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THE LOST SWEETITEART BBGOyBE-ED. &. Sketch of a Lover's Trial, and the Danger of Direct Evidence. tipght morning in the month of May, the ■qtmii-Aj .quiet. village ot Lawn, in Yorkshire, was V t.. r> mto a Rtate of wild excitement by the intelU- g r-.j- Tiial Laura Downing had been murdered. H v rx -io » boc'y had been fsund upon the sanely shore of the 1,a.rge. pond,with ahenfl. AvLO ball had ordered bctwoen tb" eyeiJ, and bad J a (d enu'- lv t ■* 1 i tag empty l-ii. i (ou iu r r 1 ji Lxig circum- 1 > 1 ~G I > 1 V h, <sfJ r. It may be asked who was L3,ür¡:¡, f»-j > .?? She -was. an orphan, and was 0 general favourite ^•longst her associates. Hor father, who had been a £ .c.'r, hard-working1 avan, hid taen df-ad a number of 7tand during tk-3 pi„t i>c or c,„ y?er-i Laura had worJ:cd hard to E'uppœ>t an EJothør; but only a, few months before {he time of which I mite, that crotl-or had dieè, and jj Wra Lid Uved alone in the bttle cot whioh had bsen he home since.sha was bora -3, poriodt according to the parish register, of 19 The ,Cor-cmor osme, and summoned a, jury, and Bu,Ii he could find; and, af due rinaticn and delibc-a'' i ~.n. e wtcKot was rendered, the effect that LILuri!, Dojajrg had come to her 0E?,th by means of afrom a pistol; zv they believ-ad t-r-ar, this pistol hid been in the }1i\,1j(1g of Oliver Castwn.fvc at t13 tine it was thus Gstally discharged, Oiiver C&rt snright was, of arrested, and sent to prison for the murder of Laura Dow-tling. And who was OJivEir CirtwiighfcP- ° ounw, -man, He wag fe yCyears of »Set who had b68¡1 b Jf hud .brought no in b0 village, aaa who had eo,Uuied a f«p. reputation for h»neaty •»u« soRrie^y j tiiougu bo naa Keverbeea r^gasdisd as a very bright or. youth.. Hi8, parenta had ooca been mtornp^ a^f; oafc they ^.d been dead .some yeargj .and OxHrcr had been, at work at the blacksmith's I. m, fcrades antla.d tived wi/ili. tP8man for whom he worked. Iv-jfc peen yourg Ca-rtvrigbt and Laura there had not only been a warm ijihioiaoy, but there had evidently been Sj °ae tiffie eh ongagemest of marriage between irseru. This Qgjg.agament, .aa appeared, in evi^ance ba- J OK tho coroner,, had been broken off Jby the girl dur- icg the previous- winter, and ainoe that time Oiiver had bees. mofoae .aod .dojuoted. A young saan uamad sJirml Severance,, who ha-d eo^e -iirto the village to i in erecting aha,I. been very sAtestive to Laiiua, jhe general impression was thitr she had left the old IOVQ for the new one. Oliver Cad. wright had iche privilege of selectingbis hansel, Prd he Bent.for me. t waa sorry that he c'ld so; for I had Jlf3&,rd po mof the evidence agé;.inst him, that.! not oiily believejirhim guilty of the but I could conceive of no possible HM of de- (enee. btiu el .CQpld,Bpfc Eefuse to go. to lum in his season of trouble. I found him as weak and wailing aa a suffering child. aseemed entirely broker: down, and the jailer told e-ile went. more tbeu half rthe time. Aa I sat Own. by his<side, lie seemeil to read every thought -b ? was paaaiiig within me! for, after having looked "fIito my face a few moments, he caught one of my *"»». •» in his own, aad cried out, in eager tones— t; Oh, sir, I am no5 guilty; ae true as there is a God fh I never did -b&r.m to Laura! I would die -(Tz DQ.v f and .1 suffer because I have lost, her OiH P'ive me if yon can!—not from death—no, no for woutfi rather dia than Hye—but save me from this iiomble aa&pioioaJ I did not bill hex;—I did not harm Hart i nevser so. much as touched a hair of her head vrithany evil ij^teiation! M ^'bo could have killed hw I asked. Fou do sot think she killed herself4>" •" Ro,f' bo replied, qaiokly. hid fiaghinP, and bl.S finsein toMmg into the bosom,of his shirt. I €;tonk i>a«itl Sfeverancg killed her. I left her by the /eft h^c akve. and well-and presently after- paw that bad man come out from the bushes, » ho took his arm, and they walked away by the edgaofthew&ter." U:sr6wrigh'"tf words and manner bad a powerful cf*of «pori »ie, _TJnder ordinary circumstances, I have Sf.id th^ he was speaking the truth; but lhfcre was mnoh fetrtvijj evidence to bø disposed of >« i I coald see my- way clear to believe him now. I eouJd not help sympathising with him; and I was to believe that if he dene the homicide, he had done it under a state of mind which would give |o.od ground* for Betting up a defence of insanity, -3at whea l spoke tss him of this, he waa pained beyond &M £ SU £ e, to listen to the proposition for a moment.. .^ien prooeeded to detail to hin» the circumstances ^• cwa woula be brought up in evidence. F'lcst," said 1, "it will be sworn to by several miaa.0 witnesses that you have, at various times, ■Qeeu hoard to thiaateu L%ura Downing with dire perfionai injnry, if you aaw her again in the company et Diniel severance." Ii Tbat is true," replied the prisoner; "butI only dia it; io frighten her And I meant to frighten her >.<> £ her gooa; for I <jjd not bsliere that Daniel Severance was an honest man." "I'. ,vill be also sworn D that vononce exhibited to a pistol, a\ tho same time telling her i-you haa bougnt it on topose to hhoot her with." ri^rZi^XaiCi not °fr-y^-> but he said that he U(3ver meant her harm-he <"•»to frighten her bad man. it: e^ideKoe I con- f t'l. w011 °f Mbt- I>owni>ig's death t Be(, (lie.y TiT OUj 1:0 ihe Poivd, where you again ^"»- «**»» -h on were seen to have a pistol ia yoar v„,d on i aid you were heard to teka an oath ot her u 1 wc^ldBhoot her if aho Gid not with t aa* "ir NIChol s boy who was drivinghome his ma close oy when yon made the wS j,r. _t." c VE-.fchte the prisoner did net deny. H» he was still trying to fJghten Laura. into ..i"-5 io his: wishes. '• > "thepistol which was found by,the > side has been recognised as your own." 1 ha.« may be," replied Cartwright, for when I 1 1 1 k^: Laura spurned me, and: would not listen, I J .iii my knees and prayed to her. I dropped my .■ 11 pen the ground at that time, and I "know that < • not pick it up again. Sha turned and left mQ (;her8 upon my knees, and there I remained until I saw .1,0* join her. They disappeared together, »nd £ '• l ken-hear ted and forlorn, I crawled home, snd >: hought^ beoauEe they found me in such toitw i that there was-blood upon my hands. Bat, fc i (.od, my hands are clean. Daniel siu it have, found my pistol ana it was he that killed l" Saeh was the substance-of all thaf, I could gain from my client, and Inmost say that,l re,?.Ily thought him basses; and I tried hard to get him to acknowledge homicide, and allow me to set up the plea of 1" sanity; but he would consent to no such thing. TiB solemnity of Ms assurance, and the unmistakable love which he still held for the dead girl, staggered my feelief in Ms guilt exceedingly, there was no variation in few manner of speech at all-nothing in which E could detect the slightest oubward sign of falsehood. Finally I called in two physicians, and they both oeroc i that they would willingly testify under oath • {lhlf>t beydH not consider him of sound mind; and in ,i;it' pregenoo I urged him once more to confess to the kill;g, and I would save him at least from the extreme l?'njl,t-y.of the law. "My God t" he cried, with tears.streaming down ig c-Vieeks, if I thought there was ene drop of that dear girl's blood upon my hands I would kill myself in. t mOtnent t, I never did her harm-never t" W aen we went out from the cell both the physicians "Tpi-essed the opinion that the young man was in- f-L9; &nd I determined, come what would, ta base my defenoe upon that plea. The idea of defending <n eg;a,inet the homicide was not to be thought of. T e evidence was too strong. In iaat, there clid not Fcem to be a link in the chain wanting. At first I based soma hopes mpon the fact that DAKMt Severanco had not been seen since the evening of the girl's death; but his absence waa easily no. c levied for. He had finished the work he had come to do; he had been paid in full for his labour; and he iIli!I1 gone out to the. pond to meet Laura Downing for the 1 fe Hme on that evening, as he was to return to tne neighbsuring town where he lived on the follow- iGvf tro-.Mng. Even, Oliver Cartwright admitted that lae ba so understood it. And there could be nothing change er suspicions in the fact that we conld learn ^Uilag of Saverance'B present wheireabouta, because f it was known that he had been engaged a French [ firm to puti up some mill fittings in the south of France I might make some handle of the absence of this man, bat his employers could produce him at any mosaent, and I was feaAul that he would be a dangerouswiiness: for us. The day of the trial at length came, and, as might be supposed, the court-house was crowded. The. prisoner, pale and wan, and wearing an expression of deepest sorrow, stood up and heard the indictment read, and w-ken be-was asked to answer it, he replied, in a voice that thrilled every one wish its deep in ten- sity of feeling: "Before my G-od I am not guilty! The trial commenced, and the evidence for "the pro- secation was given as I have already explained; only, if possible, it was jmore positive and er ashing ,than 1 had anticipated. In short, the chain that.connsctsd the prisoner with the killing of >the girl was so strong and so int»ctriu. all -its parts, that could-1101 hope to i break it. I opened the defence by proving th^t .-my client had always-been a quiet, inoffensive, industrious, person j and that there was no possible in his Jife, previous to that under consideration, that could lead any one to suppose him eapable of committing so great « crime. I made, allasion to the absen«e of Daniel Severance*and claimed-that his.absence took faom the chain of evidence a most important link, because I bad. every reason, to believe that he w;tl the last person seen with Laura Downing wMla sha was siivo. After thia.I came upon the. main stay of mjrdefo>.o^. I called upon tlie two physicians who had visited and examined my client during his imprisonment, and examined my client during his and they unhiffiitatyagly pronounced tho .prisoner ol nn- sound mind. The. prosecution brought in no to rebut, the; evidence -touching .the prisoner's insanity, though. the prosecuting counsel made a,-deaide.d onslaught upon itin his closing plea; but they ■•brought in testi- mpny, to, rebut the, idpa, thlt DanieISeverano, had been tbel man.seen with Downicg while Ehewas alivo. A Mr..Angers,,a respectable meehanic in the neighbourhood, testified that juiit at. dusk, on the even- ing of the murder, ha sa.w Mr. Severance,at the rail- road station, some three miles distant from the village, .and that he spoke with him on that-occasion. Ha (Angers) waa on horseback,-and waa then his way home, and,.as he parsed .near -the pond, soma fifteen minutes .after having-left Severance at the static^ he saw Laura Downing, standing npon the shore. ft minutes .after having-left Severance at the static^ he I'. 8aw Laura Downing, standing upon the shore. This piece of evidence introduced a new element, and I was not slow to claim that Lsuja Downing .and I was not slow to claim that Lsuja Downing might have killed herself; and. if I could only have w' found a single witness who could, have testified, to the return of my client to his home before dusk, on that fatal evening, £ might hayo made a ssiyicg point here; but I had no such witness, and I wag forced to base my hopes upon the plea of insanity. The judge was very fair in his charge. The jury went out, and I felt sure that friwy would return a verdict against my client, but I did not think they would bring him in guilty of murder. And yet I was not satisfied with the result of my effort. As I cast my eyes upon the prisoner, was deeply moved by the expression of utter anguish; that reated upon his thin, pale face. It was not the-anguiah of fear; but it waa such as results; from, sorrow ana sadness of soul. The jury had been out about ten minutes,, and the mlu court had just arisen for the purpose of retiring, when a disturbance occurred in the passage leading to the outer hall, and in a moment more a female rushed into the court-room. She stopped for aa- instant when she reached the bar, and when her eye rested upon the prisoner she started towards him. He was quickly upon his feet, and as he leaned forward over the iron rail, she threw her arms about his neck. Oliver Oliver! Thank God I am in time! And as these words burst from her lips she would have sunk to the floor had not the oSBeer caught her in his arms. Oliver Cartwright did not utter a syllable. He stood for a moment gasing upon the fainting form that rested within the arms of the ofSaial in attendance, and then sank down mute and senseless. It is LAURA DOWNING Some one said so and as the nasao waa caught by the multitude there followed a seene of excitement which I will not attempt to describe. Bat order was at length restored, and an officer was sent to bring the jury back to their seats. By this time I had taken the girl in charge, and with the assistance of my medical friends she was soon restored to consciousness. Laura Downing, m f repriz persona, certainly stood before us-the same Laura Downing who, according to the best belief t)f all present save h'ars@1f, and accord- ing to the solemn verdict of an intelligent coroner's jury, had been dead several weeks. But sha had not come alone. Two men had come with her, one of j whom was immediately recognised by our physician" as Dr. Charles Crawford, the able suparin^endsnt of an in sane, asylum. As soqn as Laura discovered that I wm the, prisoner's friend and counsel, she asked that she- might ba sulfated to go and I led her to the spot, and the officer allowed her to pass in behind the railing.. She out down by the prisoner's side, and whispered something into his ear. lie seamed; j to be trying to contain himself .but the effort wae-1 vain. He rested his head upon, her bosom, and cried; like a, child. I ? s ft, j Ltlura Downing's story, when she finally clayed ilia. call of the court, was this;— On the morning when OUvel' Cartwright had followed her down to the shori) of the pond,, ska had planned to go away with Daniel Severance. She said. ,-he knew that never meant to harm, her; and, that when he threw .his pistol- away,, and sank cyon his knees befoi'a her, she was very near giving up her wild and wicked scheme; but the tempter prevailed, and she tore herself away from one whom she had loved so long. She went with Severance, and on. their way to the railway sta-,tion they met a ..young womaa who resembled herself so remarkably that her com- panion declared that he should take them for twin sisters. This female," continued Laura, not only resem- bled me in person, but, by a. curious coincidence, sho had on a dress- of the same pattern as my own. Beyer- ance spoke to her; but instead of answering him, she threw up her haaas with a wild scream, and ran from 'j. ua towards the pond." Laura, then went on to say that .she had gqm on to Paris with Daniel Severance, where she had found him to be a villain. Ho did not mean to make her bis wife |;a.s ,he had promised, and she fled from him. Sae stopped hose, and turned towards Oliver. Then sho swept her gaze over the court, a-ad, with her handa clabped upon her bosom, she said, in tones that carried, convlctlon to eVfiry honourable mind— „ J- had been guilty of much—guilty of trifling and or deceiu—butj before God, and as I hope for heavea: I" have been guilty of nothing that true re-; pentance may not wash away She turned again Oliver Cartwright. and thia time Khe rested upon his -bosom, and he .murmured thanks' tii as he_ clasped his arms about her. .\t this point Dr. Crawford oame forward, and said! II" Ac" t he could clear up the mystery as soon as the clothing came for which he bad sent." Meanwhile the jury were instructed anew by the court, and their verdict_wa3_ very quickly rendered, Srelong a EBM. oame in with the clothing which had been taken from the dee.d body that had been found by the pond, and when Dr. Crawford had examined the line*, hs recognised it as haying belonged to. a former pttient of his. She wt3 a young girl," he said, and very intelli- gent but her mind, had been turned by religious ex- citement, aid she fancied that the second advent'of Christ had tome while she slept, and thut the elect had been all t\ken up'into heaven, leaving her behind. In this ffaine tf mina she sought to take her own life, and to prevent that catastrophe, and also to effect a, care, if possible, she was sent to the asylum over which Dr. Irlwford presided. She had been there only two wteks when she managed to escape. We searched for hr far and near, and the other day, as I was on my wa; home, I met this young lady at the railway station. At first I supposed I had found my patient, and I hal been engaged in conversation. with her some minutus before I discovered my mis- take. When I had satisfied myself that I had been mistaken, I told Miss howning of the circumstance, and when I had related t her the story of the unfor- tunate girl of whom I had been in search, she told ma of the girl she had seen iome weeks before in her native place. She was on hw way home, she told me, and, under the ciraumstanco, I felt it to be my duty to accompany her. I four cl ker anxious and uneasy, and when she explained to m, that she had seen an account of her own death in K newspaper, and that Oliver Cartwright had been accused of murder, I 1111:1. pected the truth," v » Asd his ruspicions;bad not led him far astray. The poor, crizy girl had evidently found the pistol which Oliver ,had thrown away, and had-shot. herself, thus accompliahing ihe cheiished purpose of the insane spirit that possessed her. The disfiguring of the face,; .caua^d'iby the wound.between -the eyes, and the burning; of the skin by the powder, had prevented Laura'a nearest friends fcom discovering the mistake. And tended the trial. Ah," -aid a captious friend to mas.S we were; leaving the court-room, here, is another startling, case,ot the unreliability of cireuinstantial evidence." "_Sot so," I replied. The civcnmatwn&ial evidenca; in this ease.was conclusive. It-was the direct evidence that failed. The only direct evidenqe-tiiat upon -which the whole atjpdrafcaetore of • evidence was to smt—-wjp the finding of the coroner's jury; No, no, my fri^ad; in this case we see how. direct evidence-cm a -be made to swear an innocent man's life away." Aa ■ for Ola srer Cartwright, no one has .pretended to' question his sunity since that trial, and at the present, woment he ia one of. the most flourishing tradesmen' in -and I dare say that Laura D-awlaing has been to him a most, and affectionate vviio. I am a frequent; and welcome visitor in their peaceful and i happy horns; and, if outside appearanaes prove ariything, I would aver that a happier oouple.doea not: eiist.

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