PITY THE CHILDREN! SAD STORIES OF CRUELTY. It would be dithcult to draw up a stronger justification for the existence of such an orga- nisation as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children than is to be found in the Baroness Burdett Coutts's r^markablo article on the subject in the current issue or The Sunday Magazine." Not only are the baby- farmers the enemies "f helpless children, but many of the little ones suffer from the brutality of those who should be their natural pro- tectors. One lad was driven by his father's ill- usage to set fire to a rick in order to get put in prison. His father had previously de- clared that he "only wished he would do something to get locked up." The wretched lad, after he had acted on the suggestion, went and gave himself up, and afterwards pleaded "guilty^ at the assizes. It is not long ago that the Society positively had to steal a lad from the custody of a father who beat him so unmercifully that for a long time the poor child was incapable of any bodily or mental exertion. In the opinion of a magis- trate in those bad times still so recent, it was considered sufficient to bind the father over to keep the peace. Another grotesque farce of public justice was to charge juvenile beggars with the crime of being vagrants, instead of prosecut- ing those who sent them out to beg. A favourite game of the little inmates at all the shelters is playing at being magistrates, policemen, and criminals. The sentences dealt out in these mock courts, we are told, are far from baing lenient, a fact which must also ba traceable to evil example.

ItttitlttBS AbitoSStS. DRAKE & GORHAM. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS OF flE ELECTRIC LIGHT IN COUNTRY HOUSES, MARGAI ABBEY, AS ALNWICK CASTLE, s^plied I WYNYA1D PARK, TO CALLALt CASTLE, I BUCHANAN CASTLE, &■, &c. 66, VICTORIA jgTREET, LONDON, SiV. 7850 (N, n „ A~REALLY ,t a JOOD ^OUND plANO. T1). AT a LOW pride.nt yon See efts the eye of one who wnts ft Dient 3 01 "icrediility as he gjmcos at thest PIN"K"pt> ls *}rue y°u applv ti i>UCK, CfiS- WANOPqfeTRTND ORGAN Mbg b«caus« tV„ AN1) BRISTO rJ such a'1 ""sti-umerit i'lH i'^6 niMH the ProdfrhpVr unlimited canital -i", especial study. *JeI .^lv for cash • m' t0ui|nand enables them to^uy Ja states e!'ormnnie luagn'tu<le of their busies nee tVe con- 8eauent PiU ses'and their Custoii*8 Bre not tr«W tLadvant"-«eS. If their stated* were year's !? co,5'cl not maintain the r '5?^, Elicited testi, "°.r would they be daily favourod^ltlJ«n^ on aPplieit" and rePeat orders. These^n for. WaC'vL lastsare sent and every articular io I>ItV4IEK OF COST.. to sUit ■J* SON, & PINKKR supply onions to ? writtmfers convenience, deliver.carriag P^d. g1 1 o » Spa ran tee, and tune one year fr<* ncpn 3, 4, 5, and 6. Pultenev Bridge, B^"> IrJ— WOODIIOUE&R A 'V;ONJNI'l'EDI LIMITED, 88, QUEEN VICTORIA-STIeeT. LONDON, JjLECTRICAL E NGIFEEP-S, c ONTRACTORS, &c. LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE AND STATES: Engineering DE f 0 T, West BUTE-STREET, CAlLffFF. REPRESENTATIVE SEPH M. BolE. 577 ry Requisite Fitting in Stock for the jggg; T HIS w EEX- T HIS WEE K. T H I S WEE K. THE CARDIFF Tlm§ AND OLTTRWALES w EEKLY NFWS THIS WEEK, CONTAINS A SYNOPSIS OF THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF A EW WELSH STORY. EW WELSH' STORY. JfEW WELSH STORY, QWYNETH, A WELSH LOVE STORY, Was awarded a SPECIAL pRIZE At the Rational justeddvod OF w ALEQ. SWANSEA, 1891. In the official report the adjudicators make the lowing comments upon this Vrodmf ™ ;marl, "p.. a „ p II M D., is » story remaric- ahlo^ S, nf its representations of le for the truthfulness of it- P asain **hlife. ItscolI^ui»1iS.»^J»^dea8„d rfect, the descriptions of n(j t^e J;^tom3 are accurate ancl syr"^troi and always « Jlogue, which is well ^de^ SOH. Domestic lifl introduced, is racy ot Wed b its Ife at a Welsh farmhouse en °f <»'*« »°d;y^tnpur and CS; andlovT^ i» the story, is chastened by adversi y. GWYNETH. gwyneth. GWYNETH. EISTEDDVOD PRIZE STORY. EISTEDDVOD PRIZE STORY. EISTEDDVOD PRIZE STORY. Commenced Publication in the CARDIFF rplMES AND SOTJTH w ALES w EEKLYNEWS ATURDAY, JANUARY 30TH. ORDER EARLY. TO BE HAD OF ALL NEWSAGENTS. FRICE-ONE PENNY. R OOKE'S SOLAR ELIXIR. yTT' J |R ROOKE'S T„ 0f incalculable fij Tx „ service in the Relief .^LIXIR. 1 \R ROOKE'S ;en"care of Incliges- fjj tion Liver Com- jH^LIXIR. J |R ROOKE'S "lainta, Asthma, Ijj Bronchitis, Pulmon- tjj^LIXIR. I »R ROOKE'S rv Consumption, Bii Rheumatism, Gout, =r*LIXIR. ■ |R ROOKE'S scrofula, General Bij |< Debility, and all -g,^LIXIR. I \K ROOKE'S j)igeases of the Ner- g'j vous ysteni. whe- b^lIXIR. fcR ROOKE'S tber arising hom a Jjj Cf m sedentary mode of ^LIXIR. | R ROOKE'S life unhealthy occu- filj 4J ^>tl pation, insalubrious jt^lixIR. ^R ROOKE S gjiixiate, or any Jjj J 0ther cause soever, LIXIR. ^R ROOKE S 1Vl'1ting July ¡3th, 1891, the Rev A. PARKER, Of JI& SfeSnce I gwJJ J^ea. I have never taken them rKecommended ^to'S^SSdft&l»T,w"6e™ prod°c"> ^IK^od results.' — — t>R ROOKE'S oriental pills- ci^«!Sr»S P'L" bboOKKS irA «»°s: P^t D«««.oKBS SftgljjfS P^ JJE ""w j'u, | 4R LOOSE'S MSS. Bilioll3ne!s'MRi P {>« WOKE-s gSSggS^ D«booke.b p«iS- BOIOOQ, P1"-8 »SOOKE* ssyisn^tS |Vl,n„ known to fail. TRILLS. V |JK BOOSE'S JP f na RnnK-K'S THE ORIENTAL |>ILLS. J# «OOKB S PILLS AND I I 15" ROOKE'S pttLS I)" BOOKK P"" nasOOHBB pttLS each by all i JO" aooKE'3 p™-8 [ 5>a. Room^scaeborocfgh, 1œa-9024 Buaxtt^s JJOPKINS J1ARM JJOUSE J^READ, g-POUND L OAVFS; HOPKINS; FARM HOUSE BREAD, 8-POUND L OAVES: FARM JJOUSE B TTEAD, 8-POUND LOAVES; -HOPIKTNSI J1ARM J^"OUSE jgREAD, g-POUND LOAVEs, JJOPKTNS' jpARM QOUSE JgREAD, S-POUND L OAVES, ROPtaNSJ FAITX fIOUSE jgREAD. g-pOU)jD 1*^0 A YES. 6628 22e tHOMAS H EXCELSIOR II RKTA>TNG CH^:ATiriN BOILERS j STEAM aEA»» rp M THO\s and SONS have much pleasure in railing attent^ to the above (new Covering) for which they cla> following advantages, viz. 1 It is excefingiy light, weighing about 18oz. to the'foot super is harely one inch th>ck when fln9ShItdcan be ton when the pipes are hot or cold, and being very >stic, it will expand with the pipe wlien hotfand «,rftCt with the same when cold, it wUl not crack, nd CANNOT fall off when once aP £ liItdis more dlble, being so light, the friction fespecially where lere are Steam ^Hammers) is so much less, as corned with Boiler Composition, that 't It "wiH6stand^'nds of weather without being afiected^and w^T C0NDUCT0R in THE MARKKT. 5 They make ttcoating of Vertical Boilers a speciality, and change the trade to produce a better C°Tbey quote no tetaonial, but would respectfully refer to the followi; wj,(i are some of the firms that have adopted their w Covering Messrs D. Edwardsd Co., Dyffryn Tin-plate Works, Moreiston.. Messrs John Daviei.nd Co., Glanyrafon Tin-plate Works, Clydacli The Ynispenllwch Tilate Co., Glais. The Jersey Tin-plate Briton Ferry. R. Cook Jenkins anc:o., Upper Pontnewydd, Now. port, Mon. Caebryn Colliery Co. andebie, Car. Mr W. Harries, WauiVvydd, Gowerton, Mr Hy. Bowen, Cbem ^v'orks, Morriston. Messrs Vivian and Soi{javo(i Foundry, Swansea. Messrs D. R. David auo., Port Talbot. Contracts are taken much per foot, or in lump sum. Sole Agant for Sout^aies for faQ Frictionless Eii^iiie Packing Compa oidham-road, Manchester. Office l'1, VVestbury-iQ^ Swansea. Works Railway Arc. Paxton-streec. 7085 ESTAB%ED 1762 THE NEWPOR& SOUTH WALES WINE AND 61* COMPANY, LTD. (Late Bi Harrhy), 45, HIGH-STRE%jy;Wp0BT> MON. IiI N I-JOCKS. Old Bottled 1, alKi sheiries. Fine Old Bottled an(j Burgundies. Fine Old Brandies. Fine Old Scotch :uVi3h Malt Whiskies. Fine Old -iica Rums. Nicholsons iii London Gin. Choice J cigars. Scnweppe's and Sui^3 Mineral Waters. GUINNESS'S KXTDUBLIN STOUT. BASS'S EAST PALE ALE. Pilsener s s Lager. MAX GREGER'S CFLIATED CARLOWITZ. Fine Sparkling lpagne Cider. N.B.—Trade Supplied at,iest Prices. Telegraphic Address— TS, NEWPORT.' 7248 JOHN KCHARD, MANAGER. W E. VATIAN AND CO., STEAM-POWER RS, FRENCH CLEANE. &c., LLANDATF-R0.4 CARDIFF. BRANCH estarjieots 248 SSteSTST '.RDIFF. 60,' \VXNDSOK-ROAl>,yARTH 53, COMMKRCIAL-Sij'ji NEWPOR 83, HIGH-STREiil, 1\ 27, CASTLE-STKJiiiil, ^^SKA. Parcels .Received and Regularly to the n' tforks by the following Vu Agents A ^eravou MissMor £ aii,jgcid-place Aber(W,re M1'3^KBchie,^C3rcjai.p]acf Mr W. H. H>tC) Grocer Aberc#"16 Mr D. Jones, Ar House Tt -idirepd Mr 'lodwardt. Adare-stveet lK?.«f' £ vS4SiSel I Mr J. Lockj or> ty Press Maes teg • • • • • • **r J- Castle-street Ash..D. it. uay>es, x 0f Fashion S MessrsBiddlectf-London House NanSel -Mr E-House Pemln,okeI>ockM' ?; S, Jw-street PorthcavJ- • K ^^feestern House 'Mr D. R. Davies. Penrhi Mr J. H. rroii Porth • • [Mr J. Hitchings.S^1 t StnDavid'9' i • Mr W LewLs TreharnS Mr W. H. Hitcliiif3 rrakdU • Mr Jo"e8J Groch^4«e-stree6 i>L^p1s iuioiiuting to fave fihilr^gonfc direct to will returned carriage ]L way. Trade bo°orks aTdVelists senlfIfl0n Wy "W T1 "VAUGHiAND CO., DYERS, <T,„ -Pj^jJRATED FORCLOTJand DRESS CRANING by FRENCH PROC.produci^gper. CtJiA-Wii ^g a superior finish, charg63 pjEOBBrSBAMAMIODOtjjHXIB jj-,rtosBvf EALKAMIC coc E"™ Crosby'S ELIXIR I^LIXIR. ^rosby work? wonders i„ c Jji y^ROSRY'S Of PULMONARY CONSt ffT^LlXUt ( ]KOSBY & tion, and has been |jj ^ROSBY'B With signal success rpLIXIK &, Asthma and Broachit ><lROSBY'S Jg|LIXIR 4 CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COU< J^ROSBY'S E|LI'^ISf allii | j,.LDaR" I is an almost infauiiffjj (jtosBVO w CE0SBV'S /^ROSBY'S Quinseys &c jrj^LIXIR ROSBY'S "T?LIXIB ELIlXIR J' ROSBY'S balsamjccou^ /Crosby's Th»8 medicine, Whichj^lIXIR € j free from opium aunj rf^ROSBY'S quills, not only allajh^uXIR i tge local irritation, bUlj >iROSBY'S improves digestion, an^LIXIR. | j „trengthens the constitUU CROSBY'S tio»- He«ce it is' ."f^LIXIR. | ,vjth the most signaij CROSBY'S success in N1 LIXIR. 8 asTHMA, J cASTHMA. ILIXTI-L >^ROSBY'S RKONCHITIS, U.IXIR. koSBV, gssssi— ^JROSBTTS gS^WM)UXIt /^ROSBY'S SWEATS, LIXIR v> DufffCULTT OF ttvtd >^ROSBY'S Ul Breathing, TJXIB ><inn«sMV<s Pain in THE Chest. Jixib CROSBY S ^NTER COUGH, A ViROSBY'S and a1} of the -1XIB. I Throat and Chest. y^ROSBY'S IXIR. ROSBY'S jgaMIC COUGH nIB. >i«n^BY'S ELIXIR /a IXIR. ■ 1 isoidin bottles atlslVad, V^tsOSBY'S Is 9d an<l eac j tXIR. I^ROSB* o hv all Chemists and Crosby's pitentHedicine vendors, tXIE. Crosby's pitentHedicine vendors, tXIE. I or direct fi°m J^ROSBY'S Dr ROOKE, xir- Crosby's scaxiborough, Xib- S^rosby'8 England. XlR ^OSBY^ BALsS^C COUGHJH Jlusittess bbre.ssts. IN YOUR WALK ABOUT TOWN Cali at the OYAL jgTORES, In the H A Y P, CA A R 1) 1 F F i' tT WILL PAY. NEW ZEALAND BUTTERS, Is Idperlb, AUSTRALIAN BUTTERS, Is 2cl per lb. THE FINEST QUALITY IN GREAT BRITAIN. And for CHOICEST JQANISH jg UTTER DIRECT FROM THE FARMER. Same Dairies itit the year round. Gives perfect satisfaction. THE FORMOZA Tea Is tMque, and pleases all who try it—at Is 8d per lb the Best Quality. — These Specialities to be had only at the ROY A L gTORES, IN THE Hayes, C ARDIlfF. JLJL Vy Ce 8015 JfitmNITtmE* JjlURNITURE P; F R F. F. D MAN A CO., OF SWANSEA ANI) Newport, of fcheir lar^e "nd wvied Stock of HOUSEHOLD 1< URNITIJRE. BEDSTEADS. CAR- PETS, LINOLEUMS, and other requisites for complete House Furnishing, feeling sure they cannot be sur- passed by any firm in the kingdom. Being manufac- na^ver?larig? scai0 aro iu a position to supply all Goods at Lower Prices than traders who Knust pay nianufecttirers a profit. Dealing with us you SAVE Tlllg. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES ARE OFFERED TO THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY. Cash or Credit. x>in wor^ Is 6d weekly §J2 » 3s Od „ fof »• Is 6d „ »> 6s 6d 2°° » 10s Od „ • „ largev amounts in proportion. For the conven- our Customers in South Wales the same ad- vantages are offered at either of our Establishments, lo. -P- FREEDMAN AND CO., 27e—7088 MAUKKT BUILDINGS, DOOK-STRKET, NEWPOR1, MON.. AND 53, HIGH-ST., SWANSEA. CROSS B ROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS, DEPOT FOR EVAN'S STEAM PUMPING ENGINES. HAULING AND WINDING ENGINES AND AIR COMPRESSORS. COLLIERY STORE CONTRACTORS. IRON, STEEL, OIL, AND METAL MERCHANTS WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL TUBES WITH LOOSE FLANGE JOINTS, FOR COMPRESSED AIR, WATER, AND STEAM SCREWED AND SOCKETED IRON TUBES. IRON AND STEEL BOILER TUBES. ENGINEERS' BRASS STEAM FITTINGS. PATENT ROLLED IRON AND STEEL SHAFTING. FRICTIONAT, AND OTHER COUPLINGS. MILL GEARING. BRASS, COPPER, AND YELLOW METAL BARS AND SHEETS, PLATES, AND INGOTS. BRAZED BRASS AND COPPER STEAM TUBES SOLID DRAWN BRASS LOCO. AND CON- DENSER TUBES. ——— 5609 21 AND 22, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. "DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE" (OLD SCOTCH), WITHOUT QUESTION THE FINEST WHISKEY BEFORE THE PUBLIC (S'ee Analytical Report). TO BE HAD OF ALL THE BEST HOTELS AND WINE MERCHANTS. J. BROWN AND CO., PROPRIETORS, LONDON and GLASGOW. 7602 G. A STONE & CO., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Snellibiers supeib Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams: and every necessary equipment for Funerals! Price LIST on Application. 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET. 1103 CARDIFF. FI V A S H A N D S 0 N (Established over SO years), COACHBUILDERS & WHEELWRIGHTS, MAKERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLES. ESTIMATEQ FREE ON APPLICATION. 8204 AVON-STREET. TEMPLE, BRISTOL, JgUY YOUR L EATHER HAND JJAGS, BRIEF BAGS, GLADSTONE BAGS, PORTMANTEAUS, DRESS BASKETS, LUGGAGE AND RUG STRAPS, HOLDALLS, PURSES, WRITING CASES, &-c., pitom ^JORDEY'S, HIGH STREET, IVEWPORT. YOU WILL GET THEM AT STRICTLY CLOSE PRICES AND SAVE MONEY. 7319 BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS plANOS, ORGANS, AND |^g ARMONIUMS. Latest Models, with all Latest Improvements. Cheapest House for Cash Customers, also for New Hire System'. A VISIT MILL CONVINCE ALL THAT FOR VALUE E. B. BRA5DER' 5, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, IS BEST. MY OKMVAIXgD ad™ «g,m pug,. -»TO NAME OINTMENT. J3( This Ointment is confidentially recommended as an old, tried, and successful remedy for scurvy scrofula glandularsweUings, nngwoim old wounds, ulcerated legs, scald heads, blotches on the face and body St Anthony's fire, burns, chilblains, bruises, piles, fistula, rheumatism, bunions, &c. It will soon heaf up the most obstinate eruptions of the skin of every kind. please note the 1 rade Mark Label on each pot. I "VTO NAME PILLS. JJI For scrofula, scurvy, ulcerated legs, erysipelas, blotches on the face, erupaous on the body, piles, fistula, glandular swellings, &c„ &e. p s' They may. be taken by persons of either sex, are tonic and invigorating, and, acting upon the secretums hey are a truly valuable blood purifiers, and may be used in conjunction with the No Name Ointment in any of the above diseases. gold in pots and boxes by all chemists. Price, 7 Ad Is lid, and 2s 9d each. No family should be without them SOLE PROPRIETOR:— J WHITEHOUSE, 104, DERITEND, BIRMINGHAM. M40 Agents wanted in every district. BSuginm BERRY A N D C O'S, GREAT WINTER lea ran ce SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCH 12TH. FURNITTTRD' A11 f'1.0 intend purchasing from iURE» this Magnificent Stock at CARPETS, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES BEDSTEADS should make an early selection. BEDDING, EVERY POSSIBLE mirrors, REQUIREMENT PIANOS, IN THE CABINETS, FURNISHING OF A SIDEBOARDS, HOUSE WHATNOTS, KEPT IN STOOK. FENDERS, Grand Selection of furniture AND CARPETS IRONMONGERY, f of every description, CUTLERY, Of Best Possible Make, at Lowest ELECTRO-PLATE, Possible Prices. GLASS, EVERY ARTICLE GUARAN. CHINA, TEED AND EXCHANGED IF NOT APPROVED. EARTHENWARE, LINOLEUMS, NO CREDIT OILCLOTH, AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT, itavpv rnnn« Consequently all purchasers may FANCY GOODS. rely upon obtaining the best pos- sible value. SEE THE GOODS AND THE ASTONISHING PRICES AT WHICH THEY ARE MARKED FOR THIS, THE LAST FEW DAYS OF THE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE AT 34, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. T H E b~o~n mT~r c iTe FOR CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE, 111, QUEEN-STREET (Next door to the Queen-street Post-office), CARDIFF. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE FOR USEFUL AND FANCY CHINA AND GLASS. P P S S GRATEFUL, COMFORTING. (BREAKFAST) MADE SIMPLY WITH O C O A BOILING WATER OR MILK 14554 3909 280o THE BLAENDAIZE COMPANY, LIMITED, PONTYPOOL, MON. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE BRICKS, BLOCKS. AND FINE GROUND FIRE CLAY, Equal in Quality to Stourbridge Goods. The Blaendare Company, Limited, make a speciality of the manufacture of Fire Bricks, &c., for use in Siemen's Steel and Glass Works, and hold testimonials from the principal Iron and Steel Works, &c., in South Wales and Monmouthshire 1120 ^1T FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." c LARKE'S WORLD FAMED JJLOOD MIXTURE. JDP rj^HE GREAT BLOOD pURIFIER and RESTORER. TP0™ CLEANSING and CLEARING the r*~ ^LOOD from ALL MPURITIES it cannot be too nighly recommended. T»;^f.L.?Cro^uia\. Weui'vy, Eczema, Skin and Eload onH ai of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimples 011 the Face Oures bcurvy. Cures Ulcer, Cuies Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glanaular Swellings. From whn?lood lroni a11 lmPure Matter. *rom whatever cause arising. 1 r "Chaster, March 5, 1888, rheumatic pains in my arms and ye:vrs. I also had a bruised shinbone, through which I could rest for only a few minutes at a time. All sorts of remedies were applied, but none did any good for more than a few days. I was recoiu- menaed to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, which I did. ^.01? takmg the first bottle I felt relief. I was told that eleven bottles would effect a perfect cure, I only took nine bottles and a half, which cost me 2s 6d per bottle It is now ten months since, and I have not felt tlia least pain 111 fact, I am perfect in jny walk, and am iu as good health as ever I was. in icy lii'e. Moreover, I told two friends of mine who were laid, up with rheumatic pains of my cure, and they triad your Clarke's Blood Mixture. They are tailcrs by trade, and in seven days they were at work again, and they say it cannot be too ilighly.prais2d.-Hoping 1 am not intruding, I remain, yours sincerely, Howarth, Sergeant, Depot Cheshire Regiment, Chester. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it. a trial to test its value. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d and lis each. Bv all CHEM- ISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS through, out the world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by the LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CO Lincoln. TRADE MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE. Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, an do not be persuaded to take an imitation 1005 AD E'S JpiLLo. "BTIADE'S "S^IL/jS. All who suffer from Gout J2i J. or Rheumatism should gTRADES HjfeU.LS. immediately have recourse JL to EADE'S PILLS. Hun- jfilADE'S jTJILLS. dreds of Testimonials have JLU JL been received from all gTRADES HjfeU.LS. immediately have recourse 1 JL to EADE';j PIf.I.S. Huu. jfilADE'S jTJILLS. dreds of Testimonials have JLU JL been received from 11.11 g^lADE'S ILLS. sorts and conditions of D JL men testifying to the BLADE'S IJIL1S. wouderful power thesa .JL PiiLs have in giving relioi m the very worst cases. These Pills are purely vege table and perfectly safe in their action. INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FOUM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RUlmMA":1G GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of its class, MPORTANT TESTIMONY FROM WALES. COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN. OUT 2, Dewinton-terrace, „ Llwynypia, Rhondda HEUMATISM Valley, Souih Wales. Dear Sir,—Your Gout J 1 OUT and Rheumatic Pills are Rn a famous -emedy, and one H K U M A T I S M of the best I ever came ^.TTm across. My wife has been li OUT troubled with Gout in her RW m hands for twelve year*, HEUMATISM and the pain was almost Aihi, unbearable some nights 4 2j_OUT she could not sleew for w-fc n vtTat „ pain. I resolved to try a O HEUMATISM bottle of your pills, and to my surprisfc. after she cxeat hnnn ?ain left her hands- ^'cy wes make wZf ,? mankl"d, by the blessing of God. You can maKe what use you like of this.—Yours truly, Mr George Eaeie, CBAK, WAKELRN. 72, Goswell-road, London. EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS oi°lon ,(^l0mists in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d GFmi^Sif.rS? for Posfcal °l derby the Proprietor SM. E EADK- 72, Goswell-road, E.C. Ask for TM^iTTTM^rw*'011 obtain, EADE'S GOUT AND la.EUMATIC PILLS. 234e fj]ADE'S BILLS. _L 14527 5591 EEAD OF HORNED CATTLE VVERE SLAUGHTERED BY ARMOUR & CO. LAST YEAR. T,v ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. WSIINGUISHED FROM ALL OTHER ^AT EXTRACTS for retaining true NATURAL TASTE <fc STIMULA'J'- PROPERTIES OF freshly- COOKED PRIME BEEF IN A MORE MARKED DEGREE THAN ANY SIMILAR PREPARATION, ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. M^nnfactured by the exclusive'' ARMOUR i> 9 s the Life and Flavour of the •Beef are Preserved and NOT Burnt Oct. 7 -1 ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF will make Invalids Beef Tea without the „ addition of Soup Stock. "°ld Medals and Highest Awards at all Exhibi- tions. Adopted by H.M. and U.S. Governments. Solp Everywhere. Write for a copy of "Practical Hints on Cookery (sent free) to Armour and Company, 59, looley-sfcreet. London, S.E. 5841 FIRST-AND FOREMOST ROWN AND POLSONIS 0ORN JpLOUR HAS A WORLD-WIDE lIr-PUTATION. 226 Note —Purchasers of "torn should^msist on being supplied with BROWN AND POISON &. It is ) istinguished for uniformly superior quality. 1017 MPORTANT.-One Box of Horton s JL I.X.L. Pills are guaranteed to cnre all private cases and comlications of the urinary organs, whether acquired or otherwise. Also gravel and pams in the back. Free from mercury. Post free for 4s from G. D. Horton, M.P 8 (from "the General Hospital), Aston- rd., Birmingham Agents Cardiff-A. Hagon, Chemist o9,Bridge st.,and 11 Bute-st. Merthjr—Wills,Chemist. Swansea—I.loyd, Chemist, Oxford-st. Newport- Young Chemist.,. N.B.-IIasneverbeen known to fail. Letters answered, free. Pjcasn name apper. 3732 rilHE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING Jt COMPANY, 13, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN Bill-posting and Advertising m Branches throughout the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan. 6643 Swansea office: ks OF THE SOUTH 'W AT.JES DAILY NRWS." No. 2. COLLEGE-STiii-IiT. I Itotmsa Àbbrt5Sts. JJAVID J-ONES AND COMPANY LIMITED, w ESTMINSTER STORES, AND CANTERBURY MEAT MARKET WHARTON-STREET. I DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PRODUCE FROM AMERICA, SWEDEN, HOLLAND, DENMARK, AND NEW ZEALAND. IRISH AND AMERICAN PROVISIONS. SPECIAL for the SHIPPING TRADE. IRISH AND DANISH BUTTERS, Packed in 41b, 7Ibs and 141b Tins. CANNED GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY Always in Stock. SPECIAL & PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL SHIPPING ORDERS. 7373 rHSS saVJ-: roan LIVES BY TAKING tonic LUNG TONIC £ un8 <~)Wbridge-s tonic LUNG TT W, TONTC S Ij u n g T 0 N1 c' tonIc LUNG -"—< TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. TONIC I4i 1,as a Power ovev diseases hither- TONIC LUI\(> to unknown in medicine. TONIC Are you at all weak-chested, or TONIC t inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC jnst a touch of cough now and then? TONIC LU«G "Try this Wonderful Medicine. TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear as if by magic, and you will TONIC LUNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC LUNG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD? TONIC LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TO-IIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma. it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC LUNG ful in Whooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG I suffered with a severe head and TONIC LUNG chest cold, a most painful cough with TONIC LUNG burning sensation, and symptoms of TONIC LUNG Lung Congestion. My voice had lost, TONIC i a11 ring and power, and the slightest TONIC LUNG exertion of the cliest o-nd throat gave TONIC great pain. I had tried two or three TONIC TTTwn remedies without success, when I TONIC i iTvn s;1-w your advertisement. I tried your TONIC tng Tonic, and used your Embroca- TONIC r r Tixr>I tl0n- 1 was astonishedat the result. 'TONIC r ttxtST After two bottles I completely rc- TONIC LUNG covered. TONIC m F. W. Freeman. TONIC x tt-o Theatre Royal, Halifax, March 18 th, TONIC .LiUrvu 1391. TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist., Hull. Sold in Bottles, Is TONIC 2s Sd, 4s 6d, and lis, by all TONIC tttCtM Chemists and Patent Medicine'Ven- TONIC u?rs; Wholesale all London and Pro- TONIC LUJNtr vincial Houses. 1153-13711 TONIC JJENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCHES Are the Cheapest, the Best Yaluo, the strongest, and the most Durable English i¡ B \?°A S LUDGATK WATCHES Made on an Improved Interchangeable System. Are not liable to failure, but possess I Kxtra Strength, greater freedom from acci- aents, and higher quality than any other so)(l for double the Monev. J-IENbON'H LUDGATE 'WATCH !•> the Modern ihree-Quarter Plate make, not the ordina.ry old-fashioned full plate as sold by other makers. IN SILVER CAES. IN ¡SCT. GOLD CASES ril, £ 5 5 £ 12 1*2 I^EIN SON'S "LUDGATE1' WATCH ISsst London-made TIJ REE-QUARTER PI ,ATE English Lever, Jewelled, 13 actkms, in rubies, Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band. IRENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH J" Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value of, any j35 5s Watch yet made. "OENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH. Thousands of Testimonials which arc daily re- ceived at the Factory from wearers in all parts j of Use world. j "OENSOlvS "LUDGATE" WATCH. Made in a Neat and Elegant Size for Gentle- men and Youths, or in Extra Small Size for Ladies. Also Strong and Full Size for Work- men and Artizaus, and a Special Extra Largo I Size for Railway Men and Miners. TIENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCH. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cas»s, with Extra Strong Crystal Glass* any size, £555. In 18ct. y Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size £ 12 12s. Ladies'size, inlEct. Gold £ 10 10s. "OENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCH. Full Particulars, Prices, ar.d Illustrations are given in ix.iuyhlet. sent nostfree J- W. BEN SON will send the above Watch, together with Warranty for correct performance, to any part of the world free and at his risk, on receipt of P.O.O., payable at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Cash. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the house, of every kind, in great variety and of the newest designs, from £1 to £ 500. The largest and newest stock in London. Presentation Com- mittees invited to view the Show Rooms, or to send for Photographs. OENSON'S CHURCH & TURRET CLOCKS. Estimates and advice free. Just completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hall, Asliton-under-Lyuo Parish Church, Faveraham Church, Trowbridge Town Hall, Lockerbio Town Hall, &c., &c OENSON'S STABLE & FACTORY CLOCKS. Silent, £ 15; Striking, £50. Best quaiity, with brass wheels, steel pinions, 2ft Gin dial, with all needful lines, weights, &c. BENSON'S Turret Clock Factory is the largest in the City of London, aDd only the best quality is made. fiENSON'S JEWELLERY & CHAINS -■ iu fine Gems or Plain Gold of best London make. Many thousands of novelties at manu- facturers' prices. The Largest and Newest Stock in London. Selections sent on receipt of reference. l>ENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS lfl-9 of special and exclusive designs, in endless variety, set with the finest selected Gems, and of best London make. Speciality BrilliantEings, £ 5, £ 10, and £ i0. Selections free on receipt of reference. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of its kind. containing over 200 pages of Prices and Illustrations of every class of WATCH from £ 2 2s to 1!500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, PLATE, and TUR. RET CLOCKS, now edition just out, sent post free on application to BENSON'S STEAM FACTORY, 62 and JD 64, LUDGATE HILL, KC. JW. BENSON, Maker to H.M. the Queen and Royal Family, the Admiralty, War, Indian and Colonial Officcs, &e., &c. BENSON ,S STEAM FACTORY; 62 and -ft-* 64, LUDGATE kill, and 28, Royal Exchange, E.C., and 25. Old Bond-street, London "OENSON'S WATCH, &.c., CLUBS.- B Applications invited for Agencies, which form a considerable increase to income. Full par- ticulars post free. 14521—55e—2958 AN INVALUABLE AND OLD-ESTABLISHED MEDICINE. K ERNICKS VEGETABLE PILI-S. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Strengthen the system, brace the nerves, purify the Blood, and are universally declared to be THE BEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. They are specially recommended to Females of all Ages. Sold in 7%d., Is. l%d., and 2s. 9d. Boxes of all Chemists and Drug Stores. 6147 J^OSS'S J^OYAL "BELFAST GINGER ALE \3r AND LIME JUICE CORDIAL, &c. May be obtained from your Grocer 7190 jIARMERS, SENI) YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO CLOTII from Is 3d to 2s 4d per yard. Blankets from j to 2s 6d per yard. Flannels from 3d to Is 6dper arcj- Stocking Yarn from 9d per ib. Patterns for- warded to select from Carriage paid to and from the Mills on all orders oi over £ 2. TYLER AND COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, i657 SOUTH WALES. 1139 J. E. OOMLEY AND SON, IMPORTERS AND FACTORS, BIRMINGHAM, LONDON, SHEFFIELD, AND FOREIGN FANCY WAREHOUSEMEN, 23, MOIRA-TERRACE, CARDIFF, Is the Cheapest and Best Place all kinds of HARDW ARE, HOLLOW WARE, TIN GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, STATIONERY, HABERDASHERY, WARE, GLASS, CHINA, AND GENERAL SUNDRIES. 7774 E".ry Shonkeener should send for a Price Liat. tie IBusnuss 3^btir*ss £ s. X" OH, DEAR DOCTOR, W Mrhat will you Recommend for my jE Tight Chest this Fearful Weather Oh, tdere is nothing like TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. Not too anxious, but. anxious euo.igii, that Tudor Williams' marvellous Patent Balsam of Honey be made known all over the Civilised World." THERE IS NO MORE TRYING SEASON FOR THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION THAN THE PRESENT WEATHER. Beware of the sunshine in the day and the cold winds at night. Should you catch a cold, nip it in the bud by taking the Certain Remedv, rjlUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. Thousands of Children have been saved from an Un timely Death by the prompt use of Tudor Williams Balsam of Honey. No mother should neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight cough at the commencement than to allow it to develope into a lingering complaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams Balsam of Honev, and see that you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough and Bronchitis when all other remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give it a trial. Now commended by Surgeons and Physicians. Wonderful cures daily Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the world SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. My children and myself have oeen great sufferers rrom bronchitis and spitting of blood from the lungs for many years. A bill was placed under my door after reading the contents, I found that it concerned our complaints. A bottle of Tudor Williams' Patent Bal. sam of Honey was sent for post-haste to the neares' stores. After takingf our bottles the effect was all that coill 1 be desired. Two more were sent for, and the re- sult was a grand cure. I wish I had known of this preparation before. Three years ago I lost a darling daughter suffering likewise. I deem it a duly to take an interest in pushing the sale of your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey.—Yours faithfully, Mrs CLUFF, 1, Bower-street, Rochdale READ 'WHAT PUBLIC MEN THINK OF IT. My children's cough and bronchitis have been com- pletely cured oil several occasions by the celebrated Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. The tight-breath ing and pain in the chest and hoarseness they suffered was dreadful, but m taking the Balsam of Honey they had immediate ease It acts like a charm on them. I am certain the more the Balsam is known the more it will be appreciated. I am, Sir, yours truly, "Alderman Thomas Philip WHITE. Maesycwmer." Dear Sir,—I have for many years suffered from bronchitis and asthma, and, after trying several reme- dies, last week obtained a bottle of your Balsam of Honey, and lmvc derived gre:1t benefit from it. Often when risinsr in the morning I have scarcely been able to breathe, but find that one dose of the Balsam gives me instantaneous relief.—Truly Yours, C. Burge, 57, llegont-street, Newtown, Bristol, Nov. 2, 1891." Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the world, Is, 2; 9d, and 4s 6d bottles. Sample bottla sent (post, paid) for Is 3d, 3s, and 5s from the inventor, D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L., 27c 14256 MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE 1294 DR PARRY'S WELSH NATIONAL TUNE BOOK.' NOW READY, Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4.—Old Notation, Is each part; S.F., 6d each part. SPECIAL Terms TO Ciiapel Choirs. Any part can be used as a "Cymanfa Programme; when used as such 100 Copies unci upwards at 11 A L P p it I c E PART 1 contains 1 Chant, 17 Tunes, and Anthem Lord's Prayer." PART 2 contains 18 Tunes and Anthem Psalm i. ("Blessed is the Man.") PART 3 contains 2 Chants, 14 Tunes, and Anthem "TeDeum." PART 4 contains 16 Tunes and two short Anthems— "Sanctaidd, Sanctaidd" and "Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw." ALL OF above Anthems TO BE had Separately (O.N. & S.F. on same copy) 2d each. "J 0 S E P H," A NEW EASY DRAMATIC CANTATA, Suitable for performance at Easter, by Du. JOSEPH PARRY. O.N., Is 6d S.F., 8d Book of Words, 2d Send for catalogue (gratis), and address all orders (prepaid) to D. M. PARRY, MUSIC PUBLISHER, PENARTH, SOUTH WALES. 13266 1123 PERSONS who see the necessity of Limiting Family to their mean? should READ the MALTHUSIAN ORGAN of the MALTHUSIAN LEAGUE, sent post free for Two Penny Stamps by VV H. REYNOLDS, Secretary, New Cross, London, S.E. 77 To the Young Men of England who suffer from Nervous liability. Just published. f jHHE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE .JL of an INVALID, designed as a warning and a caution to others supplying at the same time the means of self-cure, by one wiio has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and Quackery. Single Copies may be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author, ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., 6757 Hounslow, near London. Just Published, for Two Stamps, Bv J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.) a Treatise, entitled, •• 'O ow TO ENSURE HEALTH a JL.JL most valuable Book for Young Men, on the Laws Governing Life, and the Causes, Sympto?ns, and Treatment of all Diseases dspsading on Nervous De- bilitv, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, &c. Sent post free on receipt of Two St=ps.- Addrass:— ,T. A. BAR.NES, M.D. (U.S.), 1244 48,, Thonihill-road, London, N.

A PARISIAN MURDER. A horrible murder, the confessed author of which is already in the hands of the police, was (says a Paris correspondent) perpetrated on the person of an old woman named Chipot, on Friday, in the suburb of Ivry-sur-Seine. The victim, who was a widow, lived alone in a cottage, and carried on a clandestine retail wrae business. When ndfou, the body was horribly mutilated about the head, the assassin having driven a heavy iron poker through the right ear into the brain. The house had been completely ransacked, and a small quantity of cheap jewellery was missing, but it is not yet known whether there was any money to steal. A notoriously bad charaoter named Bauheim, who lived closw by, was at first summoned as a witness, but his answers were so confused that suspicion fell upon him, and he was arrested. In spite of numerous bloodstains on his clothes, Bauheim stoutly d'enied all knowledge of the crime; but his eldest child, a boy of nine, on being interrogated, was unable to adhere to the falsehood with which he com- menced his replies, and finally stated that be accompanied his father, and related the whole affair. The recollection of the horrible scene when the child saw his father commit the atrocious crime caused the boy to hide his face in his hands as he told his story, and he shrieked with horror as he described the ghastly stare of the woman's eyes. Bauheim confessed his guilt at a late hour on Saturday night, aud his wife has been arrested as an accomplice.

ATLANTIC RACING. Atlantic record breaking runs have begun early this season, for though the run of the Mnjestic is not record-breakiiig as regards time, it is certainly so as regards speed. '06 per knot better than the best of the Teutonic does not look very great, but the best time of the Teutonic was better than that of any other steamer from Queenstown to New York by one hour and thirty-seven minutes, the second best being the Majestic herself. It is certainly characteristic of the White Star steamers that their best run- ning has not been made in their first or second season, but that they improve as they go on. In the case of the Majestic, her run was of course helped by the strong-east winds which blew on the Atlantic" but while she was outward-bound her sister ship tho Teutonic was coming eastwards, and her passage was not much beyond the average of the time taken on the eastward run by these steamers.

THE QUEEN'S SHAWLS. The tribute of shawls annually paid by the Government of Kashmir to the Queen has been forwarded from Calcutta by the P. and O. steamer Cathay, which is expected to arrive in the Royal Albert Dock to-morrow. The Customs regulations regarding the examination of goods imported into this country are so stringent that, although the case containing these shawls k addressed to the Secretary of State for India, the Commissioners of Customs will not allow it to be delivered without being examined by an officer of Customs, in spite of a request made by the India Office that the package shall be delivered I free.

INFLUENZA. -Lewi-j' Vegetable Bitters pro- ¡I nounced by thousands a Certain Cure and Prevent* tive for ZnHueuza. Sold everywhere 7960

CORRESPONDENCE. t BARBARY (Tithes).-In June, 1887, a return was ordored by the House of Commons of the property and revenues of the Church of England. It was comnleted and issued last year, and the results are given in Barker's Facts and Figures for 1892. So far as we understand the return, the income from tithe rent charges alone, excluding other sources of in- come, for the thirteen Welsh counties, is abou, £ 183,000, of this, £ 40,000 is derived from modern en- dowments.. „ Gild as (Cantata).—No performance is illegal unie^s a price is charged for admission to the building where it is performed. When that is the case, the building must be licensed for a stage-play or opera, &c., bin we ire not sure whether a sacred cantata could oe reckoned as an opera or not. We think not, unless dresses and scenery are used. S. A. (Fixture).—Where a tenant has erectcl a cow- shed on his landlord's premises, he cannot, in the absence of agreement to that effect, remove it at the end of his tenancy, or at all. A farmer who has put up such a building with his landlord's con- sent is, however, entitled to compensation under the Agricultural Holdings Act.

CARDIFF INFIRMARY. TO THE EDITOR. SrR,-Allc)w me a small space in your valuable paper in support of a letter which appeared in your yesterday's issue, Re Municiplization of the Cardiff Infirmary." As the present existing body are elected by a stipulated amount of con- tributions, subscribed by them. and as the services of the physicians who attend are given eratituously, there is no one that the public can hold responsible for the conducting cf the institu- tion and for the many acts of neglect which we hear from day to day, of poor women and men who have to wait in their draughty waiting-rooms four and five hours at a tim" before receiving any attention. Even then they do not receive tho courtesy due to respectable citizens of a Free Country, but as though they were paupers who are in receipt of charity, and who to obtain the same are obliged to go to public-house or parson. 1 should suggest, in order to remove this stigma o. charity, which is obnoxious to the vyorking classes, that ,the institution be maintained by the ratepayers, and its governing body be elected from the Municipal Boards who are responsible totnem. This would create an equalisation of the whole of the inhabitants for its support, as not one-halt of the working classes of Cardiff at the present- time contribute towards it, and in thecase of those that do contribute their ticket for admission to the Institute are held by their employers. If tti,3 institution be maintained by the rates the cost would. not be felt by any individual, considering the large niiintwivyi inhabitants, and it would alse remove the disgrace which exists in a town like Cardiff, with but one public institution of its kind and that constantly in debt, which is certainly a disgrace. There are over 100 places of worship in the town, and all those supported by the rate- payers and the State. And to think that this institution, which ought to be thefirst consideration of all Christians, whose first thought ought to be a g for the suffering ones, should be neglected is a reproach that will never be removed until the mstitution be maintained by^ Mill-lane Chambers, Feb. 27th.

A PLEA FOR THE CHILDREN. TO THE EDITOR- SIR,-will you allow into a little space m your columns to plead for a cause whose claims and neecis press daily more urgently upon tue can- sideration of the public? A few weeks ago I heard the secretary of the Waif and Stray Society (Mr Munro) plead earnestly and elo- qusntly on behalf of these little outcasts, and the idea was forcibiv impressed that such a work of rescuing the young was too urgent to oe sut asi Of course, all tha Christian sects have such homes," which they willing support, but doubt. less all of us regret that, owing to the pr essure of home apnea's, we cannot support such a work as we should like to do. But now, sir, if the clergy of all denominations in a town would band to- gether, kindly preach one Sunday in the year in their churches on devote the offertory (as they do cii Hospital Sunday) to the funds of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, could ot something substantial for this cause be effected. The society is an undenominational one, and, ot nnZ™ this charity would not interfere with any .TSw«t »ith:which, church might to cm- It is surely superfluous to plead the necessi ty for this united work. Every week we read in the newspapers of most frightful caseg of cruelty to children exposed by the N.%tional" %nd olier societies, which are, alas, only too true. There are cases so horrible that it is most painful for an adult to read them. What must it ba uien for children to suffer them ? L 't every parent and Kuardian think what they would reel if any ot tlvnr precious treasures were to be treated as. nearly all of these rescued children have been, and they will need no further incentive to spur tnem on in helping forward noblea woric.-I ani, &c., A LOVER OF THE CHILDREN. Feb. 27th, 1892.

THE YSTRADYFODWG SCHOOL BOARD AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION. TO THE KDITOK. s -With your kind permission, and humbly Ir begging pardon of "Wo the People of Porth," I ask the question. Did the Ystradyfoawg School Board act within theij-. xt^rits, and with ^ust reason, in applying to the Local "Board to claim the administration of the Technical Education Act? As an Ystradyrodwg rate-payer and voter, I am concerned iu looking at the question, selfishly, if you like, from the following stand- points:—The object of the Act; existing pro- visions; the cardinal principle that those who pay should have control of the d of taxation and whether, in case vi faulty ad- ministration, a more effective one can be applied. Now I take it that the object of the Act is to bring means of technical education to thedoors of the people, just as the Education Act of 1871 brought elementary education within reacu of ail. It is without the question to say Ystradyfodwg made no application (assuming this were true in fact), for it is in such cases that the value of the Technical Committee should operate, and give to the people the benefits they were too apathetic t0Secondly, looking at the existing provision we find that in the Rhondda, classes have been held for very many years in Istrad and irebel oert, whi e th«v have also been held in Penygra.g, Cwmpark, and Mardy. The Ystrad centre h« done splendid work, owing to the concentration of population, teachers, and apparatus. Where no such provision existed the proper way would have been to visit possible centi^ mvUn^ such to form local committees, and open, a»a offer them a lump sum, in the form of a grant, to miiln thfl classes in the best manner possible for « £ £ £ of «h. locality, to such sum being spent, on apparat tn Via audited bv tho county auditor. No,v in viowofco»troliiiiF<ii*hurseiDents, v;hM cWmh'ry,tedytod»?; In population it is larger than many S and in this respsct comprises one-^venth of whole of Glamorgan, barring Cardiff which are counf'es m t.iei- own g unt'or the County Council Act. It has a popu tion'of 68,000, » School Board £ 240,000; the »» -■! tt. «» »s-j Ferndale. Pnttin 1 say, at the high rate of RI a lec;ture, --ty, for 40 weeks Lead of for the winter), this makes a total return of £ 380 for £ 2,000.. Can this be bettered ? f°' fe™eSn°diKr.ljSTS Si to «Sg"d^.°i„gTtottl of £ 1,200, toying te DC eng k nrizes. and travelling ex- fSe?'S'oS» thPo h»id«o.iie ««. And the "monstrous absurdity in the eyes of an irresponsible correspondent become a good stroke ,V)i;cv with freedom of action, com- & »ith Iito.,1 economy, Sf oWci 11.™ no doubt ttot tho Wtat.0,. Technical Confutes to aid am, &c., x Feb. 25.

INFECTIOUS DISEASES HOSPITAL FOR TCPTHK editok. of thVM Terection of a suitable building for erectwn of a stàtue to his memory while, living', in Cur inidlt. I endog" my card.-I am. ke., G. H.

DEATH ~OF WALTER WILLIAMS 41 j Heath of ACr We regret to ree?^, k })iaoe at Swansea Walter Williams, whic .jjie deceased was a on Sunday at the age -.y'iiiim the proprietor son of the late Mr John Qf his father he of the Cambr^n, an etorship, a position ha succeeded to the V™PcJ^ntly when the paper maintained till 1c'ul^e liability company, wus taken over by ac0Otnplished scholar and The deceased was possessed qualities an ardent Iovj entertaining companion, winch made him » Qf the Savage Club,and Hewaaiuiorifil jj,. £ jewis Morris at Jesus r Ciwl (Word He was on terms of personal College, O. • most notable literary friendship time—Dickens, Bulwer Lytton. wTC PolHni Mark Lemon, and G. A. Sala. Ha had a capital t.uior voice, and so gained as an Ha '?aar^&iin9 Ree. from whom he received a h ndsomfsilver tankard. By his death Swansea genial and accomplished soul wlj& had Jfe "r reSed due inoan% to turn his abilities to account, would undoubtedly have nwd« a grea mark in more than one department of Ufa.

Smoke Lambert and Butler's Superfine Sb«|^ packets. To be obtained ofa!l ^^p 'ever at Hollowav'S OINTMSNT AM) P*^sor £ eX«. fault-In all irritaUonsof^ gUnda> bums, and scrofulous enlarge eft8y means Hoilowa/s Ointment presents!i read:T a f ble of cure which never <"sP.ppo.nte Ip<>wcr in expectations. It stagnation, cooling restraining lnflamn^timVjTcm ^,gacriiuonions or un- the heateil blood ami elwckiBK w lotally, the healthy discharges. V« tlieir power in iniprov- Pills are no less re'nai^bl6 fw of bodyj whicb ing the general oondit peimaneBt. Under the renders ^o«wswmpletewap« ttie p0n. geueral infiueuoe of these chnd ^g' ^le %n3 infant becomes inm rotundity.' and ttot emaciated regain eoloui allrowuiuiw dyspeptic eats freely without i»