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■5SIT0MB OF I1¥,S.. Boiler 13splosioi3.—A. fearful boiler, explosion ocei-irzed a. the goods station of the YTH1 md Railway, Nottingham, .on Tuesday night, resulting in severe injuries to eix persons..The driver, Joseph Tansley, is pot expected to recover. The.feeman and the guard aro in a piecsriou3 condition. A bust of Mr. Gobdsa will shortly be planed in Westminster Aoboy, the consent of the Dean hs^'rig b.e&a obtained in answerto;a requisition.signed b-ythe Duke of Argyll, Sir Jamee Chuk. Lord Kin- ixofmdf Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Diok^ns,. M?. Disraeli, Sir Joseph Hooker, Mr. Jowett, Maurice,, Mr. Tenny- W. H. ThompaaD, and.the Bishop-,of Oxford. Judgment in the Bancia apd Kir,we0. Prize 'CaBe.-T-.Dr. Lusbii^toEi,, 011 taking bi's^at.at the Admiralty Couri, informed the bar that the court would give judgment ia this o&so on Saturday, the 30th inst. The booty, besides interest, amounts to and as 37>eounsel were amploysd the costa win be very large, probably about < £ 50,000• Arrival of the Hanoverian". Crown Trea- surer in, England.-Baron von Klflnk, the Haso- veiian Minister of Pinanee, arrived -at Southampton, on Tuesday morning in the steam-ship Bremen, from Biemeavbrisging SSpaekstges of -ppeeie belonginst to Government, for .depe¡:,itintoo nJt of England. He proceeded to London by the- half- past 11 train with the treasure. I'atal Leap from a Bridge.— About eight o'bi'OQk on Sunday night a J^dy waa crossing the High Lev'gl-bsidgej at Newcastle, wh<ga a man, appfbreptiy an operative, overtook and accosted her. She turned to see who spoke to her,whn the man "GOod bye. farewell,, mistress-; yóu'll never see me agatia." She was rather startled,, both at his language and, his looks, but thought it best to take no notice of the man. No sooner had he addressed her than he sprang .on to the parapet of the bridge on the western side and: jamped over into the river. A sad accident happened at the comry near Ormskirk, belon-p-ing to, the Crow Orchard Colliery •Company on Monday. A yow$g man, Earned Joslah Hotter, was ascending the shaft in company with two other workmen. When tlio- cage arrived at the top of the shaft, Hotter attempted to land by getting hold of the railing, missed his aira, and fell to the bottom of 'the shafi, a distance of abcafc 220 feet. When brought to the top he was-quite dead, his body being much' smashed. He had been married about a fortnight, and was 20 5 ears of age. The Penny Bank. Failure in Birming- ham.—The payment of a dividend at the rate »f lis. Cti. in the pound, has commenced at the Town- hall, Birmingham, to the depositors in the recent Penny Sunk of that town. A large number of the depositors, all parsons in humble posiliol-a of life, attended at the bank offices on the first day, and (there was some confusion and disorder consequent on the pressure. The number of, deposits represented was 3,228, and the sum actually paid £ 2,513■ 13s. Id. The largeness of the dividend, was in a great measure .owing to a public subscription. Jumping from a Railway T.,ain.-On Satur- day, Mr. Herford,- the Manchester coroner, held .an Inquest over the body of Bichard Brown, whose death was caL,Pi by his .jumping, from a train while in motion. It appeared that on Wdesday làstthe de- ceased had booked at Oxford-road station "for Stret- ford by the 11.30 a.m. train, but he left .'by. the 12.5- ;• a.m., which did not stop at Stretford. As the traiu the station he jumped out, and recGived such injuries as to necessitate his removal to the Infir ary, where he died on Friday. He was found by a plate- layer named Jas. Wright, on the outside rail, ap- parently quite crashed. He had told his wife in the infirmary that he had got into the wrong train and was trying to get out, when he fell. The ju/y returned a verdict of Accidental death." Asqidents During the TliunderBtorm in, the Metropolis.—The storm, on Thursday, night waa- severely felt at Kingaland, Stoke Newington, Totten- ham, Clapton, and the, surrounding neighbourhood. At Edmonton two men were thrown from a cart into the roadway through the horse taking fright at a vivid flash of lightning. One of the men sagtained a com- pound fracture of the right leg, and the other waa also seriohsly hurt. At Clapton, Mr. C. Heaves had a cow and two yearlings killed near an elm tree by the electric fluid. A poor man named Dunn, who had sosght shelter under the tree, was struck by the. lightning. He was brought to town for surgical aid in a state 01 insensibility and blindness. A house in" the Wharf-road was struck by the lightning, and set on fire, but the fire .was soon extinguished. I Awful Destitution in 1-1,a,.tigar-y.-The, details of the distress prevailing in Hungary; and generally' in the eastern provinces of Austria, are truly heart- breaking. In the Bukovina, especially, misery drives, the inhabitants to the very last extremities, parents' offering to sell their children, that the little ones should not die of hunger. A Sclavonio journal states that a. few days since a resident of the Faubonr de Poach, at Tchernovitz, purchased from an unfortunate man three children (two boys and a girl;. After much bargaining the father received nine florins. The same day a peasant woman arrived in the same town with her two daughters—one 12 and the other 14 years of age. She offered them, to a landed proprietor for ten florins each, leaving the latter free to choose. The: gentleman contented himself withgiving alms to the poor woman, without buying her daughters. The mother and children had been in the most complete destitution since the death of the father,, who had expired of hunger. Attempt to Drown a Constable,,—William Onion, a tali, strong, and powerful fellow, was charged before the magistrate at Thames-street, with violently assaulting William Brown, a police-constable, 82 H.—. Dayey, a police-sergeant, 3„ H, said Osiion had been convicted eight times for assaults 011 tho police, and once for beating and disabling a publican, for which' he was sentenced to foDj months' hard labour. On Friday the prisoner was intoxicated in the London liock. He was reeling about on oao of the bridges, and Brown requested him to leave the dock and to be careful of himself and not fall in the water. The pri- soner immediately attacked the policeman, and said he would put him in the water. He made use of the most foul language and threats, and, after striking the constable on the head, and kicking him on the lower part of his parson, he seized him by his stock and endeavoured to force him back into the dock. He ha.d nearly succeeded, when the constable drew his trun- cheon and knocked him down, and if he had not done so ha would have been drowned. The prisoner con- tinued his violence all the way to the station-house, and while there he tore the policeman's clothos.-In- spector Ellis, of the London Dock police, said the pri- soner had been repeatedly turned out of the dock, and in struggles with him his clothes had been torn to pieces. The prisoner was a perfect fury when drunk. —Mr. Paget committed him for trial. .Fatal Hallway Accident.-Aa inquest hag just .been held in. Birmingham on the bocly of Sobert Smith, a builder, 50 years of age. On the 8sh inst., the deceased was getting into a railway carriage at Knowle Station while the train was ia motion, and missing the step, he fell between the line and the platform, one of the whf jL agoves ni He f died m we hospital from the;) effect of hiB.¡j}ir.-œs on ,=-- the 14th met. It appeared that the station master, either in endeavouring to get him into or away from the carriage with the view of saving him, caught him by the clothing, but fell with him on to the line, receiving, however, no hurt. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death." Another Apeidert.-Tha inquest on the body of John .Lucas, aged 49, a guard of the Great Western .'Railway, terminate den Monday. On Sunday morning the dace/iscd arrived witn >\ train from Gloucester at the Spu^haU ,gtafeon, a.:d m consequence of ,.some defects m the,step and hmdia of the break-van* he slipped, between the train and the plaijfosrrp..while the carriages^ ware, still in. motion. The res.ujt.-wag that he sustained cjmipound fracture of .the left: thigh from which he died at the hospital shortly afterwaxda. The jury having inspected the a verdict of Acowantal Death, but considered, that the guide rails.and- steps, unsafe." They framed a resolution to that effect, together with, anggeationa to the .company, and a by 1%. Parkes, their foseman. The ,.Locl. out on the Clyde.—The Associate Masters met on Monday afternoon, and had a prolonged conference. There was submitted a communication from a. meeting of delegates, representing both union .and non-society men, requesting to be informed whether, in the eyeat of a deputation.being appointed to confer with the employers, with a view to a settle- ment of the present dispute, such deputation would be received. The masters resolved that they should forthwith take in. those non-society men who have applied for permission to resume labour. With,re- spect to the delegates' request for,a conference, the secretary was instructed to reply that the employers .were at present having, a conference with- their own workmen with a to. an arrangement, and that, in these circurns,tances,.a confarenqe with tie .delegates appas.red to be nBtieoessary. The: Sale of "Indian Erandee;At the I Dewabary West Biding Court-house, on Monday, Mr. J. 'B. Greenwood waa engaged in hearing several charges against grosers, from Mkfield.and Heokmond- wi'ke, of eeiling a oertain dsng, being methylated I spirits, and known by the name of Indian Brandee." Tlle prosecutions were conducted by Mr. D welly, the solicitor of the Board of Inland Revenue. The com- pound was in each cese,sold by the defendants to Mr. Wiikinaon, the super-sasor of excise residing at Mir- field. The charges were laid under t wo sections of the Act of' Parliament, and the "penalties were £ 150 in each ease-. The bench said the sale of Bllch a dangar- I ous compound, which was a systematic fraud upon the revenue be stopped,'but as they believed the defendants had erred from ignorance, they should inflict a penalty of £ 12;10s. in each case- six in all—-and hoped that it would be a warning* to grocers in other towns. Desecration of St. Giles's Cemetery, St Pancrapi—At Clorkpxiivc-'l Polio- court, on Saturday, an application was made before the sitting magistrate, on behalf of the inhabitants of St. Pancras-road and the surrounding houses, of a nuisance arising from the excavations going on at the St. Giles's Cemetery, St. Pancras»ro;ad, for the- for-niatiou of the London Exten- sion of the- Midland Rail, way. The applicant gave a horrible description of the manner in whish the coffins and bodies they contained had been turned up and ex- posed. He was referred to the sanitary department of the vestry of St. Pancras. It may be stated that a day or so since Dr. Sillier, the medical officer of health, aecompanied by Mr. Curtis, the sanitary inspector, visited the spot. They at once took the necessary steps to preserve the pubHc health, and it is stated that for the present the works are suspended until steps can be taken to find a proper receptacle for the • bones and the cofSas. The Division of Monday Might.—-The fol- lowing are the names rf the- members, not belonging •to the. regular Opposition, who voted ag^inafc the Government on Lord 'Dunkellin'a motion, to substi- tute a rating for a' clear yearly rental franchise in boroughs Aga.1:-Ellís, L. Audovor, Lord Auspn, Major BLririg, Heni-y B jiumont, W, E; i, Biclclulph, Colonel Blennerhasset, E; Browne, Lord J. Bruce, Lord E. Bulkeley, Sir R. Carington, C. Cholmeley, Sir Ms Clinton, Lord A. Clinton, Lord E. { Crosland, Colonel Dering, Sir .B. D,)uiton,,F.. Duff, Robert SlaHo, Eard- IPinlay, A. S. FitzwHliam, Q. Foley, lion Vf. Foster, W; O. Goldsmid. Jt•■ Gregory, W. Groavenor, Earl Grosvenor, Eord E. Heathcote, G. H. Hexieage, E. Horsmau. E,. Iiewo,- R. MacB-vpy, E, Maebie, J. f'Kenua, J. Main-waring. T. Marsh, M. Packel, Colonel Peel, Sir R. Pini, J,; Sritciiard, J. Sheridan, R. 13. Traoyi^.O. R. Dunkellin, Lord (teller) Horribl6 Seath of Two Little Boys.—An inquest was held lRt week at Winsfoad upon the bodies of William Anson, aged fourteen, and Thomas Oakes, aged ten, who were scalded to death at the M-eadowbank Salt Works. Oakes had been sent to the works with the dinners, of his cousin (the other deceased), and uncle, and after dinner the two lads were playing by a huge pan full of salt. This pan is surrounded by hurdles at the distance of two or three yards, and within thia space the lads were standing when a door that bad been taken off its hinges and laid against the hurdles fall upon them, and toppled them right over the rim of thepa-a into the bubbling liquor. Their" heartrending ahtieka brought a man named Minshull to their assistance, and with very little delay he succeeded in getting Oakes out. 'He then fisheo. Anson out, but the poor little fellow was quite dead, and so frightfully scalded that the flesh broke from his body in pieces and left the bones bare. Oakes died within two hours of the accident. A verdict of" Death" waa,returned. The Beform Leag,-A meeting of the Council of the above League was held on Tuesday at two o'clock, to consider the oonree to be adopted in con-1 sequence of the defeat of the Government on Monday, night. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:—" That in the opinioll of this Council a Con- ference of all the Beform.Associations throughout the United Kingdom should be held at an early date, to consider and adopt a. plan of united action for the purpose of obtaining a more complete, comprehensive, and satisfactory Beform Bill than the very moderate measure introduced by the Government; and which, moderate:aa it wag, has been obstructed and defeated by the sham Liberals and the Tory faction in the' House oi Commonsthus showing their hostility to all, real Reform, and absolving all true Relormeis from! further compromise with regard* to the complete en- franchisement of the people." It was also,resolved, "That the secretary be instructed at once to cor res- pond with the National Reform Union, Nortbam. Reform Union, Glasgow Reform Union, and other associations, for the purpose of arranging the pre-, liminariea for such conference. Railway Fares.—" Viator" asks why all the railroads do, not adopt the simple plan of preventing mistakes and overcharges, by printing its. price upon each ticket, and adds I travelled the other day from Windsor to Malvern Wella, wholly on Great-Western lines. At Windsor I asked (by mistake) for a second- class ticl-et to Worcester. The, clerk said, 17a 11 I then corrected myself. aad said, "N° £ .toWorcester but to Malvern Wells." He referred to a book and said, 25a." I happened to know that Malvern Wells is less than.ten miles from VVOrcestcr, and replied, "-It ia impossible the company can eiiarge 8s. for nine miles." He referred again to his book, and said, i" 16s. oa. If I had not happened to know the dis- tance I should have paid ^5s. As it Wa8) j pr63Uiaje the charge of 17s. to Worcester mast have been another error, as it is only f? ,'vern Wells, nine miles further. I assume taat the charge was a iona fide mistake; tbe rather because there mast be very little traffic between the two staaons ■ ar.dlbecaase the clerk (having BO pxinted ticket, for Malvern Wells) wrote one, on which he did state the price—16s. 6d. But why should not the mistake be guarded against by so simple and easy a, precaution ? If I had taken a ticket to Worcester I should certainly have paid 17s. without inqu. iry. f Important Wotica to Continental Pas- sengers. Mr. Jorbes, the general manager of the London, Cnatnaai^and Dover Railway, has forwarded to ns for publication the following notice, received from the manager of the Northern of Prance Rail- T»a^i ° u lr'T^ hasten to inform you that the Rhenish Railway has just advised me, by telegram, that mer- chandise by fast service and goods altogether, as well aa passengers and luggage, can no Ipnger be con- vjsyea to any destination beyond Minden, in the mrection of Hanover, HMbarg, Hamburg, Bremen, Lnbeok, Brunswick, Magdeburg, Berlin, Breslau, I Kcprngeberg, Riga, Stettin, Eydtkuhnen, St. Peters- f burg, Warsaw, Leipzig, and .Dresden. Communica- tion IS maintained, -ap to the present time, with the Rhine, i.e., wili Øologne > sseldorf, Coblence, I Mayeace, Prankfosft, an V Dsden. (Signed) J. -V!J; The PiiMic Health.—In the week just ended;, the births registered in London and 12 other large towns of the ITaited Kingdom were 4,380; the deaths registered 3,314. The annual rate of mortality was 28 per 1,000 persona living. In London,.the births of ,1,111 boys, and 1,025 girls, in all 2,136 children, were ¡ registered in the week. In the corresponding week of 10 years, 1856 65, the average number, corrected for increase of population, was 1,922. The deaths re- gistered in London during the week were 1.540. It was 'the twenty-second week 0? tho year, and-the was the twenty-second week of the year, and the average number of deaths for that week was, with a correction for increase of population, 1,195. The mortality is still very. high. It is in excess of the estimated amount by 345. A' Ship Kim Down witk all Hands in the Channel.—The Board of "Trade has, received the following report from Captain;John Davidson, master following report from Captain John Davidson, master of the Mary Nixon, steamship, 587 tons, respecting a serious colitsion in the Channel, in which a vessel immediately foundered with ail hands. He states that he left Hamburg on the 1st inst., in ballast for Cardiff,, On the night of tbe 4rth, when about half way between Portland and the Isle of Wight, he at that time in the cabin, heard Ward, the second mate, sing out "Hard a port." He immediately ran on deck, ordered the engines to be stopped, and' directed a boat to be put out, which was at once .attended to. A minute after reaching the deck they came in collision with a schooner, which appeared to go .down- immediately Just before- the collision he heard a,.voice from the schooner calling out, "Keep your helm a port;" and schooner calling out, "Keep your helm a port;" and after she went:down he heard a voice aetern his vessel cryipg out for assistance, bat heard no more after- wards. When the boat was lowered they rowed all rouiid for about a quarter of an hour without seeing anyone. The crew then returned. on board, and the steamer proceeded on her voyage. Previous to the collision she was going about eight knots an hour. He did not order the engines to be reversed for fear an one floating might get entangled and injured by the screw. He had no idea of anythiug relating to the name, or where the Bohooner belepged to. Believed her to be an English schooner, as it was an English voice that called out. The only injury to his vessel was the loss of foretopmast, which caught the schooner's yard. The Female Medical Society has just succoss- fully concluded its second session of lectures on mid- wifery and the diseesea of women and children, at its newly-commeaced college in Fitsroy-square. Twenty I ladies have already entered as students, and of these several are now prepared to offer their services to the public as accoucheuses. The second annual meeting was held at the Hanover-square Rooms on Monday at { three o'clock, when the Earl of Skaftabury took the chair. The Late Jonas Webb.-Th-a,statue to the iae?nory of this eminent breeder of sheep has just been erected in the Marketrplace at Cambridge. The like- | ness ia an admirable of Baron Marochetti's best efforts. This testimony is that of all who for the last quarter of a century knew Mr. Webb. The only regret is taatrifc is so anomalous!.? placed. Unpreteni^- ingly the efifey was set up. It was placed on the pedestal, at an early hour on Thursday morning, in the presence of; the yorof Cambridge and other mem- bera of the committee. A Young Lady Burnt to Death.—A very afflicting accident has occurred in the household of the venerable Dean Ramsay, in Ainslie-place, Edinburgh. On Wednesday evening Miss Lucy Cochrane, one of his nieces, and his constant and affectionate com- panion, was passing the fireplace in his dressing-room, when her dress caught fire, and being of light texture it, was in a moment in a blaze. The alarmed young lady ran out to the staircase, calling for help, and among those who first came to her aid was Admiral Ramsay, the dean's brother, who immediately threw his coat around her, and before long the flames were j, put out. The poor girl, however, was so soorohed, and her nervous system had sustained so severe a shock that, notwithstanding the most the highest medical skill, she died neat day about eleven o'clock. The deepest sympathy is felt in Edinburgh for Dean Ramsay for the bereavement he has suffered, and, for the painful circumstances by which his loss has been attended. The deceased young lady with her twin sister, who was present when the tragic occurrence took place, had resided for several years with him. It is scarcely a year since their only j then surviving brother was aooidentaijy shot: de^ while serving with his regiment in India. Heavy Compensation Claim.—On Saturday I a compensation claim, Meeking v. the Corporation of London," which was commenced oh Friday, wad resumed at the Westminster Palace Hotel, before Mr. j Clifton, ^architect, as arbitrator. Mr. Lloyd and Mr. C. Pontifex were oosnsel for the claimant, Mr. Charles Meeking, linendraper and silk mercer, on Molhorn-hill. Mr. Q.C., and the Hon. Mr. Thesiger ap- peared for the City of London. The case on the part of Mr. Meeking was concluded on Saturday. The claim, as presented by Mr. Lloyd, was about ^8100,000. It was proposed that Mr. Meeking should have & portion of property between Bartlett'a-builaings and Fetter-lane, on which new business premises could built. In addition to his premises on Holborn-hill he „ had other land at the spot mentioned, which was re- quired for the Holborn-valley improvements. prinoipal,point in the case was the compensation to be given for the loss of the business on Holborn-hill, which had been considerable, and on which al profit had been mde. The stock was., worth, bet weell ^630,000 and ^249^)00^ and a loss of -010,000, on a. forced sale w;as estimated. Eventually the further hearing was appointed for the 4th of July, when Mr. Hawkish will commence his case on the part of the corporation- Fatal Mine Accident at Camborne.-A most melancholy accident occurred at Condorror/ Mine? Camborne, last week, by which one man was buried j alive and three others seriously injured. It appears that two brothers, pamed Trfilo&r, were working in the back the 230-fathom level, on a good course of t«J, when several tons of stul-Lfell away and. knocked down, the stage on which they were workiog, nearly fill. the level, in which two other miners, named John and William Roberta,^ brothers, were also working. buryø ing the men in the debris. Three of the men, Williaas Roberts, and the two Ireloars, were shortly after ex- tricated, but found to be badly ifl j used. Tho body of John Loberts ia not yet found, and it ia ex- I peoted, from, the great quantity of stuff fallen away» that io will take two or three days at least before the body can possibly be recovered. Ia connection with this moat melancholy affair there waa an extraordinary this most melancholy affair there waa an extraordinary escape o± another miner, naraed Treloar, a son of one m0D- He was at work on the f l*2, j and in the, first moment of danger ™m. s«eer impulse, threw out his hands, which forte- naseiy for him struck a piece of timber in the side of tiao level. To this he held fast until relieved from his papst perilous position, and thus saved his life. C$p- tain Jchn Moyle, who was undergound at the time, also aarrowly escaped. Messrs. Vincent and Harris, sur- geons, were promptly in attendance, but the injuries to the men are of a fatal character, and little, hope is entertained of their recovery. They are e.J1 married- men with families.—WesternMornvftg News. Committal of Fashionable Shoplifters.- Two well-dressed women, who gave the names oi Charlotte Canavan and Mary Ann Wingrove, were brought up on remand before the magistrate at Wandsworth, charged with stealing 86 yards of silk, value £ 14. Mr. Charles Haydon, a drapsr, of High- street, Wandsworth, said that on the 6th inst. the prisoners came into his shop, and asked te be shown some muslin dresses. He gave them seats, and thea walked towards the door. On turning round ha found that both prisoners had left their seats and had walked to the silk department. Ha went up the shop after them, and found Canavan putting something under ,her dress, Wigmore standing before her, p,or. a'ding out her dross so aa to hide her. Witness said to Cana- van, What have you got there?" She replied Nothing," and asked him what he meant. She then stooped, and took the silk from under her dress, threw it under a table near her, and ran out of the shop, fcl- lowed by the other prisoner. Witness sent after them and they were brought back. Canavan then claimed a purse and 30a., which she had left on the counter. He then gave them into custody. The prisoners had been remanded for inquiries, and it turned out that they were not known to the police. Mr. Haynes, for the prisoners, left the case in the, hands,of the magis« trates to deal with, pleading at the time for hita to make a difference ia the oase of ^Vingrove., who went into the shop for the purpose of making a pur- chase. He also stated that the prisoners had re/used to give their addresses, bat that was for a very good reason. They were respectably connected, and did not wish their friends to know of the position iu which they were plaoed. Mr. Ingham 84 he could not make any distraction fes,feween the ^cisoA^re, and sentenced, each fetfee irBplaned ofr 114; <aimth4 nritfe LIARDLABMR.