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EMIGRATION. IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA—UNITED STATES OF L AMERICA.—For Sale, 120,000 Acres of FREEHOLD LANDS, in IRWIN COUNTY in Lots of 120 Acres and upwards, at Five Shillings par Acre. The Lands lie between thirty-one and thirty- two degrees iioftn; distant from the Atlantic Ocean one hundred and twenty miles, aud at an elevation of four hundred feet above its level; free from swamps, climate salubrious and healthy, distant from England eighteen or twenty days' sail. They are bounded by the Navigable Rivers, the Flint, and the Ocmulgee. A railroad, two-thirds finished, passes through the lands, which will connect both these rivero.—Vessels sail nearly every Week from Liverpool to Savanna or Charleston. Passage to either City from t3 to 1:4 per head;—From Charleston and Savanna, the Lands are reached by either Coach, Waggon, or Steam-boat.—Every information may be obtained relative to the above, &c., from RICHARD KEILY, Bsq., No. 1, Royal Exchange Building, London. f, 't 't 1: I m i ii 11 London ani Paris HAT EMPORIUM, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. I JOHN WILLIAMS & CO. T) ESPECTFULLY acquaint the inhabitants of Cardiff andfcho f surrounding country, that they have just received their First Lot of Spring- Hats, which will be found the Largest and moat Fashionable Stock of the kind in Wales. J. W. and Co. take this opportunity to return their thanks for tho very liberal support they have received, and beg to state that they are enabled, owing to their extensive trade, to fix such prices -as no House in the Kingdom can surpass. French Hats 3s. 3d. Do. Fine 4 0 Do. Superior 5 6 Do. Satin Nap 6 6 Do. Superior. 8 0 Do. Superfine 9 0 Do. Velvet Nap 10 6 Do. Superior .12 0 Do. Superfine 13 0 Beaver and Cl-oth Hats from 3s. 3d. to 14s. GHTXDKEN'S HATS AND CAPS IN EVELLY VARIETY. The Lowest Price asked. OBSERVE !—EAST SIDE OF THE TOWN-HALL. gasaA^eaai mr,. I TAFF YALE RAILWAY. Alteration of Passenger Trains. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 14th, 1849, the TIMES of DEPARTURE of the PASSENGER TRAINS will be as follows, until furthejr notice :— FROM CARDIFF TO MEETHYR AND ABERDARE. • WEEK DAYS. V. A> fih. SfliiL.Morning lh. Om., and 6h. Om., Afternoon. DliJJJiiu, At 9h. 30m., Morning; ailcl 4h. 20m., Afternoon. FROM MERTHYR TO CARDIFF AND ABERDARE. IVEFK D i-rs. At 7h. 15m., Morning; Ih. 10m., and 6h. 10m., Afternoon. SUNDAYS. At 7h. 15m., Morning; and 4h. 30m., Afternoon. FROM ABERDARE TO CARDIFF. WEEK. DAYS. At 7h. 15m., Morning lh. 5m., and 6h. 10m., Afternoon. SUNDAYS. At 7h. 15m., Morning; and 4h. 30m., Afternoon. FROM ABERDARE TO MERTHYR. K DAYS. At 9h. 40m., Morning 1h. 5m., and 6h. 10m., Afternoon. SUNDAYS. At 8I1. 40m., Morning; and 4h. 30m., Afternoon. Farther particulars may be obtained by applying at any of the Stations. Á By order, GEORGE FISHER, Cardiff, May 9th, 1849. General Superintendent. K^galar Trader from London to Cardiff, Hewport, &c. THE SCHOONER GLAMORGAN, ■ D JONES, Master, is now loading at Cotton's Wharf, Tooley-street, London, for Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, Abergavenny, Brecon, Monmouth, Pontypool, Cowbridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent, and will Sail Positively on Thursday, May 24th, 1849. For freight, &e, apply to the Master, on board; Mr. Richard Bwton, wharfinger, Newport; Mr. Thomas Richards, Aberga- venny; Messrs. Prosser and Co., Brecon; Messrs. J, H. and G. Soovi-.il, Cotton's Wharf, London; or to Mr. W. Bird, Duke- street, Cardiff. L mdon, May 9th, 1349. Postponed from May 19th, to Juno 2nd. LLANCARVAN. FREEHOLD ILAND FOR SALE. To be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Mark Marks, ON SATURDAY, JLTNE 2ND, 18-19, at Two o'clock in the after- noon, at the CROSS KEYS, CAHDIFF (subject to such con- ditiD:1S of sale as shall be then producQd), • ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with Stable, Garden, and Orchard attached; and also all that piece or parcel of PRIME LAND adjoining, con- taining together, by estimation, nearly sixteen acres, situate in the Village of Moulton, in the parish of L'ancarvaa; in the County of Glamorgan, and late in the occupation of Mr. William J tho Proprietor, unless previously disposed of by private contract, oil application to Mr. G. S STUAWSOX, Surveyor, Cardiff. The Orchard is walle.1 round, and .nll stocked with fruit-trees. Thy land-tux on three acres adjoining the house, and including it Gardcu, and Orchard, is redeemed. ABERDARE. To bs Bold by Austiom, by Mr. Jolm Jenkins, f\N MONDAY EVENING. MAY 14th, 1849, on the Pre- \J> mises of Ml WILLIAM DA VIES, Watch and Clockmakcr, iK-ias,' on the hiirh road towards Aberaman, and nearly opposite to the Aberdare Railway Station, A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER OF CLOCKS, of several descriptions, consisting of American, French, German, n id Eigli h malt e, with several handsome Time-pieces. Also, d izeii, of Plate Looking-glasses, in mahogany frames, with innumerable han-Uo ne Scriptural Pictures, in- eicgant frames. Likewise an as;ort-ent of superior Tea and Coffee-pots, in Bri, a plate, wi:.h si ver edges. -i- The Auctione i- respectfully can publics attention to the annexed articles, to which he feels a pleasure iri recommending them, viz several dozens of superior second-hand S ADD LES and BRIDLES, which have been used for a season only in a celebrated watering- town; the whole bo ng f >>• sale, for whatever they mav fetch. Also, a large number of superior CLOTH, B WAV iiE, and SILK HATS, in excellent condition the whole of which is particularly 19mcnded to the attention of the Public. o The Sale will commence at Four for Five p clock WEST OF ENGLAND FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 10, SMITH-STREET, CARDIFF. WILLIAM LEWIS, TAILOR and DRAPER, begs most respectfully to inform his numerous Friends and Supporters, as well as the Pubuc generally, that he has just received A large Assortment of New and Fashionable Goods suitable to the forthcoming Season. An early inspection will greatly oblige. All orders executed on the shortest notice. ° W. L. begs also to add, that he has a large stock of WOOLLEN GOODS of every description and price for sale. N.B.—BEST LONDON AND PARIS HATS. < 10, Smith-street, Cardiff, April 19, 1849. „ GREAT BRITAIN STOKES, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE, CARDIFF. 4P- L. WALTER, TAILOR, WOOLLEN DRAPER, HATTER, AND GENERAL OUTFITTER, RETURNS his sincere and unfeigned acknowledgments to hio numerous Patrons and Friends, for their valuable custom and the extreme liberality cviaced by them in the recommendation of their Friends; and begs to assure them that no exertion will be t^eir^ata-ona^e1*4' M capital, industry, human exertion, and practical experience, may enable him to ensure a continuance of The success that has marked his progress in the bespoke department, proves that such an Establishment was wanted in Cardiff'; and Iw ™el7 «c~v that he snould remind the Public that the great governing.principle upon which his Business is conducted, is S°flglai W'loles'lle ^nc.e. and lor the lowest remunerating profit, the most necessary article that enters into Jie expenditure of every family, and every muividual in the Kingdom; therefore, it is as much the interest of the Pubii" as *he i roprietor to recognise and encourage the justness and fairness of this system of Business. Having completed a New and Fashionable Stock of Clothing for the ensuing Season, comprising such an assortment as for beaut-v of material, excellence of style, and lowness of price, by far exceeds any ever before otiered to the public of Cardiff, L. w'. solicits an early inspection, confident that the result must be the general approbation and support of all persons who rightly appreciate the advan- tages of Fashionable Dress. The Proprietor of this Establishment, while he courts the custom of the wealthy, and renders it worthy their patronage by furnish- ing the very best material, and making up the same in the first style of the art, places the most elegant articles within the roach of all to whom economy is an object, with the additional advantage {not to be obtained elsewhere) of returning any article ordered which does not meet with their approbation either as regards €ut, Quality, Colour, or Make, though previously seen, chosen, and approved. In nothing is public opinion so unsettled as in Dress and the Proprietor trusts, that, by thus liberally meeting the difficulty of public taste and choice to the extreme, to merit and increase the extensive Trade, Patronage, and Confidence with which lie has hitherto been honoured. 2,000 Summer Coats from 3s. 6d. SUIT of BLACK, COMPLETE, £ 2 10s. 6d. MEN'S SUITS of BUST MOLESKIN, Ready-made, 18s.; to Measure, 20s. L. W. having now commenced the manufacturing of CLOTH CAPS, will be able to supply the Public in that branch 20 per cent cheaper than any other House, and the advantage of selecting from an immense Stock, or having them made to order. Paris and London Beaver Hats, from 2s. to 20s. White and Black Felt Hats, 5s. Bd. Hosiery, Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, superior White and Coloured Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Drawers, Shirts, Flannels, Shoes, Oil-Coats, &c., &c. Sole Agent for the Patent Black Waterproof India-Rubber Coats, (. v j rails, &0., Of which a general assortment is kept, and sold at the ltlahufttcturer's List of Prices. ANCHOR HOUSE, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 'THOMAS DAVIES DEGS most respectfully to express his sincere acknowledgments to the Gentry and the Inhabitants generally of Cardiff' and its IJ Vicinity, for the distinguished patronage he has been favoured with since his commencement in Business and to assure them "that his bess endeavours will be exerted to merit their future support. "With this object in view he has just visited the Metropolitan and other Markets, and has selected with the greatest core an extensive assortment of the Newest and most Fashionable Designs in DRESSES SHAWLS, HANDKERCHIEFS RIBBONS LACE, STltA WS, FAMILY MOUH,NING, &0., &c., with a large and varied Stock of LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY, including CAITPETINGS, FU1'tNITURES, and FAMILY LINEN of every description. His attention will be particularly directed to the puactual execution of all orders that he may be entrusted with. He further begs to announce that the whole of his New Goods for the Season, arc now ready for inspection, and the favour of a call T. W 111 BEGS to announce that he has ready for inspection a variety of Materials for DRESSES, suitable for the. present Season also 13 Paisley, Barege, and Cashmere Shawls.-—Family Mourning. Funerals Furnished. MRS. Vi II I T E Respectfully informs the Ladies of Cardiff and its neighbourhood that her STOCK of MILLINERYJfor the Season Is now on view together with an Assortment of New Shapes in MANTLES, &c. Straw Bonnets. Children's Presses. 21, Dulce-street, CardifF. NEW TEA AND GR0CE11Y WAREHOUSE, 11, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. OPPOSITE THE BRANCH BANK OF ENGLAND. 4- EICHAED CALDICOTT T) ESPECTFULLY apprises the Gentry, Clergy, and Families qf Cardiff and its neighbourhood, that having now completed his P-t arrangements, he will open the above promises on SATURDAY,. MAY 12th, with an entire new STOCK of TkE, S, COFFEES, and GENERAL GROCERIES, and respectfully invites a trial, assuring all who may so favour him that their orders shall have the most prompt attention, and the quality of his articles such as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. BLACK TEAS. s. d. Good Congou Tea 3 6 Strong Rough ditto. 4 0 Full-flavoured Souchong 4 8 The Very Finest. 5 0 GREEN TEAS. s, d" Twankay 3 G Young Hyson 4 0 Very Fine Wiry Leaf 5 0 Fine Pearl Gunpowder ,• 6 0 The Very Finest- 7 0 COFFEES. s. d. COFFEES. s. d. Good Coffee 1 0 Fine Plantation 1 4 Rich Mountain, Mellow Flavour 18 Ileal Old Mocha 2 0 BISCUITS, MANUFA- FRY'S FANCY AND PLAIN CHOCOLATES AND COCOAS. BISCUITS, MANUFACTURED BY J. W. MACKIE 1 UIIVEYOLI TO Tiili QUEEN.-This beautiful article is made by machi- nery, without handling, and pronounced to be superior to all others. HA5'S7«CMOKED GKWASRSA BACON, WILTSHIRE, Cardiff, May 12, 1849. MILFQKD AND HAKIN BRITISH TRAINING SCHOOL, MIDDLE-STREET, MILFORD. The BAZAAR of USEFUL and FANCY AUTICIES, In aid of tha Funds of the above School, will be held IN THE LARGE 11100.1,1 OF THE INSTITUTION, On THURSDAY, the 24th day of MAY, 1849, and tv-o following days. THIS SCHOOL is in a most flourishing condition, and well JL deserves the support of pubic; but the Com- mittee wish it to be distinctly understood, that the BAZAAR has no connexion whatever with the one to be held in a House in FttONT-STitEKT, Tickets of Admission to which are being offered for sale, containing no reference to the object for which it is to be held, and bearing the date of May 24th, 25th, and 26th, though previously advertised for the 28th and 28th of May. In order that the public may not purchase those Tickets nnder the impression that they are for the Millord and Hakin British School Bazaar, they are requested to observe that no Tickets for that Bazaar have yet been issued; when this is. done, each lieket will have the object stated on it, and also bear the impress of the School thereon. Milford Haven, April IQth, 1849. D T Y FB.EE.] C AUD IFF US'IOH. FN Pursuance of the Act of Parliament 11th and 12ch ic. ,;Cap. J. 91, sec. 7,1 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the A UDFT of the ACCOUNTS for the half-year ended on the 25th of Marca, 18M), will commence on FRIDAY, the ELEVENTH day..of ncx^ (this day), at 10 A.M., at the Boiuo ROOM of the SAKL.Uiiioa. f T. BOWEN, Carmarthen, April 11th, HiU. Auditor. • [DUTY MEBTHYIl TYDFIL UMOH. J TN pureuance of the Act of Parliament 11th and 12th Vic. cap, 1 91, sec, 7, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the AUDIT of the ACCOUNTS for the half-year ended on the 25th of March, 1849, will commence on THURSDAY, tHe SKy KNTEKNTH day of MAY next, at 10 A.M., at the BOAIID ROOM of the said Union. T. DOWEN, Cwnvavthen, April 19th, 1849. AutUfor. IJURSUANT to a DECREE of the HIGH COURT of J_- CHANCERY, made in a cause DAVIES versus EVANS, the Creditors of EVAS EDWARDS, of Caerphilly, in the County of Glamorgan, surgeon, deceased, who died in the month of August, 1848, are by.their solicitors on or before the 30th dav of June, 1849, to leave their claims of debts before N. W. SENIOR, Esq., one of the Masters of the said Court, at his ofnee in Southampton- buildings, Chancery-lane, London; and are on or before the tenth day of July, 1849, to establish such claims before the said Master, or in default thereof thcy will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said Decree and the general orders of the said Court. FEW and CO., Henrietta-street, Co vent Garden, Agents for BIliCH and DAVIS, Newport, Monmouth. ~~7 T 0 W JNr 0F_ CARDIFF.. MR. MARKS ~013SPECTFULL Y announces that he has received instructioas to offer for Sale by Auction, on Monday, May Mch, 1849, on the Premises, at No. 22, DTJXE-STIIEET, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and OTHER EFFECTS, the property of Mr. R. ROBERTS, Printer and Stationer, who is declining housekeeping comprising feather-beds, bolsters and pillows; Millpaif beds; four-post, tent, and French bedsteads mattresses and bedding; mahogany and painted chests of drawers mahogany dining, Pem- broke, and other tables; washstauds alldtoikt ware; bed-room and other carpets; parlour, ^bed-room, and kitchen chairs; maho- gany child's cot; capital eight-day clock in mahogany case ex- cellent safe chimney and other looking glasses fenders and fire- irons china, glass, and iii great variety; kitchen reouisites and numerous other articles. aleto commence precisely at Two o'clock, and the whole will be sold without reserve. TO CONTRACTORS ANITBLJILDEI^ TJEESONS desirous of TENDERING for the ERECTION jr of a u New Weslsyoa .Chapel at CaMif, sec thcplaIlS and specifications at the Wesley an Chapel, Gharch-street, Cardiff, until May the 22ud, and obtain any further information on application to JAMES WXI.SO. Esq., Architect, Bath. The tendon; are to be deliverjd to the Rev. C. Tucker, No. 2, Nelson-terrace, Cardiff,: free of expense, on or before the 29th of May. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest-tender. CaidUi; may n 180. THE SALE OF THE FREEHOLD GROUND-RENTS AT MERTHYR, IS UNAVOIDABLY Postponed from May 8th, until Tuesday, 22nd My, MEUTHYlt TYDFIL. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. Joan Jenkins, At the CASTLE INN, MERTHYR, on TUESDAY, 22nd of MAY 1849, at Six o'clock in the Evening, (in such Lots as shall, b. agreed upon at the time of Slb,) A LL those GROUND RENTS reserved under the several Leaser granted by the late Samuel Rees and Thomas Rees, E&quir. s. deceased, for the term of 99 years to various parties, of HUILJJIN G GROUND in and near to High-street and Twyn-yr-ouyn, in Merthyr Tydfil aforesaid. And also the FREEHOLD and INHERITANCE thereof, alter the expiration of the said several Leases, together with all HuKseij Buildiiigs, and Erections thereon; which Promises are now in the several occupations of James Miliward, John Millward, Thcma* Millward, JohnFerrcnt, William Todd, Mrs. Evans, Thomas Shep- herd, Josiah Atkins, Daniel Asprey, David Jones, Printer, IXiv: Miles, Mrs. Woodman, Walter Thomson, Banker, Thoiiia, Innkeeper, and the Trustees of the Unitarian Chapel. For further particulars apply at the Odice of Mr. OVERTON, Solicitor, Merthyr; or to Mr. JOHN JKXKISS, Auctioneer, Aberdare. TO MALTSTERS, BREWERS, PUBLICANS, AND OTHEHS. To be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Thomas WiiiiaEis, ON THE PREMISES, ON TUESDAY, MAY 15, iS-if), AT THREE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, ALL that COMMODIOUS PUBLIC-HOUSE and PRE- MISES, called The Cambrian, situate at Treforest, within about sixty yards of the TafF Vale Iron Works, half a mile of the Treforest Iron and Tin Works, aad I-, i, than a raile uf the market town of Pontypridd. The House comprises good tap-room, bar, bar-parlour, large kitchen, and brewhou-ie, cellar, &a., with four convenient tea- rooms, and has a plentiful supply of excellent water. The premises, containing nearly 400 square yards, are held under a 99 years' lease, from 1st November, lS-io, at a yearly gr01ilt1-rdH. of £3 4s. 6d. There is sufficient ground uncovered to build ei-Jn-i- a neat brewery (which is a desideratum to the neighbourhood), or about half a dozen cottages, and presents an opportunity rasoiy to be met with of investing capital to a great advantage. For further particulars^ apply to the Proprietor, Mr. William Evans, Maesmawr, near Upper float, or to the Auctioneer, i'e. ypridd. The Tenant will show the premises. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, OFFICE, QUAY, BRISTOL. ,—- I" 1, I I I pHE following steam vessels are ir.tendvd to X sail from Cumberland Basin, Bristol, to and from Cork, jucerna and Sabrina Water- ford, Victory and llvse; Tenby, Osprey Mil- ford, Pater, and Haverfordwest, Vsprcu; Car- marthen, l'hcoiiix and Tor-ridge, direct Siva: and Prince of ll'aizs, as uuuor-ineriu.di.aU'A's FROM BRISTOL TO si ~7T 3 > Z « £ •= & s 1UY' ? I I ifsjl | I II! Tuesday 1 pm 1 pm 1 p «« -I i>.»> i» -i xntjtk Wednesday 2 pjaf psr. Thursday. £ '3 a:n e; p'a Friday 4 ptoj J am 4 pui 3.J ym. Saturday.$U pm 5 are 4| pai| a au; Monday yJ .I 5| p:u! 6a5 p' Tuesday 8 7 a;r>. 7 am 7 am am tii a 5jp Wednesday 9 7 am < am \l u .6 p Thursday.H S am 7 a:u 7\ Friday ]J s am S -n 7i a n- S Satu<day .1^ S am 9 am 8| aus' Sj am Monday. U B 91 ami <i,i f.;ii 'Nic Monday. U B 91 ami <i,i f.;ii Tuesday .Is io am 10 am in S3 Wednesday 1(. 12nooa 9 11.J am 11 Thursday.17 = 14 am » pm -itmn Friday IS 2 p/a £ 2 am 2$pm pm Saturday .lii 3 pm am 3 pm 2j pin Monday .iil ■■■ j 4J pm! 5 am Tuesday .2-2, 5 pan 6 am 6 am! 6 am 5J am'6 a 5 p Wednesday'23 7 am 6 am 6i a 5;p Thursday.24 7.j am; 7 am 7 am l-'riduv .25 8 am | am '• a- » aai. Saturday 8 am f am SI- am Si a: Monday £ ■< :I0| aai- I5'1 an; Tuesday .29 11 am 11 am 1! a:-r, SJ am- airi Vv'ednesday3" 12 noon e 12 Thursday.31 1-5 a-i- j psn 1 p.r. J uno 1 j ■. ■■■ The Torridse will make as many voyages to and fro-a Uarmarih ,-n a* she can get loaded and the weather will permit. FOR BRISTOL FROM I it* I r MAY. o g bf § S § -2 g H r 5 | s & Tuesday 1 !2 noon 1 am ll{ am 11 a; Wednesdays 1noon )J> p:j Thursday. 3 4 am IJ pm U"pm Fruity. 4 4 pm 5 am I2:iii;ht 5 am 2 pm piii Saturda-v. 5 6 am 5* am 3 p-,u 3 jaj. 1 C Monday 7 4 pm 5J a4j p. 1 C 1 C Monday 7 4 pm 5J a4j p. Tuesday S 7 am 8 aia pm (5 a Wednesday 9 5 pm 6 a i.j n Tha sday.> S.J- am tiiiij <> a.Tj; Friday 11 9 am 8 am 9 am 6 am (i am Saturday .I. 5J ami i ;m; rc 9 am ami '7 am Mendav .U H am' U am Tuesday. 15 11 am g 11 am S.f am S.; ?.ai Wednesday 16 B 9A am 9v cm Thursday. 17 <2 1} am ll| am 11 am Friday IS 3 pm pm 10 p:n 9 2J am 1-inoon l~i pm Saturday .19 4 am .$4 am 1] pm 1 £ pjn satur(lay igi 4 am 4i I I)ni —— 2o Monday .21 3 pm 3/, pm Tuesday .22 7 urn P111 Wednesday2S 4i pm 5i a"5p Thursday.21 S am 5| am *6 am. Friday 25 9 am g aui 9 am 6 am 6 am Saturday.28 10 am 4 are. 9 am 6J am 6| am Monday .2S SJ am S^am Tuesday .29 1 am 1H am si am 9"an; io| am Mi Thursday.31 2 am 11?, am 11^ am $H§r The whole of the above vessels are fitted up for the convey- ance of passengers and goods.—Female stewards on board. Carriages a-id horses shipped with care.—Hajrsos and earrir.ges to bo shipped t-.vo hours before sailing. irurtieulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Stcm. Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all goods packages, parcels-, &c., should be addressed:—For Swansea aatl Cardiff, -to W. B. Owen, Bull Wharf, Rcdclin-strcet and C'iay- streec Hall, Marsli-streot; and E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-stree" • nnd or Newport, t) J. Jo.io3, Rownliam Wharf, Hotwells. AQESI\S.—Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, Haver- fordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater M'- J"0M N Smart and Mr. W. Poekett, Swansea; Mr. W. II, F-vvey rrd Mr. A. Kingston, Cardiff; Mi-. Martin, Ilfraeombe; Mr Baker, Lynton; Mr. Robert Staeey, Carmarthen; aud Mr P. Jones; Newport. Y,