I n w » f u v V e t i 1. the guaranteed product of PRIME OX BEEF, fortifies tha system sgaitu-t INFLUENZA, .COLDS, AND CHILLS, Served Hot at Restaurants. Sold by all Grocers. Chemists, Stores, &c. &181

,0* Y$UL'1Y.jJL ,T40II c mtbltrnl *?- SALMON AND FRESHWATER FISHERIES ACT, 1861 TO 1S86. COJNWAY FISHERY LiSTKICr. THE Board of Consai-v.itore tor tbe Conway Fishery District in pursuance of the above mentioned Acts RERFLY GIVE NOTICE that it is their intention at the end of one montb from the date of this Notice tc apply to the Board of Trade for their approval of the follow- ing scale of LICENSES to lpersons using within the above-named Fishery District, any nets, fishing weirs, or other instrumente or devices whereby Salmon are caught in lieu of the Scale hitherto in force in this District-! For Draft or Hang Nets, each £ 5 0 0 Corade Nets ditto. 2 0 0 Box Crib or Crllive ditto. 3 0 0 V Weirs or Gogheads or Baulks, each 5 0 0 CROSS LINE } « N° Rod and Line for Season 10 u Ditto FOR Month 0 10 0 DITTO FOR WEEK 2 N DITTO FOR DAY 0 1" By Order of the Board, 3 CHAS. T. ALLARD, Clerk. Llanrwst, 22nd January. 1894. cl43yioa CElmcsinm. LADIES' COLLEGE, BRYNTYSILIO, CARNARVON PBINCIPALS :-The MISSES SHEAD, Certificated: Cambridge University and Trinity College, London. THE School Re-opens JANUABT 24TH, C46 THE GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. PRINCIPAL MB J. LEWIS JONES. B.A. (Senior Moderator and Gold Medalist of Trinity College, Dublin.) PUPILS are carefully and successfully pre- -t. pared for the Examinations of the College of Preceptors, Cambridge Local, Queen s bcholar- ships, Preliminary Examinations in Law and Medicine. Examination of the College of Preceptors held Annually in the School. Terms on application to Headmaster. c222y143 CARNARVON COUNTY SCHOOL. ■JVrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above School will be OPENED on MONDAY, the 12th day of FEBRUARY neyt, at the Old Train- ing College, Church Street, Carnarvon. Except foa those who have earned scholarships, appli- cations for admission to the school are to be sent to the Headmaster, care of the undersigned, on and after the 4th February next. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. No Applicant shall be admitted to the School, unless after passing an examination equivalent to an examination in the Fifth Standard as fixed by the Code of the Education Department now in force, or, if a scholar in a Public Elementary School on the production :of a certificate signed by the Head Teacher that the Applicant has passed thet Standard. Due notice will be given to each of the Applicants of the time and place for holding the examination. J. HENRY THOMAS, Clerk. Carnarvon, 24th January, 1894. cl37 THE ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE ROYAL JL ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. President: H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Hon Local Representative for Bangor: Pro- fessor W. RHYS ROBERTS, M.A., University College of North Wales. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS. Last Day for receiving Forms of Applications from Candidates, JANUARY 31st, 1894. See Syllabus A. LOCAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Last Day for receiving Applications for Registration from Schools and Teachers of Music, FEBRUARY 28th, 1894. See Syllabus B. Copies of either Syllabus, with full informa- tion, may be obtained of the Honorary Local Representative, or at the Central Offices, 52, New Bond Street, London, W. cl28 GEORGE WATSON, Secretary. ^tfcerarjr. HIRTEENTH ANNUAL EDITION (just published) of explanatoiy book gratis and post free; shews how money is made quickly and successfully by stocks and shares. Highest and lowest prices for last seven years.—Address George Evans, and Co., Stockbrokers, 24, Queen Victoria Street, London, E,C. THE "GRAPHIC. CONTAINS every Saturday, Illustrations by the best Artists, of all the curren events of importance, portraits of celebrated persons, and original drawings.— Sold by all Booksellers for 6cL. or post free 6 £ d., from the Office, 190 Strand, Lonond, W.C. c711 All persons interested in Commerce should sub- scribe to the British Volume of Wilson' Mercantile Directory of the World, being the only Directory of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND ever published, containing lists of all the Manufacturing, Wholesale and principal Retail Trades. Price, 35s. Prices of Directories of any part of the world on application. Prospectus free on application to the publishers WILLIAM WILSON AND SONS, a 8. Talbot Court, Eastcbeap. London, EC. THE MATRIMONIAL HERALD AND FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE. Official Organ of the World's Great Marriage Association(Limited). Its valuable organisation supported and recommended by the Clergy to all desiring happy and advantageous marriages isee Notice in current issue). Brilliant success for 1893. Enormous increase in Association's Kaniages over any year during 11 years' estab- lishment. The Directorate honoured with the entire Prtronage of the Nobility, Professional, and Business Classes throughout the British Empire. Absolute secrecy. Sent in plain sealed envelope. 5d.-Editor, 40, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. cl85 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. ) NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. IsSEUd by .the Cambrian Railways Company, price 2d. (6 flTHEEE TO STAY AND WHAT TO VV SEE" IN WILD AND PICTURESQUE WALKS. Containing 17 Meifceubach Views of Aberystwyth, Barmouth, and other Cambrian Seaside and Holiday Resorts, from Photographs by Mr J. Maclardy of Oswestry, with a List of Hotels, Inns, Farmhouse and Country Lodgings. To be obtained at all English and Welsh Railway Bookstalls and at all Cambrian Stations. Also from ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Company's Offices, Oswestry, August. 1893. WHAT THE PRRSS SAY I It is a useful little book, and we hope it will induce many readers to visit the charming scenes which lie on and about the Cambrian. — Oswestry Advertiser. Invaluable to all Holiday Makers.— Llan- gollen Advertizer. The information is of a thoroughly practical nature.-The Gentlewoman. Arranged in a manner which will be of im- mense service to the Traveller.-Montgomery- shire Express. Illustrated with vievs of the most enchanting beauty spots in a country so prolific in scenic granduer,—The Evening Reporter, The Cambrian Railways Company have earned the gratitude of Holiday Makers by publishing this handy reliable little guide The Journal of Commerce. A very showy little pamphlet full of informa- tion and illustrations, also a wonderful List of Farm House and Country Lodgings.— Western Morning News. Should be in the bands of every Tourist. Owestry Commercial Circular. a241 JJAVIES & (JHAPLIN, COLWYN BAT. Principal Bill-Posters, Distributors, tTown Criers in Colwyn Bay (under the Local Board). Largest number of Private Hoardings in the I District, i Assurance. ASSURANCE PRIJD RNTIAL ™XJE HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £ 17,000,000. ADDITIONAL AGENTS Wanted. Apply J. W. JONES. cl56 26, Castle Square, Carnarvon. THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS A ASSURANCE COMPANY I INSURES AGAINST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. ESTABLISHED 1849. COMPENSATION PAID £ 3,350.000. 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. W. D. MASSY, 1 Q 437 A. VIAN. J Secretaries 1'ilt BOILER INSURANCE AND gfEAM POWER CO., LTD. HBAD OFFICE 67, KING STREET, MANCHESTER. Established 1859. AUTHORISED CAPITAL £ 250,000. INVESTED FUNDS £ 97,000. BOILERS AND ENGINES INSURED AND INSPECTED. EMPLOYERS INSURED AGAINST CLAIMS under The Employers' Liability Act." JOINT POLICIES ISSUED. INDIVIDUAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. J. F. L. CROSLAND; M. Inst. M.E.. A. M. Inst. C E., Chief Engineer, EDWARD HADFIELD, Secretary. Local Agent: W. LLOYD WILLIAMS, C.E. and F.S.I., I Herald' Buildings, Carnarvon, c440yl40 JRant12. MONEY.—A Private Gentleman is willing to make cash advances from £ 5 to £ 500 to all respectable persons, male or female. Shopkeepers, Farmers, Cow-keepers, and others for long or ahort periods on their own note of hand, at a reascaable rate of interest.—Apply, by letter only, wnich will receive prompt attention, to J. Lewis, 120, Queen Road. Everton, Liverpool. al269 ONEY1 MONEYIII MONEYIII-Moiey Le-. at a few hours' notice, from 95 to £2000. on note of hand, to all respectable Persons (male or female), Clergymen, Professional Geniilemen, Shop- keepers, Farmers, Cab and Car Proprietors, and others, for long or short periods; also on deposi of GOLD and SILVER PLATE, DIAMONDS, DOCK BONDS, &c. Advance also made on Freehold or Leasehold Property.—Apply personally, or by letter (which will receive prompt attention), R. JONES Mortgage Broker, Venice Chambers, 61, Lord Street Liverpool. P.S.—Strictest secrecy may beieliedcn n all transactions. Please note Address. a71 A LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN having a large amount of uninvested capital at his com- mand, will LEND same in the strictest privacy in sums of X10 TO £1000 to any respectable person (male or female) in any part of the United Kingdom, on the security of their OWN WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, without sureties, delay, or law charges. Also on deeds, mortgages, and dock bonds, AT 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed can be repaid by easy instalments, extending over a period from one to five years, or capital can remain so long as the interest is paid. As this office is a bona-fide private concern, and not connected with any loan office, it is requested that habitual borrowers will not apply. For further particulars call or write to the actual lender, WILLIAM CAMERON, Melville Chambers, õOA., Lord Street, Liverpool. y223c240 A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having a con- siderable sum of uninvested money at his disposal, is prepared to advance the same to all respectable and responsible persons, in any part of England, Scotland, or Wales, in sums of not less than X15 to £1000, on the Borrower's own SIMPLE WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, without Sureties or Security. No delay. No Law Costs. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY IS GUARANTEED, and, if desired, a written under- taking will be given to this effect. Advances also made on Mortgages and Reversions at FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST PER ANNUM, repay- able by easy instalments or in one sum to suit the Borrower's convenience, or, if desired, the capital can remain as long as the interest is paid. IMPORTANT NOTICE.-As this is not a regular loan office habitual borrowers need not apply. For full particulars (free of charge) apply personally or by letter (stating amount required) to Mr STEWART, 2, Cooper Street, Manchester. alóO NO FEES. MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES. DELAY, OR PUBLICITY FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS rpHE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, JL 3, Commercial Buildings, Cross Street, 1875. MANCHESTER. Capital £ 200,000. Private and Prompt Advances on Borrower's Note of Hand Alone, to all Persons of respectability and responsibility, from jE20 to Jt2000. Repayable by easy instalments or in one sum, as arranged. A Guarantee given to strictest privacy. NO LAW COSTS. Advances also made on Mortgage of Leasehold or Freeho' 'roperty, Shares, Scrip, Policies, &c., at 4 TO 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. Applications from any part of England or Wales receive precisely the same attention as those applying in Manchester. For further particulars call or write to MR ROBERT JAMES, Resident Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Bank is not connected with any loan societies or so-called advance com panies trading as professional money lenders, and the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispensed with. Owing to our immense business throughout the county we are able to lend money at ordinary Bank Charges, and the sum borrowed can be repaid by Easy end Long Instalments, or can remain at interest or a term of years. c96 LETTERPRESS PRINTING, L HERALD OFFICE, CARNARVON WILSON'S MERCANTILE AGENCY, For affording assistance to all in Trade, Established 1814. MANUFAOTURED Goods, British and IvJL Foreign, at manllfacturerff prices. Quota- tions sent on receipt of particulars of require- ments. Foreign and Colonial Produce imported direct and supplied at lowest prices. Quotations on application. agencies undertaken or arranged for the sale of manufactures, patents and specialities in every country. Consignments of every description of goods sent to suitable markets and sold for account. Status Inquiries made at home and abroad. Terms on application. Accounts Collected at home and abroad. Terms on application. Mercantile Information supplied, advice ten- dered, and questions of all kinds answered by experts. Advertising of all kinds judiciously undertaken or contracted for without charge; Circulars prints folded, addressed, and do. spatched for foreign countries. Directories of all Bi»d<and for all parts of the world. Prices, on application. All Persons interested in commerce should sub- scribe to the British Volume of "Wilson's Mercantile Directory of the World," being the only Directory of Great Britain and Ireland ever published, containing lists of all the Manufacturing, Wholesale, and Principal Retail Trades. Price 35s. Prospectuses free on application to WILLIAM WILSON & SONS,' &4939 25, Abchurch Lane, London, E.C, hotels. LIVERPOOL. SHAFTESBURY HOTEL, Mount Pleasant. S About three minutes' walk from Lime Street and Central Stations. Bus from Landing Stage. 100 roomp. Bed and attendance from 2s 6d. Night Porter. Electric light. No alco- holic drinks supplied. Good Stockrooms. c1148y23 SOUTHPORT—SUNNISIDE HYDRO. Psyb. S Dr BARNARDO. Summer and Winter Residence, one of the handsomest buildings centrally situated, replete with every comfort, fine sea view, near Parks, Pier, Trams, and Gol, Links. New Turkish, Vapour, and othef Baths. Massage, Galvanism. Terms moderater I -J. BOOCOCK, Proprietor. a372 ,_u CABMAN RAILWAYS. DURING THE WINTER AND SPRING MONTHS, WEEK END EXCURSION TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Sunday, Mon- day. or Tuesday,) and FOURTEEN DAYS' TICKETS will be issued on every Friday and Saturday also TOURIST TICKETS (available for two calendar months) wil) be issued on any week day, from the Principal Cambrian Inland Stations to Borth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Aber- ystwyth, Barmouth. Dolgelley, Harlech, Port- madoc, Criccieth, and Pwllheli.—F~r full particulars as to fares. &c.. see bills which can be obtained at all Cambrian Stations. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. a209 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS (Friday or CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Monday or Tuesday) are now issued throughout the year, from Birming- ham, Monument Lane, Vauxhill, Duddleston, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Burton, Derby, Leicester, Leeds, Dewsbury.'Huddersfield, Staley- bridge, Ashton, Stockport, Eccles, Oldham (Clegg Street and Goldwick Road), Manchester (London Road), Preston, Blackburn, Chorley, Bolton, St. Helen's, Wigan, Warrington, Liver- pool (Lime Street and Edge Hill), to the follow- ing Cambrian Watering Places :—Aberystwyth, Borth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Dolgelley, and Barmouth. TOURIST TICKT TS, availabJp for one month, will also 1 e iss leG during the Winter and Spring ^ocths, irom the above-named places to the Watetfhg Places shown above. Tourist Tic! eta -v ill also be issued throughout the year from Cambrian Inland Stations to all Watering Places on the Cambrian Coast. Full particulars as to train times and fares are given on the bills issued by the London and North-Western and Cambrian Railways Com- j panies, ana such announcements can be obtained at any of the above-named stations. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. November 1st, 1893. a98 ART METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES, jWjcpi j j? ~T~' 55 i^j fi" 7 le^l IU( I A IRON HURDLES WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING &c, W. H. PEAKE AND SONS. MANUFACTURERS, 26 AND 27 SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. P&RVKNT COLD, COUGHS, &C.. BY TAKING YMJ on FIRST APPEARANCE of CHILL. A Safe and Speedy Remedy for INFLUENZA, COUGH, COLD, HOARSENESS, and all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs. Extracts from recent unsolicited Litters INVALUABLE for Bad Cougbs and Colds. Mrs Eaton, London Road, Sleaford. .1 NEVER KNEW IT FAIL to give Relief." Jifr Housher, Fenn Cottaget Lambourne. Prepared only by A. HAYMAN and Co., London. Sold everywhere price Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. I al23 BEECHAM'S PILLS. B For Bilious and Nervous Disorders. EEUHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind and Paina in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. EECHAM'S PlLLi] Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness, EECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PiLLS^ Are a wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are Adapted for Old and Young. OEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Dizziness and Drousiness. EECHAM'S PILLS. EP For Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat BEECHAM'S PILLS Will Restore the [.-Rosebud of Health to Every One who Uses Them. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Blotches on the Skin. EECHAM'SPILLS. For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreamt,. EECtiAM'S PILLS. For Costivenoss andfScurvey, T-bLrLT,C,HAATL.'S PILLS. Are the Best Medicine for Female Com- plaints. HECIIA IS PILLS 0 The First Dose Gives Relief in 20 Minute EECHAM'S PILLS. Are Recommended by Medical Men. EECHAM:S PILLS. | <B Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. EECHAM^S TOOTH R&STE. Will Recommend Itself. EECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. JD Is efficacious and economical. EECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. Cleanses the teeth and perfumes the breath EECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. In collapsible tubes, Is each. BEECHAM'S PILLS and BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE Sold everywhere. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BBBGHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. Sold by all Dmggiste and Patent Medicine Dealers every- whwra. &1 JSttsittess BASS & CO.'S ALES IN BOTTLE. IN the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, before Mr Justice KiKKWICH. 0[1 motion for an injunction on 25th December, 1893, in an action (1893 B. No. 6660) brought by BASS, RATCLIFF and GKKTTON, Limited, acainst WILLIAM THOMAS RAVBN, pf the Grand Hotel, Northampton, to restrain "(he Defendant, his Servants and Agents, frort passing off and attempting to pass off Ale or Beer not brewed by the Plaintiffs as or for the Goods of the Plaintiffs, the evidence fiied on the part of the Plaintiffs was that the Defendant's Servants on being asked for a bottle of Bass," or a bottle of Bass' Pile Ale on diveiis occasions in the months of October and Novttnber last, supplied to the purchasers Ale out oi lutties (such bottles not being exposed to the purchasers' view, who thus could not see whether any or what kind of labels were thereon), which AID was afterwards found not to be of the Plaintiffs' manufacture. After reading the evidence nte3 on the part of Plaintiffs and Defendant respectively, and hear- ing Counsel for the Plaintifw vid Counsel for the Defendant, and the Defendant consenting to the motion being treated as the Trial of the Action, the Judge granted a Perpetual Injunction with Costs against the Defendant. AND, at the same time and piace, before Mr Justice KBKKWICH, on motion ior an injunction in a similar action (1893 B. No. 96ö8). broogbt by the same Plaintiffs against TkOMAS Clxjttbh- BUCK, of the City Arms Hotel Hereford. The evidence filed on the part of th" Plaintiffs as to divers sales in the month oi November last was to the same purport an<|< effect as in the above-mentioned case. After hearing Counsel for the Plaintiffs and Counsel for the Defendant,. and the Defendant consenting, tiie Judge granted, a Perpetual Injunction with Costs against the Defendant.. —- i J v »ft 0 AU T I O fcF, v BASS & CO. respectfully and earnestly request the Public to INSIST ON SEEING THE LABEL WHEN "BASS" IS ORDERED. And to communicate with them when fraud is suspected., WHEN ORDERING' "BASS" IN BOTTLE, ASK FOR THE LAB?4 AND INSIST ON SEEING IT. cl44 Largest and Best Selection in the Market i Any Length Cut. la use Every where Parcels 1 11 A M, K S Thousands of Carriage Paid. Testimonials. V"e«d bL/Ulbll SEND AT ONCE tor wear. nrmppriQi for Box of HONESTY X VV JllJIiJJld ^PATTERNS, Not a trace of cambering over Shoddy orlrickery DIRECT FROM 400, which will in our Goods THE LOOM. delight you. WnHT MANUFACTURED OR TAKEN VV VJWlJ in EXCHANGE. A rj-TT NTS WANTED to push the sale of our Xi x kJ Goods in their spare time. None but first-class men need apply, who are >tll-kuown and have a good connection with the FuMM.—PtttemB sent free on application to CLARK BRO., SCOTCH TY?K:SD MANUF., GALASHIELS.^ A304 O A PORTRAITS, Stamp size, fcr Is 6d; 100 ^rx: for 3s 3d. Twelve Carte Portraits, 2s 6d six for Is 6d. Six Cabinet Portraits, 3s; three for 2s. First class enlargements, any size, pro- portionately cheap. Send carte or cabinet, and Postal Order,and you will receive highly finished copies with original.- FranchI and Co., 29, Ludgate Hill, London. Estd. 1886. a433 FELT HATTERS TRADE UNION LABEL. All Working People and the Public generally are earnestly requested to look inside or under the leather of the Hat for the Label when pur- chasing Felt Hats, if they wish to discourage sweating. The Label is printed in black on pink paper, and perforated on the edge exactly like a postage stamp, and bears the words, This Hat Union Made." For particulmrs of Label write to GEORGE WILDE, DENTON, MANCHESTER. a18 DR JONES D-D-S. &o.. SURGEON DENTIST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BANGOR. DR. JONES visits Llangefni etery Thursday at Liedwigan Road. Llanerchymedd from 10 to 1, and Amlwch from 2 to 5, Jan. 30, Feb. and March 27, April 24. Ebenezer and Llanberis, first Tuesday after Pay Day, Be tbesda, first Tuesday after Pay day. Bangor every day except Tuesdays and Thurs- day. cl571 A BLESSING TO LADIES. rpHE most MIRACULOUS MEPICINE ever JL discovered for all irregularities of the female system and removes all obstruction. This WONDERFUL REMEDY relieves ell distressing symptons, SAVES DOCTORS' BILLS, and pre- serves HEALTH. THOUSANDS have been re- lieved by its use, and testified by the numerous UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS. Pills are useless and only cause disappointment. Stamped addressed envelope for price list and copies of testimonials, which are guaranteed genuine, under a penalty of £1000, open to inspection and investigation. The only effectually remedy on earth. Try and judge for yourself. A. PASMAIL, 286, Langdale, Walthamstow. (Established 1851). (Entered at Stationers Hall.) a329 EADE'S GOUT &TDHEUMATIC J> ILLS FOR FIVE NIGHTS I ENDURED AGONY. EADE'S PILLS. Kiugsdown, Bristol, "Aug. 19th, 1891. EADJ^'S PILLS.Sir,—M rMark Pearce, of this city, passed a very high E ADE'S PILLS, opinion to m« in November,1889, as to the efficacy of yoor Pills in Cases of Gout and Rheumatism. In January, last year, I found, after retiring to rest, that I could not lie down. FOR FIVE NIGHTS I SAT UP IN BED ENDURING AGONIES, When all at once I remembered my friend's recom- mendation anent your Pills, and sent for a small GOUT. bottle. In a few hours the Rheu- matism left me, and I was free T) HEUMATISM; from pain. In the cases of ca- rous teeth, sora gums, and neu- GOUT. ralgia, I have known great bene- fit to arise froiii the use of your ID HEUMATISM. valuable Pills.—Yours truly, A. W. TKENNERKY. Mr G. Eade. gADE S QOUT & J^HEUMVTIC piLLS. Prepared only by George Fade, 72, Goswell Road, London, E.C.; and Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d. DR Fox's QOUGH s, ValliE AFER3 CURE COUGH, COLDS. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, LOiS OF VOICE, and all BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. The grcdt remedy for all affections of the (tlest and Lungs. Prepared from the' choicest Herbs andFruits. Relieve phlegm, and area. real blessing to Asthmatic sufferers. Render the voice highly melodious, and &re not to be surpassed for the use of Vocalists," Clergymen, Actors, and Public Speakers. DR piOX S COUGH & VOICE WAFERS Are Sold Everywhere in Tinsat Is lid each. Prepared only by GEORGE EADE. 72. GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. A Tin sent on receipt of stamps or postal order. 1162 llbbrtssts. NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK LIMITED. JgALANCE SHEET AT 30TH DECEMBER, 1893. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. ?„0^ot8'i?rrent Account Cash in hand, at call or three Kn/if n £ 7,024.170 5 11 days'notice £ 1.714,734 4 1 nriftfl C.irculatl°n ••• — 40,020 0 0 £ 888,162 8s lOd 1\ per cent. afts, not exceeding 21 days' Consols at 90 799,337 3 11 Accentanr'fw 7,548 17 7 £ 80,000 India 3 per cent. Stock 76,000 0 0 SI Cred,ts under Preference Stock of first-class ,C.p SI Cred,ts under Preference Stock of first-class nf. 315,018 17 4 English Railways. 399,383 19 0 Other Items 81,203 16 4 Bills of Exchange .V. 2,041 ieiO 2 8 T„, T r. „ Advances to Customers, tem- lotal Liabilities to Public £ 7,467,961 17 2 porary Loans on Railway NOTE.-This Statement does and other Shares, &c. 284457717 8 not include the Bank's Acceptances, and Credits unac- liability under the Baring cepted per contra 315,018 17 4 riPTT?r Bank Buildings-Head Office Total Snh and Branches 127,700 14 8 Marvin n « Sums in transitu with Branches Of which in 400,000 0 0 "*d Agents, and other items 169,920 3 3 reserve liability 1,800,000 0 0 Paid up 600,000 0 0 RBSBBVDB FUND 400,000 0 0 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 20,321 5 5 1,020,321 5 5 £ 8,488,283 2 7 £8.488.283 2 7 ■ sSf f 7\!?. Account" 1Q t HARMOOD BANNER & SON, LIVERPOOL, 18TH JANUABT, 1894. Chartered Accountants. -r L, Cl40yl31 -r —————————— Cl40yl31 PAPIIII PAWB; I Second Volume began August 5th; T4e success of 'Tit-Bits,' Answers,' and Pearson's Weekly' Repeated in Wales.. PICTORIAL JOKES. STARTLING STORIES. ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES of CELEBRITIES. THRILLING NOVEL. PRIZE COMPETITIONS FOR ALL CLASSES. LIMITED SPACE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. I Publisher: DANIEL BEES, CABITARToir. WEEKLy-PENNY. Unique injjftie WelshJLallguage. ) D t M HEF OR D'S MAGNESIA. The but remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Goat and Indi- gestion, and the safest aperient for delicate Constitutions,Ladiaa, Children, and Imante. Sold tnroughout the Word, CAUTION.-See that DINNEFORD AND CO. is on every Bottle and Label. c908 PRINTING. CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, POSTEBS. BEST WORK AT LOWEST RATES BOOKBINDING OF AL1 KINDS AT REASONABLE PRICES. MAGAZINES FROM ONE SHILLING PER VOLUME. HERALD OFFICE. CARNARVON- ^iiHiiuiHiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiMHimitiiiitiminniiiiiiinanmniiiiitiimniiimnnt^ I HARDILY-GROWN, | 5 Thoroughly Transplanted ..«** § FOREST, FRUIT/^ § vANO -ALL OTHER = I TREES. /C*/ JPLANTS STOCKS 1 | &C- ARE QUITE | j UNEQUALLED. | | /vNurseries f 450 Acres. | 1 CATALOGUES FREE on Application, F b A Sailimmilliilltiilliliiiitiiiiiiiimitiiuuiiiiitiiiiiiiuiimiuuwiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ,<I 'BI.r- THE BEST GARDEN 5EEDS AT MOST MODERATE PRICES. SEED POTATOS, GARDEN TOOLS, & SUNDRIES. Descriptive Catalogue No. 432< Post Free on Application. Delivered Free by Rail or Parcel Post. DICKSONSC Seed Growers HESTER, ( °>V> Q'j\ vil or 1/ >v L i-Lr") (1 .^3 F0R M? £ OUPS. SAUCES cwo ANI) pMX &ADE ES., c LIEBIG coM P A N EXTRACT d OF BEEF. Coohtry Books Free on applioationjp LIEBIB'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO., LT4 k 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS Purify the Blood, correct aU. Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KHJffHJYS, AND BOWELS. fhey invigorate and restore to health Vfanfittated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Fe&iWea of all ages. For children and me aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at TROKAI HOUWWAY'S EBtabliahment, 78. NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, Oxford Street), LONDON and sold by all Medicine Vendor* throughout the World. S.B.—Advice Gratia at the above addreu* daily* between the hour* of 11 and 4, or by letter. pipping. THE ABERDEEN LINE. ? LONDON TO AUSTRALIA, ? Via Cape of Good Hope, in 4:5 days; Thermopylae„Oftpt. A. Simpson8711 tons.. Feb. 17 Aberdeen. Capt. C..raylor u 3659 wi1Ø.. April f THESE magnificent full-powered will ■ail as above for MELBOURNE and dYDNKT, UWng passengers for all Australian ud New Zealand Ports. The accommodation for first and taiid-clasa passengers is very superior, and a sui-eon will accompany each vessel Farea—Saloon, from £ 50; Third-class from 13 guineas. For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co., 24, LesdanhaH Street. London, E.C. cl00y722 STEAM COMMUNICATION umix LiVERPOOL,BANGOR, MENAI BIUDGB AND CARNARVON, T GABNAEVON 1ED MENU Li STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—The cheapest Goods, between LIVERPOOL and NORTH WALES. U» Steamer PRINCE JA JA, or other steams? leaves the Wet Side, rrsfalgw Dock, LivarpocL every Wednesdaytritb goods ter Beaumaris, e-jry Wed- nesday and Saturday for Carnarvcr-, Bangor, and Menai Bridge. For Freights, &c„ apply at the Company's Offices, | Messrs Eichards, Mills, and Co 19, Janies Street, or at Carnarvon, Mr J. Pritchard, Cosopaiiy's vv- "suae New Sterbotir. N.I#.—To lass* stup/nej,f!, all Gocfo t'sculd be aaurw ed by toot on d&y cf sailing, ef AMEKICAN; him. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAME "Z LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA First-Class, fnll-pcwered, Iroo StsfrTnshipe. ACCOMMODATION for psssenf^a aqaai to .M any European Lin"l, Passengers and Goods landed at PM'adalphfa en tha Wharf of the PENNSTLYAKIA KAIL- ROAD. THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BRiol ROUTZ TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCS, AND CO., 19 and Za Water Street,LIVERPOOL# LOCAL Aaxirrs:— W, J, Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon* R. R. Sty the, 39, Bangor Street, Cai arvon, H. J. Williams, 60, High Street, Bethesda. Jtichard Roberts, Bethesda. Stephen Roberts, Glynliifon Hotel, Blaenav Festiniog. y ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMFRS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES REGULARLY EVERY THURSDAY. BEST AND CaEAPESTROUTK to Canada, toba,the North- West Territories and £ ?>tish Gol* umbia, and the Western States of America. 10 dollars Bonus to Settlers, and Homestead Certificates relating to the Government Free Grant Lands of 160 Acres. Write for Handbook of concise information and advice, also of latest maps and ptmphtetf, supplied Free by A lan Brothers fc Co.. 19, James Street, Liverpool; or to W. J. WJJiams,7, Market Street, v Carnarvon; W. D. Jones, Old Bank, Holyhead; R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller, digh Street. rt"tmadoc J, R. Cadwaladr, Agent, 7. Bowydd Vibw, Blaeoaa Festiniog; J. H. Jones, Llanrwst; W. H. Davies. Stationer, Bank Place, Denbigh. a22 WHITE STAR LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Queens town, every Wednesday. BRITANNIC.Wed., Jan. 311 *MAjEsnc..Wed., Feb. T Cotton not carried on Passcnger Steamers. SECOND Cabin will be carried on the voyage marked thus*. The splendid Vessels of this line are all of the largest class, uniform in tQodel and ar rangements, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amid- ships. Second Passage at low rates. Steerage passage to New York, Boston, and Phila- delphia, at low rates. Apply to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance broker, and William John Williams, 7, MarketStreet, Carnar- von Richard Roberts, Bethesda; O. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Dolwyddelon; David Rowlands, Penygraig; W. M. Jones, Church Street, Llangefni; R. Q. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Taiysarn; H. Hughes, 8, Market Street, Amlwch; W. D. Jones, Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead; W. O. Williams, Denbigh Street, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, 1, Minafon, Dolgelley; William Edwards, 7, Williams Terrace, Llanberis; or to ISMAY tMBiN & Co., 34, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and to 10, Water Street, Liverpool. cl7 CUNABD LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVER- POOL CALLING AT Q( EENSTOWN. Fs./ FOR NEW YORK. ( FOB BOSTON. SERVIA Sat., Feb. 3 PAVONIA Th.,Feb. 8 ETKUBIA Sat., Feb. 10 CJSPHALONIA..Th., Fib, 28 AUBANIA Sat., Feb, 17 CATALONIA .Tb., Mar. 8 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate rares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. Steerage Passengers to all parts of America and Carada at low rates; those by Boston steamers booked to New York without extra charge. fHE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED 8, Water Street, Liverpool Or to their Agents:—Mr. W. J. Williams, Secretary North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, Market Street Carnarvon, and Mr. K. Roberts, Old Post Office Bethesda c4976 PRINTING—Good Work at Lowest Kates, Herald Office, Carnarvon R. A. HUGHES (A arch Gicyrfca) BlUL PUSTER A^O TOWN OIUER, &0 P,S.-All orders Punctually a tended to, and ioae at the most reasonable term JJ0BERT JJUGHES, BILL-POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, TYN-Y-OEFN, COR WEN. BILLS Posted and Distributed in Cor^en, Cynwyd, Liandrtllo, LianddorieL 'Glyn- O^irdwy, Gwyddelwern,Derwea,Ciavfddcewydd Derr:g-y-(?rui^.ion And the entire dihtp;c IHE J^EES BILLPOSTiJS'G COMPANY, LIMITED. PROPRIETORS OF OVER 300 STATIONS in Newport, Pontypool, Brynmawr, Nantyfljfc, Blaina, and RISC,. Contracts brracged for^Jillposling in all I)im Cof Wales. GEO. i ICKINSON Manaplar, Newport. IHB POHTYPKIODi RhOKDDA VALLEY AND EAST GLAMORGAN BTT-lr?0STING COMPANY; LIMITED. MANAGBB—T. E. LEWIS. OYER 150 STATIONS in aLl th9 best situ*« ions m iMgtrist, A £ .venising '.a e t 'us banetas Maca jer'a Office— MLIiT' SrSEST, POiN T Y PK1D i>, WALES. 19-