-? -a- ?t????????????????????I?????????? .e ? Ov?y 25 Y???s' RcpM?m?M f?y V?lM?. g  ?: iL?:BE'VTE:B?SC?T?*S ? S P E C! A L S A L E ? :J of MtLUNERY. ? ==-=-?——— f}  ? ? ?j?"??. Latest Styles in MIUinery, Velour Velvet j? ? ???M?/\?. and Soft Felt Hats. ? X:k, ? ..<?i???MN??????' Very much Reduced, and some even ???L 'S ??BP????? SELO? CO?r ?7CE. \?? § ? ?? ?? Also Great Reduction in Ladies' & Maids' j ? '(t.. ? ? ? f ? Coats in the New Plaids and Plain Cloths. ? S'??U 8 f}' .g. ? '? HR\ ?MW f RsT?Uw?Pt? ? Futts.i I ? r.e Selection of Suirrel, I ? Coney, Wallaby, Opposum, &c., & Muffs to Match. ??? ? ? Specie Val?e m Tweeds, Serges, Velveteens, &c., ?? § ? Smtab!e for Costumes and Dresses. jS?W ? Ð t .g. FlaBMlettes,C?Mcoes,aRdHousehoM Drapery ?? ? .? at Reasonable Prices.. ??? ? ;? M?-j?JL?ES?LS?S? SEE: "WX?X?O?ST'S. j/ $ i! LEVEMSOM ?S, H.??T. AMMANFORD. < 3 ? ? ? ? P.S.-The Gents' Department is now weM stocked with a Complete Range of Men's and Boys ? ] -? OVERCOATS of the Latest Styles of Exceptional Good Value. ? ? ??????????????????????????c???t??????????? Liver Trouble Is the cause o! much suMering. Headache, BiHousncM, Con&tipation. Sour Stomach, Indigestior. f!atu!ency. Wind, Despondency, ant! much Ner- vous Excitement ngemem f h L. t, of the L iver.- HUGHES' BLOOD HLLS Have a most beneficial and immediate effect upon the Liver, though acting upon and eradicating every vitiatine elements from the Btood which cit. cuiates through it. NOTE.—Bad Btood disturbs the act'oo of every Organ in the Body. t baft <Mf ferea &emits from Lumbacc or RhcumottiMB in my Btck aad Umh'}, a t<o Pile%. Hughet't Btood Pill. cured me in a short time. A!M my wife from Headache Mid Uver TKmM< The People from all part* testify to the wonderful power of these Pi!!t in restoring sufferer? from Skin DiacMe Rheumatism, Backache, Constipation, Pi!es, Skin, Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubtes. TRY THEM. They will aoon pcove their great value. So!d by Chemists and Stores at t/3. 3/ 5/- (mdudmg War Tu1. Ask for HUCHES' BL(Y)D- PIUS with the trade mark ,<??? ??? —shape of a heart, ???'@?? thus— S???.?S§? T L h \j¡-r-, Take no ot h er, or ?S.?.??? send value in &tamps ?.??? Of P.O. to- :.¡): JACOB HUGHES, M.P.S., L.D.S. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST. PENARTH, Cardiff. iYbd IT all ends in a Ford." As one ? form of haulage dies, so die the coats and worries and mefhciencies or it. In the new form of haulage which supplants it, is resurrected all the good qualities of the old form, plus the greater eiffclelicies and services of the new. And way ahead of the new vehicles runs the Ford—the chief vehicular exponent of economical utilitarianism. FORD DELIVERY VAN S240 at Works, Manchester. PW CAN <3!VE !MM:EEHATE DELIVERY. '¡ DAVSD JOMES & SONS, l AUTHORISED FORD DEALERS, T=" AMMANFORD.. Am- Te l e_-rams: The Garag?, Amman f orc l Te l ephone: 32 Amman f or d ORDER EARLY Your Xmas Cakes a?d Mince Mes at Your Xmas Cakes an d Mince Pies at, i.. i.i.. Ti? ???T V? Pastrycook, Confectioner, ? B-?-E<? aEd Caterer, Tennis View Restaurant, 16 & 18, College Street, Ammantord. Wedding & Birthday Cakes a Speciality. WHEN VOC BUY A PtANO BAVE THE BEST. Thompson & ShackeM, Ltd., Invite iBtpectioB of their Splendid Stock of BMUSN MADE PIANOS OF WORLD WIDE FAME, tttcIudlBg Inatruaenta by the {o!!owmf: Celebi&ted M&keK:— JOHN BRtNSMEAO & SONS, J. & J. HOPKINSON, AJELLO & SONS, MOORE & MOORE, CRAMBR & COMPANY, CHALLEM & SOMS, J. H. CROWLEY, BROADWOOD ftAMO-PLAYERS JUSDNE BROWNE, COLLARS & COLLARD, And othen too nwmerou* to memUon. .UNSURPASSED FOR TONE. TOUCH. AND ELEGANCE OF DESIGN. All Pumo* W&rMtBted, and Exchansed if not Approved. FULL VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PtANOS IN EXCHANGE. 25, QUEEM STREET, C.A.I>IFF. LOCAL 'a fh :s: ??'? ?, S?tMnSnpniM?Sv y <Q3tU r??S?ct t., VSjiiJb'.??Mi??i-????Sjt ViL Tradesmen's Announcements. GLOBE Boot, Shoe, and Clog Stores, College St., Ammantord. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Moted House for ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. Beautify thehome Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns In Linoleums, Carpets, Hand- some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Overiays. FURNITURE of every description manufactured on the Premises. Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. H. TARR, 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. The AmMH WaMey FwntshmB Stofes. ? We will sen d a bijou ? ? size sample of .FRIPP'S! g "TOILET SOAP ? free on re q uest. ? Please mention your usual < ? dealer's name and address. ? CHR!STR. THOMAS & BROS., LTO. ? BROAD PLAtN ? BRISTOL. B ?S??.'? A PPLICATtONS for Axene:M to Se!! ?? The ?mman ?aHew C?ronic?e m the Vi!I&KM of East Cannarthenthite *bou!d be forwarded to the Manager, AØUIIaJI Vall. Chronicle Olfice, Quay Street. Ammanford. You can't have your cake and eat it too! But you can have a bigger cake later on if yon DON'T eat it now. FIFTEEN shillings and sixpence spent now \vIH buy you very littte—and once spent it s gone I Invest fifteen shilhngs and sixpence in Savings Certlhcates and in ten years' time you will get your money back with a bonus of half-a-guinea- one pound six shillings in all. Not only will you have much !pore money to tpend, but, as prices will then again be normal, you wiU be able to buy MUCH MORE with it. P.S. you don't HA VE to wait ten years to get your money back, By giving at few <fcrya* noftce you can cash your Cerlficate8 at any time, but, of cosrse, you will then get of sinaller 6om:s. _IE- :or: "'1' "I:! If;a.rf I prr SPECIAL NOTICE. j I Hundreds of Hopeless Cases have been Cured by { l :IS".A. T"U:R.:E!tS:R.:EIW::E:D"V l l Why suffer from Asthma, Bronchitis, Cotds, Coughs. Influenza (Catarrh of Head, Nose, and Chest). Indigestion, Liver & Kidney i troubles, Gravel, Dropsy, Backache, Pites, Fits, St. Vitus* Dance, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Gout, Deafness, Wasting Disease, Nervous l Debility, Stiff Joints. Skin Diseases. Ulcers, Wounds, Itch. Eczema, Tape Worms & Stomach Worms, Anaemia, Heart troubles, etc. ? Dear Sufferer, If affected by either or any of the above i Complaints, don't give up hope as incurable before Consulting Prof. I PRICE, Specialist on Nature's Remedy in Curing Disease. l Note Onty Address— Pro!. T. W. PRME, i ( D.M. T., M.H., F.B.I.M.S., M.A.C.S., I Lucania BuiMinas, Stepney Street, LL&NELLY. I ?<*??<???<*??C?*?<*??€???'<?<??<???<??J<??Jf???<*?-M ? HEALTH RECONSTRUCTION. l Constipation piays havoc with the health. It renders the blood impure, l ') robs the system of energy, banishes the roses from the cheek and the ? L sparkle from the eye. !t causes wasting and weakness. Happily, the ? harm that constipation can do, Beecham's PiHs can remedy. This ? 0 well-known family medicine may be described as the natural antidote l ? for constipation. !t stimutates the organs of cHmination. c!eanses the ? }! system of impurities, and quickly re-establishes conditions of health. ? So, if you are interested in the work of health reconstruction you (? wiH be wise to avai! yourself of the world famous medicine ?? ? a ? ? ? Sold everywhere in boxes, labelled Is-3d and 3s-0d. f? L ?<-??<-?<??C??????J PR!NT:NG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DOME AT THE "Amman VaUey Chronide" Office, aW IK AM i& IW 3P C:10 Xt )

Weekly Film Notes. Among the noted British auth or whose work has been translated to tho screen, both here and in America, is the popular Scottish novelist, Andrew Soutar. Well known throughout the English-leaking world not only as a novelist, but as a short story writer, Mr. Soutar was one of the first of the popular novelists to turn his talents m the direction of the screen. One of hie essays Into the silent art was as the author of Bombardier Wells' initial picture. The talent of Mr. Soutar hae also received recognition, for one of E!sie Ferguson's most successful Art- craft pictures, His Parisian Wife," now due to make its appearance, is an adaption of one of Mr. Soutar' s novele which was made for the Famous PIayers-Lasky Organisation by Eve Unsell. Among Mr. Soutar's best known works are Equality Island." Rainbow Nights. The Corin- thians," and A Beggar In Purple." Wanda Hawley, who is now play- ing in Paramount Artcraft Pictures a& leading lady to Wallace Reid. ha& been a film actress for nearly .thfee years. She has played opposite most of the big stars, and one of her best performances was with Robert War- wick in Secret Service," which has yet to be seen on the screen. Another picture in which she has an important role is the film version of the famous morality play, Everyman." Music. originally her profession, is now her chief hobby. It Is given to few women to achieve the fame won by the World's Sweet- heart, Mary Pickford, especially at so young an age, for Mary is even now only In the twenties. It is a source of pride to the Britisher to remember that Mary Pickford is of Canadian birth, for she was bom in Toronto, and went on the stage when five years old as a mem- ber of the Toronto Stock Company. D. W. Gmmth was the first to recog- nise her potentialities as a turn star, and since she began to act for the screen Mary Pickford has only once returned to the stage. Some of her most popular pictures have been re-Issued. including The Eagle's Mate." Hearts Adrift," Rags," "Esmer- alda," and others. Her brother. Jack Pickford, is almost as well known aa a film star, while her sister, Lottie, has achieved no little fame. The old style of 61m comedy is rapidly passing, with Its throwing of custard pie and whitewash, falling downstairs, fat men and chases." No one, perhaps, will be sorry, for though It Is one of the elementary facts or human nature that people will laugh at the immediate physical misfortunes of others, it has been very much overdone on the screen. J. M. FIagg, 'vho first achieved fame on the American humorous weeklies, however, is pro- ducing comedy pictures of a new type, In which the humour Is subtle, refined and inoffensive. J. M. Flagg not only writes his own scenarios, but prepares the posters, plays in the nims, and writes the humorous titles. He has just completed his first series—twelve I Gir l s single-reel comedies called Girls You Know." Thomas H. luce's studio at Holly wood, Los Angeles, is in exterior ap- pearance an exact reproduction of George Wahslngton' s ancestral home. But, of course. Inside it Is very dif- ferent There are two daylight studios which have removable walls, so that a scene can be extended into the grounds if necessary. This was recently done when a solid roadway and pavement, not to mention a curiosity shop and a public-house, were erected to depict an English street. The studio also con- talns a swimming bath, which Is often requisitioned for scenes necessitating a patch of water. It is in this studio that all the I nee-Paramount pictures In which Charles Ray, Enid Bennett, and Dorothy Dalton appear are made. Fatty Arbuckle has been running a limerick competition. He Is not going to use the Pomes," but he gets a lot of fun out of them There were thou- sands of entries, and after having perused many hundreds, Arbuckle has been unable to converse in prose for several weeks.

SURGICAL& RUBBER) ? APPLIANCES. MR MM ILLUTSRATED 76 pttge Catalogue of 18rØca1 a RNbbM AppttMCtt, Belts, Rubber <!«<< e< WVMV dMcriptipn. with Pree Sampte Md '-Th< Manuv.1 of Wisdom 22 intweating beek. if you wftte mentioning Le Br<M<enr Surgical fdfg. Co Ld.. (Dept. V.L.). n &nwomoster St. eUfmtnghmm. Weft*: PMty-Ptu' Pftne*. Tttegftuns: P,