"meo VU.I.'lWD .IIW.L YVU"" ttuu LVJLUMUUIUL t;;U.l..I.J' Weakness, Functional Derangements and other ailments arising from whatever cause WITHOUT MEDICINE, in the vast majority of cases. Full details for ",Self-Citre and personal usefiree on receipt of Two Stamps, by DR. HAMMOND, 11 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, London, W.C. Free Consultations Daily from 9 till 2, and 3 ill 8. ELECTRICITY. This Life Invigorator acts not only on the diseased or relaxed Vessels but also on the Blood, supplying the system with vital Electricity, thus arousing and equal- ising the vital Forces, and moreover is sanctioned and approved by the highest Medical authorities, t.e. Sir R. Martin; Sir C. Locock; Dr Golding Bird; Dr Rece Dr Thompson. Professors Ahrens, Humbolit, Davy, Faraday, and hundreds of other notabilities. (Vide) Guy's Hospital Reports, also Philosophical Transactions," "Lancet," Medical Times," &c., &c. These records are a Guarantee to Invalids as to the Safety and Efficacy of Electricity which may be tested Gratis. (Letters receive prompt attention.) (Copyright.) Entered at Stationers' Hall, to prevent Piracy. 410 YIEBI(?S"EXTRACT OF MEAT ?GENUINE), .Lj Manufactured on the Establishments of R. TOOTH, Esq., Sydney.—Paris Exhibition, "Hors Coneours."—The chemical analysis of Dr. Miller proves that this extract is unsurpassed in composition. For beef tea, soups, and gravies, one ounce of Extract is equal to two pounds of best gravy beef.-2 oz., 2s; 4 oz., 3s 9d; llb. 7s 6d; 1 Ib., 14a., in Jars with Thompson's patent stoppers. Insist on having Mr TOOTH'S Manufacture. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT BISCUITS (Cole- man's Patent), invaluable to Travellers, Sportsmen, Invalids, &c.; very suitable for Luncheon.—Tins, Is., 2s., and 3s. 9d. each. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT of MEAT LOZENGES (patent), in boxes, Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d, palatable and convenient Sold by J. F. EDISBURY, chemist, Wrexham. Whole- sale, in London, of Allen and Hanburys, John Bell and Co.. Crosse and BIackwetI, E. Lazenby and Sons, John Burgess and Son, and the principal wholesale houses. Sole Consignees, W. J. Coleman and Co., 13, St. Mary- tt-HiIl, London, E.C. 980c. TTEALTH and HAPPINESS for the NERVOUS JLL and DEBILITATED.—A single copy of a i?ew medical work, written by one of the most eminent medical men of the present day, solely for the guidance and benent; of that class of sufferers whose affections are often self- innicted, and who desire a speedy and private cure, yet toe often become the dupes of designing London quacks. For such sufferers this work is intended, showing a certain cure in cases of nervous debility, relaxation, organic or local weakness, languor, blushing, debility, and various other nervous symptoms; also showing how all so-called impediments to marriage may be effectually removed; with numerous illustrative cases of those who have been restored to the blessings of health by following the advice laid down in this work. Sent free to any address, on receipt of stamp to pre-pay postage. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingaam. CAUTION.—Parts of the above book have been copied by several quacks. Persons should be careful into whose hands they entrust their health, and read this work before applying to any one. 1013b ROUGHS. ASTHMA, and CONSUMPTION. Dr. ? THOMSON'S COUGH LOZENGES are a Speedy and Klegant Remedy for Coughs, Colds, asthma, sore throat, bron- chitis, influenza, shortness and Ai&culty of breathing, pains in the chest and side, spitting of Nood, hoarseness, derangements of the voice and respiratory organs generally, all of which are th" well known precursors of Consumption and a lingering <teati.. They immediately cause free expectoration'in asthma, brmg oS the tough viscid phlegm, allay tickling in the throat which causes 'eughing, give ease in dimculty of breathing, remove spasm and tightness across the chest, and heal the soreness felt after cough- tng. For singera, preachers, and all public speakers they are most invaluable, strengthening the throat and rendering it equal to any exertion. Price Is. ld., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per box. To Protect the Public from imitations, Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the Name, RALPH TnonsoN, London, to be en- graved in white letters on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. Sold by all Chemists in the world, or will be sent post 6-ee direct, on receipt of 14, 33, or 54 penny stamps, by DR. THOMSON, 21, Harrington Square, JSnston Square, London. Extracts from Testimonials. "My breathing was very dimcult, and my cough at night dreadful. Your Lozenges have quite tet me up again. Mr Lane." Your Lozenges quite cured my tpitting of blood, brought'on by hard coughing, J. H. Bennett." .tiMy surgeon said I was in a decided consumption, but I am happy to say your Lozenges have quite cured me. Miss Emery." "They-, curej -Qy hoarseness and sore threaten seven hours. Mra Hay.' \)Id by Mr NoxEs, Chemist, y "street. Wrexham TT\OYO? WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR.Wlii?ERS J? &c. t DR. RUSSELL'S LIXTVENE, an elegantly per- nimed toilet compound, for nourishing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to produce moustaches, whiskers, eye- brows, &c., in two or three weeks, strengthens weak hair, prevents tts falling oS, cheeks greyness in all its stages, restores the Miginal colour, dispels scurf and dandritf, and makes it clean, toft, surly and glossy. For the re-production of hair in baldness, from whatever cause, and at any age, its effects are certain; in thousands of cases it has been successful when all other prepara- tions had failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the head clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. trice 2t., sent anywhere free by post, on receipt of 24 penny stamps. by DE. G. RUSSELL, 28, Clarence-road, Kentish Town, London, L&rge bottles, containing three times the quantity, 4s. 6d. each. "It stopped my hair falling off. J. Saville." "My whiskera are now abundant and thick. Wm.Neale." "My hair had gone Ot patches from illness, but it is now growing nicely. Misa Webb." "My moustache is envied by every body. Maj or Birch." For keeping the hair m curl it is the beat thing I ever used. Mrs Pratt/' I was bald for nine years, but now my head is covered with hair. J. Spence." Sold by all Chemists. OBSERVE,—Every Genuine bottle has the words RUSSELL'S LIXIVJENE moulded in the glass, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of sixteen pages, on the management of the Hair and Skin also <ee that GEORGE RussELL's Trade Mark and Signature are on every outside wrapper Sold by Mr NoKEs, Chemist "Qrke- ttreet, Wrexham. TDUPTURES CI?RED WITHOUT TRUSS?a, &c? Jl? All Sufferers are earnestly invited to write to or consult DR. THOMSON, as he can guarantee them relief in every case. His Remedy has been extensively used for Twenty-nve years past, with perfect success, and is now advertised in the papers as a public duty. It is applicable to every case of single or double rupture in either sex. of any age, easy and painless in use, eSect- tng a radical cure without inconvenience or oon&nement, and cannot fail to be appreciated by those who have been obliged to wear trusses or other galling supports. The remedy, with full tnstructiona for use, will be sent anywhere, post free (packed so one can know the contents) on receipt of 10s. in stamps, or by post omee order payable to DR. RALPH THOMSON, 21, Harrington Square, Euston Square, London. Consultationa aaily, except Sunday, (fee One Guinea) from 11 till 1 o'clock. Ihe following Testimonials have been selected from thousands in [he possession cf the Doctor, and are published with the Ml consent of their writers. I find myself completely cured, and have tried every means to prove it, by lifting and running, which, I am happy to say, I can do without pain or using any tram. F. W." Many thante for your remedy;—I have thrown my trust away, glad enough to get rid of the torture of it. G.H.' Your Remedy has cured my rupture, and I have used violent txertion since, without any sign of its re-appearance. Mis S." A tair time has elapsed since I used your Remedy, moreover I have been examined by our surgeon, who declares I am quite cured. J.F." "My rupture being twenty-eight years old, I never expected so perfect a cure. E.L." I now write to tell you my daughter is perfectly cured by your remedy. Mrs. H." I have received a perfect cure from "the remedy you sent me; mine was an old rupture, and ?ery bad indeed. H.T." TTpon EVERYBODY ?- Clergyman who has Cared JD him.self and hundred ?. his parishioners, of indigestion, meises in the head, headache, less of memory, dimness of sight, ieafness, nervousness, rheumatism, giddiness, deplorable low spirits and debility, (with many other common complaints) adopts this unusual mode of offering any suff, free of charge, full .particulars of the valuable herbaS..nedicinea itsued by one of the most eminent living physicians, by which these wonderful cures are being daily effected; that all, even the poorest, may enjoy the blessings of health. Send a sta'nped envelope to JAMBS Fg A KR, Esq.. 28, Clarence Road, Kenttsh Town, London. ??'LEAR SKIN &-BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION -A ?:?-ures by the uSe of Dtt. RUSSELL'S KALONICA, the (m)Y ??ive Remedy for all Skin Diseases ever discovered. It pcrmn.ncntly eradicates tan, s&Mowness, pimples, black spots, freckies, small pox marks, redness, roughness and all other d.s- ngurements and discolorations; preserving and invigorating those important functions on which the purity, softness, and beauty of the skin depend. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s. per bottle. Sold by all Chemists in the world, or will be sent any- where free. by post, on receipt of 33 penny stamps, by DR. RUSSELL, 28, Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Many tnedical men admit the folly of trying to cure skin diseases with internal medicines, and prescribe EALONICA in all cases_ "I had pimples on my forehead for years, which baSted all the doctors, but two bottles of your marvellous Kalonica cured me. J. Marr." "It has completely removed seventeen pock murka from my face, which ia &s clear now as it was before I had the small pox. Misa Ware." "My hands and arms are now as smooth and soft as silk. Miss Lewis." Nothing eases my inS.unma.tory heat so soon as your KaJonica. Mrs Burt." I u-e it just before toing out, to impart a healthy bloom. Miss GilHe." Caution with every bottle is enclosed a pamphlet on Beauty and the Management of the Toilet; with a few words on Skia Diseases. Purchasers are also requested to see that GEOROE Rus?ELL's Trade Mark and Signature are on every p:tckag<' Sold by Mr tfoKEs, Chemist, Yorke-street, 'Wrexham. T?rERVOUSNESS NO FANCY. Thousands of poor .1.? suBerera can truly testify that nervousness is indeed no &mcy, but a terrible reahty that has bamed the skill of the wisest et our physicians to cure. Nervoua invalids suffering from low tpirits and debiUty, noises in the head, melancholy, fear. Mush- ing, dislike to society, sleeplessness, headac-he, indigestion, dimness of sight, loss of memory, giddiness, palpitation o< the heart, neuralgia, Sts, epilepsy, or any other of the Utoneand forma of the raging malady, will find Da. THOM- SON'S UNIVERSAL FILLS a most certain remedy. They ttave effected .thousands of cures of all affections of the ner- T0u< syttem since their introduction to the public, and are so *afe that they can be used by young as well as old, however WMt and ill they may be, and so cheap that even the poorest t?e no longer a necessity to suner. Price Is. l?d., 2s. 9d., and t?66d,. per box, with dietary rules, &e. Sold by all Chemists, or WMbe sent free by post on receipt of 14, 33, or 54 penny stamps, !"?' Tli()3&89 21, Harrington Square, Euston Square, ?*?°:. ?y&Murml headaches were completely cured by a "W *°'?'? A- ?'" "My stomach ia in a healthy state, and I :S,?*????' now. J. V." I was so nervous before SSbuX??' ? ? ?Me ? ?.- J- T." "The S?SoS?on???????MKone. T. L." "I have had E E? it&tion qf the ?' ? Station simce I took them. Mra S?mow The ?? ?. §?* ? '?d and I can stoop with as" now. M_ the he?? suffered tar years from nervous- Caa?r ?????? W_tite;t am thankful our pUU cured Itiel Ql Bold by Ur WoKus IL tJ?Y.rke?eet. ?r??' ?' 8oM by Mr No?, r 1MIi Business Announcements. 1 ISSUED. I t ) LONDON FANCY STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. MUSIC AS SOON AS L A.. & M. BRADLEY. P AIWEL8 THREE TIMES 20,—HOPE STREET, WREXHAM—20. ALL NEW A WEEK, — —————————————————————————— A & M. BBADLEY beg to call the attention of A. purchasers to their Stock of the following articles In STATIONARY AND FANCY GOODS, which they are prepared to supply on the most favourable terms:— T?TOTEPAPER AND ENVELOPES, Plain and Fancy, .i.?t a variety of qualities and prices, including all the depths of border in MOURNING PAPER and ENVELOPES. T)IBLES.—A NEW STOCK in various sizes of type .D and styles of binding, with references and illustrations. pRAYER BOOKS in a variety of sizes and bindings, CHURCH SERVICES in Morocco and other binding plain and elegant-a choice assortment. TDOCKET BOOKS in a great variety of sizes and JL prices, ranging from 6d. to 4s. T)URSES from 6d., 9d., to 5s., in Russia, Calf, and f Morocco, T)ERRY'S PATENT BOSTONITE in Tablets, Slates, JL and Pocket Books. CARD CASES.—PLAYING CARDS, Ladles and ?? Gentlemen's sizes in leather. Tartan, &c. A LBUMS for Photographs, in a variety of styles, at ?JL Is and upwards. A CCOUNT BOOKS In Cash Books, Day Books ?CJL Journals, and Ledgers, ruled for single and double entry, in pocket sizes, foolscap, and post; a large assortment to select from.- Any book ruled and printed to pattern on the shortest notice.- ) Books and publications ordered will receive prompt attention, and every effort will be made to give satisfac- tion to those who favour this establishment wi th their orders. 20,lHOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. 20,S.HOPE-STREET, WBEXHAM. pURE AERATED WATERS, I ELLIS'S I RUTHIN I SODA WATER. ELLIS'S RUTHIN POTASS WATER. ELLIS'S RUTHIN SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S RUTHIN LEMONADE, ELLIS'S LITHIA AND POTASS WATER, An excellent internal remedy for Gout. [ The public are particularly requested to observe that every Cork is branded R. Ellis & Son, Ruthin," with- out which none is genuine. May be obtained from all respectable Chemists, Con- fectioners. and Hotel-keepers and wholesale only from I' R. ELLis & SoN, Ruthin, North Wales. Sold by Joseph dark, wine merchant, and J. Broughton, chemist, Wrcxbam; and E. Davies, Chemist, Ruabon. 889 NOTICE.—CEFN FREESTONE QUARRIES. THESE QUARRIES are now MIy opened and the i .L Proprietors are prepared to undertake orders for all descriptions of Building Stone, of any given dimen- sion Grinding Stones of all sizes and very superior quality; Pig Troughs, Cisterns, Copings, and all kinds of Masonry, Orders to be addressed to 607e The MANAGER, Mr CHAS. CHATHAM, Cefc Freestone Quarries Co., near Ruabon. PA3ELIS EXPOSITION, 1807. ?o?? Sole Silver Medal of Eonour, j ? ?>?? ?? ? Jurors' very nattering ? ? tt, ?O??? recommendation, j ?"? :t.g. Perfection of ??n?! ? ?? ?Freparation." 0 .'lil./J ??s ? o?< ?. -? ? Sold Every- .M.qM ? ?" ? a>. ?? ?? C!'?? where. ?<y < ? J?? °? j ? ? -?oAapios ?°?"? ?o&? ———— ????"??d ? 'poo? .[oj quanaoxo ?-?? e ?lainpaeoxn,, ?odag .sjo.mj??!??o ?t 'pep.rc?L? TBpejT ezu? ?ri0 ?? ? 'E98I '?OIJiiaiHXS .MOCLMOT ? ST RE.IZ ??? (ÿ INDIGESTION O ?S.  ? ?w? ? ? 6eU ermywhtM. Bottle* I*. 1M., tt. ad.. MtA lit. Post Prce, 5 Stamps, from Author, Coombe Lodge, Pecbha.m, NEW EDITION OF Mr. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work ox CONSUMPTION f Which has now passed through 94 Editions of 1000 each! This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT, WITH INTERESTING AND EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF CURE. TREATS ALSO OF ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. I INTERESTING 'COMMUNICATIONS. I—From REV. ISAAC COMFORT (late of Forest Hill, and now of Tonbridge 'Wells), vela- five to his daughter. The patient was brought to me last year, suBering from great bronchial irritation andaervouscough.withtendeucyto phthisis. Had been under medical treatment without benefit for some time. Jan. 31st, 1863, Mr. COMFORT writes me as foUowa :—" I a.rti thfmkfnl to smy that by the blessing of God upon yonr treatment, my daughter is restored to health. I shall circulate your fame far and near, feeling satisned NONE NEED DESFAIB." 2.-From Mr. J. F. READ, 43 Bassett-street, Bedford.—" My wife had suffered from the most severe I cough for some years past. The Rev. W. Jeffery (whose name appears in the book) ad vised me to try your treatment. She A<M quite fMOM)'e< and enjoyed good health since. We find your medicine a most VAMTABM FAMiLTr MEDiciNE. Make what use you please of my wife's case."—Feb. 3rd, 1868. Per doz. Per doe. 118s.-TARRAGONES-18s. BOTTLES AND CASES INCLUDED. Post Orders on Vere Street. (CHARLES WARD AND SON, ?? WINE MERCHANTS, Per doe. MAYFAIR, W., LONDON, perdoz. 18s.—TARRAGONES—18s. EAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. The best Remedy for Diseases of the Skin. Sold by all Chemists, &c., at Is. I id., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d per box. EAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. The best Remedy for Female Complaints. Sold by aU Chemists, &c., at Is lid, 2s 9d and 4s. 6d 1 per box. THE MOST MARVELLOUS DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. Dr.ZtOT:c!E!Ho«'s Ne Plus Ultra, or Blectro- Galvanic Improved Patent Self-Curative Girdle. j' mHE Vitalizing, Invigorating, and Strengthening -L EfSeacy of this Agent is incontestiMy proved and admitted by the Medical Profession throughout the world in all cases of Lost Nervous Pone)-, Local Weakness, CoKsM<M<iOMt Dbility, Want o/ Ewe)-gy, Impairmnt of MemM'Y, Si9ht, znd J7earM)y, Listlessness, Wasting of Flesli, P)-eMKt<m-e Declille, and Paralysis in its uanous stages. Particulars sent free for one stamp. Address, H. JONES, Escl, Secretary, 5, Langham-street, Portland Place, London, W. 136a H. HURLBUTT AND CO., TIMBER MERCHANTS, COW LANE BRIDGE .IIND TOWER WHARF T-LIIBEB YARDS, CHESTER. TTTT H. & CO. having received nnm?rons applications for their List of Prices from persons residing in Wrexham -LJL < Buabon, and the neighbourhood, requiring Timber and anxious to purchase in the best and cheapest market, herewith beg to submit to the public generally the following rate of prices for TIMBER delivered Free from railway carriage at Wrexham, Ruabon, and Mold Railway Stations. BEST SPRUCE DEALS, 3 inch, for Scantling, Boards, &c., at 3§d to 3id. per foot, 3 inch by 12 inch. BEST SPRUCE BATTENS, 7 inch by 2! inch, for Joists, &c., at lid. per foot, running. BEST SPRUCE SPARS, 3 inch by 2! inch, at Id., 3 inch by 2! inch, at id.; 3 inch by 2 inch, at $d.; 3 inch by 1-21 inch at id. per foot, running. BEST SPRUCE, Planed and Edged 1 inch Flooring Boards, ready for laying down, In every length, at lid. per foot superficial, or 13s. 6d. per square. RED DEAL, Planed and Edged 1 inch Flooring', well seasoned and ready for laying down; First quality-free from &nots, ahaokes, and sap, at 2id. Second quality, at 2d. per foot supernclal. Yellow Pine DEALS 3 inch, 1st quality at 7? ?  2nd do. ?t 5d ( P? r ?.t 3rd do. at 4d i-3 i.n. by 3rd do. at ? 4th do. at3?d j In. Red DEALS 3 inch 1st quality at 6? 2nd do. at 5?d ( per foot 2nd do. at 5id i 3 in. by 11 in. 3rd do. at 4?d t 3 in. by 11 in. 4th do. at3Mj RED DEALS, 12 inch by 4 inch, at 7!d. to std. per foot, 12 inch by 4 inch. RED DEALS, 7 inch by 21 inch, at 2td. to 21,d. per foot, 7 inch by 2! inch. BALTIC, 4 feet Plastering Laths, extra strength, at 14s. per 1,000 laths. YELLOW PINE LOGS from 16!d. to 2s. I per foot S PITCH PINE LOGS from 2s. to 2a. 2d. RED PINE LOGS from 19d.to2s.) cube. (. MEMEL & BALTIC LOGS from Is 9d. to 21 3d. SAWING AT SAW MiLL BATES:— PINE BOARDS 1 inch and thicker, from 1,97d. to 3d. per foot, 1 inch by 12 inch. i inch from lid. to 2i-d. per foot, saperncial. t inch from l?d. to lid. per foot, superficial. N.B.—The above PRICES are for TIMBER DELIVERED FREE at WREXHAM, RUABON, and MOLD. SALE YARD-COW LANE BRIDGE. WHOLESALE YARD-TOWER WHARF OFFICES AT COW LANE BRIDGE. 455e CITY TEA, COFFEE, FAMILY GROCERY, AND ITALIAN ESTABLISHMENT BSTABLISLIED 1780. MESSRS. BOWERS BROTHERS BEG gratefully to acknowledge ? the continued and increasing patronage of the Nobility and Gentry of the County and Princi- pality. They can assure their Patrons and the Public that the Articles supplied from their Estab- lishment are ef nrst-class quality, and all Orders entrusted to them have their personal attention and care. MESSRS. BOWERS' TEAS have been noted for many years, and they especially solicit a trial of them by all who desire good and nne quality. FRENCH AND ITALIAN CONDIMENTS AND PICKLES. SAUCES, ESSENCES, AND CULINARY REQUISITES. BURNING SAUCES, CANDLES, HOUSEHOLD AND SCENTED SOAPS. BURNING OILS, BOWERS BROTHER.S, 101, EASTGATE-STREET. CHESTER. N.B.—AM Orders to the amount of JE2 are Carnage Paid to any Railway Station. 500j rJpL HE RUABON FOUNDRY AND ENGINEER NG COMPANY, -R UAB ON, IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS, MILL WRIGHTS, BOILER MAKERS AND GENERAL ENGINEERS. BOILERS OF ALL SIZES P? TO 40 FEET LONG, STEAM ENGINES OF ANY SIZE UP TO 30-INCH CYLINDER. CLAY MILLS SHAFTING PIT-HEAD PULLEYS WATERWHEELS CRANES WEIGHING MACHINES GAS WORKS CAST AND WROUGHT IRON GIRDERS TRAM WAGGONS, AND TUBBING PLATES COLLIERY MACHINERY RAILWAY AND COLLIERY TURN- OF EVERY CLASS TABLES, POINTS AXD CROSSINGS MORTAR MILLS, &c.,&c. All descriptions of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, IRON ROOFING AND WROUGHT IRON WORK, 824 AT MODERATE PRICES. A Large Assortnient of Patterns for Spur and Bevil Gearing. Drawings and Estimates on Application ?? ?!???<??? ??????.EaTENT NKE. NOT POIS Ot!0? ?!? ? ? ? ?? ???? ARC-, -NOT,'POISONO"U A ? ? ? ? ?? ?  CEB???EB?????? -LIGHT ONiLYoN THE BO ??AfOT?t? ? ???? ? J ? .XO7911 ??7VDf?A?syz?770/V???&??t??VM???E. ? WHITECHAPTL- ROADA-P'i&60w;,E- WHtTECHAPEL ROAD? I?EDON? B. ?' ,¡'¡. -JI"\ This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and i: ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted ? or stiff j oints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled ? g ASTH?CA .A.Y?:D SHO?TOmTIS. ? ? This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds, may be infalli- ? t bly cured by well rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. ,i¡ ? :BA.:D LEGS7 BAD BI&EA.STS, ETC- jj 6 In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. ? ? In Spain, Portug? al, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for ? ? sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners nnd it most invaluable. ? j AND S""VVELLINGS- H M To sunerers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inSam- g § mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation, tg PILES;) FIST-U-nLAS, ETC-, ETC. ? ? All innammations and ulcerationa to which either sex may be aRlicted can be g? ? relieved, and cured, by the diligent use of this healing Ointment. ? 3 <D:F 'x'o'u'm- !j ? Certain old sores and swellings can be enbctually cured by the joint agency B ? of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, If used acccording to the printed directions. ? ? The Ointment and Pills should be used coniointly in most of the following cases: t g Asthma. Bt Bad Legs. g Bad Breasts I Bronchitis Eruptions GIauds, Enlargement of Gont Lumbago Piles Rheumatism ScroMa. Sora Throats Sore Heads. M Tic Do!onreox I Wheezing, with dif&colty of Breathing ?? ? ?3" C?l C?TYO?V:—None are genuine unless the words 27o77oM'cry, ZoM?o?t," are II N discernible as a TVa?f-MM? in every leaf of the book of directions which may ? g be plainly seen by ?oM? ?< ?o ?6 ?7?.—*?* Sold at the manufactory of Profes- ? ? sor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand. London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, In pots at ? ? Is. 1?.. 2?. 9?/ 4?. 6?., 11s., 22s,. and 33?.—There Is a considerable saving by ? ? taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use arc ainxed to each pot. ï "? ?g??-W.?'H??—————?SSEBS???'?"" ? f-?"?-?-??????????j DR. J. COLL!S BROWN E'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ADVICE TO INVALIDS.—If yon wish to obtain quiet refreshing steep. &ee from headache, relief &om cain ?? amgnish, to calm and aesnagethe weary achmga of protracted disease, invigorate the ncrvoua media.and?.e?S r(??(??"? ?y°?? ????a???? —? S?l? J. COLLIS BROwmc Cate AZMY Medical StaM. m which he gave the name of "'# CHLORODYNE, and which is admitted hythe Profession to be the moat wonderful and vahiaNa rempau aTar ifia_- CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE -J is the beat remedy known for Cooghs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. oSectuaUy checks and arrests those too often fatal diseaaes-Dipthena, Fever, Croop A<nM. acts like a chann in Diarrhcea, and is the otdy specinc in Cholera and Dysentery' effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria Palpitation and Spasm. is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache. MAn;n" '?"???—?N WARE of PIRACY and IMITATIONS ——&"?,?u. Cumow.-Vice-ChanceUor Sir W- PAGE WOOD stated that Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNB w", Unaoubtedly, the Inventor of ?? ?S ?=.- '???? untrue s w hich, he regretted to say, had been sworn to.-See Time" 13th July IN4. Sold in Bottles at Is Hd, 28 9d, 4s 6d and Ils each. None IS g-enume WIthout the words Dr J COLLIS BROWNE'S ??'???'???. -????? accompanies each bottle. S.L, M??,.?,J. T. DAVENroET, 33 (?Mt E?eU'Str?S??; ?,?? Business Announcements. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE. PARIS, 1867. THE CROSS OF THE LEGION or HONOUR CONFERRED UPON THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, ABOVE ALL MEDALS. Nearly 200,000 of these unparalleled Machines now in I use in all parts of the world. Every Machine guaranteed. Instruction gratis. Illustrated Prospectus and san.¡.:a. of work gratis and post free. GBOVER AND BAKER, SEWING MACHINE COMrANT. 150, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. 59, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. É These Machines, and the work done upon them, have never failed to receive the nrst premium over all com- petitors wherever exhibited. AGENT: JAMES FRASER, DRApEp,- 1361a 8, QUEEN STREET, WBEXJFMM. NORTH WALES ENGINE & FITTING WORKS. PENYBRYN, WREXHAM. ) 'T\/)TESSRS. BOTT, PRITCHARD, & Co., I L ENGINEERS, BRASS FOUNDERS, MILLWRIGHTS, &c. ) STEAM ENGINES made of any size up to 20-horse power WATER AND STEAM GAUGES, BRASS AND IRON TAPS, PULLIES, SHAFTING AND SCREW BOLTS of all sizes supplied. Also constantly on hand Gas Piping, Mains, Cocks, Elbows, Benda, at)d Fittings of all sizes, GAUGE GLASSES AND INDIA RUBBER PACK- INGS for Engines and other purposes. Axles, Bushes, Caps, Scrawls, and Springs, suitable for !Gigs, Carriages. Spring Carts, &c. Repaii-s of Engi)ies, Jlachinery, Agricultural Imple ments, ana, Smith's Work executed on Moderate terms. Best price given for old Brass or Copper. Boilers Tested and Engines Indicated. 876g W. CLAY AND SONS, GENERAL ENGINEERS, AND IRON FOUNDERS, And JIf<tKM/ac<M?'ers of First Class Frtzo PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES AND THRASH- ING MACHINES, T)EGS to Inform their Agricultural Friends, and Ma.- n chine Proprietors, that having completed arrange- ments with the Patentees of the Patent Steel Beater Plates, Corn Elevator, Spring Hangers, and patent ex- panding Corn Screens, they are now prepared to fix the same to Thrashing Machines, for which estimates will be supplied on application. Fire Boxes of Portable Engine? of the best Lowmoor Iron and workmanship. BRIDGEWATER IRON FOUNDRY AND- SHOW ROOMS, 558r SCOTLAND STREET ELLESMERE WREXHAM ENGINEERING AND IRON WORKS (.Near the Cattle .Market, IVrexha?7z). TAMES DARGAN, Engineer (late with Messrs. W. ? Falrbaim and Sons, Manchester), is prepared to take Orders for Engine Work, Mill Work, Boilers, Iron Beams for Buildings, Iron Tunks, Boiler Mountings, &c. All kinds of Smiths' Work, Repairs, &c., &c., &c. All Orders will be executed promptly, and on moder- ate terms. 1409 HORNIMANsTEA! For a quarter of a century, Hormman & Co. have given their entire attention I to this important article; they select only the very strongest growths, and disallow the usual mineral colour on the leaf, to secure pnfect wholesomeness, and real chcaPllcss. The extensive demand for this Tea has led to spurious imitations being offered; all geiiiiiiie packets are signed,! LONDON, Original Importers of the PMrc Tea. 2s. 8d.—3s. Od.—3s. 4d. & 3s. 8d. per lb. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT WREXHAM. R. POTTER, Bookseller RuABON George PoMeM, Grocer. OswESTRY.Ro6er<s, Bookseller CHESTER Wadsley, Chemist. MoLD Hughes, 22, New-street. LLAKGOLLEN Thoinas, Bridge-street. WniTCHURCH Jones, Chemist. SHREWSBURY.PayMe, Chemist. WELSHPOOL Williams and Son. WEN Lee, Chemist. 219 ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. HEALTH AND MANHOOD RESTORED (Without JtfedtCMM). CURE YOURSELF BY THE PATENT SELF-ADJCSTIXG CURATIVE AND ELECTRIC BELT. ?<U F F E R E R S from ?r?OM? Dc&tH?, Patn/;<! ? Df?ams, M?Mtc? ?Kd Physical D?rcs?MK, Pa?t- aftOM of the heart, Noises in the Ifead and .Ears, Jin!e- etstoM., JmponM<Z Sight and Memory, Indigestion.. J't'os- tration, Lassitude, Depression of Spi-its, Loss e/' Energy. and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Zotfe of Solitude, G,'oundless Fears 4'c. CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES ) By the only Guaranteed Remedy" in Europe, protec- ted by Her Majesty's Great Seal. Details free for One Stamp by H. JAMES, Medical Electrician (to the London Hospitals), Percy Honse, Bedford Square, London. N.B.—Medicine and Fees superseded. In proof of the efficacy herein advocated, the Patentee will send the Remedies to be rested before payment. (References to the leading Physicians of the day.) 1885j Just published, free for two stamps. A GUIDE TO THE CURE OF NERVOUSNESS. A By Henry Smith, M.D. of the University of Jena. author of the Volunteer's Manual," Etc. ¡ A new medical work on the wonderful power of the Concentrated Medicines for the cure of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Want of Energy, and Premature decline, with instruc- tions for Perfect Restoration to Health and Vigour, with. out the painful shocks of Galvanism or the use of Elec- tric Belts, &c. The WARNING VOICE Is illustrated with many Cases and Testimonials, gives Advice and Rules for the cure of all diseases by the use of the new Remedies. Sent free by post, under seal, to any address on receipt of two stamps, Address, Dr Smith, 8, Burton-ctescent. London W.C. I CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN by Letter ) without Fee-Dr Smith may be consulted free for the cure of all those peculiar diseases resulting from youthful abuses and adult excesses and other causes, and will for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers, on receiving a description of their case, send his written opinion, with advice and directions for the most successful treatment and cure. Address Dr SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W C 1258 A BRANCH J-?L HOUSE is now Opened in Londoa for the Sale of this Remedy, which has been in use in .America, over thirty years. It is pleasant to take, and is safe in all cases it soothes the child and gives it rest. softpna fhA SU? T????? Sp?modic .ction, and is bUitE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Depend upon it, Mothers, it will give rest to yourselves and 1??? ? HEALTH TO TOUR INFANTS? d It will almost instantly relieve Griping intheBo?Is Wind Colic, ? r ?'? ? ?? ??t and surest remedy in the I ? ??. ? Dysentery and Diarrbceam Children) whether ?SiM from Teething or other ?iSr ren\?? ?'? testimonials from America and d? sure and ask for" MrS. Winslow's ? S En ? ? S. ?h?-.???????? by all medicine dealers wit? full dírections :-Ask JOur chemist for one of Mrs Winslow )<;lmily Almanack. ???n?pal OSce, 205, Htgb Holbor? London, 9?3 PRIME NEW SEASON'S TEA. 'pHILUPS' Il CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 8. KING WILLIAM STRBBr, CITY. Lo.N i)ox. E.G. rø 0010 Selling STRONG Br.ACK THAS. ]!<. M.. t's., ?s. )d. VERY EXCELLENT BLACK TEA is now &))tT 2s. cd. per fund. BARE CHOICE GENUINE COFFEE. Is. to Is. td. per [ A PMCE CURRENT POST FRKE. StGAKS AT MARKKt !'K)CK'<. A CHINESE CADDY containing M ibs ot really ':o"d BLACK TEA sent carriage free to :<nv r:!i)way st.'f'on or Market Town in England. on rf<'fipt 01 "s.. t)\' IfHLLU'S and Co.. Tea Merchants, 8, Kim: rHILLirS & CO. send all UOOI'S CAUKjA'.E FK):H. to at! London, and Teas, Coffees', and apices I rce to 'my railway station or market town in Iretaod, :icotbud, orWales if to the value of (ns. and npw:n-<ls. PHILLIl'Sand CO.. have no agents,and no connection with tmy house in Worcesterj?r Swansea. ,A ??? PATTERNS SILKS.Post-free. JJ?? < ? V??-? BLACK SILK. )ss. t! to unim"? a dress. j JM COLOURED SILKS from ) < )\t: t.? 1? t.t t\f:AS. ?a.?e NICIIOLSON&CO.?to.'?.S:tint I'ani'sChun-h-y?.. !C. Itark. Ladies should write for Ttj-AMPTON's Compressed PIA \< -Mi* owtnz to their ppc))]i:'r cnns.trnf-tinn :))'f une')unUed .'or rityof tone anti tittraljilitil. rpw:tn)s ot a!e Lf TOOTHING IMPOSSIBLE.—AC UA NAMAITEI,LA restores t)tp)"?'iH'')?u-toirs p)is'.inehn?.);o Mtttteratwhatage. JNO. GOSNELL & CO. [::)VL:.t with the aid of one of the most clllid{'nt ChPll1 :t". SH"{' (.<1" m perfecting thiswonderfu! tifjuid. 1: is now t.t!. re'f t" the I.Hhll In a more concentrated tortn &- at a lowel-lirit-e. >o d ill )t<.eMh: II.lso 5s., 7s. 6<1., & Is ea,'I:. i)Jc¡u,lil!! h.l1!<h.lte,I,lj¡:,l :n:<e bottles forwarded on receipt of r t,t' l'I1I1J'" or I'. rpAR'8 CARBOLIC PREPARATIONS. M tps. Dorset Street, rl(,et Strret. I.oud')'). E.C. A Remarkable Opportunity.—Must be so'd. ??L gso rea.1 I.eopM-d. Tiner. \YoU. I'ox. ro'ar i:t'ar. "po's'tm. & 13uffalo SKIN RlJGS, over'two v:n'd-IoM:r. be:unitn:)y witit BUper(tnescarietc)oth.cos: in "1IIa,:a; sold MpMatety. or the lot, at M' to K.s. e;'ch. a.hti'tLd as truveinnc. .\is'. HJ Miendid Hearth-russfordr;n\ in iinrt hc't-ro IIIlS. )ro'i. Bidna- Great Baraln: )lIq )<t':m' tt'nt t nr')')' Ir-Hlat ""4 n:,Ol.t ed k1ltS. 6a.each.8<X)f!ent)emcn're:tt S(!;l I;tliii,-oiiey sc:t) waiste ,a:s 1" 6d. to !8a. B') splendid sc:tt '-kin !'nd Asthcan j;lcket lor t!so fur. driving. )md seal co?ts tor ?cmtemcn..?t"undn)? bar- gains. A?nsientcorvcst.Oit to)-]' ?o?.r?f? requested ?rt??tiltfrly to cill and px?; thc.-cn"v<tic-. ForMteby L. If. t'iHH.H'S.2' Lcm?n-st.. WhHec:].npe).r.o''dnn. AUSTRALIAN MEAT COMPANY. I,I..IG,S EXTRACT of MEAT. "B.AMORNIE" t.xt.ract. Al.,o Deane*s Flavoured Extra.ct On j&rs lib. 12a.. Mb. <Ts. Gd.. ilh. ,,<1-. 20Z. 1". 9d..i f.'r the ml ii.oth. Of all ChemistsllL (;ro.ers. DEPOT. 62. GRACECHURCH STREET. LONDON. E.C.. OAKEY & SON's EMEKY AND BLACK ?-? Leitd MiUs. U.'ad. I.oudon. S. OAKEY's SlL VBH:llrl'H' t:OAP \11011- ?-? mercuri:)!). for C:c.:)uit;L: :md Silver, Eieetro- p!ate. !'ta.te (,tass. Marhi?-tc. 't nhtcts <d. jrYAKEY's WELLINGTON KNIFE POLISH. OAKEYI S WELLIN?(;TO.N KNIFE POLIL-;Il. OAKEYI S IKDIARUBUER KNIFE BOARDS, ? ? ft'nn Is. Cd. each. ?AKEY's GOODS SOLD EVERYWHERE "? by Ironmongers, Oitmeu, Croccrs, Bruslima?ers Druggists, &c. I)rugDgi?V.ts,I-CE to INVALIDS.—Never wait until A you Hr« dowt)ri::hti!).?'uTo))tnin reHefatnnce from a t!ose or two of that wo?Aertnt rcmcdr t:it.covered by.t'r. J. CoHiB Browna<iatc physician in 1Iel' ;I¡:I.icty's ser\('CI, to which he gave the name ClIJ.(.iH!I!IY:\ E. and is totaUy tiincreut from those pernicious imitations and piracies concocted with opium and Indian hetnp. &(' wlii k-li are gi,os,; tieceptif'ns and danperout compounds. Chtorod) ue will at once check con;:hs. coh's, hron- chins. cramps, cohc. d\sent(-ry. neurah:ia. sea sickness, &c. CaM/iOtt.—A)ways a-k fnr t'r. J CoUis I!rowne't.( htorodync. and see that hisn:<)ne is on the f.ovcrnmt'nt stami. Soic manufac- turer, J. T. DAVEM'OK')', I'harmao'uti?t. Xo.:i: Great RusseU- street. W.C. frice Is.Td..2s."d..4s. nd..and tts.perbottte. turer, PJ).?N?U.C. R-,E COAL TAR SOAP (Reeiftcred as bapo Carhonis Detergens.) fT?HIS Fragi-ant and Refreshing SOAP is Tiiiirivltllcd for its bcnfticia) nction upon the SIHN. By its daily use a ctear and heatthy appearance is produced, and abundant medict<i te'.tunony pruve:. that intectious diseases are preTented.—Vide .L«ttc< << c. ) n Tablets <d. and ]s. each of all WUIUliT & CO.. I oildon. Also.Piancsa.nd Harmoniums. Supplied at WHOLESALE prices at J. At-OORi,s, Buxtou Rd., IIuddersnetd. rattcrns & prices post free. 'Music for any kind of band. r:i!)0!.i'-e ) b\ theArmy.N:tvy.&Rit)eCorps. TRUMPING MACHINERY of every des- nription forworksofdrnnaxe.andirrigation.thesupptyof towns, villages, estates, manufactories. &c.. Ac.. Apply to GW?NNE & Co.. Encineers. I-Isgcx.-treet Works. Strand. London. U .C. LarM IHn'-tr:Lted Catalogues for )2 stamps. NEW TEAS.—Very Good and Very Cheap. WEBSTER BROS., 39, Moorgate-st., City, are now supplying IL rc!rll Fine Strollg Hich COllgOU, 21.6d Very Chotce Sotichniig. R. Ind. A [,.krLe assortitictit of weit selected Black Teas from X. ¡:tl. to 2s. td. Orders for JE2 worth sent car- riaee paid to nllllarts of En!!land; ttWates. 8cot)a.nd,&!re)and. adaptation of COCOA as an economical JL FOOD for CATTLE. Bell's TVeekly JIes,'engerfff Jull/ttn. 1868, says-the "\utritioua Cocoa Extract." Everybody is aware that the usu'U groundwork of cattle food contains only t smati per centagcof nesh-creatin:! properties, whilst the above extract is made from COCOA, wtuch eminent chemists have demonstrated to contain abundant nesh-forming matter. This invaluable cattle food is not only strengthening but palatable to the animal, and is, therefore, to be prized as one ofthennest cattle condiment s known. In testimony of its virtues it is suf- neient to appeal to experienced farmers and other owners of horses and cattle, who iiiie(iiiivo(-tlly:itte-,t its merits and econ- omical use. that animals regularly supptied. when feeding, with the COCOA EXTRACT, thrive better.yie)<tnM<rppt-odt)))t,<Mt are less liable to <itt!e conp!aints. SO Feeds as sa.thp!e, sent free to any address on receipt of remittance for l0a. JOSEPH LIVESHY. ;\Illnat;er. North British Cattle Food Company. London I)eil t 173, Bishopsgate-street, Without. E.O. CTOWER's No. 1 GINGER WINE, ?-? Cannot be equatted. Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. J!anutactories—LONDON AND LIVf.RPOOL. 4WAsk for STOWER's BRITISH WINES of all kIndB. W- M.YOUNGER & Co.'s EDiNBURGnALES ? Of aU the leading Bottlers and Licensed Tictu&Uers. ][)'ARO-Y's Celebrated DUBLIN STOUT,. ANCHOR BREWERY, DUBLIN. ? (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one.) ? rhces and terms on application. t-1 OUSES, FARMS, ESTATES, to Let, SeU, or Mnrtcage. Lists and terms B stamps, particulars en- tered free. C. BROWNE & CO.. Auctioners. Valuers, MortgaEr brokers. &c.. 16. JlIoorgate-street, and S9, Edgware-road, London JWONEY.-TO Merchants, Manufacturers, ? Builders. Ac,—Every description of Goods or Materials, Dock Warrants. Wines, &c.. purchased and paid for in CASH; also consignments received asainst which ADVANCES will be made Goods WarehousedandMONEYmNTtoany amount.— T. A. LAYLAND. 30, Botolph-Iane, Eastcheap. Established 1855. Kotnqmryfeea. CashremijttedinimediaMty. A CCIDENTAL Agents Wa-nted. Agents of Piro and Life Companies are invited to apply for Agenciu in the Accidental Department of the IMPERIAL UNION A&- 8URAHCE COMPANY. (limited). 9. Finsbury Ptace. South. E.C. THOMSON's ROYAL BATSWING I- SBABa?Baa OVBR-SKIB.T. I Made entirely of the purest Australian Wool, EMeeda in lightness and extreme warmth ttU ;)' OTer-Skirts except real Eider-down. C ATT Y's TORBAY IRON oxiDE PAINTS ?-? Durable and Bconomictl. AwardekKaniibL Mentton. DnbUn Exhibition. 1866. and a PRIZE MEDAL at the PMio ExpOtttton.IM7_ aMthe''EnEMe?''N<wtBmbe)r2.I866. Expositim Wbks: BRIXHAM Tb?B?. DEVON. DEWING MACHINES UNRIVALLED. ?J To work by Hand or Foot; Lock-stitch, or Ilouble Lock Elastic Stitch. f.istsFreO. WRIGHT & MANN. 143. Holbom Eill. London. E.Q. WALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are superseding all others. Prize Medals, London 1562, rarlsl8(\7. Silver from Xr, ().q. GQlcl from jEt5taa. CS.CornMH.E.G Z3.0. Regcnt-st..W. & TH. Strand. \V.C. I'eseDptive Pamphtet free, CALLEY's TORBAY IRON oxiDE PANITS ?? Durable and Economical. Awarded Honble. MentioYt, Dublin Exhibition, 1S65. and a PRIZE MEDAL at the raris Exposition, tM7. See the Engineer," Xoven:ber S. 1866. WORKS: BIUXUAM TORBAY. UMVON. _?rHY SUFFER RHEU]\IATISM, GOUT, Lumbago, Sprain. Bruise, or We&k Limbs?—ELLIMA?'9 UNIVERSAL RMBROCATIOX. externaUy applied is ?n infaUiMe remedy. Sold at Is. Hd. a 4-oz. bottle. Can be of all Chemtsta. tnLLIMAN's ROYAL EMBROCATION ? for HORSES, (used in the ROYAL and all leadine studs). for sprains, curbs, splints, sprung sinews, over-reaches, chopped heels, windgidts. and lanienes; also for broken knees, cuts, wounde. sore backs &nd shoulders, bruises, sore throats, and inttuenza. OfaUCHKMtsTS and SADI)T.P.RS, M 3s. Hd. TfIEBIGr's COMPANY'S EXTRACT of M¡;;AT.-CA UTIOX.-None genuine without Baron I.iebig'e the tnventor's, certificate on every jar. I'ari,% Exhibition Gold Medals. Best & cheapest Stock for Beef- tea, .?ot<M. Entrees and SaMCM. Sold retail by FORTNUM. MASf)N. & Co aU Oitmen. Chemists, Grocers. & \V holesate by the Company. 43, Mark Lane. 9 LAAIPL6V-G-YPlrs RETIC SALINE, Cures Skin Auctions. Headache, Sea. or BiUoat Sickness immeùiately. Soldbyrespectabie (,ymista :'T)dtheM!t]<erJ). Lsmptough. 11: JIoIborn-hm.E.C. jVjONEY promptly Advanced upon Real or Personal Secm-ity. stocks Shares. Reversions and Ufa ,Interests Purchased. BiHs Discounted. J??''?- ?-??''? ? CO.. Stock. Share. andFm?ncia.1 Agents. 0. Moor?te.stTeet. Lon df.n. E.C. CORNHTLL Financied Agency, Estab. 1859 Blr. J. 11 WOO)). ](). CornhiH. London. B.C.. Nesotiatet i.UANh on Freehold and I.e-,tqeltold Pronertv. Ueverstona f)nd Life Interests, ;tnd on t'ersoniU Security in connection with Life Assurancei' BII)' and sell,: :s l'()( 'KS and SHARES; anti Ejects LIFE t'OLK'IHs n.) Hrst-f.htss oniccs UUX7s IMPROVED SPECTACLES. ?-' SctenttncaUy adapted to Defective Vision. A descriptive pamphlet just pubtished post free for r< stamps, coiitaining Partir,tilat-s of' the new system bv which Regidetits in the COUNTRY ran be aCl'ura'elv suited without a person;)! visit. Fredetick J. COX. Optician. 26. Li-idgate H:i!l. London. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE In the World.—The FLORENCE (LOCK STITCH.) Should any purchaser be dissatisfied with the "FLORENCE," we will give in exchange, any Sewing Machine of similar price known to the trade. FLORENCE SEWINCr MACHINE Company, 97. CHEA-PSIDE. LONDON. 19 & Sl. BLACKFRIARS ST.. )[!d',CII t'"TKH.; 8:. UNION ST GLASGOW. SCHOOL FURNITURE. 'RANES's PATENT DESKS, Convertible '"???o?u?: ?" cheapest and best made. S I IJ E ¡¡ 0 T II A :n. A???????? Parson:).:e \Yorks. 4. Albert Street AIAXCHHSTFR. T?riLBURN & CO.'s patent MACHINES ——f<drying BREWERS' GRAINS. Spent Hops. Matt. Peas. ??'t ? ?"?? Corn. tc. For terms app;y to ?MILBc,U??? & CO.. 2-t ':u?)ton?treet. New North Road. London, Real Malt" pALKNER's CHlebi-nted IRISH WHISKEY t y- 19s., 20s., & 22s. per Gallon. ot "t A d-e. and will he 1"01111<1 a ft'' Qfrcrrfl- iuri.ty <tt)« tielicaf-V o' /y«t-0ttr. It is sotd m hntUes hp'.r'))< his t.nt(teuia)k !.t 'IIAIUX(iCIUJSS, I,OXl)l).W. srt:).K)'. E8taltlislw.j A.n.USO. — '"?" -? ?S reqmre? f 1- the ?i-hu-tp? towns In t XGLAXD. 'M'ANDER? INVALlDY?TOUT. )re\\t-)-y: James'-tret'tPubtin. IlUs Y? super;?) ()uat)t\ ot Mout. owiut: to its ?rf'at purity, !? „ T?<r?" t:l:<:ou)H,\)));t' hv the )c:tdmg members ?r the led¡eal tDott-?-ion )\ n:i:l').):H\CI::TU ALL 0)1; '.S for tmpiu-tu,? )„(,. :) ?))rn-th toUte tnvaUfI, au? for'i t":o''ar tZ6nti ?)),?,[i,?,)?.??,?j? Tobeohtiunt? ?hot&- M.'etrotn (toh?-.t \?::n.i?)'- A tt' ???te Agents, itanitu'r— LONDON: Robt. R:charA-=cm. 106, Fenchurch-t.. B.C.. &  ?? ??" Court. 60, I?adenha.H-?r-et. E.R. T?T-Vn.E"R?PO?"O? L: H-nry Ccoper. York-street. Dukf-street. ? nLANCHES?'?R.: \Vm. D. Richa.rdson. 'Wors.v-:itrc«t; A'.bt3tt Bruise. S.t'.fovfL BRISTOL: Thos.j.Marshnil.S.Qua.yHead. Orretatttroi.) the ).)-)..<t;.)tl Wme, Spit-it. M)<1 Bmtled B_- t:!J¡, n: Town nud t uuntry. Ilrico List* on a'Pu1¡"46