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Colwyn ay District Cquncil.


Colwyn ay District Cquncil. ELECTRIC LIGHTING OF THE PROMENADE. NEW PIER AND PAVILION. A special meetinol of this Council was held on Tuesday, to consider the report by the Surveyor upon the permanent lighting of the new promenade aifl other projects. Mr. John Roberts (chaiitnan) presided, and there were also present > Messrs. Hugh Davies, Francis Kunn, peorge Bevan, Hugh Williams, AYilliam Davies, Robert Evans, T. Parry, Hugh Hughes, and Dr. Yenables Williams, with the 5erk (Mr. J. H. Roberts), and the surveyor W. Jones, C.E.). ELECTRIC LIGHTINI OF THE PROMENADE. The Surveyor submitted a report which stated that the temporary installation, which had been placed fir the lighting of the promenade, had be eminently satisfactory, and proved beyond a doubt that this means of lighting was by far the most suitable. He had been through a lirge number of schemes, j and had had some difficulty in determining which would be mosti effective for the per- manent lighting of the promenade, and at the same time could be brought into use when the Council should decide, which they would probably do 41 the near future, to adopt a similar scheme for the lighting of the whole town but he had finally decided to recommend the Council to erect themselves a small generating station, in a galvanised iron building, which could be easily removed if desired, and purchase gas engines, lamps, &c. — The scheme complete, h| estimated, would cost £ 14;V>, which might te obtained with the consent of the Local Government Board, as a loan repayable within years. He con- sidered that a capable man, with the assistance of a youth) would be able to superintend the whole project, and estimated that the cost of maintenance cf the station, and the repayment of tht interest and capital of the loan, would anqjount to an annual charge of .£iGO. c Mr. George Bevan saÍtl the Local Govern- ment Board would not give their consent to the loan until they had received all the details of the scheme, audiiie, therefore, moved that the whole mailer bb rdfened to the next meeting of the# Hi^hwaj^ommittee. This was sfeon^id by fTr. Hugh Williams. Mr. Robeft EN? ius "wis unable to see any advantage i& def< rring flie subject further. The Council hjd, been that day to consider thc(f sjrtbj 'ct they should do so. To light ttifefr pi omei$c|; by gas or other means, wki th< sgjrhe■■ quantity of light proposed bj ele J^fcity,- \ypuld cost them £ 700, and by opting t-lip scheme, they would become towiier4 of/the property for a much less Win than tijiey were at present paying to other ►ersons.i, ^He proposed that they apply for 4"1 wi,q £ 4^1500 forthwith. Mr. Nunn, i 1 seconding Mr. Evans' pro- position, said i was essential that their promenade should be lighted by electricity. and he was agreeably surprised to find that it could be done at such a sfiall cost Upon being put to the ^eeting', Mr. Evans' motion to apply for a lqpn was carried llm mn. | PROPOSED INFECTIONS DISEASES HOSPITAli. A communication was liad from the Local Government Board, intinmting that they did not consider the plans! for the proposed Infectious Diseases llospitol satisfactory, and suggested that instead of two wards in one block of buildings, two| distinct buildings should be erected, surrounded by a wall at least 6ft. 6in. high. | The Surveyor stated tWit two sets of plans had been sent to the Local Government Board for their approfell, but they had refused to pass either. o carry out their suggestions would involv an additional out- lay of about Y-800. On the proposition of Mr. Hugh Hughes, I I the matter was referred for consideration to the Sanitary Committee. | THE PROPOSED NEW PlpR AND PAVILION. Mr. Amphlett, solicitor to the Council, submitted for their approval an agreement which he had drawn 4 bptweeii the pro- moters of the proposed now Victoria Pier and Pavilion, at Cohvvn Ba £ and the Council. He explained that a portion of the land which the promoters required was leased by the Council from the Commissioners of the Woods and Forests for thirty years, at a nominal rental, and the ot er portion was absolutely freehold. He recommended the Council to lease the land for a certain period, charging a small annual re ital on the leasehold pro- perty and a consi lerably larger sum on the freehold land. I this way they will always have a continuous interest in the project ever after their lease hjid expired from the Woods and Forests. Mr. Parry askef if it would not be better to lease the wh of the land required for twenty years withtthe option of renewal ? Mr. Davies sai an agreement had already been arrived at tet ween the company and the Council by wlfich the former were to pay £ 50 per annum Hor the right of using the land, and if at at time their dividend ex- ceeded ten per cerk., the rent to be increased to £ 100 per annujxi. Mr. Nunn prosed that they should allow the company to fave the whole of the land required on a lea extending over the same period as that wijch the Council now held from the Woods apd Forests. Mr Parry thought they should charge £ 40 per annum rtnt fojf the freehold land andEIO for the leasehold. j Mr. Robert Evabs moved that they charge 150 per annum for the freehold land, and one guinea for the leasehold portion. Mr. Bevan stated that an agreement had already been arranged with the company to the effect that they should pay £;)0 per annum when the company paid a dividend of five per cent., and S £ 100 when the company paid ten per cent. Mr. W. Davies thought the Council should receive a rental, even if the company paid no dividend. Mr. Ampblett said that under the terms of the agreement mentioned by Mr. Bevan, the company might, if they pleased, purposely refrain from paying the live per cent., but pay a slightly smaller sum and put the re- mainder into a reserve fund. In that way thev would not be called upon to any rental. Mr. Nunn considered they should adhere to the terms of their original agreement as mentioned by Mr. Ban, now that they had promised to do so. After considerable further discussion, it was decided to adopt Mr.^Nunn's suggestion and '01 request the c^mjxufy^p begin the work forth- with. A ^TENSION (&%ROMENADE. The purveyor {produced a report which statj^-dtotc tin ply Avith the conditions ujtfm w|ich the"' company were pre- pared t| hand oyerforeshore to enable the Couiicil to^ttpend th** promenade to the Colwyh%ciyHo|pl, and tile carrying out of work, he estimated would cost £ 5,448. After some$iscussion, it was resolved to work, he estimated would cost £ 5,448. After .ome iscussion, it was resolved to ask the riilwayicompaBy to sell the land to the Council, bat not to insist upon the carry- ing of the until they were in a better position financially to do so.



Llandudno [District Council.
