?????????????????C??????C?J??????????????????C??? 4 Over 25 Y??i?s R??Mt?H??t for V?lM?. J -===========================================- @ ? LEVENSON#S | I IAUTUMN and WINTER SHOW IH i i Ð i ? jj    L I Latest Styles in Miihhery, Velour Velve I | ^an<^ Soft Felt Hats. i i Newest Tweed Coats in plain | ? '???W?'' ?t?=' j i"'  g ???S?????" L? .3' /U?i ot.hL sandrancy Checks. i ? T?SS&A -? BL?" 1 Matrons' Plush Coats. § 1 Tk Ti\v/if auons riusn\?'oati. s. /cnr?i? ? ?y y ? ? T\ /? Chi)dren's ant! Maids' Coats, a!) sizes. ???? ? U| 'FuM. Fu?s. B|!|| i ? Large Selection of Squirrel, '?El? i ? Coney, Wallaby, Opposum, &c., & Muffs t6? Match. ?M? 0 g ? Special Value in Tweeds, Serges, Velveteens, &c., f ?? f ? Suitable for Costumes and Dresses. J? ? ? Flannelettes, Calicoes, and Household Drapery ?? I i. at Reasonable Prices. f<Jrf i PLEASE SEE INDOS. f LEVENSON 'S, HIGH STREET, AMMANFORD. & =_==_=========__===_==^==_===_=_=_ @ ? ? P.S.—The Gents' Department is now well stocked with a Complete Range of Men's and Boys'  ? OVERCOATS of the Latest Styles of Exceptional Good Value. || '.g, I LIFE OF WORRY. WEE Y? T h ere is nothing which causes more Worry, Trou b le, Anxiety, Irr i tati on, and Pain than Ai l ments of the SKIN, FLESH, BONE AND JOINTS. Immed iate Relief is o b tained if you only use GOMER'S BALM. My leg was very bad for § long time, Burning Pain almoat un- bearable, until I used GOMER'S BALM,' which at once eased the pain and very soon cured me." Gomer's Balm is now well known throughout the land as the most useful and successful remedy. USE Gomci«'s Bal m for All kinds of Skin Rash, Sorea. Wounds, Ulcers, Cuts, Buma., Scalds, Excoriations, AbrasioM, Bad Legs, Varicose Veins. Gomep's Balm for Eczema, Breakings-out in Children's Heads, Ringworm, Callings, Irrita- tions, Itchings, in Women and Children. Gomci»'s Bal m for Piles, Scurvy, Inflamed Coma, Bunions, and Gouty Joints, Rheu- matic Limbs, Stiff Joints, Lumbagc THIS VALUABLE REMEDY SHOULD BE KEPT AND USED IN EVERY HOME. It will soon put an end to all Worry. Ask for "GOMER'S BALM," and sm that the name in full is on the Box, also the name of  HUGHES," without which none is genuine. Sold by Chemists and Stores at 1/3. 3/ 5/- (including War Tax), of send 1/4; 3/2, or 5/3 (in stampe or postal order ) to Maker- Jacob Hughes, M.P.S.. L.D.S., MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, PENARTH. Cardiff Stfrd '4 IT all ends in a Ford." As one form of haulage dies, so die the costs and worries and inefficiencies of it. In the new form of haulage which supplants it, is resurrected all the good qualities of the old form, plus the greater efficiencies and services of the new. And way ahead of the new vehicle^ runs the Ford-the chief vehicular exponent of economical utilitarianism. FORD DELIVERY VAN 9240 i at Works, Manchester. I IW CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. -44 DAVID JONES & SONS, AUTHORISED FORD DEALERS, AMMANFORD. Telegrams: The Garage, Ammanford. Telephone: 32 Ammanford. order early Your Xmas Cakes and Mince Pies at TU W?? TP? Pastrycook, Co'?ectf?er, • JH JL« 1? .aL i?- L and Caterer, Tenn i s "i Tennis View Restaurant, 16 & 18, College Street, Ammanford. Wedding & Birthday Cakes a Speciality. < WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO HAVE THE BEST. Thompson & Shackell, Ltd., Invite Inspection of their Splendid Stock of BRITISH-MADE PIANOS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME, Including Instruaenti by the following Celebrated Makers:- TOOHN BRINSMEAD & SONS, CHALLEN & SONS, J. & J. HOPKINSON, d. H. CROWLEY, AJELLO & SONS, BROADWOOD PIANO-PLAYERS MOORE & MOORE, UUSTINE BROWNE, CRAMBR & COMPANY, COLLARD & COLLARD, And etben too aumeroui to mention. UNSURPASSED FOR TONE. TOUCH, AND ELEGANCE OF DESIGN. All Pianos Warranted, and Exchanged if not approved. FULL VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE. 25, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. ADDBESS: 60, Stepney Street, LLANELLY. Tradesmen's Announcements. "I GLOBE Boot, Shoe, and Clog Stores, College St., Ammanford. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Noted House for ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. Beautify the Home Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns in Linoleums, Carpets, Hand some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire MattresseCv^vl FURNITURE of every description manufactured on the Premises. Pianos, O.g^ns, and other Musical Instruments. H. TARR, I 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. The Amman Valley Furnishis* "-t. "For the Blood Is the Life." If it is any such Disease w Eczema, Scrofula, Bad Legs, 96 ?i?c??M, Ulcers, Glandular as Swellings, Boils, Pimples, Sores and Eruptions, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout, tc., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want and what you must have is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poison- ous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly atuack, overcome and expel the. im- purities from the blood, that is why so many truly wonderful cures stand to its credit. Over 50 years'   ?. success. ?r  ?????. Plea?.ant 5P0 leas\ ant /Ciarke's? 1 V BMOd ) i /AVMixtwre^l ":f 1L ..r. "tt. r", 6old bv ??ll  I Chemi^Ts ?C HECUBA .?? Chomis' and Stores, '? ?' ?  b'o't jl Refuse AN EV ;«VH.:>OY'S R ffi Substitutes. n P'l'BiFICR." Sm THEATRE TRI PS. For the benefit of the General Public of Ammanford. H On and after November 6th, 1919, 5 /A MOTOR CHARABANC Will be run from 9 BRYNDERWEN MEWS, AMMANFORD, I II SWANSEA EVERY THURSDAY. I Starting at 4 p.m. Returning after Theatre. Fare, 6/- Return. Seats may be booked at.- Messrs. J JAMES & SONS, BRYNDERWEN MEWS, COLLEGE STREET, AMMANFORD. N.B.—Bookings must be made not later than Tuesday of each week. tt- I SPECIAL NOTICE. I I Hundreds of Hopeless Cases have been Cured by I I NATURE'S REMEDY. I Why suffer from Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, Influenza I l (Catarrh of Head, Nose, and Chest), Indigestion, Liver & Kidney l troubles, Gravel, Dropsy, Backache, Piles, Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, I lahca, Rheumatism, Gout, Deafness, Wasting Disease, Nervous S ? Debility, Stiff Joints. Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Wounds, Itch, Eczema, l Tape Worms & Stomach Worms, Anaemia, Heart troubles, etc. ? I Tape Worms & Stomach Worms, Anwrma, Heart troubles, etc.? ? Dear Sufferer, if affected by either or any of the above ) I Complaints, dbn't give up hope as incurable before Consulting Prof. f I PRICE, Specialist on Nature's Remedy in Curing Disease. I 1 Note Only Address 1 S Pro! T. W. PRICE, j D.M.T, M.Hv, F.B.I.M.S., M.A.C.S., I | Lucania Buildings, Stepney Street, LLANELLY. 1 • | THE NEXT TIME j you have an attack of indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, acidity or i r flatulence, try Beecham's Pills. This famous medicine is recognised as T S a safe, sure and speedy remedy for digestive disorders and for f constipation. Do not run the risk of aggravating your- complaint by i taking little known preparations of which the value is in doubt. The f medicine which has proved efficacious in countless cases of bowel and t f and stomach trouble is surely the medicine for you. Therefore do f j A not hesitate— i TAKE BEECHAM'S PILLS. í Sold everywhere in boxes, labelled Is-3d and Js-Od. t PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THE t "Amman Valley Chronicle" Office, AMMANFORD. ORDER YOUR PRIVATE GREETING CARDS TO-DAY.

I Weekly Film Notes. For the screen version of The Great Day," the big melodrama which is at present running at Drury Lane Theatre, the Famous Players-Lasky British Producers, Ltd., is to have the use of the original scenery, properties and costumes now being used at the Lane." Arthur Collins, who has produced all the famous Drury Lane dramas for many years, has also offered to assist the Company in every way in the making of the film version, which is to be produced at the new studios at Islington early in May. It is interesting to record that the first picture in which Pauline Frederick appeared when the Famous Players Company induced her to abandon the stage for the studio, was the screen adaptation of Sir Hall Caine's cele- brated novel, The Eternal City." Not only was her first picture taken from a British story, but parts of it were made in this country, Hugh Ford, the producer, bringing over the star and a company in the late spring of 1914 for that purpose. This picture, to- gether with many other of the cele- brated dramatic actress' big successes, such as Bella Donna, Zazal," Sapho," Sold," and The Woman in the Case," by the late Clyde F tch, are being revived, and their reappearance on the screen affords a welcome opportunity of renewing acquaintance with these classics of the si I ver sheet. One of the most travelled camera men of the present day is undoubtedly Herford Cowling, who photographs the Paramount-Burton Holmes Travel films. He has journeyed over 30,000 miles in pursuit of subjects of interest, and has just passed through London on his way back to France after a. trip embracing the occupied zone of the Rhine, the North of France, Belgium. Austria, Bohemia, and Czecho- Slavonia. In these regions he has secured many miles of photographs of the devastated towns, and of the Bohemians, Poles, and Czechs who have been released from the tyranny of the Dual Monarchy. His itinerary tor his present trip includes the South of France, Algiers, Morocco, Egypt, and the Soudan (where he anticipates get- ting some unique pictures of big game), and India. WTiile in Austria recently he lost all his baggage, and was left with nothing save what he was wearing and his beloved camera, which he never allows to go out of his hand even on the most fatiguing journey. Almost everyone will recall The White Man, the picturesque play which had its first run at the Lyric Theatre, London, and afterwards toured the country with immense suc- cess. It is now to be seen on the screen, having been produced by Cecil DeMille as an Artcraft picture. The story of the English nobleman who took on himself the blame of another's crime for the sake of a woman's love, and buried himself in a little Western American town till he finally worked out his salvation, is too well known to need re-telling in detail. The cast in this picture is one of the strongest seen for some time on the screen, including as it does Elliott Dexter, Ann Little, Theodore Roberts, Jack Holt, and the beautiful actress, Katherine Mac- Donald, who is later to be seen in the chief part in a picture version of Sir HaH Caine's famous novel, 'Tle Woman Thou Gavest Me." Fatty Arbuckle recently had a funny experience through an error on the part of his property man. Fatty told him overnight to get some logs, for the rotund comedian was going to shoot" a scene the next morning which necessi- tates a collapsible log cabin. Judge of Arbackle's surprise when the property man, who is slightly deaf, arrived the next morning leading—or rather being led by-as miscellaneous a collection of stray mongrels as one could see even in 'the streets of Constantinople. He thought Fatty had asked him to get some dogs!

IlI' TO LADIES. Irregular i t i es, &c„ remove d by an entirely new an d absolutely certain method without Medicine. No mixtures or nauseous drugs to take. The greatest discovery of Modern Medical Science. Cyo-an- teed harmless. It is positive, sfe. certain, and spedy. Does not interfere with household dut' Every case guarant?d. Do not experiment with useless rem,dl, Send at once a stamped ad- dressed envelope for full particulars and testimonial:. Guaranteed ?e mne nader M penalty of £ 5,000. Mrs. STAFFORD Biv^OKES fO. H. ui pt.). Ardgowan Road, Hitner Lcnaon. B So: GstablisheJ over 20 ycors. H Tie Chrcnicle will be seat by post to any address at 4/4 fir the baif-yaf, or 8/3 pet aaaaa, pajuhle in aavaacs.