.me. ønouncnntØ. THE "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. DOUGLAS BROTHERS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AND LETTERPRESS PRINTERS, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, AND BOOKBINDERS, HIGH STREET, BA.NGOR. PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES, SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, ETC., EXECUTED WITH PROMPTS ODK. PnosPFOTUsM. ABTICLKS Of Asaocunoji. PLACARDS. CATALOHUKS. IHTOICS*. INVSNTORUM. BILL-HEADS. CinciLABs. CMOK BOOK. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN ALL TIlE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS. TUB BLOOD IS THE LIFE." RU JL.IRXE'S WORM) FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Tr:Hl\ Binu,1 Mixture. THE 'E\'1' ];1/); 'II PUIUFItiK AND REITORTR. For v >am! clearing the blood fronl all Î1upuri- tii'% e¡:H't hB v»o highly recommended. For NToJulsi, Nmrvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores -f. all iundt. it ?.* H, nnvpr failinri awl permanent cure, It Cw'e. t fid Sures. Cures Ulcerated Sores ou the Neck. Cures tilorated ore Log*. Cures t:r:JI:khear18, or Pituples on the Faoe. Cuir* Sc.uvy Soios. Cuie* 1.'U;IC<TOUK Ulcere. Cur., Hluo,lllnd Skin DiseasfL Oure. Glandular Swellings. Clews the Blood from all impure Matter, Fiôm whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, aud warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu* tiou of cither sex. the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give It a tri;* i to tesi. its value. THOU«ANim_.OF IKSTittONIALS FROM 4ji^PAJtT0. CUKE OF A BAD LEG OF 15 YEARS' TANDING. 44 tJ, Chapel Place, Tunhridge Wells, "Sth February, 1876, blr Clarke, Dear P,¡"I have much pleasure in sending you the enclosed testimonial, which I have received to-day, and having supplied Mr Farmer with the 'Blood Mixture/cau vouch for the truth ef hi. stKtement.-I tllù, yours faithfully, G. E. BUTLER." u Windmill Farm, near Tunbridge WelLi, "24th September, 1875. 8il'Your Blood Mixture' has cured me of a very bad le, of 15 years' standing- Before I com- iseuced ;,et:eg:,tttUrtth;LieZn:W:t\f; i hat did me DO good. But ?fter taking one 11.? bottle .ind three >mall one. I am perf<ctly cured, and able t,) follow my woik. Sir, you are at liberty to use this in any way you think proper, as I think it should be known to all sufferers. u WILLIAM FARMER." EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF SKIN El)l.,iBA?,E. 44 Crane Street. Chichester, 14th February, 1870. "Sir,— Having been cured by your Blood Mixture of a very painful skin disease. I think it right that you should be informed of the case, for the benetit of others. For the last iigh een months my hands, arms and Íaoe have been in a dreadful state, BO much so that the pain kept me from sleeping at night or wot king l»y day. I was for six months an out-patient .1t the Iuhrmary here, aud have had the attendance of other medical gentlemen iu the town, besides taking and using a preat number of medicines, but nothing did me the least good, iu fact I was told at the Infirmarv that nothing OIore could be done for me. I was quite down-heart°d, and quite despaired of beiug even relieved, much less cured, until I was advised by Mr Gambling, Chemist, Chichester, to try your Blood Mixture, and a lady bought me a large bottle, an.1 before I had finished it, I am thank- ful to say, I was quite cured, aud my health is better now than it has been for years.—I remain, Su, your obedient servant, 44 CAROLINE sms," IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Alexandria, Egypt, 22nd october, 1S75. Sir,—Being a great suffeiei trein that cgmpUiut called Prickly Heat," by the Arabs 4 Hamoniel,' I was induced by a friend to try your Blood Mixture. After IIsing three bottles I am happy to say that I have been quite relieved of all pain, and have not been troubled again with it. "A. thi 1 is 1 complaint that almost every traveller to '¡ht: io:h\Io::i:s:r:ot,rd I feel ;?,tai., be conferring a great kindness to those who are about to leave England for this or other warm climates, by informing them of this through the medium of your well-known advertisement. 44 1 may mention that for one mouth before using yeur Blood Mixture I was in great agony, and for two ur thrye hours every day was quite unfit to do anything. 44 Trusting that this may become better known ere long uwongst those who. like myself, have to seek health in Egypt,—I remain, yours truly. 44 J. M. MAKSDALE." "To F. J. Clarke." w ONDERFUL CURE of an ABSCESS. Eagle Barnsdale, near Newark. • Sir.-I feel it my duty to thank you for the wonderful cure of my child. He was a great auf- ferer; I took him to three ditferent doctors far advice, besides many other medicines I tried, but he atill kept getting worse; one arm was a complete ma*s> and his left aukle 00 bad as to prevent him from walking. when he was two years and a half old. He had many othei Abscesses about him. but he very vsoeu hetan to walk after we began to give him the Blood Mixture, and I am thankful to say he is now quite weil-W¡th many thanks, ESTHER FOSTER." •' To Mr Clarke." SKIN DISEASED, Eruptions, Blotches, Spota, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kiugworma, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erpsipelas Itcb, Scurfs, Discolourations of the Skin, Hu- mours and Diseased of the Skin of whatever uauie or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of thil world- famed Medicine. JMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse A the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in pimplea, erup tinus, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleome it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Kstp the blood purr, aud the health of the system will follow. CLARKE'S W OliLD-F AM ED BLOOD ? MIXTURE is sold in b"tlep, 2s <td c<eh. <u? i* c«.i« containing six times the quantity, 11- ease—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MKlUCINJi Vendors throughout the United Kingdsm and world, or sent to any address, on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by the proprietor, F. J. C L A R K E, Chemist, Apothecaries Hall, Liocolu. CAUTION.-Beware of worthless and In- jurious imitations. AMNM :—H. G. Hughes and S >n, 8, 9, and 10, Market Street, Holyhead; Hamilton and Jones, the Apothe- caries Hall, Bangor. DR. HASSALL'S FOOD FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN AND INVALIDS. THE best and most nourishing of 0 TInfants' and Invalids' Food, which have hitherto been brought before the public, it contains every requi- site for the full and healthy support and development of the body, and is, to a considerable extent, aelhtig.ativ&. Recommended by the Medioal Preas and Faculty. Sold by Grocers, Druggists, Oilmen, &e. in Tins at M, Is, 2a, 3a Sd 6s, 15s, and 28a each. A Trcatitt, by Dr. Arthur Hill HauaiU MD„ on the almUMttiv/n of bifa..u, Children and Invalids, can he had, pol/t free, on application from, the manufadurerl OOODALL, BACKHOUSE & CO.. LKKD8. ONE Box of CLARKE'S B 41 Pills is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel .ad -in& in the Back.- Sold in boxes, On 8d Meh, by j all Chemists and patent medicine Venoore or sent to any address for CO stamps by the Maker, J. J. Olarii, Consulting Chemist, High Street, Lincoln.—Wholesale Agents, BxftuLAY and SONS, London, and aH the Whole- ilale Housel. Asent-H, G. Hugbe8 and Son, 8, 9 aDd 10, Market Street, Holyhead. TWELVE CARTES de VISITE, 2, Sd ¡' j ah 14 8d. Cart* enlarged to 10 iMh«, <e, Cabinet, 2i. Send cirte with stampe Perfect copies aod original returned free. London Photo-Graphic Co., 304, Begent Stroet, op- poolts the PolyUchuis, and 1, Norfolk Terraee, Balt. wator W. IF. 8 D. PHILUN, Manager. KEA TING'S PERSIAN INSECT DESTROYING POWDER. BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES, and J) ALL OTHER INSECTS, are destroyed by this Powder, wlib i8 quit@ b?riuleiw to domestic animals S Id iu tius, Is and 2? G', by THOMAS KKtiixy, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, and all Chlni.t". THE "GLYCERINE DIP." (HAKDWICKE, GUERINI; & Cu'S.) NON-POlrfONO^o. A certain preventive 1. .d,:?r? of S. is a^s d.t,.?ti,e to ticks, hc, aud parasites inflating tue akin" uf bheep and 1 other anim>lis. lis emollioot and stimulating properties greatly promote the growth of the wool, and beiug a powerful ditfiufectant it arrests the spread of contagious diseases. 10 tins ( f 5 and 10 lbs., and drums of 20, 30, 40, JO, | aud 100 lbs. ellch. p, ic SixpelJce per puuud. Ono pound for every Ii." sheep or six lauibs. Sole Manu- tacturers, TOMLINSON, IIWWAKH, and BISHOP, Lincoln. THE E C L I P S E SAUCE. IT ECLIPSES ALL THE CHEAP SAUCES. IN BOTTLES, 6d. EACH. TRY IT. Manufoctured by CHARLES MORRIS, RKADISO. And Sold retail by all Grocers and Oilmen. In consequence of Spurious Imitation of LEA & PERKINS' SAUCE, which are calculated to deceive the public, LEA & PERRINS have adopted Å NEW LABEL, bearing their Signatures, thu8- Os which will be placed on every bottle of W orcestershire Sauce, after this date, and without which none is genuine. or Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, L-ondon; and Export uilnieu generally. Retail, by deanrs in sauces throughout the worl 1874. 1201-715 TOYS! TOYS!! 'TOYS! In every Considerable Variety. JOHN OWEN, Wholesale Toy Dealer, 49, <J SHUDEHILL, MANCHESTER. Overflowing Stock of Continental and British Fancy Goods, Horses, Invalid Carriages, Perambulators, Barrows and Spades. Nuveltiea of every description in Workboxes, Desks, Dressing Cswea, Tea Caddies, Cutlery, Jewellery, Hair Brushes, and Combs. OWEN'S Collection of Glass Ornaments, Lustres, Vases and Shades, ia unequalled. ^Vickets, Cricket Bats, Balls, Jaques'a Croquet, Ladies' Companions, &0. Every variety in Purses, Bags, Albums, Perfumery and Soaps. Noah's Arks, Dolls, Drums, Toys, Building Bricks, and Puzzles of all kinds. Terms —Ca%h. Cases of Goods always packed up to suit any trade from X2 to X5, and CID to 1:15 well assorted of all kinds. Price List free on application. NOTE THE ADDRESS THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE, 49 & 5], SHUDEHILL, orrosiTE THOMAS-STEET, MANCHESTER. 8493 JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, NP,e?;ultiu from F?rrors or any other cause, not as treated by Quncks with mineral poisons ?.d coloured water, but etfectuuUr cured by a novel and highly suc- cessful mode of treatment, discovered by th advertiser who after a many years of extreme Bufferiug was com- pletely restored to sound health. Prompted by feelings of humanity, he thus makes kuown means by Nhich every sufferer is enabled to cure himself perfectly aud at the least possible cost, without having recourse to advertising empirics or their vaunted nostrums. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferor on receipts of a stamped aud directed envelope, —address Mr J. T. SEWELL, 7, Musgvave Crescent, Ful. haw, London. 1468 HIGHEST MEDAL AWARDED AT VIENNA EXHIBITION TO r ill ESSRS. A. B. FLEMING & Co. Manufacturers of the Vegetable Machinery Oil 3s. 63. per IrAllun. Nothing equal to it except Sperm Oil, at 9s. per galleo. liefiueries near Edinburgh. North Wales Storel-Market Corporation Store, Com- way. Contractors to H.M. Government, East aud West India Docks, and the principal Shipbuilders and Engineers in the kingdom.— District agent, Mr ARCHD. DOUGLAS, Plas Llysfaen, Abergele. 7720 MONEY MONEY!! MONEY! 52, TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. N. S. IART, N. S.HART, TO ALL IN WANT OF MONEY.-Time and unnecessary expense can be saved by apply- lng, either personally cr by letter, to the above address, where cash advances are made from £10 to XI,000 (without sureties) on the shortest possible notice, with the strictest privacy, and on tlie most reasonable terms. Repayments by easy instalments to suit bor- rowers. Can be made either personally or remitted by post-office-orders or in postage stamps, thereby afford- iug every facility to parties whose time is an object to them. Please note the address as above. N.B.—No connec- tion with any other office. 8494 MONEY. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, with surplus capital, is willing to make prompt advances to Gentlemen, Tradesmen, aud Farmers, and others (male or female), residing in any part of England and Wales, from X 10 to £500, on note of hand. No Life Assurance or Law Coats. Full particulars by return of post by sending a stamped directed envelope, stating amount, to Mr A. BRADii URY (private house), 161, Walworth- road, London, S.E. No genuine application refused. Tcruis from 5 per cent. Repayments received by P.O.O. 8636—1528—415 EADY-MONEY ACCOMMODATION- RPenoni, of any trade or profession, male or female, resident in Londou or Country, can obtain privately (without the usual Loan office routine, delay, Law Costs, or 11[e Insurance) from £10 to £000, at 5 per cent.. for any term not exceeding 5 years (repayable to suit their convenience, by P. O. order or cheque, fee ,) upon Note of Hand, Life Poliie8. Furniture (without removal or publicity), Live and Dead Stock, Plant, or any available Security. No genuine application refused.- For further particulars, and Prospectus, apply personally (preferred) or by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, to Mr T. FAIKHKAD, 117, Brixton Road, Loudon, S.W., near Kennington Gate. GLEN FIELD, GLENFIELD, THtc (JUBKN 8 LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STABCH IS THE BEST saz EYER VSAD. GLENFIELD, GLENFIELD. ESTABLISHED 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. JONES' (TREMADOC) APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, i ■; -U "i i I' n'l lor i¡a,¡ .1 (;"iit; lest of Twmvioois .? ?,),ifh..?".we-.?Mi.shedthHrt-)"-t.t'? ii;g1Ü:f,:9j[f.{;1:¡'1: M» sV.'iVl^M :i i,' t; ;í:¡:i ,i;¡' i', 't:: :tI ;¡ inll i 'in' f..i .'il n'^ol'-i'i;; .I'-m 11 ?l?'' r?'?i?ch''?d' Liver purity of the ??') ?' .11 t). W).ol..?.n?-. ?attheCamMan )-tt)?? T.c.?"'oc.!S"r!.h?.?. lletaiW by nl resiMwtaWo >,« in ever^ town ,n1h U:.iU-a Kingdom, in at Is lid,-s f:( ??. Cr?at .a.i.g m )?u.i? eitbGr of '? ?,'?houhl .ny one M'to 'he riH. in hi, owi. ,.?hh..urhood, if 14 post:.? stainps for the 1. ? 1" ?f.??).nMforthe4??.?p"!itedt.oUML..n.n.n Pill N,?rth the P,11.i \"ill hf act by 1(!?ui-ii of post, free. TO THE CLERGY, PUBLIC SPEAKEKS, SINGERS, &c. ou troubled with HoMaeneaa, Hus- h;ni?. WcakneM of the Voice, or any other .?i.y i" the ?.c?t .r relJnmtol'Y orgaM for ?hht iii- reafliiiv or li, 9 Tiy JONL8 ? ? AD<X.' AROMATIC VOICE GLOBULES, and .?tYjt?'eticv??onM. S-ld in B.i?? t Is ?id iud '? !t. ?'y be h-?'t '< Chemiak, ad kom the p ~hn«n Pill Depot. Trenailoc. + R U P T U R E. By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS. Perfected and exhibited in THE GREAT EXHIBITIONS OF 1851 AND 1862. o EQU1UIN0 no steel spnng round th? IX body, is recommended by the following peculiali. ties and advantages :-lst, faeilityor application 2nd. perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate; 3rd, it may be worn-with equal comfort in any position of the bOtly, by day or 'night 4th, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un. qualified approbation, and,we strenuously advise the us. of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfori. obt iin from any apparatus orvtruss as frcTr. that which iv* have the highest satisfaction in thusrecommendrn. Church and Stale Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons: Sir William Ferguson, Bart., F.R.S., Surgeon, 8.11, Professor of Surgery :to King's College Hospital, &c. C. G. Guthrie, Ksq., Surgeon to the Royal estiuinsU- Ol.hillmio Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assist ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital; T. Cullaw.n Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T Blizard C" urling, Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the Lo,¡,, Hospital W. J. Fisher, Esq Surgeon-in-Cliief to tli Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon t the lute Prince Consort; Robert Liston, E-q., F.ll.S. James Luke, Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eramus Wilson, Esq., F.K.S., and many others. A decriptive eircular may be had by post, and tin Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by posl OR sending the circumference of the body two inches belo v the hips, to the manufacturer. bfr. WHITE, 221;, Piccadilly, London. Price if a Single TTUBB, 16s., 21s., '2tis. 6d., and ills. 6d. Postage, free. Double „ 31s. Cd., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Pontage, free. Umbilical,, 42s., and 52s 6d., Postage, free 1'ost-office orders to be mutle piwanleto JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. &c The maiirtal of which these are made, is recommendclI by th3 Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE, and the BEST IN V ENTION forgiving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAK. NESS and swelling of the LfcGS VARICOSE VEINS, SPRAINS, &0 They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive md are drawn on like an ordii? St.,ki.g. 4i6d.. aIIt;. aehinæt: JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADILLY LONDON. "■».iilii.«h» may be seen in the Otviti Palaee. I FRltilNO OF ALL, KNOWN IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ovit REMEDY. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. » Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Cotighs, Colds, and all Derangements of the Throat and Chest, la any ot the aVove .1;oa, imDlodiate and permanent leherr. obtained by etfectnilly rubbing this detergent Ointment tW1c a day upon thi m>c\\ chest, ar.'t hank, and in all stage* f influenza, settled coughs* and wheeling at the riiest, the tnu DIMY he fullowvù wIth d!il:1elICT and ..¡fetr. Bad Legs, Bad Breast, Old Sores, Wounds, and Ulcers. Br robWnf this OtRinimt "floYeril1!ly wp(?ii "I aronnd the »jfected part* twice ? day, it will ptnstraie to ti,? ti^ues bciifnt h and exert the .t b.M.1 influeocc the :rll un. Tiiatinn soon dlminihf;lC. the pain betamM lew inkl!¡.r\hh, thc matter thickell. J\wl n tmre ii Boon d. In 11)1 lUJl st-tnfih?oaM) HoU'ow?'.t 1'ills ?M)t)M alio be t?m. f' they greatly assist in expelling aU depraved hntnonr^ from tile bud y. Skin Diseases of all kinds. Im thw c l aw of rompUints 11.) nmitr-r tlie thr fex the place, or und.-r v.-Jjut MHHU- the dw-ASO ui.IY LN' clarified, 1I"I1¡eJH1,t, f"tI. ultimate wire, may wih certainty b procured, if this OWlm<:lIt he plentifully rubbed upon the part r.'hile Ifoll.'Wity Pills are takon in appropriate dosei iiight nioruiiig, to purify the blood. Gout, Rheumatism, and Glandular Swellings. Erery one suffeirag' from tlnno excruciating complaints ,ho have recourse to th,-? 1,? as th,y l.-avo 1 "'tte, th()uads from a 1ifc oj' tortine, after all other ;n'I: had Jailed to give them ,Ii,f. 'Jhe Ointment and THU mod con j ointly will Ret so fearehingly a&d .Mi.1y, as to jf,?'t ?u- in the ??t,. casc.-i. Piles, Fistulas, and Internal Inflarwnations. Perwns alfficted with these distressing comprint* will find in thi., wonderful Ointment instant meaan of reli<J. and all evi effect their f»wn cure without ;ji;n:ii;f¡') anyone. Holloway'* Pill?, if tsi?-m in mail d?-s, greatly ist the Oi&tmcnt, an they Plilif, the blood and regvUte th ;??ch in an extraordinary ni?er. Both the Ointment andlSlh should Reused in Ih, following tomplnints Bad IAgt Dud llreastl Hums Bunion* rhilblain* Chapped Hand* Contracted Pd StifT Joints Corns (Soft) Fistulua i' Goat GlardularSfellings Lumbago Piles Kh-umati-m xippk. Scalds Pore Threat* kin Pi^ea&ea S?Ty "?* SI7)1"lil.d ,r,?, ?-. TT!re Wounds The Ointmnt and Pill.Id at Professor HOLLO WAT'S Establishment, 583, Oxford At?,t, Ixindon; also by .I, evtfry r"pectilb 1 Vendor Ir Kedicine throu.hout the f'Hili..d World. in rots "d B,.K t 1, lid. 2.. 9d., 4 Od., ll, 22, and 33.h. Tb,, iot of Oint?tit mntains one -d the B.. t PilL? f. d.n. Full printed dimtiom ? affixed is w-h Pot and Box, and e&n be had 1A.nlIdliall.. Armenia*, Peouft, or ChiMHk ik.H-f. At the Dublin Agricultural Show of 18S7, a celebrated Bull, named 4 SIR CUPISS BALL' obtained the first Prize. MR CUPISS, of Diss, Norfolk, thinkng the uame might hare reference to his world-famed CONSTITUTION BALLS, rrote to the proprietor of the animal, Asking him the question, and was gratified by receiving in reply the following flattering Te.ti monial Milton House, Clonmellon, Sept. 24th. 1867. Sir,—I found your note here on my retura from the Continent, on Saturday evening last. With respect to my Bull Sir f'upiss B' that name was given to hin owing to your Medicine having, in my opinion, saved his life, I bought bira looking very badly, with his dam, at A monthly Rille, and on his arrival at my plaee, he was in a most delicate state. It was then discovered that his dam didn't give him one-tenth of the milk required to keep him in health, and we could not get him to take any other milk, and he would only use the smallest quantity of roots, no cake. A friend of mine then ade vised me to try your Balls," making four parts of one at first, and increasing gradually, until he was able to take an entim olle In a short time his appetite im proved, and soon he became able to use as much cake and roots as WAS necessary from this period he throve apace, and I never had an animal easier to keep in oon dition. I exhibited birr, four timo" and he obtained six 1st prizes (that i., four 1st as best of his claRs, and two 1st as best Hereford Bull shown). I am bound in gratitude to give you any information you require in re ference to Sir (,3upi.a Ball.' Feeling grateful for the benelitfeceived, I m. ynur obedient servant, Tn Mr Cupiss. Diss, Norfolk. P. J. KRAITNBY, The CONSTITUTION BALLS are prepared by the Proprietor, FRANCIS CUPIMS, M.R.V.O.S., author of the Prize Essay ou the Diseases of ihe Liver of the Horse, Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Veudors in packets with diiecfcions, at 3s. 6d. and Is. 9d. each; or seven Urge packets for One Guinea, or seven small for Hnlf.a-Gu.neft. Any Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Proprietor gratuitously, cither personally, or by letter, poet paid. 382-8382 > ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. 1 PULVBRMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, BATTERIES. RECENTLY IMPROVED. Approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris and other Medical Authoomfici in Entlland and abroad. Th remarkable efficacy of Lheseself.applicabJe V.Itiic mraDgement8 is so widely known, that in contradistinc- tion to those unprincipled advertisers, who can only ,,ul, on their oivn authority, Mr PULVER- 1IACHER, prefers to submit the testi,?,).y f -ti??rt amoD,st whom are indc,dd many great scientific and medical authorities. The unimplWh"ble testimonies in fAVOUr 6f the marvellous curative pow(?rs of this Medico- Galvanic system being too numerous for in8ertion here, are compiled in the phamphlet, GALVANISM. NA'TUBI'S CHIKP lvEbTOHEH OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENEHG 1," Sent post free for 3 stnmpa. The mass of evidence therein is supplemented by the foUo?in? paragraph reccntty f. ?. the L..d;d ?o,-k (p. G )8(i7) of JuHX KMO M.D., Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, at Cincinnati:- These Chains are very useful iu many Nervous disorders:— Muscular Debility; Hemiplegia Paralysis Central Paralysis Spinal Paralysis Neuralgia Sciatica Stiff Joints Hysteria Hysterie Paralysis Aphonia tEpilcpsy rrorpiJ Liver hAstiima ^Amenorrhoea fl >ysmenorrliuea fepinal Irritation Wervous Debility ,9tip?tion eafue88 (N.,?'.) .Rheumatism Y.I,ep,,i. ifuMlysia (Bladder) Chor.a ?mpotency Writer's Cramp rlHl? y,leri,?,l and C..t,.tio.. Loss of Smell Loss of Taste, Jic. For further information and price list apply to J. L. PULVERMACHEIt'S GALV\NIC ESTABLISH 1IENT, 191 REGENT, STREET, WNDON, W. 7750 LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILE, WIND, J[j Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Giddiness, Spisms, Heartburn, Flatulency, Nervousness, Gout, and all disorders ..f the Stomach and Bowels, Curea without Mercury, by DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVEli PILLS, Ii combining mildness of opern.ion with the irost successfu results. Manufactured by J. Rorke 47, Jllortimer t, London, W., and sold everywhere by Medicine Vendors in boxes, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4b (id and lis each. Established 1791 83:l TOMLINSON & OO'S BUTTER POWDER MAKES good SWEET BUTTER all the II year round, removes the flavour of turnips, man- golds, cake, Jcc., quickens the churning, and increases the valnp, 2d er 3d per lb. (See testimonials en hand- bills.) TOMLINSON AND CO.'S BUTTER POWDER. Sold by Chemiste and Grocers, in id, Is, and 2s 3d box, SAVE YOUR EYES! SQUIRE KNIGHT'S GOLDEN EYE OINTMENT. FOR THB CURE OF ALL DISEASES OP TIIH Ens. APPROACHING ETEN TO BLINDNESS. The preservation of good eyesight is a matter which concerns both rica and poor, and the delicate structure of the eye makeB it daily liable to accident and injury. It cures-i mpaired vision, or blsrring. It curem-Weak and watery eyes. It cures-Red and sore eyelids. It cures-Infiammation in the eyes. It cnres-Meving specks or floating bodies before the eyes. It cures-Cataracts and partial blindneess. It cures-Obscmity of ..¡.ion and dimness. It cures-Children's sore eyes, left by the menslss. TESTIMONIALS. Mary Ana Parsons, of Cradley Heath, Stourbridge, was perfectly cured of bad eyes after feur years of great pain, and partial blindness. 17th September, 1873. Richard Wbitehouse, Park-lane, near Dudley, was blinded by inflammation in the eyes for seven years, loud was cured by the use ef two pots of "Sq uire Knight's Golden Eye Oiutment." 1st August, 1873. Thomas Suew, of Hanley Potteries, was effectually cured of bleary aid imperfective sight, produced by working in a heate l petters room. 3rd February, 1S73. Mrs Arnold, IIAII-liti eet. Westl.romwicb, had a cataract .mtirely removed by the Eye Ointment, being for yearB in blindness. Sergeant Hawkins, 48th Regiment, at Bellery, East India, had his eye-lashes restored by this Ointment, and many soldiers in the rtgim. nt were cured by its use. Alr John Nocdhaus, of Quarry Hill, Leeds, was per- fectly cured of irflaMed and bloodshot eyes, after suffer- ing years of ptuti and misery, by the use ef "Suire Knight's Golden Ointment." 19th August, 1874. Mr George Beale, of 24 Weithioi street, Barnsley, writes to eay that a great many sufferers with bad eyes, in Barnsloy, have been rapidly cured by the use of "Squire Knight's Ointment." 21st June, 1875. f Mr John Fletcher, ef West Ardsley, near Wakeield, writes: Your Eye Ointment is worth a guinea a box, for it cured my eyes when nothing else would," Jtli March, 1875. Mr Q. VY>too of Park street, Wellington, was per- fectly cured of dreadful bad eyes, left by the measles, by the use of this Eye Ointment, 24th November, 1875, With thousands of other testimonials, write to any of the abeve persons to prove the truth of these remark- able cures. Sold and prepared only by C. F. G. Clark and Son (Successors to Squire Knight), Chemists, Market-place, Dudley, and by all respectable Medicine Vendors ill. the Kingdom. Sold in boxes, 7^1, Is Iii, 28 9d, 4s 6d. Wholesale by all Patent Medicine Houses; or from the Proprietors direct, for 9, 16, or 36 Stamps. Bangor-Suld by Foulkes, Hamilton, and Co. Holyhead-Hoghea and Son, Chemists. Llandudno-W. T. Penny, Chemist, Birmouth—Mr William. Cawarthea- Wbite, Bros, Brigstook, Chemists. arnarvon-Mr Jones, Chemist. Å FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM'S PILLS have now been before the Public between Twenty and Thirty Years, and the rapid sale from the enmmoncemeat, aud the still iucreasing demand by the Public is one of the best guarantees of the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousauda, in every sphere of lifc, with one voice pronounce them the best, the safest, life the surest for eradicating all those complaints to whíeh flesh is heir to. They stand witbout a parallel and Mave the largest sale of any Patent Medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S PILLS Aie admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea a box. for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind alltl Pain in ihe Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Ful. ness and Swelling after Meal., Dizzici's and Drowsiness, Cohi Chills, Flushing of Feat, Loss of Appetite, Short- ness of lireath, Costiveness Scurvy and Blotches of the Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous "ntl Tremhliug Sensations, etc., etc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Thi. is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands ..1 cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at ¡(rent expense) a Patent for them. he cbaHellges the ",1101" world to produce a medicine to equal them for re- t'o\'i1J' the a\\I\Vt"H\\T\Htt conlPhÜnt5, awl restoring the II,-lit lo P¡O"JIII11l11t1Ia:itil1 !¡cKIth. Every sufferer i. •arnesf-ly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they .) he acknowledged to he WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages tneso Pills are invaluable, as o I't' (If,j, of them carry off "11 gross humours, and open ,|| ol,ttII.tiunl4. nwl hrillg rthont all that is required- ,I fcullc hould he without them. There is no JIIcrlicíne "1 bl fnuud equal tn PILLS, for removing ,uy obstruction 01' irregularity of the system. If taken" to the directions given with each box, they will -noil restore females ot all ages to sound and robust health. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Dis oidui* of tho Liver, they act like" MACHC," and a low doses will be found to work wonders on the most impnrt,ut organs ill the hurnau IUl\chine, They strengthen the whole tnusculvi system, restore Ihe long lost com. plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite,"" into action, with the ROSE-BCD of health, the whol" physical energy of the human frame, These are FACTS admitted by thousands, ehlbracing all classes of society, aud "ue of the best guarantees to the Nervous anll D- bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the werld- BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general Asthma, Difficulty in brcathing, shortness of Breath, Tightness "od Oppres- sion ..f the Chest, Wheezing, ete" theMe Pills stand Ilurivallet¡; anllauy one labouring under aoy yf the above Oomplaiuts need only try ONE BOX to prove that they arc the HEST EVER OFFEKED TO THE PUBLIC, for Asthma, tic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remoye that Beilae of Op- pression and Difficulty of Breathing which nigWIy deprive the Patient of Rest. Tliey will give alrsost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing, and, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any l'eisons troubled with any of the above Complaints give COUGH PILLS a trial, and they will act like MAGIC. The moat violent Cough will in short time be removed. CAUTION.-The Publie are requested to notice that (be words Beecham's Pills, St. Hetens," are 60 the Goverawent Stamp affixed toucR!Io of the PiUj- if not they a DI)rg?ry. Prepared only, apd Sold Whole&tb Md Rst&iL by th# Proprietor, THOMAS BEEOHAM, St Helens, Lanoa alkire, in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each Sent Post Free for Wor 36 Stamps. Sold Vj all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal. ers in the United Kingdom. N D -FULL DIRSCTIOOT ARS GIVJIK WITH *ACH BOX. IC7S-MS7 I PREG EDITION. '1} ['\ "l' MRCMCALI WOiiKS. 11: DK HENRY SMITH. >ntv fir-t Tbous'ind. By postp nnø stsmp (to pr'po" p.,„U.;i') iu ouvel'ipe. f I F\ LTH LikSi' AN]) Or M 1TAT1NG !>!<K.tSKS. CAl™ a- 'IM ('r A Go <ie in *1"' *<• r:\tlf..tlt of f;ii; iKS nf VOUl'U uud ..l.VNHOOD, lt!W or W T>. Vt3 ]1 ¡¡ L' I; fMU'll, ) 1'\ of 1' ,n::I'tv!6\;tra: 11'1' r w ^„uU,U, Iho Vol •.J, Turs worn Dr Pmi'Vs Tie-.«mc»t lIh result ,f Twertr i, V .Ir.ct.c, lor tb. ure ot ..II Diseases of tne ;1 \bl :p.\trH. .Nervous Hebiiity, IV .ad fhysic. i>, II \)11 !'»l,uuou of thd Hen, Noi.cs in the Head .1 I'rs, 1 uilicision, Impaired ^ght and Memory. 1»< Uk*i<»>> Pains Hi the Bak, C« n ltH. C. niuVir, U'vsieria, Timidity. c1f.h;)lrut, D.«. II t'!f'o love of >oluu.lo, Gioundlcss Kara, Alusuulai ¡tt.L,xaLillu, &c.t resulting 11'0111 Exhaustion ,of \o't1 I'ower the elhct uf Uvertaned EHf"rö:e1 f'lerv"tlUg II" ihiiil, nod othei abuses ot the system which, if negiec- Ud end iv» mvuiatuve declniw and death. /.1VKS VSTItUCTIOKS AND PUESCRIPTIONS U o \IA IOK TO YOUNG Mb ON aUJWJiOIS Of ViVu Loll'Ol'A MuK Illustrated wit'i? 1 flOll1 ,r,.of.i paMeui.; WiLl M.eans of Cure x.xi n ^d. caie. S" free U; po.t i. an envelope ou receipt „f pile penny stamp. Has liooii ia iieut Fiec to all P<ir's of the W urlJ. Thiid Tlieusand. By !'■«»• "even sla™P* inaD envelope. \v OMAN: SI.j"ct. t-esto 1Girlhood, Maidenhood, Cou;tship n^e MotlierhcHl, Female Ktluction ie.nale i lah¡, i:\a)lc Hv one Domestic LCJlcU1ct &c.0. II i. a ti,t).tl?e on su^t vital unporLnce to Woman. N li -A Soccial Edition, BlUVUTU'ULLY ILLUSTUATEL WITH KNUIIAVLNO.S ON WOOD, Cloth Gilt, One shilling- 1\"TI¡.Tho "uuve roe,lic,1I works will be sent dnect tlil: litho. iu au envelope, on the receipt of the alll,l1 L t:lIJ' .lu' iics' s' lJi UFNUY RIITII, 8, Burto« Crclceo London, W.O. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER V. IT ifcE. D[. n .IITII the Eminent Specialist who may be consulted with the gle:ltQt confidence fur the cure of ail debilitating and contagious diseases, vill tor the benefit "f country patients who cannot co"sult him i.e. son ally, on leceiving n description of their send his opinion with advice and direction fur Ih:, 1II,¡st successful restoration to hcalth and vigour. AAdIdI icss, Dr. In I. SM IT H, 8. Burton Crescent. w c_ 1311 n UPTUREB CURKD WITHOUT TRUSSES.—Dr. THOMPSON'S R?.,dy is th only known cure for these terrihle complaints, and is iipplicablc to every case of siugle or double rupture, how. ever bad or long standing, in cithercx of any age, fffeev 111" II pwfect cum in "short time without confinement nr piiin. This wonderful discovery has cured thousands IIi cases, anil it cannot fail to be appreciated as a blessing in ail wild hay" ever worn trusses, bandages or other .■ uHiii',1 supports. Sent free by post, with full directions 1..I- II. oil receipt of Postage Stamps or Post Office I I,,ler for In", ptivable at the General Post Office to Ralph Thompson, 55, Bartholomew Road, Kentish fown. [, i'.ximcts from Testimonials. "I find myself niplutely curell and have tried every means to prove the euro, hy liftins and tunning, which I am happy to I'. 1 c.ui do without pain or using any truss. V. W.' \'01',£ remedy h. cured ray Rupture, an,1 I have used .'i .lent ex'Ttion since, without uny sign of its re-nppear- ,11c MissS." A fair time has elapsed since I used v,ui; Remedy, moreover Ibeen examined by our -ui'i'ei.ii, w h o dec ares I am quite cure d J. P My 'I: ;lšl;r ,g, f;eu:ctr so p;f t'dl, !•L I (lOW write to tell yon my daughter s 1"fctly cured by your remedy. Mrs H." Consult- ¡" drtiiy froui '.0 till 12, Sunday excepted, fee One r.tllJca. ADVICE GRATIS. A Memeai man up warch "ftwenty.six years in London pmeti??e, has published a work shcwin the true uau?e of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, lowDess of spirits, indi- gestion, want 0/ energy, premature decline, &c with the means of cure whereby the fol!o\9ing Ill¡¡!ad¡cs are speedily unil permaueutly removed and vigorous health restored. Every form aud variety of debility, Spermat- orrhoea, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy aud appetite, pains in the buck and limbs, timidity, self distrust, dizziness, love of solitude, groundless fears, palpitation of the heart, noiscs in the 1114?,f -,I i-d?- ,?i,io., impaired igi?t aud memory•iu.lig.stinn and bodily prosLmtion of the whole .ystem. The most im- portant fact that these alarming complaint?, may be r ''fln;e.\e,.tc1i; d:l:f.,t:I'f;I 1::Ûrc; I new and unifo' mly successful treatment as followed ,i?t by t]¡ author fully explained, by which all suffer-rs are enabled to ?ure themselves j'.eifectly, a!Od at Hit least possible COit. wil.hou taking quack medicines, or rtiBtl' a doctor's bill;. 1'he book will be sent on receipt of a stampe bv Dtt RIT,?'?',RT,T, 61 CLAIENCE ROAD, KFNTISH to ?v rÔNi5õ', Thousands of sufferers wbo had fallen into a bad state, have borne grateful t,ttimony to t?c value and simplicity Ii: tlie ao'iiC Z wli'^h has perfectly le-stored them to health. NERVOUS INVALIDS and other inffe?- srs from any cause, are invited to send a directed envelope and 3 penny stamps to Dr. THOIPSON. o5, Bartholomew Road, Kentish Town, London, and they will receive by return of post a sample package of a won- derful medicine, that has been successful in curing thousands of caaes of debility, hear"lung, stomach- bowel, liver. and kidney complaints, fits", deafness, head, ache, loss of memory, failing sight, indigestion. giddiness, palpitation, blushing, timidity, neuralgia, and all other nervous affections. One dose will magically relieve pain, arrest the disease, and perseverance in its use will speed- ily effect a perfect cure. In many huudreds of house- holds no other medicine is used. Extracts from genuine testimonials: My general health is so much improved that even my friends have remarked the change in my ap- pcarance. KW," "lIIy stomach is in a healthy state, aud I can enjoy my meals now. 41 I was so nervous before taking your medicine, that I was unable to write. J.T." "The trembling of the hands and ytiees is gone. T J, I have had no palpitatipn of the haart or headache, since I took it. Mrs O.L." "My wife .suffered for yearsfrom nervousness, giddiness in the head, pain across tho forehead, and loss of appetite; I am thankful to say.Tour medicine cured her in uvery short time. G. 0." 11 My friends consider your cure of my caie a perfect miracle. Rev. J. Harcourt." BE"A DLESS FACES & BALD HEADS. A Physician who for thirty years has practised in Di.emes of the Hair, has discovered a POMADE which will in every case Restore the Hair in baldness from any cause, and produce whifkers, moustachios, eyebrows, &c., in a month. For general use, it preserves the hair, prevents its talling off, checks dryness, and restores the colour eradicates scurf and dandriff, keeps the head clean and cool, and the hair soft and glossy. Ladies will fiud it promotes the curl and wave of the hair, and that the exquisite perfume is unique, it is used by thousands of Mothers in the Nursery, to beautify children's hair, and prevent baldness, scurf or any failing in after life. The Recipe, in plirin English, which any-one can prepare for çw pence, will be seut free by post, on receipt of six ,wuny stamps, by lr H. ERNEST, 17, Crown Terrace lluverstock Hill, London. TO THE NKRVOVS AND DEUILITATED. GKATUITOUS EDITION of an entiroly Grrew treatise on the Self-Cure of all diseases, by never f"i-, mode of treatment Mucccw.fully practised hv an eminent physician for many years past, Thi. Ihok js 8 true guide tc) sufferer* from depression or spirits, loss of memory, headscbe. dimness nf sight, deafness, indi- ge.tion, rheumatism, pain* in 1he l1;tok ,d hml. 10" of appetite-, pnlpitatiou fcf the heart. cuiigli, prematura de- cline, consumption, Jlfo!Stratil)ll, lassitude, nervons debility, and any form of mental or physical weakness resulting fiom loss of vitality or nerve power, which, if not arrested, end. in eatly dentil or chronic disease. Iu hundreds of cases patients have cure,l th- inselves, after electricity, quack medicines, and ordinary me,lie.1 mell. have failed to give relief. A copy will be sent, free, Oil receipt of two penny stamps, by the pulilhher, 0\11\ EKNKST, 17. Cr"n 'fcrrac, Haverstock Hill, l.ondon, "This remarkable Work, by an accomplished Ph)siei\n, wHl bring "mfort to many who have been the victims of quacks, impostors, 3\111 ivcap dllo 111;1ItithfH)r "— Medical Journal. There i. nil quackery Ùr learned mys- tery in this book, ),.t plain exposition of the ct.iwn, symptoms, and rational treatment of this pernicious "b". of disease, all set forth with the clearness of a practical Ulan, who wishes to be understood, and the earnestneaa of a (onscielltjo11 mnn, who only wishes to be udul. Dublin Hospital Gazette. "This work is 'popular' iu f.lvery SÐU!m of the word, and its Wüt th is uutold, to those who cannot,, from a feeling of shame, cousult the family uhy.icilln." -BeIIa.t, Mtigaziue. MANLY HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION J. • IND PRESERVATION. An Eminent SPFOIAL- ■TT whose practice tias been world-wide and celebrated over » quarter oi » century, ha. published an Essay on nervous 4ud physical d.blhty. 1-?,,f limIts. loss ofonoigy auù appetite, P?,i-. in the back and ,?.b., timidity "c!f',U.trult, dix0r;eB3. love of olitud?, groundless tears, palpitation ot the heart 0, in th f.d deAfness. indecision, impAired memory nd sight, indigestion mil bodily prostration of the whole system, •whereby any sufferer may regain vigorous health. Sent post free on receipt of t penny stamps b, Dr, VERNON, 19, Rylaud Roail. KeutlSh Town. London. Advice gratis will be given to -nyone who forwards fult details of symptom, with a stamped and directed envelope. 8292-1491 JOHN M. J. TREWEEK, TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANT, AMLWCH, LLAN KRCHYMBDD, AND LLANGEFNI. J. M. J. T. conducts ltis business on the principle of small JITOSm aat cpick rstirca. Ihippiuø. "WHITE STAR" LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTrCE-The Stiemers of this Line take the Lane Routes recoinmen d by Lieut. Maury, on both the Outward and Homeward passages. ,3.(A) tom. Burthen. 3,000 Horse Powor. Sailing from LIVKRPOOL for NFw YORK every THURS- DAY OJTI QDKBNSTOWS (Cork) every Friday. Forwardit-g Passengers to all parte of the United States and Canada. RETURNINC FROM NEW YORS: RVERY SATUF DAY. The well known Fast Mail Steamers of this Line sail as under — Frem LIVERPOOL via UEENSTOWN. CELTIC Thursday, April 6. ADRIATIC Thursday, April 13. BALTIC Thursday, April 20. REPUBLIC Thursday, April 27. GERMANIC Thursday, Mayt. From NEW YORK. ADRIATIC Sunday, March 25. BALTIC Saturday, April 1. These new and splendid Vessels iedueo the passage to the shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. Average passage 8.1 days in summer, 9.1 days in winter. Each Vessel is constructed in se vea writer-tight compart- ments. The Saloon, Ladies'Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidships, and aro luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences; pianos, libraries, electric bells, bathrooms, barber's shop, tic. Fare, 15 Guineas and 18 Gllineas; Return Tickets at reduced rates. The Steerage accommodation u of the very highest character, the rooms are unusually spacious, well lighted, ventitated, and warmed, and passengers of this class will ind their comfort carefully studied. An unlimited supply of cooked provisions. Medical comforts free of charge. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the women and children. STEERAGE FARE AT REDUCED RATES. Drafts on New York for sums not exceeding £10 free. For freight or passage apply to ISMAY, IMRIE, AND CO., 10, Water-street LiverpooL AGENTS Mr 111. KENNET, Bangor, where passengers may be booked. 15 CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Arrangements made for Pleasure Excursions FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NIAGARA FALLS, And every other point of interest in the T) nited States and Canada. The only Direct Line of Steameis to Philadelphia is the AMERICAN LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY, Calling at QUKENSTOWX EVERY THURSDAY. FIRST-CLASS, FULL-, '^TFMX Ia^ -8- POWERED IRON STEAM- SHIPS are appointed to sail: I *LORD CLIVE Wednesday, March 29. INDIANA Wednesday, Aprils. ILLINOIS Wednesday, April 12 •CITY OF BRISTOL Wednesday, April 19. OHIO Wednesday, April 26. PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, May 3. *No Intermediate Passengers carried on voyages marked thu. The only THAN'S-ATLANTIC LINE sailing under the UNITED STATES FLAG, and carrying the American Rafts for saving life, besides the usual complement of Lifeboats and an extra number of Life Preservers. The accom- modation for all classes of passengers is equal to any of the European Steamship Lines. Every Steamer carries a surgeon and a stewardess. Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which has the shortest and most direct route to all places in ths Western States. Passengers by this Line can pass direct into the Rail- road Cars without leaving the Landiug Wharf, and under the same roof there are Refreshment Room, United States Letter box. Telegraph Office, Exchange Office, and Baggage Rlpress Office. CABIN PASSENGERS. £12 I2B,lto £21. Return Tickets at redncod rates. STEERAGE PASSAGE as low as by any other fast Line, including an ample supply of Provisions. Steerage Passengers are forwarded to New York, Boston, or Baltimore, without additional charge. INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE, including Beds, Bed- ding, and all necessaiy Utensils, and separate table 977s. £7}Í>IY in Philadelphia, to 'vter Wright and Sons, G?ner-i Agents, 307, Walnut.street; in Queeustown, to N. aud J, Cummips a Brothers ftild in Liverpool, to j RICHARDSON, SPENCE it Co., 17 aud 19, Water Street. AGENTS Hugh H. Owen, Tros-y-waen, Pentir, Bangor. Hugh Williams, New Inn, Lianrwst. 3506 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS HER MAJESTY. PR[XCEOF "TALES, By T.   By Special Warrni. B p'clal W.r..t, dated27thDe«t 1"b 1 dated l"th Feb., UW DAY, SON, AND HEWITT, Sole Originators and only Proprietors of the STOCK-BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHEST, For all disorders in Horsss, Cattle, Calves, Sheep, and Lauibs and the inventors of the firat acimal medicines ever known as "Bays." This matchless chest contains all that a Farmer can require to keep his Stock free from disease, and in fine healthy coudition, viz DAY, SON, It HEWITT'S "Chemical Extract or Great Pain Destroyer," prevents Paining and Heaving in Bad Lambing, cures Swollen and Broken Udders in Ewes and Cows, and all Gangrenous Wounds, Cuts, and S'rfs in all Animals. DAY SON & HEWITT'S Gaseous Fluid or Black Mixture stops Internal Pain, Colic, Scour, or Di.rrhcea, Debility, Colds, Sltiv.riug Fit,, and Great Exhaustion in Horses, Oxen, C.IVJS, Sheep, and Lambs, imparting Rare Strength, Vigour, and Appetite. DAY SON & HKWITT'd "Red Drench or Inlhm. mation Powder," the almost marvellous Cleansing Drench; is of immense value in checking all Feverish Symptoms after Calviog and Lambing, rendering the milk of the Caw and the Ewe copious, pure, pnd whole- some for their offspring. DAY SON & HEWITT"; Broochøline,: for Husk and Hoofle in Sheep and Calves. It entets the Blood, and impregnates it with a pungent gaseous odour de- structive t" the Worm or Parasite ill the Wind Pipe and Lungs. DAY SON & HEWITT'S Red Paste, or Condition Balls," for Mares after Foaling, being a great purifier of the milk for the Colt; it scatters and destroys >ill humours and Feverish Symptoms in Horses, and is just the remedy to restore Appetite, and impart a M ole. like condition. DAY, SON, A HEWITT'S" Gaseodyne," Carmina- tive Chalk," Ac., are also oontained in these Chests. Price of Chest complete, including Key to Farriery," £2 1& 6d., sent carriage paid. Any article can be bad separately in boxes. These iwportant inventions have withstood alike the test of time, and the clamour of opposition (the sure signal of their unapproached worth), and are the Far- mer's True Friend and Guide in all his Cattle Diseases. CAUTION.—Beware of Imitatiesu, and see that the name < f DAY, SON, & HEWITT is on all buttles and packets. DAY, SON, and HEWITT, 22, Dorset-street., Baker- street, Loudon, W. and W antage, Berks. 8423 DINNEFQRD'S FLUID MAGNESIA For over Thirty Years the Medical Profession have ap- proved of this pare solution of Magnesia as the best remedy for Acidity of the STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT acd INDIGESTION And as a mild Aperient for delicate constitu- tions ladies, children, and infants. When com- bined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It form. a meat agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and c"ùliug qualities are much incre".e<1. In wxrm seasons and warm climates this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been foaud highly beneficial. Dinneford and Co., Chemists, &:0., 172, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON. Sold by all respectable Chmitti throwjSaut the World. CAUTIOJI.—See that "Dinneford & Co." is on every bottle and red label over the cork. 8303 DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young MeR, on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAUF.1 -When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render manied life unhappy, and directions for their speedy l'tllno,1. Should btI read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy rid ag.-Poat free an receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 6942 0 N E 8 1 8 HEAL-ALL OINTMENT. (Trade Mark-Raftered) OR EVERY MAN'S FRIEND! THE BEST APPLICATIO KNOWN for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, aud Sores of all kinds. It cures 0\.1 Sores, Ulcerated Sore Leg, It cures Ulcerated Sores on the Head and Neck. It cure. Blackheads, or Pimples on the lace. It cures Scurvy Sores, Cancerous Ulcers It cures Burns and bcalds, Kintfworm, Itch, Piles. It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. ? cures Moving ?lpe. r Fl.tir?r ??"* ??'th. It cut. Cataracts and Part".1 Blindness. [Eyes. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It Cures Children's Sore Ey is left after measles. It allayslnlfammation in a few hourvi, and soothes pain v ry quickly. Sold in pots, Is I id, 2s U i. and 4s (xl. THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. TONES AND CO.'S UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark.—" Purifying Mixuue." ForPuiifying, Cleansing, 11.00 Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arising from whatever cause, tmd llar- anteed to be the best j reparation in the world for all eruptions of the skin, blotchen, spots,, black- headl. pustules, boils. carbuncles, ringworms, scald heads, sore eye,, erysipelas itch. scurf, srixfula. scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous ulecrs. bad legs, piles, syphillis, secondary synipt ms, aud for all blood and skin Iii" For rheumatism also it is unequalled for re lieving pains and subduing inflammation, aoJ speedily effecting a perfect cure. it i. agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be taken at allsca.o: and under any circumstances, fold in botfles at 2s 3d and 4s Gd each, and in cases (coutaii i ig six times the quantity) 110 each; by all Chemists .„.( Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Ki- g- (iont, or sent to any address on receipt of 27, ou, or io2 stamps. C 0 U C, H S c () u (, if s JONES'S BALSAM OF HOUEIIOCNO, TOLU, AND LINSEED (Registered). THE MOST AGREEABLE AND EFPEC- j_ TUAL remedy for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, winter coughs, difficult 1. tb. tug. whooping cough. hoarseness, 1.1" tit voic, .1 alf affections of the chest aud lungs. One in most cases effects a euie. Piic., 1 id, 2s 'J d, and W p?r bottle. 0 N F. R JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (Kegisteied), A HE THE BlvSL 1'ILLS IN TIIi" 1"1. WORLD lor Bad Digisti n. Wind and in theh?m.'ch. Liver t Complaints, Jaiir.dic«, Si.-k Hea d ac h e. Pains in th" ':)n;.?!. L.?-?'f Art?'?e. Pain in tlie Back. Griping. Colic. sense of Weight in the Lack aud Loins, I'artiUjj Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver and Kidney, Constipation, Pains iu the Thighs, sometimes shooting down to the Calf and Feet, StippusMoa and Retention of Uline, Pains iH the and all Liver Complaints Thousands have been cmed by these Pills, and many wl. hadliceupronounced hopeless, have been i.oroughiy restored to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THF. MOST SCEPTICAL OF THLIIt EFFICACY. _• Sold iu boxe. at h l", 2s 9a, and 4s Cd each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stamps. Sole Mann. facturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemist. 157. Great Kaward Street, Liverpool. REMARKABLE CURES. 2, b.rkctt Street, Liverpool, 20th March, 1814- Dear Sirs,-It is with feel ngs of pleasure I write k Inform you cf the good elfe(?*,« your PURIFYING MIX TUHE and HEAL-ALL OINTMENT has done for me. About years ago I was b;tteu on the leg by a venom- 3US reptile, which nearly coat me my life; and I now declare to yoi and the world, after spending over t:150 in doctors' bills to try and heul the eg, it is now entitely healed, after usin* only two 4s Od pots of your W OKLU- FAMED OIXTM KNT, an.) twott-i cases of your uni- versal PUKIFYIXC MIXTURE. The tntth of the above statement anY person who wi.slir* may teier to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. Jame.* SMITH 13. Milford Street, Lcrpwl, Ionawr IOfcd. 1871. Hr Jone. ,i Gvi. lomjddish'ii,—Teimlaf Uwer o hyfrydwch wrth d^wyu tvstiolaeth i ddirfawr effeithiolrwydileich Haltu Si inae yn iiododig, canys darfu i un feciian Iwyr wep f-Y n^wtaig o atwyd bliu. crygui, allwyr gol'ia l er LJs. ArgyiiihellwH ef i ¡"b a Doenydir ",n yr anwyd.—Yr eddoch vn ufudd J. MONCK Cr. Faxes Outages, LI an fair Careinion, H eh?p.? t. Ja? 13, 18<«J. Foneddigion,- by.!a':ff!o)jdit;; ;L; ysgrifenu attoo'a idl hvsbysa fod eich—Peleui *w;-nt— s;werthfawr Vedi fy cgwella yn hollol—yr oed-l arnaf chwant b>'Yd yn fy nJwely y n-xon gyutaf af ol eu cymeryi'(>—a(; yr oeddwu yn ineddwl Itwer tro wrtli fynet^ mi gwely na bu.tswn bytb yn codi ohono, OIlIl y" a,wr yr wyf yn rneddu ar yspryd a chahm newydd. fe hoffwn ir byd w-ybod am danj at.-Yr eiddoch VII u^ di- olchgar. Meistri Jones aid Co. JOHIT Moeoajj. JONES'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC MIXTLRL. A Cortain Cure foj Gout. M Cuie for Uheum.Hism. M Cure for Uhcumatic Gout H Cure for Lumbago* „ Cure for Sciatica. M Cure for Hheum.\Ïe HQadachf ? Cure for Tic and Toothache. A TRIAL SOLICITED. As no peMon ne<l now sutf, pain one day, as this preparation quickly dis>;p"tes it. 6oid in nottles at M and 4s 6d each. IONNSIS RHEUMATIC EMBROCATION • > IS THE MOST EFFECTUAL REMEDY ever yet dis- covered for the RELIEF and CURE of KHEU IfATISM, Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. Neuralgia, Contracted Joints, Spr.iiiiis or Glandu. Iar Swelling> of every description, no matter how long standi™?, or from wha\.c-ir cause they arise. Thousands of individuals have pnve I it. efficiency in the abovecomplaintsafteraliotherpreparatioua had proved ot uo avail Price Is 6d aud 2s Od per bottle. 10 Tow?on Street, L!v<Troo), 2'!rd Dcomber. )3M. Dear Sirst-I have suit, red frwi Gout and Rheuiuatism for over forty years, and have tried various rein dies, among them Blair's Pills, and others, but can couti. ently affirm that I have derived more benefit Iron. (Ino llottle of your Mixture, than fiom all the other mediciues lut together.-FaitMullr yours, WILLIAM THOMAS. 14, Sand Street, Creat Howard Street, Lerpwl, Gorplieuaf. 1172. Anwyl Syr.- Y maa'n ddedwydd gen) f ddwyn ty-tiol- aeth o blaid effeithiau rhyfeddol eich Bieddyginiaeih i'r Ctydcymalou. Darfu i un Gostretaid fy nghwld wellhau i, ar ol dvddiau a nosweithiau o arteitbiau dycliiynlly.L Gall unrhyw un a Udymuno gyfeirio attaf -Yr eiddocb yn gywir. DAVID TROHAI. 48 St. Karlin', Cottages. Silver I;t?.ot, Lerpwl, Mai, 1S72. Anwyl Syr,— EffeitWodd eich meddy?ciMthenwog; i'r C.ydcymata? -f (l cyf?redd. Y .c? dau dd.?M yn dd?onot i'm gw.Ha yn wastadol. Arg.ymhel.w.i ef i bob dyodd.fydd oddiwrth grydcymajau fci y f.?d.x-'naeth OMU yn y byd. Gan ymddihed y dy?ch ef fwy i ?yl. y tyhoeJd, a thrwy hyny waredu 11 "?yd YJ Yr eiddocb yn ny" GsoitOR l'IL!S1!. Sole manufacturers, W. JonH autl Co Chemists. 137, Great Howard Street, Liverpool. Sold by all chemists everywhere. TIC AD TOOTHACHE. JONES'S TIC-MIXTURE AND NERVINE. Of all theagouising pangs which human nature ispTOoe to, there are none to be compared i. intensity with thoee of Tie, or Neuralgia and Toothache. Happy is the mas who in the midst of his anguish e&n call for the almoet infallible remedy called Jones's Tie Mixture, Tic Dolor eux is an effcctiou of the nerve of the face, the pain attending it is of a shooting, plunging and throbbing character, nnd OCCU!flng i. paroxysms. In no eurable case will tliis mixture fail to afford immediate relief if used in connection with the Nervine or Pain Destroyer. NERVINE. An application for Tic, Neuralgia, Pains in the Head and Face cures Toothache without extracting a tooth. PRICES Tic Mixture, ls qtl, and 2. 1M a b''tle Nervine, 7,1, 1. Iid, and 2s 9d. The two together 11 9d, 2s 3d, and 3s 9d. JONES'S UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT. An e?.nt. nov.t..J?ual ?'?"? remov- in){h?dor?oftcon)..w?ta. -t?, It will e1tnld the r?t ? the cora wi..h?'. pam, and .s ?q-.Ily ?ppli,?.bl. to sega au.l all callosities «f the skin try a bittle, »U ?..?wiUdetishtyou.-? 7?. and U It.1 cach- AOKNTS FOR BANGOR AM> DISTRICT. Mi M. Roberta, Chemist, M?t.' G.,Nth „ Mr E. Foulkee ,Higb-streat I Carnarvon, Mr* O. Owen ?l- "I. i I i nri(ig J"II8 |vt|i.«! Mr R. 0. l'ugbe ILI" 1. )11 3?m. Uanr"t., Mr Jones Couway, Mr Kdwards Llaududuo. Mr William* Bala, Mr William* Ruthin, Mr Lloyd Wholesale of Evans and Sen*, ad Kaious acdO, Liverpool, Or-direct (rota tho Preprietors (for value la o%np4 WILLIAM JONES Co., Operative Chemist*, 167, Great Howard Street LIVARPOOI. .All AD VIC* Valli Ok Cftk UHb