—• Cettto. | THE Committee of Penlan Congregational Chapel, Pwllheli, is prepared to receive TKNDEBS for the Erection of new Schoolroom snd additions to Clnipel. Plane and Specifications to be seen with Mr W. Anthony, Draper, PwliheH. Sealed Tenders to be delivered b 6 p.m., on THURSDAY. JANUARY 25th, 1894, to R. Roberts, Esq., Solicitor, Pwllheli. The Committee dees not bind to accept the lowest or any tender. ROWLAND LLOYD JONES, Architect. 14, Market Street, Carnarvon, January 15tb. 1894. y!17cl30

BOVRIL, the guaranteed product of PRIME OX BEEF, fortifies the system againtt INFLUENZA, COLDS, AND CHILLS. Served Hot at Restaurants. Sold by all Grocers, Chemists, Stores, &c. al81

<ŒbU£:1 fion. LADIES' COLLEGE, BRYNTYSILIO, CARNARVON. PRINCIPALS :-The MIsaRs SHEAD, Certificated: Cambridge University and Trinity College, London, THE School Re-opens JANUARY 24TH, c46 BEAUMARI8 SCHOOL Will RE-OPEN on TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd, at 9 a.m. THERE "rill be an Examination for several Exhibitions open natives of North Wales. For particulars, address The Headmaster. c323 MANCHESTER GRAMMAR SCHOOL FEE, X4 4s PER TERM. THE next term begins TUESDAY, JANUARY 16TH, 1894. Entrance examination, MONDAY, JANUARY 15TH, at 9 a.m. Prospectuses, torms of application, &c., may be had at the school. OWEN W. COX, Clerk and Receiver. N.B.- Boarding -house now open under the sanction of the Governors. cl23 LIVERPOOL HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, BELVIDERE ROAD. PRINCE'S PARK, LIVERPOOL. HEADMISTRESS Miss CANNINGS. THE Spring Term will BEGIN on MONDAY, JANUARY 22nd. Prospectuses and forms of application for admission may be obtained at the School, or from the Secretary of the Girl's Public Day School Company, Limited, 21, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W, A Preparatory Department is attached to the School. c329 THE GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. PRINCIPAL MR J. LEWIS JONES, B.A. (Senior Moderator and Gold Medalist of Trinity College, Dublin.) PUPILS are carefully and successfully pre- pared for the Examinations of the College of Preceptors, Cambridge Local, Queen's Scholar- ships, Preliminary Examinations in Law and Medicine. Examination of the College of Preceptors held annually in the School. Terms on application to Headmaster. c222yl43 THE ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OP MUSIC AND ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. President: H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Hon Local Representative for Bangor: Pro- fessor W. RHYS ROBERTS, M.A., University College of North Wales. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS. Last Day for receiving Forms of Applications from Candidates, JANUARY 31st, 1894. See Syllabus A. LOCAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Last Day for receiving Applications ror Registration from Schools and Teachers of Music, FEBRUARY 28th, 1894. See Syllabus B. Copies of either Syllabus, with full informa- tion, may be obtained of the Honorary Local Representative, or at the Central Offices, 52, New Bond Street. London, W. cl28 GEORGE WATSON, Secretary. •Pxterar#. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL EDITION (just published) of expianatoiy book gratis and post free; shews how money is made quickly and successfully by stocks and shares. Highest and lowest prices for last seven years.-Aildress George Evans, and Co., Stockbrokers, 24, Queen Victoria Street, Loridcu, E.C. THE "GKAPIIIC. CONTAINS every Saturday, Illustr tions by the best Arti sts, of all the curren events of importance, portents of celebrated persons, und original drawidgs.- Sold by all Booksellers for 6d., or post free 6M., from the Office, 190 Strand, Lonond, W.C. c711 A jntef<;3»x<a tn Ccaumerce 3t](¡¡¡¡,1 sub- scribe to cti<! Velum* of Wihc-t' Mercantile I)L?ec? of the World, being tfn> only Dirt'ctoiv ol R E A T 1> SI T AIN AND IRELAN L'< \j ever publish^, containing lists of all tbt- Manufacturing, Wholeeftle and principal Retail Trades. Price, 35s. Prices of Directories cf any part of the wo: ic on applscHtion. Prospectus fr«e on application to the |>nbbahwv WILLIAM WILSON and^ONS, a 8, T&lhot Court, East cheap, London, Rl:, THE MATRIMONIAL HERALD AND FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE. Official Orgau of the World's Groat Marriage Association (Li mi t e;i). Its valuable organisation supported and reco'-r.ine^fled by the t,iergy to all desiring h&pp.v uD/! advantageous marnB^es (see Notice in current issue). Brilliant success for 1893. Enormous htcreuse in Association s Marriages over any ji-ar diumg 11 years' esmb- lishment. The Directorate honoured with ii't« entire Patronage of Die Nobility, Professional, and Business Classes throughout the British Empire. Absolute secrecy. Sent in plain sealeO envelope, Sd.—Ji.chtor. 4U, Tomb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. cl85 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. Issued by the Cambrian Railways Company. price 2d. THERE TO STAY AND WHAT TO W SEIfi" IN WILD AND PICTURESQUE WALES. Containing 17 Aleisenbp.chViews of Aberystwyth, Barmouth, and other Cumbrian Seaside ami Holiday Resorts, from Photographs by Mr J. Maclardy of Oswestry with a List, ot Hotels, Inns, Farmhouse and Country Lodgings. To be obtained at all English and Welsh Railwax Bookstalls and at all Cambrian Stations. AJso from ALFRED ASLETT, < Secretary and General Manager. Company's Offices, Oswestry, August. 1893. WHAT IHK PRESS SAY It is a useful litth twok, IHld we hope it wiJl induce many readers to vj;t the charming ml weenes whicb lie on «\ud about the Cambrian.- Oswestry Advertizer. Itivalutkbit, to all Holiday Mat-ors.-Elan gollen Aclvertrzer. The information is of a thoroughly practical nature.— The Gentlewoman.. Arranged in a manner which will be of im- mense service to the Traveller,—Monte,ornery shire Express. Illustrated with of the most enchanting beauty spots in a country so pioLilc in scenic granduer,—The Evening Reporter. The Cterr briar Eailwaye Company have earne«: the ratitude of Holiday Makers by pubHebii^ this handy reliable little guide TIle Journal or Commerce. A very showy U-tle pirnpbU't full of interna a- tion and illustrations, also a wcnceriul List ot P, Prm- House and Country Morning Neivs. Should be in the hnndq of every Tourist. On entry Commercial Circular. &SM-1 -<r' LETTER, PFINXISG, ij HERALD OFFICE, CARNiU-OX t IJubiic UJetfings, «& £ GUILD HALL, CARNARVON. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 26th and 27th, 1894. MR J. DE REES (Newport, Mon.) begs to announce his annual visit with his celebrated Company, who will appear in the most popular Drama of the day, A NOBLE BROTHER." Seats booked at Mr C. Rowlands, Bookseller, Castle Square. Usual Prices. Commence, 7.60 sharp. Rev Henry Ward Beecher (writing the author) gavs-—"Dear Sir.—I wish to compliment both your'play and self. Had wane such produc- tion' the stage would rank with any protess.on. I have seen the piece 08 two different occasions, and as I said to the Rev Mr Ludlow, who was with me, it is better than any sermon I ever preached, and I would willingly travel one hundred miles to see another work as good. It is pure, clean, and sweet, and touches every heart. Wishing you success, I am respectfully yours, HENRY W ARD Bic tcHRR." cl22 __m._ ^Bsurmta. ASSURANCE PRUDENTIALCO., LTD., HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £ 17,000,000. ADDITIONAL AGENTS Wanted. A Apply J. W. JONES, cl56 26. Castle Square, Carnarvon. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE (FIRE). FOUNDED 1710. SUM INSURED IN 1892, £ 391,800,000. For all particulars apply to the following Agents:- Carnarvon.—Mr. William Hugh Owen. Bala.— Mr. Torwerth Jones, Bryntirion. Bangor.—Mr. Jas, Smith. Beaumaris-Mr Fredk. Geary Colwyn Bay.—Mr. J. J. Aves. Conway.— Mr. James Porter. Dolgelley.—Mr. Thomas P. Jones Parry. Holyhead.—Mr. Owen Hughes. Llangefni.—Mr. Williap* Thomas. Portmadoc.—Mr John Tobias, 6, -Marine Terrace, Trawsfynvdd-Mr Robert M. Roberts. all8 THE BOILER INSURANCE AND JL STEAM POWER 00., LTD. HEAD OFFICE 67, KING STREET, MANCHESTER. Established 1859. AUTHORISED CAPITAL £ 250,000. INVESTED FUNDS £ 97.000. BOILERS AND ENGINES INSURED AND INSPECTED. EMPLOYERS INSURED AGAINST CLAIMS under The Employers' Liability Act." JOINT POLICIES ISSUED. INDIVIDUAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. J. F. L. CROSLANDi M. Inst. M.E., A. M. Inst. C E., Chief Engineer. EDWARD HADFIELD, Secretary. Local Agent: W. LLOYD WILLIAMS, C.E. and F.S.I., I Herald' Buildings, Carnarvon. c440yl40 Jttotiel}. MONEY.—A Private Gentleman is willing to make cas> advances from «- respectable persons, <? respectable persons, 'liQf! epers, Farmers, Cov Ir short periods on the r t rate of interest.341^ receive prompt a«teBM Hoad; Everton, Liverp# MONEY! MONK A# at a few hours *5 to £ *<X0. on nuto of hand, to all respl *r*g«ns (male or female), Clergymen, Profession* \JeiTclatnen, tehop- keepers. Farmers, Cab and Car Proprietors, and others, for lontc or short periods; also on deposi of GOLD and SILVER PLATE, DIAMONDS, DOCK BONDS, &c. Advances also made on Freehold cr Leasehold Property.—Apply personally, or by letter (which will receive prompt attention), R. JONhir Mortgage Broker, Venice Chambers, 61, Lord Street Liverpool. P .S.-Strietest secrecy may be elieri < n D all transactions. Please no TO Address. »71 A LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN having a large amount of uninvested capital at his com- mand, will LEND same in the strictest privacy in sums of £10 TO X1000 to any respectable person (male or female) in any part of the United Kingdom, on the security of their OWN WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, without sureties, delay, or law charges. Also on deeds, mortgftges, and dock bonds, AT 5 PKR CENT. INTEREST, The amount borrowed can be repaid by easy instalments, extending over a period from one to five years, or capital can remain so long as the interest is paid. As this office is a bona-fide private concern, and hot connected with any loan office, it is requested that habitual borrowers will not apply. For furilier particulars call ot write to the j Bctual lender, WILLIAM CAMERON, Melville Chambers, 50A, Lord Street. Liverpool. y223c240 A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having a con- siderable sum of uninvested money at his disposal, in prepared to advance the stime to all respectable and responsible persons, in any purt of England, Scotland, or Wales, in sums of tjf.t !ess th'in iM5 to £ '.000, on the Borrower's own yi.vilLK AY KITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, wiiliout Sureties or Security. No delay. No Law Costs. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY IS OG ..RANTEBD, and, if desired, a written under- t.k!iiw will btJ £ iven to this effect. Advances aiso made on Mortgages and Ke'v os ons at i IVhi PEK CKNT. INTEREST PER ANNUM, repay- able bv easy instalments or in one sunri to suit the Borrower's convenience, or, if desired, the capital can remain a, lontf as the interest is paid. IM POUT ANT NOTICE.—As this is net a regular loan office habitual borrowers Deed. Dot a[M>lv\ For full particulars (free of charge) al;ply per-o-nally Ior bv letter (stating amount l required) to Mr STEWART, 2, Cooptr Street, Manchester. _2?- ) NO FEES. MONET WITHOUT SURETIES, DELAY, OR PUBLICITY FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. rpHE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, 3, Commercial Buildings, Cross Street. 1875. MANCHESTER. Capita! ^'00,000. Private and Prompt Advances on Borrower's Note of Hand Alone, to all Persons of respectability and responsibility, from £ 20 to s-2000. Repayable by easy instalments or in one sum. as arranged. A Guarantee given to strictest privacy. NO LAW COSTS. Advances also made on Mortgage of Leasehold or Freehold i'roperty, Shares, Scrip. Policies. s.c., at 4 TO G PElt CET. INTEREST. Applications from any pari. of England or Wales receive precisely the same attention as those applying in Manchester. For further particulars can or write "to MR lio^EliT JAMES, H.esuient yianager. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Bank is not connected with any loan societie,, or s-o->alled advance com panies trading as professional moony lenders, and the usu<l objectionable loan c-tlice routine is entirely dispensed with. Owing to our immense business throughout tha county we are able to lend money at ordinary Rark Charges, and the sum borrowed can be repaid by Eas- v:r;d Lrnjr Instalments, or can rerp-iiu atinteresi or a term oi v>rs., eDU ¡ IN I otds. OUTHPOr.T.-SUNNYSIDE HYDRO. Psyh. S Dr BARNARDO. Summer and Winter Residence, one of the handsomest buildings centrally situated, replete with every comfort, fine sea view, near Parks, Pier, Trams, and Gol, Links. New Turkish, Vapour, and othet Baths. Massage, Galvanism. Terms moderater -J. BOOCOCK, Proprietor. a372 LIVERPOOL. SHAFTESBURY HOTEL, Mount Pleasant. a About three minutes' walk from Lime Street and Central Stations. Bus from Landing Stage. 100 roomp. Bed and attendance from 28 6d. Night Porter. Electric light. No alco- holic drinks supplied. Good Stockrooms. cll48y23 aillDau. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. N STANTINOPLE IN LONDON AT THE OLYMPIA. ON FRIDAY EVRNING, JANUARY 26th, 1894. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS for three or five days will be issued to LONDON from Pwllbeli, Portmadoc, Barmouth, Dolgelley, Towyn, Aberdovey, Aberystwyth, Machynlleth, Llanidloes, Builth Wells, Brecon, Newtown, Montgomery, Llanfyllin, Oswestry, Ellesmere, and intermediate Stations (except Welshpool). The train will leave Pwllheli 4 0 p.m.. Cric- cieth 4 23, Portmadoc 4 36, Harlech 4 58, Bar- mouth 5 25, Dolgelley 5 10, Towyn 6 4, Aber- dovey 6 15. Passengers return from London (Euston) as follows: 3 days passengers at 9 45 p.m. Monday, January 29th 5 days passengers at 8 5 p.m., Thursday, February 1st. ALFRED ASLETT. a115 Secretary and General Manager. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. DURING THE WINTER AND SPRING MONTHS, WEEK END EXCURSION TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Sunday, Mon- day. or Tuesday,) and FOURTEEN DAYS' TICKETS will be issued on every Friday and Saturday also TOURIST TICKETS (available for two calendar months) will be issued on any week day, from the Principal Cambrian Inland Stations to Borth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Aber- ystwyth, Barmouth, Dolgelley, Harlech, Port- madoc, Criccieth, and Pwllheli.—For full particulars as to fares, &c., lee bills which can be obtained at all Cambrian Stations. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. a209 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Monday or Tuesday) are now issued throughout the year, from Birming- ham, Monument Lane, Vauxhill, Duddleston, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Burton, Derby, Leicester, Leeds, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Staley- bridge, Ashton, Stockport, Eccles, Oldham (Clegg Street and Goldwick Road), Manchester (London Road), Preston, Blackburn, Chorley, Bolton, St. Helen's, Wigan, Warrington, Liver- pool (Lime Street and Edge Hill), to the follow. ing Cambrian Watering Places :-Aberystwyth, Borth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Dolgelley, and Barmouth, TOURIST TICKETS, available for one month, will also be issued during the Winter and Spring months, from the above-named places to the Watering Places shown above. Tourist Tickets will also be issued throughout the year from Cambrian Inland Stations to all Watering Places on the Cambrian Coast. Full particulars as to train times and fares are given on the bills iss,,oJ by the London and North-Western Qlla Cambrian Railways Com- psnipo, .ú such announcements can be obtained at any of the above-named stations. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. November 1st, 1893. a98 -=-.1- T_ø" PREVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH BY TAKING HAYMAN'S B(alsam$fdrehowid on FIRST APPEARANCE of CHILL. A Safe and Speedy Remedy for INFLUENZA, COUGH, COLD, HOARSENESS, and all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs, Extracts from recent unsolicited Letters INVALUABLE for Bid Cougbs and Colds '• lifT, Eaton, London Road, Sleaford. NEVER KNEW IT FAIL to give Rslief." Mr Bonsher, Fenn Cottage, Lambourne Prepared only by A. HAYMAN and Co., London. Sold everywhere price Is. lid. and 28. M al23 C BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious and Nervous Disorders. BEEOHAM'S PILLS. For lodisrK'jtiii* in all its forms. Bhi EC HAM'S PILLS. JD For Wind and Pains in tht) Stotnaca. SECHAM PILLS. For Sick Headache. OEE'JliAii'S I' 1 Li>. all HHVSJ Saved the Lives o:; Thousands. t.t. _J.t.l IV J. BEEOIiA.'d'S PILL'S. Foi Giddiness, BEECHAM'S PILLS. D Kor Fulness ud Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are a wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEEUHAM'S PILLS. £.? Are Adapted for Old and Young. EEC HAM'S PILLS. U For Dizziness aral Drousiness. t!» JtiiiiUliAAJ 'tt PILL6. ? For Cold Civilly Fmshinga of Heat "i PILLS V Will Restore the Rosebud of Health to II Every One who Uses Them. EECHAM'S PILLd. For Blotches on the Skin. EECKA M'SPI LLS. I F,') F, For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreams. iik PLLL8. < H For CostiveEeiw and Scurvey. YT:. R EC RA M'S' PILLS. JL3 Are the Best for Female Com- plaints. EHSCHAM'S PILLS t::» The First Dose Gives Rebel in 20 Minutes, BEECHAi&'S PILLS, Are Recommended by Medical Men. BNi-;i]Ar"ils PiLLtl Have the Largest Sde of any Patent Medicine in the VV orld, llcFAMyIjOOTii PASTE. Will Recommend Itself, ESCHAM'STOOTki PASTE, _Ii)) Is eideaciOm, ecoDom'caL BEECHAM'S TOO I'd PAS'l's?,. Cleanses the teeth. 4nt5 -vtarfumes cC».»bresta. J3 Ic coilapdSble R'acHAXfi'S PILLS !y .4 t. J i H J '1.. Solrt evpy^wher-. ""PropNrec only by the Protwietoi*. THOSIAS bKRCHAtf, St. Hsleas, Iianc?.nb;re, Sold by ail Tjrvs>f?tete' and Patent MetiiciE8> Dealers whei'o. Ja gusiitcsB Ibbressc. FELT HATTERS TRADE UNION LABEL. All Working People and the Public generally are earnestly requested tc look ins-ide or under the leather of the Hat for the Label when pur- chasing Felt Hats, if they wish to discourage sweating. The Label is printed in black on pink paper, and perforated on the ede exactly like a postage stamp, and bears the words, This Hat Union Made." For particulars of Label write to GEORGE WILDE, DENTON, MANCHESTER, al8 Largest and Best Selectionin the Market' Any Length Cut. In use Every where Parcels 01 ,AT?,KS Thousands of Carriage Paid. Tirrrt Testimonials. Unequalled bOUlOJl SEND AT ONCE for Wear. rriTlITT?T>T>C1 for Box of HONESTY I W Jj.Ll.iju PATTERNS, Not a trace of numbering over Shoddy orTrickery DIRECT FROM 400, which will in our Goods THE I OOH. delisrht you. Largest and Best Selectionin the Market' Any Length Cut. In use Every where Parcels 01 ,AT?,KS Thousands of Carriage Paid. Tirrrt Testimonials. Unequalled bOUlOJl SEND AT ONCE for Wear. rriTlITT?T>T>C1 for Box of HONESTY I W Jj.Ll.iju PATTERNS, Kot a trace of numbering over Shoddy orTrickery DIRECT FROM 400, which will. in our Goods THE I OOH. delisrht you. W/ \AT MANUFACTURED OH TAKEN W *JU-U IN EXCHANGE. A WANTED to push tte sale of our iiVjEill XO (joods in their spare fine. None but first-class men need apply, who are veil-known and have a good connection with the Public—Patterns sent free on application to 1 have a good connection with the lublia-PaternS sent free on application to S CLARK BRO., SCOTCH TWBID MANUF., I GALASHIELS. a304 ART METAL WORK JN GATES AND GRILLES, iMfirrffPtw p M ,1; j^LLl;; [RON HURDLES. WIRE FENCNG, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON R30FING &c, W. II. PEAKE~ANI) SONS. MANUFACTURERS 26 AND 27 SEEL STREET, LFfiRPOOL. WILSON'S MERCANTILE AGENCY, For affording assistance to at in Trade. Established 1814. MANUFACTURED Goods, British and I jVi. ForeigD, at manufacturer, prices. Quota- tions sent on receipt of particlars of require- ments. Foreign and Colonial Produce mpod direct and supplied at lowest prices. Quotations on application. encies undertaken or arrange) for the sale of I manufactures, patents and specialities in every country. I Consignments of every ileqcriptin of goods sent to suitable markets and sold br account. Status Inquiries made at hone and abroad. Terms on application. Accounts Collected at home andabroad. Terms on application. Mercantile Information suppled, acvice ten- dered, and questions of all fciuds answered by experts. Advertising of all kinds judiciously undertaken or contracted for without chsrge. Circulars print*? folded, addressed and de spatched for L-JSR- 4nd foreign coiptries. Directories of all j&iti.6-e and for all)arts of the world. Prices on appi cation. All Persons interested in commerce should sub- scribe to the British Volume c Wilson's Mercantile Directory of the Worl." being the only Directory of Great Britair and Ireland ever published, containing lisl of all the Manufacturing, Wholesale, ad Principal Retail Trades. Price 35s, Prospectuses free on application 3 WILLIAM WILSON bSONS: a4939 25, Abchurch Lac j London, E.C, 'I: n THE RtSI GARDEN 8 SEEDS AT MOST MODERATE PRICES. SEED POTATOS, GARDEN TOOLS, & SUNDRIES. Descriptive Catalogue No. 43 Post Free on Application. Delivered Free by Rail or P.rcel Pest. D! CKSQNSChester y— —— J)R, JONES D.DS &-c-, SURGEON DEITIST OPPOSITE THE MAZKE", BANGOR. DR. JONES visits Llangehi every Thursday at Liedwigan Road. Llanerchymedd from 10 b and Amlwch from 2 to 5, Jan. 30, Feb. am March 27, April 24. Ebenezer and Llanberis, irst Tuesday after Pay Day, Be tb'esda, first Tuesday af-r Pay day. Baugor every day except Tesdays and Thurs- day. c*571 E ADE'S GOuT & R HIDIATIC pILLS TOE FIRST 1WO PILLS "OOK TaR PAIN AWAY. EADE'S PILLS. 2, College 'ark Villas, Kensel Gren, London, v> JADE'S FILLS. 189J- jv, Dear Sir,-I feel, ih my duty IP. ADE'S PILLS, to tell you bad the Kbenoiat:c Gout twic«aaiihad to stop at! home for three weeks. I canno describe the pain I suffered. I read yo ir advert sejant and iooksd upon it as all others. A brother syialman said, "Try them." I did so. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK 'HE PAIN AWAY G, OUT. in a ^ew bor«, aod I was able to J- resume mywork. No one need ir HEUI-IATI sM. be frlghteud to tike them. I K have recoil.ierded them t" ail /~l'OUT.. whoru I bao heard,comp}ainiDg (j of Rheumu^rc.Gout, L'.iuibigo il, HEIJMATISM. Neuralgia, xo. I hope no one k. will doubt my statement. — Yours sincerely, JS PETTEPvGALL Mr G. hde. t pAD]L'S GOUT & H UM A.TIO pILLS Prepared only by George Eac; 72. Gcsweh Road, London, E.C. and Sold by all hemists, in Bottles, Is and 2s 9d. o ADE'S OUT & J^HIUMATIC piLLS THE BiifS'i" MEDICINE Ftit bJLE, THE BEST MEDICINE FIR WID, THE BEST MEDICINE FtR INDIGESTION, is 1^ ADE'S J^NTIBILICGS pILUS. Quickly remove the irritatiomnd feverish state of the Stomach, correct the mo- td condition of the Liver, relieve the system or all kJpuritieil, which, by circulating in the ood, injurioV:, affect the action the Kidneys, and, by rertiovr- the causes of so much discomfort, restore the vial energies ot body and mind. I 0 ^NTIBILI^i i pILL", old by in t3,-)x, Is 0,3 2., fi, or mailed free on re"^I>>t of rcofttsu- e w GAOAVGL EADK, 72, GOfWMLt. POAP ,vDOT Eade'e V— F JL :J.N Lkj- ii* EMQVE o • • of a i liø.lnl ..{h! N Iû • Obaapest H r_ -0- usintø.6 JlbbrcjSBts. PAPUR PAWB; Second Volume began August 5th. > The success of PICTORIAL JOKES. 4 Tit-Bits,' STARTLING STORIES. Answers ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES of CELEBRITIES. and THRILLING NOVEL. 'Pearson's Weekly' PRIZE COMPETITIONS FOR ALL CLASSES. Repeated in LIMITED SPACE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Wales. WEEKLY—PENNY. Publisher: DANIEL EFES, CAENAEYON. Unique in the Welsh Language. I nilliirrAnniA The kest remedy for Acidity I UlNNEFOnD S stomach, Heartburn,! Beadache, Goat aad Indi- goeflon, and the safest aperient fUl A 0 N [ Q I A t°r delicate Conititutions,Ladiaa, III All II L U I Ai Children,andImaaU. Sold tnroughout the Word, CAUTION.—See that DINNEFORD AND CO. is on every Bottle and Label. c908 — i PRINTING. CIRCULARS, BANDBILLS, POSTERS. BEST WORK AT LOWEST RATES BOOKBINDING OF ALJ KINDS AT REASONABLE PRICES. MAGAZINES FROM ONE SHILLING PER VOLUME. HERALD OFFICE, CARNARVON. PA\ LIEBIG "COMPflHWS" W Fauces EXTRACT S^avies OF BEEF. e*W>«cn»m*jy If mA D E. Coclctry Book* Frtc on appliiatiotTif U >LIEBI6'S EXTRACT OFMEAT CO., /'IHJI TY,( 9F Fenchureh Avenue, E.C. CURE FOR ALL! J -11 HOlLOVlAY S OINl MENT S B Ec* B 9 < t « infallible letaedv for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer* It is famous lor Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT UtS NO EQUAL. -OR SORE T H ROA TS. BRONOH ITIS. COUGHS, COLDS, GUaidular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for Contracted and Stiff Joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOAAY'S Establish meat, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (!ate 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and soid bf all Medicine Vendor* throughout the Work*. -f'" f+rsxti#. at tV« alxtve addrasa. daily, brtweec hours of I! and 4. or by Ietssn JOHN t^ALF-QUINEA QOSTUMGS tt FOB LADIK9 Divcct from the Manufacturer to the Wearer by mea.ns I l pIK: 1 Ij/Vi ur*. Ih-to. »I Every costume j or oi'tside the skirt, whicn is a full stylish iiiape (40 m.. Bla'-k Russii S«W!!1 f„ any »P » tf taA» nmi t- — Larger or special sizes made to order at a cost of is. 6d. extra. Don't make any mistake, John Nobles price, 10.b is not fo Lencrtk, but jorUu Complete Cosiuvu, made up and ready,for.ui.MM ate wear "LEACH'S FAMH.V DRESSMAKER" remarks Imagine a complete Costume for G and some pretttiy fashioned frocks for Children from 3s^6,i upwaras! Ihej are perfec marvels, and, moreover, not slop For this I can voach. KNOCKABOUT RRTOCKOJ For Girls are also suppliedjn John Noble Cheviot every jroA V VrJn.T-veil-made and carefu'y fimsned with saudlc top, »oug iu*. & I £ Veit°-nd pocket Being loose fitting they thus allow ample room for 1 development of the limbs, and are offered at such low prices that most g \J\ hdies would refuse to make the frocks for the money even if the materials U j ere supplied free. Please consider these pricesxnch Price 1/6 2/- 2/6 3/- 3/6 4/- ■4, Q 5/- 5/6 Each. Postage 45<d. extra. Every purchaser delighte- The lengths stated are from top of neckband lo bottom ot s.i.t m l.o.. Praised by the "QUEEN" as Miracles rf Cheapness. Praised by the "QUEEN" as Miracles rf Cheapness. THE JOHN NOBLE CHEVIOT SERGE (Regd. ass be said to be worth anywhere between is. 6d. and 3s._6d. the yaid. being; extra coaoie tj advantage in maliing garments, a»:d every reader of this papar can secure BRRin I A FULL BBESS LEMSTH OF 6 AHBS m ( m Carriage Paid for 5J.. extra. TATYI-'<- R<?CIF>VIRNR COSTUR'E SKlKT, maae N the r.ew iMl shape, .r-> £ ST John Noole has ju^t introduced^ a LAJJ O 0F broad black militari' braid, and supplied compiot the above serje. This style (40 inches Ion*,), is tri i-e-utifullv fimsned skirt tliat would cost double the price a in any of the above colours for 3s. od., carriage 9d. extra. ^t^utituuy •any'ordinary costumier's. I F-L-hlon ^h'-et of Costumes. &c., for Ladie.s' Children Patterns of the John Noble Cheviot Serge and Illust, „.oci 1 a. n.on .1 .et u j wear sent Post Free bj7 the Sole Manufacturer ifoiB loBtE, LTCiS'S' Mmmwm 4}. Shining. THE ABERDEEN LINE. LONDON TO AUSTRALIA, Via Cape of Good Hope, in 42 days. Thermopylae_.C&pt A. Simpson3711 tons.. Feb. 17 Aberdeen _Capt, C.ITajlor 3659 tons.. April J THESE magnific«nt fulI-poTreraii 8te»a.iii8 will sailas above for MELBOURNE and SYDNEY, t&king passengers for all Aastralian and New ZD&iand Ports. The accommodation for firat and thlrd-clas* passengers is very superior, and a surgboa will accompany each veuel. Fares-SECcon, Iroir £60; Third-class from 13 guineas. For particulars apply to Geo. Tbrmpson and Co., 24, L«adexih. Street, London, E.C. ciOpyV 23 STEAM COMMUNICATION BsrnrxIXK LIVERPOOL, BAN, GOR, MENAI BRIDGE LND CARNARVON, I" IYEEPOOL, OAENARYOS M £ NA1 U STRAITS 8TEAMSEI? €'CMPA>!Y ~The quickest and ohaape«t, Goods ta-auat L etween LIVERPOOL acd NORTH WALKS. — TM Steamer PRINCE JA JA, or other staamer i the We-t Side, Trafalgar DTv-, Livoj-^ol, every Wednesdaywith goods tor Beaumaris, evary Wed- nesday and Saturday for Carat: vt", Bangor, and Menat Bridge, For Freights, &c.. apply at the Company's Offices, SMassrs Eich&ra^ Mille, and Co., 18, James Street, LiTel" J): or at Carnarvon, Mr J. Pritchard, i'Xmpsuylit t .i)hOUl8 New Harbour. N.B.-To insure shipment, all Goods tmd te delivered by neon ou d&y of s&4 1-ing. OT AMERICAN. LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL dTEA', LIVERPOOL TO PHILADSL H A First-Class, full-powered, Iroc Std&K? Hoa, ACCOMMODATION FOR puseagetz TO Z3L any European Ln" Passengers and £ Joods lanaec at Pbl upbfcl en the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA AIL- ROAD. THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BHS- ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENC*? AND CO., 19 and 21 Water Street,LIVERPOOL, LOCAL A GKNTB :— W, J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon. R. R. Stythe, 39, Bangor Street, Camsu von, H. J. Williams, 50, High Street, Batheeda. Aichard Roberts, Bethesda, Stephen Roberts, Glynllifon Hotel; 1\Xla. Festinioe, ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES 'REGULARLY EVERY THURSDAY. BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE to Canada., M&ni. JD toba,the North- West Territories and British Col- umbia, and the Western States of 10 doilars Bonus to Settlers, and Homestead Certittcatas relating to the Government Free Grant Laúüs of 160 Acres. Write for Handbook of con)ise information aid aJ vice, also of latest maps and p.nphiets, supplied Free by Adan Brothers & Co., 19, Jain/ [Street, Liverpool; or to W. J. W.Warns, 7, Marmot Street, Carnarvon; W. D. Jones, Old Bank, Holyhead' R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller, tligrh Street. Portmadoc J, R. Cadwaladr, A-gent, 7. Bnwydd Vi:,w, Blaeoau Festiniog; J. H. Jones, Llaurwst; W. H. Daviea, Stationer, Bank Place, Denbigh. WHITE STAR LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Queensrown, every Wednesday. *ADRiATic.Wed., Jan 23 ) BRITANNIC. Wed.. Jan. 81 Cotton not carried on Passenger Steamers. SECOND Cabin will be carried on the voyage marked thus*. The splendid Vessels of 1 lus line are all of the largest class, uniform in model aiid ar rangements, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amid. chSttjerfgt' -pa^ .low rates. delphia, at low rates. Appiy to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance broker and William John Williams, 7, Marketbtreei,, c- von Richard Roberts, Bethesda O. E. Parry. Slate Merchant, Dolwyddelcn David Rowlands, Pen j'graig; W. M. Jones, Church Street, Llangefni; R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau ilawr, Taiy;.arn; H. Hughes, 8, Market Street, Amlwch; W. P. Jones, Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead W. O. Williams, Denbigh Street. Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, I,Minafon, Dolgelley William Edwards, 7, Williams Terrace, Llanberis or ..t& Is MAY 1MHIE & Co.. 34, Leadenhall Street, Lon., E.C., and to 10, Water Street, Liverpool. cl7 CDNARD LINE. .0- i. r ~■ 2 "L' ROYAL MAIL STSAM^KS FROM LIVER- POOL CALLING AT Q EENSTOvVN. FOR YORK. Foa KOSTON. UMKKIA Sat., Jan. 2? TATALONIA .Th., Jan 25 SFRVIA Sat., Feb- 3 PAVUXJA ib., Feb. 8 ETIHJRIA Sat., Feb. 1«> CEPHALONIA..Ib T1 ib, 22 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRrt'l' and SECOND Clas? Passengers; also through to CHiNA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. Steerage Passengers to all par's of America and Carida at low r,tes; those by Boston steamers booked to New York without extra ci arge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED 8, Water Street, Liverpool Or to their Agents:—Mr, W. J. Williams, Secretary North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, Market Street Carnarvon, and Mr. K. Roberts, vd Post. Office Bethesda c4976 liiiiiiiiiiii All fill I I I I I fill I IF Ili I I liii I ;Iiiitlitlttltllll Itilit laiii ltillitti at 1! Iiiiiing r HARDILY-GROWN, I = Thoroughly Transplanted i FOREST, FRUIT/ AVI 1 AND ALL OTHER "(¡. S LT»EI»,/0%, I 1 PLAITS/■ STOCKS I &c. Çj. ARE QUITE I | UNEQUALLED, j ^^I?sel?ies S 450 Seres. | 1 .X* CATALOGUES FREE on Application.^ THE GREAT REMEDY. ~r ,1 1'P"J1 tJ' » ,:j FH.I.S. J: h .tJ ¡;J. F'm GOUT, RHEUMATISM. SCIATICA. LUM- BAGO. NEIRALG1 A. The JSxtrueia-hiq Pain is f>cklv relievod, and eurtsd in a fsw dtlYs, by th«ie celebrated Pills. Surli, saif, and effectnal. Sold by all Chemists at Is If1- 2s 0 per b)x. cl29_ a:;i> t>[, ,X\ U LA J\: ¡,] 11\j- A ¡.- i- .rr G cuMrAsyt,L:irv:b. ¡::J;I' r.- :;¡;,l, t V ..v: 'li "*• ,f.t ,¡ I MJ'-Oi'l- :J\ i'Vfc'?' >y .u :0