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CWMBRAN. A meeting of the British Women's Temper- ance Association was held in the Wesley Hall, (Cwmbran, on Thursday night week. There was only a limited attendance. The proceedings commenced with the singing of a hymn. Prayer was then offered. Mrs. Binning, Newport, who presided, said that she wished to speak that night on the fact that that Association was a Gospel Temperance Association. Some people said that they Tem- perance people put temperance before the Gos- pel, but it was not so it was the Gospel Tem- perance Association. She would wish herself that there was a little more Gospel in it, and that they could get it introduced into their churches a little more. They could not get the members of their churches they could not be brought to believe that it was any harm. She remembered on one occasion a man who was suspended from thE: membership of one of theirchurches because of the drink. He afterwards reformed, and came back to the church but in the first sacrament he took, the wine revived the longing and taste which he had conquered by strict abstinence, and no sooner had he got out of the church than he rushed off to the drink shop. She wished that heathen practice of giving wine at the com- munion was done away with, for it could do no good, and that one example she gave them 1 proved that it was capable of doing a great deal of harm. Solomon was one of the wisest men who had ever lived, and his advice to them was to beware of strong drink, because it bit like an adder and stung like a serpent. He could not put two much worse things together than those. A man once told her that women and cats ought to be at home. Well, that might be so; but they had seen during the last week that women could make splendid speeches, and she did not think that God would have given them that talent unless He meant them to use it. As for saying that man} women would neglect their homes to go to meetings, she did not think that was so, for she know that aa far as she went herself, the knowledge that she had to go to a meeting of an evening spurred her on to get her work done, so that she could everything tidy. In conclusion, it gave her very much pleasure to be with her sisters there. They were all one family, they had one common Father, and in His sight they were all equal. She hoped therefore that they would combine to face this evil, and that they would get many pledgee there that night. Miss S. Hodges here gave the recitation, "Archie's mother." Mrs, Inglis said she felt in a very uncomfort- able position, as she was there to fill someone else's shoes. Mrs. Hughes, who was announced to speak at that meeting, waff sent to organise ia some other part of Wales, sc die was there in her stead. She had n»t bean a&ed until yester- day to take port in those me8p,. so she waa rather unprepared., They had ill heard of the great haee tings- which wars heldln amt <ine couiu. inform vmwa that not only were they a success numerically, b^fc tjfciey hid aLw>- a t 'ft work in I UwrdHfJaJifT snewas sure that tt was only the I publicans who would not have reason to thank Lady Henry Somerset for her visit there. Eng- land was si one time a happy country, but j ° lowly and surely a great plague cloud arose and covered the whole of the sky, shutting out the lovely sun,, which had once shone so freely upon them. Need sh tell them. what that cloud was It was the great cloud of intemperance. She was afraid that was to some extent the fault of the women. Whom, a man came home after a hard day's labourrit was enough to drive him to a public-house if he found the house dirty and his wife with her hair unkempt and a ragged dress. Women always liked to appear neat and tidy before marriage ;,th-at she supposed was to attract the young men. Well, that was right enough, but the least they could do when they had caught one, was to try and appear nice and tidy after marriage a& well.. With regard to the fermented wine used in their chusches, and to which their president had alluded, she would give them one instance of how much could be which their president bad alluded, she would give them one instance of how much could be done by individual effort. She and her husband when in London, attended a Wesleyan church where fermented wine w&,i,- used for the communion. Her husband, who was- a staunch teetotaller, had a private interview with the minister, and told him that he could not, as a true man, take the communion when fermented wine was used. The minister replied that it was a. very difficult thing to touch, as-so many of the members of bds church were not total abstainers, and if unfer- mented wine was used they might get offended and withdraw their subscriptions. He therefore could not see any way out of the difficulty, except that her husband should. come up to the table, take the bread, and leave the wine alone. But her husband said no. He could better reconcile it with his oonscience to go into a public-house, and order something to drink then tIo conHnemorate the death of their blessed Lord and baviour in that which, was the curse of the world. Be would, however,, sit still in his. new, and not touch the communion at all, and then people would soon be likely to ask the reason. Well, the minister, didn't like that,, but the result was that uafermenied wine was intro- duced in that church. Well, if that example was followed in all the churches the fermented wine would be soon done away with. She believed that if their Christian friends would only think a little on the subject they would soon see that they could not reconcile it with their conscience to admit into their churches what had proved to be such a curse to their country. She had her- self seen so much of the awful extent of that terrible traffic that as long as she lived, she would never give up striving to do what little she could to stop its course. She would now conclude, as she was to get back to Barry that evening. She very strongly appealed to them to come forward and sign the pledge. They wanted the women especially to come, as that was especially a woman's work. The usual votes of thanks to the Chairman and speaker concluded the meeting.

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