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Carnarvonshire Education Committee.


Carnarvonshire Education Committee. A BANGOR TRESPASS CASE. THE WATER SUPPLY OF SCHOOLS. TTTABIES OF HEAb ■tv&fummFY (From Our Reporter). Mr D. P. Williams, chairman, presided aver the meeting of the above committee held at CWmrvcai last week. CHALLENGE SHIELDS AND MEDALS. Mr J. R. Pritehard, chairman of the School attendance Committee, moved the report of that committee wluch recommended that chal- lenge shields be a-,yarded no the following IoIs which had obtained the highest per- conrta^es in fchoir various departments for the past year:—Boys' Sch<x>Iv Lkafairfechan N.P. (97.9); Girls' Schools, Carnarvon P. (959); Mixed Schools, lkttwsgaTman P. (99.5); 111- fanta' Schools, Nantrpor P.$7.1). The shields far too bays-arsd girls' <lepartm<ii>us having boeo won by tue ecuuo schools in two coneecu- Hve _yearns, acnv become fho property of the lJani airfechan Boys and Carnarvon Girls' Uouncii Schools respectively. It was reported that 248 children were entitled to receive medals for full attondajieo, it was resolved that the same sum of motley be expenxtod on medals this voar," as 'was spout on watches last year, and "that esti- mates and designs be obtained. r,°^or!xx^ that uuj.9 children -were entitled to a 1st class book prize, and 2561 to » 2nd claes book priz. ?''4.P??'? Davies (Portma?cc) pointed out MMt the propel mcM?t doublicg last yoajr'e expG-n.djture. Mr J R. Pritchard: Yes-(:a.ugh?r)-but the eYpens<.s wui L-s r?pa.id tenfold, and it: is eurelv setter to spend this money than to institute a. system of punishments that may after all not prove effeefcivo (hear, hear). The recommendation3 of the committee were then agreed to. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. The percentage of attendance of children over ye for the quarter ending June 30th was as follows:—Bajjgor, 93.6; Carnarvon, 93.2; ^Miberis, 91.2; Portmadoc, 90.9; Penygroes, ano ^ionydd, 90.7; Bo.thesda, 90.6; Conway, .c, Bottwnog, 82.3; PwlLhcli, 82.1; making a tote.1 ot 90.3. The average number on books during the quarter was 22,721 9; average attendance, 20,072.2; percentage, 83.3. ■l"^ Board of Education return was submitted owing that the average attendance on which grants were paid for tho yca.r ending March ,906. was 20,095, ae compared with 19,129 ''•r,. 0 Previous year, an increase of 956, reprc- TK g a? incrcased grant of about £ 1932. ine rule regulating the transfer of children as amended to read as follows:—"That the time °^,rai!s-crnnS children from one school to nether take place during the first fortnight after ?. r&Of>ening of tho schools after the 6ummcr Holidays." BUILDING COMMITTEE. -M- Darbishire, in the absence of j,r Sz^ m°ved the adoption of the minutes ot the Building Committee, which recommended the appointment of three clerks of works, viz., Mr Hugh Parry 'fur Bethesda and Llandudno; Mr Hugll Hughéf., Carnarvon, for PenygroBS and Nebo; and Mr Robert Roberts, Cricc:ieth, for LIidiardau TvdweilioO' and Lla.nbedrog-. Mr Abcl Willia.n:s kcd whether these addi- tional officials were really neCCŒ<ry as the¡ a.!rea.dy po..d a staff of clerk'S of 'orks. Mr Da.rbishirc replied ti:tat tho w.ark, was nw 80 heavy tkt these new men werc lnd1SpCUS<l,b.o. it was probable mere 'would bo ,cquueù later. The appointments were then confirmed. A BANGOR TRESPASS CASE. i-. ,p- H. Darbishire presented a report on Wte alleged trespass on the St. Paul's Schools premises at Bangor. Ho said that Mr J. H. Williams had erected a wall on the school wall at the gablo end for a length of 18ft. It was mr trespass on tiio committee's property K™, nut be euifered. Mr J. H. Wii- •It Si AT ,nia,fn? this encroachment, con- jC r 7/ "• Vviliiams, the schoolmaster, who tjij,, obtain authority from the Education Committee before doing what he pro- Williams then consulted the T flm?'nager- who told him the same thing, v 400 oi these warnings the encroachment proceeded with. Ho (Mr Daxbishire) te7^tf £ ed thuat Mr ^Uams bo called upon rndt^VK^ ar?d. t0 rcator« the ground tho enm»A con<^t'0R'tbcy wero in before vno encroachment was mado. Ihis was cnanimouaH- agreed to. SCHOOL ACCOMMOD ATION. In regard to the Penmacbno N.P. SchQOi, tbe Clcrlt now reported that the Vicar, on behalf of the ma.na.ge1'8, had undertaken to f'ta.y the rent required for the Public Ha.l! 3.6 additional accommodation for tbo higbtt 5ta.ndadg In regard to St. Beuno N.P. School, Llan- dudl1o, .i.t was resolved thoil.t the Baptist Chapel Schoolroom be rented for £18 per annum as a temporary schcoL In rega.rd to t.c Pantgla¡:¡ Na.tiDnal School, it wa: rœolved that the Bord of Eúu('.a.t1on bo inn¡¡ed that the Education Comrnitt under- 8 d that t.he Board of Education had a.lready App. vcd, in principle, of the tra.mf.,r or t.his £chool, ond the v f;e lJO rca.öOn whatever for departing from tho terms of tho draft tranSfer a.lrcady suhmitted, which has been approved by the a.cting managel'S of the school It W3.8 rœolvcJ t.hat no action he taken with regard to repa..i,n or altera.tions in tho CJynnog N&tiona.1 School until tho tmnder of tho schoo! be a.ctualJy completed. DEFICIENCY OIl' DESK ACCOMMODATION. Letters were read from tho Board of Education calling attention to the deficiency of desk accom- fDodation at a. numbCI of schools in the county. Mr Issa.rd Davies &I1d Mr Darbishirc agreed that iœtructions to forw-a.rd the 300 desks on order to schools rcquirinJi them should be at once Ïæued. AN OPEN-AIR CLASS AT PORTDI1\ORWIC, 'i' forma.! a.pproval of the Board of Educa.- tion to improveDle!Jt.. prvpO&!d at thjs sahoal íV<lS submitted. Mr J. R Pl"ifdmrd pointed out th3.t thœe rcp<lÏrs would not relieve the overcrowcling. As many as six c1.a.sses were now boJd in ono roan:, &n ono cJass was driven out to the oP<JO a i!" Th:s would be no h.uc:mhiD in Summer but could DO' be dona in tho coming cold weatber. Ho moved that the sllb-committee, llaving the rnatkr in ha.nd, bQ a.ut.hod to hire a X()()!u at tta other end of t}¡o village as ternpor¡¡.ry p:-cmie>cs u¿illg t.he buildjng of a new 6Chool.. Tbis waa agreed to. COMING BUILDLG OPERATIONS. 1be olIowin W3:! the order tmgóested for takrng In hand 8uœta.ntiaJ. strudura.l a.lterations in job in the ilIuncdia.!c future :-L!anl!echid, Deruo.en, >stryfan, (..4I.nwyddcn, Pnn'orfa., Go!a, Trev?\ Dolbada.rn, LbnlJ,yfni. 1"1:: Li.. LI.1I1, NeVIn, Lhthfac.n. Troecà:rr&lli, G&l'th, Ca.œ.thr&w, Eoewet,J, Ta!ybont. SnoriOA-totrcet, LJ".ar. Pent1-eíelin, Betrocd. SCHOOL WA1'"ER. SUPPLY. .A lony diæu.un arose on tho watC>r 8uP{1Iy 0 .Tlwyber of ao.QOls in tJ10 cou-on.ty, t.he cOInpla.mts Ln 8eyor.<l! UlS!¡a,nœs sho"iIlg a. depj{lj"able 5tto of thing's. \1r n.. B, Ellis said 1,ho children at BOllt.- ne-.vydd ha.d no water except riv wa-ter, n.nd fjHro W:'t8 not en Ii VŒW] at tho school for .toring or for dl-illká tho wato.r from. 1fr Abel Willjll,Ins said, the '\Vcra ca.s<'s in IJeyn wh(!n) t!w .lli;(trt rlver wa,s a. mile a.w:¡,y £rom th 5dhool, and lJze dlrcn ha.d to ,go about like tramps from (,oar to door l:ccrCTmg a drjuk, en:, 'L:he Chairm¡¡,r¡ <loud Mr Datbishire 8.'1id these COInpJa.ints wcro a. rofl('JCtion upon Lho lü<:al ma.nagers, and not. upoa tho Education <Àm- mithee. Tho comnyÙtl;ce aUowod tho managers to- expünd up to £5 for local purpOSl\S at. their ow.n discret.ion (la.ughter). Mr Abel Willia.ms s.:ùd tha.t.£5' 'I'ot11d bo no gQod for tho C:ŒS ho ha.d iu his mind. Weald th oO!nmittoe authorue expcn¿itUi:e up to £100? lIr Da.rbi!'1'hiI"6 repl:d that thc.v coul<.1. L[ter Itpnd!ng £5, apply a.ga.in to tho committee for mOre. Th matter th('n d! orped. Tho detailed rep'Ort of tbo BuÜdings Com. Jnjtke was the'll oooptrd. FIN Al'\CE COMl\lIT'I'EE. 'he F'n.cc Caanith'>e'3 l'eporu W::lS I'.ub. ùUt,tA>od by Mr Rieha.1"d -ÐaVJC3, Portm:.u:Jœ, and ac.oounts a.mounti to £4238 for .July, £37G2 {or- Augu, a.r:.d £5432 for Septembcr, o¡- a total of £18,513, Wr6 Qrdrod to be p<lid. It wa,\ rcporte.d t.at all arraJ1gemcnts "tib reg-am ,to tho trander of LL:wlkchi.d Britl:ib School had now ocen completed. CODNTY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION; A ]<3tt.cr W:1.S road. [rom the Coune;1 of this r1tion, kitl,g tho 1¡J1ance ConJInjttcc to receive a dqJ'J-tu.t,iün be.{orc the proposed sca.k <,f sala.riç, is adoptJo', It was r('OOlw'-Ù th¡1; tJlC Council be asked to submit a st.atenw.nt of any Tiows they dc-siro to re-present for tb: cou3idč, ration of the comnÙiiec in writing' when the OODlmittœ wl1 ooTlsidor whebhor any ,jva,1ta{:(s would he g-moo by T<XJeiving a. depat¿¡.t.i<)fl with COUN'l'Y EXIIIBITIONS. Tho following exhibitions Wero awa.rdcd on t!lû r05ult ?f theCDntra.l 7V15h Board honolrs ex- amin<1tlOD. :-1, I vor lUU!.ms, Bangor Fnars; 2, Ha.nna.h 'fhoma. Penygroe;! 3, ThDrnas \Vood- inC'G. Bangor I' !"lam; 4, RlOt1ard l!ornas, Car- narvon: 5, Ja..nêt Dunlop, Bangor (Girlfi). It waS resolved that Laura Roberts be allowed to take up the deferred exhibition won by her last year. APPOINTMENTS. The following additional appointments were oociinzied .-—Llandudno Noc-provided; Miss Mar- garet Rowlands Art. 50, salary £ 40. Betheeda, Cefnfaes: Miss Mary Williams, Art. 68, salary £ 35; -Miss Kate A. Edmunds, Art. 68, £ 39. Carneddi: Miss Elizabeth Hughes, Art. 50, E50. Carnarvon, Dinas: Miss Kate F. Burnell, Art. 68, E30. Rhosgadfan: Miss Maggie Jones, Art. 50, £50. Dinas: Miss Annie Morris, Art. 50, E50.








Penmaenmawr Urban District…


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IRI'[,"",,-.... > Llandudno…

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