I LADY RANDOLPH CHURCHILL. Tuesday mornin'8 bulletin states that Lady  Rand'/lph ChUld,ill "a-sed a good night, nd .&. I progressing favourably.

\VA L.ES DAY IN JAY-1 >n K.iwtViKor sr. A*n*h, is 44 t*- !a y. »un«r J'tco JtldH Jf)n8, IIfH.1 now a- r wis btrriaterwhsinn at Abevdaio yt»att»rday, [, revenue," H'lh,uked f\ Canton L4' niijht when he heard.that Nlr. Svmonds t, h 11, If,) l>ivn^ i"'rtn \1llhlt.1(y name Cor 1\ m Utn- ^uunl-ite. 1: th nt Ctrdiff and Xiiwporl ,| f 11at nu'i-e were 111ft. nut in thn cold. i I- r.r lilt' worMly—» now theatre is to be .t \lnSt"I. This tor iIih rehyiou-—a new ii-t id.apol i* 10 he twted in tho name town. IIIIUlhJp.1 candidate t Cardiff who manu- (.-ui d I hi* cvlehtated plua-t, "The Laid kill I v; i'-f»in," Il0W in i>0*uion 10 say 41 1'ae .s ir1 in denvtm! ?it Morrison. Mr, William :> k*f the Arms, was hl,viog" feast of lt iton he felt something hard in his 1110111 h. I « ■> pearl. •' s.itil >1 Tarsus should draw a Isrge i,, W e t > the Park-hall, "t Cardiff, m-night. It i tn' the only opportunity the public will hive i!t"lïl\ t\¡e OL.H\ri0 .at popular "left" at Cardiff yesterday. Mr, ..s.min labels himself Labour, but lie took good i ,.r<* L' iimke himself the official Radical candidate 11. ilio Progressives pure and simple, ceriainly t i v1t. not one was returned. A Welsh Methodist deacon, who always punc- l.ites the preacher's sermon with Amrn" and • I'nlcb, diolch," was a bit nonplussed for equiva. lit. when he went to hear Principal Edwards 1 ii icli in English. He overcame the difficulty hy ).iiidly exclaiming Hear, hear," -it short intervals' There are disadvantages in being youtliful- bokiog. It is one of the good points of Mr. Keynon larries, the Conservative candidate in the Kiver- i Ward or Cardiff, and a young lady who hud li-en t1 the poll, told a friend tlat M Mr. Harries L, s. was not lit the polling station, but his son wis linre. What a charming yourio man tie is riie Maesycynoiner hopeful who about six weeks ag, purchased a tortoise on being told that in ti ree mouths' time it would be ab'e to fly is getting impatient, as up to the present it has not i -n;me«ced to tluh." Yesterday lie went to th? local exciseman to know if it was necessary to tike out a licence. "Nothing like being on the t ft' htt Ite said. J: is a little over si^ty years since the lady who Keep." the 1^ aud H0uud. Lbncftifan, was aiven i liceuce, and she has held it blamelessly ever mice. The old lady is 83 years of age, can sew and ;e.i.l without spectacles still acts 1I.I,er own bar- n-aid, and, saye the Barry Dock ..Yetcs, she would p i: some of our latter-day damsels to ihaina for ability an,1 comeliness. Loid Tredegar not only attends the Tearly anni. v r-oy banquet of the Charge oi Balaclava In London, but gives dinner to all his tenants an li s workmen and their wives at various hortelries nriund his estate. A day or two ago he attended ore 0: these gatherings at Basaalleg, where we see l .> idilressed the workmen's wives in club-room :'I 2 of the Tredegar Arms. An Ammanford gentleman writee to say that. lie j, giad to learn from one of the papers this weejj that the lat meeting of the Datydd ap Uwiljm S ciety has beta held. It was full time," h. ^ays, for what does this advertising society live ior (" We fear our corre-pondent will find cold couifort in the explanation that it is only the "lokil" meeting that lias been held- The last is to come. Tiie Newport magistrates have received a set back." A firm at the docks refused to pay rates on certain grounds, they were summoned by the cor- ,.r ition.and tha caia was dismissed. An appeal fol- 1 ,we.1, and a Coui t of Queen's Bench has now told tio magistrates to make an ordet for the enforce- ment of the rats. This is another argument for the appointment of a stipendiary magistrate for N". pirt. There i4 a sufficiency of Wel-" M.P.'s in town just now, writes our Gsllery correspondent. I lrund Mr. Itpwen Rowlands, M.P., with Mr. Frank LockwooJ yesterday in the leinple, and a few moments later almost collided with Mr. Lloyd Morgan, who is a permanent resident whilst In town in the "dusty purlieus of the law." Both these Welsh M.l's have been suffering from bad, though not serious, colds. Cardiff has commenced to shed those couns Ciller* who have been diags on its progre81. Messrs. Symonds and Mildon are now relegated to their well-earned repose. Mr. Symonds was r,ot all bad-sometiniei lie was very good-but by tne defeat of Mr. Mildon an active force against all teal development has been removed. When a f w more heavy-weights liavefollowed him Cardiff may resume its march of progress. A gentleman makes a suggestion on behalf of the pe iple who have to rille on tho trams under the dangerous bridge in Butu-street. He thinks that a low roof over the top of the trams, and jti-t high enough to pass under the bridge, would savt the heads of the passengers. A roof woul-- certainly save head., but it would ruin num; er. tos hats. Still, the plan would please the liattets, and it is one of this class who made the foregoing suggestion. A Rhonddaite who was born long before the )o;,]u:OIi"o Act cmne into force writes44 Deer Mir ur D.y bi Week,—Tha reesun wlii kolherslrals tmms I 'dram*' i. bekause they are so uz.d to tile lat worrd without the *r.'—Yewers trewli, 101108 JON£S." Anottter eiplanaiion is that ttiewelsil • "litr is a member of tire Dafydd ap Gwilym Mjciety, Tnat society softens every hard letitr There is a point in that last sentence which the society will feel. It may nit be generally known that the expense < f lighting the etreets of Caerphilly is defrayed by voluntary contributions. This year a deputation, headed by a well-known l >cal "sprinter," waited upon one of the district gantry. They were, how- ever, summarily dismissed by the latter, spying that "The only time I met with AD accident it wit, ciused by the lighted street lamps." Speaking of the incident, the lender of tho deputation-who were slrictly teetotal—remarked, M If he had only a-ked u. to have a glass of water—wiih a straw in it," lie added parentlietically-11 we would not have ctrea, but and his feelings then choked up the word-way, Canon Hawkins, the late vicar of St. Woollos, Newport, yesterday celebrated the 92"d annivei .ory of his birthday, and still (strides up 8 ow-hill at a pace that would" brealr the bellows" of some of those who hadn't seen the light till lie had done his half century. Speaking at a company meeting just after AM^rmin H. J. Davis was elected mayor of the town to colebra" his ititee in the Newport Corporation, the venerable canon almost made some of his listeners believe that his worship WaS quite a youngster, Wliy." he remarked, with a quiet sinile. I re- collect it wasn't more than about 40 years ago lIe was mayor of Newport before." TiJi, is how the Glotie refers to the miotconduct 01 "Private William Guat":—"Apparently we i have not. heard the last of insubordination in the j .rank. of tiie Army. This lima the mutineer is l'nvate litilly," who occupies a very leading posil ion In her Majesty's 2nd Royal Welsh I'lIsHier" • Billy V conduct Oil parade seemB to hive been deph-rable and inoat subversive of dis- ciphne. When the band played he bu.ted the and answer d Ihn remonstrance of a pI 'Tiore f*ahed F fTicinI by butting "illl Hlf > and l iving him tprawling IJO the ground. The causes \I"" have turned a iespectablo jjoat inioamuti* 110'110\ bu't^r Ilavu not yet transpired, but it can )." .1Iy b. ,,11.&"<1 on his behalf that he w"s over- k,d. A 1 oy who was before the Cardiff magistrates V' st^rdjiy for obstruction teems to have bepn the victim of harsh treatment. The ficn of respectable living in Riverside, lie was some time ago tin- d for playing marbles on the street. On Mon* enr niwht a policeman caughf him in Lower II (" ti h«»di-rtl*r »ad,haul«d him 01T, th ? police-station, nd J. ek»'d him up IU n cell for the IJjh On the <■1 arye of ob«truc< i >»•. He 1I8 fined in the m> rn- » -•. W*i say notldng of the al e4^d ofTnnce— iyi. ir in oifRcult 10800 of what serioiiMobstruc* 1, '• <1 bov of fif'et'n could b. guilty in a qmet fctr -er like Lown ('a1 hedr il-r'»;nJ—hut II is CH" 1 *Uilv atitnge thit a p ,IiCi-\In¡Ul should lock up a to Y illI ,>il/ht when a summons would have done. ^•i. The pnlicsman appears to have known the ¡ • •••• I s-em*

TAFF VAIilO, ItAllilVAY. I PASS KNGEll Til A INS TO BIS LIGHTED BY OAS. It will be remembered tint a couple of years ago the Taff Valo Railway Company tried the expeii- ment pr lighting some of tho passenger trains on the Penarth section with electricity. The experi- ment wa,, no* n 8UCeetl8, the distances between the stations being 1001 eho,t to gell,ute sufficient ekdridlV to supply II good litfht while the truin WII at 1\ standstill, Couseqnenlly, electric ighting was discontinued and the old" a.lli"II<1 oil lamps re*placed. Now 1111 rxperiment is about to be made on the same section with Pintch'aoil gas, on the same principle a. has boen adopted by the London and North Weslern and the Metropolitan ft lilway Companies, It will not. be necessary to litive any connection bt tweeu the cinria^es, and, as everybody who has travelled 011 tho railways mimed knows, the light will be far superior to mat now in vogue on local lines. Should the experiment on the Penarth section (which will be tried in about a month) be successful, the system will be extended to all the pa..enger trains on tho line,

THE NKW UK KUDOS AT ST. JOHN'S. CAUDIFF. DEDICATION SliRVIOE. Thursday, All S.iints' Day, was selected for tho dedication at St. Jnhn't rOuirch, Cardiff, of the alturpiece by Mr. Guscmbo John, At halt- past Seven in the morning there was a ceIebrl\1ÎoII of the Hily Communion, the vicar, Canon T!ioii.|ison, b iny the celebrunt. At the oroinaiy evening service the reverend canon gave an address on decorative art as applied to churches. There was a larg.' congregation, the clergy in attendance biu Hie Kevs. Canon Thunnison, D. II, Grillilhs. T. liiyiiolds, W. Lewi?, and R. S. Plant. In the course of his address, which had special reference to II". new reredis, Cinon Thompson sairl tha' decorative ur, of the kind set bi-hne them was peculiar to the hi.-toiic Chuicti of Christ—that- large section of Christianity called Catholic and Ap istolic. In all fines art in everv form had bten welcomed by the historic Church. After lefeiTing to great specimens of archi- tecture, to tl,e cathedrals, and to the historic Church of St. John's, the canon said they were the richer and betier for all art, and the treat inspiration of 81 ¡ true art was faith ill the Unseen. The soul was re-produced by the great sculptors of old in the form of beautiful, pute womanhood. Chiisiianiiy raised the standard of the aitist'e ideals and Added to the number of his subjects. The inspiration of K"phaeIRlld Fra Angelico was faith in the Unseen; l' lDnd "hd nut ¡ns,iru true IIrt-art which lifted men out ot themselves and iheir surround- ings. It was for this reason that he welcomed that beau'iful (jift. 10 purity of aim, sim- plicity of design, and beauty of execution it fully satisfied his most critical instinct. l'here should be a fitness about any kind of decora- tion brought into God's house, a fitness of material and a fit, of design, and there I bey had the prolonged tbouht ""d study and most loving toil of iourt"n or fifteen months. Everything in God's hnu-e ought to be beautiful. Such things wert- c'><lly, but costliness should never be considered where excellence was the aim. Was tlJl. found in the beaullful,eredo. which they had dedicated to God that ennillll P The account which they had seen in the papers described precisely the ideas in his own mind, which had been so kindly, loyally, faithfully, aud skilfully thought out by the talented sculptor. In one word, what was wanted to lie done was to show by historic figures the beginning and the history uf the sacrautentaljidea Thus,there was n" only fimtss in the subject chosen, but special ap- vlopriateOe"1I in the place where it had tieen located. The service closed with the singing of the 'fe Deum. After the service the congregation remained to have a cloicr inspection of the work.

WOltK AND WAUES. THE DISI'UTE IN THE SHIP-REPAIR- ING TRADE AT CARDIFF. On Tuesday night a, meeting of employers in ttio Hoilartnake,p' heso,!i-tioll -A& field at tile Park Hotel, Cardiff, to consider the question of the proposed reduction ot 17t per cent, in the piece wages of the men engaged in the ship-repairing industry it Cardiff, the men hating made counter proposals w,th s view to an amicable settlement of the dispute. The proceedings were piivste, but, in all probability, the result of the terms of the inastars' decision will be ma le known to the men to-day (W .dneaday).

THE EBBW YALE I COLLIE, IUES. 'Ir. It appears that Mr. J. K. Tallis. assistant to Mr. W. Jenkins, J.P., the general manager of the Ocean Collieries, ha« been appointed to tlie general manngement of the Ebbw Vale Company's col- lieries.

I A MUNICIPAL CANDIDATE SENT 10 GAOL. ARREST I'D WHEN ABOUT TO DELIVER AN ADDRESS. On l'uesdy Jefferson H.iyes, Conservative can. didaie fur Manningham Ward, was brought before the Bradford Stipendiary on a charge of embntzlini; £100, tho property of Hammond's Brewery Com- pany. Prisoner, who it was stated privately ad- mitted defalcations amounting to sever.II,undred pOUI1d., plealind guilty, and was summarily sentenced to four months' imprisonment. He was arrested on a warrant ttkuti oUt l.y the president of the local Conservative pitty, when preparing to address the Conservative electors.

I THE EARLY CLOSING MOVEMENT AT BARRY. A joint meeting of shopkeepers and their assistants in itte Harry and Cadoxton Dist rict was held on Monday evening -It the Victoria Coffee Tavern, Holt.on-road, B-rry Dock, under the presi- dency of Nr. E. Jones, president of the shop a-sistants' movement in the distric, for the purpose of taking into consideration the desirabi- lity of securing a better system of early closing than at present exists in the district. Ko h employers and employed discussed the question fuily, and on the motion 01 Mr. J. M. Young, Holton-road, seconded by Mr. E. Gould, East Barrv. it was resolved that another meeting of tho-e concerned on both sides be called for Wednesday evening, the 17th inst, at Barry Dock, for the purpose of arriving at a definite under- standing in the matter.

I BILLIARD MATCH AT CARDIFF. At the Universal Hotel, Hute-road, CArdiff, on Monday evening an interesting billiard match was witnessed between Arthur Llewellyn an.1 George &0100 for gold and pearl pin given as a prize by the genial proprietor, Mr. Richards. Llewellyn conceded 250 points, and scored much faster than his opponent., Ti»e chh-f breaks were 31, 32. 35 ('wio?. 37, 38, 41, 45, 6. 51. 54 ?-M'?eentf??)'), t.? 55 b? Llewellyn, while S.'x?.n, who ptavMi?'t.? very bad tuck. coutdon?x'?ch over 30 once. Iha K'?.e've))- '')??y entt'ed in Llewellyn's favour by 180 poiots. The game WM Mr<-fu!)y marked by loin Tarr, lessee ot the room.

THE NEW JUDGE. TAKING THE OATHS. In the Queen's Bench on luesday (oetore cue Lord Chief Justice and Ju.tice Wills) Justice William R. Kennedy, the newly-appointed judge, took th« usual oaths, pledging himself to allegiance to the Qu*en and to administer justice imp irt'ally. There was a fuil muster of tile flar, ,nd the court was ciawded by the public. Justice Kennedy slood nil the bench whilst taking the oith*, which he repealed, and after shaking Imuds with the Lord Chief Justice and Justice Wills proceeded to No. 2 Court to hear cases.

MR. AND MRS. CFFAMBKRLAIN. I Mr. Rud Mrs. Chamberlain left London On I Tuesday morning for Modem*.

A CHATHAM MYSTERY. I The dad body of ;ïd mQn was f,?und on ru,? Biy in a wood near Chatham. A hQndkerchief ?a, tied th:htly round the neck of the deceased, who il be) e",i to be ?l?- victim -f foul piny.

A.Tl$'C WINDOW DRAPKAR.—Messrs. TrllpnAlI1 j,!1 G,le, o(41. Quecn-flireet. Cardiff.are msUhif aCl*»ruuoe Hue 1)( i Urffl comitfumeut Oust recmeo) of new n" toffee- tif* W'ndow Curtain*, wove-i 111 one l)fe Ht,(1 roost tJf tbem rwir'blc* 1 b?y a'. from t,e prlnolpul B,?Ulf.h &nd fmign nunn'sft-oTies. aixt are *|*c:»lly adapted to the m Jority of re In mw.iern u*(e. 3be .'«-i liH n.t M»ltinrine* 1\Ii, tt avfcUtto. ',d In all CU»M t!H. Onrtain* UFe of the .,y best ^.uHties b.t caD be b.0 {..?w ?' t? prli es at hih t .b.I M< mMkt?. Ciirri -M P" aU ndlwar .lon.. 1101' ?'U'!?X'?'?'T? '?t tM M?A ..?.I,- -d Haeka'i Ho# W39

DEAN VAUGHAN ON THEO- LOGICAL TRAINING. l A PROTEST FROM THE HECTOR OF I LLANDOUGH. TO TMK FDITOR OF 1UK 11 WFSTKHN MAIL," SIR,—May I ask your insertion of the following remarks whkh could not 110 made at the time, on the dean's At tile Diocesan C mference. I venture to think that, did the dean feel he could not co"H"Jly support the motion in the spirit in which it was proposed, it would hav»' been kinder to tho prnp »sor and truer to himself to have declined the office rather than to have II damned the causo with faint praise." Some years ago I | asked the dean to support the undertaking of rearing a memorial to'Dr. Puney, at Oxford. He wrote — I coukl not Quite sympathise. This being so, It .eemt B8 houuh ti?.t lly (though n»»i o8leuilJlv) re^rrntlal thing I on do is to stand aside and let olllels du "jlll Offir whole hfnrt what-, perhaps of neofs^ity, 1 could only do with iho half o mine.' This r.,ply wa. open to him now, when naked to second tlte motion, as then. The dean'. firat point was tI". (I write from memory, and am open to correction) that Ihe great men of th clergy had had in the past no theological college t,a¡n¡I12, but had by their own wllI, hearts, and efforts made themselves Hut we are not all yr&t men; they illlho 1'II.t and present are the recep- tion, unU it is b,caIlAII we are awafe that we are not great Inen, and need training in will, mind, heart, and deed that we put ours< lven under great men, that they may impurt to us by example and precepti in some measure at least, what we have not. Hut would their greatness hive been lesnened by "specilll tr-dno at a theolo- gictil college ? Have nut many lamented ihat they had no such opportunity, and would not many a tear have been spared had I hy not had to lament, that through err >r ami ignorance they had to buy their own •xperienre, po.ib y at the cnt of souls? Moreover, hils not the want been reco^uis'-d both "t the universities and by the bishops? This brings me to a fur. her point in the dean's speech. Be Raid, to be under a great man such as Westcott at Cambridge wa. woith all tiie training of a little the.I"gicRI semi- nary. I ask. is the on« prohibitive of ihe other? Have not m..n., men (I peak of Oxford because! am an Oxford man) attended the lecture* of Dr. Putey nn ]»aiah, of Dr Huntley on the Creed*, "f Dr. Jacob^on (afterwards lJiahol1 of Chester), of Dean Stanley on the Jewish Church, of Dr. Scott, master of IJfc*lliol, Oil the txestsia, before and after passing their final achools, and put themselves under the spiritual direction of Dr. Pusev, D" Liddon, or others whitot at the univer- sity, and fet afterwards thought it not unde- sirable to go to Cuddesdon, Well., Salisbury, Leeds, or Ely, for further training betote entering the ministry ? Has not the deau himself thought some training preparatory to orders, nfier the academical course under himself aI, LNndafF, desirable and worthy of his labour and attentioin ? Is it only under liina that it in deairahle, And only where many and various trainers are t-mployed in the education of the students that tlie man is in danger of losing his personality and becoming a poor imitation of an iniiividual ? Mer. who have boen at, a theological college knoir how laughable is the idea when they call to mind the strokes and bows of university and college eight., the captains of university and public echo"! fout- ball teams and elevsus who have retained all their ..nd all their iudifiduallty, and who are now bishops and incumbents. missionaries and curates, who have no reason to be ashamed of their 1I'Slry. Why, may I ask, are men trained al a theological cull,.¡¡e the most in demand of any clergy in the lund botii by incumbents and people if they have been spoiled, forsooth, and made "littieprieets such as we .10 not desire "? Is it true that great men, now that it can be had, do not itesira such a training for th8m81. ? Ask Dr. Talbot, late warden of Keble, now vicar of lAaA ask the Master oi- £ sIwyn, Cambridge; ask the Bishop nf Newcastle, ask the Vicar of Hawarden whether they have not used In the put, nod woulll not fain have used more, the training of a theological college, and whether it haa been, or i% a hindrance to the free working of tlveir will or their ministry ? I spent a yar at Cuddes- don after having attended the 1. ?:or.. of those university professors that I have mentioned above. Was it no advantage to be lictured anil guided by the Bishop of Lincoln, the vice-iirincipal of Lauipeier, by Bishop Webb, Bishops Woodford and Milman, Bishop of Calcutta, by Dr. Bright, Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History; by the present Dean of St. Paul's, by Bishop Wilberforoe, Bielmp Wordsworth, Canons Cliurton and Carter, Kage (of Calcutta), and others ? Must we suppose lliat men Having such advantaces lose their individuality ? and would they Have b'6n better left to theroaelves in the ureal (and litt e) men "t the past were ? or would it necessarily have been betier to have placed oneself simply in the hands of the Dean of Llandaff, or any parish priest? Perhaps the mo„t remarkable part of the deau'a spfwch was his conclusion. In seconding the motion, in which the mover had not said one word in diaparag*- ment of the dean's mode of training (and I commend his good taste to the dean's at, ontion) tile dean had not ceased from throwing cold wale, t ridicule, and contempt upon Ihe resullsof ihe train- ing to be obtained at a theological college; yet, thn members of the conference were exhoried not to ti?pise or disp%mgo t lm methodl of otimn. The ,1-. t..d better nretiz b.fore he preaches—I am, &L' AOI, -&I., SIFEPHEN nicHOLL. I Llandough Rectory, Cowbridge. I

THE VKNKKABLB ARCH- I DEACON HOWELL, FROM A WELSH METHODIST POINT I OF VIEW. The short biographical notice of the Venerable Archdeacon Uowe,1 is interesting because it appears ii the rr?M' fa V ?<")( for NoTembwr, a W,:S bII::i¡,ur.tU'O'1 o:e_i: edited by the Rev. T. Levi, id Aberystwith s—"The H?v. D"v'd Howell (' LI""dd," '), now vicar of Gresford, Archdeacon of, and Canon of Si. Asapn, is one of tho best known and most popular clergymen in the Principality, and is respected bv thousands nl Nonconformists a- well as Churchmen of Wales. The Tryorf. V Plant feels proud to have on its pages a portrait and a short notice of his lif-. Be is the Ideal son nf the late Mr. John Howed, Bryncwtyn, l'encoed, one of thl) chief deacons of the Calvinietic M.thodista in Glamorganshire, who acted as secretary to the Monthly Meeting for a whole general ion, The archdeacon's only brother is also nn active deacon, following In the footstep* of his father, and a member of the Glamorganshire County Council. Their only sister, the wife (wiuow by this lime] of the popular Dr. Saunders, IS us worthy a chip of the old block as either ot the brothers, inheriting the same genius. Thus Llawdden' couies of Calvinistic Methodist stock, and since we have had such a host of eminent men from the Church, the Methodists ought to rejoice to see the Church receiving back from them a few men worth having. Archdeacon Howell was born at Pencoed, Morgan wg, in 1813, so he is now on the but side (the nearest to Heaven) of sixty. When young, he and his sister were told off by their father to manage a fat-in belonging to the family near the old Church of Llangan, a good distance from the chapel of fit. family-Salem. When visiting the place, the keen Archdeacon Griffiths, of Neath, ?w that young Howell poMe?ed qualities higher , the average, and lie put him at once on the riiiht pal l? t efimb to the pulpit of the Church. L!<wddcn' (he had atrmdy composed some poetry) soon found hiin-elf in the Church institu- tion at Abergavenny, and in 1855 in the pulpit as curate to the Rector of Neath. He was there for eighteen months, when he was chosen secretary for Wales to the Pasloral Aid Society. In three years he had a vicarage in Carnarvonshire— Pwllheli, if wo remember rightly. In 186i he was offered he vicarage of St. John's, Cardiff. He was in C'iriiiff for eleven years, and left a lasting influence on the town. During his stay at Cardiff he achieved gieat einineticeas a powerful preacher, successful Christian worker, and as a bard and man ot letters. He was instrumental in doubling and trebling the influence of the Church in Cardiff. 1111875 its removed to Wroxiiani. and sfter sillleulI years, was ninde a Cauou of Si. Asaph aim Arch- deacou of Wrexham. It was lure that he has spent the best and longest pari of his public life, and it was here, no doubt, that hie labours have proved most succtg-ful. We douht whether any denomination in Wales possesses a minister who has beell S,) successful in increasing ihe number of com- municants and hearers and in building so many churches and schools within the same space of lime as the Rev. David Howell has done at Wrex- ham. Everybody who has heard him will readily confess that he is a preacher, thoroughly evangelical, and the best that the Church in Willes possesses to-day. tie is also an eloquent epeaker, a hard and critic, a thorough Christian, full of the spirit of the Lord, generous and liberal of heart, all ardent Welshman, and Is loved by everybody, Nonconformists and Churchmen, It men of his stamp and of the stamp of Archdeacon (iriffiihs had adorned the episcopal positions during the ,t twenty Yl.'s there would be a vast d,ff. rence in the ?ti?'' ?f ?? Welsh Church to- d)« and the disestablishment que<'K.n would not be half so f.r advanced. ?e "'y  our heart, 'God speed to Archdeacon Howell. our

"THK ARII MOBK THAN liOLD TO 1\18: TIIy SUllO My LtFR."—The only successful Remedy ever offered to the world for Constipation, Piles, Gravel, Tain In the Back, Flatulence, bhiggishness of the Liver and Kidneys, Biliousness, Palpitation, Blood Impurities, Dropsical Swelling is GEOBQEt PILBANO GaivKL PILLS." Patronised by inedical men. Used in all parts of the eivilised vvorlci Over ten thousand testimonials, frlliey are Aperient Antibilious, Diuretic, Tonic, Blood Purifying, and Nerve Strengthening. Sol everywhere in Boxes 18. lAd. and 2s. 9d. each. BOBW Attind Stuart's Public Auction fi(klo fm Xma. FRUITS. 101b KNVSMWM

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Gil 10AT GLOVE FIGHT IN AMERICA. FIFTEEN CONTESTED ROUNDS. A Dalziel telegnm from Now Yoik on Monday ays :-The Coney Island Club House was crowded to-night "ith a splendid sporting g.theoillg, assembled to witness the fight between Georgo Godfrey. of Boston, and Joe Choynski, "f S'lll Fiancieco, for a purse of 5000 dollars. Shortly after eight o'clock the spec- tators began to assemble. The betl jug on Godlrey \filS 7 to 5, and on Chnynski even. No betting was allowed in the club h<>une. The evenilll: upelll\(j with a ten-rouud bout for a purse of 1.00) dollars between u D"lly" Lyons and "Kid" Hogan at catch weights. Hngan won the bout, he having the longest reach, Tremendous cheers greeted Jackson and Maher when they entered just as the ifght began. The belting against Chnynski W-IH 100 to 90.. John Peckhard WUB appointed reforee, A. L. Smith being prevented by illness from officiating. The official time-keeper was Hob fctoll, Godfrey's timekeeper was William Reeney, and Choynshi's nomillkk O'M,i.y. Choynki'e 8eeonde weie John M'Vey (Huffalo) and Costello, aud his battle- Ilold.r were Jimmy Carroll and *• Parson" Dvi.e. G odfrey was seconded by Frank Steel and Jim ¡¡o"trey, and his bottleholder was Professor Williams Ohoynski weighed 1681b., -d Godfrey I75ih. Both men entered the ring a- ve minutes tn i en o'clock. ROUND I.-IlOttl were sparring, Choynpki learl- ing with his left. Godfrey tried for his opponent's body with his left, but Choynski dodged him. Godfrey again rushed up, but Choynski eluded him by clever ducking. Afier this Ciloynaki landed a right-hander on Godfrey's chin, Rnd received at the carne time a rib blow from Go ifrey'a right. Godfrey next landed hi* tight on the Sen Kruncixco man's chin, but e c>ped the return. Chnynski then led off with his lvft, liut missed, and got a right cross-counter and slipped aud fell. The round closed without advantage to either. HOUlm 2.—Spaning was resumed, Godfrey iuslif-d to Ch^ynski's ropes and not in his right on Ihe chest. Joe ducked a wicked swing, and 101 hie riuht on Godfre) 's chin. He followed this up with UU left on iKn ear. Godfrey retaliated, and placed his left on Jne'a body and his right on the wind, but received a straight left, on the chest. Joe next landed his left on the stomach as the bell rang. ROOND 3.—Joe landed his left on the body, and swung his right and left, but failed to land. God- frey then received a left-hander on the chin, and J'e landed a a, iff right on the body, and then a straight left on George's nose. He i-eceived a blow from Godfrey's right on the chest, Find Godfrey led, but mi-red Joe. but, eventually succeeded in landing his right and left on the body and chin. He got ft right and left return fur this. HOUND 4-Joe forced the fiyhtiog, and the lOtind closed with no advantage to either side. ROUND 5-Godfrey opened by landing on Joe's stomach, but Choynski staggered Godfrey with a tnrrifii' blow ori the ribs juntas the ball rung. ROUND a.-Joe led again, but Godfrey got his left on VhnfIl8'1i:i'ø eyp, cut, ing it bnd-y. The spar- ring was Of a Give anil toko mmre in till* round. ROUND 7.-Joe, still leading, rushed at Godfrey, landing on the cloin, L-iter lie pIReed R blow on the stomach. The round closcd to Joe's advan- taKe. HOUND 8.-Joe, forcing the fighting on Godfrey's stomach, slipped and fell, and Godfrey rushed him o the ropes. ROUND 9.—Godfrey led and landed as before on Joe's chin. Joe returned on the stomach and body, i na afterwards landed a blow on Godfrey's nose ,0,1 stomach. ROOND IO.-Choyaski landed twice Oil Godfrey's boiiy. Room) 11.108 led, playing on Godfrey's StOinacll. ROUND 12.—Godfrey knocked Joe down twice, hut Choynski rushed Godfrey to the ropes. ROUND 13.-GJdfray led off, and Joe ran away, but, returning, swung hil left on Godfrey's ear. G idfrey responded with a good one on Joe's ROUND !♦.—Godfrey forced the fiahting. ROUND 15 (and last).—George looked tired, and J06 landed hie left on ihe chiu and again on the nose. This staggered George. Godfrey rushed Joe to the ropes and landed a hard swing clinch. Joe returned this, and landed his left on the chin, and followed it with a tremendous right hand .wing, flooring Godfrey, who lay seemingly uncon- acioUB, and was cuttted out. Choyuaki having been returned the winner weni I over to where Godfrey lay prostrate, lifted him up "nd placed him In a chair, amid tremendous cheering. The time occupied by the fight was an nour.

CHARGE AGAINST A CARDIFF I PAWNBROKER. A PECULIAR CASE. I At Cardiff Police-court on Tuesday afternoon (before 'he tip?ndi-?y, Mr. T. v Le-i-) Moses Fiigalitoue. of 22 and 24, Castle- road, pawnbroker, was charged with un- lawfully refusing to deliver to Margaret HunC", on pnyment of principal and inteiest, a black dress, pawned on the 17th inst. Mi. Genree David appeared for the defence. On the 22nd of October the prosecutrix (accord- ing to her evidence) went into the (hop and put the ticket in and gave 10s, The assistant took the 10.. away, aud when she asked for the dress he said she had not pold hitn, and also ordered her out of the shop. Wltnei-s went tol the Roath Police-station and asked the sergeant in charge what she should do. He told her lo take out a summons against defendant. Eli#ibeth Lloyd said the knew the prosecutrix and was with her when Mr. Fligeletone turned her out. The witness had heard that defendant had baen turned out of the shop twice by constables. Mr. William Smith said Its w« at the time in the shop talking to Mr. Fligelstone. The assistant came up to defendant while witness was there, and there was a disturbance. Kdwin Gwilym, assistant to Mr. Fligelstone, said on the evening in question Mrs. Bunce caine in and gave him a ticket, and asked him to get the dress, and to see if that was the one she wanted, aa she could not read. He sent the ticket to the warehouse, and the dress and the ticket came beck. He wdnted the money, and she said she had paid it. Witness said she had not paid tlie money, and refused to give her the dieea. They had to get a policeman to put. her out. His master would not know how much to take without seeing the t iiket. Mary Fleming said she was in the Shop fit the time, and saw Mr., Bunce handing in the ticket. She did not see any money pass between the shop assistant, and the prnse< utrix. Mrp. Bunce (re-called) said that on the Monday following the day in question Mr. Fligelstone sent his assisiant to say that she could have the dress. This oiler was renewed. The Stipe"di.ry, giving it M h/s opinion that neither of lhe parties in courL w" responsible, tlipro was a great mists?ke somewhere and that di8missed the rh.rR,

UNLAWFUL DISINTERMENT I AT TREDEGAR. A DISPUTE AS TO THR OWNERSHIP I OF A GRAVE. At Tredegar Police-court on Tuesday ThtSmas Rosewnrpe, clerk in the employ of the Ebbw Vale Iron and 8t«el Company, and George Humphreys, gravedigger at the Ebbw Vale Cemeteri, were charged with unlawfully disinterring the body of a man named Nicholas. It appears I hat there was a dispute as to the ownership of a grave owing to fllmily connections, and al the instigation of Mrs. Llewellyn, the mother of the young man buried in the grAve, the clerk directed that, the body of Nicholas should be removed from the grave In which It was placed on the 10th of September, nnd deposited in another grave 60 yards away. The matter was repnrteil in the Home Secretary, and lif-, ordered a prosecution. It was contended by Mr. Cnlborne, solicitor, of Newport, who appeared for the defendants, that his clients had acted in a bona fide manner, and bad merely carried out Mrs. Llewellyn's request. It should be ox- plained that there is no burial hoard at Ehbw Vale, that the cemetery belengs to the iron and steel company, and that Ros-worne was cle'k in their employ And directed the btirial.-Tlie Bench fined I Roseworne .£2 2-. and Humphreys 2s. 6d.

LOCAL LAW CAS ICS, PILLINER Y. THE LLANTARNAM LOCAL I BOARD. 'In the Court of Queen's Bench on Tuesday Mr. Baron Pollock and Mr. Justice Hawkins dismissed an appsal from the judgment of the Newport County-court judge in an action in which was involved the question of the dedication of a public highway. MAYOR AND CORPORATION OF NEWPORT I v. LANG AND ANOTHER. In the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court, Tondon, on T,d"1 the case of the Mayor end Corporation of Newport v. Lang end nnoUier came h. fore Mr. Justice Mathew and Mr. Justice Bruce, sitting AM a divisional court. This was an appeal by way of special case fi-otn, a decision of the justices of Newport, who dismissed a summons for rates ng iinst the respondents, Messrs. Lang and William- eon.—Mr. A. Olenn appeared for the appellants Mr. Abel Thomas, Q.C., M.P., was counsel for the respondents.—After hearing the arguments, the appeal was allowed and the case sent back to the Justices, with an expression of the opinion of the court that they must make an order for the enforcement of the rate.

THE best Welsh Knitting Yarns arejmade from I pure wool only by Parry and Rooke. Swansea. "I give it up," eaid Ihe perspiring sufferer, as he at-temptad to ont a cake from wblolt RIZINE I .ilfiJift pOWfiSB bad he«n omitwii. IWl

OAKDIFF. THE municipal contests excited little interest except- in Canton, Riverside, and Grangetowu, where close fights were ixpected. In Ctnton Mr. Gerliold'e victory was looked upon an certainty by his supporters, but the Grangetown declaration came as a su-prise to many, III Riverside the representation is unchanged. The net result of rhe elections is a Conservative gain of two.. Wealher tine, SKKIOCS ACCIDFNT TO A SCHOOTBOT.—John Arthur Tieen, aged nine yeais, and living at 30, Swansea-street, East Moors, was at 2.30 on Mon- day afternoon admitted to the Cardiff Infirmary. The youth had sustained a fracture of the thigh, caiiBed as he was returning from school by being thrown by another boy. ROATH-IOAD WBSLBTAN SCHOOLBOOM. By an 'advertisement in another column, it will be seen ihat the nllv. W. H. Clogg(wlio' has been recently appointed to Roath-roud ('Impel) will deliver a lecuire this (Wednesday) evening in the school- room oil The Victorian Age." Tlie lecture, which will commence lit eight o'clock, Is under the auspices of the Mutual Improvement Society, and the public are cordially invited. CANON BODT.—In continuation of the dedication festival of tit. Saviour's Church, East Moors, service was held on Tuesday evening, when a special sermon was preached by Canon Body, of Durham. DNATH OF A DANISH SEAMAN.—Mr. E. B. Bei ct, distiioi coroner, held an inquest on Tuesday evening, at the Town-hall, Cardiff, on the body of Ferdinand P. Rohde, a Danish seaman. I', om the evidence of the captain and otliets, it appears tint the deceased was going down it ladder at the ship's tide in the Cardiff Docks, when he fell and died eoon after. D,. Roche, who examined the body, said it was veiy probable that death lind been caused by a fnli, but he W88 inclined to believe that death re-ulied from natural causes, as he could not see any externalulluks on the body. The jury found that the fall from the ship into ihe boat caused death, and gave a verdict accordingly. HAMADBTAD HOSPITAL SHIP.-Report for the week ending the 29 hot OClober.1892 :-Number of patients remaining last week, 46; admitted since, 4; discharged, 9; died, 0; out-pa,ionto treated, 191; remaining on board, 40.—W. HOQHKS, medical superintendent. The medical superintendent desires to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of a quantity of fruit from the harvest thanksgiving services at St. Stephen's Church, Mount Stuart-.quare, and also of a parcel ol periodica Is fr m the Conservative Working Men's Club. IMITATION is the sincerest form of ttttery. This sceoniiti for Ihe nanierousimltationsof tbot well-known and vuliuble tonic and '• plok-me-up," Gwllym Bitters. Bold In 2.. 94. bottles. 6437 HMOII ARCHERS (,'KLBBBATKD TOBACCOS.—Uur American 011\1.01". Master of Foxhounds Mixture, Golden Birds Bye, Archer's Golden Returns, a very special tobaoc. of medium flavour. JAUKS'S E ec, ric, Medicated, Vapour, and Turkish Baths, Open Dally.—Charles-street. 17836 CARDIFF MILIMJPPLTCOMPAN*.—" Model Uairj for Finest Devonshire Cream, Double Thick, Itw Crf"AflJ. UevonaJilr* But.tu, and Finest Selected Fn8h BIIII.-c..LIe-Toad and Per.tr_t.. 6071 WKSTON SOP«H*MABK.—The IVttttTH Mail can h, obtained at Mr. J. W. Dls's, 69, Regent-street. (15853 THK OLD DOLPHIN, CHUacH-STBIIAT, is still u te.i for Soup, Hot end Cold Luncheons, Wines, &a.. fcc.[86196

NEWPORT. I RULlI) CONCrCRT,-Mws,o. Newman and Sons drnw a large audience at the Alberl-hall on Mon- day, witli ihe erigsgtuient of the Messrs. U'Kisey'e London Ballad Coiicert Party, comprising, for tlie second provincial tour, loin. Mary Davies, Madame Clara Samuel! Madame Antoinette Sterling, Mr. Durward Lely, and Mr. Plunket Greene, as vocalists Senor Albeniz 88 eoio pianist, and Mr. Sidney Naylor a« conductor. The concert wa- a R"al SUCC. IF you w?t?ra?IyRf'pd tonic, pmety TeKe- table, we strongly recommend G?lly. 2' Q'e Bin? In °?5'i 4l. 6d. tx?'e'. 6'? TALBOT BOTBI»—D. K. Humphreys, proprietor. An Ordinary at l.M D4,,y. No. '66. N.HtM). lH4I MB. UMM?M tMtCSON rMptct)),)!,) ? be? ?to < form 'he Inb"bll.aDU nf N.wport end VI8trlct that h. has arran"ed with Mi.. Day. from the Park-hall, C4rdiff, ta i,(jld a,?elect OiA*s fir I)aut!,nL,. and Calisthenics al ti? Albert-boll, N.wp.,t. Mon., commencing ? Monday, N"vember 7tb. "nO following Moiid.ys, fmm 7.30 till 9,30 p.m. AI. Juv?ile Cl?s from Three till F?e p.m. Evenh.g D,?. lndn- Mn?b'e tw KenH«men. -For tMmt. ?"PP'y, to B?r. 'r.. I.*MMn. ?0. H fgh-ttreet., Newport, Mon. [91M7

SWANSEA. I A GOOD DsALof interest was taken yesterday in the election in the Victoria Ward, and proof was afforded that politics are not the only thinSe which create excitement at election limes. A OAILY EXCHANo.The daily 'Change which was nsolved upon at Friday'* meeting 01 the Swansea Cliamber of Commerce, was commenced on Tuesday. A great many business men turned up at the appointed lime at the rooms ofjthe Chamber ot Commerce, in Adelaide-street ind from twelve to 12-30 the rootus were pretty well crowded. It has been suggested that if the attendance increase* the Bailors' Rett close by might be utilised for hnlf-uu-liour daily for the purpose. MADItIAGE.-On Monday at Walter-road Congre- gational Chapel, Swansea, blr. R. C- Jenkins, Ùle conductor of the famous Llanelly Choir, was married to Miss Caioline Hughes, ynucgw laugtuer of the late lira. Caroline Hughes, daughter of the late Mr. Davies, Inkermim Found'y. The Rev. E. Jenkins per/or mod the l'eremouy. and, alter the wedding breakfast, the happy pair left for London for the honeymoon. 'I BB TBADES' COUNCIL AND THK ALDsumuN.-I is sta ed that the Swansw Trades' Council intends asking the Swansea County Council to elect two aldermen from their bodJ-Mr. Clarke and Mr. Be-iford, and thus obviate the necessity of two bye-elections. ArraR test of twenty years, the best medicine invented at a "plck-IIIt-up" to men who have allowed their health to run down through overwork or other cause is Gwllym Evans' Bitters. 5437 Karl EISTEDDFOD.—Mr. Chapman has wori the frlze for Photographs.—High-street, Swan- Sea. 8,879 SiEDts Baos, Swanies, for best Photographs. 6744

PEMBKOKIi DOCK. DORINO tin winter months people who work constantly In close rooms or foul air are most liable to suffer. We advise suoh to strengthen the system by a ceurse of Gwilym Evans* Quinine Bitters. 5437

CARDIFF BOROUGH ACCOUNTS. The annual accounts of the borough of Caidiff for the year endod March 31,1892, have just, been published. The accounts are tlll venr prepared in a very compact forin, being embodied in a neatly goi-up volume, and so indexed and arranged that the various features of receipts and expenditure are easily followed. Attaclied to tile volume is a statement of tile total indabtetlnea. of the borough, allowing all tho loans obtained and the net debt for the yenr. This table explains the purpose of encli loan, by whom raised, the date of loan, the total amount raised, the period for re-payment, the rate of interest, the mode of re-payment, the amount of principal owing at the commenoement of the year, the amount paid in the year ended the 31st of March, 1892, for principal, interest on loans, and interest on corporation stock, the amount of principal owing oil the 31st of March, and the debit balance In respect of the various leans, kc., at that time. The asnouiit wt principal owing at the commencement of the year was— Loans, £477,337; stock, EBOO,OOO total £ 1,277,337. The amount of princip I owing at the .nd of theyear wa.-J. £571,206; stock, £ 800,000; total, £1,371,206. Deducting ?Zt014, the amount of c"rp"ra' ¡o" In& fund for redem p tion of stock, net in- ':rI:8d ,,or th:d:tf the e: is DI/f Ll 344,191. The manner in which the accounts have been prepared and arranged reflects great credit upon the borough treasurer (Mr. F. R. Greenhill).

CARDIFF BUILDING STRIKE. I We u?dent.l that Mr. Grsemehunter, In con- sequence of some disagreement wilh the Master I B,,ild.. s' has severed hi, connection with the masters.

OIGAUETTIi" IN LONDON. I The present run ef Cigarette," Mr. Haydn Parry's opera, must 6rlllonll cease, as the Shaftes- bury Theatre was only secured for a limited time. of which more thRn half hits expired, and the theatre will soon pass into other hands. The career of Cigarette" has been of a somewhat ex- tniordinaiy character (says the Evening IfeW and POll). It was originally intended to play it only lor one trial mating, in lown; then it was decided to play it for a week in the provinces h rst, This week extended into three, and, instead of follow- ing with a matirta in London, it WM produced at the Lyric Theatre, which was specially rented for three weeks. In consequence of the instant success of the opera in the Me'ropnlis it wns taken across the road to the Shaftesbury Theatre, where it has been running since the middle of September last.

"SAUL OF TARSUS" AT CARDIFF. To-night (Wednesday) D". Joseph Parry's new oratorio, "S.ul of Tarsus," will be performed a: tho Park-hall, Cardiff. The following artistes will t ake the leadiug part s:—Madame Squire, soprano; Mr. Naldwyn Humphreys, tenor; and Mr. Ffrangcon Davies, bass. rtio festival chorus and an efficient oichextra of 48'will be conducted by the composer, while Mr. Hugli Brooksbank will preside at the great orgjn. The opportunity should not be missed of hearing thi* new work at popular prices.

"Omup <nd look !ive!y." My< London t.l,? ?lubl I* IFQII 6" 1 3404

We cuinot P""Ill IOLL.r umau the writer sends hi. BXL. 1" l nnt tlt,ee.U, I., pubU. ?n.but.MtX'?'?' Tl,. Edi t., t undertake to return *i.?td o?.. IIUJuioaUonl nnoar any Cif(HIID.ta"n.. • All correspondents must, write on ova lID. 01 tl « oaner 0111 y, or their letters will be rejeoted. fry — W if. net aaiw<r »rrinm«nli t Ar.wA U< ful

J. W. E." (SwsnseiO.-In prison. "A Z." (Newport).-II,S,O, stands for Railway Sorting T. ?' CONKH (C'rdift).-TLe omeM of the f.unuy Com- mission are at-19, Wliitehall-plsoe. London. M. JOXKB (Hhhenhftd) —T!te pretf?t MK* of f:?ight from ?.,diff for coasting ??"6 M"e'' *M.-F..rt- r,. C6:,d.frBgI;i,:tHs.ve3dl: e;t 6a. 6il.

WIRE ROPES. TO THH EDITOR OP TH8 WRSTRHN MAIL. SIR,-As so inatty accidetit4 are continually occurring through the use of wire ropem. it iiiay be interesting to hundreds of persons to read the letter I enclose, cut from t')M week's Engineer.—1 & CONSUMER. Oct. 31. "IRII ROPES, 8lr,—Perhaps you wdl permit me to answer the ques- tioii mke,i by"Eiiquii-t!r itt your ls.uoof tile 21$t a* to "what Is patent improved ste T ? The word "Patent" I, now a trade term, and Igi,iflo th-t the, wire has gune through a certain tempering process. The application otthe word owes its origin to the t?mpf'r)ng proctM h"i oeen the subj?'t 01 letters patent Dot by the late Mr. Jtme) H.rsM). ?f ttxarmof Webster M)d H..ra?n.w).f drawers, o "m' Ill.. B:r i,,gt,?. —now a- gamated with gtch and &tcbelor, wire rope mnnnfiwturers. The patent has long aloca run out, but tile lIam. otlllle used In the trade. Patent "at*el, a8 ",da.toolt in the tad., represents q,?.iitv ,f wir. ,oil wl,? I, I. b-klu,,? "f about 80 to M ton* p<t fqu?re inch, f. yet tough and .u,,d Very Inlerlor qualities can have h. breaklug sirain^and even higher—Imparted t, thero, but the result Is that the wire Is untru.t"lJrth. This expfaua- tlon will also answer I. Enquirer's quetUolI.. \.0 if thr.le Is more than one quality." The terms "1m- proved," it special," "8elect..d." Ire only too evidently, as Mr. tte It is obvious i hat 11 a really food patentlteollerequlred. a fair price must be paid, aud it is U» b<* deplored that rope users encourage a low grnde of I being em- p"I' by ',kl' 'g to "b" "P" at "?o$ pli?. th. a good wr. w ..Id c««t. I rnigtof. add ibae fplough steels also undergo the "patenting" or pin pr- and are IQmetlme. cAned patent pl" g" P. "it Improved plough," &o., &0. .d..?te'l that Inrge quantities 01 Get. wire are Imported into this country. this country, OsmrJiB Oct. 2.

THE DISTRESS AT WBITCSURCH.-A SUOGKMTION. TO TBB EDITOR OF T811 WWTNlttf HAlt." SIR,—I have read the reports pubiis/IED In the Westtrn Mail of the distress experienced at the resent time by the tw-piate workmen of Melio- ^nffith' end Whitoburoh, in conaequence of the toppnge of the Melingriffitb Worka, and I should too glad if you would grant tne a short "plOCH in order to suggest that Mr. Thomas (the managing director of the Melingriftfth Company) ali,,ull give a share of the orders which are low being worked at, his Lydney and Lydbrook work. to the Kolingriffitli workin, n to complete. In the hot issue of the Industrial World it isstatod (but Mr. Murray has requested the men of (•.ydnAjr to work nu S-tray. till i. o'clock p.m. to flnisll a large order." It is further slated that the LydAe.,it". have consented to do this, commencing last Satur- day, and that, therefore, they are the first works in the trade to work after two oekick on Satur- day,, thus breaking one of the most important rules of the Union, I feel assured that f title mailer were placed before that gentleman lie would at once consent to divide the orders between his different works, and thus keep the .If from ilm doors of his Meliiuiriffith cmllloré, -u —1 am. &e.. I M, ke., INHABITANT, I Whitchurch, Nov. 1. I

THE LATE MR. STOCK WOOD, COW IJIUDG E. At Cowbridge County Police-court on Tuesday Mr. J. B. Gibbon, the presiding magistrate, made reference to the loss which tiie bench had sus- tained in the death of Mr. Stockwouti, their late clerk, and expressed their condolence with Mrs. Stockwood and the family. Mr. 8. H. Stockwood, the acting clerk, acknowledged expressions of sympathy.—At the mevting of the highway board in the afternoon similar reference was made »y tlie Chairman (Mr. Rea. Thomas), and a vote of condolence was seconded by hir. W. Jenkins, Mr. J. Stockwood, jun., was appointed clerk pro ttln.

DISCOVERY OF A SKELETON AT I HEREFORD. BURIED ONE HUNDRED YEARS. On Moaitay the skeleton of what appeared to be a woman was discovered in a garden off Stonebow- road, Heiefnrd. The skeleton, which was in a per- fect condition, was rather more than 5ft. in length, the arms were crossed over the lower ribs, and it was buried about 3ft. 6io. deep. Dr. Matthews, who exiinincd the remains, exprewed the cpinioa tint, iliei keletoii was that of a person about 60 years of age and that it had been itposited there for 80 or 100 years. A monastery "t one time existed where the discovery was made.

SERIOUS COLLISION ON THE MERSEY. PANIC AMONG PASSENGERS. An alniming collision, accompanied by a panic itnong 300 passengers on beard the ferry steamer Crocu., running between Liverpool &ad Stacombe ccuned on t?e M*,sy?- TutfM?y eTttun?. The cry-t?O.t collided with the Miting veMet Eury- ?ict, ftom VtHCoaver, at anchor. Tlie M!pM?-'t .u?l. that the fu?n.1 of the fer,bt cra.he,' down among the passengers, and the Eurydice's yards injured several, one uitte being taken to the hospital with a fractured leg.

LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY. A SATISFACTORY TRIAL. The first of the thirty elect i-ic curs to be used on this railway has been placed iu position, and the trials have given most satisfactory results. The ears each weigh fourteen tous and are 45ft. in length. Each contains a conductor's roam with ft, and secund class compartments for passenger* fined with every convenience. The railway, which runs along the docks for over seven miles, will be in full work within th«- nem few days.

CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL. PARLIAMENTARY BLECTiON IXPENSES. Being dissatisfied with the reply given mm on Monday at the Cardiff County Council meeting as to why Parliamentary election expenses accounts should not be placed before the council, Mr. organ Morgan has given notice of motion to again raise the question.

FATAL ACCIDENT UN THE GREAT WKSTKRN RAILWAY. On Tuesday a man named Jones, who was employed ns crossing-keener neur Megor, was knocked down by the 9.45 a.m. passenger train tram Bristol and killod.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GAZKTTE NEWS. BANKRUPTCY ACTS, 1883 AND 1890.— RECEIVING ORDERS. William Burbidge, Pier-street, Aberystwith, fishmonger, &c. Fiances Jenkins, Free Trade House, Caerphilly, baker, widow. James Jines, Bridgend-road, Aberkenhg, near Bridgend, greengrocer. Kin?'t Cast!* Frederick Thomas Grant Wi\1iBms. King s Castle Hotel, C..wbridt:"ro'd, CarJ?, ticen?ed victualler. Thomas Griffiths, The Ei«|>oiiuo>9 Clynderwea, parish of Llandissilio, Carmarthenshire, draper, groicer, and ironmonger, Jam" Hayes. Hannah-atreet Porth, Glamorgan- shire, grocer and pge dealer. Henry Edwards. Landare, and Wood- field'Street, Morriston* both Swansea, clothier and outll.ter. Richard Barnhouse Fhittiph Waterton-stceet. Swansea, accountant. FIRST MEETINGS AND DATES OF PUBLIO EXAMINATIONS. John Burnett, Ah- rki>nflg, near Bridgend, btitclier linn meeting Novmiher 10, at noon, at the Official Receiver's, Cardiff; public examioa- tion Decembers, at IIoon, at the Town-ball, Car- diff- George Hopkins, The Hityes, Cowbridge-road. "birlisle-street, Clifton-street, Castl-r..d. and &phia.strLat-all Cardiff aim of Svvaosrs, Ponty- pridd, and Yiiysyhwl, Glamorganshire; and Newport, Monmouthshire and residing ut Lower Wedal Farm, near Cardiff, grocer, butcher, baker, and jam manufacturer, late steamship owner; first meeting November 11, at noon, at the Park Hotel, Cardiff; public examination December 6, al IIoon, at the Towii-lisll, Cardiff. David G. Thomas, Ystnlyfesa, Glamorganshire, Brynamab, Carmarthenshire, formerly of Ystrad- gunlais, Breconshire, grocer and tin-plate manu- facturer first meeting November 10 noon, at the Official Receiver's, Swansea public examiuation November' 8, at 11.30 a.m, at the Town-hall, Neath. Joseph Edwards, Brecon-road, Abergavenny, lately coal merchant and coffee-house keeper; firm meeting November 8 noon, at the Official -Pel ceivei-Ir. Moithyr Tvdfll; public examination November 11, at 10.30 8.111., at the County-court Office, Tredegar. ADJUMCATtONS. Thomas Griffiths, Clynderwen. Llandissilio, Car- marthenshire, draper, grocer, and ironmonger, James Hayes, Hannah-stieet, Porth, Glamorgan- shire, grocer and egs do.,Ier. Henry Edwards, N<-ath-roa<>, Landore, Swansea, and WoodAeld-street, Morriston, Swantes, clothier and outfitter.


Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
markets. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MAKKICl. LITKRFOOL, Tuesday. Shipments of bacon ftom America for the past k are ligiat, and the market is, constquently, eirong for all cuts, short clear middles and Staf- fordshires heing li.ld for a further 6 i per cwt ad- vance owing to scarcity, ",hil. lute rates are fully maiutained for other descriptions. Ballls are tirin and in fair ieque.t, e-p.ei.ily for light weights, which tond against buyer*, the stock here being lather limited. Square shoulders, an also New Yorks, are held for higher prices, sellers refusing to go on at recent, figures. Lard is still scarce on the sp it, but sellers offer 8e 49s per cwt without finding buyers at the price; futures continue neglected and nominal. Neater' "0Iu6" November, 45? 3d: December, 41s 9d per cwt. Cheese firm but quiet, withnut quotable change. Amorican bu,t. is 8lill quict? but with a falling off in arrival" holde" are steady in U,eir r, qUire- inenta for yen! erd?y's quo ations. Eggs rem.i" dull, ,,¡UI the supply again in excess of demand. Beef 6 in tair demand at unchanaed prims. P?,ri ? strong and hardening, a«? t«mtt bringing Is 3d per 200lbs advance. iHFOitrs or PROVISIONS. Si .,¡ fi S a »a 1 » 3 o¡ ¡ ll 1915 5? 1199 t?.). *?" 29 1 199 16 63 9<n ?:M Ilbi. y.' 47h: ¿t III I 44or19 I. 39,b74 3 91,,? ,l,q I?H621 '5-M,?j9?92t-c&i CVABKKT qiTWATIOaS. Heel, per 3041be. Batra ludia mess, line 66s 3d to 60s Oil Plate and Packet ó50 Od to 600 Oil I'ork, p«r 200lb«.: I'rinse mess, Western 72, Ed to 15, 011 4", Od to 451 G-l Hauon, per 112lhs.: Long clear, 65lbs. average 45)0dto 0s(M Dino4?b< <iHto 4M O.t H) 47? 0, Short :.6lbs 47, 0,1 0- (Ni I,h-,l rib, 28lbs. d Il, "???' 47'0<i to 4w Od Cumberland cut, 2&-30(bs. ditlo Ah 0.1 to olsOl Htaftord .?t, 3&401b.. ditto 1052,6" Cl?.r betJ.M.'K-tStbf.dit.M ????? 67? 6.) 'I o' ud Kiiert clear backs, ltfibs. ditto <6* 61 1048,6.1 Biiouklers, N, Y. cut.10-16Ibl. 3116 i tu 39. Ud Ham., per i 1 'h.. ?t)t'c"!t.. S-17 avemi(e <9<OJ to 53, O-J bborii cut, 14.16. tOl 0.1 to 5U 6ti L'Id, I., lizib.. Prime Western Steam 48 0 4 to u, oj 1, per 1121ba.: Finest btt?..1d, 50s Od 1. 5!' Od; new, Os Od to Os Od. uii«r, per 11210a bnl. 95s Od to 100s Od fine. St. 0<1 to 85s Od. Hues. Margarine, 61s to t3s 6d medium, 428 to 50a; 10", ,6, to 4Z.. Kgga, P*T 120-lrish: Hen, 9. 8d to 10. Od Cana- dian, 6< 6d to 8s 9d. LIVERPOOL FOREIGN PRODUCE LIVERPOOL, Tuesday. Sugar: The demand for cane sugar COllliolles On a very limited scile, and, wiih only a poor inquiry either from refiners or eiP' rter*, business rules very quiet. Kellers, though not qlJlt so itifficult to deal with, are not offering at all liberally, and prices are with- out change. lbe Eurydice, with 27,332 bags Mauritius arrived and entered 1"'le, Crystals are dull and uuchari|<»-d, No. 119* 6 i, N ». 2 19a granulated standard, 18* 9d per cwe Coffee sella (airly well, and holders of African are making fully Into prices; 200 bags of African boldberry .0111 at 63s 9<1 to 64s 31 p« r cwt. ex quay. Cocu. has been in very fair demand, but bJ*i- nefS is restricted bv the *mall stock; 450 bags fermented Hahia 63* to 65* per cwt. Rice meets with a moderate demand tor expoit and cleaned sells at steady rates. 20,750 bags entered In.d. from Racg>*n this morning. Merchants are till very quier" no sales ot reported. SagO dour is .elling quietly at abr>ut late prices for Sarawak ex-kt. r-. Lioaeed does Dot go off at all well, crushers refusing to paj present advanced prices, but though bu.illt99 has been nil, sellor. inaintrtin quofcatioo^. C,-q seed remains quirt, and 25 big* Spanish sold at previous prices, but no sales of Turkish have been made for some tune. Tallow continues in fair <lemao,I, and previous prices are maintained. Palm oil has ruled nsiher quiet, and 90ms soft oils hnve sold at L21 5- exquay. Seed oils sell in fair quantity, and prices are firm. Olive oil has rut, d dull and i&ther easier. Castor nil quiet and unchanged. Itosin has 1\ fair demand at the advanced prire* noW quoted. Turp*»tinp, however, is dull and easier, 22a 9J being now value* [OOfuY. CowBftiooe, Tuesday.—At our market to-day bu*ioes» wus verF slow Wheat realised tr«nn 3- 6 j to 3. 10il per bushel. Barley sold at fro", 3s 6d io per bushel. Oats, from 2s to 2s 41 per bushel, LIVEKPOOL, Tuesday,—A quiet trade is (1R8sing ill wbeat, at Friday's rotes for white, and lÍ iowrr ior red varieties. Maize meets a modeiate de- lIIalld; mixed Aiueiican cl sing at 4^ 6^d to 4- 6J I per cental. Flour dull at about former pri« rs. "NUtS and pe 8 continue in teduced compass, aud bring full prices. Oats, bailey, and oatmeal unaltered, F ATRLR. CARDIFF (Roath;, Tuesday. —There was a large supply of cat lie of all descnpiions on offer at our market to-day, principal ? Irish. Sheep and lambs were plentiful, and met a quiet trade al last week's prices. There was a good supply of bacon piga on offer, but small pigs remain very 'Caree and prc-s* have an upward tendency. Quotation-:—Ca^e: Best sieers. 56* per cwt secondary lots, from 52. to 54* per cwt; iufe- rior cows and bulls, fiom 42* to 47-» 6^ per cwt. Sheep and lambs Best quality, from 611 to 7,1 per Ib; middling low ranging -mm ¡j,1 to 6 I per lb. Pigs ^acooers, fiom 10s to 10s 6d per core; poiker*, fr.,iii 10. 9,1 to 11* e I per score; Ílom 78 6d to Sa per score. Thrre was a fair eittiudatict,, but trade vas very quiet, the demand bil1¡C limited to top lots, middling qunJities b.iog bard to sell At the close several lots remamed un*"ld. COWBKIDGI, Tuesday. There was a limited -upply of hi cattle on offer at our market io-d«y. Very sl..w silo at prices very much against sellers. Fat cnttltf 9' Id at frou) 5Jd to 6J p^r lb. Cows and cnlvts, 115 to JE17. Sheep on i.vrrsge supply, last week's quotations not quite realised from 5& to 6irl per Ill, being tho extreme valtie, no .t". stocn on offer. Pigs in limited supply at fr, -11 14s t) 48i IBcll, accr/rdingto age and quality. Porkers aoid at from 10s to lis per score. SAtFoaD, Tuesday.—A smaller supply of cattle and trade slow at prices in favour of the ..lier. The euppiy of shetpis smaller and trade bett-r, but not very brisk, with pric" ag.ti'?t?"y<'?. The aupplJ ofc-i?. i? about tl,(? sum'1 a bst wi e.«, late rates being difficult to maintain. Quotation* — Cat lie, 411 to 6JJ; 6t?p. 5d to 7?: cs?M.Si w 6 £ d. PROVISIONS. LLANDTSSIL. 'fue!'d!n.—A. C?t?'nm apprn?? the demand lor fowls ..m tn increase from wecu ?e?'????s?'??P''? ?t<.? ?a_.? e,e?ytl,i.g it,ey )f cilanl:d iMndsat our market to-day at ?'? The quality was not exira good, m^st of the I offered being Very ) ou?g. riit?re irert, ?1) uck. ,,?g pigs in th n.,k, as the f-rmws l.»d tak1I tbem.o H?vhyt?r A ''?'!<'?'o s'O'" l.ie8 wei-e "11 "iI. Thn p, ic-s ruled 8' tnll, s '?? ? ??'? ?.?o"??.-??!'?s.. p.r lb. ?'Te 2? per Ih. S?ep, ?.?. 2^1 to 221 lb. Porkets wr<- ste-oly at 7. pH ,'Ol ? w th 6 t per head luck. I'owls, fro n 3, to Js 61 ?r couple; pallets, very .,n.?one. :<.?d h?e ? torn i?J to 1, 6d. Butter, Is Id per lb. PKODCCK. LONI)o-z, TtiesdfLy.-Stig,ki Auctions dull and mostly bought, a few 1" » crystallised Trinidad ?m???h'? b-.u? R?6. ? to 17i 9d; b,.U .teady; ruined slow,-? auiet; -,l? email auction, part sold „t previous raiet futures steady. Cocoa sales small, but firm, "'ea Ceylon in fair demand at, f!,Il prices; Cuina steaiiy, Indian firmer. Uice firm. Shellac rules firm, jut? steady sp* t dull. Hemp quiet. Oils and tallow remain without quo- table change. HOTTER. CORl, Tuesday. Culinary Fir" 109.: Seconds, 96s; Thirds, 934; Fourth'. Oin. Mild Cured Firkins Superfine, 115s; Fine, 10C<; Mild, 100s. Number in market, 74 firkin* and 123 mild. FISH. GUIMSBT, Tu*»dav. ~A large Itlpply of fish was brought by about 46 lulling and fiva steam vessels, and there was brith demand. The following are Ibl qtiotAupult-s*% Is 3d to It fl ii turbot.. 81 to 9 1; brills, 7d to 8d per lb plaice, 2" 2d to 2d 9d lemons, 5. to 7s; whitings, 3.. 3d 10 3s id; \iVI\ halibut, 7. to 98 ditto ded, Sa to 6- per stone live ling, 3< to 5»; ditto dead, Is to 2s 61; live cod, 5« to 0.; ditto drad, 3s to 4s each; hake, 60s to 80, per score; live haddocks, 10. to 12s per box. SUGAR. GLAsoow, Tuesday.—The official report says Market active, and a small supply cleared at full prices to 3.1 advance. The private report says:— Active marktt, and a good business was done at ahout 3j advance. HAY AND STRAW, LONDON, Tuesday.—Fair supply and good trads for prime qualiti«s. Qu -Utions as follow I'riine I d"ver, 80 10 lIS.; ¡ufer",r. 46, 10758; beSI hay, 60. to 112.; inferior, 26s to 50s; straw, 26s to 448 per load. "°' POTATOES. LONDON, Tuesday.— A steady demand at furmer rites. The following were the quo- tat ion*:—New K»nt and Ewx 60s to 653; snowdrops, 60s to 70.: imperator-, 50s to 60s; magnum bonums, 55* t" 65, per tou. HOPS. f^LoKcoN, Tuesday.—There was a good inquiry for all de-criptions of hops and prices were very firm; the quantity old was very small. METALS. GLASGOW, Tuesday.—Opening: Scotch fat a small business W" done at 410 3d and 41- 2d cash, and 41s 4id and 41s 51'! month; closing, buyers, 41s 2,1 cash, ?Ki 41» 5d monlli; sellers, 41* 3d C.R1I, and 419 64-1 month. Mohil^gborougll idle blllntlls nil i ci-ising buyer. 37. 6d ca. seller., 37s 9d each. Hemitite idle (It18in.s nil; closing buyers, 476 4jd cash; s.llei., 470 9d cash. Oi -sine Scoten stea iy a fair busiuees don- at 41a 2Jd, 411 3Jd, and 41s 3,. c-sh, and 41s Sid. 41» 6d, ami 41s 5JI month; closing, buyers, 41s 3d cash, and 418 5Jd month; sellms, id more. Middlesborongh mle, business done at 37.9,1 cash closing, buyei», 37s 6J I casii; sellers, 37. 9d cash. l1elll.tite idln b".in"A8 oil; closing, buyors, 47s 4W cash Bailers, 47s 9 cash.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NEW YOKK IttlUES. [BB DTK US TJILWGRAM.1 NEW YORK, TUESDAY. Money firmer. Stocks opened firm, and became strong; the market gave way later, however, and clo-ed general y weaker. Cotton on spot steady at ie. improvement; fUlures liave been active, an.I closed firm and higher. Petroleum In mode- rate r. quest at steady rals. Lard continues depressed, in eyuipatliy wilh Chicago, and closed dull; spot dull aiiti weak. Wheat: Futures r p ned weak later on a bettei feeling prevailed, but a reaction followed, an,1 closed weak opet eaeier. Flour trading active at unchanged rates. Corn Futures advanced during the early dealings, re-sctid, and closed wtak spot easier. Sugar market st.sdy. Coffee: Futures opened s'eady, but eased of fand closed dull; spot quiet hut steady. Tin and iron markets continue steady, Copper has iiad an easy tone. eOTMlHMBNT BQNDIt .1f1l B.ILW&Y 8UA.18 1,10" Oct. 31. hoi. 1. Call Moner U.S. (!o». Bond. <r.c.' 6?. Ditto, other Humilities o P.c. ){?'M??.?'?"S.f..M'i<).t;: '.? .3C, Ditto (Jalil. Transfei. J.ttM J »>J4 Itlcliaugeon Taris, Mitajs si»hi. 6.2v 6.2ui Kx. lisus. on lleiltu, 6: .Ia, Illli. 94H ?u?X' Cent. ?.M't'n???'M? )i<? t? WCMrll Union '1'elKmb tjhare. 3"Â S*!4 atchUoit, '??.*  '?  3yji M? i>o. Do, '1"0. Mar. ,I,. 13, Do. Do. 5 P,C. Jncouie 58^ 63 Huttiuiore 95 ??t'n'? aud (8.W.i 4% P.,? !M M' (Jnuiula Houthwru Hbare* 8 MM Ouuatll.iu '-M?c. t.? ?t' ('e"tr.?of!-c" JMMt. ?? 'M (,'entraJ Piffle Mharoa M (!liejwpea*» ami Oblo, C'omniou 2L' t:I::Ii.OtQ\¡I; 1;} 1; Ofoii:ajfoantf North Weeteo rOrd. i  Do. Do, Preferwt) It U8 OlilcAgo, Mhwausee, A St. 1'iuU.Coni .1 to S??d'?!*?''??.?" M? M? Clevetaini, CiuctnuiiU, C'bfcefo. awl < M!< tit. OrJhmrj £ 0 64!4 1J:1:f:f:o; J lU' DeJawwreIJickttwitDua 154 ) Denver ?.d Wo Uran«\e shares io>a !ô D? ° D?"'° P?i??'. 5'? 5?-4 Ultnoi8Von"ral Hliaren 1(,IJ If'()' hake Shore aod 1ích¡gD Houibuvn )S< ):<X ;?uii.?n.aDdN.ut)??neShMM ?M  M Lr?i tib%res. I  ?;L 109?i Missouri. Kansae. «««1 Texa^ lo m::pi: lli: I¡: New York, L;,k? Elie, an.V4Vest«rii 7. 27 ))0. Second MOrt.6 !tomb., 107 U'7 K.w' ?ork?'? t H''?'. ''?'?? 110 11054 i,\r:I:&i':1: lih I: Northern I'ciOft, Common 18' 1 Ple(errf!d 50 4 t.O2 N,f,llk .I "i,;i "?: 39 1 Ohl.d MisafMlmd Ord. Share* 22 22 PenoAylvaniu ..d 5?1 5i.isA {'S'??!M! Xt??JM??. M?. M? Do. Do. 6 11.C. 1st In. 7?á 71 m ?; ?'t?. :?' M? MM Union Slmrea. 4"H 40^» Withaah, St. Lonl*. and Paclflt' U 11': JX.Uo*" Pr' Sh:uee.. K? Kg COTTON AND PRODUCE IU"T. otton, da"8 rectlpU at AUantic IllS 2j.0(0 23.001 i'??' day'w ?!'h'?tG?'f' \w't? '?'M UO.CW C..t;')n'?.n.e?.ort.Mtit'tr!t.tin.. K.OO 9.t0 t:<.tMo.ft?'<e!MH.t)<'M.thtM.t. M.O? ?M Cotton futuiwi, "eo. eli, 78: 86 Cotiou futuret Feb. <ieli»*ry 88 fjt ?<!mX. ?i"?*tJt.?n.)Ne? Vor.. 88 ?t Cotton. Midd Uplanet Orleans. 7>i 7>4 Petro l eum, Crude P.ia Do. »t'd wblte. New York t.O tj( ? Do. PluiHdelrlna 95 5 fa Do. Titie I.I.? Cert. 1).. ?0 fIt' '?tt'?Tn?ut'? .? 305$30'^ Tnrnwntine 4 b 4 28!J [rfird, Wil?. ?.'o't"?.? 9.0 9. Tallow. Prluiel itf fi &f. fingsr,fair refining, Muvotados. ''c 1)0. 9 • i»er cent. Ceu"dhq,al 3}2e ^)f>i Corn. Ne' JUIJf"l. We^te^n 51 S i? tn?. ?M..  .?"°. 6? ?M I gll U ??t"&'?.?.t.'?)t.?'?? St? 9>U Wheat, re-i winter, nu the spot 72Vi 7<!i Wheat, -lellvery Dec ijg Wbeat, delivery J? ? Prk l'Yo'7f.I, J:I ¡: ¡¿ Qtft'. Rl: No. 7, T,?. ord.. D,?.. 15.?j 5-Jy* c!!ttX?iK?F..b'.?We? H9S ?H Mtwrr, a(>riug ol«ars 3.0 #»J Iron. N.. Tin. Aufttrallan 2yo.0 A « <»i.i>er. 00 spot i. 11 J >teel Itails f¿;bU:IT.' FrMtht<i?.t?.r'o" Jd  Krafghr. Cotfon tn Li»erj»ool fT silfor L; Wheat, Cblcouo. Dec. delivery £ i Cotu.?Me?o.Dee.JtH?rt. 42 '?t c Nominal.

ABEUG.VVI:NNY ADC[CULTURAL ASSOCIAilO.V. The general annual meeting of tho Abergavenny Horse how and Agricultural A..oc¡¡,1 ion was lipid at tha Angel Hotel, Abergavenny, on Tuc-.tay aHeru\J(w, when Mr. Kv*sn Pavid tn"k the c air. '['t,t.rew? a 1 rge attendance of mf?)h''r'<—i'< ,("UI118 of the pRst yeu were ¡aid uet',re the o-e-tmg and a.loped. Tney were con-hiered øitt..fU'(I)r\ThH d. e (,f 'I e ner.t show Wi" fixed f-r Septfi»<b'r 14.139-5 — Hie .Vcreia-v (Mr. James Sinker) -iniiounced thaI the Hunters' Improvement society had again otfered a "old medal, or, if ;>re» was given in prizes by 'lie society in ltitz.t.& brood mare c'nss. s. This i r,rA Ind been giren tWf) years, Mr. John ü"o.wi", of Co lienh»m,( "tldnc it last year ,lr1 Mr. Paitrnlf;e, of Llanfoist' House, Abergavenny, tnis year. It was c.1tci.1ed to a2"in ..rcpt the oiler of the 8orie! and to ,un- jcrib" the annual tneinhership f. e of £ 1 Is. towards the society.— Vot>* of thanks terminated tb8 meeting.

BxVKRY AND CADOXTON LOCAL BOAKL). Tt" monthly moetlng of tho R^rrr ann ('1\,101110" I^ocal Board W'8 held PO Tue««l*y at .'r!1,f"" at I he lectl iioaul oPirea, C-nloiton, Mr. J. Rob»n?on» l.lnt. K., pruning.—A Inn ilisrmwfm p!ceM'th rel,,4,ne,- t,, t, ti S.I .f pt'ses fill" the ensuinJ: SIX 1n11ntk' trtlnll fef.Jin( tins'.Xprt"fdfe'?"P' f<t<?t)tWM)w)v"'t"ref?!?q'? a special niMing (o i e hrld Monday nex Gfncr.l Lee "ave n('bee tq ..?.,v, at 1 he 8pt cial routing on Mood,.y rcxt mat m "|l.# workt. b. (.ri ie,l o,,t. tl)6 11.0n"F for tt.- ?.3vt.hbk.-M?t,.?s?r!o.s?""u..tL.g to ?l&7Yy'r/-?..?'?-?" f"r £128 rOl' t the ?'?'?' f??f'??'"the district w?i ,W'0; .iu, r?rcf a '.? on renhl for the propMed p-Ii? -flices in "?"? ?" r^'ected.

,.Wl 0" (I," a k ?ll"?er tilan W- "W?"?e"t<?'t''y .,t ..d. "ill? li]ZINH IBAK(NC, POWI,Htt. F'" "SH.VM E*ois," HMt Tt'M. ?MO-4 ,I