t POilT OF BEAUMARIS. £ b llEWARD. THE Corporation of lieaumaris are prepared to give the above reward to any person who -will give suclj information as will lead to the conviction >f the master or person m charge of the steamer or vessel which ran loul aud broke adrift the B £ Buoy on the U7tn ulto. 0 0 j. RICE ROBERTS, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Beaumwis, 2nd January, 1801. clOG Anglesey COUNTY COUNCIL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the said Council will be holden in the County Court Llangefni, on TRuRsrAY, the 25th dav of JANUARY. 1894, at 1.15 oclock in the afternoon, and the Council will thereupon ,proceed to the consideration of the business relating to the Assessment, application of the County Stock or Rate, and all otber county business pursuant to the Act 15 and 16 chapter 81, and all persons having any d to upon the County tuud or stock, are' 3 lQ my forward the particulars thereof in w the office at Holyhead on or before MOND 15th JANTJAB*, 1894. ^Dated this 1st day ot' January, l»-f- J. LLOYD GB W TH, c318y307b84 c^rk ut [ COUNTY OF CARNARVON. tli aT'^FRY GIVEN that the NOTICE IS 'riil (jaol Delivery for the Assize and Cc on wm be opened at said County cf tan tfae l6th day o £ jANu. Carnarvon on TUBS DA ABY, 1894- f th0 pence, Mayors, Coroners, n M-lf T?hPrties, Jurors, Persons bound by Re- Bailiffs, Lib .PUtors, V* itnesses, Chief Con- cognizanc b„.ving business at the said Art S ie herluy required to attend at the rminttf Hall, Carnarvon aforesaid, on Wednes- day, tbe 17th day of January, 1894,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon pr«ri>c->y CHARLES FROST, ESQ. Sheriff. Under-sheriff's Office, Conway, 2nd January, 1894 relieve Trustees," „RY GIVEN that all credi- jffigSsBfcmm County of and wt0se Will was proved byyme the undersig ed William Thomas Rogers +h» Executor therein named, in the Principal ReeiSry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty s Hich Court of ustice, on the 21st day of Nov- ember 1893, are hereby required to send particu- lars in writing of their Debts, Claims or Demands to me, the undersigned, the said Ex ecutor.on or before the 17th day of FEBBTJABY, 18l^d I Hereby Give Notice that at tbeexpira- tion of that time I, the said Executor, shall pro- £ tribute the Assets of the said Testatrix Ce6i £ lHparties entitled thereto, having JSwd only t? the Debts, Claims and Demands which I shall then have notice and that I wiU not be liable for the Assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose Debt, Claim, or Demand I shall not then have notice. Dated this 1st day of January, 1894. WILLIAM T. ROGERS, 25, Lord Street. Liverpool, c328 The said Executor. ^enber*. CARNARVON UNION. TO DRAPERS AND BUTCHERS. TENDERS wanted for supplying the Work- house with (1) Ready-made Suits for Men and Boys; Cocoanut Matting, &c., &c. (2) Meat up to the end of March next. For Forms of Tenders and for further informa- tion. apply to the Master or to the ■Tenders must be sent in a Sealed envelope, Bdrased to me at tbe Workhouse, not later than 10 o'clock next SATTTBDAY mormng. j. HENRY THOMAS, Clerk. -V Market Street, Carnarvon, oc~9ii> 6th January. 1894- o0gy81° GRAZING FOR SHEEP. WAR DEPARTMENT TENDERS. TENDERS are required from persona desirous of RENTING from the War DEP«tment 16 acres 2 roods 3 perches or thereabout of LAND suitable for grazing sheep, and situated at Llan- faeø, in the County of Anglesey. ^*5S333&SS™ of Md* can be obtained at the Commanding Royal Engineer 8 ^Ce, Rupert Lane Barracks, Liverpool, on any week-day (Saturdays excepted), between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to FRIDAY, the 19th Tenders must be delivered at the District Head Quarter Office, The Castle, Chester, by 12 o'clock on FRIDAY, the 26th JANUABY, 1894, addressed to the General Officer Commanding,' and marked on tbe outside Tender for Grazing ShThVLLcreDtfary oT State°for War does not"bind Uanlt to ^7Thtt0c'r K Efet- E. C. HART; Lt. Col. R.E., Commanding Royal Engineer, Liverpool Sub-District. January 8th, 1894. R.E. Office, Rupert Lane Barracks, Liverpool. c c L PEP -Amsiq PILLS. BFor Bilioug an(i Nervous Disorders. J) For Bilious and Nervous Disorders. EECHAM'd PILLS. B For Indirection m all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind an i Pama 'n the stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For S»ck Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Giddiness, EECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness an^l Swelling after Mea>s. EEC HAM'S PILLS. „ Are a wonderful Medicine for Females of all Aizes. EEC HAM'S PILLS. Are Adapted lor Old and Young. BIHSOHAM'S PILLS. | JD For Dtszinsss ar'd l)roum»e3g. BkeohIAPS-PILLS. For Cold Chills, (;1' Heat EBECHAM'S PIL.LS H lth t D WiH Restore tlH of Health to Every One who B' EECLLAM'S PILLS.. Jj For Blotches o-> to-, KSCHAM'SPIL^. D^ams. For Disturned bieep '.irJ '• WL: For Cc3tivencs:s aud B' BECHA^I'S FILLS. Tr~^r 4.Ir'3 PILLS. Tr~^r 4.Ir'3 PILLS. K Ar!>, ihs Sebt .Modsaiao for Female Com- plants. — p I b 20 (.:) The Hose in 20 Miuu':l:k, BEiS« by M»n. BElSCHAM'S FiLLS. Have the Lavgeat S:o c £ u&7 *&t8Lk Mediciaa in the World, BEECHA3II~FOBTJR PA3TE. Will liecoDiice id itsslf.. B- AM7^QOTH PASfE. I J_) Is eScacioue) and ecocomical. BEECH A M7S~XOO-INI PAST E. Clenhses ths teeth aud perrumes tbe braath. B TOOTfl P.iHTIS. Ii: ccilap^ble tub-O £ la cuch. E-& PILLS-" I JH and becham^ TOOTH~PASTE Sold ev^r''where. Pironarod onSy by tae Proprietor, THOMAS 3EKCHABI, St. Lancashire. Sold by all Jrugg;.jts aud r'stoni. Mediciaa^Daalers ev&rjr- fIluere. UNTIDINESS IX dOl'J3a. RSl-IOYE oEe cause of jt, by having you Magazines and PaiapjHets NBATLY BOUND Cheapest Hoasa in the Tirade— Herald Office, Carnarvon public Jguimgs, &£. For the Benefit of the Poi tdinorwic Mission House and Orphanage. A MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT WILL HE HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1894. At the "OALL ROOM, VAYNOL PARK, by the kind permission of G. W. Duff Assheton- Smith. Esq. P ART I. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, By the following artistes: Dr AWls-Roberts, Hafodty, Llanberis; recitation: Miss falter Thomas, Miss Williams, Miss Evans, Mr Pam- ham, Mr Ashley Morrison, Mr William Owen. PART 11: THE AMUSING COMEDY. JACK AND THE PRINCESS WHO NEVER LAUGHED, performed by the members of the Mission House Dramatic Class, assisted by Miss Lort, Vaynol Home Farm, and Messrs W. LI. Roberta, Owen Williams, J. Roberts. Stage Manager: MR Af RES. Tickets of admission may be obtained of Messrs Jarvis and Foster, Bangor; Mrs Edmundf, Portdinorwic; Messrs Morris and Davies, and Mr H. Humphreys, Castle-square, Carnarvon. Admission: 3s., 2s., Is. Doors open ut 7.30, to Commence at 8. Carriages for 10. cluv A MASONIC CHARITY BALL Under most distinguished Masonic patronage, Will be held at THE GEORGE HOTEL, BANGOR, on MONDAY; FEBRUARY 5th, 1894. Tickets: Gentlemen, 10s 6d; Ladies, 7s 6d. MASONS to appear in Masonic Clothing. Officers of the Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces in Uniform. To facilitate the carrying out of the arrange ments, it is requested that ladies and gentlemen intending to be present at the sB*lftw'1J>°a"w early application for tickets, which mt».y tained from Dr R. Langford-Jones. Bangor; Mr R.G.Thomas, Menai Bridge; or Messrs Jarvis and Foster, Lome House, Bangor. RICHARDSON'S BAND has been specially engaged for the occasion. All further particulars may be obtained from the Hon. Secretaries, Dr R. LANGFORD-JONES, Tanygraig, Bangor. Mr R. G. THOMAS, Menai Bridge. nllR THE NATIONAL BUILDING TRADES EXHIBITION. THJt FIRST OF A NEW SERINS UNDER FRESH MANAGEMENT WILL BB HELD AT THB ROYAL AGRICULTURAL HALL. LONDON, FRIDAY, MARCS 16th to Slat. IBM. THB Consultative Council, consisting of gentlemen of high repute in the Pro- fessional and Manufacturing world, ate taking special interest in this Exhibition to secure a greater development of Trade in connection with the Building Industries. THE CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL. FIRST LIST. Charles Barry, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. T. Chatfield Clarke, F.R.I.B.A. Thomas de Courey Meade, M. Inst. C.E. Charles Lynam, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. J. Douglas Matthews, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I; Charles J. Shoppee, F.R.I.B.A., President Surveyors' Institution. F. R. Farrow, F.R.I.B.A. J. S. Phene, LL.D., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.G.S. John Mowlem Burt (John Mowlem and Co.), Master of Lorriners Co. H. H. Bartlett (Perry and Co.), Past President Institute of Builders. T. Freeman, F.G.S., F.S.S., Warden of Ship- wrights Company. Lasenby Liberty (Liberty and Co.), Master of Glass Sellers Co. Owen A. Ellis (Ellis, Partridge and Co.). Thomas Minton, J.P. (Minton and Co.). Pearse Morrison, Master of Blacksmiths Co. Edmund A. Pontifex, M. Inst. C.E., Master of the Armourers and Brasiers Co. Gilbert Wood, The Architect." H. Greville Montgomery, The British Clay- worker and Potter." Bannister Fletcher, J.P.. D.L., F.R.I.B.A. Lewis H. Isaacs, F.R.I.B.A. John E. Sears. F.R.I.B.A. Full particulars on application to Mr W. R. Larkins, Manager, 28, St. Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Branch Offices28, Victoria Street, Westminster, and 200. Phoenix Street, N.W. (adjacent to G.N.R., L. andN.-W.R,. and Midland Termini). cll2 DR. JONES D.D.S. &c.. SURGEON DENTIST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BANGOR. DR, JONES visits Llangefni every Thursday at Liedwigan Road. Llanerchymedd from 10 to 1, and Amlwch from 2 to 5, Jan. 30, Feb. and March 27, April 24 Ebenezer and Llanberis, first Tuesday after PaBetheysda, second Tuesday after Pay day. Bangor every day except Tuesdays and fhurs- day. c1571 E ADE' s GOUT &T)HEUMATIC pILLS. FOR FIVE NIGHTS I ENDURED AGONY. EADE'S PILLS. "Kingsdown. Bristol, '• Aug. 19th, 1591. Si'ADii'S PILLS. "Sir,—M r Mark Pearce, of 5 J this city, passed a very high TRADE'S PILLS, opinion to in Novembef.1889, E as to the eineacy of yonr Pills in Cases of Gout and Rheumatism. In January, last year, I found, after retiring to rest, that I could not lie down. FOR FIVE NIGHTS I SAT UP IN BED ENDURING AGONIES, When all at once I remembered my friend's recom- mendation anent your Pills, and seat for a small OU T. bottle. In a few hours the Ilheu- VX matism left me, and I was free IjHEUMAriJM. from pain. In the cases of ca- \.J rous teeth, sore gums, and ncu- GOUx. ralgia, I have known great beoe- .rrvro** ,to arise from the usa of your RHEUMATISM, valuable Pills.—Yours truly, A. JLV W. THENNERUY. Mr G. Eade. EADES OUT & J^HEUMATIC JpILLS. prepared only by George Kade, 72, Goswell Road, London, E.C.; and teoid by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d. 2 Dr Fox's COUGH s, VOICE AFliliS CURE • COUGH COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. INFLUENZA, H()AH^NESS LOSS OK VOICE, and all BRONCHIAf/ AFFECTIONS. The great remedy for all affection* of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared from the choicest Herbs and Fruits. Relieve phlegm, and area real blessing to Asthmatic sufferers. Render the voice highly melodious, and are not to be surpassed for the use of Vocalists, Clergymen, Actors, and Public Speakers. DR -FOXS COUGn & VOICE WAFERS Are Sold Everywhere in Tinsat Is l}'l each. 2 Prepared only by GEORGE EADE, 72. GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. A Tin sent on receipt of stamps or postal order. i a62 QBtmcaiicm;. LADIES' COLLEGE, BRYNTYSILIO, CABNARVON. PmrrciPAis:—The MISSES SHEAD, Certificated: Cambridge University and Trinity College, London, c46 BEAUMAEIS SCHOOL Will RE-OPEN on TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd, at 9 a.m. THERE will be an Examination for several Exhibitions open natives of North Wales. For particulars, address The Headmaster. c323 MANCHESTEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL FEE, M 4s PER TERM. THE next term begins TUESDAY, JANUAB* 16IH, 1894. Entrance examination, MONDAY, JANUARY 15TH, at 9 a.m. Prospectuses, forms of application, &c., may be had at the school. OWEN W. COX, Clerk and Receiver. N.B.—Boarding-house now open under the sanction of the Governors. cl23 SHREWSBURY HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, COLLEGE HILL, SHREWSBURY* HEADMISTRESS: MISS GAVIN. THE SPRING TERM will begin on MONDAY, JANUABY 22nd. Prospectuses and forms of application for admission may be obtained at the School, or from the Secretary of the Girls' Public Day School Company, Limited, 21, Queen Ânne's Gate, London, S.W. A Preparatory Department is attached to the School. c315 THE GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. PRINCIPAL :-MR J. LEWIS JONES, B.A. (Senior Moderator and Gold Medalist of Trinity College, Dublin.) PUPILS are carefully and successfully pre- pared for the Examinations of the College of Preceptors, Cambridge Local, Queen's Scholar- ships, Preliminary Examinations in Law and Medicine. Examination of the College of Preceptors held annually in the School. Terms on application to Headmaster. r c222y143 3!jotelS. LIVERPOOL. SHAFTESBURY HOTEL, Mount Pleasant. S About three minutes' walk from Lime Street and Central Stations. Bus from Landing Stage. 100 room?. Bed and attendance from 2e ed. Night Porter. Electric light. No alco- holic drinks supplied. Good Stockrooms. 01148123 QOUTHPORT.—SUNNYSIDE HYDRO. Psyb., JO Dr BARNARDO. Summer and Winter Residence, one of the handsomest buildings centrally situated, replete with every comfort, fine sea view, near Parks, Pier, Trams, and Golf Links. New Turkish, Vapour, and other Baths. Massage, Galvanism. Terms moderate, -4. BOOCOCK, Proprietor. a372 JftotuB. MONEY.—A Private Gentleman is willing lyJL to make cash advances from £5 to t500 to all respectable persons, male or female. Shopkeepers, Farmers, Cow-keepers, and others for long or short periods on their own note of hand, at a reasc liable rate of mterest.-Apply, by letter only, wnich will receive prompt attention, to J. Lewis, 120, Queen Koad, Everton, Liverpool. al269 ONEY! MONEY!)! MONEY!—Money Le— at a few hoars' notice, from £ 5 t J £ 2C00, on note of hand, to all respectable Persons (male or female), Clergymen, Professional Gentlemen, Shop- keepers, Farrrers, Cab and Car Proprietors, and others, for long or short periods; also on deposi of GOLD and SILVER PLATE, DIAMONDS, DOCK BONDS, &c. Advances also made on Freehold cr Leasehold Property.—Apply personally, or by letter (which will receive prompt attention), R. JONES Mortgage Broker, Venice Chambers, 61, Lord Street Liverpool, P.S.—Strictest secrecy may be elied CD a all transactions. Please note Address, a71 A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having a con- siderable sum of uninvested money at his disposal, is prepared to advance the same to all respectable and responsible persons, in any part of England, Scotland, or Wales, in sums of not less than x 15 to -0000, on the Borrower's own SIMPLE WRITTEN PROMISE TO ■RFPAY without. Sureties or Security. No delay. No LawCosts. THE STRICTEST PKIVACY IS GUARANTEED, and, if desired, a written under- taking will be given to this effect. Advances alto made on Mortgages and Reversions at r 1VK PER CENT. INTEREST PER ANNUM, repay- able by easy irstalments or in one sum to suit the Borrower's convenience, or, if desired, the capital can remain as long as the interest is paid. IMPORTANT NOTlCE.-As this is not a regular loan office habitual borrowers need not apply. For full particulars (free of charge) apply personally or by letter (stating amount required) to Mr STEWART, 2, Cooper Street, Manchester. al50 A LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN having a large amount of uninvested capital at his com- mand, will LEND same in the strictest privacy in sums of X10 TO £1000 to any respectable person (male or female) in any part or the United Kingdom, on the security of their OWN WRITTEN PKOMISE TO REPAY, without sureties, delay, or law charges. Also on deeds, mortgsges. and dock bonds, AT 5 P^R CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed can be repaid by easy instalments, extending over a period from one to five years, or capital can remain so long as the interest is paid. As this office is a bona-fide private concern, and not connected with any loan office, it is requested that habitual borrowers will not apply. For further particulars call or write to the actual lender, vvILLlAM CAMERON, Melville Chambers, 50A, Lord Street, Liverpool. y2230240 NO FEES. MONET: WITHOUT SURETIES. DELAY, OR PUBLICITY FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE rrllE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, JL 3, Commercial Buildings, Cross Street. 1S75 MANCHESTER. Capital £ 200,000. Private and Prompt Advances on Borrower's Note of Hpnd Alone, to all Persons of respectability and responsibility, from J620 to ;1;2000. Repayable by easy instalments or in one sum, as arranged. A Guarantee given to strictest privacy. NO LAW COSTS. Advances also made on Mortgage of Leasehold or Freehold Property, Shares, Scrip, Politycs. &c., at 4 TO 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. Applications from any pari; of England or Waies receive precisely the same attention as those applying in Manchester. For further particulars call or write to MR ROBERT JAMES, Resident Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Bank is not connected with any loan societies or so-called advance com panies trading as professional money lenders, and the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispensed with. Owing to our immense business throughout the county we are able to lend money at ordinary Bank Charges, and the sum borrowed can be repaid by Easy Bnd Long Instalments, or can remain at interest or a term of years. c96 POINTING—Orders accurately, neatly, and promptly executed at the Herald Omco. at amo. lieoiunetiva Hats, Assurance. ASSURA,NCF, PRUD EN TIAL (:,¿ .J. CO. LTD., HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £ 17,000,000. ADDITIONAL AGENTS Wanted. A Apply J. W. JONES, c156 26, Castle Square, Carnarvon. THE RAILWAY PASSENGEKS ASSURANCE compass^ INSUHES AGAINST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. ESTABLISHED 1849. COMPENSATION PAID £ 3,350,00?. 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. W. D. MASSY, i Secretaries *37 A.VIAN, Secretaries THE BOILER INSURANCE AND JL STEAM POWER CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE :— 67, KING STREET, MANCHESTER. Established 1859. AUTHORISED CAPITAL £ 250,000. INVESTED FUNDS £ 97.000. BOILERS AND ENGINES INSURED AND INSPECTED. EMPLOYERS INSURED AGAINST CLAIMS under The EmptoyeM' Liability Act." JOINT POLWIES ISSUED. INDIVIDUAL ACotOENT INSURANCE, J. F. L. CROSLAND, M. Inst. M.E., A. M. Inst. C E.. Chief Engineer. EDWARD HADFItSLD. Secretary. Local Agent: W. LLOYD WILLIAMS, C.E. and F.S.I., I Herald' Buildings. Carnarvon. c440r140 fxUrarg. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL EDITION (just published) of explanatoiy book gratis and post free {shews haw mone» is made quickly and successfully by stocks and shares. Highest and lowest prices for last seven years.—Address George Evans, and Co., Stockbrokers, 24, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. THE "GRAPHIC. CONTAINS every Saturday, Illustr tions by 'tj the best Artists, of all the curren events of importance, portraits of celebrated persons, and original drawings.-Sold by all Booksellers for 6d., or post free 8Jd., from the Office, 190 Strand, Lonond, W.C. c711 A PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE PASTIME FOR WINTER EVENINGS. AN EASY COMPETITION, 950 IN PRIZES For the best Copies of Examples in HOLLOWAY'S NATIONAL DRAWING H BOOK. THB PBOPB.IKTOR OP HOLLOW AY'S PILLS AND OINT MINT Offers th§ tbove sum as Prizes in a Simple and Interesting Competition, J For F#I1 particulars See this week's "Christian Globe," v Spare Moments," or "London Journal obtainable from any Newsagent or Railway Bookstall, c2l6 alt nm All persons interested in Commctce should sub" scribe to the British Volume of "Wilson' Mercantile Directory of the World, being the only Directoty of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND ever published, containing lists of all the Manufacturing, Wholesiale and principal Retail Trades. Price, 35s. j Prices of Directories of any part of the world on application. ( Prospectus free on application to the publishers r WILLIAM WILSON AND SONS, a 8. Talbot Court, Eastcheap, London, EC. THE MATRIMONIAL HERALD AND FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE. Official Organ of the World's Great Marriage Association (Limited). Its valuable organisation supported and recommended by the Clergy to all desiring happy and advantageous marriages (see Notice in current issue). Brilliant success for 1893. Enormous increase in Association's Marriages over any year during 11 years' estab- lishment, Tbe Directorate honoured with the entire Patronage of the Nobility, Professional, and Business Classes throughout the British Empire. Absolute secrecy. Sent in plain sealed envelope. 5d.—Editor, 40, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. cl85 RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1894. IT tells the farmer when to sow his crops and buy and sell his cattle and farm produce. It tells the gardener when to sow, plant, trans- plant, ^rune, or do anything else. It tells the young when to court and marry. It tells the unemployed the exact days and hours to seek work with success. It tells when to set fowls, travel, remove, ask favours, deal with others, buy. sell, sign con- tracts, speculate, hire servants, &c. It contains Birthday Information for every day of the year, also the Fate of P,'J.Y Child born during 1894. /.1 Numerous useful Tables. Legal and Commer- cial Notes. The Fate of Kings, Nations and In- dividuals. Vivisection. Theosophy. Burned At tbe Stake. The Mystery of Death. Cruelty to Children, &c. Price, 6d., post free, 7d. Foulsham, 4, Pilgrim Street, 'Legate HiUJE.C,; Davies or Edwards. Carnarvon Nott, Den- bigh, and all Stationers. b328 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. Issued by the Cambrian Railways Company, price 2d. « *\THERE TO STAY AND WHAT TO YV SEU" IN WILD AND PICTUnBSQUB WALES. Containing 17 Meisenbach Views of Aberystwyth, Barmouth, and other Cambrian Seaside and Holidav Resorts, from Photographs by Mr J. Maclardy of Oswestry, with a List of Hotels, Inns, Farmhouse and Country Lodgings. To be obtained at all English and Welsh uailway Bookstalls and at all Cambrian Stations. Also from ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Company's Offices, Oswestry, August. 1893. WHAT THE PKRSS SAY It. is a useful little book, and we hope it will induce many readers to visit the charming scenes which lie on and about the Cftniotitio* Oswestry Advertizer. Invaluable to all Holiday Makers.—L an- aollen Advertiser. The information is of a thoroughly practical nature.- The Gentlewoman. Arranged in a manner which will be of im- mense service to the Traveller, Montgomery- shire Express.. Illustrated with views of the most encaautmg beauty spots in a country so prolific in scenic granduer.—The Evening Reporter, The Cambrian Railways Company earned the gratitude of Holiday Makers by publishing this handy reliable little guide,- The Journal of Commerce. A very showy little pamphlet fulj of informa- tion and illustrations, also a wonderful List of Farm House and Country Lodgings.— Western Morning News. Should be in the hands of every Tourist. Owestry Commercial Ci rcular. b241 N,usiiirss Abbrtzscs. ART METAL WORK IN GATEfcf AND GRILLED A,. ;k Ifi—:—242]— Lf Q, (RON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING &c, W. H. PEAKE AND SONS. MANUFACTURERS, 25 AND 27 SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. Largest and Best Selection in the Market. i Any Length Cut. In use Everywhere Parcels (j | A PI. K S Thousands of Carriage Paid. Testimonials. Vnr WTIRD OOULOJL SEND AT ONCE tor wear. for Box Qf HONESTY 1 W JjJliUIO PATTERNS, Not a trace of numbering over ShoddyorTrickery DIRECT FROM 400, which will, in our Goods THE LOOM. delight you. WnOT MANUFACTURED OR TAKEN yy UUU 1N EXCHANGE. A WANTED to push the sale of «ur Goods in their spare time. None but first-class men need apply, who are well-known and have a good connection with the Public.—Piatterns sent free on application to first-class men need apply, who are well-known and have a good connection with the Public.-Patterns sent free on application to CLARK BRO., SCOTCH TWEED MANUF., GALASHIELS. &304 I HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE. GEORGE HENRY LEE & ,Co". BASNETT STREET, WVERi JOL, Beg to announce their HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE OF SILKS, DRESS MATERIALS, LACES, GENERAL DRAPERY, COSTUMES, MANTLES. MILLINERY, CARPETS, FURNISHING. &c.. FOR THIS AND FOLLOWING DAYS. The Reductions made on all Surplus Season and Fancy Goods will be found very important, varying according to the nature of the Goods from 15 to 50 per cent. In special Gases the Reduc- tions will be even greater. QEDRGE JJENRY J^EE & QO*. BASNETT STRESS LIVERPOOL. I • C335 PAPUR PAWB: Second Volume began August 5tJj; The success of Tit-Bits,' c Answers,' The success of Tit-Bits,' c Answers,' and ^Pearson's Weekly* Repeated la Wales. .0- '1 i PICTORIAL JOKES. STARTLING STORIES. ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES of CELEBRITIES. THRILLING NOVEL. PRIZE COMPETITIONS FOR ALL CLASSES. l LIMITED SPACE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. WEEKLY—PANNY. • Unique in the Welsh Language. DANIEL RIES, CARNARVON. J PIF PRINTING. CIRCUITS, BANDm^, POSTERS. BEST WORK AT LOWEST RATES BOOKBINDING zH ilLJ KINDS AT REASONABLE PRICES. MAGAZINES FROM ONE SHILLING PER VOLUME. HERALD OFFICE. CARNARVON- THE BEST A a If <f?A 9 \j GARDEN SEEDS AT MOST MODERATE PRICES. SEED POTATOS, GARDEN TOOLS, & SUNDRIES. Descriptive Catalogue No. 432, Post Free on Application. Delivered Free by Rail or Parcel Post. DlCKSONS CHESTER jgiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniimmiimiifrowftiiimmimmmmiimimmminmnymiiiitg HARDILY-GROWN, 5 H Thoroughly Transplanted < i I FOREST, FRUIT, = AND ALL OTHER y = I TREES, /CV f 5 w OUR i I PLANT STOCKS I 1 &C- ,•• ARE QUITE I I UNEQUALLED. I urseries | O Acves. j I CATALOGUES FREE on Application. 1 ¿ h- OINHEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Goat and IDdi. gestion, and the safest aperieat for delicate Coostitations,Ladies, Children, and luiants. So^d throughout the Word. CAUTION.—Sea that D1NNEFOUD AND CO. is on ever7SBottl9 and Label. c908 h I11 FOR $OUPS FAUCES RAVI ES AND «?ADE ^DISHES, LIEBIG "COMPANY'S" EXTRACT OF BEEF. Cookery Books Free on application Ja LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO., LTB., 9, Fenchurch Avenue, B.C. CURE FOR ALL! I! HOLLOWAYS OINLMEHF c en infallible teniedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcera. 1 It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. f0R SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for Contracted and Stiff Joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World.. „ —Advice Gratis, at tbe above addraw, daily, between hours of 11 and 4, or by letto* B 0V R I L, the guaranteed product of PRIME OX BEEF, i'onifitjs the system against INFLUENZA, COM;, AND CHILLS. Served Hot at Restaurants. Sold by all Grocers, Chemists, Stores, &c. &181 Shtjigmg. THE ABERDEEN LINE. c. LONDON TO AUSTRALIA, Via Cape of Good Hope, in 42 days: Damascus .Capt. A. Douglas, R.N.R. 3709 tons. Jan. 13, Thermopylw-.Capt 4. Simpson S711 toaa.. Feb. IT frmEtiE maAoificeat fall-poirarad 8t«uners will XTl^araWvelor MELduDH^E and SYDNEY, t*kingpass«ngers for all AwtraUan and New Zealand Ports. The accommodation tor first and third-clan 4 passengers is very r^qiperid*1,, tud a spryopn will accomrany each vet-ML Pares—Saloon, rrem £ 50; Third-claafrova 14 guineas. For •. ^rtiAlara apply to Geo. ihrmpson and Co, J4, LeadenhaliStreet, London, E.C, clODy723 STEAM COMMUNICATION BBTVRBIN LiVERPOOL.BANGOR, MENAI BRiDGB AND CARNARVON. R IVERPOOL, CARNARVON AND MENAI Li STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—The quickest and chaa.t>e»t. Goods transit between LIVERPOOL and NORTH W ALES.-The Steamer PRINCE JA JA, or other steamer laavea the West- Side, Trafalgar Dook, Liverpool, every Wednesday with goods Jor fc*»uaiari3, every Wednesday and. Saturday tor Carnuvon and Menai Bridge, and every Saturday for Bangor. For Freights, &c.. apply at the Company's Offices, Messrs Richards, Mills, and Co., 18. James Street, Liverpool; or at Carnarvon, Mr J. Pritchard, Company's Warehouse New Harbour. N.B.—To insure shipment, all Goods should le delivered by noon on day of sailing. CV AMERICAN. LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL dTEAMfi LIVttSPOOL TO PHILADBLPHIA First-Clasa, full-powered, Iron Steamships, A CCOMMODATION for passengers equal to ZIL any Suropaac Lia Passengers and Goods lawied at Philadelphia en the Wharf of the PEKKSILVAKIA RAIL- ROAD, —, THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BOST BOUrK TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPBNCB. ASD CO., 19 and 25a Water Street,LIVERPOOL, LOCAL J^GKKTS W( J, Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon, R. R. Stythe, 39, Bangor Street, Carnarvon, H. J. Williams, bO, High Street, Bethesda. iiichard Roberts, Bethesda. Stephen ^Roberts, Glynllifon Hotel, Blaena* Festiniog, c—21—y AIXiAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES (REGULARLY EVERY THURSDAY. BEST AND CaEAPKSTROUTE to Canada, Mani- toba,the North* West Territories and British Col- umbia, and the Western Stateø of America. 10- dollars Bonus to Settlers, and Homestead Certificates relating to the Government Free Grant Lands of Acres. x Write for Handbook of consise iufonr aJvice, also of latest maps and punp^' ^ation Fjeeby Allan Brothers & Co,, K ^ets, supplied Liverpool; or to W. J. WJlvw |'reet» CarnarvoB; W, D. Jone«, y' r'PtM1arKke* S^' Humphreys, Booksellar -a Holyhead, R. G. J, R. Cadwaladr, Kr Strwt. Portmadoc T FI r <snt, 7 B wydd Visw, Blaenaa SJiZr'ink "aarwst; W. H. Davies, Stationer, Bank HITE STAR LINE, -"Zr- I ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. ) LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Queens town, ■■ I every Wednesday. GitRMANic.Wed.,Jan. 17 I *ADaiATic.Wed., Jan 23 SECOND Cabin will be carried on the voyage marked thus*. The splendid Vessels of this line are °f the largest class, uniform in model and ar are i;ll of the largest class, uniform in model and ar rangemcnts, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amid- ships. Second Passage at low rates. Steerage passage to New York, Boston, and Phila- delphia, at low fates. Apply to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance broker, and William John Williams, 7, MarketStreet, Carnar- von; Richard Roberts, Bethesda; O. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Dolwyddelen; David Rowlands, Penygraig; W. M. Jones, Church Street, Llangefni; R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Taiysarn; H. Hughes, 8, Market Street, Amlwch; W. D. jonee, Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead; W. 0. Williams, Denbigh Street, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, J. Minafon. Dolgelley; William Edwards, 7, William* Terrace, Llanberis; or to ISMAY bIBlE & Co., 34, Leadeuhall Street, London, E.C., and to 10, Water Street, Liverpool. cl7 CUNABD LINE. ROy AL MAIL STEAMERS FKOM LIVER- PC POOL CALLING AT QI'EKNSTOWN. FOE NEW YORK. FOB BOSTON. GALLIA Sat., Jan. 20 CATALONIA .Tt Jan 25 UMBRIA Sat., Jan. PAVONIA Th.. Feb. 8 SERVIA Sat., Feb. 3 CEPHALONIA..rb 1* 3B. 23 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA, Steerage Passengers to all parts of America and Carnda at low r.tes; those by Boston steamers booked 10 New York without extra charge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water Street, Liverpool Or to their Agents:—Mr. W. J. Williams, Secretary North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, Market Street Carnarvon, and Mr. it. Roberts, Old Post Office Bethesda c4976 Jiuiltoags. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. DURING THE WINTER AND SPRING MONTHS, WEEK END EXCURSION TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Sunday. Mon- day. or Tuesday,) atid FOURTEEN DAYS' TICKETS will be issued on every Friday and Saturday also TOUHIST TICKETS (available for two calendar months) will be issued on any week day. from the Principal Cambrian Inland Stations to Borth. Aberdovey, Towyn, Aber- ystwyth, Barmouth. Dulgeiley, Ilarlecli, Port- madoc, Criccieth, and Pwllheli.—Fir full particulars as to fart s, &c.. tee bills which can be obtained at all Cambrian Stations. ALFliED ASLETT, Seciet-ry s.d Ger.eral Manager. a239 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. CHEAP W ELK-END TICKETS (Friday or Saturday to Monday or Tuesday) are now issued throughout tbe year, from Birming- bam, Mo.-iument Lane, Vauxhill, Duddleston, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Burton, Derby, Leicester, Leeds/Pewsbury, Huddersf5cld, Staley- bridge Ashton, Stockport, Eccles, Oldham (C!^g £ .Street and GoMwick Rondt. Manchester (London Road). Preston, Blackburn, Chorley, Bolton, St. Helen's, Wigac, Wairirgton, Liver- pool (Lime Street and Edge HIli). to the follow- ing Cambrian Watering Pieces:—Aberystwyth, Borth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Dolgelley, and BMrnout!. TOUKIST TICKETS, available for one month, will also be issued during the Winter and SpriDg Baonthp, from the above-named places to the Watering Places shown above. Tourist Tickets wiU i).;sn be >»ued throughout the year from Cambrian Inlard Stations to all Watering Places on the Cambrian Coast. Full particulars as to train times and fares are given on the bills issued by the London and North-Western and Cambrian Railways Com- panies, ana such announcements can be obtained at HLV ot the atove-named statioi s. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. November 1st, 1893. a98