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??KMK3Jt??C???C?tt?????[t]??C? ? Over 25 yeaps, RepulaGon for Value. ? ? ———============================================:——— .g. L:EV-ENSQ,N8S ? AUTUMN and WINTER SHOW I .g. I ? ?"" ? )j Latest Styles in MIUinery, Velour Velvet J ? ??S?JV? and Soft Felt Hats. g i Newest Tweed Coats In plain Cloths and Fancy Checks. ? ?. ? i y ? Matrons' Plush Coats. ? ? T\ 7? Chi)dren's and Maids' Coats, a)! sizes. ???? ? .g. ? ? t\\ ?/7? )PM—y ?tt? Pm< UM. i t\/f .0 ? ? ? Large Selection of Squirrel, ???? ? ? Coney, Wallaby, Opposum, &c., & Muffs to Match. ?? ? ? ? Special Value in Tweeds, Serges, Velveteens, &c., ?1??? ? ? Suitable for Costumes and Dresses. t?Bi4? ? Flannelettes, Calicoes, and Honsehotd Drapery ?? ? ? at Reasonable Prices. J?'? ? ? B? 3E*TL.TE?LSTE STE:!E ?X?U?X?C??B?S. ?? § LEVENSON'S, n.???T. AMMANFORD. I LEVENSON IS, HI¿'a:T,AMMANFORD. I ¡B P.S.—The Gents Department is now weH stocked with a Complete Range of Men's and Boys ? ]? OVERCOATS of the Latest Styles of Exceptional Good Value. I '? -3- ?f??????????????????????????????c??c????cX???? Liver TnmMe Is the cause o! much snMehng. Headache, BHiomneM, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Flatulency. Wind, Deapondency. and much Ner- vous Excitt-ment follOW3 defangement of the Liver. ? H ?r"? Y ?? ? \f sr? <?f? ? JML ?.3 ??J%??? m ?*- ?i J?tL' ?C? BLOOD PiLLS Have a mott bene6ciai acd immediate effect upon the Liver, though acting upon and eradicating every vitiating elements from the Blood which cir- cuiates through it. NOTE.—Bad Blood dMtuJ)s the action of every Organ in the Body. t have wuf* fed live iee from Lumbap or Rh<'unMttMa in my Back uod Limbt, t !<e Pil. Hughes's Btood PH!. cuT d me in < s kof' time. A!M my wife from He&dache <m<j Livor TMab!< The People from all pMt< tatify to the wonderful power of these Ptits m restoring sunerers from Skin Disea.e. Rheumatism, Backache, CoostipatioQ. Piles, Skm, Liver, Stomach and Kidaey Troubles. TRY THEM. They wiH soon ptOTe their great vaLe. So!d by Chemists and '-)tOtes at t/3. 3/ 5/- (including Wait Tax). Ask for HUGHES' BLCOD PILLS with the trade mark ?? f? ??? —s hape of a heart. ??S-??? ?t thus— S?'??????? Take no other, or ???T???? send value :n stamps ????? or P.O. to— ??? JACOB HUGHES, M i .S., LD.S. MANUFACTURING CHENUST. PENARTH, Cardiff. Vbd IT all ends in a Ford." As one form of haulage dies, so die the costs and worries and Inefficiencies of it. In the new form of haulage which supplants it, Is resurrected all the good qualities of the old form, plus the greater efficiencies and services of the new. And way ahead of the new vehicles runs the Ford-the chief vehicular exponent of economical utilitarianism. FORD DELIVERY VAN £240 at Works, Manchester. DAVtD JONES & SONS, AUTHORISED FORD DEALERS, AMMANFORD. Telexrama The Garage. Ammanford. Telephone 32 Amm&nford. ORDER EARLY Your Xmas Cakes and Mince Pies at ?f t-t t?Vt t? Pastrycook, ConfecMoBer, A ? 1.1.. i? IL .L?JL? and Caterer, Tennis View Restaurant, 16 & 18, CoUege Street, Ammantord. Wedding & Birthday Cakes I a Speciality. i WBEN VOC BUY A PIANO BAVE THE BEST. Thompson & ShackeH, LM., Invite hMpeet!oa of then Sptendid Stock of BRITISH MADE PIANOS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME, Including iMtrmBent* by the foUowmx Celebftted Makea.- <<OHM BRtMSMEAD & SONS, CHALLEN & SONS, J. & d. HOPKtMSON, J. H. CROWLEY, AJELLO & SONS, BROADWOOD PIANO-PLAYERS MOORE & MOORE, JUSTtNE BROWNE, CRAMBR & COMPANY, COLLARD & COLLARD, And wthen too mamerou* to mention. UNSURPASSED FOR TONE, TOUCH. AND ELEGANCE OF DESIGN. All Putno* Warranted. and Exchanged if not approved. FULL VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE. 2S, QUEEN STREET, ADDRESS: 60, Stepney Street, LLANELLY. Tradesmen's Announcements. GLOBE Boot, Shoe, and Ctog Stores, College St., Ammantord. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Noted House for ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. Beautify the Home Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns in Linoleums, Carpets, Hand- some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Overlays. FURNITURE of every description manufactured on the Premises. Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. H. TARR, 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. Utt AMM Valley Ftnxtmt SterH. ,For the Blood Is the Life." if it is any such Disease Eczema, Scrofula, J?<7<Z Z<M<, ?? ? ????M, Z77<'<'?, 6'??/M? ???? ?? <S'McK?y<, jBct?, .PuK?M, ?r? and Fzruptiom, Piles, .KAfMMtM'MM, 6"<w.<, to., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the akin. What you want and what you must have is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poison- oua matter which -lone is the true cause of all your sunering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly attack, overcome and expel the im- purities from the blood, that is why so many truly wonderful cures stand to its credit. Over 'DecesSe ?' /?B? to take. '°? Ctar&e's ? -— ? Blood ) ?\ Mixtures) ? b aU Chem?a ?AND BE CUMD? ? T t and Stores, 219 per 6tefn« AM KVERVBQDVt t 8ubetltute80' JtLOOO PURtPtER." ? IIUlIHlllmnllHlllilU1ll11liHIHlilllllltlHIMKflUlIlIlIlIlIllIlI1II!IlInll¡:llIIm!llll¡¡nnln!ll!illllllmlllfllil!!lIil!lmlllllm!llilll1!1lQ I I. ??? j[ ? s) ??'? /????????? A Savings Certincate costs 15/6. ????? Directly you buy one its value begins to Mtcrease. ? ? '? ? ?"? At the end of 1 year it is worth 15 9 *?j?j??g At the end of 2 years it is worth 16 9 /?????? At the end of 3 years it is w?orth 17 9 ?\? ??d ?" ? ?? *°? °? ? years it is worth 18 9 At the end of 5 years It is worth Sl 00 At the end of 6 years it is worth Sl 10 At the end of 7 years it is worth Sl 2 0 At the end of 8 years it is worth Sl 3 0 At the end of 9 years it is worth Sl 4 0 At the end of 10 years it is worth Sl 6 0 M you hold a Certincate for the full 10 years you get a eteer profit of HALF-A GUINEA. You pay NO INCOME TAX on the increase. You can cash your Certincate AT ANY TIME by giving a few days' notice—any increase due to that date being paid also. You can buy Cefti&cates when you like and as OFTEN as you like. You can buy any number up to 500-and you can a!so buy up t. 100 for any or all members of your family. .?.. C?? QAV!NGSC?t:6c?. c.}èERTIFIC4.TES ? .re obttinab). thr..eh ?"'? ?- or from any B an k Mone), ????? BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN ?::?L—? -AND SAVE TO BUY MORE! 1I1!!1111lilllllllllllllll illlll 11111111111111; i;! I fill! 11111:1111 i 11111111 !1!llllIlIl1lllflllll: III ¡ I i II: 1111111!:j 11111111111 mllllllllllllll!! 1111! 11,1, i! i! ill' II: 'I: I. ¡ II i: Ii'! I: I, ¡ill ¡ 'I ¡ ¡ 1IIII11I i II! II" 1111: I! I! 11;1!!R :¡, i I H111 iI lil II," THEATRE TR!PS. For the benefit of the General Public of Ammamford. On and after November 6th, 1919, A MOTOR CHARABANC Wilt be run from BRYNDERWEN MEWS, AMMANFORD, to SWANSEA EVERY THURSDAY. Starting at 4 p.m. Returning after Theatre. Fare, 6/- Return. Seat: may be booked at- Messrs. J. JAMES & SONS. BRYNDERWEN MEWS, COLLEGE STREET, AMMANPORD. N.B.—Bookings must be made not later than Tuesday of each week. r'C:S HEALTH RECONSTRUCTION. l Constipation plays havoc with the health. It renders the blood impure, ? ? robs the system of energy, banishes the roses from the cheek and the ? sparkle from the eye. It causes wasting and weakness. Happiiy. the ? harm that constipation can do, Beecham's Piits can remedy. This ? l wen-known famity medicine may be described as the natural antidote l for constipation, it stimulates the organs of elimination, cteanses the ? ? system of impurities, and quickiy re-establishes conditions of health. <? C So, if you are interested in the work of health reconstruction you ? wi!! be wise to aval! youfseif of the wodd famous medicine ? BMCban)'5 Pi!is. ? Z Soid everywhere in boxes, tabelled !s-3d and 3s-0d. ? ttUec.2 C 3 { PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THE Amman Valley Chronicle" Office, :A..lW:lW:A.:N"O:R.:D..

Etectrified Seed.
