Noticto.   MERIONEl'HSHIHE SPRING ASSIZES. T HE CommiBion o T Nisi Priu$ of Oyer and and of General for the County of Mel i<>Detb, will be "p,'ned at the Shire U.11, in the Town of 0" the day of March, 1876, the Sir Robert Lueb, of the nigh COUI t of Justice of our Lady the Quee". And all J u.ticee of the Peace, Mayore, Biiiliff8 of Liberties, and Chief Con. t1ble. within the ty, and all Juror., Persona bound by Wittiemes, and haviug d the tn at the uid Obi,, Hall, au Silt'lFda', the dllY of March, 1876, lit 16.30 a.m. precl."¡y, THOMAS TAYLOR, ESQ"IRE, sheriff. OØloe, 7, 1876, 8509 AGLESEY EASTER QUARTER SESSIONS, 1876. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next General Quartcr of the for Ihi. will be bolden in the County Hall ,t ¡><\lmaris, in and for the said County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 18; when the court will opeu lit ten o'clock in the. morning The to the, grand jury will thre ho delivered hy the and the court will thereulloll to the cunsj,lcratiou d the business relating to the "sse..ment, application of the county stock, or rate, and all other county il. opeu pui-aiiiiat to the Act 15 and 16 Vic., cao. 81, and ,,1'0 any business cvnnccted with the Constabulary Police Acts. The court will soon .18 the county and police have been with the criminal and The to the justices of the severnl divisions are I'CQ uested to tratlSit to Ine, to my office at Beaumariii. before the sessions, all returns of ftuçs, couvictioiis, and reCf\gniZàI1CCN, which sball bave been there tuken, with for indict. ment,. And all persons havin any (lemrnils upon the county .t.,k, r? ?,q.e W(i to forward the I)articuN? thereof in writing, 10 my  or before Wednes- day, 29th day of March inst. GRIFFITH, Clerk of the Peace. 14th day of March, 1B76. .N. B,-1'he oi the finance committee are re. to atten<1 at the Jury Room, OR the ht day oi April, 187b. 8J48 C. RNARVONSHIItE EASTER QUARTER ES8IONS, 1876.  IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the General Qu,?t,r S""si',us of the Peace for the County of will be held at the County Mall in in and for thM ¡;id on tho Sixtb day 01 April, at the hour of Eleven in the Forenoon. when the Cvurt wi1\ receivl' the report of thM Committee, and will proceed to ,ect tùe Gener,1I Bu,ineai to the ment, "nagement, Application ot the County and Police RateB, aLd the to the Police Force, and such other of the aaid Couuty tbe ,7 ustices (?f the  to \¡ trau'act at the Geflerd Quarter Sl?.1ol?, r tb rM The C,mrt will then witb th(. "b\ r SU Appe,s as ,a   A\) NO'1'ICE IS A H V" t?' By UIVLN, th.t ?  "od  the" lmease' M\.1 all ??,,und by Recog. J1ZmCe8 10 'oy Ci\1! \1nding, are to apl'e"r and be lit XUOD, on Thui-sday, tr.ø õay of April, aforesaid. Tb- will then be to be held at the Hall in Carnarvon aforesaid, on Friday, the veuth day of April. 1Si6, at the hour oi EI-yen o'clock in the for the deB patch of the CritDinal 1!iu6S@, at which a.t.mep\ioned time and place all Petty 3tirors and all bound by t" 'i,rosecute or surren- iÐ of their bail are to appeir. Ij..ted thi 3th day of 18i6. WILLIAI POOLE, Cle, k oi the Peace. are to forward and to the Clerk of the on or before th SaturdllY precediDg the 8:43 ERIONETHSllIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. 'NTOTICE IS HEI,FFY GIVEN, that the 1 1,.t S4,ui. of the P,??? fw the CouDtyiif Meti-ueti), will be holden on TuoEdav, the fourth day April, Ib;6, iu the County Hall, Dolgelley, at Eleven o'cloek in the when the \Viii Bill. and Accounts against the Couoty a8 then be delivered, and will transact the to the R8IIeSSment Application and managemeut of t h County Stock or Rate, and of the Police Rate, and the. General County after which the Court will be a<Jjourned to the iollowin to be held at the sawe place, at Eleven in the forenoon, when tue Grand and l'ety Jurors will be "ailed over, and th" Court, will proceed t" hear and d.,termiue allmattoys brollht hefore the. in the ing J. In the trial of prisoners; 2. In the oi appeal" 3. In wntioDP, aod in th other as may ùe brougbt ThM Cletb to the J uøtires of the !f'r1 ni"isioDS al'f' requeøted to tl';lDRmit to me, RAVen day., before the ec,.io[, >11 dep°4;i Ii DO, cou\ictious, and recogni"ncei ..lJich phall theo 3UY iustrudioUi for ;odictmen1,A wbith thy way be able to give. IJated the 18th day of 1876. EDW A RD 8584 Clerk of the Pt-aee. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, J69. THE OF 1"oL' &- .a". TN THE MATTER OF PROCEEDINGS for by for with Street. Bet))ted!t.m.rM<n};!.e county of Carnxr von,formt))yH(Ceti)Mtreet,inthetityofCht!<ter. gr""er and provi.ion deale, WILLIAM J('H\ I'AHRY. of Botheoda, Arc,nt""t, ha< been nr'pohtc.t Trusts ..f the pro;)erty of th° Dehtor. theirpOKKe,.hn any of thp effects ..f the debtor the ;-]I d,.bts d¡;e to Ùw deht"r must he ¡,aid to the bu.t" C,etl¡IOFi who han, not prove;! their debt. mustfoi- ,rani the prcof,. of r1ebt. tn the \)ated thiN IRth day of rarcJ" JK76. MS9 HENRY LLOYt) JONES. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. f'< THE COUXTY COUHT OF CA}iN\RVOXSH!KH JIOLUKN AT t!AXU(U:. TN THE MATTER OF A SPECIAL R E80LlTTIO: f'.r )iauid.'ti..n hy arrftugPl"ellt of tLe uff,<Î!" of H)iz;' Jolie4, of the King's Head lutt. Aber g.1e, ill the conntv of D'-ti))it:h. innk<-<-t«-r. JOSHUA Ci:dWTHEtt. of :{), Yn.k Strpet, Man- rh.,t"r, haa been IIPI",ilJte'¡ of the ?r.?.(.,tynf t))(- Ut')'tor 'I ,AU persona hatiNxi" their po?wsio't ''nyof the effech '"tht.t)?t(.r))'n<t<!<!iv<'rthe)ntntheTru!tt<?.!tud.tU ''t?. t),,t to the Debtor must ?e ).aid to the 'I .tMtet. ?c.'it.? w). b?'e not yet rrovfj their debts mutt "M th?ir p,wf.. of d?'M to thf Tnutee. ?«' thi. 2if.t day of March. )876. ?'' ]ILNPY LLOYD JOXES. A PLHUc D?tONSTATION wH! be held at A "?'<-ch,i,,EMterwcek,inho.?.r<'f L,?o '< ,H,r?h t? .??..a .,f h,. ri?t ?Mit t. G'y H'? ).i?.? ? ?e )'<-?e. f??erp?tn?? „); ,(,?rtty 'fp<"r. S?b?r.?"'ae ?"? ''y?'"=" Ac., ?.r?p.ctfu))y?'cit?,?d .11', bto p;¡id It. L. ff. ?'?'AS. R.?, c?r?neo. T<)MW. y??,??'? ? PhOVtXCfAL BAKK. P.rtm?.t. ?OR.fH&suUTH WALES BANK, Poftm?oc. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court f Juatice (Cbancery Di"iaion) made in a The David alIiost job. William H,,gh?. and otbers, 1875. & 11)2. Tbe Creditors of i)a' ?d William R,)berts, late of Bryndwi-, Llanfairfecban, in the County of Carnarvon, Doctor 01 who iu or about the month of March, ] 876, are, 00 er before the 11th day of April, 1876, to send by post prepaid t" Job. Parry Junes, Esq, M"w. uer of th" Firm of J. Parry Jonea and SOli, of the SoIioitors of the D8ftnÜnt, Jobn Parry tb" Executor of the said David William their Christiau aL,d Surnamed, addre88es aud tions; tb" full of their Claims; a t of their Accouuti, and the nature of the ities (if any) held by thew or in default tbereof tbey wi,1 be peremptorill from the benefit of the said Dearee. Every C-editor hoding any is to produce the Samo before the of the Holls at his Rone Yard, Cbaueery Lane. Middlesex, on th" 266h day of April, 1876, at 11 in the being the tilDe appoiuted for ca tin on the Claiuis. tbis 9tb day of Marcb, I Si6. ROB BItT NIARSHALL, Cbief ROBINSOX 35, Iuu Agenta for J. Parry Jonea and Son, Solicitors, 560 0 NEN JOHN AUGUSTUS PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament of the 22ad and 23ri Victoria, cap. 35, iutituled "An Act to further amend the L1w oi Property, and te re- lieve Notice 18 nereby ùiven bat all per- sons any claims or dewau<1s upou or IIgaillst the of Juhn Auguetus Fuller intsyrick, late of Bodorgan, in the Couuty of Angles BY, and of l6, Clif. New in the Couuty of sex, deceased (who died on the 12th day of February, ]876, and whose Will was by SIr George Elliott Mcyriclt Tappa Genis, of Hinton Ad. miral, lIear Christchurcb, iQ the County of Hants, Baronet, the sole tberein namd, on the 9th day of arcb, 1876, tn the Principal of Probate Division of Her Majesty's Higb Court of Jus. I tice, are herel>y required to ill the particulars of their claims or demandi) to the said Executor at the office of the undei-sigderl, his Solicitors, on or befQre the 24th day of June, 1876; and Notice ia Hereby a1Bo Given tbat after that day the said EXecutor will pro- ceed to the a8setsof the aaid deceased amoogst the parties entitled thereto, having only to the claims of which be sball tben bave had notice, and tbat he will not be liable for the 888ets or any part tbereof so distributed to any of whose debt or claim he sball not tben have had notice. this 14th day of March, 1676. G. A. CHAWLEY ARNO 20, Wbtehll Place, 801:c:tor8 the .aid Executor. 1\Tq,«m is HFREBY GIVEN, that the Uailway COIllpany propose the followin6 v-lttws for approval by the 130ard ot Tratio AS TO AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES. 1, No Gunpowder or other Explosives will be recoh-e<! at the station., wharves, or siÓ3gs, or any part of their premises witbout three clear Dotiee from the Coiisinor. 2. No Gunpowder, nitro. glycerine. dyniniite, gun- cottou, glin-cottol, charges for Rod all kinds of fuses, cartridges, other will be receiveù 1)3, the Company at tbeir or or on allY part of their premises, uulesa 8"ch gunpowder is properly stowed in and lo&ded in trucks, and and other explosive properly packed in boxes 01' cases, which shall have Im\lHIs Jr label. attache,1 describing tho natul'e of the coutents of such fireproof bl<rrels, packages, or cases. 3. No gunpowder will be conveyed by the Company, excepting in fireproof carriages properly constructed for the purpose, and in good repair :md order. 4 No truck or caniage for gunpowder will be received for c'"nveyauce by the Company from the Consignor with any explosive articles or besilles and no gunpowder will be conveyed or tran8mitted by the Compauy excepting at the furthest end from the engine of a mineral train, 5, No gunpowder or other explosives will be received by the Company for ?o.Y. ?.c?pti.g b?t?-. th? hours of 'l and 12 a.m., and nQ gunvowder or otber ex. plosives will be hy the C )mpany for conveyance up liue to qUllrry inclines, exceptiug at t'1e of aUll or for cunvcyaucc down the railway except at the Tunnol Junction (ex- plosives other than gunpowller may. however, bereceive(I at the and Peui-hyii and no greater quantity of gunpowder than two toos will be con "eyed iu any one or caniage by the Company, and no ullloading ur unpacking of any or other explosives will be pera1Îtted the line. or any part of the premises. 6. No or "ther explosives conveyeù by the Company shall be permitted to remain on the premises of the Company two hours after l, note or letter shall have. beell given, as oti. to the of the of same. 7. Copies of the shall be pub- lisbed and printed 00 bOilr<ls at every station on the I). That the Company's agellts or servants, and 1111 other I'er'olls tbe the must dtlly and observe of the sahl which are intelllle.1 for the of th" of the said raiiivay, and of "U the or the control of the Cc-nivitity. The ¡,eDa!ties for allY hre¡\ch of these n' e-Iaws ohall be gi-nituited in luch manlier a8 bo deemed just HCcon1i,uc to th., of Ih" offence, and as it be,-a first, or ub8equcnt otfeIH't;lIot exceeding Tweny for each offence. and Ten Pound. for eacb .1ay (itti-iug which the oŒ"lIce and fot-feituiv of all (?i? any part of the ¡;nupowder or otber exl)losive?i in respect of which tbe bl'ech of the bas taken pIsco. are subject to revision by Given under the ('ommon Se"l oft!,e Ye.tillioZ }{ailwa)' Company. 9th 1875. SEAL lhring one calon.IIIT month from tbe date of this notieo itny(ibjecti one to the Bye-laws may be to the ,\>sist.ant Secretary Boalll of Traùe, Whit.ehall.gnl..ns, S. W. HEO.AHUDDART, of the Festiuiog nail way C.E.SPOONRR. ""eerotary to the Railway Witness to the signatures of George A ugU"US lIuddart aud Charles DAVID PiUCHARD, Clerk to Hr Spooaer. I. DAVID PRICHARD. nf "rithywernydd. in the parish of Llanlihaugelvtri\ethau, in the county of e,.i'lneth, Clerk, make oath and say ae 1. T It clerk in the service of Charles Spooner in the coutJt.v of civil engineer, IIUÙ sccrltMY of the Fcstiuiog I w, present 011 the 4th dilY of Feh.uary, 1876, "1 see Augustus H u,1<I.,rt, One of the of the sHid RaHway ant] 'aid Ch!<r)e< E.xb'n Spoouer. rsctively ''inn the Copy of the Hye tawx of the Mud Ktitwity C.onpajy. hereto "oneud: und Ibe ,ignatura C?eo. A. Huddart aud C. E. pooner." iebi)?3uti?-ely WTitte@ ?t the foot of thf 8'i,l bye law9. Rre in the proper hand writiu6 of the .RlÙ George AUgURtus Hudùart .?d Ch:lrlea E?.t.. DAViDPRICHAHD. SWf<rn at P"J'tDlaùo". i. the ?.ty f CaloarVOD, thiH¡ 4ih<).<y<f February, l),7e. before me. THO JONKS, oRth. ill the 8582. t$uprelne Court of Judicatm-e. -r !EBia COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Fiupet Yeat-flai-ouring Stoct for SoupK Made Dishfa, Mifi Saucer Caution.—Genuine ONLY ?M. -f Baron Libig.ig.tu?, ,r* Label. 89 N otictte. FESTINIOG, MAENTWROG, AND HARLECH TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in p.r.u?,?c..f "The Merionetbabire Turnpike Roads Act, 1850," The Annual Tur-pike Acte aDCe Act, 1872," and an orderof the Truskes of the carhin or sum of the mort- 9, ge debt olthe 8aid Trust, will the creditor or who a prllpoaal in and for Debt" accept..1 the lowestrate £100 iu respect of his, ber, or tbeir debt. And NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meetmgef the trustees of the said will be beld at the Griffin IUD, on Thursday, the 30th day of March at eleven o'clock in the forenuon, for the puro poie of auob propomls, and to pro- ill with the of the said Act, and the acta therein referi-tid to. .J. P. ROBERTS, Clerk to the 91h, 1876. 8549 CAERNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRUST.  IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NGenertil Annual Meeting of the 1'ruskes of the .b.,?,nuMC4 Turnpike TrU8t will be held "t the Grand Jury Room in the town of Caeraitrvon, on &turday. the day ef March, for the purp08e of the and and for traus- aoting 8u0h other busiuess as may be required relating to the said Trust. (Signed) 0. JONHS. Clerk to the Trustees of the Caernal'vonshire Trwt. March 4, 1376. 8523 TOLL TO BE LET. FESTINIOG, AND HARLECH TlJRNPIJŒ TRUST.  IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NTOLLS arising from the several ToU-gates, within the sbove Trust, will be LET BY AUCTION, for One ygul- to commence from the 12th (Illy of May next, at the Griftln Inn, on Thursday, the 30th day of next, at 1O.;¡O o'clock lU the forenoon, the Toll. I the f,llow!ng Gates, which produced I"st year the Sums :4t (,ppg.?it(? each Gate, over the expeuse of viz 9. rI. Festiniog 80 0 0 192 0 0 Ganeg 26 0 0 Ty NewYfld Gnte 14 15 0 Newydd Gate 12 0 0 Gate 55 0 n Gate 45 0 0 Llecbwedd Du Gate 20 0 0 Whoever happens to be the higbest Bidder give security. with s'\tficient, suretiea to the satisfactIOn the ou the clay of letting the Tolls. for the punctual payment of rent, at which snch tolls may be let. J. p. RODEPTS, Clerk to the Febluary 8tb. 1876. 8jJO TOLLS TO BE LET. PORTMADOC AND BRAVER POOL BlUDGE ROADS. NOTWE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 1'811. arising at the under-mentioned Gates, on Uoad. will be LET BY at the Elen's CaRtle Hotel, in the county of Ciirnarvon, on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1876, between the I1Onr8 of one and Two in the Afternoon, in the lDanner directed by the Act in the third and fourth years of the re¡g of his late Mtje.?ty  George the Fourth, For Hegtiating Tnrnpike Hoad, which Toll produced last year the different Bums ano .1 nexed to each, viz. Beaver Pool Bridge Gate". X570 Tyddyn Gwyu Gate X125 Onr and 1\bove the of collectii2g the and will be let for one year, from the ht of May Each perBon at his bidding will be requi1'C(l to deliver in writing the nalDeR of and if the ,¡nme are not satisfactory his will not be taken, and happcu8 to he bidder will be re- (juii-ed to give security with f3iifficieut suretie;; for the due of the relit by monthly in8tahnent; and also for the performance of Huch conditions as ehall be at the time of the. JOHN R GRIFFITH, Clerk to the Tru8tee". LJlI1'w"t, 21st March, 1876. S594 TO BE LET, PENACHNO TURNPIKE ROAD.  18 HEREBY mVEN, tbac the NToll?i ariing at the undermentioned Gate, on the road, will be LET BY the Ellen's Hotel, Volwy,!delan, in the county of Carnirvon, oil the 23tli day of April, 1876, between the holll's of one and Two in the in the manncr dil'ectcd by the, Act pascd in the, and fourth "f the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fomth, "For Uegulating Turnpike which Tolls pro. duced oil an average for the last three yearll the "Ull18 ,t iiiexed thereto, PeUlnachno Gate X130 Oer and ahove the expense of collecting the same, anrl will be let for one year, from the 13th of May next. Each pef'on at his first bidding will be reqnird to I(I'liver in writing the name of his suretic?? and if the ore bidding "ill not be taken; and to be highest bidder will he re- quired to give security with sufficient 8uretie.< for tile tlue payment of the rent monthly and alit) for the of Ruch condition" as Rhall be declared at the tillle of the allclion. JOHN R. Clerk to the 21st March, 1&f6, 8595 STEAM LIVERPOOL AND THE MENAI THE Steamer Bee will Goods Ran;r IIu,1 the 1Ifenai Hri,lge ollce a week at the west of For fmt.her pnrl¡"uhr8 ,\1111 rates of freights apply to Mes8rs R. Evans and 80n., Iell;>i B,-i r to Ni R. and D. Jones, 2 Liverpool. 850;{-414 POWIS EXHIBITIONS. ONE EXHIBITION, ot tho value of  year. tenahle .t any College or Ihnat eitber of the Univer.?itie,? of Oxf"I',1 t?i- Cilmh"¡,Ie, in iutode,1 to be filled up after all examination of the ùandidateo, which will tllke place at mnniugham, on 11II cady day ill Sep- ()anrHdRtP8 nrr TPqt\flstp.ll to Rend thtlh' nume, u.{ldrf'Rf' end of with of IInd nn or beCore flw Jot of Aup,t., fo CRAFtLE9 SHAW, 2 Eswx Cnurt, }O; C. C.\did!\te8 mu-t he mcmhel. of Ihe Church of England. native. of Wa]e., or of oliO of the fnnr Welsh Diocese8, unllertwenty yell'" of age upnn tho 10th (I.,y of October oext, acq"inteù with the and illtenrling to become for holy orelA. The canrlidatea will be examined iu reading, composition, and the Gospel to St. Luke ond the ActA 01 the A po. tIe. in Cheek; the Fifth Sixth Books of the the bonk of Thuey. ,lide9; the Book of the ,if"iol; X"°I'IIO" Al'abdsis; Cjcero de OfficiiK; Rnrl Latin prOKl\ com. Those who fail in wili Dot be flllther examined. The Rxhibition will h for four years. by nn exhibitioner who at the time of hi. election ia not legally .be, f either,uniyeroit)", and will in hi. c&ai ,late fr,,i.trivulatiou and by an exhibitioner who lit the time of his election i8 Ii member of either till the clo. of the ter1U I in whicb the of Bachelor of Arl.1 i8 due to the holder. Marcb, 1876. WG 1iGttrœ. THE BANGOR AND PROVINCIAL MCTUAL SHIP INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. '\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the AnDual GVlerlll Meeting of the above Company wiU be held at Piaa Liwyd, in the City of Banger, on Friday, the 31st inst>lot, at two p.m., to traoMct the Ordioarv Buslueoa of the General Meeting. And Notice is Further Giveo that a Special 01' Extra- ordinary General Meeting will be held in oodinuatioD of the aamp, to notice of Amendment in Rule 8, to the propriety of first-class Vesteli3 to th. full amouut they arB to by the Directora, for the firat year launched, and of five per cent. only be anade the second, and that tbe deduction uf per cent. aa per rule, that the ba!<mce after euch dedoe'ion be the amouat Icaured) do not couimenct) until third year, ROBERT HUGHES, Manager. Bangor,Morch2!ad,iM6. M09 THE BANGOR MUTUAL SHIP INSURANCE SOCIETY, AND THE BANGOR t NORTH WALES MUTUAL MARINE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. THE Ordinary Goreral Meeting of these Societies will be held at the Rooms, Plas Llwyd, in this city, on Friday, the 31st inatanr, at ton o'clock in the morning, to transact the ordinary bll8inesi of tile Societiel!. In continuation thereof an General Meeting will be held to take into conaider.ttion the propriety of expunging the 38th Rtùe of the first-named society. e M ?' ??y mjQ?g? Secretary. Bangor, March 22nd, 1876. 8608 ANGLESEY AND CNRNARVONbHllcE AGRICULTURAL SjCIETY. A PRIZEof.E10i'orthe best STALLION calculated for. husbandry will be at the Fair, 8tb day "f 34ay t¡ext. Also a PRIZ of £10 for the beat STALLION calculated to produce Hunters nr Carriage Horses. The Prize Horses will be required to aerve evelY alternate week on Market Daya, at Llangefni for Anglesey, and Bangor or Cllrnafvon for C,,trnarv,in shire, Entries to be made 011 or before 28th April nut, to the Secretary, JOHN LLOYD, JMB., 8603-427 BMgor. LLEYN AC EIFIONYDD FARMING SOCIETY. maE SHOW of Entire HORSES in con- Tnection witb the Above snciety will be held at on the lt of May next, when premiuma will be offored as viz. For the beat Stallion, 212 Second best 27 SMnndbest t3 The Prize StalhoDs .tt![ be required t.) travet the district dluiug the sicison, from to Sam Meillteyru, And to attend the Annual Show lit Pwllbeli on the 7th Septembel' next. ep em ei '? ?,? JONES, Secretary. Ha!) Place, PwItheU, t7th Marc].. t876. N H —A MEETING of the Stb-cribers will be he!d at the Town HaU, Pw!)tMH, on the Z)th ihatant. at 2.i<U P.L S685 GRAND EVENING CONCERTS \?7ILL ba given for the BENEFIT of Y MISS E. J. J ONES (Telynoreo CyM), a v?ry pro- youu who the of London, and who is now a pupil of Mr J. H. Robdrta (Peccer<<d Gwynedd). Carn.trvou, Mouday,April;1, iS76;Pt'uygrota, Tuesday, Aprit4, HacberM, Wedneaday.Aphta, Poitdinorwic, Thuraday, Aj.rit 6. The futtowiug artistes wi't appear :— !t!iM AfagRie JoOfs, Kutbia Ati'M E. J. GriNtbf, Ebeuezer 111\1\8 Mtry Hughes, Hulybead, Llew Lwyfo. PlANOFOHfE AND HARMONIUM Mr Juhu henry Robert!), (PeDCerdd Gwynedd). PKKKtLLION SMOKM E,;8 Mou, Llew JlIOD. Mi98 E. J. Jocts (Te)ynurea Cybi); Mteter Owen Jooea LISTS 01' SIIBSCaIPTIONS ALRiADY SECURED The HoD .\fls Stauley, l'euruos, X5; 3t, J LlOy"1 Griffith, io:2 2., per auuUID Mr H J{obertø, North Md South W¡ÿ"" Rmk, .62 2, Mr R WittMfuf, Newry-street..St la por tMium Ur. E T HuRbee..His; M r W J oues, Uhos 'I lIIaer, £1 l per &DUUm; Hev Dr MrEvto Roberta, lOatM; Rev .ttThcmM,1096d; Mr 0 EJward8,S'aaky.6treet,10atid;RcvOWJoae9, 10a6d;MrJJouee,UticaHoute,H't)6d;MrH Hugbe" Ty Mawr, 10tl 6d; )[r Ellis Hugbe., n M Custums, 10s 6\; Mr H JoueB, "nth tsck Vanlt., lUB ôd; Mr J Hugh. Ianlhester, 108 6d; Mr I' HuKhtS, S[au)<<ft, Hotyhead, 10s MtS Hughea, Park Br('w''ry, 10,1 61 llr W JoLit5s, -Nlona Brewery, .t'3.}<; Geortje Hotel, !8a Cd; Captain Verl'cy, K.N, 1lis; Mr T HugheR <Tetynor Alilw), £lls; Uew Llw)i, ii Is; L. J.n. P.y, Fq, X5; It; Lsq. M P, t2 2. R RobfrtB, haq, The Fire, Cliestei-, 3, Rev F, W Davies, ul Liantirchy- medd, 58; Capt J P, Capt 12 Pilot Hoat, Liverpool, £1 Mr l'ntcbllrd, Eoa JWiaD, Liverpuo),.ei;MrWUtMm)mTa,tJoIybettd,l()8;Qeu. Hufihe., Usuerchymedd, 10<; MrO\ven<,C*crm, tOe; Mr II G Hughe., n"J¡hed, 2M ôd; 1111' 0 Juue., Market etrext, Hotyhead, 2s (it Huperiateudeat Oweus, 5<; Mr Luug6e)d Jouef), Hotyhead, 5.; r EtiM, National Scliool, 5s. wiU t'e received and gratefully acknot. jedged by the Trca''urt'r, Maullger of tbf North and ::>ullth Wale. Bauk, Holyhead, ur by the SClcletlFY, 'Ir S J Augle;¡ey Hltus; 8553 EBENEZER CHAPEL.BANGOR. NEW LECTURE KOOM. VESTRY ROOM, AND ROOM FOR HEATING APPARATUS. fIlENDERS are InvtK d ior the above. Plans ? Md i.))''cific<ttion<m.iy be M)en..t:!9. Victoria Str<t, Upper H.<t)j!M-Tenders to be ftentto the Rev. ]) Stepheu J'aviet), t. Brynteg Terrace. B.u?t" uot later than 4 1).iu. on the I$tl? ?f A;,?l, ?WILLIAMS. 1>A VII) WILLIAMS, IIlHS Arc) SALE AT HARLECH. ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. /? Monday 3rd April at noon BY AUC- \.7 T!ON. OIL CAKR Khout 3,000 BAGS, All F<u)t". ex-Toi-kestau fioai New York. For furthpr 1)ttrticul4ro ap)')y to CitptMn StKrk, Hitr- lech; or t<. N, HundRII, JUDr.,'IKe AB8lJci..tion, 19a, hxcha..g< Livt.rpM.i. 8618 FERMANENT PASTURES, &o. TTAMES DICKSON a=d SONS can, with tli.i, Mi-. Itotation. Croppiu¡", &c., composed tftha befit seeda and tnade up with the {;extetit l>oBHible c.tre to auit. all soils andaiti.mtiotM," itud very ample Meedingn per given. Price<llle,criptive. ciltJogue, pORt free. i08, Chci.tfr. SELECT TURNIP AND MANGEJL. SEEDS. T AMES DICtMON and SONS can, with every i-ecomiliend their \1&11gel and Turnip Sceda !M beihg of very f))pcr!Mr quaUty. Mft wi)I be bappy to M-nd t* r dweriptivt- priced catalogue of ""e, and of aU oth<t Farm Seedn, post free on ftppH- oatin. Mt2 Public N ottttf. TO BE INCORPORATED UNDER THE COM- PANIES ACTS, ) 862-1867. The CWM ISSA, CAPEL CURRIG, SLATE QUARRY COMPANY (LIMITED). Propcted Capital, .€20,000 in 200 Shares of jElOO etch. DEPOSIT, J620 per Share, on Application: 120 on allotment, and the remainder a8 req II ired the firet call not exceedmg .£2/) per share, in not Je8Ø thaD three monthe from of allotment; the aecond call, if in not les than twelve onths from l1ate of first call: and the third call, if in not Ieee than twelve month. from date of ",cond call. (III the eyent of no allotment, the deposit will be returned in full.) To be appointed by the Shareho!dex at a meeting called for that purposo. BANKERS THE NORTH & SOUTH WALES BANK, Hanrwot, Meson). WILLIAMS & Co., The OH Bnk, Bangor. PUGH, JONES, & Co., Backers, Bethesda. pro tem. J. B. GRIFFITH, Esq., SoHcitor, Ltanrwst. AUDITOM To be elected by the Shareho)ders at a meeting eal)ed for tbat pro. tem. Mr W. J. PARRY, 3\ High-strett, Bethesda. OFFICFS, pro, tem. 3 and 4, WILLYS'?OURT, BETHESDA. PROSPECTUS: This C'.mpany is formed for the purpcoe of acquiring and wooing the Cwm IsM Slate Quarry, near Capel Cumg, North Waifs. The prtperty is held under an agreement for ft tease for oO years, fr.)m the thirtieth day of May, 1872, on the bvourable term., viz. An annual renta) of £20 for the 6rst three years of the term, and afterwards an aaaual rectal of ;C40, merging into the low rovatty of 28 6d per ton (computed weight) for s)atef (s)tb and ton tlat"s excepted) for the first 20 y' and for the remainder of the term a royalty of 3. per ton (omputed weight) for slates (stab and ten lat8 exempted), and 23 per ton for aU slab and ton slatei. ? The ?roperty comprises about 77 acres of land, ?d the situttion is exoeedingty advantageous for the opemn: out of an extensile quarry, having ampte and most Con- venient tipping ground, and hav'u; also a MBictent aad constant supply of water on the property to work exten- sive and powerful machinery for sawing and dressing t]abs and states, and other purpose. Quarry masters of the highest standing have ex. tmin'-d the property, .nd speak in the most nattering terms of the quality and quantity of slate rock on the 88tate. The ?te is of a superior qua)ity. ard in all respechs ,!mihr to the renowned Festiniog state. The state rock on the property is very extensive. The top rock is mmt promisiu)!, and aU the at.te rock on the property, as far M it hM been prov..), is of a very superior quttity. It is a weU-known fact that the slate trade has never been so brisk, and the demand for states so great, as at the present, the prices having advanced from 25 to 30 per cent. within the iast two y-ara, with every promise of a healthy continuance of a n'.unsbmg trade. The cost of Mrtage to the Be'twa-y-Coed Railway Stati.)H (being distance of six mites) will be onty 5s per ton, and ..s the Bill for the construction of a tine of railway trom Portmadoe to Bettw-y-coed )MS received the Royal assent, M.) such line runniu through the property, the exp<Me will b< very materMHydimini- t,)ied nnd a direct communication between the queries and Portmadoo openen. thus an'rding the Company the advantages of exporting their slates by sea as welt as by -Ail ?The veodor agrees to accept the sum of ?,00 M the purchase money for the whole of his interest in the property, leaving a babnee of working ?,?pit-I ,f ?12,SOO, which undoubtedly wHl be more thansuni- cient to make the quarry a paying c ucern. Of this sum of .E7.500 the veDd,.r tgrees to take X2,500 in ?"' sbire% W.?h the present adv?nt.)?, natural and acquiret!, and wtth prospects so exceptionally promising, there are the strongest reasons for believing this euterpn.e will not only succeed as a mMns of investirent, but will result in pro6ts equa))iag thof.R reatised by renowned quarries in North Wa)e! Ap'plication for shares, accompanied with a deposit of X20 per, to be made to the Bauker. Sohc.tor or.t the officee of the Company. The shares w.U be a])utted in rotation, consequently an eariy app)icatl..n is neces- Plans of the estate ni,.y be iospected at the oEBcea of the Company, where any other information may be o htained. January, 18;6. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES. THE CWM ISSA, CAPEL CURRM, SLATE QUARRY COMPANY (LIMITED). To be J ncorpnrat.ed ncder the Companies Act., 1862.67. CAPITAL, r20,(j00, tX 200 SHAXKS OF .C100 EACH. To the Directors of the CwM ISSA, CAt'KL CORR)Q SUTK QUARRY COMPANY (LMiTKU). GENTLEI,ŒN, Hxviog pMft to your B.tukert, Solicitor, or Secretary, the sum of .t as deposit, I that you will allot me sharea in the CWIU 188a, Capel Cnrri¡r, State Qu,,ry C.tmpnoy (Limited), and I heft-by agree to Mcept euch Hharcf, or xxy tesa Bumber which may be aUotted to me. subject to the regulations of the a I hereby authoriBe YOII to pl my lIame on the regiBter of Name in AddrtBa Profession (if ..y) D?'S7 Signature. RECEIPT. 187 Received ..f the aum of beinx the amollut of depooit for of £100 etch in the Cwm 1""8, Capet Currij}, Slate Quarry Corn- pany It mnre con\'en:et)t, this form may be Mnt to the Seere. tary, with i cheque for the the receipt will be r.tlIrned, THE CWM ISS\, CAPEL CUHRIG, SLATE COMPANY (LIMITED). A Meetin of the Shareholders wh.. will have paid their Ufpoeit ou or the 31itt day of March, 1876, wift be be)d at the British Hotet, Bangor, at 2 p.m., on the 8th day of April, 18i6, to elect Auditor., Solicitor, Secretary, and tbe other and ta transact other of the Company, 8407 TO GAS CONTRACTORS ND OTHERS. PORTMADOC GAS WORKS. ?PHE Portma-doc (Ti<s Company, Limited, ) xre t.!p;Mred to receive TENDHKS for a LeMe of theIr n".o"wt' all'\ "rorks for either 'Ieve" or Fourteen ye? from the tat day of October, 187<i. Any per.son or MmpnllY to teadei, can receive puticulars from the Secretorv. Ruretie will he must he scut In on or before the lot of May ned. JOB THOMAS. Secretary. Company'* OfSce". Portmadoc, 7th M«rch, ]87H. A FORTUNE FOR A TRIFLE, t20OOO FOR -El. Y?ULL PARTICULARS of thi? moat ad. C viiutagestu? money .peculation. Kuar.nteed by Govmm,?t, will be sent Free applicdion, )Ht<tmped directed Johu Foater, E«) t CnM:'< Cout?. Chttrin? OroM, tll lwr, Ešl7} ft,ublic otím. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, Chief OfEce*: ti2, LUDGATE HfLL, LONDON. SUMMARY or THE TWENTY SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT, for the year ending 3)ot Dece)aber, J675. ORDINARY BRANCH. TOURING the year the Directors have re- t? eeived 3.429 propo?? for the sumo' ?".235. Of thee 2,1375 have been accepted and comp,d.assur- ing the lIum of £348,364, and producing a new ,nual Premium income of -t;)I,S87 Da Id 754 propofiii, for of £102,871, have either beeu or not completed. The sum of ,61,288 15a 8d has been received for new annuitis The claims to £49,501 15. 4d, under 337 policieii; i977 16. of thir4 amount was for clllims OD Twelve have died during the year. The annual premium income at the end of the year is £76,355 7s 8,1 in respect of 15,889 assurin/{ the of jC2,360,180, showing an inclea,'I4J of £4,508 2s 8d per annum over tile year 1874. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. During the year 1,ld7,292 new policies were representing a New Annual Premium Income of £441,22 12s. The claims amount to X217,415 ISii 3d. The annual Premium I ncome at the of the year Mjt;794,<)52 1.58 8d showing an increMe of jt:t78,4U lIs 4<1 the income of previous year. GENERAL RESULTS. The totfd Premiom luc me ia X870,408 3s 4d, beicg an illcrease of £182,919 14. over the year. The daims amount to .f26p,9t7 J.'is 7d,rai)9Ng the total f, to XI,597,213 ]2a. The Assurance Fund is X702,184 13s Gd, showing an of A: 128,660 IOs 7d for the year. The .taff of the office bas already been engaged for many months in  for the Quinquennial Valua- tion, which i. to take I, -xe at the end of 1876, and which, from the and extent of the business tran- by the Company, will a number of com- putations unparalleled in the history of A The Uirectors regret to anllounce that Mr GEOROP. CLARR, one of the who bad been cOllnectcd with the Company from a very cady period of its existence, died 800n after the annual meeting. 13 nder the powers vested in them, the Directors have appointe(I one of the oldest Dr. Robert whol AlIan8ùn, h3,s "\I(lited the for the ye: BAJjANCE SHEET OF THR PRUDENTIAL AXSUKAXCE COMPANY, on the 3)tt Dec. M!5. LIABILITIES. 2 d. -,02,184 136 Sitiknei. and Fnnd 817 7 ( CoDt???t? ,CTMte M.nnua.,ee nt;, ?? ? ? April, 1172 16,096 0 0 t.M? e 0 LcueMd Redemption Fund t.MO 0 0 ..7';i,6M 0 10 Claims under Life Policiesadmitte,\ but not yet pH 7,S02 18 .t £7:5. 2 A-'SRM. .t: t. d. on Property within tli" U nlled 2 Loan. on the Company's PoJjcies 17,U2i 13 11 In British Government 1 5 M,6M 1 Foreif!? ditto 1<).M7 19 S nallway Rnd otherdebenture. and Debenture Stock <8.'i39 )0 t Ditto Share, <p1l'ferenc. and OrdiDar)') 0,750 0 0 Tr?MtFund.Certitie&tes !t"):!M ') Freeholi1 Ground Wnts i-,7,- 84 04 H?tProptfty 90?.MI8 S Li(. and other Inler..t, ud ilover,?ions 94,.53; fJ Fittings (Head &: Hranch Offices) 10,870 4 10 LoaMUponP'-nentLtSecnnty NUMiS 7 LQa.n on Horongh Rates. "M 0 n !.íortgage of Renmlon!l u,17.J 3 MortlCage of Freehold Propert1 F,000 0 0 .Aunt's MMfO 41.21:' 17 3 Outttan<)iJf; Premiums 5.f!M 2 4 Ditto Interest 4 4K6 171 Ditto Rents 044 8 9 Amount due from Offic?at ? of Intei, ?"°" ?tio?) So?ety ?. 31,789 It 9 DepoMta?t three months cottM 3\MM 0 0 C.b on Deposit 0 0 in hand and on cllrrent account 17 !)16 44 (8,918 ( 4 L753,412 1 2 J. GILLNIAN, Chairman,- KD&.tR'HOR'XE,)j-.?,,rM.tor!). R. T. P U (i R. We l,ove eumlned N.T.PUGH. B'd them to be cor1'lc and 11ereby nft, th-? same. We La,, .1?.d tMmined the YMioa. '<c??? A?LANSOt,) t" ft,lki' } .\uditors. HENIT )L HARBFN, lIe.ldeo!. W. J. Secretary. lMhFebra<K7,JS78. 85:)0 THE COMMERCIAL PLATE GLASS COMPANY, 78 and 79. FLEET STREET. LONDON, E.G.. LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURERS, CARVERS, GILDERS, PICIURH FRAME MAKERS, DECORATORS. &c., ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF too YEARS, EXHIBITORS OF THE IMMENSE PLATES AT THEEXHIBli'lOXOFlSSl. Foft WnlCH A I'MZE MKDAL WAS AWAHDEB, inspection of their 1l6W ILnd t Stock of Chimney Glasses, Cor'tices, Pier and C"n.!<))e'r''hJe!<,Girauctotei),Wh.ttuut9, Fancy Tables, Toilet A constant sncL't'Aaion of th. newest designs at by house, in the trade! FRAMES MADE TO ANY DESIGX In any kiud 01 Gilt or CAMFUL AND rROMfr ATTEXTIUN TO AM. ORCERS. REGtLDIKG. RESILVERING, by Patent ProceM. OIL PAtNTJNGS SOLD OX COMMISSION A RICHLY GILT Oil AND FRAME. Rebate Size. Outoide Ieallur.ment. i'f. d. j0by40 61 by 52 4150 M,,44 <!7.,58 (}I.'iO 60,, 48 72 ,,04 880 GILT COHNICES, frum 3A per foot. A FEW SECOND HAND GLASSES IN STOCK AT PRIC Estimates and forwarded upon Country purchasers are the Iusurance IJf Good. CiU be (tigaintit all ritake) at the rate of tid iur .t:25, Ja {"r £50. Mud 2< for .t:tQO in value. 8527 SPRING NOVELTIES. T BECKETT & CO., Eaatgate Row, Che.ter, heg to anDOUllce that they lU'e now sho?rth?t.-?st PAKHIAN NO?EL' TIKSin MILLINERY, MANTLES, JACKETS, COSTUMES, POLQNAISES, &c. Aho, large and varie.j assortment of NEW GOODS ill every comprisillg nllmy pecil\liti811 in DRESS & COSTUME FABRICS, WASHM& MATERIALS, tc. Special attention i. invited to stock of BLACK LYONS SILKS, At the Iow«t pr:CM ever known. PATTERNS rOST FREE. EMPLOYMENT everywhere. jCS weeHy. ? We cow wiah to engage an *eU*< M)trf;*tic man in t*ory town to etaTMt for oir ex- ttMrJi'mry BOTtMM. <a«ptf! to <tM ct*Me<. ImmenM I Mtce* Rart epttortueity. No htk.—AddKM, W. N. &mn alii Ce., !M, Stnmd, LM<<«. loublic #20tices. WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE. ,4 PUBLIC MEETING to discuss the and Women Hou!<eh-)!d'-rs "iH be hetd ..t the Peorhyn H,11, on Teed-y, April 4th. by MÍla Sturge, an4 Beedy. of the NatlOual SocIety for Women's Ruffrage. ChMrwiUbetakenat 8 .<'eL<c? by Ctt'TAINVERNET, R N., -iupported b   Daviet, ReJDaniel EvMe. R?v. U. Kowt .!)d'. P? ? Pryce, Ur J. Price, AirThomu Lewis, and ot h ers. 8630 SPRING FASHIONS. In Milliuery, Mantles, and C!o?tumee. -DROWN? HOLME8. & CO. JD ''eapeotMW ?unonnce they wi)I matt their t4rat display of fAshioot for th- .St'rinj! <e.<9cn on Wedn«d«y, the l<t of M?rch. HCd MiowMg days. A variety of New Dre.. :FabriC8 haTe been mude for them, among which the foUowiDg trc highly MYSUBE CBArE, JEDDO DAMAME, CEYLON BECK. HECE PAMstKNNE, CMFE DAMAHM, UMBAHA TWMC. and a large assortment of New Wathing Mute- rials, printed aud SILK nEt'ARTMENT. Their Stock of Htack and Coloured Silks (of guaranteed make) is the lar;.(est they hxve ever shewn, being well itSMrted with every Novelty in design Md shade, at much tower rate. thtm for many years past. and estimates seut by post. SUK MERCERS TO THE QUetli ANB THE PIUNCES 01' WALES. CHKSTEB, March, 1876. 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD HOUSE.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOOR IS THL BEST. "QUrrE FREE FROM A.DCLrn!ATMN." -Lancet. "IS DECIDEDLY "I h.tve examiued Johceton'a Corn Flour and find it perfect pure and most exeetteut iu qu.Uity. Whfe boiled with mitk it .£I\>rds complete nourohment for Children and Persona of weak dIgestion." CHARLM A. CAYIERO:l, M.D.. F.R;C.ST., Profcs,¡or of f.'h.-mi.try. Koyal UoUfxe of bur.eoaa, Dublin. e MANURE AGENCY. T laOMAS FARMER AND COMPANY, (Established U7S.) DCNSTER HOUSE, MARK LANE, LONUOX, EC. of BONE MANURES. SUPERPHOSPHATES, AND CHEMMAL GUANUS, nTTiteappHcationafrom Merchant Firms for Wholesale in unrepresentet] districts. A GUARANTEE OF ANALYSIS is given with and their EFFICIENT FERTILIZING POWER baa been abundantly proved by the PRIZE CROPS which have Mau te from their u. 8648 ROBERT LEWIS, B!LL POSTER ANU DISTRIBUTOR, MARKET HALL, AND PUBLIC ROOMS DOLGELLEY. Member of the Uattcd Kingllom Bill Peters' Astocmtloc S91 TOS. NEMECEK in KQSNIGGRAETZ, ? BOHEMIA Austria). Paste, Wood Cement Manu- factory and Tiling EmtAl)lishiiient, is about to eater MM contract for the whotcoale ¡;upplyi" of h.o with English Slate. red or b).M. fn several years, for cash pMrneat. Tenders for t)<e above suppty are requested to direct their offers, atatiug the lowest terms, to the above address 8553 TO FARMERS & AGRICULTURISTS IN N. & S. WALES. mHE Subscribo'- hM oa Iiand sume tots of J? varteut deacriptiona of the primest of Seed rotatoto, trown BpecMUy for <eedinf; purpoftea, on prepared Bo(; land, which he wilt dia[we<- of in tot" to s,m Farmer:, &c.. from 1 ton upward., deliverM frfe on board ahtp in U-ibtin to ttay ad.ireef in North and S.'uth Watf for eisb, viz., tirst.chss Hcoteb-dowlls or superior wbtte rock8, prices at present, 2 ewt. with new baR, 1, 0-1 pt' bal( of 224 thf. The above ta well kaotfo to be Gt;.)y', a b.est .M.iee tioua" of B .g-i'Md pot.ttops in Thomas Ganty, .'if. Upper Uouuaick atrect, UMbht). G LEN F I EL-i), GLENFIELD, THr. Q U E E K S LAUNDRESS SAYS THtS ST A RCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. (jLENFIELD, GLENFIKLP MONEY MONEY MONEY 'TT M, TOWER BUiLDtNOS. WATER8TREET. HVEHPOOL. N. S. "H A R T, ou; PROPFUFTOR. rpO ALL IN WAKT OF MONEY.-Tjme and IInneceSllary expense can be by in, either personlllly or hy to the "bove a'¡drs>, where CKsb advances are made froQl .dO to suretiee) on the. sbortest possible notice, the strictest privacy, and ou the most reasonable terms. Hepayments by "asy inatlllwenh to suit bM- rowen. Can be made eitber personalty or remitted by or in posta .tamf's, thereby affod- iDIt every facility to prtie" whode tiwe i aD ubject :0 thtm. Please note the address liS above. N.B.-No concee- ti with any other office. ..84_4 MOKEY. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, with aurphte /jL cftpit?), is witting to make prompt advMtM to end F:,rrners, :1.od otber1i (maJf" or (ema)e), re<iding in any part ofEutj.tnd Md Wa)<s, flo- XIO to £500, on Dote ,f haud. No Life Assurance or Law Coeto. Full particuhra by return of pott by scnding a dlfected envelope, amuunt, to MrA.BRA.DHURY (primtehou<e),)ti!, WatwoAh rOlld, London, S.B. No genuine application nol!u!!e41. Ttrmø Repayments received by P.O.O. 8536-1526-410 DEADY MONEY ACCOMMODATION— Pf'mns of Rny trade or l.rofeHsion, niale or fvm0e, resident in London or Country, can obtain privi?tely (without the usual Loan office routine, delay, Law Costa, 01 Life Insul1\nce) from to at per cent., for any term not exceeding yeare (repayable tn auit of Hand, Lif, Furnitu? (without ftmdv,,) or Uve Deacl Stock. or Security. No genuine I\pplioatioll refused.- For furtbet, pMticaHr<. <md PrfMpectua, xppty per?ntJty (preferred) or b, letter, enclming atamp ° nply. to mr T. FA!RH<AD. H7, BrtxteB R?, Lo??. S.W.. ?ir lowda&a Gttt.