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Nation?)! and PoUticcJ. Trader preference between South Africa I;ld Australia came into fores on Monday. It :s expected that (j,(X!0 Church delegates nll attend the demonstration against the Education Bill r1.t Manchester on October 6. -(») H. Blundell, C.B., ex-M.P. for the lice division, died at Strat.ton street, Pic- cadilly, aged 75. Deceased, who served in tIle Crimea, was defeated at the last gene- ral election by the Labour candidate. Negotiations between the Colonial Offieo and Lord Selbonie on the subject of the proposals put forward by Dr. Jameson con- cerning the threatened railway rates war in "-autli Africa have not yet led to a definite Seclusion, and the departure of the Cape ■Premier has been delayed. When Parliament meets a petition will be presented by the owner's of motor-cars, pro- testing against the proposed Bill to in- crease the taxation of these vehicles. from Other Lands. The High Commissioner for Canada has been notified by cable that the returns of the which was recently taken in Western J-'&nada show that the new province of Al- berta now has a population of' 183,000—an in- of 152 per cent, in five years. Ihe Paris "Temps" states that the Holy T.ee\ desirous of avoiding any incident with Italian Government, will not insist on having representative at the next Hague Con- ference. A-n agitation has been begun in Austria a8&inst allowing art treasures to be taken out the country, owing to the sale of a Titian by Baron Salvadore to an American million- aire for £ 3.000. Five persons were killed and twenty in- jured on Saturday in a disaster on the Penn- sylvania Railroad 11 miles north of Phila- ^'elphia. The eagine of a New York express ploughed half way through the rear coach of a Lon» Branch train for Philadelphia. King Alfonso has signed a decree for the re- organisation of the Madrid police force. enor Millau-Astrav. the governor of the CeQtral prison in Madrid, has been appointed c°nimiasary-genfcral. Colonel Martinotti, of the Italian army, ™ho took part in the Vosges campaign and ™as decorated with a military medal for liav- *?& captured tho colours of the Gist Frus- ,lan Infantry Ilegiment, died in the streets 11 Rome of starvation. "^arkgravc Pallaviciui, Austro-Hungarian Embassador in Bucharest, is about to be racsferrcd to Constantinople. The Mark- sfavine is an Englishwoman, nee Miss Geor- gIna. Crowe. 'rhM:artial law in !'Tatal is to be withdrawn. 'e mounted police are now engaged in an C\deavour t.o surround <lond capture 60 rebels, b'i 0 are rc¡x>rtcd to Lc hiding in the K oods- erg. Three persons have bcen seriously and eIght sliu-11tly injured in a collision between 'passeger train and a goods train at t I1hcndorf, Âustria. The accident is stated tOk aVe been caused by a pointsman's mis- a -e. \) Colonel Picrplart, who suffered so much ob- h q¡y tlu'ouglt his championship of Drcfus. a3 been prornotcd to the rank of general. d" In Connection with the Turco Egyptian diSpute, the 'J'urkish fcrce has been with- "tawn. from Kuseirnch, posscs,ion of w}ich \> as dl;put.eù <:111 nccotlnt of lls strategIcal alue and I'OpiOIlS C'pr;'l<TS ':hc I',Ln:l uis Úou a;'d "'the l\Iarsh:lls Yama- f.<l::1 anù Oyama will r,ccive tho title of rt,nce, and Admiral Togo that of Marquis. th 1he New Zealand l':¡rljamcnt has voted n'c grant of £G,OOO, proposed by the Colo- d Government fo.r tho widow of Mr. Sed. the late PrCIJIler. Other htercsting Stems. ha^'16 ll:as^er of the Chelmsford Workhouse reported to tlic guardians that a bread- ci lr}g machine bought for the workhouse c'te(l a saving of 19G2 loaves, valued at lis. Trinity Church, Gough-square, b .Street, was closed on Sunday. It was 111 1S37 as a church of case for the perg St. Bride, to accommodate 1100 t!iPn°2-' ^'ie population of the parish was u ooOO. Now it is about 700. Post &Um "^00 was realise(l a sale of tage stamps at the Loudoun Hotel, i^y-street, Strand. 0, Sreat hall arid oihor now buildings of bvl\Versit>' Colb<y->, Reading, v.-ill be opened rp, r. IIaldaue on October 27. fleatli is announced at Chulmleigh of £ e a: Coekrnm, probably the oldest game- be *u; kingdom. For :>•> j'ears he was gamekeeper on the Devon estates of the rc*U> Whyte family. &d)R? new 're^lc hells which has been &t T ^'1!i ^>ea' °'(* Piir'K^ church.of K. j-'ConarJ.-?, Streatham, has been dedicated tnernc.ry of the Uev. John R. Nicoll, for G( years was the vicar of the parish. tir r" £ ;iri|«gi« has promised the Congrega- balfa. 1.,hUfe:1 :It. l\¡allcheter',oa ,e son.' a £ of the cost uf t.he new organ, costing "ri He has mdQ a similar promi!lc to St.. 11,01\;1 and .All A ngel:>' Church, Foulrit1g, tr ( nln('. he WorM of Sp{:st. lIoThü ('Olllmia:c oi tho &"ex TIunt gi\'08 il¡¡C that bdics and genilcGlcn attending lIet t#lt of t.ho E,c;('x hounds !ro requested ,cor:e in lI:olar<ars. Snütl\oIJ a sea u.;¡gler blls captured 1\ °""1' I 1 4. d d ü: -(e ,l. ;¿'Il, ong, 1 In. roan, an \\9IilOg lGIbR. hiJe Grl\fton honnd') \ere ad hunt- the t:l.tnrday n!ornin,S a fox, tunlCd out t tlf!l¡ :.)'f;S !Jcr toGayhurst I-louse, t.he reSI- }.¡GI" Or r. W. W. C;r1i10, ex-M.P. for 'I:tte. nocl: '!J\s:lect aerom¡ tho lawn and it\ rl the oixd ng-rool:l, th rough the opcn tijt;t';v. 'rho lwunds followed, and, amid t'')o; Acit.cmt'r;t, J,il1cd their quarry in tbo 'J" In tIle TJrcsence of the servants. Con- 'tldr"ble .iar.¡¡le s JOlle to the íurni tur!: c;¡,rpet í .\1u' ( 1'" te:: and t£1e Dromi1. (!()l:tllC. Q:¡t'cu' Ha.ll OreÏ:1cstl'iI., under the eUtorship of Mr. Henry J. Wod, has \¡s' engaged for the Norfolk and NorWh:.u ,,eal festi \'[ll of ] gOE. t¡QI1 sta 1'illc:y on S:Üurday laid the iounela. i stst!le of a y;uiety 111111 iù Iligh-strcct \{" SunJcrhnJ.. f aJSs :E¡¡'n Terry ha5 r.cr¡uircd the rights !\S I'W p! entitled" At a JUlIction, by }" "II¡¡,r£:a:-ct Young. ftra..ltinecs of Tbe Vlinter'g Talo" 't !lt g-il'en OIl October 13 and Odoucr 20 11 Majestv's The<lotre. l'do tnallagrs of the R.oy:\l pr<.1, Covent .() e.n,. almo:>ul;(,' thr. the Kmg a,;ù Queen tt¡. gI:-ant(,(l LIlCH' pat:n:\gc to tac f.)rth, l1J.g () perõ1 SCaS0:1. il' () Itory and Naval. de b:l-ve h.:en issued for the 4th Bat- :tx.{l ?rth ¡¡ mbcrbuJ Fnsillcrs, sta bOiled l.11ùtlt'k, to'e disbanded i:1 the middle of e citJotJth, The sta.ff will be transferred to \ill {J?üc at Newcastle, and about ;JO men ()t¡ GIn the 2nd battalion at Aldel'shot. laturday thc third of the l\Iontacrn's :l\> gUllS were successfully salved, Ed t;;r1 O?f) now remains on board the ill- Q i('s('l. tt¡;¿ral Si!" ;fohn French, at Ip"iyieh, on (t 111 ay, 1111 "eiled ó1 memorial to the officers 1\ S¿n of the Suffolk negiment who fell in ,OQ ,uth African wr. 1J. ;Venc,:day, October ]0, Lord Roberts tt('3\eil ,a memo,rial which has been fl:\ i 1h St. Pauls Cathedral to those of ()Q¡- c1dlcsex companies of the Imperial <l.1l1'j' who fell in the South African Ii;b.(' 1) at dtJti: of Connaught unveiled a memo- &¿!ti la.BgoW to the officers and men of ttltlt fhlnd Light Infantry who fell in t is ftlca. 6t ",atcd that ¡,ieut.-General Arhl!r Gj(jQ:r.;¡t1dll succeed Lord Grcnfell in the Irish Of thO He bado farewell to the 1st Divi- _â" u lr¡ù'o A.ldershot Army Corns. ), of jjn Mutiny vctc ran, Mr. Thomas I' :iJ. a.verhill, died recently. aged 75 lt¡t(. 4..l"T.it-Coionel O'])onliclI, of the In- I ti(}l1a ;h ho serycd ill the Burmcse ex- IQ C'dly f', Jeh extended almost unillter- q", tC'{t 4R:? 1885 o 1901, has been ap. I {)' .l:st.nt Adjutant-General at Luck. tltL Oct h. tL ti [' 1 Atajor-G cueral 0 l..icson sue- I 'I\, of th .ennt-G('neral Paget III com, .)- COrl) Q l<'lrst Dj,vision of the A.ldershot ¡




¡-----------------J IRhuddlan…


-—-L. and N.W.Ry. TRAFFIC…




HEN OF THE DAY. I-""'---





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