, 1851. at the lowallllultl ground re,it 0f 95 .5s. 6d.hlch will be apportloued at the time or Sale. Lot 4. All that desirable Messuage, being No. 19, Dudley-street, D?.k,, C.rdlff, held u,,d?, lease f"r 99 y ?, I- September 29th, 1852, at the low o"nu1 giound rrnt 01 4¡2, and let at a weekly rental 01111,6.<, Lot 5 All that desirable Messuage, situate and being No, 20, Dudley-street, Docks, Cardiff, beld un^er lease for 99 years frolll 8!JtPmr 9thJ t8&¿.at the ¡owallnuAl ground rent 01 £1 VJs., and let ftt a weekly rental 01 7s. 6d. Lot 6. All thatdetlrableand well-built Villa Residence, known as VYe*tbourneHou«t}. 8t. «Joh»'s«crescenfc,Canton, let to Mr. Theodore Bchweltzei, at a yearly rental of £3", held under lease for 99 ye:tr5 from February 2nd. 188?, at the low annual ground rent of £4. Eluly po8.sioll Cán be had of the house, which is fitted with all modern con- veniences. Lot 7, A It that do-simbl?? Messuage, itnate and t?ng No. 68, Br..dwy, R-tb, let a the low reut of 8'. per week. Lot 8'All that commodious Shop and Dwelling-house, situate and being No. 60, ,d..iU h £ 30 per ,,d b,i.lz N?;,? '0 3. Held unde! Jp. together "Ith Lot 7, for a term 01 9 yt'an Iron: Septem- together with Lot 7, to, I 11r, annual Septem W, ?9, t?, 1867 (le. th,rl. i  rent 01 i7 109., which will b?? aportloned at the t?ime of Sxle. For Further Particulars apply as to Lots 1, 2,3,7, and S, to H. Heard. E&q., 8..lIcilor, Cardiff; as to Lota 4 and 6, to Messrs. Randall, Wilson, and Cay, Solicitors, Cardiff; and as to Lot 6, to K, H"rlle, Esq., Solicitor, Cardiff; or as to the whole of the Lnts. to The AUCTIONEER, 17927 Albrt-chawters, H 1/1)).r..t, Cardiff. ^lopcit}), see,, to let. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. TO be Let, with early possession, CRUMLIN HALL, MONMOUTHSHIRE, A spacious FAMILY MANSION, situated near New- port, commnding chnrming Hill and Valley Views, and containing ample Entrance and Servants' Halls, Dining, Drawing, MorníllK. SN)oo1. Llbrarv, and Biil>ard Rooms, Kitcheus, Larders, China ftlld other Pantries, Lavatories, about Fifteen Bedrooms, Boudoir, Extensive STABLING, COACH-HODSEB, Harness- mom with Coachmau's Dwelliug, and Laundry with Dwellln¡¡. The MANSION stands in Its own LAWN, SHRUB- BERY, and GAUDEN LANDS, with Carriage Drive. F.,tp.l d is replete with every modern con- venience, including Hot Water. H?tiiig App?tus, Electric Lighting Plant and Lamps, Ao. Thri ?re paefou. LAWN TENN16 and AROHERY GI(OADS, Flower, F,,? it, and Kitchen Garde" together wlib numerous Vineries and Flower Conser- vatories, Forolnll Fromes, Ac., quite recently renoval ed aud in perfect repair. The situation renders this a most desirable Country Rcsidenc., ""ct eopeci.Uy lultable C. Gentlemen having business e.g.g =, at ,d,ft.NPon Merthyr, or in Ihe .H.rlct, being cl?XLti'Lyp'.I. Great Western Railway Stations upon the High and tbe Great %V?-t.r. 11.11?.y Sttio.. p. the Higi? ..d the There is a full Water Supply, and the Drainage is believed to be perfect. The FURNITURE. CHINA, LlNBN, Ac., are of the best Manufacture, and 111 perfect taste and condition, comprising (with Ihe valuable Pictures) ell that is requi- sir," lor ao desirable a Residence. The Mansion will be Let either Furnished or Un- furnished upon Most Moderate Terms. For Pullcul, .ply to For Particu,?r., ;PN8 and ROBJEF*, Auctioneers and VaUwfll 17893 NSwpoH, Mon, mRY TRAVELLER SHOULD BUY THE pARDIPF, U WANSE A N E WPORT A B C 1"IMI TARLES PRICE ONE PENNY. riAKHERS sulit) YOUR OWN WOOL TORE MADE INTO CLOTH, from }O, 3d. to 2s. 4d. per Yara. BLANK KT8, from la. 2d to 2s. 6d. per Yard. FT,ANNULS, horn 9d. to IJ, 6d. per Yard, STOCKING y aHN, from 9d. per lb. Patterns forwiirded to select from. Carriage Paid to antl from Ihe Mills on all Orders over £2. T V L E It AN1) CO. MAICSU.YN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, SOUTH WALES, [8293 TI ONES J5IJOTH KRS. PRINCIPAL HILL* POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, IIIGII-STUKKT, NKATif# AND BRITON FERRY, Circular* Addressed and Delivered. Blll-postors to the Great, Western and Neufh add brecon »nJ Principal Auction* rs, Limine »' >« Hrmcipal public Notices, ?rr'HE?VIC?KIAN AGE."—The Rev, JL W. H. CLOQO will Deliver hi. LBOTURB on tho obovo .ubjPct TO.NIGHT (WEDNliSUAY). a Bight o'clock. In RnoW,J Weslevan cbuolroom.(d2 TTmVKt?IT?'COLLKGE'OF SOUTH LJ WALES AND MONMOUTHHIRE, CARDIFF. DEPARTMENT OF MINING. PROFK-SOR W. GALLOWAY. For Promp,.t,. and Furth.. Information apply t- or .rotpectu?n nr IVOR JAMES, Registrar. University College, Cardiff, October 17th. 1892. 11681 ATIONAL PIB- VKNTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. NEWPORT AND DISTKIOT AID COMMITTER. MI8EI INGS will be held at ABERGAVIINNY on WKDNB5DAY AFTERNOON, November 2nd, ot 3 30 p.m., In the Oortl Eacliange. Chairman Lawrence B<ker, B,q I'ONTYI'OOL on WKDNEBDAY EVENING, Novem- 6,, 2nd, at 7.30 p In the Hoard School, Chairman Colonel B\rdt>, J.P. "MONM?TH on'THOLSDATAFrER?OON. Nn?m- ber. ;IHt:w..tIYoFl;Rk'I:K:; I Colonel "Iwyn, J.P. ?"?K?FOM ?.n"?HUR?U'A''T ??)'t<a. 'No?mb?r 3, Kt 7.M p.m.. In the AMen.Ny-r<wm, Town.baU. Chairman: The Right Hon. )?d Tretie?r. The REV. BKN.HM1N WAUGH, Hon. Dlreotor of the Society, will Address the Meeting^ 17984^ YTO TICK OF AUDIT. TM the RATEPAYERS and OWNERS of PROPERTY In the DISTRlOi of IlHYltNKY, in the COUNTIES of BRRCON and MONMOUTU. wHxltEks GEORCG H. HRPTT, tit. Audi- tor nuthorhed by law ti Audit the Aouoiiiita of iha Uecelpt8 and Bxpmditure Ululer theo Public JIedth Act, 1876. 01 the L-1 Board for the above«nan»ed Di.- tdct. h.. ,pp.i,.W Ten ,'?l..k In the Forenoon of FRIDAY, the 18th day 01 November, 1892, as the time, ,"d the bffi?,? of he Board, Rhvrnne), as the place, at "hich the Audit of Cl,? "d Aoc"tints for rhe year ended 1'). the 26'?t March, IS a. will be made. k W., ? herefore, the Mtd LoM) Bo.rd, befnt the Urban Authority for the MtdDhitdct, GIVE NOTICE, In p..u.?. of the fd HEREBY GIVE NOTtOE, In pursulnce of the said Act, that the Audit 01 the said Accounts will be mftd. al i,. time ud place so appointed as .foresold; that any ratepayer or ",of property In the s4d district may be present at the Audit, an d may make an ob j ec- t?, JIe::¡ :n;a¡ud1; a'd o Copy fAccounts duly made upaud balanced, together "Ih oU the t. b.??k., ??!.u,.t d.?', contracts, accounts, ,"ouohers. and receipts 1"entillll&J (lr referred to In finch Accounts, will be deposited ilt IIUt" Office, at No. 59, High-street, Rhymney, on WEDNES- DAY, the 16!h dny of November instant, and will be opened ther al, be ween the hours of Ten .ni, an i Four P! u"tH he said day 01 Audit, to the Inspeclton -t .11 p?- ?KMtttd. who )ll be at hbfr?totttfe copies 01 or extracts from the same without fee or re- ward. Dated this l,t da, of No.mber, 1m iIREYNOLL)ti. 18COO Clerk to the aid J.oo\1 Board. rX i-VHIS BAKK OiTfAltAPACA AND LONI 'ON (LIMITED). HttdOOM <3. ThretdnMdtt-ttreet.E.C. Subscribed Capital £ 1,000.000 paid-up ^S?'S29 Reserve Fund 30,000 BrufChrs:—Valparaiso, )qalque.PiMgo>». Cable Transfers. Diafts, and LetterS of Crcdl ¡lIno,\ on Chili. Th. purcha>« aud sale of Fondl undertaken, also the receipt of Dividends, the negotiation aud collec- tion of Bills of Exchange, Coupons and Drawn Bonds, i and other bunking butlike". Current Accouuts opened. Ueposits received for fixed 1 period. follows .-—For six months, 4 per cent.; one year, 4t per cent.; longer periods by special arrange- j "?40 JOHN DAW80N. G?ne,.l Mtn?er. -V- N IV I- LON U oN": V —IMUK KIRALNT'S Superb and Wondrcm Boectaole. "VBNIUF.: THK BH)UK OF THE SUA,' .tOLYMftA. KKN?tNSMN. LOKUOM. W. "The mo.t mM?U-.u. shnw e?r yet rg??istd In any country or Me."—?t'J< re?f?.t. I'?I-, "Y' It is d)'!ieu!t to );?? ?ny Idea of i lie gorgeousness from I, r-I t? last of this performance." ?'F?)'t?'EKN tI\. U;Dnp ¥'O liu ¡lIis OR A ND BALLKTOOKP3ol400 Artistes, upon a Siag'- 450lt. in I width. In addition to this 1. MO r)BltN VEN10k?, Ith .)) it, Ftt?.. c.n?.. Bridges, Oo d-I., Ac. TwiM O?nT. from Twl 1,?? to Fi??, *"d 81. to Eleven.—Ad-, mission to ?? (including Reserved S?'*). from Is. o 6.. S'"tt booked in i''gt"S"). Box Office, Qlympia or T, Piccadilly, London L9435 QT, ALBANS ?TAOE COACH (The Wo,?,1. ") Hu, D,Ily, .1 ti.4 g.t, Hooked fn adraiioe.—Coach Office, HoM Victoria, Northumberland-avenue, nd. L9,m f JjL pHJiT Paiietu&lity of the Wonder" from Shrewsbury w" so great that Will, Lennox t?< us that .Y of the? peop10 dl St. Albans eg,?'.ttd their wttchM by that -.1. It entered the city.— The C.l ng ?.  L r-I'RE"Wönii;rh-¡;-¡aruou, CoMh JL ?tablished in 19?S. kept its mlobrly for puue- t.-lity and p,,d f, r many y. It w?3 t %le til which .drt.k .1.. "g a journey ae 158 mil.. in one d- ?"'?LRA?S 8T?iK' WACH (Th. ? deir') i?skiolt-I Victoria. N(rrhu"'dr' ry-I" tlO.bop-].l returning to Hotel Vict')dt6.20. g"tu,. )& '?'?. JM'. _——————L;&- X?a? ?ottffs:. lt3? JON AS PHIP3, DECEASED. i?KSUANT to the Statute 22nd and 23rdVi?t,?ri., Cap. 36, i,?tituld "An Act M Furthf-r Amend the Law ol Properly and to Relieve Trustees," NOT, his HbllEU¥ GIVEN, that all ermit4)" and uthM P?o? having any CLAIMS o. MMAMDS ?.tt'? ESTATE of 'JONA? I'HILLIP", l?t, "f No. 173 Tr?)ft?riMtr<-ft. !<o<th. Cldlftl 'n the C'?tnty ot Glamorgan, Builder, Deceased (who died ou the )at day of October. 18?2, and of whose personal i siale [ltt'r? of Ad.ntntttr?th?t were Knllld b, H?r Slnjeaty's High Court of Justice »t the Disi rlct, Probate Registry at Ll .ndaff on the 2Itli day of October, 1892, to EDWARD PHIi.LIPS. lb.- Elder, of No. 5, Wood- c?'?-ttreet, Bmth?forMtU. Prilh Oerk), are reqnlred to Mnd the P'<? in writing ) f their (A.i. Demands to me, the undersigned Wil lam 'fo,on or"'b?'' the'?h'd?y of'?CSMBK?. 189° altr which dalo the said Administrator will proceed to Distribute the Assets of the SRld Deceased amongst the personsentilled thereto, having regardonlv to the Claims and Demands of which he shall then have had notice, and he will not be 11 ble for the Assets of the said Deceased or any part thereof 80 distributed to ar.y person or persons of whose Claims or Demands he shall not then have had noiice. Dated this 31. b ci?y f O"t"ber, 1892. ILI,IAM BRADLEY, 3, C?,diff. 17991 Solicitor for the said Administrator. hotels, 1JBmmn coins. LONDON. ANDEKTON'S HOTEL, FLEET- AOTHERT, LONDON. The nearest Hotel to the Law Court., Centrally situated, both for City and principal theatres. Terml moderate. IS500 SWANSEA. C1ASTLE IIOTEI,, SWANSKA.— cilent Accomm?tatlon for Commercial Gen- ?men ?d  .'omiU. Moderate Chargei. Centiai Bituatiou.—Mrs, THOMAS, Proprietress. 10326 TEWIS AND TEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LtWltI LIIW18 LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS Lis WIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS I,H%v is LEWIS LISWIS LEWIS LEWIS 1.1 W HI LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWld LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LKWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. The Best Flve-Fram. BRUSSELS Manufactured uoar selling at 3/11} per yard. Only one quality, and that the beat that can be procured. BEST BRUSSELS, 3/lli. BEST BRUSSELS, 3/llf. BKST BRUSSELS, 3/Uf AXMINBTEB. WILTON, TURKEY, AND <THLK BMTUH AKD FOREIGN CARPETS. 23 and24, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. LEWIS LIS WIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS IK wis LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LKWI8 LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LKWIS LKWIS LEWIS LHWIB LBWIS LEWIS LKWIS LEWIS AND TEWIS I A 10438 QANIRL QWEN AND (jO (LIMITED), GENU RAT, AND FANOY STATIONISHP, CARDIFF. ^'V ^lOOT^iTOLUjtNTur, r"r«*-TW'VAO a \v )!OWf ¡JOlW}/;N'!IAf, :h1t1W"'tll! ¡ tnneL'ø ano ontl'auø. GLÃMOHGAN NTYVOUNëiL,: ROAD AT POUT TALBOT. The OIAlfOROAN COUNTY COUNCIL Is Desirous I of UONTRAOriNG for the RAISING and IMPROVE- MENT of the MAIN ROAD at Port Talb. t. Plan. and Bp'o,Ücatlon. of the W.,k, may l>eseen .d bills of QnantIU.. obtained at the Poll. t. Abcrafon, l>y thos. desirous of Tendering. Healed Tenders are 10 be deliver.d to me not later than the uth INST., aud Ihou1d b, marked outside, Tetiaer for Raising Main lIood at Port Talbot." T. MANREL FRA NKLEN. Clerk of the County Counfll. Glemorpn County OMM,. W?.tpt?, Cardiff, l- 11 ovelllr. 1892. ^7997 p LAMOKQAN COUNTY COUNCIL. LLEWITHA BRIDGE. The GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL Is Desirous of CONTRACTING for the RAISING and IMPROVING of the APPROACHES to I.hEWllllA HRLDGF, Plans and Specifications of the Wotks required maybe seen, and Bills of Quantities obtained, by those desirous of Tendering, at the Offices of "he C'leik of the Swansea District Highway B ard,Swan_. Sealed Tenders are to be delivered to me not later th-«nthe9th IN-T., and should be marked outside, •• Tender for Raising Approaches to Llewliha Bridge." T, bIANRL FRANKLBN, Clerk of the Couuty Council. Glamorgan County Offices, Westgate«street, Cardiff, t17 F6 BJACIiTU STEAM NAVIGATION XT ooMPANr. TENDERS FOR COAL. The Directors are Prepared to Receive TENDERS for th« supply "f fc5.00J t?, 30,000 TON* BEST o( 9oVTH WAI,EI STr-A A iCOAL (f,?.h.??d ??.1i.,y screened), W be hippl:d on b"t .9 CardUr. Barry, Swansea, or N""P9rt, In conformity with tb,. charter- 3&rt its of v?iels chartered by the company, beween ht January and 31.t "<'Cember, 1893. Tenders must Slate the names ef the pit or pit. and seam or seams from which the coal is u,,d,.rt?, to be supplied, the quality being the best obi alned from auoh pile and Termsof payment: Cash 30 days after delivery, less 2t p"r cent. dl6COUllt. lenders should be addressed to the Directors, and marked on the outside Tender for Coal," alld must be delivered at the Company's Office, 31, James-street, Liverpool, not later th ui Noon ou MONDA Y NEXT, be 7,h N? r. The Directors do not bind themselves to aocept the lowest or auy Tender and reserve the power of appor- tioning the oonti act among any 01 the patties tender- hi". By Order, FRKDKRIOE ALCOCK, Secretary Liverpool, November 1st, 1892. 179S2 HAW STKAM NAVIGATION .1.: COMPANY. TENDERS FOR COAL. The Diiectors are Prepared to Receive TENDERS far the supply of 20,000 to 30,000 TONS "I BEST SOUTH WALES STEAM cOAL (f.,[, wrought and ..ill?ry screimed to be delivered e>lher t 1,. Coal T or In Î!l:eí:e ::JJir:r:: I. t'b CHPkiff'i)Ö': BIRKENHEAD, ns directed by the C), puny, b,e??, 1st January and 31? December, 9.1). prices for d.livery at the Coal ?ip., -??d 1. Fi-L. In tbe &Iori??th D.k, b?.fdt'ij? Tenders .t alal the ii,o of the pit or pl. and seam or seams froio which he Coal is undertaken to be supplied, the quality being the best obtained from such pit. and teams. Quantities to be weighed over the Mersey DoCksand Harbour Board's Weighing Machines, and ¡",rllcllla. 01 weillhl. handed t.> the Company. Term. of payment; Ca," d-Jdays ailer delivery, less 2i per cent, discount. 'lenders should be addressed to the Directors, and marked on the outside 10 Tender for Coal," and must be dellver.,1 at the Company's Office, 3l,, Liverpool, nollater than Noon on MONDAY NEXT, the 7tb of 40v,mber Tbe Direotors do not bind themaelvoe to accept the lowest or any TClldu, and re?rve 11 power of uppnr Uonlnj¡ the contract among ..V of tbe pt,,e,ig. By Order, By Order ?LIFMCK At-COCK, Secretary. Liverpool, November 1st, 18U2. K981 rpn: tape VALL RAILWAY UOM- rl"A' Tf.'NDEnB for FIVE RICKS "f BAY of good qu.jit)L!k?V.kd this season oil tb? Railway Bauks. a"d stacked at W.L.?h.11 Ju ?tio., n- Ll. naaff. ftpecllleatloDS and all Portlculftn may be obtained on application at the Bogineei's Office ,t uordi/f. Tenders 8udofkli Hav to be sent to the undersigned not lalei CbaD MONDAY, 1t" day of November, ltllJ. JOHN JONES, Secretary. Cardiff. October 26' b, IM. 17 C^AHDIFF CORPORATION WATJiR- cwoitxs. rne WATERWORKS COMMITTEE .,a prepared t- r:e 'ó::=?::RS&VEëlr;: I GUOe HS .UIIPLY PR 'to the WOHK- MEN engaged "? WA'?!tWOkK$,TAFF FAWli VAI-LBIC! near KERTiAY(4 TYL)FIL. Condliions of letilng may beobtalnen on application to tho Manager, Cvtiofr B wrvoir, Cwm Tiff iVwr, near Merthyr. r.1:.Q.:j' :e. "¡ '}I,ubelUlIlIl will b. gnen Kent Fret, «*t to ll» Rljjve conditions and W an agreement being entered IlItu. Tenders, endorsed (;a"lrff t be de- livered to roe on or before THURSDAY, 1Ot.j¡ November, i892. The Corporation do not bind themselves toacctp any tender. Bv Order, J, L. WHEATLRY. Town-clerk. Town-hall. Cardiff, 31st October. Ifc9- 17967 VT^TRADYFODWG SCHOOL BUAIW, liis Board is now prepared to receive TENDERS for the ERECTION (If a NEW SCHOOL on Tyhaf Field, Ystrad Hholld¡Ja. Plana nnel Specifications may 00 acen at the resi,d,ence or the Architect, Mr. J. Bees. Pentre. Tenders must resell me on or before the 7th PROX, The Board does not bind Ulelllo accept the lowest or any Tender. W. G. HOWELL. Clerk to the Board, Yetmd Rhondda, 12th Oot-ober, 1892. 17:8^_ TO ARCHITKCTS AND BHILOEKS. WALES AND WEST OF ENGLAND GIRDER COMPANY (LIMITED). LARGE STOOK OF ROLLED JOISTS ALWAYS ON HAND AT WORKS, EASr MOORS. G. S. S'OOWB, Secretary, Bank-buildings, 175:9 (J,u:,lilf, ubllritUOn5. EVE R Y 1\1 A N SUFFBRINt* from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a valuable pamphlet ex- plaining how all nervous nnd orgauio d?-r I IUfI :t'w'IuO('ce'I¡'Î:: The method is easy and p e saut, "ud will affect a per- feet and pernmnent cure, Bent sealed Post Free. -Address E, NORTON, Z49t, High Holborn, London, W.C. L9336 Beadv 10 November. Price One Shilling. "THE STORY OFCLOVKLLV'S WI1E,* X bv J. W. NICHOLAS, author of The House of Mystery," ota, A Storv skilfully devised, and full of enthralling in- terest. A Christmas Hok In the beat sense. At Messrs. Smiths' ond Libraries. J. W. AREtOWi4blITH, Publisher, Bristol, fI7734 jytOITWICH BRINE BATHS, These Celebrated BATHS are renowned for the Cure of RHEUMAilSM, GOUT, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA and all MUSCULAR COMPLAINTS. T)i am beneficial In Liver and Kidney Disorder, anlr.f¡, restoring ::o fol?:yden To ACoommodftte the increasing number of Bathe. a larga Hotel has been erected, containing 150 rooms. APPLY-AIANAGER, I WORCESTEUSHIRE HOTgL, J-JROITWiCH, B. p, CULLEY, PROPRIETOR. 115390 11 HE GREAT BLUOD I'URIFIKK.- THOMPSON'S BURDOOK PILLS purify the foulest blood, and relieve every Disease of Stomach Liver, and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Tliol. sands have been cured by these wonderful PIli. whote dl18." could not b.o¿hed by any other mediome. Bold by all chemists, in boxe., Is. lid, "lid 2s. 4d. e-ah sent hv rail to anv "ct.i"!iIll. fj(}j9 AB 1, E S 8 1 N (i TO LADIES The most MIRACULOUS MEDICINE ever discovered for all irregularitie, of tho female system and removes all obstructions. This N ON- lilORFUL remedy relieves all distressing symptoms, r-AVKS DOCTORS BILLS, and preoHvea HEALTH. THOUSANDS have been relieved by Its use. as testified by ho numerous UNSOLICITED TISSTIMOSIALS. J'III. nre useless, and only cause dlsappointin.nt. lampd IIddr.9" envelope for price list and copies of testimonials, which an- guaraiiieed genuine, under 1\ penalty or £ 1.000, open to IIIsP6d ¡Ult aud investigation. Tiie rI1l1t't. alld ""I.' efTectnal .d vt"* Try *!ni iJg? fHf y. If. W, M. DASMAIt, Waiihamsiow, (Est. 1861.) Pn%red t Bt*t oil 1,933 public gppomnnriiWe 1"101JNTY BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. The CORPORATION of CARDIFF are Prewired to •SReceive APPLICATIONS f,? ADMITlED SOMCI- TOM fnr.he APPOINTMENT of PBOSKOUTtN? SOLICITOR at the Cardiff Court of Quarter Sessions for One Year, A Fee of 21 b. will be allowed In enoh case. Conditions of Appointment may be Inspected at my Ollloe, Apnlloations to be sent In on or before the 1litb NOVEMBER, endorsed M Prosecuting 8ollcitor. By Order, J. L. WHEaTLEY, Town-cl,rk. Town-hall, Cardiff. 2nd Novo" b^r. 1892. 17995 fitttioinfl societies, æc. ?lAMORGAN BUILDING SOCIETY G.6. QUEEN-STKBET. CARDIFF. jyj- O N E Y ADVANCED ow SKKITLT REDUCED TERMS. Deposits received and Share, Issueddaily, APPLY FOR NEW PROSPECTUS TO 3108 T. A. DAVIES. Secretary jyj-KRTHYR AND jQOWLAlS BUlll)ING gOCiETY. Chairman, Mr. Alderman WILLIAMS, J.P., Gwaelody- lIarUa House, Merthyr Ty.tlll. LOANS ADVANCED IN SUMS FROM Cloo to AIOIOOOI Easy He-payment. In 3 to 17 Years—Favourable itedemptiou Terml-Utmo.t Secrecy—Loans on B.ild- ings in Progress—No Management Charge.. For Particulars pp to Mr. PETBK WILLIAMS, or Glebeland W. M,?,thy, TydBI; or t" ??i A?ent< ?ir!)!<)h)m. South W.I. 390H WJOUTH WALKS MEKOANTIL15 JilHLD- ► 1 TSQ SOCIETY. OAMRltlAN CHAMBKRH, 15. West- gatenitreet. f!A'mtf?_3) t*r (;m.t. h,reat Given on Deposits at 8**en Days' Noti>i\ .per IJent. at ODe ??'' Notlee.-CHABLi, CLARKE nnnfn;. tnsttranff eottttjantce. ?'? ?UN?MURANUEMFlUE, LONDON. sEsTABLisaim 1710. Messrs. PRICE and DICKS RE, 21, High-street, Cardiff, having been Appointed AGENTS to the SUff INSURANCE. FFICB for CARDIFF and iU VMnlty, In lieu of Mr. P?W, Price, d.!???.d, b?g I ? to 1. or,,? the Public tb?t tb.y are i-tphm ? to re?ive Fol,oni. ,or,AI M03t ?v ?ver, Vrtpl lun of Property. The Sun Insurance Office has enjoyed the confidence 01 the public for .1 years, °? T 'tal sum 1. 1891. 9.173.OD,OGO. A It LQM or Damage by 1,1. htning Paid For, [IA_ r PRO ACHING DIVISION OF APJtOFiTS. NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOB MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Paid In Cl.lms, £ 8,300.000. Funds exceed £ 4,500.000. A l Ihe Profit, are Divided amongst the Assured. The Next. Division will be 18W, and Hli now In.urln "II! ptrtle!p.te, 4?Qr..Moh'?ch<trMt.B.O.Lt"«)n. U9M CCIDENT ?SU'<ANUK COMPA!S? A'(LIMI'I'BD), 10, fiT, SWITHIN'.LA. LONDON. R.C. G-R..L AC0II>KNT8. ) PKHSONAL txjUBmS. iI, I i;rlT. Ap.?t. hrouhollt W. L9910 '?'"?* 0. HAItlll?iG, Mftn?er Iltb ltcaUOnaL IUUJlUltmtntS. CARDIFF. CARDIFF GYMNASIUM and PHYS1- 1 J CAL TRAINING ComGE. KOATH. Bvenlng CI., Gentlemen. Day Classes for I*.lies and Children. Teachers trained, >cbao!. attended. -Write for prospectus to the Director. Gymnasium. 175M DANCING, PHYSICAL EXnUd?KS. I"Cl. C?). Private LtMo,?_ Th. MI-I Evans. 7. Fittttf-?oe. Ctr.)ttf. TMd5 BiUtlTOL. BR1GHTON HOUSK SCHOOL,: BRBL)LAND PARK, CLIFTON, BmstOL. Hstablished 1873. To Provide a Professional Or Com- t.ierelai Education o( the. Highest Order. Moderate inclusive Term T?'?y'be VACANCtM for S<ptemtX)r !5th. Full number of pupils dart,, the tut year., large Pr??miw. near Downs. Very mmf(, r?bi' home for Boarders. Thoroughly good Tutors. Excellent tnhl-. iitp?r?'beda. Lor?P?yXron'?.MmM'um, courts, workshop. Sanatorium. A i subjwto taught. UPI"r, Middle, Junior, and Preparatory Departments. Special attention to Modern Laugiutges. Successful preparation for Mil examinations. Lirge number of nc. cesses, including I??. <"<' other ??itte.. Public Schools, Preliminary lAw..Mtil, Army, Civil ServtM. Lon.)un Teet'n?) College. &uth Kentt'?ton. College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cambridge (Senior aud Junior). Music, Banks, Accountants, Dockyard CAiJt"hhipe, tic fiosueciuses, successes, referaiieesonapplimtion. At Home after September 1st. MH 0. 1 0 2  Heart Muster Mr ClI Altl.KS BIGG. 10232 BATH. G (GIRLS) ihorough EDUCATION In English, Foreign Laticuages, Mathematics, Music (Instrumental, Theo- relerr-nccs. Unlimltrd Thorough home. []654 BRECON. ??mMST ?OLmGH,T  RMCOK. JURIST ^QOLLEGE, •gRIiCON. Rev. M. A. BAYFIELD. MA., hta nM.dn.Mter'< Assistant M;rl:¿' College; formerly A,,i,t.t M..Ur tC-Illig?. The Staff ol Assistant Masters consists enUrelyof University Men who have graduated in high honours. Boys are Prepared for ttie V iiiverattles, At my, Com- merce, Ac. Fees, 50 Guineas. In the lasr. ten yeara some 40 Scholarships have been gained at the Universities, iueludmg (last year) the First Open Classical Scholarship at llaiiiol College, Odor,1, the very billbrst distinction which can be WOIl by a boy at school. For nhtstnted Prospectus apply to the HKAD- MASTER. i MASTER. "*u j ILONDOH, THE TUTORS of the BRITISH COR- TREBPONI)ENCB COLLEGE, Queen's-road, Peckham, London. H.E„ ""Pi'j'V; J Succes fully ?'iR STUDENTS bv CORRESPON- I tNe::r lWIk,NJI:e Co?:[: Oxford and Cambridge, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Uni- v?.ty. Army. Mat-y.?.d Other K?mt. More ?jutn. tu?-MMM ttMn x!? 'imihr Co!te)je) combi..ed. 8t..)<). Subjec m.y be taken. Day, Evening, and Correspon- dence Classes. Boarders Received, iffces ol aomt btudy. Id. weekly, through all Newsagents. PMpMt. ?.d?eimen Copy for Id. ?mp from becretary, E<t.-  ii)?t) 1885.   OLD NEWSPAPERS ON SALE, ^TALKEY rpHOMAS AND CO., LI AIITED, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET, 16499 CARDIFF. 1E499 EAT AND DRINK WHAT YOU LIRE. rpI URLISY'M INDIGKSTION SA.).?E Twilt Pu,r You ItIG14T- -\boll..nd. bL,v IIII::T'ttr.t tried this tnv?).? Mt-d?CH?. f<ththj< Hie world ever pro- I rl'J:il,but"t':r 111;JJ,t ,'d''(:, kl:: Bit?i!!t? W?d.Sp..?n.t.nwhHMofSp!h?.Lf" .(A Ptil?, 6?p'<M Nights, 6hMhltl", Nf-nnm"<'M, Pains in the nwk, P?ns between the Sh??tdtr!) AUth? symplnms nr!??)!.t?Bhtf(;i' try Mmp?bo?t?."n.)Dniexi?at.6.).t? b'Jttle. Carefullv prep^ic.l by V>. TUItLRY and CO., MANUfACT.'U!ttN(} Ot??'?T- 63. HUaB?STOy- B'HiKKT.?IKM?GHAM. o. r (17083 NE W 1' 0 R T M o ?. r (??).tist)e.)H70). THH DE REUS J'.II.L-l'OsllNfr A >I) ADVKIM'ISINO COMPANY (LiMnnu), PROPRII'-TOI'S ?C ],A 140t7s,r POSI!ING P.?'.?."?'?:?. PtH1t\'pn!. nlCI\, aUtt l.ultt"rll ¡¡¡Ill Wt'.it.t'¡'IIVnlly:t. '?'(?MM ?A?ROAU

/JARDIFF MUNICIPAL KKKCTIONSJ j -TO THE ELECTORS OF CANTON WARD, LADIES AND GBNTLBMKN,— Permit, me to take this the earliest opportunity to thank the 553 electors who yesteiday recorded their velte. In my favour, and especially do I wish to thank the band of worker. h. so enthusiastically laboured to promote mysucce. and also those who placed their vehicle* at my disposal for the day. Further. I wish to ..allt8 th<> resldellu 01 Canton that nothing I can do will be left undone to justify Lbe confidence reposed In me, I remain, LaJJpfl and Gentlemen, r Your obedient servant. I J. M. GKKHOU). Victoria Hotel, Cardiff. 17796

I biPPt!tm:- OOOK'S TOURI?T 'IC bFrance, ItAl"l'tIIIe, an.I the Chicago Ubigtiaount tipolit ymr, of W. J. TROUNCR, CardHT^ 17.m l'>AENlU;WS iiOOHED THROUGH to ALL PARTS )f the WORLD by JIOYAL MAIL ..d tb. Steamers.— AWly SAMUEL J. DAV/E9. 17957 9, Diward.-p 1. opi..iw StiLLi?, Cardiff. \'1 A RDll"F &Jld BOlHH;AUX 'IARDI k, F and BORDEAUX efiSlHtSSlS he Cardiff KUtamship Company', 1I"'1rC1, Screw Steamers will Sail as oUu" 1- TAFK Cardiff for Bordeaux Nov. I ELY Bordeaux for Cardiff .Nov. Ii with Goods and Passengers. "1:"r6:1::f"r: apply to Mr. A, G. Todd. Agent, 31. Qn.t d., ChartrnUI, B.rd? aud ut the fH,?.4 the Company, No. 51, Mount 8 art,- square, Cardiff. squ-. (lardiff. HOOPER. CAMPBELL, and 00.. 671411 1IIft"A¡¡Cra. IJALGRAVI5, MUm'lI' AND c:O: LINIi OF B'J'EAMEKS. 8 W A N 8 10 A(? pillo?'j'it'i A %I it u It(]. (:tTY OF lz Captain Kelioe. n OF £')iijNiï:8: J' Oirv OF AMKTKltDAM .Captain Hoar., One 01 tbe .110,.8 or other Hteatnera or thH: UIU ¡.Iuô 11."ded o lea.,e!iJ"8u I. flU llaiuhnrs every Ten Days. For Freights, Mr. ,appl, totiie (M*ner.,l'al|(rave, Mori1 ,iid Co..17, ICd,uQ" Duulln.or o the Agents, au ItOKMH and CO., 6S504 A Kent at Hamburg :-l>. F\1I1R!}NN. 65504 0TE Owing to The Ma ohioness" being under Board of Trade Inspection, there will be no Passenger flte.uner plying between CariJilT and fhlstol thia week, [1793) ^JAltDlFK AND BRISTOL. J; r NOVRICI!EH, 1892. "THE MARCHIONESS." Prom Bute T>o oh*, Vurriiif. From HaUuu'1It u.i,). nth" to 8rl"<>I, to)I, to C»rd|ff. faWedneA^af Z.. 1 4512Z., 5 15 after SaThursday Z.. 2 3J atterl 3 TtiTiri JAY Z.. 5 0 ftvr 4 Fri'tny Z..3 1 utter fi Sftturlav Z.. 4 0 after i tumuy Z.. 7 limoro 7 Monday 0 30 after I Monday 8 45 morn 8 Tiu's-iay 6 1 Rft'-r SnTaesiuy 9 15 ru Z Goodø only. ■ To hui) Pro. Pauiw.—at Mil- ()I,I1J. 'i*. Go.1.. Kore Calilo, In. 6<t. '1'1)."11\1. Fro Ticket* toned tOj return tri,) t,)) Bamo day Is uiurUed: Arter C"hlu, h.; Fore Uahiu, 211. &1. Tickets will iie iiuued on Sutur ¡.t..tuila.h1e tor (ht return trli) on Mouday. JOHN THOMAS, Agent. JORN TIIOWA4 tge",t pASSLNGEit BOOKING OFFIOK PAR.NGEUS Loweii. Rates to all p.rt. of AMERICA, AUSTRALASIA, HOUTH AFRICA, WEST INDIES, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIA, MKUlTEIt- RANEAN. Ac. 150 Parcels an,1 Good. forwarded to all parts of the World. lowest rates. F., Full Information, Pamphlets, Ac., Pply to P.,N] ERs N BItEi?,Ii, 35 Mount Stuart-sqtts?r? Cardiff, Pa^seutcer A 'n"s for Anchor, Guiou, Orient, Union Royal MlI, and firMer Lines. 9'1£67 P ANI) Aat f). I' MML STR I:Rs R X LONDON To 0OMBAY, GIBRALTAR, MALTA,) BRiNDlSl, EGYPT, ADKN, and V Every Week MADRAS via hOMHAY. I AICU71'A MADRA$L COLOMBO CHINA. STRAITS, JAPAN, AUS- f TKALIA. NKW ZEALAND, > Everv TAB&tA,'4NE?i. a"d Fortuigh. ALEXANDRIA. J CuttAi* Rkturn TICKETS. OfR,?,. )22 For Particular" apply at the Company's Offices. 122 Leadenhall-street. I^ondo U91L. «ia A kj I' L A A fN STI, L t A À:fi.. A IÂJ.IA. TIIII{Á\ lJNI'I'lm'I'A'Vk'1&n\N¡\I'" (Vnder contract withthe Canadian Oorernmcntfot Conveyance of the Canadian Nt I, MU>M t.tVMtrr'u NUMIDIAN For Quebec and Moutre 1 Oct. 20 CAll'i HAOINIAN,For Halifax and Motitieal Oct. l\l:I"IAi\For Qn beoand Montreal Oct. 17 t IlU;A^l N .For Queboo uiid Montreal .1\0' CASPIAN For lialitu and 8.ltl:uore .Nov. 8 FARE* flOII OCEAN PASSAGE v*)oou 10 to lb OuinvoF j SecoudC bin 7 7 Steerage, £ 5 b, Tbrollh Tickets to a 1 Stttiousat Special Rates. Passen gets ate imdcJ on tiie tailioad wh.>rf aud transferred front øhll) to train wlthour.nn, iuconsenieuee Ani exiteasft. Ti.e 811fJclal comluctor acomllauie8 West bouu'l passengers. e¡;-NOTJJ:e-Thls Line provides the cheale8t. and most con* vellieut route toall parts of Canada, Mauitoba, the North NVest Provinces, British Columbia, aud tho Western Stattt: A substantial Government Bonus for faml ies taking 11\1 Laud in Manitoba, the North-West Territory, and Britieli UOMimbia. Fiee l and OrauU of 16ù aci w. To ToURlftTH. and otliers.—Ronud Tut Tickets combining Eicuridons to Niagara Palls, tb* WIIIH{N Cu) aceur and gporUug Districts of the Rocky Mountain and British Columbia, and other vbces of Interest in Uniiuii States and Canada. Picgrauimea of tom" i>u application. Biitinh delegates New lWIIOL1.rS aud all tbe latest Mt\18 and Pum,lhleta (rttJ. Direct Services from Glasgow to New York and Boston and Philadelphia .1 tbe year ronud. Full i>ui vicui<n hon auphcatfou to ALLAIC BKOxiiKRa atilt Co., 105, Lcadeuhall tmoT, Loudon, Qud 15, Jaiues-street, Lno\,l)1; u4 L< ti F Kennard, Auctioneer,lVJ<iueeu-stveet.M.»T.Davies. t lwurd-piace Capiaiu J. A. Scott, Ktofurratiuu OfUc* 61, M¡s"8tret, Cuthays, Carditt W. J. Trounce, ii«t« DOCKS, Cardiff; T. C. H11? li?u., Carilitt; W. M. Vuunlian. Pnutei, 7* touare, Wlud-sueet, and T.K.W. Mason aud Co.. Swai. titu U S 9Wu • \V. H. Keea, Auotloueev. 01iarles»ille-pUce, Neat.i. I'iiUtu Dasies, <Veurgo Hotei, Brecon; FreJk. Allan 2d St Jyhu'8-square,Abergavenny; John \V. Fruucis, CJou a /eet Haverfordwest; W. Mlltou Locke, ^3, UJ"I¡-tfcrcet. I iouug, 7 Tredegar • plaoo, nd Heybyroe I:d Hrown. 113, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon,; A iMnev Steam Saw Mills. Abertillery; W. K. Lewie, Grocer fcbbw V.I. D. J. Braus, ILt Hunt* i'flUh-.t,! Mc"¡'r Tyuslli E. wlie-. 2, Glebelaud !«et Merthyr Ií.t't1 D. J. kees. IVeala* 0 iirldd' J. Da'le3" Blaeuaarw; D. Howlauua Peu-rK; nearPoutyHidJ; Whilam Smith ti, Haou,l street, forth E. H. Davies, Baglau Chambers, i^utre :mch' ,ta Oram Post-olliee PoncvprlUu Mr. W. V. RaesandCo., Ironmongers. High street, Fo?tylwitid; M„ Ehas Thomas,74, Oyitryu-street. FeriuUle; ana Mr. liMc i,„'?fs Stationew-Hall.Treberbert; WID. J. H»rry. 117. Iiilwju-street, Morrlston Edward U-h 31, Holton-road, Harry D"°'. l LNAJAW LINE ROYAL MAIL L OTBAN 10 Re,I.? "I> INT umi?TIONAL TTSAM "(;OMPANT (Liuirun). JmI\POoL.P;K( :RDn>lV' r, Calling at Queenstown Every Thursday. I AI'I.J/\I;iMl\;i:r:J';I.r:?'n 22. Water-street Liverpool; or i? T. M. Jones, Ri ?t. Ahecavoii; 8. J. Davies, 9, Ild..Id.-I,g; 1. C. Howo and Co., Steamship Broker# C. J. Uudllpp. Castle-road, .,dilt C. H. Perhitio, Sumtr'depjû."o; Austin aud bilcncks, 8hlpb,oken. fca«n»« i '1'. H. 1I1.i1l. Neath-road, lai.uOr; Ü. Lewis, grocer, Bridge-street, Menu J.. Morgan, Pust-ortlce, I'ont}- 1 ool; J. Roberts. Poat-oluue, Pout vori«M G. Dunkm, P. st oflice, ;iitr.dgyn,, Pcnygra g, near Pontypridd. THE PUHE INDIAN SOUCHONG TE A AT 18, 7D. PER LB. Sample Parcel of 6jlbs., including PosMge, fjrlls. EXTENDED LIST OF PUlCES ON APPLICATION ALL pEAS AT IMPORTERS' PKICIiS-NO MIDDLE PROFITS TO PAY. fJHIOS. JONES AND Co-, LTD., TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANTS, 9, I'A I,KER-STlŒET, LIVERPOOL ^iTANUROOK JJOUSE, IOA D, (i AltDIFF. TRAINED NUR-KS- INSTITUTR Ak AND PRIVATE HOm FOR PAYING PATIENTS. HOSPITAL TRAINED NURSES SUPPLIED To Private Families tor all classes of illness at shortest poesihJe ,it. Oil applwaUoH to the Matron. PATIENTS received for MEDICAL or SURGICAL 1'HI':A'l'Ml,N'I' and Nursing. Patients my be attended by liietr own Medical Man or otherwise. 11071 Telegraphic Address-" HUMANITY, CARDIFF." TJL JHILLIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD JL aud HHONDDA VALLKF, BILL POSTER and DISTRIBUTOR,TREOUKY,and 6 CHUItCH-STItKEf. PONTVPIllDD. Rents all the Prlnci[>1 Posting Kta1 ions in Pontypridd and Rhondda .Vad.y, Horse and Trap and Pianoforte keot fnr Hlra. Ðuøineøø 20brr!5!5ts JMPOKTANT NOTLOF. 0 PENING OF OWLLL AND ^JOMPANt\ NEW p REMISES. FOUR ACRES OF FLOORING SPACE USIS FOR BUSINESS ONLY. TO THE GENElIAI, pUBLIC AND j^UYERS or QHAIUTY ^J.OODS. JJOWELL AND QOMPANY Are now Selling the following Cl»aring l'aroels at Less than Manufacturer.' Prices. :vl LiRCE[tY AND JJJOSIEliY D EPAItT-NIE,iT. 100 Dozen MEN'S MRRUW HALF HOSE, at 6s. lid. lJnun. l,OJ'J D"zen GENT! 81LK SCARVES, from 4111. to 10Jd. each. Worth double. 5C0 Dozen MES'S SHIRTS, from lif l. to 7s. Hju. each. 300 Dozen PANTS AND TESTS, from tt. 5J1. to 3s. Ud. eMch. 60-3 Doz-n WOMAN'S CASHMERE HOSE, from 6*1. to ta. l1J per pair. jyj^ANTLIS AND JACKUT JJEPARIMENT. H. ami CO. ar.' 110"- Showing a Grand Asjjort- inont of the NKWE3T STYLKS, bought dirtct front t, e Maker.-? for C is'», H. and CO. Employ abollr. Twenly Hands for Sales only in the M'intta and Jicket Department. CIIILDRENIS AND MAlf)." JACKETS AND j ULSTERS OF THE NEWEST SHAPES. !———————————————— L ADIES' QUTFITTIN'G JQKl'ART- MEN T (UNDER NKW MANAGEMENT). If. and CO, havinij Cl-aivd iVlau'ifacttuetg' Simples at a Disrount of In t" 33 per cenr., will Offer the Whole under Makes' l'r.ce". THE LARGEST, B!I.Sr, Alit) CF]LAPESR ASSOHT- M:NT OF =ï!IV GOODS Ever Offered in lid. l>p<iiiinfnt. jy^lLLIXKRY J^i;PAR 1 ilENT ["ly D"PA III.. tk.t:. Greatly E«t«r ,?J h f: i- a-r- Select and (lie Prices Erm Lo. et lt«n imretofnr?. ÑI ACIIES1'ER DI;l'ARTY:T, 1,100 TAPESTIiV and AL'iAMllKA QUI.'TS, fnm Is.. ] £ ■ each. 4:0 PlhcES WASTE HViLL bfll-"EII.NG, from tfj. per yard. 2,000 PAIRS BIIOWS and DRAB BLAKKElS, from 2s. fcj-.l. per (Mir. 5,000 PAIRS CLOTH and WHITNEY BLANKIMS, froin s. J(J. 1),t, di,tM 4; l. per .yard. 460 PIE, Ed REAr, WUIR WALES WELSH r-IIIKT ING, trom i^fl. per yard. l,COO PAIRS COrrON SiiEKTS, at 2s. 9J1. per pair. P U R N1 S II I X O D It A p j: K Y (NOW IN TIllNUY-iiKEET). 450 PAIRS TAPESTRY anil CH ENILLE I URTA :NS. frvll1 is. l.d. to ¡40.. ptr p,iir. 393 DOWN QUILTS, full sizes and propeily filled, Lorn l,a. 9d. t., 63., t-ach. per yard. MANUFACTURERS' STOCK of NAPKI.VS and TABLE LINEN, k)..61?t .1 1 S' li:Y. D R 1: S S U 1. P A R T M E -N T 19 PIECES MELTON CLOTH, at Ij I. ,d pe- yarn. 150 PIECES DOUBLE WIDTH, P'aii', Clklk, ana Stripes, at 4\1. :^l., 6i If aud 7tlL per yard. 25 PIECES dr,. BANNOC'KBUllN, and HARRIS S ItrLiDs. at 2s. li^d. per yard. 20 PIECKS5iin. REAL WELSH COSTUME TWEED BLACK and COLOURBD VELVETEEN at Miker Pnc-s. 575 PIEC:E* CHEVIOT, ESTtMlNK. FOCLf*. am AM 4ZON all the Newest ftiiadi-s. STRIPED at.d Cl'RI.KU TWKEDS, STlilPED a'» ClfKCK MIXTURES, at Clearing rrices. H and CO. are Belling BLACK a"d COLOURKJ bILIvS at Oi l Prices, although the Adv^iivt? oil Join Goods is fuMy i5p«-rC>n«.  CAKPEi'.?, LtXULt.C. AND CO¡¡nC¡:\ At Mr.^ers'Prices. THE LARGKST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF QABIN ET O O D S 1'1 CARDIFF. pURS AND JJMBRI-.LLAS. In this Department, II. and CO. are e'¡;"r¡ One of lb. tl?i. 11.1 0,,e .1 the TERMS-CASH! NO CREDIT! ALL GOODS DELIVERED CAKRIiGE I'-OO. U OWELL A n ('V  Tnn CAm)!FF D':AP; iiS. R D 1 F F' w